#ftlog calysta
chaotic-kitty · 2 years
For The Love Of Gods M6 x MC At A Carnival
Warnings: none
I have serious ftlog brainrot rn. And I know I said no hc’s for a bit….but this was just a little something that popped into my head the other day. Thought I’d post it anyways.
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Vidas would use their intellectual skills to figure out the loopholes and tricks for the carnival games, just so they could win you the BIGGEST, SQUISHIEST soft toy (plushie) there.🫶🏻
Convince them to go on the teacup ride with you!
It’s legit just 7 immortal deities sitting in massive, fake teacups moving around in circles.😭🤣
They will all use their powers/skills to win *cough* cheat *cough* at carnival games.
They make it a competition to see who can win the most games and win you the most prizes.
Caly and Leo would go on all the thrill rides (like roller coasters) and would try to get you to come along. Aurelia also joins them.
Caly and Leo also try the strength tester game……Caly breaks it.😅
Astrellio acts the whole time like he isn’t interested in any of it. (Though his amusement at his friends antics is obvious.)
He ends up winning the competition.
During your time galavanting around the carnival, you guys find a photo booth.
An hour and a bit later, you’ve got a handful of funny photos of all of you.💕
Y’all try the house of mirrors!!
Eeri and Vidas figure out the layout pretty quickly. They use that to go around scaring and pranking everyone.
Leo tries to out scare and out prank them.
They all just basically wreak havoc the entire time.
Caly and Leo act like kids on a sugar high.
Eeri and Vidas act like the mischievous pranksters they are, and even start tampering with all the games.
Astrellio acts the entire time like he doesn’t want to be there, but eggs them all on.
Aurelia is the mum of the group.
Y’all try the carnival food (like the popcorn)…..Eonia food is better! And Aurelia’s popcorn is also better.
If there are any clowns there and you (like me) are scared of them? They’ll make sure you don’t see or come into contact with one.
You all stay until long after the carnival ends.
You just kinda hang out on the carnival grounds. Stargazing and chatting before you head home.
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bastart13 · 2 years
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Another set of Fictif redesigns: Poe (Roadkill) and Calysta (For the Love of Gods)
Poe was a bit tricky to think of ideas for as I'm not well versed in the summer horror films his character is set in. I made him a little lankier to avoid being generically fit, and kept the academic aesthetic but with a bit more gothic elements and references to ravens for the Edgar Allan Poe thing
In contrast, I changed Calysta a lot. First, I had to give her bigger muscles because I love buff women. I also gave her stone skin and the thick leather belt to add to her title as the goddess of strength. I associate strength with stone, elephants and similar large herbivores, and gentle fortitude. Inhuman-looking gods are excellent as well, and it's why Astrellio is one of the best designs, so I had to go with that
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Hi! Can I request Eeri and Calysta (ftlog/fictif) getting in a fight with MC?
Getting into an argument with Calysta and Eeri
Here you go Anon! Hope you enjoy it!
Masterlist | More Fictif content
Disagreements with Eeri don't come up too often, as they try to solve the issues before it becomes an argument. But sometimes they tend to come across as closed off, leading to arguments they can't logic their way out of.
They don't mean to hurt you in any way, but they are likely to make you feel like they don't value your opinion on certain matters. Being honest with each other is important to them, so you can try to do so, but it can spiral into arguments where they shut down.
They need time to calm down and work through whatever they're feeling before they can come to a solution. They won't storm off, they'll tell you that both of you need time to calm down. After a while, they'll come back to you looking very guilty.
They try to make it up to you by first sitting down with you can express your side of the argument. They will work it out with you in a calm manner. Then, they'll suggest to do something fun together, like meandering through the garden or having a picnic together.
Arguments aren't very common with Calysta, but when they do arise, it can be because of how flirty she can be with people or because sometimes she's not very verbal with her affections.
She argues like her life is on the line. Old habits die hard, she can't be perceived as weak by anyone, least of all you. She's forcing herself not to cry, and she might say things that are not at all true.
She'll take off eventually, running off to somewhere she can calm down. She's upset with herself and is filled with regret about saying those things. She'll eventually bring herself to go see you, and she's apologizing frantically.
She wants to make things right and she's trying her best to make this relationship work. She has lots to learn and she's willing to do it for you.
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ramseysdevorak · 3 years
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She did and I love her for it
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anonymous-eggy · 3 years
I don't actually know what happens if you choose the wrong one bc i got it right first try 😬 what happens...? is it bad...? do they come back???
I just trusted Vidas, my beloved, and know my colors 😅
p.s. I am so glad I'm the person who gets the privilege of hearing about your journey to becoming the deity of murder (i promise I'm just teasing 😂) feel free to keep me updated even more I love this
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chaotic-kitty · 2 years
Hi! I dont know if ur gonna accept this bc u have 5 request working on but, Can i request a Ftlog poly relationship them reacting to mc actung submissive? Feel free to ignore! Have a nice day/night!😅😅
Hiiii! I was happy to do this! But dear gods i had trouble with it. Apparently for good as i am writing for dominant characters, I’m not necessarily as good at writing for submissive characters.😅 But i did my best and it was great practice. Anyways, i hope this is okay? It is kinda short. Thank you so much for your request!! Sorry for any mistakes. Enjoy!💕
For The Love Of Gods M6 Reacting To Poly! MC Acting Submissive
Warnings: Explicit Content (NSFW)
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There where a few incidents where you reacted a certain way that made them just kinda stop and look at you surprised.
But it wasnt until you were all at the table talking and teasing each other, when one of them answered you with “Good girl/boy/GN alternative” and caused you to start stammering and blushing hard.
All of them just stopped and looked at you, blushing when they realised why you reacted like that.
