#frisk silhouette
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Protect the underground :P
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lesbiansforglados · 1 year
I feel like making a comic about a 10 year old that got directly hit by a nuclear bomb but instead of dying they just get powers or something
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squidpedia · 1 month
okay but how do you draw hair??? The way you draw it looks so good and I can't seem to figure it out
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Thank you!!!! I guess a big thing is I pull up references for what kind of hairstyle I’m going for, as well as trying to play as much as possible with shapes, symbols, silhouette, and thinking about the volume of the hair. Like my frisk having super curly hair makes it easy to sneak hearts in sometimes, ive been toying recently with giving my teen clover design a ponytail thats a littleeee shaped like a clover, lilac is similar in the ends of their braids being shaped the exact same as the flowers in their hair, my kris’ ends of their hair on the top of their head sorta looks like horns, etc etc. I try to utilize this as often as possible since i think it helps me differentiate different hairstyle and make them look a bit more unique.
I also tryyyy to utilize shape language (sometimes), so like for more friendly character I sometimes try to make their hair a lot more round shapes, for more agressive characters I try to make their hair a bit more sharp and pointy, and more squares and rectangles for the reliable and more balanced characters. Uhh example, chara’s hair is mostly triangles and rectangles. Clover’s is extremely round and made up of ovals and circles usually
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something that also helps me a lot when thinking about the volume of the hair is to divide up the parts of it and like into the bangs, side tufts, underside, and i guess top/back part of the head
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fanatical4creation · 3 months
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Finally made her up, I was just putting it off and putting off designing her but then I took my pen, my new laptop and drew it, now look at her!!!
Alright let's start shall we?
"OMG FANATICAL WHY DOES POPPY LOOKS LIKE A FRISK-" Shhhhh, you need to calm down, i'll explain everything;
Alright, bare with me: The original Poppy mentions in an animation, that she's talking to her therapist, that people usually thinks she's a Chara, but she's none! And I think, I theorize, I suppose that the reason why she looks like a Chara is bc an Frisk was drawing her (you know her lore?), so supposing that the whole concept of Invertedverse is that the original universe Underswap, that Frisk who drew her is an Chara, so if the Frisk drew a Chara in the original, here the Frisk that is now a Chara would draw a Frisk....... so, that's the logic here.;
Even though Poppy is still not a Frisk nor a Chara, but I don't think I translated that into her design, maybe I'll redo it sometime.
Her clothings are intriguing. It's her original teenage/adult clothings but with some green and a purple cloak or cape, whatever that is. This cloak represents her importance inside OmegaTimeline, that reminds me;
View from back Ω:
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Made it with wind because it's cool, plus, her silhouette is cool too
Core was the "ruler" of Omega Timeline, everyone would look for them when there was a problem and needed help, everybody trusted them, but they put Poppy on their place... Core is a very mischievous character, no one really knows why they put Poppy in charge.
Omega citizens theorize that the reason is because Core was lazy, or that they didn't like the attention, or maybe they wanted to focus fully on recruting people, even thought after Poppy got in charge Core was rarely seen interacting with people and also the numbers of new survivors to get to the OT decreased.
Poppy tries her best to help remain peace within Omega Timeline, even if it requires all of her energies, thought she could really use some help, she thinks that the reason why her parent is more absent while she was in charge was because they knew she could everything alone, and that she should do it.
She doesn't have many friends, and the old ones got far away because she's too busy working signing papers, solving problems, financing projects, etc, etc.
She suffers. That's the truth, she just needs a vacation and a hug from her girlfriend.
She doesn't like parties... just thought it was important to mention.
Poppy doesn't like her parent, almost hates them even, they seem so irresponsible, imature and a coward, after just letting their daughter in charge of a (practically) country in surprise, it's expected for her to feel that way
Poppy has to be the clueless character in the whole Invertedverse, the reason is that she's so busy at work, or too busy being tired, and she usually gets information on what's going on from Core, but Core have been very silent lately, wonder why...
She has the hobby of playing board games, dancing and origamis!
She likes to cook more for others than herself
Sometimes she would visit the Madame T's orphanage, mainly to see Cadence and her friends, but also to donate and all of that things famous ppl do in orphanages idk.
Even thought she does a lot of hard work sometimes she'd take credit over someone elses work unintentionally, i mean, she's kind of the president.
She can't lie, like literally, maybe it's just her morals, or maybe it's a supernatural force idk.
She also keeps taping her fingers in hard surfaces all the time, I think it's anxiety.
Oh yeah, her full name is still Poppy Marusina, but she can also be called Iris Marusina, or maybe I'll change that to her original name, idk
Poppy (c) fmsdraws
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jimekas · 1 month
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Hard To Let Go
I made this a few months ago. I guess I just wanted to draw this touching scene, but thinking about how when Asriel says "I don't want to let go"... well he's not the only one. Frisk might not want too, Chara even less (manifesting as the half-open eye and smile on one side of Frisk's face). And of course it might be the case for the player too (red silhouette). At least I know it was hard for me.
So yeah, here's a bittersweet drawing I'm pretty proud of.
