#potato processing machine
ultronmachine · 1 year
frozen french fries production line|french fries making machine price|french fries machine for sale 
Frozen french fries production line is used for making french fries quickly. Three types heating methods: gas, electricity and both Wechat/whatsapp:+8613213203466
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Joyshine in 2023 Canton Fair|c|potato processing machine
#joyshine food machine #automatic french fries machine #automatic potato chips making machine 1. adopts SUS304 material 2. Capacity: 50kg/h-1t/h and offer customized service Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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cnyazhongmachinery · 1 year
fresh potato cutting french fries line in Netherlands|potato processing machine
Fresh potato processing line is used for making french fries easily and quickly. The process of making french fries: Potato washing machine-potato peeling machine-potato cutting machine|-french fries washing machine-french fries drying machine-french fries packaging machine Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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allroundvp · 9 months
Grading machines sort produce based on their size. Different types of produce require different grading machines. Therefore you can choose from a variety of grading equipment at Allround. We can even deliver a customized solution that perfectly fits the existing production line or deliver a complete production line, should you need one.
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economodefood · 1 year
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We offer a perfect solution for your potato chips production needs. Our state-of-the-art equipment is designed to make the process of creating delicious and high-quality potato chips as efficient and effortless as possible. Our fully automatic potato chips line includes a variety of machines that work together to produce a consistent and high-volume output of potato chips.
If you’re looking to start producing potato chips, or if you’re looking to upgrade your existing potato chips production line, our Automatic Chips Fryer is an ideal resolution. Contact us today to learn more about how our equipment can help you take your potato chip production to the next level!
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firegirl888101 · 11 months
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Insatiable Madness (6)
|Sagau Yandere Fatui Harbingers x Reader|
And so they remain in this world for longer than what they planned.
Reader is Gender Neutral!
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"What gave you the idea I can tell the future?" You scoffed.
"That doesn't matter! Tell me, do I become the strongest? Does Lord Capitano finally recognise my strength and duel me?" He answered.
"How am I supposed to know? The game isn't even finished, you psychopath!"
"It can't be that far away that even you don't know." He scoffed.
"It's not a question of how far in the future it is, it's whether I can actually answer it or not that matters!"
"Oh, so you do know but you just can't tell me because it would mess with the future! I see..." He muttered to himself.
That is not what I meant.
"Tartaglia leave the poor Decider alone. We've tormented them enough." Pulcinella scolded, prodding his walking stick at the ginger.
"But I need to know!--"
"-And you will learn what you want later, when The Tsaritsa has finished her plans with them." He scolded.
"Come on, boy, I thought I taught you better than this."
"Dottore what is taking so long!? I was promised we wouldn't stay here much longer." Sandrone raised her voice.
Why is that cosplayer so pissy? It's not like she can actually 'traverse back to Teyvat' like she says she can.
"I'm not sure, let me redo my calculations." He replied.
All Sandrone did was groan in response. "Fine! You do your calculations, I'm taking The Decider with me."
"Don't stray too far!" Columbina waved, giggling at The Doctor's increasing speed in shuffling his papers.
You felt her grab you by your restraints and drag you with her, she seemed to be heading behind the counter.
"Now that I have your undivided attention," She coughed into her hand. "Educate me about these beautiful machines this place has!"
"I have never seen machinery so big and so seemingly illustrious in my lifetime! You simply must report to me which genius created such pleasing creations."
Careful there Sandrone, out of context it sounds like you're describing something else...
"Well..." How were you supposed to explain them? You didn't know how they work, you've never worked a day in your life! You're just a college student with barely passable grades.
"I don't want any hesitancy. Speak now." She glared.
"Uh... This one! This one is used for frying things, the things being chips... They're more commonly known as fries though."
"Ah, I see... And I suppose the liquid in this 'basin' is oil?" She questioned, tracing her hand on the metal.
"It's not a basin, that would be in a bathroom... But yes, it is. I also advise that you don't touch it, it's most likely still hot. Not that I'd mind it burning you..."
"What did you say, you unrisable creature?" She spat, turning to you with a blank gaze.
"Nothing, Sandrone." You sighed. "Now that I answered your question, will you answer one of mine?"
"Of course not. It's also 'Lady Sandrone' to you." She smiled, turning back to the oil with a look of interest.
"So... how does one make and then 'fry' these 'chips' in this machine?"
"Would you like the basics or the very start of the process?" You sighed, you really didn't want to explain that you cut a potato and then clean and so on.
"The very start, just who do you take me for?"
Fantastic. You shouldn't really be picky in this type of situation though.
"You take a potato, clean it then cut it into strips..."
"Important! Thin or thick strips? What's the exact diameter? The length?"
"It depends what type of chips you want, as typical fast food chain's ones are thin like fries they're quite thin and short. Those who get long ones are said to be the luckiest." You explained to her, as she writes everything down on a piece of paper.
"And the diameter?"
"You don't need a specific size, as long as they're somewhat equal they're fine. They're going to be eaten anyway, I don't see why you're making such a big fuss."
