#frostsoldier writes
frostsoldier · 4 years
A Certain Step
No warnings, just fluff except one line of Bucky's injury, but not detailed. Bucky x Reader Regency AU. 4,882 words.
A/N: This is a repost of something I wrote in 2017. Since then I lost most of my work, but was able to find this one and clean it up a bit. I also updated it to use fewer physical descriptions of the reader. Thanks @shreddedparchment ​for encouraging me to repost. Enjoy!
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“Y/N! Y/N wake up, child! Captain and Mrs. Wentworth's ball is tonight and we must get ready! Don’t laze about!”
Y/N Y/L/N sat up in bed, ignoring the dizziness that came from moving too quickly. Her mother was right, she had overslept already and needed to prepare.
She pulled on her slip and, as she combed through her closet, thought about how she would like to present herself that evening. As the only daughter of a local gentleman – who earned enough in his mercantile ventures for his wife and child to live comfortably, but not enough for them to attend balls as regularly as their neighbors – she owned few dresses that would be presentable at a captain’s ball. Hiring a coach and horses, purchasing new dresses, and stocking up on ribbons – for who can forget ribbons – add up quickly.
Y/N was certainly considered beautiful, but without a large dowry she was in no danger of wicked men trying to snatch a fortune. She was lucky enough that, whomever she was to marry, her parents encouraged her to marry them for love, as they did.
She decided on a white muslin dress with her favorite lilac ribbon tied around the high, empire waistline. The muslin base was overlaid with a sheer covering with white stars she embroidered herself. She styled her hair up on her head, dotted it with wild forget-me-nots, and allowed some of the locks to escape and frame her face. Her mother came into her room, adjusted her hair to fall more evenly, and nodded in approval at her reflection.
"There. Aren't you lovely? Now, we have a little time before we must leave. Why don't you work on your bonnet you were trimming? Though, I think you and I both know you’re more likely to read that novel you keep going on about!"
"Yes, mother."
Y/N made her way to the parlor to read the latest novel she purchased in town. Her mother was right, she’d rather read than trim the hat she got stuck on three days ago and has refused to touch since.
Too soon it was time to go. She clambered into the small coach along with her mother and father with assistance from the coachman. As the wheels clattered down the dirt roads, her mother couldn't help but gush over the possibilities of the evening. Her father pretended to watch the countryside pass out the window, but Y/N knew he was listening to his wife's excitement. He had a small smile that he hid behind his hand while resting his elbow on the sill.
Her parents loved each other like no other couple she knew; the term wedded bliss seemed to be made for them. She was animated and cheerful, he was reserved and coy; together the two of them could be mischievous if they put their minds to it, which they often did.
She only hoped to have a love like theirs one day, but due to her small dowry she knew there was the possibility that she would marry a local, small-minded land owner who wouldn't encourage reading or dancing.
If there were three things in life she loved, it was reading, laughing, and dancing. No matter the tune or dance, she was a natural. The rises and falls of the music always moved her feet, whether it was a quadrille, a reel, or the slowly dying minuet, she loved all dance. Most young gentlemen that caught her eye were avid dancers.
The coach slowly pulled up to the hall as her family piled out. Her parents greeted the Wentworths, Mrs. Wentworth commenting on how lovely she looked this evening while Captain Wentworth and Mr. Y/L/N promising a drink together later.
As she walked through the doors the familiar feeling of awe and anticipation washed over her. The first dance was already starting on the wooden floors of the wide room. Chaperones were standing and sitting on the sides of the hall, some watching their charges more carefully than others. Men were flowing in and out of the card room, laughing and drinking along to the music. The musicians were in a balcony above the head of the room and several lines of dancers flowed down to the bottom. Young folks chatted and flirted at the ends of the sets while making sure they were ready to hop into the fray when the dance reached them. One young lady was so lost in observing her partner’s uniform that she started to balance when the rest of her set went to moulinet. She rushed to join back in, but the damage was done, and Y/N could see how embarrassed the young woman was.
Her mother came up next to her and entwined their arms as they walked through the room.
“There are many young people here tonight, especially with both the militia and Captain Wentworth’s men in town,” her mother said. “What do you think, has anyone caught your eye yet?”
“Mother! We’ve only just arrived!”
“You can’t blame me for asking, dear. You are my only child and I want nothing more for you than to be swept off your feet in a suitable match.”
