#fpjones imagines
reject-princess97 · 5 years
FP Jones Imagine (3)
I sat at the table of my one bedroom apartment, starring at the letter that sat in front of me. This letter was what was to determine my future as a doctor. I mean sure, graduation wasn't for another couple hours and I will be awarded my doctorate, but this letter was what I had spent the last eight years of my life working for. I took a deep breath and turned the letter in my fingers.
"Come on Y/N, it's just a letter. That's going to tell you weather or not you can return home after being away for so long." I told myself.
I left Riverdale 8 years ago to attend NYU then NYU Medical school where I was to graduate in less than three hours and in my hand sat a letter from Riverdale General, telling me weather or not I would be starting my residency there in the fall or not.
Now, don't get me wrong, I would be thrilled working at some of the places I had already been accepted into but working at Riverdale General meant I could move back home, I could be with my family on the Southside, The Serpents. I would be able to be with my older sister Alice and her girls Betty and Polly but mostly I'd get to go home to my boyfriend of ten years FP and FINALLY be able to build our life together, something we both agreed to put off until I was finished with school.
"OK, on the count of three, I'm going to open it." I told my self. "Or I'm gonna have myself admitted into Riverdale General for talking to myself."
I picked up my letter opener, I held it to the envelope and I took a deep breath.
A knock at the door made me jump as I dropped my letter opener at my table. I stood up, and straightened my dress, a simple black one shoulder dress hugged my curves perfectly and I padded bare foot to my front door. Passing the million boxes that had been packed ready for my move to, where ever I'm going to end up. I passed my Serpent jacket hung by the door and opened my frond door wide to see a sight that shocked me completely. There in front of my stood FP Jones, in a shirt, dress pants and a tie. He still had his Serpent jacket on but he looked so smart.
"Holy fuck!" I gasped as I took in the sight in front on me. This was not something I was used to, FP wasn't a suit and tie guy, he was a jeans, flannel and leather jacket kind of guy and this, right here, was so much more than I could comprehend.
"Well, hello to you too." My boyfriend grinned.
"What...what are you doing here?" I asked, still stood in shock.
"You didn't think we'd miss your big day did you?" He asked.
"We?" I asked confused and he moved a side and winked as three more faces came into view. Jughead Jones, FP's son and My niece's Betty and Polly Cooper. Betty and Jug both wearing their jackets too.
Then a face I wouldn't have ever thought I would see at my graduation appeared beside Betty. Alice Cooper. My sister, Alice Cooper.
"A..Alice?"I asked in disbelief.
"Hey, baby sister." She smiled as she stepped forward and pulled me into a hug.
"I'm dreaming, right, you guys aren't really here. I know because Alice Cooper said she would NEVER forgive me for choosing the Serpents over her?" I questioned as I stepped aside to let them all into my apartment.
"Nope, I'm really here." She smiled. "And it's Alice Smith now."
"Yeah?" I asked.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt you. I don't want to fight anymore. I want to be sisters again. Can you forgive me and we can start over?"
"I forgave you years ago Ally." I smiled as I pulled her into a hug and pulled away.
"WAIT!" I yelled as I turned to see FP stood in my apartment, grinning wide.
"There it is!" he laughed as he held his arms out and I dove at him, kissing him roughly.
"Guy's, there are kids in the room." Jughead called out. I laughed as I pulled away and turned to my niece.
"Polly, Lizzy, my girls!" I squealed as I pulled them both into a long hug. "I've missed you guys."
"We missed you Aunt Y/N." Polly smiled.
"Yeah, when was the last time you were home?" Betty asked as she pulled away.
"About three months." I smiled. "I'm so happy you're all here." I smiled at my family.
"We're all happy to be here." Jug assured me.
"You look great baby." FP called as he pointed at my outfit. I looked down and laughed as I shrugged.
"What can I say, I like to leave things to the very last second." I joked.
"Come on Y/N, we'll help you finish getting ready, FP, you and jug...bond."Alice ordered as she grabbed my hand and pulled my into my room.
"We'll run and grab some coffee's!" FP shouted and we left them.
"Good god, look at this mess." Polly chuckled as she moved some clothes off of my bed.
"Yeah, I couldn't decide what I wanted to wear so I had everything out." I shrugged.
"OK, so hair?" Alice asked as she cleared a space on my dresser.
"Curled and down, I have to put a cap on and it would be nice to let my hair down for once while I'm on campus." I chuckled as I plugged my curling iron in.
"Make up?" Polly asked as she grabbed my make up bag.
"Classic. Smoky eyes, bold red lips."
"As I remember, that was a signature look for you back home." Alice smiled as she picked up the curling iron and began fixing my hair.
"Yeah, well, I had to tone down my 'Serpent' style while I was here. Not a lot, just enough to be taken seriously in the classes." I smiled up at her in the mirror.
"What about shoes and accessories?" Betty asked from behind us.
"Black stilettos in the closet and I have some jewellery in my dresser draws you can pick from." I called over to her.
I sat quiet for a while while my sister and my nieces dressed me and told me all about what I had missed while I was away from home.
"OH MY GOD!" I shouted as the Polly and Alice finished my hair and make up. I stood up and ran out.
"What? What's wrong?" Alice called as she and the girls followed me out of the room as I ran into my dining area and grabbed the letter.
"What's going on?" FP asked panicked as he came into the room. Jughead too.
I looked up at my family and then I opened the letter and read it out loud.
"Dear Miss Smith,
Thank you for applying for our paediatric and family medical residency....We are pleased to inform you your application as been reviewed and we are happy to offer you a place with us this fall." I read, getting louder as I read. "OH MY GOD! I GOT IT!"
"Got what?" My sister asked.
"A residency." FP answered. "Somewhere good I assume." He smiled at me. I looked up at my family with tears in my eyes and nodded.
"Best place I could possibly imagine." I grinned as I held out the letter and carefully wiped the tears from my face. Thank god Polly had the sense to use waterproof eye makeup.
"You've got a residency at Riv...Riverdale General Hospital!" Alice read. I smiled wide as I nodded.
"Holy shit!"
"I'm coming home." I cried as I was pulled into a huge group hug. "I'm coming home FINALLY!"
After about twenty more minutes of basking in my news the six of us decided we should set of to the NYU campus so we grabbed everything we needed and walked out. I grabbed my Serpent Jacket on my way out.
"You're gonna wear your jacket to your Med school graduation?" Betty chuckled as I slipped it on.
"What, and let you losers show me up on my big day by looking better than me...I think not." I smiled.
"OK, so, there are six of us and two cars." Alice pointed out.
"Who's with who?"
"Juggie, you and Lizzy take my car." I smiled as I chucked him my keys but FP caught them and handed him his instead.
"Lizzy?" Jughead asked looking at Betty confused.
"It's something Y/N has called me ever since I was a baby." Betty explained as she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards FP's car.
"I'll go with mom." Polly smiled as she and Alice walked off.
"That leaves me with you." FP grinned as he held my car keys up. I nodded and smiled as I reached for them but he moved them out of the way.
"Wow, not so fast baby, you gotta trade." He smirked as he grabbed my hip and pulled me closer.
"Oh yeah?" I smirked as I lent up closer.
"Yeah." He mumbled. I let my lips graze his and quickly grabbed the keys why he was distracted. I pulled away laughing as I walked of to my car.
"That's just wrong!" FP called as he ran behind me and grabbed my hand.
"Tough luck baby." I smiled as I reached my car. I climbed in the drivers side and FP sat shotgun as I stuck the key in the ignition and turned it, my car roaring to life.
The ride to the campus was short and quite. I let the radio play as we drove and FP rest his hand on my thigh, a smiled smile on his face as we pulled up.
"Wow, it's big." He gushed as I parked.
"ha, that's what she said." I  yelled as I turned my car off and climbed out, leaving FP chuckling.
"You're graduating medical school and an hour and you're making 'that's what she said' jokes?" My man chuckled, shaking his head is I walked over to meet him.
"Damn straight." I giggled.
"Honestly, I'm in love with an childish genius." FP sighed as he looked down at me and moved a piece of hair from my face.
"And I'm in love with a big lovable biker idiot." I shrugged. As I rest my hands on his chest "We all have our weaknesses."
"Yeah, and you're mine." He grinned as he smashed his lips to mine, in a heated but passionate kiss. He pushed my back up against my car and I let my hands slid under his jacket and onto his hips.
"Oi, loser, put that smoking hot dude down and grab your shit!" I heard a voice call. I chuckled and turned to find my best friend Sherri (like sherry the drink) standing holding a white box.
"Sherri baby!" I yelled. FP moved away and I grabbed his hand, leading him to meet Sherri.
"Sher, (Cher) this is FP." I smiled.
"Oh, the boyfriend." Sherri nodded as she looked him up and down. "I approve." She nodded.
"Babe, this is Sherri, my motivation while stuck in the hell hole."
"It's nice to meet you Sherri."
"Hey, there you are." I heard Jughead call as he and the three girls walked over.
"Oh, more people." Sherri smiled as she introduced herself.
"OK, Ladies, extremely hot gentleman..." Sherri began but I elbowed her in the ribs and she let out a loud laugh. "I'm going to steal this beautiful rebel away from you to go be given a piece of paper, if you just follow the crowd of...the most boring people I've ever seen in my life and you'll find some seats." Sherri instructed as she grabbed my hand. I kissed FP quick, handed him my jacket and waved to my family before I allowed Sherri hand me the white box and help me pull on the black robe and tassel cap. We then walked hand in hand to where the rest of the students were stood.
"So, you gonna tell me where the hell you've been hiding him?" Sherri asked as we waited for the ceremony to start.
"I haven't been hiding, he's been in Riverdale with his kid." I laughed.
"How the hell did you manage to lock that down for ten years without being in the same state most of the time?" She asked unbelieving.
"We made it work. He visited and stayed with me when I was in school and I spent our breaks back home in Riverdale." I shrugged.
"Well, I like him. Extremely hot, like her could turn me straight." she joked, making me laugh. "So, what's with the matching jackets?"
I looked at her confused, then I remembered, I never spoke about home much. Not because I was hiding anything, I just missed home so much, I would always get upset so I just never mentioned it.
"Oh, that's...ermmm, The Southside Serpents." I smiled at her sheepishly.
"Southside who now?"
"It's sort of a biker gang in Riverdale, the Northside reckon we're all bad news and are full of drug dealing murderers but I promise you that's not the case. The Serpents are some of the most caring and loyal people you will ever meet." I explained.
"So all this time, I've been making jokes about to being the class rebel and you actually are a rebel biker chick?" She asked astounded.
"Pretty much." I shrugged. "That's amazing. I bet you can't wait to get back, for a little while anyway."
"yeah, but here's the best bit." I grinned at her. She looked over at me, eyebrow raised. "I got a letter in the mail this morning. From Riverdale General Hospital."
"You got the Residency?" She asked hopeful. I nodded and she let out a squeal as she hugged me. "Oh Smithy baby I'm so happy for you." She congratulated. "So, does this mean all that stuff you wanted with FP can finally happen?"
"Oh, god I hope so, I love him with all my heart and now that I'm home we can look at settling down and seeing what happens next." I hoped.
Pretty soon the ceremony started and I waited anxiously waited for my name to be called out. I got a peak at the audience as I waited behind the curtain and smiled when I saw my family waiting for me.
