#free* i can't be arsed to edit
moonchild-in-blue · 8 months
Take A Bite 🍎
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- a very special Vessel feat. my girl Cleo 🐍 -
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captaindibbzy · 1 year
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This was used to authenticate indulgences. An indulgence was a written pardon for sins written by a religious institution in exchange for a financial donation.
A camel through the eye of a needle and all that. Rich people never change.
Edit: I will leave this over night but if my notes are still full of vagina jokes tomorrow morning this post is getting iced.
Edit 2: iced because the allosexuals can only think about one thing and as an ace I'm just really fucking bored of reading the words "pussy indulgence" in my notes. Feel free to go to the article and make your own post about it though. I just can't be arsed to read through 2000 people going "hehehe sex".
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onesidedradiostatic · 5 months
(After the Respectless Reprise)
Velvette, calling Vox on the phone: VOX!!! End this stypid debate once and for all! What was the color of your turtleneck when you took that damned picture with Valentino?
Vox, picking up the call: Uh... What now?
Velvette: Some of your crazy "fans" cropped that stupid picture I took of you two near his desk with your monitors! They've been going crazy at the color of your stupid turtleneck in the leaked photo
Vox: Right right.... and..... This is my problem because....?
Velvette, muttering under her breath: I swear to god... this is just like that stupid dress thing all over again.....
Vox: The what now?
Velvette: Forget it! Your old arse wouldn't even get it anyway and we don't have the time! That stupid thing blew out of proportion!!! It's been trending on Vitter for Hell's sake so you better do something about it!
Vox: Vel, I don't see the problem. It's just a color for something that happened a long time ago. It shouldn't even matter.
Velvette: Well it does matter because demons—not even just sinners, Vox— have been going at each other's throats about this for hours on end just for the sake of their fanart consistency!
Vox: Fanart consistency?
Velvette: Oh for fuck's sakes, Vox— Aren't you connected to your network right now? You should be able to see just how bad it is in there!!
Vox: Mhm... yeah, yeah... well..... right...
Velvette: Vox. Are you listening to me right now?
Vox: *noncommittal hum* Yeah..... That's better...
*Velvette pauses for a moment before a look of realization crosses her face*
Velvette: Wait... Don't tell me your at your Alastor shrine again instead of at your office?
*Clatter clatter CRASHHH*
Vox: *cough cough cough* H-Huh? What? NOOOOooo... No, no I'm not. What are you talking about Velvette?
*Velvette side glances at Alastor still silently having his mental breakdown before moving onto Lucifer fiddling with his tie and cane as he refuses to meet anyone in the eyes*
Velvette: Yeaaah.... Right.
Vox: A-ActUALLY!! I was just about to go there. To— to my office I mean. I mean, I just came from an important meeting after all!! Yes, a very very important meeting. With uh.... About– Sinflix! Yes, yes Sinflix. You know how that annoying little parasite has been taking some of our profits with all their 'free services' shtick that we've been losing money in the other Rings.
Velvette: Right. Right. (I don't care)So... your turtleneck color?
Vox: RIGHT!!! *Ding ding ding!* Yeah, about that I uh....
*Side glances at the scarce remains of his closet that was once full of multiple variations of turtlenecks colored red, orange, yellow, and even blue. Some of them actually being striped. There was a sell in one of the secondhand-me-down shops if you buy in bulk back in the day when he first fell into Hell. And he wasn't one to pass up a bang for your buck. Unfortunately, he also had to burn a lot of them after Velvette joined team to avoid her wrath. And now he can't remember which one he wore during that picture*
Vox: Well... About that, I don't.... actually remember?
Velvette: You don't sound so sure of yourself.
Vox: Well, the picture itself is faded so some of the color has changed. Not to mention the lightning.
Let me ask Tino if he remembers.
(I hope you enjoy this. Someone please sedate me)
oh my fucking god (reference to this, and this, and the turtleneck discourse is just this entire fucking tag. basically we've been spending the last 2 days debating about vox's stupid fucking turtleneck)
literally everything being referenced is giving me fucking whiplash HELSPGKOS vox himself getting into the debate because he doesn't remember is hilarious
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only thing I will have to correct there is that vox does in fact own netflix in hell so it's voxflix not sinflix
considering maintagging this and putting it out into the wild with zero context (until they check the links)
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misunderstood whoops here's the clarification LMAO
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rebouks · 2 years
hi! do you have any tips for making good quality screenshots in ts4?
Hi! Let's see what I can come up with..
LIGHTING/GRAPHICS MODS Easy to use/install, lighting mods can change the look of your game drastically with little effort! I use a few:
graphicsrules override
I use this camera mod too, much less drifty...
Softerhaze makes some bomb ass lighting mods too.. I just switched from twinkle toes to sunblind and I am in LOVE - gamechanger lemme tell you.. so pretty! LOOKIT!!
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RESHADE I'm still using g-shade at the moment but after recent events, I'll probably end up switching back again when I can be arsed. The effects you can achieve with reshade presets are amazing tbh.. and it's real fun to mess around with and create your own! Tho lots of people have made awesome ones if that's a bit much for you. If your PC can't handle it all too well you can always just switch it off until it's time to take screenies as well.
COMPOSITION Kinda hard to explain but basically, composition is what's in your frame and how you line it all up. I'd recommend reading some photography guides to get the gist of the concept.. but honestly, the more you mess around the more you'll get the hang of it. I've always loved photography and sims screenies really aren't so different. If you use reshade there's even some templates for thirds/the golden ratio etc you can slap on top for practice. Personally I don't use 'em cos I prefer my own judgement (that sounds rlly obnoxious but we're rolling with it). I found a template to show you what I mean! (ngl I was stoked that the first screenie I thought of for being a good eg. almost perfectly fit into this golden ratio shit LOL) but let's keep in mind how long I scooted around to get a good shot of this.. pretty sure I deleted about 10 other failed shots of this but shhhh, it's trial and error!
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ANGLES/FOCUS The way you take a shot and how you angle it can change the whole feel of the image. For example.. in this image I tilted down and bit and filled over two thirds of the shot with the man, he's a big character and quite an intimidating guy so I think it helps get the idea across without pointing it out (at least I think so but idk I could also be talking outta my ass)
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Similarly in these two shots below.. the first with the guy on the left gives the feel that he's in control here. The "camera" is tilted above him slightly and he's all up in your face, making the woman look much smaller in comparison. BUT! If you flip around to the second image, tilt down a bit and switch the focus to her, it makes him look more insignificant and less in control. I hope this makes sense??
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EDITING/PHOTOSHOP ACTIONS ETC Personally I don't use photoshop actions but there's plenty out there to do the work for you! I think Intramoon? maybe.. has made a few but idk, you guys feel free to jump in with any suggestions! You can also smooth, fix stuff, change the mood/lighting, all sorts.. my advice on this is patchy at best tbh cos I just faff around until I see what I like lmao.. which leads me on tooooooo...
FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT Lol.. but seriously! I don't know what I'm doing. I've never taken any classes or read up on much, I always just jump in and see what happens. Fuck around with reshade, fuck around with camera mods, fuck around with composition/focus, fuck around with photoshop or gimp or w/e.. just mess about for a while and have fun! I promise you'll get better.
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lucky-draws · 3 months
hiiii as promised and by the will of the people via that poll i made like a month ago...here is my humble sketchbook tour. it's very bad but kind of on purpose. i edited it in windows 10 video editor in a sleepy post-lunch haze. sorry if you're a slow reader and have to pause sometimes but there aren't many annotations and they're not particularly profound. i'm not speaking in this video because i'm too shy so copyright free chopin is accompanying us pleasantly in the background. one of the annotations near the start appears a page too early but i can't be arsed to change it. its an unlisted youtube video because i didn't realise tumblr doesn't support wmv files and i couldn't be bothered to convert it. overall i hope you enjoy my sketchbook from january 2024- may 2024. grins :-)
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cadybear420 · 5 months
Cadybear's MC Wardrobes: Evie Ayana, OG HSS Book 1 (Part 2). Featuring some edits by me!
How this series goes: With each book, for a MC I'm invested in, I'll assess each of their in-game outfits. How much do I like or dislike the outfit? Is this something that suits my MC's style, or does it make me go "My MC would NOT wear/own this"? And for the outfits that my MC would not wear or own, how would I alter or replace them? I'm not going to use screenshots from the actual game because I can't be arsed. Also I want to use the different sprite expressions to express how my MC would feel about each outfit.
I like to think this is a good opportunity to elaborate on my MCs' dress styles, and show off some edits :D
Because of the 30-image limit on Tumblr, the wardrobe for Book 1 had be made into two parts. If you haven't seen it already, I recommend reading Part 1 first. But if you have, then let's continue on!
Ch 12: "Berry Pride" Premium Outfit for the Homecoming Parade
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The top is great, but uhh... short shorts are the bane of Evie's GNC woman existence. Also the m!MC version has him wearing cargo pants, soooooo yeah. Not fair.
Unfortunately, buying this outfit is the only way to get that nice yearbook photo with her and Aiden waving from Ms. Maddox's car, so I had to make a sacrifice. Luckily the shorts don't appear in the photo, so I can at least still enjoy it and pretend Evie's style wasn't viciously violated. (Speaking of which, yes I do plan to make edits of some of these yearbook photos for Evie. They'll get a separate post).
Verdict: Only partly in Evie's wardrobe. Alter by replacing the shorts.
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Here's what the outfit would look like with Evie's actual preferred style of shorts.
Ch 14: "Emerald Fantasy", "Lovely in Lace", and "Off the Rack" Homecoming Outfits
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I actually think Evie would like all three of these. They're not fully her style, but they're not something she'd hate wearing either, and they don't violate her skirt preference rules too egergiously.
