#fuck atla comics
phoenix-king-ozai · 3 months
Honestly Ursa is just lucky Azulon didn't find out about those letters because he would incinerate Zuko, her and probably Azula just to be safe and beat Ozai's ass for being 'incompetent' enough to let his wife supposedly sneak out and get laid behind his back.
Yeah the comics make her moronic because she legit endangered everyone just to see if Ozai was reading her stuff.
Funny in a morbid way…
Ursa? Killed by her daddy-in-law! Zuko? Killed by his granddaddy! Azula? Killed by her granddaddy! Ozai? Ass beaten by his daddy! Iroh? Heartbroken and furious because of his daddy!
I affirmatively agree, that if Fire Lord Azulon found out and read about those letters then Zuko and Ursa definitely would be killed for treason if Ozai and Iroh had not stepped up in Ursa's defense. Fire Lord Azulon is extremely old and as Azula stated not as powerful as he used to be. Ozai most definitely would not let any harm come to his favorite child and daughter Azula. Probably would fight an Agni Kai in her defense. Ursa probably would have to beg Iroh and Ozai for protection for herself and Zuko. Ursa is extremely lucky that Ozai knows the truth that both Zuko and Azula are his children. Along with Ozai being willing to defend Azula at least and Iroh willing to defend Zuko.
To be frank and brutally honest. Ursa was extremely stupid for writing that the Fire Prince of the Fire Nation and fourth-in-line to the throne Zuko is an illegitimate bastard that she had with her lover Ikem during her marriage with Fire Prince Ozai and she is trying to pass him as Fire Lord Azulon's rightful grandson and Fire Prince Ozai’s rightful son. It would be very hard to convince Ozai to defend Ursa after she wrote some hateful, untrustworthy, unfaithful, and cruel lies about their child; claiming that he is another man’s son. If Ozai were to side with Azulon and probably the Fire Sages then Ursa and Zuko are roasted and toasted LITERALLY!
I am completely against and appalled by how the ATLA comic The Search made Ozai a completely inhuman monster and Ursa a complete moron. Ozai and Ursa are a heartless and idiotic himbo and bimbo couple in the comics, unfortunately…
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Personally I think that Azula should have been redeemed simply so that she can become Zuko's horrible little advisor who whispers evil little plans to him so that he can do the exact opposite
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allgremlinart · 2 months
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whatever. collection of Ursa for whom it may concern (part 1)
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serendippertyy · 4 months
idk what possessed me to make a COMIC for valentine's day but I guess that's the power these two hold over me...
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I just lovee sharing the post S2 dynamic i have for them, I think it takes them a looong time to get used to human customs and traditions and they can't help but cheat with a couple miracles here and there! they r menaces 😋💗💕💗💕
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comradekatara · 1 year
“comics about what happened to zuko’s mother! atla live action movie! avatar show about what happened to the avatar after aang! atla live action netflix show! adult gaang movie! avatar show about what happened to the avatar after korra!”
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mugentakeda · 5 months
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i sketched this short sloppy comic for my au a while ago before i actually read the promise comic but i figured id post it anyway since its just been rotting in my ibis gallery
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tanjir0se · 2 months
Ok another thing that stands out to me in ATLA is the s3 episode The Beach. Zuko is sitting on the porch of their family’s vacation home. Azula invites him down to the beach. He responds, holding a childhood memento, that their vacations there feel so long ago. Azula responds by repeating her invitation and saying: “come on. This place is depressing.”
Like. Pretty much up until that point, the audience has never considered her human side. She agrees with her father and follows his every command. Why would memories of him be “depressing?” This moment makes the viewer realize: she grew up in that house, too. She grew up in that palace, too. On some level, just for a moment, she knows how fucked up it is.
That moment fucks me up because it’s the first time they’ve actually felt like siblings. Like, siblings that went through the same horrible abuse at the hands of the same person. There’s no twist to her invitation down to the beach to get away from the memories. That might be the only time in the entire show she does something genuinely nice to him, for no ulterior self-serving purpose.
For a brief moment Azula can admit what the viewer, what Zuko has known all along. All those memories of their family’s happiest times are collecting dust in an abandoned home that now is only meaningful as firewood:
Is fucking depressing.
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nando161mando · 1 month
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mad-tears · 5 months
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She used to get bullied in school for being too pretty. The kids would chase her around yelling "pretty face pretty face"
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phoenix-king-ozai · 3 months
The Ozai, Ursa, & Ikem romance debacle…
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I truly honestly hope that the Netflix adaptation doesn’t adapt The Search when it comes to Ozai and Ursa’s relationship. Which, thank Agni seems not to fully be the case. It seems that LA Ozai does care for Ursa and his family members, even Zuko. He show respect to Lu Ten and Iroh and even cried when burning Zuko. He even mentioned the “soft” mother Ursa when talking to Zuko and referenced her when saying “don’t talk to me about loss” Showing that he had feeling for her.
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The Search is very poorly written and turn Ozai into a very piss-poor caricature of an evil abusive bad man for no good or compelling reason yet even fails to deliver on that interpretation of Ozai and Ursa’s complex and compelling relationship.
