#french fries making machine
cnyazhongmachinery · 1 year
Indian customer visits to test material loss for making frozen french fries
Why our french fries making machine is best in China food machine industry?Because the loss of potato can be reduced 20% for customer. Though this our clients can get high quality products and get more benefit that other food machiner suppliers.know more details, contact us soon!Though wechat/whatsapp:+86132132034666
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Indian customer visit to test material loss for making frozen french fries
Why our french fries making machine is best in China food machine industry?Because the loss of potato can be reduced 20% for customer. Though this our clients can get high quality products and get more benefit that other food machiner suppliers.know more details, contact us soon!Though wechat/whatsapp:+86132132034666
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fryandbake-123 · 1 year
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
the end of an era (and the start of a new one) (iv) // platonic! mercedes amg
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summary: toto gives y/n the final verdict on her future with mercedes amg, and the results are better than she ever could have imagined.
pairing: platonic! mercedes amg petronas x female reader
warnings: this is actually the first installment of the series that doesn’t have any wow look at that-
author's note: here's a quick little chapter checking up on baby merc! this may seem like the end, but i promise it's not. im going to try my hardest to continue baby merc's story <3
the bowling alley was loud, and y/n had already broken a nail twice.
not that she minded, because for all she knew, this could be the last team outing that she was ever invited on. her field placement was coming to a close, and toto had never given her a final answer on where she was going next.
or if she was going anywhere at all. in a perfect world, she'd be staying with these people that she now called family. in the real world, life wasn't that simple.
but she could hope.
"george, you slimy cheating bastard!" she laughed, watching the briton score another strike. "come on, there's no way you're winning with that strong a lead."
"read it and weep, baby merc!" george laughed, taking a dramatic bow.
bowling had been lewis' idea. typically, taking the team bowling was something he did in japan. but with all the people leaving mercedes at the end of this season, he wanted to make sure they all got to be included in the team bonding ritual.
"every day you surprise me more and more." peter bonnington chuckled. "y/n, it's your go!"
"how am i supposed to match up to mr. posh spice over there?" she laughed, pointing at george before walking over to the ball machine. "i sacrificed a wonderful home manicure for this."
she bowled, taking half the pins out in one go, and all but two in the second. bowling had never been her strong suit, and normally she would have complained. but she found that her friendship with the team had grown and fostered so much that they could make even cleaning a bathroom a more enjoyable task.
she'd be really upset if she needed to let them go, that's for sure.
games finished (george had won, of course), the team sat around a big metal table (she felt like a character in a john hughes movie, but without the romantic interest. olli had texted her a few times since the holiday party, but she had continued to shoot him down), baskets of french fries, chicken tenders and a large salad for lewis in front of them.
it was bittersweet, with so many people leaving the team, and toto was the first to say so when he got up to give a speech.
"it's been a long season. the car was shit, but we made it work. we're also losing some valued members of this team. angela. nyck. james. you will forever be remembered, and know that you always have a home at mercedes if you want it."
the table started clapping as toto finished. y/n was going to miss nyck, but he'd still be around. just at a different team. she'd miss angela, but the physiotherapist would always be one phone call away if she needed her.
the three in question sat on one side of the table, teary eyed and grateful for the send-off.
"additionally, we have some new faces joining us for 2023 that i am very excited for you to meet." toto grinned. "i'd like to welcome our new reserve driver, mick schumacher."
next to y/n, mick blushed, trying to hide as the table cheererd for him, a tina turner song playing over the stereo as y/n laughed, pulling him in for a side hug.
"and, this comes as no surprise to any of us, on behalf of the mercedes amg petronas f1 team, i would like to formally offer our new intern, y/n y/l/n a permanent spot on the team for the 2023 and 2024 seasons. if you'll have us."
if the cheers for mick were loud, the cheers for y/n were louder. she was frozen, halfway to tears before she snapped out of it, lewis' hand on her shoulder as he congratulated her.
"we knew you could do it."
"thanks, lew." she beamed, giving the world champion a proper hug. "i love you guys. tahnks for letting me stay."
"don't thank us." nyck laughed. "thank toto. he's the one who made the final decision. but it was a no-brainer. you were going to stay anyways."
getting out of her chair, y/n crossed the table to throw her arms around toto wolff. the man was shocked at first, but eased into it, wrapping the younger girl in his arms.
"thank you, toto."
"welcome to the family, y/n." toto laughed. "we're lucky to have you."
and that's when she knew she found it. the family that she had always been looking for.
and she knew that she was going to be okay. for real, this time.
because true family are the friends that you make along the way.
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extra-stout-stories · 2 months
Stuck At Work
Reblog if you like meet-cute soft feedist romance and fat4fat. Nothing scandalous or explicit in this one, just a tale of fast food fun on the job, written in response to this request. Thanks for the ask, anon!
She didn't mind being stuck at work with him for the night.
Tuesday nights were quiet after the dinner rush, with not many customers stopping in, either at the drive-thru or the counter. On really slow nights, like tonight, the manager sometimes had her cover both. She couldn't quite reach both the indoor cash register and the drive-thru window from the same chair, but it was just a couple of steps from one to the other, so she spent most of the downtime scrolling through her phone and sneaking glances at him.
He was busy in the kitchen, preparing burger orders as they came in and refreshing the contents of the french fryer and shake machines. He had a chair of his own that he spent most of his time in when it was just him in the kitchen, and she couldn't help admiring how deftly he moved, reaching with a calculated economy of motion to flip a burger with one hand and pull a shake with the other.
She couldn't help admiring his belly, either. Their shifts didn't overlap very often, and while they weren't the only two fat people who worked at the restaurant, they were by far the two biggest. She felt a sense of kinship with him. Kinship, but also attraction. The way his folds of fat seemed to swallow up the shirt of his regulation uniform, the way she could sometimes catch just a glimpse of belly peeking out at the bottom… the sight of him made her more than a little bit flustered, and she couldn't help imagining what he might look like with his uniform off, how deliciously big and soft he'd be if she had him in her bedroo--
Snap out of it, she thought to herself, as the intercom of the drive thru crackled and she punched in an order for a cheeseburger and two kids' meals. He'd think you were crazy if you told him about feedism. And you're not supposed to flirt at work. She sighed. Even a slow night's work kept them just busy enough that it was hard to carry on a conversation in more than snippets, and after the disaster with her last boyfriend she had gotten cautious about admitting to guys that not only did she not mind being fat, she liked it, and she liked it when they were fat too. Another lonely night at the register, she thought to herself before sneaking another glance at him. His back was turned, and she could see his enormous rolls of backfat quivering in the snug uniform shirt as he reached to dip another basket of fries in the fryer. At least I get to enjoy the eye candy.
The intercom crackled to life again. The car was definitely full of teenagers, and they were definitely drunk. Or high. Probably both. She tried to make out the names of particular value meals from the din of at least four or five voices shouting their orders, changing them halfway through, cracking up laughing for no reason, circling back around to ask for the same thing they asked for in the first place. By the time they were finished she had cued up a half-dozen burger meals with sodas, three chicken meals, two extra baskets of fries, and (thanks to a particularly loudmouthed voice who kept saying "I can't decide!" in a mock whine), a trio of extra-large thick shakes, one each of chocolate, strawberry and vanilla.
"Big order coming in, huh?" She could just hear his voice over the crackle of the fryer. Her double chins quivered as she turned her head to see him smiling. "Yup. At least it's the last one for the night. 11:59 on the dot."
"I'll get to work." He was as fast and efficient as ever, and a moment later she was hefting herself up from the chair with a grunt and stepping over to the window between the kitchen and the register where he had just placed a tray of food. Suddenly she blushed. My shirt is riding up, she thought. Gripping it with both hands, she tugged it down quickly and fiercely where it had started to expose a few inches of her own swaying lower belly. Fortunately, his back was turned again. She reached for the tray of food.
"Wait, there's more. Since we're closing up, I'll just bring the rest out to you now. That way you don't have to make two trips."
"Thanks." She took another few steps and slipped into the drive-thru booth, her hips just barely brushing the doorframe. She set down the tray and slid open the window to pass the bags out. Behind her, she heard the kitchen door open.
Suddenly, there was a sound of coughing and laughter, a deafening roar and a streak of light as the car sped past the window, a screech as it braked suddenly at the turn out of the parking lot, and a final roar as it sped off into the night.
"Damn it." She slid the window closed and turned around. "Dine and dash."
"More like drive-thru and das-- WHOA!"
She hadn't realized he was almost on top of her at the entrance to the booth. How did she not notice? He must have stepped towards her just as the engine was revving. With the same swiftness he used when he was juggling the fryer, the grill and the shake machine, he managed to drop the tray he had been holding while catching the handles of the bags that had been sitting on it. He instinctively stretched out the other hand out to steady himself, though, and it crashed straight into her shoulder, sending her spinning at an angle back into the drive-thru booth. Losing his own balance as she stumbled, he swung forwards, just barely avoiding a crash into the plexiglas window as he caught himself with his shoulder against the wall opposite the one where her back was pressed.
They were face to face and belly to belly.
"Whew." For a moment all they could do was breathe, heavy and ragged with the sudden exertion. She saw him try to take a step back, only to find that between the window and the doorframe, his ass and thighs were wedged in so tightly by the pressure of their bellies that he couldn't do it. He tried again.
"I think we're stuck." There was such a sheepish look on his face but she couldn't help laughing. And with her face just a foot or two from his -- their bellies took up a lot of space -- she was even more struck than usual by his boyishly charming eyes, his quivering triple chins, his enormous fat cheeks that dimpled as he smiled back. "What a way to end the night, huh? At least it's closing time."
"This is like something out of a fetish cartoon!" she blurted out. Oh my god. I can't believe I just said that.
"Like a what?" There was a quizzical expression on his face, but still a hint of a smile on his lips.
"I mean -- it's like something you'd see on the Internet."
