saiilorstars · 1 year
The fleeting moment where you finish another fic and now you gotta go through the process of finding another one 😤😤 shamelessly promote yourself if you have a harryxoc, dracoxoc, fredxoc or theoxoc fic please let's cut out the middle man here
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That’s My Girl || Fred x OC
Pairing : Fred Weasley x Scarlett Finnigan (OC)
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"Draco Malfoy is an insufferable git." Scarlett mumbled from her spot on the bed in the medical wing. Normally, she was able to ignore Malfoys annoying, yet amusing, comments and she was hardly ever one of his victims when he wanted to cause some havoc on anyone at the school.
She had been in the middle of  a quidditch match between Gryffindor, her house, and Slytherin when he had knocked her off of her broom. She barely had time to register that she was falling before her arm hit the ground first. The pain was excruciating and she tried, and failed, to hold back the moans of pain that passed through her slightly glossed lips.
Madam Pomfrey had immediately gone to her aid and placed the girl on a stretcher, bringing her back to the hospital wing in the school. Scarlett passed out before she got there, only waking up briefly to mumble and then passing back out again.
When she woke up again, her arm was in a sling and Pomfrey scurried over to her with some medicine. "Take this dear." She said.
She held out a spoonful of silver, foul smelling liquid. A sigh left the girls lips as she downed it, swallowing it before letting out a strangled cough.
"Is that Scarlett Finnigan  I see wide awake over there?" A voice called, one she knew all to well.
"Fred? What in Merlins beard are you doing here?" She wondered, watching him as he walked to her, his normal grin on his face.
"Figure you'd be waking up soon and I wanted my devilishly handsome face to be the first thing you saw." He smiled sending a wink her way.
"As lovely as that sounds Fred, I've already seen Pomfreys face." She teased, sitting up and leaning back on the pillows as Fred pouted. "So..." Scarlett started, seeing her jersey and remembering what happened. "How id the game go? Please tell me we beat the Slytherins." She questioned, not wanting to hear that the Slytherins won and have to listen to their gloating about it.
"Luckily, Harry is a much better seeker than Malfoy." He said the Slytherins name with such distaste and hatred, his eyes glaring at her slinged arm. "Whoa boy, calm down. My arm didn't do anything to you." She teased, patting his shoulder with her free hand. 
He snapped out of his anger, a red hue covering his cheeks for a moment before he willed it away. "Right, I know that. Besides, George is already looking into a plan to get Malfoy back for what he did to you." 
"Really? Here I thought he' be too busy trying to catch Annabelle Snapes interest to think about pranking a jerk who took a shot during the match." She laughed. She liked to tease the Weasleys, especially George when it came to the girls that he fancies.
"You kidding? He wouldn't miss the opportunity to prank that git, even if it takes time from his swooning. He thinks of you as his sister after all. Fred joked, causing her to laugh softly. Fred just listened, always enjoying how her laugh sounded in his ears, like music. 
He took a moment to observe her, taking notice of how her red curls fell down her shoulders and back and still looking perfect, even if it was a little ruffled from laying on it. He loved how her skin was pale and he couldn't remember if he had ever actually seen any blemishes on her, just the freckles that spread over her cheeks and the bridge of her nose that he found absolutely adorable on her. He looked at her chocolate eyes last, though that was his favorite feature about her. He loved how they lit up when she smiled or laughed, how they always had hints of playfulness in them, even when she seemed completely angry or upset at someone.
Scarlett ran her uninjured fingers through her hair, biting her lower lip softly as the quiet surrounding them began to become too much. 
When her eyes glanced back to Fred, he was already looking at her and her cheeks burned. "What? Do I have something on my face? Did I cut it or something when I fell?" She mumbled, her hand moving up to her face for a moment.
Fred seemed to shake out of the trance he was in and shook his head, reaching over and grabbing her hand in his, lacing their fingers together.
"F-Fred?" She questioned, cursing herself for stuttering.
"You look as gorgeous as always Scar." He murmured, thumb stroking the top of her hand. He saw her reddened cheeks and curious gaze on him and couldn't help but to lean in, pressing his lip against hers. Magic was the only word that came to mind to even try to describe how the kiss had felt for him, hoping she was feeling the same spark he was. The kiss was short but passionate, his free hand reaching up to cup her cheek and he pulled back.
Scarlett blinked at him, butterflies in her stomach as his thumb rubbed against her cheek bone. "So, I get not isn't the perfect time but since you weren't at the end of the game where I originally planned this, this will have to do." He mumbled. 
Before she could question him, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a red velvet box. He opened it to her, revealing the gold chain with a fire charm that must have been charmed to look like real fire. "Scarlett Anastasia Finnigan, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asked, a confident grin on his face.
Looking up at Fred in shock, chocolate brown eyes staring into coffee brown eyes, Scarlett couldn’t get any words out but nodded her head quickly. "Y-yes! Oh, I mean uh, yes of course Fred!" She got out, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. 
Fred let out a breath, one that he wasn't even aware that he was holding. When he pulled back, he carefully placed the necklace around her neck.
"Finally! Now that you two are together, would someone like to help me with my dating life?" George called from the entrance to the hospital wing, causing Madam Pomfrey to shush him.
"Unfortunately, I'm not sure all the help n the world will help you, Georgie!" Scarlett called back, gripping onto Freds hand and grinning at the other Weasley twin before looking back to  Fred who was staring at her again.
She smiled, kissing his cheek as she moved off of the be. "Now, let's go prank the resident Slytherin Twit, shall we?"
"That's my girl!"