I tend to pick the green one in some of my main playthroughs for the sake of the color scheme with Aiden in formal outfits (he wears a black suit to hoco, and then at prom I chose the black tux for Evie and he wears a green suit). But the purple one is also really nice, especially as it is a favorite color of hers.
However I do still think Evie would feel most comfortable in the gray free option, even if the color is pretty bland for a homecoming dance. She would probably own a couple of identical dresses with different colors and wear one of those instead, and save the grey one for a more casual chill social event.
Of course, I am still a bit disappointed that we don't get any suit options for f!MC here, like we do in OG's prom, CA's homecoming, and CA's prom. While Evie probably wouldn't mind wearing either of these dresses, I'd definitely have picked the suit/tux option in a heartbeat if they offered it.
Verdict: While Evie would like wearing both of the premium dresses, I'm actually unsure about them being part of Evie's wardrobe. The grey one is definitely part of Evie's wardrobe, leave it as is but also make a couple of alternate versions in different colors. But for her official homecoming outfit, probably replace with a party suit.
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Recolored versions of the free dress, so she has some that are both colorful and comfy. I also think these would be really cool at the Retro Rave theme, as that's the homecoming theme she chooses.
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And here's a hoco suit for Evie, straight from the HSS m!MC's Book 2 wardrobe. I made sure it was a greenish one to keep the color scheme thing with Aiden.
Stay tuned for Evie's OG HSS Book 2 Wardrobe!
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gabessquishytum · 2 years
Helloo, wasn't sure how to go about this but please ignore the previous ask if there's already one in your inbox. My internet was kinda screwy when I sent it before, so I wasn't sure if you'd received it or not (Tumblr said it was sent but I have doubts, my internet was seriously screwy XD) But I made one teensy edit in my ask, BAHAHAHA I made it hornier is what I mean... I need to touch some serious grass.
This blog really isn't good for my heart, I mean my god, the last few asks have been an absolute exercise in control for me, testing my ability to not squeal like a goddamn lunatic in public. All of them feed my inner bottom!Hob demon so much, I just can't.
The insane stamina Dream ask is just gloriously messy, and imagining the aftermath is doing things to my mind, okay. Imagining Hob fucked stupid, still on his knees but his front has completely collapsed - his arms gave up pretty early actually - but now, he's been reduced to a twitching mindless mess, his eyes are glazed over from the pleasure, mouth open and drooling, and finally his arse, my gosh his poor, puffy, swollen, and twitching open hole that's just leaking Dream's cum continuously. It can't seem to close, not yet anyway, but for the moment, it seems like Dream may have gotten a wee bit carried away. Oh well, since Hob's mind is already gone, Dream might as well enjoy himself more by eating out Hob, all the cum's gotta come out sometime, right? I'm sure Dream will make up for the brutal fucking and the overstimulation with aftercare, it'll be a nice surprise for when Hob mentally recovers enough to be aware again XD.
The sex pollen/aphrodisiac ask, GORGEOUS. Titania, get fucked by literally anyone else. I love this one, I really do. I love the image of Hob being confused cause Dream's not fucking him, pulling on Dream's clothes whining all the while, forgetting that there are people watching (faeries but whatever) reverting to his sugar baby voice to beg, calling Dream daddy UHAIUHIAUANSDANGGFDGDSGFDDASND okay. It's just so cute, okay? Begging Dream so sweetly to fuck him, cause he feels so hot and itchy inside, and he's clenching around nothing. When that goes ignored, Hob takes off his clothes cause he can't take the heat anymore, and he reaches around to fuck himself with his fingers, without permission. Dream is just absolutely horny and livid now, everyone is getting a show all because Titania dared to fuck around with such an underhanded tactic. And Hob may have been drugged but he should've known better than to touch himself without permission, he's definitely getting a punishment when they get back, but for the moment, Dream needs to show everyone that he's perfectly and wonderfully happy with his human lover.
The language kink, I just. I just can't. Is there any kink that won't fit these two. I mean, Dream being merciless, purposefully making Hob mispronounce everything, making him cry over his mistakes. At some point, the sadistic bastard just drops the pretense and fucks Hob for the rest of the session, making him cry all over again.
Basically, Hob needs to be fucked stupid, and be left gaping and sloppy. Always. Always. No exceptions.
-Love Yan Anon <3
Alakskdjfh the Internet definitely ate your first message but this one got in loud and clear!! Thank you so much for appreciating and embellishing some of the recent Slut Archive moments! I must say that the sex pollen lives rent free in my mind <3
I truly appreciate your appreciation of the smut, my dear. Just take care of that heart of yours 😉
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goldensadnessdolphin · 10 months
Spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen S2E16 ("Thunderclap 2") as well as brief mention of S2E17 (Right and Wrong), HeroAca and Chainsaw Man (the latter only gets name dropped) under the cut:
The latest Jujutsu Kaisen episode would've been really good if there was any tactics or good choreography involved. I don't think I've ever been so disengaged from an anime fight scene. Powerlevels felt pulled out of their arse. The explanation why Sukuna could beat Mahogara without giving Fushiguro a massive powerspike was contrived at best and unnecessary at worst. Felt like an excuse to animate a big battle to take a break from... animating big battles. And what would be the harm of putting "I need to save the world with my power" on more than Itadori's shoulders? Fushiguro isn't the type to take that in a healthy way anyways. USE THE DRAMA YOU CAN CREATE!
This whole season has sucked so far because the powerlevels are getting too high too fast. A lot of Shonen have that problem, especially modern Shonen (looking at you, worthless My Villain Academia Arc and Chainsawman in its entirety). I normally like Shonen, but it feels like everyone is ready to throw pacing off a cliff just to make a world-ending scenario 2-3 seasons before it'd be sensible. I know this sounds like advocating for padding, but my point is that you can have a gradual pacing curve and don't need to construct Everest in the middle of your shopping cart.
Like, we went from "One Finger might kill you!!1!1!!11!" to "with ten or so fingers in 2 minutes, I can haz Sukuna? Sukuna for 5 minutes? You spoil me, sir!"
I'm not angry, I'm disappointed. Actually, I'm both. Because I really admired the world JJK created and now it's effectively them fighting on Namek for all the world cares. Unless there'll be a major arch where we get a season+ of the world finding out about Jujutsu Sorcerers and how they shaped the world. So:
new politics
a "greater good" locking away of Itadori in a way that forces him to either absorb and destroy Sukuna with his godlike power of being the protagonist or be absorbed himself
a reduction and refocusing on freeing Gojo in the meantime (because I fully expect him to come back even more Deus Ex Machina than before in more dire straights)
Otherwise this either turns the show into the aforementioned Namek (i.e. Zero Consequence Zone - but we say there are consequences -) or just another They Fight Until The Author Is Tired From Wanking Themselves To Death.
EDIT: Just watched the episode after and it's so much better. In it's stakes and it's choreography. Felt way more gripping than Two Immortal Entities Have A Pissing Contest ALSO EDIT: These are the tags I had after the warning labels, but tumblr shows them even if you put the rest of a post beneath a cut. So here they are: #this whole ''the entire world is in danger'' shit is so trite and boring now#because emotion comes from connection#and you can't expect a world ending threat#- that comes so suddenly -#to make me do anything other than say#''wow; I really hope the animators got paid well for this bullshit. Wish I could follow it with any interest''
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coles-scythe · 1 year
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Dumping my art and screenshot edits/redraws in one place completely out of order. Mike/Jay/Shawn polyship bc I can't be arsed to make a separate AU for either of them and crack shipping is good for the soul. Need to make Zolar content soon, they deserve more than just living in my head rent free.
Base in the first image made by katsu-bases on DeviantArt. Base in the seventh image made by maemmii__cm on Twitter.
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wheelsupnthirty · 4 years
idiot | f.w.
fred weasley x fem!reader
EDIT: i found the tiktok after literally a year of searching lol,, vid credit i based this off of goes to @/ci.rius on tiktok!!
a/n: hi! this is sort of based off of a tiktok i saw where the creator talked to hermione about fred and angelina at the yule ball over an audio clip. i don't remember the creator, so if you find it please lmk! anyway, enjoy this lil wintery blab
tw: swearing, meantions of violence, shouting
the snow at hogwarts was always your favorite. the piles of white glittery fluff laying on the castle grounds never failed to amaze you, and this year, it was more beautiful than ever. you didn't know why that was, but the ginger standing next to you sure added to the scenery.
"isn't it lovely?" you said to him, your vouce dripping in awe. "i never want to look away!"
"yes it's quite beautiful y/n, but can't you admire it from your dorm window? i'm freezing my arse off out here!" fred replied with his hands tucked far into his coat pockets.
"you can go in, you know, i'm fine here," you said reassuringly.
he scoffed. "you really think i'm gonna leave you out here in the cold? by yourself? are you nuts?" he looked fake-shocked. "that would not be a very friendly thing to do, y/n, and i am a great friend, you know," he says matter-of-factly.
"you're an idiot, fred weasley," you said, attempting to hide the bitterness that struck your heart when he said "friend." you had been in love with the boy since your first year at hogwarts, when you were introduced by his younger brother, ron, whom you had become friends with on the train ride over. fred, however, seemed to be oblivious. he never was one for smarts, though. all this to say, you relictantly went inside, not without your counterpart receiving a soft punch to the arm, which resulted in a string of not-so-nice words.
with the snow came the yule ball. every year you were too nervous to ask fred, and every year, he went with another girl. this year, though, you were determined to get him first. you had a plan this time around, and you had decided that, if it didn't work, you were cursed. you were going to ask him at lunch today, which just so happened to be after this period, potions. you had told your best friend, hermione, about your plan, and she was adamant to help you, but you wanted to do it on your own. reluctantly, she obliged.
this period seemed to take at least ten times longer than usual. you couldn't help but wiggle your quill in anticipation, waiting to be dismissed. then, something broke your focus.