"Yeah? Where on the Internet?" He laughed, and when his belly began to jiggle, hers did too. She realized suddenly that both of their shirts had ridden up, and the bottoms of their bellies were touching, skin-to-skin. Despite the embarrassment of the situation, and the further embarrassment of putting her foot in her mouth, the sudden realization was electric. It felt so good, so warm, so fat…
Snap out of it! she told herself once again. "I don't know," she said, suddenly desperate to change the subject and get out of the booth. "Places."
"Places, huh." The smile on his face was still there. "Well, talk about places. We're stuck in the drive through booth." He managed to extend an arm out to pull the curtain down over the window. Reversed from their vantage point, the letters on the opaque plastic curtain read: CLOSED.
"There you go. Now at least nobody on the Internet will see us." He grinned. "I'm not sure I can get out of here without either tearing my shirt off or giving myself a nasty scrape on that doorframe. But at least we won't starve to death." He wedged one of the bags between their bellies, opened it up, and pulled out a double cheeseburger.
She couldn't help laughing. "How can you be so relaxed? We're stuck in the booth!" Something about his tone of voice was putting her at ease, almost like he didn't mind being stuck here with her, their fat bellies pressed together as their shirts rode up. But that's silly, she thought to herself. He's just trying to calm me down.
"Well, there are worse places to be. And like I said, we're not gonna starve." He unwrapped the cheeseburger and took a bite. "Unless I get flensed by that doorframe, it's actually pretty comfy."
"Yeah. Strip my blubber off. I mean, I am kind of a whale." Seeing the sudden blush on her face, he grinned. "C'mon, I know I'm a big guy. And a big guy's gotta be able to have a sense of humor sometimes. Like when he's stuck in the drive-thru booth with the cutest girl on the entire fast food strip."
At that, she blushed even further.
"Aren't you hungry? You don't eat when you get nervous?" He popped the last of the cheeseburger into his mouth, reached into the bag, and pulled out an extra-large carton of fries. "But seriously, I've seen how you look at me sometimes. You're an FFA. It's obvious. And I'll be honest, it's hard not to look at you that way sometimes, too."
Her breath had returned to normal from the shock of crashing into him, but her heart was beating faster now. He laughed and lifted a handful of french fries to her mouth. "Here, eat! If we're stuck here forever, at least it'll be a good last meal."
The mouthful of moist, juicy fries was what finally put her fully at ease. "You're right. A good meal and good company." I can't believe I'm doing this, she thought as she reached a hand out to touch the side of his exposed belly. "I'm glad it was you and not the manager."
He smiled. "That's for sure. You know I never said anything to you because it's against HR to flirt at work, right? But so is eating the food from a dine-and-dash. And I'm pretty sure getting stuck in the booth is against the rules too. So we might as well enjoy ourselves."
"Good thing those kids ordered all three kinds of shake."
"You can say that again. If it were just vanilla I'd get bored." He winked. "Tell that one to your mysterious Internet site, big girl."
She laughed. "Okay, you got me. It's feedist stuff. How did you know?"
"I can see your phone from the kitchen. You're not supposed to be scrolling 'hashtag: fat boys' at work. But I don't mind. Do you think I got this fat by working at a fast food restaurant?" He paused for a beat. "Well, okay, I did. But doing it on purpose was the fun part."
"Mmm. Can I do this on purpose?" Squeezing his belly with both hands, she leaned in to kiss him. With her tongue already in his mouth, mingling with the lingering taste of the french fries and anticipating the milkshakes, all he could do was put a hand on her own exposed belly and squeeze back yes.
She didn't mind being stuck at work with him for the night.
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thatgirlstrawberry · 1 year
Sick Surprise pt. 4 - Eloise The Great!
In which Y/N needs Spencer to watch Eloise for a few hours
Warnings: cursing, cute moments between Spence and Eloisey,
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
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Y/N rushed around the apartment, her heels clicking loudly. “Eloise, where did your nappy go?” She called. Spencer was sitting on the couch handing coins to the little girl and she handed them back to him.
“I don know, mommy. You do the clothes machine.” She shrugged, throwing a pin at Spencer’s chest.
He heard Y/N sigh in frustration knowing she was nervous and rushing to leave. “Babe, it’s okay.” He called. “Eloisey and I have got this, right El?” He asked, holding out his pinkie for her.
She wrapped her pinkie around his. “Right.”
Y/N walked back into the living room. She had a job interview for a Special Education company that she was really passionate about. “Do I look like I want a job or do I look like a slut?”
“Mommy, what’s a slut?”
Y/N cringed and bit her lip. “Um… we’ll talk about it later. Go get a cookie.” She nodded. The girl squealed and got off of the couch, running into the kitchen.
Spencer chuckled and stood up. “Spence, I can call a sitter and have them come here so you can leave. I’m sure you have other things to do.” She looked up at him with a serious expression.
He shook his head. “I’m not letting you spend money when this could just be a bonding experience between me and Eloise. I’ll stay with her any time you need me to, okay?”
I am in love with you.
She smiled up at him instead of saying what she was thinking. “Thank you. So much.”
Eloise came running back into the living room with three cookies in her hand. “Eloisey, I said one!” She smiled, shaking her head.
“One is for Spenther. Duh, mommy.” She rolled her little eyes. Y/N giggled.
“May I have one, Ms. Sassy?” She asked, bending to be at eye level with the girl. Eloise held the cookie up to her lips and Y/N took it between her teeth and stood back up. “I love you, sweet girl.” She smiled.
“I love you, mommy!”
She looked at Spencer. “She’s gonna tell you she wants pizza. She hates pizza. Don’t get pizza.” She nodded.
Spencer smiled. “I won’t get pizza.” He shook his head.
“Do get French fries. She looooves French fries.” She nodded. “There’s some in the freezer but if she somehow magically gets you to buy French fries, she only needs a small ‘cause she won’t eat anything more.”
Spencer stepped forward, Y/N backed up her hand on the door. “Okay.”
“A-and no more cookies until she’s had real food and a piece of fruit.” She told him. Her voice was fast and a little nervous. “And if you need to put her down for a nap, make sure to turn on the star lamp on her dresser. Oh! And if you leave her in the kitchen unattended, she’ll get out the shredded cheese and like sprinkle it all over the f-“
“Y/N, Y/N.” Spencer placed his hands on her shoulders. She stopped talking and looked up at him. “You need to go. I’ve got this, I promise. If I need anything I swear I’ll call you.”
She nodded and stood on her toes to kiss him. “Thank you so much for this.”
I love you
“You’re welcome.” He kissed her back. “Now go. Good luck.”
Y/N smiled. “Good luck to you.” With that, she left the apartment and Spencer and Eloise alone.
Y/N had only been gone for ten minutes and Eloise was already screaming. “Pwease, I want a cookie!” She cried, producing no real tears.
Spencer shook his head. “E-Eloise your mommy said no more cookies until after you eat lunch. Do you want some French fries?” He asked, following her into the kitchen.
Eloise stomped her feet on the ground. “No fwies! I want a cookie, pwease!” She cried again.
Spencer sighed. “Eloise, how about for every bite of a sandwich I make you, you get 1 cookie?” He said, getting down to her level.
She narrowed her eyes at him and crossed her arms. “Fine but I want a biiiiig sandwich.” She nodded.
Spencer tilted his head. “Then every 3 bites you take you get a cookie, sound good?” He held his pinky out and waited for her to wrap hers around his.
She hesitated for a mommy before doing it and going to the designated Eloise chair. It was literally one of the set of chairs that Y/N had bought with the table but painted purple and pink because Eloise wouldn’t sit in it unless it was her favorite colors.
Y/N told Spencer that for as long as she was living with her, she would sit in that chair. She would even take it when she moved out.
Anyway, Spencer started to make Eloise’s sandwich and he heard her turn on her tablet and start singing along with the kids music that immediately started playing.
He smiled and danced a little glancing back at Eloise. She was wiggling in her chair too and clapping her little hands.
A few minutes later, Spencer managed to get a sandwich together for Eloise. It wasn’t a big sandwich at all but it just seemed that way to the little girl.
“Get those cookies ready, mister.” She narrowed her eyes at him as she took a bite. Spencer nodded and walked towards the pantry to grab the cookie jar out.
He sat down in front of her and opened the jar. “Okay, two more and you’ll earn yourself a cookie.” He nodded with a smile,
She took two more big bites and smiled at him with her mouth open as she was chewing. He tried not to show the disgust on his face as he took a cookie from the jar and set it on the table.
“All right, here’s one.”
Five minutes later, Eloise had a total of three cookies. She sighed and looked down at the half sandwich she still had left. She picked it up and held it in front of Spencer’s face. “You can have the rest. Not bery hungry anymore. You’re hungry?”
Spencer shrugged. “I’m a little hungry. Thanks, Eloisey!” He obviously wasn’t going to eat after a three year old so he just smiled as she grabbed her cookies and climbed out of her chair.
Man hour later is when shit really hit the fan. “Eloise, you can’t draw on the walls.” He said, standing and watching her hold a red marker. She was facing the wall with the tip of the marker centimeters away from it.
She turned her head. “But why!?” She asked, her attitude shining through.
Spencer tilted his head. “Because mommy will have to clean it all up. And that will make mommy really tired.”
Eloise furrowed her brows. “Will mommy still play with me when she tired?”
The man shook his head pressing his lips together. “Nope. Mommy will also be very mad at us.”
She sighed heavily and threw the marker to the ground. “Why are you calling her mommy? She’s my mommy not yours.” She crossed her arms.
Spencer furrowed his brows but shook his head. “Okay, Eloise I think it’s nap time.” He nodded.
The girl tightened her fist and her face scrunched up. She took a deep breath in. “No. I don’ wanna nap.” She shook her head.
Spencer sighed. “Uh, okay. What do you want to do?”
“Introducing… Eloise the great!” Spencer shouted as he held his arms in front of the little girl.
The girl pressed her hands to her hips and smiled at absolutely nothing, pretending it was a crowd of people. She had a shiny black cape on and a big top hat. Spencer had on a pink tutu and a red scarf.
