imsparky2002 · 1 year
Coward and Proud of It
(Nathaniel is drawing in his sketchbook after another akuma attack, and notices his classmates looking embarassed, their faces riddled with guilt.)
Nathaniel: Why do you guys look like that?
Alix: Dude, we’re such horrible friends! We forgot about you again!
(He looked confused. She sounded sincere, but why?)
Rose: I can’t believe we left you behind! We’re supposed to look out for each other!
Nathaniel: Uh, what are you talking about?
Nino: We didn’t go back to look for you dude! We were too busy saving our own skins. (He looks ashamed. Nathaniel realizes what’s going on.)
Nathaniel: Are you talking about the last akuma attack? You think you abandoned me?
Kim: Yeah! You were nowhere to be found. Weren’t you looking for us?
Nathaniel: Uh... no? Guys, you didn’t leave me behind. I left you.
(The entire class gasps in shock.)
Chloe: What are you on about, Kurtzberg?!
(He just rolls his eyes at the girl.)
Nathaniel: Whenever I am able to do so, I slip away from you guys. Afterall, Akumas seem to have a magnet for our group. And the best way to avoid getting killed is to lay low, away from the source.
Adrien: You make it sound like we’re a liability to you!
Nathaniel: *Bluntly* You are. You all run around like headless chickens, instead of ducking for cover and keeping your heads down. If this were a zombie apocalypse, you’d fail horribly. Well, except for Adrien and Marinette. Somehow you two always manage to avoid the brunt of the attacks. Not to mention you’ve never been akumatized yourselves. Main character energy if I’ve ever seen it.
Marinette: Yeah... that’s the reason. *Internally sweating*
Max: Nathaniel, you make up one fourteenth of a group. I am pretty sure we’d realize if you had abandoned us.
Nathaniel: Well, Max, for a guy with such a high iq, you clearly weren’t smart enough the other four times I did it.
Alya: Hold on a second, you’ve left us FIVE TIMES?!
(Nathaniel nods. He doesn’t understand why everyone seems so surprised.)
Nathaniel: You make it sound like it’s such a hard thing to do. When you’re all freaking out like that, it’s easy for a quiet guy like me to slip away.
Alix: (Talking about the Art Club Squad) But every time we texted you in the group chat, you acted like you were trying to find us. You even said you understood how panicked we got.
Nathaniel: Yeah, I was lying. You think I’m gonna reveal my escape plans? Then you’ll wanna join me, and I can’t have anyone from this class, even my friends, putting a target on my back via association.
Juleka: *Mumbling* Ouch, dude.
Chloe: Hmph! Well if you’re so elusive, tell us how on earth a nobody like you managed to survive all these attacks.
Nathaniel: Why should I tell you? You’d just try to join me next time.
(Rose uses her puppy dog eyes, and he caves.)
Nathaniel: Alright, fine. But I’m not taking any of you next time, you hear me?
(They grumble and nod.)
Nathaniel: Ok, Stormy Weather was pretty easy. All I had to do was avoid Alec, head home to my house, shut all the windows, lock the doors, hide under the bed, and done. For some reason, Akumas usually attack anyone unlucky enough to be outside. If they don’t have a specific victim in mind that is.
(The classmates all mutter in agreement. He had a point.)
Nathaniel: Next up was Guitar Villain, and once again you all ran off together, not even thinking of splitting up. And it seems none of you got the idea of just pretending to like the music. That’s what I did, just copied what I saw Ivan doing in class the day before, and headbanged like there was no tomorrow. I find the music to be cringe as all hell, not to mention the singer’s a deadbeat dad with an obviously fake English accent, but I had to fake it to make it.
Juleka: *Muttering* He really is a scumbag.
Nathaniel: Then there was Frightingale. I didn’t escape by myself, since I got a helping hand from a certain cute writer who I had been in the music video with. Turns out we had both been crushing on the other for awhile, and finally had the courage to ask eachother out. He took me to a safespot with the other kids in Mendeliev’s class, they took a liking to me, since I actually bothered to ask about their lives. You do realize that the kids besides Marc, Mireille, Jean and Aurore have names right?
Marinette: Of course we did!
Nathaniel: Really, what are they?
(The class is unable to even come up with a guess.)
Sabrina: Uh...
Nathaniel: That’s what I thought. Anyway, Zombizou was my favorite. Me and the Science kids got to kick love-zombie ass, and in order to avoid suspicion, Marc and I kept making out whenever they were near. It was so awesome! (He blushes before getting back on topic.) So yeah. You guys never abandoned me, I abandoned you. And before you say anything, no, I’m not sorry.
Alix: *Looking forlorn* But dude... we’re your friends!
Nathaniel: Well, you are. Most of the Art Squad is, but the rest of you only interact with me if you need something for your ships. You realize I’m an accomplished cartoonist, right? The Ladybug comic I work on with Marc is a huge success. I’m just as important as the rest of you!
Kim: Dude, we aren’t saying you’re not.
Nathaniel: Well I wasn’t important enough for any of you to notice I was being bullied by Chloe?
Chloe: Oh please, Kurtzberg. You got off easy.
Marinette: She made everyone’s life bad, Nathaniel. Not just yours!
Nathaniel: When you get bullied, everyone coddles you. When I get humiliated in front of the class, nobody besides my art friends came to comfort me, to explain to me why I got akumatized, why I was right to feel angry about what happened. Marc’s class also took the time to explain to me how it was creepy to write my self-insert being in love with a real classmate. They’re the reason I apologized to you, Marinette.
Chloe: Well if they’re so cool, then why don’t you join them!
Mylene: Chloe! We wouldn’t want that! Nathaniel’s our friend!
Nathaniel: Actually, that’s what I plan on doing next year. No offense, but I can only tolerate like half of you. I’d rather be with a class that actually recognizes my value, that takes the time to ask how I’m doing. If that makes me a background character in your world, so be it.
(He gets up and sees Marc waiting for him.)
Nathaniel: I’m not some helpless little lamb that gets lost whenever there’s an akuma. I’m a survivor, a coward, and I’m proud of it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna make out with my boyfriend.
(He smirks as he sees each classmate with their jaw on the floor.)
Turns out our Nath wasn’t abandoned after all. He’s just an escape artist. This felt so cathartic to write, and I hope you enjoyed it. As usual, let me know your thoughts in reblogs, replies, posts, and asks. @artzychic27 @msweebyness 
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purplecatghostposts · 5 months
Miraculous Ladybug AU where Félix joins early and is in Season 1-2 except when the Frightingale episode happens, Félix is among the people who first get hit except unlike everyone else running around and screaming, he is low key having the time of his LIFE.
An Akuma that forces you to sing, dance, and/or rhyme in order to survive it? He was MADE for that. You’re telling him he’s REQUIRED to preform and be extra or he’ll die? Literally every theatre kid’s dream.
Adrien is worried for all of five seconds until he sees Félix bursting into a one-man musical and then he’s like, “Oh yeah. Félix is the last person I need to worry about for this.” And then sneaks away to become Chat Noir.
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Why Sabine and Tom couldn’t do anything for Marinette
Over the course of the series, most notably in “Were dad” and “Dearest family”, its been made clear that Sabine and Tom are very protective of their daughter, but after we realized the full extent of what Marinette had to go through at school in the years prior, we discover that much like how Marinette had trouble living her day to day life being bullied by Chloe, it was Marinette's parents, Sabine and Tom, who also had the unbearable struggle of not being able to protect their daughter. Sabine and Tom knew Chloe was giving their daughter a hard time, but odds are, this was all Marinette would let them know. Kids tend to live completely different lives at school and outside of home( Lila being the biggest and most extreme example), and although Marinette knows her parents only ever had the best interest for her and would want to help, she couldn’t afford to let them so long as Chloe had the power to not only threaten and fire the teachers at school by using Andre’s power as mayor to her own advantage, but also interfere with other peoples careers and businesses outside of school, just as we saw her do with Clara in “Frightingale”, and Veronique in “Determination”.
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For her families sake, Marinette understood that what she was going through, was something she could not afford to let her parents get involved in to much, as it would only risk worsening the situation for all of them. Her only solution to her problem at the time, was to somehow make it to the end of the school year and hope Chloe was not in her class next year.