"Y/N Smith." I heard my name being called and I walked up to the stage, shook hands with the professors and I stopped, smiled and waved at my family who all cheered the loudest as didn't stop until I shot them a wink, stuck out my tongue and throw up the Rock horns, making them all laugh and cheer louder before I walked off the stage and took a seat.
The rest of the ceremony dragged but once it had finished I forced my way though the crowd until I spotted FP searching the crowd of faces.
"Looking for someone in-particular?" I asked as I reached him. He looked down at me and smiled at me.
"Only the girl of my dreams." He shrugged.
"Well, looking no farther hot stuff, she's right here." I smirked.
"What? Where?" He asked again looking around us. I gabbed him in the stomach making him let out a laugh as he lent down and kissed me, softly.
"I'm so proud of you baby." He informed me as he hugged me tight.
"Right, let's get the photos over and done with." I ordered as I pulled away and looked at my sister who already had her camera out. She smiled wide and nodded as she set us up how she wanted and the grabbed Sherri, who was close by with her family and asked her to shoot the photo. The order went as such, Group photo. Alice and I. Polly, Betty and I. FP, Jughead and I. Sherri and I. FP and I and then one last one with The four girls, Alice, Polly, Betty and I.
"Come, on, let's see it." Betty smiled as she rushed over and took my award off of me and took a look.
"Dr Y/N Smith...it just doesn't sound right." Betty suggested as she looked over at Alice who nodded.
"I mean I'm not saying you should change your name...but you should change your name." Alice joked and I nodded.
"Oh, too what exactly?" I wondered.
"How about Jones?" Jughead asked. I looked at him a little shocked.
"Dr Y/N Jones...now that sounds better. What do you think FP?" Betty asked as she closed the little folder the award came in and smiled at me wide. I saw Jughead and Alice had a camera on me and then Sherri look behind me, shocked. Confused, I turned around to see FP, knelt down on one knee smiling up and me and holding a ring. A big one too I might add.
"I think it sounds perfect. What do you think Y/N? Would you consider taking the plunge and becoming a Jones?" He asked as he took my hand.
"What the hell is happening right now?" I asked shocked. I heard the group laugh and I looked around to see we had gathered quite the crowd, all watching as FP chuckled and shook his head.
"For a genius doctor you're pretty slow babe, I'm asking you to marry me." He explained. "Look, Smith, we've been through a lot these last ten years, you've been living away for 8 of them and it hasn't been easy but we got through it. I was always planning on doing this today even if you wasn't moving back home because I would have followed you anywhere baby, you're my ride or die baby. Now with you coming back home to work things are just falling into place and I just want us to FINALLY start live out life together. So, Y/N Smith, will you be my ride or die forever. Will you marry me?"
I couldn't find the words, I just nodded as tears fell from my eyes and a lump grew in my throat. FP Slid the ring onto my finger and stood up, pulling me into his arms and kissing me hard as everybody around us clapped and cheered.
"FINALLY!!! MY DAD HAD THE BALLS TO PROPOSE!" Jughead yelled making everybody around us laughed including FP and I.
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Imagine being Archie Andrews’s older sister and dating FP Jones
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“So music, huh?”
F.P. sat on his bike, chewing down on the burger that he just bought from Pop’s, the two of you outside and enjoying your meal where there was a bit more privacy. Without all of the nosy waitresses and high school kids, away from your brother, mainly, and his own son who were sitting in there together, no doubt.
“Yeah,” You nodded, pinching some fries between your fingers and raised them up to your lips, chewing them happily. “God, I missed Pop’s. But yeah, music, where do you think that Archie picked it up from?”
F.P. had a little chuckle at that. As soon as he heard that you were back, the daughter of Fred Andrews - the teen pregnancy story of Riverdale High which everyone had been expecting to be FP and not sweet Fred - he had called you up, and unashamedly, asked you out - and you had said yes.
“No, not Fred,’ He laughed. “You ever going to come and sing for me? There’s always a place open on the stage at the Wyrm. You don’t even have to be a Serpent. I’ll get you in.”
“That might be the only place I can play, with Josie and her pussycats taking over all the other venues,” You rolled your eyes. “That’s why I’m just here for a while, then going back to the city to find work, there’s nothing here.”
“I wouldn’t say there’s nothing,” F.P. said, finishing his burger, crumpled up the wrapper and tossed it into a nearby garbage can with one fair swoop. “I’m not in the big city now am I?”
“No,” You said, looking him over. You used to have a crush on him, but what girl hadn’t? Now there was Jughead, the new up and coming ‘bad boy’ but he was far too young and too much like a younger brother because of how close he was with Archie. “No, I guess Riverdale does have one good thing. Only time will tell if it’s good enough to stay.”
Requested by: @rachelcarroll1819​
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Better Left Unsaid
Pairing: FP Jones x Fem!Reader
Written: January 10th, 2021
Posted: January 10th, 2021
Warning: Reader is legal however she is in her mid twenties. // Mentions of drinking, a swear or two. Angst, Fluff, Gets Steamy.
Word Count: 1,442
Summary: When the reader returns to Riverdale, an unlikely reunion happens.
FP Jones Masterlist
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Bounding up the stairs of the Wyrm, butterflies began erupting in your stomach. It had been a while since you were last in Riverdale. Graduating from Riverdale High, you went straight to college, rarely coming home with the exception of holidays.
Fidgeting with the zipper on your pink leather jacket, you took in a deep breath, before opening the door. You were promptly greeted with a wave of warmth. Your gaze on the floorboards before you, as you walked in.
Music rang through your ears along with unusual quietness. Lifting your gaze, you were greeted with the eyes of patrons of the Wyrm.
Before you knew it, Toni was throwing her arms around you pulling you in for a bone-crushing hug. Grinning, you reciprocated her actions.
“I’ve missed you, T.”
“Come on.” She grinned grasping your hand leading you into the group of Serpents.
Hours seemed to pass by like minutes. You had felt as if you talked to every serpent patron in the bar, except for one. The only one that really mattered.
Sighing, you had decided it was time to go home. Making your way to the front of Wyrm, you threw a smile over your shoulder, you had felt lucky to have such a warm welcome home. 
Once you opened the door, you were overwhelmed with a chilled wave of air. A small cloud of condensation could be seen. Bounding down the stairs, you sat on one before you ordered yourself a Taxi.
“Did you think you could leave without saying goodbye?” A husky voice questioned, in front of you.
You scoffed shaking your head. “I did since I didn’t even get a hello.” You shot back.
FP sighed, before sitting beside you. The side of his shoulder resting comfortably against yours. 
“Sorry, kid.” He spoke softly, turning to face you. His breath laced with alcohol. “How about I drive you home?” 
You chuckled lightly, rolling your eyes. “That’s not necessary.”
“I know it’s not.” He grinned. “I’m just trying to be a gentleman.”
“Wow, I never thought I’d hear FP say he wanted to be a gentleman.” You teased, nudging his shoulder with yours.
A bellow of laughter filled the air, causing you to laugh along. 
Your taxi you had called pulled in front, interrupting the small banter between you and FP.
Standing up, you began making your way towards the car. A firm hand grasped your wrist preventing you from leaving further.
“Wait.” FP’s voice rang through your ears. Turning to face him, you raised an eyebrow at him.
“Let me take you home...Please.” He pleaded, his eyes filled with want.
Offering him a closed-lip smile, you sighed. “Look, FP, we’ve both been drinking...Alcohol helps people make bad decisions. I won’t be one of your drunken regrets.”
FP frowned. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, before clenching his jaw. 
Letting out a huff, you felt heat dance along your cheeks. Standing on your tippy-toes, you placed your hands on his shoulders, your lips coming in contact with his cheek.
“Good night, Jones.” You spoke as you retreated towards the cab.
“Good night, Y/L/N.”
“Well hello there, miss Y/N.” Pop greeted, standing before you.
“Hi, Pop.” You grinned, glancing up leaning on the diner counter. 
“It’s good to have you back, kiddo.” He smiled. “Your order’s on me.” He spoke hushed, as he tapped the counter in front of you before gliding away to clearing a booth.
Gazing at the order window, a hat caught your eye.
“Jones?” You questioned with a raised eyebrow. 
Whirling around, he came face to face with you. He grinned at you before the realization dawned on him. His grin melting off his face rapidly replaced with a shocked expression.
“What are you doing here?”
“Uh, what every other person does at Pop’s... Getting food?”
Gazing at you, he placed his hands on the counter leaning against it. “Well yeah, but-”
“Order up.” The sound of a ring filled the air.
Grasping your to-go bag, you winked at FP. “Nice hat.”
His hands subconsciously reaching for it. “I-”
“See you around, Jones.”
“Hello?” FP’s groggy voice questioned through the phone.
“Jones.” You groaned. “Can you come and get me?”
Sitting up in bed, any ounce of sleep dripped away. “Where are you, sweetheart?” He tossed the blankets off his body, rushing around his bedroom.
“Jones.” You giggled, as you leaned your head against the railing of the porch stairs.
“Y/L/N.” He grinned, taking a seat beside you. 
“I think I overdid it.” You hummed.
“You think?” FP’s voice dripping with sarcasm. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
Leaning against him for support, you stumbled a few times before making it to his truck. Helping you in his truck, he jogged to round the front of his truck, getting into the drivers' side.
Staring out of the windshield, you could taste the bitterness on your tongue. Coming to a halt at a stoplight, you let out a huff.
“It’s all bullshit.” You spat.
FP furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Frowning, he wasn’t familiar with the tone of your voice. “What is?”
“Love. Love is bullshit.” You spat, crossing your arms along your chest. “Why are we expected to feel something from a fairy tale to know we’re in love? And if we haven’t found someone by a certain age, we’re branded as bitter or too independent.”
“Where is this coming from?”
“And if it’s not some fairytale garbage it’s not considered love.” You scoffed shaking your head. “Whose to say love has to be a fairytale? I’m just supposed to wait for some guy to come and save me? To swoop me off my feet as he’s dressed as my ‘Knight in shining armor’?” You questioned making air quotes in the process.
FP decided it was best to stay quiet during your drunken rant and listen to what you were saying.
“You know, you and I are more alike than I thought.” You spoke, gazing out the passenger window, as FP continued driving down the road.
“How’s that?” He smirked raising an eyebrow.
“We both run away from our feelings.” You spat, your voice coming out bitter.
After that night, you had gone out of your way to make sure you avoided FP. You were successful for a few weeks before it came to a crashing halt.
Sitting on your couch, you were watching your favorite show, waiting for your order of pizza.
“Coming!” You called, pulling open the door you were surprised to see FP standing before you. “Jones-”
Entering your apartment, you gazed at him in shock. “What are you-”
“These are for you.” He spoke, rubbing the back of his neck, as he shifted from foot to foot.
Grabbing the bouquet, you were taken back. “Jones-”
“I’m...I’m sorry if I came on too strong-”
Placing the flowers on your table, you made your way in front of FP.
“FP!” You exclaimed. “What are you doing here?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Well, that night I drove you home.”
“Oh no.” You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose. “I’m sorry for anything dumb I said while drunk.”
Grasping your jaw, his chest pressed against yours as he closed the space between you. FP rested his forehead against yours causing your breath to mingle.
“Can...Can I kiss you?” He whispered giving you a gentle Eskimo kiss.
You hummed in response, leaning forward.
Moving backward, he let out a sigh. “I need to hear the words, baby girl.”