“And what do you consider suitable for me, mother?”
“Well,” she started, glancing around the room at the gentlemen. “To start he must be handsome enough to tempt you, but kind and gentle. He must be well-read and – a definite requirement – he must enjoy dancing as you do.”
“I don’t know if anyone enjoys dancing as much as I do,” Y/N said, her mood faltering slightly.
“To be fond of dancing is a certain step toward falling in love, my dear," her mother confided in her. "Why, your father and I met in a ball just like this when I was your age and someday there will be a young gentleman who will love you just as much as he loves me. Who knows; maybe a suitor will make himself known tonight?"
She winked and turned back toward the room to view the ladies in their finery and the gentlemen viewing the ladies as well. Y/N laughed, shook her head, and returned to gazing about the room.
As they spoke, two gentlemen entered the assembly. The first to enter was blond with sweeping shoulders and dressed in the scarlet regimentals of the militia. His black boots clicked against the floor as he strutted into the room.
Following him in, the second had long, chocolate hair tied low by his neck and a clean-shaved, sharp jaw. He was dressed in the blue regulations of the Navy and the white lapels of a Lieutenant. His shoulders and arms strained against the sleeves of his embroidered blue coat, which he wore unbuttoned with his white linen shirt and neckcloth showing through. His expansive legs were covered by breeches and stockings, his black leather boots polished as to reflect the lights of the chandeliers above.
“Captain Rogers! Lieutenant Barnes! So glad you both could make it, gentlemen,” Captain Wentworth exclaimed as he approached the two newcomers.
“Thank you for inviting us,” Captain Rogers, the blond gentleman, responded. He gave a short bow to his Naval counterpart.
“Lieutenant Barnes, it’s good to see you out and about again. How’s your arm treating you?”
“As well as it can be, considering,” the lieutenant said in a slightly gruff voice. “I’m just glad to still be here, sir.”
“No need to ‘sir’ me here, we’re not on the Sophie now!”
Lt. Barnes smiled, knowing his former captain will always be his leader, “Sorry, force of habit.”
“No matter,” Captain Wentworth shrugged and gestured to the room. “Please, enjoy yourselves! Anne planned this evening for all to enjoy themselves.”
Captain Rogers and Lt. Barnes made their way through the room, chatting and admiring the general splendor.
It was then that Lt. Barnes heard the most beautiful sound: a laugh rising above the music and chatter. He searched about himself, looking for the source.
He soon found her, her head shaking side to side and loose strands of her Y/H/C locks moving with the motion. Her perfect lips were still curved in the aftermath of her laughter.
As she raised her head to gaze around the room, her Y/E/C eyes caught his stormy blue ones. They stared at each other in shock and the room seemed to lose all sound for a moment until she remembered herself and averted her eyes with heat rising to her cheeks.
He turned back to his friend, who had been admiring a brunette with soft curls from a distance.
“Rogers, do you know who that woman is?” Lt. Barnes said, clasping his friend on the shoulder to bring his attention in the direction of the beautiful creature.
The captain forced his eyes from his prospective partner for the evening and followed his friend’s gaze. He saw the young lady and didn’t recognize her at first, but saw the older woman she was with and inferred her identity.
“Why, that’s Miss Y/N Y/L/N! I’ve known her longer than I’ve known you. We grew up down the lane from one another!”
‘Y/N…’ Lt. Barnes thought, ‘A lovely name for an even lovelier girl. She looks like a doll…’
He shook his head and asked Captain Rogers to describe her.
“Well, she’s accomplished. She can embroider anything, makes hats and pillows, plays the piano forte, not a strong singer, mind you.” He looked back at his friend, and knew exactly what answer he was looking for. “She’s smart and witty too; a bit shy, but when she dances, she really opens up and enjoys herself.”
Lt. Barnes nodded and turned away from Y/N, walking toward the other side of the room. Captain Rogers was left standing in place, wondering what he said to upset his companion.
In truth, he had said everything right. Lt. Barnes may grow to like that girl, maybe even love her if he dared to hope. Only if.
While he has had the opportunity of winning prizes in his Naval career, it hasn’t left him unscarred mentally or physically and it weighed on his mind in the ballroom.
