#friends 😏
itsmadreia · 4 months
Yet another sweet snippet from me for #willemonth2024(@youngroyals-events).
Day 16: Friends
"Wille," Simon started, his voice all soft and eyes heavy-lidded. "Do you ever–"
Wille blinked, watching him. "Do I ever what?"
"Do you ever, like... it's okay if you don't but I'm... I'm just curious. Honestly, I've been thinking about it a lot lately. So do you–" Simon shuttered, biting his lower lip as his eyes dropped to Wille's lips, feeling a sudden urge to kiss him. "Do you ever think what's like to kiss a boy? Kiss me? Kiss someone like me? Your friend and–"
Wille swallowed, "I do."
"Yeah?" Simon grinned, dragging his gaze back to the boy's eyes, asking, "Do you want me to?"
"Yes," Wille replied with no second thought, moving closer to the other boy, and touched his hand, playing with his fingers. "If you want to as well."
Simon smiled, gripping Wille's fingers in response to that, and leaned a bit closer. He took his sweet time, watching the boy's reaction to their closeness, the way his breathing halted and how he stared at his lips, waiting for the kiss. Simon lifted his other hand — they were still holding hands — and stroked Wille's cheek, leaning more in. He felt Wille's sharp breath on his lips before they connected like he couldn't believe this was happening. And they were kissing. Tender but desiring. Soft but yearning. Then Wille grabbed his waist so tightly that he moaned into the kiss and the next thing he knew was that he was almost sitting on his lap, their bodies flushed together and kissing each other with downright lust now.
At this point, Simon let go of Wille's hand to cup his face with both of his hands, not breaking the kiss. Wille squeezed his hips to fully guide him to his lap and Simon's next moan vibrated through his whole body as he did. They couldn't stop kissing, it just felt too good, so good that it became the mere thing they wanted to continue doing, breathing be dammed. Once the pressure turned slow again, they still stayed in it, breathing into each other's mouths. Simon didn't open his eyes, taking it in and slid his fingers into the boy's hair. Wille pecked him a few times, opened his eyes and when he tried to move, Simon protested, kissing him again.
"Simon..." Wille laughed against his lips, helplessly kissing him back. "I think that–"
Simon also smiled into the kiss, moving a total inch away from him, sitting on his lap, and started to play with his hair. "Sorry... that was, I mean, we are–"
Wille turned serious, lifting his own hand and caressing the other boy's curls, his lips kissed red and swollen, his hazel eyes shining like bright stars at night. Shining for Simon. Shining because of him. "I... I liked that. I-I like you, Simon."
"Well, I would be surprised if you don't, kissing me like that," Simon teased him, grinning so widely. "I like you, too."
"Oh, that's a relief," Wille replied, blushing.
"Mhm," Simon kissed his cheek, pressing his nose under Wille's chin and hugged him. For a good while — a minute or two, five or or ten — , not able to drag himself away from the boy, not wanting to even if they'd be on fire. And it was that very moment where he realized he was in love, truly and hopelessly in love with his long time friend. Good thing that Wille felt the same, otherwise he'd be doomed, that's for sure.
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supernova-151 · 2 years
cami’s friend cata who dresses like the biggest lesbian ever. i know what you are
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angstflavoured · 3 months
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lotus-pear · 1 year
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god i love skk sm i wish gay ppl were real :(
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becca-e-barnes · 8 months
The need that I have for early morning, tender sex with Dbf!bucky that gets a little frantic and really passionate 😵‍💫
Especially if you tend to drift apart in your sleep. It feels so much nicer to curl up against him again the next morning, stealing some of his heat and enjoying the way that he smells so familiar to you now.
You can't help but feel a softness in your chest when he sleepily pulls you closer, placing a gentle kiss on the top of your head with his eyes still closed. If nothing else, you feel incredibly safe with your bare chest pressed to his and your limbs tangled together comfortably.
The sunlight has just managed to creep through a gap in between the curtains, illuminating the few grey hairs peppered across your partner's hairline and you swear he's never looked more beautiful.
He's more awake than he'd lead you to believe though. His eyes are barely even open before he's tilting your chin up, making it easier to capture your lips with his.
"Good morning." He mumbles in his deep morning voice when his lips part from yours.
"Hi." You can't help but smile, wiggling your body against the bulge in his underwear. "It's a great morning."
He can't help but roll his eyes at your enthusiasm.
"Didn't I take good enough care of you last night? You still want more." He pretends he's insulted but secretly, he's pretty damn pleased. You want him; plain and simple. You don't dress it up or play it off. Don't we all want to be wanted?
"See, that's the problem. You were too good to me last night. And now. I'm all worked up." You slip kisses to his neck and shoulders in between your sentences, hoping that it really drives your point home.
"You're a handful." Bucky teases, tilting your chin up once more, letting his lips collide with yours before allowing his tongue to do the same. It feels like his hands are all over your body at once, teasing and rubbing and gripping you, getting you even more worked up.
