#from: thefebruaryfriday
spaceprincessem · 11 months
i was a heavy heart to carry | eddie/andrew with andrew/sam summer sons 2.6k fic | ao3
“I had this dream.” Eddie watches as Andrew pulls from the blunt, long and slow and near the end. The faded amber tip glows bright beneath the half moon and cascade of stars splattered across the late night sky. He has the urge to lean forward over their tangled, sweat slicked legs just to shotgun the smoke right from Andrew's lips as it billows between them. “Yeah?” Andrew says, a lazy smile tucking up in his mouth as he passes Eddie the blunt. Eddie lets his fingers graze over the familiar shape of Andrew’s knuckles, the soft brush of hair, and the delicate lines on the pads of his fingers that curve and arch in the unique pattern of Andew. Eddie sometimes wonders if there’s parts of him etched there. Just like there are parts of Andrew that make up Eddie; one in the same, no longer two separate entities. “You going to tell me about it?” Andrew asks when Eddie finally lets go. His hand falls innocently over Eddie’s ankle, thumb stroking skin without thought, an unconscious move that is far too intimate for two boys. Eddie brings the spit soaked blunt to his lips and searches for the small taste of Andrew that lingers. Coffee and something earthy, like Andrew is nothing more than the soil or mud they were found in all those years ago. Eddie takes it all in, even though the blunt is useless, it may be the closest he’ll ever have to putting his lips where Andrew’s were without Del in-between them. “It was a strange dream.” Andrew pauses in his movements, the briefest hesitation as his eyes narrow wearily. Eddie knows what he’s thinking. Of course he does. It’s breaching too far into things they swore they wouldn’t talk about, but it’s just a dream. Andrew resumes what he’s doing and leans forward and Eddie swears he doesn’t let his gaze drop to Andrew’s lips, pink and slightly cracked, but still crooking up in a way that’s dangerously inviting.  “Okay,” Andrew nods and there’s the faintest hint of a southern drawl that never really comes out anymore, “let’s hear it then.”
read the rest of ao3
tagging people who are interested @eddiebabygirldiaz @leothil @fancifulpurposelesslovely @menincufflinks @forbidden-fungi @thefebruaryfriday @nina-reads1804 @smolfrumpkin
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coffeeworldsasaki · 10 months
Blorbo wrapped 2023
tagged by @cozy-fish-crow and using @virgo-dream template! First of all I want everyone to remember I'm a vegetarian and blood makes me faint and I absolutely don't want to fuck dead bodies, it's just uh a coincidence these were the media I enjoyed this year and they are the characters I loved the most
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Yes it's 3 vampires and someone that has eaten people and fucked dead bodies. But there's also Peter and he just said he would fuck a dead body but didn't actually do it!
Also 1 and 2 are both first place in my heart
Tagging uhh let's see, @tevinterspirit , @rereredoubt , @offworld-lamb , and mmh I kind of want to see if @thefebruaryfriday can have characters in this not from tlb fjdjdj
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notgreengardens · 1 year
Catch-Up Game
Thanks for tagging me @fluencylevelfrench!
Last Song: Más Triste Que Shinji Ikari - Viva Belgrado
Last Movie: I think it was that one Netflix documentary on the shit show that was Woodstock 1999
Currently Watching: I am watching both The Perfect Match and Love is Blind Brazil Season 2 (love me some reality trash tv from time to time)
Currently Reading: Born in Blackness: Africa, Africans, and the Making of the Modern World by Howard French and Gender, Power and Knowledge for Development by Lata Narayanaswamy
Currently Craving: More time to stay in my hometown :(((
I tag the squad @thefebruaryfriday @archiv1ste @cloudsaremadeofdreams and @coffeeworldsasaki and also everyone who wants to join in
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jeremyknox · 2 years
Tag 9 People You Want to Know Better
I was tagged by both @wanderingjedihistorian & @nonbinariwankenobi over on my @kbirbpods blog! Figured I'd go on here for it since I follow folks from over here <3
First ship: I guess I've been shipping since before I knew what shipping even was, because I was very adamant to my dad that Ron/Hermione were end game. But the first ship I sought out content for was Wolfstar ope
Three Ships: Commander Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Harrowhark/Gideon Nav, Jason Todd/Roy Harper
Last Song: Liar by The Arcadian Wild
Last Movie: uuuhhh I think The Menu ??? We watch a lot of Seinfeld reruns in this apartment
Currently Reading: uuuhhhh technically my ARC of The Eidolon but I've not been well-focused on reading because I've been sick so it's hard to not zone out
Currently Consuming: not sure if I'm supposed to answer w a food (which was eggs and bacon like an hour ago) or media (Seinfeld is on but I'm not paying attention to it)
Currently Craving: Not being sick, does that count??? lol
If you'd like to participate, I'm tagging @vexbatch, @aliteralgarbageheap, @thefebruaryfriday, @adorkfromnewyork, @averagemartian, @thenonbinarycutie, @mistbornhero, @ladybonehollows, @indira-korr
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the---hermit · 2 years
Tag 9 People You Want to Know Better
I was tagged by @thefebruaryfriday (thank youu!! ) on my main blog, but since I normally post here all the personal stuff and tags I hope it's fine I post this here too.
