#frankly relieved
mango-dolphin · 1 year
apparently the twist in tsats was bad? SAD! oh well at least meg was unaffected by this
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clownsuu · 1 year
Why is your whole account gay?
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Need more excuses to draw home as an old fard smhh, my hands itch for old man content
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absurdumsid · 5 months
good MORNING guess whos a superior husband and extreme failure as a wife
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byanyan · 18 days
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ㅤㅤ" ...i dunno how t' feel about any'a this. "
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cairoscene · 5 months
song meme
tagged by @megafaunatic hehe
shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people
we just disagree by dave mason, and here's where i explain that my 62 y/o father has started sending the family gc a song From His Youth every week to my endless delight and i make the whole house stop and listen. this one was one of the first he sent so now i cherish it
vienna by billy joel, a song for everyone's own personal favorite Tired Character
ocotillo by loma, the only song i know of that makes a fog horn slap so hard
me and julio down by the schoolyard by paul simon, a song from my childhood and to this day im not sure if my parents know it's about gay sex and at this point i'm too afraid to ask
the boxer by simon & garfunkel aka the sexier version of paul simon but nothing goes harder than "every glove that laid him down or cut him / til he cried out / in his anger and his shame / I AM LEAVING I AM LEAVING / but the fighter still remains" 🤌🤌🤌
california dreamin' by the mamas and the papas. probably bc of my dad i have been very old-man-yells-at-cloud about how Music Used To Be Good and listening to a lot of oldies for my soul
new ceremony by dry the river on their best album SHALLOW BED which i cannot for sure say is what it's about but for me it is about not being able to communicate your feelings in any other way than by bible allegories
butchered tongue by hozier which is i think a close second to my favorite from unreal unearth but this song just opens a crack inside me every time i hear it and emotion leaks and leaks and leaks
terrible love by the national and idk why this is on here except maybe i listened to it so many times in college while staring at the ceiling that it time traveled onto my on repeat playlist
glider by japanese breakfast, a video game song that is so so important to me and was important even before i got to play the game. something about the chimes just scratches my brain
tagging @vinelark @feyburner @tigerjpg @englishsub @uhuraisgay @eggmacguffin @witchiestwitch @yuebings @houtaroo and anyone else who wants to do it!!!!
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sadhornydemons · 4 months
whispers in tags
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quibbs126 · 5 months
Just a tad bit curious, but have you've done any fankids that involve Schwarzwälder or Esterhazy? (As the parents I mean)
I have done one involving Esterhazy/Earl Grey, her name is Cremeschnitte, but that’s the only Esterhazy one so far. And as for Choco Werehound Brute, I haven’t gotten any requests
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violentdevotion · 8 months
girl woman who's been awake for 32 hours still can't sleep
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oleredacted · 6 months
Moving to M*nchester a week today!
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sunflawyer · 2 months
hii!! its great to meet u and ty for the follow, i wanted to say your ship stuff looks SOOOO SO SWEET AND THERES SO MUCH LOVE IN ITTTT
seeing your latest post i hope youve been good and whatever happened i hope you are really enjoying taking ur time away and being patient w urself! (and yes drag race is super fun…im not caught up with any recent stuff but ive been dying to rewatch the older seasons…), hope u have a good day!! 🤍
HI NATTT!! 🥹🥹💗💗💓💞💕💝💝
oh thank you so so much for the sweet words! 😭😭💞💞 i had the chance to take a step back and have some time for myself and while its been quite lonely but its actually very fun as well!! im able to catch up with things like movies and stuff
also!!! lately im doing this sticker journaling thing (it looks messy im sorry)
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its been fun too!! 💝💝
AND YES DRAG RACE IS SO FUNN HEJELFKF im watching the newer seasons (its about to end 😞) and i was hoping to watch the older seasons as well :3 💝💝💝
hope you're having a wonderful day too nat!!💞💞 this is such a fun talk (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
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I give up on the concept of """"nerves"""" I would no longer like to feel, thank you
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can i ask you something? what makes this different from s4 with buck and eddie? didn't you say you lost faith after s4, so how was it restored and how did what happen in the s6 finale not make you lose faith in what would have been the series finale, they got buck and eddie together with random women they have no chemistry with?
I feel like I've answered this question a hundred times but, okay, once more with feeling! A one and a two and a three!
My faith was restored with season four after I a) calmed down b) took a step back and had more time to reflect and c) wasn't having a mental breakdown. As I've said before, my personal life was bad at the time, so when my fictional TV show didn't give me what I wanted and it was one of the few things giving me an escape/joy at the time, I didn't handle it well. But when I took a step back, chatted with others, and had some time to reflect, I realized I had been too impatient in my expectations. Season five was fantastic for me re: Eddie's growth and healing, as well as Buck approaching romantic relationships. I was honestly surprised they didn't get together in the season five finale, that was my expectation and it seemed properly built up, but then we had weird pacing in season six in regards to Buck and Eddie especially so I really suspect BTS stuff was going on.