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daemo-ut · 1 month
I love Daemo!! Their design is soo cool, love the double horns :)
2. in the daemoverse- based off of that one drawing of him and Frisk- does Flowey get goat-like characteristics (fur, horns, etc) as he gets older?
3. Has Chara moved on (As in, their spirit/ghost has been put to rest)?
hello! thank you so much for checking the story out! :D to answer your questions:
thanks again! the lower pair curling down on the sides of their head is intentionally meant to fill in the silhouette shape of toriel's ears in spite of daemo's, uhh, characteristic lack of cartilage lol
he does! i love the idea that flowey starts sprouting two horn shaped thorns on top of his head as he settles down into a timeline and finally grows up. it's a really funny way to display the futility in his attempt to, pardon my puns, eradicate the part of himself that was once asriel from the person he wants to be.
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simhuman · 10 months
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Fangamer and Editmode have a new Undertale pin badge gacha collection, exclusive to the Kyoto store.
There are nine designs: Undyne with Monster Kid, Annoying Dog, Alphys, Sans with Papyrus, Frisk, Mettaton, Napstablook, Flowey, and a secret design. The secret design's silhouette is shown on the machine and sure looks like Temmie.
Source: https://twitter.com/EDITMODE_KYOTO/status/1727229616824459712
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sandersgrey · 1 year
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[ID: A digital drawing of the Ruins. Napstablook's back is at the foreground, a stereotypical ghost silhouette. Frisk is standing in the background, clutching their stick and leaning towards Chara's ghost, who is leaning towards them and has their hands on Frisk's shoulders. They're both looking at Napstablook. End ID.]
Chara Week. Day Five: Ghost.
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heavenfell-au · 5 months
✦ Memory Lane contest results ✦
First off, I want to thank the people that partook in the contest ! I can hardly imagine having to pick only one scene from my own story, so kudos to each one of you for managing to do it !
Now, without further ado, here's the first submission that was submitted on Discord, realized by Arplenoon !
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« TW: Blood, injury, disturbing imagery
I got into Undertale and read Heavenfell back around 2020 and early 2021. There were a lot of things that happened to me in that time that deeply hurt me, separate from the anxiety of the pandemic, but probably had been brought on by it's pressures. Needless to say, I was having it rough. Abandoned, stalked and harassed by my former friends, I let my mind escape into Undertale AUs. Undertale AUs let me forget about myself. Going to work was hard. I'd sit in the breakroom, curled up, trying not to let my thoughts consume me- and often failing. It was during that time, huddled in one of the bigger chairs at work, I read Heavenfell every day for a week.
It was cathartic for me, and helped me process a lot of what I was going through. Even though I wasn't anywhere close to the same situation Frisk found themself in, the scenes where they spiraled in thoughts about their life on the surface resonated with me- Because that was me, tormented by the same demons. Someone knew what I was going through, and I wasn't alone.
I can confidently say that because of that I'm still here today.
Thank you. »
I can already tell you that this hits hard. You've selected a scene from Their Wings that hits very close to home, and I absolutely adore the way you've depicted Frisk's torments, which each bone digging into them carved with words that the ghosts of their past said, cutting them through and through. I love the fact that those bones, along with the vivid red of their clothes, blood and their soul tearing apart pop out against the darkness that surrounds them, all that that giant skeletal hands are craddling them in their palms, giving the sensation that they're at the mercy of death itself as they scream in absolute despair, or in that case, Sans if not both of the skeleton brothers. I really appreciate that we can also see the remnants of Flowey, illustrated here, reminding us the impact of his loss in the story, that he was Frisk's guardian but also their best friend, leaving them stranded in their time of need. There are so many little details here and there that tell about that specific part of Frisk's story, making such an impactful delivery of the message, alongside with the silhouettes that haunt them in their turmoil, ever so faded and yet, very present.
For the technique, it's an amazing artpiece made with watercolors. It's such a difficult media for me to handle, and it's always so mesmerizing to see you realize one of them, and this time, having to handle with so many shades of black. I wish I had an ounce of patience and technique that you have when handling that medium, making me all the more admirative of your craft. The execution is great, for the colors are vibrant against the deep shades of black, and I'm always admirative of people that are able to use that paint type without their paper curling, which requires some type of preparation and knowledge ! The result of this gorgeous illustration, with that particular attention to the red and white colors clashing with the deep black makes it absolutely chilling and nerve-wracking, even more so with how well you illustrated Frisk's agony. You could almost hear their screams. Gorgeous, I'm devouring this work of art. It is delicious.
Next submission is from Cao-the-Dreamer on Tumblr !
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« « More like “Adorable Dog” for me ! » you said.
