#from the thrawn trilogy
unknownplants · 1 year
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Im not sure how old unhee is supposed to be and i refuse to google it.
I just want Ezra to be the big brother figure i know he can be 😤
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klazje · 7 months
ascendency era political intrigue show. you agree.
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bookwormstarwarsfan · 2 months
This pic from The Last Command comics version, I didn't use for my moodboard, but I think it's pretty cool.
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Like yes, this is Councilor kriffing Organa ✨️Solo✨️, just gave birth, but back in the game. I have my assistant, Mr. Jacen Solo with me. He thinks the commlink looks yummy. So what kind of problem you guys have only I can solve?
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valkorianknight12 · 1 year
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she doesn’t even go here
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thinking about wutroow trying to make eli feel more welcome in the ascendancy & asking him 'what's a thing humans do that we could do here to make it feel more like home?' & eli - being the true space cowboy he is - convinces her they should make moonshine in samakro's bathtub (samakro catches them doing it & is like GODDAMNIT THRAWN HOW DO YOU KEEP CAUSING PROBLEMS IN MY LIFE - YOU ARE A BILLION LIGHTYEARS AWAY)
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from-a-legends-pov · 4 months
Star Wars Legends Spotlight: The Birth of Jaina and Jacen Solo
In this last week of writer signups for the From a Legends Point of View fanfiction event, we’ll be celebrating Legends by highlighting some key events, characters, and moments from the Legends continuity.
Writers: Help us add to the story! Sign up through Sunday, June 2 to write for the From a Legends Point of View fanfiction event. Together, we’ll build a collection of Star Wars Legends fanfiction set during the time of the Original Trilogy. Use our Signup Form to pitch your story concepts (Signup Guidelines available here), and please encourage your favorite writers to participate!
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Our latest Legends spotlight is the birth of Jaina and Jacen Solo, the twin children of Leia Organa and Han Solo, born in 9 ABY on Coruscant.
Why is this important?
The birth of Jaina and Jacen takes place at the beginning of Timothy Zahn’s novel The Last Command, the final book in the Thrawn trilogy, but even before birth Jaina and Jacen were central to the events of the trilogy, with evil Dark Jedi clone Joruus C’Boath and Grand Admiral Thrawn attempting to kidnap Leia while she was pregnant in order to gain control of the twins, and a kidnapping attempt not long after their birth that was thwarted by a still-morally-conflicted Mara Jade. Later on, they and their friends become the center of the Young Jedi Knights series and take on major roles in the Yuuzhan Vong conflict in the New Jedi Order series, particularly since the Vong have a thing about twins. While their ending is tragic (Jacen turning to the Dark Side was never going to end well), they remain important parts of connecting the Original Trilogy and even the Prequel Trilogy to the Legends continuity.
Jaina and Jacen’s birth also represents a type of hope for the galaxy — Leia learning to deal with her mixed feelings about the Skywalker genetic inheritance (as detailed in Tatooine Ghost), Han and Leia settling in to a happy domestic life together while still kicking ass for the galaxy, Luke eagerly awaiting his niece and nephew but also anticipating the next generation of Jedi he will help to lead and teach.
How does it happen?
The events leading up to the twins’ birth are fairly dramatic. Among other things, pregnant Leia goes to Kashyyyk with Chewbacca to hide out from Thrawn and ends up having to escape by hanging on to underside of a Wookiee while they climb through a series of trees; she’s begun to train with Luke and is able to stop her would-be Noghri kidnappers and then even gain them to her side, using her bloodline attachment to Vader, her smarts, and her diplomatic skills.
The birth itself is fairly humorous to people who have experienced childbirth — in the book, Leia is given a light box that she is supposed to focus on during labor to distract from the pain. In the comic version, we can see that Leia is flat on her back, which probably isn’t going to be super-helpful for delivering twins. Throughout the birth, Leia is reassuring her children in the Force, letting them know they are okay, as well as occasionally trading banter with Han.
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(Also, the strange mid-birth thumbs-up from a medic who is almost fully covered and masked was too funny not to include.)
Once the twins are here, Leia and Han are both dealing with new parenthood and trying to thwart Thrawn’s plans at the same time, so we get a mix of sweet domestic scenes with battle scenes and Leia’s attempts at figuring out what’s going on with Delta Source, Thrawn, the cloning facility, and C’Boath.
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khiquii · 11 months
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This just in. Girl has devastating Thranto brainrot 🫣
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traegorn · 1 year
So Ahsoka is completely opaque to folks who don't know anything about Rebels, huh.
