#fr nature
deepglownautilus · 1 year
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I need to bring my all for my own flight fest (and my lichenology loving self also)
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marbled-jester · 9 months
nature ancient ideas:
-a hoofed dragon would be cool, or maybe something with antlers
-bumblebee dragon? maybe buggy?
-based off of the serpent shrine scene, maybe a cobra thing?
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flightlowering · 1 year
Switching flights soon! Tell me which flight I should be?
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That number caught my attention for some reason
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fantastic-fr-scries · 2 months
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Snapper Female
Tomato / Maize / Pear , Metallic / Foam / Runes
Nature Unusual
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alarmcurtain · 2 months
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no but discovery channel laios—
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ruporas · 9 months
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captain's warm hugs! (id in alt)
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writeouswriter · 1 year
My followers: And is this “writing” you’ve been “working on” in the room with us right now?
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riickgrimes · 2 months
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"The key thing was of course, the fact that Rick has PTSD and that's very much what's driving a lot of his behavior and being in a place of that level of vulnerability, back with the love of his life in that way.
It's also the thing he fears, the loss of her. It manifests itself in a way that is visceral and leads to the lovemaking not just being about love, but the revealing of pain and trauma and fear. That informs Michonne, that she can't just blast him into making sense. There's something deeper going on here that he can't verbalize. She has to help him get through in a different way. So she gets to see him, as well, as he reveals what's really in there, the wound. That's going to happen most likely in that most vulnerable space." — Danai Gurira
"Yeah, I think it is about pain. As Danai just said, it's about him wanting her and then fearing what he's about to unlock again. He gets to sort of articulate it in the scene further in the episode, when he gets to say that, 'I can't do this again. I haven't got the capacity to do this again. I've worked out how to die and live again.' So it is an absolutely necessary scene that allows Michonne to realize that there's something really broken here, more broken than she's ever anticipated. [...]
So the scene was about a real intimacy, a sort of frightening intimacy. This is a part of his personality he has shut down. It's almost like he's trying to stop himself from feeling this love again. She sees that and she just says, 'Just trust. We're back. We're the same...' I find it very moving. I think it's a very, very moving scene, because it's about them connecting in a way that he's had to deny for seven years. He's denied that connection for the sake of living on in this half life for the CRM" — Andrew Lincoln
Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira Discuss Episode 4 of The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live
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tinygryphon-58570 · 6 months
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Happy New Friend Day! \o3o/
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root-dweller · 6 months
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would you still love me if i was a huge arthropod
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catboyglover · 7 months
my fave genre of characters: mirrorballs
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morgaseus · 5 months
A little brainrot abt Dr. Ratio (he is kinda giving ‘archmage of the mages tower’ vibes. He acts like he doesn’t care about you but deep down he does! He just doesnt know how to act like it😞)
Not even a year in the relationship yet you already want to divorce him. You can’t stand him! That haughty arrogance of his! It feels like hes belittling you with every chance he gets! Its getting in your nerves! He even acts like you both arent married. Not even a simple greeting. What happened to hi, hello, goodbye, i’ll be away for a while, i’ll be home late. The food that you you leave for him for dinner always goes cold and uneaten. He just comes and go and do as he please! You know its a marriage of convenience, it probably means nothing to him, its just empty promises written in a paper after all. But you still want to be civil with him, he’s the man you married after all. But you couldnt take it it anymore! So, when the chance presented itself, you stormed in his office slamming the divorce paper in his desk.
“I want a divorce” you crossed your arms “i’m done with this marriage, sign it”
He looked at the paper for a moment and then at you. You gripped your left arm, feeling nervous under his stare. But you feel hopeful, he’ll probably sign it. There’s no strings attached anyways. But to your dismay he merely put the paper to the side and went back to whatever he was working with
“I wont sign it and as you can see I’m quite busy, please see yourself out”
Yep. You feel like you’re going insane
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stuckinapril · 5 days
Just a girl who wants to be her mother’s daughter in the ways that matter
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crowreys-wormstache · 2 months
Ah yes the four houses, corresponding with the four types of students
And, of course, nepo babies
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fantastic-fr-scries · 2 months
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Mirror Male
Beige / Jade / Turquoise , Ribbon / Patchwork / Sparkle
Nature Primal
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