#from here out the taggs are meme
thefunkylime · 11 months
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"Hello daddy"
Binged all Sunburst fic by ShyOwl during the weekend and I had to paint something to express how much this story meant to me. This painting is a lot rougher than my usual style but I like it. The forest the butterflies and the storm clouds are symbolic in the story. I don´t want to spoil too much but if you like Luke Skywalker I super recommend it.
The fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43822567/chapters/110193061
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theausspideyguy · 7 months
First artwork to show off! The very first ever art pieces I had ever gotten of Leo, and the official moment I considered myself a Furry. ::3
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"Who says a Spider cannot be of presentable taste? Leo certainly aims to prove that theory wrong." ::B
(Originally uploaded to FA on the 12/10/2018)
These were done by my friend SwirlwindSilverstar! You can check them out here over on their Twitter through this link here! ---> https://twitter.com/WindySilverstar
Though I don't think they really use it anymore, unfortunately… ..w..;;;
Admittedly they are someone I haven't spoken to in a very long time, so I hope that they've been doing okay and still doing art cause they do some great work. ^^
This'll be the first of many more art pieces to come in the next few days! ::3
But anyway! To provide some context behind these pieces and how they came to be. Some of yous may have heard this story before, but to explain it for those who may not know…
Back in 2018, I was already starting to feel a slow attachment to furry stuff. I had a lot of sympathy for furs cause of the bs that they would deal with from arseholes and the like, and just how extreme it got (Most notably the hotel gas attack at Midwest Furfest in 2014.).
Soon enough I came across the subreddit r/Furry_IRL back when I use to browse reddit pretty regularly. There I saw what appeared to be this sort of self-awareness and embrace of cringe, which included heaps of irony in the process. It made things a lot more charming cause it felt as if Furries were getting a lot bolder despite the years of attacks, harassment, etc. They dealt with it, and at the same, there was a vibe that made me feel people were more accepting, no matter how weird you got. At the time I was pretty alone, got bullied a lot, and in typical fashion, this was the group I gravitated to more over time.
I should add I do know now the more negative connotation that subreddit gives, and honestly, I have a lot of critiques as well. But at the time, this was just an important thing for me where I felt like I had no other group to be with.
Around October, I was in a voice call on Discord with two friends which included Igloo9201 (Nickname them Iggzy. ::B) and Silverstar. I believe I was sharing some of the memes I came across, and we were all joking about becoming furries and all. I had no plans at that point, but we were all poking each other and being dorks about it.
I was eventually asked the inevitable question though that changed the course of my life by Silverstar…
"Hey TAGG. If you had to pick a sona, what would you choose?"
I had to think! Spider wasn't my first thought at the time, and I was actually thinking at first a Kangaroo, just cause it was a main Australian animal, but at the same time I was reading this Manga called "I am a Spider, So What?", with a main character with a very self-explanatory thing about them. ::B
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As you can see from their design, I found them extremely cute and at that point, I hadn't really seen any designs of spiders like this that weren't just meant to be evil. So it felt like it could be nice to go for a species that you probably wouldn't expect, even if it was a contribution to the #1 phobia that people have. ::B
I think at this time I was also getting interested in Peacock Spiders, I was fascinated by their peculiar dance-y behaviour. Obviously was meant for mating, they still had such an interesting personality that it really grew on me. Learning how basically they were all harmless on top of that really made them jump in my mind especially.
As a result, my answer was obvious. Cut to some time into the call, I am surprised by the drawings Silverstar did, and on the same day, I ended up making a Furaffinity account with them.
At that point, the rest was history!
It was a fun end result of everything, I love seeing how much Leo evolved from here. There hasn't been too many obvious changes, outside of him eventually being more based on the Sparklemuffin Spider I soon discovered some time after getting Leo.
The biggest differences that do stand out at least is his body being more like a harder looking shell, compared to the fur covering him all over. His abdomen is a lot more flatter than more rounder in shape. There's also a lot less head hair as well, and most notably his the number of eyes were the biggest change as well, which you will see in a lot of these art pieces I like to call "The Prototype" versions of Leo. ::B
I do feel like I need to do more stuff with Leo in a suit, it was a fun thing I miss doing especially since it tied with the intended "He will get in whatever fit if it means he will get to dance" characteristic I thought up at the time. It was also kind of a thing that was a reference to one of my old as heck usernames, which was on a bit of the embarrassing side, but eh, got to repurpose through this. XXD
I still really appreciate Silverstar for the art, I still hold these pieces fondly in my heart, and grateful of both them and Iggzy for what they did on that day that got me into being a furry and getting my spidey self! Heck they probably are the reason I kind of found out a lot more about myself, being asexual/panromantic, finding new folks, etc. A true butterfly effect. ::P
Here's to many more years ahead! ^^w^^
Also, bonus rough sketch that Silverstar did before getting the final art pieces done. A lot more Miss Muffet from Undertale inspired here. ::B
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———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME:  Tagg/erung
PRONOUNS: They/Them/Tired AF
ZODIAC SIGN: Pisces/Leo/Scorpio (yes I'm FUCKED)
TAKEN OR SINGLE: Single. I can deal. Would prefer not to tho.
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1 -  I used to model professionally pre-panini
2 - Remy got his own blog originally so he would be a secret and I would avoid having too much interaction while I fucked around figuring out how to write him, and now somehow this bitch has taken over my threadtracker. I cannot tell you how.
3 -  Dr. Pepper Strawberries & Cream current fixation drink send halp
PLATFORMS USED: Tumblr. Dicksword when the other person has ditched tumblr entirely which is rare.
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: sometimes plotting, sometimes memes. Things can be built from memes, but honestly I’ve found that eventually I need a plot. It’s the easiest way to get me invested. Please plot long ass shit with me, you will gain interest.
GENDER: usually femme af, but somehow I've been gaining more male muses lately so honestly I think the divide is now 50/50 and so is my pref??? idk Hot and a A Problem, there, that's my gender preference
MULTI OR SINGLE: multi! Remy was purely to satisfy my insecurity and desire to work the blog aesthetic around him. But I will never ditch my multi for all single blogs.
LEAST FAVORITE FACECLAIM(S): El.izabeth Ol.sen, C.aity L.otz
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: fluff exists solely so that angst may hurt more. I will write the most tooth-rotting shit...so that when something happens it is all the more ouch.
ANGST: *insert give it to me now gif*
SMUT: look I really enjoy writing smut because it's a big part of a dynamic for allo characters, even some acespec, so I will gladly write smut IF IF IF it is part of a full plot with multipara writing that does more than insert tab a into slot b. If you're here just to insta-ship and have your muse diddle Remy...definitely the wrong blog.
tagged by: @dilffactory
tagging:  if you haven’t done it yet and would like to, please do!
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abrushwithdeath · 2 years
"Remy gotcha."
//people really stick angst memes on the dash when I'm around like that isn't Tagg bait...
Send “I’ve got you”  to carry my injured & nearly unconscious muse
The moments prior were a blur, one Rogue was trying to reorganize as she slipped in and out of sleep. No. Not sleep. It was darker than that. Deeper. Like tiny flashes of death, hands grabbing her and pulling her under for fractions of time. A missed second here. A lost minute there. The darkening sky was dusty with ongoing battle in one instance, and when she came to again the star speckled night was nearly clear. What happened?
