#i really loved tech’s s2 armor
hipwell · 2 months
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CT-9902 – Tech
[ tbb s1 • tbb s2 ]
Hunter Wrecker Crosshair Echo Omega
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amalthiaph · 1 month
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I took an interest in The Bad Batch around the tailend of S2. It's not news to Tumblr that I almost slept on this show. And I cannot thank Caleb Dume enough for being the reason why I pressed the play button for this one. While I haven't been around for most of its active run, and I wish I had been, the last year has been among the best months of my life.
This show challenged my morals, and taught me lessons that I will forever take with me.
Tech taught me to embrace and take pride in who I am. I now think that I am not something that needs to be cured. I needed to be understood and accepted. He taught me that we deserved to be loved and be allowed to live the way we want to (as long as we are not causing harm to ourselves or to others).
Hunter taught me that at the end of the day, we're all still humans. We make mistakes. We fail. But we can learn from them, and we can strive to be better. And I should also take care of my hair bec I cannot accept that a man in a galactic war have better hair than me (Okay, did you honestly think I'm gonna be serious this entire essay?)
Crosshair taught me that at the end of the day, we really are still humans. Sometimes, we make choices that not everyone will understand or agree to. Sometimes, we don't even understand our own choices. But we can learn from them, and we can strive to be better. And that I should also go to therapy bec istg my hand shakes like hell I always need to rely on a pen stabilizer when doing my artworks.
Wrecker taught me that in this world where we can be anything, always choose to be kind. He is a great man who would always be there for everyone, and I hope that one day, I can be that person too. He is afraid of heights, but he climbs and go on high places anyway. Like him, I should also start conquering my fears. Dear Wrecker, I did try conquering my fear of heights last March 9 but I can't. I will try again.
Echo taught me to always fight for the greater good. Almost two years ago, me and a group of people campaigned for a great tomorrow. With pink flags and pink balloons, we worked on our little thing I like to call our rebellion. Sadly, we lost. At times, I am thinking of just giving up bec that's democracy and I cannot go against the people's decision, but characters like Echo and the rest of Rogue One taught me that nothing should ever stop me for fighting for the people's rights and that my love for my fellow citizens should always come first before hatred.
And lastly, Omega taught me to be curious, or more likely to not be ashamed for being curious. Learn about the world. Learn about lots of things. We never know when we need it. While I could say be good at strategy and win 30 grand on card games, nahhh, I'm not that smart.
I also learned to reevalutate myself as an artist. This show taught me integrity. I had ranted about this lately but these characters challenged me in terms of art. I knew that the creators aren't best at proper representation. While I could draw them as they are in the show, I choose to stand for what is right, and represent them as properly as my skills could. In the more technical side, I became good at drawing armors. And this little Actors AU Draw Series taught me to be responsible; I tried my very best to create and post them on time. This increased my productivity.
But enough about me.
There's something I realized two nights ago; we, the fandom, are Bad Batchers ourselves. We can consider ourselves a family, but not one of us is the same and we're all interesting, and capable in our own unique ways. We can have our own opinion and stand about something and still coexist. Like our favorite charactera, we embrace and celebrate our differences.
This show may end. No more Bad Batch Eves, no more cryptic tweets that cause us to hyperventilate, no more Bad Batch Wednesdays but it will live on, through us.
I know there will be a day where we decrease in number, one by one, little by little, but still, the show will live on through our actions, our opinions, our choices we make after May 1, 2024 because I know that all of us were changed in some ways by these characters and this show.
To the crew, your cryptic tweets caused me sleepless nights, but thank you so, so much. It is through your hardwork that we had this wonderful show. Thank you for making every second of the past year so worthwhile and enjoyable for me and for everyone.
However this show will end, whether happy or sad, I am glad it happened. However short my time was with them, I am happy I had been here. However short my time with everyone in the fandom was or if some of you leave one day, still, thank you so much for being part of my life; I am so happy I met all of you.
To Clone Force 99, thank you. I've never loved anything like this before. May the Force be with you.
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moonstrider9904 · 1 month
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Here is a library of my screenshot edits for you to navigate. If you like any of these posts, please consider reblogging to support me! I put a lot of love and effort into all of these, and I'd really appreciate the reblog. 🌙✨
The Bad Batch Season 1
Crosshair green/sepia tone
Crosshair random square icons
Crosshair's nose scrunch/Soft!Crosshair
Imperial Crosshair (single)
Crosshair Big ol' Grump
Tol and Lanky Crosshair
Arms crossed Crosshair
Pretty (and sad) Crosshair
Imperial Crosshair when he
Hunter and Crosshair's helmets
Grumpy Crosshair (Aftermath)
Imperial Crosshair
Cool-toned Crosshair icons
Crosshair and Hunter in the training grounds
Crosshair - get you a man who can do both
I can fix, worsen, and rail Imperial Crosshair
Crosshair's not evil anymore
The Bad Batch Season 2
Tech in orange
S2 Trailer Crosshair and Hunter
S2 Trailer Crosshair and Cody
Got a name, Brown Eyes?
Tech's reaction to being flirted with
Tech and Echo
Pretty Wrecker
Crosshair in Solitary Clone
Tech in Faster - Flyin' Ace
Crosshair in Tipping Point
Tech in The Crossing
Hunter in Pabu
The Bad Batch Season 3
Omega tugging Crosshair's arm
Crosshair in A Different Approach
Crosshair - Every Step by McKane Davis
Hunter and Omega - Every Step by McKane Davis
Crosshair in Shadows of Tantiss
More Crosshair in A Different Approach
Crosshair with Batcher
Golden Hour Echo
Crosshair and Hunter's confrontation
Wrecker, Hunter, and Crosshair group hug
Little Brother
Crosshair with his old rifle
Crosshair in his OG armor
Crosshair and Echo's dynamic - no hug for me?
Golden Hour Crosshair
Crosshair in The Return
Snarky Crosshair
U good? no
Crosshair on loyalty
You're gonna have to back down, captain
Sassy rifle pose
Oh, I'm much worse
Crosshair, my toothpick husband
Being defective is in my nature
Crosshair is brave
The Omega shoulder pat
Crosshair leans on the wall
Concerned, unamused Crosshair
Crosshair and Omega meditating - epiphany
Taylor Swift's epiphany is very Crosshair coded (hear me out)
Hunter (with helmet) in Bad Territory
Hunter (no helmet) in Bad Territory
Crosshair is a gentleman
Crosshair, Wrecker, and Hunter
The team's sniper has returned
Hunter looks hot here lol
Crosshair in The Harbinger
Crosshair giving youngest sibling vibes
Please give Wrecker a break
Tech's goggles
Point of No Return
Hunter (and Batcher)
Crosshair's neck has me like a Victorian woman
Crosshair in Point of No Return
Crosshair - Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
Crosshair in Juggernaut
Crosshair in Into The Breach
The Clone Wars
Maul and Savage
Not Star Wars
Percy de Rolo - get you a man who can do both
You can also find these under the tag #moon's caps.
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writingforfun0714 · 4 months
So I wanted to wait and let the new Bad Batch trailer sink in before posting about it.
Warnings: Spoilers, some thoughts/opinions will be critical
Alright so I don’t think it’s any secret that I don’t care for the Bad Batch. Even ignoring the horrible, incredibly RACIST clone model, the writing is mid/passable at best and not even watchable for me. Most of S1 and 2 combined is the typical ‘mission of the week’ type of story where only a few Empire-focused episodes stand out. There are also instances of ableism concerning Echo in particular (CF99 are also super dismissive of him in general—going along with that whole fucking ‘superiority over regs’ thing—seriously wtf).
Most episodes were very bland and predictable. S1 had no stakes despite its finale. By Mando/ST it’s clear that something has happened to Kamino. Didn’t really need to see a 2pt ep of the city getting wiped. Plus AZI should’ve been sacrificed. Even Ahsoka learns the lesson that you can’t save everyone in S1 when she disobeys Anakin and Admiral Yularen. TBB S2 had no character development from anyone besides a little bit for Omega (and Tech—but that was always speculated by fans since S1 and he’s dead now so it doesn’t really matter). A lot of the dialogue felt…basic. I think the only thing that TBB does well is the music. It’s really amazing and beautiful along with the smooth, crisp animation/scenery. Shame they ruined it with racist clone models, racist tones with the ‘reg’ dispute in both seasons, and being ableist and dismissive towards Echo.
Which brings me to the trailer. Oh boy. First, right off the bat I noticed how similar the trailer opening is compared to the S2 trailer. I do like that Phee is back. She did take time to grow on me but I do like her character and am curious to see where they will go with her.
It’s interesting we are seeing Crosshair back with the group so soon. Personally I do believe that is Crosshair and not just someone else wearing his armor like some think. I like the idea of Omega and Crosshair escaping early on but Omega gets recaptured/separated and taken back to Tantiss.
I’m interested in Hemlock and his backstory (is his gloved hand robotic?). I wish they’d create more interesting and unique characters like Phee and Fennec Shand instead of relying on cameos of established characters/fan-favorites like Ventress. I loved Dark Disciple and I thought it was a great ending for her.
I know it’s officially said that Ventress’ story will follow Dark Disciple but I don’t see how unless they retcon her death or pull a ‘somehow she survived’. Either way that sucks. Reminder!! DAVE FELONY DIDN’T EVEN FOLLOW REBELS FOR AHSOKA. SABINE IS NOT FORCE SENSITIVE IN REBELS. DAVE RETCONS THE SHIT OUT OF EVERYTHING. I have no faith that they will remain loyal to DD. Anything that will be ‘canon’ will be mid at best because even Crosshair’s arc has been messy (which is due to the weird S1 ‘reset’ the characters go through. Like they totally should’ve appreciated ‘regs’ by the end of TBB arc in TCW S7–there was no need for that awkward food fight scene in S1).
