#friendly lab
everythingblreview · 11 months
Friendly lab- unlock ()- Review (and walkthrough)
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Friendly lab was one of the bl games I was looking forward the most since announcement, not only because I like the art-style but also because it’s by Tennenouji and I love Tennenouji. It was first release for mobile and now finally for PC too, unlike the mobile version the PC version is R18+ I only played the PC version because I don’t like mobile games, so everything that’s mobile only content only, won’t be discussed here.
The first part of the review will be spoiler-free and will include a walkthrough (kinda) and general help, as well as an explanation of the game since it’s rather complex. The second part will be me pretty much explaining everything that happened in the ending and how I feel about it. So let’s start~
This is as R18+ as it gets
Story and gameplay.
The gameplay is very simple to explain, you are doing “friendly” experiences on the 2 subject Nishi (left) and Higashi (right). Both wake up together in an empty room and don’t have any memory who they are and how they got here, all they know they are stuck together in a room and someone (in this case you) are performing experiences on them. As you continue to play the two test subjects will remember more and more about their life. As you proceed you will find more and more keywords to their past. The goal here is to collect them all and unlock their memories in the span of 10 day. They are always in that room, the game’s text is only the dialogue of these two characters, there is no BMG since some of the experiments have music in them and there is also no voice acting (so you don’t hear them speak). Which sound maybe boring for some people, but I thought it was really interesting to play, partly because both characters are really well written and developed and you just enjoy spending time with them and learning about their past. The closer you get to the end of the 10 days the more intense the story gets and the more on edge you are, wondering what will happen next. The game goes from light-hearted and fun to dark and heavy in the span of the 10 days. Even if the experiences are considered “friendly” it doesn’t mean that their memories are too. There is some heavy stuff in the game which some may find disturbing and hard to swallow. So general warning here. I played all 10 day glued to my seat and ended it with pain in my heart, it hurts a lot but it was really good written.
For once I would like to mention that their names are translated in the English version, so Nishi is “West” and Higashi “East”, I’m not sure why they did it, sure that what their name means in Japanese, but I don’t see a reason to translate it. Since I played the Japanese version, I will use their Japanese names.
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Nishi always talks in polite Japanese, he looks kinda shady (according to the creator, which is true lol) but he is very kind, especially to Higashi. And from the very beginning it’s very obvious how deeply in love Nishi is with Higashi, he always comments how great Higashi is and how he loves to see Higashi make x face (basically every facial expression of Higashi) the more you play the more horny his comments get (lol). Despite being extremely horny for Higashi he has full control of himself and doesn’t do anything Higashi doesn’t want, he cherishes Higashi a lot and would always help him and even gives him his food, just to see him happy. He is very smart and loves to tell Higashi all kinds of random facts. Nishi is always smiling, and his sprite is always looking to the side so it looks like he is smiling at Higashi (hehe so cute). Normally I’m not into the polite type, but I love Nishi a lot, he is just so funny and cute and loves Higashi so much.
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Don’t get deceived by his cute face, he has a body builder body and would probably crush you in 0.2 seconds, but despite that Higashi is really cute, he has a somewhat childish attitude and loves aliens, he loves to play games and he draws if he feels like it (you can get him to draw pictures for you). Higashi doesn’t understand Nishi’s obvious flirting, he understands what Nishi is saying but he always thinks that since they are both boys it can’t be that Nishi is meaning it in such a way, but he enjoys being with Nishi and doing things with him. It's very obvious that he has some kind of trauma from his past and he often panics if he sees certain things, with Nishi always being there to comfort him. I love Higashi as much as Nishi, he is adorable and has a very cute happy smile, his past is very tragic and it hurt seeing him suffer so much, so I want him and Nishi just to be happy together.
Art & Music
As said before there is no music lol, but there is an opening which I really like.
The Cgs are drawn by queen Yura and are rather dark and lack colour, they have a very depressive vibe similar to some of the one in luckydog1+ bad egg, which I really really like. They fit the dark atmosphere of the game very well. There are some really cute CGs for Higashi and Nishi, but also a lot of disturbing CGs that are even hard to look at. Yura really did a fantastic job as always.