“Fank you to my mamazing assistant, Fluffy Brains!” She began to cheer for him as if she was an audience member. She looked at Spencer. “You have to say what I tode you to say.” She whispered.
Spencer nodded. “Oh— okay.” He smiled. “Now, Eloise the great will preform the magic-tastical levitation trick!”
She giggled. “An’ we gonna pretend that I did the twick and everybuddy was wike ‘wow’, otay?” She nodded at Spencer.
He chuckled and nodded. “Orrrr…” He paused. “I Can preform the magic-tastical levitation trick.”
“What’s dat— ahhh!” She giggled as Spencer picked her up and started to run around the house, shaking her in every direction.
She was in a fit of giggles and squeals. Her face was lit up with pure joy and happiness and Spencer could tell that they were becoming attached to each other.
Another two hours later, Spencer held Eloise in his arms as she slept to the sound of Number Friends on TV.
Spencer was reading a book and he put it down when he heard the lock on the door click. Y/N stepped inside quietly and looked around.
Her eyes landed on Spencer and Eloise on the couch and she immediately smiled. “Awwwww.” She hummed, setting her purse down by the door. She took off her shoes, not bothering to put them up. She stalked over to the couch and sat down next to them.
“Was my baby tired?” She whispered, pushing hair behind her daughter’s ear. Spencer nodded and looked around at all the toys on the floor.
“After a whole two hours of playing, yes. She was very tired.” He chuckled softly.
“How was she? Did she give you any trouble?”
He thought about saying yes but there wasn’t honestly anything Spencer thought was trouble. “Nope. She was perfect.” He smiled.
“Is she wearing a cape?” Y/N asked, examining her three year old.
Spencer chuckled. “Oh god, wait till she tries to sell you tickets to her magic show.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows. “What’s the price of admission?” She asked.
Spencer hummed. “A cookie for her and a kiss for me. Since I’m the assistant and all.” He shrugged.
She smiled. “Mm, I guess I’ll pay half of it now.” She smirked, leaning in slowly to capture her lips with his.
He kissed her back immediately before she pulled away after a short while. Eloise stirred in Spencer’s arms. Y/N sighed. “I’ll go take her to—“
“I’ve got her, baby.” Spencer nodded. “Just sit back and relax a bit, okay?”
I am so totally in love with you.
She smiled and nodded. He scooted off the couch and carried Eloise to her room. He came back out and sat down next to his girlfriend. She leaned her head on his shoulders. “Thank you for staying with her today.” She spoke suddenly.
Spencer kissed her head. “Any time.” He smiled.
She squinted her eyes and realized what her boyfriend was wearing.
“Spence, why are you wearing a tutu?”
“Well, you see…”
They’re so cute omg! Send request for this series in my ask box, comment or message!!
Love ya bunches ❤️❤️❤️
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jeridandridge · 11 months
Field Trip
You and the staff take the kids bowling.
“Come on, y’all get excited!”
You sit at the table with Barb and Melissa nursing your second cup of coffee when Ava bolts in tossing tshirt at everyone. The sleeve of the black shirt tossed at you almost lands in your coffee making you roll your eyes.
“I didn’t peg you for a matching shirt kinda person let alone a bowling shirt.” You laugh.
“Girl these ones are sharp.” She smiles modeling the black shirt with gold writing. “And of course I’m number one.”
“There’s no way I’m wearin this,” Melissa shakes her head.
“I don’t blame you,” you agree holding it up showing the back. “How’s a ten supposed to wear a two?” You smirk at the older woman.
“You’re gonna be ridiculous all day aren’t ya, hon?” She challenges you with a blush on her cheeks.
You’d been crushing on the older teacher for a while, even openly flirting and teasing her. She would always give it right back and you were having too much fun with it.
Today, the kindergarten through third grade classes were being taken to a bowling alley while the older kids do testing.
A little while later you’re holding the door open shuffling all the kids in.
“Cmon guys, I have French fries to eat and butt to kick.” You clap your hands shuffling them in.
“Y/n you know you’re not gonna win on our lane.” Melissa smirks as she stands by Barb.
“Bring it on, Schemmenti.” You grin helping the kids with their shoes.
Once all the kids are settled at their lanes with the bumpers and the correct bowling balls, the teachers roam and check in with them before you, Melissa, Barb, Gregory and Janine find yourselves on two lanes near the end of the alley.
A game starts, and you’re actually surprised and how good Gregory is at bowling. The sounds of the kids laughing and pins falling makes you smile as you watch everything going on, you miss Barbara giving her friend a knowing look.
“Y/n you’re up!” Janine beams.
Hopping down to the floor you grin going to the machine to grab the ball before you turn back around.
“Hey Mel, what do you say to a little wager?”
“Oh yeah?” The woman quirks a brow smiling.
“If I get a strike right now, you go on a date with me this weekend.” You grin holding the bowling ball up.
Barbara smirks from her seat sipping her drink. “She’ll do it!” She tells you.
“Barb!” Melissa scolds the woman. “You seem pretty confident, hon.” She holds her hand out to you. “Deal.”
Gregory and Janine stop what they’re doing to watch, and you think Janine might explode with excitement.
“Woohoo! Go, y/n!” She encourages you.
You were about to show your colleagues one of your hidden talents. You were very good at bowling for some reason, and now you were gonna use it to your advantage. You walk up the waxed floor and step forward getting real low throwing the black glittery ball with a spin.
Before you see the ball hit you spin around and go back to the others with a smirk.
“It didn’t hit ye-“ Janine stops as the ball hits the pins knocking them all down.
The red head meets your eyes with a smile. “Pick me up at seven.”
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diazsdimples · 4 months
James' Fic Master List
(In order of favourites)
Play me like a fiddle (Explicit, 34k | Buddie)
Eddie plays the French Horn for the Los Angeles Philharmonic and is told about the wonderful new cello soloist playing with them for this concert. He sounds like a pretentious asshole and Eddie vows not to like him. In walks Evan Buckley, cellist from New York and soloist for this concert. Eddie quickly realises he's in trouble as the man immediately casts a spell on him, turning Eddie into a blushing mess. Can he put aside his feelings for Buck long enough to remain a professional and get through this week without making any poor decisions? (Spoiler Alert: he cannot)
In a drought I'll give you water (Explicit, 8.2k | Buddie)
Eddie’s hanging out the washing when he notices it. Just for the record, it’s not like he regularly inspects Buck’s underwear, thank you very much, but he’d felt something tacky on the inside of the flimsy fabric when he’d been about to peg it up, and had investigated like any sane person would do. Eddie’s initial thought is “fucking washing machine, can’t even wash out the laundry powder”, mostly because there’s a white residue under where his thumb was placed moments earlier and there’s been occasions when their black shirts have had clumps of laundry powder still on them despite the tossing about they’ve received in the washer. Or: Eddie finds come on Buck's underwear and panics
You've got me whipped (Explicit, 10k | Buddie)
“Make me,” Buck whispers, and although the words might sound like a challenge, Eddie can so clearly hear what Buck isn’t saying. The implicit make me, because I can’t make myself, and then, Eddie gets it. Buck needs him to be in control right now, to make Buck surrender himself to Eddie’s mercy so Buck doesn’t have to do anything, to feel anything more than he already is. Eddie reaches out a hand and runs it up Buck’s jaw, noting with satisfaction the way Buck shudders and leans into his touch. He traces his fingertips over Buck’s cheekbones, runs the pad of his thumb over Buck’s birthmark, before bringing his hand to rest in Buck’s blond curls. He curls his fist, pulling lightly on the strands of hair that slip between his fingers, then leans forward so his lips are brushing Buck’s ear as he exerts a minute amount of pressure to the top of Buck’s head. “I said,” he whispers into Buck’s ear, “on your knees.” OR Buck has a bad call and acts out afterwards in front of their colleagues, and Eddie punishes him when they get home.
For the rest of my life (for the rest of yours) (General, 10.6k | Buddie)
“Hey Buck! Are you doing anything today?” Christopher’s voice is a little tinny through his phone’s speaker, cracking a little. Buck hums, pretending to think. “Hmmmm, my diary looks pretty booked. Says right here that I’ve got to watch three episodes of crappy reality tv and then eat loads of fried chicken. I’m swamped.” “Buck,” Christopher says flatly and Buck laughs, loud and ringing through the loft. “I’m only kidding. What’s up, kid?” “The baby hippo has finally born at the zoo and we have to go see her! Can you come over today, please?” OR Buck, Eddie and Christopher go to the zoo to see the baby hippo and Eddie gets all up in his feels about it.
Buck's Baby (By Accident) (General, 119k | Buddie)
Buck's life is turned upside down when a newborn baby is placed on his doorstep, with allegations that it is his child. Buck quickly steps into his new role of "dad", with the help from his family and friends. Follow Buck, Aidan, Eddie and Christopher as they navigate new babies, blossoming relationships, illnesses, injuries and making their own little family.
Sweet child of mine (General, 3.4k | Bucktommy)
Buck and Tommy bring their daughter home from the hospital and enjoy their first few hours alone with a newborn baby.
Kilty Pleasures (Explicit, 8k | Buddie)
“What the hell are these?” Eddie asks with a quirked eyebrow, poking suspiciously at the tartan with his forefinger. Buck flops himself into the chair beside Eddie and steals a sip from his coffee cup. “Kilts!” he says with a grin and he drags one off the table and holds it up to show Eddie. It’s long, and dark, and made out of what looks suspiciously like faux leather, and almost certainly purchased from a sex shop. “I thought we could wear them to the festival tomorrow!” If Buck had a tail, it would be wagging so hard right now. Or, Buck and Eddie discover they have kilt kinks.
