#fox momence
trybard · 6 months
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i drew a Cora for @anarcho-skamunist !!!🦊
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libelelle · 2 years
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oh forgot about this one
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 2 years
scourge being like “you have a pretty smile” to fiona and then she starts fox giggling and is like 👹 with her fangs and he just giggles along nervously
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astro-inthestars · 2 years
Castro broke my tumblr 😔
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The power of catboy compels you, beast.
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ofteasandherbs · 6 months
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Commander fox sketching during dnd momence…
Which one should I make a full art of?
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azulcrescent · 4 months
hellooooo! slightly strange question from a gay little fox that's been on very low dose hrt for quite some time, but has recently actually started going up in dose (bureaucracy bleh) I'm in a similar boat with trying to eat more (I got that ARFID momenc so textures hate me and my extended family) but it really sucks because it feels like none of my progress feels like progress I still feel flat ass wise and boobs wise and I recently broke out of being underweight but I don't really feel like I look any different how long have you been on HRT? Also how long have you been trying to enthiccen lol also... when does the icky feeling go away? I'm tired of looking in mirrors and still seeing the twiggy boy who starved themselves for years half on accident.
Henlo. I have been on HRT for roughly 2 years and 6 months at this point. HRT might have some trouble changing moving the fat around if you don't have much to work with. i wrote some tips that worked for me personally to gain weight, but ill post them here too for your convenience.
Henlo. Well, some of these might be unhealthy so just a disclaimer. An easy but not so wise thing you can do is to simply just add more oil to whatever you eat. this will easily add a bunch more calories.
Another thing that people might do is that they only eat WHEN THEY FEEL hungry. Try to eat before you feel hungry. and if you're the type to only drink water(i am) try to drink some fruit juice so its not too unhealthy but you're getting calories from your liquids.
Also, eat some snacks if you don't have a habit of doing so. It doesn't have to be chips or doritos(i dont like them, sorry) they can just be a casual onigiri or just a small meal.
Those are the things that helped me, at least. Hope it helps!
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wereh0gz · 11 months
Frigid - Oneshot
A thing I started a long LONG time ago that I never finished until today. Woe Dark Sonic be upon ye. Also Sonic and Tails brother momence <3
Word count: 2,488
It was supposed to be simple.
It was a routine thing. Eggman would begin causing a fuss, building some new factory somewhere and kidnapping critters to power his machines, Sonic would come and stop him. Sometimes his plans would go farther than that, much, much farther, but things were simple today. Just shut down the factory and save the animals.
Sonic was confident he could make quick work of Eggman today, especially since Tails was there to assist him. In fact, they were quickly able to shut down most of its operations, before the hordes of robots cornered them and led them deep, deep inside the factory.
Things went south faster than Sonic expected.
The two found themselves in a ginormous chamber, an arena of sorts, in which a behemoth of a mech sat, motionless. Eggman sat inside, a sinister smile on his face.
He brandished the Chaos Emeralds, boasting about acquiring them before Sonic. He had to admit, that was a smart move on Eggman's part. Laying low and snatching the powerful gems without his usual theatrics and gloating about his plans for takeover.
Sonic was sure he could still beat him, though. He always did. Tails, on the other hand, was much less confident. He cautioned Sonic, told him to think carefully before he attacked.
But they didn't have the time.
Eggman had placed each of the Emeralds into designated slots inside the mech. It lurched, coming to life as the Emeralds power ran through it. It stood up, towering high before the two heroes. Sonic rushed towards it, ready to bring it down. Tails followed.
They swiftly and skillfully dodged its barrage of missiles and lasers, avoiding its heavy metal feet as Eggman tried to crush them like ants under its massive weight.
They managed to land a few hits, make it stagger, but there wasn't so much as a single scratch on the thing. As time went on, its attacks became harder to avoid. There's so much, Sonic has a hard time keeping up.
"Sonic, look out!" Tails cried.
He barely gets a chance to react before he's shoved aside by the young fox. He hears a yelp as Tails is knocked back and hits the cold, metal floor. Hard.
Everything becomes a blur.