She stayed quiet for a moment. "I want them to be perfect."
Nothing is perfect but if I said that she'd get even more pissed off.
"Next, you take your clean cut chips and put them in this basket. You then place the basket with chips in the oil and wait for a certain amount of time for them to cook."
"For how long?" She questioned. "I don't know? I've never personally used one before, I'm just saying what I've seen others do."
...and by 'seen what others do', you mean impatiently peering behind the front desk to see what the workers are up to.
"Useless, and here I thought you were becoming convenient for me." Sandrone scoffed.
"Well, the chips are supposed to be a golden colour so I think that's context enough..." You mumbled.
"And then what? Surely there is more."
"Not really, once they're cooked you put salt on them then eat. Some like to eat them straight away, but I like to add sauce sometimes."
"Excellent, I have written every word of your explanation down. As you provided the least minimal detail possible, you will show me a clear and explained demonstration." She scolded.
"I'm sorry, you want me to use one of these machines to help you with your notes?"
"Precisely." She nodded to herself.
"No." You answered shortly. "I have no idea how to operate one of these machines, what if I set fire to the building?"
That's a bit dramatic, but you don't want to embarrass yourself. Besides, a fire could count as arson and you weren't willing to potentially get yourself to prison with the rest of these lunatics.
"I suppose that is anxiety raising. Especially when I've been ordered to stay out of public eye..." She sighed to herself.
"What a dilemna this situation is. I'll have to take the machine apart and rebuild it once I return to my lab. You will aid me in my endeavour, won't you?" She glared.
She's good at staying in character. It's freaking me out.
"S-Sure..." You stuttered in fear.
"Excellent." She smiled at you once more.
Suddenly, lots of cars could be heard from outside the building. You could tell they were fast as the sounds left as soon as they came.
Oh, please tell me that's help!
"What was--"
"Marionette, bring The Decider now!" Dottore shouted from the other room. "We need to get out of here, they alerted their own soldiers!"
"You did what while under my merciful eye?" She turned to you.
"Sandrone, there's no time to be mad! Get your puppeteering arse over here right now!"
She dragged you to the rest of the harbingers, who all gave you nasty glares.
"What did you do!?" Signora screamed in your face.
"I called the authorities to arrest you nutcases! You're all delusional and high in the fucking sky if you think you're the actual Fatui Harbingers from a fictional game!"
"Did it ever occur to you that you are currently being held hostage by multiple enemies of yours? You have courage to do such a thing while captured by us." Capitano praises.
"We have circled the entire building! Give the hostage and we will arrest peacefully!" An officer yelled from the front entrance.
Finally! I thought they'd never arrive.
"Dottore what do we do?" Arlecchino shouts at him. "Let's just kill them all again, it worked before didn't it?" Childe grinned.
"Not this time, Tartaglia. Even if we disposed of these soldiers, I am positive more would soon arrive." Capitano stated, unmoving unlike most harbingers.
"So you're saying even if we take care of them, we'll still be outnumbered."
"They're not soldiers, idiots. They're police officers who work for justice." You spat at them.
They all looked at you, silently telling you to shut up then turned back to eachother.
"Listen to me, as I'll only suggest this once." Signora thought outloud. "I'll freeze them with my cryo delusion, then we'll run to a safe place? As much as I'd hate to do that as I'm wearing heels, I believe it's our only option."
"I agree with Rosalyne," The old man coughed. "We need speed and tactiful thinking if we wish to leave this world."
"Signora, I've never known you to be so vague!" Childe laughed at her, looking at Pulcinella in hopes he'll laugh along with him.
"She's obviously talking about the park we entered this world in." Arlecchino scoffed at his behaviour.
"Then that is what we shall do." Pierro agreed.
Signora then pushed herself through the double doors calmly. You couldn't see what was happening due to Capitano covering your view, but you could hear screams and hysterical laughter.
"Please don't tell me she's killing them." You muttered, a look of repulsion present on your face.
"Did you even listen to her plan? She's not killing anyone." Sandrone rolled her eyes.
"I don't trust you, nor do I trust her."
"A wise decision on your part, but it doesn't aide your case of being kidnapped." Pierro answered for her.
"I'm aware of that, arsehole..." You whispered. "Pardon?" He glared.
"You know what? I've had enough of staying quiet. Fuck every single one of you! I hope that one day you breathe a vapes' cancerous flavour and your lungs dissolve at the second!"
"What's a vape?" Dottore turned to you.
"Okay, maybe I've been assuming too much, maybe you imported some illegal drugs from elsewhere? That's not the point though." You sighed.
"I feel better now that I got that out of my chest." You smiled to yourself, noticing Capitano giving you a blank stare through his mask in return.
"It certainly doesn't help you, but you do what you deem fit."
"Let's move!" Signora's voice could faintly be heard from outside, the harbingers one by one leaving the building through the doors.
"Apologies." Capitano coughed into his hand, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
"Hey! I can walk myself, you tied my wrists together not my ankles!" You argued to him.