"angelina!" fred had whispered. once she looked over he mouthed: "want to go to the yule ball with me?" your heart dropped. again? seriously? you hoped for a no.
she nodded and said "sure!" and you nearly crushed your quill in anger. hermione looked over at you with wide eyes. fred shot a huge cheeky wink at ron, they probably had a bet or something, you guessed. but it didn't matter. his smile only made your eyes well up with tears. you blinked them away and continued working on your assignment, albeit more aggressively than before.
you were silent at lunch, and everyone noticed, just your luck they paid attention today. you chose to play with your food, rather than eating it, and you were completely out of it.
"y/n," ron chimed, "did you hear me?"
"what? d'you say somethin'?" you mumbled.
"yeah, i asked if you were gonna eat that," he said, gesturing to your still-full plate. you silently nudged it over to him and went back to your previous activity of staring at the wall.
after lunch, you had a free period, which you chose to spend on the bridge outside, admiring the snow to distract yourself.
"hey," hermione said.
"jesus 'mione, you nearly made me piss m'self!" you said with your hand over your chest.
she laughed. "sorry, sorry, didn't mean to startle you. i just wanted to check on you. are you okay?"
"sure, yeah, i'm fine," you sarcastically replied. "the boy i've been in love with for 5 years just asked out yet another girl and i'm totally, one-hundred percent okay with it!" you said with a fake smile that you quickly dropped into a frown.
"yeeaahh," she said. "i figured."
the next week seemed to pass slower than ever. you just wanted to get to the ball and get it over with, but the universe seemed to have it out for you.
you had a beautiful dress picked out, and, a week ago, you were thrilled to wear it, but now? you were dreading having to dress up at all. you had even considered ditching altogether, but hermione wasn't going to allow that.
"you're going, y/n, now get that dress on! i'll even do your makeup for you! go ooooonnn!" she insisted, slightly shoving you toward your wardrobe.
you sighed. "fine, i'll go, but i'm going to complain the whole time," you said with an eye roll.
"yes i am perfectly aware of that, now get dressed!"
an hour later, your hair was curled, your makeup done, and you were completely dressed to the nines. you had a silvery high-low dress that was adorned with small white gemstones on the boddess and neckline.
hermione's face seemed to glow with happiness. "you look absolutely STUNNING, y/n!" she hugged you tight and led you to the floor-length mirror in your room.
although you felt miserable, you did look quite pretty. pretty enough to make you grin a little. "seeeeee you're gorgeous!" hermione said. "now let's go, you'll totally make him lose it!"
you doubted that, but she pulled on your arm, leaving you no choice but to attend the ball.
your evening was quite shit to say the least. you spent it standing next to hermione swaying awkwardly to whatever song was playing, all the while sipping on some butterbeer to keep your hands busy. you kept glaring at fred and angelina, who had found their way to the dance floor.
"quit staring, y/n, you'll only make it worse for yourself," hermione said, giving you a knowing look.
you sipped your drink, still glaring. "why does she get him? i'm in love with him, shes just heartbroken. you know what i do when i'm heartbroken? eat cake. why can't she just eat cake and give me the pretty ginger boy?" you said bitterly.
hermione laughed. "he'll get it some day, y/n, just not today."
"it's never today," you said sharply, taking another drink. they looked like they were having such a good time, and you hated it. you should have been used to it by now, every year you had to see it, but this year felt worse. you had been so eager to ask him, but no, never you.
you decided you'd had enough of the so-called fun for the evening. you sat your cup down and promptly stormed out of the ballroom.
you decided to go to the bridge again to watch the snowfall. it really was beautiful, but you cursed it silently for remaining that way. you just wanted him to see you like he sees the snow. you wanted to make him feel as good as a good prank does. you wanted him.
"hey," you felt a hand on your shoulder, which prompted you to jump and curse.
"fuck! fred what the hell!" you pulled away from him and leaned on the bridge once more.
"sorry, figured i'd find you here. what happened? i saw you leave earlier. do i need to kill someone?" he said, genuinely concerned.
you laughed st the irony of his last comment. "don't worry about it, i'm fine," you said bitterly.
"y/n, come on, i've known you 5 years now, you're not getting off that easy."
"seriously, just leave it," you said with a warning tone.
"i'm not leaving till you telll mee," he said in a sing-songy voice.
you snapped. "why her?" you shouted, sharply turning to face him. "why her of all people? why not me, fred? what's she got that i haven't? can't you see i'm bloody in love with you? i've been standing here all this time and yet you never fail to snog everyone else but me."
he was dumbfounded. he just stared at with his mouth open. you waited for a response, but all you got was a stuttered, "y/n i-."
you scoffed and smiled up at the sky sarcastically. "whatever, fuck it, fred. forget i ever said anything at all." you turned around and made your way back to the castle. before you even made it half way down the bridge, you sobbed.
two days had passed since the yule ball, and you looked terrible. you hadn't slept but two or three hours since then, your eyes were dark and surrounded with purple. your hair was messy, and, honestly, you just looked miserable, and you were. you hadn't talked to hardly anyone, and your friends were all worried.
"seriously, hermione, what's her deal?" ron had asked after passing you in the hall.
"she told fred," she whispered.
"oh no, it didn't go well, then?" he replied.
"obviously not, you git," harry said, shoving his friend on the arm.
"you've got to say something to him, ronald. she's extremely depressed!" hermione suggested sternly.
"right, and what am i supposed to say? 'hey fred y/n's in love with you, what are you gonna do about that?'" he asked.
"yes! exactly that!" she replied.
"alright, geez," ron said. "i'll talk to him."
"hey fred," ron said timidly.
"hello, little brother!" he replied, unexpectedly chipper.
"what's wrong with y/n," ron asked, pretending to not know. "you haven't talked to her, have you?"
his smile faltered. "she told you, didn't she?" he asked.
"well, not exactly. she told hermione, who told me to talk to you," ron explained.
"ah, i see," said fred. "well i'm not really sure what to do about it all. i mean, she was so angry! and loud! merlin was she loud."
"well, do you like her?" ron asked.
"well i love her. of course i love her, she's my best friend. but, to be honest, i don't know how to feel," fred replied. "i don't know if i just love her, or if i'm in love with her, or what."
"well, uh," ron tried to think of something to help. "how do you feel when you see her?"
"happy," he said. "anytime she comes around i get so giddy i can't help but laugh." he started to smile. " i get lost in her eyes, her laugh is contagious!" he looked at ron, who raised his eyebrows and gave him a knowing look.
"oh my god i'm in love with her!" fred realized.
ron nodded, "yep. you shou-"
fred cut him off "i should go tell her!" he ran for the door to go confess and apologize to his best friend.
"y/n! y/n! i've got to talk to you!" fred yelled as he ran in your direction. you were, once again, sitting on the bridge, coincidentally where you two had last spoken two days ago.
you stood up and pretended not to hear him. you didn't want to talk to him, especially not about the events that occured two nights ago. you heard him call for you again, and picked up your pace. you had begun to jog when he grabbed your arm and spun you around to face him.
"hey, fred, didn't see you there!" you laughed awkwardly, your eyes on the ground.
"y/n, can we please talk about it?" he asked, his eyes down on yours.
"what do you want to talk about? if you're just going to say 'i love you, but' or 'we're better amoff as friends', you can just turn and go back the way you came," you said plainly.
"i'm in love with you y/n. i didn't realize it before, and i was just shocked when you told me then, you were very loud," he laughed. "but really, y/n, i am in love with you, and i'm so sorry i upset you. your silent treatment was just awful, honestly. couldn't you have just hit me or something? it would have hurt less!"
you tried not to smile, but his was so beautiful, you had to. "you mean it, freddie? you're in love with me? this isn't another prank is it? if it is so help me god, weasley, i'll hex your nuts off," you said, pointing your wand at his chin and glaring.
"ah! no, no, i'm being serious!" he said in fake-shock.
"okay, then," you said, laughing. you put your wand back in your pocket and looked up at him.
after a moment of silence, he simply asked: "can i kiss you now?"
"you're an idiot, fred weasley," you replied.
he pulled you into a passionate, yet, sort of awkward kiss, and you melted. you had been waiting 5 years for this, and it was everything you could have ever imagined. you wrapped your hands around his neck and smiled.
"so they made up, then?" harry asked with a smile.
"i guess so, whatever you said must have worked, ronald," hermione praised. "well done."
ron fist-pumped into the air out of pride, and high-fived harry, all three laughing.
you looked over your shoulder to see all of them cheering. your face turned red and you laughed, too. "idiots," you said, before kissing fred once more.
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shysneeze · 4 years
phases of falling in love (ginny weasley x fem!reader)
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Description: the painful process of reader falling for her Ginny Weasley, her best friend.
Warnings: angst af, I can’t think of anything else specific but please let me know if you come across anything and I’ll add it
Authors note: in love by khai dreams and she by dodie fit this in my head and are worth a listen.( edit, : i have a playlist here that fits this entire fic) . 
(Y/N) has decided that falling in love comes in three distinct phases: realisation, denial, and acceptance, though with various forms of panic in between.
No one’s ever boasted that falling in love is easy, the bitter angst of doing so the subject of too many pieces of literature to be doubted. Yet, no one’s ever told her it would be this hard, but she supposes the stakes were always going to be higher when it’s your best friend.