Sonic hurried to his little brother's side as he lay there, eyes closed, unmoving. The fur on his chest was scorched from the laser that hit him. As he tried to lift him up and get him to safety, Sonic noticed red smeared on Tails' head. Blood.
Time seemed to slow at the sight of Tails' injuries. Sonic felt his heart nearly stop, his blood running cold.
Eggman cackles. He gloats, mocking them, reveling in the fox's fall.
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
Sonic runs out of Eggman's line of sight, hiding behind one of the many pillars scattered throughout the room, supporting the ceiling. He gently placed Tails down, leaning against the pillar. His hands shook, blood boiling and rage bubbling in his chest.
He hurt Tails.
He hurt Tails.
Sonic turns to face Eggman.
Suddenly, the heat of his burning anger, his panic and fear… disappears. His racing heart slows.
He breathes in slowly, and though his mind is racing...
He feels calm.
He looks up to the cockpit, staring Eggman in the eyes, face blank, expressionless.
Looking into his eyes, Eggman knew he'd crossed a line. And Sonic wouldn't spare him any mercy.
In a flash, he ran towards the giant mech, aiming straight for the cockpit, not holding back.
He jumps, homing in on the incoming missiles, launching himself at them one by one and forging a path through the air leading directly to Eggman.
He lands hit after hit on the glass shield separating him from the madman, causing the giant mech to stagger and stumble backwards. Each time he hits with more force, pushing himself further, punching harder. And yet, his assault barely causes any damage.
Energy sparks around him, the Chaos Emeralds reacting to Sonic relentless attack. Eggman yells out, cursing the hedgehog as an alarm blares inside the machine. But Sonic doesn't hear him.
He continues, homing attack after homing attack, punching and kicking with all his might, until a metal hand finally manages to swat him away, launching him far back into a metal wall. He falls to his knees.
Sonic felt the energy of the Emeralds flow into him, despite them being held in the giant machine. He called out to them, reached out to them subconsciously. Their power filled him, but instead of feeling the warm, golden force that turned him into Super Sonic, he felt something different.
Something dark, heavy, cold.
In the blink of an eye, Sonic appeared before Eggman, energy oozing off his quills like ink. White, empty eyes stared up at him, sending chills down his spine.
Before he could attack, Sonic disappeared.
The mech fell mere moments after.
Its metal crumpled under the hedgehog's brutal attacks, a deafening cacophony of clangs and bangs resounding. Dents and cracks formed on its shell, yet Sonic remained completely unseen, as he moved too fast for Eggman's eyes to follow.
The glass shatters. Sonic hovers over Eggman, his fur and quills having turned as dark as night and skin as pale and white as a phantom. The air grew frigid around him, frost creeping onto the remaining shards of glass on the cockpit. Tears slip down his cheeks and rise of his skin, frozen drops floating around him, twinkling like stars in the cold air. Yet his face was not one of sadness, but of precision, of cold, calculated rage.
The Emeralds rip themselves out of the mech, drawn to Sonic. They circle around him, their beautiful glow slowly becoming dark and dull as they drain the air around them of light and warmth. Sonic raises his hands over his head, black energy crackling in his palms.
"S-Sonic, wait-!" Eggman stammered, voice filled with terror as he attempted to squirm his way out of the pile of scrap that was once his mech. "It doesn't have to end like this! I-I'll turn over a new leaf, I swear!" He begged.
But his empty words fell upon deaf ears.
The mad energy forms into a giant orb over Sonic's head, a black hole of pure Chaos.
Just as he's about to let the energy blast Eggman into oblivion, Sonic hears a small groan. He turns to see a set of two fluffy tails behind the pillar, twitching as their owner weakly lifted himself off the ground.
"Ngh… Sonic?" Tails cried out weakly, pressing his hand onto his head.
The energy dissipates, the Emeralds slowly drop to the ground one by one, and Sonic descends.
Tails looked past the pillar, his eyes landing on Sonic, and the great destruction he had caused. He froze, eyes wide with shock.
"You… beat him? How did you…"
Sonic began walking towards the fox.
"Sonic? W-what's going on? Are you okay? Where’s Eggman?"
