#free Kurt
vcg73 · 2 years
Free Kurt - Wedding Edition
OK, so I never made it all the way through the episode, so this is off the cuff. But in the spirit of ‘canon is bullshit and Kurt deserved better’, here is my shot at Carole saving Kurt from that absurd S6 wedding per this request:  https://www.tumblr.com/elledelajoie/697137179001028608/free-kurt-challenge-3?source=share
TITLE: Mother May I
“Excuse me. Can we talk for a minute?” Carole asked, knocking softly on a support post next to the hale bale on which sat Pam Anderson, Blaine’s mother.
The dark-haired woman smiled, looking relieved to have company, and it was then that Carole realized that this woman was a stranger to everyone here, excepting her son and Kurt, and had probably been feeling a little bit lost amongst the twittering throng of wedding guests, and friends and family of the two young brides.
“Of course!” she said, scooting over a few inches to make room on the blanket covered bale. “It’s Carolyn, right? Kurt’s mother?”
“Carole, actually,” she corrected with a smile, trying not to let her puzzlement show. Surely Kurt had, at some point in his relationship with Blaine, met the other young man’s parents. And hadn’t Blaine ever talked to his mom about his boyfriend’s family? She could remember Finn excitedly babbling away about every little detail of his girlfriends’ lives when he had dated, alternately, Quinn and Rachel. And Kurt had told Burt and her all about Blaine. Even before they started dating officially, every visit home from Dalton Academy had been full of information on Blaine, the information frequently seeming to burst out with his enthusiasm to talk about the other boy.
Pam shook her head. “Right, I’m so sorry. I’m terrible with names. I’ve met so many new people today that all of the introductions have flown right out of my head.”
“Are you friends with the brides’ mothers?” Carole asked, momentarily distracted from original intention in seeking this woman out.
Pam blushed. “Actually, no. My son recently broke up with the young man he’d been living with and I was coming as his, and I quote, ‘emergency plus-one’. But then he and Kurt unexpectedly got back together yesterday, so I was going to bow out, but the boys said I should come anyway. Since I’d already bought the dress and all.” She laughed a little awkwardly, seeming to only just notice that her dress and Carole’s were very alike. “I see we have similar good taste. We almost look like we should be mothers of the grooms, instead of guests of the brides!”
The other woman laughed again, but Carole felt like her thoughts had just screeched to a halt. “They just started seeing each other again? I thought my step-son was still dating that older gentleman that he met online.”
“Oh, no. I think they were just friends. That’s what my son told me,” Pam said. “Blaine broke up with Dave last week because he said he felt like he and Kurt had worked things out, but as far as I know it didn’t become official until yesterday.”
Carole’s brow creased. She suddenly felt rather suspicious of this odd chain of coincidental timing and events. “Something is very wrong here,” she said slowly. “And I think it may be partially my fault. Earlier, Kurt was saying something to his dad and me about how he had almost gotten married last year and what a young and foolish decision that was at the boys’ age. We should have just agreed, but instead we started waxing on about how you had to grab every moment of life and make the most of it. I’m afraid I may have inadvertently projected my regrets for the opportunities my son Finn never got to have onto him.”
Pam reached out, giving Carole’s hand a wordless squeeze of sympathy that told her the other woman had heard the tragic news of Finn’s passing.
“And Kurt takes everything to heart, doesn’t he?” Pam said with a small sigh. “He’s such a sweet young man. I never did get the full story on what broke them up the first time, but I regretted losing him almost as much as Blaine did.  I love my son, but I know he isn’t good at taking responsibility for his actions, and I suspect he was at least equally at fault in whatever happened. Blaine has a bad habit of assuming that circumstances will always fall in line to suit his preference, and he becomes oblivious to anything that doesn’t fit that narrative. Those two have broken up and gotten back together so many times that I’m starting to believe Blaine’s in claims about destiny and soulmates.”