I hate that this show has to rely on cameos to get the viewing numbers. Here is a list of every character cameo we’ve seen so far:
—The Lawquane Family
—The Syndullas/Chopper
—Nala Se/Lama Su*
—Cad Bane
—Bail Organa
—Riyo Chuchi
—Saw Gerrera
—Martez Sisters
—Muchi/Rancor from RotJ
—Taun We/Halle Burtoni
*I consider these important/relevant cameos and am not bothered by them like the others*
What a list right? I might even be missing one. These were just off the top of my head. Some are big players, others smaller and almost not-relevant to the plot. Not counting the one’s I asterisked, it’s 15 characters. There are original characters but a lot of them, especially in S1 felt like one off, not important characters. And I hate Cid so much—glad to see she was absent in the S3 trailer. I’m really starting to love Phee and I’ve always loved Fennec Shand, and Hemlock is definitely an intriguing villain and Emerie feels like a total mystery (though the reveal was not shocking due to the similar design and accent to Omega). Like why can’t they create more characters like these? The rest just feel forgettable. And it’s clear that characters like Saw, Gungi, Scorch, Cad Bane and even the Syndulla and Lawquane families just felt like fan service. The rest kind of make sense that they’d show up but it also feels a bit like fan service.
Moving on..
I know a lot of people think that new weird dark trooper at the 1:40 mark is Tech. While I’m inclined to agree as I think the ‘Winter Soldier’ story is an obvious choice to pick, I also think that Tech is dead. I’ve changed my mind and kind of hope that Tech isn’t brought back.
I hope this is someone new. I also wouldn’t mind if it was a bounty hunter we’ve seen before. Due to the frame and stature, I could almost think of Boba due to him being older than Omega but it’s definitely more likely to be Tech than either of these choices.
It’s interesting a lot of cameo characters from S2 do not make an appearance in the trailer. Bail, Riyo, Gungi, Gregor and Cody are all absent from the trailer. Trailers usually show action shots to avoid story spoilers, but with Gungi, Gregor, and Cody all being capable fighters, I’m surprised they didn’t appear (usually stuff with politics is a story spoiler).
Overall I’m skeptical of the trailer. I don’t like Ventress being alive/in TBB being a Dark Disciple lover. There’s a lot of mystery surrounding the story of S3 so I don’t feel like I can give an accurate take on that. I hate how Omega’s longer hair looks. Curly haired Omega is adorable!! The animation (everything but the clone model) is definitely getting better. However, based on how S2 was marketed as a ‘darker story compared to S1’ and was like 80% fetch quest I’m definitely skeptical.
Those of you that made it through this post, thank you for your time and I hope I gave you something to think about. If you wanna learn more about the racism and ableism portrayed in this show, check out @unwhitewashthebadbatch for more info.
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zkyfall · 2 years
Sevika will be the Renata Glasc of Arcane in Season 2 (a theory)
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(Full disclosure, I am heavily biased as a Zaun and Sevika stan and want her to have more plot armor and importance in season 2)
My theory: Sevika is going to grow into the Renata Glasc of Arcane in season 2, adopting some of her aesthetic (well, technically Silco’s aesthetic) and filling her role in LoL lore as Viktor’s patron and a powerful leader in the Undercity. 
The Evidence to Support:
1. Her motivation
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Sevika cares about Zaun. She’s been consistent about throwing her support behind the strongest leader who was dedicated to standing up to the Topsiders. She’s tried being a good loyal left-hand lady to TWO DUDES and they BOTH fucked it up. It’s time for Sevika to try her hand at seizing the reins of the Undercity and she's one of the few characters in a position to take advantage of the power vacuum and the experience to do better this time. She hasn’t worked so hard for decades to give up now.
2: The Visuals.  
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Sevika’s a fucking badass, she’s around the right age, and has that sexy muscled build we all love. She has a high-tech metal prosthetic for a left arm that we’ve seen get upgraded throughout s1 and may continue to be in s2 (especially with help from a certain inventor that we’ll touch on later).  All she needs to complete the look is longer hair and a few dignified streaks of grey (a minor time skip and the stress from the finale will suffice.) Well and she’ll need to call Silco’s tailor so they can work their magic 👀.
3. But what about her Mask and Shimmered up eyes? 
 Amanda on Twitter hinted that Sevika would ‘quit smoking’. 
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Now some suggest that means she’s dying. I don't think so, cause I’d like to believe the writers are more professional than that. I hypothesize it refers to developing a lung condition as a result of the chain-smoking + Zaun life we see Sevika do in s1. She might stop smoking and start using more shimmer to fight off the disease, even needing a fancy breather mask to keep it from worsening. Just like Glasc.
3. Foreshadowing or lack there off
Silco and Sevika met the Chembarons and Glasc was not there or even alluded to. I think if Glasc existed in the world, we would have gotten some more foreshadowing of her if she’s supposed to be in control of an entire industry. 
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4. It’s all in the cards 
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Sevika was playing cards and what cards came up? Death and The Magician. Death signifies change (and the death of Silco possibly). The Magician is CLEARLY Viktor. Together they suggest Sevika undergoing a major life change and working with Viktor in the future.
5. A Common Connection
Glasc is Viktor’s Patron in LoL after he leaves Piltover. So who will be Viktor’s powerful, metal-armed, chem baroness in s2? Well, who does he know in the Undercity right now that could introduce him to a financial backer? Singed who is already working for Silco’s (now possibly Sevika’s) organization. 
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The Evidence Against:
Finn alludes to there being ‘bigger fish’ than Silco in Zaun. That could have been in reference to a Glasc which harms this theory.
Renata’s League Lore suggests a callousness, and an obsession with power and wealth which Sevika does not share. Sevika is never cruel, only acts in self-defense or lashes out in reasonable anger at Jinx. She barely even changes outfits between Act 1 and Act 2, when all the other henchmen clearly spend some of their pay to look the part of classy gangsters. 
Renata’s parents alchemical research and deaths are a big chunk of her backstory and the only allusion we have to Sevika’s parents is that she had issues with her father. They seemed to have simplified Chemtech in Arcane though so I don’t foresee them adding Glasc’s chemtech variant on top of shimmer.
In conclusion:  Sevika and Renata are probably different characters but I hope Sevika will fill Renata’s role in Arcane because seriously what are the odds we get two MILF Zaunites with left metal arms???  I mean I’m here for it but it seems like an odd coincidence and I don’t really want them adding more LoL characters than they need to. 
Whatever happens, I’m ready for more of this lovely lady:
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stars-n-spice · 3 months
Ask game! 6, 20, 30, 38 pls 🌑
Of course! Thank you for sending the ask :D
6: Which Batcher would you want to be your coworker at your irl job?
I am unfortunately unemployed,, lmao. Technically a full-time student and a housemaid so if we're going off that then I would say I'd want Echo to be my 'coworker' because I think he'd be more than willing to give a helping hand (or scomp, lol) when and if I should need it. But if we're talking like what I hope to be doing in the future which is whatever thing that has to do with screenwriting, teaching, or creative writing; I'm going with Tech. I think Tech and I would get along very well because we're both on the spectrum and we could just like parallel play and be cool with just that.
20: Which Batcher has the 'weirdest' taste in music?
Unrelated note, Echo is a k-pop fan and I'll die on this hill (and he's a Broadway fan). I think the person who has the 'weirdest' taste in music is probably Tech and I say 'weirdest' in the sense that he will listen to whatever genre. He simply does not care. You shuffle his liked songs and you feel like you're having a stroke. It's a mix of old dad rock that Hunter and Wrecker enjoy, it's the punk and emo shit Crosshair listens to, there's some old/first-gen K-pop in there, he listens to Los Panchos and Vicente Fernández. County? Sure, why not? He's a big fan of Beyoncé. He knows all the words to Rap God. He listens to Broadway songs and game OSTs. Omega makes him listen to those fan songs of video games. Catch him crying and listening to Mitski at 3 am in the morning. I could go on and on.
30: Tell me a random headcannon you have about Omega.
A random headcanon I have about Omega is that she has a good night routine. Like the book "Goodnight Moon" before she hits the hay she says goodnight to anything and everything. Of course she starts out with her brothers–"Good night Hunter. Good night Echo. Good night Tech. Good night Wrecker."–Then she goes on her personal items and Gonky–"Good night Lula. Good night trooper. Good night Gonky."–Then the ship and surrounding things–"Good night Marauder. Good night stars. Good night planets."–and then when everything is said and done and everything is silent she'll stare out into space and whisper, "Good night Crosshair."
38: What color do you associate with each Batcher?
Ooh, this is a fun one! Honestly, my answers are super basic, but eh. For Hunter, it's red, mainly because he's the squad leader and one of the main colors of the squad is red so automatically he gets that. While he does look good in teal, I think red's his color. For Echo it's a deep blue, mainly because of his time spent with the 501st but also because it's a calming color and Echo is just someone you'd want to be around to feel calm and safe. For Wrecker it's yellow; the color I associate with any positive/bubbly character for obvious reasons, but also it's my sister's favorite color and she's the sweetest person ever so I think it's a fitting color. It's a warm color and I'm sure he gives warm hugs <3 For Tech it's oranges/browns. Typically I tend to associate purple with 'smart' characters because of Donatello from TMNT, but orange/brown is just a more fitting color for Tech and I can't really describe why. Maybe it's the s2 armor? For Crosshair it's green because of his Imperial armor and I guess also because it symbolizes growth? In a sense? Also it's not one of my favorite colors, lol. For Omega, I associate her with teal colors. Something like the ones on her outfit from S1 but also because I love her so much and teal is my favorite color as well.