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If and when  Marinette is seen on screen talking about Chloe with her parents, the conversation ends up being short and moments before she has to leave for school, with Marinette only saying simple things such as “I bet you anything Chloe will be in my class again”, but nothing more. 
(Sabine attempting to lift Marinette’s spirits to help her make it through the day)
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Anytime Sabine was with Marinette during breakfast, both in “Origins” and the “Derision” flashback, Sabine is never seen pressuring Marinette to tell her more about Chloe as she knew it was a conversation her daughter did not feel comfortable talking about. As a result, Sabine could only do what she could and gave her daughter a few little words of encouragement to help her make it through the day, but just to be sure, she resorted to asking the one person she knew to rely on and look after Marinette, Socqueline, who would attempt to do what she could to help Marinette realize she needed to find and build the confidence necessary to stand up to Chloe in order to change things. 
(Socqueline explains to Marinette she would not be around forever to help protect her.)
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Now, given who they are, Sabine and Tom would of course have already made attempts to confront the school long ago, the moment they realized their daughter was struggling, but even if Sabine and Tom attempted to confront the principle about the situation revolving around their daughter, their attempts would have proven useless as there was no real proof of what Chloe was doing to Marinette. Had Sabine and Tom gone to the principle, the staff would have either simply set aside their claims as nothing more than a common personal matter between two students that they could not keep track of, as there are numerous students all having their own individual problems, or simply a bunch of accusations, just as they had  falsely believed Marinette was known for doing, year after year. And although Sabine and Tom could have taken more extreme action against this, any attempts would have proven futile so long as their daughters situation revolved around the Mayors daughter. Justice was not on the Dupain’s side, it was for Andre to control, and that control was primarily decided on by his daughter. 
(Chloe sitting in Andre’s Mayoral seat back in “Determination”, signifies the control she has over her father and his powers as Mayor)
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In the end, no matter who was willing to help and no matter who was willing to protect her, it was always left to Marinette to change things by learning to protect herself and defy the injustices around her.
(Marinette finds the confidence to stand up to Chloe in “Origins”)
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
Bootleg Ladynoir: Theo/Copycat and one of the Ladybug auditions in Frightingale.
You know what fair enough.
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celestiall0tus · 6 months
Bloody Bug Season 2 Chapter List
Alright! Bloody Bug had its "season 1 finale" and we move on to season 2. As I had stated in another post, this will see a mix of my writing style with the heavy focus on drama, relationships, and character development akin to what was seen in Chapter 18, Promises that heavily focused on Alix's trauma and the beginning of her closure. This is mostly due to the characters needing that time to breathe, but also because I'm cutting out a lot of episodes from season 2 as they are no longer possible/necessary.
And, I'm gonna say this right now, to the Marinette stans, you're not going to like season 2's chapters. This will be when she's at her absolute worst, but things will turn around for her later. She does need to go through this development if she's going to get better. Chloe stans, you're getting your redemption as planned (and don't expect a Queen Wasp chapter!)
Without further ado, let's go:
These are the monsters/akumatizations that will be cut (as of writing this, plans may change):
The Collector
The Dark Owl
Queen Wasp
Santa Claws (technically the Xmas special, but it's listed as in season 2, so I'm just gonna put this here)
As of now, these will be the ones I'm doing:
Guitar Villain is being moved into season 2.
You better believe I'm going to add in Despair Bear
Prime Queen is being added to the roster.
Swapping Befana for Dark Cupid to place Marinette's birthday more in spring than mid-late winter
Not gonna have Kagami akumatized, but she will be introduced.
Gigantitan for that sweet, sweet fucking angst and tension (because I'm a whore for that shit)
Glaciator getting moved to "season 3"
Sapotis I'm on the fence about and is a hard maybe
Syren is being moved to "season 3"
Captain Hardrock because Anarka is queen
Reverser because we need Marc in our lives (Marcaniel FTW)
Troublemaker is another hard maybe
Frozer for some fun, if not sad, moments
Style Queen is being moved to "season 3"
Mayura is a no brainer for me plus I got special plans which will cancel out GabeNath, but give us something else just as juicy.
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lady-de-mon-coeur · 1 year
As I mentioned it earlier, I was going to do my ranking of ML episodes, because why not? So here it is.
My way of ranking is different from the others', bc how on earth am I supposed to rank episodes of the show where I really love every single episode? So I decided to go the easy route and ranked them by how many times I watched them.
Disclaimer: episodes in groups III-IV aren't the worst by any means! They're all good. It's just that I don’t rewatch them that often.
Feel free to ask for my comments about this or that episode.
Bestest of the best
Origins Part 1-2
Chat Blanc
New York special
Simon Says
Prime Queen
The Dark Owl
Glaciator 2
Kuro Neko
Strike Back
Lady WiFi
Stormy Weather
The Evillustrator
Shanghai special
Gang of Secrets
Mr Pigeon 72
Furious Fu
The Pharaoh
Mr Pigeon
The Bubbler
Dark Cupid
Kung Food
Christmas Special
Stormy Weather 2
The Puppeteer 2
Party Crasher
Gamer 2.0
Gabriel Agreste
Mega Leech
Dearest Family
The Mime
The Puppeteer
Guitar Villain
Princess Fragrance
Despair Bear
Captain Hardrock
The Collector
Style Queen
Queen Wasp
Ikari Gozen
Heart Hunter
Miracle Queen
Sole Crusher
Queen Banana
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sirani-8927 · 1 year
Fuck it. My old Reverser predictions
I’ve been on Tumblr, lurking around the ML fandom since Season 2 was on hiatus. So the predictions of certain episodes and the old theories and ideas, I miss them. So this is a bit of nostalgia, back to when it was a little more fun.
I don't know when the leaks happened, but I do remember that the leaks of Reverser we got released sometime between Zombizou and Frightingale. The synopsis of the episode was released on Twitter shortly after. The only reason I remember this is that Nathaniel just disappeared in Zombizou and a few people made jokes about him heading to Marc.
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But regardless, we only ever saw his akuma form for a while so there were various predictions of what he was like and what it meant that he was "made a fool of" by Nathaniel and Marinette. Some people, myself included, assumed that he liked origami or that his akumatization was based on or surrounding paper planes in some way. Similar to how Nino blew bubbles when he was angry and that was the theme for his powers. Just a matter of circumstance.
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Obviously, a lot of us speculated that his relationship with Nathaniel was involved and we were excited to ship him with someone new. There was some speculation that he might've known Marc for some time already (I can't find Tumblr posts for this so trust me please) and, I actually had the thought that he might've had a crush on Marinette, like so many other guys beforehand. So my first idea was Marc thought Nath and Marinette were making fun of him and his feelings, but then the first teaser of the episode came out and I figured that doesn't correlate to his powerset. His being teased for a crush felt more Dark Cupid-esque than "change-your-skills".
My next assumption was that Nath and he threw paper planes at each other, sending messages and notes to each other, maybe it was in class or the library and Marc either decided to send a very personal note to Nath about Marinette and never got a reply, or his message was read and answered by Chloe/Sabrina (as a callback to Sabrina's forging skills). Either way, it felt more fitting that they both had humiliation involved in their akumatizations in my opinion. (It's not that I hate Reverser or was disappointed in it when I first watched it. I do like the episode, but it'd be nice if Marc as a person was focused on separate from Nathaniel.)
I mostly just did this to try and remain neutral about the show right now. I'm more excited about the movie and it feels like it'll bring a lot of love back to the fandom, but if it doesn't, I'm worried the series will just fall into obscurity. I'm not a fan of the writing in S4, and I stopped watching S5 after the first episode. I don't think I've ever felt this disappointed in a piece of media before.
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I rewatched frightingale and came up with this Enjoy.
Alix:*gets out of the line and goes up to Adrien* You look good in that suit.
Adrien: Thanks for the compliment Alix, you look good yourself.
Alix: Thanks, and I have something to tell you Adrien.
Adrien: What is it skater girl?
Alix: Here *shows possitive pregnancy test* Will you take responsibility?
Adrien: Ofcourse I will Alix. I'll make sure I give you and our kid a great life.
Alix: Your too nice. You know that?
