#ants are awesome guys
r0achezz · 7 months
Heyyyy, I saw your post about info dumping...
*slips you a piece of paper that reads "free pass to talk about anything"*
Sooo, tell me about it?
SO MUCH . I HAVE SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT BUT RN I REALLY WANNA TALK ABOUT ANTS BECAUSE I THINK INSECTS ARE SO COOL AND I'M TRYING TO LEARN ABOUT ANTS RN.there is about 20 quadrillion ants in the world right now, which is WAY MORE than the current human population which is 7.888 billion, actually, the ant population is probably way more than that but who knows! More than 12,000 species of ants too but I don't think that's too impressive given there's a lot of them, of course there's gonna be different types! For queen ants there lifespan is 15 years while the works live for 7 or 8 if they're lucky, I heard that if left unattended with no predators whatsoever they could probably live to a few decades but i'll have to check if that's actually true so don't call me out for that lol. Actually, if i'm correct I think queen ants at first start out with wings! They keep them until they're able to mate and then fly off to make their own nest! This is how beginner ant keepers usually get a hold of their ant colonies, they just go outside, scoop of the queen and drop her in a dark tube and let her grow her colony in there! I have more information about how people go about growing or starting ant colonies! Usually when they have multiple queens they end up actually get confused and start fighting within their own colony, and/or they kill the other queens after awhile, though sometimes they make a mistake and end up killing ALL their queens and then the colony goes downhill from there. Ants are workaholics, when they don't have an assignment to do they usually sit around and do random chores or tend to the larvae. Other than those ants did you know that 40% of ants are lazy and/or slackers in the colony? I always thought all of them just kept on fighting and working and fighting and working, so when I learned that it surprised me a bit XD. Worker ants can recognize individuals via smell! Though that's just ants in their colony, I doubt they'd take the time to recognize each individual human that's brought harm to them haha. I don't have my notes with me at the time so there's way more. But that's just what I can remember at the top of my head! :]
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smile-files · 4 months
i wish i were a centimeter tall so i could kiss every ant on the head
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antvnger · 1 year
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((And now it's time to play my favorite game GUSH OVER EVERYBODY!))
((Nope! I don't have a favorite to interact with here, but there are so many wonderful people on here that I must brag on them for a bit. I'm also nervous because I'm afraid I'll forget someone and I definitely don't want that.))
These are in no particular order except the first one...and the last one
@doctorstrangeaskblog - I have been a fan of your blog for a very long time, and you were actually the first ask blog I interacted with after I made this blog. The fact you replied to my tag just made my day and made me believe this blog could be successful. Even though we don't interact much, you have a special place in my heart.
@arandomnerdsrp358 - Cassie, my sunshine, you saw I needed a Cassie and you jumped right in, and it has been wonderful to have you! I always love when you tag me in something or send me an ask, because I just enjoy writing with you. And I love that other people recognize you're my Cassie too. That makes me happy.
@askthewasp - I am so so so glad you are on here! Scott needs a Hope, and you are such a gem. Having our Scott and Hope interact is so sweet all my teeth could fall out from the cavities, and I just love it. Like you're super cute, bestie, and I'm so glad you hopped into my ask box. <3 You're so awesome, and don't you forget it.
@askyelenabelova - Dude I looooooove your Yelena, and you are the bomb! Like you're so much fun. I love interacting with you, and Scott loves interacting with Yelena. Honestly, ever since I watched the Black Widow movie, I was like I really want to see Scott and Yelena be friends, and we get to have that! It makes me so happy. You make me so happy! You're so awesome. Feel free to hop by any time!
I would be a ridiculous person to not mention all the Anons who keep me and Scott on our toes. Sir Anon, my first "named" anon, Meme Lord, 🍀Anon, Boombox Anon, Goose Anon, "what if you?" Anon, and Creepy Craig lol among many others. Y'all are awesome, and Scott and I love you. Even if you sometimes cause mischief.
Speaking of mischief, @askthesecondgenerationavengers Loki, you are priceless. I always enjoy when I see you in my asks because I literally never ever know what's gonna happen. You definitely keep me on my toes too and I love. That goes for @ask-kurt-wagnerandrpwithhim @ask-wolverine and all the other X-Men who have found some fun on my blog. Never thought Scott or I would be involved with X-Men, yet here we are and we love it.
@askazara @oldmanwithashield @smolbendyhorn @indoraptorgirlwind @ultimategamernerd @thek2b @sobeautifullyobsessed @koffeebiscuits You guys make us smile. Just know that. You make us smile so very much and we appreciate you!
@og-ant-man and @totally-not-spiderman-askblog I haven't interacted with you all that much yet, but you guys seem pretty cool. I foresee a lot more interactions between us and I look forward to all of that.
@youknowwhoiamaskblog Last but most certainly not least, Iron Mun, the other half of the Mun Bros and the person who is as much Tony as I am Scott. I could write a book about you, my friend. Every time I see you pop up in my notifications in anyway at all, I drop everything and check. Heck, sometimes I scour your blog because I'm such a fan of your content. I adore how you portray Tony, and you already know your tags give me life. You make me laugh, you break my heart, and you make me want to hug you and Tony for all sorts of reasons! And I am so so so so proud of our Math Bros and the content we're creating. Let me just say, RDJ would be so proud of your rendition of such a beloved character. You're so funny and sweet and kind and a really creative writer don't look at me like that it's true you are! I am so so so glad you and your Tony reached out.
Okay...did I get everyone? Did I miss someone? Oh geez, I hope not. I really don't want to hurt someone's feelings. Wow, look at this list. It's long, and that's such a good thing. I feel loved and blessed, and I know Scott does too. Trust me ;)
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puppyeared · 2 years
Hot topic girl where would I be without u
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icycoldninja · 2 months
hey so i was thinking: Sparda Boys and V with a writer S/O? take as long as you need to with this (writer's block is kicking my ass rn sadly but) , i don't really mind
Hey I feel that bro, enjoy and hopefully your inspiration will return to you 💜
Sparda Boys + V x Writer!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-He's not a scholar and knows next to nothing about books since he rarely reads, but if his sweetheart is writing stuff, by God, he will read whatever they put out there.
-Uses you as a human dictionary whenever he comes across new words, not understanding that that's not the purpose of a writer.
-"Hey babe, what's this word?"
"What word?"
"Ink-can-dress-ant, I think that's how you say it."
"How's it spelled?"
"Incandescent, Dante, not ink-can-dress-ant."
-He'll be the first to read your work and is very proud of this fact. He, Dante, the Legendary Devil Hunter, is also your private beta reader. Awesome.
-Oddly enough, him reading all your works results in him developing a larger vocabulary--something that shocked everyone, especially Vergil.
-Congratulations! Thanks to you, Dante can use big words now!
■ Vergil ■
-You, a writer, are dating Vergil, the biggest bookworm on the planet? You are now Vergil's goddess.
-He wants to read everything, regardless of its quality. He'll visually devour all the words off the page, absorbing every word.
-You two now have yet another topic to nerd out about; you can spend hours chatting about books, writing techniques, and so on.
-Vergil is filled with a sense of pride whenever he reads your published writing; it pleases him so much to know you're growing your talents.
-He has an entire bookshelf dedicated to your books and takes special care of these books. They're more than just words on pages bound by cardboard and leather; they're treasures.
-Will take up writing as well, just so he can be closer to you.
□ Nero □
-Nero is not a bookworm by any sense of the word; he's read a few books in his time, but he's more combat oriented.
-Doesn't mind being a beta reader for anything you write.
-Your works have inspired him to take up reading again, and in doing so, he unleashes his inner book nerd. Like father, like son.
-He's always looking forward to whatever you write, and when you get writers block (as we all do) he'll take you out to a park, or a peaceful lake, in the hopes that the natural beauty of your surroundings might restore your creative juices.
-He, too, has a collection of all your works and keeps them proudly on display on a nice bookshelf in his house.
-Encourages you daily to keep writing because now he's addicted to reading your work. You really have changed him.
● V ●
-Oh congratulations, you've found yourself a soul mate.
-V loves to read (he totes his copy of William Blake poetry around and reads from it all the time, even in the middle of battle) and is more than happy to read your books.
-V is also a writer himself; he writes poetry, as we know. Because of this, he understands more than anyone the pain of writer's block and knows just what to do about it.
-He'll arrange for a relaxing movie/reading night, which in his experience, helps restore your creativity.
-If that doesn't work, Griffon's loud mouth and wise-guy (yet funny) jokes will take your mind off of things.
-V understands literature and knows all sorts of obscure things about famous literary figures; so much so that you two can converse for hours on end just gabbing away about books, their authors, and other interesting tidbits of knowledge.
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The news is in from the Cannes film festival-- the latest movie from acclaimed director Lars Von Trier has just won the Palme D'Ore for a film critics are describing as "a 90-minute play-by-play of an ant getting executed". They rave; "that little red fucker got his shit blown out from 100 meters by a 50 cal rifle. fucking awesome", "this guy backflipped over the ant, 🐜, pulled out a fat fuckin sawed off and blew that bitch to kingdom come. there was nothing left of her too just a red smear. they played it back like 50 times in slow motion too"
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Unpredictable, Part 4-Limoreau x black!fem!reader fic
A/N: I thought this one was going to be a little shorter but I was wrong. Hope you all enjoy!
Warnings: swearing, sensuality, and Rufus appears in this part.
Word Count: 6.6k
Series Masterlist
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Being perpetually early was a good habit until it left me bored and looking up from my phone every few seconds. Of course, it was always a stranger, and we would exchange quick smiles when we made eye contact. However, my nervousness increased each time it wasn’t Jordan.
As I replied to a voice note from Sydney, I wondered why Jordan asked to train with me today. Last year, they basically forced me to train with them all the time after our first match.
“You can’t be one of Brink’s new favorites and be this bad at basic combat,” they’d insisted.
Every match was horrible, and I thought I was going to die each time. Though Jordan never hit me hard, they were still intense, and my heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest at the end. When I passed my Intro to Combat class, Jordan agreed that we didn’t have to train together as much but they still expected me to practice.
I gulped at the thought and sent off the comment.
At least I was in shape.
“Lookin’ good, Y/N,” a deep voice called.
When I glanced up, Chad Mitchell and Thad Browne, the Alpha Tau vice president and treasurer, were walking up the gym steps. A pair of skinny blondes in Lululemon leggings exiting the gym gasped at the two of them. Chad grinned widely, revealing his movie-star smile, and Thad winked at them as they passed. No one could blame any girl for staring at two tall broad-shouldered guys in Gymshark t-shirts, Gymshark shorts, white Nike ankle socks, and Nike sneakers.
Chad pushed his dark blonde hair away from his face while he towered over me.
I straightened up a little. “Oh, thanks, Chad.”
“I never thanked you for warning me about trying to do a backflip during the Get Lei’d party,” Chad said.
“It’s no problem; I’m glad I had a vision about it in time.”
“But it would’ve been awesome if you landed a backflip from the house roof!” Thad interrupted.
Chad glanced at him. “The broken nose and knee would not have been worth it.” He turned back to me, eyes roaming the black Alo Yoga set I wore before making it back to my eyes. “So, was rush a success for Si Chi?”
I swallowed and folded my arms over my chest. “I would say so; Bid Day will be interesting. How about Alpha Tau?”
“We always get the best,” Thad interjected, chuckling.
“Yeah, ours aren’t looking bad. You know, after Bid Day’s over, Alpha Tau and Si Chi should have a mixer; make sure all our recruits get to know each other,” Chad proposed.
He placed his hand on the wall beside me, right next to my head, and leaned closer. The scent of musk was nauseating, and I turned away from him to cover my nose with my jacket.  
“You should reach out to Alina about that; she’s in charge of social events,” I rushed.
Chad nodded but I wasn’t sure he listened. “Yeah, Thad, do that.”
“Cool,” Thad agreed.
“You seem a little jumpy, Y/N. Are you waiting for your boyfriend or something?” Chad asked.
 Last year, Thad and Chad ignored me, opting to hover around Alina and Sasha. I guess my warning impressed Chad at the end of the year Get Lei’d party. Plus, it wasn’t like either of them were bad prospects but each time Chad looked at me, it was like ants were crawling over my skin.
“Sort of.”
“Doesn’t sound like you’re too sure. Why don’t you warm up with Thad and me? I’m sure he won’t mind.”
That would be the worst idea since acid-washed jeans. However, Si Chi and Alpha Tau were close houses and one had to maintain the balance between them. Sydney and Lydia always made it look so easy.
“I can’t leave you alone for five minutes?” Jordan’s voice cut through the air as she strolled up the steps, irritation clear on her feminine features.
Suddenly, Chad was about a foot away from me, both hands in front of him for a second before he finally put them back at his sides. Thad looked as though he saw a ghost as he moved to stand next to Chad.
“My bad, Jordan, I didn’t know she was with you,” Chad rambled.
