#francesca x diego
musicmyxiii · 1 year
Honesyly though one of the biggest reasons why I love Francesca & Diego so much is is that they can be professional and work together despite any drama that's happening. Take for instance their trip to Madrid, during that time Francesca discovered that Diego was playing Vilu and yet she didn't let it ruin their performance. Or maybe an even better example of when they were dating, when after Violetta discovered them and they had to perform a duet together during the show and we're fighting because of the music producer, they still went up and performed and didn't cause any drama. It just shows that they are very professional and can keep private and work related things seperate. Which is kind of the opposite of many other couples (especially Vilu & Léon). And it's also one of the reasons why I have a headcanon that they work together at Art Rebel after they graduated. Honestly, such an underated power couple. I just love that they don't have too much drama going on, and if they have they always keep it private!
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andreal831 · 1 month
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E: I do hope your daughter inherits her mother's everything.
Haylijah in every episode -> 1.17 Moon Over Bourbon Street
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castial · 11 months
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you're in love... true love🥹🥹
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thegigilwriter · 5 months
04 | “Danger & Star, Rooster & Angel” — Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Female Mitchell OC
Summary: 26-year-old Lucy Asa Mitchell did not know what was in store for her when she first bumped into Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. After an instant mutual connection followed by a sweet whirlwind romance that swept both their feet, Lucy found herself being immersed deeper into Bradley’s world of the Navy, F-14s, and deployments. What she didn’t expect was finding was the answer to an elusive part of her past — the identity of her long-lost father.
Keywords/Warnings: Romance, Drama, Angst
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04 | White Tablecloths and A Lovely Night 🌖
Monday June 12, 2023
Lucy sighed, resting her headphones on the table and closing her MacBook shut. She clasped her hands, stretched them outward and kneaded the knots in her neck. She felt the cool chain of the butterfly necklace and her fingers inadvertently wandered towards its emblem. She smiled with a dazed expression and leaned back unto her seat as she gazed fondly at it. She could just close her eyes and she was back into his strong arms and in the purview of his tender gaze. She giggled, setting the charm back unto the skin of her neck just as a knock on her office door interrupted her daydream.
“Mitchell,ˮ The woman at the door regarded.
“Dr. Foster!ˮ Lucy gasped. “I was just about to submit those findings to you.ˮ Dr. Agnes Foster, much like she was, was a small woman. She had short, golden locks with silver streaks, deep-set piercingly electric blue eyes, thin lips, and temper not to be reckoned with. She is considered as one of the pioneers of cetology and had spent nearly 35 years in the field. She also happens to be one of the first women to work at Umi in America.
“Oh no, no,ˮ Dr. Foster clicked her tongue. “I‘m not here about that. I just wanna get those off your hands.ˮ She pointed towards the box of recordings — the very one that Bradley first help brought in.
“I heard you got a date tonight,ˮ She remarked casually as she lifted the box into her arms.
“Oh!ˮ Lucy blushed. “Y-youʼve heard? How?ˮ
“I havenʼt actually,ˮ she chuckled. “But based on your recent behavior and well... Sam‘s intel — kinda pieced that out for myself.ˮ
Rarely anything is missed by the discerning eyes of Agnes Foster. “Go home Mitchell,ˮ Dr. Foster said to her.
“But—“ Lucy began to protest.
“Youʼve been here for more than half a day,ˮ she sighed. “Thereʼs more to life more than the fishes.ˮ Dr. Foster winked in her direction before pushing the door open and walking into the hallway. Just then, a ring erupted from her desk drawer and Lucy reached down to answer it.
“Hello, hello il mio Bellʼamico!ˮ
“Francesca!ˮ Lucy exclaimed.
“Oh my god how are you?!ˮ Francesca squealed at the other end of the line.
“Iʼm great!ˮ She replied.
“Guess what?ˮ
“Iʼm coming to San Diego!ˮ
“When?!ˮ Lucy gasped.
“Two months from now! I have a gallery showing the area!ˮ
Francesca Agosti is Lucyʼs most dearest friend. As Francesca proceeded to recount her latest adventures, Lucy began to pack her tote for the way home. If color was a person, Francesca would be a bright crimson red — the very personification of the shade of lipstick she wore. Vibrant, naturally sexy, passionate and effortlessly attractive. She was the kind of friend that people would turns heads for everywhere you went. Lucy met Francesca on her year abroad as a student. Fate brought them together, but it was their zest for enjoying life and tendencies of getting into trouble that bonded them for life. They would often exchange phone calls, plan visits, and even write letters to one another.
Lucy pressed down on the elevator panel.
“So—“ Lucy heard her knowing smile from miles away. “Are you seeing anyone? Or are you still...eh— what did you say? ‘Figuring out your stuff?ʼ ˮ
“Actually...ˮ Lucy bit her lip as exited the elevator and leaning against a nearby wall. Francesca squealed.
“Dio mio, Lucia just tell me!ˮ
“Okay! Okay!ˮ Lucy laughed.
Lucy sighed, his handsome face filling her mind.
“Oh Francesca — heʼs wonderful,ˮ she breathed. “Heʼs kind and funny and oh so good-looking.ˮ
“Ay Lucia,ˮ Francesca smiled, tears brimming her eyes. “Iʼm so happy for you, my friend. After everything... you deserve a good companion — a good man.ˮ
“He is a good man,ˮ Lucy told her. “He makes me feel safe. He makes me laugh, and heʼs the only person Iʼve only ever danced with that I donʼt end up falling on my face.ˮ
“What a miracle!ˮ Francesca exclaimed. “Now tell me— what does he do? Where is he from? Where did he take you?!ˮ
“Alright, alright slow down,ˮ Lucy chuckled as she walked towards her car. An image of Francesca in her kitchen, flitting around as she cooked some her famous gnocchi with brown sage sauce came into mind. A gossip magazine propped open on the counter, a half-finished painting in the living room, a half-full bottle of wine on the table, and the aroma of holy basil in the air. As she sat in her car and engaged the engine, Lucy told Francesca about how they met and their time at the Pier, how their romantic stroll across the coast line was, how they watched the sunset after a hike in a majestic limestone canyon, how they danced at Liberty Market, and now... their date at The Vineyard— one of Californiaʼs most exclusive wine and dine experiences.
“A navy soldier and an older man?ˮ Francesca remarked. “Just like—“
“I know,ˮ Lucy breathed. “Ironic isnʼt it?ˮ
“Maybe,ˮ Francesca. “But with how you met each other? Thatʼs Godʼs work, my friend.ˮ
“Well— this seems too good to be true.ˮ
“Donʼt say that,ˮ Francesca chided her. “You are a good person, Lucia and you do deserve something this good. Now— what are you gonna wear tonight?ˮ
“Well youʼre dressed up this evening,ˮ Nat remarked as she grabbed a beer from Bradleyʼs fridge and turned on his TV. Ever since Natʼs pipes burst in her own house, Bradley had been kind enough to accommodate her in his own.
“Do I look... appropriate?ˮ Bradley asked her as he walked into the living room in textured, wearing so, w muted brown slacks with a matching dinner jacket, a black tee underneath, and a bohemian pocket square in his left breast. He had donned on his nice leather suede shoes and black socks. Bradley tucked one leg of his aviators in his shirt.
“You are whipped for this girl Bradshaw,ˮ Nat breathed as she took a swig from her beer. “And you havenʼt even fuc-“
“Just answer the damn question Nat,ˮ Bradley sighed. She raised her hands in defense.
“Tuck the shirt in,ˮ Nat pointed. “And wear your other Rolex, that one makes you look like an asshole.ˮ
“Gee thanks,ˮ Bradley laughed. “Anything else?ˮ
“Donʼt think and just do Rooster. Lucyʼs a smart girl and she wouldnʼt have gone for a fourth date if she didnʼt like anything about you.ˮ
“I think Iʼm gonna marry this girl, Nat.ˮ
A stream of beer showered past from Natʼs lips as she instantly patted around the couch for the remote to press pause.
“Never thought Iʼd see the day Bradley Bradshaw ever thought to settle,ˮ Nat shook her head laughing. “Now Iʼve really seen everything.ˮ
“Iʼm serious.ˮ
Nat gazed at her friend for a considerable amount of time before wiping her lips with the back of her hand.
