#friends 8x02
aspiestvmusings · 2 years
Mondler - the morning after the wedding
Friends 8x02 
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superhell · 1 year
cannot believe this is house and wilson’s first meeting in like a year brother that is SO awkward
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mlobsters · 10 months
motherfucker pressing ctrl+z in tumblr post editing can fuck your shit up. is it worth recreating this post. ayyyy.
supernatural s8e2 what's up, tiger mommy? (w. andrew dabb, daniel loflin)
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somethin somethin puppy eyes
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DEAN Shut up.
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i don't even know what this was about exactly but it was good bitchy brother action
to condense my thoughts (hallelujah i hear you say), let's make torture-guilt-trauma dean torture some more. after having a flashback of purgatory torture. my fuckin favorite. sigh
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mrs tran is julie from friends!
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friends s2e2 the one with the breast milk - lauren tom as julie
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and samandriel was also on the killing
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the killing s2 tyler johnston as alexi giffords
SAMANDRIEL But you escaped. Did – did Castiel? [DEAN doesn’t respond.] You know, there are some in Heaven who still believe, despite his mistakes, that Castiel's heart was always in the right place.
mmmk. he killed a whole bunch of angels, right? and a lot of humans after getting god juiced up. (and fucked sam's head up and made life a living torture there for a good while). but castiel is good guy according to the show, so we gotta redeem him, right?
CASTIEL These are not just monsters, Dean. They're Leviathan. I have a price on my head, and I've been trying to stay one step ahead of them, to – to keep them away from you. That's why I ran. Just leave me, please.
all righty
BENNY Purgatory has an escape hatch, but I got no idea if it's angel-friendly.
DEAN We'll figure it out. Cas, buddy, I need you. CASTIEL Dean... DEAN And if Leviathan want to take a shot at us, let ‘em. We ganked those bitches once before. We can do it again. CASTIEL It's too dangerous. DEAN Let me bottom-line it for you. I'm not leaving here without you. Understand? CASTIEL I understand.
all righty x2. the music got to me and i felt the feelings they were trying to convey but i still don't think they have been earned because i don't understand what dean is doing here being all buddy buddy except for survival purposes so i don't think that would really require mushy music? whatever.
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*waves* it's me, hi, i'm the other, it's me
CROWLEY Maybe you should try plan "D" for dumbass.
good one, crowley
the whole... 5/8ths of a virgin, mjolnir thing... wtf
CROWLEY I know we're not mates, Kevin, but one word of advice – run. Run far and run fast. 'Cause the Winchesters – well, they have a habit of using people up and watching them die bloody. Toodles.
i dunno if they use them up per se, but certainly not likely to remain with the living in their sphere
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DEAN It was Crowley, Sam. No matter what meat suit he's in, I should have knifed him. I mean, yeah, it would have sucked, and I would have hated myself, but what's one more nightmare, right?
DEAN He thinks people I don't need anymore – they end up dead. SAM Dean, that – that – that's not true. You know that.
trying to think how kevin would have come to that conclusion. being somewhat high while watching a show with neverending intertwined plot and 300+ episodes maybe isn't the most brilliant approach. but it makes it easier to tolerate the cringey bits :p
benny, amelia and castiel; so much interpersonal drama.
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itachi86 · 3 months
lyla/laurel bonding :)
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bvtchcas · 2 years
Season 8
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artist-ellen · 5 months
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The one, the only, Jaime Lannister
Confession time... I'm a big redemption-arc Jaime apologist. Season 8 was a betrayal on every level and I reject D&D's decisions with Jaime. In a hilarious/devestating twist season 8 episode 2 was the second episode I'd ever watched (the first was the Sand-Snake vs Greyjoy episode with my cousins, and s8ep2 I watched when it came out with my friend) and it hooked me enough to give the rest of season 8 a fighting chance (guess how that went). So... I was already a Braime stan via the books and 8x02... there's a reason I'm still raging all these years later. I was already set up for failure with my Beauty and the Beast retellings obsession... I have to stop or I'll never stop. Anyway, Jaime apologist, I've decided he and Brienne have a happy ending. Who is your problematic asoiaf fave?
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Some Thoughts on Sheldon Cooper. . .