She'd hit her head at some point (or maybe something had hit her?). That much was easy to recall considering there was a relentless, pulsating, pain radiating from the left side of her skull. A broken rib to match, perhaps? A judgement based on the fact that it pained her terribly to breathe. Okay. That wasn't good. But she'd endured worse, right? She'd be fine. She'd be fine. God, she hoped she'd be fine. But the metallic tang of blood was lingering in her mouth, and all she could hear was the ringing in her ears.
It was getting harder and harder each time to open her eyes.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to just... drift off for a while. Stop trying to fight it. At least if she died, it'd be an easy thing. No chaos. No struggle. Just endless sleep. After the shit she'd endured, an eternity to rest was almost welcomed, actually.
But it wasn't over yet.
Her breath caught in her throat when she felt the gentle pressure of his hands, his arms, slip beneath her. He was being careful, but the motions of being lifted, no matter how cautiously, were enough to draw a groan of pain from her. Rogue hadn't the energy, just yet, to open her eyes, but she knew even before she heard his voice, whose hold she was in. It wasn't a feeling she'd forget anytime soon. Though had she been in a better state, she would have told Remy to put her down, insisted she could walk if he just gave her a second to reorient herself. Even she knew, however, that there were times it made sense to be stubborn, and now certainly wasn't one of them. She was in no shape to be arguing.
Besides, there was comfort in this. In the tender way he was carrying her. In the soft tone of his voice when he spoke. She was probably just imagining it, but suddenly it felt a little easier to catch her breath.
"Ya got me." She repeated after him- an acknowledgement that she'd heard, that she was okay enough to speak back (even if just barely, the words hushed and strained). More than that, though, it was the candid realization that he had her. Not just in this moment, but in each. He'd had her back more times than she could count. In physical combat like they'd just survived, and in the mental, emotional, fights she forced on herself. He had her in a learned way. Had traced his fingers along each page of her like he was trying to memorize the words of her soul. Who else could say they'd ever tried to understand her the way he did? Who else would have done that much for someone as seemingly ungrateful as her? And he had her heart. Fractured and faded as it felt, he had it, whether he wanted it or not. It was a frightening thing, and yet in moments there was some relief in it. To feel she wasn't carrying the burden of herself entirely alone. To feel him press his lips to the cracked pieces and watch as they began to mend. The splinters he could not heal, the freshly bleeding wounds... they were a damage she inflicted upon herself. Some fucked up need for the familiarity of her own agony pushed her to it over and over. Yet here he was again, with the patience for her that she could never find for herself, carrying her like she wasn't as heavily burdensome as she believed.
Rogue wished, then and there, that she could press her fingers to his skin and have her powers work in reverse to some degree. That she could offer him a glance at herself without needing to find the words, without the shame of it.
Generally, she did not wish to be touched. She did not wish to be seen. Yet a part of her wanted nothing more than to give him her everything, see if he would still hold her then with the same tenderness he did now.
Her head fell against his shoulder and she finally, finally, found the strength to open her eyes again- half lidded and struggling to focus, but undoubtedly locked on his face.
"Anna Marie." Her words, hushed as they were, drew his attention, and she took a ragged breath, felt the pinch of her injury hinder her as she did. Still she gave the smallest hint of a smile for the way he looked at her. Some people were foolish enough to see the devil in those black and red eyes of his. What she found there was peace. "My name," She explained slowly, settling more fully against him. "Anna Marie."
A name, she supposed, was a trivial fact to most. The first thing you learn about someone new. The most basic piece of information. But to her, it was infinitely more than that. The weight that it carried was one she couldn't explain, even if she tried. And she'd offered it unprovoked, unquestioned. Did he understand the trust she was placing in him?
She let her eyes slip closed again, felt herself begin to drift. Begin to fade. She doubted she'd be able to keep herself conscious much longer. "Jus'... thought ya should know..." He'd earned it. A thousand times over, he'd earned it.
And if he said something then in reply, she was ashamed to say she'd missed it. Because the dark edges of sleep had snuck back in and stolen her away once again. For a few seconds? A few hours? She wasn't sure how long it would last this time, just that when she awoke again, Remy'd likely be right there to greet her. That thought settled over her like a warm blanket- cozy and inviting. It was something to look forward to.
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holyalto · 2 years
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♡ A Sims Tag! ♡
This is from ALMOST a year ago. I seen it in my drafts so it's getting posted NOW because I'm finally playing the sims again lol.
Show us a rendition of yourself in your own art! Can be anything! Sims render? Random stick figure? Picrew? Go nuts! (Just be sure to tag the artist if you use someone else’s picrew!!!!) Tag the blogs you want to know, and don’t be a dick that’s it! Also, feel free to answer as vague or in-depth as you want. And if you don’t want to answer a question for any reason just don’t vibe with it! Skip it if you wanna!
(original tag by morgynemberisagenderfluiddaddy and the original post is here. i was tagged by cosmiksims, thank you!!)
1.) Do you prefer to be referred by your name or blog name?
either one is fine with me! i go by my nickname on here anyway. my full name is mercedes. :)
2.) Where are you from?
ohio. i have never tasted anything except corn and chocolate covered blobs of peanut butter in my life. someone please help me.
3.) Do you have pets? 👀
yes! my fiance and i have quite a few. we have a cat named tiramisu, a guinea pig named cookie, a bearded dragon named borris, a leopard gecko named anubi and a florida king snake that i call roach because i can't pronounce his real name <3 (and i don't like him rip)
4.) Tell us about your “dream.”
i just want to be a good mother, partner, friend, family member, stranger. that's it. i know it's very simplistic but that's my dream. i want to be a good person.
5.) Aside from art, what are your hobbies?
my 'art' is playing the sims apparently hahahaha. uhm, i like other video games as well. more simulation management style. things like software inc, jurassic world evolution, project highrise, tropico, ANIMAL CROSSING EEEEE, etc.
6.) Does anyone irl know about your blog?
my fiance! he called my bee legacy 'fan fiction' and i nearly died.
7.) Do you know anyone from your blog irl?
8.) What are some fun facts about you?
i own every animal crossing main game. i still play pokemon go everyday. i have a six month old son who is VERY cute. and i'm turning 22 next month.
9.) What’s your day job?
i'm a stay at home mom :)
10.) What’s your aesthetic?
uh!! next question because i'm just... slob trait lmao
11.) What kind of artist are you?
i actually went to graphic design school. college sucks hard when you're mentally ill tho lol
12.) How did you get into your form of art?
art - wattpad. i was 12 and started making book covers for people haha. i got really into photo manipulation after that and took that as my focus in vocational school and then went and did about two semesters of it in college. sims - i was 11 and wanted the paranormal pack. my mom went out and bought it for me because i begged for it for days. i played with it daily and eventually collected all of the sims 3 packs except for the last one. it took me a long time to switch to sims 4 after release because i was stubborn. i bought it like four months late, opened it twice, hated that i didn't understand the controls, and refused to play it again until a few months later.
