#free reiki treatment
purejiva · 1 year
Purejiva: Empowering Wellness Through Holistic Health Practices
Purejiva is a prominent wellness and holistic health practitioner dedicated to providing comprehensive care that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit. With a holistic approach, Purejiva embraces various alternative therapies and practices to promote optimal well-being. This article explores the essence of Purejiva's services and the transformative impact they can have on an individual's life.
Understanding Holistic Health
Holistic health is an integrative approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of different aspects of a person's well-being. Purejiva's holistic health practitioners acknowledge that physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual factors all play vital roles in achieving and maintaining overall wellness. By addressing these facets collectively, Purejiva seeks to empower individuals to take an active role in their health journey.
Comprehensive Services
Purejiva offers a diverse range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. These may include:
1. Nutritional Counseling: Purejiva's practitioners provide personalized dietary guidance to optimize nutrition and support the body's natural healing processes.
2. Herbal Remedies: Natural herbal remedies and supplements are recommended to enhance vitality, address specific health concerns, and restore balance.
3. Stress Management Techniques: Purejiva emphasizes stress reduction through techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and relaxation practices, fostering emotional well-being.
4. Energy Healing: Energy-based therapies, such as Reiki and acupuncture, are employed to restore the body's energy flow and promote healing on a subtle level.
5. Mind-Body Practices: Purejiva promotes practices like yoga, tai chi, and qigong to strengthen the mind-body connection and cultivate inner harmony.
Benefits of Holistic Health
Engaging in Purejiva's holistic health practices can yield numerous benefits. By adopting a comprehensive approach, individuals may experience:
1. Improved Physical Health: Holistic therapies aim to address the root causes of physical ailments, promoting natural healing and enhancing overall vitality.
2. Enhanced Emotional Well-being: Techniques like meditation and stress management help individuals develop emotional resilience, reducing anxiety and promoting a positive mindset.
3. Increased Energy and Vitality: Balancing the body's energy systems can restore vitality, improve sleep quality, and boost overall energy levels.
4. Heightened Self-Awareness: Holistic health practices encourage self-reflection, leading to a deeper understanding of one's body, mind, and emotions.
Purejiva stands out as a trusted wellness and holistic health practitioner, providing comprehensive care to nurture individuals on their path to well-being. By integrating various alternative therapies and promoting lifestyle changes, Purejiva empowers individuals to take charge of their health, fostering harmony and vitality in every aspect of their lives.
For more info: www.purejiva.com
Or mail us on: [email protected]
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light-angelic · 2 years
Get the best reiki healer nearby me and get rid of all your stress and anxiety by the perfect life coach providing marvelous reiki healing sessions at genuine prices.
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shamandrummer · 1 year
Combat Veteran Drummer Helping Veterans with PTSD
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Abigail Edwards is a 13-year combat veteran who served in the 82nd & 101st Airborne Divisions (Two tours of duty in Afghanistan). In her spiritual work, she helps fellow veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), an extremely debilitating condition that can occur after exposure to a terrifying event involving actual or threatened death or serious injury to self or others. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, PTSD can have an acute onset soon after the trauma, or a delayed onset in which the symptoms occur more than six months after the trauma. PTSD alters the way the body responds to stress, effecting mediators such as stress hormones and neurotransmitters.
Abigail uses plant medicine, Reiki, shakers, and her most powerful weapon--her shamanic drum--to treat victims of PTSD in Kentucky and Ohio. Drumming enhances recovery through inducing relaxation, stimulating the release of emotional trauma and producing deeper self-awareness. The aim of treatment is to reduce the symptoms by encouraging the affected person to recall the event, to express feelings, and to gain some sense of mastery over the experience. To date, Abigail has helped over 57 veterans and facilitates this healing work for FREE.
According to Abigail: "There is no better gift you can give someone than to help return their consciousness. It's an honor to remind the others of their missions on Earth and to remove the proverbial 'lint' from their astral bodies."
In one of her spiritual journeys, she was gifted activations and explicit directions on how to facilitate the healings for the people. The exact phrase of cosmic wisdom they shared was, "It will be like dominoes in the sea of consciousness, raising the frequency with each of the healings. HEAL THE LIONS!"
Abigail is a shining example of compassionate people reaching out to help those in need as they navigate their spirit path in this life. Aho!
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What is Reiki Healing
History of Reiki
The shortest version is Dr. Mikao Usui from Japan developed Reiki in the 1920's, Reiki translates into Rei meaning Universal and Ki meaning Energy.
It is said that Dr.Mikao refers to Reiki as healing energy. It has been used for many years and has gained much popularity over the years.
What can Reiki help with
Reiki is considered a meditative practice that promotes
Reduces stress
Reduces anxiety
Reduces chronic pain and inflammation
Can speed up the healing process.
