#freedom to breathe
swasahospital · 5 months
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cherubchoirs · 3 months
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a small question of faith (suspended, for a walk)
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aestheticofstars · 11 months
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Putin's Folly
For all his intelligence and military training, Putin has misunderstood his strength. He believed, erroneously, that a small demonstration of violence would convince a free and sovereign nation to submit to his will. He believes himself an exception (an anomaly); that is, he believes he will be the first strongman/dictator in the history of the world to abuse his power freely and not be undone by it.
Everyone has the power to take life; yet no one has the power to give life. It is a lesson every dictator eventually has to learn.
Putin, like many before him (including Hitler), believes he alone can give life to a people zealously loyal to his vision of a free and happy society. He believes he has the answer to the meaning of life - and by it, that he is given the right to tell any other human being how to live his or her life (they/them) purposefully.
He has created so much bad blood, that in his absence (not that many years from now) Russia will fragment itself even more than any other time in history. All his fellow Russian strongmen will feel equally entitled to the throne - many of them will die tragic deaths trying to consolidate power - and none will succeed.
The result will be a full restoration of the Ukrainian territory and Russia partitioned into north and south, east and west.
The world will know yet again, that this story is as old as time - just ask the Romans, the Egyptians, the Persians, the Mayan, the Spanish, the British, etc.
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marinusart · 1 year
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Well, I finally finished to read The Flames of Hope, drew a picture of Freedom aka Lizard. And... I`m not going to tell my opinion about the book, because a lot of people have already told it and mine will change nothing. I want to tell what I think about this series in general.
Tui should end it. Seriously. With all this Pyrrhia-Pantala contact being established, dissapearing of animus magic and the conflict beetwen scavengers and dragons solved TFoH looks like an obvious finish of this story. Yes, it is messy, weird and somewhat disappointing (IMO), but it`s what we have now. It`s written. And I see no sense for author to continue it all (except squeezing the money out of the franchise, of course).
Plus it feels like Tui is burnt out (and I'm not alone who notices it). Continuing to write the series in such state and with such attitude is not a good decision and there`s a big possibility of WOF turning into WC 2.0. I don`t mind more Winglets or something like this, but the main storyline should be left as it is.
And yes. Tui, where`s ref of Freedom? Same question about Hawthorn. There are a lot of characters who were written to be dead, but at least we know how they looked like
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gaylactic-fire · 23 hours
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I don't know whether I'm impressed or concerned that they took the worst shrine in BOTW as EoW inspiration 💀
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aviul · 4 months
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cryptocism · 5 months
I 100% get it, I had started writing a script for a comic (developed off of old fanfiction that I revamped then revamped again in the DC universe) and immediately got Really Defensive because if I were to pitch it to DC and it got picked up that's just There now for Editorial and other writers to fuck with because they're a product of their own story and I feel would get turned into this certain flanderized (or worse since these characters are not White) over time. It hasn't gotten far/probably wouldn't have but I do think if I go forward it's gonna be indie route because I think once the character's story is through it needs to be left where it ended.
The defensiveness really blindsides you its wild!
tbh I think everybody who reads comics knows of at least one run that completely ruins a character, or a famously bad editorial decision or retcon that has negative consequences on canon for decades. The idea of that happening to your story or your characters is a genuine shot of anxiety that can really take the wind out of a writers sails.
I think about the Mark Waid interview where he talks about Flash: Fastest Man Alive and what they did to Bart's character, and how he openly said he'd rather Bart be dead than misunderstood/mishandled. Which is probably a lot of writers' sentiments about the characters' they created decades ago turning into something unrecognizable before their eyes.
But it's also an unavoidable reality of writing comics in an interconnected universe manned by corporate interests. It feels like if you want to commit to writing the characters you grew up loving or create new characters for that existing universe, there's some level of letting go that needs to be done. which is why i think despite not necessarily being as financially successful/stable or mainstream, the indie comics scene is still thriving with cool stories and amazing writers.
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downfalldestiny · 2 years
When things go awry, Go on a trip and
don't tell anyone 🍁 !.
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bearsandbeansart · 10 months
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It was decided Jet and Smellerbee deserved dragons.
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omegamoo · 10 months
pearl won double life and winning in the life series appears to be defined as the last one alive/last one to die and we all agree that scott did not win with her which to me that means that there was a breath, somewhere in there, where pearl was alive and scott wasn't. there is a second where the world glitches enough so that pearl can be declared a winner. do you think it hurts? does that mean the soulmate bond was severed? do you think it made everything worse or did it feel like the only way the two of them were ever supposed to end? do you think pearl, in that second, felt more grief or more freedom? she wanted to forgive scott but she never got the chance to. was she angry?
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minglana · 1 month
me being gay robbed me of my teen years and its robbing me of my twenties as well
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ltcolonelcarter · 2 years
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They need to realise how much they're hurting us... find the right words and they'll listen. ↳ Josh for @nock-and-bolt
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azaracyy · 9 months
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one of my finished ych commissions. other finished artwork can be found here. the tailmon is based on the twitter meme / trend of tailmon with pikachu build
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mymarifae · 5 months
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stupid fucking titty window distracted me on my first few watches (don,xt talk to me ok) but he has his hand held behind his back here... clutching his chips for dear life.. hiding the way he's shaking.........
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848ellie · 21 hours
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Riding Free 🐎 Release your worries and let go of all tension. Feel the wind blow through your hair, reminding you that you are free. Riding with nothing but open skies ahead, you embrace the moment, each breath in sync with the rhythm of your horse. This is where you belong—free, wild, alive.
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