#frigg deity
undeadmagick · 5 months
a tip for beginners since it worried me when i first started: its important to note that while there are deities that are heavily connected to each other, you’re not obligated to work with both of them.
many people speak on specifically married deities (ex: hades & persephone, zeus & hera, odin & frigg). a lot of people refer to them as a “package deal” since they are heavily entwined. but it’s important for those just starting out, this does not mean you have to work with both.
as someone who works with hades, some of my offerings to him are related to persephone but i don’t worship her. in fact, when i had the opportunity to meet her and ask, she smiled and said, “you’re not mine”. we both mutually understood that we didn’t have a connection to one another but we have mutual respect and kindness for one another.
the “package deal” part is where i offer my coffee that is too sweet for hades so he said he’ll hand it to persephone instead. which is the cutest fucking thing btw omg
this is all just in an effort to say, please do not worry about having to work with two deities rather than one. don’t get overwhelmed.
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chaos-bites · 2 months
🪿 Subtle Frigga Worship 🪡
Big thank you to @broomsick for the help on this list!
Make a meal for your loved ones
Make yourself a warm or comforting drink, especially herbal teas
Learn a fabric craft; crocheting, sewing, weaving, embroidery, etc.
Spend time with any children in your life; be kind to children
Have a stuffed animal sheep, goose, goat, or a bog animal
Have imagery of geese, sheep, bogs, the sky, the moon, spinning wheels and spindles, distaffs, or keys around
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Spend time with your loved ones, especially those you consider family
Practice divination; learn a new method of divination
Take time to calm yourself; spend a full day (or most of a day) relaxing and resting
Engage in activities that calm and soothe you; drawing, meditating, taking a walk in nature, etc.
Clean your space or your home; do some chores around the house
Make your house (or space) feel like a home to you; surround yourself with things that make you feel comfortable and safe
Volunteer in your community for any cause
Donate to or support domestic abuse prevention or child-focused organizations
Donate diapers, baby food, children's toys, and hygiene kits to homeless shelters
Bake bread from scratch; make a meal from scratch
Explore your own spirituality; dive into topics that interest you regarding spirituality
Spend time with any maternal figures or mothers in your life; offer assistance to new mothers if able
Make a meal for a family that isn't your own; give a warm meal to someone in need
Get involved with your local community; join clubs, support groups, volunteer groups, or likewise; ensure you have an established sense of community around you
Lend your kindness and support to others, but always make sure you're showing yourself the same
Decorate your space with fabrics (tapestries, flags, pretty blankets, crocheted animals, etc.)
Dry flowers you find pretty; decorate your space with flowers (do not steal from other people's gardens)
Keep a journal of nice things people have said to you c:
Practice knowing when to speak your mind versus when to hold your tongue
Learn how to stand in your own power; connect with your inner strength, and commend your resilience (this sort of thing takes time, and that's ok)
Send your loved ones a kind message out of the blue; tell them how much you appreciate them or how much they mean to you
Write something that you appreciate, admire, or generally like about yourself daily (or however often feels comfortable)
I may add more later on, but for now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Frigga! Thank you for reading, and take care, everyone. 🩵
Link to my Subtle Worship Master list
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moonjellywitch · 12 days
Asking Freyja, Frigg and Brigid to show me love, light and recuperation today. It’s a day where I clean and tend my own hearth, so to speak. There’s no better feeling than getting the stagnant energy out of your room and really tidying shit up. I have so much to clean today 😭 but I know by the end of today I will feel like a princess with how tidy and lovely everything will be.
I’m gonna make pasta for dinner tonight! Really easy one-pot Italian beef pasta I found. Super yummy, I’ve made it before and it was stupid good. Stirring clockwise to bring in the good too.
Today’s the day where I burn my money spell candle too. Hopefully setting up my Etsy store at the same time will bring in some extra cash in my life cuz holy shit I’m running low and I need a job. 😭😭
Also…pray to your deities if shit ain’t working out. I prayed to Frigg to delay my bus home because my Uber was gonna arrive 1 minute before it left and lo and behold, the bus waited for three minutes for me so I made it. It was beautiful. Praise be to Frigg! :)
Okay I’m done rambling now. I’m just excited because with my old job I was so burnt out and tired but now I feel like I’m coming back into my old self. It’s amazing.
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mothieo · 1 year
One thing that Mother Frigg has shined light on for me is that you decide who ur family is, it does not have to be blood family, it can be friends or animals.
Family is what you decide for it to be
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transcendingblood · 3 months
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I’ve been slacking on promoting my store because I have a crush on someone so here’s me trying to not let that distract me.
One of the deity vials I haven’t posted about yet is this Frigg one! It contains thyme, birch bark, and grey moonstone!
