#freesias and snapdragons
p-ross · 1 year
step into my office!
welcome! i’m ross @sootapologist, and this is my funny little homoerotic political rp blog :]
what the hell is this? so glad you asked! the psychocompetitive hivemind, a tntduo discord server, got a little too silly one day and now we have our own weird roleplay. noc is president, crisis is an anarchist, ross is clinging desperately to the idea that having power will fix them- it’s all incredibly fun! if you’d like to join the server, i can get you an invite ^_^
p!ross uses he/she/they pronouns and uses any terms but prefers masc! she is demiallo and mspec.
tags below!
memos - talking/reblogs in character
meeting notes - talking/reblogs out of character
the people’s president - answering citizens (anyone without a set rp character)
intel reports - in character commentary on something happening outside of this blog, ie on other blogs or within the server
enough to make a girl blush - suggestive cw (it’s more common than you’d think.)
it takes two - @an-oncoming-crisis (running mate)
knife or stone - @presidentnocturne (opponent)
watching the train wreck - @worstfirstlady (opponent’s first lady)
freesias and snapdragons - @maxforoffice (opponent)
still at the bottom - krote (?)
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daffodilsinspring · 6 months
Jun Wu - Statice ~ Rememberance
Mei Nianqing - Hydrangea - Grace and Beauty
Xie Lan - Sunflower ~ Warmth,Happiness,Longevity
Hua Cheng - Heather ~ Admiration and Good Luck
Yin Yu - Lisianthus ~ Appreciation
Quan Yizhen - White Lilac ~ Youthful Innocence
Shi Qingxuan - Bouvardia ~ Enthusiasm
Ling Wen - Purple Iris ~ Wisdom
Pei Ming - Gladiolus ~ Strength and Moral Integrity
Yushi Huang - Daffodils - Rebirth and New Beginings
Jian Lan - Orchid ~ Beauty and Strength
Feng Xin - Snapdragon ~ Graciousness and Strength
Mu Qing - Amaryllis ~ Pride,Determination and Radiant Beauty
Banyue - Delphinium ~ Open Heart and Ardent Affection
He Xuan - Protea ~ Change and Transformation
Lang Qianqiu - Freesia ~ Innocence and Friendship
Shi Wudu - Blue Star ~ Strength and Determination
Qi Rong - Orange Roses ~ Enthusiam and Passion and Excitement
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1nsomniacwriter · 9 months
A list of flowers I think fit Shuake:
Black dahlias- betrayal
Lavender- distrust and devotion
Orange lilies- passionate desire/ hatred
Daffodil- new beginnings
Heliotrope- eternal love
Pink Astilbe- "I'll be waiting for you"
Snapdragons- ever lasting love/ loyalty
Orange tulips - understanding
Blue star- you recognize and admire their strength, determination and endurance
Ballon flowers- never stop loving/desire for a friend to re-enter your life
Freesia- trust
Gladiolus- strength and victory/ flower of the gladiators" to a game winner
Marigold- mourning or stricken by grief/ jealousy
Tansy- declaration of war/ protection
Orange lily- pride
Pink Carnation- "I will never forget you."
Iris- respect
Red Salvia- forever mine
Rosemary- remembrance
Lavender- devotion
Black-Eyed Susan- justice
Magenta Lilac- love/passion
Peony- Anger
Purple Hyacinth- apologies
Forget-me-nots- a promise to remember
Rhododendron- caution
White Clover- always thinking of you
Pink Camellia- "my destiny is in your hands." /Missing you
Hyssop- sacrifice
Hollyhock- ambition
Honeysuckle- devotion/strong bonds of love
Almond flowers- promise
Arbutus- "You are the only one I love"
Astragalus- "Your presence softens my pain"
Blackthorn- Fate/ protection/ hope against adversity,
Coltsfoot- "justice shall be done"
Diphylleia- "I will show my true self to you."
