#from now on I am a dnf Observer
ln4-llingforu · 1 year
Hey!! Specific request for you :) meeting Lando at a post Vegas GP party. You message back and forth as he goes to Abu Dhabi, but then he surprises you and flies to your hometown to spend his first week post season. You get to show him around and introduce him to your family and friends, etc?
There's Something So Magic About You
I love this idea!!
Your Tiktok had blown up in the past few months, with breaking down and generally commentating on the ongoing of F1 both on and off of the grid. This had led to you getting invited to the brand new Las Vegas grand prix with Ferrari. But it wasn't the boys in red that were catching your eye, it was a certain British boy in his 'papaya-esque' uniform, he'd been growing out his facial hair all season and was now starting to look a lot more mature. Little did you know you'd caught his eye aswell, he'd seen you on tiktok breaking down his great overtakes and massive progress McLaren had made throughout the season.
Sundays race hadn't went amazingly for Ferrari with one driver DNF-ing mid way through the race and the other receiving multiple penalties during qualifying leading to a very difficult start to the race, they had not ended where they had wished, some who did however, was a certain Lando Norris who had came second, his best result all season.
Obviously, with it being Las Vegas, the after party was huge, drivers, friends, mechanics even a few team principals had shown their faces. The drinks were flowing, the music was booming and the whole club was alive, you were simply observing until you felt someone tap you on the shoulder.
"Hi" you heard, shouted over the music by a voice you'd come to know very well, "I'm Lando, its a pleasure to meet you"
"I'm very aware of who you are" you replied, you words slightly slurred after what was maybe one too many drinks.
"So do i get a name? Or am i just gonna have to call you 'the girl that would look 100x better in orange?" He added, a slight of hope in his voice.
"I quite like that actually, it has a bit of a ring to it, guess if you want a name you're gonna have to work for it, papaya boy" you replied, in a half-serious way, as you turned to walk off into the night, he grabbed you by the waist pulling you back in .
"If i can't get a name can i at least get a number??" He was almost starting to sound desperate.
You complied, exchanging numbers and sending a quick text just to make sure they were right. At this point you knew you'd had one too many, you could both tell this as Lando, who had also had a few too many tonight suggested you shared a ride back to the hotel.
When you arrived you parted ways and got in separate elevators. It was then it hit you, not only did he notice you, he wanted you.
The week between Vegas and Abu Dhabi went by in a blur with you and Lando barely leaving each other alone, going from awkward hellos to spilling secrets and learning about one another so quickly it was hard to remember a time before you knew him. Sadly, for both of you, you couldn't attend the finale race of this season, promising Lando that you'd watch every second and call him when he was alone.
The weekend went by, Lando had done well by all means, but he didn't win, he'd made it into P4 which was still amazing, but Lando seemed very upset and you felt horrible that you couldn't be there. You asked if he was doing any celebrating to which he said he had some 'important business' to attend to and honestly, you were too afraid to ask.
And oh, were you glad you didn't, on Monday morning you were woken up by a loud knock at your door, expecting it to just be a package you had ordered, you put very little effort into making yourself look presentable so when you opened the door and saw a smile you had longed for for so long, it took you a minute to even process what was happening.
He almost luged at you hugging you tighter than you'd ever been hugged, you asked what he was doing here to which he replied that he wanted to spend time with his new found favourite person.
You spent the week visiting different places in your hometown, your favourite restaurant, the park where you learned how to ride a bike, he even met some of your friends.
It got to Friday, almost time for him to go, though it was likely you'd go with him at least for a little while. Casually, while you were getting ready to go for your weekly family dinner, which Lando had begged to go to until you asked your mum who was delighted to have him over, he said he wished you two could be more, something serious, you asked why you couldn't, he didn't give you a direct answer, he simply asked if you would be his girlfriend, of course you agreed.
I hope this fit what you imagined :))
If you have any other weirdly specific requests please send them :))
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lewisinho · 7 months
the recency bias around verstappen is crazy though. bro he was called crashstappen when he started f1, he was behind ricciardo for 2 seasons and only ahead of him in 2018 after ricciardo announced he was leaving rbr and coincidentally had 9352762 mechanical dnfs. He lacked the single seater experinece and genuinely showed in his early seasons, it took 3-4 years for him to mature (it is still debatable if he matured or not bc he usually gets away with it lol). the point is even if toto wants to create the next verstappen, he needs years for that lol
this is long so under the cut:
the writing was on the wall for ricciardo from the beginning to be fair. red bull was becoming max’s team, but it all comes down to a very simple reason: he was just faster. i am not saying ricciardo was not holding his own, of course he was, but a nineteen-year-old max verstappen was on par with him pace-wise and eventually surpassed him.
but back to your point, it’s far too early for antonelli. it was too early for max as well. i am not saying max didn’t have the pace, or that kimi won’t…it’s just that pace isn’t everything in this sport, especially when you are bringing a literal child into it. it’s an absolute nightmare from the media side, the pressure of public perception…this is not the type of scrutiny a mere child should ever be under. it was not okay then, and it is not okay now. what max had back then, was protection from red bull. he also undoubtedly knew the world of f1 very well before he even reached the sport himself (from his own father). he was confident from the get-go and sure of his abilities. he never had to worry about his seat. and fair enough, he proved himself and he was faster than all of his teammates. but that’s the thing, you can have all the pace in the world, but you won’t have the maturity neither inside nor outside of the car. we can say a lot about max’s attitude, but the thing is at the end of the day, if he’s growing in an environment that doesn’t hold him accountable…he was never going to learn in the first place (not an excuse by the way, merely an observation as to how red bull treated him); and that’s the thing, max made mistakes, a lot of them, because he was still very much on a learning curve. but red bull let him make those mistakes, let him have the time to hone his craft. was their approach appropriate or successful? we can very much argue that it wasn’t and say that to this day, the lack of accountability is still present and his attitude is still shitty (also yeah, regarding your point, has he matured? doubt it.)
what max’s example proves (and in fact every rookie for that matter), is that these kids need time. you can throw a 17 year old child in a torro rosso, and they can be fast af, but they will still require a lot of time and nurturing. and f1 these days doesn’t give you that proper nurturing environment that is absolutely necessary for these kids to properly develop. it’s sink or swim. they can kick you out after half a season, never mind that you only had three days of testing to get to grips with a formula one car. that’s why going through the junior formulas, step by step, is just so important. hone your craft slowly, get your fucking media training and your gcse’s first. these junior formulas are there for a reason. f1 is also a nightmare environment to grow up and mature in. never mind how old you are when you come in, your rookie season is scary and stressful. these days it is also probably the worst time to be a rookie, considering how proper preparation is virtually non-existent. imagine also being a fucking kid on top of that.
the mental side is only worse, and this is what frightens me the most about kimi’s situation. it’s not even the pressure the media have already put him under as ‘hamilton’s replacement’, already expecting him to win the f2 championship, it’s the pressure toto is putting him under. why is he saying that he is considering putting kimi in the merc in 2025 to replace lewis publicly? as i’ve said before, it’s not good for a child to be under this type of scrutiny and it’s just unfair on kimi. give the kid time, it will only be for the better.
i genuinely do not understand what toto is playing at. he’s still apparently sour about not managing to sign max when he had the chance. the fact that he doesn’t realise how wrong it is just worries me. and i agree with you wholeheartedly, if he wants to create the next verstappen, it will take years, why? because it did.
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evakcardamom · 2 years
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There’s an article about Tarjei and the filmschool in Lillehammer at gd.no (I don’t seem to be able to paste in the link at the moment.) Here’s the first 10 screenshots.
Here’s the text translated in google translate. Too early to translate myself
«Skam» - Isak lives in Lillehammer: - Now I am very happy that I made that choice
Several students at the Norwegian Film School in Lillehammer have made a name for themselves in the film world. Tarjei Sandvik Moe, known as Isak in the TV series Skam, left his network to attend the popular school.
In 1997, the Norwegian Film School (DNF) opened its doors for the first time in the premises of the Olympic's old press centre. 25 years later, more than 350 students have graduated from the school and new lines have been established. Dean Eli Bø has big dreams for the school.
Bø took over as dean at DNF in March, after Karin Julsrud. She has worked in the film industry and within higher film education for many years, and at the same time observed how important the school has been to both the film and TV industry.
The students who go to school now are not like those who started 25 years ago. These are more used to using audiovisual language in everyday life, several thrive in front of the camera, others are used to photographing, cutting and adding sound - even those who apply to lines other than photography, cutting and sound. But everyone still has a lot to learn with us, says Eli Bø.
Will get closer cooperation
When Eli Bø became dean, she and Leif Holst Jensen, dean at the Faculty of Audiovisual Media and Creative Technology (AMEK), were tasked by the college's board to investigate how the two faculties could start a closer collaboration. Bø thinks that, among other things, the TV school and the film school should stay under the same roof without cooperating, to miss out on many opportunities. She also wants to include the play school in Hamar as part of the collaboration.
There is a lot of good expertise in both faculties, both at AMEK and here at the film school, which we can exchange and jointly benefit from, she says.