With you I'm home (Teen, 20k | Buddie) WIP
Buck and Eddie have settled into their life with 2-year-old Aidan and 13 (nearly 14) year old Christopher. They've been married for a new months and family life is good. Aidan seems determined to send his dads to an early grave, being described by a friend as "Buck on steroids" and Christopher is beginning to display the typical characteristics of a sullen teenager, much to Eddie's distress. Buck and Eddie are starting to think about adding another little member to their family but struggle to think of an appropriate egg donor or surrogate. Trying for a baby always seemed so much easier in theory! This is the sequel to "Buck's Baby (By Accident)"
Fucking Finally (Finally Fucking) (Explicit, 3.9k | Buddie)
“God you look so hot” Eddie growled as he took in Buck’s appearance, his hair messy from Eddie’s hands, his hips swollen from the force of their kiss and the bulge in his pants as plain as day as his erection strained against the fabric. Buck’s eyes raked up and down Eddie, finding his boyfriend in a similar state of arousal. “Not too bad yourself, Mr. Diaz” he smirked, wrapping a hand around Eddie’s waist and pulling them together once again, capturing him in another brain-melting kiss. They were interrupted by the comical “ding” of the elevator as it reached their floor and Eddie wasted no time pulling Buck out, dragging him down the hallway to their room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buck and Eddie stay at a hotel after their first date and finally get some time to themselves without crying kids
Burning with Need (Explicit, 3.8k | Buddie)
“Buck, what is going on?” he asked, sitting upright. “You’re fidgeting so much”. Buck looked up quickly, peering at Eddie through one open eye. “Nothing, nothing I’m fine” he replied, his cheeks flushing slightly. “That’s a lie and we both know it” Eddie rolled his eyes and reached over to prod the skin where Buck’s hand had been resting, eliciting a hiss from the younger man. “Okay, fine, I’m busting. I gotta pee so bad”. Buck’s words ignited a fire inside Eddie that he’d almost forgotten about. Or, Eddie remembers he has a piss kink and Buck's desperation on a hike is a test of his control
In sickness and in health (but mostly in sickness) (General, 3.7k | Buddie)
Eddie wakes up with a bad case of the flu and Buck is there to nurse him back to health. Buck realises he might be falling for Eddie.
Your Hands on My Body (Explicit, 1.9k | Evan Buckley)
Buck finds himself jerking off in the shower after having a dream about Eddie. The worst part is, it's Eddie's shower he's jerking off in and Eddie isn't even in it. Or Buck is desperately in love with Eddie and doesn't know how to tell him.
First Words (General, 2k | Buddie)
Buck and Eddie's 10 month old daughter says her first words. Her dads are over the moon. Cue domestic fluff
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voyagers-stone · 2 months
ashlyn banner hcs !! <3
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Dips her french fries in milkshake/icecream
avid reader. specifically for high fantasy and thriller novels, she likes the world building and detailed monologue, which aiden is continuously confused about.
will NEVER speak about reading.
she thinks itd ruin her reputation as the responsible one.
the only reason aiden knows about it is because of the amount of times hes broken into her house.
knows a small amount of sign language and tried to speak with ben using it.
did not realize he was just mute and deaf, so he didn't know wtf she was doing.
embarrassed herself greatly with that last one.
took ben a couple of days of various frantic and concerned gestures to let her know that it was okay.
plays rhythm games on her phone when shes tired/can't access her ddr machine.
i think if anyone saw her playing, she'd tell them it's "just for the game play" but she knows somewhere deep, deep down shes there for the anime girls.
some of their stories are just so sad, okay? she can't help but want to keep reading a bit.
// im a hashtag "ashlyn as a normal teenage girl" kind of person okay. we saw her and her father outside of the hospital.
has a growing beanie collection, but only the soft ones so its not sensory hell.
listens to pink floyd, nirvana, michael jackson, red hot chili peppers, and the smiths (when shes sad)
fan of porcelain creechures. dogs, birds, cats. i like to think shes got a little showcase somewhere of them.
logan always gives her really big bouquets of flowers after ballet recitals.
she feels a bit guilty throwing old ones away so she dries them and uses them as book marks.
borrows books from the library that she sees logan reading.
this is something she thought of after taylor started to try and teach her how to talk to people.
she thought that if she wanted to start a conversation, she'd get logan to talk about recent books hes read.
taylor brings her out for slushies at the gas station often
practically begged taylor to come over to her house when her ddr machine broke.
she was absolutely distraught.
tyler witnessed her begging and wanted to make fun of her, but the pity he felt outweighed his need to be an ass so he shrunk back into his and taylors room.
taylor fixed it and she almost cried thanking her.
tyler and ashlyn are resident judgement and shit talkers.
eventually, taylor knows all of the gossip from the popular kids/sports kid so he's got to find someone else to talk to. his first person was obviously ben because hes a great listener, but he seemed too nice to laugh at others misfortune, so when him and ashlyn teamed up together to make fun of aiden eating shit on the sidewalk after he does something dumb....he found his new target.
i don't think its particularly mean gossip, but more like your average catch-up-on-events kind of thing.
dead silence "........you know who i really hate?" kind of talk
i also think tyler and ashlyn are gym buddies.
maybe it'd take her a while to get to the point to want to hang out with him somewhere like the gym, so they usually go on runs or bike rides together.
they make aidens scrawny ass play ddr with them. ill talk more about that in his headcanons though.
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jamneuromain · 7 months
Wishful Thinking Chapter. 10
Andy Barber x You (Reader)
Alternate Universe - College AU
Summary: A new semester. A new task. A new boyfriend, your previous professor, Andy Barber. Everything seems to be going on the right track. So why didn't it?
Warning: Angst, inappropriate teacher-student relationship, age difference, cheating, explicit language, TW: Assault/Attempt murder
A/N: This fic has some disturbing themes, and discusses potentially upsetting topics. Please read through the warning before engaging with the fic. As I have said, the fic has mentioned a number of (potentially) triggering and heavy topics, you don't have to engage further if you feel uncomfortable about one or more topics.
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Wishful Thinking M. List Dancing in the Daydream M. List
Andy wakes up from his cold, empty bed, slamming his hand over his phone to stop the alarm from beeping like a bomb that is about to go off.
Grabbing the phone over, he can’t help but check whether there are any new messages from you during the past night.
On seeing the red spot on the messaging app, his heart leaps to his throat.
It has been over a week since your shouting match. After that terrible nightmare, Andy has sent you
So the apologizing texts help. He sighs in relief, clicking the app open.
Neil: Hearing is on the day after tomorrow (19th) starts at 10:00 am in Court 5. Third floor to the left in the courthouse.
The heart in his throat hits the bottom of his stomach like a fallen rock from the cliff.
Andy: Thanks man.
So the apologizing texts didn’t help. He curses.
Treading through the deadly silent hallway, Andy reaches his destination – the kitchen, and turns on the coffee machine.
He has three courses today, each lasting roughly two hours. He could use a coffee in the morning.
He makes coffee in the morning almost daily, since he has a busy schedule in all mornings except Wednesdays and weekends, and the first thing to do after he wakes up in the morning (after checking his phone for new emails and messages), is to turn on the coffee machine.
You would join him in the kitchen after the nights you stayed over, mixing a deadly amount of milk and sugar into the bitter coffee, making it sweet and smooth. You sip your light-colored coffee, grinning like the cat got the cream, and jabbing his coffee isn’t “real” coffee because you declared that drinking the bitter sour black stuff he has in his mug is inhumane.
You would share a kiss while making breakfast together. He still remembers your sole option: jam, French toast, fried egg, and you will make all these ingredients into a French toast sandwich if there’s lettuce in his fridge.
Before realizing it, Andy is pouring coffee into two mugs, having milk and sugar ready on the counter.
His hand freezes in mid-air as he realizes it, looking at the second mug.
It is completely unnecessary. Quite a waste too, now that a tea spoon of sugar has melted into the coffee.
Andy lifts the mug to his lips, tasting the bittersweet drink he accidentally made, before dumping the rest of the sweet coffee down the kitchen sink.
Before regretting his decisions again.
He could’ve brought the coffee he made to you, could’ve camouflaged it as a peace offering, could’ve taken the chance and told you he’s sorry-
Yet where could he find you?
Andy huffs out in annoyance, cleaning the mug and the coffee drops he spilt on the counter. He has asked for your course timetable earlier this semester, and unfortunately, your courses were taught in different buildings than his.
Guess all he could do is to wait.
Andy shuffles the printed slides into his suitcase, grabbing his car key and hurrying out of the door.
Every nerve running down his body rejects the idea of “waiting”, yet there’s nothing else better to do at the moment.
Wait it is.
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You allow yourself to groan in unison with others as the projector and the microphone that your lecturer uses are broken, and taking nearly ten minutes for some IT guy to try and fix these things didn’t help at all. Professor Rifkin is out of options but making a call to someone, whom you guess is Professor Klein, asking for a new classroom that could function properly.
“Let’s go, people, our new classroom is in Sackson House Room 104.” Professor Rifkin gestures to the whole class, which consists of about 50 students in total, packing up her things, and heading out.
“Hope we won’t get to meet that whacko lady.” Your barely-friend Fiona pokes your waist with her finger, making you jump.
As a result, your thigh hits the edge of the table hard.
“Shit!” You curse, covering your palm over your thigh.
It is going to bruise.
“Oh shit!” Fiona lets out a small chuckle, almost all her teeth baring, “I didn’t know you’re that sensitive.”
You didn’t bother answering. Didn’t bother glaring. You have made enough bad decisions in your life to understand not to go down with the sinking ship – for example, your meaningless friendship with Fiona and her shenanigans.
“Hey Y/N!”
You swing your backpack over your shoulders, not looking back.
“Y/N, wait!” Fiona calls again, “Don’t be so petty-”
She can kiss your ass.
You leave the classroom without another word.
An idea hits you when you are looking for the perfect seat in this classroom.
Room 104 is the place where Andy had his Creative Writing lecture last semester.
When you were scoffing at his iron fist controlling the class and found out that he maybe-kinda-perhaps like your works.
Looking back at the eventful past few months, you sigh, hoping that you were in some kind of rom-com movie and that justice will dawn upon Andy. Having him break an arm or step into a mud pod.
