#fox 44
redbean-nom · 4 months
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(aka trash children, chaos children, and children who understand 98 is getting graded on this)
Inspired by @thefoundationproject! Closeups under the cut:
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jesse got this pic from jangotat:
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invinciblerodent · 3 months
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have a couple transparent Dorians as pictured in "Dragon Age: Deception"- he's having a little drink on your dash❤️
[Artwork by Fernando Heinz Furukawa, colored by Michael Atiyeh]
Since I couldn't remove the speech bubble without redrawing a significant portion of the image, here's and alternate version with it blanked out:
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[Transparent Varric]
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jtl-fics · 3 months
You single-handedly make me excited for Wednesdays. New Kings please.
6/26/24 WIP Wednesday (Closed) | New Kings AU
He thinks that maybe Nicky could drive him and he could pay for it, but it doesn’t feel like enough. “Hey, Kev?” Aaron asks.
Kevin blinks and looks down at Aaron, realizing that he’s standing in front of Aaron and in the way of the TV.
“Sorry, just…do you want me to get more alcohol?” he asks.
“No, just gonna drink this one.” Aaron says with a raised brow, ‘Super Mario Sunshine does not allow for being too drunk.”
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meep-meep-richie · 8 months
What if we get surprising buddie content in the teaser? Then what?!
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friendofcars · 1 year
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the dream thieves chapter 44 vs chapter 49
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impishtubist · 1 year
mating woes
Confession: I love omegaverse and simultaneously have absolutely no idea how the omegaverse actually works. So I’m just making shit up here. Content warning for, well, basically everything that omegaverse entails.
Harry catches a strange, sweet-sour scent as he hugs his brother. Pulling back, he holds Teddy by the shoulders, frowning at him. 
“What?” Teddy asks, shifting uncomfortably.
“You smell weird.” 
“Rude,” Teddy mutters, pulling out of Harry’s grip and giving Ginny a hug. “Hiya, Gin.”
“Hi, Teddy. You smell lovely as ever.”
“Thank you. You should teach your husband some manners, you know.”
“Believe me, I’ve tried.”
But Harry knows that something isn’t right, and he also knows that Ginny wouldn’t be able to pick up on it, being a beta. “Teddy, what’s wrong? Are you ill?”
“I’m fine.” 
He isn’t. There’s something off about his little brother. That scent also reminds Harry of something, something he’s smelled before, but not recently. He sniffs the air again, and his brain says Ginny. But that doesn’t make any sense, why would Teddy smell like Ginny? 
It hits him like a thunderclap. Ginny hasn’t smelled that way in years, not since Lily was born. Harry’s mouth drops open. “Teddy…are you pregnant?”
Harry gapes at him. “Are you?”
Teddy grabs his arm and drags him into the kitchen, Ginny on their heels. The door swings shut behind them.
“Can you not?” Teddy hisses. “Do you have to announce it to the whole world?” 
“Who’s the other father?” Harry demands. “You didn’t tell me you were seeing anyone! And you’re definitely not mated.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Teddy says. 
Sirius is going to have a fit. “It absolutely does matter! Teddy, Dad’s gonna lose his mind.”
“No, he won’t. Listen, they’ll be here at seven, yeah? Tell them I came a bit early to see the kids, I wasn’t feeling well, and I went home. I’ll see them for dinner next Sunday, okay?”
“That doesn’t solve the problem! You’ll still be pregnant then!” Harry says. “Wait, you will, won’t you?”
“Yeah, but I’ll--I don’t know, I’ll be better at masking it or something by then!” 
“Da is an omega and a werewolf, you’ll never be able to mask anything from him.”
Teddy groans and drops into the nearest chair, burying his head in his hands.
“Teddy,” Ginny says tentatively, “how long have you known?”
“Two days.” 
“How far along are you?” Harry asks. 
“Does it matter?”
“Yeah, Ted, it kind of matters!” 
“My last heat was twelve weeks ago, happy?”
“You spent your heat with someone, he knocked you up, and didn’t even bother to mate you? And it’s been three months?” Harry runs his fingers through his hair. “Sirius is gonna skin him alive. You realize that, right?”
“Not if I don’t tell him who it is,” Teddy says sullenly.