“Yeah, man, we had no idea,” Thad added.
Jordan glared at both as she moved to stand next to me. “You can go away now.”
I never saw them move so quickly and when they were gone, I stared at Jordan. “What was that?”
She shrugged. “They know their place. Were you waiting long?”
“No, they just happened to beat you here. Thanks, by the way.”
“Don’t worry about it. Do you have to see them a lot?”
“Kind of and this is the first time either has been that close to me.”
“I thought frat guys were every sorority girl’s type.”
I scrunched my nose. “Not the stereotypical ones.”
“Oh, I forgot, you’re the pickiest girl I know.”
I huffed and gently pushed her shoulder, but she didn’t miss a step as we walked towards the gym entrance. “Don’t judge me for having standards.”
“It’s not my fault that you’re easy to tease.”
Since Jordan rented out the training space, it was quiet outside of the few grunts and weights clanging in the neighboring weight room. The entire space was reinforced for any power mishaps and the focal point was the blue mat in the middle of the space with a large black ring lining its perimeter. I groaned as Jordan pushed on my back, forcing me closer to the mat and making my inner thighs burn in the splits.
“I thought yoga was supposed to make you flexible,” she quipped.
“I am, but I think you like seeing me in pain,” I replied.
“Never,” she teased. “So…did you get anything else on Emma?”
Her words made me stiffen and I sat up on my forearms and shook my head. “Something’s blocking me. Usually, even when I can’t see clear images, I get blurry images but it’s like something has shut off that part of my brain.”
It was the same issue last night when Jordan, Marie, Andre, Cate, and I went looking for Emma. All I could see was her with that guy I never met. Even though everyone said it was okay, their sulking shoulders and lack of eye contact spoke louder; especially Marie’s.
When I got back to the house last night, I gave myself a migraine trying to find Emma and it took me forever to stop hyperventilating. I could have killed Andre for coming up with the dumbest plan on planet earth.
“Don’t worry about it,” Jordan said, cutting through my thoughts.
She let me sit up and I turned to her.
“I just feel useless. Finding things out is the one thing I’m good at and I can’t even do that?”
“Hey, it’s not the one thing you’re good at. You’re good at dancing, studying, fashion, and helping other people.”
Jordan’s tone was earnest and matter-of-fact; no one could have argued with her and I suddenly felt all fuzzy.
I smiled. “I am the best-dressed on campus.”
“Relax, we’ll find Emma, just focus on what you can do. Like, trying not to get knocked out of bounds four times in a row.”
I scoffed at Jordan but she grinned at me. “Maybe you should take your own advice.”
“Oh, she has an attitude now?”
“Maybe you just bring it out of me.” I pushed myself up to stand. “Usual rules?”
“I won’t use any powers outside of shifting, you can use yours as much as you want, no cheap shots, and the one knocked out of bounds the most loses.”
“I can’t wait to try the new sushi place at the union; Shelby said it’s amazing.”
“You’ll be trying it on your own dime.”
Jordan always got cocky when sparring. Now that Luke was gone, Jordan was the best fighter on campus. Whenever we trained, I tried to use wiping that big smirk off their face as motivation and it never worked. The best I ever managed to do was not break anything.
Jordan’s smirk never left her face as we squared off from each other. I took the deepest breath I could and tried to quiet my mind. Seconds later, my mind filled with the image of Jordan going for a right hook. I blocked her and went for a jab of my own, skimming her left cheek.
“Not bad,” she huffed as she dodged it. “You need to hold your upper body better; anyone could knock you off balance right now.”
Based on a brief flash, I knew that she was either going to sweep me or push me to prove her point. So, when she went to push me, I slipped away from her, maintaining my guard. She blew a piece of hair out of her face.
“What was that about my balance?” I panted.
“Don’t get cocky, freshie, I won’t go so easy on you,” She taunted.
My heart might have skipped a beat as I took a risk based on a vision and rushed her. When I saw she was going to shift, I stopped just short of Jordan’s reach, slipped down, and swept her feet. Just when I was going to make contact, she backflipped, shifted in the middle of the back flip, and landed in a crouch.
His elated expression made the hairs on the back of my neck stand as he stalked towards me. Our sparring match continued with me utilizing my ability as well as I could to get in the best hits. My heart hammered in my chest as I kept up with their ever-changing forms and fighting styles. In between jabs, Jordan continued giving me tips.
“Use your full body weight with each punch.”
“Your right roundhouse has gotten stronger, that’s good.”
“You’re dropping your left elbow too much when you weave.”
I did my best to incorporate all their tips into the sparring match and even got a couple of hits on them. At one point, Jordan and I exchange a flurry of punches and blocks and for the first time, I almost laughed while fighting them.
It was…fun.
I was able to get some distance between us before attempting another roundhouse kick that was guaranteed to make contact with the side of his head. Just as I was about to kick out my left leg, Jordan shifted to their female form and tackled me. Her grip was harsh around my shoulders while mine struggled to hold onto hers because of the sweat. I paused and noticed she was practically drenched and panting over me. A few strands of black hair fell out of her ponytail and stuck to her forehead, and she was still so pretty.
She seemed to pause as well and raised her eyebrows at me. “Focus on the fight.”
Her words stirred something in me, and I focused on what could be my best move.
The image was only a few seconds long but it almost left me catatonic went it ended. If this didn’t work, I had no idea how I would live it down.
Quickly, I leaned up and closed the distance between us.  Jordan’s lips were so soft against mine and I yelped a little when her body pressed more into mine. Her soft breaths felt like whispers over my face as she kissed me back and I squirmed underneath her.
Focus, Y/N, focus! My mind screamed.
As casually as I could, I pushed my wrists against Jordan’s hands, and a second later, she loosened her grip. Her fingers trailed down my arms as my legs wrapped around her waist, pulling her even closer to me. When I felt her smile against my lips, my stomach sunk.
The leverage I had around her waist was useful as my hands grabbed her shoulders and swung her down onto the mat. Jordan gasped as we pulled away and my hands captured her wrists. “What the---”
“I win!” I cheered.
“No, you just pinned me,” Jordan rasped.
I shook my head and gestured to her right hand, which was just over the out-of-bounds line. In the dozens of fights we had, this was the first time that I won. If I could fly, I would have probably been floating. When I looked back at Jordan’s face, I came back to earth.
“Oh, sorry,” I muttered, releasing her wrists and pushing myself to stand. “And I’m sorry about kissing you without warning.”
When I extended my hand, she looked at it as though it was a cobra ready to strike. After a few seconds, Jordan took the risk and let me help her up. Then, she walked back over to her bag, grabbed her water bottle, and chugged.
“It’s okay, uh, just don’t make out with everyone you fight with; that’s how you catch mono,” Jordan rambled.
I wrinkled my nose. “Ew, I wouldn’t even think about it. With us, I knew it would be my best way to beat you.”
“You don’t have to explain yourself.”
Then, I took a second to look at Jordan. Something was off, she seemed tenser than she usually did after we sparred. Also, she stopped looking at me and started playing with the rings on her fingers. It had to be because of the stress of Emma missing and how there was more lurking on campus than anyone thought. That on top of Brink and Luke’s deaths would make anyone nervous.
Yes, that had to be it because those were the reasons my lips buzzed the entirety of the next training round.
The two extra rounds gave Jordan their bragging rights and no one could wipe the giant smile off her face as we wandered around campus. At the very least, the blazing sun provided some comfort from the cool breeze that blew past us. Since there were several classes in session, only a handful of people were hanging out, panic-studying, and Tik-Toking.
“You should have seen your face when you landed, it was gold!” she laughed.
“I’m glad it was entertaining,” I replied.
Jordan glanced at me, fished a protein bar out of her gym bag, and handed it to me. “Here.”
I shook my head. “I’m fine.”
Jordan paused in her walk to side eye me and I stopped as well. “Don’t give me that shit. I didn’t say anything earlier but, you look awful.”
“Thanks,” I muttered.
Jordan sighed. “That came out wrong; I mean, you look like you haven’t been taking care of yourself.”
The situation was almost laughably ironic since just a couple of days ago, I was sleeping like a baby. However, the Emma-shaped hole was enough to spike my anxiety and the final touches on Bid Day were not helpful either. If Alina tried to deny my top pick at this last meeting…
Oh no, I had totally forgotten to take my meds.
“It’s okay, you actually have perfect timing,” I replied, accepting the protein bar.
It wasn’t super chalky and even if it was, I didn’t care as I popped two of the pills from Shetty and chased it with water.
“You pop pills in public now, freshie?” Jordan joked.
I shook my head and nibbled on the protein bar. “They’re prescribed by Shetty. That explains why I was freaking out earlier.”
“With Dumb and Dumber?”
“Chad and Thad, and yes.” Jordan nodded. “So, they work?”
“Yeah. I probably would have been able to save you the trouble if I’d remembered.”
I put the pill bottle back in my bag as we continued walking. The medicine would take a while to kick in but it was better late than never.
“It wasn’t trouble,” Jordan said.
I didn’t know how to respond so all I could do was nod. In all honesty, I was still processing that kiss. Jordan must have reacted the way she did because she was so caught off guard. If Emma were here, she would help me process, that is if she was willing to speak to me.
“So, do you want me to buy you lunch today or tomorrow?” I asked.
Jordan shook her head. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Hey, I’m a good sport and I always hold up my end,” I tried to joke.
“Yeah, so it makes sense that I would do the mature thing and treat you to that sushi place you were talking about. You beat me for the first time and that shows how much you improved; I remember when you used to drop your guard every time you got scared.”
“It’s not my fault that my first instinct is to run!”
“You won’t always have the chance to run when you’re a supe. Now, I feel better about you being out there on your own.”
Her words made me swell with pride and I thanked her.
“Plus, there’s no one out there as good as me.” I playfully rolled my eyes. “Of course, it all goes back to you.”
“I’m being honest. Seriously, wherever you get a contract, you’ll kick ass especially if you practice more.”
“Fine, Mx. Li.”
At that moment, I couldn’t wait to go back to the house and shower. Class wasn’t for another hour and a half which gave me enough time to try and process everything.
“Is that Marie?” Jordan asked.
I paused and looked in the direction she nodded to. Across the way, Marie slowly approached the bleach-blonde weasel that was Rufus, who was smugly perched on an overpriced bench. He was (fake) reading a book and looking semi-thoughtful.
The protein bar suddenly felt like a rock in my throat.
“What’s she doing with Rufus?” I muttered.
Jordan didn’t reply and we both watched as the two started speaking. Then, Rufus set his book aside and reached his hands out to Marie.
“Shit!” Jordan exclaimed.
“Marie!” I called at the same time.
It was too late, as soon as her hands grazed his, they disappeared. Panic started rising up from the back of my neck and everything was suddenly quiet.
When I blinked, Jordan’s hands cupped my face, and our faces were nearly touching.
“Focus, where did Rufus take Marie?”
After taking a couple of seconds to focus on it, I answered Jordan, and she nearly yanked my arm out of its socket as she raced towards the location. A minute later, we were pushing past people in the dorm until we reached Rufus’ room. My stomach lurched at the muffled sounds of “True”.
“So, what’s the plan?” I asked.
Jordan didn’t respond. Instead, she took one step before kicking Rufus’ door down. The sound of the door hitting the ground should have made me jump but I was too busy staring at Marie’s blood-splattered face as she stared down at Rufus’ keeled over body on the floor. When he rolled onto his back, I saw all the blood covering his groin and the agony on his face.
Somehow, it was both disgusting and exhilarating to watch, kind of like those ridiculous mukbang videos.
I didn’t realize I was staring until Jordan tugged me by the arm down the hallway, Marie in tow. When we got a few hundred feet away, Jordan released us and glared daggers at Marie.
“What the hell was that?” Jordan demanded.
“I don’t know…I just exploded his dick,” Marie uttered, astonished.
“That was…wow,” I breathed.
Marie smiled, accepted the towel Jordan handed her, and wiped her face. “Thanks, I didn’t know I could do that.”
“Why were you talking to Rufus anyway? He’s a creep,” Jordan scolded.
Marie narrowed her eyes at Jordan. “We didn’t have any leads on Emma, and I heard he was a psychic.”
I winced at the jab.
Jordan rolled her eyes. “Rufus is not a psychic; he’s a perverted loser who takes advantage of anything with tits.”
“Gee, thanks,” Marie hissed. “I can take care of myself.”
She shoved the towel in Jordan’s chest and started storming down the hall. Immediately, we started following her and my irritation grew with each step.
“Fine, then I won’t rescue you next time,” Jordan called.
That made her stop and whirl around. “What?”
“I saved you back there, well, Y/N and I both did since she knew where Rufus would take you,” Jordan insisted.
Marie took a step towards us. “I exploded his dick; I didn’t need your help.”
“But I provided a distraction; tag-team cocksplosion here,” Jordan said, gesturing between the two.