Here is the ask list if ya'll want to send me more asks ^^
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lemonlimeturtle · 1 year
Okay, so I don't really have anywhere else to put this, so I'm throwing it into the void just to get rid of the thought. So, after I really took a look at Hunter's character and his journey and his new armor design for s2. I think Hunter would really like art. And that means any kind of art. Painting, film, sculpture, music, whatever you can think of. I think he would like it. He seems like a very contemplative kind of guy, and I think that he would have a lot of appreciation for people taking the time to put their ideas into a physical thing. And he would be able to maybe be able to do it himself because of his heightened senses. I think that if he were given the chance, he would especially like dance. He doesn't really like interacting with large groups of people, but if he really allowed himself to relax, I think he would love to dance. A lot of the other guys have their hobbies. Tech fixes things and just enjoys learning, Wrecker is the demolitions expert and loves food and just having fun in general, Crosshair even had his guns and loved to annoy Hunter. But Hunter always seems so preoccupied with everybody else all the time that he really seems to have no time for himself and developing himself. Anyways, give me Hunter with a guitar, Hunter with little wood carvings, Hunter hesitantly dancing at festivals, then slowly gaining confidence. Give me Hunter outside of the service of his siblings. He deserves some peace too. Just a thought I had idk if this makes any sense.
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sskim-milkk · 1 year
SOOO many thoughts about yesterday’s Bad Batch episode
Of course, spoilers ahead for S2 EP12!!
That new CO Nolan is an asshole oh my gosh. Every word that came out of his mouth made me hate him even more
Ice planet? Color me intrigued
Mayday?? I love him so much! He was not for Nolan’s BS at all 😂 he seems so nice and friendly though! And the cloth over his armor? And the long hair and beard?? 😍 Filoni cannot keep introducing lovely, endearing clones to us only to kill them/have them die at the end of the episode 😭 my heart can’t take it, man
Seeing the clones going into retirement 😭 it made me so sad! I hope they get everything they deserve to have a good life after everything they’ve gone through.
The fact that the Empire really did not care about the soldiers’ well-being on the planet, only the cargo was just…agh!! Like Mayday said, after all they did? So, so awful
CROSSHAIR LETS GOOO!!! So cool, so amazing, so handsome, so good to see him! It’s been too long my love 😍
His hesitation when Mayday asked for his name 🥺 ahhh the conflict! And when he asked which unit he was with?? AHHHHH
Could someone explain to me why he quickly took off his helmet when that machine exploded? Did the volume send his helmet sensors into overdrive and hurt his ears? I’m just confused because the last time we saw him there were so many explosions happening around him and they didn’t seem to bother him
I was STRESSING when Mayday was dismantling the pressure bomb ahhhh
Nolan sending those 2 out for the cargo with absolutely no regard for their safety I just ahhhh I HATE HIM
Crosshair before: no point carrying dead weight. Crosshair after: NOT LEAVING MAYDAY AND THE TWO OF THEM DRAGGING EACH OTHER THROUGH THE SNOW TO THE OUTPOST *screeching, sobbing*
My heart was breaking when Crosshair shivered, when Mayday kept tripping and falling, and when the two of them were huddling together in the storm 😭😭😭😭 I just want to give them sweaters and blankets and hot chocolate after that ordeal
Mayday dying, Crosshair’s “you could have saved him!” I just…I CANT KEEP DOING THIS Y’ALL 😭
And his “help him” with the voice crack and desperation?? I-I’m gonna need about 3-5 days to recover from that. Props to DBB for the heartache
Crosshair shooting Nolan was soooo satisfying. He probably just saved so many soldiers’ suffering from Nolan’s incompetence
Groggy Crossy at the end 🥺
My prediction for future episodes is that Omega will get captured and sent to the same planet where Crosshair is and they’ll work together to escape. Whether Cross will join the Batch after that…I don’t know
I’m thinking he’s starting to realize that he really doesn’t mean much to the empire. Even his sniper skills aren’t helping him much at this point, and soon he’ll be forced into retirement as they introduce stormtroopers.
I wish this season they’d done more Crosshair episodes. Even if they weren’t pivotal moments. Like a side mission even. Because at least for me, a lot of the side missions the Batch have done for Cid are weaker than last season. Some are good, like the ipsiun mines and Tech’s racing. But others, like the treasure episode with Phee and the one with Gungi, I think it would have been better to have a Crosshair episode. But those episodes just weren’t great for me personally
Anyway, I could go on and on about how amazing this episode was, ahh I just love it! I’ve loved seeing the posts with the screenshots of the ice vulture and the ending scene where Crosshair shoots Nolan. I think the rocks were definitely meant to be there. I didn’t notice that at first and I’m so happy people are pointing that out
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thevindicativevordan · 7 months
Comics this week?
Action Comics #1058 - Loved seeing Clark put some of Lex's toys to good use against his opponent. Superman is smart you guys! Glad that PKJ was able to canonize the House Mythos he's been talking about for ages before he leaves Action. Starchild is a great use of one of Clark's various "titles", not as crazy about Red Son but it does bestow a fantasy vibe that might fit Osul being a quasi-Jesus figure. Definitely the Empire of Shadows talking to Norah, man I'm excited to see Supes and the evil Batman clash, especially since Supes has his own suit of armor and sword! Neat how PKJ bookends his run with Supes being depowered yet again.
Detective Comics #1075 - Decided to drop this. It's not "bad" but it's not doing anything I haven't seen a million times before, might catch it in trade, and I still need to cut back.
Steelworks #5 - I love the contrast between the phasing guy being sympathetic and Walker (the AmerTek CEO) being an unrepentant piece of shit. Glad that Dorn brough up the iron of Irons bearing John Henry's name when JH fought against tech and progress while JHI has always tried to push it forward. both of them have to beat a machine however, in Irons case a full blown mecha.
Wonder Woman #2 - More of an art showcase for Sampere but goddamn what a beautiful showcase it is. I should have seen the reveal coming that the Amazon Diana beat in the contest to become WW in the first place was the same one who kickstarted the events of this one, but I was surprised! Where does Emelie figure into Sovereign's plans I wonder? Did he simply take advantage of what she did, or is she working for him? Good stuff with Sovereign saying he was drawn to Diana because like him she's a mix of myth, and that's probably as close as Wondy fans are going to get to the clay origin coming back until Gunn decides what to do with her.
Unstoppable Doom Patrol #7 - Excellent ending to the series which unfortunately is spoiled by the tease for S2 featuring the Batwoman Who Laughs. Look Culver I know you love Morrison, when Morrison calls you out on how stupid this idea was, maybe you should just accept the criticism and undo it. Only defense I can muster is that on Culver's Twitter he does say the goal is to save her via undoing the change at least, otherwise I really enjoyed this run.
The Flash #2 - Where was this Dedato for Hickman's Avengers? Could've used those crazy angles for when the Beyonders showed up. Laughed at the Grodd/God joke and looking forward to Spurrier writing Barry.
The Penguin #3 - Still good and since this is my last Batbook I hope it stays that way.
Immortal Thor #3 - By now it's clear this is merely a very good Thor comic rather than the masterpiece of Immortal Hulk, but that's still welcome. Same as Action, it's nice to see Thor use his brains as well as his brawn to solve problems, though I find Ewing's use of Loki underwhelming. It's clear his heart isn't into the idea of pitting the brothers against each other.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 2 years
Okay about how long did Entrapta and Hordak know each other as in personally interacting. They met on s2 after Catra told Entrapta to stay away from Hordak. From then since Catra getting sentenced to death it was how long, a week? Then the entire season 3 takes place within idk, a couple of days?
I just consider this fact when people say that they're gonna like totally get married now that they reunited. Same with Scorfuma.
I dont give a shit about characters getting married
Theres nothing more alienating for a single 26 year old than thinking about dozens of people younger than you getting married
As for how long they knew each other, I can actually give you a pretty good timeline
"Huntara", the ep where they actually became friends for real and Hordak got his armor change, that was 135 days after they started working together in "Signals". Then give it a couple of weeks before "Moment of Truth".
Beast Island was AT LEAST six months bare minimum, Prime's Invasion (the time Scorpia and Perfuma knew each other) was 3 months bare minimum, both were most likely longer.
It's hard to estimate. Some stories take place a couple eps apart, like "The Sword" and "Flowers for She-ra", and then Adora will try to use a code that "hasn't been in use for MONTHS" and that's supposed to imply shes been gone for months?
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But yeah with Entrapta and Hordak in particular they absolutely spent more time ripped apart than working together. They were only just figuring out the shape of their friendship. Scorpia and Perfuma were also ripped apart before they could make sense of what their relationship was either.
But I actually really like that, because these characters were impacted so strongly by that brief time they were connecting, it had basically changed them. They both try to go back to how things were before they became friends - Entrapta isolating herself with tech in the portal and on the island, Hordak hiding in his lab then trying to be a good boy for Prime - and they can't stand it. By their standards it would've been bliss for them at the start of the show, but now it feels so empty. And even though they have painful reason to believe their friendship was fake, or it’s an obstruction in the way of greater plans, they can’t let it go. They spend the rest of the show trying to connect with other people (Bow, Catra), and seeking each other out. They don't need to know what their connection is in order to understand it's there.