“He will find out.” Sirius can be a bit terrifying like that, honestly. “Teddy, listen to me. It will be worse if he has to find out on his own. You need to tell us who it is.” 
“Ugh, why does Dad have to be so bloody alpha all the time?” Teddy groans. 
“It’s his biology, Ted, he can’t help it.” 
“You’re not like that.” 
“Well, I don’t have an omega child who is pregnant and unmated!” Harry says heatedly. “I’m sure I’d feel differently if I did. Who is it?”
Teddy sags in his seat. His scent has soured further; now he’s clearly distressed. “You’re going to hate me.” 
Harry sighs. “You’re my little brother. I could never hate you.” 
“It’s Cedric.”
“Cedric,” Harry repeats. “Cedric Diggory?”
“Teddy, he’s twenty years older than you!” And, frankly, Cedric should know better. Spending a heat with an unmated omega, what was he thinking? Unmated sex was one thing, everyone did that before they settled down, but unmated heats were quite another. Not to mention the unmated omega son of Lord Sirius Black. 
“And he’s your ex.”
Harry waves that away. “We dated when we were kids, I don’t care about that. Do you like him?”
“I love him.”
“Then the best thing you can do for him is go Floo him, right now, tell him about the baby, and then tell him he has fifteen minutes to get his arse over here and present himself to our parents,” Harry says. “And then maybe, just maybe, Sirius won’t murder him on the spot.” 
“Go on, Teddy,” Ginny says. “Use the Floo in Harry’s office.” 
Seven minutes later, Teddy comes back into the kitchen with Cedric Diggory, who is wearing what looks like his most expensive set of dress robes and is white as a sheet.
“Hi, Cedric.” Harry offers his hand and what he hopes is a comforting smile, though it feels like a grimace. “Congratulations. And, er, my condolences.” 
Cedric swallows. “How bad is it going to be?”
“Play your cards right, and he might not kill you.”
“Harry,” Ginny admonishes. She goes over to Cedric and lays a hand on his arm. “It’s going to be fine.”
Cedric relaxes slightly. Ginny has always been a much better liar than Harry.
The doorbell chimes--Sirius and Remus must have taken the bike tonight--and everyone tenses. Teddy gives Cedric a quick hug, pressing his face into the side of Cedric’s neck and breathing deeply--scenting him for comfort. Well, well, Harry thinks. Maybe his baby brother has fallen in love after all. 
“Where are my favorite grandkids?” Sirius’s voice booms through the house, and there are pounding feet on the stairs. Harry, Ginny, Teddy, and Cedric come out of the kitchen to see Sirius embracing James, AJ, and Lily. He releases the kids to Moony, and then looks up. Surprise flits across his face.
“Teddy!” he says, delighted. “I didn’t know you were joining us tonight, kiddo. And…Cedric? Is that you?”
“Lord Black,” Cedric says, inclining his head. He’s still pale, but holds on to his composure. 
“You’ve certainly grown,” Sirius says, clasping Cedric’s hand. “I didn’t realize you and Harry still kept in touch.”
“We don’t,” Harry says. “Cedric’s here because he has something to ask you.” 
Cedric hesitates. He’s trembling slightly, clearly fighting every single one of his alpha instincts. Slowly, inch by inch, he sinks to his knees, until he’s kneeling on the floor in front of Sirius, head bowed. Harry feels his eyebrows shoot up into his hairline. Simply bowing low would have been enough. For one alpha to kneel before another…that’s unheard of, and frankly something that is bound to impress Sirius. 
Sirius simply stares in shock at the alpha kneeling in front of him, but Remus goes over to Teddy. He sniffs the air, and says, “You’re pregnant.” 
“What?” Sirius’s head snaps up. “You’re what?”
“Pregnant, Dad,” Teddy says, in a small voice Harry isn’t accustomed to hearing from him. 
“It’s Cedric’s?” Remus asks, and Teddy nods. 
“I see,” Sirius says, his expression growing stony. Suddenly, the room reeks of alpha. He looks back down at Cedric. “So you’re asking for permission to mate my son? You should have thought of that before you knocked him up.”
“Yes, alpha,” Cedric says. 