“Jones, please kiss me-”
Placing his lips gently on yours, he kissed you. Reaching up, you laced onto his hair, giving a gentle tug to the ends.
A throaty groan passed through his lips as he pressed his hips against yours. Grinning against his lips, you turned your head allowing you to gauge the direction of the couch. FP latched his lips to your throat sucking as he allowed you to lead him.
Giggling, you felt him hum against you. His hands grasping your hips attempting to keep you as close as possible.
Reaching the couch, you placed your hand on FP’s chest, before motioning for him to sit. Once he was situated you promptly straddled his hips. Sitting on his lap, you connected your lips once again. His hands roaming the length of your back. 
Opening your mouth, his tongue snaked in exploring your mouth entirely. Moaning slightly, you pulled away resting your forehead against his. Your breaths coming out as pants.
“I know I’m not prince charming.” His voice coming out deeper than before. “But I hope you’ll have me.”
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@little-miss-naill​ @femalestorywriter @shotarosleftpinky​ @quxxnxfhxll​ @donttellanyoneireadfanfiction​ @sarahh-wigginss @beth-winchester21​
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slytheringirl1267 · 3 years
I have a Riverdale book on Wattpad called Riverdale/HP crossover my version fanfic the cover is of The Southside Serpents and my characters are Lacey Carter & her best friend Lilah Hudson... I also have 2 more books that go with it... I guess you could call them book 2 & 3 but IDK 🤷‍♀️ anyway book 2 is called RVD/HP Oneshots it's a book about Oneshots with the Riverdale gang/Lilah & Lacey. Book 3 is about how Lacey & Lilah go back in time to 2017 aka the 1st season of Riverdale and they see the RVD gang's past since they (RVD) found out about Lacey & Lilah's past in the 1st book called (Riverdale/HP crossover my version fanfic). If you want to read it it's on Wattpad by calumgirl22 if you do read it, I hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!! 🤷‍♀️😏😎💯❤️🖤🤍💚💙💜🤎🥰😍🐬🐧🐍🎧🎶🎵😁👍😅👌😂❤️🖤🤍💚💙💜🤎🥰😍🐬🐧🐍
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sweetestpeassweetp · 4 years
I, very much, would like to start writing imagines. But, I’d like some requests. I can write for quite a few things, HP, CAOS, Supernatural, Riverdale, criminal minds, Teen wolf, vampire diaries, the originals, legacies, honestly I could keep going.
Sooooo, any requests?
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xx-serpentqueen-xx · 6 years
FP Jones - Relaxing *
🖤Info : Your parents have been fighting all day none stop, having enough you decided to go to your boyfriends house as a way to relax, but him being the sneaky serpent he was, he had other plans in mind.
💚Request are open!
💖Smut filled one shot 💖
📝Word Count : 1,676
This is my first smut! So hope you guys enjoy it! Please feel free to request! ^.^!
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You buried your head on your pillow and put your headphones on the highest volume. You were tired of hearing your parents fighting and arguing about every single little thing.
You tried everything, listening to music, watching tv, trying to think of something else. But at last everything went back to your parents arguing or it brought you back to reality when your heard your dad shout at your mom.
You couldn’t help the tears running down your cheek as you felt utterly alone and broke. As you where on your bed looking up at the ceiling you heard your phone ring and decided to see who it was.
“Hey, everything ok? you haven’t messaged me all day?” Your lips tugged up in a little smile.
“Parents have been fighting all day, so haven’t been able to get on my phone and just relax, think I could come over...?” You bit your bottom lip ghosting over the send button.
“Fuck it “ You say to yourself as you press the button and put your phone on the nightstand.
You weren’t the type to have a late night gateway but hearing your parents fighting put you in a really bad mood and you just wanted to forget about everything for a while.
You heard your phone go off and got it in your hand fast .
“Sure, trailer door is obviously open, so come whenever you want babe ;)”
You blushed cause you could actually see FP smirking at the text you sent.
You decided to put on some comfortable shorts , a cute pink t-shirt and some flip flops. You opened your window and looked back at the door and sighed.
You got out and closed the door and walked over to the trailer park. It was like a 5 minute walk so on the way you listened to music to get your mind off your parents.
As you got into the trailer park, you saw Tall boy and Fangs outside and they both raised their eyebrows, actually surprised to see you at the trailer park so late.
“Hey Y/N, long time no see chica!” Fangs said smiling and coming over to you and giving you a quick hug.
You couldn’t help but giggle and hug him back.
“ Hi fangs and what’s with the spanish? Come on you know I only speak English! “ you say jokingly and bump shoulders with him playfully
“Fangs, if you want to leave, I suggest you leave Y/N alone. FP doesn’t look that happy “ Tall boy says and nods at FP’s trailer and when you look back you see your favorite serpent against the trailer waiting for you and giving Fangs a death glare.
You rolled your eyes and hugged fangs goodbye and walked over to FP and put your hands on your hips
“And what’s with the death glare grumpy serpent?” You smile a bit and he can’t help but chuckle and walk over to your and wrap his arms around your waist, giving you a big bear hug
“Fangs was being too touchy” Fp said while looking at you. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes
“He was just being nice, now come on I’m not in the mood to see another fight” You take his hand and walk into his trailer and close the door.
You take off your jacket and fall face first in his bed and groan slightly
“Why is your bed so damn comfy?” You breath in and feel relaxed as you smell Fp’s scent all over you and you can’t help but smile.
As FP walked into his room, he couldn’t help but take his lower lip between his teeth and look at you up and down.
You didn’t notice that when you layer down your shorts ran a little more up exposing you completely too him.
He walks up behind you and bends down and runs a hand up and down your thigh. You gasp softly and blush as you look at him confused
“And what are you doing mister?” You can’t help but bite your lip as he squeezes your ass and looks at you with lust filled eyes.
“Well, since today hasn’t been the best day for you and you said you needed to do something to relax and get your mind off your parents...” He slowly starts taking off your shorts “Well im helping you get distracted”
He takes your shorts completely off and slowly kiss your legs and up to your thighs. He repeats this process a couple times to each leg.
You can’t help but be a blushing and squirming mess as you feel every soft kiss on your thighs and feel his scruff scratching your thighs.
You turns around so now you were laying on your back. He pulled your shirt up slowly and started kissing your stomach and kissing painfully close to your dripping wet pussy.
“Please...please don’t tease “ You say out of breath as you feel him smirk against your thigh.
“Why princess? What do you want me to do?” Fp smirks as he looks up at you and gets on his knees and pulls you to the edge of the bed by your legs.
He spreads your legs so he’s face to face with your pussy but he doesn’t do anything, waiting for you to answer.
The stare he gave you made you even more wet “T-touch me...” You say softly while biting your lip.
“Where baby girl? Here?” He kissing your thigh softly and with his other hands draws circles on your other thigh
You shake your head fast and groan a bit frustrated and take his hand that’s rubbing your thigh and put it on your pussy.
“Here, please” You muttered under your breath and blush
FP groans as he feels how wet you are and starts rubbing your outer lips
“Fuck baby, did daddy make you this wet?” He smirks and kissing your clip and gives it a long slow lick
You moans a little loud as he kisses your clip and you feel him push one of his fingers inside you. You take your bottom lip in between your teeth and moan softly
“Yes! Yes daddy, now please please can you make me cum pls “ You whined our desperately as you really needed a release. It’s been some time since you and FP been alone so this slow torture was killing you
FP’s eyes when dark when he heard you say that and he smirks and pushes two fingers inside you and starts fingering you hard and fast
“Whatever my baby girl wants” He groans against your thighs and makes his way to your wet pink pussy and starts lapping at all your juices and fingering you fast
You shake your head fast and groan a bit frustrated and take his hand that’s rubbing your thigh and put it on your pussy.
“Here, please” You muttered under your breath and blush
FP groans as he feels how wet you are and starts rubbing your outer lips
“Fuck baby, did daddy make you this wet?” He smirks and kissing your clip and gives it a long slow lick
You moans a little loud as he kisses your clip and you feel him push one of his fingers inside you. You take your bottom lip in between your teeth and moan softly
“Yes! Yes daddy, now please please can you make me cum pls “ You whined our desperately as you really needed a release. It’s been some time since you and FP been alone so this slow torture was killing you
FP’s eyes when dark when he heard you say that and he smirks and pushes two fingers inside you and starts fingering you hard and fast
“Whatever my baby girl wants” He groans against your thighs and makes his way to your wet pink pussy and starts lapping at all your juices and fingering you fast
You couldn’t help but moan as FP licked your pussy and fingered you. With one hand you started playing with your tits and the other you started tugging at his hair and pulling him closer to your middle.
You couldn’t help but let out a loud moan as you felt him groan against you when you tugged at his hair
“Come on princess, can you come for daddy?” He looks into your eyes while he starts viciously sucking your clit and fingering
You even faster is that’s possible.
Throwing your head back and moaning his name loud, you couldn’t help but cum all over Fp’s fingers. He keep sucking your clit making you ride out your high.
Pulling out his fingers and licking you clean, he lays down next to you and lick his fingers that are all covered in your juices and you hear him groan and look at you.
“You are sooo addicting you know that, everything about you is just amazing” He says as he kisses your neck softly and your forehead
You can’t form a sentence as you are still trying to come down from your high. You blush as FP has this smug, cocky grin on his face and kiss your lips.
You raise your eyebrow and can’t help but chuckle a bit.
“You did all this so Fangs could hear me screaming and moaning right?” You look at him suspiciously.
“No! I did it for you to relax! “ He says acting hurt and hugging you close, his scruff scratching your chin and you smiled loving that feeling.
“...ok maybe I did a bit” He says against your neck and you couldn’t help but laugh and cuddle close to him and muzzle against his chest.
FP starts running his fingers up and down your back and kissing your head softly. You slowly started to drift asleep
“I love you so much....” You say softly as he keeps running his fingers up and down your back.
“Love you baby girl” He kisses your head one more time as you both fall asleep cuddling close.
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Fp Jones x OC - Fanfic // Then There Was You (Part 1)
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AN: I've had this idea in my head since Fp Jones was first introduced into Riverdale. I have been putting off writing it for so long, but I've finally plucked up the courage to start the story. It's an O/C x FP fanfiction. So if you love Fp Jones, then keep on reading because this ones for you. 
Summary: Being Alice Coopers sister was something Emma hadn't been familiar with for nearly a decade. But now she was back in Riverdale, she was soon going to be calling it home again. As Emma slowly learns that not everything in this town is as perfect as it seems, including her own dark secrets. Amongst the chaos, the also just as mysterious Fp Jones comes into her life in the most unfortunate way. Will they end up being the one thing they both so desperately needed?
Pairing: OC x FP Jones
Word count: 4,000+
Warnings: Some swearing, minor abuse mention, smoking. 
"It's just here."  
The driver rolled his eyes over to the rear-view mirror, seeing the girl sat in the back of his cab flashing him a small smile. Sighing lighting, the cab driver pulled over at the end of the street and went back to looking at her.
"That'll be 25$, Miss." He informed her, before handing out his hand to her.
Rolling her eyes at the expensive charge, Emma pulled her wallet out from her purse and handed the driver the correct amount, before quickly shoving her wallet away.
Taking the money from her, the driver turned back to the front of his cab and counted out his money, before he went to take another call in for another pick up.
In this time, Emma took the cellphone that had been sat on her lap on the ride over here and quickly placed it into her purse, before pulling out a brand new looking one.
