#from absurd to sad to creepy to funny I guess
pileofsith · 2 years
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Pau'an Inquisitor Sketches
So... once upon a time, I thought I'd try my hand at a Star Wars Rebels comic featuring this bastard on a mission to Utapau, but that never went anywhere. The Kenobi series did give me a potential fix to one point I was stuck on, so I think I might try at least a few comic snippets instead? Does anyone still care about him or was the live action version a nail in the proverbal coffin?
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s12e18 the memory remains (w. john bring)
now mr ketchup has orders to kill sam and dean, will he do it or does he too decide to acquire some free will. the power of banging mary compels you!
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is this like, a black philip costume? i still haven't seen the witch. but some day
DEAN I've been trying, Sam. The GPS on his phone is turned off, and there's nothing in the system about some weird guy in a trench coat getting arrested or turning up dead. SAM Right. Dean, it's Cas. I mean, this isn't the first time he's dropped off the map, you know? And whatever's happening, he'll be fine. He always is.
with his history, might also be a concern that he's not off making very bad decisions but hey ho
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s12e18 / altered carbon s1 - antonio marziale as isaac bancroft
hey, cute sad boy with the curly hair was in altered carbon
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DARYN Black Bill.
hey, i was close!
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DEAN I already figured out a way to kill it. SAM How did you – you don't even know what it is. DEAN The Colt. Dusts anything. Work smarter, Sammy, not harder. SAM Oh, don't do the hot coffee thing.
dean's sure on a mission to get this waitress. and annoy sammy as a bonus
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everybody's happy, taking the win
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s12e18 / the magicians s3e1 ryan mcdonald as bacchus
upper midwest stereotype man was bacchus in the magicians!
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and his character led to this delight (post) (they were drunk and trying to be "fun" enough to be admitted entrance by bacchus. srs nerds not allowed 😔
KETCH It's clear. Onward. Now remember your orders. By the time we leave, Dr. Hess wants to know everything about our "friends" the Winchesters – their allies, their habits. How does Sam get his hair so shiny? How many ratty flannels does Dean own?
hokay. tone, who needs tone. hodgepodge of cliches slammed together. but understandable that everyone is jealous of sam's luscious locks
DEAN So goat dude is just a dude? SAM Then who's the monster? Sheriff Bishop Moloch. God of sacrifice.
LOL so i played an absurd amount of nethack, a text based turn based roguelike thing which has a funny mashup of d&d/folklore/myth etc so i know moloch from that - where it was a background bad guy god and his realm was the underworld (checking results from last years nethack tourney and people that i knew back in 2006 are still playing)
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is that supposed to be blood? is he dead again?
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peppy jazz moment, again, who needs tone consistency? uh oh, mary and baby dean, is mr ketchup feeling something?
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ok so uhhh i guess the writer had a completely not peppy fun spy moment in mind for this scene
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ok, no dead dean, just bleeding with a tbi, no big whoop
PETE Hunting people. Killing them. The family business
so dumb and i laughed so hard
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SAM Colt. Dusts anything.
DEAN Next time you hear me say that our family is messed up, remind me that we could be psycho goat people.
also cute
this talk of legacy (and the music) sure has me thinking this is episode they carve their initials into the table. you WILL feel some feelings. let's talk about them dying and their memory fading away
we're gonna show you them as BABIES (with knives), FEEL THE FEELINGS. i was resisting until they intercut sam blowing off the bits as a baby and a grownup. brute forced a few tears out of me. (jensen mentioned he was able to snag the chunk of wood from the table after the show ended)
the music was less schmaltzy than swan song, where the baby clips came from, however that did make me cry because i stupidly watched dean beaten to a pulp via lucifer!sam tell sam he's not gonna leave him and then the big montage of clips of sam and dean that brought sam to the surface with just wind as the soundtrack (sidenote but they used the demon growl sound thing with lucifer!sam in that scene that was azazel/whatever demon prince they whacked/also in title credits s2 at least)
anyway, they finally leaned into the ketch being creepy, listening to their conversation with the bug he planted and creepily staring at the family photo i guess HE STOLE? the one dean's managed to keep track of through going to hell and being a demon etc etc. all right
this episode was all over the place.
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notthestarwar · 2 years
character traits I'm looking for in a blorbo:
Familial love above all else, against the odds. Family- Loving someone you know is doomed as you couldn't not. You can't save someone from themselves. You can't save your brother.
A stolen childhood. Violence as a given, you're good at it but does that make you an awful person? If you could choose, you'd choose anything but. A life that can only kill you but which you seem to have no escape. One crap card dealt after the other. Learning how to show love and care for people long after you should have and understanding things that adults struggle with long before you should have. You were that kid who was 'Mature for their age' knew how bills worked and housekeeping. How to read people. but now as an adult you've no idea how to make friends?? To talk to people???
The need to protect. Aquiring a child because they deserve better than what you got. Being sure anyone is better than you but not leaving them till you find it. Well if you can't find it, guess you'll have to become it
Intelligence- high. Emotional intelligence-nil
Perpetrator who refuses to see themselves as anything but a victim. A shitty situation that made them what they are but didn't make them do what they chose to do. Everyone around them can see they are the problem.
Then, 2 flavours:
- thinks they are helping, making everything worse
- trying to do better and doing better, but thinking they make everything worse
If it isn't there I'll probably just imagine it is there.
It's gotta be sad but funny OK. Doomed from the beginning, but life is amusingly absurd. Absurd like absurdist? No, as in: its just stupid. Their life is a joke
Here's what I'm giving:
-The emotionally distant parent who you kind of feel bad for at first,
-you understand why they are fucked up but then they keep doing increasingly shit things Which are getting harder and harder to rationalise
-While the stuff at the start was incredibly shit and bad luck, you're beginning to realise everything lately is self inflicted
-Had a bad childhood but is now determinedly creating much worse ones for his kids and is refusing to see it
-No friends, he's rejected most of them. Now only a few old ones left who are around to try and save his kids and have given up on him
- you look back at when he was young and can't believe how well intentioned he was??? What happened
- in with a terrible crowd, only interested in making him worse and definitely not calling themselves his friends
-Burnt out child star.
-Life is spiralling out of control- this is fine
-Set on a course of self destruction
-Increasingly erratic. Contradictory. -Actually quite good at her job but as soon as she's not at work she does a load of things that are ultimately going to end her career
-All the handmaidens waiting for it to blow
-Retail therapy
-Impulse celebrity wedding. What do these 2 even have in common
- had a terrible childhood through no fault of his parents
- since he was like 10 they've been trying really hard to make up for that. He can't see it
- he is completely oblivious. Every time they lovingly try and fail to cut him off so he stops landing in jail, he's convinced they hate him
- weird creepy old man friend. Keeps buying him gifts. He's completely oblivious to the weirdness
- complete man child
- landed a incredibly hot competent girlfriend, you have no idea how. Maybe she thinks she can fix him? She isn't trying very hard
- is a mentor to a teenager, his dad set it up to try and get him to straighten up. He's completely led her astray and she's dropped out of school and nobody can get hold of her. Too busy drag racing
-ridiculously intelligent. Could have like been an astronauts or an inventor or something and cured some disease. More interested in programing droids to pull pranks. Complete underachiver
- only friends are pre mentioned old man, a droid, his girlfriend and the cousin who's pretty much given up on him and is out of the county (aayla)
Obi Wan-
-complete overachiver
- emotional intelligence 0
- refuses to admit how badly his emotionally distant father affected him
- unwilling and unknowing step in the generational trauma cycle
-drops devastating bits of backstory when you least expect it and will not elaborate
- thinks that he drags people down and so tries to push them away before they get hurt/ reject him
- sacrificed his adult life so he could raise his father's secret child. Immediately dropped out of college, went to parenting classes and became the biggest pushy parent known to man but can't just tell him he loves him.
-tries to make everything a lesson. Anakin is not receptive. Feels like he's being picked on/ can't do anything right
- raves about Anakin to everyone but anakin.
- Has pictures he likes to show everyone, causing much confusion to old ladies on public transport as his 'son' looks his age.
-The council ban him from talking about Anakin as he interrupts every meeting with a 'funny'/isn't my son great story
-completely blames himself for everyone in his life being terrible
- it is his fault but only because he has no time for the decent people and spends all his time trying to predict and hide Anakins next fuck up
- is just a nice dude so everyone in his life tries to keep in contact and help him out even if he's a total drain who never replies and can't ever accept help
- convinced he got his job out of nepotism but its 100% just because he's good at it
- only attracted to people who are bad for him. If you aren't mean to him he thinks you hate him.
- massively intelligent, massively competent, could have been anything but he's here, doing the job his dad refused to do himself And looking after his brothers
- his dad is just the worst guy ever but he refuses to acknowledge it as he doesn't think its fair on his siblings (they all hate the guy too and don't understand why he's so forgiving. Apart from the youngest who loves every part of their dad and hates Cody as he thinks he's competition)
- terrified of becoming Jango
- gets overwhelmed by any of the emotional stuff and so most of his siblings think they resent him but actually they are the only good thing in his life
- constantly doing stuff behind the scenes for his brothers but fucks up every time he tries to tell them he loves them
- his boss is a mess but actually a nice guy, why does he work here??? He tries to make the guy go home and eat and was trying to get him to resign as this place is eating him up but the guy just thought it was because he wanted his job and so promoted him so now they are like doing the same job??
- he refuses to acknowledge this because that guys boss is an arsehole (palps) so instead they are stuck in this passive aggressive race to do the others paperwork
- maybe a little bit in love with his boss but really embarrassed about it. Frankly, Cody deserves better than that guy who can't even remember to eat and unrequitedly loving your boss is such a cliche. Cody is above it
- has somehow unwillingly started looking out for Anakin though he knows it's a lost cause. Bails him out of jail sometimes when his brother (fox) tells him he's in the cells to save Obi Wan a job
- is pretty sure his boss is in some kind of cult and is just too nice to admit it. Knows nothing about the Jedi as he really doesn't need to. Assumes random people are jedi.
- his brothers are obsessed with the Jedi and very jealous that he shares a office with kenobi. Keep asking him to introduce them to random jedi/mention them in convo
- wants custody of his younger brothers but knows he has no chance. Keeps thinking if he works hard enough he can end the war and try and get them off their terrible guardians who are clearly only in it for the money. As it is, has to wait till his brothers are old enough to age out and come to him
- sings to himself (nobody will ever believe you)
- covertly 'steals' decommissioned clones. Nobody knows but they do think it's a bit strange how everyone on the guard is either injured or has some kind of personality flaw/Impulse control problem
- has a sweet tooth and has been known to steal the syrups from the senators tea room (a crime that is surely not worth the reward)
- likes to manufacture small inconveniences for people that wrong him or his brothers (a favourite game of Cody's)
- rarely goes to bed. When he does he just lays there plotting.
- Hates his boss. Hates him. Thinks everyone knows he's evil and nobody cares
- secretly obsessed with animals and children. Pretends he doesn't know how the stray tookas keep getting in the building (he's covertly feeding them)
-prematurely grey
- has a tally chart scratched in to the wall of his bunk for every senator that's wronged him or his brothers (its in code (there's a betting ring running the odds of what he's counting))
- convinced he's inheritly evil and that every one of his brothers is an incredible person to whom he's a great embarrassment
- doesn't let himself care about anyone but his brothers
- acts like he doesn't care about them and is always trying to get away from them but then fixes everything while they are sleeping
- has a collection of random shit he's found being thrown away in his office. Can't walk past anything free. Lots of sponsored things. Many mugs. Lots of bizarre shit, many hats.
- Always bringing suspicious smelling/ looking plants in to the guard halls. Most are plastic.
- has a line of chairs in the hall by his office for shiney's to sit on while they wait to Talk to him (no1 topic: why the hell aren't I dead. Did you have something to do with this?)
- saves Fives and fakes his death. soon realises the man is more trouble than he's worth it's a constant job for the guard keeping him from killing the chancellor. (even though Fox keeps telling him its not a conspiracy, everyone knows.(nobody knows)) Would do it again in a heart beat
- whenever anyone visits the guard he runs around trying to disguise any 'dead clones' that might be recognised (he's terrible at this. More than once he's handed someone a plant and told them to 'be a tree' he pretty much thinks that if their face is covered it's a done deal. He's tried to put a sticker over Fives tattoo more than once.) There's a guard commander running behind him actually disguising them.
- very scary
- the softest of all
- can't say no to a shiny so tries to be intimidating so they won't ask
- whenever his batchers ask for something he says no and is mean about it and then does it covertly anyway
- will never admit it was him
- is one half of a pair. Him and his general are on a mission to adopt the whole gar
- someone keeps getting to the 'faulty' clones before they do
- him and Plo have a memorial on board for the vode they lost
- always knows what's going on with his batchers before they tell him. If they try and leave medbay early they get a message before they're out the door (is it automatically scheduled??? How does he know?)
0 notes
Suppose a Kid... 1 | Hortensia Saga 1 | Kumo Desu Ga 1 | 2.43 1 | Cells at Work!! 1 - 2 | Cells at Work: Code Black 1 | Back Arrow 1 - 2 | Praeter 1 | Horimiya 1 | Tomozaki 1 - 2 | Wonder Egg Priority 1 | IChu 1 | Kemono Jihen 1 | YuruCamp 2 1 | Dr Stone: Stone Wars 1 | Sk8 1 | Mushoku Tensei 1 | Design-bu 1 | Wave!! 1 | BSD Wan! 1 | Ex-Arm 1
After much watching...I cut it down to 5 anime and 1 short.
Suppose a Kid… 1
I am not writing out that full title every time! Anyways, here’s the first “real” debut of winter 2021.
For some reason…this series reminds me of Pokemon. Probably how at the start, Ash tries to get along with Pikachu by doing all sorts of things like what Lloyd is doing here. (<- learnt protag’s name through synopses)
The name “Shouma” rang a bell and I was right – Shouma is voiced by Souma…Saito.
The Japanese title has “monogatari” on the end there…so it probably doesn’t fully translate into the English title.
These orange flecks in Lloyd’s eyes are kinda distracting…
Isn’t Kunlun in China, though…?
If this is just going to be Marie yelling…I don’t see why I should stay. (<- turned volume on for everything so far)
*facepalms* Lloyd is so dense…
That fight scene’s not very good…
…oh great. Selen’s fallen in love with Lloyd already…*sigh*
The missing princess is certainly going to be a plot point later.
Wow, that tiger looks impressive! If only they could’ve done that for the fight scene…
…oh great, Selen is a low-key yandere…
Didn’t Lloyd say he sucked at combat…? Anyways, I’m not keeping this. The designs are colourful and the tiger was good, but it’s meant to be a comedy and it’s not funny.
Hortensia Saga 1
Here for Ume! He’s voicing a guy called Defloitte Danois.
I-Is that CGI? So early on into the anime???
*a dude gets bitten into by the werewolf*…welp, at least this series isn’t afraid of its own gore.
I had a sinking feeling our real protag was Alfred…and I was right, according to the OP.
Huh? The song goes silent for a second near the end…what the heck?
The book appears to use English, albeit English so faintly inked in you can’t quite tell what language it is.
Alfred, governing Albert…? Isn’t that a bit redundant?
I swear all the female voices in this anime are squeaky as all get out…
All these high fantasy anime – or heck, any high fantasy series full stop – ever justify why the country is worth fighting for. It’s why I find war stories pointless and senseless.
You can tell from the voice and short stature “Marius” is Mariel…but she uses boku, which is why Alfred can’t really tell the difference. (Also, he wasn’t privy to the fact Mariel cut her hair.)
This almost smacks of a game tutorial. The CGI is still there…it’s not as bad as other examples I’ve seen, but you can tell it’s CGI when you look at it.
Roy’s kind of pretty, in a generic way.
A close-range archer! Ho, you’re kinda impressive yourself, Roy. (The feeling of a game tutorial has disappeared by this point.)
Hortense…of Hortensia…how confusing.
The scruffy guy you keep seeing with the dark hair is Defloitte. Keep an eye out for him for me, would you?
The ED seems to consist mostly of…anguished pop screams. *cringes slightly*
Anyways, this anime isn’t bad. It’s quite average though and its CGI could easily get worse.
Kumo Desu ga 1
…you know I don’t like 1st person cam, yeah?
…this is just Kumoko (as I’ve heard her being called) yelling so far…plus there’s quite a bit of CGI.
I like how the ED has an English overlay and the style they’ve used for it. The music, though…? Nah.
Wait a second? Millepensee? Shin Itagaki? That would explain the CGI!
“…a spider that just happens to have my memories.” – A butterfly dream, huh?
…well, at least this anime is well aware of the genre space it inhabits. Maybe you could say…it’s an isekai light novel, so what? *groans from the audience*
…well, you didn’t really “bring” your “brother’s” (?) corpse in case of an emergency, now, did you?
…welp, to have guts, you must eat guts. I guess that’s how it goes.
What’s a “skanda”?
This anime’s quite monologue-y (as expected of an LN). I can live with it, but I don’t know if it can carry the entire thing through the season.
…humans? Haven’t seen them almost all episode. What are they up to?
These designs sort of look like SAO’s. They’re not a dealbreaker yet, but they could be down the line…
This ED seems to take cues from Cop Craft’s OP (same studio). It also has some…“Aggretsuko rage”, I guess you could call it.
2.43 1
…Another confusing title, I see. I normally don’t do sports anime, but I’m here for Ume.
*sees the colour of the volleyball* - Basically anything volleyball has to collaborate with volleyball maker Mikasa, doesn’t it?
This anime seems to like putting characters’ thoughts on the screen for dramatic impact. The CGI is sort of visible, but not a dealbreaker.
I’d thought I’d heard of this OP artist before, but it turns out I haven’t.
This series has a nice sense of force. You see those moments where the ball squishes, or when Yuni presses against the wall without thinking? Those.
LOL, way to burn Yuni, Chika…
These transitions are a bit hard to detect. I think I like Akudama’s more overt ones more.
LOL, Dr Popper (sic).
The serves are nothing special. Haikyuu does the same thing from the episode I saw of it. (You know I don’t like Haikyuu, yeah? Dropped it after 1 episode because everything I heard the fans talking about caused me to connect the dots.)
The way Yuni blushes…it’s more than someone usually would, even if it is out of embarrassment. It may just be the entertainment I consume, but I could swear that’s going somewhere in more of a BL manner.
I get the feeling Chika has a bit of Virgo or Taurus in him somewhere. The sort of guy who nags at everyone to do stuff his way is probably like that.
Pocari Sweat (unaltered).
I gave myself dimples by puffing up my cheeks and poking them until they became permanent. I guess you can do the same thing with ambidexterity…?
For some reason, I can detect Chika’s jealousy when he discusses blocks and natural talent.
…wow, this anime is pretty serious for a volleyball anime.
The ED scene where the face is replaced with flowers is pretty creepy. Like Jigokuraku or something.
Cells at Work!! 1
What are these blob creatures you see in the OP, anyway…?
I think I remember reading something that the numbers assigned to the cells aren’t arbitrary – they’re hexadecimal colors, e.g. RBCs get shades of red as their numbers.
D’aww, Platelets warm the heart. They really do.
Platelets have a master…? I thought they were all just lil’ kids.
“What the cell’s going on?!” – Oh, I remember seeing a tweet about this. I love that pun! Kudos to whoever was responsible for that.
LOL, no. 4989 dancing in the background.
Hmm…those nets look like CGI.
…uh, I did not need that shot of the Megakaryocyte’s camel toe…that’s distubring.
Wait, Backward Cap is a she?!
Aw, lookit WBC being a dad. That’s cute.
Backward Cap = Ushiromae-chan.
Is that…a construction worker holding a giant pudding?!
Cells at Work Code Black 1
This anime is called “black” due to black companies. It’s Code Black to avoid being racist, I guess. I’m looking forward to it because it’s undoubtedly going to show a dark side to the main series…
…and there it is, the RBC complaining.
I assume OJT = on the job training.
I knew “pespin” (sic) was a typo. It’s pepsin.
Now that I’ve been working at customer service for two years (give or take COVID), I can see where the senpai RBC is smoothing over the relations.
…that also means I know where to suppress my emotions. I’m not a person who opens up to people easily without getting used to them, so people never see me as suitable for customer service anyway, but it’s the only experience I have so *shrugs*.
…oh gosh. I haven’t seen these words since…the time I was still learning biology.
…*sigh* Rookie RBC is worried about boobs.
The fact Senpai lost his iconic hat…is kinda sad, actually.
“Don’t let his resolve be for nothing.”
Hmm…does the male WBC from the main series wear black fingerless gloves?
I thought I’d heard of this artist before…but turns out I just can’t distinguish really autotuned artists from each other…(lel)
…and stuff goes ka-blam. It’s the spiritual successor to HypMic, even if I wasn’t asking for it. (LOL)
Back Arrow 1
…I heard you said “hot guys”? (Yes, I am predictable as all get out.)
What’s with that episode title…?
Stereotypes, eh? I kind of expected as much from the promo, but where’s the title character…?
…was that yuri fanservice? I can’t quite tell because it was the aftermath of an action scene, but I can see the shippers gearing up in my head.
…after a bit of waiting, there he is. Back Arrow himself. He kind looks like Takuto (Star Driver).
“I’m not trying to hide anything!” – Well, that’s…true.