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"Leonard, I am overwhelmed. Everything is changing and it is simply too much. I need to get away and think." | 7x24 The Status Quo Combustion
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"Dr. Cooper, while you were away we came up with a solution that would allow you to change your field of study." "Wow. Pouting and running away actually worked! Yeah, I must say, that may not be the lesson you want to reinforce with me." | 8x02 The Junior Professor Solution
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"I'm not leaving your world. I'm just talking about living across the hall." "I understand. Either way, I want you to know that I'm aware of how difficult I can be. So, I just want to say thank you for putting up with me." | 8x12 The Space Probe Disintegration
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"It just seems silly to eat in two groups." "It doesn't seem silly if you think of that group as being lead by a big, evil baby." *a few moments later and everyone situated around the couch* "Well, isn't this nice. Sometimes the baby wins!" | 7x16 The Table Polarization
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"Two years ago I got my driver's license." "What?! Why didn't you say anything?!" "I like being chauffeured around. It makes me feel important." | 10x16 The Allowance Evaporation
These are some of the moments where Sheldon shows a level of great self-awareness. I bring these moments up as showcasing that Sheldon's level of emotional maturity is much greater than his friends (and the writers of this show) give him credit for. One of the main problems is how the narrative often treats Sheldon as if he is completely incapable of growth, maturity, or taking care of himself. The truth couldn't be further from this. Even the narrative itself shows how much Sheldon changed during his relationship with Amy. The primary problem is that Sheldon's personality is so big and overwhelming, he doesn't HAVE to change because he is able to get everyone to do what he wants anyway, which he is fully aware of and exploits constantly. I mean if you are Sheldon, someone who has a mind sharper and faster than anyone you meet and prefer to have tight, tyrant-like control over your reality in order to feel safe and secure, pushing and manipulating people around to do your will is going to come naturally with the territory. The problem wasn't that Sheldon is a stunted adult who can't manage life on his own, but it is in the fact that Sheldon rarely got constructive and encouraging push back for his behaviors and choices. For when he did, which primarily came from Amy, he was fully capable of making corrections to his behaviors and expanding his worldview. It just ended up that he was either treated poorly and abusively or enabled and placated. That's why I really love the moment with Mrs. Davis when he comes back from his train-riding "sabbatical". Changing his field of study was a HUGE cataclysmic event in Sheldon's life and was one aspect that was causing him the greatest distress. Yet even in this reality-altering experience, Sheldon realizes that some of his responses to it weren't healthy, and makes a note of it with her, e.g. don't reward my childish behaviors because I will take FULL ADVANTAGE OF THEM. There was SUCH a missed opportunity there at the end of Season 7 going into Season 8. Penny realizing that she and Leonard needed to let Sheldon go, allowing him to make his own choices and do what he felt was right for him was a huge revelation for the characters. It was kind of a significant, paradigm shifting moment! I naively thought that they would build on that going forward in the show, but nah. Of course not. Any moments that would have allowed for such growth from all the characters were usually walked-back or dropped. It is such a shame, and makes the watching of this show frustrating for me. And yes! I know! I realize this is a sitcom! Why am I expecting such highbrow writing from something that is primarily supposed to be comedic and entertaining? Well, I think this subtext was implied in the narrative despite itself, especially with Jim Parsons. I think his acting conveys a lot of Sheldon's complexity through his body language and micro-expressions. There is SO MANY LAYERS to Parsons' performance, I just do not see how you couldn't possibly get wrapped up in dissecting them and having higher expectations of the narrative you are watching. Jim Parsons MAKES this show, otherwise what else would it offer?