Carole sighed. “I’m not sure that I agree. Sometimes couples break up because they just aren’t suited for each other, no matter how strong the love is.  And now Brittany is trying to convince our sons that they should get married in a double ceremony today. I overheard Sue Sylvester talking to Brittany just now, and I believe the idea originated with her. That woman has an unhealthy obsession with Kurt, and lately she’s been fixed on the idea of ‘Klaine as endgame’.”
“She what?” Pam nearly screeched the words, standing abruptly. “They can’t do that. The first time they got engaged, they’d been back together for a day, and look how that turned out!  Maybe they’ll work out in the end, and maybe not. I hope they do, but not like this!”
“Agreed,” Carole said, glad to have an ally in this. She would not hesitate to take on that track-suited maniac for Kurt’s sake, but she could not honestly claim that she wasn’t a little bit scared to do it alone. “Brittany apparently thinks that having two gay weddings at one time will counteract the bad luck of her and Santana having seen each other in their bridal wear before the ceremony.”
Pam’s face froze in a quietly baffled expression, looking so much like her son for a moment that Carole had to smile. Jumping up, she grabbed the other woman’s hand and gave her a tug. “Come on. We have a wedding to save, and another one to stop.”
A few minutes later, after a hurried conference with Mirabel Lopez and Whitney Pierce, the posse of Glee moms descended on the small room where the would-be brides and grooms, along with the still looming presence of Sue Sylvester, were waiting. Each mother drew her child aside for a serious heart to heart talk.
“Kurt, I know I’m not actually your mother, but I’m going to speak to you now as if I were,” Carole said, taking Kurt’s hands in both of her own. “This is a mistake. You and Blaine started dating under less than ideal circumstances and your entire high school relationship was a series of misunderstandings and missed opportunities, usually with you paying the price to end things peacefully. I stayed out of it then, feeling that it wasn’t my place to interfere, but Finn told me a lot, and I need to apologize if I ever made you feel that I was unapproachable. Maybe if I had tried harder to let you know that you could trust me, and that you had someone you could talk to when things got rough, you never would have felt like you had to do everything on your own. Or felt like you had to give and give until there was nothing left.”
Kurt gaped at her. “But, I…” He trailed off, unable to deny that he had done just that. “Things are better now.”
“Are they?” she said, looking into his eyes and nodding to herself when he flinched away from her intent gaze. “Or do you just want them to be better because you’re in love?”
“It hurt when he was gone,” Kurt said softly.
She impulsively gave him a hug. “I know it did. Letting go of someone we love, someone we put all our hopes and dreams into, does hurt. It hurts a lot. Believe me, I know. But your first true love doesn’t have to be your one and only. You and your father taught me that.” Letting go, she led him to a handy bench to sit down. “Honey, you can’t just ignore your problems, or magically make everything okay by wishing everything was good again. If the past year of grief counseling has reinforced any lesson for me, it’s that one. You broke up for valid reasons. Maybe you worked those problems out, and maybe you didn’t. Only you can answer that for sure, but when you and Blaine got engaged, it was essentially by ambush after you’d only just become a couple again, and I don’t think you were ready for that. And now, after another breakup, you’ve gotten back together yet again, and now someone else is trying to ambush you into a wedding. Someone else’s wedding, that you’re being forced to gate-crash no less!  Does that seem like an ideal situation, or something that will work out well for you?”
Kurt’s blue eyes were welling up with tears. “No,” he whispered. “I feel like Alice from ‘Alice in Wonderland’, like random things just keep happening to me with no rhyme or reason, and the more I try to go along and make everyone else happy, the more lost and confused I feel. But Carole, what if I call it off and I lose him all over again?”
“If you can’t be honest with him, and with yourself, you’re going to lose a lot more than that,” she said gently. “For now, Brittany and Santana just need to know that they’re stronger than a little bad luck, and that today should be their big moment; a special day just for them. Their moms will figure out what to say to make that right. As for you and Blaine, just tell him that you want to date for a while. You two have always been in such a hurry for a big grand gesture to somehow prove your love, and you don’t need that. Just spend time together. Maybe go back to New York and try leading individual lives, different apartments, different jobs, different schools, and make sure everything between you is open and honest this time. But be a couple in all the important ways. By the time you graduate college, if you’re still on the same page, then set a date and plan out the wedding you want. Not this.”