What happens during a session of Reiki
The treatment will be given in a peaceful and private setting or at your own home. The client will sit or lie on a comfortable chair, sofa or bed fully clothed.  There are two ways in which the therapy can be delivered.
1 -Hands off therapy
2- Hands on therapy
If you are suffering from pain in a particular area, the practitioner will hold their hands just above the area, while this takes place an energy transfer takes place,.  The client may feel tingling, heat, coldness are the main feelings reported.  The practitioner will hold their hands in a particular position until the energy subsides, they will move on to other areas of the body ,moving through the Chakra's.  Some practitioners use crystals to aide the Chakras and also for distance healing.
A session will last around 30-45 minutes, the number of sessions will vary from person to person depending on their client's needs and the outcomes they with to achieve. 
Reiki is a non invasive therapy and can be used as a complementary modality with your current treatment plan with your GP or health care practitioner.
No reports of using Reiki alongside other treatments including medications is extremely unlikely to encounter any negative effects or any side effects of any sort. Consult your GP before agreeing to engage in any complementary therapy and Reiki should not be used in replacement of current treatment.
Reiki has a gentle nature and can be help clients to be calmed, relaxed and soothed.
What to wear at a Reiki session
Clean, loose and comfortable clothing, bring a pair of socks as shoes are removed.
Removal of necklaces
After a session of Reiki
It is advised to keep hydrated as the energy being received by the client also helps the cells in the body to regenerate, water will help replenish them
Go for a walk
Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
Very many people experience relief and may cry for a few days, this is normal. Let it out and let it go.
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About Helen
Helen Monaghan B.A (hons) has an active interest in Holistic and Alternative Medicines since 2006, where she started making her own chemical free, natural, and organic skin care products for her friends and family.
Since then, she has studied hard to become the best in her field of natural health and self healing.
Helen has worked with many other professionals across the globe where she has helped them to complete books that has inspired thousands of people across the planet and today she brings with her new ways of living,  using her knowledge and expertise where she encompasses a variety of different healing techniques.
This year she has created her Online Store and the Academy of Self Mastery self help learning centre, so that many more people have access to her natural health and wellbeing products, whether it be skincare, mini course, e-books or other ways of being and staying healthy.
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wyrdify · 1 year
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Mother's Day is this weekend. I need to get some feelings out about it and maybe some acknowledgement that these feelings are valid, I don't know.
TLDR: tag Mother's Day stuff for me please and know it's not a day I like.
My mother and I have a strained relationship. She has me blocked on Twitter because a few years ago, I stupidly tweeted about how I disliked Mother's Day because of her. I called out her abuse in a public forum (I'll get to what that was in a second). My father called me up on Mother's Day to cuss me out, tell me it wasn't abuse, and refused to listen to me. He even pulled the "well it wasn't sexual abuse, so it wasn't abuse" card on me, and he yelled at my husband for taking over the phone call because I couldn't handle being yelled at.
The start of it: when I was 16, I started having myoclonic seizures. Both of my arms would jolt (seize), and they'd do it many times for anywhere up to an hour or two. This happened in the morning (at the start) when I first woke up. I didn't know what was happening. Outside of taking me to a pediatrician for my yearly school-required check-up, my parents refused to take me to a doctor. The pediatrician said the problem wasn't neurological after asking me to explain said seizures---you know, things that I didn't remember happening. My mother was there and witnessed the seizures, but she didn't want anything to be wrong, so nothing was wrong.
Or, if something was wrong, it was easily fixable. Someone who was in the same cult as my parents' cult did bio-feedback shit, so my mother signed me up to do it. They said I might have a slight allergy to dairy, so my mother took that as gospel and what could be causing my seizures. No research whatsoever. So, diet changed, and I no longer consumed dairy. Seizures didn't stop. They continued to worsen without treatment.
The specific memory that makes me mad to this day: the summer between junior and senior year of high school, when I was still 16, I had a seizure and fell down the stairs in my house. I struggled to breathe at the bottom of the stairs, and I was still seizing a bunch. My mother, instead of taking me to a hospital or anything like that, sat me down in the living room and chose to give me reiki. And she got my sister, who was seven at the time, to do the same. I just remember basically dissociating while on that couch and seizing while my mom and sister laid hands on me.
For the days afterward, I wasn't allowed to use the computer (because that apparently caused the seizures). My father and his coworkers made fun of me for being sore. I had a bruise on my right leg for close to a year. My seizures stopped being the annoying things that made it hard for me to eat breakfast, a part of my daily routine that my autistic ass needs. I started doing research. I started getting more and more scared.
Fast forward to when I was a sophomore in college. It's been three years since the seizures started, nearly four. They've worsened. My legs would collapse underneath me when I had them while standing. They started happening not just in the morning, but during the middle of the day as well. My memory was shit. I was struggling in my classes. No more of the lactose free diet since it hadn't been working. My mother decided to just say that the seizures were my fault and I was causing them with laziness, screen use, and lack of sleep. She also convinced people in the cult to think the same way. So, whenever cult members saw me, they wrote me off.