"Does it look like he wants you over your shoulder?" Scaramouche rolled his eyes, before realising something.
"Nevermind, you wouldn't be able to see." He laughed in your face, hitting your head which banged against Capitano's back.
"Dude! Careful, I don't want to be near his arse! Besides, I--"
You stopped yourself from talking when you managed to turn your head to the police officers outside. They looked in terrible condition, you thought Signora was being drugged up when she went on about her cryo delusion!
Seeing the police officers shout to each other as they struggle against the ice freezing them in place made you realise one very important thing.
These cosplayers... They're the real fucking deal.
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How do we feel about some bonding time with Sandrone? :>
I don't want the reader to be too quiet about their situation, but I just wanted to make it clear that they're afraid since they're aware of the current situation they're in. I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to write this but I suppose thats what practice is for...
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Please don't expect too many happy, nice and generally fluffy scenes.
This is Yandere, a genre which should never, under any circumstance be considered normal. It's abusive, unhealthy and leads to a lot of victims facing awful conditions which they never should or ever have to endure no matter who they are.
This is fiction that I'm writing, meaning it's all taken light-heartedly IN A FICTIONAL SENSE.
If anyone, by chance, is currently in conditions where a loved-one or yourself has suddenly become distant and/or being hurt when away from eyes please get help. Talk to them, or if it's you, talk to someone you know you can trust.
If you can't talk to anyone, find authorities who can help you. Call 999, as it is in the U.K, or your local emergency service. They will always help you, and will never deny your rights or freedom.
Thanks for reading this, I hope all who's reading knows this information already, but I thought I'd include it since who knows when it comes to where you are in the world and whether your education programs taught critical information like this.
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✨Elusive✨ Taglist!:
@valeriele3 @pale-value @pix-stuff @yumi-genshin-writer @yuii-v @itz-luna @annoying-mary @etherisy @khalhaimdad @haikyuusboringassmanager @magica-ren @sweatyexpertdeputyduck @booksandteaplusart @9140 @whatamidoing89 @raesleepyhead @nasidibakar @shikanosn @purpleamethystsblog @chihawari @esthelily @stuffyfrenchflowers @conspicuous-mayonnaise @sielt @katsumikumo @greyhoundwires707 @carminerin @raidendeeznuts123 @angelofdarkness2
Quick Reminder Here! If you no longer want to be on the taglist that's completely fine; I take no offence whatsoever so please don't hesitate to tell me. ^^
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daisynik7 · 1 year
Give You Blue
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Chapter 1: How It Ends
Pairing: Eren x f!reader, Reiner x f!reader (past relationship)
cw: explicit sexual content/smut (brief flashback), language, angst, a breakup
Word Count: ~3.2k
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Give You Blue Masterlist | ao3 | Give You Blue Taglist
Summary: Reiner, your best friend since childhood and your high school sweetheart, breaks up with you the night before the new semester begins. With his car packed with both your belongings, the hour long drive back to campus the next day offers some clarity. Author's Notes: Excited to be writing a new series! I hope you all enjoy it. Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciate. Thank you so much!
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“I think we should break-up.”
It’s the last day of summer vacation, the night before you and Reiner head back to Stohess University for the start of a new schoolyear. You’ve been at his place all day, helping him pack his car, which is already halfway full of your own belongings. With the door to his bedroom wide open, you can hear his mom humming a familiar tune downstairs as she puts away the leftovers from tonight’s dinner. Her signature meatloaf and mashed potatoes, a favorite of yours and Reiner’s. It’s been this way since you were ten years old, when the two of you finally started eating real food instead of only candy, pizza rolls, and chicken nuggets. 
The words come out of his mouth low and monotone, an automated machine void of any emotions. That’s why you’re convinced it’s in your imagination, until he speaks again. “Coco, did you hear me?”
Coco. It’s the silly nickname he’s had for you since you were five, the first time you ever met on the school playground. You were in the same kindergarten class, but Reiner could not, for the life of him, remember your name for two whole weeks. What he does remember is you eating a homemade coconut macaroon every first recess of the day. And like a typically five-year-old boy, he picked on you for it, calling you Coconut even after he learned your name. Even after you became the best of friends. Eventually, it became Coco for short, and from there, it just stuck. You’re not sure if you ever liked it; maybe you only did because it was him calling you that. One of the many special secrets shared between you two throughout the years.
You turn towards him, a pair of his socks in hand, ready to roll and toss into his half empty luggage, unfazed. “Huh?” You’re prepared to hear him say something else, anything else.
He swallows hard, a serious expression on his face, glancing at his feet. “I think we should break-up.”
It takes you a good minute to process it. Three minutes, if you’re being completely honest. And he doesn’t rush you this time for a response, seeing you stare back at him, a deer in headlights, seconds before getting hit and crushed under the weight of a semi-truck. Because that’s how it feels when your boyfriend of four years and your best friend of even longer tells you that he thinks the two of you should break-up. 
