#friendship quest
magic-belodie · 1 year
Disney Dreamlight Valley Healing House Is Online! I also made a guide for the quest. You can find it here : https://magicbelodie.com/friendship-quests/#HealingHouse
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moonscape · 1 month
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miwa............. . .. .....
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carouselunique · 7 months
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Introducing the other little adventurers on the Cutie Quest! Sky Chime and Rosy Posy! They're on a quest to find out who they are, and they will never stop the journey - not until they have their Cutie Marks!
Bonus: Our Cutie Quest Adventuring Party all together!
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Hot Take
Heros of Olympus would be so much better if everybody was single.
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jeeaark · 9 months
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For those out of the fruit loop (I'msosorry) (and for those in, Iamalsosorry) There once was a coconut And a pineapple too and They're Dream Pajamas to Greygold
The illithid has feelings. Withers was wrong. I repeat. The. Illithid. Has. Feelings.
I believe it was at this moment that I decided when this is all over, I would like to keep buddy squid in the squad. Forever.
With Lae'zel.
The universe said illithid and githyanki are arch-enemies with only hate, cruelty, and death for one another. Greygold laughs while holding a coconut in one hand and a pineapple in the other, and says "not with that attitude"
Also. Look. The emperor doesn't. doesn't have the heart to explain to Greygold how astral space works. CAN"T EVEN EXPLAIN HOW TIME WORKS THERE HOW DOES IT WORK SQUIDDY????
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Ok, no, but can you imagine:
Aragorn (as Thorongil) having known baby Boromir-
And just casually mentioning it while they’re on the quest.
And of course everyone’s intrigued (and boromir is lowkey mortified when he realizes that “yes, i actually knew him when i was a baby”) and so aragorn just kinda tells one story about bby boromir (not to embarrass him or anything, just bc what else are they gonna do during all those days walking?)
But of course boromir is lowkey embarrassed, as one does when baby stories come up.
And legolas just-
Legolas, to Aragorn: hey, you remember the time you were so scared of climbing down from a tree, you spent an hour crying for me to get you bc you didn’t trust the twins as they weren’t “tree elves”?
Legolas just comes in clutch and levels the playing field. Boromir might be embarrassed bc of his bby stories, but Aragorn is now bright red.
Everyone is now pestering for Gandalf to tell some embarrassing stories about Legolas, but the wizard admits that Legolas was born in the 2nd age, before Gandalf came to middle earth and so he has none.
Legolas is just cackling in glee bc his siblings aren’t here to embarrass him in turn and he now has the pleasure of being one of the oldest for a change.
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frogoru · 9 months
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I made an au based around sweetheart going to therapy and getting told that she needs to work on strengthening her friendships instead of rushing from failed romance to failed romance over and over again!!!!!! (it's just an excuse for me to draw her hanging out with other characters) gonna call it "sweetheart's quest for friendship" or something like that
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cyberpunk-deadboy · 4 months
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change is destruction, you know?
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pangyham · 8 months
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terribly obssesed w mingyun (chongming?) 🥲 snippets of a 5 page comic im working on.. but its really spontaneous and self indulgent and part of me wants to add a little bit of substance haha. chongyun and ga ming should interact in the event that would be awesome
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fujii-dlc · 1 month
I still. Need to eat nails and chalkboard. Over the end of Act 3.
What do you mean. Bonnie’s dialogue changes when they overhear the ‘what will we do when one of us kicks the bucket’ conversation. And being so adamant about how Siffrin and them made a promise to protect one another. Smiling at him.
And then when they get grabbed by the king. They’re calling specifically out for Siffrin. Crying for Siffrin. Reaching for Siffrin. This game is going to make me SICK.
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magic-belodie · 1 year
Disney Dreamlight Valley The Search For Pua Is Online! I also made a guide for the quest. You can find it here: 
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mioakem · 7 months
Part of me wants to write a fic abt if Nico and Reyna were members of the seven instead of percabeth cause I think it would be cool plus I love writing but the other part of me has never written a fanfic in my life and also has issues with actually finishing what I start
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carouselunique · 2 months
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“Oh! Fiddlefeathers!” Sky Chime murmured as she lifted her wing to fly up to her bedroom window where Dinky and Rosy were waiting upstairs for her to come back from setting out the bins after dinner. Looking down at her feathers she saw a very distinct and very incriminating smudge of makeup. It was her very first sleepover and while she had been looking forward to sharing this milestone with her new friends, that made this much more difficult.