…*sigh* Why do girls always have more feminine-looking mechs? (Plus this one has boobs…*sighhhhhhhhhhhh*)
So it seems mechs in this anime are the form of one’s conviction and they have skills along those lines, eh? An interesting concept.
…you do realise I abandoned an entire anime based on a joke about lucky underwear? However, this anime is so absurd and just keeps running with the joke that I just can’t say no to it. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt from volunteering at a charity store, it’s that when it comes to selling stuff, you can’t say no to a lot of stuff…including selling potentially used underwear, so long as it’s not dirty or stinky.
Whoa! Those things break?!
Why does the title card mention the wall...?
Anyways, I…like it, surprisingly enough. Let’s keep going.
Back Arrow 2
…eh? Didn’t expect inflatable clothing, LOL.
I suspect Shu Bi is scheming something.
What’s the long thing…?
“…tomorrow might not come.” – A good reminder to have in these times of COVID.
Peath = Peace. (Heh. What a stupid name…*thinks about the name “Quattro Bajeena” suddenly* Okay, “Peath” pales in comparison to that.)
What is that creature that circles in the sky…?
I know this is meant to be a serious fight, but…that attacking guy’s hat seriously looks like a bamboo stalk and so I keep seeing it and trying not to laugh.
I only just now realised there’s CGI. CGI these days is getting much better than it used to be.
Tomozaki 1
LOL, Yontendo. It’s clearly Smash Bros + Nintendo Switch and the character designer was also around for Iroduku, so that’s why this style looks familiar.
…lemme guess, since this is a romance, it’s likely NONAME is Aoi. Or some other girl.
I would pay for a romance where it’s the girl building the guy up to be presentable, instead of a girl building other girls up to be presentable a la Ageha 100%.
Didn’t the anime show us Tomozaki reflecting to himself, though…?
“…rules working in combination.” - Well, there’s social norms (e.g. knock before entering a room), laws, contracts, societal standards (e.g. in Japanese society, you bow to others as a greeting or apology)…(continues to blabber on for a bit)
I think Aoi said something like “onitadaku”, but I’m not sure what the joke is there. Oni is in there, sure, but what’s the original phrase she’s playing off?
…LOL, it’s a good time to remind people to wear a mask.
LOL, Krout.
Anyways, this seems decent. I like how it’s going the way I want it to.
Tomozaki 2
“…make sure I’m nearby…” – Okay, that’s just being pushy, Aoi.
Minami and Hinami…so confusing…
*Minami chomps on Natsubayashi’s ear* - …okay, that’s not a thing girls do in real life unless they’re lesbians. This is likely trying to take the fanservice route.
They didn’t even show why the “kiss” was broken up…meaning they were doing it to make potential girl-on-girl look hot. Just great.
*Aoi touches Tomozaki’s butt* - Dude, that’s groping…
I didn’t think we’d get the story on Aoi’s “hexactly” so soon.
…well, that episode just made me feel mildly bitter. I’m dropping it here.
Praeter 1
…aw s***. Only a few seconds in and this looks like a terrible game…
It’s like someone barfed paint across Durarara…
The only time the background buildings look any good are when there’s a fight scene…
These Seals (or whatever those designs are called) seem to act like mini shields. Update: They’re called tattoos.
That transition was a bit fast for my liking…
Seems like the series is mildly peppered with Greek terms.
“To Infinity and Beyond” by…some author I can’t really read the name of.
Suddenly, they throw in more characters…?
Where does Eiji keep those bullet cases of his…? In his jacket?
Having a guy die in the 1st episode is cheap. I mean, we don’t quite care for him yet – it’s too early in the anime for that.
Now there’s Norse terms on top of the Greek ones…
Even more characters? You kidding me?
Lemme guess, Eiji gave up his tattoo because Yamato inspired him and now he’s a goner.
Welp, the weight of the world is in your hands, Yamato. Including that dead dude on your back. (<- sarcastic)
Sk8 1
I’ve been hearing good things about this anime! Let’s go! (<- about a week late to the debut)
That politician is probably relevant…probably someone’s dad, if HypMic taught me anything.
LOL, a beef. They call this stuff “beef”? Where’s the chicken? (<- joke from HypMic)
Haemanthus…apparently a flowering plant from S. Africa.
That’s rare, you don’t see Canadians in anime all that much. I was just thinking as I came home from volunteering how you know British people all have fancy names like William and Australians are Johnno, Danno etc., but Canadians? No clue. Update: Apparently you’d call one Arnold or something just as generic…?
Why are all foreigners in anime half-Japanese with the mother being the Japanese side, anyway?...Because people can make their character speak Japanese while looking foreign. Right. Moving right along.
Ahh…I understand your plight all too well, Reki.
…Hmm. It seems Reki’s surname is written kiya, but read “Kyan”. His name literally translates to “history (calendar/age) of bravery (military might)” Update: Turns out his surname is 3 characters (read “kiyan”, although I’ve never seen that final character ever being read as “n”) and his first name is one, so his first name is just “history (calendar/age)”.
Even I suck at balancing on bikes and stuff (…yeah, I still can’t ride a bike even though I’ve done so many other things in my life) and I know you have to support yourself with one foot on the ground before you do things like trick flips. I may not have observed Tony Hawk all that much, but he was on the periphery of my knowledge.
“What’s your hourly wage?” – Ouch, I feel ya, Langa.
Koko ni netete actually means “Lie down here”, but…okay.
These eyecatches are cute.
That’s a cute fox.
Yikes! 60 mph = approx. 97 km/h!!!
Random umeboshi, LOL.
Aghhhhhhhhhhh! Cherry Blossom’s so pretty~! I love him already!
Thank you, based Bones!
Something that can be enjoyed, even without sound: this is why I enjoy both action and comedy anime!
Okinawa? We’re in Okinawa?
Well, that was cool! I didn’t even ask where the location was until the end. Update: Why is this anime sometimes called Sk8 the Infinity anyway…?
Horimiya 1
Horimiya…I’ve been aware of this series for a while. There’s even a Chinese volume of it at a library close to me, although due to contact tracing I haven’t bothered to check it out.
Oh, I bet Hori is the otaku!
Ooh, Marketing Script!
Because I’ve been behind on the premieres, I’ve seen enough to know this boy with the chain is Miyamura.
…argh! Miyamura is cute! Y’all were right!!! (<- likes blushing bois)
I bet there’s going to be an emergency meeting!
“Sorry, it’s egg time!” – Oh, I’m laughing so hard! So that’s the context behind the Wonder Egg Priority meme!
“…see these?!” – Well, it’s not like you have a tattoo or some-*Miyamura shows his tattoos* Never mind…
Oh, I just realised they even animate the minute movements of the eyes Miyamura does…cool.
Notice how Miyamura is blocked from the other guy due to the window.
Miyamura goes “Ishikawa-kun” but “Hori-san”…hmm. No wonder he’s letting Ishikawa get Hori.
The problem I find with romance series is that they’re generally tied to heteronormativity. Hori is coded with red silhouettes and Miyamura with blue…*sigh* Whatever happened to gender ambiguity?
Good heavens, what is up with this ED?! It looks like Pocoyo! (…Does anyone else know that cartoon…?) Aside from that quibble, this anime is great though.
Mushoku Tensei 1
Apparently this is the grandad of all isekai. Why it took so long for an anime of this…who knows?
…and of course this guy’s a loser virgin. Go figure.
*sighhhhhhhhh* He’s just ogling this woman’s boobs…
…oh, sorry. I was so distracted by the man candy, I didn’t care about Rudy.
I-It’s actually quite refreshing to not have an OP protagonist from the get-go for once. (Or maybe I’ve developed such a disdain for isekai since SAO rolled around that everything here suddenly feels fresh.)
You can see the birthplace of isekai without having watched any of the others right here, it looks like.
“…what’s the point of incantations?” – To make it easier for you to cast spells, I gue-spoke too soon.
…wow, they shamelessly showed off Rudy’s privates. I know he’s still young at this stage, but that reminds me of how I dropped Dragon Ball around the time Goku was shown the same way (which is…very early on, by my own admission).
I believe, based on the name of the spinoff I see in the 7 Seas emails, the magic tutor is called Roxy.
You’re thinking about marriage?! At your (reincarnated) age?!
Oh no! The tree again!
LOL, Rudy’s acting like a kid who’s been in COVID lockdown for a while.
I think what most of the isekai that spun off from here missed is that the loser is job age. Losers at life at job age are relatable and high school geniuses are relatable (albeit sometimes insufferable), but losers who become NEETs for no reason whatsoever and then get banged up by Truck-kun are not.
Anyways, this was good, but a risky kind of good, since it seems like this male gaze will continue to be around as Rudy gets older.
Update: Dropped after learning Rudy was a paedophile in his past life.
Update 2: Apparently the anime toned down this paedophilic tendency of Rudy’s, so...now the verdict is that I move on while I let other people tell me if this is true of the anime or not.
Kemono Jihen 1
“Kemono Jihen” means something like “creature incidents”. I wonder why Funimation didn’t change the name…?
Kabane means “summer wing”.
Kanoko Villa, I’d assume, is named after the deer (the name means “deer’s child”).
My experience with Sho Aimoto (creator of this manga) is reading a bit of Hokenshitsu no Shinigami. (That, by the way, reminds me of Nube, but it’s nothing spectacular.) However, Hokenshitsu no Shinigami has a very detailed artstyle…That’s why I’m pretty shocked Kemono Jihen has such a scratchy one…
Ooh, edamame!
Oh, I see…this is like Furuba or a werewolf story, huh? Rather than a Natsume Yuujincho sort of thing.
…I thought Inugami and Dorotabo had seen everything of each other because of bathing together…I guess not, then.
…is Yataro going to die?
It seems the “immortal demons” are oni, so…why subtitle them as “immortal demons” and not just “demons”?
Ohhhhhhhh…this shite’s good. It seems to have a throwback feeling to it, moreso than even Yashahime or a lot of the sequels I’ve seen recently.
Cells at Work!! 2
I was going to move right along to Wonder Egg Priority because I’m really behind on the debuts right now, but I accidentally opened this up while I was cleaning up so I might as well watch another episode or two before setting it aside.
He’s dead, Jim. (<-joking)
…gosh, these walls look like Hover all over again and that’s from 1995…
LOL, these background cells don’t even have any details. They’re basically stick figures with fat bodies…
I think that phrase that appeared, “Take good care of B Cell!”, may be a pun on Give My Regards to Black Jack (written with similar Japanese, “B Cell wo Yoroshiku!” vs. “Black Jack ni Yoroshiku!”).
LOL, “you sure have the guts”…while they’re in the guts.
The certificate says something about it being presented to someone in the face of bravery, I think (<- just looked at it briefly).
“You have a good head on your shoulders,” says the T cell as WBC struggles with the disguise…stuck on his head.
Wonder Egg Priority 1
I’ve been hearing this series is surreal, but no more surreal than Flip Flappers. So…I don’t know if I’ll like it or not.
What’s this K?(?96…?
There’s a sunflower on her raincoat…so that’s why I saw a post called “You’re the sunflower”. Personally, that just reminds me of Post Malone.
Those Seeno Evils…they’re CGI, aren’t they?
As Boueibu once said (but I may be paraphrasing here), “nothing is more scary than free”.
…to be honest with you, I haven’t had a best friend for at least 2 years now. I only really feel close to people who are like me and who I have sustained contact with over many years, so I end up cutting contact with people after we part ways and never trying to fix it.
I always find it slightly absurd when anime girls get a little pudgy and go, “I’m so fat!” (See, for instance, the Dumbbell series.) Or, in this case, Ai’s going, “I’m so ugly!” when there’s nothing wrong with her. She’s only a bit different from everyone else due to her heterochromia - she doesn't have any physical or mental difficulties.
IChu 1
Here for Ume and, of course, dem bois. Bring it!
I seem to remember one of the magazines called an “Ichu” “an idol egg” (i.e. a fledgling idol)…More egg puns for me, then.
I found him! Ume! He’s Akira Mitsurugi! Update: Turns out that’s Toshiyuki Toyonaga…Oops. (Ume is actually Lucas from I*B.)
Huh? For a second, I imagined Akira with a dubbed voice. Of course, I could only be dreaming, because idol anime normally don’t get dubs, but…it was interesting to think about.
LOL, “Onsta”.
This Akio-type character is popular lately. The sort who’s timid but has an outstanding talent they themselves might not see.
…uh, but Kocho means “Principal”…?
An idol bear?!
Torahiko is crazy…(Note the tigers. Tora = tiger.)
Specifically, that’s black coffee with no sugar.
As much as I want to keep watching this, I’ll hit pause on it here. There’s much better offerings this season.
YuruCamp s2 1
…grandpa’s writing is so…neat.
*glares at CGI car…*
This OP just doesn’t compare to Shiny Days, y’know…?
Talking pine cones! They’re back!
Curry rice! Literally had some of the Japanese-style stuff the other day. It was great.
All this talk about jobs…I personally don’t like jobs because I like to work at my own pace (hence one reason why I’m working on being a translator), but…money…I’m jealous, girls.
I’m trying not to rely on the subs for those texts that appear on the screen so that I can keep my reading skills up…I kept up with them for the most part…but then I got distracted by the croquette sign at one point…
“…buy you some local food?” – That’s omiyage, normally translated “souvenirs”. “Local food” actually does make more sense in that gap, though.
…man, I’m jealous that the girls all got jobs suitable for their personalities and everything. Lil’ ol’ antisocial me sucks at retail, even after 2 years.
Design-bu 1
LOL, that man and his bunny. Update: That’s Unabara-san.
…geez, these utaite are everywhere now. I’ve seen 96neko, USSS, Eve and more being more central to anime song creation…
Thise characters in the OP seal (<-the stamp, not the animal) are saiyou, meaning “recruited”, or in this case, “accepted”.
OEM = original equipment manufacturer.
Hrm…you can tell it’s a giraffe by description, but…that “base everything on the horse” is interesting as you could count several things as horse derivatives. Also, the angels’ names are all standard Japanese names with natural components to them (Ueda = upright rice field, Shimoda = frost rice field etc).
Is this pink-themed guy…a guy? Or a crossdresser? Update: That’s Kanamori-san.
I like how the suits have little wing-like flaps. Also the wings on Shimoda’s back.
…I never thought an anime episode would make me so concerned about giraffes.
That guy in the green I remember from the Wave x Tendebu (Heaven’s Design Team) collab, his name is Kimura.
Oh, so there is a bird like that!
The random wiggling the chibis do in these short segments…it’s a bit disorienting. (<-Just a small quibble of mine.)
Oh! Galapagos effect!
Agonistic: “polemical; combative.” I thought they meant “antagonistic”.
Oh man, that punch line was great! It took me a while to get into the spirit of it, but this anime is great!
Update: Oh, that’s where those nature names come from! They’re actually meant to be gods! (Or…named after gods…?) Also, Ueda vs. Shimoda (the “shimo” could be the kanji for “below”).
Ex-Arm 1
I’ve heard this anime looks bad…even well before its debut. How bad? Let’s find out.
*stifles laughter* From the first pan, I know this anime is doomed on my list. Even Praeter was better than this!
*stifles laughter again* This OP really does look as bad as the stuff I was seeing prior to winter 2021! Like a game I shouldn’t take out of my archives! (It’s not as bad as Hover’s graphics, but still…that’s from 1995. Cut it some slack.)
That’s the 2nd Kimura this season…
Yugg is just…ugly. Never try to render elaborate eyelashes in CGI again, people.
Dimension High School was better than this because at least that had puzzles. This is even jankier than that!
Wait, why is Akira 3D when his dad is 2D? It’s not that obvious, but I notice these things. Update: That’s not his dad…but close enough. (That’s his brother.)
…and here comes Truck-kun! (LOL)
This would be good…if it weren’t rendered in the jankiest CGI known to man…
Alma’s gun strike doesn’t have a lot of force to it.
The fire is rendered so terribly…*stifles laughter*
This part with a disembodied Akira is what I assume I got up at 6 am for…but I can’t hear it, due to background noise. Remind me to confirm this later. (Minami’s mouth is rendered so terribly…augh.)
No force to any of these recent motions, either.
LOL, this censorship.
Wave 1
Ever since this project was announced, I’ve been watching developments unfold on Anime News Network. I knew it would get an anime or something similar I could follow…and now here I am. I mentioned in the Sk8 comments I have basically zero knowledge of surfing, so…this is very unexpected, in one sense.
Was that a drone…?
“Wizard of the Waifu Board”?! Are you kidding me?! (LOL)
There seem to be shots where I can see the CGI here, but…anything’s better than Ex-Arm. Let’s say that.
Actually…yappe is a derivative of yabai, meaning “cool” or “crap” (in an ironic sense). So it would probably be better to translate it as “Surfing’s the greatest!” or “Surfing’s the coolest!” Anyways, what I was thinking before I was going to say this was that the waves are so enticingly animated, it feels like a summer anime. Basically the only other anime I’ve ever said that for is Grand Blue.
If I’m understanding where Isokichi’s name comes from right, “iso” is the character for seashore or a rocky beach (磯).
LOL, the teacher just wrote “Show must go on.”
Hayama, Kanagawa. Kanagawa’s capital is Yokohama, so it’s not quite Tokyo, but somewhat close.
“Murphy”? I have zero clue what that means.
Oh, I see. The title is translated that way due to context. Now that I can accept.
I just burst out into laughter when I realised Nalu hasn’t dropped or put down his ukulele once.
BSD Wan! 1
Here comes my past to haunt me…aside from me being a fan of BSD, I’m here because I influenced this series. How so? Once upon a time in the now-distant year of 2016, I was a scanlator for a brief period. Most of the work I’ve done hasn’t influenced the world at large, but this is the most influential manga I had a hand in working on.
Oh no! They’re starting with the dog AU?! (That comes from pretty far into the manga, IIRC. Further than my work was on it, at least.)
It’s Rashomon, but Rashoken (that last bit means “dog”). Hence Ruffshomon.
Basically, they just insert dog-related words everywhere…don’t make me explain every one!
Ouch, I can only imagine how much pain it was to translate Inu Shikkaku. Literally, it’s “No Longer a Dog”, but how would anyone make it in line with the other puns…?
I wasn’t fully aware of how the dog AU was connected to the main Wan series because I haven’t really looked at it after I quit due to aggregators, but…that was a nice fakeout. Also, I was concerned as to whether this was going to be a full-length ep or a short…seems like it’s a 10 minute short, so I have more chances of taking it.
…oh gosh, that pose! I remember it! I worked on this one! (Now that I know it’s a TV short, I won’t cover future episodes, but I want to at least finish this one because I started it.)
I think they added a bit there. I remember Kunikida’s and Yosano’s were in the manga, but not the other members or Fukuzawa going “the wind is smiling” + Kenji working on the roof at the start.
Oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh, I remember Rampo. I think I had to approximate how he would say stuff with Pocky in his mouth, but Slug (current scanlator) went the extra mile and stuck food in his mouth to do the same panel.
It seems to make a short ep., they strung a bunch of the chapters together. Also, I don’t think we ever found out what Yosano’s puddle was and that was…probably for the better.
Oh yeah…I think I remember this one.
Now I remember it! I remember having fun explaining what a youkan was.
Whoa, Higuchi scrapped the SFX! That wasn’t in the original…
The ED seems to be an Atsushi cover of Namae wo Yobu yo.
Oh noooooooooooo! The flower gazing episode! That’s the one I remember most, because I was trying to figure out how to translate 移動 while making it smooth-sounding English…(I remember the final result was something like, “Move! Move~!”
Dr Stone: Stone Wars 1
Final debut! Let’s go~!
The last time this series was on the air was about 1 year ago. I can remember that far back…
I like how that recap is framed as Gen talking to the kids.
Senku overcomes every problem with science.
…not much to comment on here.
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jordanrosenburg · 5 years
Big Mouth Season 3 - Very Much Still Important
Review of Season 2 and 1 , major spoilers ahead
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Alright, I finished watching season 3 the other day, and I have to say bravo to the writers, because they always manage to leave us wanting more. What truly awaits these pre-teens this summer? I’m happy that they’re done with seventh grade, but will the next season be about summer vacation, or will we get to see them go right into eighth grade? There’s been news of a spin off about the world the hormone monsters live in, will that be what holds us over until season 4?
Right from the first episode, I knew it was going to be a good season. The show continues to have a good balance between what is happening to both girls and boys at this age. I remember being in the seventh grade, and second guessing every single fashion choice I made. I didn’t really have a figure until ninth grade, but there were other girls that were already blossoming, and I felt self-conscious. Was I pretty enough? Am I frumpy? Is my hair too frizzy?
This season did another great job of showing not only what boys are going through at this age, but also the girls. Because the boys can’t control themselves, and because no one tells them to, the girls are forced into an absurd dress code by this scum bag:
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I think we have all had a Mr. Lizer in our lives at some point. The guy who comes off as nice and caring is really just misogynistic and creepy. He mutters under his breath about he hates the girls, especially Jessi. Not to mention that he made Lola think the foot rub was all on her. At 13 of course she would think, how would she know any better? What he did was disgusting and wrong, and I’m glad he got fired. 
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I’m proud of the girls for taking their bodies back. It was brave of them to take a stand and show that the dress code was stupid. They may not have done it in the best way, but they still proved a point. 