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As for Perfuma and Scorpia, what I really love about this relationship is Perfuma can see the value in Scorpia that nobody else really acknowledged before. Yeah, Scorpia was loved by Catra and Entrapta, but those two weren't able to---- okay maybe I shouldn't have mentioned them because I'm actually angry at Scorpia's lack of good interactions with them in season 5. But my point is that Perfuma was put-together and assertive enough to be the missing half of Scorpia, to REALLY support her and give her encouragement for how hard she's been working for her friends this whole time. And likewise, Scorpia is the symbol of tolerance and love that had been missing from Perfuma. 
So yeah, as "undefined" as these relationships are, theyre still really good. I can see why everyone would jump on them.
I mean, you also have word of god pairing them together, what can people say against that? Of course the fans will ship them if the Showrunner is suggesting they hook up. Not that I'm particularly interested in Word of God since it can be bad, wrong, and overruled.
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atcnm · 4 years
@sunlitroom​ i was anon with Gordlock, Jerome/Bruce and Zsaszlepot:)
Harvey and Jim - BROTP.
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They can be very sweet, really. And the touching way cynical, hardened by Gotham Harvey after prolonged exposure to Jim’s rebellion against the system revealed that he never was that hard and disillusioned. He supported Jim in s2, even when Jim lost his shining armor, so to speak. In s3a he ttrusted Jim when they gone after Tetch (despite Jim being compromised), covered up Jim’s digging into Court business, allowed infected Jim to join the search for the cure (it was dangerous move, and it backfired, but it was amazing display of trust). He risked his life to try and offer Jim cure in 3x22.  Their conflict in s4, paralleled by Bruce-Alfred fight, was double painful - because we saw in s3 finale, how deep is the care Harvey and Alfred feel towards Jim and Bruce respectfully.  I still think that sudden secret gambling problem writers added to Harvey was there only for drama and not really in tow with what we saw before, but it worked as a reason for Harvey to join Pax Penguina and for Jim to be angry after ‘the betrayal’ was revealed. It worked even (agruably) as a way to show not very savory traits of Harvey - his enjoiment of being the captain and disdain when he lost this, his inability to face his mistakes - illustarted even by the way his life turned downside after he left GCPD. And with Jim it was revealing of bad parts too - Harvey ceased to be friend for him and became corrupted official (astonishing ability to ignore his own misdeeds, but we know Jim, he probably thinks it’s not being sold out if you don’t take money). And their reunion in 4b, not easy but needed by both of them, and how Harvey just after they made peace while Jim was in hospital, went and risked his life again in 4x16, believing Jim can save him. Ugh, in short, i love those guys and their parthnership.
Bruce and Jerome - curious dynamic, for me.
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I think i'm in the minority here, but i liked Jerome much better than Jeremiah. With Jerome Bruce had balance, understanding of the opposites and moral conflict at the same time. Like in 3x14, their best episode, when Jerome tested Bruce's tolerance of pain. Or their fight in mirror hall, where Jerome's madness showed Bruce who he doesn't want to become. They had such a great duality - stoic vs frantic, loved vs abused, merciful vs callous. And they had something going on outside of their struggle - Jerome and his quest for chaos, Bruce and his vigilante with cool tech origins. It's a pity that Jerome was too energetic for Gotham world to contain and he always ended up dead/in institution after a short period of freedom.
Oswald and Victor Zsasz - why not.
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One of the reasons shallow me chooses pairings to ship is aesthetic appeal. And it certainly can be found here. Black and white, elegant violence on serious days and good comedic dynamic on goofy ones. i can even go far and speculate that Oswald was really hurt by Zsasz's betrayal in 4x11, and that it was not very easy for Victor (his tense state after he gave Jim the testament needed to lock Oswald up and his disappearance after). Their relationship can even be considered as changing gradually - from curiousity on Victor's part towards his boss' pawn who's beaten up but not afraid of him, to respect and glee of their work in s2 when he saw Oswald in all his criminal glory, to even something fond and familiar betwen them in s4 whinch Sofia wrecked (she robbed Oswald of not one, but two men, good aim). Oswald obviously trusted Zsasz, he wouldn't give him the task of hiding Martin otherwise. And that is painful again, that his sentimentality in the face of joined experience always blinds him to the fact he knew once so well, that there's no loyalty among thiefes. All in all, good dramatic relatioship with good, bad and pretty, but i can't say i really ship them since they are not my favorite characters.
Jim and Valerie - underrated.
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Can i just say we deserved more Valerie in general? She seemed to enjoy her work, was confident and ready for risk. And writers served her such a grievous departure - wounded because of Jim to spare his ex, crying on a hospital bed. I liked her way of teasing Jim and Jim getting to answer in kind. They were funny detective duo in s3 beginning - more sabotaging each other than anything other, but doing it with spark, without harm and malice. i liked even the way she didn't want to get too close and was open to Jim about it. She felt that it would be bad for her and damn was she right. Valerie was an interesting Jim's woman, because she didn't have that perfect boy scout picture before her - when she met Jim, he was a wreck, and she liked him anyway. She was mystified by him - i actually dig tht detail in their scene in 3x02, where she came to ask why Jim risked himself to save Harvey (rare and good), let Fish go for Oswald to decide what to do away from prying eyes (with angry crowd all around it would be harder for him to spare her) and didn't demand his bounty. She saw that subtle selflessness and thoughtfulness in him and that was what caught her. And it was his cruelty and messy past that pushed her away. And Jim was actually fairly easy going with her. He was tired of comforting Barbara after hard days at work, he was taken aback with Lee's pursuit in s1, and in general more shy with her, but with Valerie's lack of it he was more active and - well, i wouldn't say 'smooth' but he tried. They could have something good, if not for that godforsaken love triangle plot with Lee. Also, Valerie brough my question where Jim got this big cups from. X)
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amalthiaph · 7 months
Star Wars: The Bad Batch!
Things I saw coming from a mile away, okay let's start.
The first character I first fell in love with: 
Tech. Confession: I dove into The Bad Batch before even seeing their arc on The Clone Wars so I really don't have any idea who these people were, except Echo. And Tech's armor was the first thing I noticed, his name was also the first I remembered because he's the tech guy so his name is Tech, it's very easy to remember. Then he roasted everyone. And I knew, oh I did, I love this man.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Crosshair. Because I'm not really into blind loyalty at all. His conversation with Cody in front of the memorial in S2 really got to me. However, all that was redeemed with The Outpost.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
Saw Guerrera. I'm so sorry, I really can't like him.
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
Phee Genoa. Apparently, a lot of Tech girlies hate her?? But as a Tech girlie, I do like her. A lot, honestly. And I do think she was being a little careful or she's still tiptoeing around Tech and that was evident during their time in Pabu.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
I used to like Cid, especially on that episode with Roland Durand.
The character I would totally smooch: 
All the clones, Twi'leks and Omega.
The character I’d want to be like: 
I just wanna be a Twi'lek.
The character I’d slap: 
NOLAN. Can I do more than a slap??
A pairing that I love:
Tech and Phee. Also, Echo and Riyo, I mean, it was just a few seconds of Riyo resting her hand on his arm but it was able to send me off giggling at 12 am.
A pairing that I despise: 
Nolan and his arrogance.
TYSM for the ask!
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ayankun · 4 years
real quick before I get into season 6
So this is my second time watching Season 6 and I’m p. excited.  This last week or so I’ve been dredging up bits and pieces, but most of it is a blur.  It seems the memories that lasted this whole year were mostly of the huge armored truck and the nonbinary character who works at *spoilers*’s tech startup.
I’m curious to see if the second time through it’ll settle in like it belongs.  I remember Season 5 really didn’t make any sense to me until I saw it again.
But really I’m just excited that in 11 hours I can watch the new stuff?!
But first, before I forget, here’s my last thoughts on Season 5.
So remember how I was surprised at Season 1′s structure, that it folded up nicely down the middle with some pretty tidy symmetry?
None of the other seasons do that.
Instead, I remember particularly strongly how jarring the end of the Ghost Rider arc was in the middle of Season 4.  And then again when the (what I’m calling) Kasius arc also wrapped up mid-season.
I’m not sure when I read about it, but it probably was circa Ghost Rider, that they’d intentionally decided on what I’m pretty sure they called “pods” of episodes, these seasons-within-a-season sort of narratives.
Season 2 sort of kicks it off, what with the race to Terragenesis taking eps 1-10 and the Afterlife/splinter SHIELD stories filling 11-22.  Then Season 3 has the monolith/Maveth mystery to start, followed by Hive & the Inhumans for the second half.  S4 is super poddy, obviously branded as Ghost Rider/Agents of Hydra, and S5 also splits neatly into future!Lighthouse and present day!Lighthouse.
Two points to make on this:
Kasius is such a rockstar villain that I feel really bad for Hale/Ruby/Talbot.  They’re so apples and oranges but having the highlight come first allows for unfavorable comparisons to be made.  It’s like asking any well-to-do Kree to compare Xandarian snail to oops all berries.
Good thing they’d had all this practice writing complete stories in 12 eps, since I’m hoping Season 6 (and obvs Season 7) will still feel as fully formed as their longer antecedents.
Anyway, that first point is my major point for S5.
S3 already feels like the second half of S2, and its internal halves are the most similar to each other as any of the other “pods,” so it’s not like people have a reason to go around saying “I liked the first half of the season waaay better than the second.”