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carrythatwayt · 2 years
I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition. (4x01)
You don't think you deserve to be saved... (4x01)
Can I tell you something if you promise not to tell another soul? (4x07)
I was getting too close to the humans in my charge. You. (4x16)
For what it's worth, I would give anything not to have you do this. (4x16)
We've been through much together you and I. (4x22)
I'm hunted, I rebelled, and I did it, all of it, for you... (5x02)
So, what, I’m Thelma and you’re Louise and we’re just going to hold hands and sail off this cliff together? (5x03)
I’ll just wait here then. (5x04)
What? I like past you. (5x04)
Don’t ever change. (5x04)
I rebelled for this?! So that you could surrender to them? I gave everything for you. (5x20)
Dean and I do share a more profound bond. (6x03)
I wish circumstances were different. Much of the time I’d rather be here. (6x10)
So I went to an old friend for help. But, watching him, I stopped. Everything he sacrificed and I was about to ask him for more. (6x20)
And the worst part was Dean, trying so hard to be loyal, with every instinct telling him otherwise. (6x20)
I’m doing this for you, Dean. I’m doing this because of you. (6x20)
I was there. Where were you? (6x20)
Dean, I do everything you ask. I always come when you call. (6x21)
Don't make me lose you too. (6x22)
I'm gonna find some way to redeem myself to you. (7x01)
You just met yourself. I've known you for years. (7x17)
Part of me always believed that you’d come back. (7x17)
I'll go with you. And I'll do my best. (7x23)
I'd rather have you, cursed or not. (7x23)
Cas, we're getting out of here. We're going home. (8x02)
I prayed to you Cas, every night. (8x02)
Let me bottom-line it for you. I'm not leaving here without you. Understand? (8x02)
I have a price on my head and I’ve been trying to stay one step ahead of them. To keep them away from you. (8x02)
Cas, buddy, I need you. (8x02)
Cas... we're gonna shove your ass back through the eye of that needle if it kills all three of us. (8x05)
...thank you, for everything. (8x07)
Cas...I got you, hold on! (8x07)
...you can't save everyone my friend, though you try. (8x07)
I don't need to feel like hell for failing you, okay? For failing you like I've failed every other godforsaken thing that I care about! I don't need it! (8x07)
I did everything I could to get you out – everything! I did not leave you. (8x07)
Yes, I am with you. (8x07)
I’ll watch over you. (8x08)
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy you're back, I'm thrilled (8x08)
I won't hurt Dean. (8x17)
Cas, fight this! This is not you! Fight it! Cas. I know you're in there. I know you can hear me. Cas… It's me. We’re family. We need you. I need you. (8x17)
Dean, I can go with you. (8x22)
Dean. I'm sorry. For everything. (8x22)
Please man I need you here (9x01)
Cas? Cas!.... Never do that again! (9x03)
Dean, you know I always appreciate our talks, our time together. (9x03)
Nobody wants him here more than I do. (9x04)
Sorry I told you to go. I know it's been hard on you, you know, on your own. Well, you're adapting. I'm proud of you. (9x06)
I came as soon as you called. (9x10)
Cas, you just gave up an entire army for one guy. (9x22)
...everyone you love, they could be long dead. Everyone except me. I’m the one who will have to watch you murder the world. So, if there’s even a small chance that we can save you, I won’t let you walk out of this room. (10x22)
Dean. I don't wanna have to hurt you. (10x22)
No, Dean. Please. (10x22)
It?" It's not an "it," Sam. It's Cas...Cas is family. (11x18)
I could go with you. (11x23)
Morning, sunshine. Some coffee? (12x03)
And Cast—Cas is my best friend. (12x11)
My shy but devastatingly handsome friend. (12x12)
I love you… I love you all. (12x12)
It's a gift, you keep those. (12x19)
And I just wanted, I needed to come back here with a win for you. (12x19)
We’ve lost everything. And now you’re gonna bring him back. Okay? You’re gonna bring back Cas... (13x01)
It’s good to have you back. (13x06)
Cas, you wanna try this angel thing, then go for it. Just don’t get dead again. (13x19)
Dean. You asked "What about this is real?" We are. (15x02)
Cas, I hope you can hear me… that wherever you are, it’s not too late. I should’ve stopped you. You’re my best friend, but I just let you go. ‘Cause it was easier than admitting I was wrong. I… I don’t know why I get so angry. I just know… I know that it’s… i-it’s just always been there. And when things go bad, it just… it comes out. And I can’t… I can’t stop it. No matter how… how bad I want to, I just can’t stop it. And… And I… I forgive you. Of course I forgive you. I’m sorry it took me so long… I’m sorry it took me till now to say it. Cas, I’m… I’m so sorry. Man, I hope you can hear me. I hope you can hear me. (15x09)
You don’t have to say it. I heard your prayer. (15x09)
What my true happiness could even look like. I never found an answer because the one thing I want... It's something I know I can't have. But I think I know... I think I know now. Happiness isn't in the having, it's in just being. It's in just saying it.