Laurestine- a token
Scabius- unfortunate attachment
Spindle tree- Your image is engraved on my heart
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cosmicseashanty · 8 months
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My first series of floriography (language of flowers) charms set! I first started working on these in 2019, but got 'em done more recently... excited to make more, in the future! You can find them here.
Flower choices, and meanings, below:
Thancred Waters — white heather (protection, fulfillment of a wish, motivated by a wonderful old Scottish tale about it)
Urianger Augurelt — gardenia (secrets and clarity, renewal)
Ryne Waters — freesia (youth, fresh start)
Alisaie Leiveilleur — red hyacinth (passion)
Alphinaud Leveilleur — blue hyacinth (constancy)
Y’shtola Rhul — snapdragon (grace, strength, deviousness)
Lyse Hext — zinnia (lasting affection, remembrance, thoughts of absent friends)
Ardbert Hylfyst — gladiolus (heroism, strength, remembrance… the flowers use the colours of the WoL's crystals)
G’raha Tia — pansy (remembrance, admiration)
Emet-Selch — forget-me-not (you guessed it, remembrance)
Gaius Baelsar — black roses (an obvious pick given the game's narrative, and representative of death, but also of new beginnings)
Albi Re'oh — lavender (devotion and calm, but there's an old association with it being where certain snakes made their nest, so it has a double meaning of caution and warning)
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Hello! I am sorry for the delay! The tournament will start at November 18 at 2 pm BRT, the polls will be posted every 10 minutes!
The matches were randomized!
Side A
A bouquet of purple daylily, green carnation, dead leaves, fern, opium flowers and coriander Vs Red Orchid
Violet Vs Red Spider Lily
Dandelions 1 Vs A bouquet of willows and chives
A bouquet of wisteria, black and red carnations and foxgloves Vs A bouquet of buttercup, daffodils, edelweiss and orange
A bouquet of amaryllis, milkweed, bluebells and strelitizia Vs A bouquet of blue and red hyacinths
A bouquet of white, red and black roses Vs A bouquet of white chrysanthemums, orchids and blue hydrangeas
A bouquet of white chrysanthemums, orchids and blue hydrangeas Vs Forget-me-nots
A bouquet of snapdragon, tansy and black eyed susan Vs White poppies
Daisies Vs A bouquet of white clover, chamomile and pine
A bouquet of pink peonies, purple hydrangea and a variety of cosmos Vs A bouquet of asphodel, sage, yellow chrysanthemum, green carnation, plum blossom, stinging nettle, anemone and acanthus
A bouquet of marigold, dandelions, goldenrods and amaryllis Vs A bouquet of sea holly, ageratum, globe thistle, orchid cactus, protea, bird of paradise, mimosa, dianthus, hydrangea and clematis
A bouquet of bleeding hearts and dandelions Vs A bouquet of plastic lemon balm, thyme, hyacinths and anemone flowers, with a single real orange rose in the middle, wrapped in light blue cellophane
A bouquet of snapdragon, yellow poppy and jonquil Vs Blue Rose
A bouquet of yellow orchids, rue, yew, bird’s-foot trefoil, yellow gladiolus, yellow peony, sunflower and yellow amaryllis Vs A bouquet of dandelion, asphodel, poppy, chamomile, red columbine, hydrangea, rhododendron, dark crimson rose and queen of the night
Snapdragons Vs A bouquet of lily, red spider lily, daffodils and milkweed
A bouquet of rainflower, green carnation, camelia, nightshade, mulberry and purple lilac Vs Red Anemone
Side B
Strelitzia Vs A bouquet of blue violets, trumpet creeper, lavender and green carnation
Hibiscus Syriacus Vs Dandelions 2
Desert Bluebell Vs A bouquet of yellow and purple carnations
A bouquet of poppies, daffodils, daisies, ivy, and purple hyacinths Vs A bouquet of gloriosa (flame lily), veronica, jasione, jacaranda, cyclamen, jasmine and freesia
A bouquet of dandelions and buttercups Vs A bouquet of marigold, yellow and white zinnia, phlox, bluebells, cornflower, gladiolus, rosemary, dark crimson rose and purple cyclamen
