autisticlalna · 7 days
LEO! Leo! My good pal Leo :D
Your art style is haunting me. Simple. It's occupying my brain right now and if I do not AT LEAST ask you for a bit of VikingPilot art I'm fairly certain that I will perish.
So, would you be so kind as to... Feed the beast?
HI!! ive been hit with some pretty bad artblock this month, but i will never turn down an opportunity to draw viking. so uh.. behold, me drawing Summertime (aka Skyblock Kingdoms Viking) with a mouse!
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i Need to figure out how to draw this guy bc i have a sketch i wanna properly finish when i have full art energy again but oh my god i love summertime so much. fun fact i love bucket hats
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betweenlands · 7 days
You still like Legundo right? Or are you strictly an Avid guy?
Well I hope you like him because my friend drew him and I wanted to show someone :))
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He's a shepherd
HIMMMMMM i am still a leg watcher :D chewing on this drawing
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r0achezz · 7 months
Heyyyy, I saw your post about info dumping...
*slips you a piece of paper that reads "free pass to talk about anything"*
Sooo, tell me about it?
SO MUCH . I HAVE SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT BUT RN I REALLY WANNA TALK ABOUT ANTS BECAUSE I THINK INSECTS ARE SO COOL AND I'M TRYING TO LEARN ABOUT ANTS RN.there is about 20 quadrillion ants in the world right now, which is WAY MORE than the current human population which is 7.888 billion, actually, the ant population is probably way more than that but who knows! More than 12,000 species of ants too but I don't think that's too impressive given there's a lot of them, of course there's gonna be different types! For queen ants there lifespan is 15 years while the works live for 7 or 8 if they're lucky, I heard that if left unattended with no predators whatsoever they could probably live to a few decades but i'll have to check if that's actually true so don't call me out for that lol. Actually, if i'm correct I think queen ants at first start out with wings! They keep them until they're able to mate and then fly off to make their own nest! This is how beginner ant keepers usually get a hold of their ant colonies, they just go outside, scoop of the queen and drop her in a dark tube and let her grow her colony in there! I have more information about how people go about growing or starting ant colonies! Usually when they have multiple queens they end up actually get confused and start fighting within their own colony, and/or they kill the other queens after awhile, though sometimes they make a mistake and end up killing ALL their queens and then the colony goes downhill from there. Ants are workaholics, when they don't have an assignment to do they usually sit around and do random chores or tend to the larvae. Other than those ants did you know that 40% of ants are lazy and/or slackers in the colony? I always thought all of them just kept on fighting and working and fighting and working, so when I learned that it surprised me a bit XD. Worker ants can recognize individuals via smell! Though that's just ants in their colony, I doubt they'd take the time to recognize each individual human that's brought harm to them haha. I don't have my notes with me at the time so there's way more. But that's just what I can remember at the top of my head! :]
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beacon-lamp · 2 months
I've exceeded the daily post limit
everyone point and laugh 🤣 👉🏼 🐱
hahaha frys how does this even happen it’s actually impressive but my Sincerest Condolences on being trapped in post limit jail
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12u3ie · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day! *Hands you one of those tiny cards with a heart shaped candy taped to it, it has a mediocre drawing of joe hills on it*
Thank you! I shall cherish this forever
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singingvio · 2 years
...I found you ao3 without noticing....
I like what you write...
Oh thank you! I’m glad you enjoy it. :D
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enderenby404 · 2 years
Hello friend! How are you doing? I saw a bit of discourse involving you recently; are you okay after that? You don't need to answer if you're upset after it, I get it.
heyoooo yeah we're alright :) we get tons of terfs and exclus on that post (as to be expected) but that one definitelyyy struck a nerve with the attack on our system 🤨 totally out of left field and very inappropriate lmao we were more upset about it yesterday but we ranted to our friends and its more or less funny to us now
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em-allay · 2 months
I feel like you'd like to know that I have a plush Ally name allalalalalah- (with indiscriminate amounts of "la"s, It changes every time I say their name)
omg, I DO love that!
I saw a big Allay plush the other day and it took all of my self-control not to buy it
I'm still thinking about going back and getting it-
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catfindr · 4 months
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captain-flint · 7 months
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Frenchie aka a cat in human form 😼
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autisticlalna · 1 month
Okay! O-kay, So we know that VikingPilot is microwavable right? He's microwavable. So! Does he explode, crackle with electricity, light in fire, or just... Enjoy rotating on the turn table? What does he do when you microwave him?? DO WE EVEN KNOW??? WE KEEP SAYING THAT HE'S MICROWAVABLE BUT DO WE EVEN KNOW IF THAT'S SAFE?? WE COULD BE PUTTING TUMBLRINAS IN DANGER
he spins and gets warm like those microwavable heat pack plushies but also he has a small percentage to ignite into plasma like a split grape i think
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betweenlands · 12 days
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I made this 🥺👉👈
Do you like him?
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weedle-testaburger · 2 months
my favourite sitcom trope is 'character too stupid to live but too funny to die'
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(i included all of those three wwdits vampires bc they're all this)
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cheeriobuffet · 2 years
Tell my cat he is a tasty little treat.
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fuck-customers · 16 days
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He has HUGE feets.
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gazkamurocho · 13 days
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Chibi Zhao and Majima commission for @LifesBigCanvas on Twitter 🔪
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