Enter my (now) husband moving in from California.
My mother and father made me jump through hoops to be able to see a doctor, so we made a deal with them. I had to do three things: see my father's chiropractor to make sure the seizures weren't related to that, see my massage therapist to get the toxins out, and go to the gym 2-3 times a week for two weeks. I did all of that. Dad's chiropractor told me it was neurological, and my dad went and spoke with him after the fact to make sure I was telling the truth. My massage therapist also said it was neurological. Going to the gym made the seizures worse.
My husband drove me to all of these things and to the doctor and neurologist I eventually got to see. The only thing he wasn't present for was the MRI the neurologist ordered (he had to work). The second my neurologist got my EEG results, he called me and said, "We need to get you on something to stop the irregular electrical activity. Now." I got in to see him so fast, and my mother tried to argue with him about the fact that I had epilepsy. She tried to convince him that the seizures were my fault when it was proven that my seizures weren't photosensitive. He almost laughed her out of the exam room.
And she kept doing that after I started medication for the seizures. So did her cult friends and cult leader. Someday, I'll explain the cult, but it's a nuisance. They also tried to get me to drink alcohol when my medication told me not to, and they wouldn't stop pressuring me. That was fun.
So yeah, I finally got treatment nearly four years after the seizures started, and, guess what? I got them under control. I was no longer falling in the shower (which my mother would also blame me for). I could eat breakfast. I could have a job and not worry if I was going to be a liability. I could finally learn to drive again and get my driver's license at almost 22 years old. I was no longer scared I was going to die every day of my life. I felt like I was actually living.
It took me years to unpack that this shit was wrong. Months into therapy with my first therapist, I basically had to learn that my parents were abusive. I had to learn that the above was medical neglect and abuse. It wasn't normal. I would be lying if I said I wasn't still angry about it, mostly because my parents refuse to take ownership of what they did. I tried telling them on numerous occasions before my Twitter blunder, but they weren't listening. They told me, "That's your truth," and, if they apologized, it was the bullshit, "I'm sorry that's how you feel." It's what happens when you have narcissistic parents.
I haven't gotten to the point of forgiveness, partly because my brain is still caught up in the toxic thinking around that word that my fundie Christian high school taught me. It basically boils down to, "Well, if you forgive them, that means saying that what they did was okay, and you are okay with them being back in your life." Logically, I know that's not how forgiveness has to work, but my brain and heart are still tangled up. So, I'm still bitter. I'm still upset about the years lost to fear of dying, of having seizures, of being blamed for something I literally couldn't control, et cetera. I don't know how to let those feelings go yet. The dream is that my parents own up to their actions, but I have little to no faith in them left.
I love my parents, but I want them in my life as little as possible. And it hurts. It hurts every single Mother's Day to see people post happy things with their happy families with the knowledge that I won't ever have that. So, I try to avoid social media on the actual holiday so I don't see shit and have to feel shit.
This is also ignoring the fact that I am still dealing with the fact that I will never be a parent. That's a separate issue and not the focus of this post. But yeah. That's also a reason I don't like Mother's Day, I suppose. Right now anyway. I'll probably have an easier time getting over that, I think.
Anyway, all of this to say that I will be avoiding tumblr and shit this Sunday. If you're going to do Mother's Day stuff, please tag it with something so I can blacklist it. Thank you for reading all of this if you did. I just needed to get all of this out of my head. I didn't want to clog my discord servers with this or feel like I'm hogging attention.
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kaylatullz · 1 year
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Full Name: Mikayla Anne Tully
Nicknames: Kayla
Pronouns and Gender: She/Her, Cis Female
Age: 33
Birth place: Aurora Bay
How long have they been in town?: 33 years
Sexuality: Bisexual
Housing: Ocean Crest Apartments
Occupation: Attendant @ Luxe Crystal Shop
adopted & raised in aurora bay at a young age by two reiki masters - rock & andy tully - that traveled along the tri-state area for in-home treatments.
grew up wanting to become an actress by any means necessary and was prone to putting on shows for anyone who would watch, which got her into a ton of trouble as a kid - earning her a certified class clown title.
her adoptive parents were very much free spirited and encouraged mikayla to hone in on her creative side despite the trouble she got into at school. truthfully they didn't put much stock into her education, instead focused on allowing her to grow her social butterfly wings.
mikayla was always the first at the party and the last to leave. striking up a conversation with every person no matter where she was seemed to be her motive. all she ever wanted was to experience life and get to know every single person in it.
tw cancer: eventually andy was diagnosed with cancer when mikayla was 11 years old, causing a strain and struggle within the household. mikayla got worse with acting out. after a grueling year, andy was then given the ok-go with remission, which was a relief
around 13-15 is when mikayla started to write her own plays, acting in front of her home camera to record and send to studios that never got back to her.