Short conclusion
Yes, the game is great, yes please play it and suffer with me. But if you can’t stand dark, heavy themes and see gore then I don’t recommend it, this is NOT a game for anyone who just wants to see some fluffy BL moments and cute romance, and also NOT a game for people who just want to see sex. There are, of course H-scenes in the game but, I can’t really say if watching them would make you happy. But if you’re fine with going through pain and suffer then I fully recommend it. 👍
Walkthrough and Gameplay explanation
(Short disclaimer, I don’t know how these things will be called in the English version, I just choose what I think fits best)
So, the main game is basically to find all the keywords in time before the 10 days are over. To unlock them you have to fill them out, like this
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You have to do experiment to find hints for the keywords. You can find keywords in the experiences that don’t have this symbol:
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You can select what experiments you want to do from these possibilities:
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From left to right: Spying, Meal, Special things, Incidents, Amusement, water thingy (will be unlocked if you ask questions), question, pictures (bath and sleep) are not important The most important part are Spying - Amusement and the pictures tab You have to choose Spying basically every second time. While you can get hints in the experiments only the spying option will unlock the keywords.  You don’t have to do all that the game offers you on the day but around 80% of the Spying part since you can’t watch them on the next day like with the experiments.
Important is also for Higashi to draw you pictures to unlock certain ends.
Another things which is important to get some cute Cgs between Higashi and Nishi is the “intimacy %”
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Fill it up to 100% before the day is over and you get some nice CGs (The day starts at 7:30 and ends at midnight when its bed time, at 6 p.m, it’s bath time until 6:30)
You also have the option to ask them question, this is more important for other ends than for the main endings. They sometimes will request things, if you fulfill their request in time, you can choice if you want some “happy gas” or “café au lait”. Give them several of one of these things and see what will happen. (You can only give them “happy gas” while they sleep, the café au lait is the “special things” tab at the very bottom)
There is also this water thing you have to fill to see “birth” fill it out if you have time and see what happens.
I recommend you to do reach one end no matter which, because the game will unlock a hint mode once you reach an end that can be used to get all ending in the game once you unlock hint mode for end 3 and finish it you can unlock hint mode for end 5, both helpful to complete the game.
Also another important thing: YOU CANT SAVE (meaning you have to restart from day 1 if you want to do different endings
General walkthrough (I stole it from the Japanese wiki lol)
Ending 1:  Follow hint mode for ending 3, don’t do 4-5 experiments that have keywords on the 10th day (I tried to get this end 2 times but failed, but apparently its an end that happens if you fail to collect all keyword in a specific way? But it’s not that important)
Ending 2: Follow the hint mode for ending 3 and choose to tell the true in the end.
Ending 3: Follow the hint mode for ending 3 and choose not to tell the true in the end. (you can get this end even without having to choose in the end)
Ending 4: finish end 3, follow hint mode for ending 3 and full the water thingy, the difference will happen after the ending 3.
Ending 5: Follow hint mode for ending 5 and do the the 5th black square experience.
Ending 6: Follow hint mode for ending 5 and do the the 5th black square experience but before you have to upload your game to version 1.5 or 1.6, you can do this by asking them question. (apparently the question with (↑) help with this but I not really sure because I also asked them just random question and it still worked. But you have to ask them a lot of question for it to work)
Ending 7: Follow hint mode for ending 3, use the “happy gas” 8 times (I don’t know if I recommend this end first or not, maybe it better to finish that in the beginning if you want to at least to enjoy the H-scenes? But you will be left with question, so keep that in mind)
Ending 8: Follow hint mode for ending 5, use the café au lait 8 times and give the 9th to Higashi, you also need to do the “a lump of ??? experiment.
Ending 9: Use the café au lait 8 times and give the 9th to Nishi, you also need to do the “a lump of ??? experiment, you need to finish ending 4
Ending 10: Follow hint mode for ending 5, do all the experiments with (★) in it, do as many experiments that raise the intimacy level as much as possible. (The one with the pink hand symbol)
Warning: If you want to play the game yourself don’t read the next part, the memory of the characters is the most important part of the game and the reason why its so interesting to play, I will talk about everything what happened in the game, only continue if you don’t plan on playing or really don’t care.
I will spoil it all, okay?
Before I played the game myself, I watched some videos of the mobile version online and really enjoyed it. It was fun to watch the characters react and although I heard form Japanese player that the game is sad, but I didn’t expect it to be, no not even bitter-sweet but a full on tragedy with no real happy end for neither of it’s characters.
Let me tell you in summary what things the memories of Higashi and Nishi will reveal. I don’t remember every single details since the memories are told in a not chronical order but I try.