13.) What do you watch/listen/read/anything else while you create?
youtube mostly, in the background. a lot of flabaliki/simssupply and buzzfeed unsolved because i love them and their dumb faces so much.
14.) What meme would you use to describe yourself?
probably the 'not a thought behind those eyes' tiktok audio
15.) If you were on the run, what would you change your name to?
why would i just give away information i may need in the future
16.) Have you ever or do you want to change blog names?
yes! i want to but i have some cc that uses that name. so i'll stick with it.
17.) God forbid Tumblr decides to pull a MySpace and lets us have page songs, what song would you choose?
i would simply delete my blog.
and now, the tags. only if you’re comfortable though! ♡ just tagging the people i see most in my notifications. don't feel pressured <3 @almost-spring @coatedinhoney @whyhellosims + absolutely anyone else. just say i tagged you.
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laireshi · 3 years
first lines meme
Thanks to @rose-nebulijia​, @fizferret​, and @merinnan​ for taggging me!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!  
My 20 most recent fics are mostly pingxie, with one unrequited yanping and two origfic drabbles thrown in, so I marked the ones that are not pingxie ;) Also, first line... Is that the first sentence or paragraph? I went for paragraphs.
Wu Xie spent a lot of time just watching Xiaoge, in the weeks after getting back from Changbai Mountain, getting Xiaoge checked out in hospital and released with stern orders to rest, and finally moving to Yucun, to the house Wu Xie bought for Xiaoge— 
(the break of day)
The thing about seeing, meeting, and accompanying Zhang Qiling in the flesh was that he couldn’t be described.
(Transcendent - the zhang haiyan/zhang qiling one one!)
He was almost out of Golmud Sanatorium, Wu Xie right behind him, when something in the corner of his eye caught his attention. He couldn’t tell what it was—a play of light or just looking at it from the right angle—but he stumbled, almost fell, caught himself with a hand on the wall.
(What You Looked For)
Xiaoge didn’t sleep at night. Wu Xie knew, because neither did he. They lay next to each other in the darkness, breathing quietly. Xiaoge’s hand found Wu Xie’s wrist; he squeezed.
(No Way Out)
It was horribly unfair.  He was a monster under the bed, and Halloween was coming. He’d been looking forward to it.
(A New Home - original fiction drabble #1)
Wu Xie had thought Xiaoge’s mere presence could force the monster Wu Xie had become back under his skin.
(cut my name in your heart)
Celia was the best in her trade. Any spell, any charm: you name it, and she could beautifully ink it under your skin. There was just one thing she didn’t like to do: soulmarks.
(Soulmarks in Ink, original fiction drabble #2 in this list)
“Retirement,” Pangzi complained. “We’re retired. Why does no one get that?”
(never too late to have a childhood)
Here’s something Wu Xie never told Xiaoge, all during his insane chase after him all the way up Changbai Mountain: there was a thin bracelet in his pocket. It was just a simple wristband made from silver with an inscription on the inside: You’re Zhang Qiling; you have a past and a future.
(Past and Future)
Hei Xiazi had known Yaba Zhang for a long time, though Yaba Zhang remembered very little of it—but then, when they’d met, Yaba Zhang hadn’t even remembered his own name, so Hei Xiazi definitely didn’t hold a grudge. Having a lifespan somehow out of sync with the rest of the world changed how you look at things, and it was good to know someone to share it with, even if that someone forgot more than he remembered.
(Two As One)
He’d bought the house in Yucun before Xiaoge even came back: a big dare to the fate; a refusal to contemplate a future without Xiaoge in it; a commitment that Xiaoge would never ask for, but Wu Xie had still wanted to offer from the first moment.
(The More Things Change)
Wu Xie was not a cat person.
(Purrfect Happiness)
Wu Xie finished an article on the restoration of centuries old paintings and blinked. He wasn’t sure how he got there; he’d only meant to research a bit about new trends in architecture. He set down his glasses and stretched. The clock told him it was now almost the evening, and it was true; the light falling inside wasn’t as bright anymore. He decided he hadn’t seen his boyfriend in way too long time—it’d been hours!—and Xiaoge wasn’t dozing off on his favourite branch that Wu Xie could see from his office, so he got up and padded downstairs. Xiaoge wasn’t inside, so Wu Xie went to the garden. If he were lucky, he’d find Xiaoge training . . .
(Warm Evenings)
Learning how to live with Xiaoge was unspeakably easy in some ways and terrifyingly difficult in others.
(One Day at a Time)
Zhang Qiling had gone behind the Bronze Gate before; had remembered parts of it; had thought he’d known what to expect.
(Countless Futures)
“Look out!”
Wu Xie barely had the time to process what was going on: one moment, the suitcase dropped to the ground, the next, Xiaoge was pushing him down.
(like you would do for one you love)
Beijing was overwhelming.
(lost (not found))
Wu Xie, completely overjoyed at the chance to finally accompany Sanshu on an adventure, nevertheless did not enjoy Guangxi in summer. The air was thick like a soup, it rained more often than not, and all the insects seemed to love his blood.
(Safe Together)
At night, Wu Xie dreamt of death.
(A Problem Shared)
That first night in the desert, Wu Xie and Xiaoge didn’t talk about putting their sleeping bags close together, far away from the rest of the camp. They came together in a way that was only natural, without needing to talk. Wu Xie still remembered the pain in Xiaoge’s eyes as he said no one would notice if he were gone; he wanted to convey with his actions as well as his words that it wasn’t true. That he was noticing Xiaoge now; that he would definitely notice if he disappeared.
And that’s it!
tagging @jockvillagersonly @humanlighthouse @extraordinarilyextreme @janekburza @selenuntius @ishipallthings
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spacelesbiann · 3 years
@coelura and @neonastronaut both tagged me to do this so thank youu here's me rambling for 8 minutes straight :)) enjoyyyy
@danielthicciardo i'm tagging you if you wanna do this and anyone else (i feel like everyone's already done it lol)
what’s your name & username?
where are you from?
what’s the time where you are?
pronounce the following words: meme, pepe, doge, sudoku, espresso, celtic, açaí, dr. Seuss.
what’s your favourite pizza place? favourite pizza topping?
what’s your favourite dessert?
what’s your favourite food? what food do you hate?
what’s your favourite TV show? which show were you into, but then got out of?
what brand is your phone?
do you speak a second language?
how do you define a group of people when you’re talking to them? do you say ‘guys,’ or ‘dudes’ or?
what harry potter house do you most identify with? if sorted by pottermore, did you agree with the one you got?
is there something you should be doing right now but are procrastinating?
now that you’ve talked about what you need to be doing, go do it
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chellestrash · 4 years
okay I'll go now
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IWBSISHIS WAIT COME BACK HERE! oh my god i remember when i responded to you i was like “oh ew was that weird?” for like solid 10 minutes just looking at my phone PFFFF i am SO HAPPY YOU LIKED THAT PFFF! i am ✨relieved✨
I just like calling people cute lil pet names and stuff because..i don’t even know it’s just nice! LISTEN! i shall refer to you as “dove” from now on if that’s okay with youuuuu!