First ship: My memory is embarassing, I don't even remember when I first heard of the concept of ships. It was probably something like Duncan and Courtney from Total Drama, do not ask questions for I have no answers.
Three Ships: Ed and Stede from OFMD, Sherlock and Watson (and I am talking about the books, because let's be real they are incredibly shippable in Conan Doyle's writing), Dean and Castiel (yes I used to like supernatural, but it should have ended with season 5).
Last Song: I am listening to this playlist as I write (it's been my go to lately when I have to do stuff but still want some background), but the last song with words in it I listened to was Only Love Can Save Me Now by The Pretty Reckless
Last Movie: I watched both the It movies with my dad yesterday, I'll be kind and just say they were disappointing.
Currently Reading: The Tower Of Swallows by Andrzej Sapkowski, Paradise Lost by John Milton, and Bisexuality In The Ancient World by Eva Cantarella
Currently Consuming: a nutella biscuit, although I shouldn't be eating since I will have lunch in half and hour at best
Currently Craving: a physical change, I need to have my haircut fized and I want to get my septum pierced so bad but I am still recovering from a cold which is not ideal
no pressure tag: @oneanxiousstudybuddy, @bennistudies, @museeofmoon, @la-galaxie-langblr and whoever wants to do this
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nyx-b-log · 2 years
much more eventful than last week!
so. i finally read nona. D;OFNVDOLVIABVBSVLKhl i'm gonna put some several thoughts under the cut cos otherwise this post's gonna be a whole mess BUT i stayed up late to finish reading it and only slightly regret it
currently a few chapters into the golden mole by katherine rundell, a short non-fiction book about endangered animals. it's very much a 'isn't the natural world amazing??? we need to protect it!!!' kind of book (which isn't wrong), but so far it does feel a little bit like going on a wikipedia rabbit hole. feels like it's lacking depth. illustrations are lovely tho.
i also finished shimanami tasogare vol 4, the last one in the series. i've talked about it before, but it's one of my favourite manga i've ever read. the characters feel like genuine people, i love how everyone is at different stages and understanding and accepting their unique flavours of queerness, and even tho it's Really Quite Sad at times, i finished it with a very full heart. wholeheartedly recommend.
my other manga i read this week was jujutsu kaisen 0 aka the prequel of sorts to the main series. it explains a few things that the main series was lacking, and even if the art is occasionally not great, you can really see the potential there. i'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series at some point!
@thefebruaryfriday you wanted to see me lose my mind over nona, well here it is 😂
okay, first a collection of thoughts taken from discord messages:
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(where i said anastatia i meant alecto. also it was harrow the whole time, but go with it)
right. some other assorted thoughts, in no particular order:
gideon is clearly Not Okay (feels sort of like she's taken the harrow approach, but with less commitment). also the friendship bracelets the FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS
camilades 😭 we didn't deserve them but that doesn't mean i don't want them back 😭
alecto is a planet???? alecto is earth????? i'm sorry?????????????
i finally understand the cow memes! they are v good, congrats everyone
seeing more of the universe than just the houses was interesting, and i like how consequences for people's actions are rippling out in very clear ways (by people i mostly mean jod, ngl). everyone's just trying to get by, and i can respect that
everyone seems to get gayer and gayer with each book, and i can't decide whether that's just cos there's more characters therefore more gays, or everyone's being more obvious about it, or both asdfghjkl
they kissed and harrow wasn't even there for it smh
has anyone done fanart of harrow with long hair? not like, nona (tho she's the sweetest and deserves all the fanart), just long-haired harrow?
