fandom-trash-xl · 6 months
Scott Pilgrim brainrot here, but Friecha/Yamza would definitely have a Ramona Flowers situation where Frieza would have a bunch of evil exes that Yamcha has to fight.
A bunch of past arranged suitors, Cell... Frost thinks he's the final boss here because he's the latest but Frieza notes that they were never together in the first place just as the fight is about to start and it stuns him so hard that Yamcha is able to cheap shot him.
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fuckmarrykillpolls · 2 months
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justme068 · 7 months
I’m embarrassed to say I have no new request ideas - I just wanna see more Frieza/Frost. I don’t suppose you could draw more of this ship?
Don't be embarrassed! I will try to draw more of them in the future for u :>
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conherofrost · 6 months
I'm aware that those may be painful memories and I apologise in advance, but I wonder, were you sexually and/or romantically attracted to frieza when you met him at that tournament?
Don't make me say it when he might be reading...
...but maybe a little... I may have been incredibly touch starved after losing my standing and having everything turned against me, so I was quite easily smitten and craving the attention only he could really provide at the time.
It was an embarrassing wouldn't-even-call-it-a-crush out of desperation. The feeling has long since subsided for... obvious reasons.
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icejinlov3r · 1 year
Midnight Love
Felt inspired to draw this super short, steamy comic of my favorite ship. For context, never done a comic before, or done anything close to more “mature” content (this isn’t explicit, I promise).
Thoughts? Would you guys wanna see more comics of these two? (Not just mature one either).
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katealot · 7 months
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wikagirl · 11 months
I have to finish the mainstory before I do the dlc and get to see wrench
I have to finish the mainstory before I do the dlc and get to see wrench
I have to finish the mainstory before I do the dlc and get to see wrench
I have to fin-
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naomilikesdr · 1 year
Hi! I wondering if you could write general dating head canons for Mondo Owada x GN!reader?
Hii!!! So sorry for being late with this request, I was busy with school TwT
I hope you liked these and I hope its not too short, this is my friest time writing
Mondo Owada dating HC's
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-At the beggining of the relationship, hes probably a bit flustered around you cuz hes worried about messing things up or doing stuff too fast
-Still, hes probably the one to intiate the first kiss, first time cuddling, holding hands...
-Only after hes convinced himself you wont say no though
-But after you date for some time, his confidence is back...
-He's gonna cuddle you all the time when your alone
-He's still a bit embarrassed about PDA though
-If your at a mall or something, the most he'll do is hold your hand, and even that makes him blush a bit
-If your in school or your friends however!!! He always had an arm around you waist or shoulder, even pulls you into his lap sometimes (Kiyotaka yells at him when he does that because "Public display of affection is not welcomed on school grounds!")
-Lets it slide because Mondo is his bro though
-Loves teasing you too
-Your play fighting with him and he pins you to the bed with a smirk while your blushing
- "Whats wrong, babe?"
-He'll let you go when you call him out though
-Also!!! Loves petnames!!!
-Calls you the "tough guy" petnames when your in public (babe, baby, etc...) but calls you those sweet married couple nicknames when your alone
-The first time you tell him you love him, he almost cries. Almost. Theres no way in hell he'd cry in front of you.
-Pulls you into a kiss and hug afterwards
-And obviously, he loves riding with you on his bike
-Might be a bit harder for him to drive though because your hands are wrapped around his waist and your head is reasting on his back and he can feel the way you breathe and now hes blushing again
-His gang might join you sometimes to see who's the person their boss talks so much about
-Also this is a very popular headcanon but he would totally let you wear his jacket
-Only the black one though, I feel like he wouldnt let you wear the white one in his splash art
-Also he loves showing you off
- "See that person there? Yeah, they're my fucking partner."
-The problem is he gets jealous pretty easily and those two dont go well together
-When he gets jealous he literally tries fighting the person if their a guy (you stop him though), and cusses them out if their a girl
-In conclusion: Boyfried material!!!! 10/10!!!!
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dbzshipbracket · 6 months
Round 1
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x-unnamedgraves-x · 1 year
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adopted my friest ancient sparkledog. well they are more emo lol. they are named manic and were originally designed by lambino in 2010
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sk8thatsk8edaway · 5 months
come on shinjiiiii
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in all honesty apart from that hospital scene, I really do like shinjis character. When i friest watched nge he was super relatable, so he's probably among my favorites aside from suzuhara and ayanami
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fandom-trash-xl · 29 days
Incorrect Quotes on a Whim Out of Boredom, but why are two of them about stairs?