“I’m okay being cut from this team,” I commented.
“Oh no, you’re in it too,” Jordan said.
Marie shook her head. “Weirdo.”
Jordan shrugged. “More importantly, Tek Knight is on campus and he’s doing a story on Luke’s death.”
Marie’s eyes widened and I had to stop my mouth from falling open. Tek Knight was the slimiest, most prolific true crime “journalist” on Vought TV. He covered only the buzziest stories, and it made sense he would be on campus. I thought I heard some guys talking about it during a lecture yesterday, but I was so preoccupied that I didn’t focus.
“He’s guest lecturing Shetty’s class today and he’s going to want to talk to you,” Jordan stated.
“Shit,” Marie cursed.
I ran my hands through the ends of my braids. “And if he even gets a hint of what might be going on, we could all be screwed.”
“So, what do we do?” Marie asked.
“If you decide to keep up the lie, don’t let him see you waver, he loves going after that shit,” Jordan grumbled.
Marie rolled her eyes. “Are we on this again?”
“Yeah, you lied!” Jordan snapped.
Quickly, I stepped between them. “Okay, this won’t get us anywhere. Just breathe for a second.”
They both did, eyes still shooting lasers.
“We need to think about this. Since you two are in Shetty’s class, you two will have to figure something out.”
“Are you taking her side?” Jordan accused.
“Are you taking theirs?” Marie asked.
“I’m not taking anyone’s,” I insisted. “If you two keep fighting, no one wins. Just go your separate ways for now and regroup before class?”
It was not my best work but they both seemed to agree as Jordan went one way and Marie started to head down the other. I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding and jogged to catch up to Marie.
She slowed down a little but didn’t face me. “I’m not sorry for trying to find Emma.”
“And that’s great but you should talk to the rest of us before getting mixed up with someone like him.” I shivered at the thought.
Then, she turned to me. “Like I said, we had no leads.”
“I know that, and I am working on it, trust me, I am but I can’t believe you went with Rufus the Rapist instead of giving me time.”
“We don’t have any, Y/N!” Marie snapped. “She could be hanging on by a thread somewhere or dead but we don’t know anything and now I have this Tek Knight shit to worry about.”
I flinched. “I told you, she’s alive and I know you’re scared but I’m scared too. Emma is my best friend and not being able to figure out where she is has been driving me crazy.” Tears began burning in my eyes.
Marie hesitated and looked down for a moment. “You’re right, I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, it just sucks that the last time we talked, we fought. I didn’t even get to talk to her at the gala,” I admitted.
“Yeah,” Marie looked back up at me, “I saw you were talking to a lot of people.”
“I kind of had to.”
“With Jordan?”
I cocked my head at her and she stared at me. “Wait, what?”
She sort of pouted. “I saw you were spending a lot of time with them.”
“We were schmoozing for their ranking,” I explained.
I didn’t need a vision to tell me that she wanted to say more. What was going on with everyone today?
“Next time, I could help you do it, I mean, I don’t think you’ll need my help with Vought liking you,” I thought out loud.
“Don’t remind me.” Marie leaned against the wall. “I don’t know what to do! I’m so deep in this shit that there’s no crawling out.”
She slowly slid down until she sat on the ground, and I sat across from her.
“It might seem like that but, there is a way out, you probably just won’t like it.”
Marie’s eyes flickered up at me. “Are you siding with Jordan?”
“No! What is it with you two? It’s like a live X beef and I’m somehow in the middle!” I exclaimed. “No, I’m not on anyone’s side, I can see both your sides clearly: you want to get ahead and this a great chance to do it and Jordan feels like they saved you only to have you trample all over them.”
Marie frowned at my words. “They would have done the same thing!”
“I don’t know…” I don’t know anything anymore.
I pushed myself to stand. “It’s your choice, Marie.”
“What would you do?” she whispered.
“Honestly, I have no clue but I would probably talk to Cate about it.” I pulled her to her feet. “By the way, that cocksplosion was so awesome.”
Marie smiled. “Like I said, it just happened out of nowhere.”
“I knew he had some bad karma coming his way, but I didn’t think you’d deliver it.”
Then, she hugged me and I felt stunned. She smelled like cinnamon and something earthy that I couldn’t put my finger on. I had no idea that she had such a strong grip, it was kind of comforting. I slowly hugged her back and when she pulled away, she gasped.
“I got blood on you, I’m so sorry,” Marie apologized.
“It’s okay, no one should be able to tell unless they have a luminol ability,” I pointed out.
She nodded and as I made way out of the dorm, my curiosity got the better of me, and I focused on how the lecture would go. Unfortunately, all I saw was a brief scene of Jordan and Marie speaking in Marie’s dorm. They weren’t fighting so that must be positive.
Two hours later, I was sitting in one of the beach chairs out by the Si Chi pool, fuming. Sasha thought she was so slick, trying to persuade Sydney to let Justine in despite all the issues. She could have at least come up with a decent argument; the fact that she hadn’t even tried was almost the most insulting part.
I just happened to catch the two of them speaking on the staircase when I returned from my advanced modern dance class. Sydney politely nodded as Sasha spoke.
“…and she’s the best in her class!” Sasha finished.
“That’s great, but I don’t want anyone who uses someone else’s triggers for their own gain representing this house,” Sydney replied firmly.
“Sydney, how’s the selection process going?” I called.
They both turned to me and Sasha lost some color in her face.
“Good, we’ve narrowed it down and we’ll finalize it tonight,” Sydney said.
That should have been satisfying but it wasn’t. Who did Sasha think she was? She could be antagonistic but she never outright bullied anyone. Does she want Justine to be a protégé?
“Y/N,” someone whispered.
I jumped in my seat and glanced around the pruned backyard. No one else was out with the other girls either heading to another class or studying. It must have been my imagination.
That time it was louder, and I slowly stood. “This isn’t funny, whoever’s out there!”
This day really was turning into too much. First, I kissed Jordan----which I still hadn’t unpacked----, second, Rufus got castrated in the most violent way possible, and third, I was hearing voices or being stalked.
Slowly, I started creeping back towards the house. Maybe it was time for a nap since sleep deprivation could drive anyone crazy. Maybe that would help me find Emma.
“Y/N, it’s me!”
And now the voices sounded like her.
“Over here!”
Something told me that I wouldn’t end up like every non-final white girl in a horror movie. So, I started walking in the direction of the voice, which just happened to be in the thick wall of shrubs that lined the perimeter.
“Where is here?” I whispered.
Then, a hand reached out from some shrubs on the right side. Carefully, I approached it and knelt down, still keeping my distance. Then, a head of curly blonde hair poked its way out of the shrubs, pieces of greenery attached to its scalp.
“Emma!” I rasped.
“Hey, do you mind being surprised after you help me out of here?” she asked.
As soon as I got her out, I hugged her. I was right, she was alive this whole time. I almost cried tears of joy as I slowly pulled away from her.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so happy to see you!”
“I’m happy to see you two but we’re both in trouble if someone catches us like this,” Emma said.
As quickly as I could, I snuck her up into my room and she collapsed on the bed as soon as I closed the door. With the better look at her, I noticed she was in a random black movie theater t-shirt, shorts, and she only had one shoe. She wasn’t too dirty but I tried not to think about having to wash my comforter once she left.
“Emma, where have you been? What’s going on?”I asked.
“Well, Andre sent me on a mission to find Luke’s brother,” Emma started.
“I know that much; is that the guy you were with?”
Emma shot up to a sitting position. “You saw us?”
“Sort of. I had no idea where you were going, why?”
“No reason, I don’t know why I was surprised, you see everything.”
Even though I didn’t, I let Emma continue. As she spoke, my eyes got wider and wider. There was so much to unpack: there was a research lab under the school called The Woods where they tested supes, the researchers faked Sam’s, Luke’s brother, death but kept him in The Woods, and they are working on something big.
“What is it?” I asked.
Emma shrugged. “Sam has no idea but he knows that the doctors have been working on it for a while and they’re almost done.”
I nodded. “Okay, where is he now?”
“In an abandoned theater. It sounds creepy but the stale snacks and ambiance make it kind of cute,” she chirped.
I shook my head. “You like him.”
Emma gasped, “What? I do not!”
“He’s your type: cute and a little messed up.” “I don’t have a type and even if I did, you might’ve been close to it,” she muttered.
I smiled and hugged her again. “It’s so good to see you again. I don’t know what I would have done if…”
“Hey, like someone could kill me.” Emma tried to keep her tone lighter, but I could tell she was scared.
When I pulled away, I apologized for everything that happened before the gala. I wasn’t that good of a friend and Emma did everything she could for me, even when she didn’t have to.
“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have projected and called you perfect; I know that everything with your parents has been rough for you and you’re managing it as well as you can. Plus, I hid the whole how I get small thing from you,” Emma rambled.
“Why’d you hide it from me? You can tell me anything, that’s what best friends do,” I whispered.
Emma looked down at her hands. “Because I knew it would make us both feel like shit. You had other stuff going on and I didn’t want to be a burden. I’m the one who cheers you up and I was ashamed.”
“You’re allowed to feel bad sometimes, Emma, but it really hurt knowing you felt like you couldn’t reach out to me for help,” I managed, feeling myself starting to choke up.
“Don’t cry because if you cry, then I’ll cry.” She hugged me again and we both sniffled. “Okay, from now on, we tell each other everything.”
When Emma pulled away, she had the most mischievous grin on her face paired with a fake nonchalant look in her eye. I immediately eyed her as she crossed her legs and started glancing around the room.
“So, to go off that, what’s going on with you and Jordan?” she asked.
“Are you kidding me? You come back from disappearing and that’s the first thing you want to know?”
“I could have died, Y/N.”
“Do not try to guilt me!”
I took a deep breath and mulled it over for a moment. A couple of hours ago, I would have killed for this chance to talk to Emma and now that it was here, I was stopping myself. There shouldn’t be anything stopping me, especially since we just promised each other that we wouldn’t keep anymore secrets. With that thought, I told her everything, from the night at the club, to when we kind of rescued Marie.
When I looked at her, Emma was stunned.
“What?” was all she could muster.
I nodded. “Yeah, it’s a lot.”
“You went from almost kissing Jordan to full-on kissing Jordan. I could tell you liked them by the way you talked about them last year but this is progress,” Emma remarked.
“I didn’t like them like that last year, I don’t now. Anyway, I only did it after I saw the vision and it was to win the fight, so does that really count?” I asked.
Emma raised her eyebrows. “Did you feel anything on the other side of that kiss?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, did you feel them kissing you back? Were they breathing all heavy? Were their hands moving all over your body?”
All those things happened but, Jordan must have been caught up in the moment.
“If Jordan was caught up, they would have snapped out of it but they didn’t until you pulled away,” Emma pointed out.
“I did it as a distraction tactic!”
“Doesn’t matter since they liked it,” Emma said with a shrug. “And you must have enjoyed it.”
“How would you know?”
“Because the tip of your nose is turning red.”
I yelped and covered my nose. “It’s because this conversation is embarrassing. Besides, I don’t have time for a relationship; I have to finish out rush week and then there’s initiation and not to mention classes---” Emma placed her hands on my shoulders and forced me to look at her. “Y/N, ‘having time’ has nothing to do with liking someone. You’ve had googly eyes for Jordan for a year now, it’s okay to admit it!”
“I have not! They bullied me for half of last year.”
“Really? Did they ever say anything super mean to you or try to hurt you?”
As I took a second to think about my dynamic with Jordan, I realized that they only delivered playful jabs that I returned when I got comfortable around them. So, I shook my head.
“And aren’t they always trying to keep you out of trouble?”
“Not always,” I muttered.
Emma groaned. “Why did I think it would be easy to get you to admit that you like someone? You’re so oblivious.”
“I am not!”
“Really? So, how would you describe your relationship with Marie?”
“Really? Because when you were doing her makeup that night, I thought you got lost in her eyes. Those big, beautiful, puppy dog eyes.”
I playfully pushed her but she maintained her pose and I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped me. Even though her words were lighthearted, I had paused a few times that night to admire Marie but she was pretty, everyone admired pretty.
“I was trying to do a good job with her eyeshadow. Besides, I thought you were still insisting I like Jordan,” I responded.
Emma relaxed and stared at me like I grew a second head. “You are way deeper in denial than I thought you were.” “What are you talking about?”
“I know that sexuality is a spectrum and a journey and everything but, Y/N, you clearly like two people.”
Her words hung in the air as I returned her stare. Emma had lost it, officially.
There was no way I liked both Marie and Jordan. Marie relaxed me as soon as I saw her and friends are supposed to be relaxed with friends. I felt like I could tell her anything and any friend would feel bad about accidentally ditching their friend on a night out. Also, any friend would feel like crying if their friend told them that they accidentally killed their parents. Any friend would want to try to make them feel better since they couldn’t take away the pain.