(although I might.  I might say that, actually.  but not because the halves were branded separately from one another)
And S4, though the two halves are barely identifiable as coming from the same show much less the same season, they’re both good.  Robbie Reyes is perfect.  The effort to incorporate new MCU topics/aesthetic from Doctor Strange is great.  Robots who just want to be a real girl is my JAM.  All the Framework cameos really make my day!  And then Robbie Reyes comes back all deus ex machina (ironic) and saves the day, and
it makes sense that he does because the function and nature of the Darkhold was well established in part 1 and
it’s GREAT that he does because he’s perfect and we miss him.
Then here comes S5.  I really really respect so much about the creative decisions that took the story where it went (ie, outside Papa MCU’s sphere of interference), and getting to reuse the same set in a different context while minimizing “on-location” shoots is just technical and financial genius, okay. 
But there’s so much about the first half, in the future, that compels me waaaaaaay more than the gritty anger of the second half. 
Kasius, WOW what a villain.  Dominic Rains, everyone.  I have nothing unkind to say about the performance, the character, anything.  Impeccable.  Spectacular.  Perfection.
The mystery of the season opener!  We had the tag scene where Coulson’s “in space” and plenty of time to ruminate on the how and why, especially with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 coming out right as S4 ended and Thor: Ragnarok literally sizzling in the theaters at the same time as this season started.  They answer the question by the end of the episode, but not before several characters come up with and pursue several different theories, and that’s fun.
What a way to capitalize on the Inhuman storyline your show’s been about for years now, without forcing Papa MCU to contend with all this good work you’ve been doing.  Just go somewhere he can’t reach you (the future), and then un-write all of it anyway.  V. tidy.  Extra style points will be awarded.
LEITMOTIFS.  If y’all’ve seen BSG, then you know Bear McCreary is a master of the art.  But this season has so many good themes, my friends.  The Daisy/Quake theme that’s been knocking around for a season is here in full force, and Sinara’s is the best bad guy theme you could have wanted, and dearest sweetest Flint has the best great guy theme you ever heard.
Just, while we’re here.  Sinara.  She says nothing for episodes (it feels like, I wasn’t counting) and her first line is a scornfully growled “compassion.”  Give it up for Florence Faivre !!!  She hardly has any lines but you always know exactly what she’s thinking and what she’s about.  Sinara and Kasius have the richest on-screen chemistry of anybody on any show from any era fight me on this I dare you.
Mack’s coming down from his second life in the Framework, and that suuuuucks that these folks never have a moment to rest before barreling into their next story.  But he gets to be a father to Flint!  And Yo-Yo gets to be a mother!!!  UGH why couldn’t they have brought Flint instead of Deke lololol oh well.
I think I know another reason why Lincoln seems overhyped to me.  That other Inhuman, Ben I think his name is?  He’s in like two episodes, serves a narrative purpose, and is disposed.  I know Lincoln’s in like 18 times as many episodes but they have the same exact overall impact on my brain-hole.  Imagine if it was Ben that came back with them instead of Deke.  That’s how I feel about Lincoln.  Like, how did this obviously disposable character make it this far?
Then you have Deke.  You love to hate him.  He’s a very well-fashioned character who is flawless in making you feel the way the showrunners want you to feel.  That’s the kind of character that gets killed off twice and still comes back, and it doesn’t surprise you.
So, Enoch.  Enoch is everyone’s favorite character, right?  Right.  Give me genderless robots with a soft spot for humanity ANY DAY.  PLEASE where are they I need them.  (I’m un-repressing memories of S6 and I feel like somehow I should be careful what I wish for)  Man I remember with 1000% clarity the absolute glee I felt sitting down for the opening montage of S5 the first time, how ballsy weird it was, just watching this freaky bald alien of a man go swimming with some fun electro pop number playing in the background.  100/10 please make more television like this
 More monoliths!!  The time one is so pretty!
(remember when there were more monoliths and no one knew where they came from or what they did but then it didn’t matter because they got instantly exploded?)
The low-key obvious answers to the season’s questions, what with the Inhumans running all over the shop, Quake there to tear everything down and Flint there to put the pieces back together I’m not crying you’re crying
Oh man, and Simmons getting to mentor not one but two Inhuman youths to be confident and trust in themselves and their powers.  What a ways from the fear-panic response to Daisy when she turned.
Also, yeah, it has to be said, this show’s blatant “you’re different and that’s okay” agenda sits very well with me.  Agents of SHIELD says LGBTQ+ rights!
So anyway, part 2 falls a little flat for me because its strength is its themes, but I’m not really compelled by the stakes and definitely not by the villains and not really even by the intra-team drama.
Obviously S2 touched on parenthood, but it was pretty specific.  S5 digs in and brings us a lot more on the topic.
Kasius desperately desires his father’s approval but very deeply despises the methods and the people who earn it.
Hale was indoctrinated by Hydra and was very earnest in wanting to uphold the values of the organization, until the organization (and Whitehall) shared with her their narrow appreciation of the gift of her loyalty.  Even then, she struggles to make sense of this loyalty, only realizing too late that being a good Hydra pawn and a good parent are categorically mutually exclusive.
Ruby, obviously, is like a mini-Kasius, the brave-faced rebel who wears her mother’s disappointment on her sleeve like a badge of honor to pretend that it isn’t crippling her.
The Von Strucker kid, boy is he messed up (and his Hydra dad had something to do with it)
((echos of Ward are still heard even this far after his demise, and we know what his father figures were like))
Poor Talbot, got some brain damage and some Hydra conditioning on top of that, cracked that noggin wide open.  He just wanted to do good by his family.  Just wanted his son to know he loves him.
Polly and Robin.  The daughter who needs constant special care because she’s stuck inside her own mind and the mother who’s been through hell and back and still manages to do her best.  Even when she knows she won’t always be there for her daughter.  Even when she knows she’ll be replaced.
May getting a glimpse at the life she and Andrew once talked about.  Getting a chance to do right by that little girl.
Mack recovering from getting that same glimpse, from the echoing memories of a life time spent with his greatest regret erased.  Being roped into being a thug and threatening that dad without knowing the meaning behind his threat -- being told that people like him don’t deserve the privilege of parenthood.  But then getting to know Flint, and having Yo-Yo at his side while they fast track this kid through all the things he’s gonna need to know in order to be the Big Damn Hero the world needs him to be.
The timey-wimey promise that FitzSimmons will one day be parents to a brilliant daughter who will unfortunately give birth to a Deke.
Coulson and Daisy.  Another parent placing enormous expectations on his daughter, desperate that she be ready for his responsibilities because his time is running out.  A daughter who mishandles these expectations and refuses to stop fighting a losing battle, not because she’s not ready to step up, but because she doesn’t want to face the fact that she’s losing the man who raised her.
Anyway, aside from all this good Theme work, part 2 wades perfunctorily through musty remnants of the previous season, from The Doctor to The Russian.  Which makes sense, because that season ended in a way that left so many loose threads -- but then this season comes along and summarily ties them up, all cute little bows, the lot of them.  Dusts its hands.  Nothing to see here.  Move along now.  Time’s up.
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“This Seeker Seeker” Wheeljack you DORK
Teletron X: We are under attack! :D
Hot Rod: Oh no, not him! I thought he died in that supernova! I love how casually Hot Rod says “aw man, not this dude, he’s so annoying :( I really thought he was dead :((((” lmao
Gosh I really hope Starscream and Jetfire were old friends in the Cyberverse universe now because I want to know how the hell Starscream put up with him Talking Like That
lmao I love Grimlock’s commentary 
Jetfire: Who landed this thing? Hot Rod? Me: *nearly squirts water out of my nose because that unexpectedly made me laugh* ALSO HEARING OPTIMUS LAUGH AT THAT WAS SWEET....I DON’T THINK I’VE HEARD HIM LAUGH BEFORE....:’)
lmao I love that Jetfire reuniting with the Autobots was so casual meanwhile Skybite frickin plowed into Megatron and Megatron’s just like “YO Skybite!!!”
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I love how when I first saw an image of Jetfire I was like “SWEET BOY??? SWEET BOY??? NICE KIND BOY???” but the second he opened his mouth I was like “NO”
Not that I’m saying I don’t like Jetfire, it’s just that I got frickin whiplash from the expectation vs. reality thing, lmao. He’s still a dork, just not the kind of dork I was expecting. Not really my thing, but I’m interested in seeing how they take his character regardless. Who knows! I’ll keep an open mind, even if this character trope isn’t one I’m typically interested in.
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Jetfire: Our friendship ended long ago, Starscream Starscream, slowly retracting his hand and turning his back: No matter Me, bawling my eyes out: HE WENT DOWN ON ONE KNEE AND OFFERED YOU HIS HAND JETFIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU’RE THE ONLY ONE HE’D DO THAT FOR!!!!!!!!!
Starscream: My old friend! Jetfire: I don’t want to play with you! Starscream: No wait look, I’ve got a cool toy that’ll help you beat up your new boyfri---I mean, enemy Jetfire: OH????