In the game you mostly looking for Higashi’s memory because surprise Nishi remembers everything (explains why he has such an obvious crush in Higashi). The story basically start when Higashi was in elementary school his parents divorced and he chose to life with his mother, because Higashi really loves his mother a lot. In the first day of the experiments Higashi wants to escape so he can meet his mother again, but later we find out that his mother was actually murdered, of course Higashi wants to know why and who did it. But before the murder took place, his mother had a boyfriend after she separated from Higashi’s father, who was really controlling of her and abusing of Higashi (like with beating and all). Through the experiments we learn that Higashi was apparently tortured by various things like, burning his feet or giving him piss to drink. Baby Higashi had not a lot of friends in school and often was scared to go home. He even mentioned how a perfect day for him is a day when nothing bad happens. Because if his heavy trauma he has nightmares that he often draws pictures of (these are really scary to look at).   After Higashi remember that his murder was killed, he remembers how; she was poisoned by someone, someone who gave Higashi a present his mother eat and this was what had killed her. There is another important thing Higashi’s remembers that he had an important person who ones went to a summer firework festival. After Higashi came back from this summer festival his mother’s boyfriend got so mad and beat Higashi so extreme that this poor boy was in the hospital for 2 MONTHS ((T⌓T)), after release he was put in the children care center for one month but returned home later because he couldn’t leave his mother alone who was really bad at doing everything according to Higashi. His mother’s boyfriend was actually put in jail for that, which took place in the 6th year of elementary school, his mother was killed when he was in the 2nd year in middle school. All memories he had were only until the day his mother died, everything after was still in the dark.
So now to the important question, what about Nishi? What roles does he play? Well turns out Nishi and Higashi actually knew each other before, not only knew but they were actually best friend (༶ඬ༝ඬ༶) who played together all the time after Nishi moved to Higashi’s city. Nishi’s mother had a terrible accident that lead to her being heavy injured and even killed Nishi’s unborn sister, they moved to a bigger city to care for her, Nishi’ father is a man who works with Chinese medicine, I think? Nishi went to a different elementary school than Higashi but these two still spent a lot of time together. Nishi didn’t really go to middle school because he was always helping his father with work, who was home rarely. More important, Nishi was the one who Higashi went to the firework festival with (there is this really cute picture he draws of them as babies watching the fireworks (ಥ﹏ಥ)), and not only that but he actually lived a whole month with Nishi and his mother, after the abuse thing with his mother’s boyfriend.
On the 8th night (I think) before the go to sleep, Nishi tell Higashi he has something important to tell, and then he tell him how he was the one who actually killed his mother (Σ(°ロ°)) he used a toxic flower covered with chocolate which he knew his mother would eat because HE HAD GIVEN HER POISEN FOR THE PAST 3 YEARS (now that’s a twist… apparently she was sick in some way anyways so no one had noticed it before). Higashi flips and starts to strangle Nishi asking why he would do that but Nishi wants him first to remember everything, (Also, important to note that Higashi even though he is smaller, he is stronger than Nishi) so he stops and says that he doesn’t hate Nishi because he promised never to hate anyone ever again, he just feels very sad and wants to know why he did it. The following day Higashi remembers even more time he had spent with Nishi, but also remembers that Nishi’s mother actually died later which he really feels sad about because he really liked her a lot and wanted to meet her again. At night he once again starts to strangle Nishi wanting the reason for his mother’s death but stops because he gets some really weird flashbacks of Nishi.