It is still early in the process, but she emphasizes that they have already started working together in some areas. They have appointed a joint vice-dean for research and are now advertising seven PhD positions in artistic development work. In addition, cooperation opportunities in technical and administrative areas are being investigated.
- If you are going to investigate room for closer collaboration, it is perhaps not at bachelor's level that you should start, since both faculties' bachelor's programs already have such very strong identities, histories and groups of applicants. In contrast, the master's and doctorate levels open up new and unexplored opportunities, says Eli Bø.
* 1997 Åpning av skolen
Filmskolen tar over presselokalene fra OL og åpner dørene for første gang.
* 2003 Stipendiatprogram blir opprettet
Stipendiatprogrammet for kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid ble opprettet og finansiert fra Kunnskapsdepartementet for å utvikle et kunstfaglig alternativ på linje med de vitenskapelige doktorgradsprogrammene. Filmskolen har vært med i programmet fra starten.
* 2015 Masterutdanning
Etter mange år med bachelorutdanning, startet Den norske filmskolen også med utdanning på masternivå.
* Februar 2022 Doktorgradsprogram blir godkjent
Den 10. februar 2022 vedtok NOKUT i styremøte å akkreditere det nye ph.d programmet "ph.d i kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid i film og beslektede audiovisuelle kunstformer" på Den norske filmskolen ved Høgskolen i Innlandet.
* Mars 2022 Ny dekan
Eli Bø trer inn som dekan etter Karin Julsrud.
* 2032 ???
The future of the film school
Bø has clear goals for what she would like to achieve while she is dean.
- What is important to me is to run as good a national education as possible. Being able to pursue film education at the highest artistic level, with a bachelor's, master's and PhD programme, was the motivation for coming here, she says.
What will the film school look like in 10 years?
- Some things will be as they have been. We want to continue with line teaching and to train specialists within various disciplines – we will continue to have a photo line, directing line, cutting line and so on. This requires resources, but we are, after all, The Norwegian Film School! And I expect that more lines or professional fields will eventually be developed - not least inspired by the areas that AMEK represents.
A long-term goal is to achieve closer synergy between the various levels; bachelor's, master's and PhD. As long as the various courses are located at different study sites, in Oslo and Lillehammer, she sees that it is difficult to utilize the school's resources - both expertise, infrastructure and technical facilities - in the best possible way. As a rule, it is only the national film schools around that can afford to run line education, as it requires resources.
- In order for the students at the various levels to benefit as much as possible from each other, the film school must eventually be co-located.
She does not want to say anything about where the school could possibly be co-located.
Traveled from the network
One of the current students at the film school is star actor Tarjei Sandvik Moe. Among other things, he is known from the TV series Skam, Skitten snø and the film An Affair.
After several years in the industry, he chose to set aside three years to take a bachelor's degree in screenwriting.
- I had heard that this was the best film school in Norway, he says.
Among the people he met in the industry, several had attended the film school's various courses, and he inquired with them whether he should apply to the school.
- I heard mostly positive things, says Moe.
Has become fond of Lillehammer
The fact that the school was located in Lillehammer was initially a dilemma for Moe, as he did not quite know what he was getting himself into. Should he move from Oslo and the network to study in a small town, or stay and continue investing in what he had? Curiosity about studying became an important factor. He packed up his things and moved to Lillehammer.
Now I am very happy that I made that choice, he says.
When asked where the school should be located, Moe emphasizes that there are clear advantages to the school being located in Lillehammer and in Oslo.
- I have appreciated that the school is located in Lillehammer and notice that it has given an extra focus on my studies, with fewer distractions than what would perhaps be the case in a big city.
After living in Lillehammer for just over a year, he feels established and has become accustomed to living here.
- I have grown fond of Lillehammer.
Gathers former and new students
To mark 25 years of film school in Lillehammer, both old and new students will gather for a party, professional content and important conversations in the coming week. There are several students who have made a name for themselves in the film world who come to Lillehammer to celebrate. Among them are:
Linn-Jeanethe Kyed – Rådebank, Børning
Frederick Howard - Three Nuts for Cinderella
Eric Richter Strand – The Crown
Sara Johnsen – July 22 series
Roar Uthaug – Tomb Raider
Thomas Seeberg Torjussen – Zombie Lars
Amy Black Ndiaye – The World Is Mine
Will take inspiration from Denmark
Several of the students at the film school come from Denmark, and Bø believes this could be due to several things. One thing that distinguishes Danish and Norwegian students is that the Danes have often attended pre-school before starting a bachelor's degree. In Denmark, there are several one-year film schools that prepare them for their studies.
Perhaps this means that they have greater confidence to apply, says Eli Bø.
Bø believes this is something we can also look at here in Norway. Several years ago, there were pre-schools in Norway, but these eventually became independent bachelor's courses, and no longer building blocks for further education.
This summer, the film school received so-called seed funding from the college in Innlandet to run a summer school in collaboration with former film school teachers Hisham Zaman and Åse Drivenes in Snowfall Cinema. The summer school was particularly aimed at applicant groups that the film school has not been good enough to reach so far.
- Applying to film is very special. It is really a niche education. To understand that you want to seek it, you must be exposed to it and perhaps have experienced how exciting it can be.
Bø emphasizes that she believes there are many people in Norway who have important and good stories to tell.
This is DNF, it should cover the whole country both geographically and demographically and I think we have not always been good enough at that. We have probably been a film school for Eastern Norway a little too much, and I hope this will change, says Eli Bø.
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gladiolidiaries · 2 years
am i crazy because i think dnf pandered the exact right amount today in dreams video…like any more pandering than that on valentine’s day would’ve made me think they’re more fake than real (ie skephalo)
i don’t think they’re dating or that either have made a move but i know logically dream has thought about it because george was apart of him figuring out his sexuality. and i know george is gay. like that’s the easiest thing in the world to guesstimate, most people clock him right off the bat without even knowing him.
so that leaves me with just kinda waiting and observing to see if one of them ever decides to make a move, or if their relationship seems to shift even more. they haven’t lived with each other long enough yet for anything crazy in the grand scheme of things. i think it’ll take a fair bit longer before we see anything indicating their relationship has deepened, but i believe the potential is definitely there.
I kinda agree with this I honestly think the video had very normal amount of dnf I mean Dream's videos were never the place to get the most amount of dnfing from. I'm personally leaning towards something happened already but it's still so early days.
I guess some of us were maybe expecting a snapchat pic or something but if Dream was still editing today and George woke up at like 6pm maybe today is just not the day even if it's Valentine's day lol. But also they could literally be spending time together now and gatekeeping.
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mikyouknow · 3 years
Thinking about how dnf really trust and rely on each other so much 😔 like it seems they have each other’s YouTube passwords (from George updating Dream’s story and Dream uploading a video on George’s channel w/o telling him first) and George with the “I trust my Dream” + “I don’t trust anyone other then Dream to edit my videos”
Also the calls going through silent and do not disturb is just 🥺 true Trust but also supportive as hell just always being open to be of help and be there for each other 🥺
It just.. rly gets to me like, I can’t even wrap my head around being able to trust someone else so blindly w these stuff - and they haven’t even met each other irl 😳
(... also here’s an important note kids, Don’t trust your internet friend who lives an ocean apart from you who you haven’t even seen the face of with your private info and passwords) ((but if George is the one reading this.. you’re definitely insane for that one, but by all means, carry on doing that bestie ! 🤠))
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Famous astrology facts :
Lets look at the astrology birth chart of dream from the dream smp in minecraft
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Today I am gonna be looking at his 11th house aka the fanbase house. (Btw i am using western astrology using whole sign)
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Dream have pluto in his 11th house. Having pluto in the 11th house means that if he have a huge influence in his friend group and his fan base. Now the thing is is that dream pluto in his 11th house is badly aspected by his other planets.
His 11th house ruler Jupiter that is in his 4th house is also badly aspected by his other planets which make sense why dream fanbase is hugely disliked and casted away by the public.
Dream also have his asteroid ixion conjunct his midheaven and this is why he is viewed as a "bad boy" in his career.
I will be looking at dream sun too. Because from what i've observe the sun is more important than the midheaven and ascendant because the sun is your main thing, who you are, and what you are, it also rules your reputation too.
Dream have his sun opposite uranus means that people and the public viewed him as someone who is odd
He also have his black moon lilith (h12) in his 11th house conjunct pluto in a 0rb between his 10th house and 11th house. Vladimir putin also have this aspect. This is the reason why dream always get sexualized by his fans for just existing and breathing basically. But this could also means that the public viewed him as very weird and intense for no reason at all and this is why you know that dream is kinda hated by the public too. Kim kardashian also have black moon lilith (h12) conjunct pluto. In the past kim kardashian was really hated by the public just for having that black moon lilith and pluto energy in her.
Having pluto conjunct black moon lilith also could mean gaining fame and power through segg and taboo stuff (kim kardashian have black moon lilith conjunct pluto and she was famously known for her segg tape). And dream is also known for the "dnf" shipping thing between dream and georgenotfound and dream fanbase always wanted to know dream's sexuality even he already told his fans a lot of times that he is unlabeled (if i am not wrong). This is also the reason why there is so many rumors about dream being gay even he is not. This is also the reason why he was accused of queer baiting alot by people (pluto represents secrets and manipulation and black moon lilith represents repressed sexuality or sexuality embrace).