Starscream what are you playing at. I mean obviously it’s nothing good but
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Megatron goes from surprised to concerned in .2 seconds and BOY DOES THAT SURE KILL ME
Also I can’t believe they can casually call each other up like this, like it’s no big deal. Idiot ex boyfriends who never got around to deleting each other’s numbers, smh
Man the Allspark upgrade is a great narrative way for Cyberverse to get around Hasbro’s “Hey we need a new dorky armor design for this character so we can make new toys of them” requests
oh pfft they’re fine, it’s Jetfire and Skybite who fell
lmao get rekt Skybite
OPTIMUS NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man for half a second I seriously thought Megatron was going to reach out and grab him, that would’ve been awesome
ok but for real Starscream, did you power these two dudes up just so they’d kill each other or did you have some other motivation
Starscream’s up to no good, as usual
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Starscream: *obviously doing something shady, up to no good, grinning that grin of his* Me, fondly: That’s my boy
I love that Acid Storm is the tech person of the group, that’s so fun
also this episode title ‘’I Am The Allspark’’ has me so worried
OHHHH STARSCREAM BUDDY THAT DOESN’T SEEM SMART but dang if that doesn’t look cool
Starscream: Now I have the power to return everyone to the Allspark! Beginning with YOU! Seekers: *act genuinely surprised as though Starscream hasn’t been talking about killing everyone since day one* LIKE, DO YOU GUYS ACTUALLY ONLY SHARE ONE BRAINCELL, HOW COULD THIS POSSIBLY BE A SURPRISE TO YOU
I’m still betting on Slipstream popping up and screwing up his plan since she’s part of the Allspark now too
Aw Jetfire’s part of the team now
“Optimus Prime...always one step ahead. Makes it easier to shoot you in the back!” Gosh I love Megatron, what a dork
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*goes absolutely nuts every time Megatron and Optimus work together / do anything in synch*
I’d love to see Jetfire and Windblade become friends just so they can complain about Starscream together
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Case in point
Oh shoot this ain’t looking good gang
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That legitimately scared me for half a second HE ZOOMED UP IN HIS FACE SO FAST, I LOVE IT
GOSH I love the expressions in Cyberverse, Starscream went from “blind fury” to “oh you poor pathetic mortal” in 2 seconds and it’s delicious.
“You’re welcome” OH SNAP
“Why should I? You’re Starscream. You always have failed, and you always will” HOLY HECK THAT’S BELOW THE BELT MEGATRON!!!!!!!!!!!
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Meanwhile Shadow Striker’s in the background like “BRO STFU, YOU’RE DUMB MOUTH IS GOING TO GET US ALL KILLED”
Man Starscream’s got such a massive inferiority complex (courtesy of Megatron, among other things) that he had to literally merge with the Allspark to try and feel like he was worth something, o o f....
Bruh we really need Rung in this series, this boy needs therapy
Megatron: Who could ask for anything more? Except for your spark Optimus, weakly: Are you proposing?  Bumblebee: THIS REALLY ISN’T THE TIME TO BE FLIRTING
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This is such a good screencap but IM HURTIN SO BAD
Shockwave: I now have 50 more children Grimlock: NO FAIR
SHADOW STRIKER PLS (but boy if I don’t love seeing the gals going at it)
Wow they really aren’t holding back showing the Scraplet deaths
OH SNAP HE GOT STARSCREAM!?!? lmao and he’s dragging him by the foot, thanks Bee
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Winn Schott - He Protects the Stars Masterpost, [P1 S2 E1-11]
Being a ramble of thoughts concerning one Winn Schott Jr., the tech genius and undervalued hero, with much appreciation for his character and reminders of how much they all need him.
Missed Season one? See S1 episodes 1-10 and episodes 11-20.
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Without further ado, episodes are under the cut.
2x01, The Adventures of Supergirl
A decent Winnisode by all accounts
It was pointed out to me that Winn is always the one to pass Kara her drink when they’re out in a group. #idon’trecallmyhashtags. #supportive friend #priorities whatever
Winn chiming in on the “to family” toast, because this is his family. #space fam
Friendly reminder that Winn learned Kryptonian because he “got bored.” and that Alex requested his help at the DEO. #genius
“Find out something that my team of highly trained alien experts can’t.” “Challenge accepted.” AND HE DID. #genius
Aside: he promises to figure this out. To Kara. Because she is important to him.
Fanboying over Superman. I don’t have anything intelligent to add over this. Just watch the smol son freak out, it’s beautiful. #protect him
Winn handy translator helped him read the alien pod’s computer and discover the craft’s trajectory, giving them important info on their guest.
“You look Fantastic.”
Is the one who pays attention enough to find out where the explosion originated, that it was directly under a seat, and to realize that seat had significance: it belonged to Lena. This allows Kara and Clark to rush to Lena’s aid, who they thought was a suspect, not a victim, and they arrive just in time to save her life, and thereby contact the villain and find out his plans and save other lives. #hero
the murdery drone reminding him of his dad’s work. Look at our boy casually tossing around what was held as his deepest, darkest secret; making sure his friends don’t see him any differently now that they know. He’s come a long way.
-and immediate concern for Kara. Always. #supportive friend #priorities “always” should become another hashtag here.
Kara immediately asks specifically for Winn’s aid the minute they’re in trouble. And he delivers. #always
One minute Alex asks J’onn to let Winn help on a tiny bit of decoding, and suddenly Winn is in the thick of things, like he saw stuff going down and just grabbed a computer. #hero
Already making Space Dad smile by his antics. Space Dad needs this tbh.
Welcome to the DEO, Winn. You deserve this.
2x02, The Last Children of Mars
Open with sass: “Grumpy”
Quoting Yoda, the second Star Wars reference in as many episodes. Also, aside, it is obvious that Star Wars is Winn’s favorite fandom, it has the most nods and references from our boy of any he mentions. #nerd
“Hey, new kid, go get the alien tech from storage. Ya know, the stuff that almost made everything really bad for us last time. And see if you can improve upon it.” Winn isn’t there more than a day and J’onn already relies on him an incredible amount. Might be a test, might just be resourceful with his assets.
Entrusted with making Superman (and Kara) a specialized suit.
Our favorite non-super hero is loving this DEO tech, locating the Prometheum in seconds.
Those suits aren’t ready because the former IT guy is obviously preoccupied doing... everything else tech wise at the DEO. #give him a break
Winn and science and his big sis, Alex. #nerds #brotp
“Think with less stabbing.” Good advice.
Here’s a bit of backstory: Winn grew up in foster care after his dad was jailed and his mother took off. And they are not happy memories, probably especially because he’s the child of a crazy murderer. But what he’s taken away from that is beautiful. Family is about showing up. Probably this is why he always shows up for his friends, his family. He understands the importance of that.
Does anyone else require much, much more of Winn being a nerd with Clark? Give the boy some quality friendship time please.
Also: the slightly ironic swell of the soundtrack as the camera pans around Winn to reveal his emotional expression. It’s earned though: Winn is a hero.
“Thank you, Winn.” Clark is one of a small handful of people on a small handful of occasions to show appreciation for Winn or his efforts. Even though the quickly assembled armor was not ready to withstand the attack, it was helpful, and Clark appreciates it here. Bless.
He’s happy to see Space Dad and Clark finally getting along, and sad to see Superman leave. Also, that hug. Winn is very much a hugging person, and it’s a great bit.
“Next time.” Let there be a next time, yes? Yes.
2x03, Welcome to Earth
Look at that flame-retardant cape helping Kara save the president's life tracking Mon-el.
Just kind of, left on his own while everyone else squees over the president?? Winn honey, I know that in the past episode and a half you have become the single person who gets asked to do everything at the DEO but take a break for a minute
Finds Mon-el. Bravo.
Look at the other, older, more experienced DEO agents behind him, literally just staring in awe and confusion as he works. #genius
Somehow not only finds the signal Mon-el sends, but also tracks down its origin to a dead planet whose existence and name hardly anyone even knows about.
I feel the need to point out here, with Kara's reference to a Kryptonian slur for the Daxamites and her farewell to Clark in the previous episode, that Winn's ignorance of their meaning does not mean he doesn't actually know Kryptonian. Languages are hard and complex things, and Winn probably learned everything he knows from texts, not from oral teaching. A deeply personal phrase like the one Kara uses for Clark, which they say has no easy English translation, and a random curse, are not likely to have been in his vocabulary - but for what it's worth, they are now.
Pretty low on the Winncontent otherwise.
2x04, Survivors
Disappointed Earth doesn't have dragon soccer. Me too, Winn. Me too.
"awesome" and "amazing" are Winn's favorite terms, in case no one has noticed. #give the guy a thesaurus
Hold the phone. Casual mention of "shall I get a strike team to gear up?" after he identifies and locates an alien assailant??? The man has been at the DEO for what, a few days, maybe a week? And he has the authority to call up a strike team for Alex?? I'm not complaining, but, just how tight a ship is J’onn running here?
Just assumes Mon-el is going to use his newfound power for good, to be a hero, because whether it's with his friends, or even with his dad, or with Siobhan, Winn has a steady history of looking for the best in people.
I've been asked to point out the times Winn gets manipulated into things, and here's a good one: Mon-el promising Winn he can make his supersuit and name him, if he'll just let Mon-el do what he wants. Should Winn have listened? No. But he, too, has been cooped up at the DEO for a fair bit and temptation is too strong here. Thanks, Mon-el, for setting up how this relationship is going to work.
Drunk Winn. Oh dear.
Again, Winn cannot keep secrets or tell lies. He's hopeless.
This whole follow-up scene at the DEO is golden. All of it. I love him.
Winn traced J’onn’s phone. No big deal for him, but he did that.
To be fair, Mon-el at least puts in a good word for Winn, admitting he baited him into the whole thing.
Winn and Alex being concerned for Space Dad is an ongoing trope. I love Space Dad and his kids. #space fam
2x05, Crossfire **Winnisode**
Winnisode is how I’m officially labeling episodes with a fair amount of Winn
"Any of these [guns] look familiar?" is in the weary tones of someone who has asked this question multiple times in the past hour.