You’re surprised at how long it takes for the tears to stream down your face. Everyone knows, Reiner included, how much of a sap you are. You cry easily over the most insignificant things – a car commercial, people playing with puppies, a sad scene in a movie. But this – this absolutely warrants all the tears you’ve cried over stupid shit like that. 
Reiner quickly closes the door and wraps his arms around you, lips pressed to your forehead. “Baby, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” His facial hair brushes against you, a sensation you’ve always found comforting. He was a late-bloomer, incapable of growing that rugged look all throughout high school. It was really only last year when he needed to pay more attention to it; grooming became part of his regular routine. Now, it’s harsh and coarse against smooth skin, an itch you want to scratch but can’t. Somehow, you keep your volume to a minimum, aware that Mrs. Braun is downstairs, blissfully ignorant to what’s happening above her. Through quiet, choked sobs, you ask, “Why?”
He sighs, a pained expression on his face now; he’s always hated seeing you cry. How much worse does he feel knowing he’s the cause of it? Leading you to the edge of the bed, he sits, and you follow. With your hand in his, he starts explaining himself. “We’ve been inseparable for so long; I just think we need to take some time to figure ourselves out. As individuals.” He’s practiced this before, you can tell. He usually sputters when he’s put on the spot. Not this time. He’s been thinking about this for a while, you realize, and it breaks your heart more. 
It’s hard for you to look at him as he speaks, so you stare at his lap, his hands holding yours delicately. When you don’t respond, he continues. “We’ve been friends forever, and I don’t want to lose that. I don’t. I just need to explore my horizons.”
In your mind, you replace the word horizons with options. He joined a frat last semester, which you can admit, worried you at first. He assured you nothing about him would change, and you believed him. Before your logic can stop you, you spit out, “So you’re trying to fuck some sorority girls, is that it?”
He clicks his tongue at you, disappointed. You’re better than this, you know this, and he does too. “C’mon. It’s not like that.” 
“Then what? Don’t bullshit me, Reiner. If you’re going to break-up with me, I deserve to know the truth.” It’s fighting words. You can’t help it when you’re defenseless like this. 
He hesitates before confessing, “I’m not in love with you anymore.”
It fucking hurts to hear. The one person you were so sure would never harm you, stabbing you in every vital point of your body. It’s betrayal, disappointment, and heartache all at once, and you’d give anything to turn back the clock and go back to even a few minutes ago, when you were happily folding his laundry. You’re speechless, a jumble of thoughts stuck in your throat, gagging you until it’s too hard to breathe and you’re gasping for air. There’s static noise surrounding your ear drums, and Reiner’s voice is so muffled that you can barely understand him. You reach around him for a pillow, burying your face in it to hide your cries. 
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry.” Baby. He still calls you that through a breakup. You’re his baby that he’s not in love with you anymore. It’s all so fucked up. Between anguished sobs, you ask, “What did I do wrong?”
He rambles on and on about how it’s not you it’s me. It was nothing you did, except in the back of your mind, you keep thinking why wasn’t I good enough? He strokes the back of your hand with his palm, his skin cracked and calloused from rock-climbing, one of his new favorite hobbies. You’ve been nagging him about using that special cream you bought for him, the one that’s supposed to help soothe skin with a tiny dollop. Did that annoy him? Is that the feather that tipped the scale? You can’t help but replay every single fucking thing you’ve ever said to him, every single thing you’ve ever done for him, trying to discern when and where it went downhill. 
You’ve always been best friends first, lovers second. You thought it was special this way, that it means something more. Now, as you sit at the edge of the bed with him, listening to him talk in circles about how this isn’t your fault, you realize that maybe that’s what led to this. Better off as friends, nothing more. You were both sixteen when you decided to cross the line. At the time, it felt right. Looking back, maybe it was just convenient. Were the two of you doomed from that day on? 
“I’ll always love you, Coco.” He repeats it, hoping it’ll make you feel better. You hold your tongue, tempted to reply then why are you doing this? It’s a slap in the face when he says it. A consolation prize reminding you that you lost. 
At the end of the day, you can’t hate him. There’s too much history there. You’ve been through too much together, seen each other at your lowest points, held each other up at the highest. That kind of relationship is rare, a treasure too precious to throw away. But damn, you want to bury it in the darkest depths of the ocean right now. Hell, you want to sink down with it.  
There’s no yelling; you don’t have it in your heart to scream at him with his mother in the house with you. He probably planned it like this; he knows you too well. You don’t like making a scene, especially in front of Mrs. Braun, who’s basically another mother to you. 
You think back on the other night, in this very bedroom. His mom went out to dinner with some friends, leaving you two alone. Of course, you took the opportunity to fuck each other silly. He ate you out sloppily at the edge of the bed, kneeling before you on the carpet with your legs spread wide. Was he already considering the break-up in this moment? He must have. This kind of decision doesn’t just happen. As he bounced you on his cock, his usual tired eyes peering up at you with a small grin on his face, he said, “God, you’re perfect.” And when you came with his thumb on your clit, cock still buried deep in your pussy, he whispered, “I love you,” before he released inside you. He repeated it when you relaxed against his chest, bodies spent, chanting it while he caressed your back. I love you, I love you, I love you.