I know. I know how you see yourself, Dean. You see yourself the same way our enemies see you. You're destructive, and you're angry, and you're broken. You're "daddy's blunt instrument." And you think that hate and anger, that's... That's what drives you, that's who you are. It's not. And everyone who knows you sees it. Everything you have ever done, the good and the bad, you have done for love. You raised your little brother for love. You fought for this whole world for love. That is who you are. You're the most caring man on Earth. You are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know. (he smiles, crying now) You know, ever since we met, ever since I pulled you out of Hell... Knowing you has changed me. Because you cared, I cared. I cared about you. I cared about Sam, I cared about Jack... I cared about the whole world because of you. You changed me, Dean.
I love you. (15x18)
Updated to include more quotes. Due to the deluge of script leaks showing edited or censored destiel dialogue, I decided it would be cathartic to collate the dialogue that did make it on the show. Data crunch: Dialogue spoken only by Cas and Dean. 65 total quotes: 34 Cas (52%), 31 Dean (48%).
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goodwhump-temp · 2 years
John Carter Whump - ER
1x13 Luck of the Draw - Shocked by defibrillator, unconscious (25:00 ==== 2x01 Welcome Back, Carter! - Passes out (34:00) ==== 3x01 Dr. Carter, I Presume - stressed tf out on his first day back, exhausted 3x07 No Brain, No Gain - Punched, trips, bloody nose (38:00) 3x12 Post Mortem - Friend dies, emotional 3x13 Fortune's Fools - Angry / Emotional ==== 4x09 Obstruction of Justice - Arrested (23:00) 4x15 Exodus - Takes charge, gigachad 4x16 My Brother's Keeper - Cousin overdoses, cries 4x19 Shades of Gray - Pushed, anxiety ==== 6x13 Be Still My Heart - Stabbed in the back, collapse, bleeding out, passes out 6x14 All in the Family - Unconscious, bruised head, emergency surgery, awakes in extreme pain, scared, 6x15 Be Patient - Recovery, wheelchair, depressed, in extreme pain, attempting to walk (physical therapy), trips, angry, pain, hits elbow, very stubborn & angry 6x16 Under Control - Crutches, pain, stubborn, exhausted, angry & defensive, emotional talk with grandmother 6x17 Viable Options - Limping, angry 6x18 Match Made in Heaven - Keeps making mistakes, limping 6x19 The Fastest Year - Insomnia, PTSD, talks to psychologist, talks to his attackers wife 6x21 Such Sweet Sorrow - Smoking, insomnia, jittery, making mistakes, emotional outburst, meltdown in the bathroom, depressed 6x22 May Day - Kicked off a table, huge fall on back, aggravates back pain, found injecting himself with fentanyl, paranoid, confronted leading to defensive/angry, confesses to Greene, intervention, stubborn, storms out/quits, angry, punches Benton, meltdown, cries, comforted ==== 7x01 Homecoming / Indian Summer - Rehab, exhausted, sweating, tremors, nausea, angry, checking out of rehab, 7x04 Benton Backwards - Someone killed in front of him, shock/angry (22:00) 7x09 Greatest of Gifts - Almost relapses (38:00) ==== 8x01 Four Corners - Emotional/angry at family funeral 8x02 The Longer You Stay - Trips and falls, aggravates back pain the rest of the episode (35:00) 8x11 Beyond Repair - Faces attacker, angry, PTSD/anxiety, throws up, angry outburst at mother 8x16 Secrets and Lies - Emotional, confesses molestation at a young age, face sliced by Kovac ==== 10x21 Midnight - Stillborn son, sees dead child, sobs, breakdown, depressed ==== 11x02 Damaged - Insomnia & depression, hit by crazy patient, bleeding, anger, misses wife and dead child 11x09 Twas The Night - Only attending, stress ==== 15x17 T-Minus 6 - Bleeding from dialysis, reveals kidney problems 15x18 What We Do - Really sick, aggressively pushed (15:00), collapses unconscious, weak, passes out, no pulse, transferred 15x19 Old Times - Waiting for kidney transplant, Benton reunion, surgery, issue during surgery, wakes up in pain, emotional call to wife
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esther-dot · 1 year
What if Jon wasn't acting like a total crackhead in season seven and sent an important lord or even Sansa to negotiate with Dany ? I think Dany might have grown bored if it was just a random northerner lord and burn him but Sansa? She couldn't risk that. How would Sansa and Dany handle each other?
