#why are they all imps omg
stars-n-spice · 1 month
I need to lock these gay ass motherfuckers all in a room.
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For science.
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impishtubist · 10 months
Okay but Imp!!! I need to know, Does grandpa Sirius get tattoos for his grandkids?!?
Of course Grandpa Sirius gets tattoos for his grandkids! Idk what those tattoos would be because I have zero imagination and am so bad at coming up with unique tattoos, but he would definitely have tattoos for his grandkids. (And also for Harry and Teddy. I think he got Harry's tattoo already when Harry was born, and then he adds one for Teddy when he's born).
Lovely followers, what tattoos would Grandpa Sirius get for the grandkids?
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guaxinimraccoon · 2 months
Agora, a pergunta q nn quer calar: por que o Toby roubou o livro?
MEU DEUS eu achei que já tinha dito isso em algum lugar, mas dei uma procurada aqui e nada de achar o link disso pq eu NUNCA EXPLIQUEI DJKSKJDSKJDS MALZ bora lá
My bud here asked a very important question: why Tobias stole a very sacred and important book?
The short answer is: because Tobias has a curse and he wanted to find a cure.
OMG HOW- calm down, first things first.
As I said before, when Alex and Elisa started to take their relationship more seriously, Alex would hang out in the Colony using a shrinking potion and preteding to be an imp. He was well accepted as one by Elisa's fellow imps and fairies and they never had many problems with his disguise.
But there was this one, powerful, envy fairy who took notice that something about Alex was... off.
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She started to do her own investigations and ended up finding the truth out: Alex was no imp, but a human in disguise. Although, to her, this was actually very good news.
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Why? Because this fairy - Irwalia - comes from a family that has been preaching an ancient propecy over a century now. Said prophecy omens that, one day, a being with the strongest of souls - a fairy soul - and the strongest of bodies - a human body - would be born to free the Colony from it's decades of war.
There are a lot of fairy families that preach this prophecy till this day, but all of them are taken as delusionals by most of the Colony's inhabitants. It's impossible to have a being that has a different soul from it's body, it just can't happen. But they hold onto their beliefs firmly regardless.
When Irwalia learned the truth about Alex, she couldn't help but be ecstatic: she had finally found a human inside the Colony's walls. And, if SHE was the one who discovered him first, then she must be the one meant to give birth to this prophetic child… right?
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In a vengeful and spiteful spirit, Irwalia decided to not report Alex to the Colony's authorities, but instead take her anger out on what the human and his imp wife treasured the most: their only child.
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Alex and Elisa didn't took long to find Toby, afterall she wanted to take her revenge in front of them...
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Irwalia cursed Toby with something that not only breaked Alex's heart, but made the child defenseless if he ever encountered a human: if in close proximity to a human, Toby is completely unable to do any kind of magic.
This may not sound like a big deal, but imps, especially imp borrowers, take great advantage from their magic abilities to protect themselves from the sight of humans and their malicious intents. And, of course, Toby would never be able to obtain his full magic potential (which he has a lot of) around his own father.
Aside from all that, his hair is now bright blue, a side effect of the curse that makes it difficult for him to hide from humans and dangerous animals.
Toby grew up not being allowed to leave the Colony EVER because of his curse. So when he became an adult, after getting involved in a lot of trouble inside the Colony, being the little thief and vagabond that he is, he thought-
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Unfortunately, he never had the chance to actually seek a cure for his curse in the book because he was discovered for his theft before that, yeah, it was all kind of pointless, he truly sucks at hiding.
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Huh, I also wonder why it worked...
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whosavaidkher · 3 months
haaii!! love love love ur writing!!!! ♡ do you think you could do something with a blitzø x insecure reader/s/o? maybe the reader works at IMP and blitzø finally sees that they don't think highly of themselves
Blitzø with a insecure s/o
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A/N: OMG MY FIRST HB FIC!! also I didn't know whether to do hcs or a one shot, so I did hcs if it's ok!! Hope you enjoy!! also the song might be a bit off topic but I was listening to it while writing 😭
song to listen to while reading:
❣ at first when you joined the IMP, he was (surprisingly) excited, he obviously needed more than Moxxie and Millie there!
❣ when he realized you felt insecure, he was actually shocked. YOU!? Of all people insecure!? Why? Youre so badass!
❣ "look, babe. You're so fucking badass, your cooler than me- well I wouldn't go THAT far but yk what I mean, right sweetie pie?"
❣ anyone, and I mean ANYONE who talks shit about you, yup their fucking dead!
❣ Moxxie and Millie def hype you up along with Blitzø when you k!ll someone
❣ Blitzø will definitely make/buy you your own special gun
❣ if you want someone dead, or just any favor? He's on it! Need a ride? He's on his way!
❣ if some days you feel extremely bad about your work, you and him will take the day off and spend it at home relaxing
❣ will definitely teach you if you ask him too! He loves (hates) teaching! (Your his only exception)
❣ overall he's a very protective, caring boyfriend who only wants the best for his s/o!
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remember-the-fanfics · 4 months
Omg I’d love to hear about the earth born reader’s dynamics with the cast!
You get the whole info about the reader because :D
(Y/n) (Middle Name) (L/n)
Age- 17-21
Gender- Nonbinary (They/them)
Height- 5'0 - 5'6
Demon-ish look
• Purple eyes that look like cat eyes
• Pointy ears and sharp teeth
• Claw looking finger that wouldn't actually cut anything
• Hair is multiple color with (h/c) and (any color), hair looks ruffled all the time. Goes to your shoulder.
• Magic necklace to let you look like this is solid metal to not be easily broken.
Human look
• Base human look
• Hair is less ruffled, still a slight mess.
• Clothes are mostly given by any of the main cast, minus a whole suit that Alastor got you fitted for along with a skirt and pants. Charlie did buy you some clothes in your size since most of the cast is taller than you.
• Either you can here by a portal made by some certain imps and got booted to the pride level with how your soul is closest to a sinner and that just whiplash you enough to forget; or random magic nonsense or ritual that someone close to you did and accidentally got you into hell.
• Have yet to figure out the person who gave you the necklace. Maybe someone who use to be in your shoes long time ago.
• Charlie and Vaggie go between acting like your moms or your annoyed older sisters (mostly Vaggie)
• Alastor treats you like a child, like a distant weird uncle when you get to know him more. Gives you random gifts, most get taken away by being deadly weapons by Vaggie.
• Angel Dust reminds you of an annoying older brother or Cousin, that has a 10 year gap between each other. Protective, isn't as sexual in your presence still is though. Never talks about work to you.
• Husk, doesn't let you drink any alcohol even if you want to. Says you're too young, has so water or soda at the bar for you. Definitely an uncle.
• Niffty, weird short hyperactive aunt that hates bugs and loves cleaning. Talks to you about any interest men she sees, also gifts you less deadly weapons or anything interesting she finds. Has given you a bottle of bleach with no context.
• You would kill for any of the pets including Razzle and Dazzle, those two would kill for you too after Charlie request they watched over you as well
• Lucifer mistook you as Vaggies kid and then also Charlie when he learned that the two were dating and that they found you together. Even after finding out that you weren't technically their kid, he would still act like granddad that missed out on half your life and gift you random things, mostly ducks when you said they looked cute.
• Charlie had to tell him not to gift you anymore ones that can produce fire. You've near caught the hotel on fire 3 times and everyone in the cross fire.
• You gave sad puppy eyes for days afterwards towards everyone.
• Sir Pentious had to be tell directly not to make you any deadly weapons after he gave you a hand-held flamethrower when he fell for your puppy eyes.
• Now, Vaggie has collection of weapons that everyone gives you that you almost hurt someone and yourself.
• Everyone defense is that you don't use you demon powers when in danger, not knowing you aren't an actual sinner.
• So you only have a certain few weapons to keep you safe when out if the hotel.
• Charlie and Vaggie know the most of your past that you willing talk about. Knows about your direct family, that you died young.
• Charlie got you as a guest because she doesn't think you should actually be a sinner. Minus the fires that you've accidentally started, you could be here for a pyromaniac.
• But then you apologized right after, not many it to happen.