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Nick and Andrew are a topic I’d like to discuss. We’ve know since season 1 that these boys have been best friends for a long time. We also know that they’ve been growing apart since season 1. Andrew was the first to go through the hormonal change, and Nick was left to catch up. In season 2 Nick went through three different hormone monsters while trying to figure things out with a girl he liked. Andrew stayed hung up on Missy, and somehow got involved with Lola, which just messed up everything else for him. He slowly started to realize that he was becoming a lot like his father. This season Nick got obsessed with his phone, and even though Andrew made many attempts to talk and hang out, he realized that Nick really is just a douchebag. They had their seasonal fight, and instead of becoming friends again, Andrew expressed how he really felt. Nick stopped being there for him. I don’t think Andrew is in the right, but he did recognize that their friendship had become toxic, and enough was enough. 
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The only time Nick was there for Andrew this season was when Andrew started to lust after his cousin. I’ll say it - that shit was messed up. I was grossed out that they went there, but this could be some real shit that boys go through, idk. And Nick kind of encouraged it and didn’t at the same time. The whole thing was weird. 
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Nick was wrestling with the fact that Jay was basically living in his house. That’s a major change to go through. He also betrayed Andrew by kissing Missy, and then lying about it. Andrew doesn’t own Missy, and she can do whatever she wants, but neither one of them thought about how the kiss would hurt the people around them. And then when Nick realized he didn’t like her like, he just cast her aside. 
Missy went through a lot this season too. She finally got a hormone monstress.
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Side note, did anyone else feel sad that Connie didn’t say bubble bath once this season? No one else? Okay, moving on. This new monstress pushes Missy out of her comfort zone. Missy is able to keep some of her boundaries, but something about acting in that play opened something up for her. I loved when her and Jay wrote the fan fiction together. I can’t remember when I first started reading fic, may have been in seventh or eighth grade, and I always thought it was weird thing for me to like. Then I had mentioned it to a friend in ninth grade, and she’s still my best friend ten years later! I was happy to see that Jay didn’t make Missy feel weird or ashamed. I wished we could’ve seen more of this new friendship. AND Missy was the one to get the uniforms disbanded by wearing her same old clothes. I hope she’s able to find a balance with her newfound self. 
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And poor Jay, he is one of the funniest characters on this show. You never know what he’s going to say, but it’s usually obscene. I lost it when he said something like, “my balls are going to shit”. 
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We get another close look at Jay’s home life. His family leaves him at home for spring break, and he tries to not let it bother him. He embraces Nick’s family, and becomes a better person by living with them. They discover that he has ADHD and just needed aderol. Unfortunately, Jay sells his medication to his friends, which makes him go back to the way he was. TAKE YOUR MEDS MY FRIENDS! Jay eventually goes back home, and shows what he can add to his family, and they finally accept him. Jay too also comes to terms with his sexuality, and discloses to everyone that he’s bisexual, and he’s okay with it. But no one takes him seriously. He has a heart to heart with the new girl Ali, who told everyone she was pansexual. I know Andrew Goldberg has apologized with how he went about this, but I’m just gonna say that Ali came on a little too strong. All sexualities and gender are valid, periodt. 
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Jay also called out his friends for fetishizing the fact that it’s “hot” that Ali likes everyone, but it’s not as cool when he comes out as bisexual. He felt hurt and unvalidated. We see you Jay! 
Now it’s time for our girl Jessi. 
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This girl CANNOT catch a fucking break. I was happy to see her figure her body out. That can be straight up awkward, and it can make you want to give up. I love how they showed it with a water rapid, good use of metaphor. And she has been such a good friend to Matthew, covering for him with Adrian. But who is there for Jessi? At one point it was her, Andrew, and Nick, and one of them said, “At least we have each other. Virgins til college”. At that age I can see how that might be a bad thing, but I know a lot of people who were virgins in college. They didn’t graduate that way, but they came in that way. That was the most I saw of the three of them really interact this season. It’s crazy that these last three seasons are all things that happened over the course of a school year. 
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I need space to say, I am fucking done with Jessi’s mom. Jessi has been more than gracious with letting her mom become who she is. Shannon should be able to explore, and it’s okay that she got divorced, but she has not gone about anything in a good way, and now she’s just starting to be selfish. When Jessi hears her mother orgasm, is it hilarious for us as the audience, of course, but as a 13 year old girl, I would be so mad and mortified. Not only does Jessi have to deal with Shannon and Cantor Dina breaking up, but her dad has begun to see someone new, and now her mom wants to fucking move?! I would have been so pissed off. Again, Shannon should be able to live her life, but she has a young daughter. Couldn’t she wait to go to the city until Jessi is at least in high school? College? Why not let Greg move back in to live in the house with Jessi? 
Jessi comes to terms with it at the end of the season, and I think that’s really big of her. I’ll be sad if she ends up getting uprooted. That damn depression kitty needs to leave her alone too. Not one of her friends bothered to check on her about it either, and Nick and Andrew knew she was depressed! That shit doesn’t just go away. 
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I was living, henny! I didn’t know which episode they would be in, but this was just amazing. I am so glad they all made voice cameos for this. JVN stole the show of course, and it was so funny to hear they all swear. When Bobby went off about how little the other guys do while he did a whole “fucking” room renovation??? HE WAS RIGHT AND HE SAID IT! And the bird noises Antoni made??? Incredible. Would have loved to see him shrieking into the microphone. I do think the funniest line was when JVN said, “the dumb ones pound the hardest, henny”. I fucking died. They really lightened the mood, and what a great redemption for coach Steve! I am so glad he got his job back. 
There are many other things to get into with this season, but what I’d like to end on is that the kids really grew up. People don’t stay friends forever. I had friends in middle school that I did not stay friends with in high school. Even high school I didn’t keep the same friends. Obviously we want to see these kids make things work, but I still think it was very grown up of Andrew to tell Nick he forgave him but didn’t want to be friends anymore. I think when we’re kids we stay friends with people, or keep ourselves in certain situations because we want to be around cool people. I’m very curious to see where this show takes us in season 4. They all went through a lot, and 7th grade really is the most awkward year of them all. So who knows, maybe 8th grade will be better. They’ll have had a whole year of new hormones under their belts. What do y’all think is in store for our friends next? 
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abedsweaters · 4 years
Ranking Community Episodes: Eh Tier
i’m back with my next tier! these episodes range from episodes that i didn’t really like but aren’t explicitly terrible to episodes that I’ll watch occasionally but think are kinda boring to episodes that have some good moments but are overall bad.
96. Intro to Knots (s04e10)
lmao literally forgot to rank this episode. so that indicates how much i had to say about it!
95. Queer Studies and Advanced Waxing (s06e04)
I can never remember anything about this episode. i think i liked... the baby bird stuff? (wait this is the karate kid episode that subplot was AWKWARD)
94. The First Chang Dynasty (s03e21) 
I have the same issue that I have with the s5 finale, it’s just too zany and out there of a situation, which I don’t like as much as the (relatively) more grounded stuff
93. App Development and Condiments (s05e08)
It’s kiiiinnda funny but like the puppet episode it feels like there’s no real point to it nobody learns anything. and it’s also a little too absurd and out there.
92. Biology 101 (s03e01)
I hate this episode for introducing inspector spacetime and chang as a security guard, 2 elements i don’t like. S3 has a lot of good episodes but it’s where the show began to decline in my opinion. it gets points for the musical number at the beginning
91. Spanish 101 (s02e01)
Have I mentioned that I hate how sympathetic the show was to Pierce in season 1 even tho he’s like.... a bad person. his character did not age well.
90. Advanced Introduction to Finality (s04e13)
I guess my second hot take is I didn’t dislike this episode that much (or at least not as aggressively as some of y’all)? Like I get that it’s dumb and kind of pointless but apart from that it’s kind of a fun ride. Not good by any means tho lmao.
89. Intro to Recycled Cinema (s06e08)
Season 6 is so weird and confusing and the emotional core of this episode was all over the place. is it an abed episode? a jeff episode? what’s happening. why was chang briefly a famous actor. 
88. The Art of Discourse (s01e22) 
This episode is the one that made me think there is literally no reason that pierce is still in the friend group. shirley was VALID
87. Celebrity Pharmacology (s02e13)
Anyway i hate pierce
86. Geography of Global Conflict (s03e02)
I think I mostly just hate the annie/jeff tension in this episode (no hate but yes i’m on team ‘it’s kinda creepy’). i don’t think this is a bad episode but it’s an episode i almost never rewatch
85. Analysis of Cork-Based Networking (S05e06)
I don’t really like Hickey as a character, and i thought the bloodlines of conquest subplot was unnecessarily mean???
84. Basic Genealogy (s01e18)
Just kinda boring with too much Pierce
83. Basic RV Repair & Palmistry (s06e10)
Idk it just feels kind of awkward to me, especially bc abed seems to have no understanding of what a flashback is? I will say space elder britta makes me laugh tho. and kudos to them for trying to make the dean feel less like a joke character.
82. Origins of Vampire Mythology (s03e15)
I hate the scenes with blade in them and the entire concept is weird but it’s got good bits?
81. Paranormal Parentage (s04e02)
Decent by s4 standards. It’s fine.
80. Digital Estate Planning (s03e20)
ooooopppssssss HOT TAKE i don’t think this episode is very good. It’s funny but i think i’m just annoyed by shows about video games that don’t act like realistic video games. also the voice acting feels weird and disjointed when their supposed to actually be talking over headsets to each other????? it just feels super off to me. 
79. Competitive Wine Tasting (s02e20)
Ehhhhh???? Good b plot i think???
78. Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps (s03e05)
“Wait! Teach me to read!” Is one of the funniest one liners of the show. And I love abed humming daybreak. but the rest of the episode is pretty ehhh for me.
77. Repilot (s05e01)
It’s not strictly bad but it’s just kinda sad. I want these characters to be happy:( Also there’s literally and interview from pre s4 where dan says that jeff would become a lawyer one day and that if the show lasted they would expand it beyond just the community college but then they chickened out and just brought everyone back. it feels like they could have done the show w/o making everyone a student/teacher again. i wish they let these characters grow more. (especially Annie plz let Annie go to a real university!!!!)
76. Lawnmower Maintenance and Postnatal Care (s06e02)
Jim Rash is v funny. I love Annie and Abed’s roommate dynamic. Gillian Jacobs is v funny. everything else in this episode is awkward.
75. Football, Feminism, and You (s01e06)
I was convinced this episode was amazing for a long time but then i realized that it’s boring and I just love the “that’s racist” sequence.
74. Advanced Safety Feature (s06e07)
This episode grew on me! Not great by any means but I can enjoy it. Gillian Jacobs funny. also I will say this episode makes me realize that i have no idea why elroy is here as a character. like i like elroy independently but it’s like.... does he have any emotional attachment to these people? why is he here?
73. Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts (s03e11)
Not much to say it’s very “just kinda there”. i like the normal-ication of abed and troy. 
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More Top 20 Must-See Horror Movies
 Especially now we are in isolation, who doesn’t crave a good horror movie to watch? To that purpose, I have created yet another top 20 must-see horror movies, along with why you should be watching them. So get into your comfy clothes and blanket, grab some popcorn, and settle in to watch these horror gems (WARNING: May contain spoilers).
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1) Ginger Snaps (2000)
I first saw this movie when I was fifteen years old, and, watching it recently, I was still impressed how it handles the perils of transitioning from teenhood to womanhood. Ginger Snaps follows the story of two outcast sisters, Ginger (Katharine Isabelle) and Brigitte (Emily Perkins), in the mindless suburban town of Bailey Downs. On the night of Ginger's first period, she is savagely attacked by a wild creature. Ginger Snaps is a terrifying movie with good character development, acting is convincing and it has a fast-paced story line. If you're into well-done horror movies Ginger Snaps is the movie for you. It is one of the best modern werewolf movies I have seen.
2) Annihilation (2018)
Drawing on mythology and body horror, Annihilation is an intelligent film that asks big questions and refuses to provide easy answers. It is Sci-fi horror at its best, boasting a very intriguing and unique idea whilst entertaining the viewer throughout the film. Definitely a must-watch.
3) Green Room (2015)
A punk rock band becomes trapped in a secluded venue after finding a scene of violence. For what they saw, the band themselves become targets of violence from a gang of white power skinheads who want to eliminate all evidence of the crime. Influenced by exploitation movies of the 1970s (and punk music of the 1980s), this horror-thriller is rooted in a gripping, grisly kind of realism without resorting to lazy coincidence or stupidity. This is again a fresh take on horror and worth a view.
4) 1922 (2017)
I learned from a great film critic many years back that your own best judgement of a movie is best discovered when you realise that you are still thinking of it many days later. This Stephen King film stays true to the iconic master with all the tell-tale signs of a Kings classic: A haunting grimness that lingers throughout the movie, a tragedy and of course, outstanding performances. The mother that returns from the dead leaves you in a crazy suspense of whether it is simply a dream, a man’s demented insanity, or an actual reality. Thomas Jane’s performance was stellar and totally believable as a farmer in rural America in 1922. He actually takes you through the movie as if you were part of him and what is going on. The message that Stephen King leaves you with is dreadfully powerful of how greed can destroy all. Definitely worth the watch, especially for Stephen King fans.
5) Evil Dead (1981; remake 2013)
Both versions of this movie are great, but I have a special fondness for the original, which was Sam Raimi’s directorial debut. The camerawork is amazing for a low-budget film, and the creepy atmosphere is eerily accurate. We feel Ash’s pain when his friend, sister and girlfriend are one-by-one changed into Deadites, and the ending keeps you guessing, and wanting, a sequel. I am quite a fan of the Evil Dead franchise actually, and have just finished watching the TV adaptation Ash vs. Evil Dead. I’m savouring the last episodes, and am sad that it got cancelled. I look forward to more from this franchise, hopefully in the not-to-distant future.
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6) Get Out (2017)
This film is unique, telling the tale of young black man who meets his white girlfriend’s parents for the first time. Jordan Peele’s film delivers a chilling satire of liberal racism in the US. More than just a standard-issue thriller, this brutal, smart movie is impeccably made, as well as surprising, shocking, and funny, while also offering a compassionate, thoughtful look at race. Expect only the very best a film has to offer, with a nasty twist at the end that you won’t see coming. 
7) Hell Night (1981)
One of the best things about this movie which follows fraternity and sorority pledges who spend the night in a mansion haunted by victims of a family massacre is that it stars legendary Scream Queen of The Exorcist fame, Linda Blair. Other than that, prepare for a fun, wild ride, the way every good slasher movie should be.
8) Insidious Part 2 (2013)
I actually enjoyed this sequel more than the first movie, as it was less plodding and more action-packed, with an intriguing antagonist in the form of the mysterious “Bride in Black,” who turns out to be the evil spirit of serial killer Parker Crane, who, as we know from the previous movie (SPOILER ALERT) has taken over the body of Josh Lambert, and is fighting for control of his soul. I enjoyed seeing the return of Elise Rainier, who was (SPOILER ALERT AGAIN) killed off in the previous movie. James Wan directed this second helping even more masterfully than the first. A must-watch.
9) Sleepaway Camp (1983)
This is a campy slasher gem, where they cast real teenagers, which elevated the drama of the plot somewhat. Sleepaway Camp tells the story of a young girl named Angela who goes to Camp Arawak with her cousin Ricky. Once the two arrive at camp, a series of events/killings leads the campers to discover that there is a killer on the loose. Sleepaway Camp is not in any way intense or fast paced. However, even though many initially might look at as a “rip off” slasher film, the movie does get creative when it comes to the brutal killings and certain aspects to the film that no one saw coming. Including the jaw-dropping twist at the end. I’m not giving it away. You just have to watch it.
10) Cold Prey (Fritt Vilt) (2006)
This movie takes full advantage of its snowy, secluded set-pieces, using Norway’s harsh winter landscape to masterfully build tension and heighten the sense of isolation. As horror movies go, Cold Prey is a slow-starter, committing the first third of its running time to investigating the signs of violence scattered throughout the hotel, allowing the characters to theorise about what pernicious acts may have taken place before the hotel’s abandonment. It begins at the intriguing yet deliberate pace of a psychological horror film as the sequestered friends, initially inebriated and giggly, explore the hotel and sharing secrets, but the movie’s party-hard atmosphere bursts open at the 40-minute mark to reveal a black horror centre. Slick and stylish, Cold Prey is a genuine pleasure to watch.
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11) The Hills Have Eyes (1977; remake 2006)
Even if it echoes a better film (namely, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre), the original movie is still an important one to view for lovers of the horror genre.  This is a sometimes ghastly  - and occasionally absurd - shocker that really gets under one's skin. Though many critics initially despised the original outing, it has since been called one of the best horror movies of the 1970s. Scary-movie specialist Wes Craven made this viscerally-violent feature on a low budget, and some horror connoisseurs call it his best. Ultimately the "normal" people strike back with a ferocious blood-lust they didn't know they had, and the question is how much a "civilised" person can be pushed before one becomes a savage. Are the Carters really all that much "better" than Jupiter and his spawn? That is a question that you, as the audience member, are required to ponder.
12) The Dawn of the Dead (2004)
This remake of George A. Romero's 1978 sequel to Night of the Living Dead soups up the zombies, cranks up the gross factor to 11, and has a lot of cheeky in-jokes about its predecessor. In comparison with the original, out are the shrieking blondes and rampaging looters, in are smart, controlled Ana (Sarah Polley as a believable nurse not afraid to wield a fire poker) and Kenneth (Ving Rhames), who is exactly the kind of cop you want walking beside you if you are facing scores of the undead.
The zombies are a bit spryer in this film, and the pregnancy of one of the main characters is not the life-giving promise it was in the first movie. But the ending is what differs most from the original. If you're a fan of the horror genre, then this flick is a welcome, if derivative, fright-fest in the school of Romero's classics.
13) The Cabin in The Woods (2011)
What starts out as another five-band teen getaway to a cabin in the woods ends up becoming a fresh take on the trope, with puppeteers behind what is taking place, in a twisted game of Choose Your Adventure. The ending is fittingly grim, but you won’t be disappointed. Definitely worth one hour and thirty-five minutes of your time.
14) The Babadook (2014)
The feature debut of writer-director Jennifer Kent is not just genuinely, deeply scary, but also a beautifully told tale of a mother and son, enriched with layers of contradiction and ambiguity. It presents grief as a demon, questions reality, and creeps out the viewer by making psychopathology seem like something that could happen to anybody. The style of the film is not teasing exactly - it's too sad and lonely - but there is certainly a hair-pulling mixture of glum laughter and vast apprehension. Is the demon real? Does it matter? That’s for you to judge. Either way, if it’s in a word, or if it’s with a look, you can’t get rid of the Babadook.
15) Suspiria (Original and the Remake - 1977 and 2019 respectively)
Suspiria is a baroque piece of esoteric expressionism that you enter - and exit - without understanding so much as feeling. It's always fascinating to watch; the thrills and spills are so classy and fast that the movie becomes in effect what horror movies seemed like when you were too young to get in to see them. Director Dario Agento works so hard for his effects -- throwing around shock cuts, coloured lights, and peculiar camera angles -that it would be impolite not to be a little frightened. This entry stands out as it is a visually beautiful horror movie, a bright fantasy that lives off its aesthetic. If you are a horror fan and haven’t seen this movie yet, then you’re not living right. The remake is also worth a watch, something that is oftentimes unique in the horror genre.
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16) A Quiet Place (2018)
This gripping, clever monster movie is one of those rare genre treats that seizes on a simple, unique idea and executes it so perfectly and concisely that it elicits satisfying squeals of delight. It's directed and co-written by Krasinski, who's best known for his work in comedy but translates his experience in that genre to the expert building and releasing of tension here. A Quiet Place is, in many ways, like an extended classic horror movie sequence, such as famous ones in The Birds or Aliens, wherein the heroes must try not to disturb packs of resting monsters.
At the same time, Krasinski uses his quiet moments like music, ranging from moments of restful beauty -- including a father-son trip to a waterfall, where it's noisy enough that they can talk and even shout -- to moments of pause. A loud noise can cause a jump, but it's immediately followed by tension and dread: Will the creatures come this time? The real beauty is the movie's primal quality, based on the most basic elements of life, such as survival and protection of the species. No explanation is given for the monsters' existence; they, like us, are just here. Images of water, sand, bare feet, crops, and plant life serve to underline the theme of life itself. A few overly familiar horror movie clichés keep it from being perfect, but otherwise A Quiet Place is so good that it will leave viewers speechless.
17) The Exorcist (1973)
Once famously dubbed ‘the most terrifying movie ever made,” this movie is steeped in urban legend, especially concerning the unfortunate happenings that occurred when it was being made. 
If you think your teen is ready for this shocking film, keep in mind that some audience members in the '70s reportedly fainted after seeing Dick Smith's grisly makeup effects on Blair. In some extreme cases, viewers even required psychiatric care. Also, the moans, snarls, and profane utterances from Regan (most are actually the dubbed-in voice of a well-known older actress, Mercedes McCambridge) amount to some of the most chilling audio ever done for film.
Thanks in part to Linda Blair's wrenching, Oscar-nominated performance, The Exorcist was a huge hit, earning back 10 times its $10 million budget (a then-lavish sum, outrageous for a "mere" horror flick). Movie historians cite it (along with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) as the conclusive end of old-school spook shows featuring Dracula and Frankenstein and bobbing rubber bats. If you haven’t watched it yet, you may have your horror movie fan card revoked.