They’re all a bit surprised to say the least.
They weren’t necessarily not expecting you to be submissive, they just hadn’t really thought about it.
Though out of everyone, Vidas picks up quicker that your quite submissive.
After realising that you may be more submissive, they all do things to see how you react and to confirm their suspicions.
Will also just ask you outright (at an appropriate time.)
After that they up their teasing. (consensually though. They won’t do it if you dont like it.)
You will have times where they all gang up and tease you, knowing exactly what’s going to happen later~😏
Vidas is the worst one for teasing you and getting you worked up like that.
Out of all of them, Vidas is also more dominant, while Eeri is more submissive. And the rest of them fall somewhere in between the two when it comes to dom/sub ect. But all of them are willing to dom at times.
As they learn more and more, they all become better and better at knowing exactly what elicits that reaction from you.
If you have a praise kink, they will also praise you so much.
They’re not scared to do things in public, it just makes everything more fun and risky.
They’re all into experimenting with a sub/dom relationship if thats what you want.
Will also definitely explore the world of BDSM with you, if you want.
Vidas also has a big thing for cuffing and blindfolding you. (Among other things……But I’ll leave that to your imagination.)
You guys literally have eternity together so, you will all end up having a lot of time to experiment and try all different things.
But for whatever you’re into in bed, none of them fail to satisfy you. They are all mind blowing in bed. Vidas and Eeri with their encyclopaedic knowledge of things, always know new ways to spice things up. And Leo with his stamina can be going quite literally all through the night.
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chaotic-kitty · 2 years
For The Love Of Gods: M6 React To MC Being Insulted
Warnings: Features themes of bullying and conflict
Hi! This was a request from my insta. Not gonna lie, this one i found a little difficult to write. It does feature insults and arguments or at least conflict. So if you find that triggering, please be careful. <3 Hope you like it. Sorry if there is any mistakes.💕
Scenario: The MC is hanging out in Eonia socialising with the other deities while hanging out with the group when another deity insults them:
“Deity of Love huh? Ya know, Aurelia and Astrellio being the deities of what they are makes sense, the sun and the moon are important. Eeri and Vidas? They’re smart and logical, that’s helpful and makes sense. Leonidas is the God of Stamina, that’s handy and a worthy title. Calysta is the Goddess of Strength, she’s the strongest being, both physically and mentally, in the universe. She has purpose. But a Deity of Love? What’s the point? It seems like a waste. What are you even good for? I’ve never questioned The Fates before, until now.”
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When he hears what that deity just said, he is furious!
And when he looks over and sees you upset, it breaks his heart.
He immediately swings an arm around your waist to get you to face him, and he checks you over.
Then he turns his attention to the deity in question and glares at them.
He starts telling them off.
Saying that they are in the wrong, and who are they to question The Fates.
They bring up all the good you’ve done in your short time there and about how you earned your way here. Just like everyone else.
As Astrellio gets more worked up, his powers start to cause the moon to announce itself in the sky, again.
Eventually his and Aurelia’s powers start clashing, causing an eclipse and a horrid storm.
They end up being separated from the deity as you try to calm them down.
He just hates that they hurt you like that.
For the rest of the day he will keep an eye on you, making sure you’re okay.
Will glare at the deity whenever they are around after that, even if they apologise. He is very good at holding grudges.
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As soon as the words leave the deities mouth, she gasps out of pure shock!
How dare they say something like that? Especially to the person she loves!
Is so furious that her powers start causing everything to get uncomfortably bright and hot.
She turns her full attention to them as she starts asking why they had just said that. What gave them the right to say that. Ect.
Starts saying about how hard you had worked to stay here and become a deity.
Her control over her powers lessen, and the sun starts to flare brighter and brighter.
Her powers clash with Astrellio’s, causing another eclipse and storm.
Aurelia, along with Astrellio, is separated from the deity as you calm them down.
Is upset at herself for losing control again. She just got so angry about what they said to you.
Might actually start crying a little. Just give her a hug and reassure her that you’re okay, please.
After she’s calmed down, she wont leave your side for the rest of the day.
If they end up apologising, and you accept the apology, she will try to acknowledge that and move on from the whole thing.
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Is stunned at first. They were not expecting that.
Eeri doesn’t like conflict. And while they may struggle to defend themselves, they don’t think twice about defending you.
They are honestly baffled as to why someone would insult you like that! Especially another deity.
Will also start going off on them, albeit not as loud.
They fire carefully crafted questions at them regarding why they insulted you.
They also get a little passive aggressive as they drop some insults on them.
Eventually, they come over to check on you.
Aurelia and Astrellio’s powers end up going berserk again. So they help in separating them from the deity.
Won’t bring up the situation until a little later, once everything has settled down.
They will ask if you’re okay and if you want to talk about it.
Will give you cuddles and tell you that the deity was wrong. And about just how great you are.
Will be a little passive aggressive to the deity when they cross paths. If an apology is given and accepted, they’ll drop it.
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They always have a good grasp of what is to be expected in any given situation. However, they did not expect another member of the pantheon to insult you.
They are upset that a person, deity of Eonia no less, would insult someone like that. And they are angry that that person insulted you, and made you upset.
They end up firing off a few witty insults at them as they call them out.
They will also list all of your wonderful qualities, and tell them exactly why you are worthy of your place in Eonia.
(Unlike them)
After they say their part, they go over and check on you, completely ignoring the deity.
Will help seperate Astrellio and Aurelia after their powers inevitably go berserk.
Spends some time with you in the gardens that night.
While you’re there, they check in with you to see how you’re feeling.
Reassures you that you are an amazing Deity Of Love, and that you earned your place in the Pantheon.