He also have uranus conjunct his ascendant in aquarius which when he met people in real life people will think that he is the "odd one". This could also be the reason why dream keeps hiding his face.
I hope you guys enjoy this astrology observation 💗
Written by : brielledoesastrology (in tumblr)
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
{Fire pit} MCYT Vacation Series
summary: yeah just, hanging around a fire pit with a very drunk wilbur soot
includes: dream, georgenotfound, wilbur soot, sapnap, karl jacobs, philza, badboyhalo, charlie slimesicle, quackity
pairings: dnf, karlnap
word count: 1469
trigger warnings: swearing, alcohol usage, mentions of burns
regular masterlist
MCYT vacation series masterlist
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“Who here knows how to get a fire started?” Dream asked.
The group held off on doing a fire night for a while. It’s not that they didn't want to do it, it’s more of the fact that they were scared to do it. The only responsible one there was Phil, but he was the only one who has experience with  a drunken Wilbur Soot. 
Tonight; however, was the perfect night. The forecast was clear, not even huge gusts of wind expected. It was ideal, everyone could sit in a circle and not have smoke filling their lungs. 
Dream took it upon himself to get out all of the chairs while Quackity carried the wood from the truck, making multiple trips. Bad offered to help him, but Quackity talked himself up about how strong he is and wanted to prove a point.
“I’ve made a fire before for a Mr. Beast video,” Karl mentioned. “I could give it a go.” 
“That atta boy, Karl!” Dream patted him on the back. “Everything that you need is somewhere out here. I’m sure Sap will get you anything.”
Karl looked over at Sapnap, who was in a bit of a conundrum. He was trying to help Charlie set up the bug net around the area. Dream got a huge one off of  Amazon that would make a huge tent but leave enough room to move around. Charlie was working on getting the stakes in the ground and spacing while Sapnap... was in a wrestling match with the net. 
Charlie gave him one simple task: unravel the net. Sapnap got as far as taking the pin out that held it together and somehow he got under it... and wrapped all up in it. It was a hilarious sight, seeing Sapnap wail his arms aimlessly to only get the net wrapped around him more.
“Sap!” Karl called out. “Calm down and stop. Let me help you.”
“I have it under control!” Sapnap yelled back. “I don't need any help. It’s just a stupid net! Aghhh.” That ‘stupid net’ wrapped around his leg and when he tried to move his arm, the net pulled back, taking Sapnap out at the knees.
Everyone turned around from the high pitch scream that left Sapnap’s lips and bursted out laughing. Karl did his best to hold his laugh in, but seeing his boyfriends angry face made him fail.
“Can I help you now?” Karl asked, reaching out for the net.
Sapnap crossed his arms in defeat, “Help.”
Karl detangled the net and patted Sapnap on the cheek, “There ya go. I have to go start the fire.”
Sapnap pecked his cheek, “Damn right you start that fire.”
A car horn beeped from the front of the yard, Phil was back. They sent Phil out to get stuff for s’mores since they forgot about it on the grocery list... well, more like they didn't get enough. Half the marshmallows were gone before the second day.
“Children!” Phil called. “I am back!”
Wilbur ran up to Phil and tried to snatch the bag of treats, but he was too slow and Phil whipped it behind his back, “Come on, Phil!”
Phil shook his head, “I’m putting myself in charge of s’mores. You little fucking gremlin will eat them all if I don't.”
“B-But that's not fair!” Wilbur pleaded. “I am a grown man Philzaminecraft. Just give me one marshmallow, that's all I want.”
Phil gave in, “Just one.” He took the marshmallows out of the bag and ripped them open with two fingers. He leaned the bag to Wilbur, carefully watching him only take one, “Good.”
Back at the now started fire, Badboyhalo was making good observations, “Hey, Dream! With the net in place there won’t be much room for benches and chairs.”
“Oh shit you already noticed,” Dream mumbled under his breath.
“What was that?” Bad asked.
“Well you see...” Dream scratched the back of his neck and looked over at George, who gave him the nod. “Benches and chairs are kinda of boring, and they didn't come with the property. I was open that everyone would be okay using old pillows and blankets that I brought because I didn't have enough room in the car to take benches.”
There was a silence among the group. That was a twist that no one would’ve thought of.
Charlie was the first to speak out, “That sounds fun actually! Think of it guys, who wants a boring old campfire? It’s gonna be like we're on some survival show. I’ve always wanted to try one.”
Everyone nodded in agreement. It was probably for the better that no one could fall off of a chair and into the fire. It was more controlled and brought them closer, literally.
“It’s gonna be a great night!” Dream declared. “Georgie, can you get the spares from the car?”
George nodded and went on his way.
“I’m gonna go with George to the cars if you don't mind,” Quackity told Dream. “I think we got enough logs for a couple hours here and I wanna go grab my guitar in the car.”
The sun set and the bugs came out. Everyone helped out getting the ground comfortable and took their spots. After a few quick pictures, the boys were ready to begin their night phone-free.
“Anyone want a s’more stick?” Phil offered, even though he was already passing them out.
“I’m good for now,” Wilbur replied. “But where are the drinks?”
“There should be some in the fridge,” Dream answered.
Wilbur immediately got up and ducked under the net.
“Already?” Bad asked. “We haven't even sat down for five minutes.”
“Oh fuck off!” Wilbur called in the distance.
“Just let him drink!” Quackity urged. “He was gonna do it anyways. Let him have fun and let loose, maybe you should too.”
Bad just ignored him and stuck a marshmallow at the end of his silver stick. Phil looked around and made sure that everyone had supplies before he started his own s’more.
“Do you want me to make yours?” George asked Dream. “I don't want you to get marshmallow in my hair.”
“Pfft what?” Dream asked. “How would I get marshmallow in your hair? I’m not that messy of an eater.”
“Dream, you are 6′1 and I am sitting in your lap. Melted marshmallow are gonna get in my hair with how clumsy you are! You like to move around a lot and I do not want to take extra time in the shower!”
“You already take twenty minutes!” Charlie teased. “You nearly used up all the fucking hot water last night!”
Everyone laughed, including Wilbur who was trying to pass out drinks. Most people denied the offer, it was too early into the fire to start now. Wilbur sat down between Phil and Karl and started to drink straight out of the vodka bottle.
“Jesus fuck, Wil,” Sapnap commented. “Slow down.”
“What?” Wilbur hiccuped. “You didn't see Tubbo make me drink like two and half shots without a break?”
That led to a conversation about streams that didn't have to do with Minecraft, which led to many more conversations about what to outsiders would consider nothing important.
But everyone was having one of the best nights of their lives. Quackity was playing random cords on his guitar that he made mental notes of to make into songs later. George was nearly asleep already due to the fact the Dream would not stop playing with his hair and rubbing his sides, which everyone thought was cute. Wilbur was long gone by now and good thing Charlie was up grabbing wood to catch him from falling in. His hand touched the outer rocks, so there might be a minor burn later, but he was too out of it to even feel it. Karl led a great men’s choir to the song “The Campfire Song Song” from Spongebob.
The fire lasted somewhere around three hours, but the boys made a lifetime worth of memories. Phil and Bad had to help Wilbur get back in the house, which they gave up trying by the time they got to the hallway, so in the hallway he stayed...he would eventually sober up and make it to bed. 
George forced Dream to carry him up the stairs because: “Dream, I’m too tired. If you don’t carry me, that’s proof you don’t love me.”
Karl and Sapnap stayed behind to clean up as much as they could carry. Which led to them sitting by the fire a little while longer until it was completely out, stuffing each other’s faces with marshmallows playing ‘Chubby Bunny’, which they ended up making each other laugh and lost at the same time. 
Tonight was definitely a night that was gonna be told at many weddings to come.
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senadimell · 3 years
End of The Year Reading Tag
@brightbeautifulthings Thanks for the tag, lovely!
1) Did you reach your reading goal for this year (if you had one)? I read for pleasure and don’t keep specific goals, but I definitely read more this year than last year. That makes me happy, as it indicates I’ve been in a much better headspace.
2) What are your Top 3 books this year? Ooh, tough. Probably Claire Adam’s Golden Child, Madeleine L’Engle’s A Circle of Quiet, and C. S. Lewis’ A Grief Observed (Goodness, has it really only been a year?). The latter two were personally meaningful, and the first was just an excellent novel, if wrenching.
3) What's a book that you didn't expect to enjoy quite as much going in? I read ASAN’s Welcome to the Autistic Community and really appreciated the vocabulary it gave me. (Available for free download here)
4) Were there any books that didn't live up to your expectations? Jingo, by Terry Pratchett, was a bit of a let-down after Feet of Clay. Parts of it felt rather tone-deaf and some of the humor aged poorly.  Still, it was generally good and it had its moments.
5) Did you reread any old faves? If so, which one was your favorite? Oh, many. I always love Madeleine L’Engle’s books, and the Time Quartet hit differently after being diagnosed with ADHD.