As of Laurie. You weren’t besties with her, to begin with, but you sincerely wish that she would focus on her husband instead of you, even though you were not entirely innocent in this whole charade.
Biting the end of your fountain pen, you try to shake your head and leave those thoughts alone. Andy is past tense now. You tell yourself. There’s no need to be soft or have mercy, even if he sends those apologies almost daily.
It is not long before the bell rings and the class dismiss.
Considering the options for lunch, you hesitate between cooking something decent or make-do before heading to the groceries this afternoon. Dwindling in thoughts, stepping out of the building with dozens of students at the same time, the corner of your eyes didn’t catch a glimpse of a deranged woman running towards you, fast.
A brunette in a brown cardigan. Her hair wild, cardigan has dirt and mud all over, pupils dilated.
“Cheat! Cheater!” She shrieks, when she spots you among all these students, pulling something out of her dusty handbag, causing a few students to either duck or scream.
“Knife!” “She has a knife!” “Someone call the cops!”
A faint murmur grows louder, and louder, until everyone in the vicinity of Sackson House, including you, realizes there’s a lunatic carrying a knife.
“RUN!” A girl screams. So does everybody. So do you.
“Cheater!” Laurie shouts, waving her knife, pushing a few students out of her way.
She’s coming to kill you.
Your heart skips a beat in all the thudding noises it makes. Your eyes witness Laurie running in a firm direction – you, and you are too scared to move a muscle.
As if having learnt teleportation, Laurie moves way too fast for a woman with heels, closing in every heartbeat.
Karma has got you.
“Laurie!” Someone yells with his booming voice, “What the fuck-”
Your ears ringing. thighs buckling. You kneel on the ground, covering your head with your arms.
The expected pain did not arrive.
Some warm drops of water did.
With a loud “Clang” that almost makes you jump, the sharp kitchen knife that Laurie waved around is thrown onto the ground, a few inches away from your feet.
Campus security has tackled Laurie onto the ground as well. She is still shouting “cheater”, struggling, but aiming at someone to her right, someone-
Someone she hurt. The redness dripping from the kitchen knife, the water on the back of your hand, the crimson splattered on the ground-
A contorted scream wrangles itself from the column of your throat, as the smell of salty rust of blood hits your nose.
Someone she hurt, someone who is wounded, someone who got stabbed by the knife, who is clutching their arm, with blood leaking through their fingers-
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Everything else is a blur.
By the time you regain your senses, you are sitting at the back of a firetruck, like a few other girls, with a blanket draped over your shoulders and a police officer standing in front of you, taking notes on her pad.
“What’s your name, Ma’am?” After questioning the others, she finally comes to you, flipping a new page on her notepad.
You state your name with a shaky voice.
“Okay, Y/N. Do you mind telling me the whole thing? Starting from the beginning.”
The first intuition of your mind is to tell the story of your relationship, starting from the beginning, when Andy taught your class and everything that happened afterwards.
But your instinct forbids you from telling this officer everything. Even in your incoherent state of mind, you know that the best-case scenario after telling her about your affair, might list you on top of suspects, that you provoked Laurie in some way, resulting in her trying to murder you.
Your dull expression must have triggered something, for the officer softens her voice and rephrases her question: “Don’t worry, Y/N. It is just a formality. Now, why are you here, near Sackson House at 11:52?”
That you can answer.
“I … um, we were supposed to have the class, Research Development Seminar, in the Kraig Building, but the electronic stuff broke down and… we moved to Sackson House to continue the course…”
“11:52, that’s around the time your course started? Or finished?”
“Finished.” You let out a short exhale, “I was heading out of this place when someone screamed ‘knife’ and I … They pushed and shoved, and I followed them out- ”
“Them? Whom do you mean by ‘them’?” A sharp look comes from the officer’s expression.
“Students, I guess. A lot of them, I think.” You answer in a small voice.
“What happened next?” The officer takes some more notes on her pad.
“I think… I tripped. There was this crazy lady waving her knife – Is An- Professor Barber alright?”
Andy. He was bleeding. The ambulance came and took him away. Was there paramedic? Or …
“You know the victim?” The officer must have sensed your nervousness, for she manages a smile on her face, “It’s just routine. Professor Barber is taken to the E.R. to get stitched up. It’s a small cut on his arm, he’ll be alright – You said ‘Professor Barber’, does that mean you know him?”
“Yeah – Yeah, I know him. He taught us a course last semester.”
“Do you know the attacker? The woman with the knife?”
It sounds routine, but you can’t help but doubt whether the officer knows about the affair. Despite being uncertain, you choose to lie rather than to tell the full truth, “I think … Professor Barber yelled ‘Laurie’? Or Laurel? I’ve never seen her around before.”
The officer casts a skeptical look, as if having seen through your half-truth, “Anything else? Anything unusual or you want to tell me?” To which you reply with a faint shake of the head.
“Call me if you remember anything.” She pulls a card with her number and name printed on it, handing it to you, “Good day, Ma’am.”
“Can I ask you something?” You hesitate for a second, but these words come out of your mouth.
“Yes, Ma’am?”
“I was wondering which hospital is Professor Barber being taken to?”
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Tag List: @geminiflanagansblog @wintasssoldier @sapphire-rogers @nouk1998 @sarahdonald87 @charmed-asylum
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cnyazhongmachinery · 1 year
fresh potato cutting french fries line in Netherlands|potato processing machine
Fresh potato processing line is used for making french fries easily and quickly. The process of making french fries: Potato washing machine-potato peeling machine-potato cutting machine|-french fries washing machine-french fries drying machine-french fries packaging machine Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
0 notes
fresh potato cutting line in Holland|potato processing line|french fries making machine
Fresh potato processing line is used for making french fries easily and quickly. The process of making french fries: Potato washing machine-potato peeling machine-potato cutting machine|-french fries washing machine-french fries drying machine-french fries packaging machine Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
0 notes
ultronmachine · 1 year
frozen french fries production line|french fries making machine price|french fries machine for sale 
Frozen french fries production line is used for making french fries quickly. Three types heating methods: gas, electricity and both Wechat/whatsapp:+8613213203466
0 notes
evoilvx · 2 years
If the RE8 ladies were properly introduced to modern society I think they would have a field day.
(An extensive list of things they might enjoy)
I might even make something about the things they would hate
There might be some mild inaccuracies but it’s all just some fun little hcs of mine :>
Will be updated sometimes!
Alcina using the speech to text and voice message feature everyday to sent angry, irritated messages to Karl whenever she wants
Lazy rivers at water parks
Aquariums and fish tanks
TV shows like TVD and The Originals (ironic I know).
Miniature toys, like tiny french fries, tiny sodas, tiny furniture, she would have an entire box of them
But also those ridiculously large pencils
Massage chairs
Expensive cars
Amazon. Don't ask, just know she would LOVE it
Rolling chairs
Foster care systems, you can’t tell me she wouldn’t love taking care of children until they’ve found a suitable home, her maternal instincts will never grow cobwebs as long as I have a working brain and fingers to write
Those head scratchers/massager
Detachable shower heads (take that however you want to)
Standing desks
Hot tubs with jets
Credit/debit cards, for obvious reasons (sexy, rich lady)
Unhinged access to books and video games on the internet, she would never leave her room. She can now live in complete solitude with nothing but her little pixels and endless letters on a screen
Fostering animals
Self warming beds
Wattpad and Tumblr
Hot wheels, but only because she loves finding exact/close replicas to Alcina's car collection and putting them on display
Skateboards and rollerblades
Air conditioners and humidifiers
Invisible ink and diaries
The RGB cloud lights that you can put on your ceiling
Digital art
Faceless Twitch streaming
Mini fridges
Rubiks cubes. She's collected all the variants she could find, solving them, then unsolving them, then repeating the process. She has them all lined up on a shelf
Cassandra finding boxing classes and learning she can beat the shit out of people, call it a lesson AND get paid. (We’re going to obviously ignore the fact that if she seriously maimed someone she would get fired.)
Amazon, she would have a field day ordering all sorts of things
Haunted houses
She would LOOOVE the Jigsaw movies and just scary movies in general
She likes Twitter just to start discourse and argue with people (and win)
Call of Duty, she would be a beast at it
Activities that use 3D glasses
VR games
Paintball tournaments
Workout equipment
Florida (pls don't ask on this one, just take my word for it)
Word searches
Unofficial, definitely illegal, might get arrested boxing tournaments
Swing sets
Gogo squeez
Extremely-really should not be doing-dangerous outdoor activities. She drags Daniela along with her while Bela watches in concern before shrugging and going back to reading
Fidget cubes (I love these things) She would have a blast going through the different fidgets. The idle clicking noise will never stop when you're around Cassandra
Super glue. She breaks something? Super glue. Mother will never have to know (she'll know)
Daniela and gay bars. Nuff said.
I think she would like working at endangered species centers, where she can be around and care for extremely dangerous apex predators
I feel like she would be really good at those claw machine games
She would also love amusement parks and dangerous outdoor activities like sky diving, running of the bulls, volcano boarding, would probably give Alcina multiple heart attacks at once (she also thinks Cassandra is so cool for doing all these dangerous stunts and wants to join)
She would definitely become a tattoo artist
Touch screen fridges
She would go to paintball tournaments with Cassandra
Goldren Retrievers
Glitter sticky hands
Gogo squeez
Fire extinguishers
Whipped cream
Just Dance
Stress balls, preferably ones that are designed like an animal so she can watch the eyes comically pop out. She has approximately 23 stress balls, her favorite is an orange fish
Unlimited cartoons and animations on a flatscreen TV
Modern kitchen appliances
Jobs that teach wood work, design and of course: doll-making
AMAZON and online grocery shopping. Donna, especially, would love Amazon. She can buy everything she needs without any other interaction? Just a push of a button? She’d go wild with it
LED RGB lights
Sticker books
I’m feeling my neurodivergent nerves tingling and pointing towards Donna so I’m going to say she loves those smooth hardcover books with gloss papers, especially if they’re about gardening or cartoons (I say this because I love the same type of books, makes my brain tingle nicely)
Tea play sets
Youtube and Netflix
Slime, she would make her own slime all the time
Golden Retrievers, just loyal, working dog breeds in general
Zip ties
All natural body products
Mother Miranda:
Mother Miranda would go insane, simply put.