I don't lose faith because I have seen what happens when people rush shit for a finale because they are cancelled or might be cancelled. You do not have to agree with my opinion on this. You are welcome to say, well if this was the finale I'd be pissed! But I, personally, would have been upset if they'd rushed my getting together moment because they were scared they'd get cancelled.
Additionally, again, we do not know what's going on behind the scenes. Clearly stuff was going on during season six. I don't mean to put on a tin hat here, but it's possible Fox said "no." It's possible Tim said "no." It's possible there was other shit going on that I can't even guess on because I'm not involved, that led to a "no" that will become a "yes" now that they've moved to ABC. We do not know.
I have not lost faith because guess what! It was NOT the series finale. I do not care for the "almosts" of other timelines. This is the timeline I'm in, thanks, and what matters to me is not what might have happened or what almost happened but what did happen. In my opinion, the writing team chose to take a risk and not get Buddie together, not compromise their relationship, in the hopes they'd get picked up somewhere else. It's a risky move, but once you get Buddie together you can't take it back, and so I respect that they stuck to their guns.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO AGREE WITH ME. But this is my opinion of why I'm not upset. As a writer, I respect when someone has the integrity to hold to their vision even if it means taking a risk.
(And frankly I didn't like it for a series finale for any of the characters, not just Buddie! As much as I love all of them. I want to see the Madney wedding, I want Athena to quit her damn job, I want Chim to get a storyline not tied to Maddie... etc.)
As far as where the boys are now, given this was not the series finale:
Back when it looked like Eddie would get with Ana, a lot of us were excited, because we felt it was important Eddie date other people before he dates Buck. Shannon is the only relationship he's ever had and we felt that for his own sake, his confidence, his maturity, he date at least one other person.
But that's not how his relationship with Ana went. He did it to give Chris a parent, he did it before he was ready, he did it because he felt he had to. Whatever sexuality you believe Eddie to have, the entire Ana relationship was steeped in comphet. It didn't give him confidence or help him learn to have an adult relationship. So Eddie needs, in my opinion, to date around a little. For himself, because he wants to. Then he'll have the confidence to be with Buck.
Buck's relationship with Natalia will, I hope, give him the growth I wanted him to have with Taylor. He did a lot of growth regarding his platonic family this season, but it was also made more clear to him than ever that he wants to be a father and a husband. But as we see he once again let someone else pick his couch. This time, Natalia. She seems like the band-aid solution to his post-death trauma, but the audience has already been set up to see that Eddie is what's right for Buck, not her. It's clear to me from the writing that they had to hedge their bets, again for whatever BTS reason, but they are still priming the audience to know Natalia's not right for Buck, Eddie is.
Personally, given Natalia's reaction to Buck's relationship with Kameron and Connor, I think Christopher will be the breaking point. Buck will never, ever choose anyone else over Christopher. And I don't think Natalia, who didn't seem super comfy with kids in the first place, will like that her boyfriend has a parental and unshakable relationship with someone else's kid. And who can blame her? It's hard to build a life with someone when they're co-parenting another kid already. It's kinda the number one concern divorced parents have when dating again - I already have a child, and I share that child with someone else, but I'm not romantically with that someone else, how can a new person accept that? It's hard! It's uncomfy! It's difficult!
Again, we saw Buck fall asleep on Eddie's couch. Eddie is Buck's true partner. Buck is already a father (and possibly will be again, I think it's looking more and more likely that Buck and Eddie will adopt a child once they get together, Buck loves Chris but clearly also wants a baby - c'mon writers give me a safe haven baby), to Christopher.
Just as he realized with his coma dream that Bobby is his true father, the one he already has, and that means he can forgive his parents for his own sake and meet them where they're at, because he knows from where his true support comes (Bobby especially, but the rest of the 118 as well)... so season seven will I think be Buck realizing that Eddie is his true partner and Chris is his true child. And Natalia is not Taylor. Natalia is a good person. She's a selfless person who helps people come to terms with their death and makes such a terrifying experience joyful and loving. Buck needs to reject the "perfect woman" because no matter how "perfect" she might be, she can never be what he wants. No one can, because Eddie and Chris already have his heart.
So that's why I'm excited. I'm excited for Eddie to get confident in his ability to be a romantic partner. I'm excited for Buck to reject the "perfect woman" because he needs to realize he already has what he wants.
I don't think it's like the season four finale. The season four finale they should not have gotten together. It was too soon. It would've been steeped in the trauma they both just experienced (and have yet to talk about heheheheh). I think that season six just gave us what we hoped would happen when Eddie dated Ana and Buck dated Taylor but Eddie especially was acting from a place of comphet and trauma, and Buck LITERALLY DATED TAYLOR BECAUSE EDDIE NEARLY DIED, it was a MASSIVE trauma response and he continued to be with her because she wouldn't leave him, even though he was absolutely miserable with her to the point where the intensely-loyal Buck drunkenly kissed someone else (I think that kiss was equally about Eddie, Eddie didn't show up even though Buck invited him, and Buck clearly is angry and missing him).
