honest-hearts-rosy · 11 months
Lost Chapter of Scrambled
So for those who thought Chapter 5 of Scrambled was kind of weird and out of place, this is what it was originally going to be, but I couldn't finish it, so I gave up and decided to end the story prematurely. Part of this chapter was inserted in Derpy Derby Disaster as a flashback.
At the end of the below Google Doc is a smidgeon of another lost chapter that was going to be about Frank's first day out of the oversized test tube he was created in, but I started writing about him after this occurred already, so I decided that it would be a between-scenes kind of event that would just be talked about.
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honest-hearts-rosy · 11 months
Shadows of Destiny-- An AI-Generated Shadow the Hedgehog Fanfiction
I saw people made a fanfiction like this of Harry Potter, so I thought I'd give it a try myself.
I may or may not be using parts of this for my own human-generated fanfiction. 👀
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honest-hearts-rosy · 1 year
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Frank Notes
Wears red jacket and red beanie
White with red stripes (red eyes too)
Self-appointed brother to Shadow
Black Doom's afraid of him Not true, he thinks of him as the better brother
Tries to act like a caring older brother to Shadow, but Shadow refuses to acknowledge him More on this "amazing" character of mine here:
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honest-hearts-rosy · 1 year
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Dark Silver Notes
Some notes I took on Dark Silver. What it says:
Mephiles sees Silver go Dark, so he blackmails Silver into helping him with his plot to [oof] Sonic by threatening to tell everyone about it
Silver has multiple personality; Dark Silver is his other personality (Now I'm realizing it's more like a werewolf situation than a disorder, but oh well)
He doesn't remember turning into him, and they're basically two different people
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honest-hearts-rosy · 1 year
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A web of confusion I spun to plan the Zone-hopping arc
Ew, my handwriting. Anyways, this is a web of thoughts I made at or around the time that I wrote the Death of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 1. I was trying to decide Scourge's motives for setting Infinite up to be captured.
Eventually, I decided on what inevitably happened-- Fiona pressured Scourge into betraying Infinite so that she could steal the Phantom Ruby. I know the Death of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 1 was chapter 8 and The True Plan, aka the chapter where I finally disclose this information, was chapter 31, and that is a huge leap, not just in chapter numbers but also in time passed, but that is just how long I was planning that dumb arc out. Even now, 13 chapters after the arc officially ended, I'm nowhere close to catching up with my outline.
Anyways, thank you for reading, and I hope you have an amazing rest of your day and that nothing particularly world-shattering occurs to you.
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honest-hearts-rosy · 1 year
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The Origin of Dark Silver
I used to play Sonic 06 every day and, as a result, I wound up booting up the game a lot. This particular morning that I started up the game, I remember that the music on the title screen didn't load, but that's not an unusual occurrence on its own. However, when I went to play an act, when I went to choose which character's stages I wanted to play, Sonic and Shadow were normal, but Silver's fur and the white parts of his eyes were jet black.
I decided to play Dusty Desert with this "Dark Silver" looking character, and when I hit a switch, the game crashed. I started up the game again, and Dark Silver was still there as a selectable character, so I tried again. I played Dusty Desert as Dark Silver a second time, and this time, it didn't crash. I was able to get through the whole level. However, at one part, I got shot by a robot, but instead of dying or losing rings, Dark Silver just fell over and stayed there. Amy stood over Dark Silver for a second, so I drew a drawing that made Amy out to be the monster and Dark Silver the innocent victim.
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I beat the entire level of Dusty Desert like I said, but next I tried to fight Iblis as Dark Silver, and that didn't work, resulting in the Endless Loading Screen of Death. When I booted up the game the third time, Dark Silver was instead Invisi-Silver. It was basically Silver but with select parts of him (I think his face, eyes, and hands) missing. I tried to play White Acropolis as Invisi-Silver, but it had another never-ending loading screen. The next time I tried to load up the game, it didn't make it to the main menu and instead froze during the opening loading screen. However, every time since then, everything has been normal... or at least as normal as Sonic 06 has ever been.
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honest-hearts-rosy · 1 year
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Infinite's Backstory in HBP
Read it here:
Just some of that column on the right is actually in the Google Doc just because the rest of it... is confusing. This was a plan for the second half of {w/Rosy} and was basically just me trying to tie the IDW comics into everything, but in the end I scrapped everything because I decided I would just stick to the Archie Sonic Comics in {Comic Edition}. Instead, I'm thinking now that I might make a {Comic Edition} Volume 2 later on.