Will ignore the deity if they ever see them. If they apologise and you accept, they’ll still be a little hostile and snarky to them for a bit.
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Will take you into her arms (after Astrellio lets you go).
They check you over and ask if you are okay.
They hold you in their arms as they watch the others go off on the deity.
It’s not that they don’t want to speak up for you, but rather they want to wait until it has died down a little.
They try to keep you calm as they comfort you.
As Astrellio and Aurelia’s powers start going berserk, she lets you go and helps diffuse the situation.
She also asks later how you’re doing. And offers affection and reassurance.
A few days after the incident, she confronts the deity that insulted you.
She gets them to explain what had happened, why they insulted you, ect.
After a long chat (in which she does defend you) she gets the deity to go and apologise to you.
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Goes over to you and Calysta, and places a comforting hand on your back/shoulder.
He can see that his friends are already handling the situation, so he instead stays with you.
He will also try to calm you down. Seeing you upset makes him upset.
He knew that some of the others weren’t as nice and welcoming but, he didn’t think someone would actually go as far to insult you. And definitely not like that.
As Astrellio and Aurelia’s powers start going berserk again, it causes a sudden eclipse as rain and wind start coming full force.
Leo ends up escorting the deity away from all of you to try and diffuse the situation.
He asks them calmly why the said that. And sticks up for you.
He doesn’t tolerate bullies.
After he’ll go and find you again.
Takes you to go get some food. Over the meal, he will just check on you and see how you’re doing.
Will offer you anything you want to feel better.
Whether the deity apologises and you except or not, he’ll still be a little on guard when they are around. More so if you’re there too.
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chaotic-kitty · 2 years
Warnings: None
We need more ftlog content so I decided to make more content. This is focusing on the MC’s relationship with all the deities as a group instead of individual headcanons. (Characters: Astrellio, Aurelia, Calysta, Leonidas, Vidas, Eeri). Sorry for any mistakes!!💕
They will gang up to tease you
Everything is a competition with them
They definitely compete with each other to see who can make you blush more ect.
They love to hear you laugh and will do whatever they can to make you do it
They also love watching you get excited over everything
Share/talk about your favourite things, especially if they’ve never seen or heard of it before
All 6 of them just sit there with goofy grins, blushy cheeks and absolute adoration on their faces
While they are immortal they are still all big kids at heart
They love playing games
Pranks are always happening
Group trips to the realms below!!!
Other group activities like slumber parties, movie nights, game nights & group meals
You guys are often found in the dining hall eating meals together
And the flirting? Dear gods!
They flirt with you, you flirt back
Dalia just sits there utterly amused
Either in winter or when everyone is needing a break. Just drag them all into a room stocked with pillows, blankets ect. and cuddle together.
Is a very pleasant experience, especially if Aurelia is there. She makes it more warm and cozy
They will spoil you!
You like books? Eeri has a whole library full. Anything you want they will give you without hesitation
Gods forbid someone insults you near them. That person will have 6 angry deities coming for them
Very doting.
If they think you’re pushing yourself they will all make sure your taken care of
You’re not feeling great? All 6 of them sweep you into a group hug (if that’s okay)
You’re in bed crying or upset? They will sit with you and comfort you until your ready to talk. And they will do their absolute best to get to the bottom of what’s wrong and help you
They will help you learn to use your godly powers
Calysta & Leonidas will set up the arena to have a safe space for you to practice
Eeri & Vidas will be debating what powers you will get and how they will work
Astrellio & Aurelia are there giving their encouragement and advice
They are utterly enthralled when you get more confident with said powers and show them off
They are so proud!!
When there is trouble in paradise either with you and them or them with each other… Everyone in Eonia is aware because the entire group is affected
If either Aurelia or Astrellio are involved they’re powers go berserk again
Because you are dating all of them they confide in you and vice versa
You have found yourself in the middle of many a disagreement before
You often opt to stay neutral especially when there are arguments; But that doesn’t always work out
They will get upset at times when you don’t take their sides
Though with your your help and time everyone makes up
They were all close before but since dating you they all grow much closer
Polyamory is common in Eonia and it’s a very open and accepting place so there is no judgment
All of them give damn good advice and amazing hugs
All in all it’s a great relationship.
They’re always teaching you new things and you teach them new things
Y’all are absolutely chaotic especially when your all together
The other deities love seeing you all together as well
Dalia is No.1 supporter
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chaotic-kitty · 2 years
For The Love Of Gods M6 with a pregnant MC! Part 3
Warnings: contains non graphic topics relating to pregnancy/ childbirth. Angst. Mentions of past parental death.
The MC is g/n! Nothing about their gender is mentioned, they are just a being that’s able to be pregnant.
This concludes this request! Thank you so much to the lovely anon that requested this, I hope it’s what you wanted. This was definitely a bit of a challenge, but I had fun writing it. Anyways, hope you enjoy it and sorry for any mistakes!💕
Part 1 | Part 2
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She’s happy when you tell her you’re pregnant. At first she’s a little stunned and will just look at you like, “Really?”
Will do a lot of the heavy lifting, both during the pregnancy and after in terms of taking care of supplies, setting up the nursery, baby proofing EVERYTHING! Just general upkeep.
At first she might be a bit overbearing, but it comes from a place of love.
Will make sure that you take care of yourself throughout the pregnancy and birth. Like making sure you’re eating the right foods, getting enough exercise, ect.
She’s in no rush to tell people but, the minute you’re ready she’ll get your inner circle together to tell them. Is very proud of you and about becoming a parent.
You two draw up plans for the nursery, designing it in a way that is best for you two.
However, she doesn’t just help design the nursery…..she builds the nursery!!