anyway it was good, i understood like 70% of it, am very much excited for alecto and please god let there be answers
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nyxqueenofshadows · 2 years
Tag 9 People You Want To Know Better
thanks @thefebruaryfriday for tagging me! ✨
First ship: serious ship, gintoki x hijikata from gintama. not in a 'they should get together in canon' way but in a 'they're so good together ahhhhh' kind of way. it says about them that i'm still in that fandom like ten years later
Three Ships: uhhh ginhiji, narumitsu, griddlehark. i honestly don't ship that much tbh, i'm usually a qpr kind of person
Last Song: true blue by boygenius (v excited for the album)
Last Movie: the half of it. i think, it's been a while
Currently Reading: gideon the ninth (reread) but fable by adrienne young and none of the above by travis alabanza are coming up for me at the library soon so this might get more hectic. oh also mushishi (currently on vol 2 and loving it) and she, her camera and her seasons which has gone so many places in one volume and i can't say i'm enjoying it anymore ngl
Currently Consuming: bran flakes and fruit. it's 7 in the morning, gotta get breakfast in somewhere
Currently Craving: warmth. it's so cold
alright, if anyone else wants to do this I'm tagging:
@blazwura @thearchivistfromnightvale @thiefofwordsandgenders and @duskiecat (hope the tag is okay!)
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bubmyg · 3 years
every time you use the jk emoji I just read it as uuujuuu but I also always raise my eyebrows while reading it for some reason
in conclusion, me and kookie would just OJO at each other should we ever meet
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eepysylveon · 3 years
Attention TMA Tumblr
I'm looking for a particular bit of fanart for a friend, here's their description of it:
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[Transcript: GAAAAAh tma crew I need your power! I saw a beautiful piece of moth!jon fanart that was basically just him from the back with a mid-sized moth wing tattoo between is shoulderblades. he has light brown skin and is basically his usual stick person, I think he's sitting in a dark room and has his longer-ish hair up in a bun? on a bed? but we only see him from the back and the tattoo is white I think? I don't remember it too well bc all I remember is the tattoo lmao. if you find it anywhere or see it, please save my life and tell me bc I need this tattoo AND I CAN'T FIND THE ART ANYWHERE ANYMORE sob. End Transcript]
I looked through the moth!jon tag and found a piece of fanart that was SIMILAR but NOT what they're looking for:
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I repeat, it is NOT this fanart by @/chalroe. It looks similar though:
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[Transcript: ???? ALMOST?? the art was much darker and the wings were just stylized quite simple, with round edges. End Transcript]
If you think you've reblogged this fanart or you think you drew it, tag either me or Mo (@thefebruaryfriday) in it, it would mean a lot to them to be able to find it!!
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la-galaxie-langblr · 2 years
1, 15, 132, 133!! for the book recs ask :D
Hi :D
1. A book that is close to your heart
Sadie by Courtney Summers. It's the first book I've ever read that has good stuttering representation, on top of being a really compelling and dark thriller. I was already crying a few pages in when the narrator was describing how stuttering feels and it felt like she'd taken the sentences directly from my brain :)
15. A book rec you really enjoyed
The Raven Cycle series - I might even reread it soon, some lines make me want to scream if I think about them for too long (oil spill, anyone? 😌)
132. Who is your favourite person to go to for book recs?
Either my bestie or online friends (<3), it depends what I'm feeling like. My bestie has read seemingly every iconic queer YA series and book that exists, she's the reason I've now read the corvid trinity in the space of 2 ish years (The Raven Cycle, All For The Game, Six of Crows). My online friends have a very wide range of tastes, from @tungumalaast's expertise on horror to @thefebruaryfriday with Gender™ recommendations, I don't have room to mention everyone but in general shout out to the knife gang for always keeping my tbr full <333. Honourable mention goes to Jack Edwards, I can't watch any of his videos without adding at least 1 book to my tbr
133. A book that you randomly came across and fell in love with
Don't Hate The Player by Alexis Nedd - I've no idea where I first heard about it but I do know that it's now one of my favourite YA novels. I love the characters, I love the concept of the gaming tournament, I love the pop culture and meme references. It's a book that I would recommend to historians in 30 years for them to look back on what meme culture in the late 2010s/early 2020s looked like.