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honest-hearts-rosy · 1 year
Story/Writing Ideas
I bought some books off Amazon because I want to expose myself to professional writing so that I might get better at writing myself. The books I got were called Swordspoint and Legends & Lattes. I did a ton of research to find the exact type of writing that I want to learn from... Slice of Life Medieval. Yeah, I didn't know it was a thing, either. The only downside to this genre is that a lot of the books were inspired by DnD, and I, well, know zilch about that.
Anyway, I made a short list of ideas that I want to use (and one I already have used) in my own writing, based on things I thought about while reading these books.
There should be a market stall in town selling things from the Ruined Mall
Honest criticizes the stall owner for ripping people off since they can just get the stuff themselves. The stall owner argues that not everybody is a spry young adventurer and able to just go and get things from a dilapidated building.
Key gets into acting, and she's really talented at playing villains, which is a reference to her origins. She plays a crazy character in the Crescent and Stiletto show, a show in which my old fan characters from when I was 13 live on as pretend heroes on TV.
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honest-hearts-rosy · 1 year
Frank Notes (Nov 6, 2021)
I have been designing Frank for years now. I wonder if anyone else has put in the amount of effort I have into creating a lousy recolor. Probably not. Anyway, this is what it says:
Frank Notes:
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(Frank plays basketball?)
He kind of overshadows Shadow in that he's very likeable and is probably popular at school
He tries his hardest to be the supportive older brother Shadow needs, but Shadow just tries to ignore him. He's also a little embarrassed by him. He's a recolor after all.
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honest-hearts-rosy · 1 year
Miscellaneous Chapter Ideas
Yes, I have memorized the spelling of miscellaneous. So what?
I don't think I've ever used any of these.
Chapter Ideas:
All the villains get together to discuss why everyone is drawn to Sonic. They decide that it's the fact that he's blue. They all get matching blue t-shirts, thinking that wearing blue will make them more likeable or help them to defeat Sonic.
Knuckles gets glasses. He'll get contacts at the end, though, so I can forget about them except for when he's seen wearing them.
Guided tours in Eggman's base - Shadow wanders off and sees Eggman's portal creating device - Shadow Eggman is in the darkness and pretends to be Eggman and tells Shadow to log in to the computer and extract sensitive documents on a flash drive that looks strange. - "Where did you get this technology?" Shadow - "I got it from a Black Alien burial ground." - Shadow Eggman has the ability to read people's minds. That's how he knew to use the Black Aliens to convince him. - His voice sounds off and Shadow can't place what it is.
Shadow shows Scourge his record collection and gets him into 50s music.
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honest-hearts-rosy · 1 year
Scrapped Idea for the Moebius Arc
I played Pokemon Y and there's this part where an owner of a historic castle gives you a tour. There are pictures on the walls of the castle's previous owners, and that lit up a lightbulb within my mind.
Here's my scrapped idea:
When they arrive at Scourge's castle, they expect to just find Fiona by herself, but instead they find that despite the castle's outward appearance being destroyed, the inside has been completely restored using the power of the Phantom Ruby. They are greeted inside by a girl that looks like Fiona's baby sister or something.
She invites them in like it's a hotel, and she's been expecting them. "I can't remember the last time we've been so busy!" "This castle was a manor house of a noble family." "It may be a little run down, but there's history to this place."
"But where's Fiona?" Scourge asks.
"Queen Fiona? You want Queen Fiona?" She takes them to Fiona.
Fiona is mad at her for not guarding well enough. She erases her because she was created by the Ruby. One the way, though, they see photos of the castle in the past, the gardens when they were alive and growing, etc.
Beside the throne is a display case that Fiona says she offered to keep Scourge in when he started resisting, but, when he continued to refuse, she just kicked him out onto the Cosmic Interstate.
This entry doesn't have a date, but it is three pages before a page that is dated October 17th of 2021, so it's some time before that. That would mean that I came up with this idea while I was still writing the Play arc, 35+ chapters before where this scene was supposed to occur. I've said multiple times that I was working on the Derby and Moebius arcs for a long time, and this is yet another bit of proof.
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honest-hearts-rosy · 1 year
Rant that Inspired the Justification
"The Justification" or Chapter 11: An Intermission Justification of {Comic Edition} was a chapter in which Honest finally built up the courage to apologize to Scourge. It was also the first time it was hinted at that Honest and Fiona were working on something together behind-the-scenes.
It was born out of a rant that I went on in my notebook (you know, the big yellow one I talk about all throughout my stories. I still use it to this day, and I'm only about halfway through it,) in which I realized that I Honest needed to apologize to Scourge.