6) Did you DNF (=did not finish) any books? I ended up dropping On Earth We Are Briefly Gorgeous to focus on school. The prose was lovely but I had renewed it many times and not made much progress. Same thing happened with Yiyun Li’s Where Reasons End. They’re both lovely books, and quite short, but I didn’t have the processing capacity to give them the attention they deserved. I started Six Days of War, but realized I didn’t have the historical framework to absorb such a comprehensive text.
7) Did you read any books outside of your usual preferred genre(s)? I sought out a lot more nonfiction this year than I have in years past. I recommend Caitlyn Doughty’s Smoke Gets in Your Eyes & Other Lessons from the Crematory, Amy Butler Greenfield’s A Perfect Red, and Heda Margolius Kovály’s memoir Under a Cruel Star.
My preferred strategy for books is walking around the library until I have an armful of books, so I’m not usually particular about genre, though now that I describe it, I realize that I avoid genre mystery/thrillers (the kind with big author lettering), genre romances, and sci-fi (though I’m not averse to sci-fi). If I’m reading one of those, it’s usually as a favor to someone. I did read a few books to please family members, and I didn’t enjoy those much. (Two Ender books for a brother, a romance for my mom, and a spy-romance for my mom).
8) What was your predominant format this year? Physically checked-out library books
9) What's the longest book you read this year? I’m going to cheat a little on this one, since none of my 2021 books stand out in the length department, and use a 2022 book: Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, at 302k or roughly 800 pages (not sure if that includes the footnotes). It felt...very long. This was my third attempt at finishing it, and I managed by skipping most of the footnotes. It was generally enjoyable, though I think I would have enjoyed it far more as an audiobook (and if I had been at a humid sea level instead of a dry 10,000 ft. sick with what I think is COVID).
10) What are your top 3 anticipated 2022 releases? I’m not actually anticipating any releases! I don’t actively follow many authors, and don’t have my finger on the pulse of the publishing industry. You might call me a recovering reader; I read voraciously as a child, burned out in high school (while aging out of the YA genre), and am in the process of rediscovering what I care about.
11) What books from your TBR did you not get to this year, but are excited to read in 2022? I would like to read Brandon Sanderson’s Rhythm of War (have been waiting on my library to get a copy). Some of my Tumblr mutuals are pretty head-over-heels about The Queen’s Thief, so that’s been on my mind. I’m also considering reading The Scarlet Pimpernel.
I don’t follow many people in the booklr community from which this ask originates, and I know from my own experience that reading is extra hard in COVID-times, so I’m a little hesitant to tag people. But I know @frederick-the-great is an avid reader, and @praise-the-lord-im-dead writes and so may be reading, and I want to hear if @ladyzayinwonderland has read anything fun (but no pressure, because...moving). @urupotter and @ashesandhackles if you’ve read anything interesting this year, I’d love to hear it (this is the main blog for For the Love of Snorkacks). I’d love to hear from any of my other mutuals if you want to answer!
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Tuesday, 28, September     Warmup.....Squat-O-Rama.....15 Minute AMRAP.....Dips.
It was a beautiful Fall evening at the Barn.  Our beautiful shade trees are still leafy green, but not for much longer.  I really hate when they are bare. 
Warmup:     3 Rounds
10 Weighted Back Raises     ( KB / Bumper Plate ?? )
10 Overhead Squats      ( PVC / Bands ?? )
Strength WOD:      Post Your Best of Each
Overhead Squats         1 / 1 / 1
Front Squats                3 / 3 / 3
Back Squats                5 / 5 / 5 
Armando=145/225/300     Chase=145/225/225    
Nathan=95/185/215     Tom=65/135/175     Dyer=55/145/175     
Coach=45/135/175     LSU Dave=45/85/115     Paul=0/185/205     
Shannon=25/50/75     Warren G=late
The WOD:
15 Minute ARAP            Post Rounds and Fractions
5 Front Squats                    ( 95 / 65 )
10 Slam-Balls                     ( 50 / 30 )
15 Kettlebell Swings           ( 53 / 35 )
100 yd Run with Weight      ( 50 / 35 )      ( Bag or Similar Wt)
Chase=5 1/4     Armando=5     Nathan/Paul=4 1/4
The Rest:
Shannon=5 1/2     LSU Dave=4 1/2     Tom/Coach=4     Dyer=did it all but failed to post results.     Warren G=ditto Dyer     Robert=“DNF”
Dips anyhow:     10/8/6/4     Not many were observed doing these.  In only saw Shannon.  But I always have eyes for Shannon.
Very small class.  The only girl today was Shannon.  The elite workouts at 6224 appear to be draining the energy out of everyone available in the neighborhood.  The head coach at 6224 tried to make a show of loyalty here, but even he couldn’t do both workouts.  Brendan didn’t bother to attend today.
Most of our girls are out of town.  Even Miss Linda is visiting her family in Northern Ohio.  This is not a hint to bring me dinners...Miss Linda left me with an abundance of prepared meals.
Big Chase finally returned from his hunting trip.  He brought me some Elk steaks.  I can’t imagine shooting a Bull Elk with a bow and arrow.  He probably stalked him for hours, and then had to fight Apache’s to carry the meat out.  I hope I do honor to this animal.  When Miss Linda gets back we will be eating WILD MEAT.
Someone decided we would name the new David “LSU Dave”, since he always displays his brand.  So now we have SUPER DAVE,  AVERAGE DAVE, and LSU DAVE.  I think they will all be satisfied with their pseudonyms.
Thursday we will meet at 4 PM.  I promise Coach Butler that we will not be doing any Kettle Bell Swings, as he seems to be allergic to this exercise.  I am feeling somewhat bouyant and extravagant, so this may translate into an assortment of wines better than our usual swill.  There may even be a bon-fire to jump over.
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thingsreadinthedark · 3 years
Let me tell you what… a bitch been bored and been diving d e e p in the text. These are a few additional reads over the past two days..
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I’ve been a little all over the place in my reading. I really have just been following myself down the rabbit hole and not restricting the intake of anything or forcing myself to become focused on anything.
I am becoming awash in the experiences that all these authors are giving to me and honestly all the books shown above so far are extremely good, captivating and engaging. I really can’t complain. I’ll eventually finish them all with time.
Let’s talk progress and impressions:
22% in How Not to Be Afraid
4% in My Broken Language
83% in Future Sex — I been reading this for awhile and you know - there was a moment where I found it so fucking ridiculous, even though it’s nonfiction, it just felt very white female narrative and not any part educational - then it picked up because the author gets more observational and gives us some research and not personal study, then she goes on to merge the two personal study, personal exploration and research/observations/interviews, so after maybe 60% it gets much better, I like the multilayer offering of it
40% in Why I Read - comforting, a really comforting read about reading..
35% in Love in Color - it’s beautiful, magical, crazy making; I hate romance novels, but because this particular book is offering up romance in a unique and digestible way, I’m really enjoying this read
88% in A Little Devil in America - I would have been done this book already, but I love it so much I’m savouring each page and I honestly do not want it to end! Hanif! OMG. He just kills me every single time. I am completely taken with this book. Mind. Body. Spirit.
I finished Cultish and haven’t written my review, but I’ll share right now that I loved it.
A couple I’m struggling to finish and might DNF..
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Both started off with promise, I do not know what happened to either of these selections..
Smoke City started off so good, but the story is just a bit too long to keep me. I’m 59% in and it’s just.. the story is still wild, it’s still good, so I might finish it. I just don’t see the point and I’m not getting anything but destruction from the main character Vale. So little reflection from him, heavy on the remorse, but I can’t tell what’s genuine and what’s not with him so it’s hard for me to feel invested in his narrative. The character Marvin is something else tho. Really cool.
Brandon Taylor’s book is fucking bullshit. I can’t with everyday monotony type stories about people’s lives who have nothing really to share with me. This book reads a lot like Normal People. I realize that I don’t like that style of fiction writing really. It’s too fluffy, a little too self-absorbed and non-communicative/fake-pensive, which I fucking hate - I’m definitely DNFing this book soon
ANYWAY, I’m gonna get back to it. I gotta do some reflection on why I like the page more than people these days. Maybe, I don’t. Maybe, I’ll just keep reading. 🤓📚✌🏾
0 notes
olivereliott · 5 years
Friday Inspiration, Vol. 221
A fun and super-scenic short about mountain biking in Newfoundland: (video)
  Great story in Sports Illustrated (!) about Hilaree Nelson and Jim Morrison’s ski descent of the Lhotse Face, and the past tragedies that brought them together
One Man’s Quest to Bring the DeLorean Back to Life (yes, the 1981 car from Back to the Future)
The Washington Post sent disposable cameras to 25 women around the country, some famous, some not famous, and asked them to document their lives for a few weeks.
I am pretty sure I have read three of my favorite books of the past five years all in the past two months, and Brian Doyle’s One Long River of Song is definitely one of them.
I don’t know why I like these My Analog Journal videos so much, because it’s just a guy with two turntables playing records and drinking coffee, but I’ve been listening to the USSR jazz one on repeat for a week now. (video)
Observations I Think Strangers Have When They See Me In a Carhartt Jacket
Zoë Rom interviewed me for Trail Runner’s DNF podcast (and did a great job writing and editing it into a story) and the episode is live this week (podcast)
The post Friday Inspiration, Vol. 221 appeared first on semi-rad.com.
