#fairy tail lucky
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Do you think you could come up with some headcanons for Happy, Marl and Lucky post-Edolas arc? I haven’t seen a single piece of fanon work for them and it’s a shame because Fly to Your Friends! was one of my favourite episodes in that arc, and I always thought that little family should’ve deserved more screen time.
I literally just watched that episode omg. I wish they had more scenes together
Happy visits them frequently. They still believe he doesn't know who they are, but Happy has known the whole time
It was really important to Happy that they meet Natsu too (it went better than expected but Natsu did get yelled at several times)
Marl insists that they celebrate the day Happy reunited with them every year
Thanks to Lucky, Happy has become quite the farmer (a hobby that has taken over his home with Natsu)
Lucky does not like the Fairy Tail guild. He always yells that its too loud (Marl doesn't mind the guildhall)
Marl is always pestering Happy about when Happy and Carla are gonna get together (She adores Carla and has begun meddling)
They sat Happy down years into him regularly visiting and told him they were his parents. Happy pretended to be shocked but they quickly figured out that he already knew
Lucky has grounded Happy. Happy was convinced the punishment wouldn't last since he doesn't live with them, but Natsu took Lucky's side
Marl and Lucky take the time to teach Happy everything they know about exceed culture. Happy really enjoys learning about what his life would've been like
Happy has his own room in their house. Lucky insists that it's just a guest room, but Marl has it decorated specifically based on Happy's interests and taste
Happy does stay over there from time to time. He tries not to stay too long, not wanting to be a bother but his parents usually make up some excuse for him to stay longer
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maslosstuff · 3 months
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Had my concept of yukino laying around along with her pieces star dress. Sorry this the only thing of libra I have she’s supposed to be a Spinx. Yukino og pieces star dress sucks
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I didn’t want her to be sexualized so now she’s tasteful and Egyptian
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pencilofawesomeness · 10 months
i request the whole dragon fam (httyds) in ugly christmas sweaters
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Anon. Dear Anon. I referred to you to myself and to my friends as Gutsy Anon because man, requesting 11 people was a bold move. However. However.... You won because I am weak to these 11 gremlins and the idea got away from me. I actually had a ton of fun with this so uh.... Thanks for letting me go wild, Gutsy Anon :D✨
Fun Fact: Four of these are more or less real clothing items you can purchase. One is one I own. Some are just inspired by the sheer amount of designs I have looked for this project. The rest I really wish exist but sadly only exist in my head.
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Can't see the red flags if they're up in flames, check and mate.
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itsjustvane · 3 months
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Things that happen in my daily life that make me believe I'm a fairy.
All my life I have seen myself with wings and some magical power.
Every time I go out the butterflies fly around me. They come my way no matter where I am.
Some days I feel a strong energy that connects me with the universe or some magical place, where it can attract and create new things for my life.
All my life I have felt like I belong somewhere else. I feel like there are other people like me there, but I don't know how to get there.
For some reason I can predict the death of animals.
I can see things in people that other people can't, I can recognize if someone is bad when I'm close to them or just by seeing their face.
I can't talk to everyone, only some people I feel connected to. Sometimes with the rest of the world my voice doesn't come out.
People always say I'm good, pretty, and I always have what I want even those who don't know me, but for some reason they reject me, I think it's because of my nature, I'm not a normal human.
Some days I say I want something and for something to happen and in less than a day it happens, sometimes at that exact moment.
When I see or read something about fairies I feel an energy that runs through my entire body, I still can't understand why.
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nalu-gifs · 2 years
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“Let’s go find a job!”
“Seriously? You wanna get back to work?! You mean it?! Oh, thank you, Natsu!”
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dragongodryss · 6 months
Truth or Dare
Characters: Sting Eucliffe, Rogue Cheney, Gajeel Redfox, Wendy Marvell, Natsu Dragneel
The Dragon slayers made a point of meeting at least once a month, typically on the 20th. It didn't matter if one or two couldn't make it or what they did together, what mattered was that they met. Sometimes they (Usually Natsu and Gajeel, occasionally Laxus) sparred, sometimes they played trained together, other times, they talked about their dragons and draconic culture in general.