“Sheʼs smart and kind,ˮ Bradley sighed running his fingers through his waxed curls. “Sheʼs fun and beautiful... and she gets me, Nat.ˮ
“Sheʼs also young Rooster,ˮ Nat spoke softly. “14 years young — who also happens to be a brilliant marine biologist in her prime.ˮ
“What are you trying to say, Nat?ˮ
“Now I like Lucy— and Iʼll have you know that we happen to text a lot. But Rooster, weʼve been friends for a long time and if I didnʼt tell you this I wouldnʼt be a good one, and you have to consider: donʼt you think that both of you are in two different places in your lives?ˮ
The way to Lucyʼs apartment were moments steeped in contemplation. Nat meant well and she did raise a valid point. Lucy was young, single, and has a promising career ahead of her. Bradley has a few good years left in him before retirement. What if he couldnʼt match her intellect nor energy? What if he had already forgotten what it was like to be in his 20ʼs? What if he couldnʼt meet her... intimate needs like he used to? Bradley was pushing 40... raising a family had been on his mind for quite sometime now, but what if that wasnʼt what Lucy wanted? What if she still wanted to see the world and make a name for herself in her field? What right did Bradley have to take those from her, when he himself had been able to?
The moment Bradley stepped off of his Bronco, all of his thoughts waned from his mind as he finally met her at the gate of her apartment complex. She was ethereal — the of the glimmering moonlight that danced on the rippling waves of the sea. She had on a deep v-neck skater dress that was made with a rich, golden, metallic material that complemented her curves naturally. She wore complementing high heels and his copper-tinted butterfly charm. Bradley couldnʼt help but gawk at the length of her legs and the glimpse of her soft breasts that peeked from the neckline.
“Lieutenant,ˮ Lucy said smoothly.
“Angel,ˮ he croaked.
“Should I put on something else?ˮ She giggled, blushing at his awestruck expression.
“Hell no,ˮ he said gruffly as he stepped towards her. She placed her hands against his chest, feeling the fabric and sensing every beat of his heart.
“I like this suit,ˮ she whispered. “You look very handsome in it.ˮ
“What?ˮ Lucy laughed as he stared at her intensely. He placed a lock of her behind her ear and gazed at her earnest face.
“Youʼre gorgeous,ˮ he whispered. “Just... stunning.ˮ
“Thank you,ˮ she replied. “Thank you for saying that.ˮ
It was a 45-minute drive to the Vineyard. When they got there, Bradley parked close to the entryway and opened Lucyʼs door.
“My lady,ˮ he mused, offering his arm.
“Thank you good sir,ˮ Lucy chuckled as she looped her arm through his and entered the restaurant together.
“Hi,ˮ Bradley greeted the hostess. “Reservation for Bradshaw?ˮ
“One moment please ,ˮ she smiled sweetly at Bradley, tossing a blonde lock behind her shoulder. Her eyes then flitted towards Lucy and noticed their intertwined arms. “Iʼm sorry, Iʼm afraid we donʼt serve underaged guests.ˮ
“Oh!ˮ Lucy breathed. “Iʼm not underaged. Iʼm 25.ˮ
“Can I see some ID?ˮ
“Of course,ˮ Before Lucy started to fish her purse, Bradley reached for her hand.
“I think thatʼs unnecessary,ˮ Bradley intervened. “I made the reservation online and they required me to input our IDs.ˮ
“Bradley, itʼs okay,ˮ Lucy whispered, driverʼs license in hand.
“Here you are,ˮ Lucy said to the hostess. The hostess eyes flickered from her ID and back to Lucy before returning it.
“Enjoy your night,ˮ The hostess replied with a smile that didnʼt quite reach her eyes. “I recommend wearing a darker lipstick and a longer dress, if I were you.ˮ
Bradley was about to interject, when Lucy held his hand.
“I think can decide for myself what to wear, thank you.ˮ Lucy spoke sweetly with a dark glint in her eye.
Bradley stared at her in awe as they passed the hostess stand together and followed a waiter towards their seat.
“It looks like my date tonight is not as sweet as I thought,ˮ Bradley smirked.
“Didn’t you know Lieutenant?” Lucy joked. “Appearances can be quite deceiving. Apparently, I’m in highschool.”
They laughed as they took their seats. Lucy looked around the restaurant and admired its posh, elegant, and rustic ambience. The tablecloths were pristinely white, the cutlery was heavy, and the glasses sang with the slide of her finger. The pianist in one corner began a new set, and the bartender was serving the men with big cigars at the counter. Bradley ordered a medium rare filet mignon and Lucy had a richly-seasoned salmon with a fresh salad. They were served a taste- test of five different wines, and shared a decadent chocolate soufflé for dessert. After Bradley paid for the check, they went out into the vineyards together for a stroll.
“I donʼt know how I can ever repay this wonderful night back to you Lieutenant,ˮ Lucy said to him. “Iʼm afraid youʼve spoiled me too much this time. I thank you.ˮ
“I like spoiling you,ˮ Bradley replied. “I like seeing you happy.ˮ Lucy halted and stared at the sky.
“Do... I really make you happy?ˮ
She sighed, composing herself before she could gaze at him steadily.
“Doesnʼt it bother you?ˮ Lucy said softly. “That Iʼm so much younger than you?ˮ “Lucy—“
“I donʼt have a lot to offer and unlike you I havenʼt achieved much in life yet,ˮ Lucy rambled knotting her fingers together. ˮIn fact, my lifeʼs a bit in shambles at the moment.ˮ
Lucy laughed, small tears in her eyes.
“But an older woman would understand you more, sheʼd be more put together. Sheʼd be more mature— Sheʼd be... better than me.ˮ
After a brief moment of silence between them, Bradley approached her slowly, hesitantly.
“Can I hold you?ˮ Bradley asked softly. Lucy nodded her head and he put his arms around her with her head against his chest. They stayed that way for a while until she looked up at him and he held her face gently. At that moment, as he gazed into her sweet eyes and raked his fingers through her soft layered waves, he knew his earlier contemplations have finally been resolved.
“I really like you, Angel,ˮ Bradley whispered. “Do you feel the same for me?ˮ
“I like you very much Bradley,ˮ Lucy replied.
“Then it doesnʼt matter that weʼre in two different places in our lives,ˮ Bradley smiled. “Yes, people are gonna judge us for that — but it doesnʼt matter to me.ˮ
Lucy swallowed, deeply drawn into kind, brown gaze.
“I want you Angel,ˮ Bradley whispered. “Not any other woman— as old or as young they may be. Youʼre so easy to be with and we share the same stupid sense of humor. Youʼre unique in all the world to me.ˮ
“When Iʼm with you,ˮ Lucy said quietly. “I feel like I can do anything.ˮ
Bradley pressed his lips against hers and Lucy received them happily. Their eyes closed as they tasted each other for the very first time. Bradleyʼs thumb soothed her cheek, and with his other hand he secured the small of her back. Lucyʼs fingers wandered across the great expanse of his chest and broad shoulders. It was magic beneath the moonlight. When they broke apart, Bradley couldnʼt let go of Lucyʼs hand and held it all the way home to her apartment. Lucy found it sweet as her hand found solace in his touch. He kissed her in his Bronco before she got down, and one more time at the threshold of her apartment gate before they parted for the night. She placed a kiss on his neck affectionately. Bradley smelled the like sun, sandalwood, and her vanilla essence. She wished she could bottle his scent — she would put it on her nightstand and sprinkle a little on her pillow every night before she fell asleep. She will sleep soundly tonight, with traces of him in her hair and skin. As well as with this memory of their blossoming romance.
Lucy and Bradley have doubts — but after everything they’ve been through as individuals, they will have no reservations when it comes to loving. We will surely know more about Lucy as we move forward! Read about the next date here: 05 | The Dive.
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sahaias · 10 months
Finished Violetta season 3
Idk how to feel now that i have no content left to watch (outside of the reunion special and movie that I consider non-canon), this is my comfort show and to have it gone kinda sucks
I guess some thoughts on season 3 as a whole:
Still my least favorite season, but it wasn't bad like I remembered
Gery and Clement feel like such pointless additions who would've been better off being one-off antagonists for like 10 episodes at most.
The Milton plotline is genuinely so stupid and forgettable. Once he's gone at the halfway point and he's nonexistent, it feels like "why did we waste so much screentime on him?"
Vilu and Leon should've been together the whole season, facing barriers in their relationship but never breaking up. The season was at its best when they were together, and it's genuinely so fucking annoying that they were together for the longest amount of episodes in season 1 over season 2 and 3 when Tomas was still a thing.
