#ft. lucky
macaulaymontgomery · 30 days
lucky 🍻 + “ do you ever get scared ?”
"I think I'm kinda always scared," Macaulay admits, canned wine between her hands as she mulls over the greater connotations of the question.
"I know it doesn't look like it -- what with all the loudness and bravado and great ass but --"
She sighs, lips sputtering, and moving to rest her cheek on Lucky's shoulder in a way that left it half-smushed.
"I'm scared that maybe I actually am stupid. And I'm scared that maybe I am just wasting space on the planet, you know? That I could be doing so many bigger and better things and if I wasn't so stupid I would be able to know what those things were. I get scared that maybe some of the things Simon said to me were actually true."
Stupid was a big one. Careless. Inconsiderate. A too-needy, too-desperate attention grabber. That if he didn't love her, no one could.
And compounded on that was always the voice of her mother that never really went away. Aimless. Time waster. In so many ways a disappointment considering the hard work they'd put in to keeping her alive.
Not that she'd ever said that in so many words.
"I'm scared that maybe I don't know how to be loved."
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collisiondiscourse · 1 year
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my girl my girl my girl 💚
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toxooz · 2 years
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another Big Stinky 💖
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Can't see the red flags if they're up in flames, check and mate.
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rockhousejai · 3 months
Was watching Kryptidz’s Steamboat Willie voice over videos and decided to draw a few quotes but with Steamboat Crew Willy
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And my personal favorite
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Link to the video lol (please it so funny)
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secret-code · 1 year
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》 woozi » going seventeen ep.77 ♡
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toxintouch · 2 months
Mhin: Poorly Disguised || Mhin x Unspecified MC (Dom!MC is implied??) Rating: T || CW: Implied future misuse of a Senobium (clergy/government?) uniform. Brothel mention in narrative. Stolen clothes that don't fit. Premise: crack treated seriously.
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Mhin's arms are crossed tightly, eyes closed, breaths carefully even.  They can hear the shuffling of fabric behind them.  Uncertain steps.  The sound of your bandaged hands smoothing down starched fabric.
A long stretch of silence.
Their eyebrow twitches in impatience; they lose count of the exhalations they were taking a census of.
“Mhin, I…uh, I don't think this is going to work.”
Mhin turns to you impatiently, a sharp question poised on their lips, but once their eyes land on you they see exactly what you mean.  
The Senobium uniform hugs the contours of your body far too tightly for propriety.  The buttons on the blouse are splayed open a scandalous amount, unable to close due to the poor fit of the stolen garment, thus allowing Mhin a teasing glimpse of your chest.  The tempting image of you is burned in their mind before they can look away, the heart that they had been keeping so carefully in check while you changed now racing.
You don't look a single bit like you'd be mistaken for a legitimate member of the clergy, not even to the uncaring or untrained eye.  Not that much of anyone could possibly look away from you, once they’ve caught a glimpse…
Idiot, don't you know what you–
Mhin feels the heat staining their face as they press their palms against their eyes as if to ward off a headache.  They need to reign themselves in before they forget all self control.  They aren't going to allow themselves to look at you again while you're still wearing that.
Not that it helps.  Mhin won’t be forgetting what they saw any time soon.  You look like someone's very expensive, if very heretical, fantasy.  Mhin doesn't even want to guess what someone might pay at Elyon’s brothel just to look at you, let alone…
“This was a stupid idea,” Mhin spits through hands still shielding their face.  If they are lucky you'll mistake their body language for an expression of pure frustration and not the attempt to hide their blush that it is.
But Mhin has never been very lucky.
They're so flustered that they don’t even hear you approach–your lips brushing against their ear as you speak comes as a surprise, their cursed predator-sharp instincts gone silent.
“Maybe not that terrible of an idea…” you posit.  Mhin shivers despite themself; if you didn't know the effect you had on them before, you certainly do now.
They can feel the fever of you against their side, can feel you like an arrow to the heart, leaning into them with your body, your own hands held carefully out of the way.  You chuckle darkly, pressing a dizzying kiss against the sensitive skin covering their parotid before you rest your chin sweetly in the curve of their neck and shoulder.
“You put all that work into getting this uniform for us, Mhin... I know it turned out to be a dead end but... I should still reward you for your hard work, right?”
Against their better judgment, Mhin drops their hands. Turns to face you. Finds their fingers pressing urgently into your skin, curving along your jaw giving you the very touch they so often wish they could receive from you. The ease with which you welcome their kiss–the way you've anticipated their eager capitulation–is something they'll have to scold themself about at a later date. For now...
It is unwise to allow a debt to go unpaid in this city.
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inkandpaintleopard · 5 months
Oh yeah and uhhh here’s some other miscellaneous drawings
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And also those first two reminded me of how random and funny I think it would be if Spooky Month and Despicable Me did a crossover;
Like, image Gru and Lila, sitting someplace having coffe or something, and Lila has brought Skid and Pump there expecting them both to play with the girls,
and then suddenly a minion just runs by and goes “Spoooky Month!”
And the absolute look of horror on the adults faces as they realize what they might’ve done
@dexter-erotoph you know what I’m sayin right?
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girlmikeyway · 2 years
pete wentz + f.t. willz writing collab. poetry to strike you stone cold dead on impact
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Do you think you could come up with some headcanons for Happy, Marl and Lucky post-Edolas arc? I haven’t seen a single piece of fanon work for them and it’s a shame because Fly to Your Friends! was one of my favourite episodes in that arc, and I always thought that little family should’ve deserved more screen time.
