#free proshipper blocklist
benilos · 4 months
If you want to test whether or not the people around you are normal people, show them my fucked up fic and see how they react.
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russetpuddle · 9 months
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i don't like any of these people but i hope OP and that last person die soon for real
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mewpirate · 1 year
Tw: lots of cursing and mentions of proshipping
Like oh my fucking god how dumb enough do you have to be to LITERALLY ship a grown adult with a fucking minor with the excuse of an au or "oh well she's grown up so it doesn't matter!!" And still support/not mind that shit??? Seriously??? What is wrong with you??!!?? Like damn how are you that proud/okay with making a post, writing it out, explaining your post, added hashtags where EVERYONE CAN FUCKING SEE and post it?? Even if you aren't bothered by that shit then go see a fucking therapist or something because why is that shit even normal goddamn side eye!!!/neg /neg all the way through like bffr
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syunkiss · 11 months
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Hi, we are the TWU sys! TWU stands for "The Wine Uncles."
Please read the informations below before proceeding to scroll :)
We stand with Palestine! Palestine WILL be free! 🇵🇸
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"Making such a mess, It's getting permanently painted in my head, and there's no going back. So love me like I'm dead until there's nothing left and watch me decompose, till I'm skin and bones, vulnerable ..." /lyr
system moodboards: #system moodboard
host rentry ::: click here
ship blocklist ::: click here
hello! we are your favorite weird tbmc system
neurodivergent • heavy fictive !!
> frequent fronters are Chuuya {🍷} , Charlie {🐧} and Rimbaud {☁️} <
☆ lgbtqia+ . . agere caregiver n little . petre pet and caretaker . ☆
we love drawing, writing stories/AUs and our major hyperfocus is bungo stray dogs and malice mizer !!
chuu's babbles are usually under the tag #🍷.txt
"Mama, there's a war outside, can I go play with it?" /lyr
IMPORTANT 🌡but if you prefer something more simplified, click here :3
dni: well, follow the basic dni criteria. proshippers >>i dont care if its fictional characters . i dislike incest and pedophilia and whatever like a normal person and idc if theyre fictional or if theyre real .<< (principally odazai or morizai shippers get the fuck out of here.), radqueers/transmed, MAPs, NOMAPS (basically pedos who dont want to touch childs), anti-antis, "transDID/transOSDD" whatever, pro-ana/pro-sh, xenosatanists and all those shit.
yes I am an anti but i am not harassing anyone . im just blocking yall . im not directly harsssing anyone and if i ever did it just tell me :3 im not wasting my time and going to yalls askbox just to send things i am just blocking and moving on stop being stupid.
Its ok but meh: irl g0re centered accs, n$fw accs (nothing agaisnt yall it just make me very uncomfortable) if you post abt Twitter (X) or has your twt acc link on your account (nothing agaisnt you too! it triggers me deeply for personal reasons.)
We are mogai and antishipper (as said before, anti-harassment. just block and move on.), multishipper and rareshipper. selfshippers are also very welcome here :) (proship/comship/darkship block us and go away)
we will post about cultural topics sometimes too. i just love my country's culture
We don't mind jokes or lines with sexual connotations but please don't overdo it. || we have littles in our system so please be respectful towards them if they post something (it'll be tagged)
i am also very anxious and easily triggered by specific things so dont mind if I post vents here sometimes. its our safe space. however block the tag "vent" if youre uncomfortable w it. -Chuuya
• be careful ahead: monsters awaits /silly
- your local host is Chuuya! ☆
chuu's sfw blog (inactive) : @vampoth-baby
arts blog: @slugidiot
Rp blogs : @lippythepup (inactive) @corpse-to-ability @cafe-uzumaki @stoicsleuth @sora-s-conscious @wimpiest-in-the-east @aka-s-sheep @violence-services
blogs of some of the other members of our system: @cnidaerio @odasd @rimbadance @ttsukipii
we also run @bungo-agere-dogs ;)
Blinkies and images !!!
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fav posts ever :: X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , ○ , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X
the ones with "○" may be triggering
old usernames: @ hartedfearsys
tags to block : # vent # tw # angry rant
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sketchnyan · 10 months
Howdy doo!
Welcome to my main blog! Which happens to be my yokai watch blog-
Right now my blog is very messy, but I’m tryna fix it up,
As you can tell, Yokai watch is my favorite thing ever! I will consume ALL yokai watch content,
But I'm into other things too! (i’m just not as excited about them as i am with ykw lol)
Fair warning, i tend to change my interests alot so if you follow me for specifc fandom content, prepre for disappointment (Expect for YKW I will die with a Jibanyan tattoo on my chest, long live the overpowered roadkill)
So uhh… that’s basically it, I think I’m a friendly person so anyone’s allowed to interact with me except
MAPs (this includes any Loli/Shota weirdos)
Zionists (you have to be pretty dense to not see the abhorrent amount of war crimes being committed in Gaza, I'm not gonna to argue with anyone and I'm not free to debate anyone.)
Any blog that subscribes with far right conspiracies and ideologies (i doubt there are any here, it’s Tumblr for crying outloud… but just incase)
If you are any of these you will be blocked/ignored no question about it.
