hollytree33 · 8 months
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Finally, her fourth and final card for Trespasser!!
1. The Hanged Man
2. The Chariot
3. The High Priestess
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cyberendlessdragon · 3 days
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old mizakai armor designs.
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hipwell · 6 months
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CT-9902 – Tech
[ tbb s1 • tbb s2 ]
Hunter Wrecker Crosshair Echo Omega
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rockingtheorange · 11 months
Henry gasping for air, unable to accept how Alex was there fighting for them, for him.
Alex was there regardless of Henry leaving, of an ocean between them, regardless of their public roles and futures...
Alex knew Henry was his future, but Henry never imagined the possibility of even having one, in the first place.
I associate Henry's gaps with this quote:
"And you can't explain it, when it really happens, when you feel all the weight of the irremediable condition of human being. While feeling the body forcefully slamming against the walls of the soul. The exact moment you know you love."
(Come Anima mai - Eng translation)
Original quote from Come Anima Mai by Rossana Soldano:
E non puoi spiegarlo, quando davvero accade, quando senti addosso tutta l’irrimediabilità della condizione di essere umano. Mentre senti il corpo sbattere prepotentemente contro le pareti dell’anima. Il momento preciso in cui sai di amare.
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penpenpencil · 10 months
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Sometimes I go overboard with the effects :p
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molagboop · 4 months
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Reference sheet commission: client asked for Raven Beak.
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miramisaki · 6 months
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58(???) days until Charlie...
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maranull · 9 months
Coffee Break
Fic summary: Two years after stopping the Overseers from destroying the planet, 621 and Ayre take a break from fighting and visit a small cafe in the city.
Rating: Gen Status: Complete Genre: Fluff, Conversations (<- that's not a genre Mara) Warnings: None
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uselessgaywhovian · 10 months
the problem with playing D&D is you have ships 'n' blorbos that only 4 other people know about
#still thinkin' about that motherfucker Cormac from the Thieves Guild#and how he lives rent free in Ariadne's brain#and therefore my brain#and how i have to deal with the fact that she wouldn't think about#that as much as she's plagued with conflicting feelings about this motherfucker#i honestly don't think that there's much reason that she would've made as much of an impact on him as he has on her#and it's driving me insane#like he got under her skin instantly because the first time they met she had just used her inspiration point only to roll two nat 1s#trying to get a crowd to disperse before things got rough#and this motherfucker sweeps in and does what she couldn't while also kind of shitting on the temple#which she couldn't even really argue because he wasn't really wrong but also this is the thing that makes up her identity#and she was fuckin' pissed#i mean we did also get sent to make a deal with him to keep the city chill while rise of the zombies was dealt with in the high district#so she#the temple's Brand Newest Paladin in full fuckin' armor gets sent into the den of the Thieves Guild#to talk with the guy who's been pretty openly (and frankly fairly) dunking on said temple#and we come out of it having to do a favor for him to get his help#and as much as she'd love to cover it with 'well we're really doing it because the prince wants us to and it's for the good of the city'#the fact that at the end of the day they were doing something on this motherfucker's orders was such a bur under her saddle#i think he got the party drinks while we were talking with him but ariadne didn't touch hers#because A) she's pretty sure someone would've spit in it and B) fuck u cormac fuck ur hospitality and fuck u#ANYWAY#all this happened over a year ago irl (not sure how long in-game) and YET#there's also the problem that our sessions have been shorter and more sporadic#which gives me more time between sessions to obsess over stupid shit#like a NPC who we haven't seen in a fuckin' year
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first-blight · 1 year
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tag game time! tagged by @shadowcursedballs (thank you!) to use this picrew (click here)
woe, rhidian be upon ye! without their neck tattoos and neck scar, but close enough :] i decided to have a little fun and do a beginning vs middle comparison (hair and clothes for end didn't quite satisfy me, unfortunately)
tagging @emeraldgroves @strixhaven @meowstarion @opaleyedprince @spiderslyre and whoever sees and wants to do it!!! <3
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fleetsonourgecentral · 3 months
Okay so sending this as a request, what if Scourge gets temporarily cybernik’d (like Shortfuse..?) or roboticized.