If it had been Sansa, it would be hilarious for her to treat Jon with the consideration s7 Jon showed Sansa, and arrange a marriage for him with Dany to secure Dany as an ally. Instead of a raven, "prepare to bow, cuz I bent the knee for funzies!" it's "Congrats. You're marrying the pyromaniac. Get a haircut." *this is a joke*
I suppose the issue with Sansa going is that she was terrified of a Stark going South and meeting with a Targ, so unless she *had to* I'm not sure she would have, and as much as she was willing to go along with Jon's plans, I didn't have the impression she viewed the Others as the end of the world threat that Jon did. She cared so much about Northern Independence though, I guess I could see them writing her telling Jon that she can't let their king be taken hostage, but she, as a Stark/sister of the king/LoW, would go in his stead? She was pissed off in s8 because she felt betrayed, but if Jon hadn't bent the knee, I could see a one-on-one between her and Dany going very differently than the one in 8x02. She hates Cersei, so they could bond over that, the abuse they had both suffered in the past, (like, Dany's brood mare/rape speech could still happen and Sansa could have said, "as have I"), and that could have resulted in a very interesting dynamic. I don’t think Sansa could have been friends with Dany or agreed with her actions, but I suppose she might have promised to work with Dany/fight against Cersei, if Dany first helped them fight the Others. But Sansa wouldn’t ever give up the North tho. That’s a problem since Dany by that point wanted to rule, everything else be damned, until she fell in love which they used as her turning point, not an appeal to her morals. So, unless we're rewriting Dany, she could have taken Sansa hostage and demanded Jon bend the knee to her, and Jon would have done it.
As for a rando going to Dany...I'd think that would be worse than the Jon or Sansa situation. With Jon, Dany was relatively mellow because she was intrigued by Davos' comment about Jon dying for his people in their first scene, and romantically interested from their second convo on, and then she was really hooked by his moment with a dragon. There's nothing about a rando lord to make their interaction work, and there wouldn’t be a connection between them (like hating Lannisters), so I think burning him like you suggest (if he got mouthy) would have been the endpoint. I guess that’s why they sent Jon in s7, they wanted to delay the reveal of what Dany was until the end. 😑
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Cole Whumplist (Ninjago S8-S16)
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Character: Cole (voiced by Kirby Morrow (s8-s15), Andrew Francis (s16))
For other characters, click here
For Dragons Rising, click here
Age Rating: TV-Y7 (FV)
Show available on Netflix
Notes: This list is only for seasons 8-16 of Lego Ninjago due to the animation style and voice actor changes that occur starting with season 8.
List Key:
bold = most whump, best whump, or favorite whump scenes
~ = a scene break
sons of garmadon: 
8x01: stressed
8x02: (flashback: grieving), upset, stressed ~~ hit with electric blast 
8x03: accidentally drinks truth serum (comedic) ~~ yelling for help, knocked out, dragged 
8x04: imprisoned in vengestone, hurts hand, stressed 
8x05: worried about zane ~~ ship crash
8x06: stressed, at sword point 
8x07: chained up with vengestone ~~ thrown around, worried about lloyd 
8x08: worried about lloyd ~~ glowing scar, straining powers 
8x09: extremely worried about lloyd
8x10: extremely worried about lloyd, almost loses powers ~~ almost crushed, presumed dead
9x01: scars on his chest, stressed 
9x02: worried about friends  
9x03: stressed 
9x04: stressed 
9x05: stressed 
9x06: none
9x07: stressed 
9x08: chained up
9x09: still chained, exhausted ~~ rough landing, groaning 
9x10: stressed, fought 
march of the oni: 
10x01: foot falls asleep (comedic), frustrated ~~ stressed ~~ grabbed, scared, dragged, lifted to safety 
10x02: yelling ~~ worried about lloyd 
10x03: tumbled around, concern for him, terrified, falls, presumed dead ~~ unconscious