He has killed hundreds of men in the heat of battle. Fathers, husbands, sons, all of them had families they would never return to all in the name of the king and to prevent the tyrant Bonaparte from taking England into his clutches. He knew that if he didn’t do it, someone else would have to, or more English men might have died. It weighed so heavily on his mind some days that sleep eluded him for fear of the nightmares.
No woman deserved to share her marriage bed with a man half in agony.
Physically he was healthy – years of working on a ship has made him strong – but a life on a man of war has its risks. One of the largest causes of injuries on a ship was the shrapnel: pieces of wood that splinter due to cannonballs flying through the ship’s side.
It was one such exchange of cannon fire that caused his injury Captain Wentworth inquired about. He was below deck, assisting a gun crew after a midshipman had been struck, when a cannonball passed just to his left through an already weakened portion of the hull. The shrapnel ripped through his coat and shirt altogether.
The result was a devastating injury to most of his left arm, which remained covered in scars from his wrist up to his shoulder. He remained self-conscious of them long after the wound had healed, and they still bothered him sometimes, especially when it rained.
No woman deserved to be on the arm of a man who couldn’t even stand that arm himself.
As he continued to circle the room, he noticed Y/N again, this time helping a poor young lady off the floor after she was knocked over by a clumsy boy running through the hall. Concern splayed across on her face and her kindness radiated enough to reach him in his dark moment. As the young lady thanked her and went back to her party, Y/N looked up and their eyes met again. He bowed his head and she gave the slightest of a curtsy, the limit of what interaction they could have without being properly introduced.
As she turned back to, who he assumed was her mother, he decided to try to be worthy of her kindness, at least as an acquaintance and even if his heart yearned for more.
He wove through the crowds back toward Captain Rogers. When he met with him, Lt. Barnes leaned close to his ear.
“My friend, would you please introduce me to Miss Y/L/N? I find that I’ve been caught in staring when I cannot look away and am afraid she may think poorly of me before she even knows my name.”
The captain gave a wide, toothy smile at his friend, who was already enthralled with Y/N again.
“Of course. Shall we?”
Y/N first saw the young Naval officer when their eyes met after her mother’s cheeky remark. She observed that she was not the only young lady in the room who appreciated his appearance. He, however, didn’t seem to notice them as he appeared to be distracted in his own thoughts. She kept an eye on him to make sure he would be alright. She didn’t know why she felt a yearning to comfort him; it might have been the storms she saw in those eyes.
Suddenly there was a commotion next to her and a young woman was on the floor. She quickly reached down and offered a hand in assistance. After being assured the woman was alright, she turned her attention back to the crowd and found the Naval officer already looking at her. He nodded to her and she ducked a quick curtsy to him; unsure what compelled her to interact with him.
He returned to who she assumed to be his friend, a militia man whose back was to her. All she could see was his close-cut blond hair and his regimentals. The Naval officer said something and glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. She averted her gaze before seeing who he was talking to and turned back to her mother. Mr. Y/L/N had long left for the card room and Mrs. Y/L/N tried to tell Y/N about how she just saw Mr. and Mrs. Bertram and their daughter.
She forced herself to pay attention to the conversation at hand once more, though some piece of her remained with the bewitching officer.
Her mother was soon distracted from discussing Miss Bertram’s dress by a familiar face approaching them.
"Captain Rogers!" Her mother exclaimed, curtseying as he bowed. "Why, we haven't seen you since the regiment left for Meryton!"
"Well, Mrs. (Y/L/N), the regiment has returned, and at the height of the season too! Did you know that Mr. Knightly and his family arrived not five minutes ago, and we should be expecting Colonel Brandon’s family as well…”
Lt. Barnes and Y/N looked on in the conversation, occasionally glancing at the other when they thought they were not being observed. Finally, Lt. Barnes politely cleared his throat at his friend.
"Oh, my apologies!" Captain Rogers made a slight bow toward him. "Mrs. Y/L/N, Miss Y/L/N, may I introduce Lieutenant James Barnes, my old school mate. Lt. Barnes, this is Mrs. Y/L/N, who was practically a second mother in my youth, and Miss Y/N Y/L/N just as much of a sister to me.”
The ladies curtsied and Lt. Barnes bowed to the women.
“It’s wonderful to meet both of you, though it is shameful that Captain Rogers here,” he said turning to his friend, “hadn’t told me about you before.” He glanced at Y/N at this remark, who lowered her eyes, but had a hint of a smile.