• The main cast have tried to figure out why you got sent here.
• Alastor doesn't really care, thinking you barely just sinned enough to got sent here.
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drama-glob · 9 months
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OMG TO ALL THE FLUFF WE GOT IN THIS EPISODE!!! <3<3<3 Literally squealed at how adorable Fizz and Ozzie are (which I already knew ;) ) and the fact that Fizz can't cook. ^_^<3<3<3 I also find it funny that they really weren't doing a good job at keeping their relationship under-wraps and how Fizz himself was not being low-key. XD I do love all his little fly dogs and the fact that one is in a wheelchair is absolutely adorable because he really does care about them as we see. ^_^ <3<3<3
Of course fate would bring Blitzo and Fizz's paths to cross, although I'm still surprised that we got Striker in this episode because I had heard about Crimson's men since it was in Greed after all, but dang, he must be trying to get business outside of royals since the last one didn't pan out. :/ I had a feeling that if it wasn't a hit put out on Fizz, then he'd be ransomed, so it just broke my heart at seeing how distressed he was at almost every turn; at least with talking with Blitzo it served as a distraction for him. It's still awful that he and Blitzo got kidnapped and in a way proved part of the reason for Fizz and Ozzie trying to keep their relationship secret (which admittedly didn't seem too well based on what Crimson said >_< ).
I do love that Blitzo obviously does have feelings for Stolas, and Fizz made some pretty good points about not all royal demons being the same as well as acting superior to others does cast you as snobby rich jerks; I know Fizz's been treated so well by Ozzie for over a decade, but he still came from humble beginnings and probably dealt with the same racist stuff other imps faced. :/
It was nice to see Stolas and Ozzie interact, even if it mainly was to go over the ransom demands, but I love that Stolas was empathetic and helpful in Ozzie's time of need even though Ozzie was withholding the crystal because of Fizz's hatred for Blitzo; I do hope Blitzo and Stolas will have their talk in the "Full Moon Ritual" episode because there is still so much he doesn't know about Blitzo's past. ;_;
I'm so glad that we got the confirmation that Blitzo caused the fire that cost Fizz his limbs and horns, but also the fact that he also lost his mom in the same fire...and it was all an ACCIDENT?! It was truly heartbreaking even if we were fed plenty of clues as to that being the reason why. ;_; It does figure that from there it was a whole misunderstanding that tore Blitzo and Fizz's friendship apart and I wonder who this "They" are that lied and said that Blitzo didn't come and Fizz didn't want to see Blitzo. Maybe Mammon's men if he was pick up by the Deadly Sin at that point? I do wonder why the fire was green while the sky was red like they were still in Pride. Hmmm. More to the mystery perhaps. ;) I'm guessing we'll see how Ozzie and Fizz met in the next episode. So excited!!! ^_^<3<3<3
Fizz's song was definitely VERY distracting and yes, I will look at this. O_O XD It is funny that none of the men seemed to catch on to their plan. XD
It was so beautiful and heartwarming that Blitzo and Fizz hugged and it seems to me like they're making their way back as friends, if they aren't there already. ;) I don't blame Fizz for being mad that he got blown up again, but like Blitzo said, at least he stayed around this time. ;) ^_^ <3<3<3 I'm still worried about Striker coming back though. O_O He just keeps getting more and more unhinged with each loss. >_<
When Ozzie and Fizz reunited those, I went "AWWWW" so hard and I love the way Ozzie said "Fizzy!" ^_^<3<3<3 It was really sweet though that Fizz told Ozzie to give Stolas the crystal for Blitzo as he DEFINITELY earned it today for saving Fizz's life. I wonder if Blitzo will tell Stolas? :/ Either way, seeing the amount of care the Ozzie gave Fizz and didn't blame him for anything that happened and just wanted him to take it easy, seriously kept melting my heart over and over. ^_^<3<3<3 They're so cute together and deserve all the happiness! ^_^<3<3<3
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oh hey you write for helluva boss!!! could i request something platonic for blitzø? (had no romantic ideas in my head atm)
+ just being blitzø's favorite person to be around and the crazy things you'd both like to get into together
ty 🤍 ;)
yes. omg yes.
i love blitz, and helluva is my other favorite show LOL
platonic headcanons/ficlets coming up
we all know this disaster of an imp cares about people… but he has a funny way of showing it.
like he once brought you in this fucked up looking license plate, you guessed, but it said princess on it.
you both had been talking about royalty the night before and you said you always wanted to be a princess
thus the fucked up license plate
he also once brought you a rock
said it reminded him of you
you still have it
you both have shit sleep schedules too, so he’ll call you for late night shenanigans
the phone on your night stand was ringing and as you looked over you saw it was Blitz.
“Why are you up this late?” you ask answering the phone.
“Why are you up this late bitch?” Blitz snarks back.
“Touché. Whaddya want?” You ask, turning down your TV.
“Whatcha watchin’?” he asked.
“That damn show you told me about a week ago.” You sighed.
“AH! I told you you’d love it!” Blitz gleefully lets out.
“You wanna come over don’t you?” Your voice deadpans, knowing what was happening.
“What episode are you on?” Comes the sly question from the other end.
“Season 2 Episode 4.”
“Damn, what are you doing binging that shit?” Blitz exclaims.
“Why? What are you on?” You ask.
“Episode one of season two!” he says.
“Come over, I’ll queue it up and I can rewatch.”
“Fuck ya! I’ll be right there.” Blitz says and you hear movement.
“Bring snacks! I got drinks.” You say, getting up to get the drinks.
“Yeah, yeah whatever. See you in 10.”
loona loves you though.
blitz loves this because there aren’t many people he can trust to help him get loona to the doctor. you can help though.
and when you go on missions with them
blitz has told you they are jobs!
they’re missions to you
but when you work with him yall are bad ass.
you naturally have eachothers back without even thinking.
you both once ended up at an overlord meeting…
don’t ask but the overlords of pride somehow think you’re both new overlords.
you tell him blitz he’s a dumb ass when he talks about stolas and how their relationship is just transactional
you call him out on his feelings and you are the only one he tells how he actually feels.
you both do dumb stuff together, but you’re there for each other.
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3kiripima3 · 2 months
Omg hiii!! I was wondering if youd write Verosika x fem (its ok if gn) reader thats super bitchy w everyone but her?
Verosika x Fem Reader
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Warnings: Swearing, Slight Suggestive Implications at Points
A/N: I hope this is good enough for you <3
☆ When she first started dating you, Verosika honestly had no idea why you barely had any friends.
☆ You were so sweet and loving towards her all the time; how could people not like you?
☆ The first time she truly experienced your bitchy side was when you were both hanging out with Verosika's succubi and incubi friends.
☆ You were talking to Verosika when one of her friends accidentally spilt her drink over your dress.
☆ Oh, boy!
☆ I doubt anyone in that room had ever heard so many new curse words at once.
☆ After you'd finished insulting the poor demon, Verosika stared at you, a mixture of impressed and mortified.
☆ If Verosika was being completely honest, your bitchiness kind of turned her on.
☆ Eventually, she got used to the fact that you were like that to most other demons.
☆ She did always try to make sure you weren't bitchy towards her friends though.
☆ Maybe sometimes she wishes you verbally tore her to pieces like you do others. It is kinda hot to her.
☆ The time Verosika was most shocked by you would have to be the time you encountered Blitzø while on the streets.
"I just don't get why you like the colour pink so much," Verosika said, looking at you mildly confused.
"Hm... yeah... I wonder why that could be?" You responded playfully, looking her up and down in utter adoration.
While Verosika caught onto the implication and was trying to hold herself back from giggling like a love sick teenage girl, a certain imp walked past.
"Ugh, I should have expected that bitch to be here..." Blitzø muttered, intentionally loud enough for both of you to hear.
"You fucking-" Verosika started, but you cut her off with a look, approaching Blitzø.
"Aw~ You must be that short-dicked imp, Blitzø. I've heard ever so much about you!" You said to him in a sickeningly sweet tone.
"You bitch! Mind your fucking business, you-"
"Verosika is my business, prick. Is the little imp upset? Are you an insecure, itty bitty baby?"