And as far as Jordan went, I was well aware of how attractive they were in both forms and occasionally felt warm inside when they smiled at me, but those were just hormones. Plus, Jordan was a protective person so it made sense that they would jump in when necessary. The shivers I’d attempted to hide when they pulled me onto their lap were normal.
“No, that doesn’t make any sense,” I muttered.
“I can only help you so much. It’s clear to me and maybe even to Jordan and Marie.”
I shook my head. “We don’t have time for this. We should find Marie and let her know that you’re alive and everything you told me.” “Okay, and if she just happens to give you a thank-you kiss, I’ll try not to gloat.”
“Emma,” I warned.
“Okay, can I borrow some shoes before we leave?”
Emma practically bounced with each step on the way to her dorm. Even though I convinced her to wear one of my hoodies just in case, she seemed happy to be back on campus. Hopefully, we could get everyone together and get this all figured out. Once this was over, then I would be able to focus on Bid Day and maybe what Emma had been saying.
It was going to be so awkward talking to Marie after that conversation. I felt so many things that I didn’t know what to settle on: confusion, frustration, anxiety, and all the others I couldn’t name.
The meds must have kicked in as Emma began trying to unlock her door. I was settled and comfortable. Everything was going to be fine.
Finally, Emma threw open her door. “Holy shit, so much is happening!” she announced as she stormed into her room.
I trailed after her and felt my anxiety break free from its cage. Jordan had Marie pinned against the wall, kissing her like it was his last chance. Marie seemed equally as passionate as she tugged on his shirt. At Emma’s words, they jumped away from each other, both frazzled and disheveled, eyes wide.
Then a flood of more emotions I couldn’t name washed over me.
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espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
*intensely thinking of final answer*
*game show waiting music*
I think I'm going with miscommunication with Bucky.
*presses button to log it in*
*game show celebration music* congratulations! You have a Bingo!!! 💗 This was fun. I'm hoping it counts as Miscommunication because, technically, it's only one-sided. But I loved it so much I had to write it. Anyway - enjoy! 🥰
summary 'cause it's a little longer: You’re the new recruit with mind-controlling abilities and Bucky hates it. But after avoiding you for a while and being responsible for several dangerous situations because of it, Bucky is asked to resolve his issues with you. He’s not amused, but amazing things can happen when people are trapped in elevators and it makes Bucky realize that, maybe, you’re not as awful as he thought.
Miscommunication (Bingo Game)
BuckyBarnes x Enhanced!Female!Reader
word count: 3.3k
warnings: enemies to friends (for now?), grumpy!Bucky, angst, swearing, sassy reader, arguing, and me trying to be funny
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“Can you make people cry?”
“What about making them dance real good.” Another man chimed in. You remembered him introducing himself as ‘The Falcon’.
“On what?”
“Are you a good dancer?” You smirked. 
“Is that a challenge?” He raised his eyebrows. 
“What about farts, can you make people fart,” The ant guy asked with enthusiasm. 
“I... I haven’t tried that yet.”
“Well, it would be a great prank.”
“I guess?” It wasn’t the weirdest thing you’d been asked before - you’d never forget that day your niece brought you to school for your magic talent... kindergartners asked the most unexpected questions. But hearing them from an adult was still a little unusual. 
“So you can just make people do things?” The youngest of the group asked.
“Pretty much.”
“It’s hard to explain.”
His eyes lit up. “Woah, so you could make Mr. Falcon go and get me a bowl of popcorn right now?”
“Careful, spider boy.” The man - Sam, you believed - warned. 
“I could, yes.”
“I’ve never had this much power!” Peter rubbed his hands with a bright smile - his name was easy to remember with all the questions he fired at you.
“You still don’t, kid. Keep it down a little will ya?” The goatee man tapped his shoulder with the twitch of his brow. 
“Oh, yes Mr. Stark. Sorry, Mr. Stark.”
“Tony,” he corrected.
“Right. Mr. Tony, sir.”
You’d been here for thirty minutes and everyone was all over you. You didn’t mind, really. On the contrary, you enjoyed that the people you would work with were actually interested. Well, all except for one. It didn’t go past you that one person had been watching you from the corner the whole time, not losing a word, simply staring ahead broodily with his arms crossed 
“Alright, everyone,” Tony clapped once, “last question. I still have to show the rookie the rest of the compound.”
“Oh me, me, me!!!” Peter raised his hand and almost picked Tony’s nose.
“Barnes, do you have anything? You’ve been awfully quiet.”
“I don’t need to know shit, Stark.” The brunette pushed himself off the wall, revealing a couple more inches to his height you had not noticed before. 
“Don’t be rude, Mr. Barnes,” Peter pouted; he seemed to be adoring you already. 
“I’m not rude. It’s just a stupid power that no one needs. It’s fucking dangerous and shouldn’t be part of the Avengers,” he exclaimed and proceeded to leave the room, making you feel a little sad and the rest of the team look baffled. 
“Well... okay.” Tony turned to you, rolling his eyes as Peter’s desperate noises reached his ears again. “What’s your question, Peter?”
“Miss, I don’t think your power is stupid. It’s super mega awesome and I seriously wish I could tell Flash about it, he would be so jealous!” You laughed. 
“The question, kid.”
“Oh, yes... can you make animals talk?”
That had been about four weeks ago, and Bucky had been avoiding you ever since. He had heard what you could do the first day you got introduced, and thanks to Peter he had more than enough knowledge about how vastly your power reached. 
Mind control. That was the fucking last thing they needed on the team. How fucking ridiculous. Bucky didn’t want to have anything to do with it, or you for that matter. It was enough that Wanda had the ability to read minds, he didn’t need someone controlling them on top of it. 
So Bucky didn’t like you or your power or the danger that came with it, and he put a huge amount of effort into showing you his disdain. When you entered the room, he stood to leave. When you were assigned on a mission together, he tried to switch with someone else - earning him weeks worth of laundry duty for Sam and dishwashing chores for Nat - but that was worth it. And when he wasn’t able to, he communicated with you as little as possible, earning a couple of scoldings from Stark and Fury for not warning you of threats in time - but really, nothing bad ever happened, so Bucky didn’t know what the problem was.
And soon, much to Bucky’s relief, you started reciprocating the hostile behavior he displayed toward you on a daily basis.
Constant bickering, dangerous situations, and death stares were your new M.O. but Bucky knew it only meant for you to finally back off. Because you had tried to be nice to him in the beginning, and Bucky felt a little bad for making you sad, but it was nothing to how sorry he would be if he ever let you in. 
A gunshot sounded through the crackly speaker.
Followed by a round of grunts and hits of which a fair amount landed in Bucky’s ribs and face.
“Oh right, there’s a hostile headed your way. Sorry, must’ve slipped my mind. I’m a little ‘careless’ at times.”
Yep, that one had hurt. But he’d rather pack a punch than retract his comment about your being careless. Because that’s what you were - or rather your ability. Careless and dangerous.
Bucky watched as Steve crossed his arms after pausing the recording, his captain stare in full force as he watched his best friend lean back in his chair unimpressed.
“Buck, you know I don’t want to do this but it's also my job to make sure my team is conducting missions safely. So, what’s wrong? You don’t usually act this way - even with people you don’t like - so don’t even try.”
Bucky just huffed, crossing his arms as well. He didn’t feel the need to respond. This was ridiculous; everyone should see how dangerous you were.
“You got a chance to solve this the easy way here. Help me out a little, pal. If you don’t cooperate, I need to apply official protocol. So tell me, please, what’s the problem?” Steve’s eyebrows were raised in anticipation, but Bucky was too sulky to help. To hell with this ‘I’m your friend-‘crap - he should go ahead and apply official protocol, maybe they’d see that your ability alone probably violated six paragraphs of the Avengers’ Oath. 
He bit his tongue before losing another comment swirling in his head, looking out the window to distract himself from the unfortunate situation he found himself in. Bucky hated when Steve became all professional with him. It was stupid. 
“You’re putting yourself and the team in danger,” Steve tried again, “there must be a reason for your behaving like this. Let me fix it. Let me help-” 
“I don’t need fixing!” Bucky snapped, his eyes finding Steve’s in a heartbeat as he leaned forward in his chair. 
“Then what is it? Do you like her? Is that why you're being so...” The blonde’s hand flailed in the air as he tried to find the words to describe Bucky’s behavior. 
“Fuck no.” He leaned back again. 
“Language,” Steve warned, only to earn a side eye from his friend. 
Bucky knew exactly why he avoided you. And so should Steve. He was his best friend for fuck’s sake. This was the most unnecessary conversation he’s ever had. If anything, Steve should have his back and not try to ‘fix him’.
“You should talk to her.”
“I’m being serious. What’s the issue?”
“You know damn well what the issue is, Steve!” Bucky rose from his chair but Steve didn't flinch. He merely scolded him for his cursing again. 
But after a minute of blank staring at each other, Steve broke the silence again. “You’re scared.”
And Bucky exhaled a long breath before training his eyes on the ceiling. “Of course I’m scared, Steve! There is nothing worse than not being in control.” He looked at him. “Im gonna hurt people. I have before. And being close to her... It just makes the possibility of the winter soldier returning a lot more likely.”
“She wouldn’t do that.”
“You don’t know that. She’s had no training; it could happen accidentally.
Steve was quiet for a while, just looking at his friend, assessing his comment. Bucky could see the wheels turning behind his eyes and after a while, he just stared out the window again until the blonde would present another righteous monologue to him. 
“You should tell her,” Steve finally said and Bucky wondered why it had taken him so long to come up with a sentence he’d already said. 
“I don’t need to tell her shit. Just keep her away from me.” He rolled his eyes, but he was desperate at this point. Bucky just wanted to go - leave and stop being bothered by everyone. 
Steve just shook his head in defeat - Bucky had done it again. Successfully shaken the unavoidable for today. He smiled to himself as he turned to leave the conference room. But before he could reach the last chair on his way, Steve held him back one last time.
“She’s a very nice person, you know? And your attitude towards her is affecting everyone on the team. Maybe, if you could look past your issues with her... You’d see how nicely she fits in with us.” Steve cocked his head to the side with a small smile. “I’m sure you’d get along if you just took the time to get to know her...”
But Bucky only replied with a bitter ‘shut up, punk’ before averting his eyes again. He didn’t like this at all. 
Steve sighed. “Just promise me you’ll do something.”
Bucky shot him one last look before turning and leaving without another response. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Bucky looked at you through hooded eyelids upon your entering the elevator. 
You just ignored him. You had tried to be nice long enough, tried to make him your friend one too many times, each one teaching you just how vain the attempt had been. Because if you had learned one thing about Bucky Barnes over the past month, it was that he hated your guts and that he was not willing to try and be civil with you. So, you saw no reason to be nice anymore. 
“Don’t act like it's my pleasure either.” You turned and faced the door after pushing the buttons to your floor. 
Bucky just huffed behind you and you held your head a little higher, trying to let the seconds pass until you could leave again. It’s only an elevator ride - how hard could it be? But time seemed to pass slower than usual, and the unsteady rattling of the glass chamber going up the tower made the whole ordeal that much more unpleasant. 
That was until it suddenly stopped, a screeching sound echoing through the small space until the elevator halted abruptly, making you lose your balance for a brief moment. 
“What the-“ you muttered and pressed the floor button another time. Then again. And again. But nothing happened.  
You tried the emergency call button, but again, nothing. You were stuck. Several hundred feet in the air with Bucky Barnes. Great.
You took a deep breath, there were worse things, you tried to calm yourself, but upon stealing a glance over your shoulder, only to see Bucky glaring at you, that attempt disintegrated. Still, you chose to ignore him. You’d get out of here eventually. Someone would notice you were missing and look for you, check the security cameras, maybe - do something and finally break open these damn elevator doors. 
But then Bucky began to shuffle behind you, his steps clicking on the tiled floor of the lift, and uneven pace interrupted by the confines of the small room and it agitated you. It was enough you were stuck in an elevator when you had work to do. Now you couldn’t even concentrate. 
“Would you stop pacing?” You finally snapped and turned around only to see Bucky staring at you with wide eyes.
But he caught himself quickly. “What’s it matter to you?”
“It’s annoying. And as much as I hate to be stuck in here with you, we need to find a way not to kill each other until someone comes to help.” You turned back around taking another deep breath and enjoying the silence.
It didn’t last long though because the shuffling picked back up again soon. You waited another minute, but when Bucky made even more noise, a thudding sound coming from behind, you whipped around again to yell at him. 
But you stopped in your tracks as you saw him kneeling on the floor, his head tugged beneath his arms as his shoulder heaved rapidly. 
“Wha-“You moved forward to help but-
“Stay away from me!” He spat with fire in his eyes and then his head was back between his knees. 
You took a step back and assessed the situation. The posture, the heavy breathing, the slight shudder in his hands, the constant rocking. He was scared. He was having a panic attack. 