On the last day you collect the last memories of Higashi and get more pictures from him (which play an important role actually). Higashi also remembers that he got a call right after he saw his mother die. Once the day is over Nishi and Higashi sit down to reveal the final missing puzzle. Everything from here was hard to swallow. It was Higashi’s mother’s birthday and Nishi gave Higashi the poisonous flower which he gave to his mother, which she ate and died. Shocked, Higashi gets a call from his Nishi with Nishi telling him that he was the one who killed her, Higashi is shocked and Nishi tells him to come over to his house so he can explain why. Hiagshi rushes over completely angry at him and attacks him, Nishi tell him that he want to listen to his last request but Higashi completely flips and starts to strangle Nishi until blood starts to drip from his eyes and mouth…………Higashi actually killed Nishi in that moment, he really died and Higashi remembers it now, the worst part is that Nishi knew it, he knew Higashi would kill him for it and he actually dug a hole in his garden so HIGASHI COULD BURY HIM(……I have no words). Nishsi actually left him a letter telling what to do once he killed him, but this is where it gets even worse, once Higashi realized he killed his best friend he completely loses it and begins to hit his head against something (don’t remember what exactly) until he CRUSHES HIS HEAD AND DIES. He literally committed suicide right there on spot, he died, Nishi died, they have been dead the whole time, that’s why Higashi couldn’t remember more because there was never a future to begin with. There were only 14 years old…. o(TヘTo) Hello darkness my old friend~
Nishi didn’t know that Higashi, too died on that day and is shocked to find it out. Once all of this is out you can choose if you want to tell Higashi the true or not
-If you don’t: Nishi will tell Higashi that he killed his mother because he wanted to free Higashi from her, because as long as she lived Higashi has to care for her and never can live the life he wanted. Then Nishi tells him since he now told Higashi everything, Higashi is free to kill him, but Higashi tells him that he won’t and that he still wants them to be best friends. The only question remains, if they died when they were 14, how are they alive, why do they look older now? (around 18, 19 ) Well, this question will probably never be answered, there is no full explanation who is behind this all, why are they alive, or are they even alive? It ends how it started with them in the room together.  (this is the end 3)
-If you do tell the true: Higashi will get a card and the only thing written on it is “Your mother abused you”, Yes Higashi’s mother was behind Higashi’s abuse, she did these horrible things to him not only her boyfriend, she burned his feet so he couldn’t go to school, she fed him rotten food and the piss. That’s the true reason Nishi killed her, because she abuse Higashi, but Higashi was so manipulated by her abuse that he still loved her. Once Higashi reads that he begins to remember, from the picture he drew what his mother did to him (that’s why they were important) but this is too much for him that he dies right in Nishi’s arm. Nishi follows right after. It seems Nishi knows that they can both died from that and the game hints that this experiment is constantly repeated, so they live and die in a circle. (ending 2)
Ending 2 & 3 are both like the true endings, yes this is all you get utter depression. I can’t with Nishi, he knew Higashi would kill him and yet he still couldn’t see him suffer from abuse, despite knowing the whole time he was dead he never was mad at Higashi ever he always looked at him with the most loving eyes, the love he had for Higashi was tragic, that ended in a tragedy for both of them. I can’t even be mad at Nishi or Higashi, I fully understand Nishi’s reasons and how can you be mad at Higashi for killing him when Nishi himself isn’t. Higashi was only a victim of abuse which led to all of this. If you finish the ending 3 you can read the letter Nishi wrote him before his death in the game start menu. In it it’s says how Nishi wants him to bury him in the garden and that he should go to the police after and how he saved money for Higashi so he can survive alone and there rest I will maybe know some day if I can stop crying while reading the letter………………….
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Also you don’t get any H-scenes not even a kiss, this is just a full on depression game. Yet I’m still fine with it, it was a beautiful written tragedy, I just wanted them to be happy (╥﹏╥)
Ending 1: Like said I never did it because I couldn’t get it for some reason, but it’s a fail end where you fail to find all of Higashi memories and Higashi doesn’t remember killing Nishi or dying himself and Nishi doesn’t know he died (is what Japanese people told me).
Ending 4: Its basically ends with ending 3 and then you see Higashi and Nishi being reborn in some tank or some shit? Is it a hint that they were born in a labor and they only have memories from their previous life? I don’t know…You can only get this end once.
Ending 5: The black square will swallow Nishi and cut off his bottom part and he dies in Higashi’s arm. (very bloody end)
Ending 6: Same experiment as for ending 5, but this time they can pass through the square and leave the room only to end up in?? good question, it looks like outside but there is no other person also a piece of meat falls from heaven…okay?
Ending 7: The horny end lol. You have to give them the “happy gas” and Higashi gets high and horny and starts to make out with Nishi in the first night and they gradually make more nsfw things which ends with sex at the 8th time. This is the only way to get anything sexual between them, yes by drugging. The sex scene was WILD, Nishi tells Higashi that he needs to tell him thanks you for killing his mother or he won’t do xxx so he does while they go for it….eh ok. This feels even weirder if you know that they are both dead.
Ending 8: Higashi gets high from coffee and thinks he is eating his mother’s sandwich but he is actually eating Nishi’s hand….. Nishi is just fine with it (Okay Nishi you big simp)
Ending 9: Nishi gets high and remembers things he shouldn’t so the experiment is just stops?
Ending 10: Jeez, this one was the worst x.x If you raise their intimacy level really high, at night when they supposed to go to bed they let this giant man in the room ( I think it's Higashi’s mother’s ex?) and HE BEGINS TO HIT HIGASHI AND NISHI AND RAPES HIGASHI, Nishi and Higashi then try to kill him and somehow made it. It ends with Higashi crawling naked to Nishi who was laying on the floor completely covered in blood, saying that he only needs Nishi………………………………………………… WHY DO YOU GET THAT FOR RAISING THEIR AFFECTION TENNENOUJI WHYYY.