Realisation came first during a party, sat in a small group by the fireplace as the cheers and laughter so typical of a Gryffindor victory party raged on around them. They weren't much different from the others, talking loudly and laughing with their heads thrown back dramatically. They were discussing the game, (Y/N) thinks, though she can hardly remember now, nor was she particularly invested at the time. 
How could she be with her just across the from her, fair freckled skin aglow from the fire, who's light danced across her face with each flame’s flicker. Her hair tumbled down her shoulders effortlessly, as if it was pulled straight from the ponytail she wore during the afternoon's match.
That was the night she looked at Ginny  Weasley and felt something in her heart, longing perhaps, that went beyond mere friendship, the first night Ginny's smile made her chest tighten and her eyes finding hers with a wink made her gulp. 
It was the first time she looked at Ginny and saw her best friend but longed for more. 
Denial was easy after that, the whole thing flippantly dismissed as a fluke of the evening, blamed on the giddy feeling that accompanied the house’s victory that Ginny played such a vital part in securing. It was nothing more appreciation, awe.
Weeks later though, and the tugging in her chest still lingers, holding her hostage and controlling her every move.
It flares up unexpectedly, from a smile at lunch, a wave during matches or a laugh hidden behind textbooks during classes. There is an endless array of quirks and habits that (Y/N) has never once before paid attention to that now leave her stomach victim to butterflies and her heart to palpitations.
Yet the denial continues, excuses ranging from the outlandish to the self-deprecating. Perhaps an insensitive prank, a love potion slipped regularly into her morning orange juice, or maybe it’s just all in her head, a crush manifested from loneliness, from the desire to be loved by someone.
Excuses are easy to provide, yet even easier to disprove and it soon becomes clear that every attempt to deny her own feelings is fruitless. Acceptance looms over her, unmindful of the heart it’s about to break.
Acceptance comes reluctantly during an evening’s study in the library. There’s no blame to place on atmosphere this time, hidden together at the end of an aisle of shelves, sat across from one another at a desk most certainly made for one.
The characteristic smell of old books lingers in the air and speckles of dust are illuminated by a dim lamp as they float aimlessly around them. The light does nothing to highlight the red in Ginny’s hair the way the flames of the fire had during the party, or to draw the warm brown from her eyes,  yet (Y/N) is enamoured. 
(Y/N)'s quill hangs limply between her fingers, ink drying on the tip with a word half-finished on her parchment. Across from her, Ginny bites her lower lip in concentration, deep brown eyes scanning each word she writes, occasionally lifting her hands to fix the loose bun holding her fiery red hair from her face, ridding her eyes of the messy stray strands with a frustrated rush of air from her pink lips. 
(Y/N) gulps and panics slightly that in the quiet of the library, her best friend might hear the hammering of her heart in her chest. They're so close that their knees touch under the desk and (Y/N) is left unsure on whether to move her legs or not from fear of only drawing attention to it. 
She's trying to convince herself to act normal, that this is all normal, a scenario they've been in so many times before with procrastinated essays and last minute deadlines, that she has no reason to act any different, yet her heart races, and she can hear it in her own ears.
It’s terrifying.
She's mid inner quarrel when Ginny lets out a loud sigh of surrender and lets her quill clatter against the desk. (Y/N) blinks out of her daze, dropping her own quill in surprise and frowning at the red head. 
"Snape is asking for one of the twin's puking pastilles in his tea." She grumbles.
"They'd give you them for free if you tell them it's for Snape." (Y/N) manages a laugh. "How much more have you got to do?" 
Ginny peers at her own parchment, then at (Y/N)'s with a questioning frown, reaching over to snatch it into her hands. She examines it with arched brows and stifles a small laugh at whatever she's read. 
"Better than you- You've neglected to finish the word 'assignment', (Y/N)." She snorts softly. "It just says 'ass'." 
(Y/N) stands abruptly to grab it back from her amused friend with a quiet 'oi' and a flustered wide-eyed expression that only adds to Ginny's laughter until she's clasping her hand atop her lips to muffle the sound. 
"I got d-distracted." She explains embarrassedly. "It's just the first draft." 
"Oh no, I think you should hand it in as is." She grins. "I want to see Snape's face." 
"I'm not getting detention just so you can get a laugh." She argues. 
"Aw, come on." Ginny pouts. "Not even for me?" 
A part of her, a shameful part, almost instantly concedes to the offer, despite its teasing nature, just for Ginny's puppy dog eyes, which (Y/N) has until now been immune to. She falters for only a second before fixing her friend with a frown. 
"No, not even for you." She decides firmly. "Lets hear yours then, Gin." 
Ginny dramatically clears her throat with a grin, something that eerily reminds (Y/N) of her elder brothers, and begins to read aloud before (Y/N) stops her with an eye roll, cautious of the pacing click of Madam Pince's heels as she roams the aisles for the opportunity to evict noisy teens. 
"You'll be surprised to hear I finished all my words and never once spoke about my arse." 
"Sod off." (Y/N) rolls her eyes again. 
"Well, what’s got you so distracted you felt the need to conclude that you 'learned lots about counter curses from this ass'?" 
"You memorized it all ready?" 
"Of course." She beams cheekily. "How else am I to tell the rest of our friends?" 
"You are the worst." 
"You love me really though." 
(Y/N) worries when she can't laugh that off, when she falters for only a second, but enough to remind herself of this new and scary situation. She forces on a smile and hope she's been quick and convincing enough to seem normal, though something in Ginny's eyes tells her otherwise. 
"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" 
"Hmm, you look nervous." Ginny hints. "What are you hiding? Is it a girl?" 
(Y/N) is exposed instantly by the involuntary widening of her eyes and Ginny grins menacingly at her from across the tiny desk. She leans over, palms flat against the desk and head so close to (Y/N)'s that their foreheads almost touch. 
(Y/N) forgets to breathe. 
"Who is it?" 
"No one." (Y/N) manages, edging back as subtly as possible. "It's not anyone." 
"Aw, c'mon." Ginny rolls her eyes. "Tell me." 
"You're going to make Madam Pince kick us out again." 
Ginny tuts, rolling her eyes and returning to her seat, allowing (Y/N) to drop her shoulders in relief. She sighs as she picks her quill up again, soaking the tip in ink with a rejuvenated intent to write, motivated by the chance to change the topic of conversation. 
"You're no fun." Ginny mumbles. "I'll find out." 
“There isn’t anything to find out.” (Y/N) exhales, not daring to look up from her parchment, knowing once again her expression will betray her. “Or anyone.”
“Oh, but there is.”
(Y/N) doesn’t need to look up to know the red-head is grinning, it’s evident in her voice. All she can do in response is take a deep, calming breath and continue with her work.
It’s not long before she can feel Ginny’s eyes on the top of her head and she freezes again, not sure when this became a talent of hers, to tell just from some new sixth sense that Ginny Weasley is staring at her.
“Can I help you?”
“Is it Willow Kings?”
“Been there, done that.” (Y/N) mumbles with a sigh. “She’s nice but talks about her owl too much.”
“Hmm.” Ginny hums in contemplation. “You’re not crushing on Pansy again, are you?”
In every single way, (Y/N) wishes that was her current shameful crush, rather than the girl currently interrogating her. When (Y/N) denies it, Ginny begins to hum again in thought.
“Luna’s just a friend.” (Y/N) sighs, distinctly trying to convince herself the same thing about Ginny at this exact moment. “I’m not telling you, Gin.”
“Ugh, why not?” Ginny grumbles loudly.
The red-head’s face pales when the methodical clicking of the Librarian’s heels halts, wincing at what is soon to follow. The sound begins again, quicker and sharper as it approaches the pair.
“Shit.” Ginny curses, already gathering her work into her arms. “Here we go.”
“You two.”
The girls turn sheepishly to the other end of the aisle, where Madam Pince stares them down, one hand on her hip, other extended outwards to point at them with a disapproving look.
“We’re just leaving.” Ginny assures.
Ginny stands, reaching out innocently for (Y/N)’s hand and clasping it in her own to drag her to her feet as she splutters out protests, flustered instantly by the action. Ginny only gives her enough time to gather her things before pulling her towards the exit.
“S-low down, Ginny.” She pleads. “Sorry, Madam- “
The librarian scowls at them with an icy look as they squeeze past her towards the exist, Ginny’s laughter barely concealed as they go. (Y/N) can barely focus on anything other than the hand in her own.
Once in the corridor, convinced of their own escape from the strict librarian, Ginny flings he rhead back in a laugh, bun bouncing on her head at the action, cheeks flushed from the excitement of it.
“Every time!” She exclaims. “We get chased out every time.”
(Y/N) is too stunned to form a sentence, stunned not by their actions, one’s regularly performed to avoid Madam Pince’s wrath, but rather how suddenly loud her heart is in her own ears.
She could blame adrenalin, it would be so easy to do so, but she knows it’s not. It’s many things, but not adrenalin. Instead Ginny’s laughter, her free and proud laughter so cheerful on her ears, it’s the baby hairs framing her face, endearingly messy, and it’s most certainly the hand still clasped in her own, warm and soft.
Acceptance, that final phase. No amount of excuses in the world could hide it now, that (Y/N) (Y/L/N) is undoubtedly, and most terrifyingly, in love with her best friend.
In this moment, watching Ginny’s grin, that infectious smile that has (Y/N) own lips pulling into a smile of her own, she’s about ready to risk it all for her, to tug her closer and ask, even beg, to kiss her.
“Ginny- “She starts
Like that, the spell is broken and Ginny’s hand is slipping from (Y/N)’s and her feet carrying her towards the red faced boy-who-lived at the other end of the corridor, flinging herself eagerly into conversation with him and leaving (Y/N)’s smile to drop.
