#fuck gaylor theorists
arbor-tristis · 2 years
I hope all the Gaylors are watching the devastating consequences of speculating on someone's sexuality constantly.
Kit Connor, the guy who plays a main character on heartstopper was forced to come out because of online harassment.
You call us homophobic, but we literally keep telling you this again and again- speculating on a real person's sexuality all the fucking time, even at times accusing her of queerbaiting because she isn't being explicit enough for you, is toxic is hell and you all should be ashamed of yourselves.
This is your opportunity to learn.
Even if she is queer, she doesn't deserve to be constantly facing your speculatiion and should be able to say what she wants on her own terms. Fuck you all.
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diableriepervert · 6 months
Hate when a fic is so well written but utter shit at the same time
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januscorner · 4 months
Y’all realize that if Taylor Swift is gay then the gaylor theorists are basically trying to out her right. Like just cus she’s a celebrity doesn’t mean you get to fucking out her
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I absolutely despise people who call gaylor stuff "conspiracy theories"
Theories? Sure fine whatever. But conspiracy?? Queer culture is not a fucking conspiracy, it's a historical thing that is part of who we are as queer people
Just because someone sees something you don't, does not make them some crazy conspiracy theorist
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dorianpavus · 1 year
whats a gaylor conspiracy post?
oh.... such ignorance, such bliss. i hate that i am the one to bring this to your attention anon 😔 o were i more like you....
but basically there is a sect of taylor swift fans who are convinced that she's queer. they read into every single thing she does, even normal things, and will be like "THEN HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS HETLORS." (that is a real quote from the post tumblr recommended me lol). i know more about this than i want to because my ex was one of them, so i have truly stared into the belly of the beast.
to the gaylor conspiracy theorists, all of her very public exes are just beards, she's the greatest gay artist who ever lived (who is publicly straight), she's been dating karlie kloss this whole time (a public friend), etc. and they devote obsessive amounts of time and energy thinking and talking about all this, where they create an echo chamber and just convince each other further.
but let's play along for a moment. if she is queer, why the fuck are you spending so much time and energy trying to out someone in the closet?
either she's not queer and you've mythologized this pop artist and projected your own desires onto her while ignoring all the very vocally queer artists out there you could be celebrating; or she IS queer and you're desperately trying to out someone to make yourself feel better. either way, i find the whole spectacle a little sickening.
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heystephen · 2 years
scared to ask but who is ttb
ttb was a deep deep tinhat conspiracy theorist belonging to the kaylor subset, i mean i guess she was kind of into general gaylor conspiracy but she was primarily known for her kaylor stuff. she always claimed to have “sources” and anons who would send her “inside info” even though it was always something super vague and easy to construe. like ttb would be like “riddle anon said ‘roses are red, violets are blue’ 👀” and then 6 weeks later karlie would post an instagram story wearing a red t-shirt and ttb would be like “my sources always know 😏” and her followers would eat it up lmaoooo.
but aside from just being your usual tinhat that exists in every fandom, ttb was truly.. bizarre. a straight woman with a blog dedicated to meticulously piecing together ‘proof’ of a closeted lesbian relationship, the fact that she was straight was probably why she also thought taylor and karlie were fucking every single woman they knew. like she posed the theory that taylor was hooking up with halsey and later brie larson to make karlie jealous after she got (fake??) married?? she was also like, very antisemitic, anti blm, generally just a wretched person who bullied ppl, etc. apparently she disappeared in 2020 (i can’t confirm this because she has me blocked) and there’s probably a lot more that can be added to this . my friend says the video essay she sent is very well done, i’ll rb and link it in a sec in case u would like to see that
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anadrenalineslut · 5 months
also like, if i was a creepy kaylor, it would literally feel like gaslighting to pick up on taylor being unhappy with joe, to pick up on the cheating themes in folkmore, to pick up on her alcoholism and be shamed for it, only to then have taylor break up with the boyfriend she seemed unhappy with and admit to cheating on him emotionally with ratty and confirm she is an alcoholic in an album not even 4 years later???? like, if i was this type of fan, i would get even more conspiracy theorist about kaylor than i already am because like.... i was right??? i was right about so much???????????? im on a fucking winning streak and you want me to admit defeat when im so close to being right about kaylor still being a thing in 2024???????