Adrien: I know purr-inces
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amethyst-geek · 2 years
Even if my currently hypothetical reboot of Miraculous doesn’t have an hour-long format, I’d still want Frightningale to be a two-parter. At first it was mainly because I’d want to give room for musical numbers, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that adapting this episode would a good opportunity to give both Felix and Socqueline an adaptational early appearance. 
Imagine this, while Adrien is trying to get out of the music video, Felix stops by a surprise visit, and he overhears Gabriel trying to force Adrien to play Chat Noir in the video, so Felix (who may or may not have his design tweaked so that he doesn’t look like a clone of Adrien but still looks a lot like him) offers to play Chat Noir instead. 
As for Socqueline, well if you were skilled gymnast who heard about open auditions to play your favorite superhero in music video of one of your favorite singers, wouldn’t you wanna go? So she goes, and runs into Marinette and her friends, and Marinette is very supportive of Socqueline’s plans to audition for Ladybug. And if the rest of the Ladybug auditions are anything like they were in the current cartoon, Socquline wins the role. 
Then later when Clara gets akumatized, maybe Felix and Socqueline could act as decoys to distract Frightningale (or maybe this could be when Felix makes his hero debut, because my reboot plans for him involve him getting his hands on a lost miraculous and using it the become an edgy rival/aloof ally before later betraying the heroes in after learning Hawk Moth’s identity and motivation in season 3). 
Edit: Also, when Frightningale starts whipping people, I’d have Kitty Section borrow some instruments so they can give the whipped people something to dance to. Then later, at the episode’s climax Kitty Section performs a new song that gives a similar vibe to one the various evolution themes in Digimon, and this will be one of three songs that plays whenever a fight scene need a theme music power-up and I don’t think the usual instrumental version of the opening theme would cut it in that particular scene (BTW the other two songs would be the song Jagged writes for Ladybug at the end of Pixelator and the other would be the song Clara dedicates made for Ladybug and Chat in Frightingale. I know that in the current cartoon, they just a piano version of the theme song and the actual theme song respectively, and while that may still be the case with the latter, I’d want to do something different with the former for a little more variety). 
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sorcerymuses · 1 year
Miraculous Timeline
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Note: this is just the main timeline that I use! It is in no way meant to be a universal 'canon' and is flexible except in my fic-verses. And anything past S3 doesn't exist unless stated otherwise!
Ladybug & Cat Noir/Ladybug et Chat Noir (Troisième Day 1)
Stoneheart/Coeur de Pierre
Princess Fragrance/Princesse Fragrance
The Mime/Le Mime
Lady Wifi
Simon Says/Jackady
The Evillustrator/Le Dessinateur
Time Breaker/Chrono Girl
The Bubbler/Le Bulleur
Dark Cupid/Le Dislocoeur (Valentine’s Day)
Dark Blade/Le Chevalier Noir (French Elections are in March)
Mr Pigeon/M Pigeon (date in episode as May)
Gamer/Le Gamer
The Pharaoh/Le Pharaon
Guitar Villain/Guitar Vilain (School field trip)
Antibug/L'Invisible (Implied finals)
Stormy Weather/Climatika (Summer Break Start)
The Puppeteer/La Marionnettiste
Kung Food
Volpina (Seconde Day 1)
The Collector/Le Collectionneur
Prime Queen/Audimatrix
Despair Bear/Doudou Vilain (I headcanon Chloé’s Birthday in the fall and prefer this to be her birthday as the reason for the party itself)
Riposte (The tryouts just make sense being at the beginning of a semester)
The Dark Owl/Le Hibou Noir
Befana/La Befana (I headcanon Marinette’s Birthday in summer)
Captain Hardrock/Capitaine Hardrock
Frozer/Le Patineur
Style Queen (Summer mini-Fashion Week)
Wasp/Queen Wasp
Malediktator/Maledikteur (summer classes to make up for Akuma related absences)
Sandboy/Le Marchand de Sable
Catalyst (There is no real world 'Heroes' Day' so it makes sense a holiday celebrating the heroes would take place on or around the anniversary of this starting, and spreading the series across several years allows for the past tense comments about it)
Chameleon/Caméléon (Première Day 1)
Weredad/Papa Garou
Christmaster/Maître Noël
Kwamibuster/Chasseuse de Kwamis
Gamer 2.0
Stormy Weather 2/Climatika 2
Ikari Gozen
Party Crasher/Trouble Fête
Puppeteer 2/La Marionettiste 2
Cat Blanc/Chat Blanc
Miracle Queen
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monsterhigh1212 · 2 months
Los monstruos aúllan en el Día de Apreciación de los Colmillos
10 de mayo de 2013
Monster High acaba de celebrar su primer Día de Agradecimiento a los Colmillos y los estudiantes no podrían estar más entusiasmados con el resultado. Las poblaciones de vampiros y hombres lobo de Monster High pasaron el día celebrando la unidad y la tolerancia hacia todos los monstruos y, por lo que se sabe, ¡el evento fue un éxito total! Se rumorea que incluso nuestra directora sin cabeza, muy dura como una piedra, derramó una lágrima (de felicidad, de cadáver) cuando entró en la creepateria.
El Día de Apreciación de los Colmillos fue una creación de la Sociedad Frightingale, el legado de Monster High, una hermandad de necrófagos dedicada a fomentar la amistad entre todos los monstruos. "¡Estoy feliz de ver que esta rivalidad fantasma finalmente se acabó!", señaló la miembro Clawdeen Wolf. Ula-D también tuvo mucho que decir sobre el tema: "Esto demuestra que nunca se puede juzgar a un necrófago por sus colmillos, y los relatos sobre esta disputa realmente son historia antigua".
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s2ep17 frozer
i think i'm just gonna list the things i liked and didn't like
i don't like how persistent and insistent adrien/chat noir is for ladybug. again, i really think it's a very scary and dangerous pattern to teach children. obviously anyone of anyone gender should respect the person they like and their boundaries, but esp teaching young boys that they need to respect young girls's boundaries and bodily autonomy (whether either of them stay that way later in life).
i did however think plagg's sad face in adrien's bag was very funny.
the creator is trying to reignite the race war between chinese ppl and japanese ppl fr /j
i'm annoyed that, like with master fu decoding the grimore, or the fact that kim swims and has a a close friend who's crushing on me, we don't get any hints that kagami fences with adrien until this episode. bc last we saw, she had been defeated and then akumatized.
i thought marinette chatting with her friends was a cute little scene, but it's kind of soured by the fact that 1) all they talk about is adrien (so it doesn't pass the bechdel test) and 2) her friends don't even listen to her when she says she thinks they're just meant to be friends
honestly, yknow, i just didn't like this episode. which is not surprise. i just didn't like the set-up or the premise. again, i think under a better writing team and creator, the love square could work. i might still be annoyed with it, but maybe i would be less annoyed if it was actually done well on a technical level.
but i don't feel any stakes or miscommunication drama. all i see is a teen boy not respecting his partner's boundaries and who doesn't listen to marinette, and a teen girl who is unable to speak to her crush at all, and barely listens to him, either. like that's just. idk basic? and it feels dumb.
once again the pacing was absolutely shot because they had to spend half the episode setting up the love square, and the introduced love interest rivals. so what does that make that? if it's a love square, and luka is connected to mareintte, and kagami is connected to adrien,,,like some sort of creature i guess. the square is the face and the off-shoots are like. ears or smth. but anyway the fact that they wasted half the episode introducing and setting up the love creature means they had to rush through everything else.
instead of like. using other episodes to establish that beforehand.
someone in a server i'm in, after reading some of my posts on this, commented that this show is like french rwby and they were so on the money with that one. like all i can think about is hbomb commenting about how they could've set up so many new characters through naturalistic storytelling and instead decided to spend half their season on a prom arc.
ml is like that but like for everything. ondine makes a brief appearance in frightingale and suddenly we're supposed to know that she and kim are so close that she confesses her love to him??? the leap the audience has to make!!!
i also just was annoyed at both marinette and adrien the whole episode bc of how they acted at the skating rink. but i won't go into that here bc i think it's more personal than an actual critique. could it have been written better, absolutely. but i don't think i would've liked it all the same.