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thejustinmarshall · 5 years
Friday Inspiration, Vol. 221
A fun and super-scenic short about mountain biking in Newfoundland: (video)
  Great story in Sports Illustrated (!) about Hilaree Nelson and Jim Morrison’s ski descent of the Lhotse Face, and the past tragedies that brought them together
One Man’s Quest to Bring the DeLorean Back to Life (yes, the 1981 car from Back to the Future)
The Washington Post sent disposable cameras to 25 women around the country, some famous, some not famous, and asked them to document their lives for a few weeks.
I am pretty sure I have read three of my favorite books of the past five years all in the past two months, and Brian Doyle’s One Long River of Song is definitely one of them.
I don’t know why I like these My Analog Journal videos so much, because it’s just a guy with two turntables playing records and drinking coffee, but I’ve been listening to the USSR jazz one on repeat for a week now. (video)
Observations I Think Strangers Have When They See Me In a Carhartt Jacket
Zoë Rom interviewed me for Trail Runner’s DNF podcast (and did a great job writing and editing it into a story) and the episode is live this week (podcast)
The post Friday Inspiration, Vol. 221 appeared first on semi-rad.com.
from Explore https://semi-rad.com/2020/02/friday-inspiration-vol-221/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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Going With The Flow.
Currently this version doesn't possess Bluetooth connection so you would certainly need to use earphones along with a cord. I told him I had other factors to carry out. That was a deception, I possessed never ever run a 10k and was scared. About Blog - The Body fat Girls Overview of Operating is actually the No. 1 web site for suggestions, support and also resources for overweight distance runners confirming that there is no such thing as Too Body fat to Jog. Also when going for a top quality degree, there were actually a lot of times I should probe merely a small amount deeper to locate an accurate significance with that said certain run. You'll bear in mind that a few years back, I joined The Nuts Challenge This was absolutely a problem I thought I would certainly wuss away from yet, despite my anxieties, I definitely enjoyed that and also threw on my own in to those sloppy channels with the greatest of all of them. The route has been designed to be simultaneously difficult - along with approximately 18,000' from climbing up, considerably from this at 10,000' - as well as to be obtainable to improve its own appeal to observers, the press, the managing globe at-large, as well as, as a result, to possible supporters. I began this run entirely also swift - as I was bring in the right at the end from my block, I topped to the delegated to look for automobiles and saw the best stunning pink and also red sky. As I pointed out in my log, I managed my lengthiest jog in 18 months the Wednesday just before. In its years from presence, has come to be an on the web place for feets remedies and also quality shoes, along with a substantial reader interested in opportunity shoes. This is likewise an unique problem in an additional means: UltraRunning is actually beginning a set from articles featuring running clubs, kicking that off with ... The Stevens Spring Striders, my operating club in Cupertino (I am actually also a participant from the Organization Sportive des Vétérans de Paris)! Half means by means of, I wound up having to take off my t shirt as well as take a walking rest - simply after that a male in LONG SLEEVES breezed past me! Incidentally, I state surprise because Nina had inquired me a few rookie questions on Sunday evening and also, and many more tips, I recommended her to manage as a lot of the uphills as achievable, and also I really did not think she was actually mosting likely to really do that! I was actually the slave to the 140 bpm in the gym and loathed it. But I never ever put on a HRM when operating. This had not been the time for that, I reside in no condition for that, and also operating this way was actually extra enjoyable. I've managed 30+half endurances as well as manies competitions, as well as I have actually never had my Gatorade confiscated. All end results are actually currently accessible on JMS Competing Companies' web site, a very specialist timing, featuring an endurance split legitimate for a Boston qualifying opportunity (mine had not been so excellent today, a lame 2:57, still Thirty Three minutes below the M50-54 pub, however certainly not comparable to the informal 2:49 of a month ago at Jed Smith ). If our company possess a really good race, our team may be actually primaried to always keep going: to continue to educate, to work also harder, so our team can manage also quicker. I performed my ideal to merely keep inhaling and also running and not considering the following measure. Anyhow, http://das-schonegeschlecht.info had currently regarding 90 moments from operating as well as I was now below the climb beast. Eventually, I evaluated the effect from increased measure size - using a more powerful, greater push-off - and managing economy. Even though you're only attempting to break 2 hours for the half endurance, this's a crucial target and something you put a lot of effort and time right into. Foods and also Far - Meghann started her blogging site assist individuals like her, that graduated university, started working constant at a desk as well as have dropped mention how you can still stay an active life while functioning 8 hrs a day. John Wallace: I actually, again, being fanatical, already I was up right into my early 50's, however even at that point I was very upset if I could not operate a Boston ma certifying attend both races. When I was in Senior high school I would like to maintain every set so I possessed a wardrobe packed with shoes as well as filled up 2 dark trash bags along with footwears and also contributed all of them at one aspect. I seem to be to remember this was right when you chose to work out once more as well as you went with an operate and also you went and that felt excellent, but that was additionally sort of a turning factor in your comeback. Considering that I thought they would certainly laugh at me, when I to begin with starting performing Couch to 5K I was actually as well self-conscious to tell anybody (various other than Adam). I was actually also as well embarassed to operate outside since I believed all the other joggers would certainly tease me. Rather I only used the treadmill in the course of the hrs I recognized the health club would certainly be actually empty. Certainly, the final opportunity I journeyed to Toronto for personal main reasons and taken note of costs, it was actually something like 1.3 loonies to the buck. I determined that I was about 3 kilometers overdue and, while this was a big gap, I believed this had not been too bad either. He needed to have his lumps featuring a near-DNF in his 1st run to discover the race as well as himself. In my thoughts, the hardest part of a marathon is actually the initiative this has you to qualify your mind to remain concentrated and sustain excellent operating technique for the entire range. As a matter of fact, if you are able to cross the appearance before Brian you get exactly what a lot of distance runners in the area use as their largest logo from tribute, an I Beat the Vintner" T-shirt. After so many weeks off recovering as well as managing from a personal injury, you operated faster than last year on a trail, in a hotter race. I really did not wish her to emphasize the experience, yet I presumed a bunch of folks might pick up from her condition.
0 notes
travelforone-blog · 7 years
Randers Bike Week 2017
It really never gets any easier, it actually just hurts more and more. Movie by yours truly, photos by: licenscykling.dk, lalafoto.dk, Melle Waldeck
HINT: First, watch the video above, get into the melacholic mood of green winter roadtripping and amateur road racing, then play the below album and read on ...
Trampen Slaget Vid Lund
Windy AF, with a finish climb, like 100km or so kantvind would DESTROY the peloton, so stay up front 2.5 laps meh, then just 5 places too far back and ... after jumping 3 gaps and getting stuck on the wrong side of the echolon for the whole megakantvind section ... dropped Chilled for a lap or so, chased down a Klubben Cyklisten dude, then Simon&co came riding by, I joined and we did the laps to the end, I dropped my little bunch in the last climb to get the small victory hehehe
Ringen Allians Sturup GP
Ride there for warmup, bla bla bla, start race, Emil goes and we do nothing for 8 laps while he's in a break with Per and some other dude Then I try some stuff, nothing, then Rikard is in break, I try something, nothing, then we sprint Riding home was more fun
Day 1 - Street race in Aars
30 minutes on a 1.4km lap in town with a MONSTER COBBLED climb Look at it, look at it hard: https://goo.gl/maps/Ywa7WrgGdQw I am sure people get tired walking it for fucking sunday brunch, imagine going all out (yeah, it's a crit so ALL OUT) for about 15 times, into motvind ... mhm Plan: AAAAARRRTHGGGGHHHHH ONE CANNOT BONK IN 30 MINUTES
AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH 3 dudes go, H40, ok, chase AAAAAARRRGHHHHHHHHGHGHGH CHHAASEEE Time check - lap about 2.x minutes, ok, 15 laps AAAAAARRRGGGGGHH That goes on for about 4 laps Legs: KHM KHM Ok, ease off a bit Couple of dudes come round, I join They are going hard aaaaaarrrgggghhh For about 2 laps Legs: KHM KHM Ok, ease off even more, more dudes and Glenn come by Hold on for a lap or so get dropped on the climb GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER BREATHE, BREATHE, BREATHE FFS Ok, I got this, I got this REGAIN COMPOSURE, CHASE MODE ON Start gaining, we have like 7 minutes to go, I can catch a couple of guys Ok, the hill is not hurting that much puncture NOOOOOOOOOOO FUCK DNF
Fun facts
Cars met going the wrong way on the track: 1 I apparenlty do blowup after 3 laps at cca 350W Cobbles hurt, they also make you feel sorry for your bike That is until you hear A riders GO, then you feel sorry for their bikes
Day 2 - berglop
7 laps of the most hilly lap danish races have seen (according to organizers, I believe them), 7 LAPS Plan - survive, zen for first 2 laps, see what we're dealing with, kittens and cake, kittens and cake, then ... whatver, finish
We go, roads are soaking wet, water everywhere BANG PSSSS People are afraid of turning BANG PSSSSSS People are afraid of descending BANG PSSSSS First punchy climb, all good, legs good, reach top, people are already being dropped jump gaps, all good, maaaan, I GOT THIS, I FINALLY FEEL LIKE THIS IS THE DAY BANG PSSSSS Me? noooo, ufa, close one t t t t t t t WHAT t t t t t t t t THE t t t t t t t t t FUCK t t t t t t t t t PUNKA s s s s s s s s s s s s ssssssssssss Foljebil: do you have a wheel in the car? Me: ??????? WHHHAHAAAATTT TTHHHEEE ... no Foljebil: ok, bye Stop by the side of the road What should I throw? Bike? Naaaah, we know how that goes ... bottle? I already lost too many ... should I rip that sign out of the floor and throw it ... wait, no, smash it into the fence ... eh, messy and muddy ... maybe kick the fence, rip off the sign ... eh, I'm bored now, I hope it does not rain ... (5 min later) make hitchiking sign to passing cars (10 min later) Amager dude comes walking Yo, sup, punka? Yeah, same here ... so, is there a car? yeah, should be ... how's it going, ah, it's going ok ... (we catch up on gossip and transfers, differences in racing Seeland vs Jylland etc.) (10 min later) C and H40 comes by, no Glenn ... hmmmm ... Dropped group comes by, dude crashes in the corner, we comment on the action (10 min later) A tow truck with a flat bet shows up, Glenn and Rickad in the car, bikes in the back - YO, JUMP UP Throw the bikes on, jump in the back and OFF WE GO See the race from the reverse perspective until AB guys catch up and the dude starts flooring it on downhill to not get caught Does not look like a good day to die, with the punka and all ... Get to the finish, get funny looks from people You know, cos it's me, Glenn and Marcus in the back, whole fucking club ...