Fuck the whole Roxy storyline, it was so aggrivating
The side couples' plots were kinda boring imo. I like Naty and Maxy but their storyline was a bit blah. Diego and Francesca have telenovela drama and then just kinda exist in the show it feels like. Broduey and Camilla's relationship was super boring imo.. I'm not very interested in Federico even if Ludmila was super interesting this season. And I don't even care the slightest about Gery x Clement, Pablo x I forgot her name (though Pablo deserves to be happy after losing Antonio), or Nicolas x Jade. All are actual screen waste imo
Angie and German are hard for me to root for bc he and Maria were together when she was a little girl? Even if she's like 30 in the present, the whole knowing her back then aspect ruins any interest in the relationship for me
I actually thought the Andres love doctor plotline was kinda funny, and it matches how so many queer people in my life are amazing at analyzing others' relationships but struggle with finding relationships themselves
Ludmila's development was definitely the highlight of the season, but I don't think it's enough to carry the season
The whole "new kids in the studio" plotline was cool for giving Maxi his career development story, but the characters were weird. It was weird how one of them was played by an actress in her 20s and was set up as Andres's love interest, only to suddenly leave, Meanwhile, the rest were just children who looked younger than the studio students we saw up until that point (being like 12-15 instead of 17-18)
The last few episodes felt so rushed through with a ton happening, which was annoying considering how much the conflicts dragged on throughout most of the season
The show is still my comfort show bc I love the characters (most of them) so much
I'll definitely watch Soy Luna soon, and I'm excited since it'll be my first time watching it. But it probably won't be until a while into 2024. I work 12 hours a day 4-5 days a week, and I think I'm going to watch stuff that's lower commitment for now. Plus, I have a massive game backlog. My free time is super limited
Thanks for reading my thoughts while I rewatched Violetta! I don't know what I'll post about moving forward (definitely Soy Luna but that might not be for a hot minute), but it was nice to interact with everyone! I hope we can continue!
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lovesosweeet · 10 months
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better left unsaid // cth
chapter thirty four
in which orion has leukemia, and calum doesn’t know.
calum hood x fem!oc
read other chapters
october 14, 2018 san diego, california orion
Going to chemo is a soul-emptying experience. Macy, Emelia, and Ashton all send me luck, but the more texts I receive in support, the worse I feel about it all. The more I wish I had Cal here, supporting me, whether simply via text or in person, holding my hand, offering me bags to throw up in… all of the gross shit. 
The Calum I love would be there through it all, but I pushed him away. I didn’t want him to see this. I still don’t want him to, but at the same time, I know my life would feel easier. His would feel way harder, and that’s what I’m trying to ameliorate.
I know now they are making up the handful of shows they missed after I threw everything off course, and then they’re flying to Europe for that leg of the tour. I’m glad they’re back on track, but it’s a little bittersweet knowing they’re off to visit the continent where I met Calum without me. That’s the leg of the tour I know Calum would’ve wanted me on, if only for a few days. We could have visited with Paula, Ilse, Marta, Giuseppe, Francesca… all of my friends from that part of the world.
I haven’t even told them the latest news. I haven’t even told them I’m dying. 
I know they deserve to know, I just don’t know how to tell them, so I haven’t told them. 
Today is my second to last round of chemo for this cycle, and then we get to analyze how well everything has been working to determine what’s next. I feel nervous, even though I know that there’s nothing I can do to change my fate. Everything is in my body’s hands. 
I’m caught off guard when KayKay calls me as I sit in the treatment room, but I pick it up quickly. She and I have no bad blood, only awkwardness. I’m not doing anything except sitting here, so I might as well fill the silence with something.
“Hi?” I answer, somewhat cautionary in my greeting.
“Orion! Oh my god, I’m so glad you picked up,” Kay says, sounding far too relieved. Did she really think I wouldn’t pick up?
“What’s up?” I ask. There’s an IV inserted into my arm and I’m slated to be here for hours. I have nothing but time.
“Nothing, actually,” she says, laughing slightly. “Just wanted to check in. Everyone has been so worried, but nobody thought you’d pick up, so no one thought reaching out was a good idea, but we’re all just kinda sitting here waiting on an update, so I’m glad you answered. Ash says you haven’t been answering his texts.”
I sigh. “Kay…”
She quickly corrects her course. “Orion, seriously, all of us are worried. Please, please don’t shut us all out. Just let us know how you’re doing, or at least me, since you’re already talking to me. I promise: we won’t show up without your permission or anything, we just want updates.”
“Kay, I just don’t want anything getting back to Cal. I don’t want him to worry about me.”
“Orion, you know good and well that boy is going to worry about you forever.”
I know she wants to say he will worry about me until I die, but I can’t bring myself to correct her.
“Shit’s fine,” I say with a sigh. “I am at the hospital now for a chemo appointment.”
“Do you need anything? Company? Food? A stupid joke?”
I laugh. “Kay, I pushed y’all away because everything is covered. I’ll be…” I want to say I’ll be fine, but she and I both know that’s far from the truth. “I’ll be as good as anyone could expect. Don’t worry about me.”
She sighs and her breath catches.
“Kaitlin, I swear,” I threaten. “Do not waste time on me. Please don’t cry. Focus on important shit. Not me. Okay?”
KayKay takes a few deep breaths. “Orion, I don’t understand how you can’t seem to comprehend that you are important. You’re important to all of us.”
I breathe in and out a few times, trying to calm my body in its response to her words. “Kay, don’t worry about me. In your guys’ lives, I’ve just been a blip. Focus on everything else. There’s so much other stuff to have faith in.” 
“Orion Moss, you know damn well that you have not just been a blip. You are our best friend and we fucking love you. If things are going well, we want to know. If they aren’t, we want to know. And if you don’t believe me when I say ‘we’ then at least believe that I want to know.” 
I sigh. “Fine. No news. I still feel like shit and I have an appointment in a few weeks to see how well the chemo is working, that’s it, I promise.”
“Thank you for sharing with the class,” Kay says, chuckling quietly, and it makes me laugh too. “Are you down in San Diego now?”
“Yeah, we transferred my care here to make it easier.”
“Okay, well, I’m in LA for now and will be joining the boys for the last week of the tour. If you need anything or just want company, I’m more than happy to drive down to see you. Just because you’re shutting Calum out doesn’t mean you should shut all of us out.” 
Yes it does, I think. Anything I tell to any of them they’ll tell Calum.
“I just don’t want him to spend his life worrying about me,” I tell her quietly. I don’t know why, but for some reason now I feel weird talking about this in semi-public. 
KayKay sighs into her phone. “I know, but just because you don’t want him to doesn’t mean he won’t.”
I know she’s right, so I don’t reply. We’re going in circles I feel like, since we’ve already basically said what we just said.
“Can I say something that might make you feel bad but I think you need to hear?” She continues.
I sigh, feeling like I don’t really have a choice even though she’s asking for my permission. “Sure.” 
“I think he’s worrying more now that you’re not together than he would if you didn’t break up with him. He has no idea how you’re doing, so he’s not only going through the breakup but he’s also panicking about you.” 
What she’s saying is true. However, I tried to think of the bigger picture when I made my choice. I know it might suck now, but he’ll have had more time to get over me by the time I die so he will hopefully not be as upset when I die. Hopefully. I need it to happen that way, otherwise all of this pain will just be… a waste.
“He’s also fucking pissed at Ashton and the band dynamic is so weird now.” 
“I wish he didn’t care so much about that. Ashton didn’t do anything wrong.” It hurts to know that I drove a rift between Calum and his best friend. They’re so close and will be in close quarters for another month or so, so knowing that they’re not even on speaking terms sounds like a miserable time for everyone involved. I hate that it’s my fault, which is just another reason to feel horrible.
“I know, me, too.”
“Can you imagine if Ash had gone to him to tell him?” I ask.
“There wouldn’t have been a tour at all,” KayKay says through soft laughter. 
I nod even though she can’t see me. “Exactly.”
“You know, no one is mad at you. Just in case you had any doubts. We’re really all just hoping you’re okay and wish you’d reach out, but we all understand why you haven’t.”
I didn’t want to know, but it is nice to know at least that no one hates me. I wouldn’t blame them if they did. The knowledge wouldn’t change anything, so that’s why it wasn’t on my list of things to ask Kay.
“He won’t tell anyone, but Cal would take you back in a heartbeat if you just called and asked.”
“That’s not going to happen,” I quickly say. It’s not. It can’t happen. It hurts too much to think of Calum being by my side while I wither away into a shell of a human. 
“O, you’re both miserable. I don’t think this is the way.”
“It is the way. If this is all we’re going to talk about I think we should stop talking. I can’t talk about it.”
“I hate how stubborn you are, but I miss you, so I’ll oblige.” She sounds defeated, but hearing her say she misses me hurts. I miss everyone so much. Calum the most, by default, and Ashton and Crystal, since they’re who I spent the most time with over the past two years, but I can’t bring myself to act like things are normal with any of them. 
“I miss you, too, Kay, but just don’t want to complicate things for anybody.”
“Orion, there’s nothing complicated about any of this. We all love and miss you, end of.” She sighs. “But, you don’t want to talk anymore about that, so let me fill you in on everything else going on in my life!” 
Kay spends the next thirty minutes filling me in on her latest work projects, how she and Ashton are doing, and her plans for when she joins them on the Europe leg of tour, and it’s nice to pretend things are normal for a few minutes. She lets me go when she gets a work email that has “URGENT” in the subject line and tells me that I am welcome to call her any time I’m bored. 