I literally just watched that episode omg. I wish they had more scenes together
Happy visits them frequently. They still believe he doesn't know who they are, but Happy has known the whole time
It was really important to Happy that they meet Natsu too (it went better than expected but Natsu did get yelled at several times)
Marl insists that they celebrate the day Happy reunited with them every year
Thanks to Lucky, Happy has become quite the farmer (a hobby that has taken over his home with Natsu)
Lucky does not like the Fairy Tail guild. He always yells that its too loud (Marl doesn't mind the guildhall)
Marl is always pestering Happy about when Happy and Carla are gonna get together (She adores Carla and has begun meddling)
They sat Happy down years into him regularly visiting and told him they were his parents. Happy pretended to be shocked but they quickly figured out that he already knew
Lucky has grounded Happy. Happy was convinced the punishment wouldn't last since he doesn't live with them, but Natsu took Lucky's side
Marl and Lucky take the time to teach Happy everything they know about exceed culture. Happy really enjoys learning about what his life would've been like
Happy has his own room in their house. Lucky insists that it's just a guest room, but Marl has it decorated specifically based on Happy's interests and taste
Happy does stay over there from time to time. He tries not to stay too long, not wanting to be a bother but his parents usually make up some excuse for him to stay longer
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luckylewis · 2 months
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ft. @noralevin
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macaulaymontgomery · 1 month
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss?
"He doesn't even know this, but it was Lucky after high school graduation." @luckylewis
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catgirlknighted · 9 months
literally me right now 😳
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I won't kiss & tell though unless you ask me to. 💖🤫
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altruistic-meme · 2 years
dedicated to the fantastic @cozy-fish-crow who was complaining that xe hadn’t seen any posts on xyr dash about Wilhelm’s snowglobe: another incoherent post by Abram!
So i absolutely agree that we have absolutely not talked enough about Wilhelm’s snowglobe so I’m doing that now. Bear with me. 
We talked before about how the frog snowglobe represents how Wilhelm is confined in the role of prince, even more so as Crown Prince, and i think having the snowglobe shatter in ep2 is beautiful and poetic and very very necessary in telling the story. 
Following the metaphor, this is the moment when Wilhelm begins to break free from everything. To this point, we’ve already seen a few things that hint at it (ignoring his mother, his plans against August) but this is a very big turning point for Wilhelm’s story. This is the moment he sees that there are limits even he can break, where the crown will truly turn against him. He’s been burnt by the royal court before, but those moments paled in comparison. Really, sending him to Hillerska was one of the only things the royal court ever truly made him do and there was nothing physical in it. The denial, while not what he had wanted, was still technically something he was coerced into giving, not forced. 
This is the first time real force is being used against Wilhelm. 
It’s this shattering of how he had seen the world around him. Disillusionment. The walls that are holding him back are fragile. Small things are huge threats. He had threatened abdication, but aside from ignoring his mother’s call the next morning we don’t see Wilhelm actually moving to make it reality. He was having a breakdown, I don’t think Wilhelm even truly believed in his own threats. But he’s seeing now how serious it is to the royal court, that they would take these steps to try and prevent something he hadn’t actually meant. 
[Side note: the one time Wilhelm does consider actually abdicating is for Simon.]
It’s in this moment that Wilhelm agrees to go to therapy, something that we know has a huge effect on him by the end of the season. From here, we see him improving. He starts to step back, assess what’s happening around him, and slowly he starts seeing the bigger picture. We see his growth after this moment as he begins to learn to see other people’s perspectives (Felice’s, after their kiss, when he takes a moment to think about what she said, about how she felt. Simon’s, as he tries to understand where Simon is coming from, and he strives to give Simon options and to let him in and let him know what’s happening.) 
It comes together in the end, when he yells at his mother. “It’s not enough! Can’t you see that?” And she can’t. Kristina still clutches to the visage of the crown. But Wilhelm has seen it broken, has finally come to understand that what’s underneath that is what’s important.
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lorelailewis · 2 months
be honest...what would you change about your family if you could?
"Are you kidding me? I'd change everything about them—at least my parents, anyway. Lemie and Lucky? I'd just like a second go-around with them. A fresh start without all the baggage of all the fucked up shit we've done and said to each other." @luckylewis @lemielewis
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send an emoji/series of emojis for my muse to answer any of the following questions in character!
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finn-brooks · 4 days
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
"I find comfort in my own company, but being alone and feeling alone are two different things. I'm starting to learn that, now that I have people I want to let in. My own self isolation had more to do with all of the emotional walls I put up. It's a crazy thing, moving into this town has proved I can find people to love, and they love me back. Because of that, I'm growing more aware of what loneliness feels like.
When stretches of time go by where I don't hear from them or see them. I fill it with reading, usually, or my little hobbies. I reach out when I feel it's been too long, I seek company more than I ever have. It's a lovely feeling. I adore my friends, those who snuck their ways inside my walls, like Lucky and Darcy, and the one who kicked down every single door I locked myself behind - Miss Madison Colbert, herself.
I'm dealing with loneliness less now, and I think it's crazy, but it's definitely not as easy to sit through it as it had once been."
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@luckylewis @darcyxanthonyx @madiiscn ( and all his other friends he didn't list this is for you too )
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