Fun facts
Rotweilers observed along the course, without a leash: 1 Times thought OMG WE'RE GONNA DIE: 2 Personal bests for: 30s, 1min, 2min
Day 3 - linjelop
8 laps on what was supposed to be much flatter than berglop lap, but was still insanely hilly, like, INSANELLY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU DENMARK???? Plan - at this point, just make it to the finish with the bunch
Stay up front, stay up front NO MATTER WHAT STAY UP FRONT First climb: ugh First kantvind: uugh Second climb: Ugh Second kantvind: Ugh (did I mention, the lap is a combination of climbing and kantvind sections, always following the climb) Look back: fuck, we dropped everyone (it's like 15 of us) Third climb: UUUUUGHHHHHHHH (fuck I am breathing heavy, am I breathing heavy? dude in front of me looks back ... yeah, I am breathing heavy ...) Robert brings a bunch of people back Hej Glenn! Glenn: UGH Lap 2: PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT ATTACK IN THE CLIMBS and they attack in the climbs climb 2: dropped Also dropped on climb 2: Glenn and Richard Chasing group picks us up, we chase and we're back together by end of lap 2 Lap 3: PLEASE FOR T ... whatever, fuck you all Second climb: dropped MOTHER FUCKER Ride for a lap solo, get caught by 4 dropped guys, ride 2 more laps, get a puncture
Fun facts
Personal bests for: 5, 6, 12 min, HR all the way to 2 min
Day 4 - criterium
11 laps on same track as day 3 but shorter and with a new climb (look at it, LOOK AT IT: https://goo.gl/maps/SpqdKYRZUGy), at the end, you get massive headwind, ... yeah, only in Jylland Plan: PLEASE JUST MAKE IT TO THE FINISHLINE
Lap 1: All out sprint to climb, all out climb, all out attack in kantvind Lap 2: -||- Lap 3: ok, shit eases off a bit Lap 4: meh Lap 5: descending to the first climb, doing like 55 passing the polka dot jersey dude on the left as he closes the line and elbows me (literally, pushes me, as, uses force to dislocate me, not like Sagan magic elbow, proper push) into the grass off the road ... and I am like, ok, this is muddy, so my tire will dig in and ... oh, and there is some large stones there as well, ehh, goodbye .... wait, grass is not muddy, hop, back on the road. Ride up to the guy and politely as possible say: excuse me sir, that was a bit rude, please restrain your ... AHAHAHAH, #no: YOU DO THAT AGAIN AND YOU ARE FUCKING GOING DOWN YOU PIECE OF SHIT .... hold your ... DID YOU GET IT? ... line ... IT'S NOT YOUR LINE IF I'M ON IT ... Contemplate: do I have an aggression problem? Lap 6-10: some attacks, lungs are breathing heavier and heavier, I actually try and attack in the kantvind, Glenn does some solid work, anyhow, we're having fun, people are still pushing eachother around, good times, I try and pull/pace up the climb ... fun Lap 11 (last lap): I know they will attack, so I am up front going uphill, like 5th wheel or so, but then there is this dude, his handlebar keep bumping into my ass and I am like: ok, enough aggresion for today, I need some shelter anyhow so I move behind him WOOOOOP WRONG MOVE as they attack he opens gaps FUUUUCK NOOOOO ... .by the top I am dropped, 4 guys come by, I join, all I think is: hold that wheel, hold that wheel, just get the wheel, I love that wheel, that is my wheel, I LOVE YOU WHEEL ... never caught the bunch
Fun facts
By this time racing without velotooze seems weird, like REALLY weird
These help me do what I love, go pay them a visit: Musette 184 RACEDAY
0 notes
mikyouknow · 3 years
continue to speak your truth cause i relate lmao i miss dream and solo dnf streams
I have a whole Mountain of thoughts abt this anon my beloved 🧍‍♀️
But I just wanna put 🚨disclaimer🚨 these are just My Thoughts and Observations, you and anyone reading this are 100% allowed to have different thoughts and observations. What I’m saying isn’t automatically facts, just my own observations of the situation.
May. It all started in May. The jealousy jokes were at Peak, George and Quackity began doing all types of stuff dnf would do like be clingy, expose TikTok’s, texts, secretly message each other while on stream, be on rly long calls and even sleep call, and then tweet a bunch about it. All the while making fun of Dream if he ever joins a stream since he had to be jealous. So he stopped joining in on qnf streams. And qnf started hanging out even more. And each time a stream of George’s had Quackity in it I immediately knew there was a 80% chance we weren’t gonna see Dream in that stream.
Qnf kept growing closer and closer and doing stuff dnf would do and Dream just seemed to be left out and would turn to others at times and there was always this pattern imo of qnf doing something and then Dream interacting w Karl or smth.
But bottom line is qnf are just always third wheeling Dream nowadays and makes him left out and he obviously doesn’t like being in that position and tends to go silent or leaves if he even joins to begin with.
This is also why I wasn’t surprised at all that dnf has been silent when George has been with Quackity irl. Makes the most sense to me 🤷‍♀️
And this isn’t all to be negative on Quackity, but I just feel kinda sad seeing him push Dream away from George. I didn’t have anything against Quackity or qnf when they first began interacting, but gah it just went So Far and now he’s constantly with George, which has turned into dnf never being alone together anymore. Which I’m sad abt. I really really adore dnf’s dynamic, their relationship, and it makes me sad seeing this. 🤷‍♀️ like it doesn’t seem like the two can coexist it’s either one or the other and the past few months it’s been qnf instead of dnf.
And to the ones telling me to just not look at them then; yeah. I know. That’s what I’ve been doing. 🧍‍♀️but I am also allowed to miss the dynamic between dnf and I’m sad to see it be ‘replaced’.🤷‍♀️
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Who mentioned what immediately after the Austrian Grand Prix
New Post has been published on https://othersportsnews.com/who-mentioned-what-immediately-after-the-austrian-grand-prix/
Who mentioned what immediately after the Austrian Grand Prix
three:forty three PM ET
ESPN Employees
ESPN rounds up all the response from up and down the Spielberg paddock following the 2017 Austrian Grand Prix
Valtteri Bottas (1st): “That champagne tasted superior! The very first gain is of course exclusive, but this is only my second gain, so it is really a excellent feeling to get it. It’s been my most effective weekend still with the pole and the gain and I hope we can continue from listed here. The get started was certainly fantastic – absolutely my most effective get started at any time. And you saw how near it was with Sebastian at the conclusion, so currently I desired it. The car was so superior this weekend, so I knew we could continue to do it. I bought a significant blister on the rear-remaining in the second stint immediately after just 5 laps, which created the car challenging to push. I was dropping additional and additional functionality, but it wasn’t my very first time getting to keep Sebastian at the rear of me. I stored my aim and managed to complete the race without having any errors. It would have been challenging to keep Sebastian at the rear of for substantially more time, so it was superior to see the chequered flag. I am continue to in the title battle and I am only going to get far better. We’re increasing all the time.”
Lewis Hamilton (4th): ”It’s been a complicated weekend, but I can consider heart that I restricted the damage to Sebastian in the factors and that I went ahead through the industry. The car was excellent currently, I could press the entire race on the tyres and I gave it certainly all the things out there. I actually never believe there was substantially remaining in the car at the conclusion of the race, but I was in all probability a bit way too sort in my battle with Daniel – and remaining him way too substantially house. I won’t do that again. We’ve slipped further at the rear of Sebastian again, but there is a prolonged way to go. I’ll keep battling and I’ll never ever give up. Valtteri did a excellent job all weekend and totally justifies the gain. He is just fifteen factors at the rear of me now and he is really substantially in this title battle. I am actually searching ahead to Silverstone – I’ve bought a couple times to put this weekend at the rear of me. I can not wait to see the house crowd again and get started with a clear slate. I hope I can use Silverstone as a springboard for the second half of my year.”