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Small Devotions: Fiber Arts and Bead Craft
One of my favorite ways to spend offline time is making things, and that's often via one of the fiber arts: weaving, embroidery, or sewing. I also spend a fair amount of time doing bead work, for my own delight and to make gifts to others.
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[Image description: A black-and-white line drawing of the three Norns at the base of Yggdrasil.]
Image credit: "The Norns" by Ludwig Burger Despite the lack of evidence for the Nornir as the spinner, weaver, and wielder of scissors we think of these days (see my review of Karen Bek-Pedersen's The Nornir in Old Norse Mythology for further information), that imagining of them works quite well for me. Thus, in my personal practice, I continue to see Urd as the spinner, Verdandi as the Weaver, and Skuld as She Who Wields the Scissors, and correspond them to Past, Present, and Future.
Frigg is also revered as a Spinner and Weaver—some people believe she is the one who spins what the Nornir weave.
Thus, with my frame of reference, I call upon Frigg and the Nornir in my fiber work in a few different ways.
Once I have assembled my tools and supplies, I ask for their blessing on my work:
Hail, Urd, Spinner of That-Which-Has-Been! Hail, Verdandi, Weaver of That-Which-Is-Becoming! Hail, Skuld, You who wield The Scissors, Seer of That-Which-Is-Yet-to-Be! Hail, Frigg, Allmother, Wise Woman, Spinner and Weaver Divine! I ask your blessings on my work. Guide my hands so that they move faithfully and true, for quality in my work. Guide my eyes so that I see clearly and correctly, for accuracy in my work. May my stitches/weaving/etc. be strong and durable, So that my creation fulfills its purpose [add specifics if you like, e.g. "of keeping the wearer warm" or "helping me feel confident"] And that my creation lasts as long as needed, and then some.
And then I set to work.
When it comes time to tie off a thread when I'm hand sewing, I make three triple knots. For the first two, I recite the following, each line being said as I make one loop of the knot:
With thanks to Frigg, With thanks to Urd, With thanks to Verdandi, For your blessings on my work.
For the last knot, I recite one line per loop, and add the last sentence as I cut the thread:
With thanks to Frigg, With thanks to Urd, With thanks to Verdandi, With thanks to Skuld <cut thread> For your blessings on my work.
If I'm using my sewing machine, I recite the first piece as I do the overstitching, and the second piece when I cut the thread.
For bead work, I ask the blessing of Freya as well when I begin:
Hail, Freya, Vanadis! Wearer of Brisingamen, Divine Beauty, Divine Love, I ask your blessing on my work so that its beauty Enhances the beauty of the one who wears it, And brings beauty to all who behold it.
Each of these take just a few seconds to do, and add meaning to what would otherwise be just another activity. I find that they help me to focus on my work, so my work is better, and I am more able to take pride in the items I create—and more comfortable doing so.
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Sometimes in my mind I confuse lady Freyja and lady Frigg's names and they get mad but also sometimes pretend they are angrier than they actually are and my innability to detect sarcasm makes me go insane (they always calm me down later though)
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tuntu2340 · 3 months
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Moodboard for the rune Berkana!!!! I went through Pinterest to portray what associations it has!! Freyja claimed this as an offering 🐱🌱
Mothers, birth, death, weddings, beginnings and endings, bears, birch, and the color green (emerald I think but I might edit this later)!! Also associated with the goddess Frigg 🥰💌
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motherwytch · 3 months
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Decided to get rid of the printer that was basically just a paperweight and set up a small altar on the corner of my desk 🥰
First time I've had an altar set up since before we moved out of mine and my husband's first apartment, maybe 15 years ago. Couldn't have one for various reasons over the years, such as space, roommates, and a young child.
The biggest concern now is my cat, so we'll see how it goes.
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applesforhela · 2 years
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Little kitchen altar for Frigga. I moved her statue to the window above the kitchen sink recently, and it's slowly coming together and getting some life into it.
Next to her is a mini cinnamon broom on one side and some tea and the stubby second cuts that got combed out of the wool I'm spinning. My main home altar is for Hel and the ancestors, and it's been interesting to see how the offerings take differently. With Hel, things are left for days at a time. They dry up and go stale and maybe start to rot. With Frigga I'll make her some tea, and it needs to be poured out the next day and made fresh. She wants her space tidy and her offerings changed out promptly. Seriously thinking that when I get this batch of wool all spun up I'll be making something fine and lacey for her. Maybe a little curtain for the window to give her a backdrop.
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honoringthor · 1 year
Frigg: The Norse Goddess of Domestic Life, Fiber Arts, Wisdom and Fate
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undeadmagick · 6 months
i wanted to ask other norse pagans their thoughts on the whole Frigg/Freyja thing.
to me personally, i’ve always viewed them as two sides of the same being. Frigg representing a more homely figure who is related to marriage and family while Freyja represents being a warrior and battle. the best way i can explain it is kind of like the holy trinity in christianity where they are three separate figures who were also the same.
it’s made the most sense for me to think of them in this way since it makes sense for representing a woman’s duality (and also Odin’s/Odr’s for men’s). that a woman can be both wife and mother but also a warrior.
i don’t imply that people have to worship both but just that, personally, i view them as incredibly connected as two sides of a single woman.