I feel empty and numb and weak, both physically and emotionally. I spend the rest of my appointment switching back and forth between reading Tweets about 5SOS and rereading Catcher in the Rye for the millionth time. When the tech finally disconnects my IV for the day, she smiles at me.
“Just one more!” She sounds so cheery, so optimistic. I can’t imagine why. Even if the chemo ‘works,’ my life won’t go on for all that long. I’m limited to a few years if things go well. Months, maybe even just weeks, if they don’t. 
“Hurray,” I say back, without any enthusiasm whatsoever. 
I walk out of the building and find Mom waiting for me in her car. She’s also excited about this cycle being almost over and promises that next week we can go get milkshakes after the appointment to celebrate. Once the cycle is over, I can find out if I have some time to live a normal life for a while, but if not, I’m not really sure what’s next.
Just like I shut everyone else out of my life, I shut those thoughts out of my head. Right now, it’s just about facing what’s in front of me. 
read next chapter
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lastshadeofme · 1 year
I’ve got a 4 parted angsty story in the making, but I don’t know which couple to write it about…
So… I’ll let you decide. After all, you’re the people reading my work, so you should have the last word in this:
Remember it’s angsty and probably won’t have a happy ending
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My Top Ships of 2020
It’s FINALLY here!! The list of my top ships of 2020. What a year it was and I can’t believe it’s already January 8th as I’m writing this. Just like I mentioned with my 2020 TV Wrap Up, a lot of these ships helped me escape during 2020. I can’t wait to see where they’re headed for 2021. I have also started watching a few things in December, but I will be saving those ships for my 2021 list. (You’ll notice I have already expanded this list from last year.) Last year, I debated about including an Honorable Mentions sections. This year I will be including it because I wanted to still talk about these ships, but found it hard to rank them with the others. Without further ado here we go!  
Oh! One last thing. Compared to previous years Bellarke has not made it on this list. J. Roth did us dirty with this last season of the 100 and I will pretend it didn’t exist. 
~ Anne with an E: Jerry and Diana
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These two were SOOO CUTE until Diana started acting rude and left our perfect boy Jerry. Watching this last season back, I grew not to like this couple as much as I did the first time. This most definitely had to do with the fact that I knew the outcome AND I could see Diana using him more earlier. She wanted to experience something different and rebel and Jerry was there. But they were so cute as they walked home together and shared books. I’m also really proud of Anne for sticking by Jerry when she found out the truth about their relationship. (As you probably already know I love Jerry so much and don’t want any harm to come for him, so this was a tough one, but yes I’m still including it.) 
~Umbrella Academy: Klaus and Dave
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I started watching Umbrella Academy this year, so I was lucky to not just experience the first season, but also the second. I instantly fell in love with Klaus and Dave and we barely got any scenes with them. (That’s my main reason for making them an honorable mention rather than a permanent spot on this list.) I wish we had more scenes with them in love. We do get some great moments in scene two with a younger Dave, which highlights Klaus’ love for him, but it’s not the same. I really love how much Dave changed Klaus. I would argue they’re my favorite romantic relationship on the show. 
~Walking Dead World Beyond: Hope and Elton
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Here’s my classic shipping people together who weren’t technically romantic (but honestly those often make the best and most satisfying ships if the writers open their eyes to the chemistry that is on screen...but I digress). While they technically weren’t “romantic” you could tell that Elton grew to have a crush on Hope as the season went on. There was definitely a lot going on between their characters as Hope ***I’m going to try and avoid a spoiler here*** was one of the last people to see Elton’s mom. I think there’s potential for these two down the road and as there are only 2 seasons slotted for Walking Dead World Beyond, I can only hope this is the path the writers take. 
~Violetta: Angie and Pablo
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Okay, so even if you have not heard of the Disney Channel telenovela “Violetta” or seen many of my posts, can you just appreciate the chemistry in the above moment between these two people! For a good amount of season 1 of the show, Angie and Pablo were the couple for me and I was ESTATIC when they finally got together. I anticipated it wouldn’t be for long because of slight spoilers and more intuition, but god were they beautiful together. Friends to lovers to the extreme. Screw Herman! Now as I’m slowing watching season 3, I know these two won’t be OTP, but I can savor in this moment and remember the good times. 
17. Violetta: Violetta and Leon
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Two back to back Violetta appreciation posts. This show took up my entire 2020 from awaiting for season 2 (and 3) on Disney Plus, as well as watching the 80 episodes (a piece!). Currently, I’m trying to get back into wanting to watch season 3 (as other shows took precedent). With the amount of Violetta I watched, I couldn’t leave Violetta and Leon off this list. They were the favored ship of the show (and one of the most central). In season 1 it took me a little time to like them together, but by episode 35 I could feel the mutual attraction. I remember the moment of them singing/playing piano together. I knew they’d be endgame. My main complaint is that when these two are a part they are SUPER ANNOYING! Like they (specifically I’m thinking of Leon) say rude things about the other person and I’m like how could you be okay to get back together? Their best moments are definitely in season 2, whether singing to the other person or imagining singing to them. Definitely at the end of the season when they’re in Spain. I still have to watch the end of their love story, so I hope it’s satisfying.
16. High School Musical the Musical the Series: Nini and Ricky 
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So I added this ship onto my list long before I knew about any real-life/personal drama that was happening among the cast. I considered taking it off the list, but as I am discussing the fictional characters I decided to leave it. High School Musical the Musical the Series was a very early 2020 watch. I liked the show more than I was expecting and was upset to hear that season 2 wouldn’t include a performance of High School Musical 2. (I mean, Beauty and the Beast...really?) This was one of those extremely rare times where I actually liked a ship that was the main ship. Usually, I favor the other part of the love triangle or the underappreciated part. I was both shocked and happy when Ricky and Nini kissed in the finale and got together. Of course the final episode ended with some hurtles for season 2 (which now I guess there will be even more), but it was good to see them together and happy. 
15. Legacies: Hope and Josie
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With all of these shows ending earlier than they should have due to COVID, I feel like I’m going to sound like a broken record when I say I don’t remember a lot of what happened in this last season. (I guess for 2021 I’ll have to take more thorough notes, but then again you can see which ships I like more.) With Hope and Josie, season 2 was a bit of a rough road. I mean, what do you expect when you erase yourself from existence for the greater good, which means that your boyfriend hooks up with your friend/eventual lover? (Yes, I added in that second part.) Josie and Landon felt very awkward in the beginning of this season when they were in “love” and forgot about Hope. (I rarely heard anyone say they liked them together.) It got more awkward when Hope came back in the picture and had to watch them together. Then we had that spill with Josie being evil (which I was surprised they tackled so early on in the show. Feels like a later plot to explore). Due to all these hurtles, there were less opportunities for my OTP of Legacies. The best moment we got was in the above photo when Hope went into Josie’s subconscious and was speaking to Josie as a fictional pig the whole time. We will never forget how the “pig” suggested Hope kiss her awake. Come on Julie! Give us what we want! 
14. Single Parents: Will and Angie
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Will and Angie were far down on my Top Ships last year. Another friends to lovers, you could just feel the chemistry between these two and that was strengthened in season 2. (I just loved some couples more this year I guess.) Last year, they couldn’t really act on too much romance between these two because of Poppy and Douglas’ relationship, but as those two had some drama this season, Will and Angie had a greater chance of getting together. We watched moments where the two pretended to be a couple (for the sake of Will’s parents) and eventually Will came to the realization of his feelings for Angie. In a classic season 2 plot device of a sitcom, Angie decided to go with her real-life husband/Graham’s dad at the end of the season. But you could see she also had feelings for Will and they HAVE to act on those next season. I can’t remember if the show got a third season, and I will be crushed if they didn’t. Previously, they’ve been mid-season starts so I feel hopeful.  
13. Emma: Emma and Knightley
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The last movie I watched in movie theaters was Emma. While it makes me sad that I haven’t been able to go back since, this film was a great one to hold this memory. As an avid Jane Austen fan (and period drama as you will continue to notice), I LOVED this Emma and Knightley pairing. This couple is one of my favorites of the Austen heroines and heroes and I have many favorite reincarnations from Romola Garai and Johnny Lee Miller to Joanna Sotomura and Brent Bailey in Emma Approved (still so sad those two broke up). So it was very hard to live up to what I’ve watched and liked before. Anya Taylor-Joy and Johnny Flynn did not disappoint and will be one of the combos I think of when I re-visit the novel. I love how we didn’t focus on their crazy age difference and really highlighted on their relationship as family friends and going back a long time. I specifically like the decision to bring in some early nods to Knightley admitting his feelings for Emma and then not doing so because of the presence of Frank Churchill. Just talking about all of this makes me want to re-watch the movie all over again. :) **If you’re a fan of this combo or Emma/Knightley in general that you have to watch this video. It is amazing! 