18) The Final Destination Franchise (2000 - 2011)
If I had to list all of the movies in the Final Destination franchise in order of quality, I would say 5, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Fourth instalment withstanding, the series is a formidable addition to the horror genre, as the invisible killer, Death Itself, stalks its victims and kills them off in creatively gruesome ways after they initially cheat death. The fifth addition contains an awesome twist at the end which in hindsight you should have seen coming throughout the entire movie. Pay close attention. The only downside is (SPOILER ALERT) that none of the characters throughout the series really survive.
19) Let the Right One In (Lat den Ratte Komma In) (2008)
Please watch the Swedish version, and power through the subtitles. This is a horror movie that is tragic on multiple levels, as it deals with a lonely and bullied boy who so happens to live next door to a pubescent vampire. When her benefactor dies, we see how the main character’s life will also unfold, and what lies in his future. A must-see film that is more than just your average horror movie.
20) Terrifier (2017)
This movie definitely gets back to basics by paying homage to the original slasher classics. Art the Clown, who we are originally introduced to in the 2013 movie All Hallow’s Eve (also worth a watch), is a vicious horror movie villain who kills just for kicks. He also subverts the horror movie trope by using a weapon which was previously considered off-limits to horror movie villains, especially those with supernatural abilites (mostly, anyway). This movie also contains one of the bloodiest deaths in recent horror movie history. I like the use of practical effects over the often-overdone CGI. What is Art the Clown? Deranged killer? Demonic entity? Who cares? Its all good fun. Watch it now on Netflix.
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I’ll probably be back again some time in the future with a further 20 horror movies that are worth a watch, because there are so many of them. To everyone, take care during these uncertain times.
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r-ahh-mi · 5 years
Elliot Alderson x Fem Reader x Fem Reader
Warning: hot hot threesome smut; girl on girl, sub/dom, light restraining, face sitting, hair pulling, choking, light degration, drug usage, swearing, and alcohol usage. SO BASICALLY FILTH
Word Count: 10k *and i’m not sorry about it.
A/N: I wrote a sort of epilogue to this, which you can read here X  if you feel inclined to. Hope you enjoy! xx
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It was like an out of body experience. My mind was buzzing from the alcohol  and this absolute terror of a work party wasn’t helping much either. Everyone was fucked up already; it was only 10 pm for Christ sake. I’m sure the nine to five lifestyle gets to some, me, not so much. Allsafe is what pays my bills, sure, but it’s not my priority or what I invest my talents in to. Everyone else probably worked this shitty job to pay for their shitty apartments in an even shittier neighborhood just so they could go home with their loved ones and feel at home, whatever home even was anymore.
“Hello!”, a pale hand waved itself in front of my face -- I suppose I must have zoned out whilst lost in my thoughts; nothing out of the ordinary.
The redhead behind the bar stared at me, hand on her hip, waiting for my response.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“I asked if you wanted another drink. You finished yours like ten minutes ago.”
My eyes glanced towards the empty glass still sat near my hand as I lightly pushed it towards the bartender. “Just another of these is fine.”
She nodded, a soft smile on her lips; her pretty, light pink lips. 
I slightly shook my head, moving the absurd and obscene thoughts from my head as I watched her walk away, hips slightly swaying and the light peaking through her black mesh top so I could see her red lace bra clearly.
See, this is why I don’t drink. Drinking gives me a different affect then when i’m high; i feel so out of control and anxious the entire time i’m under the influence of an alcoholic substance, whereas drugs, drugs make me numb, drugs make me relax, drugs make me forget that i’m not in total control and i fucking love it.
“Here ya go”, the redhead pushed the ‘whiskey on the rocks’ my way as she waltzed over to the next awaiting customer, but not before shooting me a smile.
She’s hot.
I continued to watch her for the next several minutes, sipping my beverage to a speed fit to my liking as a crowd screaming and hollering brought me out of my gaze. I watched them all staring excitedly at the sports event set on the big screen television, cheering as if they had just won some sort of lottery.
Sports. What a mindless way to spend your time when you could be doing so much better in the world, but instead you’re racking up millions and millions and buying one car, then another, yet we have hungry, homeless people in our country alone, not to mention the entire fucking world. How do they sleep at night?
“You think a lot huh?”
Again, the redhead was leaning towards me, elbows holding up her upper body from the bar as I mentally yelled at myself for going on a inner rant.
“I guess,” I shrugged.
She eyed me for a bit, not saying a word, just watching me. Every once in a while, she’d smirk, probably noticing my uneasiness with the way she was literally just staring at me.
“You smoke?”, she lifted a cigarette in the air that was placed between her fingers.
I nodded, turning my eyes away from her to stare at my hands set on the bar.
“Wanna come outside with me? I hate taking my break outside alone in this neighborhood at night.”
Isn’t it sad? People can’t even enjoy life anymore without the fear of getting stabbed or shot or fucking murdered.
“I’ll get you another drink after; no charge, I promise.”
My eyes traveled back up to hers, her playful little smirk enticing me to follow her request.
“Okay,” I nodded, keeping my reply short.
The woman nodded towards the front door, silently telling me to meet her outside, as she headed for the back exit, I suppose, to grab a personal belonging or two.
I pushed my way through the crowd of people who were still indulging in whatever else was on television, and finally landed my feet on the sidewalk set outside. It was nice out - a little breezy, but not too cool, making it desirable to actually be outside which was a lovely change of pace from the brutal winter that had came with full force this year.
A dark haired girl was also outside with her back against the brick wall as she dragged a cigarette to and from her lips; exhaling and keeping her eyes fixated on the streetlight across the street.
She briefly glanced at me, most likely just to get a good look at the person who had taken her seclusion away from her, but quickly brought her eyes back up to the tri-colored lights, seemingly memorized by them.
I pulled my pack of cigarettes out of my pant pocket and slipped a stick out, bringing it to my lips, and lighting it with my eyes also now fixated on the streetlight.
It was pleasant, I guess. Coming and going colors, almost hypnotic to the eye, yet so relaxing at the same time.
“Enjoying the light show are we?”
The red head emerged from the alley with, what looked to be, a cigarette and phone in hand, as she glanced at me and the dark haired girl; particularly spending a little extra time glancing at the other girl, eyeing her up and down, which i couldn’t blame her for...
Her tight fitting dress cut at the knee, was flattering to her small frame. Especially when she exhaled; her lips slightly a gap, her breasts gently heaving as she let out a deep breath. I caught myself licking my lips, subconsciously, as I eyed her up, probably a little too long.
“It’s okay, I think she’s hot too”, the redhead whispered.
I was caught in a sandwich sort of situation with two beautiful women and most men my age wouldn’t have a single complaint, except that I was nothing like the rest of them and by them I mean the other inhabitants of the world. My anxiety was at a high as we all sat in silence that was anything but comfortable, at least not for me and all I wanted to do was make a run for it, which I nearly did before I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me instantly shrug the sharp touch away.
“Seems like someone needs a hit?”
The familiar, sweet aroma of marijuana filled my nostrils as the red head glided her hand near my lips and the alcohol made me much too gullible as I, without hesitation, brought my lips around the joint and took a deep inhale of the substance.
“And you?”, she peered over my shoulder at the dark haired girl, who shyly looked at the joint and then at me as the bartender passed the stick to me to then pass to the girl.
“Won’t kill you, I promise”, I quietly smiled in the dark haired girls direction as she also had a slight smile on her lips and took the joint from my fingers, breathing in a nice long hit before passing it back to me.
All three of us were silent as we breathed in the spring night air; the zipping of cars and the buzzing of tourists walking by always made me feel comfortable or, rather, surrounded by something comfortable and familiar. It was like one giant distraction for my mind, but, on the other hand, it was also something that made me quite anxious. Having loads of people all scrunched in one place felt overwhelming to me if you caught me on a day where my anxiety was particularly god awful.
Isn’t it funny? All we need is a little background noise and our minds are put at ease. Our loneliness is diluted, even if its just a little bit.
“Would you guys want to hang out?”, The redhead chimed in, breaking my mental thesis I was creating on ‘Humans: Why the fuck we like noise’. 
“Ma--Maybe we could smoke some more at my place or something”, I joined, but quickly trailed off, realizing how utterly creepy I was sounding to these two women I had just met, but i was merely trying to think like a normal person would and inviting them to hang out seemed normal, right?
Fucking hell, they probably thought I was a fucking pervert.
“Where do you live?”, the dark haired girl asked, finishing off her cigarette and kicking it to the ground as her high heeled clad foot stomped out the burning flame.
She nodded, “I live not too far from there. I’m in.”
I’m sure my expression was one filled with disbelief, but her friendly smile eased me as I returned a small grin.
“I get off in a half hour, I can meet you there.”
“No,” I shook my head, being much too nervous to have only one person in my home that I would have to entertain somehow, two people, sure, especially since this red head seemed outgoing and quite the conversationalist, but just me and this dark haired girl, no way.
“I mean, I’ll wait for you. If--If that’s okay with you,” I turned to the dark haired girl and she nodded slowly, resting the back of her head onto the cool wall once again.
“Buy me a drink and I’ll stay.”
So the quiet girl was also flirtatious; I could live with that.
“I think I can do that.”
The back seat of this taxi cab was instantly making me regret everything. Why the fuck would I invite two strangers into my apartment, not to mention invite them to smoke more with me. It was making me start to question my intentions; why did I want them to come over? Was I merely lonely? Seeking out strangers for company was something I would never do, but alcohol combined with weed could very well be a lethal combination to my psyche. 
Yeah, maybe that was it.
Thankfully, the drive wasn’t long and I was able to pile out of the cab quickly as I began to start for my apartment buildings main door.
“Slow down why don’t ‘cha!”, the red head called as her and the other girl were still situating their clothing after just getting out of the crammed car.
“Sorry”, I said quietly, not even sure if they could hear me. I tucked my hands inside my jean pockets as I attempted to relax just a bit.
“Eager are we?”
“I’m just--cold is all..” the red head nodded, clearly not buying my lame excuse as she watched me unlock the door, letting the three of us into the slightly heated building.
I knew they were both judging where I lived as they glanced around at the cheaply painted walls and the various stains set on them while we walked up the stairs, eventually landing at my door.
My keys jingled as I twisted them around in the door knob, unlocking and opening up my home to the two mysterious women.
No going back now.
Again, they looked around my apartment, silently judging, as everyone is constantly doing all through out their lives.
“Your place is...cozy”, the dark haired girl complimented, or at least tried to muster about some sort of compliment purely to be polite.
“I guess.”
Both of the girls immediately got comfortable; taking off their coats and holding them up questionably as I tried to configure what it is they were searching for.
Oh right, a coat rack..
Anxiously, I searched around my small apartment looking for any nearby space to place the two warm pieces of fabric.
“Here is fine,” I said, motioning to the hook placed on the inside of my open bathroom door; that’ll do i guess.
As the girls figured out the arrangement of their coats, I took a spot on my couch and attempted to not look as awkward as I felt right now.
“So...”, the redhead started for the couch I was sat at, making me scoot over so I was no longer in the middle of the plush seat as she sat next to me.
“Are we smoking your stuff or my stuff? I may not have enough for-”
“Mine is fine,” I said rather hastily and honestly as I just wanted to get this over with and return to the seclusion of my home and my computer.
No matter how lonely I felt, I would much rather prefer my own company then anyone else, besides the select few in my life that I could tolerate. Because loneliness was something I could cope with, but having someone, I wasn’t too comfortable with, in my presence would send my anxiety through a roller coaster like spiral, which was something I couldn’t handle, nor ignore because of the physical symptoms I would begin to show.
My box, containing all of my narcotics was set on my coffee table, directly in front of the dark haired girl, who had just taken a seat on the floor, directly in front of me.
I didn’t want to say anything, feeling much too anxious about how I would even ask her to kindly scoot my ‘drug box’ over to me, as crazy as that sounds and as small as that sounds, that was a big deal for me to even mutter any sort of request to a stranger, well a kind of stranger. I suppose we had gotten decently acquainted while waiting for the bartender to get done with her shift.
I settled to awkwardly reaching over her body and grabbing the box, setting the wood in my lap as I pulled out the baggie and rolling paper while I began to spill the weed into my grinder before rolling a medium sized joint that we all could indulge in. And indulge we did, indeed.
By the time the joint was burnt to its end we were all chatting along comfortably in conversation, me being much more relaxed, the dark haired girl being quite the chatter box, and the red head remaining true to her outgoing self, but much more touchy as her hand kept coming in contact with my shoulder.
I didn’t mind the touching as much as before, but the drugs were still starting to settle in my system so I wasn’t my completely comfortable high self just yet and I was seeking desperately for an excuse to to get away from the red heads touch on my shoulder.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom”, I announced as I maneuvered my way through the two bodies and shut the door behind me while I figured that a splash of cool water and some quiet couple of minutes should do me just fine. However, after my few minutes were up and my anxiety was calmed, I returned to find the girls were not chatting comfortably, like I had envisioned while I was in the bathroom.
I stood and stared unabashed as their lips were connected while the two women gently made out with one another; it was hypnotizing really and almost seemed too perfect and choreographed with the way they were in sync with one another as their hands roamed each others bodies and their tongues danced with the others while they left lingering open mouth kisses.
The red head must have sensed my longing stare as she opened her eyes and looked directly at me with a smirk that was just barely visible to me because of the dark haired girls needful mouth that was still ravishing the red head. However, she quickly took her eyes back to their closed position as she kept on entertaining the other girls lips, acting as if I had never seen anything...or maybe she wanted me to see...and wanted me to watch as her hand, ever so slightly, moved to the back of the dark haired girls dress, clasping the zipper in between her fingers as she dragged the metal down until it stopped at the girls mid back, making her slightly tanned skin peak out.
I remained standing like statue, watching as the red head assisted the other girl out of the straps of her dress, leaving the fabric clustered together at her waist and letting her chest, only clad in a black bra, feel the crisp air from my own window. The dark haired girl then, also, dragged her eyes over to me as the redhead placed bruising kisses to her neck, surely leaving hickeys scattered across her skin.
A loud gulp left my throat as the dark haired girl remained with her eyes fixed on me as the red head began to leave kisses to her cleavage, even going so far as to move one of the bra straps down the girls arm, but quickly bringing the strap back up to rest on her shoulder as they both now fixated their eyes on me.
I wanted to say something along the lines of ‘what the fuck are you guys doing’ but, to be frank, I was enjoying it too much. Had i said such harsh words, maybe they would’ve both left leaving me regretting and slightly turned on..and i wanted nothing but the complete opposite of regretting.
“Do you mind?”
I look towards the red head, not even noticing that the two girls had finally pried away from each other as they both relaxed on my couch, their backs hitting the cushion so they were sitting up straight and both watching me like a hawk.
“Do I mind what?”
“If I play with her a bit? It’s your apartment so I don’t want to make you uncomfortable and - - you look really uncomfortable.”
At her words, I attempted to make myself look more relaxed, slouching my shoulders and clearing my throat, in the hopes it would relax my facial features just a tad. Anything to make them stay and keep doing..whatever it is they were planning on doing.
“No, no. I don’t mind”, my words were strangled, but they seem to have done the trick as the red headed and dark haired girl both turned to each other, giving off almost devilish type grins while the dark haired girl shimmied down the couch, letting her back fall onto the bottom cushions so she was laying down. The red head watched the other girls movements as she bit her lip and immediately crawled in between the girls legs.
“Sit there”, the red head ordered me.
“Because I want you to have a good view of me eating her out.”
Holy Shit.
“Holy Shit.”
“Sit, I insist.”, the redhead’s playful grin quickly turned serious as she pointed to my bed, immediately making me comply and take the small strides over to the sheet clad mattress.
I sat on the edge, nearly very edge, of my bed as both of the women kept looking back and forth between me and each other as they shared giggles while their hands caressed each others arms and legs and whatever else they could get their hands on.
It was rather odd, they seemed so comfortable with one another and yet, to the best of my knowledge, they had just met. I suppose the alcohol and weed were to blame for this relaxed feeling and I wasn’t complaining because I too felt relaxed and comfortable; two things I am usually neither of.
Although my vision was finding it hard to concentrate on most things, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of the two women who were in front of me as they teased each other by brushing their lips every so slightly together and then pulling away and sharing a laugh.
“What do you think I should do first?”
Was she talking to me? The redhead wasn’t looking at the other girl..so she must have been asking me.
The redhead scoffed, “Yes dear, you. What should I do first to our friend here?”
As I dove into my thoughts, getting the most stunning of mental images, the redhead eyed the dark haired girl up and down as her hands wrapped around the girls waist, pulling the girls body adjacent to hers.
I’d never been in this situation before, so you can imagine the only things I could conjure up in my mind of what i wanted to watch them do was from some shitty porn that I watched as a teenager.
“W-What do you want to do to her?”
The redhead, who I decided to nickname Red for the rest of the evening, shook her head with a small laugh.
“That’s not what I asked. I want you to tell me what to do to her.”
Fuck, that’s hot. Well, it would’ve been hotter had I not been nervous to say some stereotypical bull shit that any guy would say if he had two women who were practically dry humping in front of him.
“Touch her.”, I managed to squeak out.
“You’re so cute babe, but can you be more specific? Where would you like me touch her?”
I scanned my eyes up and down the dark haired girls body that had her upper half clothed in only a bra and god, I honestly didn’t know what I wanted to see her touch first. I just knew I wanted her to touch everything.
“Maybe here?”, Red traced the tip of her finger along the top of the dark haired girls bra as her breasts were pushed up into the cups, making me lick my lips as I watched Red’s finger every so slightly dip under the fabric of the brassiere.
I quickly nodded, my dilated pupils not being able to keep their eyes away from the two beauties as I could feel the heat beginning to rush down my body, into my thighs, and down to my cock.
I clenched my hands on the edge of my mattress as Red let her entire palm spread out across one of the dark haired girls breasts, giving it a firm grab as she continued to massage her over her bra, while her other hand moved around to the girls back and unclasped her bra, making the fabric slump away from her chest.
Red took her hand away from the other girls breast so she could slip the straps down the girls shoulders and fling the bra to the floor and immediately Red’s lips attached themselves to the girls neck, leaving soft bites, making the dark haired woman moan so softly, it was barely audible.
Red’s kisses trailed further and further down, first to the girls shoulders, collarbones, and down to the dip between her breasts as her mouth began to leave sloppy, wet kisses that moved over to one of her breasts as she lightly nipped at the skin.
The dark haired girls hands went to Red’s hair as she began to graze her teeth along her nipple before enveloping her lips around the pink nub, making her squirm beneath Red’s touch as she added some swirling of the tongue to the action, making me also squirm as I watched the dark haired girls breathy moans leave her open mouth.
Suddenly, Red pulled her face upwards to look directly at me as she wiped some of her saliva from her lips. “Take off your pants.”
I gulped, knowing she was directing her order towards me as I quickly obeyed and stood up so I could slumped my way out of my jeans before sitting back down to my original spot.
“Good boy”, Red smiled.
Until now, I hadn’t realized how aroused I was until the bulge in my briefs caught my eye, making me feel a bit self conscious..but then again, what would have been the purpose of these girls wanting me to watch them if it wasn’t to get me visibly aroused.
“You can touch yourself, but only over the briefs, nothing under them just yet. Got it?”
God, if I wasn’t already dripping pre cum, I sure as hell was now just from hearing her order me around some more. It was very attractive, to say the very least.
“Say it.”
“Say what?”
“Say you understand. I want to hear you say it.”
I nodded, but quickly scolded myself for going against her exact wishes.
“Words babe. Use them.”
“I understand.”, I said quickly which seemed pleasing to Red as she flashed me a smile before returning her eyes back to the dark haired girl.
Suddenly her expression changed from sweet smile to vixen as she returned her lips back to the girls chest, teasingly pressing a kiss to her nipple once more before starting to lead her kisses down the girls sternum, down her stomach, and to her waist, right where the girls dress was still bunched up.
As red pulled the dark haired girls dress down the remainder of her body, I felt my hand instinctively twitch, knowing exactly how badly I wanted to touch my growing erection. I settled on at least moving my palm to my thigh, resting it dangerously close to the thumping pulse in my groin area as I watched the girls dress be thrown to the ground, leaving the dark haired girl completely naked on my couch and making me thank the invisible gods in the sky that she decided on not wearing panties tonight.
“Ooo, no panties?”, Red smirked up at the girl and then at me as if she knew she had just read my mind, but she also had her eyebrows knitted together as she looked me up and down.
“Why aren’t you touching yourself?”
I took my gaze away from her and let my eyes fall to my lap as I shrugged.
“I want to see you tease yourself through your briefs babe.”
I bit my lip at her words, keeping my eyes still focused on my lap which also meant my erection was in my perfect view and just begging and aching for me to listen to her words.
“Do I have to beg?”
Now that, I wouldn’t mind.
I looked up at her with a slight smirk as my teeth still tucked my bottom lip in, “Maybe.”
Red and the dark haired girl shared a few ‘ooo’s’ before answering me, “I’m sure you’d like me begging on my knee’s sweetheart, but right now i’m in charge. Maybe i’ll let you tell us what to do later, okay?”
This time, we all shared a small flirtatious laugh as I nodded in Red’s direction.
“For now, I better see your hand on your cock in the next 30 seconds or i’ll come over there and make you touch yourself.”