My entry for #HeavenfellContest2024 by @heavenfell-au ! I choose the scene in chapter 15 (Sweet Brothers), where Frisk meets A.D. :3 Whenever I think of Their Wings, it is the first scene that comes to my mind. Is it because I love animals? Because it was a moment of fluff and peace amidst Frisk's painful journey? I think it's both. And yes, the dog is adorable <3
I've been working with shadow puppets for a while now, and I decided to try my hand with Eowyn's characters. I really liked the result! (I've been inspired by Michel Ocelot's works) :3
Here is le théâtre d'ombre in broad daylight: »
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You know what ? Seeing your submission made me smile so much ! A.D is such a good pupper and I'm so glad it got to get the spotlight ! (badumtss)
It is such a lovely take on their proper encounter, and the way you portrayed it is so simple, yet so effective and I absolutely love it, for it provides that vision of their bonding experience, as A.D remembered what Frisk did to save its life, and was willing to give them a chance in return. And the way they're staring deep into each other's gaze is so precious and tender, you know what the energy it gives me ? How to train your Dragon vibes, with Hiccup and Toothless having that very unique and special bond. That's what it makes me think of, and the fact that you picked that very tiny scene, for the reasons you mentioned, I'm fucking tearing up at this. I just adore your portrayal of their friendship, and how you selected a simple moment of peace and love in that dark and painful story of Their Wings.
You know what else amazed me ? The medium you used for your submission ! I love how you took the risk to use another type of media, to experience with shadow puppets. Looking back at Michel Ocelot's work, I can definitely see the inspiration, and it's such a nice way to make a tribute to another amazing artist ! I have never experimented with shadow puppets myself, to be honest, I've never thought of it being an option, and that submission was a very pleasant surprise ! I'm very happy you got to choose that medium, despite your drawing talents, I absolutely love people trying out things and taking the risk in a contest itself even  ! As I stated above, it is even moreso unique, and the execution is fantastic. The simplicity makes it all the more enjoyable, for such a simple scene, putting all the energy into the characters and the formation of their friendship, all put together thanks to the light source that gives into that intimate atmosphere. Plus, I can tell that while it is a simple looking result, it must have taken a lot of time having to carve and assemble all the pieces together, without counting the measuring, the placements and the light play. Un grand bravo for this artwork, it definitely lingered on my mind for the rest of the day when I've laid my eyes on it.
Last submission by victenSam !
« The illustration in Chapter 5 – Sweet Trap was one the first scenes that stuck with me, I enjoy the happy vibes. I brought it to life with minor dramatic liberties taken to spice up this short cutscene while still maintaining the overall feel. A paragraph done old-school video-game style, all recorded within a game engine. A happy moment that preludes the turning point of the story.
Reading through Heavenfell felt really inspiring to me. They really put it all in not just the writing, but in all the illustrations, character designs and singing. Not to mention how they’re rocking it in 3D modelling outside Heavenfell as well! This sincere multimedia externalization brought into the fan-work amazed me and helped me give myself a bit of a push to keep pursuing and learning things to hone my own craft. Unfortunately, due to the nature of both game development and making, it became quite a solitary effort on my part. And so, as both a way to honor their work and apply what I’ve been learning, I decided to make a game related entry within the schedule and theme of this contest. I honestly didn’t think I could pull something like this off; I’m glad I tried and I’m happy with the results.
There’s modelling, texturing, sound design, music, coding and directing all creatively put together only by myself just for this piece of animation. I leaned a lot of new things and tested whole new methods and theories in the making of the cutscene. I could go into a lot of details on how every element came together, but I’ll leave that open for any questions that come my way to avoid huge tangents. I hope you all enjoy this little piece of memory. »
Just... Wow.
For sure, that one got me gobsmacked. And if the previous submission hadn't gotten me smiling like an idiot, I found myself in absolute awe and I hardly repressed the giggle at the end ! I was breathtaken by the pressing atmosphere until the very moment that those two friends finally let go of the fear and laughed it out, finding myself to do the same, letting go of a breath that I hadn't realized I had stuck in my throat. The fact that you've taken so much time to not just illustrate, but make an entire animation had me floored !! It definitely reminded me of that one illustration that I made myself about that specific scene where Flowey and Frisk were laughing in relief, laying in the snow. That was such a nice little reference, and that made me smile even more! That was a very interesting scene that you picked, all the more heartbreaking knowing what comes afterwards, and that makes me cherish that moment all the more. There was so much nostalgy that I felt there, even felt myself mourning all over again, that was a very strange experience, but I welcome it. Thank you so much for showing Flowey the love he deserved <3
Oh god, there's so much to tell. It is truly a work of art. There's so many mediums put into play there, as you said, there was modeling, there was texturing, sound design and music, and even coding. I also can imagine the storyboard to create the scenes, and all of those details that we happen to forget at times, just so you can render a cutscene of my written story. Truly, I was not only floored by the story telling through your eyes, but by the amount of work you put into this ! It was an amazing surprise to see that kind of work appear for this contest, you're a very talented content creator and this animation is proof of it, knowing that it was made in a game mechanic mind. I lack the words to say how good the technique is for it exceeds anything that I ever imagined. Watching it over and over again, I keep hoping that someday, you get to make an entire game, or even to be hired because there's an incredible potential in you ! It's inspiring seeing how much of your blood and sweat were put into this in record time, I could never hope to do anything like that myself, making me all the more admirative. My best kudos to you, Sam, and thank you for honouring my work this way. <3
That's all for the submissions for Memory Lane. I'm extremely glad that you three had participated, though it feels unfair now to judge your creations when there were only so many participants, which made it harder for me to make decisions, as curious as it is. I've been wondering whether I just let go of the Prize system to give you all the same one, but it kind of goes against a contest, doesn't it ? So I'll still announce the results. Know that each one of your creations made me feel a certain type of way, and I cherished every single one of them. For different reasons, you all deserved the first place, but rules being the rules, I had to be realistic, which is why the importance of technique was there.