Erik and Laxus were the most typical drop-outs, and Natsu and Wendy usually dropped out together. Sometimes, Sting had to skip out due to his master duties, but Rogue would make an effort to show up anyway.
They usually met in a clearing in the forest between Magnolia and Gazania when they weren't expecting downpour, but on days where rain was expected, one of them would host (Usually Sting and Rogue or Natsu).
Today was scheduled to be rainy, and as Natsu had hosted them last time and hadn't yet volunteered to do so this time, Sting had decided that he and Rogue would host their meeting this week. He ran down to the closest shops for enough snacks to placate seven hungry Dragon slayers while Rogue let the others know.
Rogue called Gajeel, the only one that could consistently be relied upon to answer his lacrima, first.
"Hey kid, what's up? Need me to arrest someone for you?" Gajeel picked up on the first try. He continued his cop bit on occasion, despite not having worked with the council for a while. At least he'd stopped threatening to arrest Sting, among many others.
"No, not right now. I'm calling to tell you we're hosting our meet-up today. Could you let the others know? Oh, and tell Kinana to tell Erik. I'll tell Sorano as well, so maybe he'll hear about it." Erik and Wendy didn't have communication lacrimas yet, so they needed to be told verbally.
"Alright, well, thunder-thighs is out on a job, so he ain't coming. But Salamander and little blue are in town. I'll let Kinana know. We doing this tonight?" Gajeel asked.
"Sting didn't say. He's out buying snacks. Be there at five, I guess." Rogue told him.
They showed up at six, they being Natsu, Wendy and Gajeel.
"Alright, what do we do?" Gajeel asked. Fighting was out of the question.
"Well, I was thinking," Sting started, never a good sign, "We could play truth or dare."
"Sounds good." Natsu agreed. Wendy tacked on an 'Okay'. Rogue supposed he'd be outvoted no matter what, so he shrugged.
"Let's go alphabetically." Sting suggested.
"By first or last name?" Wendy asked.
"You choose, I don't really care."
"Last." Wendy said, for obvious reasons. Which would be fine, if not for the fact that that meant Rogue was going first. "Rogue, truth or dare?"
"Boring." Natsu commented.
"When is the last time you apologized, and for what?" Wendy asked. Rogue thought for a moment.
"Yesterday evening. I bumped into the table and I was tired, so I apologized to it." Rogue admitted. Gajeel snorted. "Natsu, truth or dare."
"Dare." He had better, after his comment.
"Switch clothes with Sting for the rest of the game." Rogue said without wasting a moment.
"Fine. Let's do this." Natsu had not anticipated that this would be the day he wore thigh-high boots and a crop-top, but he had done far worse dares, courtesy of Erza. "Sting, you're next, right? Truth or dare?"
"Dare!" Sting said. Natsu chuckled evilly.
"Go to Minerva's place, ask for the spiciest thing she has in her house, bring it back here and chug it." Natsu ordered. Sting grumbled but got up.
"I'd be scared, but I can't take you seriously in those clothes." Wendy told Natsu, quite unnecessarily, he thought.
"Yeah, imagine running a guild like that." Gajeel quipped, laughing when Rogue glared at him.
Sting returned with a small jar of a red-brown powder.
"Minerva says I have to bring this back, it's expensive." He told Natsu.
"So you're going to chicken out? How are you going to take care of Rogue if you can't even keep you word?" Gajeel asked.
"He can't take care of anyone if Minerva kills him!" Rogue protested.
"Rogue takes care of Sting!" Frosch, who was apparently in the next room, called out.
Sting chugged the spices. He was surprised by how little he felt it. Then:
"ARGGHHHH, CRAP THIs hurtsss. Ow. Ow. Water- Please..."
"Sting!" Lector, Rogue and Wendy all shouted. Gajeel tried to hold in his laughter at the sheer stupidity.