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also i’d just like you to know that every time i see you interacting with my posts i’m like “a friend!” and i alway apriciate your reblogs, taggs, comments and memes so much...that’s it now i’ll go.
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ray-rabies · 6 years
multiples of 5 for that ask meme
this is gonna be a slightly abbreviated version just cos of how many songs i have on here but here we go (under the cut so i’m not internationally hated)5: Which songs have “dream” in the title  Dream Lover-DionDream Police- Cheap TrickDon’t Dream It’s Over- Crowded HouseDream a little dream of me; california dreamin’-the mamas and the papasSweet Dreams-EurythmicsDream- Mahavishnu OrchestraAnd Dream of Sheep;An Architect’s Dream;The Dreaming- Kate BushAmerican Dream;Dream For Him;Find A Dream;House Of Broken Dreams;In My Dreams-CSNYDream-Tally HallAsleep and Dreaming; Busby Berkeley Dreams-The Magnetic FieldsApocalypse Dreams-Tame ImpalaBoulevard of Broken Dreams-Green DayCircle Dream-10000 ManiacsCountry Dreamer- WingsCowboy of Dreams;Shinin On Your Dreams- Crosby NashCity of Dreams; Dream Operator- Talking HeadsCaught In A Dream-Alice CooperDeadly Dream of Freedom- TriumviratDream Again;Lucid Dreams-Franz FerdinandDream Attack-New OrderDon’t Let Me Lose This Dream- Aretha FranklinDay of The Dreamer-RenaissanceDream Away;Dream Scene-George HarrisonA Dream Away-The CarsDream Clock-Weather ReportA Dream Goes On Forever- Todd RundgrenThe Dream Nebula-NektarDream of The Archer;Dreamboat Annie-HeartDream One;Dreaming From The Waist-The WhoThe Dream of Blue Turtles-StingDream Police-Gary NumanDream Time;The Planner’s Dream Goes Wrong-The JamDream Within A Dream-PropagandaDream Within A Dream-SpiritDream Within A Dream-Alan Parsons ProjectThe Dream’s Dream-TelevisionDream World-The MonkeesDreamer-SupertrampThe Dreamer-Nicky HopkinsDreamer’s Ball-QueenDreaming-PolystyreneDreaming;Dreaming Is Dangerous-Bruno CoulaisDreaming of 4000;One Summer Dream;Ordinary Dream-Electric Light OrchestraDreaming of Me-Depeche ModeDreaming While You Sleep-GenesisDreamline;Middletown Dreams-RushDreams;Flash’s Dream;Only A Dream-The KinksDreams-Fleetwood MacDreams-Allman Brothers BandDreamtime;Endless Dream;Sweet Dreams-YesDreamy Lady-T RexxEverybody Has a Dream-Billy JoelFever Dream-Nash The SlashFurther Than Funk Dream-Medium MediumGirl of My Dreams-Charles MingusGasoline Dreams- OutkastHad A Dream (Sleeping With The Enemy)-Roger HodgsonThe Gunner’s Dream;Julia Dream;Post War Dream-Pink FloydHere I Dreamt I was An Architect- The DecemberistsI Don’t Sleep I Dream-REMHung Up On A Dream;Is This The Dream- The ZombiesI Dream Myself Alive-A -HaI Dreamaed There Was No War-The EaglesI Had Too Much To Dream Last Night-The electric PrunesI’m Only Dreaming-Small FacesIn Every Dream Home A Heartache- Roxy MusicInfinite Dreams-Iron MaidenIs It A Dream;Street of Dreams- The DamnedIt’s Only A Dream-TrapezeJohnny Panic and The Bible of Dreams-Tears For FearsLittle Dreamer- Van HalenKeep Dreaming-Pineapple ThiefMaximum Dream For Evil Knieval-Flaming LipsMoney Honey Impossible Dream-The Sensational Alex Harvey BandMusic In Dreamland-Be Bop DeluxeNew Gold Dream-Simple MindsNice Dream-RadioheadRainy Day Dream Away;Still Raining Still Dreaming-Jimi Hendrix ExperienceQueen of Dreams- StrawbsRed Brick Dream-XTCRunnin Down A Dream-Tom PettyRado’s Dream-FoxygenSex Sleep Eat Drink Dream-King CrimsonSleep of No Dreaming;Stupid Dream-Porcupine TreeSome Dreams Come True-BanglesThe State of Dreaming- Marina And The DiamondsSweet Dreams- BeyonceThese Dreams-Jim CroceTomorrow’s Dream-Black SabbathWeird Dream-HarmoniaWest County Dream-Mountain GoatsWhen Poets Dreamed of Angels-David SlyvainWildest Dreams-AsiaYou Make My Dreams Come True-Hall & Oates40 Day Dream-Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeroes10: Which songs have “blue” in the titleBlue;Blue Boy;Blue Motel Room-Joni MitchellBlue-Fine Young CannibalsAcute Schizophrenia Paranoia Blues-The KinksAll Blues;Blue In Green-Miles DavisAeroplane Blues-Black KeysAmbulance Blues;Blue Eden-Neil YoungAntichrist Television Blues-Arcade FireBaby Blue-BadfingerBaby’s Tears Blues- Mort GarsonBacklash Blues;Blues;Central Park Blues;Gin House Blues;Little Girl Blue-Nina SimoneBallet For A Blue Whale-Adrian BelewBehind Blue Eyes; Red Blue and Grey;Summertime Blues-The WhoBeyond The Blue Horizon;9 Times Blues-Michael Nesmith And The First National BandBirmingham Blues;Mr Blue Sky;Boy Blue;Bluebird;Bluebird is Dead-Electric Light OrchestraBlonde Over Blue-Billy JoelBlowing The Blues Away-Max WebsterBlue As a Jewel-Be Bop DeluxeBlue Beard-Band of HorsesBlue Cheese- Courtney BarnettBlue Days Black Nights-Buddy HollyBlue Eyes- Elton JohnBlue Jay Way;For You Blue-The BeatlesBlue Letter;Jigsaw Puzzle Blues-Fleetwood MacBlue Light-Mazzy StarBlue Light-UltravoxBlue Monday-New OrderBlue Oyster Cult (Subhuman)-Blue Oyster CultBlue Overall-XTCBlue Orpheus;Drunken Blue Rooster-Todd RundgrenBlue Nile-Alice ColtraneBlue Rhumba-Aqua VelvetsBlue Ridge Mountains;Blue Spotted Tail-  Fleet FoxesBlue Room In Venice-Rick WrightBlue Sky-A-haBlue Sky;Come And Go Blues-Allman Brothers BandBlue Suede Shoes;Cocaine Blues;Folsom Prison Blues-Johnny CashBlue Sunday;Runnin Blues-The DoorsBlue Turk-Alice CooperBlue You-Magnetic FieldsBluebird-WingsBluebird-Buffalo SpringfieldBluebird Revisted-Stephen StillsBluejays and Cardinals;Blues In Dallas-Mountain GoatsBlueprint-FugaziBlues De Luxe-Jeff Beck GroupBlues From An Airplane;Chauffer Blues;Eskimo Blue Day-Jefferson AirplaneBlues Man-ManassasBrilliant Blues-Pete TownshendBlue Angel-MarillionBristol Steam Convention Blues-The ByrdsBullet The Blue Sky-U2Buried Alive In The Blues;Kozmic Blues-Janis JoplinCan Blue Men Sing The Whites-Bonzo Doo Dah Dog BandCharlie Manson Blues-Flaming LipsCatfish Blues-Jimi HendrixClear Blue Skies;Suite Judy Blue Eyes-CSNYCrazy Lady Blue-UtopiaComputer Blue-PrinceDamn Right I Got The Blues-Buddy GuyDeep Blue;Electric Blue-Arcade FireDeep Blue;Devil And The Deep Blue Sea;Marwa Blues-George HarrisonDeeper Blue- Bruford Levin Upper ExtremitiesDachau Blues- Captain BeefheartEarly Morniing Blues and Greys;Papa Gene’s Blues;Some of Shelly’s Blues-MonkeesElectric Blues- HairEmpty Bottle Blues-TMBGEvening Blues-TrafficEstablishment Blues-RodriguezEveryday I Have The Blues-Rolling StonesFeelin