New science equipment? Donors? New scientific breakthroughs?
She can now pay people off to leave her alone and get her own modern lab? She can work in peace with lots of new opportunities?
A NEWS CHANNEL? Don’t even get me started, for some reason I have a feeling Miranda would absolutely love the news channel
Aquariums and fish tanks like Alcina, she would have them everywhere in her house
Goldfish (the snack that smiles back)
Grey’s Anatomy but only to criticize the methods (she won’t admit she likes it)
Automatic pet feeders, even if she doesn’t have a pet
An iPhone, I feel like she would make her widget theme something really unique, and she can bother the other Lords whenever she wants for whatever she thinks about
Rolling chairs
Mint chocolate chip ice cream
Face masks
Romantic, drama shows (she won't admit she's cried to a few of them or that some of them ruined her day)
Skin care products
Antibacterial wipes
The Dimitrescu daughters introduced a fidget spinner to her and since then she has not gone a single day without mindlessly spinning the toy as she works/relaxes
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villainsblog97 · 1 year
Xdinary Heroes Summer Dates
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Summary: How would our 6 heroes spend a summer date with you! Warning: None Scenario: boyfriend AU, fluff, romance
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Everything about Gun-il screams picnic dates
A fresh cotton blanket on the fresh cut grass
Near a lake side or park
Iced tea
Cakes and pastries for dessert
The sounds of birds chirping
The waves of the lake lap gently to the sounds conversations
Gun-il's head in your lap
Running your fingers through his soft locks
Some light music playing off spotify
A gentle breeze dancing on both your cheeks
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A day at the beach
The warm sun hugging you both
Walking hand in hand
Finding little sea shells by the shore
The waves brushing gently over your bare feet
The sun is beginning to set
The warm sand between your toes
Drawing hearts in the sand with sticks
The waves crashing against the rocks
Jungsu and you talking about life together
The love of his life right beside him
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Jisoek running excitedly into the arcade
The sounds of kids laughing and cheering
Beeping and music coming from the game systems
The sounds of ski balls rolling up the track
Tickets being ejected out of the machines
Jiseok laughs like a little kid when he scores
You watch him toss basketballs and cheer him on
He'll pick you up and spin you around when he breaks the high score
Clinking and clunking from the air hockey table as you and Jiseok pass the puck back and forth
Feeding each other french fries
Ending the night with Jiseok winning you a giant stuffed animal
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Loud engines
Seungmin's muffled voice talking to you
A big helmet covering your ears
Stepping into a go kart
The smell of rubber from the tires tickling your senses
Turning the steering wheel
Guiding your go kart around the track
You catch a glimpse of your boyfriend
One hand on the steering wheel as he drives the kart around the track
he looks undeniably cool
He'll stop next to you to steal a kiss from you
Cheering as you pass the finish line
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Movie dates are relatively peaceful
The focus can be on the movie
Hyeongjun's fingers intertwined with yours
Feeding each other popcorn
His arm slowly goes behind and around you
Snuggling up to your boyfriend
May even steal a kiss or two
Laughter coming from the audience
The sounds of the characters talking in the movie
Background music playing
Hyeongjun's hand never leaving yours
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Cheerful sounds of people laughing at the amusement park
Jooyeon's hand locked into yours
Waiting in line for rides
Screams from the roller coasters
Music playing at the booths
Riding around on the carousel
Jooyeon's beautiful smile makes your heart flutter
Playing games
And winning prizes
Drinking soft drinks and eating pretzels
Kisses at the top of the ferris wheel
Holding hands on the swings
Giving you his hoodie or jacket when the night breeze welcomes you.
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ashes-writing · 1 year
stranger things ● forever pt 5 ● s.harrington
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[ multi chapters ] your daughter calls Steve daddy + baby talk -cannot stress enough that she's 3 and she's still grasping speech and language but like.. writer doesn't want to overdo it so... yeah. robin and barb and robin trying to muster up the nerve to make a move -it's not fun having to hide your true self and being gay back then was not a picnic so.. angst about that. heavy sexual tension/physical attraction (mutual, duh), swearing, things seem like they're moving fast but there is a good time lapse between each part so.. yeah. having a kid written by a person who does not... female reader with female parts / a connection to Robin and a past/personality + an adorable lil kid.
word count + prev. part
5452 exactly
part four <- can be reached by clicking.
“It’s not!” you’re laughing. But there’s this small part of you that cannot deny that lately, since you and Steve have gotten closer and opened up to each other more, there’s something different between you.
He’s more touchy. He teases you more. You caught yourself flirting with him on more than one occasion because you couldn’t resist doing it and it happened before you could catch yourself. There’s the way you seem to lack a sense of boundaries when he’s around.
And Robin isn’t wrong, you’re starting to find it really hard to resist just going for it.
“Everybody hasn’t noticed because it’s not like that.” you insist.
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“ She told me she wishes he was her daddy.” you’re munching on some french fries from Wendy’s as you watch Steve and Stevie down at the pond, feeding the ducks together. Steve has Stevie sitting on his shoulders and you can hear her laughter as it echoes through the park.
You can’t stop staring. Your eyes roam freely. You tell yourself that if you can’t be with him, you can stare as much as you like but honestly, you’re not stupid. All you’re managing to do is torture yourself every single time you wind up doing it.
Barb laughs softly and Robin snickers at the faraway look in your eyes as they glue themselves to Steve’s body all over again. You’ve been stealing glances a lot more lately. 
You got so caught up in it when everyone met to hang out at the pool two afternoons ago that you nearly face planted the door to the women’s restroom just because he went off the high dive, answering a dare that guy across the street who works as a lifeguard gave him.
“Pick your jaw up off the table, woman.”
You jump a little, broken out of your daze by your cousin’s teasing so you flip her off. The two of you share a look and while Barb is busy grabbing herself a soda from the vending machine nearby, you smile at your cousin. “You need to do something, okay? Who cares what anybody thinks? Screw them. And I don’t see aunt Janet being as horrified as you have yourself believing she will be. Now grandma Ethel.. Possibly. But she clutches pearls at everything, Robbie.”
“You do something and maybe I will. You’re the older one. Lead by example.”
“Robin..” you sigh and shake your head, taking another bite of your double cheeseburger. Groaning at the taste as it fills your mouth because you haven’t really eaten anything today. It’s been busy at the office.
In a desperate bid to change the subject because you’ve told your cousin so many times exactly why you can’t just  throw caution to the wind and the more you have to tell her, the more convincing her arguments are as to why you can -and should, do that very thing are starting to become.. In a desperate bid to get off the current topic and on to a new one, you speak up.
“I think I might have found an apartment. We can go look at it later.. If you wanna come with me?”
“You and sparkles should stay with mom and I longer.” Robin shakes her head. Pouting a little. “I don’t wanna lose my little buddy.. Or you and our nighttime talks. C’mon, it hasn’t been that bad.”
“It hasn’t. But I need to stand on my own again too. Like.. I know this is putting a huge strain on aunt Janet as far as money goes. And if I’m living in my own place, it won’t be as bad. They just gave me a raise and more hours.”
Robin’s still not thrilled, but she nods. “Yeah, okay. But you’re still stuck with me, woman.” “Duh.. We have a blood pact. Remember?” you laugh and so does she. “Where is the apartment?” she asks after a second or two. You’re distracted, watching Steve and Stevie again, he’s pushing her on the swings now. “Hm?” you ask as you take a sip of your vanilla Frosty.
“Woman, oh my god.. If you don’t do something it’s going to drive you insane. And lately, whenever you two are around each other, the air’s almost heavy enough to choke somebody. Everybody notices it.”
“It’s not!” you’re laughing. But there’s this small part of you that cannot deny that lately, since you and Steve have gotten closer and opened up to each other more, there’s something different between you.
He’s more touchy. He teases you more. You caught yourself flirting with him on more than one occasion because you couldn’t resist doing it and it happened before you could catch yourself. There’s the way you seem to lack a sense of boundaries when he’s around.
And Robin isn’t wrong, you’re starting to find it really hard to resist just going for it.
“Everybody hasn’t noticed because it’s not like that.” you insist.
Barb laughs as she slips down onto the bench right next to Robin and hands her a Tab. “Okay, am I allowed to call bullshit? Because that is exactly what you’ve just said is… Total bullshit. Everybody’s noticed it, ___.”
“There’s nothing to notice! We’re friends.” you insist.
“Friends don’t look like they’re a second away from kissing each other, ___. Which is exactly what you two looked like the other night when we all went to see that movie together at Starcourt.” Robin is patient when she says it. Laughing as she remembers turning to find Steve dragging his thumb over the butter smeared on your cheeks. Or later, finding you leaned against him, the two of you and Stevie whispering back and forth as you all stared up at the screen and shared popcorn from the same mega sized bucket.
Or even later, when the crowd leaving the theater as the movie ended got so thick that Robin watched as Steve pulled one of his patented Harrington moves out, resting his hand against the small of your back as you all wandered out.  
She’s annoyed that neither of you are willing to budge but it’s oh so painfully obvious.
“Even Eddie’s asked if you have something going on! And Eddie, he’s practically the most oblivious guy on Earth!” Robin insists, throwing up her hands in exasperation as you calmly shake your head no and insist all over again, “He’s not into me like that. I’d know it if he were! Body language expert, remember?”
“My ass you are.” Robin grumbles, the two of you flipping each other off as your laughter dies away.
“Where’s the apartment?”
You cringe a little because you know your cousin well enough to know that when you tell her it’s over that one bar on the wrong side of town, she’s not going to be thrilled. And honestly, you’re not either.