"Who do you think you are?! You-"
☆ Verosika was so proud of you, and glad you managed to bring Blitzø's attitude down a bit.
☆ Let's just say... Verosika was so glad she ended up rocking your world that night.
☆ You may be a bitch to everyone but her, but Verosika wouldn't want you any other way.
Hope you enjoyed <3
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mashiraostail · 4 months
Found you through your BG3 stuff and it’s so good I’m foaming at the mouth
Could I request soft dom Karlach with a fem reader, maybe with a bit of praise thrown in if that’s alright?
Thank you I owe u my life
omg ask and u shall receive and it wont be self serving to me at all even a little!
I love Karlach and I love women this was sooo epic
NSFW under the cut :3
"Oh stop it-" Karlach is cringing as Shadowheart quite literally wrings blood from her hair, "you'll make me sick!'
"I can hardly help it, I'm always in the splash zone when I go into a fight with you." Shadowheart doesn't look happy about the situation either, but what must be done must be done.
"You certainly wouldn't hear me complaining, though I do like a more...direct method of delivery." Astarion some how came out the other side fairly clean.
"Oh come on, enough with the blood and guts stuff." Karlach groans, "so gross."
"What, are you trying to save your appetite?" Shadowheart laughs and flicks her hair over her shoulder, sending a small splatter of blood onto Astarion's arm. The two of them made a terribly snarky, gossipy duo. Karlach was just glad they had made friends.
"So what if I am?" Karlach crosses her arms, "I've already been denied ten years why should I be any longer? Especially at the expense of your grimy hair."
Astarion laughs at that, "no, you're right. All the power to you my friend." He looks around a moment, "say where is your favorite midnight snack?"
Karlach whirls around too, "oh shit, have we lost her?"
"She is a slippery one." Shadowheart nods.
"Kalrach would know." Astarion agrees. Karlach guffaws, shoves him. There were plenty of good things about getting her tune up, the kissing, the sex, the cuddling, and the knocking the wind out of Astarion every time he said something gross, odd, or rude.
"Cut it out." She tries to wipe the warmth off her face, being on fire was hot enough, why be embarrassed too.
"Hey! You left without me?!" You're appearing over a small hill, a new, heavy looking bag on your shoulder, "did I take that long?"
"We thought you ran away." Astarion shakes his head, "you took forever."
"Gale asked me to pick up some things." You hike the bag up your shoulder, "camp isn't far though, I guess we picked a good spot with this little market so close and all. What'd you all get into?" You stop once you've joined the group, "oh Shadowheart you smell awful-"
"Imps. Imps and goblins." Shadowheart mutters, "it's always imps and goblins."
"Sorry I missed it then." You laugh a little. Karlach takes the bag off your shoulder. "Oh you've probably been fighting all afternoon I can-"
"Don't worry about it, make up for leaving you behind. I always carry the stuff."
"I told you to go on without me, I guess I didn't think you actually would though." You laugh a bit.
"Well in your absence Karlach has told us all about how, when she does get you to herself you always-"
"Stop!" She shoves Astarion hard enough to make him stumble, "oh I should light you up." Shadowheart is just snickering to herself.
"I didn't-" She addresses your horrified look, "I didn't tell them anything I swear." She holds her hands up, "and even if I had, which I didn't! It's nothing to be embarrassed about, you're killer in bed. Probably just make them jealous, that's why I don't say anything."
You will the color out of your face at her comment and make the short walk back to camp with silly but comfortable conversation flowing between your little group. The sun's set in the sky by now so you're glad to be so close to camp, otherwise it may have been difficult to find your way back.
When you do make it back Gale looks excited to see you all, "did they have everything?"
"Uh...dunno, I'm just the mule." Karlach shrugs, and holds the bag out, "you'll wanna talk to the manager." She jabs a thumb to you, his gaze follows.
"They did I just- Karlach!" You brush the bag over the Gale and hold her wrist, "look! You're all cut up!"
"Oh am I?" She looks down at her arm, sure enough there were a myriad of claw marks on her forearm, "aw shit, look at that. Didn't even notice, little buggers. Enjoy your stuff Gale I've gotta patch up." You follow her away without finishing your afterthought for Gale.
"Halsin's left for the day, he said he had some friends in the area who may have information for us." You frown, "how's Shadowheart?"
"She needs to rest up before she can use anymore healing magic." Karlach shakes her head, "they're barely some scrapes, I'll be fine for now, I'll go clean up, then well...I dunno I'm yours."
"Let me help, it will be easier with two." You look hopefully up at her, "there's a river close by, we can clean you off and patch you up." She's grinning.
"Come on, you're not worried about a few little scrapes are you? Do you know who I am?" She looks delighted despite her words.
"I'm very familiar, that's why I want to help."
"You're worried? About little old me?" She's squeezing your shoulders as you walk together, "or do you just want to play nurse?"
"Maybe both." You glance up at her, she's practically buzzing.
"Don't tease me." She warns, "you'll ruin my night."
Of course you'd never do a thing like that. Though cleaning her up does take precedent, despite her groaning and whining.
"We need to make sure it's clean, then we can wrap it up." You hand her a shirt to tear up into some makeshift bandages. She uses her free hand and her teeth to do so, she certainly notices you shift and avert your gaze.
"What are you all shy about?" She laughs at the color on your face.
"You know." You tut and frown at her, though it's not very believable.
"What? Is it me?" She watches you use one piece of the shirt to wipe the blood, "Am I making you act all shy?"
"You're always so mean to me-"
"Its me isn't it? You like me, don't you?"
"Oh stop." You press a damp hand to you cheek, trying to cool off.
"What? Tell me all about it! Do you fantasize about me? Have dreams about me?" She's leaning towards you, her voice teasing. You use another piece of cloth the wipe her arm off with some water.
You scoff and look away from her, it just makes her laugh.
"Your silence speaks volumes! Tell me!"
"No!" You use three strips of thicker fabric to wrap her arm up, "I won't!"
"So you don't deny it!" She catches you by your waist, "tell me, or you are not getting a single thing from me tonight-"
"You're evil! You should know how it feels to be denied! Have a heart!"
"Oh I've got one, wanna see?" She's laughing, nosing at your jaw, of course you tilt your head for her, you could never deny her, despite yourself. "Come on, just give me a little taste."
"I don't have anything to tell you!" The crimson engulfing your face said otherwise.
"Uh-huh." Karlach wraps her arms around your back, "can I have a kiss?"
You indulge her without saying anything else about the subject, she seems contended with it for now. You have a feeling you aren't quite out of the woods though.
"You look so pretty when you're embarrassed." She holds you by your chin, "I can't help myself." Her hands are tugging at your shirt, you help her slide it off. She takes in the sight of you with as much enthusiasm as always you can practically hear her brain knocking around in her skull, every thud screaming with excitement, 'TITS!!!!'
"I'm so fucking lucky-" She's giddy with it, kissing down your neck and shoulders, probably planning her attack on your chest. "You're such a sweet thing, gods, I don't know how I have it in me to behave all day knowing this is the sight hiding under all that armor you wear."
You gladly clamber into her lap, she's ducking down into your chest, her hands exploring the newly exposed flesh unabashedly. "You're really very pretty, you know?" She says it into your sternum, you're trying desperately to undress her, eventually she takes pity on you and helps it along. When she stands to shake the last of her clothes off all you can do is drop to your knees, she laughs.
"Well I wasn't gonna boss you around or anything." She's grinning at you and gods you love her, it's all you can think about, you're kissing at her stomach rubbing your face into her warm skin, she just laughs some more.
"Aw look't you, so sweet. What is it? You wanna take care of me?" You make a choked off noise at that, nodding and pulling her closer, it's a frantic nod though, rushed and almost desperate.
"Alright, alright, don't start crying now." She pulls you away to look at you for a moment, "you aren't off the hook, but I'll take a detour." She slings a leg over your shoulder and her hand tangled in your hair on impulse and you close your eyes, if only to hide how far back your eyes roll into your skull. Occasionally you feel her nails scrape the nape of your neck. You were pressing your lips to her, running long strokes over her with your tongue and thumbing at the the wetness whenever you needed to catch your breath. Karlach hadn't taken her eyes off you, she was practically singing you praises and it made your stomach knot up desperately.