Season six finale gave us Eddie learning to ask someone out, Eddie trying to date casually, Eddie learning how to be an adult in adult romantic relationships. And it gave us the "perfect" woman for Buck, while ALSO showing us how she ISN'T what he really needs, to set us up for Buck realizing nobody will ever work out because nobody will be Eddie.
That's why I'm not worried. They're two entirely different scenarios. And while you may not agree with how the writing team chose to handle the possible cancellation and that is allowed, I do not agree with you, I will never agree with you, and people who do not agree with me need to stop dropping into my inbox because they will simply be deleted and also, a little bit, mocked. Privately. In silly voices. To my cats.
(Not saying that's you nonny, but I have had some rather annoying people drop me a line.)
So there you go. I got my faith back with season four because I was impatient and I just needed time to reflect, and I have not lost faith here because I believe they're two different scenarios, I like to give the benefit of the doubt to an excellent writing team because I don't know what BTS bullshit is going on, and I would've done the same damn thing and not compromised my vision of how I wanted Buck and Eddie to get together and taken that risk.
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lovestruckpdf · 10 months
#first off#i don’t know how to tag this because frankly. im not sure if it actually is the thing im thinking of#so uhm . tw s@ and the r word (? again. im not sure if those are the correct terms forgive me)#———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————#i hope that’s enough#so . ive been having these dreams lately#abt my father and this man (i wont say who im sorry)#but i feel like im being haunted by the past and theyre a part of it#father used me as a s/x reliever when i was little#he did stuff to me thats been occuring in my dreams again#with someone i know. a man i know rn#and it makes me want to kill myself. literally#those fucking dreams are about both of them doing shit and i want tofucking rip my skin off my bones#im fine now. all they are to me are fuckers and all but#i want to know if these dreams these fucking nightmares are just me relapsing and fucking whatnot#or something more. something thatll happen.#because these types of dreams are vivid as fuck like i can feel every breathe struggle fucking grope on my skin and it feels so real#these are the types of dreams that tell me itll happen because this happens every time someone will do smth#im scared for fucking life i feel like this body isnt mine and that its his and i want to cut off every limb he ahd his hands on and more i#fuck.
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aidenwaites · 10 months
When it comes to employment there is simply no winning
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introvertgoat · 1 year
me: is depressed
my twt acc: suspended
r u next finale: jiwoo jeemin jeongeun (aka the talented girlies) all eliminated and 2 minors in the lineup 🤕🤕
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#real talk: wanna kms rn#life isn’t living#first two aren’t new developments but the third??#oh belift/hybe are going to hell bcs they love being sleazy 😍#aside from them already eliminating the star of all stars miss chanelle thomas i actually can’t believe they’d let go of jiwoo and jeemin#of all people 😭😭#like#you have an incredible main vocalist who can actually sing and erm lbr hybe needs more idols who can yk actually sing#and LITERALLY THEIR BEST TRAINEE?? jeemin has been consistently topping the rankings every time and 4th place for the finale was good !! but#of course the stupid and frankly disgusting 70% votes for koreans vs the 30% for intls skewed the scale so badly#and when u add in the fact that only 2 of the finalists were audience picks and the other 4 were the company picks … 🫤🫤🫤#also the group name crying#what the fuck is i’ll-it 😭#that’s a HORRIBLR NAME#and i though the name for queendom puzzle was bad#i mean it still is but this is js 🤐#when the announced it i suddenly felt relieved that chanelle and tripl j were debuting under that group name 😋🫶#but it’s the way i was so blindsided by jeemin not debuting BYE like the anger i feel rn …#jiwoo?? my bbg has more talent in her pink than the bitch lee hyun has in his entire nasty body#but the way the show has been going clued me in on that she most likely wouldn’t make it bcs bitches love being ageist and ignoring talent#BUT JEEMIN?? SHE DESERVED BETTER 😣😣😣#they’re all most likely leaving hybe too good riddance#laughing at the way most intl fans are wishing on the groups downfall calling them flops like they’re MAD#and rightfully so like bye hybe ur debuting a bunch of flops aside from yunah and minju my beloveds 😘#i wish them all the success but yk#i won’t even talk abt W bcs her fans r probably lurking on here 🤕😭#need jaden jeong to hook up my girlies w triple s !! they’ll make good music and show off their skills#crying again cbs the way jiwoo said this was her last chance most likely for a debut … i’m burning hybe down idc idc#fuckers need a good vocalists and yet they’re not running after the lost opportunity ??#screw the judges too except aiku bcs they rlly realized how much they fumbled the bag at the finale LMAO
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
Took 2 metoprolols, a propranolol, a Xanax, 2 Benadryls, and 2 melatonins, and my supine resting heart rate is 122 bpm. Wearing a home heart monitor and fully discontinuing ADHD meds till May, then they run a wire up my groin and try to determine once and for all if this tachycardia is the purview of the cardiology department or the neuropsychology department [eyeroll emoji]
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