goes to county college for a month as undecided and flunks out
thus began her constant rotation of jobs and getting fired/hired around aurora bay as a teen and well into her 20s. she was constantly seeking new opportunities with the intent on meeting new people.
tw death: unfortunately andy would pass when mikayla was just shy of her 20th birthday, leaving her in shambles.
for the next 13 years, she'd float around her hometown and get an apartment at ocean crest apartments once her father, rock, moved out of town - too reminded of his wife in the town they'd lived in. mikayla, on the other hand, refused to leave.
continuously getting in trouble with love, life, and the chaos surrounding her, mikayla anne tully has been frozen in time - and somehow has made it to her 30s.
she still wishes she could become an actress, but for now, she's working at luxe crystal shop in an attempt to feel closer to her tully family - finally embarking on a full-time job she actually believes in.
+ convivial, loving, spontaneous
- fickle, flippant, gullible
karaoke enthusiast
has an assortment of wigs that take up two drawer-fulls at her apartment
does not understand what personal space means
has a habit of stealing people's food from their refrigerators
also has a klepto habit of taking trinkets from house parties
almost joined at least three (3) cults in her lifetime
wrote a one-act play when she was 13 for a competition called 'shitty mcshitface: the memoirs of a janitor' - did not place to win whatsoever
has tried to apply for a job at the aquarium every year so she can steal a penguin, has yet to hear back
rocky ramirez - cousin (npc)
edie tello - friend
baz howlett - ex-husband
blake michaels - new friend
angel rojas - acting gig victim
samuel kane - ocean crest neighbor
paxton brady - childhood best friend (former); awk enemy
amelia evans - coworker
hometown childhood friends / family friends / co-workers / former co-workers from any of her many jobs / ride or dies / pseudo-siblings / long-lost biological siblings / friends / party friends / theater friends / new friends / go-getter influences.
ex-flings / friends with benefits / one time hook ups / tinder matches / unrequited crush (can be either way) / exes from high school / flirtationships
enemies / former (best) friends / former friends / exes on bad terms / frenemies / rivals / negative influence
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I. Would like to ask for a (romantic) match-up if that's okay 👁 because I've been into mystic messenger since I was...God, 15? Way back when it first came out. I'm in my early 20's now and once again replaying. These characters will forever hold my heart, I swear.
Okay. I'm not so sure where to start with this? I'm a college student, studying alternative medicine. Wanting to become a business owner in the future. (Herbal medicine, homeopathic medicine, etc.) I started this all because I watched a show one time where the girl was an herbalist, and I was like "wow I wish that was a real job." BUT THEN 5 MIN OF RESEARCH AND IT WAS I WAS MINDBLOWN, anyways so I've been at it for a couple of years, very passionate about it. I love to give my friends and family Herbal remedies to try and stuff, it makes me happy. On top of this, I love crystal healing (like reiki!) And I've been learning a lot of stuff like tarot and palm readings!
I have essentially two sides, pinky where I am my melody in the flesh, and then my kuromi side where I wear more HARDCORE fits (the hard-core in question: dark purple and black sweaters and black mini skirts lol). So just overall very girly. I'd say my main aesthetics are Cottagecore (currently redoing my room in all mushroom and strawberry themes!), fairycore, and then a whole lot of sanrio.
My humor? Awful. Bad. "Unfunny" except I'm actually hilarious. I tend to have a bit of darker humor, and I make a lot of dirty jokes. My friends say I have the humor of a 12 year old boy JAOSKEJDJD SO THERE IS THAT. I'm pretty energetic too!
I'm a writer in my free time, and though I say I like to read, I mainly just read fanfiction. I tend to get these characters I really like and obsess over them extremely for a long time. I get merch of them, I write about them, I stay up for longgg periods of time reading about them. Yeah it's bad, and even when I do one day date someone I ain't giving up my fictional men so they gotta deal, hahaha.
I struggle with explaining and showing my emotions. I grew up in a family where communication was not much of a thing, we either got mad and blew up at each other or gave each other the silent treatment. And I never liked this. Even when I'd cry they would get angry about it, and don't get me wrong they're great parents and I love them dearly, but communication and feelings have just always been hard with them, and therfor awful for me. I try my best though, I really do. And that's why in a relationship I desperately need someone patient and at least decent at communicating. Even when I'm bad. I mean I struggle to hug people and tell them how much I care about them a lot because of how I grew up, but I try so hard!!! I wanna break this cycle and have a healthy relationship!!!
I will add though I do somehow enjoy deep conversations. Like we could be talking about stupid stuff one second and then switch to a talk about our deepest life regrets or talk about just how we think the universe works. I like learning about how others think.
I let people walk all over me, I struggle to say no and I take on a lot more than I can handle sometimes to please other people. Anddd then inevitably burn out and isolate for a while. It's my toxic trait that I also need to work on lol.