Putting that into her pocket, she took out a pale pink lipstick from the purse and began to apply it into her lips, using the rear-view mirror for some guidance, much to the cab drivers to dismay.
"Are you done, Miss?" He asked, clearly not in the mood to deal with her lack of ability to get out of there, "I have another pick up."
"Don't worry. I won't keep you much longer," She answered, before popping her lips and putting the lipstick back away, "have a good day."
Emma took hold of the cab door and stepped out onto the sidewalk, her tote bag in one hand and the suitcase she brought with her now joining her outside also.
"Goodbye, Miss." The cab driver bided her farewell, as she closed the door and he slowly began to pull away.
Looking around at her new surroundings, Emma checked the time on her watch, before she plucked up the courage to begin her small walk down the street, looking for one house in particular.
The suburb she was currently walking in felt very different to what Emma had ever been used to. The last few years things had been modern and high up. Everything she had called home had been accessible by an elevator and a front yard had been non-existent in the world Emma was from.
But here she was, in the middle of Riverdale, her home town, coming back to the one place she so badly wished had always been her home, but so much had happened since then, Emma did not even know where home was now.
The sound of a front door opening from only a few yards away, brought Emma out of her deep thoughts and onto the teenaged boy now stepping out of his home.
Upon seeing her walking the streets, he flashed her a warm smile, the warmth very much matching the aurbun hair that covered his head in a messy do, as he turned to look at the house beside his own.
Emma found her own attention turning towards the exact same property, her name suddenly being called excitedly, and it was only then that it actually hit Emma that she was back in Riverdale, that she was back to reality in some way, seeing people she hadn't seen in nearly a decade.
"Emma!" Her sister called excitedly from the front porch, as Emma arrived at the steps below, "You're finally here!"
Emma began to laugh, she didn't know if it was due to nerves to be back in town, or whether it was a strained laugh, trying to muster up the energy to show real happiness, when that was an emotion she hadn't felt in a long time.
Coming up the steps, she joined the woman on the front porch, before she was engulfed into a warm embrace, an embrace that had been very much needed for the longest time.
Sinking into the hug, Emma wrapped her arms back around her sister and said softly, "Hi, Alice. It's good to see you."
"I'm so glad you're back here with your family," Alice told her as the two separated, Emma now seeing more people had exited the front door from behind her sister, "we've missed you."
The suburb she was currently walking in felt very different to what Emma had ever been used to. The last few years things had been modern and high up. Everything she had called home had been accessible by an elevator and a front yard had been non-existent in the world Emma was from.
But here she was, in the middle of Riverdale, her home town, coming back to the one place she so badly wished had always been her home, but so much had happened since then, Emma did not even know where home was now.
The sound of a front door opening from only a few yards away, brought Emma out of her deep thoughts and onto the teenaged boy now stepping out of his home.
Upon seeing her walking the streets, he flashed her a warm smile, the warmth very much matching the aurbun hair that covered his head in a messy do, as he turned to look at the house beside his own.
Emma found her own attention turning towards the exact same property, her name suddenly being called excitedly, and it was only then that it actually hit Emma that she was back in Riverdale, that she was back to reality in some way, seeing people she hadn't seen in nearly a decade.
"Emma!" Her sister called excitedly from the front porch, as Emma arrived at the steps below, "You're finally here!"
Emma began to laugh, she didn't know if it was due to nerves to be back in town, or whether it was a strained laugh, trying to muster up the energy to show real happiness, when that was an emotion she hadn't felt in a long time.
Coming up the steps, she joined the woman on the front porch, before she was engulfed into a warm embrace, an embrace that had been very much needed for the longest time.
Sinking into the hug, Emma wrapped her arms back around her sister and said softly, "Hi, Alice. It's good to see you."
"I'm so glad you're back here with your family," Alice told her as the two separated, Emma now seeing more people had exited the front door from behind her sister, "we've missed you."
"Alice..." Hal went to interrupt, not wanting her to integrate Emma in the way she was, and that they also had to get out of there to go to work.
"I never said I was, Alice." Emma breathed, trying to keep her cool.
Now Emma knew why she had moved away for college and had stayed away. Alice always jumped to conclusions and tried to mother her. She hadn't even been here five minutes and it was like the past was repeating itself.
"You just said, Emma, that you might go back." Alice pointed out.
"I didn't..." Emma went to say.
"Alice, please, we really have to get going..." Hal tried to stop the two of them.
"Hal, just five more minutes!" Alice said to her husband.
"Alice, c'mon," He wasn't going to give up, Hal knew how Emma used to get when Alice use to integrate her before, and this was no different, "let the girl eat her breakfast."
Alice looked away from him with an annoyed look, as Emma turned to meet with her sister, "I'll be fine," She assured her, wanting her to leave her in peace also, "just go. We can't catch up."
"I just don't want to leave my sister alone here." Alice expressed her concerns.
"She'll be fine," Hal reassured his wife, "she's not going to run off anywhere and plus she's not sixteen anymore."
"I know," Alice sighed in defeat, before she slowly began to stand up, 'you're right."
"For once, he is right," Emma added, as she watched her sister pull on her coat and grab her bag, ready to head to work, "you'll see me later."
It had been a couple of hours since Alice and Hal had left Emma alone in their home. After eating a delicious breakfast that Emma knew she was going to be thanking her sister over and again for, she headed on upstairs with her things to locate her new room for the duration of her stay.
It was a fairly decent sized room, a little on the small size from what Emma was used to living in her own home, taking the master, but she was the guest after all and had to go back to living with more than one person again.
She had taken a short nap for an hour or so, tired from the plane journey earlier this morning and also all the stress from the past couple of weeks. Now she was heading outside for some fresh air, Emma never coped well cooped up inside all day long.
As she slipped outside the front door, Emma came onto the porch and brought out one of her cell phones, the one she had been so quick to hide after the taxi ride earlier.
She switched it on and took a seat down on the top step of the porch, her bare feet coming to contact with the wood below and her light jean clothed bottom sat down on the surface.
After a couple of seconds sitting down, the cell phone in her hand beeped, signalling a new text message had come from. A nervous feeling bubbled in her stomach, as she opened it up and saw a automated looking message come to the screen.
'48 hours until pick up.'
Emma felt her stomach churn after reading the message and a sick feeling came over. She knew what the message meant. It was now starting all over again. Or maybe it had never actually finished.
This was just the last of it. Or Emma hoped it was. She had been promised that way too many times. But here she was, still carrying out deeds, she hated herself for doing.
Slipping the cell phone into her back pocket in distress, Emma quickly pulled out a box of cigarettes from her jacket pocket and quickly lit one up, needing something to just take the edge of the unease she felt inside.
Emma knew that if Alice had been around, there would have been no way the cigarettes would have even made an appearance. But Alice wasn't here right now and what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.
She also knew that smoking in an area like this of town would be so forbidden, but Emma wasn't afraid to break the rules anymore. Emma had paid her time for trying to follow orders, she was tired of that now.
Taking a drag from the cigarette, Emma shut her eyes briefly taking in the smoke and letting her stress drift away as she breathed it out, her eyes slowly reopening when she heard a voice.
Looking opposite her, Emma saw a very familiar looking man stood on the side walk, dog lead in his hand and a light coloured Labrador dog stood beside him attached to the lead.
Emma couldn't believe her eyes right now and just whom she was seeing. It was face she hadn't seen in years. Not since she had been a young goofy teenager and had been hanging out with her sister's friends after dark.
Smiling at the man and also his dog, Emma politely stumped out her cigarette and went to climb to her feet, hopeful the man would remember her also.
"Uh, are you looking for someone?" The man questioned her, clearly not having reorganized her, "Are you looking for Alice?"
"Uh, no," Emma couldn't help but smirk slightly, not thinking she had changed that much, but maybe she had, it had been nearly ten years after all, "I'm her sister, Emma."
"No way!" He exclaimed in complete surprise to see her stood there after all this time, "of course you are," he chuckled lightly in embarrassment, "you're little Em, Huh?"
"That's me," She came to meet him down on the pavement, "how you doing, Fred?"
"I'm not too bad," Fred answered her, as Emma bent down to stroke his dog, "you look so grown up, I can't believe it."
Emma smiled at him once again, as she stood back up straight, "You look..."
"Old?" He half joked for her.
"No," She shook her head in amusement, "I was going to say different. But yeah, you look older now."
"It's been years," Fred reminded her, although Emma hadn't really forgotten, "If you don't mind me asking, how old are you now?"
"I'm twenty-seven." Emma answered him.
"Wow," He couldn't believe she was that age, Fred had known her since she was just a kid, "has it really been that long?"
"Yep." She laughed lightly.
"I bet Alice is thrilled to have you home."  
"Yeah, I thought it was about time I returned." Emma answered, although it was more like she was forced to.
"Is this permeant?" Fred asked.
"I'm not quite sure yet..." She answered him honestly, Emma hadn't decided herself yet, "I mean if I do decide to stay, then I'm going to need to get a job, although I don't know many people hiring PA's right now,"
His eyes sparked up slightly at her explanation, but allowed her to continue, before he had his say on the matter, "but then again, I'd have to sort myself out somewhere to stay, I can't live under my sister's feet forever."
"Hey, I've got a position going at my place." Fred announced to her.
"Oh, you do?" Emma folded her arms, surprised it had been that easy to have found something so soon.
She hadn't even thought about how she was going to pay for things whilst she was here. Emma knew she'd have to get a job. Her money was running out fast. The money in her accounts were being wiped every single day. Emma had to get some money coming in from somewhere, she just didn't necessarily think it would be from Riverdale.
"Yeah, an office assistant," He explained the position more to her, "someone to do my books. My guys on paternity leave."
"What's your place exactly?" She asked interestedly.
"Construction, of course." Fred said proudly.
"Well, I guess, maybe I could accept your offer," Emma thought it seemed decent enough and something she could do whilst she was here, it would save her having to look or feeling bad that she couldn't pay her way in her sister's home, "if you wanted me there of course."
"Sure," He nodded, rather having someone he knew than any old person, "why don't you swing by on Monday and have a trial run?"
"That sound's great," Emma agreed with him, "thanks, Fred. I really appreciate it."
"No problem," Fred was more thankful for her right now, "I just live next door, so pop over around 8 and I'll give us a ride to work."
"Brilliant," She looked over at the house, just as he was about to walk off, before she asked, "say, you don't have a son, do you?"
"Uh yeah, why?" He asked confused, then something inside of him caught on, "Has Alice warned you about him to stay away from Betty?"
"Oh no!" Emma quickly shook her head, although that did sound like Alice, "it was just...I saw a teenager come out of their earlier and now I'm putting the pieces together."
"Uh yeah, that would have been Archie."  
"Him and Betty are still close then?" She asked.
"Oh yeah," Fred nodded, a happy smile coming across his face, "much to your sister's dismay, they're still going strong since they were kids."
Emma smiled back at him, before saying, "I guess I'll see you Monday then."
"See you Monday." Fred bided her goodbye, before walking with his dog over to his front door as Emma made her way back up the porch to head on in herself.
Her eyes caught the newspaper sat on the front porch, completely having missed it earlier when she had come out in distress, but as she bent down to pick it up and unravelled it to see the front page, her eyes widened slightly.
A picture of a young teenager, not much older than Betty, his face was plastered over the front of it. The words 'Missing' across the headline. Her sister and her brother-in-law worked down at the paper, but Emma was surprised they would cover such a story.