But you refuse to keep burdening your aunt and you know it’s putting a strain on her  having two more mouths and more of a mess to keep up with. You help as much as you can. And you really love being there, you just know that you need to stand on your own again.
“Okay, there’s a teeeny flaw with the place.”
“I’m not liking it already.” Robin’s shaking her head, taking a sip of her  soda after she’s opened the tab. 
“It’s over that bar on the way out of town. The owner.. He uh.. He came in to the office for a consult and he mentioned that he was going to open up the empty units and start renting them out. He told me if I did all my own repairs and stuff he’d knock it off the rent, too. And he’s only charging like… I think he said 400 a month for a two bedroom?”
“Absolutely not. Do you know how often the cops are called to that place? And Eddie’s band, they played there once, said there was a brawl in the middle of their set so bad that an ambulance had to be called.”
Barb speaks up. “Wasn’t Steve looking at a place, Robbie? And it’s near the school. It’s one of the two that the guy who owns the Post just opened up and completely remodeled.”
You give both of them a playful dirty look. “Mhm, like it’s not obvious what you’re getting at.” you laugh as you finish off your Frosty. “I’d fold like a deck of cards if I had to live with him.” you’re doing it again, staring at him openly as you fan yourself with a stack of napkins. “And it’s not even like.. Okay, he’s fucking gorgeous, don’t get me wrong. But that’s not even why I fell in the first place.” you nod to the way he’s waiting on Stevie at the end of the big spiral shaped slide on the playset, “Its the way he is with her. It’s the way he treats everybody.. Like.. I can’t explain it but god, it just turns me on.”
“Because he’s a good guy. He has changed a lot since high school. But anyway, why not look at the place Steve is looking at? You guys are getting to know each other and you’ve gotten to be really good friends.” Barb’s looking at you, giving you a smirk that only makes you stick out your tongue at her. “I just told you why, B! If I live with that man, I will fold like laundry.”
“That’s kind of why she suggested it. One of you needs to, jesus.. The tension is getting to the rest of us outside the little bubble the three of you have formed lately…” Robin laughs and shakes her head. “So stubborn. Why keep fighting it? What if it ends up being amazing? I mean, you said it yourself. He’s good with her. He’s good to you.. To everyone, actually. Why not just go for it?”
“What if it completely blows up though?” you counter, biting your lip. “I can’t.. I won’t put her through what Jenna put me through.”
“Speaking of.. She called last night. I dunno what she said to Mom but Mom exploded. It was great. She told her she was the worst mother to ever exist and hung up. Told her to call back when it wasn’t about something she wanted or something she needed.”
“She didn’t even ask about Stevie.” you guess, frowning and rolling your eyes when Robin’s look confirms it. You shrug. “It’s her loss. We’re fine without her.”
“Definitely.” Robin agrees, reaching out to steal some of the fries you have left.
“Will you guys just come with me to look at the place? Please?” you ask them both, giving them a pleading look.
“Fine.. But I’m not gonna like it.”
“And I agree with her.”
You laugh and slip off the bench, making your way over to where Steve and Stevie are by the swings again. Stevie loves the swings. The day before, you brought her to the park and she refused to leave until she’d spent at least an hour swinging. An hour that you happily obliged because one day, she’ll be older and you already know that you’re going to miss this.
You take advantage of every little moment you’re allowed because they’re moments you won’t ever be able to get back.
“Daddy! Higher! My feet almost touch clouds!”
When she says it, she’s giggling. Her eyes squeezed shut against harsh afternoon sun. Smiling so big that it’s probably ten times brighter than the sun itself. Steve is frozen and at first, he doesn’t know how to respond.
All he knows is that when she calls him Daddy, he finds himself wishing that it wasn’t just an accidental slip-up. That he really was her father. Because that’d mean he got both of you, all to himself for the rest of your lives. If it were true, nothing would make him happier.
The swing comes back down, Steve catches it and brings it to a stop. "Higher, huh?" he laughs as he locks eyes with you because you're standing nearby, watching. He's gazing down at Stevie now and he chuckles. "Dunno if it's a good idea, scout." 
"Pwease?" She's begging and it's adorable. He still can't decide what to do about her calling him Daddy, so for the time being, selfish as it might be, maybe he just pretends that he is. And that she's his little girl, the two of you are his girls.
Everything feels better, he notices, when he pretends like it's true and he acts like it's true. He doesn't feel as alone until later on when he actually is alone and the realization sets in all over again.
A brunette nudges you in your side, nodding to Steve as he pushes your daughter in the swings.
"Hey." you turn your attention to her after calling out to Stevie not to hang the way she is off the swing. "Something you want?"
"Is Steve her father?"
You shake your head. Smile fading a little. One, because you're pretty sure her entire reason for asking has everything to do with her interest in Steve and this makes you just a little jealous and two, without even realizing it, you were kind of imagining what it might be like if things were totally different. If Steve was actually her father. If the two of you were together.
"She called him daddy. Just now." the brunette states. "Either he is or he isn't." and she's pretty sure he's no, after all they were close friends, there's no way he could've hidden something this massive from her and Tommy. And she likes to think he wouldn't have attempted it, either. But the little girl calling her best friend daddy did make 
"He isn't. Closest thing she's known t' one though."
"She looks like he did when we were all kids." and it hits Carol that she hasn't actually introduced herself yet. She laughs quietly and palms her face. "I'm Carol. Steve is an old friend. The two boys on the slide are mine." she points out her sons and you smile. Stevie is racing towards you and you drop, holding your arms out for her as Steve jogs over behind her, laughing. 
Carol watches as you scoop up the little girl and cover her face in noisy kisses. Steve is staring at you, oh you can bet she picks right up on that. And she's thinking about the way you were all soft eyed and staring as he pushed the cute little girl on the swings just now.
,,this is what he deserves. He needs to find the confidence he had in high school and just go for it already because the air is so thick between them I cannot breathe." 
"Steve." she smiles, giving him a thumbs up as she nods to you and Stevie. Steve raises a brow because usually, Carol is nothing if not a harsh critic of anyone he dates or shows interest in and it only doubled down after things ended with Nancy.
"What's her name?"Carol's attention turns back to you and she's smiling. Curious, with the strong feeling that Steve is definitely falling hard and fast for you because he's gone into protective mode without even seeming to realize. She knows because he's stepped closer to you and Stevie as if to shield you both. 
"Stevie." you answer. She smiles, nodding towards the slides again. "Tommy and Hunter."
Carol makes her way over to the slide where her sons are and Steve gives you an apologetic smile. "She wasn't like…rude or anything, right?"
But you're distracted, between what she revealed to you about Stevie looking a lot like Steve and Carol revealing that Stevie called Steve daddy, you have a lot on your mind at the moment.
Steve repeats his question and you smile, you shake your head no. "No, she wasn't."
You're just wondering.. how did Steve react to your little girl calling him Daddy? 
And more importantly, how should you react to it?
"Yeah, I don't like this place." this is said by Steve who offered to come over and really look at the little two bedroom apartment you were told about earlier in the week. Robin speaks up next. "What is that smell?" and Barb asks the same question. "I'm agreeing with them."
"It's not that bad." You're wandering around the empty space. It's bigger and brighter than your old apartment. And considering it's over a bar, the floor is so thick that barely any noise seeps up through worn hardwood flooring. "It's bigger than the last one."
" I just don't think this is a good idea, __." Steve repeats. The door lock isn't the best but honestly, that's the least of the things he's noticed. He can tell you're determined but so is he. "There's other places, ___. Maybe we should look at em before you decide anything."
"Yeah, I'm going to agree with the dingus here."
"I'm agreeing with Robin. And Steve."
You're not entirely sold on the place either but you're determined to find something soon. You've never been the kind to wear out your welcome and you're just so used to doing everything alone that you don't know how to take help when it's offered.
Or this is what both Robin and your aunt keep telling you.
"Okay. Alright. I'll look a little more." you promise the three of them. Stevie stirs in your arms and buries her nose down in your neck. "Mama, somethin stink."
"We're leaving now, cupcake." you laugh softly. "Good. Smell make me wanna barf." she grumbles. “Don’t wanna live here cos it stinky. Like old cheese. Feet.”
All of you wander out, Robin and Barb getting into Barb's car and after you've fastened Stevie into her carseat, you get into the passenger seat of your Mustang. Steve's driving like he usually offers to whenever everyone goes out together lately and you decide to take your car. As he merges in traffic, he speaks up. "You'll find somethin better."
"Not at that price. And it's two bedrooms."
"There was a murder in the alley behind the place..this guy I know..Jim..he worked the scene. I think it was like..my junior year?"
"Oh. Yeah, I didn't know that."
"People don't talk about it a lot." Steve answers. "That place is dangerous. Just trust me."
You nod before you even realize you've done it. You, the headstrong and argumentative, stubborn one. You, the one who always does whatever she wants whenever she wants. And when you realize that you're just going along now, you're stunned to a state of silence. 
He pulls into the spot next to Barb's Volvo and kills the engine and nods to the car seat in your back seat. "She's out."
"She sleeps so well when she goes for a ride." you tell him as you quietly pull open your door. As you're unfastening her seatbelt, she looks up at you all groggy from her nap. "Wan' daddy t' carry me."
Your breath hangs and you're frozen. It was fine when she'd do this, call him that whenever it was just you two. You usually just gently remind her that she can't blurt it out and she needs to call him Steve or Mr.Steve. But she's just done it all over again right in front of him.
Steve is about to speak up and say something strictly because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable or anything, and he figures you're about to anyway. But then, instead of saying anything, you turn to him with an apologetic smile. "I keep telling her she can't do it when we're not alone, that you might not like it."
As he starts to realize what you're getting at, he's stunned speechless. The implication that she's done this before..that she does it a lot when it's just the two of you and the further implication that you're okay with it.. the smallest glimmer of hope is in bloom and the wheels are turning in his mind. 
"I got her." he reaches out to take Stevie and she wraps little arms around his neck and yawns because she's beginning to wake up. "Good nap, wasn't it?"