10x04: wakes up, gasping, scared, yelling for help, talking to himself in fear, coughing, struggling to move, gasping for air, weak voice ~~ emotional reunion  ~~ unconscious, rough awakening, extremely worried about lloyd, emotional
secrets of the forbidden spinjitzu: 
fire chapter:
11x01: none
11x02: none
11x03: stressed 
11x04: concerned
11x05: rough landing, groaning ~~ straining powers ~~ blasted backward ~~ concerned, thrown, chained
11x06: none
11x07: chained, argued ~~ stressed 
11x08: none 
11x09: fought, thrown, knocked out
11x10: captured, thrown
11x11: none
11x12: stressed 
11x13: stressed
11x14: glowing eyes, fought, extremely worried about zane 
ice chapter:
11x15: fought
11x16: crash landing, shivering
11x17: fought
11x18: none
11x19: none
11x20: worried about lloyd 
11x21: nightmare, very upset, blaming himself ~~ concern for him ~~ runs away ~~ straining powers, briefly passes out ~~ concern for him 
11x22: concern for him ~~ wakes up gasping, scared, hits head ~~ sad, straining powers, hugged tightly (comedic), dizzy ~~ electroshocked, briefly buried under snow
11x23: none
11x24: none
11x25: concerned 
11x26: none
11x27: none 
11x28: stressed 
11x29: crash landing, groaning 
11x30: stressed, fought 
prime empire: 
12x01: straining powers 
12x02: stressed
12x03: fought 
12x04: fought, no powers 
12x05: none 
12x06: stabbed in the back with a thorn, screaming, respawns ~~ fought, loses lives 
12x07: stressed
12x08: trapped, scared, fought 
12x09: stressed, fought 
12x10: stressed 
12x11: crashes, loses last life, "dies" 
12x12: none
12x13: none 
12x14: none 
12x15: none 
12x16: emotional reunion 
master of the mountain:
13x01: falls 
13x02: fought, scared ~~ upset ~~ fought, unable to use powers 
13x03: unconscious in cage, prodded awake, chained up and forced to work 
13x04: still chained, in cage ~~ rough fight, almost trapped, concern for him
13x05: none 
13x06: none 
13x07: yelling for help, scared, hanging from a branch, almost falls, yelling for help, chased, scared, trapped by a spider ~~  falls 
13x08: continuously falling, stuck in a spider web, screaming, falling again, dropped into water, gasping for air, scared, straining powers, collapsed, panting, almost drowns, collapsed, panting, scared, passes out 
13x09: nightmare, startled awake 
13x10: sad flashbacks to his childhood ~~ somber, grieving, glowing eyes and hands, floating, underwater for a while, coughing
13x11: none
13x12: stressed ~~ angry, argued, sad 
13x13: none 
13x14: stressed, fought 
13x15: very angry ~~ rough fight
13x16: rough fight, almost falls, angry, hit by magic, screaming in pain, shaking, weak, straining powers, glowing eyes and hands, collapsed, concern for him, weak
the island:
14x01: stressed
14x02: blasted back, dazed, helped to stand ~~ unconscious, tied up ~~ scared 
14x03: electroshocked, straining powers ~~ electroshocked, tied up 
14x04: worried 
15x01: fought, worried about nya 
15x02: none 
15x03: none 
15x04: none 
15x05: none
15x06: none
15x07: none
15x08: none 
15x09: none
15x10: stressed, fought
15x11: concerned 
15x12: fought, tied up, held underwater, coughing 
15x13: stressed
15x14: ---
15x15: worried about jay
15x16: extremely worried about nya -- grieving
16x01: grieving, angry, worried 
16x02: none
16x03: stressed, worried
16x04: stressed, fought 
16x05: fought 
16x06: rough fight, arrested and put in handcuffs 
16x07: in prison 
16x08: stressed
16x09: tired
16x10: none 
16x11: tired 
16x12: electrocuted, briefly knocked out 
16x13: worried
16x14: scared, trapped underground, presumed dead 
16x15: still trapped underground, stressed
16x16: straining powers, in pain, exhausted 
16x17: ---
16x18: ---
16x19: ---
16x20: ---
16x21: ---
16x22: --
16x23: ---
16x24: ---
16x25: ---
16x26: car crash, unconscious, concern for him, groaning, very out of it, slurred speech, helped to walk, half-collapsed, semi-conscious
16x27: stressed ~~ gags (comedic) 
16x28: fought
16x29: rough fights
16x30: rough fights, emotional
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skatingthinandice · 2 years
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Old foe, Could you lay down your arms? Old friend, Could you bid me farewell?