So comes to third place, Arplenoon, with his heart-wrenching painting !
To the second place comes Cao the Dreamer, with a very moving shadow puppet !
And the first place goes to victenSAM with his breathtaking cutscene !!
Since I wanted to thank you personally for giving my contest a chance, you all will have an extra in your prizes, as a way to find a middle ground with my prior tug of war <3 Thank you so much for the amount of love you gave to this project. I'll come in contact with you so we can discuss the prize shipping and all the like !
I'll also be reblogging the artpieces posted on tumblr for everyone to enjoy !
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osleeplessflowero · 6 months
Okay! I may have forgotten but I don't think you've done Underfell Papyrus yet? I'm curious how you would interpret him as a lot of people seem to make him very one note.
Could you do a First Impressions thing? Can the Reader be female as well? Up to you if this takes place on the surface or if Reader fell into the Underground. (Bonus points if you feel like including or just referencing Doomfanger!)
i have written him briefly before, but i am more than happy to write edge content again!! i love him dearly <3 thank you for your request! 🌸
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🛍️First Meeting🖤
It's a warm, sunny morning. Barely any clouds are visible in the sky as a car comes to a stop, finding the perfect spot in a mall's parking lot. The moment the car stops, a child opens one of the back doors, sliding out and holding out their arms so a cat can jump into them. A skeleton closes the door beside the driver's seat, pushing up sharp shades over his eyesockets.
"Alright, Human, Listen To Me Carefully." He kneels down to be at eye level with the child. The two had gotten much closer when the monsters had finally surfaced two years ago, Frisk having found themself spending a lot more time with the skeleton brothers they'd grown fond of.
"This Is A Large Place Full Of Unfamiliar Figures. We Are Here To Pick Out Furniture That Doomfanger Herself Prefers, So I Am Tasking You With Keeping A Close Eye On Her. You Know Well How She Likes To Run Off, So I Am Entrusting You With Watching Over Her. Can You Do That?"
They nod eagerly, holding the fluffy cat in their arms happily.
"Very Good. Now, Let Us Head Inside, Hmm?" He smiles, standing back up and beginning to walk, Frisk following close by. "Do Not Walk Through Here Without Being Careful. There Are Lunatics Out Here." He narrows his hidden eyesockets and leans his hand down so they can hold it to ensure their safety, Frisk shifting Doomfanger to their other arm as they do.
"I'd Have Asked My Bonehead Brother To Watch Her, But..Well..He Worked Hard Yesterday. I'll Let Him Rest For Today. He Needs It, This Time." He holds the door open for them, letting them walk in first before following close behind.
They sign something to him, making him let out a cackle.
After a few minutes, they manage to find the store they're looking for. The skeleton carefully takes Doomfanger from Frisk's arms, holding her up to one of the taller shelves.
"Alright, Which Of These Do You Prefer, Little Miss?" He waits patiently until the cat baps one of the various beds that she likes best, nodding in agreement and putting it in a shopping cart.
Frisk gestures a silent chuckle, looking over some cutesy cat sticker sheets nearby. They look from left to right before taking a sheet out of their backpack, slapping a heart sticker on one of the shelves before rejoining him.
"Hold Her For A Moment, I Believe I Saw The Collars Over There..I Will Be Right Back. Stay Put."
They nod in agreement, a determined look on their face as they hold the cat that's currently trying to escape their hold. Once he's walked off, they shift their focus to some squeaky toys with funny jokes written on them, ones they think Sans would appreciate if he were present. They take out their phone and send some pictures to him for later, including one of them holding Doomfanger and making a silly face.
While temporarily distracted, the cat takes this opportunity to leap out of their hold, resulting in an almost silent gasp as they run to chase her down.
"Alright, I've Found An Exa- OH MY STARS WHERE DID MY CHILD GO-" He looks around hurriedly before seeing their silhouette running out of the store, sitting the cart aside and running after them.
The child darts across the hall, chasing after the cat that's rapidly speeding away into a clothing store. They look around worriedly once they lose sight of her, scanning the aisles before spotting her nuzzling against someone's leg.
You kneel down to pet the random, cute cat. "Oh my goodness, you're so soft! Your owner must be worried sick about you."
Frisk runs over, catching their breath.
"Oh, hello, is this cat yours sweetheart?" You ask, holding her in your arms.
They nod quickly, holding out their arms as you place her back in them.
"I'm guessing she ran away from you?"
Another nod.
"Well, it's a good thing she's in safe hands now." You smile. They feel a little more reassured, but then start to panic. They ran off, and they don't know this mall that well! What if they can't find Papyrus? What if they're lost?