A bouquet of orange lilies, yellow roses, buttercups, aconite, sunflower, hollyhock and lotus Vs bouquet of jasmine, milkweed, dandelion, poppy and oenothera
A bouquet of oleander, refflesia (corpse flower), trigidia, hyacinth, hollyhock, Iberis (candytuft) and orange tulip Vs A bouquet of lily of the valley and amaryllis
A bouquet of marigolds, tuberose, and dandelions Vs A bouquet of daffodil and pansy
A bouquet of amaranth, orange brugmansia, delphinium, honeysuckle and white aster Vs A bouquet of plumeria, fawn lily, magnolia and star grass
A bouquet of gladiolus, snapdragon, canterbury bells, gloriosa (flame lily) and white chrysanthemum Vs A bouquet of fern, rex begonia leaves, black rose, lily, odessa calla lily and green hydrangea
A bouquet of daisies, butterfly weed, orchids, purple lotus and violets Vs A bouquet of striga, mistletoe, and monotropa uniflora
Thistle Vs A bouquet of chestnut flower, lotus, dandelion, fern, thyme, anemone, geranium, holly, magnolia and bluebell
A bouquet of poppy, zygopetalum, echeveria, dandelion, yucca, twinspur , lotus, tagetes, ursinia, purple hyacinth and hibiscus Vs A bouquet of amaryllis, dicentra, red spider lily and white roses
Oleander Vs A bouquet of blue and purple daisies, desert lilies and black tulips
A bouquet of black eyed Susan, geranium and a tall sunflower Vs A bouquet of forsythia, holly, yellow hyacinth, petunia, viscaria and orange lilys
A bouquet of arborvitae, gladiolus and begonia Vs Spiderwort
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w1hzz · 2 years
my favourite flowers & their meanings
in no particular order
freesias: trust & friendship
irises: faith, hope, courage, intellect, royalty, wisdom and admiration.
hydrangeas: gratitude, grace and beauty.
chrysanthemums: sympathy & remembrance// purity, innocence, spirituality, loyalty, & honesty.
spider lilies: death, final goodbyes, abandonment, and bad luck.
snapdragons: purity, grace, innocence, happiness, and overall good luck
belladonnas: silence or falsehood, interpreted as a warning, a symbol of death
black dahlias: death, revenge & mourning
gladiolus: strength of character. faithfulness, sincerity, and infatuation
baby’s breath: everlasting love & innocence
dandelions: rebirth, strength and power.
sunflowers: loyalty, adoration, hope & optimism
hyacinths: jealousy & sorrow
fuchsias: liveliness, self-assurance & confidence
cherry blossoms: time of renewal, and the fleeting nature of life
magnolias: perseverance, beauty, purity, and nobility.
orchids: thoughtfulness, refinement, fertility, beauty, charm, and love
azaleas: abundance & success
crocuses: rebirth, innocence, joy, and new-beginnings
water lilies (lotus): innocence, purity, fertility, pleasure, celebration, hope, rebirth, wellness, and peace.
~ rin
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bvlladonnas · 6 months
i was going to put this in the headcanons channel and then realized i can never shut up. so — esme's, birdie's, & oliver's favorite flowers & why.
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esmeralda likes dahlias. her favorite variety is the purple dahlias, though honorable mentions are black dahlias ( because they pull burgundy ) and red dahlias. dahlias continue to bloom long after other flowers have died, and symbolize resilience, steadfastness, and eternal love. esme enjoys their smell and tries to keep a bouquet in her room when they're in season; she dries & presses them once they die.
honorable mentions: roses (specifically the dark purple ones her father buys her for every birthday), hydrangeas, and mums.
birdie likes sunflowers. because of their association with positivity, joy, and the sun, these flowers are the ones they've picked up for most of their life whenever she's down. a lot of her clothing has the flower motif on it, and her favorite pair of overalls features (very badly) painted sunflowers on the back pockets. they prefer to get their sunflowers when they're long stalks, keeping them in a vase their mother gave them. these are one of the only plants birdie can keep alive longer than a week.