As well as doing the painting and whatnot.
You two go to a whole bunch of different shops, both in Eonia and the realms below, looking for stuff for your baby as well as just general inspiration.
You’ll probably have to stop her from trying to steal structures from the realms below for the baby. Like she just brings home this entire playground.
“-But MC, the mortals weren’t appreciating it enough! And look, it matches the nursery!”
You two will sneak away to her secret cave. You cuddle together under the stars, discussing baby names and wondering what your baby will look like, or what they’ll be like when they’re older.
Is great when it comes to the morning sickness and other fun pregnancy symptoms. Will get you whatever you need.
Is very supportive. Will give you comfort and reassurance whenever you need it, especially on the days where that pre parental panic comes through.
Caly is not only strong physically but also mentally, she doesn’t get as much of the parental panic or insecurities come through. And when they do, it doesn’t affect her that much and she will just silently deal with those feelings if/when they do arise.
Knows a fair amount about pregnancy/childbirth so she has a good idea as to what to expect, but she will do some reading with you to learn more.
Is supportive of whatever form of childbirth you want to do as well as what method of feeding you wish to go with.
She is the Goddess of Strength, so during labour you can grab her hand and squeeze as hard as you want and it won’t faze her one bit. She doesn’t really feel it and there is absolutely no way you’ll break her hand or anything either.
When the baby is out she just has this giant smile on her face.
She does get a bit overwhelmed by everything, how could she not? But words could not even begin to describe how happy and proud she is.
Gets a little scared when she sees the baby. She knows babies are small and fragile, but it’s different now that the baby is right in front of her!
Will be scared to hold the baby. She doesn’t want to crush them and hurt them.🥺
Makes sure you and the baby/babies are okay. Gets you whatever you need after the birth.
Once everything has settled down a little, she gives herself a moment to just feel. She lets it all come out. The elation of having a baby. The fear of something going wrong. The relief that you’re okay. And the apprehension for the future.
If you happen to catch her in this bittersweet moment, the two of you just sit together in comfortable silence, basking in the fears and relief of the past few months and for the future.
Once she gets over her fear of crushing the poor kid, she’ll be picking them up and playing with them all the time.
You’ll find them cuddling together in her cave as she tells them stories about all the battles she fought in….(leaving out the more gory details)
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Literally squeals with sheer joy and is quick to wrap you in a bear hug as soon as you tell her you’re pregnant.
Wants to tell everyone!! Straight away!!
Because of how elated she is, the whole of Eonia gets hotter and brighter thanks to her powers so, all of the residents of Eonia know that something is going on with the two of you.
When you’re comfortable telling people, she will throw a party for everyone to announce your pregnancy.
The other deities aren’t that surprised given everything, but are all so happy to have another little deity joining them in Eonia.
Goes all out with planning for the baby. Everything has to be PERFECT!
She gets the baby a whole bunch of stuff like baby outfits, toys, and even a riding outfit for when they’re older so she can teach them to ride Flare.
Will spend hours planning out the nursery with you, and picking baby names.
Is very protective of you throughout the whole pregnancy. If she thinks for even a second that you’re stressing or overworking yourself, she’ll whisk you away to relax.
Is the best person when it comes to food cravings.
You wake up at 2am craving cake or pastries ? Aurelia can make anything with her powers pretty quickly, so you’ll instantly have the best, most delicious treat you’ve ever tasted.
Will make sure you have the best, comfiest, but still stylish clothes for your pregnancy. She knows how stressful finding good fitting clothes can be, not to mention when you’re pregnant.
She’ll take you to be properly fitted for clothes. (Side note: I headcanon that there is a deity that makes all the clothes for the residents of Eonia. Including the ones the main characters are wearing.)
She has a decent amount of knowledge of childbirth, pregnancy, the whole shebang. But will still go to Eeri and Vidas to get some advice and books on the matter so she can be properly informed.
You two have a picnic in the fields by her home, where you go over everything and plan what you want to do. Is very supportive in whatever methods of childbirth and feeding you want to go with.
You two hang out at the beach a lot during this time. Aurelia just sits there musing about the future. Imagining your child playing in the sand and learning to swim.
Expecting a baby with you, no matter how happy she is about it, is bringing up some old hurt. She wishes her parents were still alive so that they could meet your baby. <3
Once the initial joy starts to fade, doubts will start creeping through.
Contrary to popular belief, she isn’t as immune to insecurities as people would think. She’s just exceptionally good at masking it.
But once the veil starts to slip, that side of her comes out to play. She’ll start getting upset at the idea of not being good enough. What if the baby hates her? What if she can can’t be a good mum?
She even goes as far as too get scared by her powers. What if she hurts them like she hurt her parents?? She accidentally swallowed up her entire universe in an attempt to be the best she could! What’s to stop that from happening again??
Because of this, all of these insecurities and fears coming through, she’ll spiral out of control. Her powers will go berserk again and she will feel like this is just proving her point.
She’ll need not only you, but the other deities to help talk her down and comfort her. After all, it takes a village. Not just to raise a kid, but to prepare for one.
Those fears will never truly fade, at least not before the baby comes. But she works through it with your help.
Despite her own fears, she will comfort and reassure you whenever you need it. It actually puts her at ease a little, knowing she isn’t alone in this.
When you’re in labour, she’ll get Flare to fly you guys to wherever you are giving birth.
Is with you the whole time! Offering comfort and reassurance.
Though she herself is stressing and accidentally causes a heatwave…..🤦🏻‍♀️
She is so full of emotion when the baby comes and she sees them for the first time. She just cries. Both out of joy and relief. And because she wishes in this moment her parents where here to share this moment with her.