Tears prick at the corners of their eyes as you hurry over to them, kneeling to be at eye level.
"What's wrong, dear?" You frown, reaching up to wipe their tears away.
They quickly sign: 'I'm lost, I need to find my guardian, I ran away from him trying to catch her. I don't remember the way back.'
"Oh.." You look around. "What store was he in? I can show you where it is."
They perk up at that. 'It was a pet store. It had a lot of stickers.'
"I think I know which one you're talking about! Yeah..I can show you the way. Would you like to hold my hand? You can stay with me until we find him. I wouldn't trust anybody else around here." You narrow your eyes, holding your hand out. They take it gratefully, following close behind as you lead the way back to the store. You're about halfway there when you see a tall figure running towards you, coming to a stop when he sees Frisk at your side.
"Oh, Thank The Stars, You're Alright-" He lets out a sigh of relief, kneeling as they rush over. "Don't Run Off Where I Can't See You! It..Worries Me."
Tears prick at the corners of their eyes again as they hold Doomfanger close. 'I'm sorry. She ran away.'
He lets out a quiet sigh, reaching up to wipe their tears away with his gloved hands. "I'm Not Angry At You. Just Please Be More Careful, Next Time."
They nod, reaching their arms up. He picks them up with relative ease, now turning to you. You smile once you're acknowledged, the same expression having been on your face the entire time.
"..I..Thank You For Taking Care Of Them, Miss. If Something Had Happened To Them, I Do Not Know What I Might Have Done."
"Oh, of course. I'd hate for something to have happened.. it's a good thing they found me and not somebody with more sinister intentions. I'm glad they're safe with someone they trust now." You hold your hands together in front of yourself.
"Yes..Precisely." He clears his throat. "I Would Like To Somehow Compensate You As Thanks For Watching Over Them. Anything You Need."
"Oh, I couldn't possibly-"
"I Insist."
You think for a moment. "..How about..we go get coffee together? There's a place for it just a bit away from here. We can get something for them, too."
"Hmm. This Will Suffice. Does That Sound Good To You?" He turns to Frisk, who nods excitedly in response. "Very Well, I Will Return To Make My Purchases And..Meet You Back Here?"
"Sounds good to me. Ah, I forgot to introduce myself- my name's.." You properly introduce yourself to the skeleton.
"I Am Papyrus, The Great Papyrus. It's Been A Pleasure To Meet You, Miss." He grins, a sharp-toothed smile.
Soon after the both of you get your shopping done and move your things to your respective vehicles, you go to get coffee together (and a sweet drink for Frisk). You've found that he is very specific with his coffee tastes, something you can understand. He's quite witty, despite his intimidating appearance. And from what you can tell, he's..pretty good with kids, too.
Papyrus was..a bit wary of you at first, but still appreciative that you took care of Frisk when he could not. He makes a mental note to watch over them better, to ensure this sort of thing doesn't happen again. Your kindness truly shines through, a warm atmosphere surrounding you right off the bat. By the end of the interaction, he grows to respect you.
"This was really fun, it was super nice meeting you both." You smile as you walk beside the two, looking between them.
Frisk gives him a nudge. "..Likewise, Your Company Was Pleasant."
"Maybe we'll see each other again sometime. That could be fun."
Frisk grins, perking up and walking over. You kneel to be at eye level as they hand you some stickers, a sign that they like you.
"How cute- thank you."
They smile as you pat their head, walking back over to their skeleton guardian.
"It Is Getting Rather Late, I'm Afraid We Must Bid You Farewell, Miss."
"Maybe I'll see you both around." You smile, waving at Frisk as the two walk out. You begin to walk out as well, halting when you feel something fall out of your pocket, picking it up and raising a brow at it.
Frisk has a bit of a skip to their step, leading Papyrus to where he had parked previously, him being a little surprised that they remember.
Once they get in the car, he looks at them via the mirror. "What Are You So Excited About, Hmm?"
They sign where he can see with a smug grin. 'I gave her your number.'
"You SLIPPERY SNAKE! I Must Admire Your Stealth Skills.."
They gesture silent laughter, petting Doomfanger, who lies comfortably in their lap as they begin the drive back home.
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faux-mance · 1 month
thinking about geno's impostor syndrome
his own world replaced him. it tore apart his code to make another version of him that lived his life, and he was forced to watch that sans fill his
and maybe he was glad after was taking care of papyrus, but that doesn't make it hurt, any less. geno was supposed to be the one doing that. it wasn't supposed to come to this. it wasn't fucking fair that he'd suffered so much, only to see another version of him be with geno's brother.
but maybe it was fair. maybe it was what he deserved. he couldn't save his friends. he couldn't save his brother. he couldn't even save himself. it was why he gave up the name sans, wasn't it? he didn't deserve that name. he didn't deserve that life.