The mood shifted back into a sensual type feel as I shakily brought my hand to the ever growing bulge in my boxers, but not making any movements despite my brain shouting at me to give myself some god damn relief. Red was silent, but evidently pleased with my obeying action as she returned her attention back to the girl as she moved her body down to the very end of the couch and brought her arms to wrap around the dark haired girls thighs.
Red’s still clothed ass stuck up in the air as I watched her slowly drag soft kisses up the tops of the girls thigh and further and further..until her mouth made contact with a, apparently very pleasurable, spot as the dark haired girl squirmed and winced below her. 
From my view, I wasn’t able to see exactly what Red was doing to the girl which, i’m sure she planned out perfectly in that little red head of hers. but what I could make out was Red making long, slow strides with her tongue being just barely visible as the dark haired girl placed both of her hands on her thighs, squeezing them tightly as her tan skin shimmered with a light layer or sweat.
Red switched her movements as she kept her face in the same spot, but hollowed her cheeks out, making a sucking noise as she would pull away and then return to, what i’m assuming was, sucking on the girls clit, causing the dark haired girl to move one of her hands into those red locks and tug on them as she began grinding her aching core against Red’s mouth.
However, the action didn’t last long as Red pulled her mouth off of the dark haired girl, much to her dismay, and moved her eyes to me while she dipped her hand between the girls thighs. 
From the way the dark haired girls legs shook, I presumed Red was furiously rubbing her thumb on a particularly sensitive area, but regardless, Red kept most of her attention fixed on me as she bit down on her lip.
“Someones having fun hmm?”, Red moved her eyes down to my lap and back up to my face with that trademark smirk of hers.
I followed where her eyes were signalling and saw my hand, every so slowly and subtly rubbing my erection through my briefs. I suppose my subconscious must have taken over as I mindlessly indulged in watching the two women deep in pleasure because I couldn’t recall my hand moving to tease myself what so ever; not that I was complaining, more so thanking my mind for allowing me to indulge in relaxation and pleasure for once, but feeling slightly bashful under Red’s gaze, I went to move my hand away.
“Don’t.”, Red warned, with her eyes still on me.
“I just want you to make yourself feel good for me, is that so wrong?” Her bright blue eyes turned baby doll like as she fluttered her lashes, while a slight pout made it’s way to her swollen lips as her fingers kept moving and making the dark haired girl squirm and moan.
Reluctantly, I sighed and slowly started grazing the tips of my fingers against my cock, feeling the sticky pre cum as it seeped through the fabric of my boxers. 
“Good boy.” 
Just from her words, I could feel my cock ache and pulse even harder as I, finally, began to fully palm my erection whilst Red started to stand up and walk towards me, leaving the dark haired girl in a hot tizzy as she watched the both of us.
Red didn’t say a word as she sat on the floor directly in front of me with minimal distance between her face and my hand that had froze in its place.
“Show me how you pleasure yourself.”
My breathing hitched as she nibbled on her lip, flickering her eyes from where my hand rested and up to my face. She seemed almost anxious looking just waiting for my move and it gave me a gigantic confidence boost to know that she wanted to watch me make a mess of myself with her so near to me and with those precious little swollen lips and flushed cheeks.
With the utmost amount of confidence I could muster up, slowly my hand began palming myself as I let out a soft sigh. Red’s eyes continued flickering between my hand movements and my face as she’d always switch to look at my expression every time I let out an audible noise as I could feel my cock become fully erect and ooze with precum.
Apparently, Red noticed as well as she laid her hand on top of mine and pushed it to rest on my thigh. I watched her with wondering eyes as she moved her face towards my lap, never taking her eyes off of me, as she pushed my hand away and let her lips linger over of my clothed cock.
Subconsciously, my hand went to her hair; my go to move that didn’t seem to get any complaints from any of my partners prior to this, but she quickly moved her hand to the palm I just laid on top of her head as she pulled her mouth away from me so she could get a better look at me.
“I’ll let it slide this time, only because I love having my hair pulled, but if you don’t ask next time, it won’t be good for you. Understand?”
Her warm breath was hitting my cock with every word she said and it was difficult to even listen to her as she spoke because all I wanted was her lips back on me..except without my briefs covering me up. However, I was able to nod, solely for the purpose of having her lips back to what they were getting up to because god did I want her mouth right now more than anything.
Red smiled up at me as she continued to linger her lips against my cock, occasionally pressing light kisses, sending a hissing noise through my teeth as I silently pleaded with her. Although I was silent, except for my noises of pleasure, I tried my absolute best to get my eyes to tell her how much I fucking craved her right now.
I suppose she may have gotten my message as she gripped the waistband of my briefs, making me lift up my body with my hips, and letting her take the black fabric off of my lower half.
Before I could even entertain the mental images of her mouth wrapped around my cock, Red motioned to the dark haired girl as she silently called her over to where she knelt.
I watched as the dark haired girls naked frame glowed in my dark room, only being illuminated by the neon lights on the building across the street that displayed her breasts with shadows framing them perfectly and the dim lighting highlighted her toned legs.
God, I bet her thighs taste amazing.
Eventually, the dark haired girl made her way over to Red and bent down to her level as Red whispered something into the girls ear, making her bite her lip and look back at me as she nodded. She then made her way over to me and sat on the bed as she took a seat behind me, having her legs spread so I was now sitting in between them.
The dark haired girls fingers went to the back of my neck as she lightly tickled my skin all the while Red was raking her nails gently up and down my thighs, watching my every move and reaction in the process.
“Okay so here’s the deal”, Red started as I anxiously awaiting her words. “You’re going to touch yourself for us, think you can do that?”
 I gulped due to the sheer erotica coming from her lips and because of my nerves. The anxiety wasn’t prominent in me, at least not at the moment, but more just being nervous and shy I suppose, but I still nodded because they both had me eating out of the palm of their hands and I was completely okay with it and based upon their reactions, so were they.
Red sat back on her heels, giving me a little more room, as I gripped my shaft in my hand, giving it one long slow pump, making a deep groan leave my throat as I subconsciously fluttered my eyes closed.
Auto pilot soon took over as I continued pumping myself in my hand, now, at a fast pace as I nibbled on my lip with a crease buried deep into my forehead and my eyes still closed, that is until I felt a gentle touch come to cup my balls sending a spark of pleasure that I hadn’t yet experienced tonight. With a breathless expression, I opened my eyes to see Red smiling up at me as she continued gently squeezing them in her hand and then moving her palms to rest on the tops of my thighs as she scooter herself closer to me.
“Can I taste you?”
Even I was shocked I had manged to answer so quickly, usually my brain was one to over think and then think some more before I spoke, but I wanted nothing more then for her to have those red stained lips on me right now.
“One condition”, I nodded, urging Red to go on, “our little friend behind you is going to hold your hands down so you can’t touch. Is that okay?”
I quickly nodded, not touching was something I was more than comfortable doing so this should be no issue with me what so ever.
“Good”, Red replied as she pushed her hand against my chest, urging me to rest my back against my mattress, to which, i did so obediently as the dark haired girl lifted both of my arms, straight out above my head, as she held my wrists together with her two hands and sat next to my face.
I couldn’t help but admire her body which was now very up close and perfectly personal with me and, surprisingly, I really wanted to wiggle my hands out of her grip so I could admire the softness of her breasts in my hands. She must have noticed my new desire as she gave me a wicked grin.
“You can still use your mouth ya know.”, she whispered in my ear as she dipped her upper half closer to me, leaving her chest so close, i couldn’t resist. 
I stuck my tongue out and gently ran it along the skin of her breasts, nipping and leaving saliva everywhere I wanted to taste her at until I got closer to her nipple. Slightly, I stuck my neck upwards and wrapped my lips around the pink nub as I sucked and licked gently while she hummed in pleasure while her hand began to gently rub against the hair on top of my head.
I continued loving on her chest as I felt a hand grip my shaft and slowly start touching my tip; my swollen and needy tip that was surely smothered in pre cum by now. 
I shifted my head so I could gaze down at Red who was gathering the precum from my slit, on the tip of her finger, and pressing it against her tongue as she licked her lips in anticipation before she brought her lips down to fully envelope my tip. 
I sunk my head back down to the mattress as I stared up at the gorgeous naked girl hovering above me. “Can I kiss you?”
The dark haired girl smiled as she peered down to look at me “Yes, thank you for asking.”
She was much softer then Red, I came to notice, even her kisses were soft and sweet, all the while Red was sucking hard on my tip, making me moan against the other girls mouth as our tongues began to dance with one another in a lazy, but pleasurable fashion.
After Red had teased my tip for a while, she started to move her lips all the way down my shaft, taking every inch of me that she possibly could, making my hips buck upwards into her mouth. Her lips were so perfect around me and her hollowed cheeks made everything even more tight as she smothered my cock.
Without noticing, I went to move one of my hands so it could rest on top of Red’s head, but I was quickly reminded that that was not allowed as the dark haired girl removed her lips from mine and tightened her grip on my wrists.
“You know the rules baby. No matter how much I want you to touch me right now..no touching.”
I nodded slowly, keeping my eyes on her face and admiring her beauty as she brought her lips back down to mine and we began making out again as Red started bobbing her head slowly on my cock. Up and then down, then back up and all the way back down until I felt the tip of her nose touch my lower stomach. 
Fuck she was taking me so deep and I wanted nothing more than to cum down her throat..but I also didn’t want to let my orgasm come so easily and quickly..I needed to devour this moment that would, most likely, never happen again.
I quietly worked on holding in my nearly present orgasm as Red bobbed her head at a nice medium pace, lathering her tongue on my skin, and using her hand to pump the rest of me as she hummed against my cock every time my hips twitched in pleasure.
I began to slightly rock my hips in rhythm with Red’s movements, but she quickly pulled her mouth off of me as I looked down at her, disconnecting my lips from the dark haired girl in the process.
“Why’d you stop?”, I said breathlessly.
“I can’t have you cumming already babe. I want to make you last a while so we can have our turns.”
Red came to a standing position as she motioned for the dark haired girl to come next to her as I rolled my wrists around a couple times, getting adjusted to the newly found freedom as the girls conversated about who knows what until the pair parted ways. Red stood to my left and the dark haired girl taking a seat on my couch, facing me as she patiently rested her elbows on the tops of her bent thighs.
Without any words, Red began to lift the hem of her shirt before discarding it completely, flinging the mesh fabric to the floor. Her red lace bra hugged her breasts so well, making the tops of them perfectly puffed out and pushed upwards -- you have no idea how tempting they were as I licked my lips and eyed them up, dreaming of all the things I wanted to do with them.
“Wanna give me a hand instead of just staring?”
Red reached her arms out to grab each of my hands in hers as she placed my hands on either side of her waist, just above the top of her black jeans and left my hands there by themselves to figure out what they wanted to discard first.
Of course, I settled on unbuttoning her jeans, not wanting to leave her chest bare just yet; more for my imagination to unfold and a longer anticipation of what she looked like in the nude.
My fingers stuttered a bit, but eventually they got the metal zipper to drag down as I began to tug the denim down her thighs, until she assisted me and kicked each leg out of the fabric and off of her body completely.
I was nearly convinced she had this all planned somehow due to her matching lingerie set -- the red lace complimenting her pale skin and nearly matching the hairs atop her head as she, for the first time tonight, didn’t seem too overly confident or dominant, in fact, she looked a bit shy as she nibbled on her lip while I took in her underwear clad body.
“Don’t be shy. You’re beautiful.” Red smiled down at my briefly before taking her hand and wrapping it around my chin, shifting my gaze to look her directly in the eye instead of my fidgeting gaze shifting across her body, taking in every single piece of skin I could.
“You’re sweet”, she said calmly and soft, “and I can’t wait to ruin you.” This time her speech was much more prominent as she snuck back into her dominant role as she moved her legs to straddle me on the bed.
“Is there anything you don’t want me to do? Tell me now or i’m not sure i’ll be able to stop myself once I have you naked and lying beneath me”, her voice was so soft and dark and lust filled, it nearly drove the orgasm to rip out of my body as she moved her hands to either side of my jaw.
I shook my head and gave her a quiet ‘no’ as she smiled down at me and gently pressed her lips to mine. Eagerly, I devoured her lips -- the anticipation surely made everything feel ten times better as I felt every flick of her tongue and twinge of her lips as we moved together. Our mouths were hot and full of saliva as I felt some drip down from my lips to my chin and, fuck, I didn’t care. I really didn’t care about anything, except this woman who was grinding so painfully well against my cock.
“Undress me”, Red pulled away, her lips so swollen and smeared as she tried to catch her panting breath.
My hands were hurried and hungry as I went to her back, immediately fixing my hands to the clasp of her bra as I struggled to unlatch the hooks and release her chest to my feasting eyes.
Red giggled and set her hands on top of mine, “You must not do this often hmm?”
I briefly looked away with red cheeks, no doubt, as she pressed a kiss to the tip of my nose. I brought my eyes back to hers and, while diving into my own embarrassment, I must have not seen her discard her bra so quickly. 
Her breasts were perked up directly into my face as she grabbed my hands and, yet again, moved them down to her waist, mere inches from the lace top of her panties.
God, those glorious panties.
“Take them off.”
“Yes ma’am”, I half jokingly, half seriously muttered as I hooked my thumbs into the fabric and began to slowly drag it down her legs.
Seeing as she was straddling me, she assisted in discarding the fabric and with a final flick of her foot, she was utterly and deliciously bare in the literal palms of my hands.
Shamelessly, my hands smoothed against the curvature of her hips and her waist as I brought my lips to her neck and began to leave small bites along her skin. She was easily marked up, I came to notice, and I loved it -- god did i fucking love it as I obsessively continued to leave little purple marks all along her neck and collarbone as my lips moved their way down to her breasts.
Red wrapped both of her arms around my neck as I devoured her chest. Letting my tongue flick against her hard nipple and my hand pinch and twist the other. Just the action was making my cock ache more and more and I think Red could tell as she let her hand wander down between our bodies to my clothed stomach and down to my bare cock as she slowly pumped me in her hand.
I winced in pleasure and nearly forgot we had another set of eyes in the room, that is until I felt the dark haired girl come up behind me and slink her hands up and down my back.
“Do you want to taste her?”, Red puffed out, still reeling from my lips on her chest as her eyes motioned towards the dark haired girl.
“I’d love to.”
“Good answer”, she smirked. “Now, take your shirt off and then lay on your back.”
Eagerly, my shirt was discarded while the dark haired girl moved so that I could rest my back fully against the mattress as my feet slightly dangled off of the edge.
The dark haired girl maneuvered her body so that she was straddling and hovering over my face with her body facing towards Red. Her wet folds gloriously glistening mere inches from my hungry lips as I wanted nothing more then to move my face to cover the distance and envelope my tongue in her sweet juices.
“Wait”, Red said, giving my thigh a light tap as I heard the rustling of an unknown object, however, I was made very clear what this said object was once I felt her roll the condom onto my hot member.
As I had done all night, I never questioned Red’s actions. She had definitely treated me well up until now so I was putting my well being in the palms of her hands and it felt nice, very out of my comfort zone, but nice that I was no longer needing to think for five minutes in order to make a decision on something.
From my position, I wasn’t able to bend my neck down and get a good glimpse of what I was in for so I relied on the sounds and feeling of the bed dipping below me to drop me hints.
A few more movements on the mattress and then Red and the other girl were motionless as they whispered, to one another, some words I couldn’t make out. 
“Yes”, I squeaked out as I felt a warm sensation looming above my cock.
“Eat her up then.”
I didn’t waste a second before my tongue licked a long strip up her, as I had guessed, very, very wet folds, as I felt my cock become enveloped in a warm heat as Red sunk her body down onto me in a tantalizingly slow motion.
Out of shock and pleasure, I moaned against the dark haired girls pussy as I gathered her wetness on the tip of my tongue and spread her juices all along her core, making her hips slightly flinch as she began to grinding herself against my mouth.
Red’s movements were still slow as she let out loud and high pitched moans every time she would move up and then slowly back down on my dick while my hands immediately reached out and grabbed her hips in my hands.
“Mmm I bet she tastes so good”, Red gasped,  “I loved how sweet she tasted earlier.”
Is it bad that I loved how out of breath Red was? How much she was struggling to catch a few gulps of air simply because she was loving the feeling of me inside of her? Even though I was particularly busy leaving kitten licks and sucking mouth movements to the girl above me, I was still so deep in the pleasure of Red as her tightness was making it increasingly difficult not to reach my peak too soon.
I roughly dug my fingers into Red’s hips, attempting to get her to slow down or stop moving so that I could enjoy this for what it was and to its fullest potential, but she must’ve taken it the exact opposite way as she sped up her bouncing, making me absolutely lose it. The pleasure hit me like a heavy wind as I felt the current shoot through my body, making my head fall back against the mattress as my hips moved with Red while she bounced on top of me until my body stilled and my breathing began to even out.
Before I could even begin to scold myself for hitting my climax way too soon, Red was moving off of me with the same giggle she’d been wearing all night.
“Don’t get too comfy now, our friend hasn’t cum yet.”
I suddenly remembered the other body in the room that was hovering above my mouth and i’m sure she didn’t appreciate me stopping the pleasure I was giving her when my climax hit.
In one swift movement I lifted my hands up, one going to her hips to hold her in place, and the other began caressing her wetness as she flinched at my touch.
“I just wanted to make sure you were still sensitive..sorry.”
I heard the girl above me laugh a little as she brought a hand down to caress my hair, “You’re sweet, but right now I want you to be anything but sweet to me.”
Her words made me suck in a breath of air through my teeth as I felt the familiar ache returning to my deflating cock as the dark haired girl lowered her body down to my mouth, once more, except this time she didn’t give me time to let her body adjust to my tongue laving in her arousal. She took complete control as he kept her hands in my hair, slightly tugging, as she shamelessly grinded her folds onto my mouth and chin.
I moved both of my hands to her hips to assist in keeping her balanced as she used my mouth to hers and my liking. Deep moans were ripping from my mouth every time she let out a carefree and loud moan and I could tell she was nearing her end..but I wanted to try something first.
One of my hands moved to her backside, giving the skin a quick smack before I dived two of my fingers inside of her. God, she was dripping and she loved it, I could tell as she started to grind even faster as I plunged my fingers in and out of her heat. The feeling of her around my fingers and using me for the sole purpose of her to get off was driving me mad as I looked up at her and watched her face twist and turn and dive into pleasure as her climax hit her with a screeching moan. She truly looked beautiful as she brought her hand up to her hair, giving it a small tug to release some of the pleasure as her creased forehead began to relax again and her body stopped moving.
She looked down at me briefly with a grin just before lifting her leg over my face and plopping her body down onto the mattress so that we were laying parallel to one another. Our finger tips lightly grazed each other as she turned to rest her cheek on the bed and look at me.
“You’ve got a little something...”, suddenly her hand moved towards me as her thumb smoothed over my bottom lip and chin.
As she pulled her hand away from me, I saw the clear fluid on her thumb, just before she dipped it between her lips to taste herself, all the while maintaining eye contact with me.
I continued watching the dark haired girl just as Red crawled up the girls body, hovering above her as she looked at me.
“Now this seems a tad unfair doesn’t it?”
I wasn’t exactly sure what Red was talking about, but I still gave her my undivided attention as she, every now and again, pressed kisses to the other girls lips.
“You’ve both cum and I haven’t. Maybe we should fix that, but the problem is choosing which one of you gets to make me cum.”
If i could raise my hand and say ‘i volunteer’ and not have that be completely and utterly dorky and weird, I would have. I wanted nothing more then to make her a mess, just as I had with the other girl – just the thought was making the heat in my cock get warmer and warmer.
“No takers? Am I going to have to do it by myself?”
“I want to.”
Red maneuvered her body so it was resting between the two of us now as she laid on her side, facing me, while her finger traced up and down my chest.
“and how do you expect to make me cum?”
“Let me show you”, I rested my hand on her hip, making sure to leave a firm grip.
Red looked at me a little while, seeming to process whatever she was thinking about before she hiked her outer leg up so it rested on my hip, making her core be teasingly close to my growing erection.
“Your time to shine babe; show me what you got.”
Without skipping a beat, I removed my hand from her hip and moved it to my shaft as I began rubbing my tip all along her slick folds. Although I wasn’t fully erect again just yet, the feeling of her arousal and her little noises and hip thrusts were sure to get me where I needed to be so I could please her properly.
“You like that?”
“Mhmm”, Red hummed, falling into a vulnerable, more submissive, role as she relaxed and just let me pleasure her as I continued pressing my shaft into her core, without fully entering her.
Her red hair was so unruly as she had her eyes closed, lips parted, and deep pants coming from her mouth and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of the stunning women that I was working on it. Then my eyes flickered to the dark haired girl as she moved to a sitting position with her head and back resting against the wall at the top of my bed. Her legs were slightly parted as she watched us intently with a hand between her legs. She was shamelessly getting herself off to us and that only spurred me on even more as I pushed my tip into Red’s entrance, eliciting a silent, but open mouth reaction from her as I fully thrusted my hips into her, making her take me as deep as she could.
Instantly, I felt my cock become fully hard as her warmth and wetness covered me. I repeated the action, picking up the pace a bit, and then I began my assault. Mercilessly, I fucked her as fast and as hard as I wanted and she wasn’t complaining at all as her hand gripped my shoulder like her life depended on it. Her mouth was filthy; she was swearing with every moan that escaped her lipstick smeared pout, but my favorite was when she breathlessly whimpered in my ear and said, “you know exactly how to fuck a lady don’t you?”.