12. Avatar The Last Airbender: Zuko and Katara
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Another binge from 2020. I watched Avatar the Last Airbender in the summer and was amazed by the story-telling and how deep they could get for a kid’s program. Despite, being in MS/HS when the show originally aired, I hadn’t watched it before. So many people had told me to do and then with the help of Netflix, I felt the pull to do so during quarantine. When I headed into the show, I thought Zuko and Katara eventually got together. Mainly, because I know the fandom and love for them is so strong. I instantly felt this too. There were so many great parallels between there characters. (I mean clearly we have the whole water and fire dynamic.) Even when these two weren’t in scenes together I was thinking about how well they’d work together. So needless to say I was disappointed when they didn’t get to be endgame. We did a lot of great moments at the end of season two and definitely with season three. The Last Agni Kai scene will forever give me chills and represent how deep Zutara is. The evidence is all right there. Such a great ship. 
11. Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist: Zoey and Max
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Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist was one of my favorite watches of 2020 and such a feel good show for a moment with a lot of uncertainty. (I highly recommend if you haven’t watched it. Season 2 just started on NBC this week.) For a while I felt very on the fence if I shipped Zoey more with Simon or Max. As you can notice friends to lovers has been a common thread with my posts (although I LOVE a good enemies to lovers) and Max was that 100%. Plus, he’s played by Skylar Astin so what’s not to love. Despite, all of that I felt both of the men in Zoey’s life had potential and I could be happy if she ended up with either one. By episode 6 I was leaning towards Max (if I’m remembering correctly this would be the “When I Wake Up” number with the scooter) and then by episode 8 I was all in! I mean she sang “I’m Yours” to him. (Episode 8 was one of my favorites for the whole season. She did a fantastic job singing and I loved the twist of events. Also, Max being there for her was adorable. The “Pressure” song in the conference room OMG, get me a Max!) The only thing that upset me about their relationship and Max’s character was how sudden his emotions were. It became all or nothing and it felt like too much. He shouldn’t have given Zoey an ultimatum like that. Once he went to work upstairs, I grew to not like this character. Luckily by the last episode I saw some of the old Max again. We’ll see what happens with this new season. 
10. Julie and the Phantoms: Julie and Luke
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Julie and the Phantoms: I cannot talk highly enough of this show. It is amazing and everyone needs to be watching it. Of course, it was created by Kenny Ortega so need I say more...but there is so much more to appreciate too. The actors are fantastic and I love the characters they portray! I also can’t stop listening to the music. But this moment is for Julie and Luke, sorry, I should stop promoting the show :) It was very obvious that two members of the band should fall in love and with Julie and Luke both writing their own music and being passionate about their craft it became a no-brainer that they should end up catching feelings for one another. Of course, there’s the major hurtle that he’s a ghost, but we can figure that out in season 2. Luke is obviously the better pick for Julie (Nick who?). They are just so adorable together and I can’t get over that moment when he talks to her at school by her locker and she pretends to talk on her phone. The way they look at each other says it all. (Such great acting!) Then there’s Edge of Great and Luke’s guitar solo. OH! They’re so meant for each other. While no season 2 announcement has been realized yet, there’s no way this show does not get renewed. 
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9. The 100: Murphy and Emori
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Okay, so I know this sounds hypocritical that I said I won’t think the last season of the 100 exists and here are Murphy and Emori. But in my defense they are the best part of this season and my love for them as a couple really came to a head this season. Murphy had so much character growth and I was fearing for his life almost every episode. Same went for Emori especially after her accident I didn’t feel positive. These two (along with Raven) were the shining beacon in a very disappointing and confusing season. I love how close they are and how strong they make each other. They have been through so much and it was nice to see them so happy (despite everything going on). You just knew they’d always have each other’s backs no matter what. 
8. Violetta: Fran and Diego
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I feel like I would do anything for this ship and I have so many more episodes of season 3 to go. (So that’s saying something.) Another Violetta ship, but arguably the best and one that I know is endgame because I grew so obsessed that I started searching for spoilers early on. (That’s how you know it’s bad. Especially when you’re watching YouTube videos without subtitles, so you have no idea what they’re saying, but they look happy and therefore you are happy.) Fran and Diego only got together in the third and finale season of Violetta. Previously, they were a part of different romances (Diego a major one with Violetta), but at the start of this season they are put together in a lot of situations and quickly grow a strong relationship. You can feel the chemistry instantly! They just fit each other so well. Their singing voices together-OMG! While it took FOREVER for their relationship to be public knowledge, I really haven’t had any other problems with them together. (And with 80 episodes it could easily be the case.) A positive of having more than 30 episodes to go: I have more opportunity to fall even more in love with these two. 
7. Sanditon: Esther and Babington
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I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH! I watched Sanditon so long ago that my memory could get fuzzy, but one thing that stands out clearly is how great it was watching Esther and Babington get together. When thinking about this show people will probably immediately think of Sidney and Charlotte and while they are great and the central couple of the series, these two have my heart. Esther has SO MUCH character growth and development and Babington is a big influence on that. He helps her to see that she can be so much more than what she currently is doing and gets her away from her brother and that lifestyle. For a bit it was touch and go and I wasn’t sure if the two would be endgame, but luckily they were. It appeared to be a marriage out of friendship/necessity. Babington is fine with loving Esther more and hoping she’ll grow to love him. This quickly changes with a scene where we see the two looking very much in love. While this show only used Jane Austen’s unfinished novel as a stepping stone and became a lot more modern (than most fans liked), I thought it did a nice job with several aspects. The main one being Esther’s character. It is a show that I will definitely be re-watching and will always be upset that it did not get a second season. 
6. Legends of Tomorrow: Ava and Sara
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A great ship since Ava was introduced. These two balance each other out so well and are one of the most constant ships on the show. (As the Waverider’s doors continue to be revolving in recent seasons.) Each season we watch their relationship deepen and I truly felt that with this most recent season of Legends. Now this might sound super ironic, because from what I can remember (remember 2020 brain, it’s been a while since watching), Sara was off the Waverider a lot, leaving Ava in charge. Sara was away for so many episodes that I started to question (and do a lot of Google searching) if she was leaving the show. Despite the two being a part, I feel we got to know Ava’s character more. She has definitely grown since we first met her all those seasons ago. Due to this development, I felt this couple deserved this spot on the list. When we got to the end of last season ***SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS*** and it looked like Sara (and actually all the Legends) might die, my heart broke for them. Ava and Sara deserve the world. And with the way the finale ended it’s going to be some time till they get it. Once again, Legends is the best CW Superhero show (I said it) and everyone should be watching it.
5. The Spanish Princess: Mary Tudor and Charlie Brandon 
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This ship is so underappreciated and deserves to be talked about more!!! (Another common thread in many of these entries.) I have searched for Tumblr posts and YouTube videos and have only found a few dedicated to this couple. There needs to be more!! As the second season of the Spanish Princess dragged for me a bit, once Mary Tudor and Charlie Brandon got more screen time and a plot-line I was instantly sucked in. They nicely balanced the falling out of love of Katherine and Harry. There should have been more scenes with Mary and Charlie. Right away, you could feel some sort of chemistry, but Mary had to be married to the King of France. Then the King dies and she’s promised to pick a marriage of love for her second marriage. Knowing her brother and expecting that she will be married off again she marries the messenger come to get her from France, Charlie Brandon. Super intrigued by their story I looked up the history of the real Mary and Charlie Brandon and their story matches very closely. They got married despite the King’s rules and had many children together. It seems to be a marriage of love like she wanted. This couple will forever be one of my favorites. 
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They are also one of my major reasons for wanting to watch the Tudors. While they completely change the Mary and Charles romance (Firstly by naming her Margaret), at least it was very easy to watch. As Charles Brandon is played by the beautiful Henry Cavill. 
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4. The Outpost: Talon and Garret
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Speaking of underappreciated ships (and TV shows), I present Talon and Garret from CW’s The Outpost. It was SO HARD for me to find a picture from the third (and latest season) of them to put with this post. It’s even hard to watch any scenes of the show on YouTube. Talon and Garret FINALLY got together this season and it was ABOUT TIME! Since season 1 you have felt the tension between these two, but there were always obstacles and people in between them. There seemed to be potential in the first season and by the start of third I was not holding out hope anymore that they would be together. So, it was such a joyous occasion when they became endgame (is that too soon to say? I have no idea if there’s another season on the horizon). This couple solidified my love for a WARRIOR romance. One where, despite being two different genders (and for this show species), both partners are equal in strength and fighting ability. (Well, Talon could take Garret, but they are such a powerful duo!) I now want to read and watch more romances/ships with this trope. [Please let me know if you have any suggestions.] Just talking about them, I can’t help but smile (almost as big as Garret when he saw Talon again before she left for another mission). At the end of the season they might have tried to make it seem like they would pick other partners and I’m so glad they didn’t. You seriously need to watch this show if any of the above sounded appealing/you like high fantasy and maybe a little CGI cheesiest. 