Holds the baby after making sure you’re okay. As she looks at them, she knows that no matter what happens, everything is gonna be okay. They’re gonna be okay.
Is amazing after the birth. She helps you recover and takes care of the baby when needed.
When they’re a few months old, she takes them on their first ride on Flare where she shows them the whole of Eonia.
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chaotic-kitty · 3 years
So because I enjoy my own suffering apparently, I’ve decided to see how many characters nix hydra as a whole has come up with from both fictif & the arcana (it obviously is an approximation, I tried to find every main character/side character I could. Though I’m definitely sure I missed a few)
Fictif + The Arcana Total Characters:
Female- 50 Male- 53 Non-binary- 8
And of those characters these are the Love Interests:
Female- 10 Male- 20 Non-binary- 3
Technically, there is 12 female love interests (Nahara & Adra) BUT!! Nahara you could only romance in one story & Adra you couldn’t actually romance at all.
(Edit: that’s also not including the major arcana characters)
And going through the character designs & profiles for these characters, while it seems diverse, it also feels like they stick heavily to stereotypes.
For one, all of their characters seems to be weirdly tall. Out of the females the shortest are Volta & Portia, with Portia standing at roughly 5’0 (Volta I’m not quite sure, but I’d say even shorter than that) the majority of the other women are 5’7 and taller. And I know that that isn’t that tall but still. Then the male characters, Felix from what I can find is the shortest standing at 5’6 and Muriel is the tallest at 6’10, all of the other men fall at roughly around the 6’0 mark. And our lovely enby characters fall more on the taller side from what I can find.
As for body types, there isn’t much diversity there either, especially for the LIs. Most of the woman are thinner, with a more hourglass shape and average-bigger breasts. The men are pretty much tall, buff/muscular and really chiseled in their appearances. The non-binary characters seems a little more relaxed to a degree in their physical appearances and seems to be covered up a lot compared to the other characters. (Though they tend to follow the stereotype bodies as well. Like the amab characters having more “masculine features” ect.)
While the characters have a wide range of skin tones,ethnicities, ect. I’ve seen people talk about how a lot of poc characters have features that they wouldn’t necessarily have (e.g. eye colour) and how that they don’t necessarily properly represent POC individuals and going through all of the characters…..all of these characters all seem to be very similar in appearance as well.
So with all of this in mind, it really makes me further doubt nix hydra when it comes to their arguments about being inclusive/diverse and a being all for lgbt+ and women empowerment ect. The way I see it, they use those arguments as nothing but an advertising tool to lure in players who are being promised proper representation, just to constantly let those same people down. How are we as a fandom supposed to believe and support them when they constantly queer-bait and give false representation? What makes it worse though, is that nix hydra is a company run by women and they should know better than anyone what it’s like to grow up with no good representation, what it feels like to constantly have characters that are the stereotype and nothing close to the real thing. And then going as far as to blame us for not showing enough interest? We do show interest! Everyday on Tumblr, Instagram I see people expressing their love for these beautiful female and non-binary characters saying how much they would love stories with them. The beautiful artwork and stories they make for them (…coz you won’t). If you actually took a minute to look past what you want to see, you would find a community full of beautiful people wanting these stories & characters.
Nix Hydra ( @fictifgames) ,you had a great opportunity to break the mould and to be a company/storyteller to give actual proper representation. But time after time you have failed in that. I get that making these stories takes time and effort and I applaud every single writer/artist/developer ect for their work but come on! You need to stop targeting the lgbt community, women & poc individuals if you’re only gonna use us. We are not a marketing tool for you to exploit!! Especially as so many of your fans are younger people who are figuring out their identity, what kind of message are you sending them? And covering all this up with posts about women empowerment and whatnot isn’t gonna change anything. You guys need to learn that it’s okay to try different things! Make smaller characters! Make bigger & curvy characters! Make male characters with realistic body types! Make wlw stories! Give us the representation we deserve and you’ve been promising! It’s really not that hard. I’m sure there are plenty of good people who can give you pointers if you’re struggling to write certain characters properly. Stop buying into outdated stereotypes and concepts! Stop writing women the way we’ve wanted people to stop writing us for decades! You may think it’s nothing but it is harmful especially when we still live in a world we’re we don’t get proper, realistic characters.
Edit: And furthermore, while it’s upsetting not getting proper lgbt, women & poc representation, you’re not necessarily giving your male audience much representation either. You’re writing your male characters through your own fantasies and ideals and what society as a whole has deemed to be the male standard by making them buff and tall and “classically handsome”. That’s not proper representation either.
But anyways, rant over! Sorry for any mistakes ect.
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chaotic-kitty · 3 years
Approximately, for every female LI there’s two male LI’s…..
There is a total of 9 potential female LI’s, 17 male LI’s & 2 Nonbinary LI’s
Female LI Featured Stories- 3
Female Specific Routes- 4
Female Stand-alone Stories- 1
Male LI Featured Stories- 4
Male Specific Routes- 9
Male Stand-alone Stories- 7
Nonbinary LI Featured Stories- 1
It is really hard to keep on believing the devs of fictif when they say that they’re not only inclusive but that there’s not enough interest in female characters/routes. 1) that’s a lie. 2) it’s a bit hard for your audience to be interested and invested in female LI’s if you don’t give them a chance! It’s kinda obvious that the devs don’t really give a damn about non male characters. And I get that it takes a lot of time and effort to make these stories, but by saying Celia was only gonna get 7 chapters from the start, shows you didn’t want her to succeed. You cut Tess’s route than blamed the fandom for lack of interest. Val doesn’t even have her route yet. Elise was overshadowed by Sawyer. And all the other female LI’s that are featured in the other stories had more male LI’s to compete with. And don’t even get me started on the Echos Of Warmth story. This honesty makes me worried for the future on Anisa🥺
The only story that has a good balance of characters and screen time is FTLOG but the majority of that story is stuck behind a pay wall. And even after unlocking all of the scenes, it still felt a little rushed.