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honest-hearts-rosy · 1 year
I've used this same notebook since 2018
In chapter 7 of {Limited Edition}, I said this: ...she rambled on and on in written form in her 600-page spiral notebook. It was one of those large ones with dividers that everyone just ignored, well, at least Honest ignored them. She was about halfway through. It was full of a ton of random writing that she had built up over the span of about... three years now. She had begun writing in it at the start of {w/Rosy}, so the later half of 2018 in other words.
I published that chapter in January of 2022. I said I was halfway through then, but I still think I'm about halfway through now. See:
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As you can see, I'm still only about halfway through.
Anyway, the reason I'm bringing attention to this is because I'm going to start going through it and finding snippets of notes pertaining to HBP to post here. Just in case it burns in a fire next week. You never know.
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honest-hearts-rosy · 1 year
Random Quotes
Honest’s most inspirational quotes:
“Death is a serious thing.” - Honest in Chapter 12(?) of {Cafe Edition}, 03/05/19
“You can’t just delay others’ consciousness.” - Honest in Chapter 15 of {w/Rosy}, 01/22/19
“It’s impossible for anyone to completely understand something that isn’t real.” - Honest in Chapter 23 of {w/Rosy}, 03/29/19
“'Help’ you? Well, I'm not sure that defying norms is helping anyone, but I do feel like it was in our best interest. I never want to submit to any one 'way’ that things are supposed to happen. I want to always fight and to go out fighting.” - Honest in Chapter 25 of {w/Rosy}, 04/17/19
Generally Amazing Sentences:
“He just looked at him dis-interestingly as if he were utterly worthless.” - Chapter 12(?) of {Cafe Edition}, 03/05/19
“Shadow was equivalently relentless.” - Chapter 9 of {w/Rosy}, 11/05/18
“Honest's fabricated smile was torn away by that one cleverly assembled statement.” - Chapter 12(?) of {Cafe Edition}, 03/05/19
Sonic tapped the surface of the plastisol-coated metal picnic table in front of him, disrupting his bookish brother’s rhombus-ridden reverie.
Shadow narrowed his eyes at his demonic duplicate’s disingenuous display.
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honest-hearts-rosy · 1 year
Some {Comic Edition} Chapter Ideas
I'm probably not going to use these, but who knows
☐ Chapter ??: School Prom?
Honest makes a big deal of it going "schools host these prom things to brainwash students into thinking they need to have a partner and go on dates constantly throughout their lives in order to appear normal" and "people should spend at least some amounts of their lives focused on their careers" and Shadow assumes she isn't coming but then when the time comes, she appears with a date she pulled out of nowhere. 
Shadow should bring Sticks to prom and Sonic should bring Amy
Scourge and Manic come together and Scourge makes fun of Sonic and Shadow coming separately "So what, you're pretending you're not madly in love?" And Shadow is upset and wants to fight. Instead, Sonic splashes punch on Scourge (or pours the whole punch bowl on him) and they fight instead.
Silver and Mephiles are prom kings because Mephy rigged it and Blaze comes alone
☐ Chapter ??: Cheating?
Shadow gets caught cheating on a test and goes to the Principal's Office after class. Honest joins up with him in secret so he doesn't have to go alone.
Instead of helping him, Honest gives him a speech on how cheating is bad, and he says "you are working together!"
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honest-hearts-rosy · 1 year
Proto Chapter 17 of {Limited Edition}
Since it's long, I put it on Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C1ks-HyN5A6TOmBJ_h4d1vuJyjqKBo1Ooc2ZckCKwZ8/edit?usp=sharing
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honest-hearts-rosy · 1 year
HBP Dating Sim Ideas + VN Download
What if you can choose between three characters at the start Sonic lets you date either Amy or Elise and once you've dated both of them, you unlock Shadow Scourge lets you date Fiona, Rosy, or Manic (and maybe you unlock Infinite, I dunno) The final boss of the game could be Mephiles… or Mama Robotnik o.O
Who doesn't love a good meme game? The original idea was to turn the Trial of Love from Sonic 06 (choosing between Amy and Elise) into a dating sim, but might as well go all out, right? My writing style could make any visual novel top-notch.
I tested this out the other day by turning Chapter 42 of {Comic Edition} into a short visual novel which you can play here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12FqWpKBS2iHwn4ZVEv7F5iuBp0S9jL7X/view?usp=sharing I'm not sure how long it is, I think it cuts off somewhere, though.
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