It’ll be interesting to see because prior to landing on the Fleetway dimension, he never had to deal with shit like this. For all of his talk about how terrible Moebius was, they never had the kind of enemies Prime Sonic or Fleetway Sonic have. Couldn’t beat his own version of Metal Sonic without help, and would be taken aback with dealing some of Prime Robotnik’s gimmicks. 
He retains his original consciousness (thanks to the power of master emerald bs or whatever) but is either extremely angry/freaking the fuck out because he loses partial physical autonomy, his speed, (if he’s in a cybernik body, its likely claustrophobic for him since he’s a Sonic and he should be moving, not encased in metal even if it shoots cool missiles) and oh Chaos, is this what it’s like for Prime Jules—
and worst of all…he can’t feel Sonic. 
No worries if you don’t get around to this btw, just thought I’d throw this idea out. Your writing is amazing.
I can't believe I've never considered this scenario.... the angst potential in it...... holding this in my hands
Endless wires were hooked into the armor - into him - and yet Scourge couldn't feel any of it.
The world around him felt... disconnected. He hadn't realized just how real his surroundings felt on a daily basis until he was forced to view them through the lens of a screen. None of the colors were vibrant, and every little sound was muffled. He couldn't hear the hum of electricity, or Tekno tapping on the keys of the keyboard at her computer, or the quiet rustle of Tails anxiously wringing his tails with his hands. All sounds he knew were there - sounds he'd heard a million times - but were lost to him trapped inside the armor. Sounds he'd never even thought about or noticed until they were gone.
Sonic was seething and doing a terrible job of hiding it. He was standing next to Tekno, alternating between glancing at Scourge and glaring at the screen littered with numbers and graphs and scans Scourge knew for a fact he didn't understand, arms folded tight against his chest and hands clenching his biceps tight. Even his quills were still bristled; they hadn't relaxed all day, not even when they got back to the base. If Scourge had seen him like this when he first crash landed into this dimension, he would've said Sonic looked irritated, but he knew Sonic better than that by now. The tense set of his jaw that always appeared when he was grinding his teeth said he was seething, and the way his ears kept flicking like they wanted to droop or pin back said he was terrified.
Ordinarily Scourge would make some kind of smart comment. Playfully punch him on the arm and jeer at him about putting his face straight. But he wasn't allowed to get down from the table lest he disrupt the wires and interfere with Tekno's scans. Like he was some kind of machine.
A very, very small part of him whispered that he was, and it wouldn't be silenced no matter how much Scourge tried to shove it down and smother it out of existence.
"It shouldn't be much longer," Tekno said. She was quiet, nothing like her usual self, and she refused to look at him. Scourge preferred it that way. Whenever she looked at him, it was always with a stricken, oddly guilty look, and he hated it. He didn't want to know the reason behind that look, or he'd hate it even more. "It's nearly complete."
"Can you do anything?" Tails said, wringing his tails even harder. Unlike Tekno, he couldn't stop shooting glances at Scourge, and unlike Sonic, he couldn't hide how scared he was.
"I won't know until-"
"'Course we will," Sonic said, cutting Tekno off. He'd spat similar reassurances in the past, and Scourge knew exactly what those words were supposed to sound like by now. Confident and cocky, scoffing at the idea the Freedom Fighters wouldn't get their own way. This time, though, there was too much tension in his voice for the false confidence to be believable.
Tekno's face scrunched in dismay, but she didn't argue; they all knew better than to argue with Sonic when he sounded like that. Amy put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, squeezing it and murmuring something Scourge couldn't hear to her.
He hated how much his senses were dulled. Hated the way everything felt flat through the screen and the way he couldn't twitch and twist his ears to better hear his surroundings. He was wrapped in nigh-indestructible armor but he'd never felt more exposed.
Stupid. He was so stupid. What kind of idiot got captured by Robotnik? That was something that happened to other people. People who weren't as strong or smart or fast as him. He was Scourge the Hedgehog, the guy who conquered a whole planet by himself, a Sonic the Hedgehog at his full potential - no, someone who'd grown beyond Sonic the Hedgehog's potential. He wasn't supposed to be captured like some quivering helpless civilian. He was supposed to be better than this.