But overall I'd say I'm fairly outgoing? I love love to talk and ramble about stuff. I'm not sure how much of this media you know but in case it helps my highest kins are Taiga (from Toradora), and then Hu Tao and Ganyu from genshin HOW I KIN BOTH OF THEM IDK I got two sides. My outside personality: Hu Tao vibe, my inside personality: Ganyu. And then Taiga is just actually so me ive never related to a character so hard. Ignore this part if you don't know the media :3
My love language is gift giving, I love to give people things and make people baked goods and write them things and aaa I just love it. Problem is I hate when people give things to me in return which they often feel like they have to. It just makes me feel bad and awkward to recieve gifts, it's another thing I need to work on. Receiving wise I'd love someone who's love language is....actually?? I'm not so sure?? I'd appreciate any, but I feel like quality time is the most important to me.
I'm a bit adventurous, while I like spending days at home I also like to go places and just explore and have fun. Being cooped up inside too much usually puts me in a depression, as I extremely found out during covid. I like to enjoy places with pretty scenery and nature over cities however, crowds do stress me out and I'm a teensy bit of a germaphobic (I say teensy but it's actually kind of not teensy. An awful habit I have is scrubbing my hands raw so they are always dry and in pain. Ironic for someone studying alt. medicine, huh? WORKING TO OVERCOME THOUGH)
I like to watch anime and play games like honkai impact and genshin impact. I love to cosplay pretty characters and go to conventions, I do tend to dress not so modestly however. Cosplays especially I wear revealing ones. My latest cosplan is Elysia from Honkai, her herrscher outfit specifically. I'm just decently confident(-ish) with my body and I like to show it off sometimes.
I fear this is becoming long so I wrap it up. In a relationship I DO NOT want kids. I do however want and value marriage. I need someone patient with me and understanding, and ideally affectionate? I love to dote on people and be doted on in return. And yeah! That's about all I got! I'm excited to see who my Kait assigned soulmate is, hehe. Whoever you pick I am 1000% gonna redo the route of. (Unless they're routeless, in which case fanfic time.)
I match you with...
Hear me out, that might sound wild given that he might not share all of your values on a surface level. But, you have a lot more in common than you think, and you can learn and grow with each other in a way I imagine would be fruitful. You're the kind of person who wants to do something for the world. You want to see some change in a way that can do more than you'd be doing if you were just another part of the machine. You want people to heal in a way that's right for them, not just physically, but emotionally, as well. You see the value in trying to reach someone from all angles.
That kind of out-of-the-box thinking is what works for Jumin. Do you think he acts in the guise of knowing something? He doesn't. He will travel to new avenues and look for better answers when something is not working anymore. He loves to listen, talk, and designate the best way to make changes for customers and employees. The two of you are best described as problem solvers who need to see something in this world move for the better. That's why you can talk for hours and hours about anything with Jumin. You both value discussion in a way that nobody else understands.
But, what you get with Jumin is someone who really won't push you around. Not just in conversation, but in life. He wants to see you grow to a point where you can say "no". He wants you to look everyone in the eyes and say what you mean. You deserve to be heard. Your voice is valuable. He won't let anyone step on you, not even himself. Sure, he will kick himself for the way he treated you during his route, but he learns, listens, and grows to be the kind of man you deserve.
All and all, your life is Jumin is about the two of you. Your family is the RFA and that's all you need. You both love to take care of each other! It's sweet that you'll have a race to see who can make breakfast first just to surprise the other... races to the kitchen aren't unheard but... let me tell you, Elizabeth beats the two of you there every time. She has the zoomies.