“I certainly have!” the captain said looking comically aghast. “Do not listen to him, Mrs. Y/L/N, I spoke often and fondly of your family while at school.”
“Not to worry, Captain Rogers, I will only cry a little at being forgotten,” Mrs. Y/L/N feigned dabbing at tears. “You had more important things to focus on, like getting into trouble at school, or so I’ve heard.”
“Me, never! A bit of mischief is all.”
“Come now, Captain,” Lt. Barnes said, “I had to get you out of more than one scuffle as I recall.”
“I was only 10! After you enlisted in the Navy, though I did have to rethink my opponents.”
“Who knows how you would have ended up if you hadn’t!” Lt. Barnes said, wagging his finger at his friend as if he was still a school boy. Y/N tried to stifle a laugh when she imagined the bickering the two got into as children. Lt. Barnes, however, heard the small noise and smiled at her.
“And what kinds of mischief did you incur as a little Miss Y/L/N?”
She scoffed slightly at the accusation, “I was nothing but well-behaved I’ll have you know, Lieutenant!”
“Oh, come now, my dear,” her mother interjected. “Why I remember one time you convinced the poor captain here that if he stared long enough at the bark of a tree in the center of town, he could see the outline of a grand ship!”
Y/N blanched, “Mother!”
Lt. Barnes let out a barking laugh which turned into harsh false coughs upon seeing his friend’s warning glare.
“Ahem, yes, well it seems we are all guilty of some infractions of propriety in our youth.” He leaned toward Y/N as if it were a great secret. “I once tricked the captain into thinking it was good luck if he caught up to a fleeing cat and gave it goat’s milk.”
Captain Rogers groaned at the memory.
“I ended up with hoof-shaped bruises, scratches on my hands, and tears in my new clothes. My mother was furious with me!”
Y/N could not suppress her laughter this time, and Lt. Barnes beamed at the sound.
The captain looked between the two, as did her mother. Both arched their brows and then glanced at each other. Captain Rogers cleared his throat and everyone turned to him.
“Well, if we’re done poking fun at my childhood,” he said, “I believe I saw Miss Carter earlier and I must greet her and her cousin. Mrs. Y/L/N, Miss Y/L/N.”
As he departed, Lt. Barnes was left in the company of the women and a silence fell among them. Mrs. Y/L/N said that she believed she saw an old acquaintance too and would like to greet them, but didn’t say who it was. Y/N was about to offer to come with her, but Lt. Barnes interjected.
“Well, Mrs. Y/L/N, if you would not mind,” he said glancing at Y/N, “I would like to ask Miss Y/L/N if she is free for the next dance.”
Y/N, shocked into silence, didn’t say anything at first until her mother not-so-discreetly nudged her arm and she came to her senses.
“I’d be delighted, Lt. Barnes.”
He smiled and offered his hand to lead her to the line of couples preparing to dance.
With the first few notes he bowed and she dipped low in a curtsy, glancing up as she rose and noticing he was looking at her. He smiled as the dance began at the top of the set, where her attention shifted to a few couples away. Y/N watched with a keen eye and smiled as she recognized the figures.
"This is one of my favorites, Lt. Barnes," she said, trying to keep her poise as the dance progressed toward them.
"And why would that be, Miss Y/L/N? Is it the figure when the lady leads through, allowing your figure to appear even more to the greatest advantage? Or perhaps is it the proximity to your partner leading the line of four down the hall?"
She looked at him in amusement for such a speech, especially his barely hidden compliment of her figure. She decided then to risk impropriety and make such a compliment herself.
"No sir, I enjoy this dance as it allows one to test the talents of one's partner," she said, noticing the dance was about to approach them. She had to act fast. "But I must agree with you, sir, that it puts both parties of the couple in a fine light."
When the tune looped again, they reached for each other with their right hands and started to turn. She could feel his warm hand lightly gripping hers through his glove, the strength hidden by long fingers. All too quickly they had to let go, but turned back by the left hand.
As they turned, she looked into his eyes, the irises matching the stormy seas he has sailed for many years, though she didn’t know what troubled him.
"When did you first join the Navy, Lt. Barnes? Were you a small gunner boy running about the deck like a monkey?"
"I was a young gentleman, only about 12, but I learned quickly," he said, seeming to shake off his distraction and remember something funny as they crossed by each other.