*cough* Anyway thanks for reading me suffer if you made it to the part, I’m gonna go be depressed and pray that the next BL game doesn’t rip my heart out like this did  ( ̄  ̄|||)
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suzuran777 · 1 year
Friendly Lab English version announced!
DLsite’s English Twitter account announced that the upcoming R18 PC port of Tennenouji’s mobile game, Friendly Lab, will also be available in English! The release date for this version is still unknown, but it will have new 18+ scenes that were not in the mobile version, which was released early last year.
Synopsis A small room with only a clock, a locked door which can’t be opened, two subjects who have lost their memory. It is up to you, the experimenter, what will happen to them from now on. The purpose of this experiment is to record the degree of influence of the experimenter's interference with the subjects. However, the experiment should be safe and secure, without any abuse or torture. The experiment is automatically recorded and cannot be re-done. Please enjoy the experiment to your heart's content!
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This is the first game Tennenouji has released after the Luckydog1 series and like all their other games, it’s illustrated by Yura. What also interested me is that they brought back Saitou Iri as scenario writer, who previously worked on one of Tennenouji’s older titles, Miracle No-ton. I personally have not finished the mobile version because I’ve been waiting for the PC port, but I think it’s a nice surprise that this game’s also getting an English release!
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suikyounamegami · 1 year
Cool-B VOL.111 | Ooe (大穢) - Pt.1
Y bueno, aquí estamos de nuevo con la info del juego que viene en esta edición ^_^
la portada de este mes es Friendly lab unlock ();
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pueden ver el artículo de la edición pasada aquí
así que sin más demora, a lo que vinimos 😎
El articulo de este mes trata sobre como se ríen los personajes y cuanta resistencia tienen al calor 💦
comenzando con la página 42
aquí Rinko dice que hay diez personas, cada una con su propia forma de reír 'distintiva'
¿Irá a reír Oosaki en algún momento de la historia?
pues no se sabe porque no lo dice 🙄
(yo la verdad ya hasta me lo imagino riéndose como desquiciado igual que Light 😑)
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lo de cómo se ríen los personajes ya venía en el folleto con los materiales iniciales
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y ya lo mencioné en otro post pero por alguna razón parece que la forma en que se ríen los personajes tendrá algún tipo de relevancia en el juego...
¿Por qué?
no tengo idea 🤷‍♀️ (quizá sirva para identificar al asesin0?)
también dice que el día en que el miembro del staff de la revista que está 'infiltrado' en la isla Ooe termine su investigación está cerca...
(para que se entienda, es la supuesta persona que ha estado haciendo llegar toda esta información a la revista 😁)
esto podría significar, ① que es porque el lanzamiento del juego ya no está tan lejos (cosa que honestamente dudo 😞) o, ② que sacar más información sobre los personajes de la que ha salido hasta ahora ya sería spoiler...
por eso pienso que en las próximas ediciones lo que van a estar sacando son CG's nuevas, backgrounds, sprites y cosas así
dice que, si bien en Hashihime y UrC habían aparecido personajes peligrosos, el nivel de peligro en Ooe se ha incrementado significativamente, y también dice que "detrás de escena" el casting del juego está siendo decidido, pero que todavía no se puede revelar...
no creo que vayan a haber seiyuus conocidos 😕, y aunque el casting de Hashihime y UrC fue muy bueno, tampoco creo que vaya a repetirlos por tercera vez ーー;
ya vamos por Agosto y todavía no se ha anunciado quienes van a ser los seiyuu...
y si este juego es tan largo como dice Rinko, entonces la grabación no se va a hacer en uno o dos días ̄ε( ̄
no quisiera sonar pesimista, pero en parte esta es una de las razones por las que no creo que el juego vaya a salir este año 😔
dicho esto, ahora sí, vayamos al tema principal
cuanta es la resistencia al calor que tienen los personajes (5 es el máximo y 0 es el mínimo), y cual es la manera en que se ríen
comenzamos con el FALSO más FALSO de todos los FALSOS, y al mismo tiempo la cosa mas sexy del juego ♥q♥
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dice que la forma en que se ríe Daiba es "AJAJA", al ver a Oosaki, que no se ríe…
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(él también es un DI0S *q*)
ya sé, ya sé, sé que se me sale demasiado lo fangirl 😅, pero es que lo amo 😙
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sus ojeras 🥱 disimuladas a punta de base y cremas
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(su cara de hastío por el interrogatorio 🤣)
simplemente lo amo 😘
seguimos con Shinagawa
dice que su forma de reír es "PUPUPU" (pfft) cuando ve a un villano fracasar…
y aquí se me va a salir lo fangirl otra vez 😓 pero voy a ser honesta
desde que vi a Shinagawa he tenido mucha expectativa con él
siempre me había parecido lindo con su pinta de desmotivado, pero ya hasta me da un poquito de miedo 😳
tiene sonrisa 'asimétrica' (sonrisa de medio lado)
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sonrisa de villano 😈
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se alegra de ver que a los malotes les va mal...