But he'd gotten careless. Sloppy. Between him and Sonic, missions rarely went wrong, and this kind of thing didn't happen on Moebius, so he'd forgotten it was a threat to begin with, and he'd gotten complacent. He'd forgotten there was a reason Robotnik had managed to take control of Mobius and hold it for so long.
He didn't know how long he'd been there; it had felt like no time at all and forever. Everything had happened so fast while crawling at a snail's pace. Scourge's struggle for freedom felt like it was over before it had even begun, but being strapped into the armor, listening to Robotnik gloat, and feeling like he was waiting for death no matter how hard he fought...
He would never admit how weak his knees went in relief when he'd heard Sonic's furious shouting.
He didn't know how long he'd been in Robotnik's grip, but it didn't really matter. All that mattered was how long Sonic's arrival had taken. Scourge was sure the Freedom Fighters had told him at some point how long it had taken them to find him, but he hadn't been listening; the only way he needed to measure it was just in time or too late.
He wouldn't know that information until Tekno was done.
Tekno's computer made a ping noise when it was done analysing something. Scourge didn't hear the ping, but everyone's head abruptly snapped up and stared at the screen at the same time, so it must have sounded. He just. Couldn't hear it.
Something bubbled in his throat. He couldn't tell if it was bile or a scream.
"Well?" Sonic demanded.
"It's..." Tekno hesitated. She started to look over her shoulder in Scourge's direction, but stopped herself before he could meet her eyes. "It's not the same as Shortfuse- I mean, Shorty. Robotnik didn't get very far in the process, so the armor isn't fully connected yet."
"So we can reverse it?" Amy asked.
Tekno ran her finger over the keyboard. "... Maybe. I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know? We got Shorty out of his cybernik armor. If it's not fully connected to Scourge, it should be easy to bust him out."
"It's not that simple," Tekno said, hunching in on herself under the weight of Sonic's furious words. "Freeing Shorty was... we wouldn't have been able to do that ourselves. If the armor hadn't overloaded like it did, he'd still be trapped in it, and we can't repeat the same circumstances with Scourge. Robotnik didn't finish, but that just means we have a chance. It might not be possible. I won't know if we can do it until I try."
"Let me try. I've broken enough of Robotnik's stuff before. If that armor isn't on him right, it should be simple enough to crack it open and get him out."
"You can't. The armor has all kinds of wires attached to him, even if they're not completely connected right, and if you rip them out, you could seriously hurt him. Shortfuse got lucky, but if we're doing it, we have to be careful. It's a delicate process; one wrong move and-"
"I get the picture," Sonic snapped. His foot started tapping impatiently. "So when do you start."
Tekno closed her eyes. Maybe she was taking a deep breath; it was hard to tell when Scourge couldn't hear properly. "I need to run a few more scans. See exactly where the armor is hooked up to him, and where I can open it without triggering some sort of trap. Robotnik has probably changed the schematics since he made Shortfuse's armor, and there's no way he'll make it easy for us to open the armor without putting one of us at risk. It... it might take a few days-"
"A few days? You can't leave him like this for days!"
"I don't have a choice, Sonic! We can't risk hurting him! A few days is my best estimate when I don't even know for sure we can get the armor off him at all!"
"I'm right here," Scourge snarled, and immediately regretted it. Inside the armor, his voice was the same as always, but through the armor, it came out wrong, like a shitty filter had been put over it, so what came out of his mouth and what came out of the speakers were totally different, and it was jarring to hear them at the same time. He hated it. Hated the way the stupid armor didn't even give him the dignity of his voice. It didn't physically hurt, but the sharp combination was agony enough the first time he heard it it deterred him from speaking as much as possible. He didn't need further reminders of his situation.
Tekno shrank in on herself, casting Scourge that guilty look he hated. "Sorry. We're not trying to talk over you."
"Would it go faster if you had Robotnik's schematics?" Amy cut in.
"Probably, yes. I'll still need to run some scans, but it'll be easier if I can see what I'm dealing with so I'm less likely to find a nasty surprise."
"Okay. Sonic-"
"Don't need to tell me twice. D'ya think they're in the place we just trashed, or somewhere else?"
"Either that or one of his factories. Megatal is rare and difficult to work with, so there should only be one, maybe two factories that have it. I don't know if he'd store the schematics in his factory servers, though," Tekno said.
