lipichun · 2 years
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cannedsandwich · 1 year
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olivyh · 1 year
I straight up thought this was a jamil blog at first. Anyways I'm going to make that a little more true.
Jamil x reader but I really liked the language barrier thing you did, so here's something like that.
The whole magical translator thing breaks. That's it. That's the fic. Do what you will from this point on.
A/N: It might as well become a Jamil blog at this point haha! I'm surprised at how many jamil lovers there are here (not that I'm disappointed, he's one of my fav charas!). I aoso just found a made-up language generator online bc I'm too lazy to come up with new words ;;;;; Also, I didn't know how to make this seem so, but all of the italicized lines are in Arabic! If you/your mc speaks Arabic, then it's in the twst universe's version of Arabic!
Jamil groans softly as sunlight seeps through the curtains which sway in the breeze and cast the room in dimmed reds and golds. The person in his arms shifts slightly, likely awoken by his sudden movement. He hushes them gently, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of their head, smiling softly when he notices how they bury their face in his chest and their grip on his waist tightens.
"Good morning, my love," He whispers, running his hand along their side gently as they giggle from the feeling. They shift slightly in his arms, gazing up at him with weary eyes, still glazed with sleep as they rest their head on his bicep, fiddling with the edges of his tanktop with their deft hands.
"Veex quekninv-" Jamil snorts.
"What does that mean?" He chuckles against their hair, only to pull back when their face is laced with confusion, eyebrows knitted on their forehead as they tilt their head slightly.
"Baby, it's too early for this," He sighs, sitting up and stretching finally. His door is swung open and slams against the wall with a loud thud, making him let out a sharp gasp as the peace of the morning is broken by the heir of the Al-Asim fortune himself, looking much more distressed than usual.
"Jamil!" The other boy rushes towards the bed, panting softly. "Something's wrong!"
"What?" Jamil sits up, swinging out of bed with an agility only obtained from years of protecting the boy in front of him from assassins and intruders. He reaches for his magical pen, instinctively pushing the boy and his lover behind him as he glares at the doorway. "Stand back."
"No! Not that!" Kalim pulls his arm back, audibly gulping. "Something's wrong with the whole school! Nobody can understand anyone else!"
"Yeah! I tried to talk to Azul and-"
"Just listen!" Kalim shoves his phone in Jamil's face as the other boy tries to smother the annoyance that threatens to burst from his chest, a migraine already forming at the base of his skull.
"Azul?" From the speaker sounds a series of clicks and hisses. "Azul, this isn't fucking funny. I'm serious, stop trying to get Kalim involved in your-" More clicks, this time sounding annoyed laced with a long hiss at the end. Another voice joins the fray, this one Jamil can only recognize as his teammate's. Floyd's clicks are much quicker and louder, with more sharp hisses and chirps thrown in. "Just hang up."
"That's the mer language!"
"I know-" Jamil sits on the edge of the bed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It was a prank."
"It's happening all over the school. I was only able to speak with Leona, but apparently the whole school is struggling. I can't uderstand Cater or Lilia at all-"
"Like they're speaking another language?"
"Ftuh uko chea vachj juchinv? Ftuh'j veinv en?" His lover sits up, placing themselves beside him and running a worried hand over his arm.
"It's okay," He speaks slowly, trying to convey as much as possible to them. He makes a little 'ok' symbol with his hand. "The spell is broken." He points towards his magic pen, followed by a shake of his head as he stands, hrowing on his sweatshirt as he allows his magic to fix his hair.
"You think it's really broken?" Kalim asks.
"Why are you worried?" Jamil retorts, harsh even to his ears. He takes a deep breath. "You speak enough languages to understand everyone decently."
"B-but-" He gulps and shakes his head. "We can't understand them-" Kalim motions towards Jamil's lover, who stares at them curiously. "Shouldn't you be more worried?"
"Of course I'm worried," Jamil admits. "But it'll be back soon. We can understand each other fine."
Kalim nods before leavng the room with a soft apology. Jamil turns to the other student in the room, watching them button their shirt and adjust their blazer.
"My love," They mutter. "Good morning. Good. Tired. Cook. Dinner. Damn. Stupid eel." Jamil grins. A part of him feels elated at the prospect of them picking up his mutters, attempting to learn bits of his language. Another part feels guilty that he hadn't learned any of theirs.