i do feel bad for luka. it's very weird they made him the way he is. why introduce him as a potential love rival when 1) adrien isn't going to pay attention bc he will always want ladybug and 2) luka isn't even going to fight for marinette? where's the drama in that?
that does remind me tho, i did want to complain about the fact that adrien doesn't listen to kagami. like she says something and he completely ignores her! she tells him it's not his technique, and 5 seconds later, he goes, "it must be my technique." like my dude. maybe if you like. actually listened to the girls who talk to you, you'd have better chances understanding them.
and it goes the same for marinette, too. luka asks if she wants to ride the subway back together and marinette completely ignores him in favor of watching adrien leave. she doesn't even indicate she heard him. and then what does she do? nothing! she just stutters and stumbles and it goes nowhere!!
also can i just say the fact that she was like, "let's bring the whole gang next time" and then instead of listing their classmates, who have been shown to hang out together--they went to the goddamn movies last time--she lists the two they were just with, and alya and nino. which, funnily enough, pairs them off quite nicely. /sarcasm
tl;dr what is this romance doing in my superhero show lol
also now that i've started ice skating, the fact that both luka and kagami can do those moves on ice indicates way, way more practice than you would think. there's no way, based on their comments to the skating coach, that they would be able to skate that well if they did not get consistent practice. luka especially bc he lifts marinette!! adrien and marinette too. i've seen inexperienced ppl and first-timers, they are not that steady, nor that confident. even when they're with more experienced skaters. they move slow, they hang close to the wall. that was so unrealistic lmao. don't give ppl false ideas about how easy ice skating is man.
finally, this man couldn't get ppl skating?? in paris, france?? france, where adam siao him fa is from????? hello???
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mister-e-filman · 9 months
Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir; Year 1
Autumn, September 5, Saturday: Frightingale
It was morning and the twins and Tikki were watching a video on Clara Laura Nightingale,
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who at the moment was singing her latest song, "Big Bang",
Marinette then fell on her back while attempting a handstand walkover, which made Bridgette chuckle.
Then Alec Cataldi came onscreen to interview her.
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"And that was Clara Nightingale's hit single 'Big Bang' for us!"
Both Marinette and Bridgette sat at their desk, with Tikki flying over.
"Wow! That girl is incredible!" Tikki remarked.
"Yes she is Tikki. So much success for a soon-to-be-nineteen-year-old," Bridgette said.
"Indeed," Tikki added.
"Both Bridge and I love her! She's totally passionate about her art!" Marinette explained.
Alec then approached Clara and started interviewing her as she dialed back her dancing to take the interview more seriously while he spoke to her. "Clara, in just a few short months you've become an international sensation with your ultra-unique singing and style. Apparently from what I've heard, you even sing and dance in your sleep! Do you ever stop?"
"Never, for you see I have Akathisia and I also have Obsessive-Compulsive Rhyming Disorder which is a form of OCD, so I decided to not have either limit me, and just have them be a part of who I am, a part of my personality. So, dancing and singing are everything to me. And I'm happy to share the joy of song and dance. To the amazing people of France!" Clara happily told him.
"See that, Tikki? She's a true artist!" Marinette gushed.
"You've come to Paris to film the video for your next song, which is gonna be titled 'Miraculous' from what I've heard," Alec said.
Clara nodded before saying, "I really admire and adore both Ladybug and Cat Noir. An homage to them I've wanted to pay because they inspire me every single day!" Bridgette gasped while Marinette shrieked in delight. "She's gonna be doing a song about me- er, us! I mean — Ladybug! Oh! I'm so excited I could... faint!" she then fell backward off of her chair.
Bridgette's mind was racing. Sure, the news was that Clara Nightingale was coming to France to film a brand-new music video, but only now was there information on what it was involving! As far as either of them knew, neither Ladybug nor Cat Noir were that well known yet to even be accessible on something like Wikipedia.
"Auditions will be held at the Grand Palais Hotel, is that right? A little birdie told me that you already found your Cat Noir. Care to share the good news?" Alec proudly announced.
Clara smiled slyly, "My lips are sealed. But just wait, soon he'll be revealed. We must still cast Ladybug and extras, by the way. So come on out and audition today!" Marinette's pink phone then buzzed as soon as the video ended. She ran over, tripping onto the floor on the way, and answered it.
"Hey Marinette, did you hear that? All us girls are heading over to audition and you're coming, too! So don't go pulling one of your Marinette specials on us, okay?" Alya told Marinette.
"And miss my chance to meet Clara Nightingale in the flesh? No way! I'll meet you there!" Marinette excitedly told her friend.
"See ya!" Alya said, ending the call.
Marinette then went and grabbed her purse from her chair.
"Why are you not going to be auditioning for the role of Ladybug, Bridgette?" Tikki asked the disinterested teen.
Marinette let Tikki rest in her hands as Bridgette explained, "Because I'd never do anything that could reveal my/our secret identity, that's all." "And as for me, I'm just gonna be an extra," Marinette added.
"All right then," Tikki said as she flew up and kissed both Bridgette and Marinette on their noses. "I'm proud of you both!"
Meanwhile over at the Agreste manor, things weren't as cheerful for Adrien as they were with Bridgette and Marinette. "It will be an excellent promotion for the upcoming opening of our stores in Korea and China. You don't have a choice," Gabriel explained to his son.
Nathalie presented Adrien with a folded-up imitation Cat Noir costume, with face mask and collar-bell. Adrien gasped in alarm, But Father—"
Gabriel held up his hand while paging through exotic fashion designs on his computer of which he showed to Adrien. "I've been designing Clara's costumes since she started out. She was very pleased with my humble suggestion of using you. She's only seen you in our advertisements, but she does admire you a lot. I'm hoping you won't let us down," Gabriel explained.
"Of course not, Father," Adrien said dejectedly as he left for his limousine.
Over at the Grand Palais, auditionees for Clara Nightingale's video had gathered out front.
A stagehand was pointing to the entrance while saying, "Extras on the left; auditionees for Ladybug on the right."
As soon as Adrien entered his dressing trailer, he had put on the suit, bell, tail, and ears components of the Cat Noir costume he was given, and was then examining himself in a mirror while holding the face mask.
Plagg gasped while admiring the costume, "Great choice of fabric! And these seams! Amazing craftsmanship! And that wig!"
"There's no way I can wear this!" Adrien panicked.
"Yeah, I've always found that little bell so ridiculous! Then again, the costume is what you really wanted deep down, isn't it?" Plagg said with Adrien looking at him in confusion.
"Okay first, I could've made my suit look however I eanted? And second, no, Plagg. That's not what I meant, which is that everyone's gonna realize that I'm the real Cat Noir, voice changer or not!"
"No way! The Miraculouses magic hides not just your voice but also your face, making people blind to who truly are! It is all in the mask," Plagg explained.
Suddenly the stagehand knocked on the door, through the door, which he asked, "You ready, Mr. Agreste?"
"Aah, uh, coming! Just a sec!" Adrien anxiosly told him before then whispering  worriedly to Plagg, "If they see me with this mask on, they're all gonna recognize me for sure! I don't wanna risk it!" He quickly placed the mask within a pile of folded fabric on a shelf. "I can't wear it!" Then he added, this time with resolve, "Right. Now I'm gonna try to act as lame as I possibly can. Hopefully they'll have no choice but to replace me." He then opened the door and gasped when he saw the array of people gathered in the main area.
Meanwhile, in the central area of the main room, a stage with a backdrop had been set up, and two long lines of auditionees to either side had formed in front of it, those for Ladybug on the right, those as extras on the left. Clara Nightingale was standing on the stage with her star-adorned microphone, greeting the auditionees.
"Thank you for coming, all of you! This is like a dream come true! Together we'll all dance and sing; It's going to be awesome and amazing!" She walked past Alya, Marinette, Rose, Juleka, Alix and Mylène who were standing in the extras line.
"We're gonna be in Clara Nightingale's music video! This is humongous!" Alya squeaked excitedly.
Marinette hhen followed suit, shrieking with delight, "I can't believe this is happening!"
Clara then tapped her mic to get everyone's attention, "And now, meet our rising star, Adrien as Cat Noir!"