He stopped right in front of Tails, looking down at him, face devoid of expression. The air around him was so cold his breath turned to mist as it leaves his lungs. Tails shivered.
Sonic knelt down and reached out a hand towards Tails's head. He flinched.
Without saying a word, Sonic wiped away some of the blood that had begun to dry on Tails's fur. His hand was frigid, the sheer cold could be felt through the fabric of his gloves. Yet, despite the cold, despite how rigid he was, Tails knew he just wanted to comfort him. He knew it was okay.
He closed his eyes and leaned into his hand. The cold eased the aching of his head, if only slightly.
Still silent, Sonic gently pulled his little brother into a hug. Tails noticed how, slowly but surely, the dark energy that stained his fur slipped off of him, and it gradually turned back to its usual cobalt. His skin remained pale, though, and he felt cold as ice to the touch.
Tails looked past Sonic's shoulder, at the giant heap of scrap. Eggman was nowhere to be seen, surely having retreated while Sonic's attention was off him. The Emeralds had disappeared, too. Either he took them with him, or they scattered after being used by Sonic. Whichever it was, it didn't matter much right now.
"Good Gaia, you're freezing…" Tails commented, but Sonic didn't respond. "C'mon, let's get going."
His grip on the fox loosened slightly.
"Sonic?" Tails gently patted his shoulder, but, again, there was no response.
Suddenly, Sonic's body slumped, slipping off of that embrace and falling limp onto the floor with a hard thud. Tails cried his name, but his voice was distant.
As he fell into the deep depths of unconsciousness, Sonic began to feel warm again.
Tails watched Sonic's unconscious form lying unmoving on his bed, watching his chest just barely rise and fall as he took in shallow breaths. Electrodes clung to the fur on his chest and head, connected by small wires to Tails' computer. The whirring of a space heater pointed towards Sonic broke the deafening silence of the room.
The hedgehog hadn't moved an inch in the past few hours, not since he fell unconscious, not even as he was carried back home, nor when his frostbitten limbs were bandaged.
Tails looked at the computer screen. It displayed multiple graphics, showing Sonic's vital signs and Chaos Energy levels. His temperature was still dangerously low, and hasn't improved much during his slumber. His heart rate was far slower than it should be, too, barely strong enough to keep him alive. The Chaos Energy in his body had been almost completely drained, and what little remained was negative.
It was a miracle he was still breathing.
Tails reached for Sonic's bandaged hand from under the warm blankets he'd been wrapped in. It was still and rigid, and fairly cold, yet not as much as it was before. His condition was improving, barely, but the improvement was far too little and came too slowly for his comfort.
"It doesn't make any sense…" Tails muttered, watching Sonic's sleeping face as he gently rubbed his older brother's hand, trying to bring it some warmth. "Your temperature should've normalized by now… why aren't you getting better?"
Sonic didn't answer.
Still holding his hand, Tails looked back at the computer screen. Nothing had changed, except his temperature rising ever so slightly.
He didn't know what else to do. He could take him to a hospital, but what could the doctors do that he hadn’t already tried? Plus, he wouldn’t want Sonic to wake up in a dreary hospital room. He knew how much his brother hated those places.
Tails sighed, before an idea popped into his head. He pushed himself up the bed, lying down and curling up beside him. He nuzzled his face near Sonic's cheek and let his tails rest over his blanket, just like they used to as kids. Except Sonic didn't return the gesture, remaining cold and unmoving.
Tails closed his eyes. He needed rest as well, and he wasn't going to get it by sitting there and watching Sonic sleep all day, wallowing in anxiety and letting his thoughts wander to places he didn't want to go.
He took a deep breath, and let himself relax. He'd be fine. He always bounces back, no matter what gets thrown at him. He just needed to have faith in him. Like he always did.
Suddenly, Sonic began to stir.
The fox shot up into a sitting position, eyes wide. "Sonic? Sonic, wake up!" he cried, gently shaking him.
Sonic grumbles, brows furrowing as he slowly turned his head away.
"Sonic, please…"
Sonic groaned. His entire body felt heavy, stiff, and…
Chaos almighty, he'd never felt hotter in his life.