Displaying, again, concern over what could have happened to Kara in this most recent fight. #always
"I was into Kara." An important line. I don't think this is completely honest, but he's also not good at lying so who knows. In any case, his friendship with Kara is still important to him, and that's good.
Winn never should have let Mon-el watch television.
Playing with a toy gun, are we? After the incident at the toy convention and everything else?? Hmmm. I choose to read this as our irrepressible hero bouncing back, and maybe intentionally moving past fears, maybe because he thinks being an agent in the field would be cool.
Repeatedly going over the Cadmus broadcast, looking for clues. Detail-oriented.
Another instance of Winn being manipulated? Here we go. James here, showing up to "check in" on his friend, when instead all he wants is to trick Winn into giving him info so he can go be a haphazard vigilante. The second he has what he needs, not two minutes into their conversation, he just leaves. He wasn't there to see Winn at all.
This entire scene where Winn confronts James is golden. James is completely valid wanting to do important and worthy things and feeling out of place, but Winn is making total sense. James will get himself killed on this. He isn't a superpowered human, he isn't bulletproof. Winn obviously already worries about his other best friend getting herself hurt, now he's trying to protect his second friend.
“To fight with knowledge - there is no shame in that.” #hero
"Or you can end up just like him" is harsh. However, coming from the guy who is terrified that his own interests and skills will make him turn out like his father? He's not wrong.
Winn trying to remind James that you don't have to don a suit and punch people to be a hero.
Helping Kara implement her plan. Complete dork bumping into Lena. And still trying to protect James, whose actions in this scene, do not help btw. #supportive friend
Saving the day with his new Science Friend, Lena. #more of this please
"We stopped it!" #hero #sunshine child
1) acknowledging James' side of things, and 2) "I would feel kinda bad if you went and got yourself killed and I could have helped you, blablabla." You watch this scene and tell me which one is the more relevant reason for his decision. “Do not run into the line of fire until [the suit] is ready.” Winn will always want to be there to protect the people he cares about when he knows he can help them.
Also just a little bit excited to be a hero, who can blame him.
2x06, Changing **Winnisode**
(not as much screentime, but some solid moments)
Calling the agents to arms (is that also his job on top of everything else? what exactly is in his job description anyway??)
Distracted by Drunk Kara, a new thing. And you can't convince me of "was" into Kara when here he immediately deflates into saltiness about Mon-el partying with Kara.
Alex and J'onn just... leaving Kara for a bemused Winn to take care of lol.
Winn analyzed the laptops. All of them. Literally what are the other agents doing when they are at work?
Identifies and names the alien parasite. #genius #nerd
Another manipulative scene with James, and I was so angry with James here: He has absolutely zero right to demand things of Winn. They're both upset, worried about Kara, but that doesn't make his angry demands warranted. And he realizes he's gone too far, but it's too late. I think they both very much needed this conversation. But Winn is not yours to use, James, and he's doing this completely for you, so back off sir.
Aside: I will never not have feels over the way Winn immediately checks himself when he gets angry here. He confessed to Kara that whenever he gets angry, he wonders if he'll snap and do something terrible. So he doesn't let himself get angry. #protect him
"I'm better at this kind of stuff than anyone you will ever meet." It's nice to see Winn not selling himself short. Is it a little grandiose of a claim? I dunno, so far, he hasn't been wrong.
"Your IT Prophet has a lead." oh Winn. XD
Left to look after the two people who have come to be his family.
While I wish Winn had found a way to convince James not to do this, I appreciate the solemnity he handles the moment with. Yes, James, you need to be sure.
Friendly reminder Winn makes all of Guardian's arsenal. That bomb that just saved Mon-el? His. That shield? This boy is good.
Excited to see Kara. Sorry James, your Man in the Van will #always have a favorite super.
Designed James’ suit so that Kara specifically couldn't discover that it's James.
Feels wrong keeping the secret from Kara. Yes, good.
He hoped that James would take a shot at the hero thing and realize his mistake and be done. But that's not the case, so he'll continue to support James and enjoy being a hero along the way. #supportive friend
2x07, The Darkest Place **Winnisode**
Honestly, S2 holds a promising amount of content for Agent Schott, or at least it does when you know you might get scraps.
Winn Is Not Subtle.
“Three versus one.” Try three versus two, James. Don’t forget about your partner. Partner, not sidekick.
"in every situation Guardian seems to be one step ahead" that is one hecking good "sidekick" Alex
Nice grappling device, Winn *cough* I mean, Guardian.
#highpitched panic
Terrified of going to jail? Gee, I wonder how much thought he's put into that scenario...
Fantasy football: something James is into and invited Winn to get into as well, but not really Winn's thing - something he would do for an excuse to hang out with his friend? Yes.
Alex. Those eyes. He doesn't stand a chance.
That jump.
Offended by her slap. Such a little brother to Alex's big sister. #brotp
Too worried about the James/Guardian situation to be worried for Kara for once, having no idea she could be in danger. He does know she can take care of himself, honestly he probably shouldn't worry as much as he does, but this time it would still be warranted.
“Genius takes time.”
Winn figuring out things no one stopped to think on: noticing the one guy the vigilante let get away and wondering if there was significance to it, following through, making connections, digging up exactly who they need to look into. Call yourself genius anytime, sir, because at least it's not an empty boast.
James trusting Winn's direction when they're in the field. He needs Winn like the rest of them do. Can you imagine Guardian without his man in the van watching his back? (Spoiler, when Winn gets distracted, James ends up with a bullet graze.)
A little offended on Kara's behalf with the whole "hitched" conversation with Mon-el, but mostly amused
Kid in a candy store when his bff uses her powers.
2x08, Medusa
"Casually drop" the revelation about Guardian. Winn, dear, you can't casually drop anything.
"Eliiiiiiza's glazed carroooooots??!"
Okay, but petition Winn gets like... one, just one happy normal safe Thanksgiving someday?
Shoves James forward to make his confession. Pulls him back down when the timing is obviously not right.
Mon-el gives his speech, very similar to the one Winn tried to give last year, and Winn just...sort of freezes... and then just downs his wine. Poor dude.
"One slightly less intense than last year's Thanksgiving." SEE WHAT I MEAN Warring families are definitely worse than ripping holes in space, I agree.
Listen to Kara or do the smart thing? Or try your best to do both?
-Not Winn related, but I just have to point out in the Monopoly scene you can see one of the crew got careless with those glass doors and you can see their feet as Kara goes in to help Mon-el.
Watch Winn's face when Cadmus declares "every alien will die." You can tell his heart just dropped. His bff? The boss who will also become probably his healthiest relationship? Hundreds of innocents? He can't take it.
Calls the strike team anyway, because he would rather take action (and listen to Kara) than err on inaction.
At the end, he was totally going in for a hug there with Space Dad. Just saying. #space fam
Lastly. We were so close, sooooooo close to a Winn and Cisco meet. *sigh*
2x09, Supergirl Lives
I have a love/hate relationship with this episode, but Winn is amazing.
Quick thinking Winn, clothes-lining the baddie with the van door. Bravo. #hero
I can’t watch this scene. 10/10 cannot handle.
“Winn, you okay?” No James. He isn’t. But thanks because this may be the last time anyone asks.
James had free time so he went home and wrote a fluff opinion piece on himself?? While his best buddy is in need of medical care and a friend. *sigh*
Can we talk about how Winn, regardless of keeping Guardian a secret, chooses to try and cover up his injury rather than seeking sympathy with his “mugging” story? #too pure #a good #protect him
“The future is very bright.”
.2 seconds of concern for Winn being the victim of an armed mugging is over, now we switch to finding out why Alex looks so dang chipper.
I’m sorry James. Not everyone gets a gun pulled on them. That doesn’t happen to normal people. Give Winn a break.
James may truly want to help, but somebody please give him some pointers: Good things to do for your friend: give them a break to recover from a trauma, go visit them for the express purpose of seeing them and being there for them, listen to what they have to say. Winn is always the #supportive friend, but he could definitely use one of those himself.
“It’s Stargate!” #nerd
Tracing the portal trip to its base planet. #genius
Tooooootally a Captain America shirt right there. #nerd
I could talk about this scene for days but just kudos to Jeremy for brilliantly portraying a panic attack with all of Winn’s little mannerisms here: flight instinct, pushing his sleeves up, trying to breathe normally, stammering, all of it. Bravo.
“Kara needs you. I need you.” #hero
Alex is just amazing in this scene.
Winn + Space = the only OTP
Please tell me whose bright idea it was to leave an untrained agent by himself on a dangerous alien planet with no means of protection other than a bulletproof vest and what appears to be a completely empty weapon holster. ???? #protect him
You are not the red shirt.
“You brought WINN to space?” I hear you, Kara.
Winn taking on a murderous alien with only his wits and a space rock is amazing. #hero
LOOK AT THIS BRAVE CLEVER HERO. Yeah, you had better be watching Kara, look what your friend can do.
“Start the car!” is like my second favorite Mon-el line of all time, just have to put that out there.
Sometimes, being a genius means aggressively hitting alien technology until it does the thing. #genius #sorta #desperate times
Did anyone else notice that Kara pushed Winn safely through the portal and then suddenly he’s still with them at the end? Terrible continuity, but I’m just going to choose to believe that the little space nerd didn’t want to leave it forever quick so quickly.
#no hugs for Winn. :(
Look at him. He is over the moon. Well. Close. ;)
When did he get the space rocks? Collecting samples while fixing the portal? Or from shaking out his vest and shoes and finding space dust there?