She uses her grip on your hair to guide you along but she doesn't need to do much, you already know what to do. She pays extra care to pull all your hair off your face to get the best look at you she can.
"Gods, look't you, pretty girl, just like that, 's perfect." Even her moans are perfect, it's obscene. If anyone asked you she should be locked up, wearing a big flashing warning sign. All you can do is moan, hold onto her thighs, beg to be impossibly closer.
"What're you moaning at?" She's grinning devilishly, "you just like the sound of my voice don't you?"
"Yes, yes I do-" The way she tugs on your hair pulls a perfectly lovely moan out of you, and it makes her laugh in a warm, fond sort of way that makes you want to lay down and spread your legs open for her.
"Alright then, lucky for you I love talking to pretty girls." By the grace of some god you find it in you to play a bit coy with her.
"You think I'm pretty?" You're looking up at her with perfect blown out pupils, and swollen red lips wearing her cum like lipgloss, matter of fact it's spread out pretty evenly over your cheeks and chin too.
"Oh fuck-" She drops her head against the tree she's been leaning on, "I'll blow my fucking lid, cut that out. You wouldn't be able to survive the things you're making me want to do to you."
"I'd try, for you." If she had something to say to that you don't let her get it out. You realized your mouth had been too far away for far too long. You missed the feeling of her tugging at your hair, pushing and pulling you to her own accord.
"Oh gods- dammnit-" She's bucking her hips into your face, her hold on your head especially tight, she groans, it's from her chest, low and thankful. You feel her stutter with the orgasm rolling over her and she pushes you away. Her chest heaving.
"You're a dream, you know?" She's pulling you to your feet, she laughs when she has to steady you a bit, then she kisses you. "Taking such good care of me all night. Looking so pretty while you do."
You feel her hands on between your shoulder blades, she's kissing down your jaw and neck, you're putty in her hands, waiting to be put where she wanted you.
"Come on," She's picking you up, wrapping your legs around her middle, "tell me, before I could touch you like this, and you had to take care of yourself. Tell me what you thought of. I'll tell you mine."
"It's so embarrassing-" You honest to god whine at her, if she were a stronger woman she'd be able to suppress the shudder it sent up her spine.
"Tell me, I'll give you whatever you want, all night if you do."
"It was just you-" You groan as she sets you down on your back and crawls on top of you, "your voice, I could hear it in my head so clearly." She's grinning from ear to ear, impish and coy.
"What was I saying? Was I bossing you around?" She laughed a little because gods you were an idiot, all she had to do was lay you down and you were spreading your legs for her.
"Sometimes-" Your chest was stuttering.
"Oh?" She pushes the syllable through pursed, curious lips, "what about the other times?"
"You're moaning," you're bucking your hips, searching for pay off, something anything the heat was unbearable. "Saying I'm good, calling me pretty-" You couldn't help the hand you brought down to rub over yourself, it was just something else for Karlach to look at.
"You like when I call you pretty?" She's attacking your chest with kisses that leave a burning trail in their wake, "you touch yourself and imagine me watching, calling you pretty?" She laughs that laugh again, the one that makes you wanna lay face down for her. "Maybe you're just as far gone as I am."
"I definitely am." You're practically begging her to touch, after 10 years of holding back she finds it almost impossible to deny you.
"Wanna see if it's as good as when you dreamed about it?" She's pulling you up, turning you over, you go because you're so stupid for her when you get like this, she could walk you off a cliff if she wanted.
" Are you gonna make yourself cum for me?"
This was overwhelming, you felt drunk, your emotions were running so high, you were so horny you could sob, "I'd do whatever you want-" She  was kissing at the backs of your thighs, you could feel her breath on your desperate fingers.
"Oh, careful pretty girl you're giving me too much power." She's laughing, her voice was low against your skin and it made you shudder. "I might not be so nice next time."
"No, no, you can do whatever you want to me Karlach- fuck-" You gasp, feeling her thumb brush against you.
"Whatever I want?" You can hear the grin in her voice, impishly charming.
"Yeah, anything-"
"I could tie you up?" She nipped at your skin and that paired with the thought of it alone could get you to cum, "yes please-" Your eyes were glossed over, you were pushing your hips back into her, begging for a firmer touch.
"Oh gods, you've gotten yourself into trouble now. And here I thought you were a nice girl." One of her hands pulls your upper thigh, right were it meets your ass, to get a better look at you.
"You know," Her other hand joins, taking the other thigh, you can feel her nails pressing your skin, "really I can't think of anything else to say but pretty. You are so pretty for me. I can't blame myself for thinking you were a good girl, how could anyone so pretty be bad?"
All you can do is moan, practically cry at it.
"You know it's everything too, not just this." Her thumb brushes you again and you actually think you feel your soul leave your body. "The noises you make, and that pretty red blush you get every time you look up at me. Like I'm deflowering you every time I touch you. Ravishing you, scandalizing you."
"Karlach, please-" She hadn't asked you to beg, that was all on your own accord.
She makes a pouting noise, faux sympathy, "alright, I'll give in. Tell me where you want me, pretty girl. I can't say no to face like your's."
You don't know where to start, you want it all honestly. Lucky for you she's started, replacing your hand with her own then slipping her fingers into you. You were melting into the ground below letting out a desperate warbling moan mixed with a handful of profanities.
"Good or bad-" She cautions and you shake your head, the momentary loss of friction makes your eyes water desperately.
"Good! Good, Karlach, please, fuck-"
You were whining and moaning into your arm, which had been previously holding your chest off the ground. Your eyebrows turn up at it, "oh fuck-"
You were acutely aware of how well she knew your body at this point. Every stroke into you had you moaning, rumbling from your chest, the momentum she'd picked up carrying with a bounce in your cries.
For a split second she was gone, stopping to wrap her arm around your front, as quickly as the touch was gone it was back. Then her free hand was in your hair dragging you up to press your back against her chest and fuck it hurt a little but in a way that made your spine tingle and ripped the most beautiful fucking moan Karlach had ever heard out of you.
"Oh sweetheart-" She moans it into your neck, "you'll kill me at this rate." Her arm wraps around your middle and you grip her forearm with your hand, the other coming around your back to hold onto her there.
She picked back up to pace quickly with you against her chest, bounding forward with unrelenting force that hit you so hard she could hear it in your voice.
"That's it, you pretty thing, just like that, huh? That's perfect." She's cooing into the crook of your neck, "good, good job."
"Fuck-" Your nails dig into her arm, "fuck me, Karlach-"
"The mouth on you lovely girl," She groans into your neck, pulling you into a sloppy but stupidly hot kiss.
"When it was me, waiting to finally touch you, this is what I thought about." You can feel her breath behind your ear when she speaks, "all the different ways I could completely undo you, how good you'd be for me while I did, how you would beg for me to do it. I'd never make you worry about anything, no." She tsks, "I thought about how much fun it would be, taking care of you. I got off thinking about your pretty, empty head, getting railed by me. How'd I do?"
"I'm gonna cum-" You somehow manage to choke it out, "'m gonna- fuck!" Your eyebrows knit together and of course she grins.
"Go 'head, I wanna see it." She was kissing your shoulders a hand coming down to thumb at your clit, you keen loud and still bouncing, "wanna hear it-" She murmured into your skin, "I definitely wanna feel it too."
"Oh fuck-" You gasp, your eyes roll back from the shock of it. Thank god she can't see your face because you must have been drooling. The jerking tenseness of your hips and the way you called out her name like she was an angel would drive her insane for months to come all she can do is sink her teeth into your shoulder.
If it wasn't for her arm around you you'd have slumped to the ground.
"That good?" She laughs and you nod.
"Come on, let's clean you up." She lays you down and takes the extra pieces of cloth you had on hand to wipe you clean, "are you alright?" You only nod again and she chuckles,
"and she was too stunned to speak. Another knock out performance by Karlach."
That gets a snort out of you and you shove her arm, "come off it, K."
"Uh oh, someone sounds tired." Her hand rubs your stomach, you're purring like a cat.
"No I'm not." You drag your hand down her stomach, obviously downwards and she laughs.