The tugging feeling in (Y/N)’s chest returns, and she finds herself back in reality. Ginny likes Harry, she always has, it’s been the topic of so many late-night teasing, how could (Y/N) possibly forget. It hurts though, in a way it never has before, a painful stab of reality sent straight to her heart.
(Y/N) has just learned for herself that falling in love is never easy, even if her heartbreak isn’t one likely to be documented as a great tragic romance in future. No one told her it would be this hard, but as she watches Ginny grinning up at the boy across the hall, her heart twists with the reluctant acceptance that, not only is she in love, but that her best friend is in  love with someone else. 
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go-dark-turtle · 4 years
(Here it is Chapter 2 of Hamon Daze. If you haven't read chapter 1 I suggest giving it a quick read before this one. You can find it here
Just like the first chapter there is a saucy n spicy warning if you wish not to read further. Also @thisbloghasnoaesthetic has been a HUGE inspiration for me to continue this saga. Now let's continue~ onwards to Caesar's revenge. 😎)
Hamon Daze
Chapter 2: Caesar's Revenge
(A Caesar x female reader fanfiction Saucy n Spicy edition)
The next morning Caesar stirred awake and rubbed his eyes, a fake set of eyelashes fell onto his bedsheets and he picked them up to exam them.
"What the hell is this?" He pondered to himself confused.
He looked over to his table and noticed his beloved vase was gone, did JoJo steal it again? He sighed with annoyance and headed to his small en-suite bathroom. He softly yawned as he opened the door and looked up at the mirror.
"MUMMA MIA! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS CRAP ON MY FACE!" Caesar screamed as he looked at himself in the mirror. His lips were bright pink, purple on his eyelids and red rosy cheeks.
He was furious, he knew JoJo was behind this. He grabbed his washcloth and a towel and scrubbed everything off except for his red rosy cheeks. He gritted his teeth trying to get rid of the redness in his cheeks but he sighed in defeat, he was starting to get hungry.
***Meanwhile across the hallway***
You and Joseph were in Joseph's bed giggling hearing Caesar's reaction to your prank.
"If only we could see his face" You giggled.
"Heh, the best part is he has to eat breakfast with a pretty face ohhhh!" Joseph made a kissy face mocking Caesar.
You both giggled and cuddled but it all came to a halt when you both heard Caesar open his bedroom door.
"JOJO! Are you awake? Get your arse down stairs for breakfast!" Caesar called heading straight to Joseph's bedroom door.
Joseph scrambled out of bed with you, he pushed you into his wardrobe and slammed the door. Caesar slowly turned the doorknob, the door clicked open and Joseph's eyes widened.
"CAESAR I'M AWAKE! DON'T COME IN! I'M NAKED!" He panicked at the italian about to see him in the nude.
"UGH! I didn't need to imagine that first thing in the morning... just hurry up and get down there" Caesar screwed up his face and let go of the door knob and walked down the spiral staircase to the kitchen.
"Sorry about that Y/N" Joseph opened the wardrobe door and you sat up in a daze.
"It's okay JoJo. I'd rather hide than face Caesar right now oh man he sounded pretty annoyed, but oh my god he sounded repulsed at the idea of seeing you naked." You giggled
"Glad you aren't repulsed seeing me naked Y/N. Ah we shouldn't keep the others waiting... though after lunch time we could always meet up" He winked, you immediately went bright red.
*** Meanwhile in the kitchen***
Suzie and Lisa Lisa were at the table having a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. Caesar walked in and grinned at Suzie and took her hand in his.
"Mamma mia. You look so bellissima this morning, Suzie." Caesar kissed her hand and sat down next to her. "I didn't get a chance to ask you yesterday. How was your trip to town with Y/N?"
Suzie giggled "Grazie Caesar, well we got everything including a lovely blue dress for Lisa Lisa. Ah we even stopped for some lunch and that's when she told me something about you... ohhh.. umm.."
She clasped her hands over her mouth, Caesar looked at her with his emerald eyes and gently pulled them away. "What did she say tesoro?"
Suzie blushed she couldn't resist his gaze "Well she admitted you were attractive...."
"Oh? Maybe that explains her attitude last night..." Caesar whispered to her.
Lisa Lisa watched them both rolling her eyes and sipped her orange juice. Just then both you and Joseph scrambled into the kitchen giggling and nearly knocking over the other chairs in the room.
"JoJo! Y/N! You are both late care to explain yourselves?" Lisa Lisa folded her arms
"Sorry Lisa Lisa. Because of Caesar making me run laps around Fight island... I woke up late this morning..." You turned your head away from him trying to keep a straight face, one because of his red rosy cheeks and two you started to see how handsome he was.
"Yeah Caesar's snoring echoed into my room and also made me wake up late..." Joseph shrugged and winked at Caesar “Oh someone is a little blushy this morning"
Caesar huffed and shrugged "Well aren't you obsvert this morning!" He looked at you and noticed your shirt missing two buttons. "Say Y/N why aren't you wearing your pjs? Did you fall asleep in your clothes?"
You clench your fists and looked down your face went bright red from what actually happened "Well uhhh."
Caesar knew something was up and he wanted to find out what was going on. "Perhaps you can tell me later.. JoJo hurry up we have training with Messina and Loggins. Don't forget Y/N you are training with Lisa Lisa this morning."
You sighed with relief "Oh good.. " You giggled nervously "Ah I mean um.. right thank you for the heads up..."
*** After Breakfast ***
Caesar returned to his room to get ready, he opened his wardrobe and noticed his jackets and his tank tops were lying in the bottom of the wardrobe. He was confused why they would be lying there. As he picked them up and placed them on his bed to smooth them out he noticed a button. He picked it up and realised it belonged to you. He knew JoJo was behind the whole make up prank but did you also join him?
He smirked "Bingo! I finally have evidence..."
He grew more curious, he had a feeling you didn't return to your room last night. He sneaked into JoJo's room while he was in his shower singing very loudly. Caesar's gut feeling paid off, another button he pocketed from the floor. He quietly left and returned to his room to get ready for morning practice.
***During morning practice***
You followed Lisa Lisa to the docks for a light work out with her but, an intense training session awaited Caesar and Joseph over on Fight island. The boys focused their fingertips on the spikes in the centre and held their whole body weight with their hamon, while the tall trainers ran laps around Fight island keeping an eye of the boys from all angles.
"By the way JoJo" Caesar whispered to Joseph "I know you put that ridiculous crap on my face..."
"Heh. So you figured me out.. But you can't prove it to Messina or Loggins without proof." Joseph whispered back with a smirk.
"Oh? Well perhaps your partner in crime will definitely tell me everything." Caesar smirked and pulled out the buttons from his pocket giving them a quick flash to JoJo.
"Huh? what do you mean my partner.... wait they are from Y/N's shirt! Where did you find them?" Joseph started to sweat a little.
Caesar finally caught him and put them back in his pocket "Well I went to check on you earlier, I opened your door and found one of them on the floor. The other in my wardrobe."
Joseph started to wobble and his breathing nearly went out of sync, he knew he couldn't get out of this one.
"JoJo concentrate more!" Messina shouted at him
"Sorry..." Joseph called his trainer and closed his eyes and tried to focus again. He grunted and whispered to the italian glaring at him "What do you want Caesar..."
"Nothing. I just needed you to confirm everything for me.. Oh, and have fun running around fight island" Caesar smirked and nudged him off balance
"Wha.." Joseph tried to question him before he was knocked off balance and he nearly landed in the spikes.
The tall trainers stopped in their tracks and pulled Joseph out the pit they pointed and scolded him for not paying attention and told him to run 50 laps around fight island. Caesar smirked and launched himself into the air and bowed at his trainers before heading back inside.
***An Hour later in the kitchen for lunch***
Morning practice had wiped you out, you rested your head on the table not wanting to move a muscle, Lisa Lisa went over the basics twice.
"Ah Y/N was training with madam Lisa Lisa really that tiring?" Suzie poked your shoulder
"Leave her be Suzie. I'll allow her to rest for now but I'm sure Caesar will get her back on track after lunch" Lisa Lisa sipped her coffee and looked at the door seeing Caesar walk in.
Your eyes widened at the thought of intense training with Caesar, his training was difficult enough. Now you didn't want to face him knowing he would pick up your guilty energy.
"Buon pomeriggio ladies, how was your morning ?" He smiled at Lisa Lisa his voice was so soft it made your cheeks flare up. Did he always sound like this?
"Well Y/N seems to be distracted, Caesar I'll need you to go over the basics again." Lisa Lisa huffed and wasn't impressed by your mornings poor efforts.
"Huh? Funny thing JoJo was the same." He pretended to be surprised. He knew you two were up to no good the night before.
"Oh JoJo is lacking too! Oh my, do you think they have a cold or something?" Suzie was concerned. Caesar giggled at the ridiculous idea.
You looked up to see Caesar's smirk, your cheeks flared up and hid your face in your hands. He squatted next to you and patted your head. "Rest up lil Y/N because later we will go over everything.... again" He looked at Lisa Lisa "Um Madam Lisa Lisa, is the bath house free this afternoon?"
"Yes it's free, Messina and Loggins are having the afternoon off. I'm with JoJo after lunch. Did you have something in mind?" Lisa Lisa was curious.
"Just thought a reminder of the basics might be helpful in there." Caesar nodded, you groaned in frustration, you already went over them TWICE and now a third time with Caesar this was going to be hell.
She nodded "Very well and perhaps a clean up might also help Y/N get her mind to focus." She took a bite out of her sandwich. You were more nervous than on your first day. Caesar bowed to his teacher and looked back down to you.