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This song is basically the Urzai relationship in the ATLA comics!
If The Search wanted to turn Ozai into a compelling, vicious, dangerous, and cruel monstrous villain in Ursa’s and our own eyes. Then why didn’t Yang have Ozai kill Ikem when he THREATENED his father, Fire Lord’s Azulon life in defiance due to his love for Ursa? Yet, for some reason, he had Ozai spare Ikem’s life due to Ursa's “love” for Ozai which Ozai knows is a blatant lie and stupidly desperate!
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The realistic and emotionally heart-wrenching scenario would be for Ozai to march towards Ikem, Ursa tries to stop Ozai, however Ozai scarred Ursa’s wrist by burning her via firebending and then backhanded her causing her lip to bleed. Then proceed to execute Ikem by immolation in front of Ursa’s very eyes. This very demented, sinister, vile, and cruel brutal punishment for DARING to raise his hand against Fire Lord Azulon, Fire Prince Ozai, and the Fire Sages wishes would had created a compelling narrative regarding Ursa having complete and justified loathing of her betroth Ozai.
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It was extremely foolish, idiotic, unreasonable, and unrealistic to have a no-named peasant like Ikem, who is not a firebender, attack the royal carriage and guards no matter how brave and noble his affection and intentions were regarding the integrity of his childhood love. Fire Lord Azulon and Fire Prince Ozai probably should have immediately immolated Ikem and his familial relations due to his affront against the Fire Lord and his son. Trying to stand up against the authoritarian, oppressive, violent, and vicious absolute monarchical regime of Fire Lord Azulon and Fire Prince Ozai should have come with immense consequences just like the fire nation rebels in Episode 3: Omashu in NATLA.
Zuko mentions that Ozai and Ursa’s along with their family used to be happy, and we saw that in Zuko's flashbacks. Yang, just decided to make Ursa a victim because in his mind: URSA WOMAN, OZAI BAD MAN, SHE MUST BE HELD, HOSTAGE!!! While Ozai and Ursa arrange marriage does make sense and was confirmed by the creators. It doesn't mean that Ozai and Ursa relationship was ALWAYS BAD, or SHE WAS KIDNAPPED! Plus, the Urzai relationship is quite normal in the antiquity of Asian societies that the Fire Nation is based on aka Shogunates of Japan and Imperial Chinese Dynasties!!!
Personally, I am afraid that the ATLA comics are going to screw up the Fire Nation Royal Family Characterization and Dynamics along with making them one-dimensional especially Ozai and Azulon. They might legit have Azulon and Ozai be abusive and beat Ilah and Ursa. I'm so doomer blackpilled regarding ATLA comics considering the Serach. This is probably why the comic writers ignore making a comic Pre-Zuko Alone flashbacks.
Ozai's harshness and ruthless regarding Zuko has nothing to do with Ursa or Ikem forbidden love! Ozai wants Zuko and Azula to both prove themselves. Ozai doesn't favor Zuko or Azula. It is about which child will succeed Sozin, Azulon, and his legacy as future Fire Lord. In fact, Ozai doesn't want Zuko or Azula to think that they are the “favorite” child. He wants Azula and Zuko to improve through competition. Because of the “only the greatest of pressures can forge diamonds” & “steel sharpen steel” mentality. Ozai has the mentality of an imperialist warlord. Ozai isn't trying to be the world's most loving and caring father but rather continue and build upon a powerful and dominant legacy that his forefathers had created before him. He wants Zuko & Azula to be cold, ruthless, heartless, vicious, and brutal imperialistic warmongers like him (Ozai), his father (Azulon), and his grandfather (Sozin).
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hyacinths-in-a-storm · 5 months
Why did no one tell me Smoke and Shadow was 90% of Kiyi bullying Ursa for being anemic.
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/ avatar: the last airbender [s1ep1, s2ep7, 18, 19, 20, s3ep1, 13, 19, 20] / the promise pt1 / heaven, iowa, fall out boy / gravity’s rainbow, the used /
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babieshowclown · 2 months
Loved suki vs female mainipulators that want her badly comic
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hello-nichya-here · 7 months
Gotta love when people try to use "Zuko would never send Azula or anyone to an abusive asylum, that's out of character" as a way to snap at Azula fans despite said storyline happening in the comics.
Buddy, we're not the ones who made that abomination of a story, Gene Yang was. Go yell at him if you're (rightfully) mad at how he completely destroyed Zuko's character, not at people that are just as mad about this shit as you are.
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kittenmoth · 8 months
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Did I mention Jet lives in this AU?
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akiizayoi4869 · 1 year
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So this is the one time in this whole comic where anyone asks Azula what's wrong with her. This would have been fine if it was said with care, but it's not. It more of a "what's wrong with you, why would you burn the letters that could help find my mother?!" rather than an "are you ok? What did they do to you in that place?" He sees her acting like this, and yet still doesn't put two and two together that something was seriously wrong and Azula wasn't in her right state of mind.
Brother of the year, everyone.
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