This list isn’t a complete list and I am sure I will be adding more as years go by,
I’m just here to talk about yokai watch and vibe. So don’t really bother me about my blocklist lol
Here’s specific tags if you’re looking for something 
#Sketchnyan draws - All my art
#Sketchy - anything with my lil fursona in 
Welp that’s it, that’s the intro post, it was late, but I finally made one!
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5-6-7-minus-9-lives · 6 months
On the bright side of those "Yeah proshippers, kys" type posts, there's a good blocklist that comes with it for free!
I was so surprised to see it come up on my timeline but maaan I really shouldn't have been 😭 I'm already a very depressed, suicidal individual, and it's really fucking hard to enjoy online media in fandom spaces when I'm afraid that just around the corner I might run into some of the most graphic shit that people say they wanna do to proshippers.
It literally just means that I'm against media censorship wtf is wrong with people! Y'all are literally one step away from book burning I just don't understand. I'm so frustrated and so tired 😭 And goddamn you can be an anti, you can have your opinion, sure whatever, but you take it too fucking far when you tell someone that they shouldn't exist anymore just because they like making FICTIONAL BLORBOS KISS
Curate your own space, etc etc, fuck it, I'm tired, there's too much negativity and tragedy happening in the world for me to emotionally handle shit like this right now I really wanna cry
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jayaorgana · 1 year
Pippa | 19 | White TME lesbian
This blog is trans friendly, if you don't support all LGBTQ people you should leave
Comms open
I love Star Wars, X-men comics, Star Trek, and Bears, but I do have criticism of all but Bears. I also talk a lot about my ocs, mostly my Star Wars ocs on this blog, but you can find content on my original works on @agnellolabs
I love talking to people and making friends but I also struggle with it sometimes, so please feel free to chat with me and I'm sorry if I come off as awkward!
the original content I post is intended to be as screen reader friendly as possible, if you are a screen reader user and there's something I can do to make my posts more accessible please let me know!
My liveblog tag is: "does this count as a liveblog" If you don't want to see me ramble about Star Wars books
Minors blocklist nsfw if you're going to follow pls
DNI: Proshippers + Whitewashing apologists (including MCU Maximoffs and TBB)
Okay thank you for reading this 🩷
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ID: a comic panel of Leia Organa and Han Solo. Han is driving a vessel while Leia, along with R2-D2, two Jawa's and a Togruta stand behind the seat.
Leia says " There's Vader! Let's ram this thing right down his throat!"
To which Han replies "Aye-Aye Princess"
End ID
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pleasantspark · 1 year
Howdy! Im real sorry to bother you and like, feel free to ignore this or delete it if you want, but i wanted to ask somthing? I was super interested in your tf safe haven server and i don't consider myself a proshipper at ALL (and im fairly argumentative against proshippers which has gotten me on a few blocklists over the years) but i saw that you count blitzbee as a proship and i wanted to ask about that? Idk, ive seen some people say they think bee is a kid, but i just always saw him as a young adult, hsving gone through bootcamp and having a job and all that. Of course, you may mean it as in the agegap in general which i can also see being pretty uncomfortable for some. Again, i dont want to like, force you to talk sbout this and im certainly not arguing with you, i just want to know what your thoughts on this were? I think your serve sounds super cool though, even if i cant join, and im really sorry it got the initial reaction it got from proshippers.
In all honesty I don't feel comfortable as most instances of Bumblebee have him as the kid of the group a "young" scout. Besides the relationship can be quite abusive imo. Which is kind of problematic and quite triggering for me to have in my server. I've been in countless abusive relationships where the dynamic was overbalanced because the other party had a unfair advantage and I couldn't consent with my mental illness'
View this as such. Would technically BlitzBee be an appropriate ship if the two of them were older and Blitz was a autobot? Numerous times you see Bumblebee and Blitzwings relationship in the show as hostile and not friendly. The same with MegaScream (Which is why I stopped updating my MegaScream fanfiction because it was starting to make me uncomfortable.)
Do I hate proshippers and wish desth on them? No. Do I think their unpleasant to be around? Yes. But just because I don't enjoy them being on my page mean I'm an anti. I have the right to deny people access to my tumblr and server. People have no filter when it comes to my trauma.
Which brings us back to my point. If you see every other instance of Bee in the media (Minus the Bayverse and Knightverse cause it SUCKS) hes regarded as the child and youngest member of the Autobots as seen in G1, and Animated.
Although the other ones are up in the air, but mostly speaking, the huge problem all and all isn't because of the ship it's the way people portray Bee as.
They portray him as an uwu softie little boy and Blitzwing as the big bad OMG I CAN FIX him sort of deal. The issue ot brings is that Bee is portrayed as weak as a little kid which is wildly problematic and doesn't help anyone's case. Bee doesn't need anyone and should instead focus on what he needs to do as Blitzwing holds far more power over him (I Headcanon Bee as Autistic and ADHD coded). It's all my opinion and the haven server is literally dead so no point in joining anyways.