— the surface doesn't change how geno feels. sure, the sun on his face and his feet in the grass feel nice. but geno can't help thinking it wasn't supposed to be for him. like the very code in the world is calling him a fraud. this ending wasn't for him. it was for frisk and sans and papyrus. it was for toriel and undyne and alphys and asgore and all the other monsters. why should geno intrude on any of that? what right did he have, to claim this world as his own? he couldn't even save himself. it'd been frisk's idea to use the pie to get him out of the save screen. he didn't deserve to be here. maybe that was what led him to go back into the mountain. to walk through soft, undisturbed snow. not many would step foot here again. not many would want to. that was fine with geno. he found it under a house all too similar to the one now on the surface. that one felt foreign to him, just like the sunlight and the grass and the smiles of his family. this one, he knew well. the click of a lock opened a back door into a dark room, one that hadn't seen the light of day for quite a while. he slid the syringe out of the drawer, the viscous determination inside swirling slowly, the light emanating from it casting a soft red glow on geno's hand. at the same moment, his gaze fell on a familiar silhouette under a purple curtain. the corners of his mouth quirked up into a smile.
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ant1quarian · 6 months
Gib lore, rant, we desire the good stuff- /pos
Pfft, fantastic
Lore under the cut btw, for anyone who may want to be in suspense until OG finds out just what the hell is going on in their AUs.
Beware: Some of this may be disjointed and missing words because my brain is simply just running a mile a minute
( Cw for themes of experimentation, violence of course, just general non-canon-compliant bullshit science and a bunch of big ol' headcanons )
Voidface Dust- Discard- was frequently experimented on as a babybones, injected with the smallest amount of DT, which made him a bit more. . . human-like, we'll say. Curious. Almost dangerously so.
Discard's full-monster-extermination happened over a long period of time- sometimes in some timelines it was just one or two monsters, other times it was half of the population, and the last time he murdered everyone. He only had very vague memories over the timelines and began to almost entirely lack the ability to care about his fellow monsters.
Eventually he grew curious enough to wonder- hey, what would happen if I murdered someone? Fully conscious, just normal ol' classic sans, who suddenly started to poison and Fuck Up every monster he came upon with a chuckle.
That is why his face is so dark. Because it was a conscious, non-trauma-piles decision to murder everyone out of curiosity. His shadows are so dark that they give him a completely vanta black silhouette and every shadow he casts is very, very deep.
He calls himself "Discard" because he was a failed experiment that had, predictably, been scrapped for parts and then tossed to the side.
He had always been a bit of an outcast in the monster community- though a charming one. Never really stuck around long enough to form any sort of bond.
Wilt- Bald Dust- painfully remembers enough of each good timeline to be envious of the fact that they do reach the surface, and so, so angered that the kid keeps on resetting.
He didn't experience many genocide routes, but the pain and constant mental struggle of knowing the kid is just going to put them all back down there was absolutely horrible for him.
So he killed everyone. And then used Toriel as leverage to make Frisk break through the barrier so that he could take his "brother" (He's hallucinating at this point) to the surface. Frisk complies out of fear for their mother's life, only for the both of them to be slaughtered once there.
Wilt now lives in a humble cabin that had been abandoned up on Ebott mountain and is the new sole reason humans go missing when they go up it.
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capricioussun · 11 months
Underfell Papyrus with the prompt "Can’t stop shaking," please
Hope you feel better soon ^^ 💜
This one got away from me a bit so I'm sorry if it's a little janky but also ty ;; 🩵
CW, sick fic, sick character's pov, hospital stuff
Prompt list
A strange sound filtered in through the darkness. Fuzzy and ticklish, distant in the back of his skull. When it happened again, pain bloomed there, bleeding down his cervical vertebrae to ache through his ribcage.
Feeling began to register as that pain traveled further. Every limb drawn taut like a wooden doll held together with too little string. Tremors held him in a vice grip, unable to think beyond the radiating soreness weighing him down like lead, stifled further by a heavy weight laid atop the length of his body. Not only heavy, but hot, smotheringly so, yet doing nothing to reach the chills shivering up his spine, exacerbating the aches further.
That sound happened again, muffled, but more familiar, a voice. He tried to open his mouth to speak, to question, when that tickling sensation jumped, right to his throat, jolting fully awake with a vicious bout of coughing.
"Oh-!" a large, furry paw smoothed over the top of his head as that sound came again, closer, words, but none clear enough to parse over his own choking. He could hardly open his eyes enough to see the distorted shapes above him, let alone make sense of them.
Something cloth passed across his teeth, and instincts abruptly urged to push his attacker away before they could gag him, but his arms were useless, weak and buried at his sides. As the coughing finally subsided he could hear the stifled rattling of his own bones beneath the thick fabric restricting him.
"It is only me, Papyrus-" still cloudy, but discernible at last, "Toriel. Calm down," her gentle voice finally clicked into alignment with everything else. Toriel, his...friend? His mind grappled for a word or phrase to define what she was to him, but thoughts seemed to jumble together, clinging uselessly to the inside of his skull.
"Do not strain yourself," she soothed again, brushing the side of her paw against his cheekbone. As disoriented as he felt, he could still hear the strain in her steady tone.
Blinking slowly, the stale magic lining his sockets prevented his vision from focusing, but the rest of his unease passed recognizing Toriel's silhouette. When the cloth pressed to his teeth again he made no move to struggle. Not that he could've – he'd become acutely aware he felt awful.