honorable mentions: marigolds, poppies, and daffodils.
oliver likes calla lilies. these lilies represent rebirth, death, beauty, and purity. they are often used as funeral flowers, and are a very common sight in guatemala. for oliver, they remind him of home; of his mother cleaning in the mornings, of time with his siblings running around the kitchen when his father wasn't home to scold them. they represent a place he feels he can never go back to, and a woman he misses dearly. a small vase containing three calla lilies is a permanent fixture in his home.
honorable mentions: hibiscus, snapdragons, and freesias.
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flowerspowers · 6 months
Hey, Ramona!
So, I was getting everything all pretty (myself included) for you. I brought a surprise.
Boom, a bouquet of flowers..! Freesia (yellow and purple), snapdragons (peach and orange), (plastic) lilies, and some tulips because why not?
This feels stupid, sorry.
- 💽 (Gman-records)
oh my god, dude. what?
flowers? that’s, like, crazy sweet of you. you didn’t have to do that. seriously. and you even remembered plastic lilies. for my cat.
what’s the occasion? i don’t know that you just pull up with flowers out of nowhere.
… i love them, though.
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Hey Crow! If I remember correctly you have an interest in flower language and symbolism?
I'm putting together an explanation of my version of the flower curse Hanakanjō, and how flowers reflect the emotions that cause them to grow. I was wondering if these examples seem right to you?
Freesia: friendship/trust
White peonies: remorse/shame
Baby’s breath: hope/new beginnings
Snapdragons: secrecy
I'd love any more information on these if you want to share! :D
Hi Ferni! You do indeed remember correctly!!
Okay, so my book is on the Victorian Flower language specifically, meaning some answers are different than what you’d get from the internet. As far as I can tell from back when I did this solely through browsing different websites, there’s a lot of debate on what the actual meaning of each flower is, so you can take everything I say here with a grain of salt and go with what you like best ;)
Freesia: This one actually isn’t in my book, but I pulled up a few different websites and checked it out. So, Friendship and Trust are the meanings I’m seeing frequently, but Trust is the only one that’s from the Victorian era.
Peonies: My book doesn’t do color differentiation, so all peonies have the same meaning according to it: Bashful. A quick check of a few different websites adds on shame though, so I’d say that checks out. This one’s meaning (Bashful) is due to an Ancient Greek myth about nymphs being able to turn themselves into Peonies in order to hide.
Baby’s Breath: This one is Purity and Innocence according to my book. I did see one mention of Hope/new beginnings while checking out a few websites, but the most popular meaning is Purity or Innocence.
Snapdragon: This one is listed as Presumption, supposedly with potential origins from medieval women wearing a snapdragon in their hair to warn against unwanted (presumptuous) suitors.
Additional tidbits: I dunno if this helps, but I did a quick check of meanings and found some flowers that are similar to what you had with the ones that don’t match.
Chamomile - Energy in Adversity
Foxglove - Riddles, Secrets
Hellebore - We shall overcome scandal and slander.
Passionflower - Faith
Protea - Transformation
Rue - Regret
Snowdrop - Consolation, Hope.
Zinnia - Everlasting friendship
Thanks for asking! I love getting to use this stuff :D
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Can we see your tattoos
Okay my first tattoo left ankle
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I refuse to sink with an anchor. It was an impulse and now I think it's funny because that is literally an anchor's job.
Second tattoo
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My gallavich tattoo! Designed by the amazing @suzy-queued
It has the outline of the petals as the profiles of my favorite gallavich kisses plus my favorite quote
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Third tattoo
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My eddie munson tattoo also designed by @suzy-queued
It has my favorite eddie quote in joseph Quinn's handwriting, the flowers are iron maidens and snapdragons. The snapdragons represent bravery and strength. The iron maidens because eddie is a metalhead.
My 4th-7th tattoos I got all at the same time on my back. Most painful ones by far.