"Mhm." Stevie answers. "Now I sooooo hungry."she giggles. You gape at him. "How is it she's not a little grouch right now? She's a grouch waking up for me?"
Steve shrugs. Smirks a little as he pulls open the door to the diner just in time to come face to face with Nancy, Jonathan and Jonathan's friend Argyle as they come out with grease stained bags. Upon seeing him, Nancy is kind of frozen, definitely shocked to see Steve with a little girl in his arms and even more shocked that she's seeing just a hint of the side he opened up to her when they were together.
,, everyone kept telling me he met someone. They all said he was finally happy again. And that weird rumor that he had a kid and somehow nobody knew.. I can see why it started."
"Hey Steve."
"Nance. Hey. You haven't left yet?" and it's honestly no an act to make her think he's okay this time, this is what shocks him most. He's honestly just been so busy lately, he's been so preoccupied with fighting the nightmares, the mess Vecna left in his head when he was done with him and since the end of April, his feelings and the attachment he's forming with Stevie and you that honestly, he hasn't given her a whole lot of thought. Lately, he's given her none at all and when this hits him, he's more than a little shocked. 
"We leave next week.. Monday?" she looks to Jonathan as if she's not sure and he smiles and nods. "Yeah. Monday…hey, we're having a get together with everyone this weekend. You guys should come." Nancy looks from Steve to you as she says it. Her gaze lingers on you just a little longer. Taking in the way you’ve molded yourself right against Steve’s side and you’re standing just a little taller. As if to protect him.
Steve starts to say no. But between the tension you're picking up on and you'd die before admitting it, the slightest bit of jealousy and anger you feel upon meeting the ex girlfriend, you speak up before he gets a chance. "We can if you want to, Steve. It's up to you." you’re trying to act as a buffer. 
Pretending things between you and Steve are more serious. More intimate than they actually are all while coming to the realization that his ex girlfriend is a very good and clear reminder as to why he’d never willingly settle for you. Nancy’s beautiful and she’s got this good girl look about her. Not to mention, her life is together and yours, well.. You make yourself stop thinking too hard and picking yourself apart before you get too deep into doing it.
His brow raises. And he tells himself there's no way, you can't be jealous, but there's just something about the way you melt into his side just a little more..and of course, the tiniest hint of mischief in those beautiful eyes of yours as you look up to hold his gaze as you're doing it, as if you do it all the time. He chuckles. "We'll try, Nance. I'm not promising anything."
"Mama, can you take me to bathroom?" Stevie speaks up, reaching for you. "Wait for you inside?" you ask Steve, glad your daughter needs to use the bathroom because the more you stand there, the more you compare yourself to his ex. The more you tell yourself there's no way he'd just settle for you and your jealousy -as well as the knee jerk reaction it caused just now, are pointless.
You go in with Stevie and Steve is left to stand there. This is made further awkward when Jonathan steals a kiss before walking away to Argyle's van. This leaves the two of them alone.
Nancy laughs. 
"What?" Steve raises a brow.
"She really likes you. A lot. Robin said it was obvious but wow.." Nancy smiles up at him and keeps laughing, " You feel something too. Didn't almost dying teach you anything, Steve?"
Steve blows out a breath and shifts his feet. "Yeah."
"So do something! You could have your dream life. Don’t you want that?"
He nods.
She fluffs his hair and goes to step past him, pausing for a few seconds. "You'll be okay.. i.. I was worried about you after…you know.. I just want you to be happy. Like me." and with a smile, she's gone. Rushing over to the van just as the rain starts.’
 Steve lingers for a minute, trying to figure out where she came to the conclusion that you like him as much as she seemed to think. Mulling over the advice she gave that he didn't ask for.
You're sitting in the booth with Robin and Barb, feeding Stevie fries as you watch the two of them outside but try to make it seem as if you're not. And of course, Robin picks right up on it and clears her throat. You nod to them. "Yeah, if that's not a reminder of why I need to ignore the way I feel…" you muse as you take some fries for yourself. Barb and Robin share a look and then they're both looking at you.
"What? You see her! She's a knockout and she's got her life together."
"She really doesn't, though." Barb speaks up, laughing to herself. Robin agrees. "You need to stop ignoring it and do something about it. What happened, huh? You used to be the brave one?"
You laugh and roll your eyes. "Yeah, when it comes to dumb stuff. Emotional risks have never been my thing."
"The fact that you sit here so confidently convinced that he doesn't feel the same way when everyone knows that he does. I can't. You're the single most stubborn.." Robin laughs and Barb laughs with her, slipping fries out of the shared tray between them.
Steve wanders in and as he makes his way over to the table, Barb nudges Robin and leans in, whispering against her ear, "Okay, whatever Nance said to him… he's looking more like King Steve right now than he has in a really long time.."
"Maybe he's finally going to do something." Robin adds, nodding in agreement. Your breath hangs in your throat when instead of grabbing a chair and pulling it to the booth like usual, Steve seats himself in the space beside you. As his designer cologne envelopes you and your sides brush, you need to go pull yourself together. "I'll be right back."
You hurry to the bathroom and when Robin peeks in a few seconds later and sees you visibly flustered, trying to pull yourself together, she doubles over laughing and steps inside. "You okay?"
"I, uh… never better?" you're trying to pull yourself together because the way he looked at you when you locked eyes before you rushed in the restroom to cool down.. you can still feel it's effects. And the scent of his cologne surrounding you, the way he sat down and got as close to you as he could get.
It's all combined to do a number on you.
"You're in for it now." Robin muses,  giving you a smirk. She knows something you don't, of that, you're certain.
Robin shrugs. "Oh trust me. You'll figure it out. Especially if what I think is about to happen actually happens."
"Oh no.. no, because if I do that, you won't believe me."
"As a heart attack."
Your red Mustang pulls to a stop in the driveway of your aunt's trailer. Stevie is sleeping in the back, in her car seat and as Steve kills the engine and holds out your keys, he closes his hand around yours when you reach for them. Steps as close as he can and when he does, your breath promptly hangs in your throat.
"If Stevie calling you that earlier…if it bothers you.."
"It doesn't." Steve looks over at you, "does it bother you?" and for a few seconds, he's searching your face for something..any indication that Nancy..Robin, Dustin and even Billy, that they're all completely wrong.
He doesn't find that. Instead, what he actually finds is just enough for the flimsy bit of hope to grow just a little more because you're looking up at him and . You're unfastening Stevie from her car seat and he gets out, holding your aunt's front door open for you as you walk through with Stevie asleep on you. 
You can feel the air getting thicker. Something is different. It's not bad, only intense. So intense you almost feel like you can't breathe. 
,, I have to be imagining it. This is just wishful thinking because i want to let it happen so bad that it's driving me crazy." 
"You're sure it doesn't?" you question, tilting your head to look up at him and he chuckles quietly, shrugging as he answers, " I actually like it. If it bothered me at all, I swear I'd say something. Are you sure it doesn't bother you?" and then he steps closer. Pushes open the bedroom door for you as you step inside to put Stevie to sleep for the night. " It doesn't. If it did I would have stopped her the few times she's said it when it's just the two of us." you answer, looking up at him. Holding his gaze and God help you, squirming just a shade when it feels like he's looking deeper at you as he does the same. 
"See you tomorrow." he finally manages to pull himself out of his daze and the temptation to touch you is so strong that he clenches his hand at his side.
You fall back into the bed beside your sleeping daughter and take several very shaky deep breaths.
The whole drive across town to his parents empty house consists of him having the mother of all internal dilemmas. Instead of going home, he winds up at Dustin's house.
Dustin raises his window and gives Steve a concerned sleepy look. "Something wrong?"
Steve immediately starts the pacing as soon as he’s climbed through Dustin’s window. And rambling as he paces. And when Dustin figures out what's causing his best friend to pace a hole through his bedroom floor, he's snickering about it. 
" She does it like all the time, man. You're just noticing Stevie calls you daddy?"
"Today is the first time she's actually said it to me directly." Steve answers, gaping as Dustin's statement sinks in. "Wait..she's done it in front of you then?"
Dustin nods to the chair at his desk and Steve sinks down to sit. "Yeah. She actually started like..a week ago? Two, maybe?” Dustin yawns and smiles, falling silent for a few seconds before picking up where he left off, explaining the situation to Steve as Stevie explained it to him, “ This girl in her daycare group named Sadie has her convinced that if she picks her dad then whoever she picks automatically just..is. I tried t' talk to her but she's stubborn and she plugged her ears, started to hum. She said her mind was made up. That even if she couldn't tell you, she still knew and that was okay with her. She was afraid you might be mad so her saying it directly to you man.." Dustin pauses, rubs his eyes as he chuckles quietly, "That's huge."
Steve's chuckling too. "Yeah, the uh..the stubborn thing, that’s like 1000 percent her mom." he drags a hand through his hair. "I saw Nancy earlier. We talked. Well, she talked. I thought I'd have more to say but I didn't."
Dustin nods. Looks up at Steve in concern but Steve shrugs. "It's over. It's been over. I get it now."
"Okay, so what about ___?"
Steve rubs his chin as he thinks about it. He knows he can't keep fighting it, not with everything he's either accidentally overheard or he's figuring out only just now. He wants to fight. He wants to win.
"I'll figure it out. The uh.. the letting Stevie call me daddy thing though.. that won't mess her up, right?" and he wants to laugh at himself, he's asking a literal teenager for advice right now but…Dustin Henderson is the second person he trusts the most in the world. Robin Buckley is the other person and he's definitely going to bounce all of this off her tomorrow.
Because he's determined that this time..this time the ending he wants most in the world is absolutely going to stick.
"No? Why would it? Her father is some asshole who didn't even want her to be born, man. If anything, it's clearly for the best this way, Steve."
Steve nods quietly. "To not fucking this up, right?"
Dustin grins even brighter. "You're finally going to do something then?"
Steve takes a shaky breath and laughs quietly. "I think so, Dustin. I have t' try or I'm gonna lose my fucking mind."
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