"Oh and in case you wondered where JoJo is Y/N." He took your hand away from your face and gently guided you to the window. He noticed your blush and how nervous you were around him compared to the night before.
You blushed more feeling his large leather glove touch your hand and his fingertips gently gripping your smaller hand. You saw Joseph run laps around fight island, he was already exhausted but he kept going, whining to his trainers. You swallowed hard, you felt this was all Caesar's doing and you were next.
*** 20 minutes later***
You nervously followed behind Caesar heading to the bath house on the right side of the island. You had no idea what he had in store but you knew it was going to be exhausting, with Caesar boasting for sure. You carried a bucket, mop and a few cleaning supplies trying to keep with Caesar.
"Come on lil Y/N we are almost there." Caesar smirked while waiting on you with his hands on hips.
"Caesar please, I can't carry this all by myself." You whined as you caught up trying your best not to look at his beautiful green eyes.
"Well if you paid attention to this morning's practice you wouldn't be in this mess now would you?" Caesar folded his arms and raised his eyebrow.
You sighed in defeat, he smirked again and opened the door to the bath house and held the door to the first room. Inside was a giant shared bath by the balcony and showers on the right of the room with benches either side and lockers on the left with a sink behind the door.
"Okay Y/N set everything on that bench over there and stand up straight" Caesar slammed the door shut and glared at you.
You gulped and nervously set everything down and stood in the middle of the room. You looked down, you knew you were in deep trouble. Caesar walked behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders. You looked ahead, your eyes widen, feeling his hands on your shoulders. You had never seen this side of Caesar before, even though you were nervous your mind raced with the idea of kissing him.
"You are in for a treat let me tell you." He leaned in closer and whispered. Your thought bubble was popped by his comment, especially with the tone of his voice, your eyes widened, you swallowed hard and your hands began to shake releasing the reality of what's going on. He smirked more knowing his comment made you sweat, he licked his lips.
"I know you helped JoJo with his little prank, I'm not very impressed you messed up my beautiful face." He reached into his pocket and held your hands open and placed your buttons in your hand "Don't leave evidence behind next time."
You looked down at them, your whole body was shaking, you were caught out, you spun around and clasped your hands and dropped to your knees, dropping the buttons and closing your eyes shut. "I'm so sorry Caesar, please dont tell Lisa Lisa!"
Caesar barked at you while grabbing the bucket and held it out. "We'll see about that, on your feet now! Hands behind your back!" Your eyes sprung open, his voice was so cold and commanding.
You nodded and did as he said, he walked behind you and placed the bucket in your hands. You looked down not daring to look back, you knew this wasn't going to be pleasant.
"I'm disappointed in you Y/N, I thought you were the type to behave. Tsk, tsk, I guess that's what happens when you get involved with JoJo." Caesar waggled his finger. "It's such a shame I have to punish you like this Y/N, you are so pretty, but you know this brings back memories of when I didn't behave."
You looked up and loved hearing he thought you were pretty, you shook your head trying to stay focused by trying to get on his good side "You misbehaved one time?! That isn't like you Caesar."
"Don't be cute with me Y/N, well it was 3 years ago when I first arrived on the island...." Caesar pointed at you and thought back to his early training days.
***Three years ago***
Caesar was summoned to the Island to meet Lisa Lisa upon meeting her he held her hand and kissed it "My, my, you are sbalorditiva. It's such an honour to train under your beauty" Caesar winked at her.
"My training is very strict, I expect nothing but the best." Lisa Lisa pulled her hand away trying to keep her cool from his flirting.
"Hm, well you are looking right at him, say why not we skip the training and get right into the good part and perhaps we can kiss with a moonlight diner later." Caesar flashed his smile at her. "You can come too, Suzie I wouldn't want to leave you out."
Suzie blushed at his actions but Lisa Lisa wasn't impressed. She folded her arms "You lack respect, I'll knock that out of you before we continue..."
"Oh I bet you will." Caesar smirked "Oh my Lisa Lisa aren't we jumping into this far too quickly? We haven't even kissed yet." He raised his eyebrows, with his mind thinking unspeakable things.
Lisa Lisa huffed. "Just come with me!"
He followed her to the bath house and instructed him to hold the bucket behind his back, at first he smirked thinking it was easy but within a few minutes she brought over hamon fused water and slowly filling up the bucket, his body started to shake and his arms were like jelly.
"Please Lisa Lisa I'm sorry, please let me have a break my arms are going to fall off. I'm sorry I was disrespectful towards you please forgive me." Caesar pleaded almost in tears.
"From now on you will respect my training methods and respect me as your teacher, not some girl in the streets. Do you understand?" Lisa Lisa stopped bringing over more water and watched him quiver.
"I promise! I'm so sorry madam Lisa Lisa, I will promise to respect you from here on in!" Caesar cried out his hands shaking
"Good, you may let go of the bucket" Lisa Lisa smirked.
Caesar released the bucket and dropped to his knees not caring his legs got wet from the water spilling everywhere. "From now on I'll take your training seriously."
***End of Flashback***
Your eyes widened. He was going to give you the same treatment you opened your mouth but he placed his finger over it. You blushed at how close he was. The scent coming from his tank top, a combination of white flowers, rose, lily of the valley and sandalwood. He smelt so nice and very comforting. The bubble of comfort from his scent popped as he pulled away from you.
"Hush now lil Y/N, it's time for you to receive your punishment and unlike what happened to me, you know how to use hamon, so I need you to hold that bucket but keep the water in place do you understand?" Caesar walked over to the sink and grinned
You nodded and held the bucket tightly he brought over a handful and dropped it into the bucket, at first you had no problems but as he got to the 5th handful that's when you felt the tension in your arms. Caesar knew exactly how you felt and went for a 6th handful.
Loggins had finished with his lunch. He made a quick detour through the bath house hallway to get to the docks to enjoy his well deserved afternoon off and that's when he heard you and Caesar talking. He stopped by the door and listened in.
"Please Caesar my arms hurt, please let me take a break!" You cried out to him
"Quit whining I'm not done yet, just endure it a little more." Caesar barked back
"I'm already at my limit Caesar please, I can't hold it anymore!" You whined more.
Loggins clasped his hands over his mouth "Good heavens what on earth are they doing in there" He couldn't stop listening as if it was like a trainwreck, he pressed his ear against the door and listened more.
"Y/N, I'll be nice and let you lean against the bench but keep those hands where they are." Caesar sighed.
You knelt on the floor and your chest leaning onto the bench it felt a little better, but your arms still ached. Caesar walked in front of you and raised his eyebrows, while giving you a disappointed look.
"I said you can lean, not kneel, now get that cute butt of yours in the air" Caesar loved that he was in control heading to the sink once more.
"Sorry Caesar" You blushed and sighed. You raised your legs and buttocks, the bucket was almost at max capacity leaning your chest still on the bench. You gripped with all your might and charged hamon through the bucket keeping everything in place.
"Perfect, now let's add some more shall we, I'll be nice with just my pinky finger, instead of my hand." He smirked as he walked over with a glob of water encased around his pinky finger.
"No Caesar, please I can't handle anymore, anything but that!" You pleaded out in a panicked cry
Caesar didn't appreciate you answering him back, he clapped his hands in front of you making the water explode over your face you shivered on the spot. Loggins couldn't handle listening anymore and he scurried out of the hallway and headed straight to the docks horrified.
You looked up to Caesar your arms felt like they were about to break, you clenched your eyes shut and screamed "Please, I'm sorry I followed JoJo in his prank, I'm sorry I didn't go back to my room, I'm sorry, please Caesar, let me drop the bucket, I'll do anything!"
"Anything you say?" Caesar leaned in close the smell of his scent felt comforting again, you opened your eyes seeing his emerald eyes shine. "Well perhaps that kiss I wanted from you last night might be enough to let me stop this punishment and of course keep hush hush."
You bit your lip, no way out of this one, you sighed and closed your eyes but slowly loved the idea of Caesar kissing you, but stood your ground. "Fine, but just one kiss."
"That won't be a problem, one is all I need." Caesar finally had what he wanted.
He knocked the bucket out of your hands and spilled the contents everywhere. You sighed with relief but before you could shake your arms from the aching pains, Caesar scooped his hand under your back and you fell backwards into his arms. You flinched thinking you were about to fall but you looked up and saw his bright emerald eyes lock onto yours. You blushed hard in his arms looking up at him he looked so handsome and you couldn't help but stare at his face.
"You'll fall for me guaranteed." He smirked with an evil glint in his eye. "You can't resist me"
Before you had a chance to say anything his lips crashed into yours he held you close at first you were shaking but soon enough you held onto his shoulders, closing your eyes all while enjoying his powerful kiss. He knew you couldn't resist his soft lips. He held you close and deepened the kiss, you gasped at how amazing he was at kissing.
He pulled away from the kiss you were in a complete daze, your face bright red, he smirked and looked down at you " Hmm, I'm glad a little birdie told me that you thought I was attractive."
"Well about that ..." You went super quiet and turned your face away from him.
"It's okay Y/N I understand, so if you like shall we continue?" He nodded and cupped your chin.
You couldn't resist as if he put you under a spell. You nodded a thousand times and looked to his face, you wanted him so badly you couldn't wait anymore and he knew it. The kiss unlocked everything.
"Relax for me my darling" Caesar sat on one of the benches and had you sitting on his lap both facing him, your arms wrapped around his shoulders. Both of you had discarded your tank tops and they landed on the other side of the room. He gently pressed his palms, while wearing his leather gloves, against your nipples, you blushed and gasped at the feel and how cold they were.
"Sorry Caesar, it's just your gloves are so cold.." You looked up at him softly gasping.