"Understand. Little." They make a small motion with their fingers as he chuckles, pulling them close by their waist and pressing a kiss to their lips, hoping to convey all his unspoken thoughts, words that have to wait until the spel is back in place. He pulls away from them for a moment, looking towards the open door and sighing. Jamil looks back to his lover and they nod, already rummaging through his drawers to pull out the clothes they started leaving there ever since they'd first started dating (a constant reminder that they always had a home in Scarabia).
He throws on his uniform, giving his lover a small wave as he leaves the room and allows them the extra time to get ready in private. Jamil takes note of the near chaos of Scarabia- some students speaking in one language only to recieve an answer in a completely different one. Some students had resorted to using over-the-top hand motions to get their points across, loudly shouting one word in their native language while acting it out in some odd impromptu game of charades. Out of the corner of his eye he takes notice of Kalim attempting to communicate with some of the students who spoke the same language as him (although Jamil noticed how much the heir was struggling, getting one language mixed with another and forgetting who spoke what). Jamil mentally prepares himself for the day ahead, knowing all too well that he would be heading back to his room at the end of the day defeated with a headache that could split mountains.
The boy couldn't help but worry about how the day would play out, repeating imaginary scenarios over and over in his head. The pit in his somach grew as he became increasibgly anxious about how him and his lover would communicate. Would it go as smoothly as it did this morning? Were they truly able to understand each other without a single word spoken?
As he puls out the cuting board, he couldn't help but allow his mind to wander to what could be, what could happen due to this spell.
Relax, he tries to tell himself, you're overthinking things again, the reasonable side of him argues. The other side, the one that needs to have every moment planned and every breath counted, tells him otherwise, taunting him as he slowly slices up the vegetables and places them onto a separate plate.
Warm arms around his waist pull him from his stupor as he jolts, tuning to see the student in question burying their face between his shoulder blades. Their grip on him tightens as he twists and attempts to embrace them, only to be met with their shy giggle.
"You-" He sighs, chuckling and ignoring the heat that creeps up his neck. He wants to ask them what would happen if someone saw (it was all an act, they both knew. Nothing would truly happen to him if someone saw just how soft they made him) but he knew it would all be in vain.
They separate from him for a moment, grabbing a knife of their own and helping him tear and slice the vegetables. The kitchen is filled with the soft sound of the knife hitting the cutting board, dull thunking in the silent room. Occasionally they would shift and bump their shoulder into his, making his head turn as their eyes would meet for a split second. So many words spoken in two languages, each one alien to the other person.
In that moment, those words warped through translation, spoken in the same breathless gasp that they shared when their eyes would meet and the others' lips would quirk in a small smile before continuing what the other was doing.
Soon they fell into a comfortable, silent pattern. Jamil would shift from one side to the other, and his partner would weave between him and the stove to reach something else. They would both be met with nothing more than shy brushes of the hand or the breezes that would graze the other's face as they would move a little too quickly.
Soon enough, they had an assortment of dishes for all the Scarabia residents, all lined up on the massive table that sat in the middle of the kitchen.
Jamil looks over to his lover as they smile, placing the final knife in the sink as they turn to him and smile so brightly he swore even the sun as it shone through the open window had dimmed in comparison. He smiles softly, holding their hand in his own gently and kissing the back (he hoped that communicated enough thank you's for all their help).
Their shy chuckle was enough to lift his spirits as he held them close, winding one arm around their waist (an action they once told him reminded them of a snake surrounding it's prey, something he was once embarrassed about, until he believed it to be a protective action more of anything).
Pressing a kiss to their forehead, the nagging voice in the back of his skull was silenced. They didn't need to speak the same language to understand one another, their routines and actions spoke loudly enough. Jamil wished he'd been more confident in that fact, a small part of him disappointed in his thoughts.
"Jamil!" A shrill voice called from the living room, making the other boy groan loudly. "I invited Azul over to help us understand our Mer students and he's on his way!"
"Are you kidding me?!"