2x10, We Could Be Heroes
Winn. Is. Tired.
It’s a tossup whether the fact that James is injured or the fact that Winn’s suit failed is the reasoning for him wanting to tell Kara immediately.
“This is officially the first time I have ever asked you for anything.” ..... He has a point. And all he wants is to tell the truth.
“Maybe she’ll turn all the girlfriends evil again, I don’t know!” Winn Schott is the saltiest, most extra cinnamon roll in the world.
Cries out in anguish when Kara breaks a computer. XD #nerd
Pretty sure if Kara had maybe had a heart to heart with her best friend, it probably would have kept him from going behind their backs to help Guardian again. He wants to prove a point, and prove his worth.
Jack-of-all-trades #8?: Man in the Van. He has too many trades. I’ve lost count.
“Short answer: science,” is the best techno-babble replacement line.
Stuff goes wrong. Calls Kara. Winn isn’t an idiot.
Space Dad lecturing Winn and Winn thinks he’s this close to being dead. XD Bonus of Space Dad complimenting Winn and James and acknowledging their work. Kara, take notes.
When Kara lectures them, James leaves. But Winn waits. He waits to see if Kara has anything else she wants to say. And he looks so disappointed as he walks away. :( #always?
2x11, The Martian Chronicles **Winnisode**
not the most development, but some thrilling heroics
“Didn’t know I’d be seeing you tonight.” “Why wouldn’t you be?” Kara, some people do actually have work schedules that they try to stick to in order to keep their jobs, and most humans actually benefit from them.
That sad smile of his when she says “you could have been killed” It’s the thing he worries about with her. He knows, Kara.
“Have you ever thought that maybe I have a calling too?” This is one of only a handful of times Winn directly stands up for himself, and I want to stand up and applaud.
Gameplanning with Vasquez. YES. Also, good to see at least one of the other DEO agents actually being allowed to do noticeable work.
Confusion and horror in reaction to seeing the White Martian double. #protect him
They just.....wreck all the computers. Winn is really going to have a lot of work.
Spoilers: Everything from this point is not Winn, but the Martian. But that Martian has access to Winn’s memories, including learned abilities and general knowledge, and uses that to his advantage. Also, little note: Winn was probably physically the easiest target in the room. He’s not tactically trained. Maybe that’s why the White Martian took him out, because it needed a hiding place and Winn was a safe bet. On the other hand, the other one also took Alex, so. It may have been more than luck that led the Martians to selecting Winn, the genius whose mind and access they could use to implement their plan.
“Teakwood and tobacco.” I need the story behind this. Current headcanon is that this smell is associate with a foster home.
Martian!Winn noticeably nervous about J’onn’s mind scan.
Covering his initial offense at M’gann’s insult by turning it into a very Winn-like quip.
There is thinly veiled contempt in Martian!Winn’s glance at J’onn. Nice acting, nice directing there.
#whatEvenIsThatHandThingy ???
I...I really hope Jeremy enjoyed this as much as it looks like he did.
Winn has access to the whole system. That’s great. Uuuuuntil an evil alien gets to the reactor.
“We need the real Winn to unlock it.” I love that Alex doesn’t even question if anyone else can beat Martian!Winn’s encryption. However, I’m not sure if this is the real Alex here or not...
Also, seriously Kara, why has it taken you this long to show concern for your friend?
non-Winn-related commentary: #this is not the time for a meaningful chat. #you are going to get blown up.
“Whhyyyyy??!” is me when my alarm clock goes off. Probably Winn too.
“OOooHhHh wegottagetouttahere” XD XD
....Recovers faster than Alex. Maybe because he’s already ‘been there done that’ with someone being in his brain?
“About four minutes?” Love him.
Psyching himself up, assuring he can do it, right before seeing the battle going on around the reactor.
Warns J’onn about Armek. #hero #space fam
Space Dad’s priorities: protect the children, stop the bomb. #space fam
Has the courage to move through the fight to the core. He has his fear well in control here, just getting to work. #hero
“Whoever encoded this was a genius.” You. You sir. You are the #genius.
“This did not used to happen at CatCo.” Sweetheart. It wasn’t a lot better.
“Close? We had like twelve seconds to spare!”
“Can’t believe it’s still nighttime.” It’s ok, no one knows how time passes in this town buddy.
Put it on record: Kara just showed appreciation for Winn doing his job and saving the day. He couldn’t have done it alone, but no one else could have done it without him. #always #hero
“Unless you object.” He’s giving her a chance to make amends and she takes it, not giving him any reason not to go with Guardian. #supportive friend. “Be Safe.” She also shows care for him, which has become rare.
Alrighty, that’s it for this post! I’ll add the rest of the episodes to a second part, which I shall link from here as soon as it’s posted. :D Hope you enjoyed. Winn Schott deserves the world.
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nightingveilxo · 7 years
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Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) & Sherlock
- Four agents from an independent organization, and a mistake, start the plot (AGRA’s problem). Ultimately, the organization is betrayed by one of their number. One agent will die years later, because of a plot surrounding biological weaponry (THoB anti-personnel formula caused hallucinations and murder without remorse-solution hinges on cell phone-same happens with formula devised by Valentine’s company in K: TSS, w/cell phone being method of control. Maybe TD-12).
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- The mistake occurs around Christmas, and will change the hero’s entire life. (TAB: Take care of him, John. TFP: Oh, um. Mycroft – make sure he’s looked after. He’s not as strong as he thinks he is.)
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- Rescue the drink before it can fall to the floor, resulting in good guy being distracted.
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- The villain never does his own legwork, because he has no stomach for violence (sight of blood causes him to vomit.)
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- Umbrella gun (Brolly gun with updates - replacing meta from feb about Avengers, etc)
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- Projections are treated like people in the room.
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- Failed experiment in changing to more emotion in the group leads to a team member being decimated.
Eurus: This is an experiment. There will be rigour. Sherlock, pick up the gun. It’s your turn next. 
And then later, she tells Sherlock he didn’t win, look what he did to Molly.
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- An innocent child caught in the schemes of adults.
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- Completely over the top driving scene, and lots of blue flashing lights.
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 - MET officer is same actor (William Ineson) as TFP fisherman.
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- Placing a mysterious phone call changes events.
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- Hero was involved in drugs, never had a traditional job.
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- Insert inappropriate (gay) humor. “Manners maketh man...” from Vulgaria by William Horman. (SO many M’s.) Also, the first book where children’s rattles are ever mentioned.
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- A path that made the younger hero who he is, but he isn't "locked" into it. He can adapt and transform (even change his fate and take on someone else's identity.) + My Fair Lady bringing in play/film reference, and Jeremy Brett connection. 
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- Surprise water! First test is near drowning. (Lesson is working together, being a unit. Soldiers.)
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- Movie that breaks the fourth wall & Internet use. “Valentine: The Movie” (Valentine is a person. T6T Love, ammo not amo) & "Not that kind of movie." (John writing Cardiff Violins, Rosie’s birth announcement in The Times, Janine’s interviews in HLV, BBC interview w/Culverton, BBC covering Moriarty court case in TRF)
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- Pet dog is major plot point, and makes Eggsy part of who he is, capable of being emotional and functioning as a top agent. (Redbeard)
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- No concussion, but he’s unconscious? The other agents don’t know what he was exposed to, and the leader (villain) asks for footage. (Hello, EMP)
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- “A gentleman is simply a patient wolf.” (Have patience, Watson. / Patience grenade)
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- PM involved in plot. (THoB, HLV, T6T: Thatcher, PM, her?)
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- 6 (T6T, 666, The Devil, Moriarty, etc)
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- Again, the internet, but considering how much money they supposedly have, the graphics are very low-budget. Also, short-sighted? Description used for Mary in TEH. iPhones, for instance, don’t use separate SIM cards. (Post S4 crew explanations of the skull glowing due to blown light bulbs, etc.)
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- Use the press as a cover for what really happened. (Magnussen in HLV)
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“Foiled the assassination...” Eggsy jokes how probably no one thanked Harry for doing that.
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- Bond style cavernous installation with top security that should be run “by someone responsible and sane”, because “bad shit happens if this falls into the wrong hands”.
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- Hero that collects butterflies and insects being called a freak, by someone that doesn't understand him yet. Also, we’re back to the situation with the dog not being what it appears. Turns out, the gun had a blank bullet (not a tranquilizer, but you get the idea.) Also, the recruit that supposedly drowned in the first test, was actually a field agent who lived, and works in the Berlin tech dept.
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- You can’t hack pen and paper. (Unlike T6T Magnussen footage, and who knows what else in S2-4).
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- The suit is a modern gentleman's armor. (Adding a Belstaff is a nice tough, though.)
- Lock & Co. Hatters save the day. (Nice top hat and presumable projection glasses-Google specs?) Also, let’s have the media tycoons share the same shapes and color scheme of blue, with punches of beige and red.
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- Old money, and keeping up old traditions leads to problems and weakness.
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- Money and intelligence doesn’t have to equal being pretentious.
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- The need for coordinates that are going the same way.
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- Elaborate bunker with many minions (standard Bond film setup)
- A plane that can't go much of anywhere or put up a defense. (It becomes just a plot device, a vehicle with a different purpose than transport.)
- M (Merlin) played by Ritchie Holmes actor Mark Strong - he was Blackwood. Solve problems under pressure, when one member of the team might die. (TFP)
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- Merlin gets nicknamed Mycroft.
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This one has been awhile in coming, but... I may have missed a few things, but I think you get the point.
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