Blue-CCRGoodbye Blue Sky;Jugband Blues-Pink Floydh20gate Blues-Gil Scott Heron and Brian JacksonHobo’s Blues-Paul SimonHoneymoon Blues;Cross Road Blues;Me and The Devil Blues;;etc-Robert JohnsonI’m So Blue-Michael JacksonInner City Blues-Marvin GayeInvitation To The Blues-Tom WaitsIt’s All Over Now Baby Blue;Tangled Up In Blue-Bob DylanJeff’s Blues;The Nazz Are blue-The YardbirdsOut Of The Blue-Roxy MusicLooking Good In Blue-BlondieMy Melancholy blues-QueenNew Blue Moon-Traveling WilburysNight Owl Blues-Lovin SpoonfulOoby Scooby Doomsday or The D Day DJ’s Got The DDT Blues-GongOtherness Blue-Sun RaPink And Blue-OutkastPoor Boy Blues- Barclay James HarvestProtex Blue-The ClashProzakc blues-King crimsonRainbows All over Your Blues-John SebastianRunning Gun Blues-David BowieSame Old Blues-Bryan FerrySeem To Have The Blues All The Time-Procol HarumSepository Nihlist Blues-FoxygenScrew You (Young Man’s Blues)-Elton JohnSky Blue-Peter GabrielSittin And Cryin The Blues-Willie DixonTurn Blue-Iggy PopWildwood Blues- NazzWinter Is Blue-Vashti BunyanWoman’s Blues-Laura NyroWorn Out Blues- Gotye9-5 Pollution Blues- Neil Innesi give up -_-
15: Which song titles start with “Where”Where Have All The Flowers Gone-Joan Baezit’s 3 am now i am giving up
20: Which song titles start with “Good”
25: A song with a strange title  In And Out The Chakras We Go (Formerly Shaft Goes To Outer Space)- Todd Rundgren30: The very last song on your list of songs35: A song longer than 10 minutes (a sampling) (i apparently have hundreds) Singring And The Glass Guitar (An Electrifyed Fairytale)-Utopia (18:22)Healing-Todd Rundgren (20 min)Supper’s Ready-Genesis (23 min)Echoes- Pink Floyd (23 min)A Plague Of Lighthouse Keepers- VDGG (23 min)Ommadawn-Mike Oldfield (32:50)Mountain Jam-Allman Brothers (33:50)Treatise on Cosmic Fire- Todd Rundgren (35:19)Thick As A Brick-Jethro Tull (42:53)The Ikon (live)-Todd Rundgren’s Utopia (45 min)Journey To The Center of The Earth-Rick Wakeman (54:20)40: The first 5 songs that play when you hit “shuffle”Breakaway-The CarsMutual Surrender (What A Wonderful World)-Bourgeois TaggPassover-Joy DivisionLunar Sea-CamelJingo-Santana
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2fortcannibal · 6 years
Rules: Please repost! Don’t reblog!
Name: Austin Trashman
Preferred pronouns: He/Him
Selectivity: 300% open, anyone is welcome to come poke Painis
Favorite animal: reptiles, all reptiles are valid and beautiful
Favorite muse you’ve had so far ever: I’ve had the most fun so far is with Painis, he’s a gross monster and I love him
Muse, you kinda wanna pick up: Not sure, there’s an awful lot.
Most identifiable fictional character: Scout probably, I’m a smartass who does everything at Mach 12
What color your aura is/think it is: BLACK LIKE MY SOUL-Nah, probably purble.
Personality stuff you agree with (astrology, MBTI, Hogwarts house, etc be as specific as you want!):  uhhhhh?
Do you think you’re a good driver: I don’t even have a permit ;w;
Favorite minor discourse: zip, I don’t follow discourse
Favorite vine and/or meme: The CD-i cutscenes and Youtube Poops, those things are timeless.
Why did you choose this muse: Tf2 is one of those fandoms I consistently seem to stay focused in, and Painis is my favorite Freak.
Favorite RP memory: Old RPs on dA where my friend had a character that was obsessed with trees.
Favorite thing you’ve written, in RP or not: The Kricketune I named Brown Note and wondertraded. Whoever got him, you’re welcome.
A line/lyrics/quote/etc you like or that means a lot to you: A lot of Let’s Player quotes that make me laugh go here.
Give a shout-out to someone: @monmuses , @askthegillitiewoodsdeity
Taggged by: Swiped from @monmuses​
Tagging: Anyone who wants to!
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Social media and the future of communication
Figuring out the future of communication poses a series of interesting dilemmas, issues and opportunities to speculate on where digital technology is likely to take us in the coming months and years. Our digital lives have undoubtedly had a significant impact on our language, providing scope for the development of digitalese and a new mode of communication with those who are also fluent in it. However, the future of communication is not limited to the development of language and digital literacy. As Caroline Tagg (2015) points out, mediated interactions that are driven by and occur on digital platforms are highly complex and incorporate a wide range of tools.
Although I focused on literacy and language in the last blog, communication goes beyond these rather limiting parameters and incorporates a wide range of elements, many of which are image-based. Memes, or “...small units of culture that spread from person to person by copying or imitation” (Shifman, 2014, p. 2), have become an increasingly popular mode of constructing meaning, providing individual responses within broader discourse and conveying ideological positions in digital spaces. Such image-based communications tools, whether in still or moving image form, often only employ language as what effectively amounts to a subtitle of what is said at the moment the image itself is taken or as a subtitle to convey the content creator’s one line response, but most are characterised by the complete absence of speech and therefore magnify the visual-verbal mode of making meaning (Wiggins, 2019, p. 2). At the moment, memes provide an insight into the characteristics of communication - a quick and easy way to express a response that is not as easy to simplify verbally without the visual cues. As such, this simplification of a rather complex communicative landscape provides a hint as to what the future of communication on social media may look like.
A further point to make here is that memes and videos alike tend to go viral more often than written information because they tap into the social transmission of the self-image, enabling visualisation and emotional responses from users who encounter them (Berger and Milkman, 2013). The use of affect underpins a significant proportion of communication on social media. It is unlikely that will change in the immediate future, particularly given the limitations that Covid restrictions place on our lives right now, so the future of communication is likely to continue to build on emotive responses even where new technologies may emerge.