You sleep in his bed tonight. Instead of being cuddled in the middle, you roll the farthest you can, turning your back to face away from him. He does the same.
“Are you still awake?” he whispers, barely audible. You don’t respond. 
You hear him exhale. “I’m sorry.”
Several minutes later, he stops stirring and his soft snores fill the quiet. Eventually, you fall asleep too, wiping your tears on the pillowcase.  
The next morning, you pretend that everything is normal at breakfast. Mrs. Braun prepares a feast, as usual, before you make the journey back to school. She remains ignorant to the fact that you and Reiner are no longer a couple. He mentioned it last night, how he doesn’t want his mom to worry, that it’s not the right time to break the news to her. Honestly, he’s too scared to confront it, knowing for a fact how big of a deal this will be to his family. You two are practically married in their eyes. Well, were.
You do your best to act like your cheery self, despite being close to dead inside. Reiner gives you nervous glances here and there, afraid you’ll explode any second. You keep your cool, though, making conversation with Mrs. Braun, feigning excitement for the upcoming semester. Laughing along to jokes about how Reiner should be more focused on his studies and less on the frat parties. Ha ha ha.
Around noon, with the car fully packed with yours and Reiner’s possessions, you bid farewell to his mom. She gives you a warm embrace, squeezing you extra hard. “Take care of yourself, dear. And take care of Reiner too. Love you.” It takes all the strength you have left in your feeble body to not sob on the spot, so you quickly return the sentiment and walk to the passenger side, closing the door shut, burying your face in your palms. A few moments later, Reiner joins you in the driver’s seat, one more wave to his mother before starting the car and driving away. 
It's silent for the first five minutes, you wiping your tears with your sleeves, him changing the song every three seconds on his playlist to preoccupy himself. He finally picks a song, a familiar one that you know all too well. It brings back memories of the summer right after you graduated high school. The melody synonymous with weekly road trips to the beach or warm nights staying in, watching a movie marathon in bed. A bowl of popcorn on your lap, his arm wrapped around your shoulder. His face nuzzling your ear, lips nipping at your lobe. Soft touches leading to rough sex, with your mouth biting the pillow to muffle your moans as he pumps his cock into you. The cuddling afterwards, him whispering that he loves you, and that he’s so happy that you’re both going to the same college. Because he wants nothing more than to stay with you, to be with you, for the rest of your lives. 
You can’t take it anymore. Before you realize, you reach over to shut off the radio, the silence louder than the music that was playing. He glances at you, mouth agape like he wants to yell, but he doesn’t. He focuses his attention on the road again, taking a deep breath before saying, “You could have asked me to change the song.”
You cross your arms over your chest, leaning your head against the window, watching the blur of buildings pass as you approach the freeway. “Every song on this playlist reminds me of you. Of us.”
He pauses, unsure how to respond. “I’m sorry.”
You’re sick of hearing it, but you don’t tell him that. Instead, you ask, “When did you know?”
“Know what?”
“That you wanted to break up.” After having a night to let it sink it, you’re ready to talk about it. At least, you think you are. 
He thinks carefully, knuckles tight on the wheel, brow knit. You wait patiently for his answer, growing more afraid of whatever harsh truth he’s about to drop on you. “It’s been on my mind all summer, if I’m being completely honest.” 
Never mind; maybe you’re not ready for this. Still, you let curiosity get the best of you. You swallow back the quiver in your throat, tears welling in your eyes again. “Why did you start thinking about it?”
He sighs, clearly uncomfortable. “Are you sure you want to hear this? I thought I already told you yesterday. It’s not you, it’s me.”
You can’t help but chuckle at the cliché. “I’d rather hear the truth than hear that bullshit again.”
He bites his lower lip, inhaling deeply through his nose. “I guess I started to think about how you and I have been together forever. Basically our whole lives. We don’t really know what’s it like to not be with each other.” 
“And that’s bad?”
He shakes his head. “It’s not bad. It’s just…college is supposed to be about experiencing new things, right? Stepping outside our comfort zone. I don’t know if we can do that if we’re together. We rely on each other so much; we’ll never be able to explore the real world.”
You continue to stare out the window, watching as you zoom past the other cars on the street. Reiner has always been a fast driver, foot heavy on the gas pedal, raring to go past the speed limit for that tiny rush of adrenaline. You, on the other hand, are safe, never willing to push the boundaries, even for a fleeting moment. Maybe this type of mentality goes beyond the steering wheel. 
After a moment, he asks, “Haven’t you ever been curious?”
“Of what?”
“What it would be like to date other people?”
It’s your turn to bite your lip, contemplating the question. In all honestly, you’ve never pictured yourself with anyone else besides Reiner. He wasn’t perfect by any means, and neither were you. But when you pour your heart and soul into one person for years, it’s difficult to imagine repeating that process with someone else. 
You choose your words carefully. “I never thought about it, no. But I…I guess I can see where you’re coming from.” 