Thanks for sending me the ask :)
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callumnovae · 3 years
Fandom Tag Game
thanks for tagging me @crazy-stupid-bean! i... don’t think i even *am* in 10 fandoms? idk i tried :) rules: list your 10 fave female characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people
unordered bc obviously: • allison reynolds (all for the game)  • inej ghafa (six of crows) • blue sargent (the raven cycle) • june claremont-diaz (red, white & royal blue) • gideon nav (the locked tomb) • daenerys targaryen (game of thrones) • zoe benson (american horror story) • penny bunce (carry on, but like, just the 1st book lol) • minerva mcgonagall (harry potter) • lila bard (shades of magic)
i’m gonna tag @constellance @betsydobsons @thefebruaryfriday and @wherepoetsdie if u wanna give it a go <3
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candydancey · 3 years
Fandom Tag Game
Thanks for tagging me @thefebruaryfriday !! I don’t even think I’m in 10 fandoms but I’ll give it a shot.
rules: list your 10 fave female characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people
In order of what comes to mind first
Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
Polly Gray (Peaky Blinder)
Beth Harmon (Queen’s Gambit
America Singer (The Selection)
Shuri (Black Panther)
Alison Hargreeves (The umbrella academy)
Maggie Pierce (Grey’s Anatomy)
Tally Youngblood (Uglies)
Nairobi (Money Heist)
Sun (Sense8)
I’m tagging: @kindastudyingstuff @medustudies @museeofmoon and whoever else wants to do this (if you’ve done this or don’t want to just ignore it)
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medical-magpie · 4 years
I’ve been tag by the lovely @study-van and those are always fun
Rule: bold your traits
My personality: I’m loud. I’m obnoxious. I’m sarcastic (I have a sharp tongue and a dry sens of humor). I’m cocky. I cry easily. I have a bad temper. For the most part I don’t like people. I’m easy to get along with (I try to be on cordial to friendly terms with most people). I have more enemies than friends. I’ve smoked(tried didn’t like it won’t suggest). I’ve smoked weed. I drink coffee. I clean my room daily.
My appearance: I wear makeup. I wear jewellery (mostly necklaces, used to wear rings but they are so annoying when you have to wash your hands often and wear gloves) . I wear contacts. I wear glasses. I have braces. I color my hair regularly. I straighten my hair often. I have a piercing. I have earrings (I just constantly forget about them). I have a tattoo. I have small feet.
Relationships: I’m in a relationship now. I’m single. I’m crushin’ (maybe this is happening but I’m not sure yet). I’ve missed an ex before. I’m always scared of being hurt . An ex has abused me at least once. I’ve been in love more than two times. I believe in love at first sight. I believe lust is more important than love.
Friendships: I have a best friend. I have at least ten friends. I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend. I’ve beaten up a friend. I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend. I can trust at least five people with my life.
Experiences: I’ve been on a plane. I’ve been on a train. Someone close to me has died. I’ve taken a taxi. I’ve taken a city bus. I’ve taken a school bus. I’ve gone bungee jumping. I’ve made a speech. I’ve been in some sort of club. I’ve won an award. I’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight. I’ve been in a physical fight(look I can explain if someone asks, also did martial arts for 4 years)
Music: I listen to R&B. I listen to Country. I listen to Pop. I listen to Techno. I listen to Rock. I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until i hate it. I hate the radio most of the time. I download music. I buy CDs.
Television: I spend at least six hours a day watching television. I watch soap operas daily. I’m in love with Days Of Our Lives. I’ve seen and liked the O.C. I’ve seen and liked One Tree Hill. I’ve seen and like Americas Next Top Model (I used it to turn off my brain in paces I even watched Britain next top model)I’ve seen and like Popular. I’ve seen and like 24. I’ve seen and liked CSI. I’ve seen and like Everwood.
Family Life: I get along with both of my parents. My biological parents are still together. I have at least one brother. I have at least one sister. I have at least one step brother/sister. I have at least one half brother/sister. I’ve been kicked out of the house. I’ve ran away from my home. I’ve sworn at my parents. I’ve made my parents cry. I’ve lied to my parents. I’ve lied to my parents about where I am. I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing. I’ve lied to my parents so I’d be allowed out. I’ve walked out when I’ve been grounded.
Hair: I’ve been brown . I’ve had streaks. I’ve cut my hair in the past year. I’ve dyed my hair in the past year. I’ve been blonde. I’ve been black. I’ve been red. I’ve been light brown. I’ve been medium brown. I’ve been blue/green. I’ve gotten my hair thinned. I use conditioner. I’ve used silk therapy. I’ve used hot oil treatments. I’ve curled my hair. I’ve straightened my hair. I’ve braided my hair. I’ve ironed my hair.