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butterflytherapies · 2 years
My New Price List for Darfield at my house
At my Darfield home or mobile to you in South Yorkshire or further afield if Reiki training.These prices are at my home in Darfield, for mobile to you, there may be travel supplement added on to the price, please enquire.All treatments have a free 10 mins consultation prior to commencement where necessary. Cash only please.One hour Reiki £40, one and half hour £54, two hours £70, half hour…
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androfergiespaces · 2 days
Full Mouth Dental Implants Ca
William J. Cho, DDS, MS - Periodontist 3144 El Camino Real UNIT 104 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Website URL: http://www.wjcperio.com Transforming Smiles with Precision and Care: William J. Cho, DDS, MS - Your Expert Periodontist in Carlsbad, CA In the picturesque coastal city of Carlsbad, California, individuals seeking top-tier periodontal care habit see no further than the esteemed practice of William J. Cho, DDS, MS. renowned for his expertise, compassion, and loyalty to excellence, Dr. Cho stands as a beacon of hope for those facing bonding agent disease and further periodontal challenges. With a large quantity of experience and a passion for restoring oral health, Dr. Cho brings a unique amalgamation of faculty and artistry to his practice. As a board-certified periodontist, he specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal diseases, offering a combine range of facilities tailored to meet the diverse needs of his patients. At the core of Dr. Cho's philosophy is a dedication to patient-centered care. From the moment individuals step into his state-of-the-art facility, they are greeted as soon as warmth, understanding, and the assurance that their oral health is in clever hands. Dr. Cho takes the times to hear to each patient's concerns, fully assess their condition, and manufacture personalized treatment plans intended to accomplish optimal results. Whether it's addressing gingivitis, the stage periodontal surgery, or placing dental implants, Dr. Cho employs the latest advancements in periodontal therapy to speak to far along outcomes. as soon as a focus upon accurateness and attention to detail, he strives to not on your own treat the symptoms but plus to quarters the underlying causes of periodontal disease, ensuring long-term oral health and wellness. Moreover, Dr. Cho understands that visiting the periodontist can be a daunting experience for some individuals. That's why he and his dedicated team go above and higher than to create a willing and stress-free character for all patient. From gentle chairside reveal to distinct communication and transparent pricing, they are operating to making each visit as friendly and rewarding as possible. In accessory to his clinical expertise, Dr. Cho is terribly operating in advancing the ground of periodontics through research, education, and professional development. By staying abreast of the latest trends and innovations in his field, he ensures that his patients receive the highest adequate of care backed by scientific evidence and best practices. In summary, William J. Cho, DDS, MS, is more than just a periodontist he is a trusted accomplice in oral health, dedicated to transforming smiles and restoring confidence, one accommodating at a time. For individuals in Carlsbad, CA, and beyond, Dr. Cho's practice represents a beacon of hope and a bargain of brighter, healthier tomorrows.
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William J. Cho, DDS, MS - Periodontist 3144 El Camino Real UNIT 104 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Website URL: http://www.wjcperio.com Transforming Smiles with Precision and Care: William J. Cho, DDS, MS - Your Expert Periodontist in Carlsbad, CA In the picturesque coastal city of Carlsbad, California, individuals seeking top-tier periodontal care craving look no supplementary than the esteemed practice of William J. Cho, DDS, MS. well-known for his expertise, compassion, and loyalty to excellence, Dr. Cho stands as a beacon of hope for those facing cement disease and supplementary periodontal challenges. With a great quantity of experience and a passion for restoring oral health, Dr. Cho brings a unique amalgamation of faculty and artistry to his practice. As a board-certified periodontist, he specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal diseases, offering a entire sum range of facilities tailored to meet the diverse needs of his patients. At the core of Dr. Cho's philosophy is a dedication to patient-centered care. From the moment individuals step into his state-of-the-art facility, they are greeted later than warmth, understanding, and the assurance that their oral health is in competent hands. Dr. Cho takes the time to hear to each patient's concerns, adequately assess their condition, and build personalized treatment plans intended to reach optimal results. Whether it's addressing gingivitis, interim periodontal surgery, or placing dental implants, Dr. Cho employs the latest advancements in periodontal therapy to adopt far ahead outcomes. later than a focus upon accurateness and attention to detail, he strives to not lonesome treat the symptoms but moreover to habitat the underlying causes of periodontal disease, ensuring long-term oral health and wellness. Moreover, Dr. Cho understands that visiting the periodontist can be a daunting experience for some individuals. That's why he and his dedicated team go above and beyond to create a affable and stress-free environment for every patient. From gentle chairside sky to definite communication and transparent pricing, they are effective to making each visit as friendly and rewarding as possible. In complement to his clinical expertise, Dr. Cho is intensely effective in advancing the field of periodontics through research, education, and professional development. By staying abreast of the latest trends and innovations in his field, he ensures that his patients get the highest pleasing of care backed by scientific evidence and best practices. In summary, William J. Cho, DDS, MS, is more than just a periodontist he is a trusted partner in crime in oral health, dedicated to transforming smiles and restoring confidence, one tolerant at a time. For individuals in Carlsbad, CA, and beyond, Dr. Cho's practice represents a beacon of hope and a deal of brighter, healthier tomorrows.