"Lector, we have milk in the fridge. Just grab the whole bottle and bring it here. Hurry!" Rogue ordered. Lector, who had entered the room when he'd heard Sting scream, flew off to get milk.
Once Sting was in slightly less pain, Lector and Frosch were sent to Yukino, who was supervising the Guild in Sting and Rogue's absence.
"Aright, next. Wendy. Truth or Dare?" Sting rasped.
"Truth. Please go easy on me."
"Last time you snitched on a guildmate and what for."
"That's not going easy!" Wendy protested.
"What gave you the impression I was in the mood to go easy on anyone?" Sting asked.
"Fine. I- I never told on anyone." Wendy hoped she would get away with the lie. From the doubt on everyone's faces, she hadn't. "Fine, I told Erza about Natsu and Gray smoking Bixlow's weed."
"That was you? I thought she smelled it!" Natsu exclaimed.
"Okay. Moving on. Gajeel, truth or dare?" Wendy panicked.
"Hold a plank until it's your turn again." Wendy said. Gajeel got up into a plank.
"Rogue, truth or dare?"
"Dare." Rogue hoped he wouldn't regret it.
"Keep your eyes closed for the next two turns." Gajeel told him. Well there was absolutely no way that would ever go wrong. Rogue shut his eyes.
"Okay, Natsu. Truth or dare?"
"I dare you to let Sting write or draw whatever he wants, wherever he wants, with whatever he wants, taking as much time as he needs, on you." Rogue said. Sting deserved the chance to avenge himself.
"Ooh. Nice! Give me a minute." Sting scrambled off to get whatever it was he was getting. He came back a couple of minutes later. "Alright. Don't move, Natsu!"
"Why do you have glitter glue? Sting!" Natsu questioned. "Sting, you know I'm giving you a dare next. Sting!"
Rogue had no idea what the hell Sting was doing, since he couldn't see, but Gajeel sounded like he was trouble keeping up his plank while laughing and Wendy seemed concerned.
"Hurry up, lightbulb! I've been holding this damn plank for five minutes now." Gajeel complained.
"What is he doing?" Rogue asked Gajeel and Wendy.
"Writing 'I'm a jerk', 'Erza sucks' and, uhm... 'Please kick me uwu' in permanent markers and, uhh... Bluebird, go see what he's drawing, I can't move. He's using glitter glue for that anyway." Gajeel explained.
"I'm drawing dicks!" Sting happily called out before Wendy could get up.
"You're paying for this, Sting! Truth or dare?" Natsu growled.
"Truth." Sting said with what Rogue imagined to be the most unbearably smug look on his face.
"What is your most ridiculous fear?" Natsu grinned sadistically, planning on using the information against him next turn. By the look on his face, Sting knew it too. Served him right. Sting thought for a while.
"I don't know. They're all serious to me." Sting thought aloud. "Oh! Minerva said my fear of hospitals is ridiculous. So, that, I guess."
"That's normal though." Natsu said. "They smell like sickness and death and stuff."
"Well, Minerva doesn't think so, and she's going to send me there for the spice incident. So yeah. Wendy, truth or dare?"
"Of all of us here, who is your favorite?" Sting asked.
"Not you." Everyone, even his boyfriend, said in unison.
"Rogue?" He whined.
"Did you really think you were her favorite? After your last question?"
"Fine. I'm yours anyway. So who is it, Wendy?" Sting asked again, the matching looks of expectation on Gajeel and Natsu's faces erasing some of the hurt he felt. This was going to be fun.
"Uhm... Let me think." Wendy panicked again. Sting entertained himself with watching Gajeel suffer in his plank, so close to relief, yet so far.
"Come on, it's clearly me!" Natsu insisted. "You already said it's not Sting, and it's definitely not Rogue."
"What about me, you jerk? You wanna go?" Gajeel shouted.
"Why wouldn't it be Rogue anyway?" Sting threw in for good measure.
"If you wanna fail your dare, I'll fight you!" Natsu answered the challenge.
