#i just hhhhhhhhhh
portpebble · 2 years
alphys. you agree. reblog.
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perelka-l · 1 year
Alright I have to share this little drawing I found
I was reading some BLs and this was the end cover for one of them
Believe me when I tell you that I gasped out loud imagining priest Danzō and young follower Shisui in their places
and in the meantime i did a wholeass scenario for priest au but accidentally it has almost no shipper shit i am bad like this and comics take me ages too so that's kinda irrelevant
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anyway due to dissatisfaction i did a pic i am not satisfied BUT AH WELLLLL I HOPE ITS AT LEAST ENJOYABLE THAMK FOR DELICIOUS IMAGE THAMK
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crusty-weevil · 1 year
gotta say, even though I have mixed feelings about the ending of FW - I love the parallel of the ending of it matching up with the end of the ancients. Elizabet staying and choosing too find a way to preserve the human geanome, choosing to find a way that humans will live on in some way. And Aloy choosing to stay behind with the threat of Nemesis. Sylens is wrong when he says that Elizabet would have choosen to take the shuttle, and I think Aloy knows that. Just like Elizabet, Aloy is choosing to stay. Choosing to fight for Earth and everyone that resides.
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0m3g45n1p3r4lph4 · 8 days
Normal people: "I had the red one!"
Normal Bionicle fans: "I wanna put my favourites on a shelf and keep the rest for moc parts!"
Me: "I wanna connect one of those garden fountain pumps to a custom sculpture built into a shelf so I can have the back wall of a Ga-Koro shelf be a legitimate flowing Naho Falls"
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thefanciestborrower · 5 months
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bakudekublogblog · 6 months
katsuki dragging his battered and broken body trying to be at izuku’s bedside side is so so so fucking romantic it’s blowing my mind and he’s doing all this while multiple classmates are trying to restrain him too !! let alone that his first word after waking up in the hospital is a soft, worried whispered “deku” to himself I can’t fucking believe how romantically charged this all is it’s just so clear that he’s in LOVE with izuku he LOVES HIM
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writermask-0807 · 16 days
king baldwin iv x reader {“flowers of my love.”}
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thinking about king baldwin iv again, and i have a personal (and also probably extremely ooc (pLEASE DONT COME FOR ME)) headcannon that he’s the type to gift you flowers;
dahlias and roses and stocks and orchids, camellias and amaryllis-es and hydeangeas and tulips, carnations and sunflowers and daisies.
his growing illness confines him to his chambers far too often, and, left alone in an aching solitude that baldwin thinks he should be used to now, he’ll read. and it’s through this - books upon books, pages upon pages, words upon words of so, so many stories he’ll never get to live through - that he discovers the language of flowers.
flowers for sadness, for fear, for anger, for hurt, for love- flowers for a whole language of feelings he doesn’t dare to confess to you.
so instead he leaves them in your chambers, the delicate things, (little confessions on their own) in silk cloth bouquets and pretty-necked vases, in twine-bound bunches and satin soft ribbons, never daring to give them to you in person.
(but, unbeknownst to him, you lovingly press them all.)
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pinkyjulien · 2 months
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━ I've heard stories 'bout the boy I used to be ━━ But I don't remember me before You
Valentin Da Silva | 178/??
Wish I had the words to describe how emotional it made me to see these two sets next to one another holyshit
Left one is from September 2021 It was a shitty time IRL and an hard time fandom-wise too, the escapism that was the community was slowly fading and becoming an hell on its own. Made a lot of mistakes cause I didn't know any better back then, dramas were escalating and I believe end of 2021 - early 2022 is when the fandom shattered in multiple pieces
Tho I was still motivated and modding, was really happy with his custom appearance, baby wearing his iconic Bitch crop top and his customized racing bolero
Right is from February this year (2024) and woah, he looks... more mature? Older somehow, considering I never made drastic change to his character- Definitely at peace
Both sets were outfit showcases, and despite both being shot in the badlands, during the golden hours, they have suuuch different moods overall
Friendo described it perfectly; Younger Val looks pensive, nervous about the night to come, staring at the setting sun in anticipation. While older Val looks at peace, calmly welcoming the dark that slowly crawl in between the desert's cracks
And we had a talk about how much of a mirror an OC can be? Reflecting our own thoughts, our own mood, without even realizing it until years later in moment like this, when comparing pictures
These past years has been rough, mentally and physically (talking about IRL here) and looking back, it definitely shows through Valentin
And looking at him now, even if I have some bad days here and there, even if I'm still in a transitional time, everything changing around me, I know that It's ok, that I'll be fine- That we will be fine
Alright I'm done hHHGHFH
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star-ocean-peahen · 1 month
i am. so tired.
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the-mold-is-coming · 1 month
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Finished it a few days ago and I still sincerely dislike how this turned out, not that the drawing is ugly (Ignore the weird eyes) but it's just so bland
it looks like just some random girl not my morro smh, i gotta make a new one. If i do it rn tho i'll just do the same thing and flip out, so moving on to the next one ig
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blindmagdalena · 6 months
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schmaltzydoodles · 7 days
mischievous littol Ivy sketch
Guess who's hyperfixating on Lackadaisy again
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Just wanted to draw a lil Ivy. Ingenue has me appreciating Lackadaisy's animation quality once more. y'all are magic, truly!
Ivy and Viktor's dynamic was so CUTE ACK <3 (willing to bet it's because she reminds him of his daughter-= coUGH what?)
🌸 Steal my art and I'll steal y'alls kneecaps <3 good day and night to you all🌸
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pup-pee · 3 months
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I WAS NOT WARNED ???????? NOBODY WARNED ME????????????????
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pomegranatecountry · 2 months
i think i need to jerk off before i go to the easter vigil mass so i can survive through it without going insane
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peaches2217 · 3 months
One of my favorite people on FB posted “lUiGi GooD mArIO BAD” bullshit and now I’m sad and annoyed. Maybe I shouldn’t be, but my mental health has been in the toilet and this just hurts. 😭
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