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Affordable Dental Implants Ca
William J. Cho, DDS, MS - Periodontist 3144 El Camino Real UNIT 104 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Website URL: http://www.wjcperio.com Transforming Smiles with Precision and Care: William J. Cho, DDS, MS - Your Expert Periodontist in Carlsbad, CA In the picturesque coastal city of Carlsbad, California, individuals seeking top-tier periodontal care need look no further than the esteemed practice of William J. Cho, DDS, MS. renowned for his expertise, compassion, and commitment to excellence, Dr. Cho stands as a beacon of hope for those facing bonding agent sickness and further periodontal challenges. With a profusion of experience and a passion for restoring oral health, Dr. Cho brings a unique fusion of skill and artistry to his practice. As a board-certified periodontist, he specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal diseases, offering a gather together range of facilities tailored to meet the diverse needs of his patients. At the core of Dr. Cho's philosophy is a dedication to patient-centered care. From the moment individuals step into his state-of-the-art facility, they are greeted next warmth, understanding, and the assurance that their oral health is in intelligent hands. Dr. Cho takes the grow old to hear to each patient's concerns, fully assess their condition, and manufacture personalized treatment plans expected to reach optimal results. Whether it's addressing gingivitis, the theater periodontal surgery, or placing dental implants, Dr. Cho employs the latest advancements in periodontal therapy to speak to superior outcomes. next a focus upon truthfulness and attention to detail, he strives to not only treat the symptoms but as a consequence to house the underlying causes of periodontal disease, ensuring long-term oral health and wellness. Moreover, Dr. Cho understands that visiting the periodontist can be a daunting experience for some individuals. That's why he and his dedicated team go above and more than to create a enjoyable and stress-free air for all patient. From gentle chairside heavens to distinct communication and transparent pricing, they are vigorous to making each visit as pleasant and rewarding as possible. In adjunct to his clinical expertise, Dr. Cho is severely vigorous in advancing the dome of periodontics through research, education, and professional development. By staying abreast of the latest trends and innovations in his field, he ensures that his patients receive the highest adequate of care backed by scientific evidence and best practices. In summary, William J. Cho, DDS, MS, is more than just a periodontist he is a trusted co-conspirator in oral health, dedicated to transforming smiles and restoring confidence, one accommodating at a time. For individuals in Carlsbad, CA, and beyond, Dr. Cho's practice represents a beacon of hope and a union of brighter, healthier tomorrows.
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William J. Cho, DDS, MS - Periodontist
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adityarana1687-blog · 27 days
Body, Mind And Energy Healing Market To Reach $394.73 Billion By 2030
The global body, mind and energy healing market size is anticipated to reach USD 394.73 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 26.2% from 2024 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is witnessing significant growth, driven by mainstream acceptance of holistic health practices like acupuncture and yoga. This upsurge is linked to a more profound awareness of mental health issues and governmental integration of these practices into official healthcare policies. Millennials, leading the charge toward holistic health, amplify the demand for alternative complementary and alternative methods. Societal attitudes towards mental health are evolving, thanks to extensive awareness campaigns and research, making holistic treatments more appealing.
Adoption rates of alternative healing methods are notable; for instance, a survey shows that 35% of adults globally are turning to practices, such as meditation and herbal remedies for wellbeing. Regulatory bodies are also stepping up to ensure the safety and effectiveness of these approaches, while efforts to merge traditional methods with conventional healthcare are gaining momentum. The increasing pursuit of preventative and non-invasive treatments is shaping the market, with younger generations particularly favoring these natural healing options. In August 2023, the World Health Organization convened its first global summit on traditional medicine. The event aimed to integrate traditional and complementary medicine, like Ayurveda, yoga, and homeopathy, into mainstream healthcare. Over 100 countries adopted policies and strategies on traditional medicine following discussions on evidence-based approaches and international collaboration.
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Request a free sample copy or view report summary: Body, Mind And Energy Healing Market Report
Body, Mind And Energy Healing Market Report Highlights
The mind healing segment held the largest revenue share in 2023 and is expected to grow at the highest CAGR over the forecast period due to growing awareness of mental health, alongside rising cases of conditions, such as anxiety and depression
The body healing segment is expected to grow at a significant CAGR over the forecast period owing to factors, such as consumer demand, technological advancements, and regulatory changes
The direct sales segment dominated the market in 2023 due to increasing consumer awareness and interest in holistic health practices, and growing acceptance of alternative therapies by mainstream society
The e-sales segment is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR from 2024 to 2030 owing to increased digitalization and online presence of practitioners, and the convenience of accessing services remotely
In October 2023, The Healing Company acquired Your Super and secured a USD 150M credit facility from i80 Group for brand expansion. The acquisition was financed with cash and equity, with Your Super's previous investors including PepsiCo and PowerPlant Partners
Body, Mind And Energy Healing Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global body, mind and energy healing market based on intervention, distribution method, and region:
Body, Mind And Energy Healing Intervention Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Mind Healing
Neuro-linguistic Programming
Spiritual Mind Treatment
Transcendental Meditation
Body Healing
Alexander Technique
Autogenic Training
Cupping Therapy
Energy Healing
Magnetic Therapy
Bio-magnetic Therapy
Magnetic Resonance Therapy
Therapeutic Touch
Chakra Healing
Sensory Healing
Body, Mind And Energy Healing Distribution Method Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Direct Sales
Distance Correspondence
Body, Mind And Energy Healing Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa (MEA)
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
List of Key Players of the Body, Mind And Energy Healing Market
The Healing Company Ltd.
Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute
John Schumacher Unity Woods Yoga Center
The Chopra Center; Canyon Ranch
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
Omega Institute
Esalen Institute
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Shambhala Mountain Center
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innerwisdomlight82 · 28 days
Unlocking the Power of Reiki for Total Wellness | Inner Wisdom Light
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Reiki is a powerful energy healing practice that has been embraced worldwide for its ability to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Whether you’re new to the concept or have some experience, understanding how Reiki can positively impact your life is essential. In this blog, we’ll explore what Reiki is, how it works, and how you can incorporate it into your daily routine for a balanced and harmonious life.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a healing technique that channels universal life force energy through the practitioner’s hands to the recipient. This energy is believed to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, helping to restore balance and harmony to the mind, body, and spirit.
