#frozen jr
corallove · 2 months
Tech day 3/4!! Dress rehearsal!! Lets see how it goes!!
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sparrowsortadrawzzz · 9 months
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triple-u-vvv · 2 months
Dear theater kids,
I am currently playing the role of the Duke of Weselton in a production of frozen jr.
I really want to do the toupee flip gag that was done in the movie, but I’m stuck on wig costume ideas.
My friends and family jokingly said that I could get really into character and shave my head, but personally, I want something that doesn’t involve losing all of my hair.
So what should I do?
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isopodonanescalator · 4 months
when the post show depression hits
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when 16/24 of our cast is out sick (including both of our Elsa’s and young Elsa’s) and you’re the stage manager, just sitting there like the ‘this is fine’ dog.
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asexualenjolras · 3 months
Thank you to Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire for making it canon that the Ghostbusters actually did do a song and music video with Ray Parker Jr. as advertisement for their services.
I whole-heartedly believe that it was Janine's idea and she lost her mind watching Egon and Peter grumble about it while Ray and Winston have the time of their lives.
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auditionsuggestions · 2 years
Any suggestions for a one minute monologue for a 13 year old boy auditioning for Olaf in Frozen the musical?
Sure thing!
Shrek's monologue from Shrek Jr could be fun, Genie's monologue from Aladdin JR would also work. You could also look at Snoopy's Red Baron monologue from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown.
Break a leg to your kiddo!
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Headcanons, Being Ray Stantz's Child
gender neutral!reader, child!reader
Being born during the groups college days, and just adding a dose of daily chaos to their otherwise uneventful studies.
Three men and a baby. Enough said. It's absolute pandemonium.
Ray being the mother hen. Egon being the irresponsible father, and Peter being the fun uncle.
You have an entire family, even if not by blood.
Ray bringing you to college with him, and multitasking because he can't afford childcare.
Him using you as someone to rattle off all his theories about the occult and paranormal to before you can even crawl.
Peter uses you as a 'mini wing-man'. Women flock to him because they think you're his child and find the fact that he's a seemingly decent single dad attractive. (GIRL, IT'S THE BARE MINIMUM) Peter being himself, of course, doesn't bother to correct them.
Constant compliments being directed towards you by women, to which Peter's reply is always the same.
'Mhmmm, yeah, they get their looks from their father' *insert cocky, arrogant smirk*
Ray then reminding him that he's not actually the father.
'Oh, no, I know, I was complimenting you, honey' *cocky, arrogant smirk still in place, this smug guy knows exactly what he's doing*
Ray immediately becoming quiet and turning a bright, red colour, stumbling, tripping, collapsing over the English language, of which he's usually quite eloquent with. Then picking you up in his arms, and walking off muttering variants of profanities and insults directed at Peter
This section was greatly inspired by a ficlet my friend, @xraylovers wrote for me :) Thanks for letting me use your idea bestie.
Egon views you as a science experiment... problems ensue.
Days spent leaning over old occult books, the dusty aroma worn like a birthday badge as a testament to the age of the journal drifting into his child's face as Ray carefully reads each line.
Him having no concern as to whether this is proper bedtime story material for a 5 year old, as long as their happy, which, judging from the small inquisitive smile and plethora of questions asked, they most definitely are.
Ray is so excited to have a mini replica of him, just as interested in the occult as he is, someone to share his special interest with and experience the excitement and wonder of it all for the first time through their eyes.
Peter looking upon Y/N as his niece/nephew and calling them 'Baby Stantz' or 'The Littlest Ghostbuster' or variations upon. All the while, Y/N constantly complaining about wanting to be a Ghostbuster now.
Naturally, Peter buys a mini Ghostbusters suit with 'Baby Stantz' custom inscribed as the name tag, as well as a toy replica proton-pack. Which Egon promptly turns into a miniature, but fully-working proton-pack... until Ray confiscates it, sharing some harsh words with Egon about children's safety.