And as much as you wanted to avoid him, you were not cruel. When someone needed help, you helped. “Bucky-“ 
“I said stay the fuck away!” He crawled back into the corner.
You held your hands up in surrender, carefully trying to speak again. “I just want to help-“
“Well, I don’t need your help. Just back off!” The elevator shook with the boom of his voice, making your breath hitch. 
That was it, the last straw. All the pent-up anger of the past weeks bubbled to the surface, desperation and cluelessness balling up in frustration. You could barely feel it crawl up your body before you opened your mouth and screamed back. “What's your problem Bucky? I want you to feel better! What did I do that makes you hate me so much?!”
Your chest heaved in anger, your hands balling into fists as you watched Bucky get up slowly - eyes darker than you’d ever seen before. His arm whirred but he didn’t move it. He merely stepped a little closer to you, towering over you when his husky voice mumbled into the space between you. 
“I don’t hate you.” You swallowed and stared up at him, he was intimidating. “I’m fucking scared to lose control and-“ his vibranium arm shot up towards you but you stopped it in its tracks. Bucky’s fist was hanging in the air above you, your power holding him off and it took a fair amount of strength to do so. His eyes shot from his fist back to you, jaw tensing. 
“I would never do that.”
“You’re telling me I’m irrational?” He hinted towards his arm still held back by your control and you immediately let it fall back to his side. “...that it couldn’t happen by accident?”
“You underestimate me, Bucky.” You pressed with spite, willing him back a step to leave you space to breathe again. 
“I don't know you.”
“And who’s fault is that?” That shut him up. 
Bucky flexed his vibranium fingers, testing his own control again before his eyes found you again. 
“Let me show you.” You tried softly. Maybe this was the gateway to a start-over. At least now you knew the issue, now there was only solving it left. 
Bucky looked at you questioningly.
“Let me show you why you don’t need to be scared.” You smiled and somehow it softened the tension around you. 
Bucky’s shoulders relaxed when he stood up straighter. “And why would I want that?” He was stubborn.
“I’m offering an olive branch here. And after all that you have pulled, I suggest taking it. Because I cannot guarantee I’ll feel this nice again if you don’t.”
Bucky watched you carefully for a moment. As if he was trying to detect a joke in your statement, he analyzed every inch of your body suspiciously. And then after another minute, he sighed in defeat. 
“Then we need to get out of here.”
Bucky was still a little wary now that you had dragged him outside. The sun was shining in the bright blue sky but having you stand so close to him was still making him nervous. He had no idea what he had just signed up for. 
There were a few people outside as well, all going about their days and when he turned his head to you, he noticed you watching them intently. 
“I can feel their energy,” you stated, making Bucky check if anyone was behaving as though he was influenced by you in any way - they weren’t. 
“And, yes, I can make living beings succumb to my will, but when I do, I feel their pain, their mental wars...” You looked at him and Bucky could feel your eyes pushing through to his deepest fears. “I wouldn’t make them do anything I wouldn’t want to endure myself... unless, of course... it’s necessary.”
Bucky thought back to a mission a while back. You had been utilized to make a hostile talk using rather unorthodox strategies. This time you actually had to hold them in place - position their limbs in places they shouldn’t be. He closed his eyes when he remembered your death cries. They had been hunting him for days. But other than you, the hostile had been killed. 
“You’re mentally linking with them,” he whispered almost ashamed for not noticing it earlier. Everyone on the team probably knew it already - he had just never taken the time to listen. 
“Yes.” He swallowed thickly, watching as you turned to him fully and he mirrored your action.
“If I were to make you- if I..,” you trailed off, took a deep breath, and shook your head. “I wouldn’t do that.”
And that’s when Bucky finally understood. All this time he had avoided you, fought with you, and despised you for thinking you’d be cruel for fun. He felt awful.
Your name slipped from his lips for the first time, calling your attention to his sorrowful eyes. “I’m so sorry.”
You nodded. “It’s okay. I understand it’s scary. I was scared of it, too, when I first found out... But I had a lot of time to learn. And now... I actually know how to utilize my power - control it. It even has some perks.”
Bucky’s eyebrows raised intrigued. A silent question to which you only responded by carefully reaching your hand out so his flesh one. 
“Can I?” You asked before actually taking it and Bucky just nodded while watching you carefully.  
He felt a lot calmer than he had before. And when you finally touched his calloused fingers, there was no urge to pull away like there had always been. You smiled at him and then nodded up to the sky, urging him to follow your stare.
“Look,” you whispered, and then Bucky felt his spine tingle. All of a sudden, it felt like his feet were lifted off the ground - smooth and subtle - almost comforting, he was engulfed by the feeling of floating - no - flying. 
His eyes followed the birds in the sky, which were now rounding effortless constellations several feet above his head and Bucky just knew that they were feeling the same - exactly the same. It was amazing, and even though it was a little strange and scary, your hand holding his made him feel unusually safe.
After a while, Bucky felt the feeling subside, the birds in the sky stopped flying above him and continues their journey east again. Your hand left his but he still felt lighter than he had ever before. 
His smile found you. “That’s actually pretty amazing,” he beamed before looking at the birds passing him and then back to you again. 
“Yeah... it is.” You smiled as well and Bucky felt all his doubts about you float away with the feeling this extraordinary experience had brought him.
Maybe mind control wasn’t as ridiculous and careless as he had thought it to be...
if you liked this fic, please tell me - it means so much 💓
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caw-oticdork · 10 months
Since my previous podcast recommendation list was pretty popular, I've decided to make another, with another bunch of excellent podcasts:
13 Minutes or Less - Short podcast with very short episodes, about a pizza chef who doesn't like dealing to people but has to do some deliveries due to short staffing. Very much not her thing, but she does her best. As it turns out, her clients are quite a bit stranger and spookier than expected...
Additional Postage Required - Sci-Fi adventure about a nonbinary courier who gains the ability (or curse...) to get visions about the contents, past, and sender of packages they touch. They get roped into a rebellion. There's hoverboard racing. It's awesome.
Among the Stars and Bones - A team of xenoarcheologists search a distant world for traces of a long-vanished aliens. It's been a while since I watched this one, so I don't remember it very well, but I know that I enjoyed it. Very good sci-fi horror.
Dark Ages - Fantasy workplace comedy about a supernatural museum. Quite a lot of fun.
Dragon Shanty - Fantasy story about two bards traveling the high seas. There's dragons aplenty. Very queer. Excellent songs.
Falling Forward - Hacker story loosely based on the myth of Icarus and the Labyrinth, about getting back at a terrible corporation. Kinda experimental, this one has the shortest episodes I've ever seen.
Hotel Daydream - Podcast about the goings-on at a supernatural hotel. Very inventive, with really interesting characters.
Jar of Rebuke - Mystery about a researcher at an ominous cryptozoological organization out in the rural US. He's got no memories of his past and keeps dying and coming back. A story about cryptids, identity, queerness, neurodivergence, and community.
Light Hearts - Slice of Life podcast about turning an old, haunted building into a cafe and queer community center. The ghosts lead to some very fun shenanigans.
Lost Terminal - Mentioned in the other list but not expanded on. This is a hopepunk story set on an Earth devestated by climate change. Told from the POV of an adorable AI who watches this Earth from a space station, observing how humanity re-builds itself and finds a brighter future.
Mayfair Watchers Society - You know Trevor Henderson? The guy who drew Sirenhead, Long Horse, and other such creepypasta creatures in his found footage style? Yeah, this is a horror anthology based on his works, directed by him. Set in the rural town of Mayfair, where strange creatures are a lot more common than elsewhere... Each episode has a slightly different framing device, with some being found footage audio, others meeting recordings, phone calls, etc.
Monstrous Agonies - An advice podcast for the british creature community. Many of the advice letters are sent in by listeners - there's two by myself, one from an ant that can hear and send radio and one from a fey who is looking for curse advice. Some letters are metaphors for queerness, clashing cultures, ableism, and minority communities, others just some urban fantasy fun. Has a little bit of plot, but most episodes have an anthology style. Fast approaching the finale!
Mx Bad Luck - Slice of Life about someone who is cursed with bad luck. Sometimes sad, sometimes funny. Can recommend.
Neighbourly - Neighbourly follows the residents of Little Street, house by house. What they do, how they interact with each other, and what skeletons are hiding in their closet. Starts out as a spooky urban fantasy thing that's almost an anthology, but weaves itself into quite a mysterious plot over time...
SINKHOLE - Short-form audio podcast presented as a collection of audio posts from a member of a community of data restoration hobbyists in a sometimes-unfamiliar future. Mystery about disability, internet communities, and how things change with time.
Second Star to the Left - Scout-explorer Gwen Hartley has five years to explore and prepare her planet for settlement. With no aid but her robots and the anxious voice of her long-distance scout-minder Bell Summers in her ear, she's hoping she's ready for anything.
Someone Dies In This Elevator - Anthology where every episode, someone dies in an elevator. You wouldn't believe how creative they get with that simple concept!
Tales from the Low City - By the maker of Mistholme Museum, this podcast explores the everyday lifes of the last people on an alien world, after the surface had become uninhabitable and everyone had fled down into the last city, the subterranean Low City. This one made me cry a lot!
Tartarus - In a secret facility deep beneath Antarctica, an anxious astrobiologist, a terse station manager, and an AI keep humanity safe from the monsters they imprison.
The Attic Monologues - Queer urban fantasy story about a university student who decides to record themself practicing monologues using a collection they found in their attic. Don't forget to listen to the post-credit scenes!
The Bridge - Surreal alternate universe horror story about the keepers of a bridge over the Atlantic. Gets pretty spooky.
The Green Horizon - Sci-Fi comedy about a na'er-do-well Irish space captain and his rag-tag crew traversing a war-torn galaxy in search of fame and fortune. Very fun podcast.
The Lavender Tavern - Anthology podcast with original gay fairytales. Most are quite memorable!
The Vesta Clinic - Sci-Fi story about a clinic that helps various interesting alien lifeforms with their medical issues. Excellent worldbuilding and characters!
Tides - The story of Dr. Winifred Eurus, a xenobiologist trapped on an unfamiliar planet with hostile tidal forces and a fascinating ecosystem. She must use her wits, sarcasm, and intellectual curiosity to survive long enough to be rescued. But there might be more to life on this planet than she expected...
Hope this list is as helpful as the last!
@boombox-fuckboy @marvelousmawn @sapphireclaw @ashes-in-a-jar @frogmomentsfrombeyondtime @time-is-restored @emmy-noethers-rings
You folk seemed the most interested in the other list, so I'm being bold and @ing you all.
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bonni · 4 months
I've talked before about how I think hisoka's reputation as a "well-written villain" is undeserved and I still stand by that for reasons I'll get into at the end of this post. but I think the most frustrating thing about hisoka as a character is that I understand where that reputation comes from, because sometimes his character really works and thinking about what he could have been compared to what he is is infuriating.
hxh is, at its core, a shounen deconstruction, and one of its major themes is how the blind ambition of hunters is damaging on both an individual and interpersonal level. this is specifically reflected in gon, who's ambition and stubbornness hurts himself and the people around him (this post isn't about kurapika but obviously he is a prime example of this as well and the two have major character parallels). both ging and hisoka act as foils to gon, harboring the same blind ambition as he does but in increasingly twisted ways, with ging becoming so easily bored he can't treat a single human being with basic respect, and hisoka literally fetishizing ambition itself; gon, as a child, also finds himself facing abuse and assault at the hands of both of them, and they both use their twisted world view as a justification, with ging neglecting him for his entire life, grooming other vulnerable people in the process, and instructing them to hurt gon, and hisoka literally molesting him.
people sometimes get offended when you talk about the similarities between gon and hisoka, because yeah it feels kind of icky to compare a 12-year-old kid to the adult pedophile who's assaulting him. but the parallels exist for a reason, and that reason isn't to say that gon's going to turn out like this guy, it's to illustrate that hisoka's path is one potential outcome to prioritizing your own ambition over the lives of others. hisoka doesn't have a single relationship that isn't grounded in his own selfish worldview, and neither does ging. these are the people that gon admires and wants to surpass.
gon finally landing a punch on hisoka is an awesome moment, but in retrospect, it's upsetting. it reminds me of utena's duel against mikage; instead of confronting the ways in which they're unhealthily similar to their opponents and maybe doing some soul-searching, our protagonists celebrate the progress they've made towards their own destruction. gon's march towards a self-inflicted doom is a slow and steady one, and the chimera ant arc is the climax. gon can't be a great hunter like ging or hisoka. he cares too much about other people, and it destroys him.
so, yeah. as a foil to gon and as a source of commentary on the way a traditional shounen world encourages child abuse (not unlike our own world, hm?) hisoka is actually a good villain. the problem is, he isn't written consistently. togashi seems to like him too much and is fixated on making him some sort of anti-hero, which completely detracts from his supposed role as a villain! and, elephant in the room, he's still a homophobic stereotype. if you're going to write a predator, don't make him effeminate, and also include gay characters in your work who aren't predators (I do believe killua is intentionally gay coded but let's be honest, it's not enough). and when we look at the way gon's history of grooming and characters like palm are handled, it just becomes increasingly obvious that togashi doesn't really care about making any commentary about csa in a respectful or appropriate way. at best, it's there for shock value, and at worst, it's literally a joke. I will never respect the way that hisoka's character is handled in the series, but I do understand his appeal as a villain, and I really do wish he was written in a more respectful and consistent way.