How Reiki Works?
Energy Flow: Reiki works by balancing the energy flow in and around the body. The practitioner places their hands on or near the body, allowing the energy to flow to the areas where it’s most needed.
Clearing Blockages: Over time, emotional stress, physical ailments, or negative experiences can create blockages in our energy system. Reiki helps clear these blockages, allowing for a free flow of energy, which promotes healing.
Holistic Healing: Reiki doesn’t just focus on one aspect of health; it addresses the whole person, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.
Benefits of Reiki-
Stress Reduction: Reiki is well-known for its ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation. By calming the mind and body, it creates an environment where healing can occur more naturally.
Emotional Healing: Reiki can help release suppressed emotions, leading to emotional clarity and inner peace.
Physical Healing: Many people turn to Reiki to support physical healing, whether from chronic pain, injuries, or illnesses. It’s often used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medical treatments.
Spiritual Growth: For those on a spiritual path, Reiki can enhance your spiritual awareness and connection to the universe.
Incorporating Reiki into Your Life-
Daily Practice: Even just a few minutes of self-Reiki each day can make a significant difference. Start by placing your hands on your heart or solar plexus and allowing the energy to flow.
Meditation: Combining Reiki with meditation can deepen your practice and enhance your connection to your inner self.
Reiki Sessions: Regular sessions with a certified Reiki practitioner can help you maintain balance and address any specific health concerns.
Reiki and Personal Transformation-
Self-Discovery: Reiki can be a powerful tool for personal growth, helping you discover your true self and purpose.
Healing Relationships: By clearing emotional blockages, Reiki can improve relationships, helping you communicate more openly and compassionately.
Enhancing Intuition: As your energy becomes more balanced, you may find your intuition becoming stronger, guiding you toward better decisions in life.
Explore More with Inner Wisdom Light-
At Inner Wisdom Light, we offer professional Reiki sessions, guided meditations, and educational resources to help you on your healing journey. Whether you’re new to Reiki or looking to deepen your practice, our website provides the support and guidance you need. With our services, you can embark on a path of holistic wellness and spiritual growth, ensuring that your journey with Reiki is both transformational and fulfilling.
Inner Wisdom Light is here to support your journey every step of the way.
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twwwellness · 2 months
Types of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) encompasses a wide range of healing approaches and therapies that are not traditionally part of conventional Western medicine at alternative medicine clinic. Here are some common types:
Alternative Medical Systems Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Includes acupuncture, herbal medicine, and tai chi. Ayurveda: A system from India focusing on balance in body systems using diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing. Homeopathy: Uses highly diluted substances to stimulate the body's healing processes. Naturopathy: Emphasizes natural remedies and the body's ability to heal itself.
Mind-Body Practices Meditation: Techniques like mindfulness and transcendental meditation aim to improve mental focus and reduce stress. Yoga: Combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. Tai Chi and Qigong: Chinese practices that combine slow, deliberate movements, meditation, and breathing exercises. Hypnotherapy: Uses hypnosis to achieve a state of deep relaxation and concentration, often for therapeutic purposes.
Biologically Based Therapies Herbal Medicine: The use of plants or plant extracts for therapeutic purposes. Dietary Supplements: Includes vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and other natural products. Special Diets: Specific dietary practices such as the ketogenic diet, gluten-free diet, or raw food diet.
Manipulative and Body-Based Practices Chiropractic Care: Focuses on diagnosing and treating mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine. Massage Therapy: Involves the manipulation of muscles and tissues to improve circulation and relieve tension. Osteopathy: Emphasizes the body's musculoskeletal system and its ability to heal itself. Reflexology: Involves applying pressure to specific points on the feet, hands, or ears, which are believed to correspond to different body organs.
Energy Therapies Reiki: A Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing, using the practitioner's hands to channel energy. Therapeutic Touch: Involves the practitioner passing their hands over the patient's body to detect and manipulate the energy field. Acupuncture: Involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to balance the body's energy flow.
Whole Medical Systems These are complete systems of theory and practice that have evolved independently of conventional medicine and include systems like Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and naturopathy.
Other Practices Aromatherapy: Uses essential oils from plants for therapeutic purposes. Biofeedback: Uses electronic devices to help individuals learn how to control bodily processes that are normally involuntary, such as heart rate and muscle tension.
These practices are often used in conjunction with conventional medicine (hence "complementary") or in place of conventional medicine (hence "alternative"). However, the effectiveness and safety of many CAM practices can vary, so it's important for individuals to consult with healthcare professionals before starting any new treatment.
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