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(Image Credit: Mayuree Srikulwong via Slideshare, The Power of Visual Content)
The emergence of Web 3.0 services also has to be taken into account when we are discussing the future of communication. Web 2.0 fostered collaboration, participation, content production and information sharing on social media sites like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter amongst others, but the dynamic applications and interpretations of information that is tailored to individual commands and requests from users via services like Alexa and Siri open up a whole range of new possibilities. The interactive nature of these services may pave the way for new technologies to provide new ways of engaging with or on social media. Either way, digital communication in respect of social media will continue to evolve alongside the technologies we use. The emergence of Web 3.0 services also has to be taken into account when we are discussing the future of communication. Web 2.0 fostered collaboration, participation, content production and information sharing on social media sites like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter amongst others, but the dynamic applications and interpretations of information that is tailored to individual commands and requests from users via services like Alexa and Siri open up a whole range of new possibilities. The interactive nature of these services may pave the way for new technologies to provide new ways of engaging with or on social media. Either way, digital communication in respect of social media will continue to evolve alongside the technologies we use.The emergence of Web 3.0 services also has to be taken into account when we are discussing the future of communication. Web 2.0 fostered collaboration, participation, content production and information sharing on social media sites like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter amongst others, but the dynamic applications and interpretations of information that is tailored to individual commands and requests from users via services like Alexa and Siri open up a whole range of new possibilities. The interactive nature of these services may pave the way for new technologies to provide new ways of engaging with or on social media. Either way, digital communication in respect of social media will continue to evolve alongside the technologies we use.
Berger, J. and Milkman, K.L., 2013. Emotion and Virality: What Makes Online Content Go Viral? Insights, 5(1), pp. 18-23.
Shifman, L., 2014. Memes in Digital Culture. Boston: MIT Press.
Tagg, C., 2015. Exploring Digital Communication: Language in Action. Abingdon: Routledge.
Wiggins, B.E., 2019. The Discursive Power of Memes in Digital Culture: Ideology, Semiotics, and Intertextuality. Abingdon: Routledge.
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Welcome to Tagg's multi. I hope you came prepared.
Current Activity Status: Medium
Mun: Taggerung/Tagg, they/them, EST
The Belle, The Canary, The Hunter, The Latina, The Wolf (click for bio- other muses are by request)
RULES- ABSOLUTELY MUST READ!! I am mutuals ONLY and I know when you skipped this step
Interest Tracker- please fill out before interacting!!
Mun/muses 25+
13 years rp experience
Highly selective, mutuals only
Multi-Paragraph/Novella rp ONLY
Canon, OC, AU, and Crossover friendly
LOTS  OF TRIGGERING CONTENT AND MENTIONS- violence, drugs, abuse, injuries, mental illness, language, sex, pregnancy, child loss, etc. Not everything will be tagged as it’s pretty well spread throughout.
Rogue/Anna Marie Darkholme 🧤- mainly 616, canon divergent, with influence from Wolverine and The X-Men, and The Animated Series.
Nilza Valdez (hunter) 🔪, Farrar Kilpatrick (hunter) 🍀, Kaylee Starke (werewolf) 🐺- urban fantasy OC with influence from Supernatural,  Marvel, Teen Wolf. Mun is decently knowledgeable in Stranger Things, PJO  fandom, and generalized paganism.
Harry Dresden (wizard), Molly Carpenter (apprentice) of The Dresden Files, circa essentially right before White Night
Sara Lance 🐦- Arrowverse- FC changed to Katheryn Winnick, no C**ty L*tz here and a lot of tweaks with regards to the predatory stuff
Padmé Amidala 💫- request only
Cisco Ramon 🌀- request only
Gabriel Boutin- The Bastard Son and The Devil Himself - request only
Carrd- in-depth muse bios, aesthetics, music, etc.
Sidebar photo template- jessource
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HI! I’m putting all of the things i’ve been tagged in from the past couple of weeks that i haven’t answered yet bc i’m working hard on an admission portfolio for university and i really want to get into Sheridan, so yep lots of work and lots of art. i am also working on the HTTYD fandom reading (please sign up) and the next chapters of J’Imagine and No Cannon Shall Sink This Ship. Anyways, onto the tagged: 
get to know me meme: tagged by @animalsarepeople2​ thank youuuu! 
nicknames: Kei / Keiko *i explain this in a question down there somewhere 
Gender: Female 
Star Sign: Libra
Height: 163cm 
Time: 17:07 (by the time I finished all of these it’s 18:36) 
Birthday: February 25 
Favourite Bands: Beatles, Young Rising Sons, Clean Bandits, Lovelyz, Infinite 
Favourite Solo Artists: Ailee, Ed Sheeran 
Song Stuck in My Head: 1cm by Lovelyz 
Last Movie Watched: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Johnny Depp
Last Show Watched: I just binge watched Stranger Things 
When I created my blog: July 15, 2013/June 27, 2017
What I post about: httyd, animated movies, animation
Last thing I Googled: information about Sheridan and character rotation 
Other blogs I have: my main blog @tokkeiko
Following: 100, though I want to find more good blogs, any recs anyone? 
Followers: in total from both blogs, 200 or something 
Favourite colour: Green 
Average hours of sleep: 8-ish 
Lucky number: 7
Instruments: piano, oboe 
What I’m wearing: jeans and my current favourite sweater which is grey with gold spots 
Number of blankets: I need to remember to find another one bc my room is freezing when I wake up in the morning
Dream Job: story artist at Disney 
Dream trip: i just want to get out of my city rn 
Favourite food: i’m just hungry rn, give me anything, but favourite food, among others, is salted caramel truffle blizzard from the good old DQ (#lovemydq) 
Music ask, tagged by @yv-sketches THANKS!!!! 
10 songs that you are listening to right now; 
my current favourite playlist is called Shut Up and Dance:
“Elle Me Dit” Mika 
“Red Balloon” Charli XCX 
“Dancing in the Dark” Rihanna 
“Shut Up and Dance” Walk the Moon
“Red and Gold” Young Rising Sons 
“Can’t Stop the Feeling” Justin Timberlake 
“Better When I’m Dancing” Meghan Trainor 
“I Bet My Life” Imagine Dragons 
“Into a Fantasy” Alexander Rybak 
“Get Back Up Again” Anna Kendrick
Tag Game, taggged by @thepurplewriter333 ty friend-o! 
Nicknames: Keiko/Kei/Spirit/Sweet Potato 
Gender: Female
Star Sign; Pisces 
Height: 163cm 
Sexuality: probably straight 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff!!!
Favourite animals: uhhhh... orcas probably 
Average hours spent sleeping: 8 i think, i’m not bothering with math rn 
Dogs or cats: KITTY, all of my sibilings have a significant other and all of their significant others’ have cats and why can’t I have a s/o with a cat???
number of blankets sleeping: during the winter, aka now already, two 
Dream trip: geeeeetttt meeeee ouuuuttt offf thissss citttyyyyy
Dream job: Story artist at Disney 
when I made this account: June 27. 2017
why I made this account: bc i wanted a place to reblog all of the httyd stuff without loosing followers on my other blog 
# of followers: like 47, I think? I recently got more. follow me i am cool person 
92 statements, tagged by @thepurplewriter333 thanks for the double tag! 