Sonic tried to lift himself up and pushed the blankets off of him, startling Tails.
"Wait, Sonic, what're you–?"
"'S hot…" he mumbled.
"Wh- wait, no! Don't do that!" Tails frantically tried wrapping the blankets around him again. Sonic struggled, but he had no strength to fight back. "Sonic! You're still freezing!"
"Whuh…?" Sonic stared at Tails blearily as the fox pulled the blankets back over his shoulders.
"You're hypothermic, Sonic," Tails reiterated, “Feeling warm is actually a symptom of severe hypothermia.”
He could see the gears turning beyond his unfocused, half-closed eyes.
He sighed, before turning back to look at the computer.
Sonic's heart rate had gotten faster, and he was starting to see a notable increase in his temperature as well. That's good.
"Where… are we…?" Sonic muttered.
"We're back home. The mission was a total bust," Tails explained. "Do you remember what happened?"
Sonic stared for a moment, his mind still hazy. He shook his head. "Not much."
"I see…"
"Are you okay?" Sonic asked, looking at Tails' now bandaged head, "You, uh, hit your head pretty hard back there."
"Oh, I'm fine!" he brushed it off, like Sonic often did. "You should be worried about yourself! You nearly died taking on that weird, dark Super form!"
"Eh, what else is new…" he shrugged, not fully registering the last part of that sentence, "... Wait, dark- what...?"
Tails recalls the inky black energy that coated Sonic, and the frigid cold, the way the light and life was drained from the air around him.
"Yeah, it was like… the opposite of your Super form," he said, "Dark and cold. You were all quiet, and angry, and crying."
"... Huh." Sonic looks down at his hands, aching and covered in bandages, as he tries to think back. But everything is such a blur. All he really remembers is the heavy feeling and the frigid cold.
He rubs his eyes, unable to shake the tiredness that still fogged his mind.
"Well, it's all…" he yawned, interrupting himself, "... all over now, so… man I'm tired…"
Tails looked back at the monitors. His temperature was much closer to a normal range now. Still a bit low, but healthy. His Chaos Energy levels are still quite low, though, but he knows it'll take a long time for that to get back to normal. He would survive.
"We can… figure that out later. You wanna go back to sleep?" Tails asks as he reaches over to shut off the space heater.
"Mhm…" Sonic nodded, absently scratching at the electrodes stuck to his fur.
"You can take those off now, too."
"Oh, thank Chaos, finally." He ripped them off as quickly as he could, before lying back down and rolling onto his side, getting nice and comfy. Tails lies down, too, cuddling up to his older brother, who no longer felt like a stiff, frigid corpse.
"G'night bud…" Sonic mumbled into the pillow.
Tails smiled. "Good night, Sonic."
The two closed their eyes, Tails' fluffy tails resting over both as they drift off to deep sleep.
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foxgirlplushie · 1 year
certified fox insomnia momence
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rockheadcd · 1 year
@electrivolt said: The little furball is a lil too comfortable on Roark's lap, isn't he? Curled up right there wrapped up in cozy blankets, he really is in bliss. This is exactly what he wanted! And that's how he ends up snuggling a little closer to Roark's stomach, nuzzling a bit in there with that silly smile of his and settling right there to purr. He's so cozy and happy, he might take a nap right there. This is the good stuff. / furball momence.
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Decompressing after the day had always been peaceful, but maybe a little lonely, if he lets himself think about it. How things change for the better, and how easy it is to forget anything came before. Roark leans back on the comfy little loveseat he's always flopped onto for a little while, usually sore, and settles some obligatory contract paperwork to his side, feeling the furball shift around in his lap.
He had wrapped up Volkner just a little while ago as he typically demands ( by often dragging a blanket to roark ), but, it's not rare to see the kitsune readjust himself for a few cycles.