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meadofpoetry · 5 months
Frigg vibes, anyone?
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broomsick · 11 months
I pray that the bonds which tie me to my loved ones may flourish as those that unite the divine couple who reign upon the thrones in Ásgarðr. I pray for Frigg, the golden-hearted Allmother, to help me nurture love and harmony, and for Óðinn, the wise Allfather, to protect my loved ones from harm. Hail Frigg, hail Óðinn!
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randomtheidiot · 2 months
What the Norse gods probably smell like.
This is a comprehensive list of what I think all the Norse gods smell like. Do not ask me why I wrote this down, why I wanted to post this on the internet or why I even asked the question in the first place. Everything can be explained by mental illness and sleep deprivation.
If your favorite deity isn’t on here, it’s because they suck.
-Óðinn (Odin): A mix of beer, sausage and that old man sweater smell.
-Þórr (Thor): Alcohol, body odor and an inordinate amount of Worcestershire sauce. The smell is strong enough to knock small birds straight out of the air.
-Loki: Fireplace soot and the kind of mulling spices you’d use in apple cider. You’d think it’d smell good, but the sooty smell kind of ruins it. A bath would definitely help.
-Frigg: Some sort of strong perfume, along with cheap wine and potpourri. She just kinda does, I don’t know why.
-Freyja: She has that cat scent. I don’t know if any of you know what I’m talking about, but she smells like a cat.
-Freyr: Apple scented shampoo. This is a conscious choice on his part.
-Baldr: Flowers. Real ones, too. Not the fake perfume shit. I suppose now he smells like a corpse that was burnt on a pyre, but when he was alive, he smelled like flowers.
-Höðr: Wintergreen mouthwash… for some reason.
-Nanna: Fruit preserves like jam and shit.
-Hœnir: He smells like a dad. Whatever you think a dad smells like is what Hœnir smells like. He smells fatherly.
-Skaði: Pine sap. She is covered in pine sap and if you look closely, she probably has some pine needles glued to her hair.
-Sif: The bread aisle in a grocery store.
-Iðunn: Apple based food products. She’s not exactly running low on apples.
-Sigyn: Olive Garden. She smells like the inside of an Olive Garden. Do not question me on this.
-Mímir: Very strong incense to cover up the corpse smell. It is nearly impossible to breathe around him.
-Týr: Go up to a man. Any man, doesn’t have to be a specific kind of man. Now smell him. That is it. Týr smells like a man.
-Heimdallr: Piss and vinegar from all the hate in his soul. There’s a million goddamn signs of Ragnarök and his dad still has him keeping watch like he’s a fucking security robot. That horn ain’t gonna do shit and he knows it.
-Njördr: He smells bad, but it’s not really clear what’s on him. It could be anything from tacky deodorant to motor oil and judging by his general weirdness, I’m not sure I wanna find out.
-Ægir: Alcohol. He practically wears Heineken as a cologne and it smells fucking terrible. Add on his natural ocean smell and it’s just fucking unpleasant to be around him.
-Rán: Fish, and not for the reason you might be thinking!
-Jörð: She’s a fucking earth goddess. Stick your face in the dirt. That’s what she smells like. Don’t ask me this again. Fuck you.
-Laufey: Tree. :)
-Njörðr’s unnamed sister-wife: The nursing home.
-Lofn: Shitty rose flavored Turkish delight that I got from one of those generic ass Marshall’s stores that white moms really seem to like. It was only slightly better than the lemon one.
-Forseti: That incense they use at Catholic Churches. I don’t know why, he just does.
-Hermóðr: Sweat and various other body fluids, as well as traces of whatever menial task Óðinn last assigned to him.
-Ullr: Tobacco. On his breath. Staining his beard. It’s horrible.
-Sól: Orange juice and sunscreen.
-Máni: Grape scented for unclear reasons. Probably nefarious ones.
-Bragi: Bragi smells like a disappointment of a child. His siblings are Þórr, Baldr and Týr and he’s just there with his stupid poetry and shit. He smells like those stupid Yankee Candle candles that never actually smell like what’s on the label. When I see “tropical seabreeze” on a label, I don’t expect it to smell like dishwashing liquid, but it always does. Bragi is tropical seabreeze candles. Bragi is dishwashing liquid.
-Angrboða: Plums.
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fernthewhimsical · 1 year
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Made two tiny drop spindles as offerings for Frigg-Frija and Holle. They are so smoll! (●ˇ∀ˇ●)
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