James Allison, Complex Director: ”It was a brilliant day for Valtteri whose tempo in the very first stint was certainly mighty. The second half of his race was hampered by a blister but he drove with excellent poise to score his second gain. Lewis came achingly near to the podium in the closing laps, in all probability half a car size away from passing Ricciardo. We are sorry about the gearbox penalty he endured but he tackled the situation as he generally does: he bought his head down and created the most of it. This was a superior race for our Constructors’ Championship placement, extending our slender edge above Ferrari, but we will need to make certain we give Lewis the equipment he requires at the up coming races to make certain he won’t get started Sunday afternoon on the back again foot.”
Photo by Clive Mason/Getty Photos
Purple Bull
Daniel Ricciardo (third): “I do really like a battle and Lewis came out of nowhere in the final couple laps. It felt like the gap was secure and then within just a handful of laps he was catching me rather swiftly. I then experienced two laps to go and experienced to defend which created it a rather remarkable race for me. To have superior velocity all over listed here in dry conditions was a pleasurable surprise for us. I experienced Seb in front of me rather substantially for the complete race and I know that his prolonged operates on Friday seemed really a large amount a lot quicker than ours so we failed to actually assume to have a related race tempo to him or Mercedes currently. Just to keep Lewis off, have a battle, defend and arrive out in front was awesome. An additional podium is rather sweet. I loved it up there. Silverstone is going to be excellent with these 2017 vehicles so I am searching ahead to that and I am certain we’ll have a large amount of Poms out there up coming weekend.”
Max Verstappen (DNF): “We experienced a clutch difficulty at the get started of the race. I could experience on the formation lap that it wasn’t excellent and then at the get started it unsuccessful which activated the anti-stall as I attempted to start. I pulled away immediately after dropping quite a few positions and attempted to keep out of hassle in to change a single but I bought strike on the rear tyre. Because of the strike the clutch above engaged, braking the bearing in the clutch, so I experienced no push. The boys are all performing really tricky and there is no blame on everyone, we have just experienced a large amount of undesirable luck just lately and I have to try and keep constructive. It’s absolutely not pleasant at the instant and I am really disappointed again but it is really also really significant to keep pushing everyone ahead as there are continue to quite a few races to go. We just hope that the up coming race will be far better. I also experience disappointed for all the Dutch supporters as they have travelled a prolonged way. I needed to put on a show for them but I could not even entire a single corner currently. We will of class try to do far better at Silverstone.”
Christian Horner, Workforce Principal: “A wonderful race from Daniel immediately after building a superior get started, together with a superior passing transfer on the rapidly beginning Haas of Romain Grosjean. He then drove a really disciplined race continually and competitively. He came underneath serious problem from Lewis in the closing laps but defended firmly and pretty and it was excellent to see him on the podium at our house grand prix, for his fifth consecutive podium. Max’s car unfortunately went into anti-stall on the grid which brought on a gradual getaway. He was out of positon and then bought collected immediately after an incident between Daniil Kvyat and Fernando Alonso which turned him round at the very first corner and thereafter experienced an difficulty which seems to be like the clutch. We will have to get the car back again to understand if it was a consequence of the incident or what transpired off the get started line. It’s been excellent to see this kind of a strong crowd at the Purple Bull Ring supporting the Austrian Grand Prix, it seems to be like it is really been a actually pleasant weekend for all of the supporters.”
(Photo by Mark Thompson/Getty Photos)
Sebastian Vettel (2nd): “Today I struggled in the very first stint with the very first set of tires, the Ultrasofts. I believe they were being just obtaining way too scorching. Then the clouds came in and the balance of the car improved. That is why I believe we were being beginning to get a lot quicker. It was a shame that we couldn’t gain, simply because we were being near. We learnt additional about the car in these times and there are quite a few constructive facets relating to this race, but I experience like I could have won currently and I failed to, so I am not totally pleased. At the starting of the race I was just not quick adequate. The tempo was there, but the balance wasn’t. I like this position, which has a large amount of heritage and it is really the position where by I drove a racing car for the very first time, in 2003. It’s a prolonged time ago, but I continue to have beautiful reminiscences. And now I am already searching ahead to going to Silverstone.’
Kimi Raikkonen (5th): “In the very first portion of the race we experienced some issues with the balance of the car. I struggled a minimal bit with the very first set of tires at the starting, but then it was obtaining far better and far better. The second set was high-quality: at the starting of the final stint the car felt really superior and we experienced superior velocity, but at that position we were being way too much at the rear of to try to recuperate. As the tires were being obtaining more mature we of course started off to go slower, but we were being continue to doing superior lap moments and the balance was bettering. Total, however, it was not a really simple weekend.”
Power India
Sergio Perez (seventh): “Ending seventh is a excellent consequence for the staff and a pleasant reward thinking about how complicated this weekend has been for us. We struggled in exercise, but arrive qualifying and the race we were being really strong and we came house with some superior factors. It wasn’t the least difficult of races for me. I created a superior get started, but I dropped areas to both Esteban and Lewis [Hamilton] at change a single. Thankfully I was in a position to move them both at change 3 and regain my beginning placement. I endured from a large amount of front graining in my very first stint, but immediately after the pit halt I was in a position to settle down into a rhythm, even however it wasn’t adequate to attack Grosjean. We experienced really related tempo to him so we couldn’t get any closer. It has been a complicated weekend, but we recovered properly and we can be pleased with the consequence. Now our aim shifts to Silverstone. I actually can not wait to try these 2017 vehicles on the speediest observe on the calendar.”
Esteban Ocon (eighth): “I am happy with the factors we have scored currently and it was a strong race for the staff. I created a superior get started and received a few of positions, but I was at the rear of Lewis [Hamilton] going into change 3 and bought squeezed, which intended I experienced to relieve off and dropped momentum. Then it was just a situation of trying to keep my head down and remaining regular with my laptimes. I never believe we went the correct way with the method simply because I dropped a large amount of time to Massa immediately after my halt and we just will need to assessment matters and see if we could have carried out anything at all in a different way. It’s not been the least difficult of weekends for us, but we have worked tricky and it is really enjoyable to arrive away with superior factors even when matters are not going correctly. I believe we showed our energy as a staff.”
Robert Fernley, Deputy Workforce Principal: “An additional double factors complete is just what we desired currently. The staff did an excellent job to convert our strong qualifying into solid factors and we leave Austria feeling rather content with our functionality. It was a fairly serene race from the pit wall with no substantial dramas. Each motorists stored out of hassle on lap a single and as the race settled down we were being in a position to keep station with aggressive race tempo. These ten factors consolidate our fourth position in the championship as we tactic the midway position of the year.”
(Photo by Clive Mason/Getty Photos)
Felipe Massa (ninth): “For certain you can not celebrate a ninth placement but beginning 17th it was a wonderful race for me. I experienced a actually superior get started, obtaining through the concerns that were being taking place in corner a single, and overtaking vehicles. It was a wonderful very first lap as the tempo was excellent, in contrast to qualifying, which is some thing we will need to perform to understand so that we never repeat beginning out of placement like currently. At the conclusion of the race it was a bit disappointing not to be in a position to move Ocon, but I was just dropping a large amount of grip in the superior-velocity corners at the rear of him, and he experienced superior velocity on the straight so it was really complicated. I am so pleased with my race and it is really superior to have both vehicles in the factors.”
Lance Stroll (10th): ”It goes to show anything at all can come about in a race and it is not above on a Saturday. I am feeling really constructive as I started off 18th, completed 10th and picked up another position. It wasn’t an simple race, even though the get started was superior and we managed to obtain some areas. I knew immediately after the get started we were being in a superior placement, so it was just a matter of keeping focussed, not building any errors and saving the brakes and tyres in the direction of the conclusion of the race. First, there was Magnussen placing force on me and then at the conclusion Palmer, but I just desired to defend as I know all over listed here it is really complicated to overtake. We just will need to determine out what transpired to us this weekend in qualifying and try to heal it for the up coming race. The up coming race is Silverstone, the house race for the staff, so I am actually searching ahead to it.”
Paddy Lowe, Main Complex Officer: “A double-factors complete is a excellent accomplishment for us currently. Congratulations to Felipe and Lance for making that consequence, in particular provided the point that they started off in 17th and 18th. It was a rather eventful opening lap, which put us promptly into 10th and 11th. From there, we managed to choose up additional areas in overtakes and transfer up to ninth and 10th. Our method was to run for more time on the more challenging tyres and then complete with a shorter stint on the ultrasoft, which intended we were being in a position to attack Esteban Ocon at the conclusion, but we were being unfortunately unable to make the placement. Equally, Lance defended actually properly in opposition to Magnussen and Palmer to consider his 3rd factors complete in a row. So total, we unquestionably ended the weekend on a substantially far better notice than it felt like we would yesterday.”
