#it gets too long and all falls apart
pileofsith · 2 years
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Pau'an Inquisitor Sketches
So... once upon a time, I thought I'd try my hand at a Star Wars Rebels comic featuring this bastard on a mission to Utapau, but that never went anywhere. The Kenobi series did give me a potential fix to one point I was stuck on, so I think I might try at least a few comic snippets instead? Does anyone still care about him or was the live action version a nail in the proverbal coffin?
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nateezfics · 1 month
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does anyone else constantly think about smeared lipstick paradigm hongjoong or is it just me.
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mattodore · 4 months
a little update on what i've been doing in the sims lately! don't mind the huge walls of text for once i'm saying things in the post instead of the tags lmao
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matthias's scars are very slowly coming along! i really love his left leg scar but can't really show all of it because i'd have to get him naked for that and it also wraps around his leg. um, but it starts at the side of his hip and carves down at an angle before abruptly following a steep line to the back of his calf. it looks gnarly which is exactly what i'm trying to achieve with matthias's scars! i'm also pretty pleased with the scars on his wrists and side, but the scar he has on the back of his right leg is... a little too crunchy? i don't know, it just looks weird. it's kind of hard to get the scars i'm making to look good on matthias's body. especially scars that're smaller or delicate... like the instant loss of quality makes me want to chew on exposed wires. but that's where i've left off on them! his arms and back are where he has the most damage but my god... it's SO difficult trying to get scars to look nice over his biceps and back muscles. also the hair ties i made for him look nice on his wrist <3
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theo's apartment is also finally in the works. i've got the base layout finished and a general idea of what all the rooms are for. building and decorating isn't actually that daunting to me, surprisingly—instead, what's actually causing me a lot of grief is the realization that this is too big for theo to really be comfortable in. so, i was thinking, okay, that's fine, just get rid of three of the rooms and scale down the living area. only to pause and take into account the fact that theo's parents pay for this. they're controlling and also very big on appearance so i'm not sure they'd be fine with their son living in a shoebox—i mean, what would people say if word got to them that he doesn't even have a walk-in closet? like... that's the kind of people they are. but i wanted theo to feel comfortable in his apartment so now i'm feeling conflicted on how i want it to look. i'm definitely going to scale down the bedrooms and the living area... but it'll still feel too big to theo. there are just too many corners for him to ever fully let his guard down... which, hm... well, maybe that fits the story more anyway.
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this is his general aesthetic for the interior btw... i want it to be brown, cream, and green all throughout the apartment with splashes of orange (this mix between his old dorm and his childhood home but with something new blending it together). i really wanted him to have stained glass windows in his kitchen and bathroom but couldn't find any </3 so sadly that's not happening. and i need to find a nice curio cabinet for his collection of bells... along with bells too lmao. but that's where i'm at so far! i'm seriously going to just sit here in build mode for hours just... trying to figure out how to make this place more comfortable for theo. like it's supposed to be where he feels safe but it's just too much rn.
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cerealbishh · 3 months
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"Maria and Rhett knew each other way back when, they went to high school together. (...)Yeah, I think the spark is immediate because I think they maybe, secretly, always wanted to be together."
"I think that it's one of those relationships that never happened and never was but it was almost. And, I think, spending so much time apart, one can tend to fantasize what could be. (...) All of that ease of them seeing each other again is right there and it's almost as if they never left each other's side." - Isa and Lew on Maria and Rhett in an interview with Down and Nerdy(x)
"I also love that I get to tell a story about love in this really crazy, scary world(...) and we really want to root for them!" - Isa in an interview with SciFi Vision(x)
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describingcolours · 1 year
Thinking about Danny phantom. Thinking about how horror it would be if ghost blobs sloughed off of his excess ectoplasm like rotten flesh and muscles Peels away from a shambling corpse.
Thinking how he could sloop and goop and drip in a dark room, squelching, crying in pain something that sounds like a child but there's too much and it's too much and he's too much and it's not going away fast enough he can't breathe, he's falling apart, he's rotting away.
Thinking about how cold it would feel, how musty, the stench of it, the death of it. Hidden away like a victim under floorboards but leaking out in the smell, the fluid, the way things move when you don't look, the glimpses out of the corner of your eye. The feeling of it enshrouding the room, claustrophobic, dark, suffocating.
Can you imagine the sound of it? How it would splat to the floor, before rising and trilling? Hungry, just born, nothing but instincts and horror.
Thinking about how horrifying that would be. Hiding in a room until the excess is all gone and he can breathe again. Like a snake emerging from its old husk, brand new and... Definitely needing a shower.