"Something other than the dance amusing you Lieutenant?"
He smiled again, as he walked in front of him back to her side and he to his.
"No, I was just thinking of someone you remind me of from when I first joined."
They crossed again and met in the middle of a line, leading down the hall. As they advanced and retreated she gave him a playful glare out of the corner of her eye.
"No one too roguish I hope?"
"No, no, not at all. A most principled fellow, but imaginative," he said as they crossed up and met in their progressed place, starting the dance again.
"Imaginative? You think such of me, Lt. Barnes?"
"Well the second question you asked of me was if I ran about like a monkey! I'm sure you pictured a mop-haired young lad climbing where he shouldn't and getting into trouble!"
"Well knowing Captain Rogers, and knowing that you're friends with him, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if you had a similar penchant for mischief at that age."
She could swear that he smirked at her comment, but the dance required them to turn away from each other at the last second, so she couldn't be quite sure.
"No, actually, it was your dear friend who caused the most mischief. I came to his rescue many times."
Y/N giggled and Lt. Barnes thought it was the sweetest sound he has ever heard.
"Now that I don't doubt at all. He once managed to get one of my family's poor chickens stuck in a tree. It took hours to coax it down. Clearly from your story earlier, he has a way with animals."
He laughed heartily, earning a few glances from the couples around them and making him duck his head bashfully as they casted to place.
Y/N smiled at the now easy-going man and the dance continued for the better part of 15 minutes. They discussed more about his career and found they had a common enjoyment of novels.
As the tune ended, they both honored each other again and prepared for the next piece of their set, which turned out to be his favorite, The Physical Snob. As this particular dance didn't allow for easy conversation due to the fast movements, he instead enjoyed how energetic Y/N was with her dancing and watched her skip around with the other ladies.
They continued to talk at the bottom of the set while waiting to rejoin. After the tune ended, they gave their bow and curtsy and would have continued together, however propriety required that the other be shared among the eligible dancers in the room.
He attempted to come back to Y/N for another two dances later in the evening, however she was already requested by Captain Rogers, who gave his friend an apologetic look before starting to lead the young woman to the sets.
Lt. Barnes leaned down close to her ear before she followed and in a whisper asked if she would be so kind as to save the next two for him. She blushed and with a coy smile said that she would.
The evening ended with the Boulanger, danced into the early hours of the morning with the sun rising above the grove. As the guests started lining up to bid their hosts goodnight, Lt. Barnes and Captain Rogers stood beside Y/N, her mother, and her father once more.
"My dear Captain Rogers," Mrs. Y/L/N started, "we will have to have you for a family dinner, at least three courses!"
The Captain bowed to her, stating that he would be honored to join the Y/L/N family for dinner, while his friend’s gaze caught Y/N's out of the corner of his eye and she saw that barely hidden smirk again.
As her mother and father gushed over the ball with the Wentworths, Captain Rogers made himself scarce as to allow his two friends time to bid their farewells for the evening, knowing there was a spark of something in their meeting.
"I hope your family has a safe trip home, Miss Y/L/N."
"Thank you, and you're staying with Captain Rogers, are you not? I hope you both arrive swiftly and safely as well, though he does only live a short trip away. Not that something couldn’t happen in such a short time, but it’s not likely, is it? Oh, I don’t mean to tempt fate by saying it’s unlikely…"
He grinned at her rambling and could tell she would have continued if the Wentworths hadn't rescued her with the expectation to say goodnight.
As the family and friends made their way outside, Mrs. Y/L/N and Captain Rogers hung back a bit and made tentative plans for a dinner, their hushed voices would have hinted at some conspiracy if Y/N had noticed.
Lt. Barnes bid the Y/L/Ns goodnight and offered his hand to assist Y/N into their coach. She gladly accepted and they both felt that same connection as when they first danced earlier that evening.
"Goodnight, Miss Y/L/N."
"Goodnight, Lt. Barnes."
Their eyes stayed connected as the door closed and the coach started to ramble down the path. He continued to stare after the coach until it was out of view before sighing and turning back. His friend stood there, arms crossed and a smirk on his face.
"It seems you are quite smitten with her, Lieutenant."
Lt. Barnes straightened his back and looked his friend in the eye, but then blushed and his bravado was all but gone.