Soon enough, the light pressure disappeared, his eyes fighting exhaustion to squint back open.
"There," she sighed, and then went quiet for a moment. The battle was quickly lost, his eyes drifting back shut, when he heard the floor creak. "I will get you some water." She spoke so softly, not dissimilar to how she spoke to Frisk...it felt disarming to hear it directed at him.
As her steps faded, his own noise became emphasized in the silence. Any white noise of the house settling or Toriel's movements elsewhere went entirely drowned out by every wet, rasping breath drawn, the unrelenting rattling tremble of his bones. Dizzy and nauseous, unable to so much as sit up, dully he remembered what was wrong with him. He was sick.
Very sick.
Without warning, the nausea heightened, coiled below his ribcage and he shuddered, swallowing thickly as much as he could before a sweeping chill wracked him, gasping into another, weaker coughing bout. Even his mind would not cooperate, feeling like his head had been stuffed with static and cotton.
Back underground, pain was simply a facet of life. Being stabbed, broken, bruised and beaten; especially in the guard. Seldom a day went by he returned home plagued only by weariness. But it had always been his brother prone to illness. He could probably count the number of times on one hand he could remember being sick himself, and it had never felt like this. Like his own body trying to exorcise him.
A strange lightheadedness possessed him, whatever few thoughts he could cling to slipping rapidly from his grasp. Only distantly was he aware of Toriel’s return and her attempting to get him to drink, raising his head in a strong, careful grip. He tried to tell her not to, his body was disgustingly soaked in his own sweat, it would matte her fur, surely, but all that came out was a strangled groan as she finally lowered him back to the pillow.
Were it not for lingering common sense, he would've worried his bones were on the verge of rattling apart. His focus had nowhere else to tether as wakefulness loosened from him further, drifting back and forth often enough to keep him miserably aware of his own discomfort, but no more, not enough to think.
Time lost all meaning between snatches of consciousness, if it could’ve been called that. Every brief moment of awareness lost upon every lapse. He wouldn't remember catching whispers of two voices, one he knows better than any other, tense and worried. Wouldn't remember cringing weakly as he was moved, carried by strong, shaking hands to a cool vehicle, trembling hard enough to whimper at the pain of it. Wouldn't remember strangers’ hands replacing trusted ones, or how they caught him as he convulsed, getting sick on unfamiliar tile floors.
None of that remained, nor the days that followed.
Nothing made sense by the time his mind feebly made its way back to him. A low beeping beside him, the warmth of sunlight on his hands. When he managed to pry his tired eyes open, clean, white, unfamiliar walls greeted him. The bed before him less unknown, a hospital bed, with clinical white sheets outlining his body underneath. Wires that must've been attached to him snaked out from beneath – he couldn't feel them, but he couldn't feel much of anything beyond an overwhelming fatigue.
The air brought into his ribcage with every breath felt oddly cool, eyes drifting closed to focused what little energy he had on recalling what had led him here. Nothing came back before that beeping changed, only once, two staccato chirps seamlessly flowing back into its prior rhythm.
Automatically, he tried to look to the source, neck stiff and unwilling but managing enough to see a screen displaying stats he couldn't make sense of. He was in a hospital, of course, but what would he need to be monitored for? Why-
Turning his head too quickly, he flinched with a sharp inhale, "whoa whoa, take it easy, papyrus, s'just me."
Vision clearing from the unexpected jolt, his brother came into view. Outlined in the early morning, or perhaps late afternoon light filtering in from the window behind him, Sans stood beside his bed, obviously looking worse for wear in spite of the easy grin plastered on his features.
"What-" the dryness of his magic choked him, coughing as Sans fussed, pulling a cup of water off a tray he hadn't noticed with a flick of blue magic to force upon him with a mild scold. The surreality of it made him question if he was actually awake.
Clearing his throat more properly, any questions fell to the wayside as exhaustion frustratingly took hold again. He laid back, half-breathless just from drinking, and watched as Sans moved to set the cup back down by hand, aimlessly picking at the few other items on the tray. It didn't seem he actually needed to ask, watching Sans deliberately find things to do, carefully avoiding meeting his eyes. The blanket was his next target, returning to the bed to fix it, smoothing it, brow bones pinched in an unusually tight scowl.
He said nothing, perhaps too tired to be annoyed by the prevarication, or perhaps understanding something bad must’ve happened to upset his brother this deeply.
It wasn’t long before the tension cracked with a sigh. Sans stuffed his hands back into his pockets as he stared down at where a wire was surely attached to his brother’s soul under the sheets. What he was really seeing was anyone's guess, but the string was fully cut when Sans took another, deeper breath, clearing his throat and shuffling the few steps back to the chair he must've been sleeping in.
"you uh, you really don't do nothin' halfway, do ya, kid," he breathed a humorless laugh as he slowly lowered into the chair. That single working eyelight drew up to the gaze rested on him, his own weariness now plain as day.
Papyrus held that attention steadily, hoping the slight furrow of his brow bone asked well enough for him. A shadow passed over Sans' expression, gone again in a flicker as he looked away for a moment before returning, but he didn't miss the tightness of his brother's voice as he answered.