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lady-of-disdain · 2 years
Hello darkness my old friend…
Fandom drama under the cut wtf 😩
I can't believe I'm back on my shit again. Boutta write out a long-ass rambly post about pro vs anti shipping because of the gotdamn Undertale fandom. When I thought I'd never have to see or deal with this bullshit again after leaving the Inuyasha fandom if I just sit and enjoyed my comfy little self-shipping corner.
But it affected a friend in a way that made me very angry recently. So here I am about to make a statement that is probably going to make people label me a proshipper, which is FUCKING HILARIOUS considering my personal opinions about a shitty, slap-dash, cash-grab of a sequel got me labeled as an antishipper in the Inuyasha fandom.
It is not ok to dox, send hate, or harass someone because they like, or don't like fandom bullshit.
If you hate a ship, please feel free to talk all the shit you like about it in the comfort of your own personal blog, or with your friends who also hate it, please go buck wild. But absolutely leave your opinions at the door when you are interacting with someone else who does like that ship. Or, if it bothers you that much simply do not interact with them. BLOCK them if you need to!
If you love a ship, please feel free to talk and create all the fandom material you want about it in the comfort of your own personal blog, or with your friends who also love it, just be sure to properly tag your works so that others who love it can find it, and those who don't can avoid it. But absolutely leave your opinions at the door when you are interacting with someone else who does not like that ship. Or, if it bothers you so much that they have differing opinions simply do not interact with them. BLOCK them if you need to!
This is the same fucking thing I've always said, and I'm honestly so desensitized to the pro/anti bullshit by now because I see it so much it's become a joke at this point. But what's REALLY got me pissed this time is seeing someone get pulled into this bullshit, and seeing their so-called "friends" either abandon or join in the public shaming/harassing.
So if you are at all aware of the situation that occurred to spark this rant, and you are one of the people who once called yourself a friend to the person involved but immediately cut-ties over petty fandom drama, and people slapping labels of pro/anti on each other, PLEASE BLOCK ME.
Do me the favor because I will absolutely block you in a heartbeat too. My blocklist is long, thick, and girthy, and I seek ways to make it more powerful by the day.
And in case anyone is in here wondering if I'm going to let y'all know if I'm a "Proshipper" or an "Antishipper", just for you I'll reveal that I am a
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rjalker · 2 years
free proshipper blocklist:
whitehairedanimeboyfriend spacelazarwolf
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legionisfamily · 5 months
Basic intro idk
ALTER SPECIFIC ; Name; Susie Age; 18 Prns; She/Her Sexuality; Bi + Aceflux Status; Single :/ COLLECTIVE ; Name; Murderclown / Nico Age; 18 Prns; He/Him Sexuality; Bi + Aroflux Acespec Status; Single LMAO DNI + BYF + INT ; BYF; Our blocklist is free, if you're a weirdo we WILL block you! no excuses. that being said we dont go out of our way to cancel people for things that arent actually problematic (ie. toxic, mean, harmless differing opinions), we dont care if you make kys jokes or lie on the internet, we don't need to make a whole document about someone to remind people that mean and rude ppl exist, we do not care. also do NOT try to reason with us on our blocklist or "educate us" on why "___ is okay" i dont care its MY dni. im not saying you deserve to die or be punished if u fall under it im js saying dont interact w me. also our asks are open for whatever reason! even if you just wanna say smth random, we love getting asks. DNI; Basic DNI criteria, endo systems+supporters, heavy into cancel culture, thinks "sysmed" is a thing (aside from "being one"), Clone high, Total drama, MCYT SMPs (any of them not js dsmp), defends illegal k!nks, Under 17, Zionists, Proshipper, you name it. People who think fiction doesnt affect reality, people who think ALL fiction affects reality INT; weirdos in a silly way, dbd fans, fictives, horror fans, people who post "problematic" stuff thats not rlly that bad (ie. consensual stalking, fictional killers, stuff like that), 420 friendly peeps. people who use outdated slang (ie. soz, lolz, x3, wazzup, hxc, trashed, owned, boi, chillax, noob, etc)
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walks-the-ages · 11 months
ao3-liberation-front for your free scammer blocklist.
both an a03 worshipper, proshipper shitstain, anti-asian racist, and is literally trying to scam their fellow Ao3 supporters by making a gofundme ""for the a03 volunteers!!" which is a blatant attempt to capitalize on a03's official donation page being down, so they can pocket the profits instead.
Don't forget to report for phishing as well.
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butchdykekondraki · 1 year
also anon asks are off proshippers feel free to call me a stupid cunt but your doing it off anon!! free blocklist baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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zen1dol · 2 years
Aw :[. Why arent you not having a day? did something bother you?
someone that doesnt ever interact w me put me on a "ppl i support" list with a bunch of ppl idk which should be fine but some of those other ppl are pastel MDNI blogs who remind me of (or might be im insane !) ppl i used to b friends with
theres also a proshipper in there . right next to an anti . umm pick a side
on the bright side they gave me a free blocklist !
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sparklywatercolors · 2 years
I blocked so many people today holy shit.
I found a really awful anti post and there were thousands of notes and I just went ham and blocked thousands of people bc no, 🤡
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barntaroo · 3 years
whats up with all the proship positivity in the hlvrai tag lately
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