"When do you think I can see her again?"
Captain Rogers laughed and put an arm around his friend, telling him in a soft voice what the sneaky captain and Mrs. Y/L/N discussed. Lt. Barnes's eyes bulged with the information and finally he chuckled and looked back to where her coach had disappeared.
Y/N finally turned back to facing forward in the coach, sighing silently over the loss of Lt. Barnes's company. Her mother noticed this and a flash of a smirk went across her face before she composed herself.
"Well that was a lovely evening, wasn't it, Mr. Y/L/N?"
"Yes," he said, "excellent games of cards, good food and drink, better company, a brilliant evening indeed."
Her mother took this opportunity to catch Y/N's eye.
"Well, my child, what did you think of the ball and its company?" she said arching a brow.
Y/N felt heat in her cheeks again, but controlled her smile.
"Yes, mother, it was a wonderful ball. I will have to write Mrs. Wentworth first thing in the morning to thank her for the invitation."
"And it was so nice seeing Captain Rogers again, and all grown up and in the militia now! Oh, and what was his friend's name... It's on the tip of my tongue..."
Y/N knew what her mother was doing, but decided to play along.
"Lt. Barnes."
"Yes! That was it. A pleasant enough fellow, and quite handsome too. You danced with him, did you not, Y/N? Twice if I remember correctly."
"Yes, mother."
"How was his company during those dances?" Her mother's eye sparkled with mischief as her daughter averted her eyes.
"Like you said, he was quite pleasant. I would not mind seeing him again."
"That's good to hear child, because he and Captain Rogers are joining us later this week for dinner. The captain and I have already set it up, and goodness knows how late that could run. It'd be a shame if they might just have to stay for the evening and enjoy a walk around the gardens the next morning."
Y/N, shocked by the revelation and her mother's audacious planning, could not speak for a moment, but moved her mouth in an attempt. She finally schooled her features and smiled knowingly.
"Yes mother, that would be quite dreadful, but I'm sure we'll make it through somehow."
Her mother turned back to her father and Y/N looked back out the window.
'Dancing is a certain step toward falling in love, indeed,' she thought to herself as the sun rose over the woods of their home.
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moralesispunk · 3 years
In his eyes Epilogue (Blacksmith Pero AU)
Pero Tovar x Female Reader
Final part of the Blacksmtih Pero AU | Part 4 here | Masterlist here under Pero
Summary: how your life with Pero continued after those five days together
Warnings: hint towards smut but no actual description
A/N: and thats it folks! Again I had so much fun writing this and thank you for all your wonderful comments, they really made me smile! I am going to start writing the Pero Guard fic and so will probably begin posting that in a few weeks time!
The kitchen was filled with the smell of the stew bubbling away on the stove as you finished adding the carrots and stirring the pot. Dinner wouldn’t be ready for a while and so there was plenty of time to look out the window towards the playful screams and shouts coming from outside.
The sound of your husband counting over-exaggeratedly loud while your three children screamed and ran around the back garden traveled into the kitchen. You noticed your oldest hide behind the flower garden while the middle one tried to sneak in beside her. The youngest didn't quite have the hang of hide-and-seek yet, standing behind your husband hoping he would not turn around.
Your husband stood in the middle of the garden, his hands over his eyes as he counted to ten. He had aged a little in the ten years you had been together, grey now covering his facial hair that he had grown out and wrinkles surrounding his eyes through years of laughter.
He did exactly as promised that afternoon in your father's garden. The next week he bought the spare land from your father with money he had saved from the years of selling his sword and began building a home for you both. He took you by to see it every other day, watching as you silently walked around it to take in what he had built. He told you about the rooms he was building - a sitting room for you both to relax in at the end of your work days, a kitchen for him to make his mother’s soup and you to make your mother’s apple tarts, a bedroom for you both and two more for the children you planned to have (two girls and a boy should Pero’s wishes come true). It was simple and over the years became the most homely house in the whole village, surrounded by flowers and vegetables that you grew to sell on at the market on days you did not work in your father’s bakery.
The day after the house was finished, you and Pero were married at the local church. It wasn't a big ceremony, a few friendly faces who joined you at the church and Inn before he carried you back through the path to your new home. That night had been beautiful as Pero made love to you in your shared bed, holding you close against him as he etched his love for you against your skin with his lips.