"I can go too," Tails said, hesitantly raising his hand. "Tekno's been teaching me a few things, I could maybe help find them."
"Sure, whatever. Anything we find on that armor, we'll bring along, not just the schematics. You two stay here and work on... whatever it is you need to to get him out of there." Sonic turned to Scourge, trying so hard to appear casual and failing miserably. "You coming, Scourge?"
He wanted to. Fuck, he wanted to. He was fucking furious. He'd missed out on all the action when Sonic came to his rescue, still dazed and shocked from being stuffed into armor, and he hadn't gotten the chance to kick the shit out of Robotnik's machines to blow off some steam.
But inside the armor, his movements were clunky. The metal containing him was heavy, every step he took was uncoordinated, and he felt like he had no depth perception with his only window to the outside world being this stupid fucking screen. He'd overheard some of Robotnik's monologuing, enough to know the cybernik armor packed a punch and boasted all kinds of cool and heavy weapons, but none of those were his style. He didn't want weapons he hadn't chosen. Didn't want to adapt to a new style of fighting, even temporarily, if it meant losing his speed.
Technically, he wasn't helpless. The armor would make him a heavy hitter in battle. If there was a single scrap of silver lining to this disaster, it was that, for everything else the armor had taken from him, it hadn't left him defenseless.
But without his speed, without his quills... fuck, it was so stupid, and he didn't even want to think it in case it got him worked up, but... it reminded him of the Zone Jail.
As much as he wanted to snap Robotnik's fucking neck, Scourge wasn't a complete idiot. If he went out like this now, fighting wouldn't calm him down. It would only piss him off. Or worse.
"Nah," he said. His filtered voice grated on his ears. "I'm not standing around while you and Fluffball dick around fumbling your way through gettin' some computer files, and there'll be nothing there to trash considerin' you wrecked the joint on your way out."
Sonic's ear twitched again. It wasn't like Scourge to turn down a mission, especially not after he'd been wronged, and they both knew it. "Suit yourself."
"You can get down now," Tekno said. She averted her eyes the second Scourge looked in her direction. "I think I should wait to get those schematics before I run any further tests. Sonic, I'll grab you a pen drive or something to transfer a copy of the files to. Maybe you can take a copy of Kintobor with you."
"Whatever," Sonic muttered, yanking the wires out of Scourge's armor and helping him down. "Pixel Brain, get your things ready quick. Move it."
Scourge was yanked down the hallway after Sonic before he could hear an answer; he hadn't even noticed Sonic was holding his arm. Sonic marched down the hallway with him, face like thunder.
Scourge should say something. He normally would.
But what the fuck was he supposed to say? He didn't want to admit just how much this whole thing scared the shit out of him, but if Sonic couldn't do a convincing job at pretending everything was normal, neither could Scourge. How could he pretend everything was normal when he was stumbling over his own feet and barely able to keep up with Sonic?
Fuck. Scourge bared his teeth, flicked his ears, felt them hit the inside of the armor encasing him. Sonic could normally read him like a book, but trapped in the armor like this, all of his body language was hidden away. And it was hot, and claustrophobic, and Scourge had never cared about the environment the way Sonic and Prime seemed to, but right then, he'd give anything to go outside and feel the wind in his face, or the sun on his skin, or even the rain pelting down on his fur.
"Don't listen to Tekno," Sonic said suddenly. "She doesn't know what she's talking about. Might not be possible my arse. If we gave up every time things looked a little bit hopeless, we'd never get anything done. You'd think she'd know better than that by now."
Tekno knew what she was talking about better than any of them. Mechanics were her thing.
But Sonic was stubborn. That was his thing. And so far, it had never steered Scourge wrong.
"We'll get you out of there," Sonic said, turning towards Scourge. He must have gotten his emotions under control, because he was the picture of confidence. "No matter how long it takes, we won't give up until we figure something out. Don't worry."
The picture of confidence, except for that damn ear twitching, trying to fold back. Trying and failing, because Sonic wouldn't let it. Because he never let anyone see that he was scared. Not even his own boyfriend.
Scourge normally admired that, but this time, he couldn't help but hate it. He just wanted one fucking glimpse that Sonic was as scared as he was.
"We'll be back soon. Shouldn't take long. If you change your mind about joining us, better let me know quick, or meet us there."