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They are body positive tattoos of flowers that sprout out of the rolls on my back. Taking an area I dont particularlylike and making me love it.
Delphiniums purple and blue, freesias, and lillies of the valley.
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feytouched · 1 year
hi! could you recommend me an accessible perfume with mysterious fairy vibes please? something fresh and gauzy and sweet but not cloying and would remind you of a crisp and probably a slightly chilly spring day ? hope that's not too specific a description. I've been looking but haven't found anything I like yet but I like how you review perfumes so I thought I'd ask. thanks!
so what qualifies as affordable to you vs to me can depend highly... like i'm in the EU so anything from niche perfumers in the US entails a high shipping fee + customs tax but if you're in the US i'd say those are pretty good deals. and idk how much of your disposable income you wanna dedicate to perfumes either / what brands are sold in stores near you etc
but anyway putting that aside here are some recs
alkemia silver sky -  "rainwater musk, oceanic grey amber, muget, daffodil, silver needle tea, galbanum, and white cedar" androgynous, translucent, cucumbery, watery-floral
alkemia lilacs along the winding drive - "lilac bushes heavy and purple with blooms, a gentle breeze after light spring rain, a dusty pebbled driveway, a slightly rusty porch swing, and a small handful of late blooming violets." mostly lilac tbh but a nice springtime floral
bpal sjöfn - "apples and birch bound with apple blossoms" golden (not red) apples and a medical green sharpness. juicy and revitalizing, def not cloying
bpal juliet - "sweet pea with stargazer lily, calla lily, heliotrope, honeysuckle, white musk and a touch of fresh pear." - ethereal floral, very rounded sweetness to it. reminds me of floral soap. clean and prim. pear and sweet pea and honeysuckle-forward.
bpal moscow - "a rich, bold blend of imperial rose, carnation, lush jasmine, lily of the valley, dark musk, amber, bergamot and gilded tangerine." more majestic floral than juliet, still soapy clean but more complex and cold floral notes rather than fruity sweetness.
bpal titania - "fae dew-kissed petals and pale fruits: white grape, white peach, iced pear, musk rose, sweet pea, moonflower and snapdragon." very on theme for fairy vibes, definitely a sweet crisp fruity floral, also rather clean (kinda reminds me of herbal essence shampoos back in the day idk). very pretty
all of these are like 20-30 bucks apiece and believe me 5ml of perfume oil lasts forever. i don't really have any mainstream recs i've tried under like 50 bucks but i'd look for pear, violet, freesia, lilac, tea, bergamot, oakmoss, white musk kinda notes. best of luck!
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cannibalpool · 3 months
🍜📺🌻 (for the ask game, also hi I love your blog! <3)
hi thank you very much! I am having fun answering these. And thank you! so much! I love your blog as well! you put great stuff on my dash <3
🍜 dish
this game is also making me remember why i hate choosing favorites!! there's just so much to pick from! i mean i assume this is more on the front of you making something yourself in which case, i can make a pretty mean breakfast burrito if i feel like putting in the effort.
📺 tv show
Well, Hannibal is most certainly and unequivocally in my top 5, probably top 3? it might even be number one....Interview With A Vampire is also certainly up there! i need to start watching newer shows that are coming out, personally.
🌻 flower
Roses seem like too obvious an answer but they're always stunning. Lillies are phenomenal, Wisteria makes me want to weep. Lavender is forever. Daffodils feel like something from a cartoon. Hyacinth. Snapdragon. Delphinium Freesia. California Poppies. Dicentra. I could get too far ahead but you get it. Truth be told I'm just sitting here with lists of flowers open and choosing the ones I think most gorgeous.
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cherries4yungi · 2 years
Persephone Cabin HC.
- The cabin is covered in Daffodils, Peonies, Hydrangeas, Roses, Carnations, Marigolds, Delphiniums, Bluebells, white bells, Snapdragons, Freesias, Ranunculus', Violets, Azaleas, Lilys, Orchids and Tulips.