Taking the paper and herself back inside the house, Emma closed the door and went through into the living room. She sat down on the couch and began to read through the article, catching up on just exactly what had gone on before Emma had got into town.
Her mind flashed back to a week or so ago, when she had finally taken the plunge to seek for some help and had been the whole reason Alice had welcomed her back to town.
                                              ~*~ Flashback ~*~  
Emma had been over the same thing a hundred times in her head, but still she was finding it difficult to pick up her phone and make the call. She knew if she did, then it would mean game over and she'd have to come clean.
But if she didn't, then she knew she would be stuck here, alone and scared, worried what might happen next and that if she didn't get away now, then she might have lost her only chance to.
Hitting the call button once more, Emma finally brought it up to ear, her hands shaking and her heart pounding, as she waited for the person to pick up on the other end.
There was no backing out now. She had taken the first step. Emma knew she had to go on.
After a few rings, the person picked up and answered, "Hello?"
"Alice," Emma breathed, her voice quiet and strained, it was clearly evident the girl was in a bad way, but she was trying her best to pull it together, "it's me, Emma."
"Emma," Alice, exclaimed in surprise, before saying, "oh my goodness! How are you? Are you alright?"
"Is this a bad time?" She asked her older sister, not wanting to trouble her if it was.
"No, no," Alice responded, just happy to hear her sisters voice, it had been so long, "of course not. I'm so relieved to hear from you."
"It has been a long time," Emma found herself saying shamefully, as she tried to fight off the tears, "I miss you."
"Oh sweetie," Alice could hear that Emma just didn't sound right, not what she remembered her sister to be, she always knew Emma as a bright and happy go lucky girl, "is everything ok?"
"Um, I," She couldn't find the words to say, to answer her sister with the truth, because it was too hard to do, "I... could I come stay with you?"
"What now?" Her older sister asked.
"Soon, maybe next week, I don't know," Emma said, she really did not want to have to tell her sister everything, especially not over the phone, "could I please?"
"Emma, you know you are always welcome here," Alice reminded her, just like she had every phone call they had rarely had the past few years, "but you're starting to worry me now, is everything alright?"
"I can't explain right now," She managed to tell her, her voice breaking as she felt the tears silently roll down her face, "but I will."
"Oh, Emma," Alice couldn't bear to hear her sister this way, "I'm going to take the day off work tomorrow and get the next flight out there."
"No!" Emma quickly snapped, not meaning to, but it was a bad idea Alice coming here, "no, please, just don't..."
"Emma, I can hear that something is troubling you and I'm not leaving this until next week," Her sister explained in a strict tone, "I am your sister and it's my duty to look out for you."
"You just can't come here, I," She glanced around at her surroundings and sighed, "I've lost my home, Alice. I'm in and out of hotels right now."
"Why? What's happened?" Alice then questioned, before she made a guess, "have you and John split up?"
Emma rolled her head down, the tears falling again, before she plucked up the courage and admitted, "It's worse than that, Alice."
"What's going on, Emma?" Alice pressed again.
"He, um, he," She was finding it hard to say what she so desperately wanted to, saying it out loud made it feel so much more real, "he's been abusing me, Alice... I, need to come home and get away from it all."
"Emma, that's it!" Emma heard her older sister say sternly from down the other end, "I am coming to get you."
"No," Emma quickly shook her head, although her sister couldn't see her, "as I said you can't. I'm in hotels. And I need to stay here. He's gone to jail."
"What do you mean he's gone to jail? For his crimes against you?" Alice presumed.
"I can't talk about this right now," She sighed, knowing Emma couldn't answer that, it would open more and she'd already shared way more than she intended to, "just know that I am safe and he can't hurt me anymore. I'll call you in the morning when I know more, but please don't come here."
"How can I not? You're my little sister." Alice pointed out, clearly worried.
"I know, but I can look after myself. I appreciate you offering, but all I need is you to welcome me home when I'm ready." Emma said, as she mopped up her tears.
Alice was quiet for a moment, before she sighed, giving into her sister's requests, "I'm glad you called. We need help over here. Things haven't been good for us either, Emma."
"What do you mean?"  
Now Emma was freaking out.
"Polly's got herself into a slight situation. I'm so ashamed," Alice began to explain, but Emma knew whatever had happened, Alice was taking it badly and worrying about her own image, "I don't know what to do.."
"What's happened?" She asked her older sister.
"I've had to send her away. Something happened with her and her boyfriend, Jason Blossom. Now he's been reported missing and I don't know.."
"Hey, this is exactly why you need to stay put, Alice," Emma reasoned with her over this, everything sounded just as bad for Alice as it had for Emma recently, "your family needs you."
"But you also need me..."
"And I'm also an adult who can look after herself."  
"You call me in the morning when you know more! I want to hear from you every day until you get off the plane back home." Alice made her promise her.
"Of course. I'll call you tomorrow." Emma vowed back.
After saying goodbye and assuring Alice she'd be alright, as well as to send her love to everyone, Emma hung up the phone and sighed, before turning around at her former home.
Her suitcase was half packed on her bed, everything that had been ransacked by the police a few nights ago was still spread all over the bedroom, as well as other parts of her house.
The apartment was dark and quiet, only the sound of Emma's heavy breathing and clocks ticking ran through it. She felt a coldness. One that had been there a very long time, but now it was starting to feel with warmth again, somehow like the war was coming to a slow end.
But Emma knew it was probably only now just beginning.
Yet at least once she got to Riverdale, Emma would be one step closer to ending it all.
Or maybe just maybe, she'd be starting another one.
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FP Jones Masterlist
Created: 12/13/20
Last Updated: 01/23/21
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Better Left Unsaid - When the reader returns to Riverdale, an unlikely reunion happens.
Mr. Jones (SMUT) - The reader returns to her hometown of Riverdale as one of the biggest business CEO’s however things take a turn when she runs into a former flame.
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reject-princess97 · 5 years
FP Jones imagine (2)
I was sat in a booth at Pop's diner Starring out of the window at my bike. It had been 17 years since I was last here. 17 years since I was happy and 17 years since I last saw my son and the love of my life.
"You OK there young lady?" Pop's asked as he came over.
"I'm OK thank you, I'm just watching the world go by." I smiled looking up at him. Pop's eyes widened for a second as he looked at me.
"Y/N Andrews, is that you?" He asked, a small, kind smiled on his face.
"In the flesh." I smiled up at him.
"Not seen you for a long time. How have you been?"
"Getting by." I shrugged.
"Well, it's good to have you back, What can I get you?"
"Burger, fried and one of you classic chocolate shakes?" I grinned.
"Coming up." he smiled as he turned to walk away but before he left he turned back and gave me a worried smile.
"The sheriff is here, just warning you." He told me before he walked away.
I shrugged and turned to see the Sheriff walking up to the diner, his hat hiding his face.
"Morning Pop's, can I get a coffee?" He spoke and my eyes widened. I knew that voice but it can't be. FP Jones wasn't the north side type.
Then my suspicions were confirmed when the Sheriff took of his hat and asked Pop's about the Strange bike parked outside.
Pop's nodded and pointed over to me. When FP looked my way his eyes widened and he froze. My eyes never left his as he walked towards me after gaining his composure.
"Hi." I asked looking up at the man I once loved.
"Y/N" he asked in disbelief
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to see my family." I told him. It wasn't a lie, I was here to see My brother and his nephew but mostly I wanted to see FP.
"It's been 17 years, why now?" He grumbled.
"I missed everybody, I'm finally able to come back into town so here I am." I explained. He sighed and took a seat.
I looked over at FP as he sat in front of me.
"So, how is he?" I asked him. It had been so long since I had seen my brother.
"He's fine, joined the Serpents while I was locked away."
"He did what?" I asked confused. "Why the hell would he do that?"
"Don't be so surprised, his old man is one, his mother was one..."
"Wait...who?" I asked confused. My dad was never a Serpent.
"The kid." FP snapped as if I had done something wrong. "Our son?" My eyes widened and I shook my head.
"We...FP, our son died, 17 years ago. Your wife killed him." I growled. FP watched me confused as tears ran down my face.
"What?" I asked, wiping the tears away.
"Our son is not dead, he was brought up by Gladys and I after you left us high and dry." FP snapped. I shook my head, standing up and walking out.
"No, you're lying." I called behind me. FP stood and followed behind me, he grabbed my arm and pulled me to face him.
"Why, what?" I asked, a lump in my throat.
"why did you leave us." He asked me. I stayed silent, still not being able to bring myself to explain.
"Please, Y/N, I loved you, I thought you loved me but I came home from the bar and you were gone, Gladys was..."
"Gladys told me to go." I told him. He let out a hard laugh and shook his head.
"Bullshit." He scoffed.
"You wanna know?" I asked and he nodded.
"You should come sit down then." I sighed as I grabbed FP's hand and lead him back into Pop's. We passed a group of kids, one seemed to look up at me, his red hear making him unrecognisable. That was Archie, my brothers kid, he had to be. His friends watched as FP and I walked passed hand in hand.
I sat him down on the booth I was sat previously and I sat opposite him.
"So?" He asked, I took a deep breath and looked down at my hands, I could already feel the tears welling up.
"OK, so, I was home, looking after...well, I was calming Forsythe, when I heard a noise outside. I put him down, in his crib and I went outside. I thought maybe it was you getting home so I grabbed my jacket and went outside but you weren't there so I looked around for a second and when I went back in I saw blood everywhere, Forsythe was gone and I saw Gladys sat in your chair, holding a bloodied knife." I cried, tears running down my face.
"Why?" he asked me. I shrugged, it took me a second before I could get anything else out.
"A couple weeks before hand she had told me to go, if I didn't leave she was going to kill my brother and our kid. I didn't believe her and I stayed. Anyway, she made a huge deal about how she had warned me and that if I didn't go she would take Archie next." I told him. "I had to go FP, I couldn't face you when you found out our son was dead and I couldn't be the reason Fred lost Archie." I cried, tears streaming down my face.
"So she wasn't lying?" He mumbled.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Before she left she told him that she wasn't his mum, I mean I knew that but we were supposed to keep it from him, she told him she ran his mother out of town when he was a baby but I didn't believe her. I thought she was just trying to make a point." He told me.
"She didn't kill him?" I asked, FP Shook his head then turned around.
"Hey, Boy, come over here a second!" He called, turning to face the group of kids in the booth beside us. I tall looking kid with raven hair and a grey worn out beanie nodded and walked over, sitting beside his dad.
"What's up?" He asked, he eyed me curiously as he spoke.
"Jughead, this is Y/N Andrew's" FP introduced. I looked over the kid.
"Fred Andrew's sister?" he asked and I nodded smiling, looking at him made my heart skip a beat. He was tall, like his dad, he had his dad's looks but he had eyes like mine. "Yeah, Archie told me about you, you were..." He began but I interrupted "Banished from the family for getting knocked up."   "Yeah, you were Best friends with Alice cooper too right?" He wondered. I saw the kids behind him clearly listening in and I chuckled nodding. "She was Alice Smith back then but Yeah, how did you know that?" "Mrs Cooper had mentioned it to Betty and I. She said you disappeared not long after Betty was born." "Not that she cared, she was one of the many people who pushed me out of town" I told him. "My mum did that?" A blonde girl asked as she turned around to face the table. "You must be Betty?" I asked she nodded. Jug stood up and moved so the Betty could join us. "Well when you get knocked up by a Serpent, you get treated like one and in them days that was worse then being the local psychopath." I told her. My eyes never left Jughead for more than a second, he the same.