"Coward!" Gajeel insulted him.
"What do I do if I don't want to answer?" Wendy asked sheepishly.
"Then Gajeel has to stay in his plank forever." Rogue said evenly, ignoring the chaos. That gave Sting an idea.
"Nah. Then I give you a dare instead and we reverse the questioning order so you don't give anyone a dare this turn." Sting suggested, pretending to be merciful.
"Yeah, I like that." Natsu said.
"Sounds fair." The oblivious Gajeel agreed, Rogue's comment making him desperate for a resolution. Rogue and Wendy nodded,
"Alright Wendy, dare it is. Take this lacrima, call anyone you want outside this room and tell them that they are sexy and you are hopelessly in love with them. Then hang up before they answer." Sting dared her.
"That's mean." Wendy complained.
"Then answer the question." Sting suggested. Wendy gulped and called.
"ErzayouaresexyandIloveyoubye!" Wendy rattled off in one breath.
"Close enough. Alright, since we're reversing the order; Natsu! Truth or Dare?" Sting asked.
"Wait! What?" Gajeel roared.
"You agreed to it, plank boy." Sting dismissed him.
"Dare?" Natsu said, a little more hesitantly this time.
"Give Rogue and Wendy your wallet and let them go shopping unsupervised." Sting ordered.
"With my eyes closed?" Rogue asked, worrying about the many stairs.
"Wendy will take care of you."
"After the stuff you put her through, I wouldn't blame her for pushing me down the stairs to get back at you." Rogue told him.
The trip down the stairs went better than expected, thanks to Rogue's shadow travel. But now, the trouble was finding a shop while guiding a blinded Rogue in the pouring rain, which would give him trouble finding his way around.
"We really should have brought our coats." Wendy mused as she guided Rogue by the arm. She looked around. They walked the streets in silence, looking for a shop that looked interesting. She picked a jewelry shop, hoping to get a gift for Sherria. She looked in Natsu's wallet. Wow, did he have a lot of money. Something caught her eye.
"Hey, Rogue? Since you can't see, can I choose what we get? I want it to be a surprise." She asked innocently. Rogue agreed.
Meanwhile, in Sting and Rogue's apartment, Sting was stuffing himself with sweets. Natsu was doing the same, while wondering if he should have told Wendy that he had been holding on to the reward for their last job and that she could be spending Lucy's rent money. Gajeel, meanwhile, had been in his plank for half an hour at this point and was sick and tired of this game.
Cheerfully, Wendy guided Rogue back home.
"We're back!" She called out, soaking wet but smiling. Beside her, Rogue looked like a wet cat.
"What did you get?" Natsu asked.
"I don't know." Rogue answered.
"Give me a second. First, I got matching bracelets for me and Sherria!" She proclaimed, holding up two silver bracelets, one with a sapphire and tiger's eye heart and one with rose-quartz and sapphire. Expensive, but there would still be enough to make Lucy's rent and some money for the rest of the team to split. "And I bought this for Rogue!"
"It's beautiful! Put it on him." Sting exclaimed. Natsu couldn't see it yet, but he didn't need to be Carla to know this was not going to go well. "Oh, man. I wish he could open his eyes. It matches them so well."
Rogue felt some sort of circlet being placed on his head. It felt cold, like metal. From Stings awed commentary, he could guess some of it was red.
Natsu couldn't deny it suited Rogue, but the circlet killed any hopes of bringing back any money. His team would never trust him with the rewards ever again.
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"Rogue. Truth or dare?" He asked numbly.
"Truth." Earlier, he had mocked Rogue's decision, but now, he saw the wisdom in his fellow Dragon slayers choices. He remembered something a drunk Sting had thought up while at a party.
"Have you ever had sex in a tree?" Natsu asked. Sting suddenly looked awfully sheepish.
"I have tried. Do you remember when I had that concussion?" Rogue answered honestly.
"Sting, you moron. What part of that is looking out for him?" Gajeel scolded.