Soon after you found out you were pregnant. You paced the kitchen waiting for Pero to finish work, your heart beating double time in your chest as you heard his work boots enter the house. Your hands shook as you kissed him hello and he quickly pulled back to look you over.
"My love, is everything okay?" he took your face in his hands.
"Ye- yes, I went to see the doctor today-"
"Are you okay?" he questioned before you even had the chance to finish.
"Nothings wrong, Pero. I hadn't been feeling well the last few mornings and, well, I'm pregnant Pero."
His eyes widened and mouth fell open for a minute, stunned into a silence as he searched for the words to explain the warmth that flooded through his veins upon hearing you say those words. He couldn't find them before the tears pooled in the corner of his eyes, threatening to spill over if he dared voice his thoughts.
"You're going to be a father, Pero," you reached to take his face in your hands, holding his head as it fell forward while he let his tears out.
He had been wonderful throughout your pregnancy, not letting you lift a finger especially towards the end. He showered you with love every day, rubbing your feet and back after long days and his hand never leaving your stomach as he told the bump stories by the fire. He was head over heels and ready to be the best father in the world.
The day your daughter came into this world you had never seen him so nervous. He spoke more in that day that he ever had before, rambling on and on to take his mind away from the panic that held like a heavy weight in his stomach. In all his years and professions he usually had control and on this day he had none. He sat behind you as the midwife told you to push, holding a cold towel to your head and kissing the side of your head while you squeezed his hand. His heart was in his throat until he heard the sound of your daughter’s angry screams fill the room as she was placed on your chest, his own hand resting over yours as you welcomed her to the world. He did the same for your son and then youngest daughter.
He was the most wonderful husband and father and as you watched him chase and catch your children in his arms you thought about how you would have pictured your future before you met Pero. You know for sure you would never have been able to picture anything as perfect as the sight before you now.
With one of your children on his back and the other two in his arms he called out to you, laughing as he spun the children around.
"Mama!" your son ran over into your arms and you nuzzled into his neck.
"I think it's Mama's turn to count," Pero said while placing the other two to the ground before walking over and kissing your cheek, "you look beautiful as always today," he whispered against your skin.
Turning and placing a soft kiss to his lips you playfully smirked at him before covering your eyes. The screams and shouts of Pero and your children filled the garden, running to find the best hiding spots.
"One... two... three..."
Permanent tag // @phoenixhalliwell @asta-lily @hb8301 @princess76179 @sarahjkl82-blog @spideysimpossiblegirl 
Pero tag // @bonktime @justpedropascal @coldlilheart @shadowolf993 @stylelovechild @frostsoldier @idreamofboobear @artsymaddie @ajeff855 @strangelittlenobody @elegantduckturtle @roxypeanut @shedobeclownin
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January Posting Schedule
Famous Last Words: Every Wednesday
    - chapter one coming - January 6th, 2021
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The Specter: Every Friday
    - prologue coming - January 8th, 2021
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I’m hoping to finish these this month but I don’t then I’ll continue them into February. 
One of my goals in February is start writing Pedro Pascal & his characters as well Henry, Chris E and Sebastian and their characters. 
Thank you for everyone who has followed and supported me in my writing journey. I love you all very dearly. Once again thank your for 700 followers!
@persephone-is-here-omg @salimahbicharara-comun @foodieforthoughts @feralrunaway @littlefreya @thelastsock @the-soot-sprite @angryschnauzer @gearhead66 @maizyistrash @henrythickcavill @hoeforhenry @hope-to-hell @inlovewithhisblueeyes @littlewrenofrivia @radaofrivia @geralt-of-baevia @summersong69 @asylummara @poledancingdinos @eldarwen333 @iloveyouyen @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @emyearns @killjoy-assbutt-1112 @frostsoldier @hell1129-blog @madbaddic7ed @beck07990 @dancingwendigo @viking-raider @cruelfvkingsummer @fuckoffbard @mary-ann84 @cavillryarchive @cavillsbestgal @connieisland @trinitylovexox @mindingmyownbusiness @soldatsaleannan @oddsnendsfanfics 
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lucrezia-thoughts · 3 years
Ah Tovar Tuesdays. Making me stupidly horny over a grumpy Spaniard during a workday. My little plus size heart just melts over him. -frostsoldier
Isn't it wonderful?? 🥰 My little plus size heart is melting over him too, love!! 💚
And I'm also doing it at work! LOL I'll write a little code... let it run... then write a little more of the Breeding Kink drabble...