The tears were trickling down Kurt’s face now, but he looked so relieved that any doubts Carole had harbored about interference vanished. He had not been born to her, but Kurt Hummel was her son just as much as her darling Finn had been, and her love for him was true motherly affection. She hugged him again, tightly.  
“I love you, Carole.”
She smiled. “I love you too, honey. Now, let’s go see how the others are coming along, and get this wedding back on track before all the guests get bored and stage a giant musical revolt that makes ‘Les Mis’ look like a summer picnic.”
Kurt laughed and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, blotting away his tears and blowing his nose. “They would do it, too. You can’t put that many divas in one room and not expect fireworks.”
In the end, only one couple tied the knot that day.
Brittany’s fears of bad luck were lifted by all of the gathered glee club members and guests forming a giant circle around the couple and singing Elvis Presley’s “Good Luck Charm”. (Which somehow everyone knew, including Brad the pianist, who magically appeared at the Indiana barn just in time to accompany the group.)
Sue Sylvester’s bad temper was soothed by a personal invitation from Kurt to be the officiant on his next wedding day – regardless of when and where that happened to take place, or whomever he ended up marrying. At this promise, Sue abruptly decided that she did not particularly care about the identity of his groom, and that really, Blaine was too short for him anyway. He needed someone tall and statuesque. Someone who would look good on a cake topper. Someone not unlike a young male version of Sue Sylvester. Porcelain would be receiving texts and emails of prospective hotties every week for the rest of his single life.
Blaine Anderson picked a fight with Kurt over the drinks table for embarrassing him and ruining his big moment yet again. He whined so loud and snarked so annoyingly, that Burt Hummel abruptly had a change of heart and decided that Kurt had been right all along to dump him. In celebration of this moment, the two Hummel men shook hands and proceeded to dump a bowl of bright red, hair-gel melting, icy punch right over the top of his head.
Pam Anderson bonded with Carole, Mirabel, and Whitney, drinking and dancing the night away, and putting down the roots of a great friendship and a killer ladies bowling league. The next day Blaine - newly single and still showing blotches of a peculiar shade of pink here and there due to Brittany having made the punch out of double-strength Kool-Aid - drove his still happily inebriated mother, who had partied until dawn, home to Ohio.
Kurt returned to New York, much more happily single. Two months later, he went on a blind date set up by his best friend Elliott, and they hit it off immediately. According to Kurt’s very pleased father, the guy wooed his son like romance was a National sport and Kurt’s heart was the pennant. 
Brittana lived and loved happily ever after.
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elledelajoie · 2 years
Free Kurt Challenge #3
This time, choose any Glee character, or even create an OC if need be, to free Kurt from marrying Blaine in S6, starting from Santana's awful rant in the McKinley hallway.
There's not a lot of need for keeping any of the characters "in character". The season starts with Kurt returning to Lima, where he had spent his whole life planning his escape, only to return to do a work-study program for a musical theater degree by restarting a show choir. Sue is a Klainer. Half of the Warblers live in the McKinley school district. Mr. Schue is coaching VA in Akron, yet lives in Lima still. (These cities are about a 2.5 hour drive from each other.) Blaine is living with Dave and coaching the Warblers. Nothing makes sense.
By the end of October, come up with a way to free Kurt from participating in a double wedding ceremony in a barn in Indiana. I'll add writers and the characters they've chosen once people make their selections. There is no length requirement. Even a drabble will do.
@elledelajoie—Brittany, @samarakurtofsky—Sam, @vcg73—Carole, @thequeensfan1117—Quinn, @pixiealtaira—Madame T & Burt's co-workers
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thequeensfan1117 · 2 years
Free Kurt: Unholy Trinity Edition
Note: Written for @elledelajoie. This isn't what I originally had planned (I'm still getting to that), but I hope you enjoy this anyway!