'Ray, I was merely teaching Y/N the proper way to operate a proton pack to prepare them for when they become a Ghostbuster'
'EGON! You can't give a child an unlicensed nuclear accelerator!'
Winston becoming the only semi-normal parental figure you have: Egon knows nothing about children, your dad is an extreme mother hen, and Peter is... himself.
Your dad would often take you out in the Ecto-1, wheels spinning, sirens blaring (after you begged ro have the sirens on, and every time he agrees because he has no backbone when it comes to you). You roll down the window and hold your hand out, letting the air rush through your fingers in quick succession as you take in the sights of New York City.
Despite his initial protest, when you became a little older and he realised how serious and passionate you were about following in his footsteps, your dad taught you how to use a proton pack and ghost trap (while supervised of course!) in the basement. While others your age were playing sports or video games, you were being taught how to wrangle ghosts and spirits.
Despite the dangers and challenges of being a Ghostbuster, you've always been proud of your dad and your family. They're not just heroes to the world, they're heroes to you, too.
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Atarashii Gakko! at the Ghostbuster World Premiere
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gaargoyle · 8 months
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Various depictions of The Thing from covers of editions of Who Goes There?, the original novella (and Frozen Hell, the full-length novel version).
Artists in order: Hannes Bok, Terry Maloney, Malcolm Smith, Chet Jezierski, Stan Pitt, Bob Eggleton (final 2)
See below the cut for bonus comic book Thing, by Arnold Drake and Jack Abel:
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justbusterkeaton · 8 months
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…And It Was All Just A Dream
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corallove · 2 months
Fun fact. The actors for Hans and Weslton in our Production of Frozen Jr suggested that they have a 5 or 30 minute makeout session to 'add more romance to the show'
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poppybros-jr · 1 month
Dazor:Hey, Cosmo. I was wondering how you feel about your siblings? Uh- Good luck in the tournament.
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…I mean, sure. I’m more than happy to talk about my siblings. I’m not sure why I started talking like that, to be honest. I’m very sorry, it won’t happen again. Just… get comfy, ‘cause I’m the fourth of five siblings so this might take a while!
WARNING! This ask is a very long one, and it also delves into more serious territory than usual, so it goes under a cut. Content warning for mentions of divorce, parental emotional abuse/estrangement and childhood trauma resulting from the disappearance of a sibling.
Also tagging this as propaganda because we’re getting into backstory. @kirbyoctournament
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Firstly, Stella! My twin sister! She hatched half an hour before I did, and we joke that it’s so she could be there to help me out of my shell. Because that’s what she still does even to this day!
We used to perform together under Stella’s name, using our identical looks to pull off a ‘teleportation’ trick. We were only kids at the time, so that was the only trick we did in the whole show. It got boring pretty quick, and I didn’t like that I didn’t get to have my name on the posters, but I was scared to say anything. Stella wasn’t, though! A couple of years ago she said she wanted us to be a proper double act, and that if I didn’t get recognition for my skills she simply wouldn’t perform. It worked! I actually figured out I was a boy not long after that, so I’m really glad we don’t have to be perfectly identical anymore. She’s trying to encourage me to perform solo, too, but I don’t have the same charisma she does, so I don’t know if I can do it as well as she does.
I’m really glad she’s my big sister. She’s the most supportive, kindest sister ever. And the most fun! She can be a little annoying sometimes with how excitable and silly she is, and sometimes her energy wears me out, but I’d never want her to change. She’s the best. Like a ray of sunshine!
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Celeste is the baby of the family. She’s very shy.
She was only little when Marx ran away, and our parents apparently decided to use her as a… do-over, I guess? Our mum especially wanted her to be everything Marx wasn’t and put a lot of pressure on her to fit her expectations. But Celeste really didn’t like performing, so she got more and more quiet… We’re staying with our aunts at the moment because of our parents divorcing, though, and she’s starting to feel much better. She’s trying out different things to find something she likes. She seems very interested in the production side of the circus, like music and lighting. I think that no matter what she does when she grows up, she’ll do amazing. She’s really smart! Much smarter than I was at her age!