What did he do to deserve this kind of serotonin in his life again? Aside from picking up a sickly little fox thinking he wasn't even aware was a yokai.. what else? He can't help but scritch his head, heart melting at the pure content on the fox's face and the warm nuzzling and the purring and—man, he could doze right off here if he wasn't so smitten and giving this adorable furball all the attention in the world ( really, he shouldn't be surprised that volkner wants his attention so often when he spoils him like this ). Fine.. maybe he can take a little break from organizing his work for the next few weeks and take a moment to rest and give in to the urge to scritch his love behind the ears.
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its-captain-sir · 2 years
bounces at your feet like that one cat gif 💖 & 💖 (TWO ! of them...)
You get TWO scenes then!!! :D I think you might have seen one of these before but even if you have. holds them out for you to read again
"Do you remember–" Fox asks, "–the ARC trooper that went rogue during the war?" He runs his thumb along the rim of his glass. Its faint ring burrows into his head and stays there. "The one that attacked the Chancellor?"
Cody's eyes go ever so slightly unfocused, clearly racking his brain for the memory. It's to be expected, he supposes. Cody hasn't had his mind back for that long yet and it takes time to resort through everything. Fox doesn't want to say it—would rather let Cody come to the conclusion himself—but if he doesn't speak his piece soon he might lose his nerve entirely–
"Rex's ARC," he says.
Cody's eyes refocus on him. His brother almost manages to completely hide his wince. "I remember. Fives."
Right. That was his name.
Fox leans back in his chair, swallowing down the last of his hesitation. "I still don't know what to think of my actions then, you know." He runs a hand through his annoyingly long curls and pulls them tight at the base of his skull. "I'll argue with myself for hours over it sometimes," he continues, forcing himself to loosen his grip before he pulls his hairs straight out of his head. It feels like the ringing is getting louder.
"I hate myself for it. I always will. I mean, how could I have killed a brother? How could I have pulled that trigger knowing it wasn't on stun? I never wanted to be a brother killer." He looks up at the ceiling to stop the sudden burning in his eyes, but also because he thinks if he looks at the floor he'll see Fiv– the ARC trooper lying there like in the warehouse, plastoid still hot around the edges and smouldering where Fox shot a hole in his chest.
"It was part of our orders, though," he says, the ringing in his head louder than ever. "'Neutralize the threat by any means necessary.' I did exactly what I should have done. What I was supposed to do." Fox glances back at Cody and pointedly does not think about what may or may not be on the floor. "I was only following orders."
The arm rests creak when Cody's grip tightens around them. "Was it you back then? Just you?"
"I don't know," Fox says. "I really don't know."
"He made me promise to look out for you, if anything ever happened to him," he says. The memory of the night in question feels so clear in his mind, like it was only yesterday Gree asked that of him and if he looked over to the side right now, he'd see his brother still passed out at Fox's own desk. He ignores the lump that forms in his throat at that thought.
He looks over at Offee, who's still staring at him wide-eyed. "He said you were a good kid," he continues softly. "Said you cared a lot, almost too much sometimes, and that meant you pushed yourself like no one else and needed to be reminded to rest once in a while." Now that he says it out loud, he wonders if Gree wasn't just talking about Barriss when he said that. "He knew that you would eventually learn how to take care of yourself, but he still worried."
Offee looks away. Her hands are folded so tightly in her lap her knuckles are beginning to turn white. "I don't believe that kid exists anymore," she says. "I think she died long ago."
Fox takes a deep breath, then lets it go. "I don't think the Fox he asked exists anymore either," he replies, and it feels like the first true thing he's said in a long time. He reaches out and rests a hand on Offee's shoulder. "Still, I'd like to honor that promise all the same."
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palossssssand · 4 years
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shovel-shuffle · 3 years
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having a "gotta draw those hermits" day so heres a couple of jukebox nights. i did NOT draw them in the duration of the song but i did put my playlist on shuffle for this and was gifted of image of impulse having a nice project-planning time and zed having evil science momence
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doodlebloo · 3 years
Ranboo drop the wholesome momence compilation
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foxgirlmoth · 2 years
Augh I signed myself up for months of yearning, I think.
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kkrazy256 · 3 years
me having a sudden thought
oh omy god, what happens to Remedy during/after(?)  O66
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steal-this-album · 3 years
i love my friends so much
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