(Photo by Lars Baron/Getty Photos)
Fernando Alonso (DNF): “We experienced a superior get started again, I was in a position to benefit from Carlos Sainz and Max Verstappen’s poor getaways, so I was already up to 10th when we arrived at the very first corner. But the men at the rear of me arrived at the change way too immediately, failed to brake adequate and destroyed my race. I was hoping for a superior race but we were being just unfortunate – matters were being out of my fingers I was just a passenger. We know it is really generally challenging to get started from the center of the pack, but it is really just not vital to obtain an excess meter at the very first corner. In some cases, the men at the rear of risk matters a bit way too substantially.”
Stoffel Vandoorne (thirteenth): “I am really a minimal bit disappointed with twelfth – if you seem at the tempo we experienced throughout the race, I believe factors just may possibly have been achievable currently. And that’s really encouraging. Our weekend has frequently been really constructive – we experienced no troubles, our tempo has been affordable, and I felt really relaxed with the car. Unfortunately, I was trapped at the rear of some vehicles and it was not possible to overtake – but that’s how it is for us at the instant. I bought a penalty, but we experienced to try some thing, and I never believe I actually dropped a large amount in conditions of the total consequence. It’s a shame we failed to score factors currently, but our tempo all weekend has been a constructive for the complete staff.”
Eric Boullier, McLaren-Honda Racing Director: “There are generally highs and lows in motor racing. Let us get started by searching at the positives: Stoffel showed really solid tempo all weekend, and he and his staff seemed to have created demonstrable development in each individual session. His race was solid, even though he couldn’t actually show the car’s genuine likely immediately after paying out the entire race jogging in filthy air. We will consider his push-through penalty on the chin – he was pushing at the time to try and have a go at [Jolyon] Palmer, and it was just an unlucky consequence of that. In conditions of the negatives, Fernando’s race was a single to neglect – albeit through no fault of his have. We settle for that racing is racing, but these kinds of foolish incidents are not actually satisfactory at this level. To be strolling away with a substantially destroyed car immediately after just a single lap is a bitter tablet for us to swallow. Let us at last seem to the positives again: we are set for an incredible 7 days in the United kingdom as we head to Silverstone for the British Grand Prix.”
Yusuke Hasegawa, Honda R&D Co. Ltd Head of F1 Venture & Executive Main Engineer: “Following a constructive get started to our Austrian grand prix weekend, I am really disappointed with the consequence of the race currently. Despite getting some concerns, the environment within just the staff has been substantially additional constructive this weekend, and we felt we were being in a strong placement to score factors. Each motorists qualified properly and were being beginning the race from aggressive positions, and we were being pleased with our set-up. Fernando experienced an incredible get started and created up a selection of positions off the line, but was forced into an early retirement immediately after remaining caught up in an incident at Change A single. I believe Stoffel experienced the tempo to score his very first factors of the year currently and seemed relaxed in the car, but he fought with traffic for most of the afternoon and was unable to obtain positions. We will before long be heading back again to the United kingdom for our very first house grand prix of the year. It’s a single of the highlights of the yr, and we are searching ahead to this exclusive weekend. We assume to have quite a few supporters, colleagues and family members there, so we hope that we can show them a superior race.”
(Photo by Mark Thompson/Getty Photos)
Toro Rosso
Daniil Kvyat (sixteenth): “Not the race we hoped for. With regards to the get started, it was a superior a single, even if I experienced to out of the blue go all over my teammate. I then couldn’t see way too substantially of what was taking place in front of me I believe Verstappen experienced a issue way too, so Alonso reacted to that – he saw it, I failed to, so he took a move back again whilst, on the other hand, I dropped all my references. I attempted to do my most effective but ended up colliding, unfortunately. It’s upsetting for me and for the other folks for certain, but these matters come about to all motorists. Now I just will need a cold shower right before Silverstone, have a seem into it, accurate what requires to be corrected and transfer on.”
Carlos Sainz (DNF): “What a massive shame! We experienced an difficulty with the engine from the instant the race started off – I felt it misfiring during the complete of the very first ten laps, which intended I dropped from ninth to sixteenth. We attempted all the things in purchase to get it performing and for fifteen laps I was enjoying with the switches hoping to make the car perform. In the conclusion this unfortunately failed to come about, even however we managed to recuperate a bit of tempo, and as the concerns persisted in the conclusion we experienced to retire the car. It’s disappointing and unquestionably not what we desired, in particular simply because factors seemed achievable currently. All in all, a complicated conclusion to what I’d explain as a superior weekend – qualifying yesterday was superior and I was jogging in the factors right before the issue started off, so there are some positives to consider. I now seem ahead to up coming week’s British GP at Silverstone, a single of my favorite tracks and a Grand Prix we can sort of take into account my ‘second house race’ as I are living in London when I am not in Madrid!”
Photo by Lars Baron/Getty Photos
Kevin Magnussen (DNF): “It’s rather tricky when these matters come about. You are in a superior placement, the car’s performing actually properly, and it was our strongest weekend with the most likely for a superior consequence for both vehicles. I could conveniently have been up there with Romain and we could’ve experienced a fantastic consequence for the staff. It’s just been actually poor luck this weekend. I am hoping that we can keep our variety up and have other races like this where by we can have top rated results – like we ought to have experienced currently. There is only a couple times to wait then we are at it again, so I am actually hoping we can do properly again.”
Romain Grosjean (6th): “It was a actually strong race. I experienced a actually superior very first lap and was making the most of the racing for a minimal bit. Lewis (Hamilton) and Kimi (Räikkönen) bought earlier, but I centered on trying to keep Sergio (Perez) at the rear of. We pushed tricky all the way and that’s the racing we like. It was a excellent race and a excellent job by all the men. I was pleased with the car all weekend prolonged. There are a couple matters we will need to enhance, but currently we were being the most effective of the rest. We showed that when we get all the things to perform on the car we are strong. It’s the encounter of obtaining all the things performing in the window all the time that we are lacking a minimal bit. This was only our thirtieth race at any time, so we can not have all the things. I am searching ahead to the up coming race. Silverstone’s going to be pleasurable.”
Guenther Steiner, Workforce Principal: “Highs and lows. The superior issue listed here was that we showed the tempo of the car and we experienced a superior race. Unfortunately, Kevin experienced a hydraulic issue. We will need to seem into what it was, but he was racing tricky. Again, we were being up for getting two vehicles in the factors, but we’ll get there. Amazing from Romain – he drove a serene, solid race and it was our most effective consequence of the yr. We will have some lows immediately after this, but we’ll enjoy what we have bought and keep on digging for additional factors.”
(Photo by Lars Baron/Getty Photos)
Nico Hulkenberg (thirteenth): “It was a complicated race for me. I experienced a horrible get started I activated the anti-stall mode where by the clutch kicks in to shield a stall from the engine, simply because grip on the grid is really superior listed here. That was the starting of the conclusion for me. I was virtually final right before the very first corner and from then onwards it was distinct that it was going to be a complicated afternoon. We were being having difficulties on the Supersoft tyres with overheating as properly as with balance and grip. We determined to do an early very first halt, placing on the Softs, but then the leaders were being coming through and I experienced blue flags 2 times, dropping enormous quantities of time. It was rather complicated currently we will need to assessment what transpired and absolutely aim on Silverstone.”
Jolyon Palmer (sixteenth): “We started off in P16 and completed eleventh, it is really my 3rd race with an eleventh position complete, the moment additional within just touching distance of factors! I experienced Lance Stroll in my way for just above forty laps and couldn’t get earlier him, which is irritating. I will need to aim on qualifying far better, but throughout the weekend the tempo appeared improved so total there are some positives. It’s my house race coming up, and Silverstone’s a excellent observe with a large amount of rapidly corners and it is really a single I actually like to push, so hopefully that can be the a single that will get me in the factors.”
(Photo by Lars Baron/Getty Photos)
Pascal Wehrlein (14th): “I started off the race from the pit lane because of to an engine change. Throughout my very first lap I picked up a piece of debris right before reaching change four. I was slightly worried about the affliction of the car, but fortunately it turned out to be alright. I pushed tricky all the way from the starting to the conclusion of the race, but this consequence was the greatest for currently. I hope we are additional aggressive in Silverstone.”
Marcus Ericsson (15th): “It was a complicated race for me. At the starting I experienced concerns with obtaining the tyres to perform effectively, so I dropped ground. Total I was having difficulties to keep up the tempo, even though some pieces of the race were being alright. Later on, the blue flags created it challenging to keep the tyres in the correct performing window. We have to aim on the up coming race in Silverstone, which is only a 7 days away. It is a single of my favourite tracks, so I hope that we can have a stronger race weekend there.”
Photo by Lars Baron/Getty Photos)
Mario Isola, Head of Auto Racing: “”With some really rapidly normal speeds and no rain, there was a bit of blistering but this did not impact functionality – with the speediest laps remaining set at the conclusion of the race. Although a single halt was the standard choice, there were being quite a few different variants on the a single-halt method, with a couple motorists hoping some thing different to make up areas. On the complete, the method solutions were being really intense throughout the industry, with some prolonged operates even on the ultrasoft. This underlines the confidence that the teams have both in the velocity and sturdiness of the tyre assortment.”
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