Scourge swallowed. He wasn't going to change his mind. "Sure."
"Don't be like that." Sonic pulled them to a stop. He took Scourge's hands in his; his knuckles flexed like he was squeezing them tight. "I'll fix this. I promise."
That was the most genuine thing he'd said all day. I promise. There was the conviction all his other confident statements had lacked. It should have been a reassurance.
But Scourge couldn't feel Sonic's hands. He couldn't feel the thumb rubbing the back of his robotic hand reassuringly. Didn't even dare squeeze back, in case he misjudged his strength and squeezed hard enough to break.
He thought back to the Prime Zone, and roboticization, and for the first time, wondered if Jules ever felt this way when Prime tried to give him a hug, or if he kept them at arms length to avoid feeling this way at all.
"You'd better," Scourge said, and wished it sounded as teasing as he wanted it to. "You owe me dinner, remember? I can't eat like this."
"Yeah, yeah." Sonic's smile was too wide, too sharp. Too vicious at the reminder of Scourge's condition. "Don't get your knickers in a twist. You'll be out of there before you know it."
Scourge hoped so. He really, really hoped so.
Sonic's ear twitched and flicked backwards; not in anger, or fear, but like he was listening to something. Or someone. And Scourge was envious all over again.
"Be back in a bit," Sonic said, flexing his knuckles - squeezing Scourge's hands - one last time before he disappeared in a blue blur.
Scourge swallowed down another angry scream as he watched him go, sick with jealousy that he couldn't keep up with Sonic even if he wanted to.
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ironhardpacker · 5 months
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(( Hey!! Today is FREE COMIC BOOK DAY in the U.S.! That's a special NATIONAL holiday where you can go to your local comic shop and pick up a few comics for FREE!! It's a great way to support your local shops and have a great time, as many shops do additional awesome things to celebrate the day.
I work at a comic store so obviously I'm invested in this, BUT GO TO YOUR LOCAL SHOP TODAY, MAY 4TH, IF YOU CAN!!! The website listing the free comics is here and the website to find your local shop is here~ ))
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shieldbcund · 1 year
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𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬    𝐁𝐢𝐨     𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧
Paladin, indie rp blog with a splash of gpose content. Loved by nugget ♥
𝔸𝕝𝕝 𝕗𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖𝕤 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕓𝕖 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 @𝕜𝕖𝕞𝕦𝕖𝕝𝕖​
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femmefaggot · 6 months
you can only get outfit voucher+ from anomaly quests.
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starsmuserainbow · 9 months
[[ Starter for @darksonofsparda !]]
It might not be something everyone would agree to, but to Pyrrha, the days at Beacon Academy were some of the best. She could still work on the goal she wanted to go for, and she had found friends that didn't befriend her just because of her being known. She had heard before that the hunters and huntresses one formed a team with often became so important that they would be friendships - like family-bonds, even - that could last a lifetime, and here with the friends she had around herself now, she could actually see that happen. The future looked great and wonderfully promising, despite all of the threats that the Grimm brought.
Of course, those were also a thing she wouldn't ignore, which is why today, she had declined her friends' invite to go out after class. The idea had been in her mind for a while already, but she hadn't been confident enough in it before to ask. The test-battles she did against other students - one on one, or even as team against team - were interesting, no doubt, but it didn't feel like Pyrrha was able to learn that much through them. She didn't like the feeling of not being able to expand her skills like this, and the obvious address for help in finding a solution was the teachers. Her choice was the instructor of Special Arts Class - he didn't even seem to be that much older than the students, and perhaps that alone made it easier to imagine explaining her thoughts.
So now, Pyrrha stayed a bit longer in the classroom than her classmates. It felt like an odd thing to go to the teacher afterwards, so she preferred to wait until no one else was around anymore, and then walked towards him instead of leaving the room. "Prof-" No, wait, he said before that he didn't want to be called that. "Sorry. Um... Vergil?" It felt strange, to refer to him so casually, but since it was what he preferred...
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"I was wondering, if it's possible to ask for additional lessons, or training?" It was no doubt an unexpected request coming from her, but she meant it.
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Someone's coming to save me right.?
I need rest 🌸
I prefer to create in my time, not grind.
Help me escape the matrix once and for all
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