This is an AU (obviously) deviating from Kurt and Brittany's talk in 6x03.
“Don't let waiting for things to maybe work out with Blaine turn you into the guy who looks like somebody just pooped in your hand.”
Kurt took Britt's odd words to heart as he left McKinley. As much as it hurt, he let "Klaine" go and decided to fly solo. Sure, he had to dodge a crazed Sue Sylvester (trapping him and Blaine in an elevator? Really?) and realize that he no longer felt a spark when he kissed his ex one last time. But he made it through the fire without another scratch.
Quinn was his plus-one for the wedding. They had rekindled some semblance of a friendship as Britt and Santana's wedding planners, and she was there for him as he secretly fretted over his choice to stay single for a while.
"You need to rediscover Kurt Hummel," she would say. "That's vital."
Even Santana -- after she had apologized to Kurt for lashing out at him in the hallway -- agreed with her wife-to-be and her former rival.
"Before you find someone else who will appreciate your uniqueness, you need to be Kurt again!"
Then Blaine showed up with his mother Pam (a nice woman who Kurt had never met). He'd jumped in when Brittany started panicking about bad luck tainting the ceremony.
"Look, I think we should cancel out all this..." he waved his hands. "... bad juju somehow."
Quinn raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?"
Blaine nodded and pulled out a ring box.
Santana charged at him.
"Oh, hell no!" she shouted. "This is my wedding to Britt! You are not going to ruin it!"
Brittany piped up.
"Listen, I know our wedding is cursed with bad luck, but you can't just hijack it. Maybe have a Mounds bar while we panic over here."
Kurt stifled a laugh at that. He then rounded on his ex.
"We can handle the bad juju by ourselves, Blaine," he said. "You and your mother can just have a seat and wait for the ceremony to start."
After that, Kurt, Quinn, Santana, Britt, and the mothers of the brides managed to ward off the bad luck surrounding Brittana's wedding, and it all went off without a hitch.
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macrolit · 1 year
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Giveaw@y: We’re giving away 12 vintage paperback classics! Won’t these look lovely on your shelf? =) Enter to win these classics by: 1) following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblogging this post. We will choose a random winner on 4 November 2023. Good luck!
Follow our IG account to be eligible for our IG giveaw@ys. For full rules to all of our giveaw@ys, click here
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distinguisheddingus · 8 months
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little-bumblebeeee · 4 months
Joe Keery how dare you seem so sweet and genuine and listen to other people’s interests and let people speak and have those big brown eyes and smile like that and have those hands and and and
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pondslime · 1 year
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Kurt Russell as R.J. MacReady THE THING (1982) dir. John Carpenter
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slvtforstve · 6 months
How different joe keery roles would react to you on your period
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should i make this a series?
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iero · 6 months
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NIRVANA MTV Unplugged in New York | x
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littlemissemeritus · 23 days
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here is my contribution to this fandom ; shitpost (1/?)
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froggiesgutz · 1 year
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joe keery x sanrio complete series!!
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elledelajoie · 2 years
Free Kurt Challenge?
Would anyone be interested in another Free Kurt challenge?
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faerieomenart · 10 days
Oh hey!! I almost forgot to say thanks for over 100 followers! 💛💛
I appreciate it so much. 💛
My queue is very close to catching up, so my seemingly daily activity will probably slow down soon, but I'll still be making more art and continuing to post as I do so! Mostly X-men fan art, but I have a small little sketch project that I'm working on for many other fandoms that I am in, which I hope to share soon ehehe. 💛
Here are some wips (that may or may not get finished lol) for the sillies of it! :)) VVV
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ngc7009 · 5 months
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just remembered i used to have a crush on this guy. can you blame me? no you're not.
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scoutsbiggestfan · 1 month
some xmen character blinkies; specifically my faves 🐾
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maybe ill do a part 2
f2u; no credit necessary (but it would be cool) 🐕
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little-bumblebeeee · 1 year
man written by a woman energy
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