Just do better guys, it’s not that hard!
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chaotic-kitty · 2 years
Imagine a gen Z Deity of Love (definitely not speaking as a gen Z👀)
Eonia would be a bit of a culture shock for the mc but, think about how much of a culture shock the mc would be for the deities/Dalia! They’re all centuries old and even though they’ve been around awhile, they’ve never had a deity from modern times.
The absolute shock and horror on their faces when their beloved Deity of Love comes out with the classic “I wish that was me” or “mood” when something goes wrong or someone gets hurt or something breaks, ect.
They would all be genuinely concerned.
Or what about a thirsty mc? Especially one that’s also a Deity of Love? The amount of lewd shit that comes outta their mouth!
I think they’d be taken by surprise there too.
“What are you gonna do? Punish me?” *cue confused, blushy deity of your choice*
Though some would keep their composure more than others and would be quick with a retort.
And imagine them just using full on slang! They’re in the middle of a conversation with one of the deities and go like “lmao”, “brb”, or something, and the deity in question just looks at them genuinely confused.
Vidas and Eeri will legit get you to teach them slang and other shit from gen Z culture. Once you start teaching them things tho? They’re even more chaotic then they were to begin with. They’ll start to piss everyone off😅
They’re all kind of amused once they get used to it. As immortals they all think they’ve seen everything, but here you are.
Oh! And what about your taste in music? I doubt they’d be listening to much modern music.
They come around only to find their Deity of Love blasting like death metal🤣
I think they’d also be very taken with how passionate the mc is and how open minded they are. Not to mention how strong they could be with their views on political issues. (if you’re that sorta person)
Following on from that: if the mc has very strong views and standpoints they would probably definitely debate with Vidas and Eeri. Which lets be real, would be a turn on for both of them but also it would be so exciting for them! Being about to have someone else keep up with them and test their knowledge and teach them new things? They’re in heaven! …..again.
And what about an mc that is really into gaming or movies?
Eonia probably has movies and games but, I doubt they have anyone that has a deep knowledge and love for both however.
Convincing them to play Among Us or minecraft ect😅
Vidas & Eeri would be the best at Among Us! And Calysta would be the best at minecraft…..at least when it comes to building.
In Vidas’s paid scene in chapter 3, they say they like calculating the amount of pumpkin spice lattes people (couples?) buy. Imagine taking them to Earth to get some or showing them other popular foods/beverages like bubble tea!
I can also see Astrellio being really into watching documentaries with the mc, especially ones about space.
Edit: the mc would just be all around very chaotic.
The others would have their hands full. I mean you gotta keep ‘em on their toes somehow.
It’s just basically never a dull moment. But I think that they would end up finding it amusing and maybe even refreshing?
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chaotic-kitty · 2 years
Tumblr media
Just thinking about them🥺💕
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chaotic-kitty · 2 years
Do u still do request? If so Can i request some Nsfw Hc on the main On For the love of gods? Pls? Well feel free to ignore this! I wont force😅😅
Hi!!! I haven’t officially opened up requests (I have been thinking about it though). But I would love to do this!! Thank you for your request, it was fun! Given that the story is only 6 chapter (plus Astrello’s story) it’s a bit hard to get a good, in depth read on them. I kinda ran out of ideas for Eeri in particular as i did a NSFW piece on them already. But i did my best to think of what they’d be like. Anyways, hope you like it and sorry for any mistakes.💕
WARNINGS: Explicit Content
Very gentle
Is more into soft sensual s*x.
But he has a mischievous streak that will come out at the most unexpected times.
He will pull you into alleyways/side streets and make out with you. He will start running his hands up your thighs, or down your back just to see how far you will let him go.
If you’re feeling bold, turn the tables on him. Get on your knees. He will literally melt and be putty in your hands.🥵
You know that paid scene were he spends the night with you? That kiss where you experience/see the galaxies through his eyes? That happens a lot when you guys are ✨making love✨it makes the experience that much more intimate.
Trace/count his freckles *cough* stars *cough*. He loves it.
When he’s in in the mood, he just looks at you with his twinkly blush. If you catch him he will just keep on looking away. You will probably have to initiate.
If you consent….he loves finishing inside you….
He has been on his own for so long and hasn’t really had any real relationships….and none of a sexual nature. So for the first few months in particular he gets very excited, very easily.
One of his favourite things to do, is actually just you two lying in bed exploring each other’s bodies. Both sexually and not sexually. He loves the intense intimacy of it. Just running his hands all over you. Learning everything about you and committing all of you to memory.
His hair can get in the way. Y’all have gotten tangled in it multiple times.
I can see her being in to temperature play.
Run ice cubes over her body. Over all of her sensitive areas.
While doing that, go down on her and edge her…
She will become a hot, whimpering mess🥵
Likes to use her heat powers on you in a similar fashion.
Wax play👀
Tease her!
Especially when y’all are out in public… She finds it thrilling.
She is VERY vocal
She loves when you play with (pull🤭) her hair.
Loves giving oral.
Because of her powers, people are aware if you two are doing the deed, as the immediate area gets lit up by her light and the temperature rises. So if you guys don’t want to be found out, its best to do it at her house where y’all are completely alone.
If you guys spend the night together, she hates having to leave you in the morning to go raise the sun. She is often torn between waking you up to say goodbye or letting you sleep. She doesn’t like the idea of you waking up alone.