Sirius circles him slowly. “How long?”
“Twelve weeks,” Teddy says weakly.
“Twelve weeks? You spent a heat with an unmated omega and he is still unmated twelve weeks later?” Sirius asks. “Were you ever intending to mate him, Diggory?”
“Yes, alpha.” 
“Dad, come on,” Teddy says. He tries to step forward, but Remus holds him back. “Are you gonna give him your blessing or not?” 
Sirius looks up. His grey eyes have turned amber, and his incisors have sharpened slightly. 
“This is the one you want?” he asks Teddy, who nods.
“When is your next rut?” Sirius asks Cedric.
“Next week, alpha.” 
“You’ll mate him then,” he says. Teddy nods vigorously, and Cedric says, “Yes, alpha.” 
“Stand up.”
Cedric quickly gets to his feet, and Teddy goes over to him, taking his hand and lacing their fingers together. 
“You have my consent,” Sirius sighs, and Teddy beams before throwing his arms around Cedric’s neck. Sirius’s gaze lands on James, AJ, and Lily, and he says sternly, “You three! You will not spend your heats or your ruts with anyone while unmated, got it? Don’t be like your uncle.” 
“Yes, Grandpa,” they chorus. Remus rolls his eyes at them over Sirius’s shoulder, and they stifle laughter. Sirius turns to his husband, and Remus takes his hand. 
“Thank you for not hexing the father of your future grandchild, Padfoot.”
“You mean like your father did to me?” Sirius huffs. 
“To be fair, love, you didn’t show him the proper respect.” 
“He wanted me to bow to him!” 
“Alphas,” Remus sighs. “You’re all alike.” 
Teddy finally disentangles himself from Cedric and goes over to his parents. Remus sweeps him into a hug. 
“I’m so happy for you, Teddy Bear,” he says. “How have you been feeling?”
“Bit sick, but it’s not too bad,” Teddy says. “Tired, mostly.”
“I’ll get you the name of the midwife I used. She was a wonderful help throughout the pregnancy,” Remus says. “You can also call me, day or night, with any questions you have.” 
Sirius steps in to also hug Teddy.
“I love you,” he says into Teddy’s bright blue curls, “even if you are a little shit.” 
“Love you, too, Dad.” Teddy steps out of his arms, wrinkling his nose. “Did you have to stink up the room with your alphaness, though? Like, geez, we get it.”
Sirius looks affronted. “I did not stink up the room!”
“You totally did.” Teddy grabs Cedric’s hand. “It reeks in here. It’s practically alpha soup, which is super gross. So, we’re gonna beg off tonight.” 
“We’ll see you both for dinner next Sunday?” Harry asks, amused, as Teddy starts to drag Cedric toward his office and the Floo.
“Properly mated!” Sirius calls after them.
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll be mated and everything, don’t worry. Bye, Harry! Bye, dads!” 
“Brat,” Sirius mutters. “He gets that from you, you know.” 
“You love it,” Remus says, and Harry makes a face. 
“You two are gross.”
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iristial · 1 year
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onefootin1941 · 1 year
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salaciouscrumbb · 2 years
A classic example of this othering, Night at the Museum* depicts the Mayan civilization as unable to speak English while the ancient Romans are perfectly able to converse with modern man. In this essay, I will-
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honest-hearts-rosy · 1 year
Some ideas I had for Chapter 44 of CE
Hearts could try to take the crown in the confusion, or she could pretend to be there to take the crown herself so that Scourge can sneak away. Instead, though, Scourge turns super and throws the throne open, sending Fiona flying. Scourge says "I don't understand, why would you do this to me?" "What the heck are you doing here?" - Fiona "I'm here to take my throne back." - Scourge "I'm a princess on an important mission to save my people from the evil king that stole our land," Hearts lies. "Evil king…" Fiona whispers to herself. "Are you talking about Scourge?" Fiona gets off of her throne for a moment. Scourge uses this moment to slowly emerge from his hiding place and run to one of the curtains hanging in the back of the throne room. Honest comes to the curtains and ducks behind them too. "What are we going to do?" she says. "Hearts can't keep distracting her for much longer." "We can't just sit here doing nothing," Scourge tells her. "We have to take action. Let me do the talking. You just hide in the shadows." Hearts could steal Shadow's gun from him and use it to threaten Scourge. Then, Honest has to jump in and wrestle it away from her. They should tie Fiona up like Rosy was tied up in the Comics while they wait for the police to arrive.