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vdreckettmusic9 · 2 months
This is what I got it
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mugniar · 2 years
Tulisan ke-3 dari acara reuni 3 Dekade Antek 92 UH: 9 Hal Berkesan di Reuni 3 Dekade Angkatan 92 FT Unhas 
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namjoohyuk · 2 years
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trimaplenut · 4 years
I went back and re-read Fairy Tails Ultimate Hope today, and I'd forgotten what a genuine joy it is to read. I remember keeping up with it when you were first posting it and it was always a blast finding a new chapter had been posted.. I know it's been years since it last updated and it's probably not going to again, but I just wanted to say thank you for writing it!
I’m glad you still enjoyed it! To think it’s one of those ones that people consider worth a re-read is real humbling lmao it was a bonkers premise.
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p4zeequilibrio · 4 years
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Como agir em meio à impermanência das coisas? As pessoas que estão sendo atingidas em meio à impermanência, às mudanças, deveriam pensar como elas podem se engajar em outras atividades, onde elas possam gerar mais benefícios. Porque quando estamos sendo atingidos pelo movimento da impermanência e quando o tempo vem e se esgota nas coisas que estamos fazendo e as dificuldades se ampliam, nós precisamos de Visão para encontrar outras alternativas mais apropriadas. Esse é o momento no qual nós precisamos das cinco sabedoras, que são na verdade seis. A 1ª das sabedorias é não se queixar do que está acontecendo mas imaginar que aquilo mesmo encerra oportunidades para fazermos transições importantes. A 2ª é entender os outros seres que estão envolvidos a partir do mundo deles, e não a partir do nosso mundo. A 3ª é entender que quando trazemos benefícios aos outros surge uma energia extra em nós, surge uma felicidade dentro de nós e a gente deveria viver a partir dessa felicidade. A 4ª é não desperdiçar o tempo, não se engajar em coisas inúteis. A 5ª é evitar trazer sofrimento aos outros seres e aprender a absorver as negatividades, quando elas surgem sobre nós. A 6ª é sermos capazes de entender que tudo isso é como se fosse um jogo, a nossa natureza está livre disso, nós já entramos em outros diferentes jogos em outros momentos de dificuldade. Então, quando nós somos derrotados, temos uma sensação de derrota por um tempo, mas essa sensação de derrota é inútil, porque a essência de nós mesmos é a capacidade de criarmos coisas positivas. Então a gente se levanta da derrota, esquece a derrota, aprende e esquece a circunstância anterior. Precisamos da capacidade de recriar o mundo, de reconstruir as coisas numa direção melhor. Essa oportunidade nós sempre temos. Está sempre disponível. - Lama Padma Samten 👇Siga a página PAZeEQUILÍBRIO nas redes sociais. 👍Deixe seu like. 📌Marque alguém para ler essa reflexão. 🌀Compartilhe e salve o post. ❣️Criadora: @lari_pazeequilibrio https://www.instagram.com/p/CKZQ_7-FTuH/?igshid=1slz149nznojr
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lucianaschievano · 5 years
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Muito pior do que lugares mal assombrados, são os vivos que fogem ser pessoas iluminadas e do bem . . . #luschievano #pocketfilme #coachingmagico #coachmagico #leidaatração #gratidao #osegredo #witch #bruxa #ladyboss #girlboss #beyourownboss #sejaseuchefe #babeboss #emprendorismo https://www.instagram.com/p/B0OAXO-FTUH/?igshid=1mpt1hy9qm00v
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I rinxu anxokjhunx hto yenyomh ew qego zah I xen'h rnef ftuh ih ij. I poun, I qego pc wupiqc, I qego pc mohj qiro wupiqc, zah eahjixo ew htuh ih ij wekoivn he po. I'go rijjox vikqj (qimj), I'go rijjox u vac (qimj), tux u ykajt (ftiyt I nef laojhien), tux u zecwkionx, zah qegox ne eno eahjixo ew pc wupiqc. I kukoqc voh wqajhokox ukeanx ehtokj, zah ih laiyrqc wuxoj. I xen'h ve "Fef, htoc'ko teh!" I sajh nehiyo htuh hto keep tuj moemqo in ih. Ne eno jhunxj eah he po. I tugo ogon hkiox weyajinv en tef moemqo qeer, zah I room uahepuhiyuqqc yepinv zuyr he ftuh I htinr htoik mokjenuqihc ij qiro unx jhem. I room fenxokinv iw I'p Uke, zah I uqje htinr uzeah hto fucj I'p neh. Ij ih hee payt he funh he woqq in qego fiht jepoeno? Ftuh ij qego uncfuc?