She didn’t mean to lie to her new friends, it just sort of… happened. She had been the first in her class to earn her cutie mark way back when. She had earned her cutie mark way early for being a musical prodigy, earlier than any filly she knew in Fillydelphia. Or Cloudsdale. Or Baltimare. Or anywhere else… and showing that fact off made ponies her age hate her. So two towns down she had taken to covering her mark. It never mattered before, because she always left those towns after only a few weeks. It just helped her fly under the radar. To go unnoticed. That was how she liked it unless she was performing…
Hiding her cutie mark hadn’t been an issue until Ponyville. Until they decided to put down roots for longer this time while Sky honed her talents under Madame Octavia. Until she had made friends with the only other “blankflanks” in her new class and the whole point of their friendship was to find cutie marks together. So now, Sky reasoned to herself, hiding it as long as she can would be the best option.
Looking around to make sure no one had seen, she quickly adjusted her feathers over her cutie mark, hiding it from view before deciding to slowly walk up to her front door instead. Luckily, she thought to herself, her pajamas would hide her flank until morning when they got ready for school and she could reapply her makeup then. She felt a growing pit of guilt in her stomach… but she feared that if she were to tell the truth to make it go away, she’d lose her first ever real friends… so, she supposed, she’d just have to learn to live with the guilt.
It wouldn’t be forever. Just until Ditzy and Rosy got their cutie marks too.
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She’s not worried about earning her cutie mark because she already has it.
Cutie Mark Reveal / Explanation / Design Process Below:
Okay so, Sky Chime has her cutie mark already. Why? Well, one, I never liked the CMC receiving their marks together. I like the idea of each individually receiving their cutie marks at their own pace. These are a metaphor for puberty/maturity/growing up/self discovery right? Well not everyone does that at the same pace as their friends. The Mane Six I can excuse because they’re all different ages so they did earn it at different paces just with the same catalyst. CMC though… I never felt thats what they needed. For all the show claims they still do their own thing just share a destiny it feels like they’ll always be the Cutie Mark Crusaders rather than that being something that helped them grow into their own separate beautiful unique destinies. Almost like the show itself didn’t trust those three to stay friends post earning their cutie marks.
That being said, I have an idea that once the final mark is earned by whoever goes last, they discover together something about how an aspect of their talents is helping others see their own talents for their true meaning and the Cutie Quest Fillies cutie marks CHANGE a bit to reflect that. For example, the color of the tear drop chimes might change to be each of her friends colors or something. Because the people we love do have an impact on how we grow. So that might be something.
Okay so if Rosy Posy and Dinky Doo represent being somewhat behind your age for whatever reason development wise, Sky Chime represents being somewhat ahead and all the ways it can make you also feel different. All the ways you might feel like holding yourself back because you want to be where everyone else is. Everyone strives for being grown up until you’re the very first one to do it and then it seems like they judge you for beating them to the finish line.
And when you’re going through that you might not feel ready for the finish line. Sky is hiding this big part of herself to fit in and to feel like a kid again and keep her friends. She’s advanced for her age, a prodigy and a talent and she likes collecting antiques and whatnot. She already feels like marehood is coming for her way sooner than she wants. So she hides. And she feels bad because unlike in every other town, here in Ponyville she’s lying for ages. Very anxious pegasus our Sky Chime.
Sky being a changeling was a popular theory and I’d love some fanfic about that AU within an AU but, crucially, I wanted to try not to do harmful aspects from the canon show into this AU unless it is meant to say something about the ponies and I think having Sky being so protective of her secretly being another species would play into a lot of the unremarked upon species prejudice in the show. That being said actually someone get on some Changeling Sky I’d love to see it!!!
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gamelpar · 13 days
every day i think about how devoted and loyal Maurice and Rocket and Luca were to Caesar and every day i cry
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arrowstike-bunn · 2 months
I don't know why i gave em some battle sprites but they turned out nice, just was thinkin something like "what if Mal and Sif practiced fighting" or something.
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Little Sibling AU by @pillowspace
Might make more like the other party members have while slowly trying to figure out how to draw something for Artfight
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torchstelechos · 1 month
If I think about the fact that Siffrin got hit by almost every member of the party Ill cry, no matter what happens Siffrin is always being hurt by their family and no one can do anything about it because Siffrin won't talk about it
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