Vidas is not just the deity of intellect but also of mischief. They relish in teasing the hell outta you but acting nonchalant about it.
Especially in public!
Being who they are, they know exactly what places to touch and things to say to get you riled up.
When you’re talking to someone, Vidas will come up behind you and whisper the dirtiest things in your ear, or touch you in a way they know will drive you mad! All while paying attention/activity participating in the conversation.
Is more dommy but when they do sub, they are an absolute brat.
Will tie you up and edge you, either with or without toys.
Certified virgin #1.
Doesn’t have any personal experience in s*x.
But they are basically the smartest person in the universe (as well as Eeri). They are very well educated on it. And because of this, they are honestly mind blowing in bed.
Will incorporate many different techniques.
They also have a soft side though. And when this side comes out, they want to do more intimate positions. Like The Face Off or Lotus positions
When they are in the mood. They will get clingy. They will be touching you more then usual. And be kinda quiet.
Certified virgin #2
While Eeri is very knowledgeable on the subject, they haven’t actually had s*x.
Given Eeri’s history, they are probably one of the most touch starved out of all of them.
They do have moments where they are overwhelmed by all of the feelings and emotions. (They can also have moments of intense dysphoria.) When this happens they need you to just hold them, and reassure them.
They have a praise kink.
When you guys are doing the deed, whisper in their ear about how good of a job they are doing ect.
You will be rewarded with some very sweet moans
They also love watching you go down on them. Especially when you look up at them.👀
Pretty vocal.
You will know if they aren’t focused on the activity at hand, because they will start sharing random pearls of wisdom.
As the relationship progresses they get more confident but at the start they are very shy and you will be the one initiating most things.
Has to enchant the bed with her strength after legit breaking it one too many times.
Will use her strength to pin you down (consensually).
Also uses her strength to hold you, effectively, in many different…..positions.😏
Can last quite a few rounds
Loves to be in control. Whether that be topping, or topping from the bottom.
Has a soft spot on her upper thigh, near the junction between her legs. If you bite it or kiss it she will loose all composure.
Likes food play.
Feed her chocolate covered strawberries or tease her by pouring hot melted chocolate on her.
Has a top tier collection of toys that she incorporates without hesitation.
Not too vocal, unless you really rile her up, in which case she will be very loud.
She likes breasts. And you cannot change my mind.
It doesn’t matter if you have like no breasts or huge ones. She will want to touch them, kiss them, ect.
Calysta is the Goddess of Strength. She is legit the strongest person in the universe. She is so scared of accidentally hurting you. Will definitely be very gentle.
Massage play~
He works out religiously and even though he is a deity he can still get muscle cramps ect. He loves when you give him a massage. Heat the oils up to make things more interesting.
My man has a size kink.
If you’re shorter than him, he will use his height to his advantage. If you’re standing near a wall, he will come up and box you in. Or he will come up behind you with his arms thrown around you and hold you there.
(All consensually though. He will not do anything you dont like.)
But if you’re taller than him?
Oh dear gods, he will be incredibly turned on!
He is used to being the tallest.
You use your height against him? Congrats! You’ve just turned the God of Stamina into a hot, blushy mess.
Peg him! Literally peg him! He loves the feeling so much.
Likes it when you take control.
He also enjoys softer s*x.
General Headcanons:
All of them love you dearly. They are unbothered if you have any scars, stretch marks, and so forth.
They also do not care about your body type either. If you’re smaller? That’s okay! If you’re bigger? That’s great! They love you, all of you.
If you have:
Freckles- They will count them and press soft kisses on them.
Scars- They will ask about them and if you’re comfortable, trace them with their fingers. If you don’t like them or they hold bad memories they will do their best to make sure you’re okay and comfortable.
Tattoos- They will ask about why you chose them. If it hurt, ect. They subconsciously trace them especially when y’all are in bed.
Stretch marks- They are unbothered by them honestly. They know that people grow. Leonidas would definitely have some. If you are insecure about it, they will reassure you and press soft smooches all over them.
They are all honestly Touch Starved!
Once you start a relationship with them that becomes very obvious. They are all very touchy with you. Often they will have an arm around your waist or a hand on your shoulder.
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FTLOG LIs as Parents - Part Two
I took a short break to get out of my slump, but I'm back! The blog has a new look too, but I'm not sure if it'll stick yet. But I had fun all the same!
Part one | Masterlist
At first, they're shocked, but elated. The child will be well loved, there's no doubt about it. I like to think that, as the deity of wisdom, their child will always use weird bits of wisdom they learned.
The two of you have your own way of raising your child, and they don't particularly care for the expectations of other deities for your child. As long as they are happy and healthy, the two of you are okay.
Their parenting style is more relaxed compared to most, not without rules of course, just not overbearing. Allows them to be independent, listening to their interests and providing wise words, though sometimes it might take some deciphering
The thing that might take some effort is showing affection. Don't get me wrong, they adore their child! But, they don't have a very traditional way of showing it. Your kid might have some doubts at times which might make things turbulent, but everything works out.
Very serious in their role as a parent. Takes their time in organizing everything before the kid is born. Only the best of the best for their kid.
Absolutely loves having conversations with the kid. They like to see what goes on in their mind and helps flesh out the areas they seem to enjoy or excel in
Excited to teach them on various topics and enjoys throwing in the occasional challenge.
Sometimes there's conflict when it comes to what they think is what's best for the kid and what the kid wants. They'll eventually come around.
Could you imagine if the kid inherited her strength?? Kid will be crushing your hand with their tiny little fingers
Anyway she loves being a parent, though it is a huge responsibility. She gives them lots of room to explore and discover who they are.