esto me hace pensar que Shinagawa podría ser de ese tipo de personajes que se las dan de muy buenitos/justicieros y al final resultan ser igual de 💩
(él y Shinkiba también van a ser acusados de ser el asesino 🤨)
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como ya he mencionado, con los personajes de Rinko nunca se sabe que esperar, así que no sería extraño que detrás de esa apariencia de flojo haya un potencial psicóp@ta
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en la edición 106 de la revista, Rinko mencionó que Daiba/Shinkiba/Shinagawa iban a tener un rol importante en la historia (no van a ser solo unos segundones)
dice que les hace una personalidad sólida a los personajes secundarios para que puedan ser 'promovidos' a interés romántico en cualquier momento
así que quien sabe, a lo mejor Shinagawa podría ser el primer personaje secundario en subir de nivel
de verdad, tengo mucha expectativa con este personaje y que lado oscuro tendrá 😈
quiero escucharlo decir su frase "Eh~. Nanka baremashita~" 😁
solo espero que su admiración por Oosaki no sea en realidad odio o envidia ಥ_ಥ
y el último es Shinkiba
dice que su forma de reír es "JE-JE-JE", al ser elogiado por algo inesperado
no dice cual es la resistencia al calor que tienen estos tres pero seguimos ahora con los principales 😎
no se sabe como se ríe y tampoco lo vamos a saber hasta el juego
su resistencia al calor es de ⑤
dice que sufre de calor como todo el mundo pero que lo aguanta como una piedra...
Like A Stone…
como puede tener tanta resistencia al calor y ser tan blanco??? ⛄
si puede aguantar tanto estar bajo el sol no debería estar bronceado???
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su forma de reír es "EHEH", y "EJEJE" cuando lo elogian...
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su resistencia al calor es de ③
dice que se relaja bebiendo café helado o leche helada 🍨
seguimos con el erizo de mar (ウニ)
"KUKUKU" y "KAKAKA" al ver a la gente entrar en pánico/confundida/consternada...
en resumen, se divierte con las desgracias ajenas 😑 (como Shinagawa)
su resistencia al calor es de ①
dice que nunca sale al sol (asolearse), cierra las ventanas y ni siquiera lo mira...
esto nos confirma que Shinbashi debe pertenecer a alguna secta rara de vampiros 🧛‍♂️
no sale al sol, le gustan las paredes rojas, las mariposas rojas, usa ropa 'gótica', solo le faltan los colmillos
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(Oosaki a punto de quitarle el parche por las malas)
hablando de dientes... 🦷
que pasa con la dentadura de esta gente???
a Shinbashi en una CG lo vemos con una dentadura toda sexy *¬*
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y en otra lo vemos con los mismos dientes de perro pekinés que Choutsugai
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lo mismo con Shiodome 😶
en una CG sale con unos colmillotes, y en otra no
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y lo mismo pasa también con Daiba
en una tiene una dentadura de f*ck b0y toda sexy 😍
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y en otra tiene los mismos dientes de pekinés...