"You OK kid?" FP asked, noticing the looks between us both.
"That's her isn't it?" He asked his dad, still looking at me.
"Don't act like you weren't listening in boy." FP chuckled.
"were you telling the truth?" He asked, directing his attention to me.
"Every word." I nodded. "Who are you?" I asked him.
"Yeah I got that bit."
"My name is Forsythe Pendelton Jones III." he told me. My eyes widened and I shook my head vigorously.
"No, you're not," I told him.
I didn't him reply, I just stood up and made my way the door.
"He's telling the truth Y/N, he really is our kid." FP called, grabbing the attention of the rest of the diner.
"No, because that would mean I left my son behind and...and I wouldn't do that, I couldn't do that." I told him as I left.
*A couple hours later*
I spent my time driving around until I finally got up the courage to visit my brother for the first time is 17 years.
I walked up the path and knocked on the door. It took a couple seconds but the door opened and there, in front of me, stood my big brother. He seemed to recognised me almost immediately as his eyes widened and he grabbed me, pulling me into a hug.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" Fred asked as he pulled me into the house, a strange look on his face.
"Hi, Freddy." I smiled sadly at him. "How you been?"
"Good, I missed you kid." He smiled happily. His eyes wondered around, looking nervous.
"He told you didn't he?" I asked, knowing FP would have called him the second I left. He nodded then gestured back to the kitchen where I saw the red head from before.
"Come on, I want you to meet your nephew." He told me as he pulled me into the kitchen where the red head sat, drinking a soda.
"Archie, this is Y/N."
"Yeah, she was with FP before." He smiled nodding as he stood up.
"You're a good looking kid." I smiled at him, "You get that from your mum." I joked, Archie laughed and nodded.
"Don't I know it." He chuckled nudging his dad.  
"So, you're my Aunt?" He asked. I nodded and sat down at the table.
"Yeah." I nodded.
"So...." My brother spoke up after a couple minutes of silence.
"Where you been?" he asked.
"Around, California mostly." I told him, looking down at my hands.
"I'm sorry Freddy, I had to go, I had..."
"I know kid, FP told me what happened." He assured me.
"You could have told us, or me at least." He offered but I shook my head.
"I couldn't, she told me if I told anybody why I left she'd kill you and Archie. She already killed my son, I could't lose you too." I explained, Fred looked a little surprised but Archie looked as through he was used to his life being threatened.
" Well, I thought she had killed him." I sighed.
"So is it true, is he really my kid?" I asked Fred who nodded.
"Yeah, FP came home the night you left and found Gladys sat in the trailer with Jug in her arms, she had a note the said you couldn't live there anymore and the you didn't want Jug and FP."
I nodded, sadly. If Fred was telling me this it most be the truth. He wouldn't lie to me about this. I looked over at Archie and smiled softly.
"So, what's he like, Jughead?" I asked him. Archie smiled a huge grin and shrugged.
"Juggy is my best friend. No body else like him." He told me, sitting by me. "He's a writer, he and Betty run the blue and gold, the newspaper at school."
"Yeah?" I asked surprised.
"A lot like you that kid." Fred added and I smiled.
"He's good at solving mysteries, we all solve the Jason Blossom murder case, the black hood case and the G'n'G case."
"Wow, do you guys even have a police crew down here?" I joked making Archie laughed. I noticed Fred had left us alone so we spoke for a while, Archie told me all about Jughead and the group, he told me about the rest of the town news and how FP was doing.
"...Jughead always thought he was missing someone you know. Like he had Gladys and Jellybean but FP wasn't happy with that." He told me.
"Yeah, I guess that was my fault." I sighed,
"Did you ever think about coming back?" He asked me. I sighed and shook my head.
"No, I couldn't, after I thought my son was dead I couldn't come back, it hurt to much." I explained. "That and If I came back I was putting you and you're dad in danger and I didn't want you two getting hurt." I explained.
I heard a knock at the door but ignored it, guessing Fred was gonna answer it, so I kept talking to Archie.  
"So why did you come back?" He asked me. "Not that I'm not glad you're here I just ment..."
"I know what you ment kid." I chuckled. "I got a letter, from Gladys, she told me she wasn't in Riverdale anymore and that there was somebody here who wanted to see me. I just assumed she met Fred...or FP." I shrugged.
That was when a figure came into view and in walked Jughead and Betty Cooper. I stood up, unable to speak and I turned ready to run, tears welling in my eyes.
"Stop!" Fred called. I froze in my place and I turned to face the group, the whole group watching me. I needed help in this situation and I was hoping Fred would step in.
"Freddy, help me?" I asked "I can;t do this on my own." I added and he nodded.
"Archie, take Betty to the garage." Fred ordered. Betty refused to move and I looked over at her as she glared at me. I let out a slight chuckle as Jughead gestured for her to leave. She nodded, kissed his head and followed Archie out the back door.
"She's sweet." I smiled sadly. Fred nodded and chuckled.
"Like her mother when we were that age." He told me. My eyes landed on Jughead and I watched as he watched me.
"Freddy, what do I do?" I asked, my eyes never leaving Jughead.
"Talk to him." he shrugged. "Jug, you wanna say something." Jughead nodded but stayed quiet.
"So....Archie tells me you like to write?" I asked. Jug nodded. I moved to sit back at the table, next to where Fred was stood.
"I wrote a book." I told him. He seemed to snap out of his frozen state.
"Yeah?" he asked seeming to be interested.
"Yeah, I wrote it a little while after I left. I dedicated it to you and your dad." I told him.
"She really told you I was dead?" He changed the subject. I nodded and let out a sigh.
"Look, kid, when I saw the blood in the crib and Gladys holding the knife, my world stopped. I couldn't even comprehend what she was saying, my mind was just stuck on what I thought was my baby's blood until she told me to leave." It was quiet for a second. Then I finished my explanation.
"I loved you and your dad, I still do and if I had known you were alive I would never have left."
"I'm sorry." He sighed.
"What for, it wasn't you're fault, I just had to do what I could to keep the people I lived safe." I explained, "You know it never occurred to me that she was lying and that you were still alive."
"Well, she was kinda twisted like that." He told me.
"You're telling me, we are the same age and we went to school together. She was crazy back then."
"I don't blame you you know?" Jughead told me, grabbing my hand in his. "You were lied to and you thought I was dead."
"Thanks." I smiled.
"So, are you back, for good?" He asked and I shrugged. "Because It'd be really cool if I got to know my mum." He smiled.
"I'd really like it too." A voice caught me of guard. I looked up to see FP stood by the door and Fred was gone.
"When did you get here?" Jughead asked, I looked up at the man who shrugged.
"About the time She told you she loved us." he smirked. I looked up at him and he winked.
"You suck." I told him as he laughed.  
"So, you gonna stay?" FP asked. I shrugged and nodded.
"I think I would. As long as you want me here that is.
"I have no objections." FP smiled. "Jughead?"
"I want to know you....What do I call you?" He asked looking between his dad and I. I shrugged
"Whatever you want I guess."
"Mum?" My eyes widened and I felt my heart skip a beat. I nodded.
"That's gonna take some getting used to huh?" I asked.
"You're telling me." Jughead chuckled.
"FP, Jughead, you guys staying for dinner?" Fred asked as he entered the room. The boys nodded and I smiled.
"You don't get a choice sis. You are staying here." He told me.
"Where am I going to stay?" I asked "You live in a two bedroom house Freddy."
"We have a spare room." Jughead spoke up. "Betty usually stays in my room anyway and..."
"You're welcome to it Y/N." FP added.
"You sure?" I asked.
"I have no objections, Jelly might be a little..."
"Jellybean lives in the basement anyway, she can stay down there is she doesn't like it." Jughead joked as he stood up.
"Great, so, where do you guys live?" I asked. FP and Fred looked at each other and then back at me smiling.
"We live next door." Jughead smiled as he walked out of the room, I'm assuming to tell Betty and Archie about my new living arrangements. . I let out a surprised laugh.
"FP Jones, living in the Northside, the sheriff of Riverdale and not longer the Serpent king, what the hell happened?" I laughed.
"I grew up." He smirked, walking over and sitting by my side.
"Well, I'm just gonna have to fix that." I smiled at him nudging his shoulder with mine making him let out a chuckle.
I let my mind wonder a little, thinking how happy I was gonna be here with Fred, Archie, Jughead and FP.
"What's on your mind?" Fred asked pulling me from my thoughts.
"Just glad to be back home"
"It's good to have you back."
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reject-princess97 · 6 years
FP Jones (Part 1)
I sat on Betty's bed, listening to my Aunt Alice, Lecture me, once again, about how irresponsible I was being and how I needed to be a better role modal to my younger cousin Betty. A cousin who by the way is 16 yrs old.
"I mean did you think I wouldn't find out!" She yelled. "You're my niece, I find out everything." I rolled my eyes but kept listening, although I had heard it all before.
"That pit is no place for a girl like you Y/N." She continued. "And allowing Betty to follow you after I told you both to stay away from that place!". I sat there, feeling the anger build up until I blew.
"Alice, I'm 25 yrs old. I can take care of myself and as for Betty, she was there before I got there with Jug." I told her, finally having enough of her yelling at me." The Serpents know who we are and they don't or won't hurt us."
"Betty knows better that to go to a place like the Whyte Wyrm. She's smart." She told me.
"She is smart." I agreed.
"Look, you're family and I only want to keep you safe from those people. They're no good for this town and they..."
"Who's 'They' Aunt Alice, The Serpents? You used to be one of 'them'." I reminded her, "I am one of them."
She looked at me shocked.
"How...What?" She stuttered, You know about my past?"
"Oh, yeah I've heard a lot about the great Alice Smith, the would be Serpent queen. Made the current Serpents look like Kids playing dress up, the way she handled business. Then she turned her back on her family, turned her nose up at the people who once fought side by side with her and she chose to write bullshit stories, blaming the South side for every little thing that whet wrong in her  little north side," I yelled.
"Y/N you don't understand...I...It's..." She stuttered after a couple of minutes.
"I understand perfectly fine. Alice Cooper is a bullshit stirring, back stabbing witch." I yelled. "And I don't want to be here if she's going to be hypocritical. So I'm going to stay with somebody who cares and trust in my Serpent life." I told her grabbing my shoes and keys. "When 'Alice Smith' decides she wants her family back, I'll be at the Wyrm." I told her as I left.
I walk outside into the pouring rain and walked over to Fred Andrews front door and Knocked. I smiled when Fred answered the door. I stood there in the pouring rain, without a coat, smiling sadly.
"Hey, Mr Andrews, my Aunt and I had a fight and I needed to get away, could I use your phone, mines broke and I need to call for a ride?" I asked hopefully. As expected Fred nodded and moved aside, allowing me to enter his home. I followed after him, into the kitchen where he handed me the landline, a small, friendly smile on his lips.
I thanked him and I took the phone and called a number I knew too well. After a few rings and no answer, I called another number I had called a thousand times. By now Fred had left me alone to make my calls as I waited quietly until a voice I knew rang through the phone.
"The Wyrm" he called into to the phone.