"Easy there solider, I think the others are expecting to do a least a little adventuring tomorrow. You look ready to pass out anyway." She gathers your clothes up, then you where you'd crumpled into the floor.
"Come on solider." She hoists you over her shoulder, "let's go to bed, I'll get you all tucked in nice and warm in my tent."
"Yeah, okay....good idea K." You were content to dangle over her shoulder, "K, I love you."
"OH I know you do, pretty." She pats your backside, "but I love you more."
You gasp as she drops you onto her bedroll, "no way!"
"Yes way." She's kissing and nuzzling your neck while you laugh, "admit it before I have to ravish you right here in this tent to prove it!"
For as delightful as your touch was your laugh was just as intoxicating, you nodded desperately trying to squirm away from the ticklish kisses and bites.
"Lay down." Karlach pulls away, smiling, "I don't think there's anyone on the planet who's ever loved anyone as much as I love you." She thumbs at your bottom lip, "and I don't think there's anyone in the world half as a pretty as you are. Sleep tight knowing that." You preen at her words as she settles down into bed with you.
"Let's go to sleep, we haven't go much nighttime left, no thanks to you."
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cheecats · 9 months
To soothe you from your Riverstar's Home trauma, how about you ramble about oneripple?
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YOU'RE SO KIND FOR LETTING ME GO OFF ABOUT THIS TY TY 💞💞💞 I'm terrible at structuring logical/coherent rambles, so I'll just dump some thoughts I have (obv these exclude Riverstar's Home and are roughly how I'd like to play with their dynamic [give them to me NOW erins!!])
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Obviously this is way before the mountain cats arrive. BIG FAN of the idea that River Ripple and his small circle at the time were the ones to help One Eye and baby Star Flower get back on their feet after the two lost the rest of their family to the sickness we see again in TBS (I imagine One Eye had already treated them with the Blazing Star, but the two were still so terribly weak and unwell after that.) The group find the two living inside a rotting hollow and approach them. One Eye is, naturally, EXTREMELY aggressive and reclusive at first — distressed from sickness, grief, and fear of losing his tiny daughter, for he hasn't been strong enough to feed them much. The other cats are nervous around him, unwilling to approach the tom for his sheer size and ferocity, even if he is weakened. But not River Ripple. He understands why he is acting this way, that his aggression is a defense mechanism to mask his fear, and ultimately wishes to convey to One Eye that he is not going to do anything to them without his explicit permission first: and he sticks to that promise! Every day he sits outside the makeshift shelter with food, asking permission to come inside, leaving prey, water and herbs at the entrance if One Eye is asleep or simply says no. He never challenges it, and simply obliges and wishes him and Star Flower well. It is through this gradual process that One Eye begins to somewhat relax around River Ripple, allowing ONLY him to come inside, communicating his and Star Flower's needs and whatnot (Vulnerability moment!!)
Although she was too young to remember, once she began to recover, Star Flower was always excited when River Ripple visited, coming up to him, chasing his tail, and telling him all about her big adventures (all just made up ones, but River Ripple would always listen and ask her questions about them!) One Eye initially doesn't take well to Star Flower going up to the near-stranger, pulling her back or growling at River Ripple to back off. But over time, he sees that the risk is minimal, and the two never leave his sight while interacting. Besides, it stops Star Flower pestering him to entertain her for just a bit (also I just find this funny because adult Star Flower can barely recall this and River Ripple is just looking at her like omg you've gotten so tall now!!! I remember when you used to tell me how you beat up monsters and dogs 🤭💙!!)
SO LIKE skipping the recovery period, and now One Eye and Star Flower are more present outside … One Eye falls first. He initially is bothered by this, still grieving the loss of his mate and their other kits moons ago. But the feeling is nonetheless there. It's complicated, because at first he had every intention of claiming the area for himself and pushing River Ripple & his friends out… but as much as he tried to resent River Ripple's philosophy, there was just something so…. soothing yet powerful in the way he carried himself. He realises he actually enjoys his company, which is also weird for him! One Eye has lived among opportunistic cats his entire life, learning that being aggressive and domineering is the only way to make it, and that the passive and meek were destined to be crushed. But River Ripple is a curious example to him. He is gentle and patient, but completely capable of establishing boundaries and shutting down veins of discussion that belittle or threaten him. He would call out One Eye's bullshit every single time, but in a way that didn't escalate the situation. His heart was soft and his identity was strong in that. Kindness without weakness??? In MY Warrior Cats??? Impossible??? (Erins: yes it's impossible. 🗿)
Anyway, montage of One Eye giving terrible rizz and making a complete fool of himself 90% of the time — getting frustrated and defensive while everyone else is like🧍‍♂️. River Ripple is confused at first, but slowly begins to catch on. He finds it both amusing and sweet… and yeah! He realises he does feel the same way! He always found One Eyes protectiveness of Star Flower warming, found his intelligence to be engaging, and he genuinely believes there is good in the tom's heart (me shaking my head slowly.)
First date? Swimming lesson! One Eye is terrible! He's half drowned, scrabbling onto River Ripple every .2 seconds, and hates how pathetic it makes him look. But River Ripple is patient, assuring him that they can always try again some other time, and that it took him a while to get used to it too <:)
^ I feel like it's important to emphasize that One Eye genuinely feels like he can relax around River Ripple. That this cat doesn't have any ulterior motivation to trick him or take from him. Nor' does River Ripple ever belittle his failures or negative traits. They simply exist, are acknowledged, and pass like water.
But of course there is difficulty in how these two's ideologies clash. Everyone's beliefs are different, but theirs almost completely counter. River Ripple's philosophy is peaceful. To live and let live, and be custodians of the land. One Eye's on the other hand is to conquer. To take, to fight for what you need, and to claim the land. While there is room to accommodate each other, they are both two strong individuals with strong identities. Neither is going to abandon their philosophy, and when they clash so strongly, it can make it impossible for them to see eye to eye on issues. Long term, that would be hard. I believe that is why they'd go their separate ways. It doesn't work out. But that is okay. For that period of time, there was coexistence, there was connection, and there was love.
TL:DR. Very brief romance! A spark of passion that burns then fizzles out when One Eye leaves to be on his own (with Star Flower) once again. River Ripple, of course, says One Eye can return any time if he needs anything. Even for a short visit. He never does. For everywhere the tom goes, there is destruction and disruption, and River Ripple's home is like an oasis to be left untouched in One Eye's head.
Even as One Eye's reputation worsens, they still feel for each other. River Ripple especially. He knows what One Eye is capable of, what he has done, and how downright hideous he can be. But it's hard not to miss the memory of him. (Cue the mountain cats like PLEASE stop talking about this asshole in flowery prose he is trying to kill us!!)
BONUS: Not really relevant here, but their presence in the narratives respectively as the punisher/destroyer vs the voice of reason… ooogh, sun that burns, moon that soothes e.t.c but that deity kind of vibe would be more relevant once they're spirits in the Dark Forest & Starclan!
I could go on forever but that's the meat of it. Ty ty i hope everyone enjoyed and its not terribly incoherent ✌️
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strawb3rrystar · 2 months
haaaii!!! omg im a little nervous lol! we recently became mutuallss and i could NOT resist sending in a request I love love love your writing!!! ☆ helluva boss request because autism wins!!
maybe a striker x imp reader? readeris apart of the i.m.p, this can either be set in 1×05 or after. reader's IS insecure enough to fall for strikers manipulation. i would prefer a gn they/them reader, but im fine with a fem reader 2!! yippee for angst
Spring remedy.
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Pairing: Striker x GN! Imp! Reader
Warnings: Nothing really, Striker calls the reader 'sweetheart'
Word count: 715
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You take in the warm Wrath air as Millie greets her parents. You don't pay attention that much until you hear the loud stampede of hooves. Your head moves in the direction of the sound to see the amazing cowboy-hybrid come into view. Your eyes visibly widen when you see him. He was almost majestic like, fixing his hat when he dismounted from his horse.
You watch him talk to Millie, then Blitz. You find yourself becoming more intrigued the more you look at him. When the conversation switches, Striker turns to you. "So, you do free work too?"