Aka: I found an audios list just to chill; also a bit of the spite mix --- Kale: Did it hurt when you fell? Caulifla, slightly dizzy and loopy: From what? Heaven? Or in love? Kale: Dear, as much as I would love to save your ego... Kale, voice suddenly raising: YOU JUST FACEPLANTED DOWN A FLIGHT OF STAIRS! -- Kale: What kind of ice cream flavor would you guys be? Cabba: Vanilla. Frost: Vanilla... you basic b-tch. I'd be pistachio- Caulifla: 'Cause no one likes you? Frost: ... -- Cabba, arriving at Champa's palace before the Tournament of Power: Sorry I was late, I was... doing things. Frost, coming up the staircase, panting and out of breath: -HE PUSHED ME DOWN THE STAIRS! Cabba, with plausible deniability: Push is such a strong word. I prefer to call it... giving you a little nudge. Frost: Oh, I'll give you a little nudge when I shove my foot up your ass! Hit: Hey! ...Watch your f-cking language in front of the God of Destruction. -- Hit: You should be addicted to shutting up... Frost: You want to kiss me so bad, it makes you look stupid. Hit: So what if I do -- Frost, after Frieza "defeats" Gohan in the Tournament of Power: Will you date me? Breath if yes, recite the Bible in Japanese if no! Frieza, charging an energy blast: はじめに神は天と地とを創造された。 -- And now something fluffy to compensate: Goku, to Chi-Chi one morning: Last night I dreamed I was a bottle of ketchup and you were mustard. Which is weird, because you're usually mayonnaise in my dreams. Why do you suppose that is?
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444names · 2 years
the entire article on the list of avatar: the last airbender characters from wikipedia
Aban Abduith Ables Abutaked Accing AcNet Acon Adhounced Adinsed Aisteme Aited Aity Alved Amils Amunlive Andes Ansion Anted Aporizen Apts Aranagai Argensing Arruccoust Artudga Asteass Aught Awly Bableafter Bace Badiefes Badown Bantitted Bearval Befes Beives Bence Bendrair Bent Bers Bethenion Bigight Bily Blexced Boaq Boatersted Bory Bougs Boye Bozedlest Brand Brang Brany Brest Brin Brotal Běifers Cabenter Camested Caphimings Capsemete Carnal Cats Chapped Chilenter Ching Chipprowns Chipsys Cired Cizefs Clarges Cled Cloys Clured Coic Comans Comating Come Comeophest Compet Cong Connator Cons Consee Corldle Cousivale Cred Cring Crion Cronsper Crought Cryon Cuest Cuthicuel Dample Daolvend Dath Decloce Deferge Defron Dendefored Dercied Dess Dient Dime Ding Dishown Distres Ditels Doxiss Dreciese Dreor Dukens Eace Eder Edictrogan Eldhimette Eling Eluenes Empult Encons Endergen Entgo Erickly Ever Existific Expean Fassar Faterayany Ferm Fesop Fied Fiendist Fies Figur Findendu Firld Fism Fleninged Fogybreal Folder Forged Fourrolved Fous Frest Friest Frinsin Froleng Frossign Frow Gabehealve Gabrour Genter Gifer Goaters Goners Gral Gration Gray Gual Handing Hang Harcess Harcher Harldends Hars Hatal Heabirly Hecolasert Heplits Hers Hestion Hety Hidially Hients Hing Holdene Holle Hounce Houtrung Howy Hualizan Humplared Ilisped Imal Imazin Imets Imil Impturna Inalecrese Incy Ined Inga Inlicha Inumpon Jagents Jeoureceer Joing Jonitte Joring Jusa Kature Kaying Keight Keonass Kies Killogy Kimmited Kintintly Kiyin Lamply Latuary Legistal Leng Letabling Liall Lical Ling Lint Litaniu Lithly Lively Lounces Loundin Majoyaccel Makints Mane Manite Manized Mentical Mese Minsix Miticander Modirseek Mote Mothous Muccorse Muredao Murpring Muting Namist Nder Neunspled Neweld Niceptual Obseemoloo Ocilestate Oftes Onee Oped Orts Ovic Oweadsh Oweityled Pagmal Parce Parcepery Park Pash Pateetur Paters Phes Pillected Pips Pled Ponstraque Pooded Popagen Pores Poseendell Possers Preadouse Preffeal Prei Prels Pren Prie Prilits Pring Prittlyzes Prodbed Proffectes Proglowers Pron Propeas Prowns Proyan Quel Quera Quishoncle Radow Rartheened Rated Readval Reand