INSPECTOR GEORGE GENTLY 8x02 “Gently and the New Age” First aired 30 October 2017
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shelleysmary · 2 years
the end of 8x02, morse and thursday having that chat on a bench, is so much because what thursday says about human nature and “you are what you are, whether you like it or not” seems kind of out of place within the context of their conversation about the girls in the blue films, how they’re somebody’s daughter and how they do and should matter. but then again, morse and thursday have conversations like these all the time. they don’t have regular heart-to-hearts - they run on subtext and tough love and small acts of service, but they don’t say what they mean exactly, and hardly ever at the right time.
it’s morse who can’t accept that he is what he is. he’s drinking more after violetta, but it isn’t about violetta at all. morse has always struggled with his own compassion, his sensitivity, and the feeling that he doesn’t quite fit in. and, as a result of not fitting in, morse believes himself to be barred from all those things that make everyone else happy. it’s self-sabotage, but it’s also the result of his upbringing, his experiences, and having this high-stress job where he is exposed to the worst of humanity on a regular basis. i remember him feeling so deeply for the people he encountered over the course of his investigations. and now he can sit on that bench and say he doesn’t care about girls like lynn parry (he’s lying). that people make bad choices and have to suffer the consequences (self-flagellation-by-proxy). and that it isn’t his job to feel for the victims, only to bring them justice. by saying “you are what you are” thursday is subtly calling his bluff. morse doesn’t need to shut down his compassion by drinking - he needs to find a way to cope with being morse.
which reminds me of s1 and thursday’s advice that he find something worth defending. morse says “music,” but what he really mean by that is beauty. in earlier seasons, even in the way the episodes were shot and the prevalence of music and his love of opera especially, there was so much more beauty to be found in morse’s world. he sought it, he found it in the subtlest of places, and it’s what carried him through even as he carried the painful baggage of his past - his mother, his father, his stepmother, his failed relationships with susan and joan, the feeling of never getting the good he deserves. but by s8, the presence of those things is all but gone. even when we see him listening to music now (rarely), it’s more in the background, either when he’s sloshed or running late or in a terrible mood - it is no longer something worth defending because morse, at this point, has lost all faith that anything is.
and yet, if we’re going by thursday’s view that you are who you are, whether you like it or not, underneath all that bitterness and disappointment and put-on nihilism is our same old endeavour morse - the romantic who loves poetry and wants to believe in the ideals of truth and beauty, who still holds them as holy. and in the end, that is morse’s tragedy - we love him. thursday chose him. he has friends who genuinely care about his happiness, but he sees none of it. the world he has created for himself in s8 is so narrow by design - the working and the drinking and the being short with everyone, both as a release valve and a means of keeping them at a distance, thereby confirming his own idea of being fundamentally unlovable... all of it is to keep from getting hurt again, without realizing that what he’s doing is hurting himself. or perhaps not caring that he is hurting himself.
up until now, it was sad seeing morse and knowing where life ends up taking him. catching glimpses of the deep-rooted sadness in a man who tries his best but never lets anyone in. there is something about this series specifically, though, and in the one that came before, that feels so bleak because he is often unrecognizable from the morse we met in the pilot. neither is he fully inspector morse. he’s in a miserable in-between, and i’m curious to see how - as the final series - s9 will choose to tie it all together.
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Sansa vs Dany Contrast: Treatment of Tyrion
How they view him as an advisor:
Sansa: "Tyrion is a good man. He was never anything but decent towards me."
"I didn't ask him to be my Hand simply because he was good. I asked him to be my Hand because he was good, intelligent, and ruthless when he had to be."
Dany: "He never should have trusted Cersei."
Sansa: "You never should have either."
How they handle his wanting to fight:
Tyrion: "If I was out there right now--"
Sansa: "You'd die. There's nothing you can do."
Tyrion: "You might be surprised at the lengths I'd go to, to avoid joining the Army of the Dead. I can think of no organization less suited to my talents."
Sansa: "Witty remarks won't make a difference. That's why we're down here. None of us can do anything. It's the truth. It's the most heroic thing we can do now. Look the truth in the face."
(this works with Tyrion because we see him thinking it over and then him remarking that maybe they should have stayed married - Sansa is in the same position as him, she wants to help, to do something, but she knows she can't, that she would only get in the way, which is why she listens to Arya - so it makes perfect sense that later she and Tyrion step up to the plate to take on the Wights in the crypt together [I will never forgive the show for deleting that great scene but making sure Dany's out-of-nowhere sword skills were kept in, it's a lot easier for someone untrained to use a dagger compared to a big heavy sword, just sayin'])
Tyrion: "When the time comes, Ser Davos and I will be on the walls to give you the signal to light the trench."