I feel like I should feel ashamed of this... but I don't!
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[GIF not mine, all credit goes to original creator]
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moralesispunk · 3 years
Jen! Congratulations on 700! That’s so amazing and incredibly well deserved.
For your prompts:
Sentence: ‘I had no idea…and in front of my face the whole time!’
Character: Pero Tovar (I am a big fan of Modern!Pero AUs if you want!)
Reader: GN ☺️
Thank you so much!! I'm still taking requests for the 700 follower celebration here!
“I had no idea… and in front of my face the entire time!”
Modern Pero x Gn reader (William’s younger sibling)
Your brother’s friend was sitting next to you in the bar, his eyes scanning across the room as they were trained to do. He co-owned a security business with your brother, William, and he suited the part being tall, dark and handsome, with a scar that runs down one eye, a constant frown on his face.
You had fallen for Pero not long after meeting him, something about him drawing you closer. At first, he never said more than a polite hello and goodbye but recently he had opened up a little, sharing stories about his family and taking an interest in your current grad school course.
William was sitting at the other side of Pero, both the men’s eyes trained on the TV showing whatever sports game was on. You were too busy watching them shout and sigh at the game you hadn’t noticed the other man pull up next to you.
He was obviously tipsy, flirting with you and telling you jokes that surprisingly made you laugh. You hadn’t noticed that Pero’s eyes were now focused on you rather than the TV, because why would he care, he had never shown an interest in you before? Soon the man was joking about taking you home and you felt Pero up and leave the seat next to you, his arm bumping into you as he did so.
“Where-?” you tried to ask him where he was going but he was up and gone before you got a chance.
“You were being quite obvious with the flirting,” William rolled his eyes, nodding to the man next to you who had now turned back to his friends.
“And why would he care?”
“You can’t be that oblivious? Oh... He's been into you from the moment he met you,” William laughed.
“I-I had no idea,” you sighed, your hand dragging down your face, “and in front of my face the entire time!”
William looked at you, a sympathetic look in his eyes. “I think you should talk to him.”
It took a moment to gather yourself before following the path Pero took outside. It wasn’t difficult to find him, his back turned to you but leaving against a wall in a way that had his shirt pulled tight across his back muscles.
“Pero?” You waited till he had turned to face you before awkwardly clasping your hands and stepping forward. “Can we talk?”
His face was hard to read beneath the furrowed brows he slowly nodded, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and letting you sit up next to him.
“I-I,” you sighed, not able to find the words, “I didn’t know you felt like that…”
“We do not need to talk about this. It’s my problem, not yours.”
His eyes were facing forward and he was avoiding your gaze. You pushed off the wall to stand in front of him.
“Can you look at me, please?” His eyes softened as he looked at you, staying for a moment before looking down to the ground. “Is it true?”
He finally met your eyes again. “I-I love you. I think I always have but… William is your brother and you deserve someone better than me.”
“Pero, do you not notice the way I look at you, the way I always have?.. I love you.”
His eyes went wide before he frowned once more. “Don’t lie, please, you don’t have to spare my feelings-”
You stepped forward, your hands cupping his face and tilting it down towards you. He was silenced when your lips met his, a soft brush against one another. When you pulled away the smile that was across his face was bigger than you had ever seen and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“I don’t usually kiss until after a first date,” you teased.
“I guess that means I better get planning a date then… if you’re sure this is what you want?” His hands rested on your hips, gripping a little tighter than need be almost in fear of you leaving him now.
“More than anything in the world,” you smiled back.
@phoenixhalliwell @asta-lily @hb8301 @princess76179 @sarahjkl82-blog @spideysimpossiblegirl @blackmarketmummy @bison-writes  @queridopascal @sfr99 @rosiefridayrogersunday @tintinn16 @pilothusband @voteforpedro09  @dihra-vesa @frankiecatfish @bonktime @justpedropascal @coldlilheart @shadowolf993 @stylelovechild @frostsoldier @idreamofboobear @artsymaddie @ajeff855 @strangelittlenobody @elegantduckturtle @roxypeanut @shedobeclownin @itstheanxietyforme @raphaelaisabella @nolanell
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