She hardly ever talks, but she’s an absolute sweetheart, and if anyone tries to hurt her I will DESTROY THEIR LIFE. :)
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Since we live with our aunts now, our cousins the Poppy Bros are like our honorary siblings!
Poppy Bros Sr (Pop for short) and Poppy Bros Jr (Poppy for short) are the owners of the circus! Well, Pop is. Poppy will co-own it when they’re an adult. Poppy is also part of the Star Allies and helped out with that whole mess with the weird shadowy heart things a few years back! I want to join someday too so I can help protect Popstar!
Pop is a great boss. When I was a little kid I thought he was intimidating, but he’s really just a big softy! He’s always asking me how I’m doing and listens to all my ideas. He’s very understanding if I’m not feeling well enough to perform or get stage fright, and he never pressures me. I don’t know him that well, though, since he’s a lot older than me.
As for Poppy? I like them! After Marx ran away, they stepped in to be our older sibling since he couldn’t do it anymore. They still look out for us even now! They stand up for us whenever we need backup and they always have time to hang out with us. They were best friends with Marx before he left, so it must have been very hard on them at the time, but they always put on a brave face. I respect them a lot! They’re still a massive nerd who’s obsessed with bombs, though. They specialise in confetti firework bombs that look really pretty! If I count Pop and Poppy as my siblings too, that makes me sixth out of seven instead of fourth out of five.
Did I remember everyone? I feel like I’m forgetting someone… Oh, right! This jerk.
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I’m gonna put this out here right now, okay? I do NOT condone the crimes Marx committed. He did some really bad things! That is not okay. That said, I’m talking specifically about my own relationship with my big brother, okay? Okay. Here we go.
I think Marx is a great brother. He’s not much older than me and Stella, so we were very close growing up and we still are even now. Some people are surprised to hear that I’m close to Marx, ‘cause most of the time we spend together, we’re either insulting each other or daring each other to do gross or dangerous things. I think those people have never had brothers.
It hurt a lot when he ran away. Stella and I both knew he wasn’t happy. He got into fights with our parents a lot and was always causing trouble. But we tried very hard to help him feel better. We played with him all the time. After he left, we thought it was our fault for not trying hard enough, but after he came back to Popstar he told us it wasn’t. I still feel bad about it sometimes, though. He doesn’t live with us anymore because he doesn’t want to be around our parents, but our aunts take us to visit him as much as possible.
Sometimes I still have bad dreams that he ran away again and died, or turned into a monster, or other bad stuff. It’s scary. I usually call him when that happens so I can talk to him. He doesn’t care if I call him in the middle of the night. He doesn’t sleep much anyway. And then the next time I visit he gets me donuts. The kind with the blueberry jam filling that I like.
He’s definitely not perfect. Not even close. Sometimes his insults get too mean. Or he’ll play a prank on me that upsets me. But he always says sorry and tries to make it up to me once he realises he hurt me. That’s more than what some people will do. I’m scared of a lot of people, but I’m never scared of him.
I do think he’s a stinky loser with a face like a Scarfy that got stuck halfway, though. :)
… Okay, that was definitely everyone! All of us are accounted for! Thanks for the question, Dazor, and I’m sorry I kept you so long. Here, take an ice lolly with you! You get first choice!
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soundwavemain · 2 years
What do I even caption this? Sorry rottmnt fans :[
Gotta thank @funneylizzie for forcing Casey Jr. to the forefront of my brain for weeks on end.
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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The Frozen Ghost (1944)
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fukutomichi · 1 year
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- Favorite Film Gems - "It's like a virus. So what do we do with any virus? Quarantine. We isolate it and then we kill it." The Thing (2011) directed by Matthijs van Heijningen Jr.
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