Like anyone who's only watched the live action stuff is going to have no idea what the fuck is happening or who these characters are.
As in most people who watch these Star Wars shows
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experiment-000 · 1 year
Ahsoka and Sabine received a comm from a planet who heard they were searching for Thrawn. They claimed to have a high value prisoner who would be the perfect bait for the Grand Admiral. They went to investigate, wondering if perhaps another of Thrawn's species had been captured (potentially for no crime other than resembling the Grand Admiral), but when faced with the prisoner were shocked to find a human man looking back at them.
The man's captors informed the pair that this man was Grand Admiral Thrawn's personal aide for around a decade. But he deserted. Thrawn would undoubtedly come for the prisoner to seek revenge for his betrayal.
Thrawn did come. He led the charge himself, blaster in hand, battling with a fury none had seen from the notoriously stoic man. When he reached the prisoner, Ahsoka and Sabine were hidden waiting to protect the man. They did not anticipate the prisoner calling the Grand Admiral by name, nor The Grand Admiral's soft response of the prisoner's name.
They waited and watched and allowed the Grand Admiral to free the prisoner. Clearly they had misjudged the situation. Once the man was free he tackled Thrawn in a desperate embrace.
They realised that Thrawn had not been baited by revenge, but by love, and that the Grand Admiral was not so irredeemable as to be unloveable.
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ventresses · 4 months
Thrawn and Eli doing karaoke together
Eli Vanto: Some people call me the Space Cowboy / Some people call me the Gangster of Love Thrawn: Some people call me Mitth'rawn'nuruodo / Because I speak of the pompitous of love
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stars-n-spice · 4 months
I need to lock these gay ass motherfuckers all in a room.
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For science.
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spicynectarines · 11 months
I hc that after going to the ascendancy Ronan immediately died cuz he caught some wild space disease he didn’t have immunity to and perished like a victorian child
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thought-42 · 3 months
Finally reading the first book in the 2019 Thrawn trilogy and absolutely losing itt over how Thrawn spends six months alone on a planet and immediately defaults to full on horror movie antagonist behavior as soon as other people show up.
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oreolesbian · 1 year
still actively seething about how not only did disney ruin everything about luke skywalker and his legacy as a character in the sequels, but they are now taking one of his most beloved legends stories, heir to the empire, and doing it without him
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jewishcissiekj · 1 year
The Thrawn x Ar'alani ship murdered my grandma's cousin's friend's bulldog I can NOT see them as anything other then siblings I'm sorry straight Thrawn fandom
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from-a-legends-pov · 5 months
Star Wars Legends: Poll of the Week — Favorite Smart or Crafty Moments
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Legends is full of moments where our heroes have to come up with unorthodox solutions to unexpected challenges — and some of the smaller moments can have a major impact. Of these examples, which is your favorite smart/crafty moment?
When her trail goes cold thanks to a bounty hunter, Han Solo finds missing Rebellion spy Scarlet Hark by going to the greasy spoon from which she’s been ordering breakfast sandwiches and intercepting her delivery order (Honor Among Thieves)
At the Battle of Folor, Kell Tainer and Runt pretend to be two whole groups of X-Wings protecting a damaged Millennium Falcon with Princess Leia on board (impersonated by Dorset Konnair and her wingmate using two A-Wings) to distract Admiral Trigit from the evacuation of Folor Base (X-Wing: Wraith Squadron)
Threepio and Artoo help Leia Organa and Han Solo break out of prison on Aphran IV by reprogramming the food service droid to think that Leia’s lightsaber and Han’s pistol are food rations (The New Jedi Order - Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand)
When Lando Calrissian and Zerba are kidnapped by corrupt cops sent by Black Sun and about to die in a crumbling warehouse, their heist team rescues them by having one ship blow a hole in the wall large enough for the Falcon to fit through, after which Chewbacca swoops through long enough to drop one of the escape pods into the building so Lando and Zerba can barricade themselves inside (Scoundrels)
Luke Skywalker uses the power supply from his prosthetic hand to rewire the lock on his enclosure and escape Talon Karrde’s custody (Heir to the Empire)
Let’s create more Legends moments together! Follow @from-a-legends-pov and come join us for From A Legends Point of View, a fanfiction event where we’ll be building a collection of fics featuring Star Wars Legends characters (including OT characters) during the time of the Original Trilogy. Writer signups are open now — use our Signup Form to pitch your story concepts (Signup Guidelines here), check out our Event Overview and FAQ for more information, and encourage your favorite writers to participate! Signups are open through June 2.
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