"Oh then perhaps I should try something else out instead." He smiled with an evil glint.
He brought his hands together and clapped them and then formed two large bubbles. He caught them with his hamon and smirked, he pressed them against your nipples, the hamon energy clamped onto your skin and no matter how much you squirmed you couldn't release their tight grip.
"That's your punishment for.... last night." He whispered in your ear and nipped your neck
You jolted back in pain and pleasure, almost falling off Caesar's lap. You tried to pop the bubbles with your own hamon, Caesar gripped your hands and held them in place with one of his hands while slowly pulling off his headband.
"So naughty Y/N, so now you need more discipline." Caesar shook his head.
He knelt you onto the floor and tied your arms behind your back with his headband, you looked up not knowing what side of Caesar was coming up next. He crouched next to you and gently tilted your chin upwards again and planted another kiss on your lips. He softly hummed and locked his eyes on you as he dragged his hands down your stomach and gently unbuckled your belt and unzipped your jeans. You closed your eyes and bit your lip, his hand slipped in and he gently rubbed the fabric of your underwear against your sensitive nub.
"Caesar.. it's too much please slow down" You rested your head on his chest panting hard as he made small fast circles.
"Hmmm, that's going to be a no Y/N, this will teach you to behave." Caesar smirked.
He continued on, his other hand reached down his own jeans and gently pleasured himself at the same time with you, he licked and bit his lip, you grew more and more wet with his long fingers rubbing against you.
"Oh my, feels like you are enjoying this, your panties are soaked." Caesar licked his lips "Alright, since you're so excited I'll let you have a break but you have to do something for me..."
You let out a soft moan when he pulled his hand out from your jeans, he smirked and kicked off his jeans all that remained was his dark blue boxers. You looked up and saw how excited he was, the nerves kicked in.
"Hmm, well since I made you feel good, it's time you made me feel good, I'll need you to be creative Y/N. You are only allowed to use your mouth, so what are you waiting to get to work!" Caesar placed his hand on his hip and brought you closer gently gripping your hair.
He opened his legs as he sat back down on the bench, you sat by his legs. He smirked, you looked down at his boxers and leaned in gently trying to work out what to do. Your eyes beamed when you noticed the buttons, you gently tugged the first button with your teeth prying it free, once you got the hang of the technique all three of the buttons were loose. You sighed and grinned sitting back while having a breather.
"I don't have all day Y/N, get busy!" He shoved your face back in, he was certainly excited.
You darted out your tongue and reached in the opening of his boxers and encouraging his length to pop out by curling and wrapping your tongue against him. After a few minutes of trial and error it eventually popped out, you saw it in all its glory it was average sized but thick. You swallowed hard and started to lick the tip gently not wanting to screw this up.
"Ah Y/N... your tongue is like heaven please don't stop.." Caesar threw his head back in bliss and patted your head again.
You loved how he tasted and how smooth he was, you shifted forward more and gently suckled on his tip leaving small kisses on him inbetween. Caesar was in bliss; he softly moaned and closed his eyes.
"Y/N please more... please..." He was begging for you.
You loved to hear his soft moans and hear him beg for you was something you thought you'd never hear, it made you more excited. The bubbles clamped on your nipples bopped against his thighs as you sucked him deeper causing more friction for your nipples. He was almost at his limit.
"Ah okay that's enough" Caesar quickly pulled you away and pulled off his boxers. "For now..."
You sat there arms still bound, the bubbles still clamped on your nipples catching your breath. He smirked, bending down to you and gently removing the rest of your clothes. He walked back to the bench and leaned over to pick up the mop.
"Y/N you did such a good job, how about a reward, hm?" He looked down at you with a smirk. Holding the mop tightly in his hands `
"What did you have in mind Caesar...?" You were frozen on the spot looking at his smirk, what in the world was he going to do.
He sat back down and brought you forward again, your eyes focused on his thighs, he was twitching with excitement. He looked down at you and smirked, holding the mop head in his hand, he guided the wooden handle down to your sensitive and wet area and gently rubbed it against your outside folds.
"AH CAESAR!" You moaned out it felt so good rubbing against your sensitive area, you flung your head back and bit your lip.
"Hm, that's what I like to hear now let's finish this." Caesar tilted his head and winked while he pushed your head into his crotch again.
You quickly suckled on him, your tongue licking and wrapping around, as he gently rubbed the wooden handle against your sensitive nub, you were so close your body was shaking you wanted to release your wave of pleasure so badly.
"Ah Y/N, you have such a talented tongue... oh god..." Caesar began to shake along with you.
You picked up the pace hoping he would do the same, he unleashed his wave inside your mouth you let go of him and swallowed it all you looked up to him panting hard wanting him to rub your nub more to let you finish.
"I think we are finished now" He threw the mop aside and looked down at you "Aww don't look at me like that Y/N, I did say this was a punishment"
You begged for him to continue. You wanted to have that satisfaction like he did, he shook his head and he released the bubbles from your nipples. He slowly walked behind you squatting down untied his headband, wrapping it around his forehead again.
*Cue Roundabout*
"Don't think this is over yet, Y/N. Both you and JoJo still need to learn your lesson. Whether he likes it or not, I know you'll behave for me." He smirked and pointed at you as he stood up "Meet me in my room tonight, 9pm sharp and don't be late."
You sat there with your eyes wide following his movements, your nerves kicked in again your body began to shake.
"Oh and don't worry, I'll be sure to tell JoJo...." he leaned by your ear and whispered
[<--------To Be Continued----------]
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Chapter 3
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cadybear420 · 4 months
Cadybear's MC Wardrobes: Jo Hunter, ILITW. Featuring some edits by me!
How this series goes: With each book, for a MC I'm invested in, I'll assess each of their in-game outfits. How much do I like or dislike the outfit? Is this something that suits my MC's style, or does it make me go "My MC would NOT wear/own this"? And for the outfits that my MC would not wear or own, how would I alter or replace them? I'm not going to use screenshots from the actual game because I can't be arsed. Also I want to use the different sprite expressions to express how my MC would feel about each outfit.
I like to think this is a good opportunity to elaborate on my MCs' dress styles, and show off some edits :D
Now it's time to give the spotlight to the wardrobe of a different MC from Evie! Let's see how the outfts of ILITW live up to her standards!
Ch 1: Pajamas
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I like them, they suit her. Tank top and sweatpants are perfect for her.
Verdict: Part of Jo's wardrobe. Keep it as is.
Ch 1: "Paint it Black" Premium Starter Casual Outfit
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This outfit is pretty stylish. But for Jo, it's probably a bit too much, as much as she loves a good rebellious look. Plus she would noooooot like that short skirt. With very very few exceptions, I don't think she'd care for dresses or skirts unless they were maxi or floor length and fairly loose.
Verdict: Not quite a part of Jo's wardrobe. Maybe save some of the jewelry pieces, but ditch the rest.
Ch 1: "Da Bomb" Free Starter Outfit
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Sooooooo PB has this terrible habit that I really hate where whenever they give the f!version of a GOC character (usually MC) an outfit with a cool/tough-looking jacket, they almost always have to pair it with a crop top. Looking at you: Cas Harlow, ID MC, Channing Lowe, TH:M MC (double offender), HSS:CA MC, KND MC (even though she's genderlocked but still), Kaine Bell. I mean, it's pretty par for the course for GOC character outfits in general, but it's especially annoying in this particular case.
I wouldn't mind it so much if they did the same to the m!versions, but of course they don't because "wimin must show skin beecuze wimin sexee, must be sexee because wimin, but mehn can not show off thighs or hips or tummi beecuze mehn being sexee in ways that aren't about muscles and strength is ghey, har de har har har".
I know I already bitch about this issue a lot, but I bring it up because you can expect me to de-croptopify each of these sort of outfits whenever they come up.
Of the four starter outfits, this is the overall style I find the most fitting to Jo's character in the ILITW timeline: a tough but chill "cool guy". Luckily. not only does the cropped part not really show in the dialogue window, but I also don't have to spend diamonds on it. So I can in good faith use the outfit in the game.
Verdict: Only partly in Jo's wardrobe. Alter by lengthening the top, then use as her default casual outfit for ILITW.
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Here's the outfit in Jo's style. This is her official casual outfit for ILITW.
Ch 1: "Sweater Weather" Free Starter Outfit
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It's a decent outfit, but again, Jo does not like skirts that are higher than maxi-length and are form-fitting.
Even that aside, the overall style isn't quite for her.
Verdict: Not quite a part of Jo's wardrobe. Save the belt, but ditch the rest.
Ch 1: "Rock N' Roll High School" Starter Outfit
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Everything about this one is awesome (the shirts especially), except for the short shorts. I think the tights do improve the look, but still, it's just not her thing. Guess PB decided if they couldn't have a croptoppified tough f!outfit, they'll make it shortshortsified instead lul.
Verdict: Only partly in Jo's wardrobe. Alter by replacing the shorts and tights (and save for ILB/ILW).
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Here's what this outfit would look more like in Jo's style. This is what I think would be her casual outfit in ILB and ILW.
Ch 8: "All That Glitters" Premium Outfit for Britney's Party
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The dress fabric? Very nice. The heart choker necklace? Cute, though it's not quite Jo's favorite style... but she probably wouldn't be against wearing it. The purse addition? It looks very stylish, and is a very unique touch for a Choices outfit too. The dress length? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Verdict: Only partly in Jo's wardrobe. Alter by turning the dress into a top and adding pants.
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This is how the outfit would look in Jo's style. Though I think she'd also be fine with going to the party in her regular clothes like everyone else does.
Ch 12: "Lovely in Lace" Premium Homecoming Dress
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Definitely not for her at all.