"Bug-eye, hey, It's Y/N"
"Hey, he's in his office, I'll patch you through." The bartender chuckled, knowing full well who I was calling for. A couple seconds later the line went quite, then, Finally, the voice I'd long to hear all day rang through the phone. FP Jones, the only person in the world who makes me feel safe, even in the most dangerous situations.
"Y/N? What's wrong?" He asked down the phone, worry laced in his voice.
"FP, can you come pick me up?" I begged.
"What? why? what happened?" He asked frantically.
"Alice was butting in my business and started yelling at me, so I yelled back and pretty much called her a hypocritical bitch for yelling at me for hanging out at the Wyrm and turning my back on my family when she did pretty much the same thing when she turned her back on the Serpents and married a 'Cooper'." I told him. I head him laugh and I smiled.
"Where are you now?" He asked, I heard movement and the jingle of keys as he spoke.
"Fred Andrews place, I needed to use his phone to call you. Jughead still has mine after the last time I was at the Wyrm." I told him.
"OK, stay there, I'll be there ASAP, do you need me to bring anything?"
"My Jacket and you." I chuckled into the phone.
"That I can do, I'll see you soon OK?"
"OK." I replied before I hung up.
I put the phone down and looked up to see Archie stood by the door, a confused look on his face.
"Archie." I nodded.
"Y/N, what you doing here?" He asked.
"Alice and I had a fight and I left. My phone is broke so I asked your dad if I could use yours." I smiled.
"All sorted?" Fred asked from behind Archie. "Did you get a hold of FP?" I looked up at him surprised but nodded.
"Yeah, he's on his way, told me to stay here, if that's OK by you." I smiled and he nodded.
"Well I wouldn't make you stand outside." He chuckled, "Although it has stopped raining." He joked.
"How did you know I called FP?" I asked.
"I'm his best friend, he tells me everything." He shrugged.
"OH, cool." I grinned.
"So, what happened to your phone?" Archie asked walking over to the fridge, grabbing a soda and offered me one but I shook my head smiling.
"I'm good, Thanks." I told him. "There was a drunk guy at the Wyrm last week, tried hitting on me but Jughead saw and tried to tell the guy to back off. But the guy just laughed him off and kept on pushing. Next thing you know there are about 30 Serpents around us and my phone was stepped on." I explained.
"Sounds bad." Fred spoke up.
"Nah, Juggie took the phone and is taking a look at it, I feel sorry for the guy who was hitting on me...the serpents took that pretty badly."
"Why would Jughead care if some guy was hitting on you?" He asked confused. I was about to explain when there was a knock I the front door, I stood up in time to see the door open and in walked FP.
"You OK?" He asked once he reached me. I nodded and he pulled me into his arms.
"Yeah, just had enough of her shit so I left." I shrugged.
"I see." FP chuckled.
"She's always acting all high and mighty with her stupid paper, acting as if she wasn't once of the people who she spends so much time dragging into the dirt." I huffed feeling the anger build up once again.
"She'll get over self eventually." FP shrugged, letting me go.
"Not before she loses everyone she cares about." I laughed.
"Alice Cooper will need you help one day and when that day comes she'll regret every stupid thing she ever said about the Serpents." Archie added. "I've seen the looks she gives to Jughead, If looks could kill Jug would hive been killed a thousand times by now." He laughed.
"I've been given that look many times." FP laughed.
"I have yet to get that look, I have however been given the 'Serpents are no good for this family' speech" I told them. Everyone laughed.
"Come on, Let's get over to the Wyrm, Bug-eye's got a drink ready and waiting." FP told me.
"What a guy!" I joked as I followed behind FP, making my way out the door.
"Wait, you're going the Wyrm? After what happened last time?" Archie asked.
"Well, yeah, it's where the Serpents go to let off steam and I am, after all, a Serpent." I told him as I continued walking.
"Thank you so much for letting me use your phone Fred." I smiled back to the eldest Andrews man.
"Yeah, thanks for taking care of my girl Freddy." FP called back. I reached FP's bike and I spotted  my Serpent jacket that was resting on the back of the bike.
As I grabbed my jacked I spotted Alice stood at her front door, her eyes glued to FP, until he walked over to me and her eyes landed on me. I pulled my jacket on and smiled at her. FP, handed placed a helmet on my head and I grinned up at him. I grabbed his jacket and pulled him down to my face,
"Thank you for coming to my rescue Jones." I smiled up at him. "You're my hero."
"Anything for you Smith." He grinned and lent down, placing a soft, loving kiss on my lips, "Now, down let's get you a drink before we head back to my place, Jug and Betty are there."
We climbed on the back of his bike and he took off, but not before I got a good look at Alice who was shooting me her world famous death glare, the one reserved especially for 'Serpent Trash' like myself and my family.
We pulled up outside the Wyrm and climbed of the bike. FP grabbed my hand and we walked into the bar.
"Well, looky here!" Bugeye called as he spotted us. "If it isn't the Serpent king and his Queen, Y/N the bad-ass!" He called as we walked over to the bar. The whole bar cheered and FP grabbed the beer Bugeye handed him and raised it to the room.
"To Smith...FINALLY free of Alice Coopers control!" FP Toasted, wrapping his arms around me.
"To Smith!" The room cheered back before carrying on with what ever they were doing.
"To my Serpent Queen, long may she reign by my side and kick my ass when I need to step shit up." FP muttered in my ear. I turned and touched my glass to his.
"To the Serpent Queen." I smiled back but instead of taking a drink, I kissed him softly.
"You know, now that you're free of Alice, nothing is stopping you from moving in with Jug and I?"
"Yeah, you need a place to stay, I need you to be with me. It's a win, win." He shrugged.
"What about Jughead, he has a say in this to you know?"
"Actually, I already asked him, he was here when you called. I asked if he minded you staying a few days and he said he didn't mind at all and if you wanted you could make the stay permanent." FP told me.
"Wait, you really want me to move in with you?" I asked him shocked. He had been joking for a while about me moving in with the boys to get out of the Cooper house. I never really thought he ment it.
"I am, Y/N Smith, will you move in with me?" He asked, I grinned and nodded.
"Of course I will." I replied.
"That's good because Betty and Jug are already took my truck and have gone to grab your stuff before Alice has chance to burn it all." He laughed.
"Great, I 'll be needing that stuff." I laughed back.
We stayed at the Wyrm for a couple more hours until FP got a text from Jughead.
"Right baby, let's go home." He told me.
"Home, I like the way you say that." I grinned up him as he pulled me up and lead me to his bike out front.
"Come on baby, we're going home." He winked as we climbed on the bike and we set off.
The Journey how was short and soon enough we pulled up outside FP and Jughead place. Well, my place too now.
I barely even climbed off the bike before  the door to the trailer opened and out came Jug and Betty.
"Hey guys," I waved, placing my helmet back on the bike.
"Did you get everything sorted?" FP asked the two young serpents.
"Yep." Jug smiled holding up a piece of paper and a key. Betty disappeared and came out holding a box.
"This is the last of it." She smiled walking towards FP and I, she placed the box on the floor before pulling me into a hug.
"Hi to you too." I chuckled. "What's with the box?" I asked as I pulled away.
"It's mine, I'm taking it to Jug's new place." She grinned.
"I'm moving out, you're moving in." Jughead spoke up.
"The place isn't big enough for all of us and with Betty always staying over too, Jug asked for his own place." FP clarified.
"Juggie, if I had known I would be pushing you out of your home..."
"You're not, I had been planning this for a while I got the keys today and dad was planning on asking you to move in soon anyway." Jug explained.
"This thing with Alice just made it easier to ask you..." FP added.
"Oh, OK then so, were you living?"
"There." Jughead smiled as he pointed at the trailer right next to FP's.
"Well, we got some unpacking to do and we'll all go to pops for dinner later." Betty informed us as she walked into Jughead's new trailer.
"Let's do it" I smiled as I walked into me new home, a place that always felt like home to me but now, It's my really is my home.
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xx-serpentqueen-xx · 6 years
Pool Time - Sweet Pea
Pool Time With Sweet Pea Would Include:
(💚Request Are Open💚)
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You sitting down in the lounge chair so you can tan a bit
Sweet pea being the little kid he is and asking you to come in the water
Cause he feels lonely but doesn’t want to admit it
“Sweets I need to tan! I will get in when I’m done”
Him giving you the puppy dog eyes at the edge of the pool
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Being such a damn softy you roll your eyes and take of your sunglasses and get in
“Holy shit! You didn’t tell me it was this cold”
You scowl at him but he walks over to you and wraps his arms around you and pulls you against his chest
“Better?” He says while looking down at you and the droplets of water are falling on your face since his hair is all wet
You nod slightly and can’t help but look into his amazing eyes and slowly lean in
He smirks and kisses your cheek and whispers in your ear “don’t kill me”
You look at him confused but he suddenly grabs you tight and pulls you underwater messing up your hair
“ YOU ASS WIPE!!!” You cant help but hell and start getting out of the pool and sweet pea is still in the same place laughing like an idiot
Fangs, Toni and FP are on the other side of the pool laughing as well
“Damn stupid snakes “ you mutter under your breath and huff out some air and wrapping your arms around your waist as you lay back down on the chair
Toni and FP join Sweetpea in the pool as fangs sits next to you
“Well you look like an angry little gremlin” he smirks teasingly
“Don’t start fogarty, not in the mood” you roll your eyes but suddenly smirk and think of an idea
“Fangs...could you do me a huge favor “ you smile innocently as fangs looks confused and worried
“If this involves pissing Sweet Pea off, fuck no” He says before you can even think of anything else
“Ah! Come on! He won’t hurt you! Promise “ you smirk and wink and walk over next to fangs sitting really close to him
Sweetpea notices you guys getting a bit close and raises his eyebrow
He isn’t the one to be able to control his anger so when he sees that fangs throws his arm around your shoulder he’s fuming
He walks over to you guys dripping wet and you can’t help but bite your lip
“Hi sweets! Need a towel?”
You say innocently but his stare is fixed on Fangs
You roll your eyes as you walk over to him and pull him away from fangs
“What the hell were you guys talking about? Cause fangs seemed really interested” he snapped
You couldn’t help but smirk and wrap your arms around his neck and kiss his cheek
“You look adorable when your jealous, but can you forget about fangs and pay attention to me?”
You slowly kiss his serpent tattoo he has on his neck and smile when you feel him relax under your touch
As he is about wraps his arms around your waist, you gently bite his neck and whisper “This is for being an asswipe “
His eyes go wide as you push him back hard and he lands in the pool with a huge “splash”
Everyone is quiet for a second , but you guys explode in laughter as sweets head pops out of the pool with a smirk and he runs a hand threw his wet hair
“Ok I deserved that, But fogarty...”
“UGHHH! Seriously?!?” Fangs look panicked and starts running as sweets gets out of the pool and runs after him
FP just shakes his head and puts his sunglasses back on as he whispers to himself “Little kids I swear”
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achillieus · 6 years
loose ends. part five. [fp jones x reader]
warning: reader is underage, strong language & sexual references. also this chapter is kinda heated.
author’s note: helloooo i hope you like this and make sure to tell me if you want more :)
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The sun had fallen completely and half the movie had already played, when you found yourself between an old brick wall and a gang leader’s body. What had happened was mainly a blur, but you were sure he had come dangerously close to you when you mentioned you saw him talk with the Lodge woman. You asked him if he had an affair with her. You knew it was foolish of you, to do that. But you couldn’t resist the urge. He had played enough with you yesterday.