He doesn’t respond to that. You can’t tell from his expression if he’s relieved or concerned. Minutes pass before he speaks again. 
“You’re still my best friend, Coco. I hope you know that.”
You bite down on your lip harder, hoping the subtle pain distracts you from the influx of tears gathering in your eyes. Throat dense, tongue heavy, holding your breath because if you don’t, it’ll all come to a crumble. Before you lose it, you tap on the dial of the radio, turning it to increase the volume, not caring what song is playing anymore. Anything to get rid of the strained silence at the end of those words. For some reason, it hurts more than what he said last night. 
He doesn’t continue and neither do you, him studying the road, you gazing at the evanescent glimmer of the ocean as you cross the bridge. Officially leaving Marley and entering Paradis, halfway to Stohess University. It was your top choice when you first started applying for college, and it became Reiner’s, too. And when you both received your acceptance letters, you were thrilled, and so was he. So much so that he ordered matching sweatshirts from the online store, ecstatic to let all his friends and family know that the two of you were going to Stohess, together. That part of your life, although not that long ago, seems like a dream. You’re wide awake now and the gut-wrenching reality of it all is settling in. 
Finally on campus, you point him in the right direction towards your new dorm. He finds parking right in the front, reversing the car and backing into the spot. Turning off the ignition, he remains still, waiting for you. Without facing him, you announce, “I’m going to check in.”
He nods, looking down at his lap. “Okay. I’ll unload the car.”
After you check-in and receive your key, you make your way back to the Reiner, who’s already taken out most of your belongings from the trunk. 
“I’m on the first floor, so I can take it from here,” you tell him, grabbing one of your suitcases. 
“I’ll help you. It won’t take long.”
You don’t argue, swinging another bag over your shoulder and leading him to Room 104. You unlock the door, relieved that it’s still empty. Not ready to face Annie, your roommate, just yet. Reiner helps move your heaviest items, the mini fridge and a box of clothes and shoes. When everything has been pushed into the room, you both stand around, hands on your hips, waiting for the other to speak first. 
“Thanks for your help,” you start. “I really appreciate it.”
“Yeah, of course.”
“I’ll help you with your stuff now,” you offer, grabbing your keys from the desk.
“No, it’s okay. I’m sure there will be some brothers there to help me.” He’s moving into the frat house on Greek Row, a few minutes’ walk from the sophomore’s dorms. Last year, the two of you lived in the same building, one floor apart from each other. It seems symbolic the way you’re separated this year.
“Anyways, I should get going,” he says, running his fingers through his hair. 
“Sure.” You consider stalling by asking him to help you unpack, but you decide not to. 
He looks at you, sadness in his eyes. For the first time all day, you finally meet his gaze, the lump in your throat returning. Stepping towards you, arms out, he embraces you, wrapping you snug in one of his signature bear hugs. “I love you, Coco. I really do. This is just something I have to do.”
You keep your arms to your side, nestling your face into his chest, memorizing the familiar scent of his t-shirt, tears soaking through the fabric. If you return his embrace, you’re certain you won’t want to let him go.
He kisses you on top of the head, giving you one last squeeze. Then, without another word, he walks out of your room, leaving you alone. 
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Taglist: @batafuraikisu @bloompompom @monirei @filunara @katestrophes @ichinosejager13 @hoperenae @zellskz @e-ayyy @liliorsstuff-blog
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My "Batter" Half
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A/N: Written for @tsukimefuku's foodies and goodies challenge. Coming out of a bit of a writing slump with everything going on atm, so I hope this doesn't disappoint.
Pairing: Nanami x Fem! Reader (Desi reader coded)
Rating: E, safe, fluffy, cute
Word Count: 897
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Nanami sits on one of the barstools at your kitchen’s island watching you bustle around getting all the grains the recipe called for. 
“Sweetie, I only asked if it was possible sometime this week. You don’t have to make it for me right away.” 
You shush him, pushing your hair out of the way as you measure the Sona Masoori rice, flat rice, and fenugreek, throwing them all into a large baking bowl and hefting the bowl towards the sink, adding in enough water so that a thin layer covered all of it. You cover the bowl with saran wrap and place it away on the countertop. 
There was no question that you loved cooking for Nanami, but something in you glowed when he asked for South Indian food. There was a regular rotation in what the pair of you cooked but when he asked for masala dosa, you melted inside, all of your senses kicking into high gear to feed him what he craved. It was comfort food for you growing up, and it meant the world to you that he had grown to love it too. 
He knew the effort it took, an almost 2-day process just to make the batter, so he didn’t normally ask for it. The first step was done, letting the grains ferment overnight in water. You wash your hands and join him at the island. 
“It’s no trouble at all Kento. Anything for you.” You rest your head against his shoulder, a soft sigh emanating from him as he puts an arm around you. “Hopefully it’ll be all nice and soft tomorrow. Then I’ll run it through the grinder to make the batter and it’ll have to sit overnight in the oven, so don’t plan on baking anything tomorrow.”