Dany: "Ser Davos is perfectly capable of waving a torch on his own. You'll be in the crypt."
Tyrion: "Your Grace, I have fought before. I can do it again. Alongside the men and women risking their lives."
Dany: "There are thousands of them and only one of you. You can't fight as well as they can but you can think better than any of them. You're here because of your mind. If we survive, I'll need it."
(notice how they show Jon's, Varys', and Jorah's reactions here; Jon's reaction is less than complimentary most likely due to Dany speaking against the plan they already had in place & knowing that Tyrion could be useful; Varys agrees with Dany because he and Tyrion are friends; Jorah's is more passive but these three are shown at a time they didn't need to be when this sequence is purely Dany and Tyrion so why show them? because they're showing you that this is something Dany should not have voiced in front of everyone else [it's also a play on the previous scene of her biting Tyrion's head off], the previous season and even this episode, Dany's ire has grown towards Tyrion & she made it clear to Sansa earlier why she has Tyrion as her Hand - this on the surface looks like Dany caring about him and not wanting him to get hurt but she makes it clear she's keeping him around for only one reason)
How they speak of him to others:
Sansa: "Tyrion's not like the other Lannisters. He was always kind to me."
(the 8x02 library scene from above is another example, she defends Tyrion when Dany blames him for Cersei's deception)
Dany: "He's made mistakes. Serious mistakes."
Jorah: "As have we all. He learns from them."
Dany: "You're advising me to forgive the man who stole your position?"
Jorah: "I am."
Dressing him down in front of others:
Sansa: "Cersei told you her army was coming North to fight for you?"
Tyrion: "She did."
Sansa: "And you believed her?"
Tyrion: "She has something to live for now. I believe she wants to survive."
Sansa: "I used to think you were the cleverest man alive."
(Sansa does not say anything critical of him in front of others, she waits until they're alone)
Davos: "You'll want to discuss this amongst yourselves."
Dany: "You will stay."
Tyrion: "Commit to the blockade of King's Landing. We have a plan. It's still the right plan."
Dany: "The right plan? Your strategy has cost us Dorne, the Iron Islands, and the Reach."
Tyrion: "If I have underestimated our enemies--"
Dany: "Our enemies? Your family, you mean. Perhaps you don't want to hurt them after all."
(not to mention the 8x02 scene where she dresses Tyrion down in front of Jorah and Varys)
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fighterkimburgess · 2 years
This thought came to me out of the blue so I'm basically throwing this out there to see if timing would have even lined up or if production thinks this far ahead: Would Brettsey have happened in season 10 with Jesse leaving had Kara supposedly not needed the excuse for time off? I feel bad for my Brettsey fans and understand why they feel hurt. I'm trying to rationalize why the show runners would have gone this route. They had to KNOW it would have been hard to write that relationship??? Or maybe not...I'm not sure how much credit I want to give the show runners sometimes (lol)
I have no idea to be honest. I really don’t.
The one thing that gets me is it all just felt so incredibly unnecessary. I’m not as upset as I thought I’d be, but I’m devastated for my friends who love Brettsey, who wanted to see them succeed against the odds. Long distance is hard and it’s not fair but it’s how it goes.
I tend to think it still would have happened, and we would have heard references to weekends away, and maybe Kara in half an episode. But we don’t know, and I don’t think anyone can plan for that.
One thing I absolutely love about this costume team is Sylvie is wearing the same shirt as she did in 8x02 when she broke up with Kyle.
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It’s a similar motif to how when Matt confessed his love for her in 9x15 she was wearing the same jumper as when she ended things with Antonio in 6x8, that moving on using costuming. It’s something PD does really well, but we don’t often see a lot of in fire (because the characters most often wear their uniforms).
I actually think this particular costuming choice could mean something. Kyle gave Sylvie the moment here to decide what’s right for her. This shirt could be similar - in a few years time we’ll see Matt do the same for her, whether it’s him returning or things changing. So maybe at the end of thirteen if we see this shirt roughly every three years?
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zooeydeschanel · 7 years
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#tbh they never actually called off this engagement
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