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adopting a pet with the avengers!
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 911
request: yes / no
original request: hello good fellow. can you do a headcanon set on adopting a pet with the avengers? thanks
dynamic: avengers x teen!reader (teenage avenger series)
characters: mainly tony stark, scott lang, reader, peter parker, harley keener, miles morales, and bruce banner!
a/n: bucky + alpine = fave duo ever. OK maybe natasha & liho too. and clint and lucky. there are so many good pets already in marvel (usually just comics tho smh) so i had some stuff to go off of. THANK YOU FOR THIS REQUEST i loved writing it <3
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
you had been BEGGING tony to let you get another pet
bc a few of them already lived at the tower
lucky, liho, and alpine
but you wanted a dog.
not just any dog
specifically a puppy 
and miles, peter & harley were on ur side
especially harley bc he rly wanted a dog
so one day when tony got rly tired of y’all asking him, he came up with an idea
“tell you what. how about you kids make a petition. if you can get a decent amount of signatures, i’ll consider getting you a puppy.”
and that was good with u!!
i mean u were all taking government class at midtown so this was gonna be easy
the first person you went to was scott
bc he’s scott, he wasn’t gonna have an issue with a puppy right
but when you asked him, he seemed kind of sad for some reason.
and when you asked him why?
“well, it’s just… i don’t want my ants to feel left out.”
“scott, i don’t think they would feel left out. you love those things more than anything!”
“yeah.. you’re right. ant-onio banderas won’t be mad right? or ant-ibacterial? oh, hopefully if they’re mad, it won’t be permen-ANT!!!”
you got the signature and left asap because once scott says one pun he takes like hours to figure out another
love him though
so next you went to clint
and he was more than happy to sign!!
bc ofc lucky would love a little friend
and natasha was there too
she was a little more hesitant bc liho is rly sweet but kinda skittish
but you convinced her because you told her how cute it would be if they loved each other & like you could get the cute stock photos of a dog & a cat together or something
thor was totally on board
because he’s thor ofc
and thor loves puppies
“y/n, this is so exciting! i remember when i got my first pet!! well, it turned out to be loki in disguise. it was still very exciting, though!!”
oh btw miles and peter signed 
they were ur first signatures!!!!!!
next up was sam, bucky, and steve
and you and harley decided you needed a little extra push to convince them
so you made a powerpoint presentation. 
and it was awesome
like you may have used every single available transition
maybe three times each
like i said it was awesome
maybe a little excessive
but awesome!!!
steve kept making you go back a slide because he was taking notes
what a nerd, am i right???
jk we love steve rogers in this house
anyways then they deliberated
and they made you and harley go stand outside the room
it literally felt like shark tank you guys
well not the standing outside while they decide but still
but they signed it yippee!!!!
bruce and wanda signed quickly too
especially bruce was really excited
i feel like he would totally be a dog person 
like he prob had a puppy when he was young that he really loved
you even went over to the sanctum sanctorum to get stephen and wong to sign it!!!
and they did!!!
well wong did
and then he forged strange’s signature for you
wong supremacy fr
you were on a roll
you got aunt may to sign it. you got phil coulson to sign it (pretend he’s alive oml sry yall) you got maria hill to sign it.
hell, nick fury even signed it!!!!
so you took it back to tony
and he was like 
“woah this is a lot more than i expected”
and y’all
you and peter, harley, and miles found the cutest one
a little german shepard 
w like the floppy ears & stuff?
oml he was so cute
tony kept saying his named was tony jr
but you told him no
but he kept saying it
ok, live in ur fantasy world ig stark!!!!
jk love him
anyways you named him max!!!
bc yes!!!!
and you took him back to the tower
thor was really excited and max like totally loved him from the start fr
any time he liked ripped up the furniture or smth thor would just hold him with one hand and take him around
but he was happy so he was like wagging his tail and stuff
sam and bucky looked like they didn’t like the dog at first
but then alpine was like obsessed with it and so bucky had to like him
and max kept sitting on sam and licking him
and he was like “omg stop”
but he was laughing so you knew you were good
tony and bruce even built a little spot for max in the lab
and a bunch of like cool toys for him
max was the perfect dog for y’all bc like he loved everyone and everyone loved him
every night he slept in a new room & he loved to play 
he ran with y’all too when you had to run so it was way more fun
suddenly dr strange was over at the tower a lot more…
he’s such a softie
and scott loved him too they were best friends
tony was just proud of himself for “teaching you to be good citizens”
dw y’all he loved the dog too
just trust that max is the most spoiled dog EVER!!
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antvnger · 2 years
People I’m Thankful For
Thank you @asklilmonkeyfitz and @asktheblur for the tag. I’m thankful for you guys too!
I’m also thankful for @askthewasp @arandomnerdsrp358 @maninthechxir @inz-lokisdottir @azara-stark-strange @doctorstrangeaskblog @marvelous-lights @sobeautifullyobsessed @ask-spider-man @askthechaoticwitch @itsybitsyraptor7447 @koffeebiscuits @indoraptorgirlwind @askthesecondgenerationavengers @ask-kurt-wagnerandrpwithhim @aphnatasha @thek2b @dust-of-starsandlittle-hopes @ask-the-restorer-of-stars @ask-wolverine @ultimategamernerd @lottie-lokisdottir @ask-jemma-fitz-simmons @nedleedleleedleleeds @sweetwritingfanficfriend
And of course I’m also thankful for Sir Anon, Meme Lord, Spider-Man Anon, Boombox Anon, 🍀Anon, Jokester Anon, Antertaining Anon, Nerdy and Rudy I miss them and all my other wonderful Anons.
Thank you, guys! You are what make this blog so much fun! I love interacting with you guys and getting your questions and seeing you in my notifications. You guys are the best!
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tdinyomomma · 9 months
TDI X Reader- The Sucky Outdoors (Chapter Six)
If you haven’t read: Five
“Campers, today's challenge will test your outdoor-survival-skills, I’m not gonna lie to you, some of you may not come back alive.” Chris announces, trying to scare everyone. Most of them gasps and he begins to laugh. 
“Just joking. All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team's campsite in the forest. You just have to find it.” He throws one map to Heather then the other at Duncan, along with compasses.
 “Oh, and watch out for bears, lost a couple interns in preproductions.” He turns to the camera. “First team back for breakfast wins invincibility.” He blows an air horn. Gwen already getting up and walking away, Heather follows suit, “Well, off you go.” Chris shrugs.
“Gwen still hasn’t talked to me, she does everything in her power to avoid me! She was about to use the bathroom but when I went to join she said nevermind. This is getting annoying.” [Name] sighs, holding herself. 
“Did he say there are bears up in here?’ Leshawna shakily asks, I place a hand on her forearm. “We’ll be fine.” I assure her. 
“I had a little encounter with a bear once. Let’s just say his head looks neat up on my mantle.” Owen proudly states and Izzy talks to Lindsay about something which is where I get up and get away from my team. 
Now we’re making our way through the forest starting off on a trail. Gwen speeds in front of us, I bite my bottom lip then jog up to her. “Hey,” I begin and she just makes a small noise in response. “Can we talk now?” I question in a lower tone so nobody else hears us. 
“[Name], please.”
“You said later, it’s been later. How long are you going to avoid me, Gwen?” I moue, she looks like she’s about to say something but instead shakes her head, walking faster away from me and the team. I stop in my tracks, watching her walk. 
“Ugh! She is so the next one to leave!” Heather groans, itching her arm. “Who?” Trent asks. “Who do you think? She dumped Harold’s red ant farm into my bed.” She exclaims. “Yeah, but you did read her diary out loud to the entire world.” Trent reminds her and I try my best to stay quiet…that was until she stops in front of all of them.
“So, that was pretty harsh.” He rubs his head after they had all bumped into one another like dominoes. “She is going down!” Heather stomps her foot and when she begins to walk I trip her. She didn’t fall but it was enough to get her to get mad. Before she speaks I put a hand up. “Try it and we’ll see who goes home first.” I snap, snatching the map and compass, picking up the pace. 
I get us to our team’s site, ignoring everyone. All I heard was bits and pieces of them talking after I put one earbud in my ear. Mainly Izzy and Owen talking about bears.
I set up a spot on a tree stump and sit down, pulling out my book to read. Nobody chooses to bother me either, I think after seeing me snap they figured that’s what was best for me at the moment.
I stay off to the side. The team started a fire and Owen left to get food for all of us.
“Ugh, I’m so hungry.” Heather complains. “Maybe read another one of our diaries to the world since you seem to feed off of attention.” I say out loud, not looking up from my book. My teammates snicker and I even heard Gwen laugh over Heather’s obnoxious scoffing.
“Yo, who ordered the pepperoni… extra cheese?” A delivery guy shouts, reading off the receipt. “It’s for the camera crew, over here.” The cameraman waves him over. The mean girl gasps, “no way.’ She was cut off by the sound of the bushes rustling. It was Owen carrying a thing of fish. “I am man! I bring fish!” He shouts, “Are you kidding me!?” Heather ungratefully speaks, so when I walk past I “accidentally” smack her upside her head. “Ow!”
“Oops.” I shrug.
“Aw, man, you’re awesome.” Trent thanks the big guy. “Oh I love fish! I love fish!” Izzy bites into a raw fish. “I guess we should cook it first, huh?” Izzy laughs. “How do you know how to fish?” Heather questions. “My grandpa taught me.” He says, hands on his hips. “I caught a shark once. It bit me on the butt. Check it out.” He bends over to show us,we all shield our eyes. 
“Oh my eyes!” “My eyes!” “That is so awesome!” Izzy exclaims. 
Before we eat I go back to the tree stump, laying down instead of reading this time. Staring up at the sky. Thinking about Gwen. About everything going on. Do I like her? I mean, we connect so well but should I even pursue that? We have 6-7 weeks until this is over. Would we even talk afterwards? 
“Hey, why are you over here alone?” I mentally groan realizing it’s Cody’s voice speaking to me. “Cody, I don’t want to be flirted with right now.” I tell him, he stays quiet and at first I actually thought he walked away. But instead he sits down on the stump next to me. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that.” He chuckles nervously, my face scrunches and I look up at him. “Hey, I know I was a bit much.” He puts his hands up, defensively. “A bit? Cody, you sniffed me every time you were near me.” His face turns a bright red, even the darkness couldn’t protect it. We look at each other then laugh. “I’m sorry about it all, and what Heather did.” He puts his head down.
“Me too, Gwen won’t even talk to me anymore.” I frown, playing with the ends of my shirt. He takes a breath. “It might be a lot right now. She’ll come around.” He smiles, I nod, placing a hand on his. “Thank you.” I whisper, his head turns away from me, turning flustered once again. 
“Hey, we’re best friends now. You can’t be doing that.” I tease him, only making it worse, he shoves my hand away, but joins me back in laughing. 
Once we calm down he turns to me with a serious expression. “Do you like Gwen?” He suddenly asks, and I think to myself before answering. 
“I don’t know…” I pause then groan out loud. “I know I like her friendship but relationships are difficult especially in this setting.” I line my lips tightly, he doesn’t respond. Only listen. “I can see that being a problem.” 
“Okay! Fires hot, fish are grilling, tent is tenting.” Owen stands proudly. “Nice going, man. Fish looks awesome.” Trent says. “Thanks man, I owe it to Grandpa.” He reminisces. “So, you and your grandpa really fought a bear once?” Trent quizzes, bringing up what Owen was talking about earlier. 
“Heck yes. It was the scariest day of my entire life.”
Lindsay gasps.
“We were out in the woods when we came across the great beast. I tell you he was 10 feet high if he was a foot. And then he roared his terrible roar! We grabbed our shotgun. We knew it was either him or us. It was nothing personal, just the law of the wild. And then, BAme! One shot was all it took to fell the great beast. We took his blood and marked ourselves to honor him. It was a good death.” Owen nods, telling us the story. 
“Yeah, right. There’s no way you took down a 10-foot bear. Hey, has anyone seen crazy girl?” Heather asks all of us. “I think she had to pee.” Lindsay thinks. “That was over an hour ago!” Trent jumps to his feet, worried. “Izzy! Izzy!” He calls out into the woods. “Izzy the Gopher! Where are you!?” Owen shouts then bushes rustle. Owen laughs. “Oh, good. I thought we lost you there for a minute man.” But a bear pops up instead of a crazy redhead. He screams. “Great Pyramid of Giza!” We all get up to our feet.