He asks, making you blink a few times "Oh, we don't do free work at I.M.P. We're actually assassins."
Striker raises an eyebrow at that "Wow, an assassin, huh? That's pretty impressive."
For some reason, you feel a pressing heat on your cheeks suddenly. Striker gives you a light nod before turning away from you.
You tune out Millie's and Moxxie's conversation as the winners for the Pain Games are announced. Your boss and Striker won of course. Putting the other competitors to shame. You watch as Striker pulls out a guitar and starts singing a victory song. You feel mesmerized at the sound. Your tail twitches when Striker winks in your direction.
You didn't even notice when your boss sat down beside you. Startling you to no end when he starts speaking very loudly all of a sudden. You shake it off, though, ignoring Blitz to pay attention to Striker.
When you get back in the house, you decide to go to the upstairs bathroom. Once you reach the top of the stairs however, you see a glow coming from one of the doors. This peaks your interest and you walk closer to it. Slowly turning the knob, the door opens under the weight of your push.
You quickly figure out that the source of the glowing was from an angelic gun. You take a careful look at it, having never seen anything like it before. Then you hear the door close behind you, making you jump in surprise.
You turn to be met with the face of Striker. Just now noticing how much taller he was then you. Your panic mode kicked it and you get into a slight fighting stance. "Relax. I'm not gonna hurtcha."
His smooth, velvety voice makes you want to relax. You don't know why. It goes against everything you stand for. But you feel as if your body is acting on its own. Striker walks up to you, placing a hand on your shoulder. "What do you think I am?"
Was that a trick question? Either way, you answer uncertainly. "A farm-hand?"
He responds with a slight chuckle and then some words "Well, I can be. But I'm really an assassin."
You blink in surprise, looking back at the gun. Then the realization hits you. "Were you hired to assassinate Prince Stolas?"
He laughs again, his tail swishing behind him. "That's right, sweetheart." Striker dips his head down a little, getting closer to you. "We could work together, you know?"
Your body tenses, your tail curling slightly. "I can't.. do that to Blitz.."
A slight frown is etched on his face, his grip on your shoulder tightens. "And why is that? What has that blue-blood Prince ever done for us?"
You shake your head firmly. "It could effect Blitz. Whether that be emotionally or financially, he'd get hurt. And I don't want to do that.
You push Striker's hand off your shoulder and walk past him towards the door. Until his voice makes you freeze. "They don't care about you. They've barely even talked to you since you got here."
This makes you think. Like really think. Did they care about you? They never seemed to show it if they did. "I care. Which is why I want you to join me."
Your body feels like it moves on its own again as you turn towards him. This makes Striker grin. "We could be rich, famous and powerful together."
He offers his hand to you. You hesitate for a second before taking it. Striker pulls you towards himself. One of his hands finds your waist. While his other hand grabs your chin. "Good. You made the right decision, sweetheart.
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Star's notes -> Hiii! I'm pretty sure you're @/sunshines-bright and I think your blog is super cool! (If ur not i'm sorry)
(Thank you, sweet anon, for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @samohxt2-0 @sunshines-bright @astrolovedy @saints-wrapped-in-plastic @sweetadonisbutbetter | Join the taglist
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vroomian · 7 days
Jay and Lucifer end up in Vegas on a legendary bender, and Lucifer is drunk off his ass (found some imps selling magic booze??) and complaining about missing being married (this is set during liliths seven year disappearance lol)
Jay is like: hey. Brilliant idea. Why don’t we get married? Platonicly.
Lucifer: omg. You’re so right bestie. We should totally get friend married.
And then they do! Both of them wake up three days later in a hotel room with a marriage certificate, three dozen watermelons, a goat wearing Lucifer’s top hat, and terrible hangovers.
The marriage is both legal in the eyes of the United States and like. Magically binding. Jay can’t take their ring off at all in fact. It’s got Lucifer’s crest on it and it’s actually embedded in Jays finger???? Oops?
Well. This might as well happen Jay says and doesn’t bother ever filing for divorce (because how do you even explain marrying the devil by accident?) even when Lucifer has to go back to hell. The ring turns out to be soul bonded to Jay and follows them to heaven!
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alfiely-art · 10 days
FINISHED ACT 2!!!! I promise I'm taking my time
Act 1 live reaction here
Here are notes I took while reading!!!
Hi vagabond fella… you're cute
Huh. So the world ended. Okay
Happy birthday john, you fucked up!!!! My god!!!!
Oh interesting… wonder if the kernel will come back later
I like this sprite lmaoooo silly guy
“It's a long way down” Hey. Hey wait a sec. Isn't that deltarune
Bro Rose probably thinks you're dead lmfaooooo
Am I supposed to ignore the Stop Scurrying button btw. He will scurry to my hearts content
“Would you like to play a game?” C…caliborn….? :3
We scurried until we couldn't scurry anymore
Aw he's scared :( WALK ACROSS IT ur fine…
A voice?? Is it the blue text. The sprite
Sorry rose I'm not reading allat
So wait. Did the game cause the meteors or is it just saving people from them. Why was there no warning
Betty crocker is born /j
Nvm sprite said No <3
“Hoo-hoo-hoo” HEY I SAW CALIBORN GIGGLE LIKE THAT IN A FIC. I know the Striders have more to do with Caliborn but let me reach
OH its the sprite
Dave. Honey. Nows not the time for your rap
Which admittedly has fun rhymes
Dave what are you yapping about
Fluthlu… I love you
I'm not even gonna try to spell that but I like the other squid octopus creature as well
Oglogoth… goth !!!!
Hey wait. The horror terrors are part of sburb. Is the game influenced by their lives and interests. Like. Deltarune
OH PSYCHE!!! hi Dave
Bleat like a goat and piss on your turntable
Oh Dave. Oh Dave
Hey wait is this earlier in the day.
Okay this is definitely earlier in the day
Aw. He doesn't wanna make satire of the sburb review
Is that. John's hand???? what the fuck is happening in midnight crew
Flagrant Homosexuality
YOU CANT BE SAYING THAT WHITE BABY (I was told that they use slurs, slur count 2!!!!)
Her life depends on you playing that game Dave
Ewwww what's the shit under the door
It's okay Dave piss probably isn't that bad. It's also probably Apple juice You're fine
. They're gonna fly out the window
Wait. Davesprite is a bird with a sword in him. Omg is that bird the beginning of Davesprite omg!!!!
Rose and her mom are fucking weird
Hardcore parkour
Jade be telling the future…. Why can she do that
Ironic Indulgence
Btw. Are you able to. Win the strifes. I'm so confused
“Fine, you'll interrupt your reading and turn around, but you don't see what could possibly be so oh my god it's a monster.” Hi this is absolute gold this is how I type
John died :(
Yay he's alive!!!
John is such a nerd I love him
Hi Nanna harlequin sprite
Dave is very suddenly creeped out by the puppets, okay. Don't diss Lil cal bro
Baked good hater for Life!!! Also I am just like John I have absolutely no idea what Nannasprite was talking about. We r along for the ride
Jade why do you know all this stuff
Haha Dave's an emoji
HI CAL HI BABYGIRL !!!! I like Cal he's the man
Sweet Bro n Hella Jeff is. I
Cals eyes are so shiny
U and me both Rose. We Are giggling
John died again
What the fuck is happening at Dave's house
What the fuck is happening
I WANT TO PLAY A GAME is this a caliborn reference. Anyway uhhh Bro is kinda weird what's going on with him
Why does he have a camera in the saw guy figurine. Bro. What's uh up with you
BRO REALLY IS A NINJA…. Whys he jusy moving Cal around
Dave. I know you said your Bro is awesome but I think he's just really weird. He's silly
I do think it's interesting. John doesn't like his dad even though his dad is great (worst thing is he ignores that his kid doesn't like betty crocker goods). Rose hates her mom, but.. for like, the wrong reasons?? Like yeah her mom’s an alcoholic and seems neglectful but she doesn't seem to do the Irony shit Rose says she does. And then Dave seems to think Bro is the absolute best even though. This is not a great situation. I wonder what Jade's family is like
Also John and Rose avoid their parents but Dave's Bro seems to avoid Dave. interesting
Hey that letter is the same as the one in the trans dirk comic I saw :0
Yoooo John that's a cool weapon actually
That's a big boy right there what a big boy
Big boy!!!!!!