"you got sick, papyrus. really sick." His hands fidgeted where they were clasped in his lap, wringing each other sluggishly. "scared the hell outta tori. wouldn' even let the kid visit 'cause she..."
One hand moved to his knee, clearing the shakiness from his voice and making a poor attempt to cover it with a chuckle. "don' matter now. got a little outta hand ‘cause of a secondary infection, but the doc said yer improving real well so it don' matter."
A small measure of sincerity lightened Sans' smile, voice low and calm, "now ya just gotta rest, got it?" He didn't even realize his sockets were sinking shut as he listened.
"just gotta relax, 'rus, i ain't goin' nowhere. s’gunna be alright."
Of course it would, he didn’t say. He didn’t have to. This time, sleep claimed him much more gently.
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going to post this before it begins to decay in my files
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combine the redacted and mystery man sprites to get the best of both worlds
[ID: art of Frisk and Gaster standing next to each other. Frisk is about half his height, and looks up at him with a soft grin. Above both of them is a textbox saying “Smells like a waterfall.” Frisk is drawn as a brown skinned Southeast Asian child with dark brown hair. They wear a magenta and blue striped jumper with a dark brown collar and boots. Gaster is drawn as a vague silhouette, leaning his head down, his white watery hair cascading down and covering his entire front body. It crashes onto the floor in white foam. A horn protrudes from his head, under the water. Gaps in his hair near where his head would be resemble his eyes and smile drooping down. Gaps from the middle to the bottom roughly resemble the face of the Determination Extractor. End ID]
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the-white-soul · 1 month
Heh, heya! Need some backup?
Thought we would help.
-sans, papyrus and chara
(P.S note from mod, can you believe no one took this blog name yet?!?!?!?!)
(Noelle) "Can we trust newcomers?"
(Chara) "We need all the help we can get!"
(Frisk) "Yes *they say as writing a letter and sending it*"
(Chara) "What are you writing?"
(Frisk) "Oh, nothing."
(Chara) "If it's important..."
(Frisk) "I said nothing!"
(Chara) "Fine. Keep your dumb comments to yourself."
(Frisk) "Nice to see new people in the group. Especially your other version of Chara. Humans are few and far between around here. More power is definitely needed."
(Chara) "Well, more power is coming! *Points at a silhouette of a cowboy and..."
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fferthe · 10 months
XGaster posting (handplates spoilers?)
You know, there are different levels of quality when it comes to stories. Specifically, stories revolving around Undertale. There are stories that don't leave out any detail, describing or showing every single one. The nuance that each character has, their experience and how it shaped them as a person, how it affects the decisions they make and the words they say. Their relationships with people or things, their reactions, behaviors, thoughts and feelings. Some people write everything very thoroughly, embracing the complexity of it all. While others just use the basic wireframe — the silhouette of a character. And every character has a story. ..Right?
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XGaster is very interesting in this aspect. He lacks it. He has no backstory — some versions of Gaster may've been alive during the war between humans and monsters, which, obviously, left a mark on them. He hasn't experienced any of that, though. In fact, he has neither childhood nor youth: straight to middle adulthood. (Sure skipped a lot there, buddy) There's nothing that shapes him, to put it simply. He just suddenly appeared one day, already 40 or so. No experience, that's one. But no relationships either: he never served the Dreemurrs, never had sons, never connected with his colleagues or a certain bartender, never formed his opinion on humans. All of those are set to zero. He's not like any other Gaster, that's for sure. And it gets even more interesting! Well, now that he exists, he can finally catch up, right? Sort of. He provided Chara and Frisk with a loving family, himself with an assistant, and sat back. As a creator, he decided not to involve himself in the world of his universe too much. He's 'above' whatever's going on there, while other Gasters are concerned with breaking the barrier and things like that. Hence, he's distanced himself. Which certainly doesn't do his lack of relationships any good. Refusal to participate in the story won't help the situation at all. It's very peculiar. Created as a 'nobody', and he chose to stay one, preferring isolation. 60 years. (Yes, he did spend time outside of XTale, though I doubt it was fruitful. Probably preferred not to interact with others as much.) And it's interesting how timeline I and II him differ. How he became so cold all of a sudden. And I have this feeling that the important part was left out in the second episode of XTale.
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While he may seem evil and completely irredeemable at first, he does feel regret and sorrow. Which makes me wonder. Did he have to mentally prepare for the first OVERWRITE? To do some mental gymnastics, maybe? Oh how I wish we'd gotten a glimpse of whatever was going on in that mind of his. Because a certain someone shares a somewhat similar trope.
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Oh hey.
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Funny coincidence. However, XGaster is a ruthless, sadistic individual, unlike Handplates Gaster. There's definitely something wrong with him
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Now that I think of it he's basically a combo of these two
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A purple rip-off of Gaster with no story and little creativity. This probably bugs him. To what extent? I'm not sure. But it must be so, on top of the guilt, regret, fear of abandonment, and self-loathing for not being the perfection he strives for. Love 'em
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