Rearbet Rearce Rearceplon Rearturns Reass Reater Refess Regiolik Rele Remansts Rent Repos Reps Retenter Reting Rety Reyclues Riatin Rons Rovion Ruction Sarra Sate Sava Sces Scon Secherest Section Semed Shance Shasent Shativing Sheatō Shes Shider Shold Shosed Sines Sishing Song Soning Sonits Sonsitive Sook Soptuer Sped Spireter Squeal Stabses Starric Sted Steracting Stes Stie Stifier Stionds Storely Straced Stual Sturtheep Suarating Suided Sumiscun Summisma Supiecon Sureass Surecten Sury Swomely Sworsts Synotly Teducalits Tege Tents Teouthyped Terged Term Ters Thaido Theadents Thended Thery Thesse Thire Thro Throgge Titin Tojew Tommick Tonate Tong Toritions Tousted Traltur Trant Trating Trayed Tred Trempoists Tres Troduran Tron Troper Trotiming Ugmandust Unbater Unben Unce Unch Unclete Unfoom Unfreal Unignes Unsetay Unting Upow Uppon Valinam Veng Vicing Vili Ving Vinum Viscepring Vist Vistundeek Voly Vonts Votive Wang Wanoyst Wasting Waters Waticon Weed Whaut Wint Wism Wompasne Womplabor Wood Worible Worting Wrideptims Yant Yearns YonZond Yould Zhundly
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conherofrost · 7 months
Even here, you're a subpar copycat….
((ooc: hello!!! i'm happy to see you made the blog, i know you'd been wanting to for a while now… ignore frieza lol he's just a dick. followed! excited to see where it goes :>))
Well, hello to you too, Frieza-senpai my beloathed...
(Oh dear Kais above, what the hell, why didn't any of you tell me sooner that Frieza's on this website?!?!)
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thecolorsfucked · 7 months
@gardenianoire the meal comes w one large Body of Friest
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oldthoughts1234 · 2 years
Diesen Begriff prägte Kanzler Scholz nach dem Angriff Russlands in der Ukraine .
Der Aufmarsch der russischen Armee während der olympischen Spiele und davor wurde von der EU und Deutschland nicht richtig ernst genommen, genauso wie die Annektion der Krim im Jahre 2014. Putin hat sich, und davon bin ich überzeugt, mit dem chinesischen Präsidenten abgesprochen, sofort nach Ende der Spiele in der Ukraine ein zu maschieren.
was geschah dann. Der Krieg wurde immer heftiger, busha würde zum Synonym für Völkermord und was machte Scholz. Eine Zeitenwende braucht dann auch kurzfristige Entschlossenheit und Entscheidungen, aber er zögerte und zögerte.......
Die Verteidigungsministerin Lamprecht gab ein ganz schwaches Bild ab. Scheinbar wusste keiner so richtig was wir für Militärgerät überhaupt haben, was einsatzbereit ist und was wir liefern könnten.
Der Ringtausch mit Polen und anderen ehemaligen Ländern der UdSSR war im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes ein "Rohrkrepierer" .
Jetzt nach einem halben Jahr Krieg scheint es endlich anzulaufen.
So Pause. Bald geht's wieder weiter.
So es geht wieder weiter.
Gasumlage: Obwohl von der gesamten Ampel beschlossen, kommt jetzt massive Kritik. Aber allein Harbeck wird gescholten. Ist er wie Annalena Baerbock zu beliebt, das jetzt schon die Keule herausgeholt wird!!!???
Und dann die Kritiker aus CDU und CSU: Scheuer und Dobrindt haben sich bei der Maut verzockt und 500 Millionen in den Sand gesetzt, obwohl ja Seehofer die Maut unbedingt wollte. Und Söder blockiert die Stromtrasse nach Süden und den Bau von Windkraftanlagen , und ist jetzt der erste, der Ginuhilfen für den Freistaat fordert.
Und zuerst meldet sich Herr Spahn, der nun in der Corona Krise in der zweiten Hälfte nun völlig versagt hat. Und macht der Regierung Vorhaltungen sie entscheide Nichts und wäre zerstritten.
Aber die Bevölkerung vergisst schnell und dann gilt wieder die alte Weisheit; " es wächst Gras drüber und dann kommt ein Schaf, friest es ab und alles ist vergessen"
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