HEY I WAS INVESTED IN SEEING JOHN FIGHT. Oh at least we can see Bro. Wait how's Rose
??? JADE???
What the fuck is happening I
vagabond is so silly I like him
Hey guys I think a king hurt vagabond. Just a guess. Probably reaching idk /j
Oh nvm. Btw can we get this guy a burger
HEY WHAT THE FUCK ARE ON THESE SCREENS BTW. Wait I'm shouting so much. But what the fuck. Dave has his sprite??? Yay???? I thought he was gonna fight Bro??? What happened to Lil Cal???
Hey isn't that Jade's symbol on the pumpkin
Yooo that's such a cool cutscene actuHUH HOW IS IT THE END OF THE ACT AGAIN
The frick….
Anyway. Thoughts: I like Vagabond. Jade is mysterious. Dave gay. Bro creepy. Someone pls save Rose. John you gotta put your big boy pants on and fight those ogres. Good act!!! idk why people say the pre-trolls stuff is boring I'm enjoying myself
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the-l00ker · 10 days
(to clarify I mean this from a writing perspective. Like I don't think the writers necessarily, originally intended for Stolas to be racist and when you break it down I think they were going for him being more classist but at face value he seems racist.
Put together, and at face value he's racist. Breaking it down and from a narrative point, it seems he was supposed to be classist. WHICH IS STILL A BAD not defending the man in that front
Genuinely don't think they intend for Stolas to be a completely racist person/didn't intend for old (season 1) Stolas to be racist, but when you look at it all put together he's definitely got SOME racist energy.
But they definitely doubled down in season 2 on "old Stolas was racist bc of the people he grew up with"
But I'm just breaking down why I DON'T THINK THEY ORIGINALLY WANTED IT TO BE THAT WAY and it wasn't really an error, it was more of a one-track mind approach)
Someone on twitter said that Stolas is racist
(from a writing perspective/break down perspective)
He has been conditioned into being classist. Stella's the racist one-
When lil Stolas was meeting Blitzo for the first time, and he bows to him, paimon says something along the lines of "don't bow, he bows to us idiot" before smacking him over the head
Paimon implies ( and outright says) that he should bow to him because he's not worth it, because they're better then them. Richer. Power. Just "better"
However Stolas, continues to treat them like equals even when they're playing. He doesn't look down on Blitzo for being an Imp. But Stolas doesn't acknowledge that they have different lives because Stolas is rich.
He just assumes Blitzo could read, has a education and wants to learn but changes his tune when Blitzo awkwardly stares at him and suggest something else.
In the future right after the whole "omg you slept with someone" happens to Stella.
Stella says "You slept with an Imp in our fucking bed!" now today isn't a discussion of how much of a narcissistic bitch Stella is so we'll leave it out there to chill
(and if you don't see it, imagine saying "I can't believe you slept with a person of colour!" that's basically what Stella said)
Stolas doesn't even acknowledge it, saying he didn't have enough time to get a Motel. Stolas doesn't say anything about Blitzo being "just an Imp" he just talks like he's sleeping with anyone.
You could literally change Blitzo name for anyone else and I'd still work.
But here's the thing, Blitzo is one that see Stolas as a bit of a racist because he thinks Stolas was the one who bought him for a day or so.
Like he thinks Stolas bought him. But it wasn't Stolas. It was Paimon, he bought him so that he won't have to deal with Stolas being upset. Stolas didn't even have a choice in the matter so it wasn't his fault.
But here's how he's UNINTENTIONALLY classist.
Literally the entire relationship and dynamics-
Stolas technically bought the IMP services TWICE, once in the trailer/pilot and another in the Loo-Loo Land episode.
Stolas rented Blitzo team out for the day, because Stolas was paying him to do so. He practically bought Blitzo's time.
He looked down on Millie and Moxxie because he really only intented to buy out Blitzo time and not there's. He didn't need protection as we can see at the episodes end, he just bought Blitzo's time for entertainment. FOR ENTERTAINMENT
Stolas initially thought that he was entitled to Blitzo's time because he bought out THE WHOLE BUSINESS SERVICE FOR ONE DAY.
And at the beginning of the Stolas literally says "We're rich and we're hot, people want our money and our bodies" HE'S IMPLIES THAT HE'S SUPERIOR TO EVERYONE ELSE NOT BECAUSE THEY'RE IMPS OR HELL-BORN DEMONS
And in the Harvest Moon episode Blitzo defends Stolas because Stolas is literally the secondary breadwinner with in his business. If Stolas dies then Octiva gets the book and then Blitzo doesn't have it, so they can't make money anymore.
Stolas again is in someway shovelling money to stay in someone's life, taking advantage of the fact that Blitzo NEEDS HIM.
But in the episode Truth Speaker, that's when Stolas changes his mindset (all be it, off screen) he realizes when Blitzo is endangered but he can't just throw money at problems and actually has to do something to keep him safe.
This is the first time that he is not thrown money at a problem and it worked.
Moving on in the story Stolas has some on screen and off screen character development, in which the power dynamics and throwing money as every single problem isn't right anymore and it was never right.
Because before then he'd been practically throwing money in the face a not-so-successful-at-the-time Blitzo just for his company.
That was some level of autonomy in that relationship but it was mostly him just throwing money and buying him out and buying his time.
It Highlights the absolute wealth difference between the two characters.
Before the episode Truth Seeker, Stolas was indeed a classist character it may have not been as obvious as some other characters but he was a bit classist at the least.
Before the episode Truth Seekers, Stolas saw Blitzo as somewhat below him, because he could just afford to buy him out. But after realising that he was indeed a person and could be hurt, I believe after that episode is when he actually begun to care.
Ozzie's was the eventual big push for him to get better. It was obvious that Stolas WAS embarrassed to be with Blitzo. And not because he was an Imp like Ozzie implied because Stolas could have just clapped back with "AND TF ABT U BITCH?? HUH?"
No, it's because Ozzie made the Association that since he was with an Imp, then that equals poor, which equals embarrassment, which equates to him asking why did you throw away your marriage for someone who is poor?
Because I don't think Ozzie would have been racist, on stage, infront of other Imps and his Imp boyfriend.
After this episode we can see that he has a change of heart and a change in which he views things. After this episode he realizes that Blitzo's feelings could no longer be bought because he'd made him genuinely upset and there was no amount of money you could throw on that 🔥dumpster fire 🔥to make it okay
By that point the business was already successful so it was no longer a matter of money.
After this Stolas has some off screen development it seems. Better himself as a person and truly beginning to see equals but as a consequence he had to acknowledge over pain and the sheer power he had in the relationship.
That's when in the episode Oops, Stolas decides to get Big Boss Ozzie-mozzie Crystal to try and end this constant power dynamic and classism that was in their relationship.
I'm in the episode we can Stolas helping out his "equal" when it came down to Fizz. He didn't just turn around and go "well he's an Imp, icky not helping him. I'll come back later"
He sat there through the entire thing helping Ozzie out, not out of obligation. He literally could have left but didn't because he didn't see Fizz as Ozzie's problem, he now saw Fizz as a genuine person.
And the set up to this was great because Ozzie would have had to sign away alot of money to get Fizz out of trouble, and its a nod back at when old him would have probably just threw money at this problem but instead of that he advises his "equal" to NOT throw money at the problem and instead read the entire contract to make sure that everything goes well.
this act alone not only let Fizz and Blitzo work shit out but also showed the viewer that he had changed for the better, and he was going through character development to not be a dick
And now we're at Full Moon and at this rate Stolas has already had all the necessary character development off-screen to no longer be as classist as he was before, and it's a bit disappointed that this was in highlighted a bit before but you gotta read through the line sometimes
Stolas now sees them as equals. But he hadn't shown Blitzo that. Blitzo is still scared of Stolas and his influence and status and money, last Blitzo check he'd had to spend time looking for Stolas daughter so that he won't be as mad and he won't banned him from the book.