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notoriousnika · 3 years
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The Line [Fred Weasley] 
"I guess I was drawn to you." He smiled brightly before continuing. "Get it? Because you..." 
"Explaining the joke won't make it funny." She interrupted, trying to suppress the smile. It didn't take long before they both burst into laughter. Fred loved it when he could make her laugh. 
She looked up at him, her eyes radiating joy. "You really are something special, Fred Weasley." 
⁃ ⁃ ⁃ 
In their last years of Hogwarts, every student is trying to find themselves, to find who they really are and what they want to do. For Ava, it was especially hard. Even though she tended to be a rather stubborn and well-organised person, she avoided the answer as much as she could. Little does she know that along with dealing with her difficult family relationships, realising her friends might not be who they say they are, an upcoming war, in which she'll have a bigger role than she realises and her mysterious art ability she will subconsciously create the answer. And knowing Fred Weasley will be the first step to it. 
[Fred Gideon Weasley]
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weasleyrights · 4 years
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Keeping Faith (Fred Weasley x OC) - Wine (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/Cgq5YuhKNbb 
"You're trouble, Fred Weasley." 
"So I've been told but may I ask why you've come to this conclusion?" 
"I like you." Her voice was sweet but she was watching him cautiously, a scowl between her eyebrows. 
"Careful, If you smile a bloke may believe you." Fred teased and her scowl deepened. 
"Ha. Ha." 
🔮✨A fluffy story about Fred Weasley falling for a muggle who practices witchcraft✨🔮
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Born to save his life - Der mysteriöse Junge (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/XskV2YAMi6 Winnifred Marie Paddington hat seit kurzem so komische Visionen. Vor allem, wenn sie einen gewissen Erstklässler ansieht. Bei Harry Potter kommen ihr Erinnerungen hoch, welche allerdings nicht von ihr stammen. Winnie hat keine Ahnung was vor sich geht und die Erwachsenen erzählen ihr auch nichts. Nur eine komische Prophezeiung, aber mehr weiß die Drittklässlerin auch nicht. Die Prophezeiung besagt, dass ein junges Mädchen geboren ist, um den Retter der Zaubererwelt zu beschützen. Wollt ihr mehr wissen? Dann folgt Winnie in ihrem Abenteuer.
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kaykay1307 · 5 years
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New my new Harry Potter fic!!!
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starcrossedjedis · 3 years
When will you be posting your fredxOC fic?
Eeeep, I remember getting this ask during my vacation and being like "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO REPLY I HARDLY EVER ACTUALLY WRITE AND THIS WAS LIKE HALF A FEVER DREAM TO BEGIN WITH!!"
And now, here we are, I just remembered I got this ask and a) so sorry for not replying sooner, I am The Worst™️ and b) bruh, do I have news for you:
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aestheticgoat · 4 years
Hi there, I’m aestheticgoat, and I write mediocre fanfiction! My current fandoms are Harry Potter (always) and A:TLA.
I started this blog because I wanted a place to talk about what I write, even if nobody else is listening. I also like to stand on my soapbox and write essays about things that I like (hot take: the twilight saga is good 😤) so maybe I’ll post these here instead of annoying my friends with long rambly texts...
I write about OC’s a lot - like, a lot a lot - because I’m planning out a book (series...) and I think it’s better practice (for me!) to work with creating characters and their backstories. I hope you’ll take the time to read my OC-centric fics, since I try to flesh them out a bit and make their lives interesting and personalities realistic, even if they’re not “main character” material.
Here’s a link to my AO3 page, if you’d like to take a look! Currently I have a Zutara one-shot and an ongoing FredxOC fic (that’s definitely too much of a deep dive into the OC, but that’s ok, she’s kinda cool).
Oh, I also used to run @thedracoimagines (and I’d like to pop in and post there once in a while, too, one day) so if you’re from there, welcome! I hope you like what you see here, even if it’s not all about Draco Malfoy!
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Born to save his life - Der Anfang (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/sd11VvUYg6 Winnifred Marie Paddington hat seit kurzem so komische Visionen. Vor allem, wenn sie einen gewissen Erstklässler ansieht. Bei Harry Potter kommen ihr Erinnerungen hoch, welche allerdings nicht von ihr stammen. Winnie hat keine Ahnung was vor sich geht und die Erwachsenen erzählen ihr auch nichts. Nur eine komische Prophezeiung, aber mehr weiß die Drittklässlerin auch nicht. Die Prophezeiung besagt, dass ein junges Mädchen geboren ist, um den Retter der Zaubererwelt zu beschützen. Wollt ihr mehr wissen? Dann folgt Winnie in ihrem Abenteuer.
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Born to save his life - Lauter wirre Träume (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/Gc8xiGoBg6 Winnifred Marie Paddington hat seit kurzem so komische Visionen. Vor allem, wenn sie einen gewissen Erstklässler ansieht. Bei Harry Potter kommen ihr Erinnerungen hoch, welche allerdings nicht von ihr stammen. Winnie hat keine Ahnung was vor sich geht und die Erwachsenen erzählen ihr auch nichts. Nur eine komische Prophezeiung, aber mehr weiß die Drittklässlerin auch nicht. Die Prophezeiung besagt, dass ein junges Mädchen geboren ist, um den Retter der Zaubererwelt zu beschützen. Wollt ihr mehr wissen? Dann folgt Winnie in ihrem Abenteuer.
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kaykay1307 · 4 years
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Fireworks and Firewhiskey - the one with the Uncle Werewolf (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/nBA2AHOvr9 They were like fire and fire, always trying to burn the other one.
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