Adrien then walked out toward the stage, awkwardly waving briefly. The extras reacted excitedly, with Marinette gasping, and Rose and Alya waving with raised arms. Adrien just smiled nervously at the line and waved some more. Marinette waved back. Adrien walked up to the front of the stage, where Nathalie was holding a tablet with Gabriel seen on it, and the stagehand stood nearby.
"The costume fits you like a glove, as I knew it would. But, where is your mask?" Gabriel asked his son.
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck, nervous about lying, "Uh, I couldn't find it anywhere."
The Stagehand then piped up, "I'll take care of it!" He then dashed off.
Then Clara turned to Adrien, as she helped him up onstage, she told him, "It's no big deal; it's okay.
We don't need the mask for tryouts anyway." Adrien breathed a sigh of relief.
Clara then turned her attention to the Ladybug auditionees "Come on!" The first few Ladybug auditionees step forward, including Officer Roger. Forty-nine audtionees later some of which were often inept while being onstage with Adrien. Of who loved Clara's skittish reactions to each, especially the fiftieth one who was a little girl spinning a Hula Hoop.
"Didn't I tell you that Adrien looks a little bit like Cat Noir?" Alya told Marinette.
"Unh, whatever! He's a thousand times more amazing than Cat Noir!" Marinette said excitedly.
More auditionees included Roger and his cringeworthy dancing, and a little girl who offered Adrien a black cat, which meowed at him in confusion. Eventually Clara saw that there were no more Ladybug auditionees, but then glanced over at the extras, and got an idea. She picked up a tray of Chouquettes from a table by the stage, and carried it over to the extras.
"You must be starving
From all this waiting!" Clara told the extras.
"Oh, look! She's coming in our direction!" Marinette excitedly squeaked.
While carrying the tray, Clara deliberately tripped herself up, tossing the tray in the air, and falling to the floor. Many of the extras gasped, and Marinette immediately got out of the line, and ran over to help Clara back to her feet while also catching the tray and moved her arm around to catch the falling Chouquettes and just before she could catch the rest, Alya gave her a panicked look, which made Marinette intentionally fail to catch the rest. She then said, "I'm sorry Ms. Nightingale!" but then Clara hugged Marinette instead of getting angry or something.
"There you are! Here's a hug,
Because you are Ladybug!" Clara announced, which made Alya and the rest of her friends gasp.
Marinette then hastily come up with an excuse ANY excuse completely anxious about the implication, "What?! I have no idea what you're talking about!" she chuckled nervously.
Clara stood herself and Marinette up, and twirled her around.
Clara then told her, "You did what Ladybug would have, just the same.
Your heart is pure, like hers. Though your accent sounds more American, why, as well as what's your name?" Marinette stammered out slipping back into her national French accent, "Uh, Ma— Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and the reason for my accent is because when I was a little girl, I would play with my dolls, putting on fashion shows like the ones I saw on TV."
Clara smiled and nodded at her before telling her, "Marinette! Say it's so!" Clara then got down on one knee, arm raised that held the Ladybug costume mask.
"Will you please play Ladybug in my video?" Both Marinette and Alya putt heir hands over their mouths in shock.
"Yes! She'd be awesome!" Mylenè piped up.
"Go Marinette! You deserve it!" Alix said with a small smile.
Marinette turned to look over at Adrien onstage, and envisioned being there with him, and sighed euphorically, before glancing down at Tikki in her purse.
Marinette then turned back to Clara, "That's so nice of you, and...I'm one of your biggest fans, but...I came here to be an extra with my friends, and I really wanna stay with them.
While Alya let out of sigh of relief, the rest of Marinette's friends gasped in shock. Clara stood up again.
"That's a pity, a shame; but I understand it's true.
That's a very cool gesture, very Ladybug of you!" Clara calmly said to Marinette and then beckoned for her to follow.
She took Marinette over and sat her in a chair by a trailer then told her, "Just sit over here for make-up, okay?
I'll ask your friends to be sent over right away!" Clara then turned and walked away. "Oh! Thank you! Thank you!" Marinette stammered in confusion. While yes, Mylène had become her friend due to Ivan telling her what had happened not to mention Alix at least giving an attempt to be friendly to make up for all the bad stuff she had done to her while being a part of Chloe's little gang. But Juleka and Rose? While yes, they can be nice to Marinette, they don't exactly consider her a friend, something that she needed to earn from them.
Tikki stuck her head out of Marinette's purse, "Good job, Marinette! You didn't give into the temptation!" She popped back inside.
Mylène came up to Marinette hugging her, saying "You're crazy!"
Alya then joined in the hug. "You turned down filming with Adrien to be with us?"
Alix joined in as well, while telling her, "You really are the best!"
Outside the hotel, a stretch limousine pulled up. Chloé stepped out, dressed in her own Ladybug costume, and sporting a Ladybug-style wig.
Chloé was now inside, walking past the line of extras, sneering at them. "Thank you all for coming. You can go home now," she coldly told them all.
"Uh, heads up; bitch alert in the immediate vicinity," Alya alerted them.
"Don't worry. Knowing Nightingale, Chloé doesn't stand a chance of being chosen," Marinette assured her.
Alya then pretended to be surprised at her best friend's gutsy attitude toward Chloè, "Wow! What's happening to you today?" She jokingly bowed to Marinette, "I have to bow before so much wisdom!"
Marinette caught on to her friend's joking nature and then jokingly said, "That's right. From now on, the name's Master Marinette Dupain-Cheng!"
Marinette and her friends laughed.
Chloé said to Clara's face, while walking up onstage, "Your 'Ladybug' has arrived! So when does the shoot begin?"
Adrien stepped in, telling his godsister, "Chloé, everyone has to audition. You know that! I also know that while you can dance, you most certainly can't carry a tune,"
Chloé began doing arm stretches, making it clear that she didn't care. "Oh yeah, that little formality. Plus, they can just autotune me." She walked to one side, then launched into a series of expert dance moves, after which the extras in line cheered wildly. "Aaah...ha ha. It's been a while. Eight years of private classes with Aurélie Dupont from the Paris Op-er-a. I know. I'm breathtaking." "Hm, impressive at a glance
However, I've already seen Flashdance.
You've definitely got enough talent for me,
But you and Cat Noir have to be a good match, you see. Also, there will be no autotuning whatsoever, I don't want a repeat of Les Miserables by Tom Hooper!" "Uh, no problem! Adrikins and I have known each other since we were little!" Chloè desperately tried convincing Clara by hugging her godbrother.
Clara let out a "Hmmm."
Mayor Bourgeois, who was just offstage stood up, and stammered out, "Uh, think about it Ms. Nightingale, the son of the world's greatest fashion designer and the daughter of the Mayor of Paris — that would be just perfect!"
Marinette growled at this, gritting her teeth.
"Is there a problem, Master Dupain-Cheng?" Alya asked still in a joking tone.
"Chloé playing Ladybug? No way! Not gonna happen!" Marinette angrily stated.
"Oh? That bothers you more than not being with Adrien in the video?" Alya asked in disbelief.
Marinette had to quickly think of something to say that would throw off the rest of her friends, "Uh, if I were Ladybug, I wouldn't want a bitch like Chloé playing me."
Clara thought for a moment, and then walked to the stage edge where Nathalie was standing, and knelt down.
"What do you think, Mr. Agreste?" Clara asked Gabriel.
Gabriel rubbed his chin before answering, "Hmmm. Artistically speaking, the young lady with pigtails would've been ideal; but it's time to start filming. We'll make do with Ms. Bourgeois."
"I trust you, Mr. Agreste," Clara said.
Chloé who was still hugging Adrien, who had been resisting her let out a, "Woo-hoo! We're both going to be in a music video, Adrikins! ...Or should I say, Adri-cat! Get it? 'Adri-cat'?" Chloé laughed.
Adrien nervously said, "Adri-cat, yeah." he chuckled likewise. "By the way Chloé, where'd you get this Ladybug costume?" "Where do you think? I decided to cosplay as her!"
Marinette clenched her fists as she stood up and quickly and angrily stated "Hey wait!... I've changed my mind! I do wanna be Ladybug!"
This outburst made Tikki gasp from in Marinette's purse. "What the hell are you doing?!" Alya asked.