He chuckles, the soft vibrations felt against your hair. “Roger that. But you still didn’t have to get started so immediately.”
“You rarely ask for anything. I couldn’t resist.” You press a kiss to his cheek. “Let’s go to bed.”
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
The next day morning, you check the bowl, pleased to see all the components have fluffed up and taken in as much water as they could. You begin to set up the little grinder that would change the grains into batter, carefully placing the rod mechanism attached to two 5-pound stones into the apparatus. Once in place, you switch it on, and carefully begin adding the grain mixture in between the two stones, adding water to help it along and adjust the thickness. Once all the rice has been put into the contraption, you sit and wait, watching the batter form, checking it for smoothness and ensuring the grain wasn’t clustering into lumps. 
You salt the mixture well and then cover it again with saran wrap, then place it inside the oven, where the added humidity would help the batter thicken and rise, making for the fluffiest dosas. 
Kento wanders downstairs, ready for work in a crisp shirt and tie, eyes taking in the scene in the kitchen. “Someone was up early today,” he observes as you start disassembling the grinding machine. You give him a pleased smile and carefully set the heavy stones back into the box they belonged in. 
“Had to. The earlier I start the process, the quicker it’ll ferment. Who knows, maybe even by tonight if we get lucky.”
Nanami smiles tenderly and pulls you into a hug. “Whenever honey. I’m just glad you took the time to make it.”
You kiss him tenderly before he leaves for work.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
The day has finally arrived. You check the oven and almost giggle from the delight of seeing the fluffy batter resting in the large bowl. It was ready.
As Nanami slept in, a rare luxury he could only afford on weekends, you begin prepping the dosa filling, throwing the potatoes into a pressure cooker, while chopping onions into half-circles. Once the pressure cooker whistles 3 times, you take it off the flame, waiting for it to cool, before mashing the potatoes. Deftly, you heat the oil in a large wok, tossing in mustard seeds, green chilies, and black lentils for tempering. Once they start to sizzle, you throw a few curry leaves on top, the pleasant crackle bringing a smile to your lips.
The onions and potatoes are tossed into the wok and mixed with a pinch of turmeric, and some cilantro. A fragrant scent fills the kitchen as you set it aside and get ready to make the dosa. A ladle dipped into the fluffy batter, then spread thinly on a greased pan, going in concentric circles from the middle until it starts to heat up and harden, becoming crisp. You scoop some of the onion potato filling and place it in the center, allowing the dosa to harden a little longer before folding it in half and placing it on a plate. 
You’re about to start the second one when Nanami wanders into the kitchen, still in his pajamas. 
“My nose woke me up,” he says good-naturedly, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
You sigh contentedly, laying down the batter for the next one as Nanami breaks off a piece of dosa and tucks into the filling. He chews and swallows, savoring the spice.
“Delicious,” he whispers, and your heart swells with joy, his appreciation the only thing you needed. 
Nanami masterlist | JJK Masterlist
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Stars divider by @/ saradika. Support banner by @/ cafekitsune
@estarlias @daswanj @whatshernameis @byul9158 @mirrors-musings @Mangiswig
@that-goth-bisexual @connorsui @jadedjane @darkstarlight82 @soft--cherry @galactict3a @hunnie-lily
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beeoftheanxieties · 10 months
Žlikrofi recipe
For all the international baby boos that want to try and make them <3
(I am not responsible for the successes or failures of your žlikrofi attempts)
So, I made them today, after a very long time. Got some useful pics for illustration, especially on how to make the shape. Used this recipe, so you'll get an adapted translation of it.
For the dough:
300 grams of flour
2-3 eggs
Mix the salt, flour and eggs to make the dough. I usually mix the flour and salt in a bowl, before creating a little dip in the center in which I then mix the eggs with a fork, gradually adding flour. If you find it a bit too dry, add some water. You should be left with dough that is slightly softer than that for pasta. Cover it with oil and let it rest, preferably in the fridge, while you make the filling.
The filling:
500 grams of potatoes
50 grams of pig lard
one onion
spices (salt, pepper, chives and majoram)
Boil the potatoes whole without peeling them (about 30 minutes). Once done, peel them and mash them. As it cools, saute your onions on the pig lard, until it softens. Add the lard and onions to the potatoes and mix. Cut in chives and add other spices.
Roll the potato fill into balls roughly the size of hazelnuts. This will take a while, so I recommend you listen to the entire Joker Out discography while you do it (also when you are making the actual žlikrofi themselves).
Once your balls are prepared, roll out your dough to a thickness of about 2mm (I literally use a pasta machine for this). Now comes the shaping!
Place your balls on the dough, so there is a 1 finger distance between them, like so:
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Then place the dough over the balls and press down on the spaces between them (the recipe called for me to put some eggwash between the balls as well, but they close without it too). Also cut off any excess dough, your žlikrofi should be of a square shape:
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Cut on the dips and place your žlikrof, so the seam is facing down. Gently press on the top, to create its typical shape:
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This process will take a while, I managed to listen to Joker Out's entire discography while making them. But they look very pretty they turned out :3.