That did it. It really made my dominant side, that was often present anytime I was sexually active, come out as I pulled out of her and aggressively rolled her body so she was on all fours. I situated myself behind her and with zero warning, my hands went to her hips as I sharply thrusted into her, making her yelp as she scrunched up the sheets in her hands.
All the while, I was getting a great view of the dark haired girl as she continued pleasuring herself, this time adding two of her digits to the mix as she slowly penetrated herself over and over with her lip tucked into her teeth and her eyes boring into the actions me and Red were doing.
“Grab my hair”, I glanced towards red as she watched me with desperate, begging eyes and, at her request, I brought my hand up to her long red locks and gathered them into a ponytail in my hand as I yanked my arm back roughly, making her neck jerk backwards as she arched her back, letting a loud moan rip through her throat.
“Yeah you like that don’t you? You fucking slut.”
Soon as the words left my mouth, I knew Red was in for a brutal, brutal fucking that would leave her and I trembling. See, whenever I came into this dominance, I wasn’t stopping. Not until I got exactly what I wanted and how I wanted it. I was in control, no one else. The girls had their time to mess with me and treat me like their slave and I quite enjoyed it, but I also couldn’t wait to ruin the little red headed girl whimpering and clenching for me, not to mention, put on a great show for the dark haired girl with her legs spread wide and her fingers knuckle deep inside of her.
As my hips smacked against Red’s ass, I couldn’t help but tug just a little bit more…and a little bit more on her hair, until her back was flush against mine as she stood up on her knees with me still buried inside her. Instinctively, I moved my hand from her hair to wrap around her neck; feeling every gulp and breath she took underneath my palm as she continued leaving high pitched moans, letting me know that she wasn’t lasting much longer and neither was I.
“Are you going to let my cum inside you, huh?”
“Yes–yes please”
“Good girl”, I affectionately patted her hip before digging my fingers into her skin as I picked up my thrusts pace again, “and are you going to cum all over my cock?”
She nodded, unable to speak as our skin slapped together until I felt her tightly clench around me as weak moans left her lips while I loosened up my grip on her neck.
“Fuck, i’m cumming, fuck”, she sounded so needy and weak, like i’d wore her out just as intended. Just the noises she made, brought on my release as I spilled my arousal inside of her while the both of us grinded against each others bodies, riding out our highs.
“Shit”, I said, breathlessly, as my weak legs collapsed while my body flopped onto the mattress with Red doing the same.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were such a dom? I would’ve let you take the reigns a long time ago.”
I shrugged as I rolled the condom off and deposited it into a nearby trash can, “I wanted you to be in control. It was hot.”
Red and I enjoyed some light banter, until I heard a noise coming from the top of my bed. In my heat of the moment, I had completely forgotten about the dark haired girl who was a frazzled, horny mess right now. Loud moans ripped from her mouth as she furiously pounded two fingers deep inside of her and I could see her wetness dripping down from her swollen core.
“Can I help?”, She nodded at me, so eagerly, as I could tell she was close to her climax
Quickly, my body moved to rest between her legs as I moved her hands away and replaced her fingers with my own as I slowly pumped them inside of her, but I wasn’t planning on just using my fingers. No, I wanted to taste her again.
I wrapped my lips around her swollen pink nub and sucked as hard as I could, ignoring her clear over sensitivity, until she was a cumming mess. She grinded her body against my fingers as I let her ride out every ounce of pleasure she had built up, until her body slumped against my head board with a content sigh.
I dipped the two fingers into my mouth, clearing them of her arousal as I got situated in my bed. The sexual desire was fading and pure exhaustion was hitting me hard as my head hit my pillow that was next to the dark haired girl.
“Just a bit”, I said timidly just before closing my eyes.
“I’m going to use the bathroom”, the dark haired girl said as she made her way up and off the bed and traveled in the direction of my small bathroom.
Red didn’t waste time as she took the other girls place, curling up next to me in bed, but making sure not to cuddle her body up against mine.
“You don’t seem like the cuddling type or else I would totally spoon you right now.”
I laughed, “Yeah no cuddling please.”
“Whatever you say”, Red said as she draped my duvet over her naked and now bruised up body, “Sweat dreams sweet heart.”
Tagged: @amcquivey @rami-malek-trash @sassystrawberryk @siriuslovesmarlene @queen-rogerina-mercury 
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demethinkstoomuch · 5 years
Deme Rates Villagers, Part 4: Birds
Disclaimer: Images are from the wiki, all good dogs, my ratings are mainly just there because “Deme gives her abstract thoughts on villagers” is hardly a catchy thing. 
Let’s get to the birbs! Are there borbs? No, not really, Animal Crossing birbs have a pretty straightfoward and uniform shape, they are most likely not borbs.
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Another villager time forgot! Without seeing a clear shot of his eyes (they’re not perma-closed), a big element of his design is sadly lost on me. Otherwise, he’s pretty cute. Nothing fancy, but cute.
2 (Hidden Eyes) /5
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Eyebrows. Angry. Eyebrows! 
...What’s with his stomach not being the same color as the underside of his face, though? It makes them feel disconnected, which honestly loses some of the appeal for me. On the other hand, angry eyebrows for a grumpy bird. 
Eyebrows... /10
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To be honest, I don’t know what to make of Anchovy. On the one hand: I like his simple, bird-like color scheme. I like his square eyebrows... But his expression, his pupils so very, very tiny... Kinda weirds me out. Which, spoiler, is going to be a thing with the birds. Not good eyes, the birds. But once I started looking at other screenshots, with his beak a bit more closed, I came to like his look of mild surprise, in a sort of flickering fondness.
A decent bird, perfectly cromulent. 
I don’t know but it swings between 4-6/10
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Oh man, look at this bird! It’s a crying shame he hasn’t returned since the gamecube days, what with his little swirly little hair-feather, sleepy rectangle eyes, and jaunty little hat, and a cute blue coloring. We are robbed of his revival, and I, for one, will weep for this little bird.
Blue Bird Lamentation / 10
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What is it with these birds and looking tremendously surprised by existence? Jacob is apparently sort of Brazil-inspired, which is an odd choice of country to make into a charmingly tropical bird, but alright. He and Pave can enjoy carnivale festivale together.
6 /10
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Look at this fantastic little hipster! He has a beard even if it’s absurd for a bird to have a beard! Blond eyebrows! The green beanie! If he’s come out before the existence of Smug, I’d say he’s a cute little lumberjack, but smug officially marks him as a proud resident of... Maybe Portland, but I’m thinking Seattle. Walks around in the rain, goes hiking in the woods on the weekends, sure, but during the week he goes to an independent coffee shop that does artisanal, free-trade coffee. He used to go to Starbucks, but then they got mainstream. Do hipsters of a certain type play the harmonica? Well, they do now because he is one and he does. Look me in the eyes and tell me I’m wrong. You can’t, can you? He’s so wonderfully a thing. Also, he’s got nice eyes, good, big pupils, and does a nice job tying his beanie color into the rest of his design. A good, good boy.
He would only accept a rating if it was ironic. I have no way of telling if my ratings are ironic or if they’ve looped back to being semi-sincere or if they’re just dumb gags and that’s not irony, you guys, so let the fact that he’s a serious contender for my New Horizons goals list be enough.
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He’s really more of a swallow than a jay, looking at his coloring. Specifically, he’s got the red head and blue body and white underside of a Lesser Striped Swallow. So, now you know. That’s a plus for me, though not a super powerful one, and his eyes have that sort of strange staring quality I noted about Anchovy, but the eyebrows are less good. A rather run-of-the-mill bird.
He’s wearing a 6, however, so 6/10.
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Oh god that is unsettling. The dark-ringed eyes that are just the wrong sort of wide and staring... I feel like he’s seen Things. I don’t want him to show me Things. (What is funny is that I feel like, given the opportunity, I would probably loop back around and love his thousand-yard, sleepless, burnt-out stare. But I haven’t, so it creeps me out.)
Aaaaaaaaaaah! / 10
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This bird is too small and dark for me to really see, but that might be a nice purple. Look, some villagers from the foggy shores of the past just cannot merit comment.
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I wonder why Nintendo keeps looking at luchadors and going “You know what this needs to be? A bird.” This is clearly Hawlucha’s little brother, and the effect could be more dramatic or detailed, but it does rather get the job done! 
Lucha Libre / 10
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Madame Rosa
Well, well, well, a villager with a form of address in their name! How interesting! I like her face, what little of it we can see, and I think her color is appealing. She looks suitably fancy. Honestly, another villager it is a shame to lose.
Admiral Gets To Come Back And That’s Fine But Why Not Rosa? / Villagers Who Didn’t Get Amiibo Cards
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So, here we are. The first of the Amiibo specials! This one is obviously meant to be Medli from Wind Waker, and as an emulation, she’s cute, but please, understand... It’s creepy when fur or feathers or something on an animal character goes for that fair-toned flesh look. The naked mole rat look, except not on a naked mole rat. It’s creepy when custom ponies do it, it’s very creepy when Animal Crossing villagers do it. Please stop.
No Seriously I think about this every time I wanna make a pony of a specific fictional character and then I shudder in deep distaste / Please For the Love of All That Is Good And Holy, Stop. Let Them Have Fur! Or feathers!
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Awwwwwwwwwww! Midge is so cute! Look at those cute little swirls on her cheeks! Her precious little tadpole eyes! She’s a pretty, rosy sort of pink, too. I approve, even if honestly there is no rhyme or reason to her, she is just cute. 
(@ o’  v o’ @) / 10
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Who is this guy, and what do I think about him? He looks... Like a bird. That covers that, I think.
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Peck has a nice Java Sparrow look to him, though not entirely. The eyebrows are such a bright red that I don’t quite dig it, but I have to admit, he is a cute. Not my favorite vaguely Java-Sparrow-y person, though. That will always be Azami!
Drives Safely / 10
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Man, Piper just does not have cute eyes, this image is a lie. She’s got half-circle eyes that make her look kind of bored. And given that she has so little detail, she really needed cute eyes to make me pleased.
3/10, an actual rating that isn’t just me giving a numerical shrug.
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Robin’s pretty rockin’. I like the subtle blush, assuming that’s not a trick of this one screenshot. The little bit of blue “hair” up on his head ties together his tail and.  Shame his stomach’s not red all the way down. Commit, Animal Crossing designers! Commit! 
Rockin’ Robin: Tweet / Tweet Tweet 
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Oh man, it’s a little daruma doll bird! That’s so good! Look at him, he got his wish I guess! Not much else to say, save that I am sad no one has seen him again. I wish he’d come back one day.
One Eye / Two, for that unfilled wish.
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This is a pretty cute sparrow. You know what he could use? Bigger eyes. I feel the eyes have been an issue with the birds, and I intend to solve this puzzle. ...I think, considering my reactions, it is that they have big round bobble-heads, and so need a big eye to not look weird. Anyway, I appreciate the big dark rings, but not the weird little blush. He looks like he had a little beard, also good.
W(hy is there a missing W?) / Z
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Twiggy sure is. The blue on the cheeks and the tail is nicely tied, and I like the very dark stripes on the legs. I have no particular other feeling, but these are good eyes.
5/10, the rating that is me giving a numerical shrug.
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Oh, I see Nintendo once considered the matter of bird eyes. And making their pupils ginormous. I see. Hm. Well, I guess I do like it better That said, I have no idea what is going on with this creature. Is it meant to evoke a shaved head? Is this creature naked? He looks very naked. Look, just. I respect your saying farewell to me, Twirp. Goodbye.
??????? / 10
The birds have some fun motifs, and we’re seeing a lot of realistic-ish birds, which is fun, but I think we’ll definitely have more enthusiasm-inducing species. Not new time, though. Next time is cows and bulls, and my expectations are low.
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amora-recs · 5 years
god save our queen┊bae joohyun┊final
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des: deep inside the Black Forest lies a secret. I fell for this secret. I died for this secret. (warning: teenage angst and death)
word count: 3k
parts: i. ii.
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   I felt so bare, so vulnerable. It's been so long since I last talked so much. My cheeks were red and itchy from all the crying, I could feel my throat burning, my sore and tired eyes adding a finishing touch. Yet, I felt so relieved. I felt so relieved knowing Irene won't judge me, allowing me to feel like myself and let it all out. I felt so relieved about getting everything off my chest. I talked so much I lost track of time. I couldn't tell whether or not time was moving forward, but I could tell that as soon as I finished my long life story, my eyes were closing. My eyelids felt so heavy, yet I didn't want to sleep. I would be wasting so much time just resting. I would miss her smile. I would miss her laugh. I would miss Irene. I would miss so many things. So many magical things. Why couldn't time stop then? I wanted nothing more than that. "I think that's enough excitement for one night," she whispered, softly lulling me to sleep. "You need to rest."
"But –"
"We'll talk more tomorrow." before I could further protest, her finger shushed me. "I promise."
 I woke up to the sound of soft humming. Although I wanted to open my eyes, I kept them closed, allowing myself to enjoy Irene's soft melody a little longer. Her short concert was accompanied by the high pitched chirping of the birds. Just like last night, I wished time would stop, granting me more of these ethereal moments. Unlike last night, though, I felt cold. A long shiver travelled down my spine making me open my eyes, finding myself greeted by Irene's soft smile. I felt warm all of a sudden. Maybe it was because of the gentle sunlight finally penetrating my covered skin or maybe it was because of Irene, who knows? "Good morning," I muttered, my voice still hoarse. That's when I realised I was still in the gazebo, with my head in her lap. I stood up shortly after as if I was on autopilot, somewhat distancing myself from Irene. The awkwardness the atmosphere was tinted in was more than obvious. "Sorry... Didn't mean for that to happen." her sugary sweet laugh filled my ears in an instant. I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.
"Don't worry about it," she said, playing with the few rebel strands of her messily tied braid. "We can't control the way we sleep, after all."
"Can you even sleep?" I asked without realizing, but before I could apologise, Irene already answered. The question didn't seem to bother her. Quite the opposite actually. "Not really... I don't know how to explain it."
 My subtle attempt at resuscitating the situation fell flat thanks to a stiff hand pat. No other words were exchanged after that. It was a combination of both uncomfortable and relaxing, as absurd as that might sound. I was lost in my thoughts, echoed by last night's conversation, the sudden need to hide into my hoodie reaching its peak in just a matter of seconds. That, and I was also cold. I let my eyes wander, allowing myself to get distracted by my surroundings. It was still relatively early in the morning, the sheer layer of mist slowly dissipating, sprinkling all greenery in the morning dew on its leave. It reminded me of magic dust, enveloping all plants in its airy glow. It resembled Irene too much. A short-lived light, bound to soon disappear. It made me wonder about so many things. It made me want to ask so many questions. I turned my attention to her instead, awestruck by her glow. It was warm, radiating this unique energy that did nothing more than welcome me in. It felt like something I was missing. It wasn't romantic nor was it sensual. It felt so familial, so homely. It felt amazing. "So," her melodious voice accompanied rather than interrupt the moment. "How are you feeling?"
"Better than last night, I guess," I muttered, clearing my throat in the process. I tried as much as possible to avoid eye contact. It was true, I did feel better than last night, but just because I felt better that didn't necessarily mean I wasn't embarrassed. I kept fidgeting for an eternity, wondering about what I should say next. "Thank you." was all I could say.
"What for?"
"For listening." I finally found my words. "For trying to make me feel better and for staying here with me. I really appreciate it." her nice little smile brightened up her face, helping me relax.
"Don't mention it. I'm always happy to help people around here." people around here? I sometimes forget, even if it is for just a few minutes, that Irene isn't... Human. She seems so real and so alive. It's almost funny how out of all people, a ghost was the one who helped me.
"Aren't you cold?" I looked up and saw my father, realizing Irene was long gone.
 I couldn't tell what he was thinking. Was he mad at me for storming out last night? Was he worried about me sleeping here? I chewed on my lower lip nervously, waiting for him to continue. "Come inside, breakfast is ready." all I did was nod. A loud exhale escaped my mouth, feeling my shoulders slack back, as I curled up in a ball. What was I expecting? Of course, he couldn't care less about how I was doing, or if I'm alright. It was all dandy as long as I didn't die.
"And the 'Father of The Year' award goes to..." with my head supported by my knees, I turned my head to the side, feeling even more lethargic as I listened to Irene talk. I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life in this gazebo, away from my problems, away from people. With Irene.
 Unfortunately, I couldn't. I couldn't spend an eternity in here. I couldn't spend an eternity with Irene. I stood up, surprising her in the process. "Wanna come inside?" I suggested as I stretched my arms. As long as my father won't see her, things should be fine. "You're pretty good at hiding, anyway." her laugh reverberated in my ears.
"I can't walk further than this."
"What do you mean?" she stood up, stretching her arm out of the gazebo. My eyes doubled in size as I saw her hand slowly fading, making me pull her back. "Are you going to disappear?!" she nodded, walking out if the gazebo in the direction of the forest.
"I'm bound to this forest." it was the second time I have ever seen Irene this blue. Her glow was fading, a morose aura taking over instead. It made my heart shatter. It was as if I just witnessed someone hitting a puppy. The puppy, of course, was Irene. I sighed as I walked towards her, taking hold of her cold hand.
"Well then, into the forest we go!" I said with a somewhat cheery smile, to which Irene smiled back sadly.
"You should go inside. Who knows what your father might say," she whispered as she turned me around towards my house, placing a small daisy behind my ear. "We can talk later."
"After breakfast?"
"Yes, after breakfast."
"At the glade?"
"Yes, at the glade." she giggled as she pushed me further. "I do have one condition, though." I immediately turned around, more than eager to hear what Irene has to say. "Call me Joohyun."
 As promised, I met up with Joohyun after breakfast, at the glade. We talked and talked and talked for so long my mouth hurt. We talked so much it was the next day by the time I got home. I never realised how soothing talking can be. It is such a trivial, yet needful thing in our lives, it became my favourite thing. Although to be more exact, talking with Joohyun was what I actually liked. That moment became my most cherished moment. Just like chatting, it was simple but meaningful. It was the one bit I held close and dear to my heart as I waited for summer to come back again and let savour such times again... And that's what I did. My seventeenth summer is my favourite. Full of wonder, animals and daisies in my imaginary kingdom, where I reigned queen, free of worries and sadness. It was my biggest secret. It was beautiful, mesmerizing, fun. So much fun. Exploring around with Joohyun was fun. Singing with Joohyun was fun. Making Joohyun blush was also really fun. Though leaving wasn't as fun. But I managed, knowing I would see her again next summer. Knowing I would tell her I love her.
 I was eighteen when I realised I fell for Joohyun. It might seem ridiculous or it might seem stupid of me to feel such a thing, yet I did. I fell for a ghost. Was I finally going crazy for loving a ghost? Most likely, but as I dashed out of my father's car, I could feel my heart beat just a tad faster as soon as I spotted a certain silhouette in the gazebo. I embarrassingly stumbled and ran, ecstatic to finally talk with her again. My face dropped just before I was about to step inside it, Joohyun nowhere to be found. I suspected nothing and against my better judgement, I ran further into the forest, not hearing my father's calls. That would have been my last summer with Joohyun. She needed to hear me. I needed to hear her, see her. I collapsed on my knees the moment I reached the glade. She wasn't here. There were no birds, no animals, no Joohyun. Only the mellow murmur of the tiny waterfall could be heard. Shivers ran through my spine, goosebumps rising on my skin bit by bit. I felt cold in that summer afternoon. I felt scared. It was the same feeling I had when I was sixteen. When I almost died. I looked around me. Was this forest always this big? Was this forest always this creepy?
 There was a soft hum. It complimented the waterfall so well. And as if I was under a spell, I followed it. I ran and ran until I could feel my muscles burning. I ran into a tree and I almost stepped on a bunny, just so I could see her. Just so I could talk to her. I would be there for her, just like she was there for me. I would have run across the whole world for her. I would have done anything for her. Just like she would, right? Because I wasn’t paying attention to where I was looking, I fell, cushioned by a bed of daisies. I exhaled loudly, turning around on my back, suffocated by their sweet aroma. I looked up, unable to see the sky in all its warm glory, covered by long green branches. I wanted to get up – I had to get up, but I couldn’t. My legs were continuously trembling, completely burnt out from all the running. As my chest kept heaving, my eyelids were slowly closing, persuading me to rest. I could still hear Joohyun’s hum as I drowsily closed my eyes.
 It was night time by the time I woke up. I looked up again. The moon was shining as brightly as ever, if not brighter that one chilly night. Goosebumps seemed to become a permanent accessory attached to my skin, as my now tattered couldn’t do anything besides cover my clammy skin. Still in a daze, I stood up, my ears perking the moment I heard her voice again. She sounded even sweeter at night. My ankle kept pulsating as I kept walking in the direction of the sound, ominous shivers returning. It was as if my body tried to warn me. As if my body tried to stop me. Was I wrong for doing this? I knew it wasn’t normal, that’s for sure, but I couldn’t find it in myself to understand why it was wrong. Nonetheless, I kept moving, more curious rather than desperate to find out what was going on. Everything around me seemed alarming, the forest once known as my secret place, a place where I can be happy, terrifying me.