“We’re all going to die!” He starts to run around, the once bragging boy about killing a bear is now acting the very opposite of his story. 
I feel a hand grip my arm and I glance behind to see Gwen with a scared expression. If there wasn't a bear in front of us I totally would’ve teased her.”We;re gonna get eaten alive by a bear! Oh the horror! Somebody help us! I want my mommy!” Owen cries, still running in circles around us, that was until Heather trips him. The bear growls. “The trees! Climb into the trees!” Heather shouts and we all race to the trees, I help the girls get up then climb over myself, sitting between Heather and Gwen on a branch. 
“What do we do now?” Trent asks us, sitting on the top branch with Cody. 
“Don’t look at me.” Heather says. “It was your idea to climb the trees.” Gwen reminds her. I’m just upset because I left my book in the tent and now I’m stuck up here for who knows how long. “Well, why don’t you ask the bear-hunting expert? Hey, Owen, what now?” Heather yells up to him. “How should I know?” 
“Dude, you said you killed a bear.” Leshawna points out. 
“I was being theatrical.” Owen says. “This is all your fault. If you hadn’t been growling like that, we never would’ve attracted him to our site.” Heather spits.
“Excuse me for living!” He then bursts into a wail. Hitting his head on the tree. “Heather calm down, there’s literally nothing we can do now so shut it. Plus he’s the only one who got the fish.” I remark distastefully but just as I speak the bear sniffs our food over the fire. “Hey! Lay off our fish!” Heather shouts at the animal. “It’s probably already eaten Izzy!” Lindsay cries. “Then it shouldn’t be hungry anymore.” Heather points out, which is true but we all give her a look. “What? This is survival of the fittest. She should’ve just peed her pants like Cody.” I glance up at the boy who frowns, putting his head down in shame. Trent comforts him. 
Wood then creaks and Leshawna falls from the branch she sat on with Beth and Lindsay. Both Heather and Gwen grab onto each side of me, gasping. 
“Dear Abby, She’s going to die!”
The bear backs her up into the tree, growling lowly. “Uh, nice bear. AHH!! Somebody help me!” She screams and we all tell her to run but then it giggles. “Hey, are you okay?” It asks her. “Uh, did that bear just ask me a question?” Leshawna looked up at us. It then pops it’s head off, revealing it to be Izzy. Owen slides down the tree. “Oh my goodness, I did not see that coming!” He laughs.
“Okay, I’m so confused right now.” Lindsay says and for once I agree. “What are you? Some kind of weirdo?” Gwen irritatedly speaks up. “I thought it would be funny!” The redhead tells.
“Okay, okay, that was so funny. Like “Oh, it’s a bear! Oh no and like, we’re all gonna die now! Help! Help!” And I’m like, “Rrrr I’m gonna eat you!” Like I could actually do that. There’s no way, okay?” Izzy laughs continuously.
We get the fish and Heather hands Izzy one. “Rockin’ the fish sticks! Nice!” She compliments, then we hear rustling in the bushes again. “Wow.” Izzy giggles. “That costume is really good. I mean I thought mine was good but this is like really good.” She rambles. “It’s probably Chris trying to mess with us. Yeah nice try man.” 
I don’t wait, I stand up and pull Gwen with me. “Hey,” She goes to push back but my eyes widen to silently speak with her. “That’s not a fake, Gwen.” I whisper. 
“We know you’re not a bear, dude.” Owen boops its nose. 
“Uh, I don’t know, Owen. This looks kind of real.” Gwen says, I gently push her in the direction of the tree we were just on. “Chris did say there were bears.” Heather remembers now everyone is backing away.
“Oh, come on guys! They’re just trying to see if they can prank us twice.” Owen pets it. “This is not a real bear. And I’m going to prove it to you.” He goes for the top of his head. “Owen, don’t!” I try to stop him but he yanks the fur anyways.
“Wow. That does look kind of real.” he stares at the fur in his hand and the bear stands up on its hind legs, roaring in the blond’s face. 
I help Gwen up on the tree and climb up myself, “Yeah that’s a real bear!” Owen runs.
Now we’re back on the tree and it starts raining. Throughout the night was a little awkward, Heather used my lap as a pillow and as much as I wanted to shove her to the ground I decided against it so I won’t be involved with a technical murder. And I guess we need her to win. 
I looked over at Gwen who was staring down at her feet. “Hey, can we talk now?” I whisper, smiling weakly. She shrugs. “I guess.” 
I sigh,  “I’m not going to push you. Just know I want to still be cool. I don’t judge you at all. I would never put what happened against you or bring that up to you. I just miss talking to you.” I tell her, then stare off into the woods. She didn’t respond but in the corner of my eye I saw her smile and that’s good enough for me. 
The next day when we get down there’s finally no bear in sight. “Well, I think it’s safe guys. The bear’s gone.” Trent yells, stretching out his back. “And… the map.” Gwen picks up a soggy piece of paper. “Hey, I don’t know how raccoons sleep in trees, because I’m so stiff.” Izzy says as Owen stretches in front of her. “They must be really limber.”
“You know what Crazy girl? I don’t want to hear another word from you or the bear hunter here. If you two hadn’t been acting like bear bait last night, we could’ve actually slept in our tent!” She rants, throwing her hands in the air. 
A bird chirps behind them. “Shut up!” The three scream.
We all begin our way back to the camp ground, running there but getting second place behind the Killer Bass. 
“Oh no, they won! This is all your fault!” Heather shoves Owen to the ground, Izzy giggles quietly behind her hand. “Ah-ah-ah, not so fast, gopherinos. It seems the Killer Bass are missing a few fish.” Chris stops Heather. 
“Oh, you mean Katie and Sadie? I’m pretty sure they got eaten by wolves last night.” Courtney boredly says. “Darn shame.” Duncan nods but the two they were just talking about come running to their team. “We made it!” Katie grins. “We’re safe! Oh my gosh guys, we got totally lost and then got into this massive fight!” Sadie explains, “And there was this huge bear and he was all, “Rawr! You’re in my crib! So get out!” Katie does a reenactment for us. “And we had to run and it was like, so scary.” Sadie tells. “Oh, Sadie I’m so sorry I said I was prettier than you.” The two turn to each other. “And I’m sorry I brought up the snack shack.” Sadie apologizes. “And I’m sorry I said your butt was too big to fit in the bus seats.” “You did?” Sadie asked? “Uh, well, not to your face.” Katie clasps her hands together in front of her. 
“Oh, who cares, we’re safe! And you’re my best friend and I love you!” The bigger girl hugs the other one. “Oh, I love you too!” 
Courtney steps up, clearing her throat. “Are you two finished with your little love fest?” They nod, still hugging one another. “Good, because thanks to you we just lost the challenge!” Courtney stomps her foot, angrily. 
“All right, Killer Bass, one of your fishy butts is going home. Gophers you’re going on an all-expense-paid trip to the tuck shop!” Chris announces and we all gasp, running to the dock.
After getting the snacks and getting back to our cabins we all chill by or in the hot-tub. Owen goes on about how good his chips are then turns out of the tub to throw up. Then not even seconds later asking for a different snack. 
I look over at Gwen who does not look too happy. I sigh, shaking my head. Heading inside of the cabin to be alone.
Link to all writings
Thank you everyone for reading! Just letting you know I won't post everyday so please don't say "update please" or stuff like that because I do feel rushed, I'm not trying to be rude I really appreciate everyone reading my stuff but I do have a life and I can't make it happen everyday and I apologize for that.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 24 days
Rick and Morty characters last words!
Mr. Jellybean: Stop being a fucking tease you sweet little twat! (I gagged while writing this :D)
Diane: Why don't I go get Beth and we'll go out for ice cream?
Slo Mobius: Where's my wife?! I was just with my wife!
Fart: And you say goodbye- Morty...why? Why?
Jerry Prime: What are you doing here?
Summer Prime: She stinks of Rick!
Beth Prime: Sometimes, buttt I'm ashamed to admit, now that they're (Rick and Morty) gone, I'm finally happy.
Tammy: Awesome, he resisted guys! We can shoot him!
Birdperson (Before being resurrected): Tammy?
Evil Rick: Do your worst you little bastards! Kill me! Do it! Do ittttt! (If you don't count that one due to him being controlled by Evil Morty his actual last words were) W-what are you doin'? Get off of me! AH!
Vance: This is triggering me...I need space....I need space! From this!
Alan Rails: All aboard motherfucker!
Crocubot: There's no other possible answer! My mechanical and reptilian logic are certain of it!
One Million Ants: Who knows? But we can make it simple again.
Rickbot: Goodbye...Morty.
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lorre-verie · 1 year
◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡ Modern Avatar Highschool AU A-Z (Pt. 2: H-N)
6:96 ───|────── 9:69
you are now reading a post by lorre
warning: use of swear words
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | masterlist
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⌲ H for Hobbies and Hates (What are their hobbies and what do they hate doing?)
neteyam: his hobbies include; archery, calligraphy, hiking, canoeing, skiing, camping, rock climbing, basically almost every outdoor sport that requires amazing core strength. And chess. Don’t tell me this man doesn’t like chess. He’s good at a lot of things he tries, but he especially loves outdoor activities. If you don’t like going outside then i have some bad news for you babes cause he goes out almost every weekend. morning walks/runs everyday. AND he’s a genius at chess because of course he is. Once Ao’nung challenged him to a match and lost like 3 minutes in because he got too cocky. Neteyam had the smuggest look on his face for the rest of the day. I also think he likes sketching small doodles messily with a pen when he’s bored.
He claims to not hate anything, but his siblings know he’s traumatised by yoga (i have a backstory for this), so don’t ask him to participate in anything like that cause he’ll decline immediately (but politely.)
kiri: Girl loves the outdoors like Neteyam but not so much all the physical activities. She likes swimming but only in lakes and rivers and not public pools cause she’s disgusted by the piss and the smell. She also loves thrifting her clothes and cutting them up and making them into personalised outfits for her own style. She lives for aesthetics and probably has a scrapbook and loves journaling about all the plants and unique animals she finds on her little walks. She and Tsireya also have a podcast (that Lo’ak and Rotxo religiously listen to). The only thing she really doesn’t like is being in loud places with too many hyper people like music festivals, concerts, basically just doing anything that involves being in large uncoordinated crowds.
lo'ak: he does basic rebel boy stuff like skateboarding, playing games on his phone (be real he’s too broke to have a PC), yo-yoing, and since he can run real fast he likes volleyball, tennis, badminton, anything that requires you to be quick on your feet cause he’s awesome at those things. He hates anything that requires you to use your brain (except chess he’s actually kinda good at it surprisingly, but not as good as Ao’nung or Neteyam). He had an ant farm once when he was like 6 and cherished it so much but then he dropped the frame and they all scattered in the house and it earned him the spanking of his life (everyone kept finding ants in their shit for the next 4 months).
ao'nung: as you know by now, he’s a chess douchebag. He’s amazingly freakishly good at it (like math) and if he meets new people and there's a chessboard conveniently nearby he’ll challenge them to it just because he wants to humiliate them a little. He doesn’t actually like it that much, he just likes beating people using his smarts for once. Other than that, he loves basketball, volleyball. He hates walking in forests cause he hates insects (always carries mosquito spray around).
rotxo: he likes writing stories and photography since he’s a literature lover and the yearbook editor. Sometimes he’ll go with Kiri on her walks and they have fun photoshoots of little animals, plants or her. He’s so good with a camera, he’s often the guy people give the phone to, to take pictures for their instagram. He doesn’t like loud places like Kiri and i headcanon he’s actually claustrophobic. He’s okay with most activities.
tsireya: enjoys public speaking hence the podcast, loved cracking jokes as a kid and still does now, likes to listen to a bunch of different genres of music, learns a few dances and likes making aesthetic graphics on her laptop as well as edits of her favourite tv show characters. She’s alright with physical activity. terrified of heights so anything that requires her to get above 20 floors of height is a no no.