FP laughed at your naivety and then his heated gaze moved from your lips to your eyes, before his voice broke the tension that was building up.
“If I did, would you be jealous?”
He knew what he wanted to hear. He also knew he had acted so poorly the last time you met. But you were so young. And so dangerous. It had been years since he’d felt his blood burn and his mouth dry, because of a female. Oftentimes, he would find company with beautiful women, but that would be only for some nights. The last time he had felt that was with his wife. And now she was just a memory painted with sorrow.
At this very moment he simply wanted to hear you say that you were jealous. He wanted to hear that you craved his touch and that you wanted it for yourself only. You wouldn’t be vulgar though. You had promised yourself that.
So, what you gave him was just a laugh. “Why would I be jealous?”
He slowly moved your hair behind your shoulder and eyed your exposed neck skin. You tried to steady your breath.
“Then why are you asking, doll?” His eyes were filled with greed. It was half arousing, half scaring.
“I’m a curious girl,” you gulped, when his fingers traced your collarbone. “And your conversation looked pretty heated.”
He chuckled and locked his eyes with yours.
“I was doing business with her.” He surprised himself that he revealed even this much. Once upon a time FP Jones wouldn’t talk about his actions to anyone, but those were old days. Days without you.
His other hand came to rest at your waist. His eyes were hooked on yours, like he was trying to calculate your limits and how far he could go.
“And what are you doing with me?” For a second he looked cautious, like he was trying to find the most convenient answer.
His breath quickened and he let his hand slip down your arm until he found your wrist. You felt like he was trying to take your pulse. You grabbed your hand away and eyed him more cruelly.
“Answer me.” It sounded almost like a plea. And maybe it was. You were throbbing to know what he really thought about this little thing that was going on between you.
FP gave a wicked smile and you noticed the wrinkles around his eyes. He came closer again. Your back had gone stiff against the cold wall.
“In my mind, I do a lot of things with you.” His voice was hoarse. It sent shivers down your spine.
“What kind of things?” Of course, you knew. The look in his eyes had made it pretty clear.
He smiled, clearly enjoying what was happening.
“You really don’t know, babygirl?” He leaned in closer, placing his index finger under your chin, lifting your eyes to meet his. “I bet you do. I bet you’ve thought of these things too. And I bet they made your cheeks flush and your core burn.”
You could barely breathe. You could hear James Dean’s voice in the background but your attention was hooked on the man in front you. His eyes looked so dark and hungry. They pierced your skin.
His fingers played with the hem of your dress and you blushed again.
Show me, you almost said. But you weren’t that brave. You were frightened. Frightened at how much you wanted to explore new areas with a man that older. But his hands felt so good brushing against your skin. You were weak for him.
His thumbs barely touched your thigh and you almost moaned. To say you were embarrassed would be the understatement of the year. FP’s face smiled, boyishly.
“Tell me to stop.” His mouth was close to your neck, as he whispered in your ear. You fiddled with your fingers. Anxiety was swallowing you. His hand tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and he touched your neck. He was tender with his movements, but you could still feel all the eagerness he had inside him.
He looked at your lips as he waited for you to say something. But all you did was place his hand at the back of your waist. You wanted more. You had convinced yourself a long time ago, that you wouldn’t enjoy rebellious things. Tonight was different though. Tonight the limits between danger and pleasure were too blurry. There was no denial that FP made you ache for him. Ache for intimacy and touch.
His eyes never leaving yours, he steadied his arm at your back. You bit your lower lip as his fingertips glided down your body, caressing you. When he found the inner of your thigh, you gasped and leaned your head back, glad that there was a wall behind you to keep you from falling.
“What are you doing to me, doll?” he whispered before he gave up to fate.
He leaned in and kissed you. He tasted like alcohol and despair. You tasted like cherry cola and faded lip balm. Fire spread through your veins. His motions were slow at first but quickly his mouth went on to devour yours and his grip on you became tighter. Your fingers tangled with his hair, trying to get the most of him. He kissed the exposed skin in your throat and your shoulders. He kissed your cheeks. You were pounding. The meeting of your thighs became soaked with desire when you felt his arousal against your own body. You gasped. And you could see the proud smile on his lips as they touched your chest.
You felt dizzy. You weren’t sure how far you wanted to go. You were worried how he’d react if he knew you haven’t experienced anything similar before. The feeling of bad decisions rose to your chest.
“Mr. Jones” you whispered “We shouldn’t—“
He froze, realization hitting him hard. The lust in his eyes was gone and now guilt was there. He pulled back fast and seemed lost. You fixed your dress.
“What the hell? I’m destroying you.” he said more to himself rather than you. “I’m destroying a poor girl.”
You couldn’t stop looking at him. The movie, still playing softly. He returned your gaze.
“I’m not a good man Y\N. I can only cause you harm.” He said bitterly. Rage was common for him and right now he felt all of it. Towards his own self. How could he be so turpid?
When his eyes fell on the girl in front of him, he saw a starlet. A young girl, unaware of her power. That image had cost him his sanity.
“You need to stay away from me.”
It took seven words to make your world darken.
“Leave Y/N. And never come back here.”
You were trying not to cry. He was trying not to regret what he had just said. You were both trying to forget the taste of each other’s tongues. 
should i post more? 
tagging:  @loomisjones  @miwolfizinha @southsidemistress @shippingfangurl @madten21 @singformejesy
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laraiswriting · 7 years
Is it true what they say? [FP Jones x reader] - Part 2
It is finally done! I hope you enjoy. And I hope I get the tagging thing right.
Warnings: age gap (reader around 20), sex, smut
Pairing: FP Jones x reader
Summary: FP gets released from jail and there is sexual tension between him and the reader. Starts where part 1 ended. Enjoy ;)
His hands went around your waist and when your lips met, you started feeling a bit dizzy. Was this really happening? FP pulled your body closer to his and bit your button lip so you would open your mouth.
He captured your sigh and your tongues were touching. Not one single moment you believed that you had the upper hand in this. FP was all dominant. He pressed you against your wardrobe and his grip on your hips got harder with every breath. His stubble brushed against your soft skin and your hands were pulling his hair.
When he started to kiss and suck on your neck you couldn't hold back a moan. This felt SO good.
Your hands grabbed the leather jacket and FP let you take it off him. His hands went under your shirt and your whole body started to shiver. You pulled him closer and your hands were tangled in his hair.
FP kissed a trail from your neck over to your collarbone and down to the neckline of your shirt. "Darling, I think I have to take that off", he said with a grin. He knelt down and started to plant kisses along the waistband of your trousers on your sensitive skin, pushing your shirt up so slowly.
You instinctively grabbed his hair. "Na na, sweetheart. Don't be so impatient", FP smirked against your skin. "God, FP. You want me to die from teasing before we finish?", you shot back.
In one swift, FP took your shirt off you. He then unclasped your bra and started to roll one of your nipples between his fingers. You took a sharp breath. "Better?", FP asked.
"Hell, yes.", you moaned. He kissed you again and with every twirl of your tounges your breathing got louder. You could tell that the king of the serpents was turned on as well. You could feel his arousal against you.
Suddenly he stopped his play with your nipple and lifted you up. Both hands on your ass but not breaking the kiss. Laying you on the bed with him on top, he kissed your neck again. Clearly, he wanted to leave some love bites.
But you didn't mind.
Quickly, your jeans were thrown somewhere and FP was going down on you. Teasing you again, he placed kisses everywhere but not where you craved it the most.
You arched your back in hope that he might have some mercy. And he did. He planted a firm kiss on your folds and then, finally, his tongue slipped out and he licked a line up to your clit.
"FP", you groaned in excitement. He drew circles over the most sensitive spot of yours and spread your legs with his hands, gripping hard on them. You could feel him hum between your legs, which only added to your pleasure.
Soon he entered you with one finger. Pumping in and out. Feeling your wetness. "Oh baby," he moaned "you're so hot." Hearing him say those things to you was really boosting your self-confidence. How the hell was this handsome man thinking you were hot?
When he added a second finger, stretching you out, your body started trembling. You thought of this more than once; alone in your bed. And now it was really happening.
"Faster.", you demanded. With a smirk, FP obeyed you while turning his face back to yours, kissing you so you could taste yourself on his lips.
You could feel that you were close. And FP felt it, too. He removed his fingers and you couldn't help but whimper. "You're coming soon, darling. I promise", FP whispered in your ear.
Your hands made their way to his jeans, trying to open it. You missed the button and your hands landed on his crotch instead. That brought you a low groan from FP. You started to slide your hand up and down his clothed arousal and FP's breathing got louder.
He stood up and got rid of his remaining clothes. Standing there naked in front of you, you just stared at him. His body showed no signs of his age. You thought, he looked just perfect. And his cock just had the perfect size for you. He was staring back at you. "You're beautiful.", he said in a sincere tone that made you look into his eyes.
You didn't know if you imaginated it or if he looked sad for a moment, but soon a smile arrived on his wonderful face and he crawled back on the bed, hovering over you. You smiled back at him and pulled him back for a kiss.
When you felt his tip against your sex, he paused. "You're on the pill?", he asked. You nodded and pushed your body lightly against his. "Are you sure, you want this? I'm only asking once.", FP paused again, holding back with pure willpower.
You took his face in your hands and looked directly at him. "Yes, FP. I want this. I want you. For so long.", you admitted. That was all he needed to hear.
With one single thrust, he stretched you out and you let out a sharp breath of surprise. When you closed your eyes, it was the moment you stopped thinking and started feeling.
FP kissing you rough and with passion. His one hand on your hip, the other over your shoulder, fingers playing with your hair. Your hands on his back, stroking, scretching, holding him close. His cock inside you, getting you wetter with every hard thrust. And god, it was rough. But it was okay with you. He wasn't hurting you in any way and he seemed to need it now.
You felt your release building inside you and you started to tremble again. Hearing his moans against your mouth was just so satisfying. And when you thought it couldn't get any better, FP's hand went to your leg, lifting it up so it was pressed between your bodies.
Pushing his hard cock back in, he hit your special spot and you cried out in pleasure. "Oh FP, what are you... Oh, fuck.", you stuttered. "I told you, you would get your release soon, baby.". Speeding up his pace, the two of you were not holding back with noises anymore.
You soon felt your climax and when you finally came it was the most satisfying feeling you had in a very long time. You screamed his name and when he stiffened, letting one single breath out, you felt him coming inside you.
You opened your eyes and looked back in his big brown ones. A lazy smile on his face. "Thank you, baby.". He said almost too quietly for you to hear and kissed you on the forehead, carefully pulling out. At the sudden loss of the stretching inside you, you cringed a bit.
"Thank me for what?", you asked curiously. He looked at you and his eyes widened. It seemed that he didn't wanted you to hear that. "Oh, just for being so beautiful.", he waved with his hand and winked at you.
There was more to that but for now, you decided to let it go. There was a party you two wanted to attend. "Okay Jones, than put your clothes back on and let's head to that party.", you said, laughing and throwing his pants at him.
He relaxed visibly and the two of you got dressed. When you got out of your home, he grabbed your ass and whsipered: "Ready for round two afterwards?". You laughed. "So it IS true what they say." You turned to him and you smirked at each other.
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Riverdale/Fp Jones imagines of one shot requests are still open!!!
Hit me up with a message if you want a Riverdale or FP Jones imagine or one shot ☺️ open to ideas!!!
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