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To cook them, throw them in some boiling water and cook for about five minutes, or until they come back to the top. Usually, they're eaten with goulash, but you can put pretty much any sauce over them and they will pop.
So go on now, make Bojan, or whoever said that you should try them proud!
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ultronmachine · 2 years
potato wedges cutter price | potato wedges cutting machine | potato wedg...
Our machines are made of SUS 304 stainless steel which is safe and durable, and can be used for long time. It is suitable for processing various kinds of root vegetables such as potato, carrot, radish, cassava, beetroot, yam, taro, ginger, sweet potato, etc. It can cut raw material into 4,6,8 wedges. We are the top manufacturer of food machinery. Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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500kgh french fries prodction line in Angola| french fries making machine | french fries machine
Capacity:50kg/h-1t/h Machine material:SUS304 Raw material: fresh potato https://hnjoyshine.com/products/Fully-Automatic-French-fries-Production-Line.html Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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cnyazhongmachinery · 1 year
500kgh french fries plant cost in Angola | french fries production line| french fries machine
Capacity:50kg/h-1t/h Machine material:SUS304 Raw material: fresh potato https://www.cnyazhong.com/products/Semi-Automatic-French-Fries-Potato-Chips-Production-Line.html Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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allroundvp · 10 months
The Allround Shake grader is designed to grade potatoes according to the square size. The potatoes are fed to the top of the machine on to the top sieve. The sieves in the machine shake in sequential frequencies, which causes the potatoes to move along on the sieves.
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wenevergotusedtoegypt · 2 months
What are Chabat pesach customs?
Assuming that this is in reference to the post about the Facebook group and therefore specifically about food customs:
We only eat handmade shmura matzah, not machine-made matzah
We don’t eat gebrokts (matzah that has gotten wet) except on the 8th day, so nothing made with matzah meal or other ways of incorporating matzah into a recipe with other ingredients.
We don’t eat processed foods because even if it’s certified for Pesach, we want to be completely sure we know what’s in our food on Pesach. What exactly “processed” means varies from family to family. It’s pretty typical that people will rely on matzah they didn’t personally make, store-bought wine, and olive oil. But some families bake their own matzah, make their own wine, and use shmaltz rather than oil. Some will use store-bought potato starch. Some will eat certain unflavored dairy items, some only give those to little kids, and some won’t have them at all for anyone. Many people will buy processed snacks like potato chips for little kids but older kids and adults won’t eat them.
Other than romaine lettuce, which we use for maror, we only eat fruits and vegetables that can be peeled.
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wh3nturtlesfly · 5 months
Thanks for the tag @crow-with-a-typewriter ! Also saw Farewell Wanderlust for your song, I love the Amazing Devil, such a good band!!
Rules: Tag 10 or more people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: Single, though actively in the process of trying to change that…
Favorite color: Green all the way! Not the muted kind, but more deep greens like emerald or just like the nice plant green. It’s really soothing to me, and I find the deeper greens to be so pretty
Song stuck in my head: Dream Girl Evil by Florence and the machine, something about it always makes me remember how much I love music, especially the kind that makes me want to scream in a good way
Favorite food: Potatoes of any form
Last song I listened to: Touch by The Vanished People
Dream trip: Ireland or Scotland, I feel it’d be a super pretty place to write
Last show/movie: Yellowjackets
Spicy sweet or savory: Savory
Last thing I googled: Winter Coat Capes, they’re so pretty and I want to make one so bad!!!
And some others I’d love to learn more about! No pressure at all, hope you have wonderful days :)
@dontmindmeoverthere @2soulscollide @pens-swords-stuff @meowthefluffy @deckofaces @camillenrose @writingwithfolklore @saltydumplings @random-writing-thoughts @marsspages
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cosmic-d1ce · 1 year
cute concept of phil and missa intimately dancing together post-prison break as a way to quietly reconnect and still be close to one another without the weighing need of conversation, just the others presence and while they're having their moment, they hear crashing sounds coming from the side and see chayanne messing with the machine ramon had put for the potato farm. missa yells in worry and immediate runs to him (not mentioning how they were busy) but phil just adores the way his kid was causing issues as it makes him feel just at home, constantly having things needing to be fixed and someone to watch over to make sure they don't falter in the process - 💿
Phil being able to let Missa touch him after so long spent being afraid of it. Finally being able to spend this time with his family and feel safe. When Missa holds him, it's not a threat. After so long of having pain as a "comfort" he finally has a soft touch to lean into
And when Chayanne wreaks havoc and Missa rushes to help, he feels at home. Phil had no idea he would miss this. The simple chaos that Chayanne brought, Missa's endless worry. Missa was far from the strongest protector, but he was a protector nonetheless. Not only for Chayanne, but Phil too
And even if Phil hates to be seen as weak and treated like he's incapable, he knows that's not Missa's intent. Missa doesn't think he's weak, he just wants him to be happy. They protect each other. They're a family
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