Clara suddenly sprung up and bounded over Marinette like a kangaroo, "Awesome! This will be the best video yet!"
First she hugged Marinette, then she kissed her on both cheeks. "Thank you, thank you, Marinette!"
Clara turned her attention back over to a now fuming Chloé, "I'm really sorry, what's-your-name,
But you can still be an extra in the video, if you're game!" Chloé was outraged as she yelled, "What?! You want me to be a mere...extra?! Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" she stormed away, followed by her father.
Outside the hotel, Chloe's butler let Chloé into the limousine, and then gave her her childhood teddy bear, Mr. Cuddly, on a tray.
Chloé took Mr. Cuddly, and tossed him on the seat next to her. "Unh! Stop annoying me with that stupid dumb bear, Jean-Eudes!" She sat for a moment, then picked up Mr. Cuddly and started sucking her thumb, until she got a wonderfully awful idea and gasped before letting out a "Hmmm."
Inside a dressing trailer, Marinette had put on the Ladybug costume given to her, except for the mask, which she was holding, and she examined herself in a mirror.
"Ooh! Great choice of fabric! And these seams! Amazing craftsmanship! Almost like the real thing, don't you think?" Tikki said, admiring the costume.
"I think that if the suit were any tighter to go with skintight then her buttcrack would be showing along with her-" Bridgette told her, but was stopped by her twin who responded with, "Okay, alright, I get it, I wasn't thinking straight when I created the suit. Speaking of which, as for my thoughts on this, it's too well done! Oh wow, Tikki; I really messed up this time! If they see me with this mask on, they're all gonna recognize me for sure! There's no way! I can't wear it!"
"Bitch, please! From my experiences with you in that damn suit, your face was extremely out of focus, especially when up close! I guess it's because of some kind of Miraculous magic?"
The stagehand then knocked on door, and asked through it, "You ready, Ms. Dupain-Cheng?"
Marinette anxiously responded with "Uh, yes, I'm coming!" she quickly placed the mask within a pile of folded fabric on a shelf, and ran out to the stage, while Bridgette stayed inside playing on her black phone.
Alya then pointed. "There she is!"
Alya, her friends, and others cheered on Marinette.
Clara was clapping before saying, "Oh, spot on! And spotlight! Spotlights then switched on.
She then turned her full attention to both Marinette and Adrien. "So, you're Ladybug and Cat Noir, right? Also, no need to worry about sweating in those, they're made from a fabric that's poris, to let the skin breathe instead of being uncomfortably tight." Marinette and Adrien: Good to know that I -uh- WE won't be pouring out our own sweat when we're finished!" "Nope! Uh...uh...yeah! Aah..." they both chuckled. Adrien then leaned closer to Marinette and told her "Believe you me, wearing a costume while being soaked head-to-toe in your own sweat is absolutely disgusting! Ugh!" He shivered at the thought.
Outside, Chloé, minus her wig, was pushing her father toward the entrance, all while he was trying to tell her, "But sweetie, there's no way we can cancel the shoot now."
Chloé pulled out her phone and threatened, "I'm going to call Mom and tell her how all my dreams have been crushed!" She then feigned sorrow.
Mayor Bourgeois started stammering anxiously, then grabbed Chloé's phone and started punching in a phone number. "Let's not disturb our beloved Queen for such a little matter; right, my little Princess?"
Back inside, Clara was instructing bogh Marinette and Adrien on arm movements for dancing.
Clara was demonstrating arm moves left arm out, right arm out, both up, then down. "One, two, and three."
Marinette and Adrien, who were facing Clara, copied the moves, Marinette was lagging behind Adrien. Marinette's friends watch from just in front of the stage.
"This feels a bit like exercising, feels good!" Marinette commented. Then there came a pop with Adrien asking "Ow, did anyone hear that bone go click? It was quite painful!" He just resumed copying Clara. "What part of your body did it come from?" "My back, there's this disk that tends to slip out, the nasty little bugger, heh! One, two, three."
Clara heard Adrien's back problem then started teaching a dance move that she hoped would go easier on Adrien. "Your dance moves need to be synchronized if you can,
So you'll need to hold each other by the hand." Marinette and Adrien turned to face each other, and clasped their right hands as if shaking hands.
"Okay," Adrien chuckled as he and Marinette smiled nervously at Clara, and Marinette's friends giggled.
Clara suddenly said "Not like that. Don't be shy!"
She put Adrien's left hand in Marinette's right.
"Like lovers do. Give it a try!" Marinette and Adrien gape anxiously at their clasped hands — Adrien's left hand oddly wearing the Cat Noir ring.
Alya took out her phone and began snapping away, trying to get as many phone pictures of Marinette and Adrien, as the other girls watched. "Marinette's jaw will drop when she sees these pics!" she said when she was done.
The pictures were seen of Marinette and Adrien gaping, then smiling bashfully as they looked up away from each other.
"Oh! I can't believe how much they look like the real Ladybug and Cat Noir!" Rose said. Alya tugged at her collar before saying, "Y-yeah, how uncanny!"
"One final task:
Put on the mask," Clara said enthusiastically. Adrien nervously told her, "Uh, I didn't see it. I looked everywhere in the dressing room for it but it was..."
Marinette, simultaneously told her, while also nervous, "Uh, well, I...found the costume, but the mask was, um..."
Then both Marinette and Adrien said in unison, "...nowhere to be found!"
Clara started to laugh, prompting Marinette and Adrien to laugh, then Marinette's friends as well.
As Marinette and Adrien were viewed on the phone fidgeting awkwardly, still holding hands, Alya then said, "They don't look a thing like the real Ladybug and Cat Noir now!"
Suddenly the stagehand shouted from next to a dressing trailer, "It's okay! I found them!"
Marinette, Adrien, and Alya gasped in dread. Moments later, Clara handed Marinette and Adrien their masks.
"Go ahead, put them on, you two.
We've got a lot of singing and dancing to do," Clara enthusiastically told them. Marinette and Adrien faced each other, anxiously staring down at the masks in their hands, the eyes of the whole room upon them.
Alix let out a "Woohoo!"
Mylène then added in an impatient "Come on!"
To the sound of their heartbeats, both the anxious Marinette and Adrien slowly raised their masks to their faces, closing their eyes when they had the masks near, until...
Mayor Bourgeois came walking in, carrying a stack of papers about a foot tall, as Chloé smiled smugly and smirked behind him. "I'm sorry. My administrative staff just realized you never submitted permit A38 as stipulated in the circular B65 that one can only get at counter C, third floor of City Hall, which is, alas, closed for renovations until August, which means you don't have a permit to shoot...anywhere in France, including Paris," he told the shocked Clara. He then gave the heavy stack of papers to Clara.
Clara was bewildered as she stammered out, "I...I don't understand!"
Chloé smugly told her "It means no more dancing, no more singing today,
The nightingale can spread her wings, and fly away!"
Chloé grabbed Clara's microphone, and threw it off of the stage.
"Oh! Did you hear that? I made a rhyme! How talented am I?" she threw in Clara's face. Clara tossed the papers aside after quickly reading through them all, and tearfully ran down from the stage to her fallen microphone, whose star had cracked from the impact, and picked it up to see the damage.
Clara tearfully said, "No! The video needs to be shot here, in Paris, the capital of love, the city of Ladybug and Cat Noir!
          This ruins all of my plans!
I'm so sorry, my beloved fans!" Clara ran away in tears, and into a dressing trailer, where she leaned back against the door, crying. She dropped to the floor as she continued crying. Then an akuma flew into the trailer, and entered Clara's microphone, causing the butterfly image to appear before Clara's face.
Clara then heard Hawk Moth speaking to her, "Frightningale, I am Hawk Moth. So they tried to silence you? With the power I'm giving you, the world will be nothing but song and dance!"
Clara, unable to resist, said as she stood up "Yes, Hawk Moth, thank you, 
For making this dream come true!" She began transforming. Meanwhile, in the main room, Chloé clapped several times for attention as she addressed the extras.
"The show is over! You all have to leave now," she laughed in evil triumph. "FUCK OFF!" Adrien shouted angrily to her.