Drink: Tim Hortons’ Double Double (got to stay caffeinatedddddddd) 
 Phone Call: Home to get a ride home 
Text message: Friend to go hang out later
Song You Listened To: Shooting Star by Lovelyz
Time You Cried: uhhhhhhhh... oh, like a month ago, it was a bad week and then I watched Home and my emotions were already out of wack so I basically sobbed near the end 
Have you: 
Dated someone twice: Nope 
Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope, i’m boring
Been cheated on: nope 
Lost someone special: nope 
Been depressed: i feel like it’s hard to be a university student and not get depressed 
Gotten drunk and thrown up: i am a boring party person and yeah, no i haven’t 
List 3 favourite colours: 
In the last year have you: 
made new friends: Yeahhhh
fallen out of love: nopppeee...?
Laughed until you cried: like every other day
Found someone was talking about you: in a good way; nope. In a bad way: yeah too many times
found out who your friends are: yeahhhhhh
kissed someone on your FB list: okay someday, i’ll have more interesting answers 
how many FB friends do you know IRL: 99% of them 
Do you have any pets: nope 
Do you want to change your name: i recently thought about dropping my middle name, but like it has significance to my parents so probably won’t happen and my middle name doesn’t do anything so idk 
what did you do for your last birthday: Keep in mind that I turned 18: my friends and I went to Build-A-Bear and they got me a Build-A-Bear Toothless. 
What time do you wake up: my alarms on early days are 7:00, 7:05, 7:15, 7:25, 7:35, 7:45, 8:00. I naturally wake up at 9-ish 
What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping :D 
Name something you can’t wait for: to (hopefully) get accepted into Sheridan and start a new adventure out there.
When was the last time you saw your mom: she’s in the kitchen with me 
what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish that I could’ve figured out what I wanted to do with life so that I could’ve started Sheridan this year 
What are you listening to right now: Sheridan portfolio reviews, tips, etc. (Starting to see a pattern here?) 
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: friend’s dad. he’s a cool dad. 
Something that is getting on your nerves: when people are packing up their stuff before the professor is finished talking in the last 5 minutes of class. URGH stop moving ppl this stuff is important 
Most visited website: FB, YT, tumblr 
Mole(s): couple
Mark(s): I have freckles (might be moles) on each cheek under both eyes. 
Childhood dream: when you’re a kid, you’re really only exposed to teacher, doctor, police man and whatever your parents are. I think I defaulted to an artist when adults asked. 
Hair colour: black, I have silver hairs though, they stick out on the black hair a lot 
long or short hair: I always grow my hair out and then cut off 12 inches to donate to cancer wigs  
Do you have a crush on someone: not currently, though i had a crush on a guy for like 5 years, so even now, 5 years later, I get happy when I think about him 
Piercings: no, i really think a conch piercing would be nice though 
Blood type: ... A I think, i’ve never gotten tested, but according to genetics, I should be an A 
Nicknames: my full name is Keiko, but everyone called me Kei as a kid, but during high school, I started introducing myself as Keiko, so some people call me Kei, some people call me Keiko, one of them is a nickname, depending on which way you think about it, 
Relationship Status: Egg salad. 
Zodiac: Pisces 
Pronouns: She/her
Favourite TV show: Friends 
Right or left handed: Right, but recently I’ve been trying to teach myself to draw with my left hand 
Surgery: Wisdom teeth 
Hair dyed a different colour: nope, but I think I might try a ombre some day 
Sports: ballet since I was 4ish, ballet is a sport, come fight me on it if you dare 
Vacation: a lot of camping when I was younger, I’ve been to Japan twice, and then places across Canada
Pair of trainers: are we talking about trainers as in shoes? bc then ankle high all black vans. 
More General: 
Eating: this is taking so long I stopped and had supper between these sections
Drinking: Double Double (Tim’s coffee, two creams, two sugars), gotta stay AWaaaaaaaaaaKE
I’m about to: draw character designs or go out to coffee shop to study with friends 
Want: to get into Sheridan so so so so so badly 
Get married: I’m still single, want to put my career first, so yep not for a little while 
Career: i’m a cake decorator rn, see my cakes on my insta @tanakeiart 
Hugs or Kisses: hUG mE
Lips or eyes: Eyes, (though I am supper bad at making eye contact) 
Shorter or taller: would be nice to be slightly taller... 
Older or younger: like to date or something? I think high school rule is a good rule, but rn looking at niners mAN they are tiny
Nice arms or stomach: arms to hug meeeeee
Sensitive or loud: i think I would need a loud person to compliment me 
Hook up or relationship: relationship bc you have a standing plus one to everything and rn being single I have to text like 5 friends to find someone to go with me to something 
Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant 
Have you ever: 
kissed a stranger: Nope 
Drank hard liquor: I only have like four months until my 19th so like i’ll go drinking then 
Lost Glasses/contact lenses: funny story: family and i were in Japan and we were at Kinkaku-ji and then i realize that one of my eyes have gone fuzzy, so thinking that there is something on the lens, i take my glasses off and my lens had fallen out of the frame. my family literally crawled around trying to find my lost lens, we did find it, but we couldn’t find a small screw that would hold the lens in. my dad fixed it with a twist tie.
turned someone down: nobody likes me so nobody has asked me so i have never turned someone down 
broken someone’s heart: no 
had your heart broken: yeah, by a friend. It is shATTERing 
been arrested: not even a parking ticket in my name 
cried when someone died: no, i am some kind of emotionless egg
fallen for a friend: my heart easily leaps and often trips falls and gets lost
Do you believe in:
yourself: yes, I believe that I can get in, I believe that I can be what I want to be. 
Miracles: I believe in karma more than miracles 
Love at first sight: yes, but not in the way that media portrays it 
Santa claus: nah 
Kiss on the first date: this is weirdly phrased. 
current best friend name: becky 
Eye colour: brown 
Favourite movie: the other day i was procrastinating and made an official list of favourite movies, which still has a lot of ties: 1/2: httyd 1/2, 3/4: moana, big hero 6, 5/6/7: wreck it ralph, tangled, rise of the guardians,  8/9/10: back to the future 1-3 
wow that took a lot of time, but thanks for tagging me! I’m tagging @thepurplewriter333 @yv-sketches and @animalsarepeople2 on the ones that you didn’t tag me in! also tagging @katlikespie @crazilexa and @fading-shadows for whichever one/s you want to do! 
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noodlesforlyfe · 7 years
Tag Game!
i did this before but i have A LOT of new followers recently so ya , here is a little bit about me :)
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better.
(If any of these questions make you uncomfortable you dont have to answer!!)