(es que acaso todos tienen dentadura postiza??? 😶)
en fin… sigamos con "Oume"-sensei
su forma de reír sigue siendo un misterio 🙄 (me huele a que él y Oosaki se ríen de la misma forma e_e)
su resistencia al calor es de ④
expresión serena sin derramar una gota de sudor 💦
dice que es el chico ブルベ冬 por excelencia ↓
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forma de reír, desconocida
su resistencia al calor es de ①
dice que, si hace mucho calor se retira y se la pasa durmiendo
(se pondrá cobija con tanto calor??? 🥵)
su forma de reír es "IJIJI" cuando se le ocurre alguna 'maldad'
su resistencia al calor es de ③
dice que, salta al agua del baño y cuando se enfría se sale
si está caliente (haciendo calor) se mete adentro (de su casa o donde sea que esté metido) y se la pasa en ropa interior 🩲
su forma de reír es "NAJAJA" cuando se ríen de sus bromas
su resistencia al calor es de ②
se desmorona todo y se hace viento con el abanico diciendo "oh no" "no puedo" (con el dialecto de Kansai 😊)
mírale el lado bueno, por lo menos no es ④ 😅
(ya le puse de Image Song "Felices Los 4" 😁)
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pero bueno, ya hablando en serio, me voy a salir un poquito del tema 😓 pero quiero mencionarlo
hasta hace un tiempo pensaba que la asociación de Takeshiba con el número 4 era porque es considerado de mala suerte, ya que también se pronuncia como el kanji de muerte (shi), pero ahora pienso que quizá sea porque él tiene, por decirlo... 4 facetas???
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el artista 😁, el seductor 😉, el payaso 😩 y el demonio 👹 (cual de todos será el verdadero Takeshiba???)
otros datos curiosos relacionados con el número 4 es que a Shijoumae le gusta el 'Yojijukugo' (palabras compuestas por 4 kanji)
y los kanji que se ven detrás de Ariake también son 4
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tomando en cuenta que estos tres ya se conocían de antes, solo puedo pensar que el 4 debe tener algún tipo de significado para ellos, algo así como un código que solo ellos puedan entender 🤔
pero bueno, si bien esto es solo una teoría, sí veo posible que Takeshiba sea no un 2 caras sino un 4 caras ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦
seguimos con Toyosu
su forma de reír es "HO-HO-HO" 🎅 cuando le dan un regalo
su resistencia al calor es de ②
se sienta en un banco con buena sombra y donde le pegue viento
se queda con la boca abierta y se deja llevar...
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"GAJAJAJA" con las interacciones entre Shiodome y Takeshiba (estilo tsukkomi y boke)
su resistencia al calor es de ⑤ y más bien se pone activo
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(entra en calor el señor 😳)
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y por último Funeno
forma de reír, desconocida 😩
su resistencia al calor es de ⑤
aunque haga calor sigue trabajando duro… 😔
seguro que va a ser c@gante 😠 ver a Funeno tener que lidiar con el clasismo de la época 🤮
se ve muy desgastado... 💀
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quiero pensar que no es una mala persona, pero la verdad no sé que esperar de él... 🤷‍♀️
siento que hay un poquito de secretismo con él 🤨
es el único personaje del que Rinko todavía no ha hecho ilustraciones
(solo hemos visto la CG donde está con el cuchillo)
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y me gustaría pensar que este secretismo es porque su papel va a ser determinante al menos en lo que son las últimas rutas del juego
esta es otra de mis teorías de conspiración 🕵️‍♀️ pero pienso que Funeno podría estar relacionado con el asesin0 🔪
en la mayoría de las rutas él va a ser la primera víctima
osea, será el primero en 'salir de escena', y esto a mi parecer ya lo hace un poquito sospechoso
Funeno es un tipo alto/robusto, y eso por sí solo ya lo hace destacar entre el resto de los asistentes, así que si él fuera el asesin0 esa apariencia de grandote más bien le sería un problema 눈_눈
a lo mejor finge su muerte y se sale de escena para cambiar de lugar con el asesin0 ¬_¬
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él supuestamente va a ser un uke 'sumiso' (me imagino que por su mentalidad de ser un simple sirviente 🙄), así que tal vez en el fondo no sea una mierd@ de persona, y quizá las cosas malas que ha hecho las haya hecho por eso, porque es el 'esbirro' de alguien
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y bueno, esta es toda la información del juego que venía en la edición de este mes, así que hasta aquí llegamos 😋
me hubiera gustado continuarlo pero voy a tener que resumir la información que venía de los otros juegos en una segunda parte ya que no puedo poner más imágenes ╬▔皿▔
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evelynknightart · 1 year
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Art commission is opened!
Feel free to message me if you’re interested.
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otomebunny · 1 year
[Monthly Overview] Josei-muke Game Releases August 2023
Come check a look at this month's otome and BL game releases and catch up on josei-muke news!
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Games releasing this month are:
Spade no Kuni no Alice ~Wonderful Black World~ (JPN)
Hakuouki Shinkai: Manyou no Shou (JPN)
Friendly lab unlock(); (JPN/ENG/Simplified & Traditional CHN/KRN)
Norn9: Last Era (ENG)
Radiant Tale ~Fanfare!~ (JPN)
Josei-muke News Highlights of July 2023:
New I Chu Unit "Andalsion" Revealed
Tears of Themis 3rd Anniversary (CHN/TWN Server)
On Air! Crowdfunding Campaign
Nu:Carnival Official Doujin Anthology "Pink" Pre-orders start!