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crownrots · 2 months
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#oc txt.#c: hattie#c: mary ellen#hattie being able to make it back to her own vault just in time to be with her mom in her final moments is 🤕#she’s not the overconfident self assured put together person she was when she left however long ago it was#and her mother isn’t the hyper independent stoic emotionally constipated woman that didn’t even hug her before she left#her mother really did believe that this colony that had supposedly been growing since she was a girl WAS her kids’ only hope at a future#they knew for years that the vault was running out of supplies and falling apart#she was getting older and really didn’t think a future above ground was for her or her husband or the other adults that had grown up there#it was for their kids.#bc the vault wasn’t going to be able to sustain them for much longer#it’s why she pushed her kids so hard and pushed them away even harder#bc it made sending them into that world ‘easier’#she wouldn’t miss them as much and they wouldn’t miss her#sending her twins up there (her first borns) years prior was HELL#and she dreaded the day hattie was old enough to be thrust out there and even debated whether or not she’d even go through with it#so seeing her now … especially in the state hattie is in when she returns#she feels guilty but at the same time proud? because despite it she knows hattie had and HAS what it takes to survive up there#and seeing tj??? she doesn’t know if the twins made it to the colony or whether the colony was even real operating ect ect#so she’d never get to see them with her grandkids if they had any#she at least gets a slice of what could have been if things were different#it’s good that hattie gets to tell her truth of everything#it’s good that hattie gets to reconcile and be the last thing she sees before she passes#it’s all mary ellen ever wanted … to see her girls again#and in her mind if hattie made it … then she knows the other two did too#and i think for hattie she was just on the cusp of giving up and throwing in the towel#but she’s got people relying on her and she’s not a quitter … was never allowed to be#and i think by now she’d be searching for them less for herself and more for her parents#the least she can do is find out if their sacrifices (and the sacrifices of everyone else) were warranted
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tapewormsoda · 13 days
breakups are so fucking weird. three years and just like that it's gone. huh
#helix.txt#gross i ended up spilling my guts in tags. look at them fucking writhing on the floor all bloody#dont rb please#vent#to quote fall out boy i knew it was over i just didn't know the date#yeah that's it. fall out boy can fix this.#i will feel better if i go listen to bang the doldrums#and infinity on high in general#and folie a deux. folie a fucking deux how i love that album#my chem will make me better. gerard way save me#god what a weird feeling. you used to know me better than any other person but then you moved hundreds of miles away and it worked#for a while. then two years later you said it wasnt working and that this was best for both of us. guess i never got the memo for that one#hope we treat other people better because i wasn't as kind as i should have been towards the end and you were never as thoughtful or con-#-siderate as i needed towards the end. we grew apart because you're bad at keeping contact over messaging#and in some ways the cracks in the foundation that grew from that were my fault too i guess. our conversations always felt one sided#maybe i was smothering you#you could never seem to keep more than a passing recollection of the things i liked or even pay much attention to them#but i wasn't great about that either#we just became different people. you weren't what i wanted or needed and you couldn't do long distance. whatever#i know it was the right thing i just wish it hadn't made me feel so damn awful#will we still talk after this? who knows. we didn't end on bad terms but things are definitely weird#and considering your track record with people you can only talk to online i'm not optimistic#you tried to break things off initially by saying you'd said you would improve in the past with nothing to show for it#something i didn't disagree with but i said it didn't bother me much. and it didn't#but it's complicated now. i did deserve better. but you made it clear i'm not getting it from you#you weren't as present or thoughtful as i needed#i wasn't there in person the way you needed and certainly not as considerate as i should have been. and for that second part i'm truly sorr#anyways. sorry. i'd been thinking about it for a long time anyway. i didn't want to admit it because i didn't like to think#about what it might bring. maybe i should have been braver#right. that's enough
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autoneurotic · 6 months
writing again 😔😥🫥🔪🔨💣🪦
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wlw-cryptid · 5 months
If you were to live anywhere with complete access for your disability, would you rather live somewhere urban or rural?
ohhh thats such a good question. but my heart belongs to wherever i can see trees. lots of trees. where you can see rabbits and deer come out at dusk every so often if youre lucky
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outer-edges · 10 months
bruh apparently my roommate fell down the terf pipeline this summer and proudly told me she is a terf tonight. uh. babe what the fuck do you want me to do with that.
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arolesbianism · 2 months
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I hand you a doodle and then go back to dying of the plague
#keese draws#oc art#oc#ocs#furry#furry art#furry oc#Im sick 😔#I can tell because all my joints are hurting instead of just my knees lol#which actually is strange since usually when Im sick the first sign is my nose being super duper runny#but I can actually breath just fine if not better than usual rn wow#but yeah say hi to antinio theyre a design I got a couple months ago I think#theyre a part of a new ish story I made around the same time that surrounds the other escaped patients of the facility pent escaped from#pent didnt actually go with them tho partially because none of them like her and she doesnt like any of them but mostly because shes more#physically unstable than the others and needs regular goop recharges that kept her camping near the facility until bud and daisy dropped in#but yeah everyone else left together and spent some time wandering before getting lured into the origin place of the goop#this guy is actually quite the unique case among the bunch because they were originally an ocean dweller before they were revived#this basically means they only half understand what everyone else is saying and can't actually talk themself#and also that despite not needing to breath they constantly feel like theyre suffocating and they are generally pretty bitter abt all this#they cant rly go home partially because theyve been dead for too long and mostly because theyd kind of just fall apart in the ocean#even just washing their hands causes their fur and skin to get all slimy#hey they at least have a new bestie even if said bestie is also part of the only half understands everyone party meaning they even less#know how to communicate with eachother since they both speak different languages from eachother#but hey now they can be confused abt whatever the hell applebounce is yelling abt together
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wantbytaemin · 8 months
good god.. been dealing with THINGS. very many of them
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running-in-the-dark · 3 months
help I can't stop thinking about furniture. it's keeping me from thinking about the other way more important things I need to be thinking about (Jenkins, Dan Fielding, etc.)
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francisforever2014 · 26 days
having to worry about housing for next year despite thinking that i had it all sorted and i don’t even feel like i’m gonna throw up at all i’m actually completely normal
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collegeoflore · 1 month
i just think there’s no point if he’s not a little scary is all. he just needs to be kind of freaky.
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siriuslynephilim · 9 months
UGH dad is coming home tom gotta clean my phone 😭😭😭😭😭
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