"It was romantic until he fell!"
"Alright Gajeel. Truth or dare?" Rogue asked. Gajeel sighed in relief and collapsed in a heap on the floor.
"Where do you think you'll be in five years time?"
"What is this, shadow princess, a job interview?" Gajeel asked.
"It's a question, and what's with the nickname?" Rogue fire back.
"Ya look like a princess. Tiara'n all. But I guess I'll be in a meeting with you losers again. But I sure as hell won't be playing this stupid game." Gajeel answered.
"Okay, my turn! I pick dare!" Wendy said.
"Lick your elbow."
Wendy tried to reach, but her tongue would not stretch quite far enough. Scowling from the effort, she kept trying. Eventually, Rogue piped up.
"Shouldn't the dare be physically possible?"
"Fine. New dare. Hit Sting on the head." Gajeel agreed. Wendy obliged, carefully. "Ya had a free hit, and ya let him off easy. The jerk would've had it coming."
"Okay Sting, truth or dare?"
"Do you have vinegar?" Wendy asked. Sting liked where this was going.
"Yeah. Brand new bottle."
"Drink it. All of it."
"Good kid." Gajeel said.
"We have a new bottle for a reason." Rogue complained.
"I'm sorry, what?" Gajeel asked.
"We have a new bottle for a reason." Rogue repeated. "And that reason is that Sting likes sour things."
"I'm not surprised. Bloody Freak."
"Chug! Chug! Chug!" Natsu was probably chanting loudly enough to rouse the downstairs neighbours. Sting opened the bottle and gave it a swirl, putting it to his lips and drinking the whole thing in about 30 seconds.
"Alrighty, now! Natsu, truth or dare?"
"Have you ever said something you regret about someone in this room?" Sting asked mischievously.
"No. Rogue, truth or dare?"
"Truth!" Rogue opened his eyes as he spoke, blinking them a few times to get used to the light.
"What to you think about the circlet?" Natsu asked. Rogue went to look at a mirror. He came back shortly after.
"It's beautiful, but it must have cost a fortune."
The game fizzled out after that. Everyone crashed at Sting and Rogue's place for the night.
The Fairy Tail Dragon slayers returned to Magnolia to find Erza waiting for them.
"Wendy, I got your message. Are you alright?" She asked, concerned.
"Yeah. We played truth or dare."
"That explains... things." Erza said, her gaze sweeping the trio before her. Gajeel was rubbing his arms with numb fingers, looking absolutely miserable. Natsu, wearing what looked like Stings clothes, with marked skin and a deeply guilty expression on his face. Wendy, all things considered, looked the best out of the three. "Do the other two look worse?"
"No. We all agree that lightbulb is the worst though." Gajeel growled.
Back in Gazania, Rogue was surprised at how little clean-up was necessary. Looking at Sting's smug face as they had their morning coffee, Rogue knew he had been right.
When Sting had an idea, it was never a good thing.
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almaetheweirdo · 8 months
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someawesomeamvs · 2 months
Warning: None
Title: Can't Stop The Feeling
Editor: BritEditr
Song: Can't Stop the Feeling
Artist: Justin Timberlake
Anime: Acchi Kocchi, Carnival Phantasm, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, Fairy Tail, Free!, Hyouka, The iDOLM@STER, Kill Me Baby, Kokoro Connect, K-on!, Kyoukai no Kanata, Love Live!, Lucky Star, Magi, Mikakunin de Shinkoukei, Nichijou, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu, Uta no Prince-sama
Category: Dance
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teka-chat · 5 months
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hey i finally get to make art for myself again ! hi !
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kopiksu · 1 year
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my GIRL. look at her. who else could look so cute after waking up from a nap.
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drilanime · 2 years
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lma2001 · 2 years
I should probably stop drawing every clothes i like on juvia or risa …. BUT NO
جوفيا لازم تصبر لين ارسم زي الناس عشان ادلعها بالملابس 
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itsjustvane · 2 months
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Princess, your mind is your masterpiece
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