It's not long before he's got your leg hooked up over him and he's slipping his cock into you. The glide is that much easier given that he finished inside you just a few hours ago and the thought of that alone makes you even wetter.
Bucky's low groan as he slides into you is addictive. He's clearly still sensitive but it feels too good for either of you to stop now.
"Such a good girl. You take me so damn well." He's babbling already, eyes rolling back as he presses as deep inside you as possible, giving you a chance to take a breath before he starts to work your body in a way that no one else has ever managed.
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cybercanadian · 8 months
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glass of wine and a bath?
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spacedlexi · 8 months
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i thought we were gonna kiss up here are you still not over your dead girlfriend
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sparxyv · 13 days
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quick nosebleed seb doodle 😗😗
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the-badger-mole · 4 months
Rumor Has It...
Being in the public eye was...grating. Katara thought that growing up in a small village, where everyone knew everyone's business would have inured her to the self-consciousness of having everyone talking about her and her business, but it didn't take long for her to learn that there was a difference between people who knew and loved her talking about her and strangers who were just hungry for gossip doing it. It was even worse when she was dating a man (and she used the term very loosely in her less charitable moods) who understood discretion even less than he understood his girlfriend's boundaries.
She had quickly learned to hate the cameras that were so popular in the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom. It made it harder for her to ignore what Aang was doing. Not that he was cheating on her. Of course he would never do that to his Forever Girl. But to see pictures of him with his fans hanging on his arm, gazing up adoringly at him, smiling proudly at the cameras when the reporters caught them coming out of some Air Nomad symposium or other. When Katara told him how much she hated the pictures, Aang would just shrug and say, "Well, it's not like I'm kissing them or anything!"
It was always somehow Katara's insecurities and mistrust that was the issue, and not him entertaining these young women who were plainly throwing themselves at him. When Katara asked him to set boundaries with them, he would scoff and blame her repressive upbringing in the barbaric Southern Water Tribe. The Air Nomads were more evolved about friendships between men and women. As if he would know, Katara fumed to herself silently. He was 12 when his education came to an abrupt end, and he had spent his entire life to that point in a sexually segregated monastery. When she told him how much the rumors bothered her, he regarded her with pity. If she was with him, he told her, to take her place on his arm, there wouldn't be any need for her to worry about the girls who'd taken her place. A slap in the face.
Katara did her best to ignore the rumors, even after they grew teeth. Even after they developed venom potent enough to kill. Because Aang wouldn't do that. Not sweet, innocent, literally couldn't harm the most evil man on the planet Aang. When he told her to take her place on his arm, he hadn't meant to imply that she should give up on her own ambitions to travel the world as the Avatar's Girlfriend. He knew how important it was for her to be home to prevent the Northern Tribe immigrants from getting too much of their own way. How important it was for her to reintroduce Southern style waterbending. So when the newspapers- which were always a week old by the time they made their way to the Southern Watertribe- began to report on growing rumors that the Avatar was known to have spent long nights sharing his culture with this woman or that, Katara clung to what she knew of him. The pictures didn't matter. There were any number of reasons for Aang to be emerging from his hotel with women who weren't her touching him knowingly. The pitying looks from the people who'd known and loved her her entire life and the insinuating whispers from the newcomers from the Northern Tribe didn't either. She wasn't stupid. Aang could be trusted...right?
Hakoda knew his daughter needed a distraction. The school was getting to the point that her constant presence wasn't needed, and he knew Katara could use a new challenge. He conferred with Sokka, who reached out to their friends, and a solution was reached. A diplomatic visit to the Fire Nation. Sokka and Suki would accompany her. The fact that it would take place during the summer court recess was not worth discussing. Zuko would be happy to host. Aang would be invited, too. His aversion to visiting the Southern Water Tribe had long been a sour point between him and Katara, but he could have no issues meeting his girlfriend on neutral ground, where he wouldn't accidentally come into contact with animal byproduct. He still hadn't given Katara a direct answer by the time she disembarked in Caldera. The paper was timely there. The day after she arrived, Katara read about the opening of an Air Nomad museum in the nascent Republic City. The woman on his arm in that paper was a petite, doll like creature with pouting lips and wide eyes that may have been grey or hazel. It was impossible to tell in the black and white photo.
"I had a trip planned to Ember Island," Zuko said over breakfast. It was just the two of them. Sokka and Suki were still in their room, and Iroh had plans with Piando and Jeong Jeong. Katara set the crumpled paper aside and smirked at him.
"And what bit of diplomacy are we expected to perform there?" she asked. Zuko coughed on the sip of tea he'd taken. He had at least the grace to look sheepish as he cleaned himself up.
"I guess I should have timed this better," he said. "I just wanted to show the world that the ties between the Fire Nation and the Southern Water Tribe were as strong as ever, but maybe I should have waited to the end of summer, when we returned to court."