"What the HELL is bad?" Delayed by Month and a Half
Otomate Collection Subscription Service Ends this October
Broccoli is Having a Summer Sale!
👇Check my full post out for more information👇
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eyeofgender · 6 months
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Honda N-One Friendly 2 Seater Concept, 2016, by N-Labs. A pick-up prototype based on the N-One kei car that was presented at the Tokyo Auto Salon. Wooden trim was used on the front facia, door handles, rear deck and interior trim.
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etanow · 3 months
What would the your TADC au characters do if they saw a baby crying
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Every one of them
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traxanaxanos · 2 years
Samantha Wildman is honestly sooo funny as a background character because she’s like...such a normie against the rest of the Voyager crew, who just pops up occasionally to have normal conversations and experience horrors.
Janeway has a martyr complex and is constantly battling the narrative for dominance
Harry Kim has his whole complex where he’s trapped as both the golden boy and the ensign while also dying and being killed and being brought back just a little different every episode
Seven of Nine has her everything going on
Kes and Neelix are weirdos with species-wide trauma and Neelix died
B’Elanna also died and went to hell
Lon Suder
And Samantha is just like, working in the science lab while untold horrors stalk the halls of the Voyager, looking forward to whatever Neelix has whipped up in the kitchen
The few appearances/mentions she has that aren’t Life Threatening Crisis are
really sweet if it wasn’t in the context of a horrifying episode reveal that Samantha devotedly watches Neelix’s little news show every day (neelix superfan). Average woman turning on France 24/BBC every morning and the forecast is never not unspeakable monsters
bumbles into stopping a guy’s suicide attempt by requesting a bedtime story for her child
stereotypical conversation about having to provide new clothes for fast growing child (derailed)
one person on the ship enthusiastic about Neelix’s cooking (#1 Neelix fan)
xenobiologist inexplicably sent on a ship whose mission is to go hunt down terrorists, as if she’s going to get a spare moment to study the effects of long-term space habitation on hagfish or whatever
Like if Voyager had the tone of Lower Decks (animated), the recurring gag would be Samantha just doing her little nematode observations in the background while there’s a five-way borg/hirogen/alien anomaly/kazon/Q incursion going on, and talking to her coworkers about how Naomi’s drawings are like, really really good. Have you seen how good she’s gotten at shading? She’s just an average woman trapped on the most ridiculous and protagonist-laden ship in the known universe. The inherent humor and horror of being a background character in the genre of Epics
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cloudcountry · 10 months
me thinking i've caught the flu or a cold or something:
google: you could be feeling this way because you're stressed
me: a.
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honorrry · 7 months
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Guess whoooo?
I just love changing brushes like gloves
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prettybuglady · 7 months
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he said it’s OUR personal space
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mensministry · 2 years
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Interstellar Lab's EBIOS project
Paris-based research group interstellar labs is working to bring a Mars-ready village to North America’s Mojave desert – one of the driest places on the continent – to further research on how humans could live on other planets, while simultaneously learning how to create more sustainable communities on Earth.
The design employs space technologies called EBIOS (experimental bio-regenerative stations), the first closed-loop controlled environment habitats on Earth of their kind. According to Interstellar Lab, EBIOS are a framework for regenerative living, providing solutions for water recycling, food production, waste management and nature preservation.  
The site will be able to support up to 100 people in glass-clad domes, served by futuristic transport systems. In addition to laboratories in a dedicated science area where inhabitants can test life-support technologies, there will also be an art and music centre.
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tabl3 · 3 months
thinking about adam davenport
specifically mine
and how serious and yet himbo core he is
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pawsitivevibe · 1 year
It's almost comical how many people ask for breed suggestions, describe a Labrador exactly, and then are really really resistant to getting a Labrador.
It seems like people view them as the "boring, default dog." They are in fact really great, interesting, and perfect for what a lot of people want! Just get a dang Lab!
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blackbackedjackal · 1 year
I love meeting dog people out in the wild. Met these two ladies with their dogs and they asked if they could see Blue. They had their dogs chill out and allowed Blue to come over and sniff and play a bit. She was unsure and a bit nervous but interested and by the end was trying to kiss and play with the other dogs ;o;
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