I ended up only using a few of these ideas, namely Hearts distracting Fiona and Scourge turning Super.
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nonbino-chaos-fox · 4 months
True joy is finding the card game that went missing for almost an entire year due to a big and semi rushed move and then playing it twice in one day and at one point managing to take a villain from 56 heath down to 12 in a single round which wasn't even a hero round
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scrilladge · 9 months
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look at my art! Last doodle of 2023! :3
Also here’s some Persona doodles for the video!
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zoe-oneesama · 5 months
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Sir, I hope you have your will updated and notarized.
Episode 53 Part 21 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission, Ep 49, Ep 50, Ep 51, Ep 52
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I broke myself to give Koki Marina and Vesperia Space versions even though I hate power ups. They're for emergencies only! Like chasing Miraculous thieves! And getting to the hospital at the speed of sound!
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(I couldn't leave Fox Trot out though!)
Ko-fi | Patreon
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jtl-fics · 4 months
Hellooo I'd like to sneak in a dealer's choice in before midnight!!! Hope your night's going well <33333
5-8-24 WIP Wednesday (Closed) | Fluent Freshman (FD)
Here’s the thing, Smith knows he can’t tell Betsy about the whole ‘fluent in Russian’ thing. He knows that he can’t because the person with the standing appointment after his with Betsy is Andrew Minyard. Andrew Minyard, who everyone tells him is very close with Betsy Dobson. 
He does not believe that Betsy would inform Andrew about his fluency but, for Andrew’s sake, she might tell Wymack that she can’t be his therapist. If Betsy can’t put up with him there is very little hope that any other therapist would tolerate him. If he can’t get help from them, Smith knows he’ll spiral. Then he’ll be declared mentally unfit to be on the team. Then what? He can’t afford college right now without the sports scholarship. Oh god-
“Smith? Smith, get your head between your knees just like we practiced okay?” He hears Betsy’s voice and can feel her warm hands on his back as she guides him to a position where he could possibly breathe better.
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obscuretobyfox · 7 months
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Toby Fox recently tweeted that the amount of Valentines equates to 44!! We are currently only missing 40 and 41!!
This doc collects them all, if you find 40 and 41 please send it to me or @btmtier on Discord!!!
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giuseppe-yuki · 2 months
shapeshifting!reader au blurbs: a series
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summary: certain drivers around the grid seem to always have a pet by their side 24/7. a ferret in lando's garage, a cockatiel flying around alex's head as he walks down parc ferme, and yuki carrying a grey bunny into the media pen?? reporters and fans all swear they saw charles walk into the ferrari motorhome with his beautiful girlfriend but how come he walks out with a hedgehog cupped in between his ringed fingers?
or: some moments featuring the drivers and their shapeshifting girlfriend.
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2 - logan sargeant - hawk
3 - daniel ricciardo - raccoon
4 - lando norris - ferret
10 - pierre gasly - snake
14 - fernando alonso - cocker spaniel
16 - charles leclerc - hedgehog
18 - lance stroll - fennec fox
22 - yuki tsunoda - bunny
23 - alex albon - cockatiel
24 - zhou guanyu - teacup pig
31 - esteban ocon - flying squirrel
33 - max verstappen - ragdoll cat
44 - lewis hamilton - samoyed
55 - carlos sainz - meerkat
63 - george russell - deer
81 - oscar piastri - duck
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ask blurbs:
pierre, esteban - snake, flying squirrel
kimi, charles, lewis, alex, max, lando - tiger, hedgehog, samoyed, cockatiel, ragdoll cat, ferret
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fyi: i plan to update this as i write each fic. i cannot promise that each upload will be timely, as i do have school, so bare with me. if you have any prompt ideas or other shapeshifter!r animal requests, feel free to let me know :)
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update: a big thank you to everyone for who followed along with me for my first ever series! it was super fun to plan and write. make sure to stay posted for the f2/reserve/team principal spinoff version! 😉 - anais
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