An honestly if he had it his way Blitzo probably never would have went to the human realm to help look for his daughter.
But at that rate it was out of sheer obligation-
And as much as the episode tries to play it off as a gag, Blitzo still has to drop everything to help him out, YES because he does care but also out of fear of losing his only source of income.
So for Stolas to rock up in Full Moon and be like, "I see you as an equal and I love you" WOULD HAVE FUCKED BLITZO SHIT UP
He'd only been inadvertently put down by Stolas not because that was Stolas intention but because that's what is actions gave off in terms of vibes.
And that's why in the Helluva universe Stolas is unintentionally a classist character, to which he didn't know about it UNTIL IT WAS TOO FUCKING LATE-
No I will not be taking question. Yes this took me 30 minutes to write because of my inability to spell. Shush!
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red-ruby-rambles · 4 months
Scar's POV:
Nice binoculars
MOB ZOO!!! I literally did this in a single player creative world once.
Why is scar all alone?
THEY ADDED JOEL AND NOT HIS WIFE??!?!!? MASSIVE L!!! also hi skizzleman. Yippeee Mumbo is actually here!!!1 love to see him.
Hermitcraft with life series mechanics lmao demise 2
Scar is such a little thief
"It's a corset" LMAO
"We all dig down together" Scar, impulse, and gem did not understand this.
~getting overstimulated by my bf~
Grian learns to never dig straight down. OMG IMP IS A RED LIFE LITERALLY LIFE SERIES!
The Scar and imp duo is going crazy, love their dynamic, I don't ship tho
~it got too hot in my room and am topless from this point forward~
"Wow, you do have a big crack." Who let him say that? who's writing these scripts??
noooo they all left Scar :< I'll be your neighbor Scar.
nasty vile sound, of course Scar made it.
cute little boat... SCAR PUT SOME DAMN PANTS ON BOY!!!
"Just Bdubs and I!" love it!
My bf's guinea pig really loves Tango apparently...
NO NO NO OH HE he didn't drown. phew!
Scar detonating Cubs trap like:
omg he goes to Bdubs for help and support in his time of need this interaction is so cute and wholesome... This is why I ship Scardubs literally so cute.
"Maybe I just off myself." BDUBS DON'T DO IT YOU ARE LOVED!
Bdubs showing Squawkers 3 to Scar was so wholesome omfg
"I want you to win." DUDE IM CRYING RN I LOVE THESE TWO.
How do they have crafters already???
"The box in maneuver." how did bro get into this cartoonish scenario?
excellent video scar thank you for blessing my eyeballs today.
Follow my Tumblr or you'll be Scared for life!!!!!
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aria-ashryver · 1 month
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Welcome to the Jungle | Choices MC Colony | Episode #3
We are starting strong once again: Anitha and Rin got a case of the plague, Evie got malaria, and hot damn do we need an actual doctor out here! (Hello, foreshadowing 👀)
In good news, however, the panther problem is no more! (For now)
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The MCs have been settled at Cedar Station for a couple of seasons now: purpose-specific rooms are being built; crappy barracks are being upgraded to little, individual houses, and we are getting more artsy with our crafting!
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Luca *gasping softly*: cauliflowers, of course! Omg I'm a genius.
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Anitha has taken non-cauliflower approaches to boosting settlement morale! Namely;
planting yellow, sunshiney flowers outside the rec room
singing songs to capybaras in the hopes they will come live with us (which... worked?! Go Anitha!! 💛)
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Our MCs have collectively decided capybaras are the perfect symbol of hard work, perseverance, and being extremely friend-shaped, so they are now our ✨ venerated animal ✨ (Sprites now get a mood boost when they spend time near a capybara lol)
!!A wild Oliver appears!!
Good news: We have found a doctor! Bad news: Said doctor has been wandering alone in the jungle for weeks on end and is clearly Going Through Some Stuff
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Dorian tried to calm Oliver down and talk him through The Horrors TM (and just managed to make things worse 😆)
(Dorian "Silvertongue" more like Dorian "Can I Offer You a Nice Berry In This Trying Time- ow why are you hitting me ow")
Anitha's got this, don't worry 🌻
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Here's Oliver, all cleaned up with fresh haircut and change of clothes, and feeling much calmer!
Welcome to the colony, Oliver! ✨✨✨ Great to have you aboard
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Having a real doctor in the group means we can safely go on caravan journeys! Today, half of the MCs split off to:
Attend peace talks with a hostile faction
Fulfill a trade agreement with a nearby settlement
Loot an ancient ruin to get Dorian a cool new sword
Get... uh, wait- get mugged by a random imp raider who wanted to steal Oliver's extremely cool t-shirt?
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um. Dorian's new sword got a test run and Oliver kept his shirt.
We did unfortunately run out of food on the way home, though, so our MCs have arrived back hungry, tired, and desperately in need of something fun to do.
Things were tense, folks. Rin might have snapped at Evie a little bit 😬
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aaahhhh the blorbos are brawling aaahhh this is our first social fight
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Things calmed down pretty quick when Evie went for the suckerpunch and cracked Rin's jaw. Rin got lots of quick jabs in too, so Evie has a ton of bruises to her torso, but I think since Evie went beast mode on this one, she wins 😆
Fortunately, Oliver knows just how to help 💗
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We are all friends again in time for the Skylantern Festival though!! Awww look at them go 🌈✨ (Marianna is helping Evie with hers, that's so sweet 🥺)
Anitha: we require more morale Anitha: *brainstorming so hard* Anitha: I've got it. TWO Capybaras!!!
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So, on top of our OG Labrador, Ricky, we now have Sunny and Sugar-Plum, our resident Guinea Bigs. We have also recently acquired an (actual) guinea pig and a cat!
I'm letting the smaller pets pick their owners on a "first nuzzled, first served" basis, so congrats to Evie and Oliver, who now have their very own pets!
@cadybear420 - what does Evie name the guinea pig?
@dr-colossal-pita what does Oliver name the cat?
(If it makes a difference, the guinea pig is male, the cat is female, both are 3 years old)
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Raids are getting tougher! This one was weird, because some visiting traders rushed to our defense with... with their pet bull? Guys, we have it. Its... its fine, you don't need to-- okay, sure. Fine. Send in the bull. Also misfire your bow and arrow and shoot Dorian in the leg, that's great too.
It was a tough scrape, this one! A bunch of tough adventurers, pushed to their limits, trying to survive in this harsh, unforgiving jungle, came to steal our supplies. A few of their people died, some of ours were injured, and we hauled the enemy survivors inside to tend to their injuries (because what is the jungle without a little humanity, right?)
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In what is perhaps the most metal move I have ever seen, here is Oliver talking Marianna through what to do when someone* has been stabbed in the kidney and is bleeding out
*"someone" in this instance is Oliver 🤘
OH MY GOD I JUST NOTICED MARIANNA USED THE REALLY GOOD MEDICINE I WAS SAVING THAT klsjgksfjglkdf dammit 😂 thats fine, I'd rather Oliver be okay, but omg that stuff is expensive and I only had 1 ahh 😭😭😭
Curiously... the enemy adventurers are rather taken by our empathy. These are good people, they say. This is a small settlement, but it looks homely. These people are tough, but fair. Hmmm...
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"Do you really think we can trust them? We attacked their home." "We didn't have a choice! But these people seem... honest? They could have left us to die, but they didn't. Maybe... this could be a home for us, too." "Daenarya, that's madness. You can't just try to steal from someone, only to turn around and ask if you can join them!" "...Its worth a shot, right?"
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(uhh I forgot to take a "New recruit: Daenarya" screenshot, just pretend I did lol)
Welcome aboard to our newest pair of adventurers, Brienne and Daenarya!! 💖💖 (Brienne's lil horns are everything to me hehe)
And just in time, too -- our colony have received a tip-off about a lone, freelance detective in need of rescue not far from our base -- @stars-are-within-me 's Carina Rose! Maybe Brienne and Daenarya can help us pull off a daring rescue in the next episode 😎
as ever, thank you to @choicesmc @cadybear420 @rosesnink @storyofmychoices @dr-colossal-pita and @lover-also-fighter-also for letting me steal your darlings!
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