The extras started to leave. Before Adrien could roast her, a glowing whip suddenly struck Chloé and her father, giving them pink auras. The extras gasped.
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Then they all saw Frightningale who was on a catwalk, "Sing, dance or rhyme,
Or you'll be frozen in no time!" "You see Chloè, this is exactly what happens when you act like such a bitch!" He flipped her a middle finger before running back to his trailer with Marinette doing the same, they quickly changed back into their regular clothes.
Chloé and her father approached Frightingale, clearly not taking the situation seriously as she asked, "What is she talking about? Dancing and making rhymes? And why not play the trumpet too, while you're at it—" Chloè suddenly turned into a shiny pink statue, causing everyone in the room to gasp.
Mayor Bourgeois gasped as well, "Chloé, hon!" Frightningale cackled.
He then quickly rralized what the supervillain meant and started to rhyme, "Please! Please! I'll keep up this rhyme,
Don't make me freeze, not this time!" "Oh, bravo!"
And you've got the right tempo!" Frightingale congratulated. She spun her whip, and started whipping some of the extras below, some of who turned into shiny pink statues while the rest fleed in panic.
Marinette witnessed everyhhing from inside her trailer, where Tikki flew into view and said, "Time to transform!"
Marinette then shouted, "Tikki, spots on! Yeah!" She transformed into Ladybug.
Adrien stopped pounding his head against his trailer's wall in complete disbelief that his own godsister was this selfish and cruel, as Plagg flew into view. "Ahem!"
"Yeah, yeah. Ready to vocalize? Plagg, claws out!" Adrien transformed into Cat Noir.
Outside the Grand Palais, Frightningale stood atop the Grand Palais, whipping people below, who turned into pink statues.
Frightningale shouted, "Sing, dance or rhyme,
Or you'll be frozen in no time!" From behind Frightningale, Ladybug used her yo-yo to catch Frightningale's whip-wrist.
"I thought you were a fan of Cat Noir and me, Nightingale; so you should know that we fight villains!" Ladybug told her.
"I'm Frightningale from here on out,
Forever and ever, there's no doubt!"
And if you stand in my way,
There'll be a price to pay!" Frightingale spat. "You have to come 'round! Don't let negative emotions take you over!" Ladybug begged.
Ladybug flung out her yo-yo at Frightningale, but she caught it, and spun the end of it as she approached Ladybug.
Frightningale then leaned close to her and said to her menacingly, "Song and dance will make the world a better place.
Don't agree with me? Ha! Then you're a disgrace!" Frightningale tried to hit Ladybug by twirling the end of the yo-yo she was holding. Ladybug's dodging it took their fight off the roof, and down to the ground, where Ladybug regained control of her weapon.
Ladybug tried one mord time to talk her down, "I can help you if you give me your akuma!"
"I won't let you take my akuma away.
I like the new me, and I'm here to stay!" Frightingale retaliated. She charged toward Ladybug, but she was tripped by Cat Noir's staff.
Cat Noir recovered his staff and spun with it. "Do you mind if I join the dance?" He extended his staff to the ground in front of him and rested his chin on it, on his hands.
Frightningale leapt up back onto the roof of the Grand Palais.
Frightningale screamed, "You're like all the others; but you can't silence me!
I'm just trying to make the world better, can't you see?" She then heard Hawk Moth "Strike them, Frightningale! It'll be easier for you
       to overpower them if they're forced to sing and dance!
Then no one will be able to stop you from
       accomplishing your dream. Now's your chance!" Frightningale nodded before addressing the two superheroes, "Do you really think the two of you
Can win this battle through and through?" Ladybug calmly told her "Two is always better than one! We're stronger together!" She turned to Cat Noir, "Cat Noir, I'll take the left."
"I'm on it!"
Ladybug and Cat Noir ran over to the Grand Palais, and ran and scampered up columns to leap above the roof, attacking Frightningale with their weapons. Frightningale maneuvered to cause Ladybug's yo-yo to merely snag Cat Noir's staff.
"Hey, look out!"
"Whoops! Sorry, Milady!"
On the heroes' second attempt, Frightningale's dodge caused Ladybug's yo-yo to entangle Cat Noir himself, and land him on the edge of the roof's dome. Ladybug quickly reeled him back down to her, but in their momentary discombobulation, Frightningale struck the two heroes with her whip, giving both of them pink auras.
Frightningale smiled "Welcome to my musical show.
I hope it will be your fatal blow!" She cackled as Cat Noir started forward for another attack, but Ladybug grabbed his arm.
"Wait! Stay right here and dance,
Or else you'll be frozen..." she told him just as she noticed her arm starting to become a statue.
       ...uh, without a chance!" her arm thankfully recovered.
Ladybug began moving rhythmically in place. Cat Noir caught on to what she meant, "Yeah, you're right. We have to rhyme.
Not so easy, um...all the time?" Ladybug sighed in relief, while Cat Noir also began rhythmic movement.
Frightinglae heard. Hawk Moth did as well, "Nice work. Ladybug and Cat Noir cannot fight back!"
"They're too busy singing and dancing while we're on the attack.
Now hurry, sweet Nightingale, it's both of their Miraculouses that I lack." Frightningale told him, "Hawk Moth, you bet! The Miraculouses you'll get!" Ladybug then flung her yo-yo, but Frightningale fended it off.
"Stay in charge, Cat Noir; don't blow a fuse!
Don't forget your dancing fight moves!" "Dancing fight moves...? Like my Capoeira grooves!" Cat Noir launched into a series of Capoeira moves, and then the battle briefly resumed until they reached a stand-off.
Frightningale chuckled, "Why is Cat Noir so dumb?
He doesn't even know fifty plus fifty is a sum!" Hey! Yes I do;
The dummy is you!
"It's—" Ladybug then cut off Cat Noir "Fifty plus fifty's a hundred and two!" Frightningale let out a "Huh?"
Ladybug and Frightningale resumed battling.
Cat Noir shouted, "Your math is crazy.
Count again, Milady." "Fifty plus fifty — the sum doesn't rhyme!"
One more false move and you're trapped, big time!" Ladybug warned him. "Uh-oh, I almost made a serious boo-boo,
But I didn't, thanks to you!" The battle continued until Ladybug and Cat Noir leapt to the ground, followed by Frightningale, who looked around for the heroes, but didn't see them.
Frightningale called out, "You think you two are being so clever,
But soon you'll tire yourselves, and be frozen forever!" Ladybug and Cat Noir were hiding behind a bus that had an ad about the upcoming Weather Girl contest, continuing to move rhythmically.
Ladybug said to Cat Noir "It's not in our favor at a glance,
Because we constantly have to advance,
While keeping up this song and dance.
We can leave nothing to chance."
"Sweet Bugaboo, I agree.
But what possible plan do you see?"
Ladybug suddenly spotted Bridgette in the Ladybug costume talking to Officer Roger, and she pointed to the duo.
"I guess our last weapon that is to do her any harm.
Is a distraction instead of a Lucky Charm!"
Bridgette then approached both heroes with Roger in tow, "What do you need?"
Ladybug pointed to Roger's set of handcuffs, to which he nodded and let her take them. Ladybug then used Lucky vision to see what to do next
Ladybug saw the cuffs, Cat Noir's ring, and her yo-yo. She gave a thumbs-up.
"Stay here and help them Officer, I'm gonna go get out there," Bridgette bravely told Roger who responded with, "Are you sure about this Marinette?" She nodded.
"Hey Frightingale, here's Marinette! You know, the pne who stood up for you Remember?" Frightingale landed on the stage her eyes focused on her. "Hm, indeed you did help me by your own choice. Now, tell me 'Ladybug', how is your singing voice?" Frightingale whipped Bridgette causing her to glow pink just as she picked up an electric guitar and started playing it.
Meanwhile while Bridgette was singing, "They're not for Frightingale; they're meant for us!
Now Cat Noir, do your stuff!" Ladybug told Cat Noir who hesitated.
"What's with the frown?
What's going down?"
"I can't find a rhyme.
Can you help me this time?"
"Oh Cat Noir, you're such a sweet-talker,
Rhymer, dancer and walker."
Cat Noir shrugged.
"Good luck!" Roger said. Ladybug handcuffed her right arm to Cat Noir's left, and used her yo-yo to lash her right ankle to his left.