"I don't know," Katara said, trying and failing to hold back a smile. "It's been three months since you visited us down south, and eight since the last time you had us visit. People were probably starting to think we'd fallen out."
"Yes, well..." Zuko mumbled. His face was tinged pink. "I did have another reason to invite you."
"Oh?" Katara raised an eyebrow at him. "And that would be?"
"I need help," he said. "I have some initiatives I want to introduce to the Fire Nation. Costly ones, like universal healthcare and education reform."
"Sounds serious," Katara said. "How can I help you?"
"Your father has told me how many of your ideas he's used to build up the Southern Tribe. That you were able to make room in the budget, even where there was literally no money for it. I'd like you to help me do that here."
Katara sat stunned for a moment. The hopeful look on Zuko's face was almost too painful to look at.
"The Southern Tribe is much smaller than the Fire Nation," she reminded him. "I was able to get creative because a lot of people were willing to volunteer to get some of my projects off the ground."
"You'll be working with a bigger budget," Zuko promised. "And with a team. You can pick whoever you'd like. Of course, I wouldn't expect you to do everything. If you could only help me get one of my initiatives off the ground, I'd be in your debt forever."
There was a long beat. Katara sat impassively, thinking quietly. After a moment, she smiled.
"No," she said, "you wouldn't be. I'd be happy to help you." Relief bled the tension out of Zuko's shoulders and he grinned at her.
"You'll have to be here a while," he said. "A few months at least."
"It's a good thing I like my room," Katara shrugged.
"You have no idea how much help you're giving me," Zuko insisted. "Consider the palace your home. You can invite Aang or- What's wrong?" Zuko's voice was suddenly panicked when he saw how stricken Katara looked. Her face had gone ashen and she clutched the table, doubled over as if she'd just been delt a blow. Zuko hesitated only long enough to see the first tear fall down her cheek before he was at her side and holding her as she cried.
Katara managed to gather herself in a few minutes. Enough that she could sit up and pass Zuko that morning's paper. His face fell when he saw the photo of Aang and the caption named as Himari. She had both arms wound possessively around Aang's, and he leaned into her, grinning, as if they were sharing an especially hilarious private joke. the blurb beneath the picture was a short, but piercing, speculating about the young Avatar's current relationship status and wondering where the Avatar's Girlfriend had been the last year.
"This...this is just-" Zuko scrambled for anything comforting to say. Katara turned her mournful eyes on him and shook her head.
"This is just the latest," she said, her voice cracking slightly. "He doesn't care if I see him."
"Katara-" Zuko's hand slipped into hers and he squeezed it tightly. Katara took in a deep, shuddering breath.
"It's okay," she lied. "I think I've known we were over for a while. I just wish he'd be a man about it and tell me to my face."
Zuko was silent for a long moment. It took all of Iroh's lessons in self control to keep his anger from spewing out like erupting lava. He ran his thumb over Katara's knuckles distractedly.
"What do you say we get Toph and crash at the summer house?" he suggested. "No newspapers, no work. Just us being lazy on the beach and pretending the rest of the world doesn't exist?"
Katara smiled weakly at him.
"I'd like that."
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shadowkira · 5 months
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If you like my work please consider tipping, we've only had one income since November and anything is appreciated. 🙏
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cowardlykrow · 3 months
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“don’t lose it now, old boy.”
With @ratb4stard3
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rainbowpufflez · 6 months
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Giovanni homophobia arc™️
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get-acronixed-meme · 5 months
The Elemental Alliance but it's Friends series AU idea 😏
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An extended version with other members of EA:
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bluerosety-blog · 6 months
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After the roller-coaster that was last chapter, I needed this lol! 😭😅 Yes, go and set up an agency together! 😏😌
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Please their cute reactions! And Kacchan not questioning/denying why they would set up an agency together lol! 🤣 Old Kacchan would be "why with you?!" 😡 But this Kacchan of the Bakugos is all about staying by Izuku's side. 😎
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pain-in-the-butler · 1 year
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A compilation of art for my Dadbastian fanfic Coattails that I commissioned from the incredibly talented @tomoyoo! They went above and beyond with the details... Each picture feels as cozy and warm as a storybook, right? I'm so delighted with how they turned out!! Thank you for making each one so beautiful! 🥹🥹🥹
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willowser · 1 year
getting to a point with nerd bakugou where you're not even playing games online together anymore, you're just — chatting, all day 🥺
and you've gotten close enough that you'll send him a mirror selfie and even if your phone is mostly covering your face, he's ZOOMING IN ON THAT BABY and over-analyzing the hell out of it 🥺 trying to figure out what you look like 🥺 and every single photo he sends in return is assessed for a minimum of 20 minutes, because he wants to make sure his reflection isn't showing anything or his body doesn't look weird, that his posture is right 🥺
and the first time you send something back like, "you look nice today 😊🩷", even though he's just showing off his shirt from a movie you both like — he's having to put his phone down on his desk and put his hands over his face because he feels so airbruqoabdka about you !!!!!
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