Verdict: Jo would not own this. Ditch it.
Ch 12: "Coming Up Roses" Premium Homecoming Dress
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God I love that shade of pink. I think Jo would like it too. I do think the net-looking thing around the chest is a bit odd, but overall it's a neat dress. And it meets Jo's skirt criteria perfectly.
However, it feels a lot more like a prom dress rather than a homecoming dress. I'm gonna headcanon she wears this for senior prom. With also maybe a little addition...
Verdict: Part of Jo's wardrobe. Keep it as is (but save it for prom headcanons, and maybe add some form of blazer to it).
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Although she wouldn't mind the dress as it is, she'd prefer it with a blazer. She likes wearing formal/suit jackets over long dresses.
Ch 12: "Casual-Tee" Free Homecoming Outfit
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Apparently some people found this ugly. IDK why. I quite like this style of top, and I find it fairly fitting to Jo's preferred style for homecoming.
Verdict: Part of Jo's wardrobe. Keep it as is, and use as her official homecoming outfit.
BONUS ROUND: Unused Underwear
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Definitely one of the better f!underwears PB has given us. Personally I like it, but Jo on the other hand isn't really a panties girl.
Verdict: Only partly in Jo's wardrobe. Alter by replacing the panties.
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Here's the underwear in Jo's style.
ILB: Stealthy Hoodie
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Unlike Evie's 2 outfits in HSS:CA, I don't think it's worth it to make a new post just for this one outfit Jo wears in ILB.
Anyways, I like this outfit, it's cool. Looks very cozy.
Verdict: Part of Jo's wardrobe. Keep it as is.
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cadybear420 · 4 days
Cadybear's MC Wardrobes: Alan Parke, HSS:CA. Featuring some edits by me!
How this series goes: With each book, for a MC I'm invested in, I'll assess each of their in-game outfits. How much do I like or dislike the outfit? Is this something that suits my MC's style, or does it make me go "My MC would NOT wear/own this"? And for the outfits that my MC would not wear or own, how would I alter or replace them? I'm not going to use screenshots from the actual game because I can't be arsed. Also I want to use the different sprite expressions to express how my MC would feel about each outfit.
I like to think this is a good opportunity to elaborate on my MCs' dress styles, and show off some edits :D
While I still have yet to even get started on Alan's HSS:CA timeline, I say we might as well review the outfits he gets in that book! After that, stay tuned for the bonus rounds!
Directory for the other parts will be included in the reblogs after I've completed the posts for all books!
Free Default Casual Outfit (if you didn't buy the premium outfit in the OG trilogy finale)
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Too plain for Alan. I'm sticking with the premium option. Or the altered version of it, anyways.
Verdict: Alan would not own this. Replace entirely.
Prospero Costume for the Tempest musical in Book 3
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I like it, but not for Alan.
Verdict: IDK if you're allowed to keep your theatre costumes, but in either case, Alan would not care for this. Replace entirely.
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Just as with Evie, I plan to rewrite a lot of stuff in HSS:CA for Alan's timeline as well, including which characters get which roles in the plays. I'm not as familiar with the Tempest, but I feel like Alan would wanna be Miranda. So here's him in the Miranda outfit. In Evie's timeline universe, this role will be played by m!Rory.
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cadybear420 · 5 months
Cadybear's MC Wardrobes: Evie Ayana, HSS:CA. Featuring some edits by me!
How this series goes: With each book, for a MC I'm invested in, I'll assess each of their in-game outfits. How much do I like or dislike the outfit? Is this something that suits my MC's style, or does it make me go "My MC would NOT wear/own this"? And for the outfits that my MC would not wear or own, how would I alter or replace them? I'm not going to use screenshots from the actual game because I can't be arsed. Also I want to use the different sprite expressions to express how my MC would feel about each outfit.
I like to think this is a good opportunity to elaborate on my MCs' dress styles, and show off some edits :D
We've gone through all of the wardrobe of the OG HSS trilogy, but we're not quite done yet. The OG MC appears as a non-playable character in HSS:CA, and gets two new outfits in that trilogy, so let's assess them for Evie Ayana!
After this, I do plan to make a post showcasing some of the bonus miscellaneous outfits I came up with myself for other events in the timeline.
Directory for the other parts will be included in the reblogs after I've completed the posts for all books!
Free Default Casual Outfit (if you didn't buy the premium outfit in the OG trilogy finale)
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Yeah this is in Evie's style. Simple, casual, basic jeans-and-tee.
Verdict: Part of Evie's wardrobe. Keep it as is (but also add one or two extra items).
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For example, varsity letterman jacket. And the jade necklace from Aiden. This is a possible contender for what I'll headcanon as her fall casual outfit for HSS:CA.
Prospero Costume for the Tempest musical in Book 3
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Honestly, she looks pretty cool in this. Kinda badass. It's a bit bulky, but it works. And she'd love the purple colors.
I do however, plan to rewrite a lot of stuff in HSS:CA, including which characters get which roles in the plays. But chances are, Evie's probably gonna stay in the Prospero role.
Verdict: IDK if you're allowed to keep your theatre costumes, but in either case, Evie would enjoy wearing this. Keep it as is.
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cadybear420 · 4 months
Cadybear's MC Wardrobes: Harper Addison Vance-Fisher, ILB. Featuring some edits by me!
How this series goes: With each book, for a MC I'm invested in, I'll assess each of their in-game outfits. How much do I like or dislike the outfit? Is this something that suits my MC's style, or does it make me go "My MC would NOT wear/own this"? And for the outfits that my MC would not wear or own, how would I alter or replace them? I'm not going to use screenshots from the actual game because I can't be arsed. Also I want to use the different sprite expressions to express how my MC would feel about each outfit.
I like to think this is a good opportunity to elaborate on my MCs' dress styles, and show off some edits :D
Now that we've done Jo from ILITW, up next will be my ILB MC, Harper Addison Vance-Fisher! Let's see how much they'll like the outfits that the story gives them!
Ch 1: Pajamas
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They suit Addison and look cozy. Keep them.
Verdict: Part of Harper Addison's wardrobe. Keep it as is.
Ch 1: "Punky Town" Starter Outfit
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This one is personally my favorite of the three, and it suits Harper. Her favorite colors are by far red and black, and it just looks cool. Sort of badass, but also chill. It's also good for a summer-setting book.
Verdict: Part of Harper Addison's wardrobe. Keep it as is (and use as her official casual outfit for ILB).
Ch 1: "Pretty In Pink" Starter Outfit
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Fun fact, I headcanoned Harper as a generfluid demigirl before I remembered that this outfit exists. While the outfit isn't quite my taste personally, Harper would absolutely love to wear something with the color scheme of the demigirl flag. And they'd like this style too.
I went with the punkytown outfit for her causal outfit for the book because A) I like it better, B) red and black would be Harper's favorite colors, C) it feels a tad more season-appropriate, and D) they doesn't fully realize themselves as a demigirl until after the ILB timeline. But they'd still absolutely have this in their wardrobe, and would totally wear it as their school casual outfit.
Verdict: Part of Harper Addison's wardrobe. Keep it as is (but save it for ILW/school era).
Ch 1: "Jean Genie" Starter Outfit
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I think it's decent, but I don't think Harper would like it much. She'd probably own each of these items, but probably wouldn't wear them together. The shirt flairing out from under the jean jacket just doesn't look quite right to me.
Verdict: Somewhat a part of Harper Addison's wardrobe. She'd own the pieces, but wouldn't wear them together.
Ch 1: "Leather Lady" Premium Outfit for Imogen's Yacht Party
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Not quite for me, but Addison would love it. It's their favorite colors, and it has a touch of "badass yet chill" to it. It would 100% be their style for formalwear and semiformal wear.
Verdict: Part of Harper Addison's wardrobe. Keep it as is.
Ch 7: "Drop Dead Red" Premium Outfit for Gala
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It's not quite Addison's preferred style of formalwear, but she'd like it. Though perhaps better if it had the leather jacket over it.
Verdict: Technically part of Harper Addison's wardrobe, but needs the addition of an extra piece. Keep the outfit itself as is, but alter by putting leather jacket from yacht party outfit over it.
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Here's the outfit in the style that suits Addison better.
Ch 7: "Back in Black" Free Outfit for Gala
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It's alright for them, but preferably as a casual dress.
Verdict: Part of Harper Addison's wardrobe. Keep it as is (but save for casual events).
Ch 10: "Beachin'!" Premium Outfit/Swimwear for Lake Day
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The top is super pretty! But to the surprise of absolutey no one, Harper does not like short shorts or bearing her midriff.
Verdict: Only partly in Harper Addison's wardrobe. Keep the top and the jewelry, but replace the bikini top and shorts with a one-piece.
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Here's what it'd look like in Harper's preferred style. Outfit-wise, she'd be perfectly happy wearing their regular casual outfit over this swimsuit rather than a fancy new outfit.
Ch 7: "Little Lacy" Underwear/Free Swimwear
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They're okay. I never really vibed with the style of panties though.
Verdict: Somewhat part of Harper Addison's wardrobe. Alter by darkening, making them more opaque, and perhaps adding boxers.
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Here's what they'd look like in Addison's preferred style.
Ch 13: Cultist Robe Disguse for Premium Option to ambush other cultist members
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It looks cool, and Addison would definitely want to disguise and ambush. Not sure she'd wanna keep it though.
Verdict: Not quite of Harper Addison's wardrobe. They'd look good in it, but probably could not keep it. Keep it as is (but do not add to wardrobe).
Ch 16: Premium/Determinant Rune Armor
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Verdict: Part of Harper Addison's wardrobe. Keep it as is (and use as her official casual outfit for ILB.
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