Not an over bearing parent at all. She joins them with their sports or any other interests. Happily assists them with anything and everything lol
Might have some difficulty with emotions when it comes to the kid. She tries her best, but then she gets side tracked and the conversation derails into something else.
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chaotic-kitty · 2 years
For The Love Of Gods Domestic Headcanons!! Part 3
Warnings: none 
Alright, I’m officially finished with this request! I hope it’s what was wanted.Thank you and sorry for any mistakes.💕
Part 1 | Part 2
How do they sleep? Do they snore? Steal blankets? Ect.
When he sleeps alone he sleeps in the starfish position. When he sleeps with you however, he loves it when you lay on him and he can fully hug you. Leo likes the feel of you in his arms and the weight of your body on his. He doesn’t steal the blanket to get warm, he just takes up a lot of blanket in general. Snores very rarely and when he does it’s LOUD! Like dad snores, you know?
Do they prefer baths or showers?
Leo likes showers after he’s finished working out. He likes to bathe in the hot springs [under the arena] when he wants to wind down or have some alone time. Would prefer to bathe and shower with you.😏
Are the clean or messy?
Leonidas is pretty organised. Everything has its own place and he cleans often. Being the God of Stamina, energy is the one thing he has an abundance of. So when it comes basic chores, most people do their chores and other mundane activities around their energy levels and this can mean that it takes a little bit for the average person to get to certain tasks. Not Leo! Leonidas always has the energy to stay on top of stuff like cleaning. Though it’s not the most entertaining thing in the world, so that can make him hesitant to do it.
How frequently do they wash their hair? How long does it take?
He washes his hair regularly. But maintaining his perfect hair is a rigorous process.  From washing his hair to applying hair oils and treatments, Leo will spend close to a few hours tending to his hair. He won’t necessarily ask you to help but he does appreciate the company, so long as you swear not to tell anyone about just how much work goes into his hair care.
What is their love language?
Physical touch. Leonidas loves to touch you, whether that be hugging you or even throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you.. He can never get enough & he just loves the feeling of you.
Favourite wind-down activity?
Self care nights! You two will have nights where you will put on face masks, eat your favourite foods together while watching something, and wearing the comfiest clothes you own. It’s a good bonding experience and a great way to wind down from your duties. The skincare routine you guys do is immaculate! Eonia only has the best, so you guys are using the best products this side of the universe. Other times though he’ll go for a run to help wind-down. Either by himself or with you.
Who cooks and who cleans?
He loves cooking with you! You guys will regularly make big meals that consist of a few different dishes and sides. They are always incredibly healthy and tasty! Leo insists on making extra to have for later and to share with the rest of the group. He also prefers to split the cleaning up duties. You can wash and he can dry!
What is the main reason for arguments?
Honestly, I think most arguments or general clashes come from just spending too much time together. Not to say you spend an unhealthy amount of time together. But sometimes if you spend a large amount of time with someone without breaks, you just start treading on each other’s toes and getting irritated with one another, which will lead to arguments.
How do they sleep? Do they snore? Steal blankets? Ect.
Caly when she sleeps on her own will just spread out. She also tosses and turns a lot. When she sleeps with you, she holds you until you fall asleep then she’ll roll over and sleep facing away from you. Calysta does this because she is scared of falling asleep with you in her arms and accidentally hurting you by squeezing too tight ect. She doesn’t like doing that as she prefers to cuddle you, but she doesn’t want to hurt you either. If you wake up, spoon her from the back (so that she’s the little spoon) it will make her happy and it’s very comfortable. Also, Caly doesn’t steal blankets, she steals pillows…
Do they prefer baths or showers?
Calysta doesn’t really like either of them. While she likes swimming, there is just something about being under/in the water to wash herself that she doesn’t find appealing. Not that she doesn’t like to be clean! She just doesn’t like she process. Will often opt for showers as they’re faster. She loves if you join in as you make the experience more enjoyable.
Are the clean or messy?
She’s messy. Very messy! Early into your relationship you might not realise just how much but after you both move into together it becomes very obvious. Caly tries her best to keep on top of things, especially after she’s accidentally stepped on a few possessions (hers and yours) and broke them.
How frequently do they wash their hair? How long does it take?
She washes it every few days and it doesn’t take too long. But it’s obvious when she has [washed her hair] as there is hair EVERYWHERE! My girl sheds more hair than any of the other LI’s. You find her hair on you all the time, as well as in some other pretty weird places.
What is their love language?
Physical touch. Caly has a hard time expressing her emotions and at times even understanding them so she often prefers to show love through physical affection.
Favourite wind-down activity?
Her favourite wind-down activity is going to her secret cave and cuddling with you as you two talk about how your day went.
Who cooks and who cleans?
Calysta likes cooking for people. When she cooks, she tends to make more meat based foods, so if you don’t like meat then it’s better that you prepare your part of the meal. Caly LOVES desserts and will spend more time preparing sweet treats than she does cooking her meal. Will try to eat dessert before dinner. As for the cleaning up, you both take turns! Who cleans and who dries depends on what was cooked. Calysta has broken many dishes because she tends to forget her own strength.
What is the main reason for arguments?
Caly has a habit of keeping her thoughts to herself and pair that with the fact she’s not good at expressing emotions? It doesn’t end too well. Arguments usually arise because of her keeping all of her thoughts to herself until it all comes crashing down on the both of you. Because of this when fights do happen it involves a lot of crying and raised voices. You’ll both need time too cool down before you can resolve things, however Caly is stubborn and like I said, doesn’t do emotions well so she can end up moving on before you’re ready without even an apology or discussion about what’s wrong/has happened. This can throw you both into a vicious cycle if not dealt with properly. You may need someone to step in and play mediator.
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