3. The Society: Grizz and Sam
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It breaks my heart talking about this ship ever since Netflix released that they were taking back the second season renewal of The Society. I started watching the Society during quarantine (shocking I know), but I do remember a lot from my time watching (more shocking, right?). Hands down the best couple from this show was Grizz and Sam. They weren’t introduced right away and again I might have cheated when I suspected the two might get together, so I looked up some spoilers. (Honestly, that’s the best sign of a ship in my book. If I can’t wait and need to look up spoilers then your show has a good thing going.) Individually Grizz and Sam were my favorite characters and then pairing them together I was dead. So many amazing moments with them. Naturally we didn’t get enough and I will continue to watch fan videos (because there are so many). They are precious and I’m so glad we got some closure at the end of the season because if we didn’t this cancellation would have been even harder. 
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2. Nancy Drew: Nancy and Ace
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Okay, I’ll try to keep this brief because I know I’ve talked about this couple A LOT on this page in 2020 (but that might be difficult FYI). From an honorable mention thought last year to #2 this year-THAT’S HUGE! But they deserve it, even if they haven’t officially become a couple on the show...well not yet. Early on in the first season I felt a pull between these two characters, which is super ironic seeing as how they had few scenes together and were a part of two different romances. (I mean Nancy had two different love interests.) I thought I was just imagining things (as I do often pair people who barely share plots), but then episode 14 happened and I was sold. Then I came onto Tumblr and discovered the amount of people that felt it too and knew we had something. Shout out to all the other blogs that mention Nace or are made just to honor this amazing duo. I know they will be endgame too and value all your posts that I’m constantly liking and looking for. 
Again, there’s so much I could talk about, but I’ll focus on how much they trust and listen to one another. (I mean Ace drank that stuff because he trusted Nancy!!!) I love how they get paired up on cases and go into investigator mode. They speak SO CLOSE to one another and just all the looks! If we don’t get more moments in the second season I don’t know how I’ll survive. They are just so perfect and I could easily see them become number 1 next year. I cannot wait for the start of season 2 on Jan. 20th!! For now I’ll fast forward through old episodes and watch my favorite moments. Like these:
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1. Anne with an E: Anne and Gilbert
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Now I know what you’re thinking...’Stephanie, didn’t you pick Shirbert last year too?’ Why, yes that is true. But back then I had only watched seasons 1 and 2 with some spoiler videos of season 3. The release hadn’t come to Netflix yet. Since then, I have watched the last season (and the show as a whole multiple times). It’s just so good and watching the growth of the characters (not only Shirbert) means so much more when you can watch the episodes back to back. But we’re here for Shirbert and how we watched them rise. Yes, it departed from the novel, but I love the twists and turns it took getting to endgame. So many looks and unspoken feelings. I thought it was great how Anne discovered her feelings. I hated Winifred, but understood her purpose. Anne and Gilbert will always be one of my top OTPs no matter which adaptation. Of course, the book will always be the tops, but so many great representations of it have been done on screen. Ultimate enemies to friends to lovers. I hope to one day create characters that could be so strong and beloved. 
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A look at my favorites so far this month!
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
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Miss Francesca Bridgerton and HRH Michael Stirling in Royals by newtonsheffield (Moomin_94)
Michael Stirling throughly enjoyed his life as a Prince. Luckily for him, his father had been a second son, so he had all of the benefits and none of the responsibilities. Thrice voted Sexiest man alive, and at the top of the hottest young royals list, he really didn’t see himself settling down. That was, until his best friend Kate (Crown Princess of Genovia) needed a husband. And as someone who firmly believed that he’d never fall in love, he didn’t see any reason not to marry her. Until he walked into his first meeting with the wedding planner, and looked straight into Francesca Bridgerton’s blue eyes.
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musicmyxiii · 2 years
Diecesca one shot: Tomás returns
Diego was entering the studio. He was working on a new song and he just came up with some great lyrics that would work well with the melody he wrote yesterday. Not paying very much attention to his surroundings, he entered the music room. He was going to grab the black guitar, when he realized that he wasn’t alone. There was a boy similar his age with dark hair playing guitar. He was playing “Verte de lejos”. Diego didn’t recognize the boy, however he was vaguely familiar. The boy stopped playing when he noticed Diego.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to disturb” Diego apologized, trying to remember where he knew the boy’s face from. He was pretty sure he wasn’t a student at the studio. But why else was he here and would he be in this room without being enrolled in the studio?
“No problem. I was just finishing. I know since I’m not a student here anymore that I shouldn’t play on the instruments, but I just couldn’t help myself. This place just brings back so many memories.” The mysterious boy said while standing up, putting away the guitar and straightening his white t-shirt.
Diego was still confused to who this stranger was, although he did mention being a student here once. He didn’t seem old enough to be graduated for a long time, without Diego knowing him by name.
“I don’t think we’ve met, did we? I’m Diego.”
“Nice to meet you, Diego. I’m Tomás.”
Suddenly the pieces started to fit together. Of course, that’s why Diego had had the feeling that he saw this person before. Although he never met the infamous Tomás while he was in the studio. Diego had seen him during the UMix contest. Once Diego had entered the studio, his friends had told him all about the Spanish boy. How he had had three girls falling for him and how he had hurt all three of them. And there were people saying how Violetta and Tomás were meant to be. He wondered if the boy was here to get her back. Diego didn’t really care about it – although he did think that Leon and Violetta were a great couple.
What Diego was worried about more, was Tomás deal with Francesca. He'd known she was completely smitten with him and that they were pretty close friends. He didn’t want to admit it but he had a strange feeling in his stomach thinking about how close Tomás and Francesca used to be.
The boys shook hands.
“So are you back here or just visiting?” Diego asked nonchalantly. The knot in his stomach still very present.
“I’m just visiting. I live in Spain now. But judging from your accent your from Spain as well, right?” Tomás asked politely. Diego was a bit suspicious. This boy did break the heart of the person that is most precious to him and he wouldn’t let that go so easily.
“I am”
“I’ve got a feeling that I’ve seen you before, weren’t you dancing with Francesca last year in the UMix contest?” Tomás asked. Even though he had said goodbye to the studio and all the drama, he still couldn’t help himself from watching UMix and his friends.
Diego was a bit taken aback that Tomás had watched him and Francesca dance. Did he watch everyone or just Francesca? What if he was here to get Francesca back? She was quite unforgettable, Diego knew that best.
“I did. She’s my- she’s a really good friend” He had almost said she was his girlfriend. But he couldn’t. Not when they hadn’t told anyone apart from their families. He was glad he didn’t let it slip because he just knew Violetta wouldn’t take it well hearing such big news from her ex. Well, technically if Diego told her it would also be coming from her ex… But it shouldn’t come from someone she hadn’t seen in two years.
“Yeah, she’s amazing.” Tomás said, although his smile was a little sad.
“Did you guys know each other well?” Diego tried to be oblivious, as if he didn’t know what went down between them. And besides, Francesca barely talked about Tomás. Let alone her relationship history with him. Sometimes she brought him up in a casually way, for example when she was talking about Resto Bar, the restaurant her family used to own.
“She was my best friend. We met when I worked for the restaurant her family owned. It was really hard leaving her.” Tomás said, he left out the part about breaking her heart. He didn’t want to get Diego mad at him, not when they had just left.
A somewhat awkward silence was followed. Diego wanted to say something but he just didn’t know what. He couldn’t say the things that he really wanted to say. He couldn’t lash out at Tomás. Besides even it he hadn’t said it out loud, he seemed to have regrets about the situation.
“Diego?” A voice said from the doorway. Diego would recognize that voice anywhere. His heart started beating faster, but before turning around to face his girlfriend, he noticed how Tomás’ eyes grew from surprise. Apparently, he didn’t expect to run into his ex. Although that seemed quite weird, knowing that she was still a part of the studio. Maybe he just wasn’t prepared to see her at this moment.
Diego’s eyes narrowed, but he shook off the strange feeling and turned towards the person who made him happier than he’d ever been. “Francesca, you know Tomás right?” He didn’t mean for his voice to sound so tense. He just hoped she didn’t notice.
However, she could tell from the confused look she shoot him that she noticed something was up. But then she looked at Tomás and smiled. She seemed very surprised to see him.
“Tomás? It’s been such a long time, what are you doing here?” She entered the room, but she kept her distance from Tomás. Not knowing what was an appropriate way of greeting her ex. Besides, Diego was in the room and she didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
Tomás however didn’t mind and practically ran towards Francesca and gave her a hug. Diego scraped his throat to make the two stop hugging. A little awkwardly they separated. Francesca shot Diego an apologizing look. The latter couldn’t help but frown a bit.
“Have you guys met each other?” Francesca asked, trying to keep the mood light. Tomás was oblivious for Diego’s stiffness.