⌲ I for Income (Do they have a part time job and what are they like when working?)
neteyam: Yes he does, he works at an animal shelter. Originally he was a volunteer but then the owner of said shelter thought he was doing a great job and decided they’d start paying for it. He refused a couple times but the owner insisted. The animal shelter has a few birds, some dogs, cats, hamsters, one snake but it escaped and they’ve never seen it since. He remembers all the feeding times and schedules and memorises any allergies, difficulties, injuries, etc and he’s just great with the animals, he adores them. He also takes the dogs on walks often.
kiri: she’d probably be a barista at starbucks, 70% of the time she’s the voice taking orders at the drive through. Dislikes dealing with karens and annoying people cause unlike classes she can’t argue with them else she’d get fired, but it’s great for practice calming herself. Enjoys mixing her own drinks, HATES the cleaning process after closing everyday. Definitely makes tiktoks about customers in the backroom when she's bored
lo'ak: the guy that sells snacks and drinks at the movie theatre. He steals some popcorn from time to time cause he’s hungry but he’s really good at convincing people to buy stuff. Super friendly and never fails to get people to buy more snacks or upgrade their popcorn box size. “Yo bro I think you and your girl need a little more popcorn than that, don’t you think? I can hook you up if you’re interested.” (said deal was always available but he knows people never read the little advertisements that flash on the tv menus)
ao'nung: lifeguard at the beach. Enjoys his time tanning and swimming around leisurely, (the girls love him and go to the beach every weekend just to see him) and it’s a pretty calm and easy job, nobody usually has any problems. Except for one time when a girl faked passing out to get him to do CPR on her but it didn’t work cause he knew what she was doing and claimed to not know how to do CPR. Instead he said he’d call her parents and she miraculously woke up the very next second.
rotxo: doesn’t have a job he sleeps a lot after school (hence the submitting assignments at 3:33am)
tsireya: she’s a babysitter and she does so incredibly well with kids, she’s so kind to them and sometimes lets them stay up a little (JUST A LITTLE) past their bedtime because she was once in their shoes and knows that sleeping at 7.15pm when they were supposed to sleep at 7pm doesn't make too big of a difference. they love her and she always gets callbacks from happy satisfied parents.
⌲ J for Jealous Of Your Lunch (or not) (What food do they eat during lunch?)
neteyam: he brings a homemade sandwich with lettuce, egg, some kinda meat and some sauce. Packs it himself, even leaves a little encouraging note for himself so he can read it later on (lo’ak calls him a dork). Doesn’t have a lunch bag, just puts it in a reusable plastic container (reduce reuse recycle guys). He usually just brings water but he’ll bring organic freshly squeezed orange juice on good days.
kiri: she steals the sandwiches/paninis from work and just microwaves them the next day to bring to school because she can't be bothered to actually make a homemade meal for herself. Sometimes she’ll pack gummy bears stolen from tuk’s “secret stash” or a small pringle can. Occasionally brings an extra stolen sandwich to give to tsireya or rotxo. brings cold water in her hydro flask or hot tea sometimes.
lo'ak: bro brings chips. Just a bag of chips. Takis if he can get them but he always eats chips during lunch and it concerns tsireya a lot because??? That's a whole lot of salt he consumes everyday. To make matters worse he keeps buying coke from the vending machine. Sometimes he gets school lunch with rotxo (i feel like they’d be chill buddies but only if ao’nung wasn’t around cause he kinda drags the attention away from rotxo unintentionally).
ao'nung: his family is rich so he just orders food online for himself. Sometimes if he’s feeling up to it he’ll treat all his friends to a meal (yes, including lo’ak, kiri and neteyam) but not that often else he’d be completely broke. You will find him and tsireya waiting at the school doors for the dude bringing their food to get there during the first 5 minutes of lunch.
rotxo: he eats school lunch. It’s not that bad in pandora high but it's still not the best. Always grabs rice and some form of protein, always gets chocolate pudding but he thinks chocolate milk sucks ass mainly cause of all the powder in it. he also has trauma of pizza from eating an expired school slice of pizza cause after that he projectile vomited all over the floor during a presentation and the only reason he’s lived it down is because nobody knows that it was him that did that (npc behaviour im so sorry rotxo)
tsireya: orders food with Ao’nung, definitely is the girl that offers to buy drinks for everyone (u gotta pay her back though…she’d be too nice to ask if you forgot but her brother WILL track you down and charge you interest every day that you don’t pay up. you do NOT want secret maths genius ao’nung keeping track of your debt everyday and staring you down in the hall menacingly).
⌲ K for Kick Off The Year (What are they like back at school after the holidays?)
neteyam: he’s actually always ticked off at school after the holidays, even on mondays just after the weekend. he enjoys his relaxation time where he doesn’t have to worry about keeping up appearances and at home where he can just sit back and chill. if it’s been more than a week since he’s been to school expect him to be upset for another week. he won’t make it obvious but his handwriting definitely becomes more aggressive and it’ll always look like he’s glaring at someone when he’s just looking at them. (im listening to she knows by ne-yo while writing this and ngl an upset neteyam….i wouldn’t mind that too much 🤭 hell someone remind me to write headcanons of neteyam when he’s upset please oml i can just see it now)
kiri: definitely annoyed about going back to school but let’s be real who wouldn’t be? She’ll get used to the schedule and everything after like a day or two of school. she enjoys hearing the teacher’s sighs as they come back on monday, seeing her sitting front row ready to point out all the mistakes they’ll make after the weekend.
lo'ak: bro acts like he hasn’t been to school in YEARS. He’ll sludge through the doors of school like goop and just be dead as hell. if you talk to him he’d sound like a dying goat. He does however light up when he sees Tsireya. that’s really the only good part of going back to school for him.
ao'nung: he never usually has a dull day at school and he’s pretty chill with it. Once he steps through those doors he’ll have people crowding him asking him about the new haircut he got during the holidays and the fact he looks more fit (may or may not be true)
rotxo: you’ll never know what this manz is feeling. His face is just 🙂constantly. He’s definitely happy to see kiri again but besides that you would never know if he’s happy or upset by going back to school.
tsireya: girl is excited as hell. super excited to tell her friends about the holiday to the maldives she took, super excited to run for president again (she’s actually not supposed to but the teachers love her so they just let her and she always ends up winning), super excited to get back to teaching the little kids ballet at the preschool building every thursday, super excited to talk to kiri and lo’ak again. you might think she’s one of those girls who peaks at highschool but you're wrong because she’s been peaking since she was BORN.
⌲ L for Locker (What’s their locker look like?)
neteyam: locker probably plain as hell, he doesn’t pay attention to it much. Maybe a calendar pasted on the inside as well as some reminder notes but that’s it. His books are neat, but i don’t think i needed to include that detail cause with neteyam everything is neat (except the bitchy attitude on mondays)
kiri: she probably has fairy lights in there and if you ask her how tf she’ll say magic, cause there’s literally nowhere to plug the goddamn thing in. she has polaroid photographs of the whole friend group pasted onto the door and has leaf stickers decorating them.
lo'ak: he has stickers of random shit in there, like a mcdonalds sticker, sticker from someone’s kpop album, sticker of a skateboard and a star wars sticker. used to have a pic of tsireya but took it down after one of her friends laughed at him in the hall. he has extra hair ties for tsireya in case she ever needs it.
ao'nung: has a mirror in there. Like the door is just a whole ass mirror when he opens it up. that's it. idk i just feel like he’d stick a mirror onto it, that just seems like what he’d do. always wipes the mirror in the morning to keep it shiny.
rotxo: also has photographs of the friend group and a childhood photo of him and ao’nung where he kisses ao’nung on the forehead (ao’nung still hasn’t noticed it to this day since rotxo put it up) and also has extra batteries for his camera in case he needs it.
tsireya: now this is the whole reason i put L for Locker. her locker is magnificent??? she has a little heart mirror that sticks to the door, a box of tissues and some emergency items in case any of her friends need something (which include but are not limited to; pads, tampons, a mini power bank, perfume, bubblegum, mints, hand sanitizer, wet wipes, glue, scissors, extra sheets of paper, a stapler, a hole puncher, etc).
the moment she got her locker key she DIY-ed it and made a cute keychain with her initials on it so nobody could mistake it for others, and people often drop little letters to her anonymously asking for something or a change in the school or a suggestion since she’s the president, or even love letters sometimes so she created a mini letter box and attached it beneath where the hole was so everything wouldn’t just fall to the floor when she opened the locker.
on the door there’s like a little slot she made for her hairbrush and some chapstick yk just in case. probably sticks glow in the dark stars on the top of the locker so she peeks into the locker before opening it just to admire them. oh and instead of post it notes to remind her about stuff, she has a mini eraser board on the door below the mirror.
⌲ M for Morning Routine (What’s their morning routine before school?)
neteyam: he gets up literally 4 hours before school starts, brushes his teeth, goes on a walk/run, showers, makes breakfast for himself and packs lunch for later, puts on a hoodie and cargo pants, and then he just lays on his bed watching youtube videos and/or studying. He doesn’t even need to wake up 4 hours before he just does it because he wants extra chill time before school. Has to wear earplugs when he reaches to 2 hour mark because of lo’aks loudass alarm.
kiri: she definitely gets up earlier then lo’ak, probably wakes up an hour and 30 minutes before school starts since their house is like 30 minutes away from their school (15 if there's no traffic). She can finish getting ready in like 25 minutes and she sits on the couch scrolling through social media while waiting for lo’ak’s dumbass to get up. Grabs a starbucks sandwich and airfries it for the amount of time that Neytiri takes to wake him up.
lo'ak: gets up an hour before school starts, alarm on max volume blaring into his ears (and been doing that for the past hour) and making the whole household deaf. rushes literally everything, forgets to bring at least 1 thing each day, and scrambles out the door after 30 minutes jumping into the backseat of Jake’s SUV.
ao'nung: he gets up 2 hours before school starts. their house is about the same distance from school as the sully’s, but idk i just feel like their house is huge and it takes up 3x maybe 4x the space a normal house would. he probably has his own horse or something, and tends to it every morning. if he could he would probably ride a horse to school idk. he does normal stuff, i dunno what you would want me to elaborate about besides the stupid little sibling fights him and reya have every morning.
rotxo: he wakes up an hour before school and spends 30 minutes getting ready and probably just eats cereal everyday for breakfast. spends the longest time taking care of his hair and brushing it out making sure it looks flawless. before he gets going he makes sure have this specific conversation with ao’nung over text: “u otw bro?” “yea bro” “k bro” “k” just because they think its funny and they’ve been doing it for years.
tsireya: gets up at the same time as ao’nung because their rooms are next to each other and his alarm is obnoxiously loud. has a whole skincare routine she religiously follows every morning, her bathroom is just stocked full with a variety of different products that she will use. she will make pancakes for herself and for ao’nung if he hasn’t eaten anything yet, and she always takes a pic to put it on her instagram highlights of all the pancakes she’s ever made. she also has her own horse but ao’nung usually tends to it for her so she doesn’t need to worry much.
⌲ N for No Cap (How up to date are they with today’s slang?)
neteyam: he’d know a lot of it because of lo’ak but would rarely use it. he speaks properly almost constantly, even over text. he does use abbreviations like wrud wya lmfao noyb stfu wsg stuff like that (if u didn’t understand any of that then ur just old i don't make the rules). If he’s dating sb that's a whole different story tho he’d probably send like 4 paragraphs professing his undying everlasting infinite love and passion for his s/o.
kiri: definitely knows all the words, all the insults, all the abbreviations. even more than lo’ak. would not use words like pop off queen or slay though because she thinks it doesn’t fit with her aesthetic. Her way of texting kinda mad tho cause she’ll text like “yo u got the math notes?” and then she’ll follow immediately with “Appreciate it, thanks.” with correct grammar and everyones so fed up with it. An even worse example is “Hi, what are you doing currently?” and then she’ll say “k cool” like wtf do you want, woman??
lo'ak: knows a lot and uses it in everyday conversation like he’s the type of person to say lol and lmao in real life. nothing special to say that you wouldn’t expect from a man of this caliber.
ao'nung and rotxo: had to combine these mfs for this one cause they’re like the same. they both like saying L and W over text but not irl cause it's kinda cringe. pretty normal when talking in real life but they do know all the slang. partially cause lo’ak will use a lot of it during lunch together.
tsireya: absolutely, she knows it all. she’s the most active on social media out of all the avatar teens, consistently uses new slang and introduces it to her friends. she’s the it girl, what more can i say?
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | masterlist
dang i finally got to finish this 😭 so happy to finally have another part out. This series will have 2 more parts from O to T and U to Z! In case u want to see more of my works, my masterlist is in the link above.
taglist: @calums-betch (im so sorry this took so long 😭)
another thing: i would like 2 make it known that again i am accepting requests! please view the rules in my navigation (link in my desc) before requesting anything btw. and also i will mention again the hashtag specifically for modern avatar au content that any other creator can use freely (modern jc avatar au)
okay thats all, tysm for reading and have a wonderful day!
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etherealspacejelly · 5 months
hey so most people know that my favourite animal is sharks. but my second favourite is actually ants.
ants are super cool and super underrated and they are Just Little Guys but they are super stong and awesome builders and they have relatively complex societies and some ants are literally farmers???? they take leaves and feed them to a fungus and then harvest the fungus and feed it to their larvae????? and ants have some of the most painful stings in the animal kingdom. and they are so small!! and cute!! and i love them!!!
anyway sorry rant over i just. love animals so fucking much nature is so cool and ants are awesome have a nice day
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