- Outside the cabin are two Sakura trees by the dark wooden door.
- The cabin looks like a cottage core cabin.
- Persephone only has 5 children.
- They are strong leaders and have confidence that makes you listen but can also be sensitive.
- Due to the flowers on the cabin, bees and butterflies are attracted to the cabin.
- Really good bakers.
- In the cabin there are kitchens for the campers due to their love for baking.
- They get along good with the children of Demeter, Apollo, Hephaestus and Hades.
- Their mood changes with the seasons.
Spring: Bright, calm and happy.
Summer: Energetic, glowing, happy and their skin becomes really warm so they can make perfect heating pads when it's that time of the month for themselves or their partner.
Autumn: Slightly less energetic, not as bright, calm, still happy.
Winter: Sometimes rude, not as happy anymore and their skin becomes cold, so they like to sit by the fire or hangout with the Hephaestus children.
- Are surprisingly good fighters.
- Practically glowing during Summer.
- Their powers consist of.
Plant manipulation.
Shape shifting into and communicate with animals (mainly deer).
Shadow manipulation.
Elemental control.
Light manipulation.
- They sometimes boss around the Hades kids.
- Persephone children are usually girls.
- They get along amazingly with Artemis's hunters.
- There are very few of them due to them having a lot of power and now that Persephone and Hades are married.
- They are born from flowers that Persephone gave to their mortal parent.
- The inside of the cabins have flowerpots hanging and placed around the cabin.
- They have their own rooms with a soft comfy bed, a closet, bedside drawer and a small bookshelf with a small rectangular window.
- The cabin gives off a cozy warm feeling.
- They have a fireplace that has a sofa, a love seat and a few fluffy bean bags.
- They love pomegranates, strawberries, pineapples, grapes and watermelon.
- They don't really eat vegetation because of how close they are to nature, so they mainly eat mean, but the eat a lot of fruit.
- They like calm music when working/baking.
- They have a miniature library full of booked written in Greek, Rome and English.
- They love baking treats for the other campers and Chiron and even Mr. D.
- They have their own strawberry, pomegranate and watermelon patch with a few orange trees.
- The cabin always smells like cake, cookies, flowers and that old book smell.
- Persephone children have natural beauty to them that can sometimes rival the beauty to the Aphrodite children.
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
🌱 Let Love Grow Masterlist
Let Love Grow: You have faced many trials on your earth, from heartbreak, near death experiences, and meta’s trying to kill you. Given the chance to start your life over on a new Earth, you take the fresh start in hand, determined to turn your life around. There is just one little tiny problem… you’re growing feelings for a certain dark haired scientist. You’ve got baggage, will you let your love grow once more? Or are you going to keep yourself protected by a wall of thorns, determined not to let anyone else emotionally hurt you again? Find out in Let Love Grow!
Overall Warnings: Explicit Language, Explicit Material (Unprotected Sex is a No No), Violence, Graphic Wound Description, Gore, Firearms, Medical Jargon, Time Travel, Speed Force Mind Fuckery, World Hopping… more warnings to come.
To Note: Beginning Eowells x NAMED!FemaleReader, Final Harry Wells x NAMED!FemaleReader.