“We just did” Tomás said happily. He couldn’t be happier to see his good friend again. He knew he had broken her heart, but she had been such an important part of his life. And she seemed to be fine. She was even more pretty than two years ago. She was wearing a blue dress and red bow in her hair. He liked her style.
“It’s been such a long time. Tell me about your life Fran. How are you doing? How is your family?” Tomás asked and Francesca started telling him about her life. Leaving out the most important part of it, her relationship with Diego. Diego understood but it still hurt a little when she didn’t bring it up.
He wasn’t used to this feeling. It was different from all the things he had experienced before. He was sure it had something to do with jealousy. But he hadn’t even experienced this with Violetta and Leon last year, even though he was quite jealous of the brown haired boy who tried to steal his girlfriend every two minutes.
This was different. Maybe it was because he didn’t know a lot about the relationship these two shared. Maybe it was because he knew he had been her first love. Or maybe it had to do with the fact that he was so scared of losing her. Or maybe it was all of this combined and more.
“… And Diego of course” Diego looked up when he heard Francesca bring up his name. A little hopeful he looked up and was met with her sweet eyes and wonderful smile.
“What?” He said, a little taken aback, but his stomach was filled with butterflies at the same time.
“I was just saying how great of a friend you have been since Marco has left” she gave him a little wink, that Tomás didn’t notice. Diego felt the corners of his lips go up.
“But you and Marco broke up when he left for London?” Tomás asked curiously.
“We broke up even before he went to London, our relationship just wasn’t working anymore” Francesca said matter of factly. She had been heartbroken by it at first, but she knew that it was better for the both of them. Besides she had already fallen for his best friend when they broke up. And Diego was kind of everything she ever dreamed of in a boy. The sad thing was that she couldn’t let the world know how she felt. At least not yet. First she had to find the perfect moment to tell her best friend.
“And now there is no one new in your life? There’s no boy you fell for after your break-up?”
Diego couldn’t help but smirk, wondering what his secret girlfriend would reply to this.
Francesca was flabbergasted and couldn’t bring out a word. She bit her lip. This was enough for Tomás to notice that there was indeed someone new in her love life.
“So there is… Do I know him?”
Francesca shrugged and then tried to change to subject: “So how about you? Did you someone new after the whole Violetta thing?”
But Tomás wasn’t the kind of guy to let such an important subject go that easily. “No, I only tell you when you tell me first.”
Francesca slightly panicked and looked at her watch: “Oh no, is it that late already? Diego, we have to get to class. Now.” She took Diego’s hand and dragged him out of the music room. Her head was burning. Tomás was left alone stunned about the sudden turn of events.
Diego couldn’t help but laugh loudly while they were practically running out of the studio. Francesca had lied of course, there was no class. They made their way to the exit and once they were far enough away from the studio, Francesca let go of Diego’s hand. Diego didn’t let this happen though and intertwined their fingers again.
“So you’re not really good at lying, are you?” Diego said, still smirking. He couldn’t help it, he thought the situation had been really funny.
“You wouldn’t get it. He was my best friend for a long period of time. I just couldn’t lie to him.” Francesca argued.
“So you just took my hand and ran out of there. Now hopefully, Tomás isn’t the cleverest guy in the world.” Diego teased, squeezing his girlfriend’s hand.
“Wait, you think he will know because of that?” Francesca stopped in her tracks. She started panicking. What if Tomás knew now and would ask Violetta about it? She would put the pieces together and get extremely mad at the two of them.
“Shh, don’t worry. I’m sure he won’t. it was just very funny. Although, when he finds out that there is no class you’ll get in trouble” Diego gave her a wink, and continued “But he will probably just think that either I know, or that you didn’t want me to find out. Relax, beautiful. I’m sure he won’t say anything about it to Violetta”
Diego let go of her hands and placed them on her shoulders. She relaxed slightly under his touch, closing her eyes and taking in a couple of breaths.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” Francesca asked, being very thankful that Diego was there to unstress her. He had a very calm effect on her.
“So I’ve been told” He said back, teasingly. Francesca playfully hit him in the chest. Sometimes he deserved to be put in his place. However after that, she wrapped her arms around his neck. And whispered a faint: “Thank you”
Diego warmed up inside and stroked Francesca’s face. “I love you”
“I love you more” Francesca answered. Diego shook his head: “Not possible”
He leaned in and pushed his lips on hers. It began as an innocent peck on the lips, but turned into one of their more passionate kisses. When they split, Diego’s head was spinning and Francesca gasped for air. Both of them laughed out of pure ecstasy.
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castial · 1 year
Las chicas cuando
Las chicas cuando descubren que desaparecieron todos los vídeos sobre la historia de Diego y Francesca de youtube
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thegigilwriter · 4 months
15 | “Danger & Star, Rooster & Angel” — Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Female Mitchell OC
Summary. 26-year-old Lucy Asa Mitchell did not know what was in store for her when she first bumped into Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. After an instant mutual connection followed by a sweet whirlwind romance that swept both their feet, Lucy found herself being immersed deeper into Bradley’s world of the Navy, F-14s, and deployments. What she didn’t expect was finding was the answer to an elusive part of her past — the identity of her long-lost father.
Chapter Summary. Lucy’s birthday looms near and Frankie isn’t able to make it. So she makes it up to her before she leaves. Luckily, Bradley has some plans in mind and he holds out hope that in time Lucy will reveal more about her complicated family.
Keywords/Warnings: Romance, angst, BFF times
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15 | Seashell by the Seashore 🐚
September 18, 2023
“Tanti auguri a, tetanti auguri a. Tetanti auguri a Luciaaaa.... Tanti auguri a te!ˮ
Lucy and Francesca clapped side by side, sitting together under the shade of a large parasol buried in the sand, sitting on a fitted sheet to keep the sand at bay, and enjoying the view of the sea in the mild San Diego afternoon. Francesca had baked them a lovely, little red velvet cake with buttercream frosting and they began to pick it apart with a fork, paired with some glasses of Pinot Noir.
“Iʼm sorry that I canʼt make it on your actual birthday,ˮ Frankie frowned.
“Whatʼre you talking about?ˮ Lucy smiled. “Today is my birthday. Today, I am 26 for you, my friend.ˮ
They laughed lightly, glasses clinking.
“How old is Bradley, again?ˮ Francesca hummed.
“40,ˮ Lucy replied casually. “Quite the age gap, eh?ˮ
“It is, but whenever I look at both of you I canʼt decide whether youʼre older than you look or heʼs younger than he seems!ˮ
“Thank you,ˮ Lucy chuckled.
A brief quiet ensued as they both had a bite of cake.
“Have you told him? About your mom?ˮ Francesca asked her quietly.
“Yeah,ˮ Lucy smiled. “Squeezed a few tears out of me... but I got it out in the open eventually.ˮ
“And Ford? Did you tell him about the letters and about Maveri—“
“No,ˮ she sighed deeply. “Not yet... not yet. Frankie, I really donʼt want to tal—“
“Lucia,ˮ Francesca said firmly. “I respect your privacy and your autonomy. You have a right to both. But my friend, your fatal flaw is your own isolation — you lie and push people away because youʼre afraid—“
“Youʼre afraid that if they got to know the person you really are theyʼll leave and theyʼll take all of their love with them.ˮ
Francesca Agosti was no academic marvel. She did not have any educational qualifications to become a curator and a painter. She flunked out of the fancy private college her father paid for. But she was a great scholar when it comes to the matters of the heart. She and Lucy share the trait of being insightful. While Lucy applies it towards interacting with whales, Francesca puts it on a canvas. That, is what makes her a passionate artist.
“Whatever happened to Ford was not your punishment of the matters you last exchanged,ˮ Francesca held her hand. “What happened to your mom is something out of your control. What happened to you — to wild Lucy — shouldnʼt have had to change.ˮ
“But Bradley—“
“Bradley Bradshaw is a good man,ˮ Francesca enveloped her weeping friend into her arms lovingly. “That man is absolutely in love with you, Lucia. I can see it in his eyes.ˮ
“I-In love?ˮ Lucy stuttered. “With me?ˮ
“With you,ˮ Francesca tucked her stray hairs behind her ears. “Forgive yourself Lucia,ˮ she smiled kindly. “Let him love you.ˮ
“Okay,ˮ Lucy whispered.
“I have something for you,ˮ Francesca pulled her tote bag towards her and retrieved a medium-sized box decorated with iridescent swirls and a white bow. She handed it to Lucy.
It was heavy in Lucyʼs lap, and whatever it was it thudded against the corners as she shook it gently. She undid the bow and opened the lid. Wrapped in pale tissue, was a magnificent conch shell. It was a foot in size with a large flaring lip. It had a pretty, consistent pale peach color all throughout with a vibrant pink that emerged from its entrance. Its spines were elegantly curved and ethereal.