I’ve had an in-school suspension. I’ve been sent to the principals office (not really but to the person right below them). I’ve walked out of class (not sure in school but definitely in uni). I’ve skipped an entire day of school. I’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class. I’ve failed a test (honestly if we count prep test for paces I’ve lost count) . I’ve cheated on a test (test are a dumb social thing and if given the opportunity I will do it, doesn’t mean i don’t study tho I do have work ethics). I’ve helped someone else cheat on a test (math, history and that stupid map thing in senior year). I’ve failed Art. I’ve failed P.E. I’ve failed Math. I’ve failed Science. I’ve failed another class. A teacher has called my parents
I had a lot of fun and will be tagging @bulletnotestudies @thefebruaryfriday @jaeyuyoo and @frenchacademia
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the---hermit · 2 years
Playlist tag game
I was tagged by @just-a-cup-of-anxietea thank you!!
I am using whatever is still on my phone memory, because I have not yet created a decent spotify accout with curated playlists.
Engel by Rammstein
Gone by Normandie
Nothing Changes from the Hadestown musical
Procession by Nightwish
Outlines by All Time Low
White Blank Page by Mumford and Sons
Girls Girls Boy (acoustic) by Panic At The Disco
Don't Stop Me Now by Queen
I'm Not An Angel by Halestorm
White Noise (empty room session) by PVRIS
Tagging: @thefebruaryfriday, @oneanxiousstudybuddy, @melaschnie, @bennistudies and whoever wants to do this!!
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savgogh · 4 years
Tagged by @thefebruaryfriday @desi-student
Rules: bold the ones thats apply to you
My personality: I’m loud. I’m obnoxious. I’m sarcastic. I’m cocky. I cry easily. I have a bad temper. For the most part I don’t like people. I’m easy to get along with. I have more enemies than friends. I’ve smoked. I’ve smoked weed. I drink coffee. I clean my room daily.
My appearance: I wear makeup. I wear jewellery. I wear contacts. I wear glasses. I have braces. I color my hair regularly. I straighten my hair often. I have a piercing. I have earrings. I have a tattoo. I have small feet.
Relationships: I’m in a relationship now. I’m single. I’m crushin. I’ve missed an ex before. I’m always scared of being hurt. An ex has abused me at least once. I’ve been in love more than two times. I believe in love at first sight. I believe lust is more important than love.
Friendships: I have a best friend. I have at least ten friends. I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend. I’ve beaten up a friend. I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend. I can trust at least five people with my life.
Experiences: I’ve been on a plane. I’ve been on a train. Someone close to me has died. I’ve taken a taxi. I’ve taken a city bus. I’ve taken a school bus. I’ve gone bungee jumping. I’ve made a speech. I’ve been in some sort of club. I’ve won an award. I’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight. I’ve been in a physical fight.
Television: I spend at least six hours a day watching television. I watch soap operas daily. I’m in love with Days Of Our Lives. I’ve seen and liked the O.C. I’ve seen and liked One Tree Hill. I’ve seen and like America’s Next Top Model. I’ve seen and like Popular. I’ve seen and liked 24. I’ve seen and liked CSI. I’ve seen and like Everwood.
Family Life: I get along with both of my parents. My biological parents are still together. I have at least one brother. I have at least one sister. I have at least one step brother/sister. I have at least one half brother/sister. I’ve been kicked out of the house. I’ve ran away from my home. I’ve sworn at my parents. I’ve made my parents cry. I’ve lied to my parents. I’ve lied to my parents about where I am. I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing. I’ve lied to my parents so I’d be allowed out. I’ve walked out when I’ve been grounded.
Hair: I’ve been brown. I’ve had streaks. I’ve cut my hair in the past year. I’ve dyed my hair in the past year. I’ve been blonde. I’ve been black. I’ve been red. I’ve been light brown. I’ve been medium brown. I’ve been blue/green. I’ve gotten my hair thinned. I use conditioner. I’ve used silk therapy. I’ve used hot oil treatments. I’ve curled my hair. I’ve straightened my hair. I’ve braided my hair. I’ve ironed my hair.
School life: I’ve had an in-school suspension, I’ve been sent to the principals office. I’ve walked out of class. I’ve skipped an entire day of school. I’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class. I’ve failed a test. I’ve cheated on a test. I’ve helped someone else cheat on a test. I’ve failed Art. Ive failed P.E. I’ve failed Math. I’ve failed Science. I’ve failed another class. A teacher has called my parents.
@lang-tect @maddistudiess @untroubledkiss @vintage-lattes @poisonmoon
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nyxqueenofshadows · 2 years
rule: go to Pinterest, search “[your name] core aesthetic” and create a moodboard from the first nine images. no need to mention your name!
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tagging @thefebruaryfriday and anyone else who wants to!
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