Tagged by: @leviheichou35​ , thanks boo <3
Name: Nagham
Nickname: Noodle/Noodles/NOODS/Palm tree/Nono/ms annoying fangirl/smartass/memelord/trash can
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Hogwarts House:Gryffindor
Height: 163 cm/ 5’4’’
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Book Series: I haven’t read in a very long while *sob* but fav series are Percy Jackson harry potter  and divergent
Favorite Fictional Character:SO MANY I WONT EVEN BOTHER
Favorite Flower: Armin Arlert
Favorite Scent: Wet grass and sweet/sugary smells
Favorite Color: Dark purple
Favorite Animal: I like horses and birds, I hate fishies
Favorite Band: Panic!At the Disco , Fall out boy,Sleeping with Sirens, BTS,EXO,GOT7,DAY6,BLACKPINK,Twice,my chemical romance, so many moreeee
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Average Hours of Sleep: I cover all the spectrum , from 4 hours to 8 and 9 hours
Number of Blankets: one
Dream Trip: Japan, South Korea, Anywhere that has snow and natural scenes
Last thing I googled: The new year syllabus *sighhhhhh*
Blog Created: 6 months ago
How many blogs do I follow?: 460 beautiful ppl
Number of Followers: 729 lovely beans
What I usually post about: Mostly ereri content and my own ks memes, occasionally original memes for aot and yoi. Other than that just reblogging fanart,ks analysis and shit posts/memes
Do I get asks regularly:Not really?? They tend to be random as well, but I am not too upset cuz i am well connected to my tumblr mutual and I talk to them regularly :)
ok imma tagg some lovely ppl but idk if you guys already did this, so sorry if i bothered you and you already did the tag :) YOU AINT GOTTA DO THIS
@peachylevi​ @tetsuuyya​ @konekopon​ @giasesshoumaru​ @teatimewithamz​
@theredstarassassin​ @attack-on-stalking​ @bluchupikaboo​ @noodleexplosion​
@realmrsevilgenius​ @jurvektheblogsmer​ @ackercat​ @bangtanjkook​ @ikemen-in-suits​ @the-worldisme​
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Tagged !
Tagged by: @askpinktrash
1} Where do you lives ? Famous Central California. But no, not L.A.
2} Do you have phobias ? Heights and spiders. Been traumatized by both as a small child.
3} How many languages do you speak ? One and a… 1/3? I took a year of Japanese and tend to pick up here and there from anime/music/t.v. But mostly just English.
4} Favourite one piece ship ? Uh… Frick. I multi-ship the hell out of every fandom. I pick my favorite bottom and he got lots of honeys. But, I am heavily involved in Sanji/Zoro. (Darksinokaru)
5} Do you have any mental/health problems ? Health wise I have a couple really bad problems that I’m trying to get squared away but uh… you don’t want to hear me rant and rave about idiots in the medical industry (or at least in my area-most likely just my area). Psychologically, not so much anymore, but I used to suffer from some serious, life threatening depression in response to specific events in my childhood. But after therapy, I’ve been doing much better. I still have some issues, but I won’t go into that here. I’ve probably already shared too much (classic me). If you want to know more, message me and I’m more than happy to talk since therapy taught me that talking about my problems helps me immensely.
6} mouse or tablet ? For art? Tablet! I need a new one, I have a Vistablet and it seems like the company died since they said they were “remodeling” their website… four years ago. I haven’t had a driver update since 2014. DX I need one that’s more up to date and reliable.
7} Cats or dogs ? I really like all animals (except f*!!!!! spiders), but I get nervous around excitable dogs after having been one my feet one minute getting into a car and down on the cement with a huge whack to the back of my head the next when I was around 10 I think. Dogs are adorable and cute, and I want to get one to help my nervousness. Currently, I have a very uncuddly kitty (gives pointed look at kitty on bed-kitty on bed is the most lovey dovey she gets unless she wants something from me). *sigh
8} what is your favourite memes ? Honestly, I don’t tend to pay attention to memes usually (I’m typically busy writing on the web and rping, so I don’t run into them as often as some others-I run into them mostly on tumblr), DX I fail the internet. I like memes and seen some really funny ones, but since I don’t pay a lot of attention I can’t really say what my favorite meme(s) is/are.
9} What’s your favourite magical word ? Oh man, oh man, oh man. That’s F*ing hard. Like… there are so many awesome words out there! Usually, with questions like this I end up giving lists and I’m not sure I should… (this is someone who keeps looking at her dictionary and wants to read it from cover to cover). Words are beautiful~
10} Rate @askpinktrash ’s face from the scale of 10 10/10 (I’m rating the overall tumblr-not sure if that’s right).
I tagg: @@askeggplantkai , @@stone-emperor , and anyone else who wants to do this (sorry if anyone has done this before).
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nozoroomie · 8 years
an about meme! Tagged by @megapixelpichu and @thecuriousinferno ! they’re both different but have some of the same questions so im just gunna do both (tho if i’ve already answered questions from one I’ll just remove it from the other) 
Rules: Tag 20 people you’d like to get to know better (Im just gunna tag a few;; )
Name/Nickname: Roomie!
Gender: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Star Sign: Pisces! 
Height: 5′1.5 ... I am.. a smol bear
Sexual Orientation: I, am a lesbean
Hogwarts House: 
Favorite Color: Purple, Blue and pastel pinks!
Favourite Animal: Bears :’)
Average Hours of sleep: 5-6
Cat or dog person: ): don’t make me choose that’s literally impossible
Favorite Fictional Characters: I have a strong love for literally every member of u’s and aqours but the top of the list are the third year trios, Honoka and You
Number of blankets I sleep with: Right now 7, but when its not winter I sleep with 3
Favorite Singer/Band: quite a lot! 
Dream Trip: :’) honestly I just wanna visit my friends online and maybe go to the zoo with them or smth. Disney? idk as long as we’re hanging out having a good time ill be content.
Dream Job: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When was this blog created: April 2015 I believe?
Current number of followers: 2,664
When did your blog reach its peak?: I’d love to say when I started fantasy au, but I think it’s because for a while I was taking lots of prompts, publishing a lot. It was decent then but then it skyrocketed thanks.. thanks to hot nuggets.
Thanks hot nuggets.
What made you decide to make a Tumblr?: I’ve been here since 2010, had about 6 different blogs and finally settled here and I really could not tell you my reason for being here.
Birthday: March 14th! 
Relationship status: Single
Siblings: Three older sisters! One of them is my twin! She’s literally two minutes older than me and the coolest. 
Wake up time: Friday-Tuesday anywhere between 10 and 12, and Wednesday and Thursdays are the hell days where I get up at 8:30 and 9
Lemonade or sweet tea: Lemonade but only because sweet tea ruined my life. (Canada has iced tea and its completely different from american iced tea and so much better and when i tried sweet tea i was so upset it didn’t taste like our iced tea. I was heart broken. )
Day or night: Night! 
Coke or pepsi: bepsi
Calls or texts: I’m very bad at both, but I guess texting
Ever met a celebrity?: I’ve met a few voice actors at cons before, I think the best one was the lady who plays Jen in 6teen. She was hilarious
Smiles or eyes: Why not both?
Country or city: oof.. I don’t even know to be honest.
Last song i listened to: Total Eclipse of the Heart Tag some users you want to get to know better:
I think I’ll tagg... @icaruswings87 @sunokasai @trashikino and @nanjolking !!
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