 Fields of nothingness stretched outside the forest, revealing a narrow path illuminated by the wan moonlight, turning the long tracks into an illustrious decor. I found myself walking towards a castle. Statues of kings were lined up at its outskirts, serving as reminders of the past. As I got closer, it became clear to me that the castle had been around for at least a few hundreds of years, yet it didn’t seem like it would collapse any time soon, so I allowed myself to get a better look. Five slim round towers surrounded the castle in almost a perfect circle, connected by giant thick walls of white stone. Elegant windows were scattered here and there around the walls in fairly symmetrical patterns. I stared in perpetuity at its tall ajar doors, as if awaiting a certain cue to enter. I immediately found out the cue I was waiting for was my name, called out cautiously from inside the castle and with heavy steps, I entered.
 Dust coated the floor, walls, windows and old furniture making my nose feel itchy, carefully making my way through untouched rooms one by one, still searching for Joohyun. Just as I reached my third room, the humming stopped. Was I close? I heard a giggle, making me turn my head towards it. Right by the doorframe stood her, still wearing her white flowery dress, still smiling kindly. “Joohyun?” it was my turn to call after her. She didn’t respond. She continued laughing, walking away into the castle’s never-ending corridor. Without her humming, everything was silent. So silent I could hear her steps. They flowed down delicately, making the softest sound as if she was scared someone would notice her. I stumbled after her, trying to keep up as best as I could with a swollen ankle.
“What’s up?” I tried to ask her, reluctant to believe there’s something wrong with her. “Why aren’t you saying something?” I asked a little louder, still waiting for an answer. I kept walking into the darkness, letting myself to be led by her. By the ghost I loved. We reached a dead end and a bright light hit my face. We were outside? I immediately noticed a part of the castle was demolished, leaving behind a gaping hole. We were standing on a cliff. And right by its edge stood Joohyun. My heart was thumping, body filled with worry. What’s going to happen if she falls? We are pretty far from the forest, after all.
“Do you care about me?” asks Joohyun all of a sudden.
“Of course I do!” my body was shaking, the cold breeze feeling electrifying on my skin. “I don’t understand what’s going on…”
“Do you like me?” she continued asking in a sweeter tone.
 With burning cheeks, I walked closer towards her, still trying to process her question. What does like mean? As in friends? As in family? As in lovers? There was a certain thrill running through my veins. Maybe it was because I was staying at the edge, maybe it was of her question. “I do like her, but I can’t see –”
“Then aren’t you going to jump?” I looked at her in disbelief. Her once warm brown eyes seemed hollow. The light in them died out. She wasn’t asking me to jump, she was ordering me to jump. “If you’re worried about something happening to you, I’m right here, aren’t I?” she took a step closer, whispering. “I won’t let anything happen to you.” I knew she wouldn’t. She could have let me die two summers ago, but she didn’t. She showed me nothing but kindness. She was there for me when I needed someone. She made me laugh, she made me smile. She gave this little whimsical kingdom in which I am queen. She made so happy. “I promise it would be fun.”
 I gasped. An attempt to calm my beating heart. It was so loud I couldn’t hear my own thoughts. I took a few steps away from Joohyun, looking deeply into her eyes once again. “I promise it would be fun.” I knew there was nothing to be afraid of. I looked up one more time, looking at the stars. They were shining so brightly as if they were also encouraging me. And so, I jumped. I jumped over the cliff, not looking back, yelling my lungs out in a rush of adrenaline. Millions of thoughts raced through my mind at the speed of light, the wind hitting my face so violently I could barely hear myself scream. She would be at the end, right? She would catch me, right? She won’t me let me die right?
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 I could hear someone call my name. It was a girl. I slowly opened my eyes, slightly blinded by the warm sunlight hitting my face. I was in a forest. I was in a glade. Everything around me was green, the fresh smell of daisies tickling my nose. By my side stood a girl. She looked around my age. An adorably gentle smile graced her pink lips, her dark brown eyes, shining as bright as the sun. The girl giggled, tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear as she re-adjusted the flower crown I was wearing. God, I was madly blushing. “Who are you?”
“Don’t you remember, dear? It’s me, Irene!” a pretty name for a pretty girl.
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gurguliare · 5 years
VERY SCATTERED finale reaxx:
What an incredibly weird set of decisions were made here. 
Like, I... in the week leading up to this episode I did a LOT of mental bargaining in re: what I wanted to make it into the episode against all odds, and all of those wishes were granted. But at no point did it occur to me to ask for, say, the words “100% Ecstasy” to be included in the episode! I thought---somehow I thought that would take care of itself?
THIS ISN’T A NEG per se, I mean, I get the reasoning about including all the different Mob flavors but not pausing to label them... but my heart says it was the wrong decision. Does it look bizarre and silly to have Mob jump from 100% to 100%? Yes! But it’s supposed to, it’s about sucking all the hype out of his explosions and leaning into the creepiness of a meltdown abstracted to this absurd, roulette-wheel output. Representing Mob’s cycling emotional extremes as, er, natural, unmarked, contextually-justified shifts of mood defeats the point. So I don’t think that worked and I’m sad because it’s as much payoff as Claw arc really has from a perspective of “Mob’s revealed character.” 
Also I just don’t understand anything about the art direction for this fight... Parts were effective, like I did actually love ecstatic Mob dodging missiles + shame-filled Mob clawing the platform, and Mob folding Touichirou into the wreckage-ball while crying! w Touichirou POV on city blocks closing in. Other parts were either nondescript or terrible. In general I thought all the OTT shonen visual language was a mistake, especially when Mob starts breaking Touichirou’s fingers, for example---that’s a moment to treat with the same kind of gruesome matter-of-factness as Bones is REALLY GOOD AT applying when children get hurt onscreen in this series, because it should feel like an upsetting act of actual violence and not just a cartoon attack. 
related: the weird...... cat noise touichirou makes after mob turns him into silly string
stone. stone muscle golem touichirou?
Return of courage mob... I can’t say I thought the “most important people” rerun was really necessary (ALTHOUGH IT IS FUNNY THAT THEY HAD TO ADD A DIMPLE GLAMOR SHOT) but I also can’t say token friendship powerup didn’t get me a little, in part because “no, this is nothing! nothing compared to the fear of losing all I have” is so freaking depressing. Also it helps that he then has to briskly hurl himself into space to deliver the evacuation warning.
+ One of the parts I was desperately worried would be cut was Mob’s fucking “it’s going to explode...? it’s going to explode!!” sequence and they executed that to perfection. I seriously am sitting gently cradled in the monkey’s paw right now.
“You’re bleeding like crazy!” [Reigen gnashes his teeth like an angry maternal shark]
Ritsu and Shou give each other gay permission to run away????? Might have been slightly more effective paired with Shou mistaking Mob for Ritsu earlier but I can’t pretend I don’t love it, you fucking weirdos?
I can’t believe Serizawa canonically titled this episode, smudging away both laughter and tears as the “Boss Fight” pun occurred to him (he is the only person who thinks it’s a pun)
Mob’s still that kid who cannot shut up about his crush huh. Even when his body/soul boundaries are dissolving,
They translated “I still consider myself your rival, don’t get too far ahead of me” in the gayest way possible. and kept Mob’s glossy, halfwitted reaction face. And Teru floating Mob home like a leggy balloon. And “the disgust is written all over your face...” And Ritsu being kidnapped by the Body Improvement Club. In fact the entire five minute sequence from them digging out Mob to Teru remembering his trashed apartment was perfect television. 7th divis followup and Serizawa’s hiring nothing to sneeze at either!! I seriously have no idea what to feel about this episode. I guess I’m happy?? Is this what happiness feels like? When is S3 coming out?
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok just one more thing
dimple/serizawa’s hair
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hazyheel · 5 years
Monday Night Raw Review 4/22/18
Night started out with a promo from Seth Rollins and Triple H, who hugged for some reason, despite beating the shit out of each other at Wrestlemania two years ago. Rollins is apparently from Iowa, so he got a huge applause. They talked about how Rollins beat Lesnar at mania. It sounded like they said that Rollins stomped his fucking head in, with the swear and all. They then talked about who Seth’s opponent will be at Money in the Bank. The best of the best would be competing for #1 contendership throughout the night. Samoa Joe, Rey Mysterio, Drew McIntyre, Miz, Baron Corbin and AJ Styles came out to confirm that they will be in the triple threats, with the winners of the two matches going on to a final in the main event.
Grade: B. I was actually into this. The whole “Seth vs. The World” was a cool story to tell. Everyone cut a little promo, and while it was painfully obvious that the Raw writers aren’t as good as Smackdown’s, they were still fun. It made me actually feel excited for the episode.
The first of those triple threats was right away. Rey Mysterio vs. Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles. Styles and Mysterio had a good back and forth, with both selling their asses off for the other. At one point, Joe hit an awesome samoan drop off the top rope.The finish was really exciting, with Mysterio hitting Joe with a 619, only to get caught out of the splash with a powerbomb from Styles, then another powerbomb onto Joe, followed by a Style’s clash onto Joe. Styles then hit a Styles Clash to Mysterio onto Joe. AJ then pinned Joe for the win.
Grade: B-. A bit of a spotfest, but it was still fun. The selling in this match was actually crazy, they all made each other look awesome. Fun match, with a surprising outcome. I definitely didn’t think Joe would get pinned, but he has been. So we may see another AJ vs. Joe feud in the coming weeks.
Next match was Billie Cay vs. Naomi. The IIconics cut some annoying promo about Starbucks or something, it doesn’t matter. The match was quick, but I liked it. Naomi kicked Peyton Royce off of the apron while hanging Cay up on the top rope, before pinning Cay with a powerbomb cover.
Grade: C+. I liked this for what it was. But it was too quick to give it anything above this. Still, I wonder what this will lead to.
They showed a promo for Bray Wyatt’s new character. They then went right into the next triple threat, Miz vs. McIntyre vs. Corbin. Heels ganged up on the faces quickly, with Miz attempting to use his intelligence to outsmart them. The heel alliance did not last long. Oddly enough, Miz is still using Daniel Bryan’s moves, which is odd to see with Miz as a face. Match came to an end when McIntyre nailed Miz with a claymore, but Corbin then threw McIntyre out of the ring and got the pin.
Grade: D+. Yeah, boring fight. Finish was creative, but Corbin didn’t need this win. Styles vs. McIntyre would’ve been awesome. this was really just a babyface in peril type match.
Sami Zayn was out next, going to war with the crowd about how he didn’t change, they did. He said that his time away was the best time of his life. He was thrilled, but when he started coming back, he felt anxious and sad. Because of all the fans. He says they are responsible for his shortcomings. He told the locker room to take a vacation, to get away from the fans. He then told everyone to go to hell and walked off.
Grade: B. Simple heel work, same stuff as last week.
Cedric Alexander came out for his debut, squaring off against Cesaro. The two had pretty good chemistry, with Alexander selling like crazy. Cesaro was channeling his old singles prowess. Alexander attempted to go for power moves to match Cesaro, but he was just not as strong as the heavyweight. Alexander hit a cool little combination of dropkicks, and then a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. However, as Cedric went for a springboard move, Cesaro intercepted with a European Uppercut for the win.
Grade: B+. Good match, but it was a little short. Still, very good for a TV match. Finish was surprising, but it made sense. I’d love to see these two go at it again, and since Sheamus is injured, no reason not to push Cesaro. A singles feud with these guys would be awesome.
Backstage, the Usos talked about the tag team competition on Raw, showing good charisma with a bad script. The Revival squared up with them, and that is a match that I need in my life. The Viking Raiders then came out, no longer the Viking Experience. They took on the Lucha House Party, but just beat them down before the match. I Guess their finsiher, the pop up powerslam, is the Viking Experience now. Then, backstage, Ryder and Hawkins were interviewed about their feelings on the tag division, and they just said that they will fight Erik and Ivar when they earn it.
Grade: C. A strong C, but not quite a C+. These segments were basically all to show how strong Raw’s tag divison is, and I am excited to see how things shake out in the coming months. But at the same time, this was all tease, so I can’t rate this any higher.
Becky Lynch finally had her first match as a double champion, against Alicia Fox. Before the match, Lynch cut a promo in front of a super hot crowd. Lynchwas pretty heavily scripted, but she snuck in a couple of her own bits. Becky’s promos have kinda sucked since they tried to script her as a tweener, rather than as a cool heel. Lacy Evans then came down to the ring, cutting a very condescending promo about how the Lady will teach the Man a lesson. Lynch told Evans not to mistake her happiness for contentment, and Alicia Fox came down to the ring. She looked like she was randomly spazzing as she walked down, and I love it for no reason. The match was simple: Lynch destroyed Fox, and Fox was just doing her best. Lynch was able to lock in the disarmer to end an odd match. As soon as it was done, Evans got in the ring and nailed Lynch with two woman’s rights.
Grade: C-. All the stuff between Evans and Lynch was fine, but the match was pretty bad. They were just very awkward together, and there were a lot of botches in the match. Luckily the promos were good, and I am actually looking forward to the match between Lynch and Evans. Should be pretty good, and the story is developing in an interesting way.
Baron Corbin talked about himself backstage, saying that he will run straight through Styles, and then through Rollins to become the universal championship. I actually was unsure of who I wanted to win, but if Styles and Rollins had a series of matches, that would be phenomenal (no pun intended).
Next was Ricochet vs. Robert Roode, who changed his name because... I don’t know. He has a moustache now, so that is cool. But I’m fine with it, because he is finally heel on the main roster. Corey Graves loudly exclaimed that there will be a spike in pregnancies in the midwest, and it was hilarious. He also continuously yelled at Michael Cole and Renee Young for messing up Robert’s new name. In the actual match, Roode was being very tricky throughout the match, countering Ricochet’s high risk offense with simple leg sweeps and such. Ricochet did hit an awesome moonsault off the ring post, as well as a GTS type move for near falls. In the finish, Ricochet missed the 630 senton, and Roode threw him face first into the turnbuckle and hit the Glorious DDT for the win.
Grade: B+. I actually really liked this match, but it wouldn’t have been a B+ without the awesome commentary for this match. It was just so absurd and funny. They had some good chemistry, despite working a slower pace.
Then, there was some fucking thing called the firefly fun house, with Bray Wyatt. I think it was supposed to be creepy, maybe. I don’t fucking know. Maybe this is a face turn, I am like 85% sure it was. This was terrible. Why the fuck did they do this? His gimmick wasn’t the fucking problem, it was his booking. This gets an F. I don’t normally grade shit like this, but it deserves all the hate that it will get. If they make it work, great. But right now, Wyatt needs to leave the company. He is misused, and I hate this. But lets see where it goes.
And finally, the main event. AJ Styles vs. Baron Corbin for #1 contendership to the Universal Championship. Styles was selling for Corbin right out of the gate. Corbin was hitting several high impact moves, with Styles fighting from behind for most of the match. Styles did lock in the calf crusher for a bit, but Corbin fought out. However, Corbin went for a move off the top rope, but Styles dodged it and Corbin crashed onto the top rope. Styles then hit the phenomenal forearm for the win. After the match, Rollins came out, and they shook hands.
Grade: C+. I am actually super into Corbin’s heel work right now, a sort of meta heel, where he is getting both real heat and bad heat. AJ actually pulled a half decent match out of Corbin. Plus, this is a dream match that I have wanted for years now. Seems like a win win. I want to see what they do with Corbin in the next few weeks, because he is actually pretty fine and he is a good heel.
Overall Grade: C+
Pros: 1st triple threat; zayn promo; alexander vs. cesaro; ricochet vs. roode
Cons: 2nd triple threat; stupid ass Wyatt shit
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whetstonefires · 6 years
d gray man liveblog part 4! (part 1)(part 2)(part 3)
No but seriously, Cyril Camelot is the English Foreign Minister and just staged an assassination attempt on himself for an excuse to declare war on the people he just spent a while negotiating an agreement with.
Why? In what way does this benefit the Noahs?
(...why is the name of the country censored, I feel like hoshino-san just didn’t want to try to come up with a plausible European country for England to go to war with in 18-mumblety.)
I mean Bookman says tragedy breeds akuma in his analysis, but they took Japan while it was so emphatically not at war that it had zero foreign relations at all; war is clearly not necessary for the Earl’s bargains to go through apace.
Cyril kind of looks like he just does this shit for fun.
...”the evil man who made the world his enemy” is a fascinating choice of words, Tykki Mik, I really wonder very hard about you.
And you’re right, when he’s not wearing his balloon costume, and talking normally, and buying flowers from little girls, he looks normal! Weird how that works.
Question: is that umbrella he declined so he could walk in the rain Lero? Does Lero have to share the Earl with other umbrellas outside of official monster business, or disguise himself as a normal bumpershoot when out in public? Is that servant another disguised akuma, or a normal person who has no idea?
...it’s probably an akuma.
why so many chain. it’s not like he lost track of who his enemies were in that last fight, even when he was made of blood. rude to chain.
aw he cry. he cry! ;_; he cry for his friends!
this is the kind of sad boy i like. he can be annoying but not in, you know, a murdery way.
holy shit creepy ghost girl?! i...logically must have read this part before but i don’t remember it, damn i was bingeing like a mad thing.
where...where did the poison come from. why is Krory’s arm sticking out like that. what is going on.
Why Are The Order So Bad.
aaaaand cut to the kind of random hijinks that seem intended to lift the mood but tbh they’re kind of too grim in their own right.
lmao alternately this is an excuse to draw kanda and lavi as chibis and Allen with long hair.
If it’s not because of structural damage, why are they moving to a new base? No one’s said anything about the new headquarters being any more secure against frickin’ teleportation. Maybe the Pope just wants the Order distracted with moving chores?
(I like referring to the higher-ups at the Vatican as the Pope; I realize we have no actual evidence the actual Pope even knows any of this is happening, but if hoshino is gonna be having people shout that other people are ‘property of the Pope’ i’m gonna use the word Pope as often as I can get away with because
1) it makes the whole thing more ridiculous b) it emphasizes the European Gothic Via Japan vibe going on here which is at least 20% of the entertainment value and thirdly, ‘Pope’ is fun to say.)
Oh, right, Allen’s ongoing identity crisis! (it only gets worse from here, kid)
The bosses were logically correct to make Cross Marian do his ‘report to Vatican and be responsible’ part before giving him the pay-off of ‘allowed to talk to Allen’ because otherwise he’d just fuck off but damn it’s hard on the kid, being left hanging.
I absolutely do not believe for one second this business with Mana’s past and secret motives was planned before the series started, but that’s honestly for the best; it’s more wrenching when we didn’t have any more reason than Allen to suspect something was off.
...i like when nice clowns adopt people tho... :o(
not telling the brass or their stooge about your creepy extra reflection was a Good Call.
yes link really truly allen is a good kid who is not plotting evil shit. sheesh.
more Potion Accident gags, i’m sorry, i can’t keep up with your taste in mood whiplash and i never liked most slapstick anyway. the bunny ears are. strange.
...never mind who made the ‘talk like a cat’ potion, who packed that box Miranda spilled; that is such an absurd chaotic collection of items organize your shit people. eesh.
Lmao everyone’s #1 creepy ghost theory is, Komui Playing A Dumb Prank.
...okay, Allen’s reaction as the Matron gnaws on his arm, and the fact that everyone’s first assumption is that Allen has annoyed this very sensible woman to the point that she is communicating via teeth, manages to be funny but noooooo, why would you, not Awesome Shoes Lady after she made it through the Level 4 Akuma attack unscathed, come onnnnnn.
okay, uhhh...contagious vampirism zombie thing...lmao everyone gets worried about matron when she bites Miranda, everyone is super embarrassed when Miranda bites Noise, this is just some impressive Not Realizing Shit’s Fucked guys.
okay, zombie horde of various survivors of all the recent massacres.
uh, if this weren’t being dropped at a time of total emotional exhaustion, it would work better. it’s already working better the second time around for the fact that i took a break after the last arc.
considering it comes out monthly and we had a Noah interlude, it probably worked in the original context just fine, but daaaaaamn did this storyline piss me off the first time, all i even remember about it is the rage.
:D Lenalee rescued Tiny Kanda. Who for some reason can interpret her ‘nyah’ sounds.
...how is a stimulant drug contagious via biting.
i remember the first time i read this i naturally assumed the biting disease was derived from Krory. that still would have made more sense.
robot eats notebook, lol...bickering...”my pride won’t allow me to become a zombie” yes allen excellent logic you weirdo.
okay i’m done checking back in when slightly less stupid shit starts happening....
okay never mind the robot’s fireworks blew Allen through a wall, where Krory was suffering in chains, and then the blanket spontaneously combusted, and then there was somebody with an axe...
...and then Allen wakes up and is informed he was knocked out and concludes Krory’s situation was a dream oh come on.
krory is at the door! but being creepy! the robot refuses to open the door out of self-preservation! allen seduces the robot into risking its life!
‘this is nostalgic’ with the hero face on i can’t.
okay, so it was Krory, who apparently swallowed the entire bottle of poison, lid included? for some reason?
oh great there’s a parasitic zombie ghost thing riding Reever and sticking its face out his stomach. horror! nope, now played for laughs.
aaaand suddenly veering back into pathos. bonus info about evil human experiments!
...aaaaaand touching bonding moment for the Lees. Aww.