Total Word Count: ~k
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❗ = Explicit Sexual Material
🩸 = Blood/Injury
🚧 = In Progress
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🌱 Amaranthine
🌱 Belladonna
🌱 Forsythia
🌱 Viscaria
🌱 Wisteria
🌱 Salvia
🌱 Mistletoe
🌱 Gloxinia
🌱 Venus Flytrap
🌱 Sunflower
🌱 Freesia
🌱 Monkshood
🌱 Edelweiss
🌱 Bluebell
🌱 Stock
🌱 Rhododendron
🌱 Crocus
🌱 Tulip
🌱 Cranberry
🌱 Arbutus
🌱 Sweetpea
🌱 Quince
🌱 Snapdragon
🌱 Magnolia
🌱 Clematis
🌱 Dandelion
🌱 Geranium
🌱 Hyacinth (Purple)
🌱 Moss
🌱 Barberry
🌱 Peony
🌱 Petunia
🌱 French Marigold
🌱 Tuberose
🌱 Poppy
🌱 Caladium
🌱 Azalea
🌱 Spider Flower
🌱 Aster
🌱 Begonia
🌱 Violet (Blue)
🌱 Myrtle
🌱 Ivy
🌱 Lily of the Valley
🌱 Primrose
🌱 Indian Cane
🌱 Orchid
🌱 Stephanotis
🌱 Heliotrope
🌱 Zinnia
🌱 Alyssum
🌱 Honeysuckle
🌱 Camellia
🌱 Nasturtium
🌱 Gypsophila
🌱 Amaryllis
🌱 Quaking Grass
🌱 Centaurea
🌱 Rose of Sharon
🌱 Crisis of Another Kind Masterlist
🌱 Orange Blossom
🌱 Daisy
🌱 Mourning Bride
🌱 Coneflower
🌱 Daffodil
🌱 Cattail
🌱 Weeping Willow
🌱 Virgin's Bower
🌱 Jasmine
🌱 The Amazing Adventures of Auggie H. Wells Masterlist
🌱 Holly
🌱 Forget-Me-Not
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Date Published: 8/18/23
Date Completed: NOT YET COMPLETE
Last Edit: 12/23/23
Harry Wells Masterlist
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icarusradio · 1 year
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it's time for an ask game! if you'd like to participate, like or reblog this post. make sure to send as many flowers as you can to keep the game fair!
rose - describe your crush.
cherry-blossom - do you believe in love at first sight?
daisy - what’s your best childhood memory?
daffodil - which colour suits you best?
peony - do you put more value in honour or truth?
iris - favourite 90s song?
sunflower - sun or moon?
narcissus - your best physical feature?
freesia - are you still friends with the person you considered your best friend two years ago?
orchid - favourite fruit?
violet - have you had your first kiss?
gypsophila - do you prefer many distant friends, or a few close friends?
gerbera - neon or pastel?
carnation - does true love exist?
alstroemeria - dream vacation?
anemone - were you ever interested in greek mythology?
rhododendron - what’s your biggest fear?
tulip - lucky number?
gladiolus - who do you look up to most?
snapdragon - favourite mythical creature?
hydrangea - proudest moment?
delphinium - what’s your star sign - does it suit you?
ginger - least favourite food?
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💐Send in a number + Character and I'll draw them in an outfit based on that flower💐
African Daisy
Alpine Columbines
Anemone (aka windflowers)
Angel's Trumpets
Apple Blossom
Balloon flower
Bee Orchid
Boat Orchid
Bulbous Buttercup
Calibrachoa (aka million bells)
Carnation (aka clove pink)
Cattleya Orchid
Cherry Blossom
Colorado Blue Columbines
Common Freesia
Common Poppy (aka corn poppy)
Clover Flowers
Cucumber Blossom
Dancing-Lady Orchid
Dinner Plate Dahlia
Dwarf Mallow (aka common mallow)
Easter Lily
English Rose
Forget-Me-Nots (aka scorpion grass)
Frangipani (aka plumeria)
French Rose
Golden Columbines
Himalayan Poppy
Lady Tulip
Lily Of The Valley
Moss Rose
Moth Orchid
Morning Glory
Nightshade Flower
Oleander (aka nerium)
Painted Daisy
Painter's-Palette (aka flamingo flower)
Parrot Tulip
Persian Buttercup
Protea (aka sugarbushes)
Pumpkin Blossom
Red Columbines
Royal Lily (aka regal lily)
Saucer Magnolia
Southern Magnolia
Spider Hibiscus
Spikenard Flower
Stargazer Lily
Swamp Rose
Sweet William
Tiger Lily
Toad Lily
Vanilla Orchids
Water Lily
Western Lily
White Egret Flower
White Freesia
Wild Peony
Wild Rose
Zygopetalum Orchid
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