Don't mind me. I just wanted to put this somewhere.
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croliq · 6 years
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Amor a México #mexico #mexico🇲🇽 #🇲🇽❤️ #🇲🇽 https://www.instagram.com/p/BnxZoR-FtUH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=aadebpl5eo32
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niningjengzaa-blog · 6 years
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Ready❗️ Kate spade Emerson Place Rita Cherrywood PXRU8375 Idr 2.150 . #katespadeemerson #katespade #katespadebag #katespadecrossbody #katespadeoriginal #katespadeauthentic #katespadelover #katespadelovers #katespadeindonesia #katespademurah #katespademurahori #trustedseller #jzcollection https://www.instagram.com/p/BnH7Bi-FtuH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p0i8tq6yriqr
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mugniar · 2 years
Ketika melihat deretan nama yang saya tulis sendiri, tiba-tiba saja saya merasa agak gemetar. Setelah 30 tahun berteman, baru saya sadari mereka sudah jadi orang sukses di mata kebanyakan orang. Tell me lebay, tak mengapa karena kalian tak mengalami masa pertemanan 30 tahun yang mana saat bertemu sekarang pun kami masih merasa mahasiswa padahal rambut sudah memutih. Selengkapnya: 
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simmodseu · 6 years
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DAF FTUH Broczkowski Skin | https://simmods.eu/daf-ftuh-broczkowski-skin/
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trimaplenut · 4 years
I've noticed that your Fairy Tail and Danganronpa crossover haven't updated in over two years. Is the 17th chapter in the works? Do you plan to continue writing or are your writing days over? Or do you look at your old writing, cringe, and want to rewrite it?
I keep getting asks like this sporadically over the years, this one in particular coming in about early February, and I keep putting off saying anything about my fanfic because I don’t know how to commit to an answer, but I’m changing that tonight I guess.
Short answer: No, I wouldn’t continue FTUH as it is now.
Longer answer: It’s very much the second (third?). It’s old writing and I hate how I’ve done it. I made uninformed decisions in regards to its structure and development that I can’t bring myself to continue the next chapter as is. (They weren’t bad decisions, per se. It’s because I’ve grown as a writer and person that I see those decisions differently now. They were probably good decisions at the time because I was happy to write what I did. Good in short term, poorer in long term.) Nowadays, my writing is relegated to private stuff whenever I’ve got the spare time and motivation. Personally I think the quality of my writing has gone down so I’d need a lot more practice before I started posting again.
Nevertheless, the only way FTUH would make a comeback would be a complete rewrite, and while I won’t deny having idly considered it over the years, it’s highly unlikely.
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trimaplenut · 7 years
Sorry if you get asked this a lot, but are you going to continue Fairy Tail's Ultimate Hope? I really loved that story but you haven't updated it in forever...
It’s fine :D I don’t really get asked it a lot. I mean, ppl say stuff about updates in reviews, but saying so there makes it a bit more difficult to respond to given the way I respond to reviews in chapter updates... *sweatdrop*
I... give this same explanation a lot don’t I? Typical school stuff is a pain as usual, it’s a pretty important year so I have to give priority to that. Actually just finishing the chapter is proving to be a struggle. I’m on the verge of just showing what I have to my friend to see if he can help. I want another crack at it before that though, although I haven’t had a chance to do that yet.
Another reason this has taken so long is that I’m not happy with how I write FTUH in general?? Like the style of it?? If ppl are curious and ask, I can explain this more thoroughly but tl;dr it kinda sucked out my motivation.
alSO IN OTHER NEWS I’M TAKING PART IN NAEGIRI WEEK THIS YEAR WHICH STARTS ON THE 18TH SO LOOK FORWARD TO THAT SHIT (which is another reason im not focusing on ftuh atm sosz guys but. come on. its naegiri week. NAEGIRI WEEK)
not mentioned are the other things in life I want/need to do besides writing FTUH but dO NOT DESPAIR I WILL RETURN TO IT I S W E A R. I WANT TO. I WANT TO WRITE IT. I’M JUST REALLY SHIT AT SELF-MOTIVATION.
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