Then they both with the help of Officer Roger, snuck over behind Frightingale of whom Bridgette somehow got to dance along to her song.
Ladybug swung Cat Noir toward Frightingale to get closer without being detected by her, he then did the same for her and with that she grabbed for the mic, missed, and knocked down the supervillain.
She was surprised to see them bound together.
"Connected, we're one; our movements are synched.
So let's get a move on, because we are linked!" Ladybug said as she and Cat Noir started toward Frightningale.
Then both Ladybug and Cat Noir say in unison, "As if we were dancing without thought,
Take this shot!" They struck Frightningale. "By any chance,
Will you grant me this dance?" Ladybug asked. She over at her sister and nodded. Bridgette gave a thumbs-up.
Cat Noir: "Let's cut a rug,
MiLadybug!" Cat Noir joked. The heroes fought and kicked Frightningale back inside the hotel.
Frightningale ran and climbed onto the stage.
Frightningale turned toward Bfidgette and sreamed, "You tricked me! How could I not see?!" And as for you two, you can't bend the rules!
Dancing tied up is cheating, fools!" "Well, when someone's akumatized,
We never compromise."
Cat Noir then told Frightingale as he and Ladybug climbed onstage, You know you've lost already! The battle continued between the heroes and Frightningale was pitched, until Ladybug and Cat Noir push Frightningale back, and grabbed her whip-wand together. Ladybug Cat Noir tossed it over to Bridgette who smashed it in midair by kicking it, freeing the akuma. Ladybug released the handcuffs, and threw them back over to Officer Roger. "Thank you !" "No officer, thank you! Now as you can see, we have much to do," Ladybug assured him.
"Wanna say it with me?"
"You know that I do."
Ladybug and Cat Noir shouted, "Miraculous Cleanse!" as Ladybug threw up one of her hands in the air.
The Miraculous wave restored all of the petrified people to normal, and removed Ladybug's, Cat Noir's, and Bridgette's pink auras.
Ladybug: "No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug captured the akuma and purified it. "Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly."
Frightningale turned back into Clara Nightingale.
Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Bridgette fist-bumped "Pound it!"
"Ladybug? Cat Noir! What are you doing here?" Clara asked confused.
"You were akumatized by Hawk Moth; but everything's back to normal again," Cat Noir explained.
Clara's eyes widened "I was saved by the two of you?
How amazing! Too good to be true!" Ladybug then noticed that both hers and Cat Noir's shadows were taking the form of Queen V and Null respectively, Ladybug tore her eyes away from them to put her focus and mind back onto Clara to whom she told, "And, I have an idea how you can finish your video without anyone getting in your way!" Ladybug walked up to Clara, and whispered in her ear; Clara smiled. "Well, I look forward to whatever the video will be like, I gotta get going now!" Cat Noir told them and kissed Clara's hand before vaulting away. "I think I should go as well, because my voice is shot from all that singing!" Bridgette said, her voice hoarse. "What singing?" Clara asked. "Check the security cams, they'll show you what I mean. Say Ms. Nightingale, would it be alright if I kept this Ladybug costume?" Clara nodded, "Thanks!" Bridgette then started running home. "She can also take the spare
While Mr. Agreste can keep his as both costumes were created by my mother, Clair," Clara briefly explained.
A week later on Friday the 11th, at the Collège Françoise Dupont library that had a poster for the Paris music festival, the finished "Miraculous" video was being displayed on the large screen, while the students watched with the exception of Chloe who was sulking over at her home.
Marinette's voice came onscreen as voice-over, 🎵In the daytime, — I'm just a normal girl, with a normal life. But there's something about me that no one knows, 'cause I have a secret.🎵
During Marinette's narrative, the video shows various people, to include all of Mrs. Bustier's students except Chloé, dancing in sync while wearing either Ladybug or Cat Noir masks, starting with Juleka and Rose with the Eiffel Tower in the background, followed by Alya in front of the Arc de Triomphe, which pulled out to reveal Alix, Nino, Alya, Kim, and Max, and then Ms. Mendeleiev, Mrs. Bustier, Mr. Haprèle, Mr. Damocles, Mr. D'Argencourt, Officer Roger, and another woman in the school courtyard.
Then came the chorus ♫Miraculous! Simply the best!
Up to the test when things go wrong!
Miraculous! The luckiest!
The power of love always so strong,
Miraculous!♫ During the verse the video's dancing shots continued with one of Marc, Nathaniel, Mylène, Ivan, and Sabrina in front of the Hôtel de Ville, followed by Ondine at the swimming pool, and then Adrien, Marinette, and Luka by the Canal Saint-Martin.
Rose piped up in the library, "It's so much better like this!"
"At least now everybody gets to be in it!" Mylène added.
Alya then slyly put in, "Besides, even though Marinette and Adrien kinda look like Ladybug and Cat Noir, they really weren't believable."
Marinette added on top of Alya's statement, "I couldn't agree more! And I wouldn't have had any fun playing Ladybug. It was so much better being with you all!"
Rose ran over to hug Marinette, followed by Mylène and Alix, as Kim, Alya and Juleka also leaned in for the hug.
"Yeah, I prefer this version, too. I couldn't have pulled off playing Cat Noir," Adrien admitted.
Marinette agreed dismissively, "I know. Worlds apart!"
Adrien gasped, wondering what Marinette meant, "What?"
Marinette ran over to Adrien realizing her mistake, "Uh, what I meant was that you'd be more lame as Cat Noir than in real life. No! N-Not that you're lame in real life, right? It's just, compared to Cat Noir, you're just, I mean...you don't look a thing like him, that's what I mean," she stammered.
Adrien chuckled, "And you don't look a thing like Ladybug either."
Marinette let a "Huh?"
Adrien then added, "Uh, yeah, I mean, I'm sure she's not as funny as you are!"
Both Marinette and Adrien laughed.
"Yeah," Marinette said happily.
"I'll say this, you've got some great singing pipes, Marinette!" Sabrina complemented. "Why thank you Sabrina! Adrien wasn't so bad either." Adrien smiled.
Meanwhile, Hawk Moth was watching the video and was frowning. Mayura then placed another chess piece onto the board, "They may have won the battle again today, but soon with your army growing, it will be you who will come out on top!"
Marinette's earlier thought where both Ladybug and Cat Noir weren't well-known enough to be on Wikipedia was utterly shattered the moment the music video was released, meaning the entire world knew, spreading to the Unted Heroez of New York, and then even to a bored 13-year-old Conrad Zacharie "Zak" Storm who was just scrolling through YouTube's collection of music videos. There's more superheroes?! he thought to himself before handing the computor over to his father and grabbing his surfboard to go ride the Florida waves.
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forged Chloe fighting frightingale to THE PHOENIX by fall out boy
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unluckyxse7en · 3 years
Ok so if I’m honest? I can’t stop thinking about the implications of Chat Noir’s bell being a reflection of Adrien, and not of being the black cat.
Like. Plagg explicitly expresses displeasure with this particular design element, and wouldn’t want it anywhere near him if possible. Plagg wants to live free, and not have anything domestic or civilized associated with him, not the bell, not school, or homework or expectations. He just wants his camembert and to be left to eat and sleep as he likes.
So where does this put Adrien? Adrien, who wants to go to school, who tries to live up to expectations even as they suffocate him? Adrien, the inheritor of the powers of the black cat, who wears a bell around his neck?
A lot of times we see Chat Noir refer to himself as a stray, trying to lean into that street cat living free sort of appearance. But what stray cat willingly wears a bell around his neck?
That said, I don’t think Adrien has the bell out of conscious choice. I think it’s a reflection of something deeper that even he refuses to acknowledge.
Adrien could be considered a stray. But he’s a stray cat that wants, no- desperately needs, to be found. A cat with a noisy collar, hoping someone will find him and take him in and love him.
And we already know most of this about him, but ngl this symbolism breaks my heart nonetheless.
Edit 2: basically caught up now
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so apparently everyone calls him sunnyboy? i’m sorry, but on this blog, we refer to our blond loverboy as CUPCAKE PRINCE
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i mean you’re tryna tell me this isn’t the most cupcake person you’ve ever seen
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