Not only is Komui protective and self-sacrificing, when he isn’t being psychopathic, he has absolved Lenalee of his having sacrificed his entire life to watch over her after she was kidnapped into this.
then a stupid gag! and the ghost does a creepy jealous possession thing! and meanwhile everything is on fire.
et cetera, mood whiplash back and forth at least once every other page...komui starts reciting from memory the names of every single person killed in the Order’s human experiments...
...i don’t think the names are intended as an additional gag, but most of them are fairly odd and many downright improbable, though none truly syllable-mashing outrageous. I’m rather fond of Asia Smet and Oona Boelyn.
a page and a half of heart-rending pathos, and then the robot falls off the ceiling with a huge syringe of ‘vaccine’ it synthesized from Krory’s blood because he was the first infected by the...stimulant...egad, that’s not how any of that works.
and then, and then...anyway then everyone was zombies and the boss from China came in off-panel and fixed everything, as you do.
i truly hate you hoshino katsura, all the more for the fact that i genuinely loved about 15% of that parade of neck-wrenching bullshit.
anyway! that’s all over and done with, we are now on a boat being cute, because allen is using the stolen teleportation Ark that only he can drive to open a door between the old Castle headquarters and this...uh...cave? that they’re moving into.
...oh hey Shadow Of Allen (XIV) is now sporting wings remarkably like the ones Krory had during his drugged vampire zombie freak-out. i bet that means nothing whatsoever.
man whenever Leverrierererererer turns up i hallucinate ominous music. smug assholish ominous music. slimier sounding than the Imperial March, you know?
that’s not just my biases, hoshino-san lights the panels very effectively to create that effect. egad, he’s going to be in command??? is that why the move, because it was easier to undermine komui’s authority if he was removed from his entrenched power base?
...we just covered last chapter that that castle was a leverrier family fortress originally tho. huh.
excessively creepy secret Pope police involved in isolating and depowering Allen.
also lol that is very Japanese-style religious magic going on, that is not what a Catholic ritual binding would look like at all. not that they have as much settled precedent, their demon-fighting standards run much more toward ‘make it go away.’
aw shit komui’s right there and he can’t do shit, best he can get is a promise that ‘if Allen is a good child’ he won’t die.
flashback! aw man allen the first lesson mana ever taught you was to make peace with the dead and let them lie. should’ve listened.
...man allen was a grouchy brat. i wonder what color his hair was, before it went white. haha apparently he acquired his adoptive dad by running away from the circus with him.
pfffffft little allen hated clowns, that achieves the level of actual irony...welp, suicide joke.
aw shit mana was too burned out on grief to cry for his dog but allen could, for the doggie that licked his hand once. imma cry now.
whoa actual conversation with Cross Marian! under the supervision of papal ninjas (known as Crow) within a magic cage of paper. and wow! an actual answer to a question! unprecedented!
...it isn’t labeled which of these kids was Mana and which was (the most recent incarnation of??) the Fourteenth but imma hazard a guess that the one with hair that matches little Allen’s is not Mana.
oh also Adam Puddinghead killed the 14th, i don’t think we officially knew that until now? or maybe it came up when he blew up Edo i don’t recall.
oh my god i was definitely bingeing too hard last time; by the time Cross Marian started referring to the 14th in the second person to Allen my capacity to be astonished or distressed was burned right the fuck out. i was just like ‘yeah yeah figured get on with it.’
it’s actually a pretty dramatic scene, but it’s weird to be getting this shit in straightforward exposition after all this absence of any information at all.
wait “the human implanted with” ... “the host for his revival” ... i can’t tell if Cross Marian is referring to whatever the normal noah transfer process is or some way 14 found of circumventing that.
ohhhhhh man this title page has tiny clown Allen and it is the cutest shit ever.
did i ever tell you guys one time when my mom was two and a half, she had her stage debut as the cutest little pigtailed clown? and she ran onstage toward her daddy just like they’d practiced and the whole audience burst into delighted laughter.
and Tiny!Mom turned to look at them in appalled horror, and u-turned right back around and ran offstage again.
no one had successfully communicated to her she was going to be laughed at by a bunch of strangers. possibly they didn’t expect a toddler to mind.
oh sure Cross Marian, tell the kid the horrifying truth about himself and his dad in the most overdramatic way possible, in front of witnesses, and then when he dissociates in horror just beat the shit out of him until he resets.
the amount of playing abuse for laughs in this series is one of the many emotional strains that led me to drop it the first time.
it’s honestly a contest sometimes who i currently hate most, Marian, you or Labradorito or the Earl. Ech.
‘no idea’ tch. but if you’re saying he implanted his memories into Allen before he died, then...the Earl caught up with the 14th really recently, then?! How long were he and Mana on the run? I totally forgot these details, wow. i suspect some of them will turn out to be false.
...why the fuck are you saying it like this? bastard.
wow CM you almost look spooked by the fact that allen cares more about the possibility that his dad never actually loved him than the prospect of having his mind eaten.
maybe he’d care more about the mind-eating if the 14th was the Earl’s ally instead of planning to use allen as a weapon to kill him? allen is already using himself as a weapon to kill the Earl.
oop, way to get him back on target! “what if i told you you’ll kill the people you care about?”
aaaand cut.
that was like ten chapters’ worth of blather, i need to get more efficient.
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torterragarden · 3 years
For LOTR; 🎥, 💕 and 💔? (also thanks 4 sending some i will get 2 them im just lazee and sick rn 😘)
WOO thanks bestie ily 🥰🥰🥰
I'm putting this under a read more because I don't know how to be normal and so this got long and rambly. I'm so sorry
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
All right if we're talking books uuh... oh jeez it's really hard. Idk if this counts as a scene because it's more like a single paragraph that makes me unwell but I really like that moment before Shelob's lair where Gollum is watching Frodo and Sam sleep and he almost repents but then he. Doesn't. Idk it just always struck me as such a sad moment and it really lingered with me, particularly that one line about how if Frodo or Sam could have seen him just then he would've looked like just a very old and weary hobbit 🥺🥺 anyway I blame that line for making me insane
OH also I really like the riddle scene in The Hobbit (I assume I'm allowed to talk about that and not just lotr) I think it's so neat. I love how actually genuinely scary it is, at least as far as a children's book can be scary, but it's also just so very absurd that this is even happening, that Gollum would be like "idk what you are or if I want to eat you yet, want to play riddles while I decide?" and Bilbo is just like. yeah okay. I also like how we're not actually told much about Gollum but we are told just enough to know that he wasn't always Like This and there is something tragic and lonely about him. The whole chapter is simultaneously creepy and funny and sad, it's great
If we're talking movies it's gotta be the powerpoint transition into Rivendell
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
*my longest sigh ever*
all right so. okay. Gollum has been my favorite character since I was a kid, and originally that was because I thought he was cute lmao. I was also one of those kids who got really tearful and defensive over "ugly" or "creepy" animals so that explains a lot I guess. I don't know why I'm saying "was" as if I'm not still that person. Anyway, Gollum remained my favorite as I got older and more analytical but the reason for that became that I genuinely found him really compelling (but yes I also still think he's adorable and I would like to keep him as a pet). What I said before about the riddle scene evoking so many different feelings, it really is like. the blueprint for what I find so engaging and fascinating about Gollum. I love how contradictory he is. I love that he's simultaneously repulsive and pitiful, that he's as much a victim as he is a villain (and he's even kind of a hero on top of that, though in very unexpected and roundabout ways). I love the role he plays in the story and the importance of pity and mercy as it pertains to him, as he demands a very complicated kind of sympathy, and so much of the fate of the world hinges on characters taking mercy on this thing who may not even deserve it but who's so pathetic you know it wouldn't feel good to kill him either, plus the fact that even though he's not redeemed in the end it wasn't because he couldn't be, there was hope for him even if it was very small but... he made his choice and that's that. God there's just so much to unpack I could write a whole dissertation just on him I swear lmao. And you know how like, there are certain things you liked as a kid or throughout your life that you can point to and know that it was absolutely Taste Defining for you? Gollum is definitely one of those things for me, in some very obvious ways but also in some ways that are not obvious and probably only make sense to me but that's okay I connected the dots
I'm so fucking sorry this is so long hgghdfkj I guess I just spend so much time making dumb jokes about Gollum but I rarely have an excuse to get deep into why he's my favorite in the first place and I really will talk about him for hours if people let me which is probably why people usually don't let me
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
yeah uh. I guess my least favorite is Thorin hhfdskj honestly there aren't that many characters that I outright dislike but Thorin is one of them and I know you know that because it's why we're mutuals lmao. But anyway god Thorin sucks. The thing is tho... like, I never really liked him in the book, but I also wasn't supposed to? He's a very clear-cut "don't be greedy" message intended for children to understand. Like, he's a dick for a while and then he's dies. I didn't like him but I also didn't particularly care, you know? He served his purpose well. And then for some reason the movies decided that they were going to make him a sexy heartthrob while also making him even less likable than he was in the book which... well that was certainly a Choice lmao. I hate that I am now subjected to "sexy" Thorin content and how it become so much harder to find any good content for Bilbo because all of it revolves around shipping him with Thorin, who Bilbo didn't even care for in the book because Thorin was constantly a dick to him and also tried to kill him. I'm tired lol
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BTS is always chaotic, and some (most?) of their funny moments scream, “WTF?”.    Here are just 13 of them!   1. I know the answer! No, I don’t. Yes, I do! No, I don’t…  During “Carpool Karaoke” with James Corden, Jungkook kept himself from raising his hand. Why? Only he knows.   2. What’s a little nibble between friends?  We might never know why V suddenly decided to bite Jungkook, but we do know that this moment will live on the internet forever.   3. That time J-Hope poked V’s butt with a pen  A lot of absurdity happens on Run BTS!, but this might be one of the biggest WTF moments.   4. When Jin wiggled his way through a racing game  Jin is the kind of person who marches to the beat of his own drum, or in this case, wiggles to the zoom of his tiny motorcycle.   5. When Suga interrupted J-Hope’s rapping with nonstop smiling  This was 80% cute, 20% creepy, and 100% the best of Suga.   6. When J-Hope invented this unnecessary choreography for “Epiphany”  This sad solo song brings listeners to tears, but not J-Hope. Nope. He’s all about bringing sexy back. The question is: did Jin know about it?   7. That time Steve Aoki got caught in the middle of whatever this is  To the left, we have Suga listening to Uncle Steve like a straight A student. To the right, we have Jimin being himself.   8. When Suga suddenly gave up on everyone and everything  Why use your legs when the ground exists?   9. V’s robotic “I Like It” dance  V added some interesting dance moves to BTS’s FESTA performance.   10. When RM couldn’t figure out how to be part of this “heart”  On Weverse, a fan pointed out RM’s hilarious struggle to do normal things. In response, RM said, “Even with practice, there are some things that still don’t work.” Making giant hearts might be one of them!   11. When Jin forgot where his pockets are  He nearly zipped RJ into his fly, but that can happen to anyone…right?   12. This photo  One of these facial expressions doesn’t belong…    …Can you guess which one?   13. The slap-happy maknae  He protecc, he attacc, but most importantly he slap, slap, slap!   10 Moments ITZY's Yeji Stole Fans' Hearts With Her Unbelievable Duality by Korea Stars TV
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weasterned · 7 years
1. Jo Oppanim ! He’s calm, but also funny ! And friendly, probably best friend material for everyone ! But sometimes I also get scared of him as well;;;; 2. Uh I don’t know this either— maybe because EXO has ended its promotion that’s why he didn’t update ? Or maybe I didn’t see him updating— 3. Jo Oppanim ! Christmas is near, 2018 is also neaar ! I hope you will be having a good year on 2018, and also for EXO itself ! Have a blessed year !
1. menel, menel, menel, kocak, bulliable 2. kamu straight apa yaoi? 3. jangan membuat hati para cewe dan cowo jadi galau
1. Bdh, Bdbh, Funny af. 2. Kak Jongin, apakah aku harus memberi tahu apa yang kurang dan lebih darimu? Kurang darimu adalah tukang neglect mention, sama seperti diriku. Lebihnya adalah moodbooster. Udh ya? Gausah minta lebih, gebet aja dulu Jung Soojung, baru minta lebih lebih. Emaap, aku begitu suka KaiStal jadi lupa bengad kalo kalian sudah jadi mangtan. 3. Since 2018 coming soon, I wish you to have a bless and great year ahead. Eventhough I’m bosen to see you, its not mean I hate you. Of course I love you, hyung. Semoga makin item.
1) Pervert 4x and weird 2) We’ve talked to each other before a lot and I think we should keep this up 😉 3) Happy holidays and happy new year to you, Jo. Please don’t explode yourself with a mercon and stay safe. Have a splendid 2018! 4) Plus : A lumayan game partner. Minus : Guess how many times I’ve typed ‘we rarely talk’ in this form. I’m getting tired 😥 so pls talk with me I’m desperate for having a friend…
#1 - Pervert - Like to tease others - Funny - Loves kinky topic - Cool #2 Talk more to other people you kinky head. Don’t ignore other’s mention. All you doing is only porn related. #3 Hi. It’s really nice to know you, but I was so surprised to know you’re such a pervert person. Anyway, I hope we can talk more. That’s all. Bye.
-1. Kind, warm, sometimes weird, boycrush, cool. 2. Talk with me more often! 3. Hello! I really want to get closer to you but yeah me is such a potato so please greet me HAHAHA. You’re so attractive, by the way. Enjoy your xmas and new year.
1. pervert, bobrokie, bodohie, but also nice and cool 2. tolonk y obba retweetannya dikondisikan, jangan membuat q triggeredddtttdttt :-) 3. Dear jongin obba, youre nice and friendly, i love it how you always jbjb me even tho its ngeselin kadang-kadang, but i always appreciate those who wants to get closer to me by talking to me even if its totally nonsense and random. i adore obba actually, you want to be cold and savage but ended up being dumb instead, its amusing to see :(
1. Modus people! Flirty namja! But he is kind and funny. And absurd sometimes. 2. Stop being soooo modus to people! 3. Keep doing your best oppa! I wish for your happiness and don’t forget to give me food. Actually I don’t know what I should write here.
1. Weird, weird, weird, friendly, good 2. Nope, he is weird apa adanya. 3. Hei weirdo! You’re kinda weird but good. A good-weird person. I dont know what to say but stay weird lah. If you’re not weird, it’s not you then. 😬
malika, pervert, cold outside fragile inside, pervert, pervert, the man who can’t be moved. hope u find another one lol but i think u have it already? lmao
Aish this people.. kurang2in gilanya ya jo wksk
1. awkward, kind, have a good vibe as jongin as well 2. - 3. i know you are a good person, but i guess  we haven’t talk muck each other, let’s make another convo and get along well as always in the future!
1. cool, handsome, kinda cold but very bobrok 2. don’t like or retweet porn at the day, you can do it at night or midnight, too much underage around us. and it would be great if you can share them with me /NO 3. hello jo sunbaenim!! it’s kinda weird to call you sunbae but you are really my sunbaenim so it’s okay lmao. actually you’re the first jongin’s rper that i have so it’s nice to meet you. and i really think you’re such a cold rper, but my though is broken itself as i saw you more. i want to be close with you. Please always be who you are right now. I hope you will have a nice day and keep healthy till 2017 comes to an end!A pervert, a pervert, and a pervert. But you are one of my best buddy here. Thanks for making me laugh with all your stupid jokes. Maybe those arent jokes, you are just stupid. PLEASE LESSEN YOUR THIRST, there are still some innocent souls :-)
1. dangerous, creepy, kind and cool 2. hyung please stay away from Jo hyung and the innocent hoobae of mine, a.k.a songso lol eh wait- jo hyung is gone tho. i bet he do damn plastic surgery and become oldie named christian? i’m sad. please take a good care of me then hyung! 3. just call that number 2 as a short message for him lololol happy christmas!
1. Crazy, smut instead of smooth, funny, kind, scary. 2. Stop being so extra would you? Hahaha. 3. Hello, Jo! Please enjoy the rest of 2017 happily.
1. friendly, crazy, playboy, love everyone 2. hope we love each other more 3. Marry christmas and happy new year, and lets get more closer next year so we can have fun year together.
1. Cool, weird, playful, fun, a bit zonk 2. Zonk-ien. Hahaha i hope youre less zonk because somehow i think youre a bit zonk lmao 3. Dear zonkien, lets talk more in the future so maybe i could figured out more zonkness from you or other things from you hahaha
He is nice, fun, easygoing and TALK A LOT I swear I saw him everywhere. Jk. But that’s good tho, I wish I could mingle well with others like he does. Keep that up, bro! To Kai, Happy early new year, Zongkai! Kurang-kurangin like tweets yang ahem ahemnya ya.
1. Fun? Idk. 2. I have some convos with him already hadeh hyong please sometimes likes rated vid and it appear on my timeline pls lees it :“) 3. hello, Jo hyong since 2017 almost over which mean new year will bring a new hope also. Please stay healthy because the weather is not so good lately, keep warm. Xx Loves♡
1. Jo 2. Let’s talk more with me ㅎㅎㅎ 3. Happy New Year , Jo!
1. flirty, cool, fun!, I kind of scared with him sometimes, chatty 2. Nothing but I kind of scared with him at times. :( 3. I’d hope for your happiness in the end of this year, may the force will ever be yours later in 2018 and may 2018 bring you good stuffs!1. Mr. Pabo Jo who stole my nickname as bear here, ugh! Jo is so kind, nice, SOOOOOO APPROACHABLE (i was shocked cz usually Kai’s rp is hard to approach but you is the other way around lol which is good!), He is not awkward at all and has a really good and warm personality. 2. PLEASE REDUCE YOUR TYPO AND BOBROKNESS. AND PLEASE DRINK AQUA A LIL BIT MORE EACH DAYS YA. 3. 2017 is coming to an end, i just wish EXO especially you will always be happy and more successfull. Maybe there is a surprise in 2017 that you finally have a opportunity as a good kdrama cast hahah
1. -pervert - pervert - byuntae - byuntae - kind 2. insyaflah wahai manusia, jika dirimu bernoda~ hehehhe kidding! i’m happy to have you here in WST as my korban bully. let me bully you more in the future dude. mwah ♡
1. [💌]  just wanna say, thank you for staying in WST. i’m happy that i have such a kind and caring members here. it might be pretty hard when you feel left out in agency, but i didn’t feel like this here. thank you ♡ thank you for being kind to me, let’s make another memorable memories in the future!
1) kind, friendly, funny, likes to flirt and joking around 2) more update about his chara? 3) let’s talk more in the future and get along well! + i hope 2018 will be much much better year for you! ✨
Funny,  ffriendly, look always on group dm, cool, look zonk too. Idk… Let’s talk more int the future bruhJo oppa ini beda banget dr perkiraan. Liat accnya sih kyknya kalem tp tryt enggak. Apalagi kl ketemu seongso, ian oppa sama chanyeol. Haduu. Messagenya: Apapun yang terjadi selama setahun ini, semoga bs jadi pembelajaran utk ke depannya. Aku berharap akhir tahun ini bisa dinikmati (?) dengan rasa bahagia hehehe. Dan semoga keinginannya cpt tercapai ya. Amin
Oppaaaa —! Moodbooster of the day/? Entah karena me yang receh atau oppa nya yang bobroqeu , , , i can laugh only at his plesetan/? He is pervert 🙈 okaaaaay— if you know who am i , don’t labrak saya oyaaaaay !
1. JO. CRAZY AF. STOOPID HOOMAN BEING. IDK AH. LOUD AF. 2. I’M KINDA AWARE WHEN YOUR'E STILL ON TIMELINE AROUND 10-12pm. MY TIMELINE BEING SO NOT SAFE. YOU’RE SO PERVERT. HOW COULD IT BE? I’m looking forward to our interactions much in the future. Keep up the good work! 3. Happy new year! Santa claus is coming to town~ *chuckles* You should take a good care of yourself, keep smiling widely, and be happy as always.
1. Funny, Receh, lawak, lawak, lawak lol ; 2. Please reply to my greeting ; 3. You’re such a funny person. I want to get closer with you as a same-age friend
1. quiet, unpredictable, sometimes weird (very very weird), sometimes awkward and definitely a cold saram in weast :|. 2. - Don’t too often delete your tweet bcs it’s not good - Don’t do something stupid - Talk with me (i mean more than before) - I know you like me but we have no chemistry (HAAHAHAA). 3. Hey bro. Don’t get me wrong when I said "You like me”. I mean I think you like me as weast member but we have no chemistry till we never had proper conversation. well, I know you are a good person and very fun. but tbh I dont know how to get close with crazy saram like you. I hope you always stay healthy and be better person. good luck!
1. Kinda cold, hard to approach, funny, bigos aka biang gosip, talk nonsense 24/7 2. You can make a warta wst acc or maybe lamtur wst 3. -
1. Low sense of humor, ngeselin, nyebelin, lemot, suka telat bales 2. fast rep juseyo. 3. I don’t even remember the last time we talk. And I also wonder why you thought I’m someone else- but, looking forward to talk more with you.
1. Mesum 2. Seram 3. Perverted 4. Also kind 5. And full of attention Jongin hyung, hello. I wish you’d appear more like a setan timeline because one thing, I enjoy talking to you. It’s the New Year’s soon and we’re gonna pass the 2018 together I hope. With this sentence I hope we can be more closer in the future! Lessen up the kemesuman, it gets scarier by time.
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