“Oh Frankie,ˮ she sighed. “Itʼs beautiful.. But I canʼt — there are only about 50,000 in the world and I donʼt know how you got this but if itʼs from a protected area —“
“Lucia stop,ˮ Francesca chuckled. “Remember Scala dei Turkei? I tripped on that a week before I came here. I had it checked out, thereʼs nothing in here and itʼs okay to keep...ˮ
“Thank you Frankie,ˮ she embraced her tightly. “For everything.ˮ
Just then, Lucyʼs phone rang and from just how she smiled as she picked it up, Francesca could tell just who it was on the other side…
“Yeah,ˮ Lucy chuckled looking at Francesca. “I think sheʼd like that.ˮ
“Iʼve only had a glass,ˮ she argued. “I can have a beer.ˮ
Francesca giggled. Lucy stood up, gesturing for the bathroom.
“We can always Uber, Bradley,ˮ she said into the phone as she went ahead and grabbed her purse.
“Okay, okay, if you insist.ˮ Lucy sighed as she sauntered away.
Francesca watched her from the distance, her mind drifting and finding itself to Robert Floyd. It was no secret that Francesca has had her fair share of lovers — some amorous, some stoic, some scandalous, and some just too square. But she never really met anyone who was quite like Robert Floyd.
“Looks like that went well,ˮ Bob smiled at her.
“It looks like that right now,ˮ she replied to him as she downed another Bellini. “But wait until the paper comes out tomorrow and Italyʼs most snobby pricks nitpick the failure of a daughter from a family gallerists.ˮ
They were walking the length of the restricted areas museum at night. Bob had her heels in his hand and his jacket on her shoulders. They found a tall glass door to a patio and just before they exited to meet with the view of the sea, they spotted two lovers, so engrossed with each other that neither of them felt the chilly air.
“Theyʼre really going at it,ˮ Bob chuckled as Bradley pulled Lucy closer to him. “Iʼve never seen Rooster like this.ˮ
“Neither have I with Lucia,ˮ Francesca remarked. “Come, I know some other place we can go.ˮ
They ended up in an empty gallery room in which Francesca powered a switch nearby and a floating, projected art exhibition illuminated the space. It was one of those instagram- worthy, art-interactive, locations that people loved to take pictures at.
“I think these kinds of exhibitions were made for clout,ˮ Bob said as-matter-of- factly.
“Definitely,ˮ Francesca drawled, her stance flailing. She sat down on one corner of the room and Bob followed suit, watching the lights scatter against the white walls.
“Youʼre not a failure, yʼknow?ˮ He told her. “History tells us that the critics arenʼt always right.ˮ
“Thatʼs true,ˮ Francesca nodded sleepily. “But those artists werenʼt children of my Father.ˮ
A beat.
“Artists donʼt please, they create.ˮ Bob told her. Francesca looked at him thoughtfully. The lights were hypnotic, the Bellini buzz was on its high, and his lips looked very lonely. She cupped his cheek and slowly drew him to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder gently.
“Itʼs late,ˮ he said. “Let me take you home.ˮ
Unbeknownst to Francesca whose face placed in her palms, Bradley had arrived in khaki uniform and walked up to their little patch of shade on the beach.
“You alright?ˮ He asked her. Francesca looked up.
“Oh yes...ˮ Francesca smiled. “Lucia just went to the bathroom. Sheʼll be back.ˮ
“Well I sure hope so,ˮ Bradley joked. “Iʼve had a whole thing planned for her birthday. I would hate for her to miss it... I hope she likes it.ˮ
“As long as itʼs from you, Iʼm sure sheʼll enjoy it.ˮ She replied.
“What did you get her?ˮ Bradley gestured towards the gift box. Francesca opened the lid.
“Only about 50,000 of those left. Are they from a—“
“No theyʼre not from a protected area,ˮ Francesca chuckled. “I stubbed my toe on that on an isolated beach in Italy. Had it checked out too. You listen to her...ˮ
“‘Course I do,ˮ Bradley tuck his aviators in his shirt as he ducked into the shade and sat beside her. “Sheʼs my girlfriend…”
“Iʼm going to take care of her you know,ˮ he told her after a moment of stillness, looking out to the water.
“I know you will... just be patient with her,ˮ Francesca sighed. “If thereʼs anything I can tell you, itʼs that Lucy comes from a family where... pushing down their feelings and hiding their problems is way to be strong. Itʼll be hard — getting Lucia out of her shell.ˮ
“Hey!ˮ Lucy arrived a few moments later in her white sunhat, she crawled into their enclosure, eyes lighting up at the sight of Bradley
“Hey Angel,ˮ he grinned handsomely as he kissed her cheek. “Ready for the Hard Deck?ˮ
“Is Bob going to be there?ˮ She smirked, a faint blush dusting Francescaʼs cheek.
“You told him?!ˮ She exclaimed. “Lucia!ˮ
“He did, actually.ˮ Bradley answered, winking. “Looks the right one finally came your way.ˮ
New ship unlocked! 🔓💞🔑 Should I make a short spin-off series about these two new lovebirds after Danger & Star, Rooster & Angel? Well that’s a wrap for now! See you at 16 | Lucy’s Surprise!
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mywritingsxiii · 4 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Violetta (TV 2012) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Diego Hernández/Francesca Caviglia Characters: Diego Hernández, Francesca Caviglia, Other Original Characters Additional Tags: Diecesca Summary:
Just a bunch of cute stories of Diego & Francesca from Violetta.
--> every story is in English
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downtondays · 2 years
My favorite ships x their tropes
Bates x Anna - soulmates
Two souls who are just meant to be together no matter what.
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Brittany x Santana - friends to lovers
When a beautiful friendship turns into something more.
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Spike x Buffy - enemies to lovers
The line between hate and love is often really thin.
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Tara x Willow - love at first sight
Sometimes a simple look is all that is needed to start a romance.
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Ikjun x Songhwa - first love
Someone's first love is unforgettable.
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Diego x Francesca - secret relationship
Hiding your love is the hardest thing, yet it makes it more special.
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Magnus x Alec - forbidden love
We forbid them to be attracted to each other but what or who can stop love ?
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rabbittstewcomics · 2 years
Episode 353
Comic Reviews:
Batman Fortress 1 by Gary Whitta, Darick Robertson, Diego Rodriguez
DC vs Vampires: Hunters by Matthew Rosenberg, Neil Googe, Antonio Fabela
Vixen NYC by Jasmine Walls, Manou Azumi
Devil's Reign Omega by Chip Zdarsky, Rafael De Latorre, Rodney Barnes, Guillermo Sanna, Diijo Lima, Jim Zub, Luciano Vecchio
Legion of X 1 by Si Spurrier, Jan Bazaldua, Federico Blee
Spider-Man 2099 Exodus 1 by Steve Orlando, Dave Wachter, Carlos Lopez
Marvel Meow 7 by Nao Fuji
Unnatural: Blue Blood 1 by Mirka Andolfo, Ivan Bidarella, Francesca Carotenuto, Francesca Vivaldi
Dark Horse
Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: Night of the Cyclops by 
Pearl III 1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Gaydos
Elvira in Horrorland 1 by David Avallone, Silvia Califano, Walter Pereyra
Spectro 1 by Juan Doe
Neverender 1 by Devin Kraft
Paris OGN by Andi Watson, Simon Gane
Fox and Hare 1 by Jonathan Tsuei, Stacey Lee, Raul Angulo
Additional Reviews: AHS Double Feature, Spielberg Westside Story, Derry Girls, Stumptown, The Clock, Obi-Wan ep 1+2, Owl House s2, Marvel Team-Up w/ Kamala
Riverdale Challenge, Am It Glenn?
News: Acolyte to be first Star Wars key content set before the Skywalker Saga, Jessica Jones returning to the MCU, Star Wars release dates, Winnie the Pooh horror movie, three new YA GNs from DC
Trailers: Andor, Willow, Mando s3
Comics Countdown:
Department of Truth 18 by James Tynion IV, Martin Simmons
Swamp Thing 13 by Ram V, Mike Perkins, Mike Spicer
Punisher 3 by Jason Aaron, Paul Azaceta, Jesus Saiz, Dave Stewart
Arrowsmith: Behind Enemy Lines 5 by Kurt Busiek, Rafael Fonteriz
Something is Killing the Children 23 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell'Edera, Miquel Muerto
Newburn 7 by Chip Zdarsky, Casey Gilly, Soo Lee, Jacob Phillips
Avengers 56 by Jason Aaron, Javier Garron, David Curiel
Stillwater 13 by Chip Zdarsky, Ramon Perez, Mike Spicer
Ice Cream Man 30 by W. Maxwell Prince, Martin Morazzo
Rogue Sun 4 by Ryan Parrott, Abel, Chris O'Halloran
Check out this episode!
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