idk yall i find it very interesting the way some of the anti-gaylors have reacted to this album because its like you guys have amnesia all of a sudden about how much the gaylors got correct about taylor's personal life in the past 6 years. like,idk, i think some of you should think about why you react so negatively to someone like taylor swift being part of the queer community????
it's very interesting to me how much yall are trying to forget about the gaylor theories in light of this new album honestly. its like a real life example in spotting biphobia in the queer community.
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harrytheehottie · 9 months
OMG YES!!! I’m not trying to make it a competition but Taylors sexuality is not questioned in the same way as Harry and Shawns has been. The only people who have something to say about her sexuality are Gaylors other than that nobody gives a fuck meanwhile Harrys sexuality is a topic of discussion every time he breathes.
Yup!!!!! Like gaylors are a subsection of her fanbase a very insane one - yes. But the way people talk about Harry & Shawn is in such a nasty way like the general public questions their sexuality on a daily basis. Where people are not calling Taylor gay or a queerbaiter or not gay enough. It’s just crazed conspiracy theorists. Not everyone on twitter every time she moves or gets a new boyfriend. It’s just nasty. She can say men don’t get xyz treatment for other things as a woman but this? Nah. They have it MUCH worse.
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thetaylorfiles · 1 year
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If all Gaylors simply just interpreted her music in a way that sounds a lot like their own gay experiences, then that would be fantastic! If you guys talked about it out of curiosity and didn’t try to set forth a false story, a fairytale, to turn someone into something they probably are not. And since we don’t know her, the only respectful and mature thing to do is to trust her own words and actions. All of which seems to indicate she’s not dated a woman. And if she has, she clearly doesn’t want it to be public. So, speculating over her sexuality is one thing, if it can be kept mature and respectful and quiet.
But that’s not what Kaylors and Gaylors do. They insist that what Taylor is showing the world is a big lie. And her real, genuine self and her authentic life is actually a giant secret with mysterious clues and hints and hidden agendas. You guys don’t get to decide the trajectory of someone’s life. You don’t get to declare a woman who has only dated men a lesbian or bisexual simply because you believe it to be true. Keep to yourselves and speculate if you must but hold also yourself accountable.
Because it’s never been about Taylors music and the interpretations. It’s about discovering a secret of hers that you really, really, really fucking want to be true, but most likely isn’t.
And if anyone can’t see what harm conspiracy theories do? Just go ask anyone who’s loved one died due to misinformation during Covid. Because they didn’t wear a mask or get the vaccine or do any number of wacky shit the right did during Covid. Those conspiracy theories actually and genuinely killed people. So, back the fuck off, everyone, with any conspiracy shit. Call it what it is. You have a conspiracy theory that you believe in and you really want it to be the truth. Don’t pretend to be anything you’re not. You’re a conspiracy theorist.
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ace-o-hearts · 11 months
as a gay person that thinks about taylor swift a lot, i wish all gaylor conspiracy theorists a very “shut the fuck up”
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getawayheaven · 11 months
I understand louis was unnecessarily rude but the way so called larries are throwing him under the bus and saying good luck filling those stadiums when they say they are here to support him and his music whether HL is real or not and the next moment he says something about larry they’re all taking how they cancelled or re-funded their show tickets.. and these people wonder why louis feels pissed off(when they very well know that louis keeps himself updated whats happening in fandom) when all that they do is talk about a relationship which at this point i doubt is still going on..
I get what you are saying and that makes me angry too. The ship has sunk a long time ago i know. But let's just agree that most of the larries are his fans because they think they are fighting on his behalf like a soldier and they would get a big coming out where they would proudly say "told ya!!!". There are only 10% of larries who actually care about him and his music rest 90% are just sticking around for reasons that sucks. And this is reason why he should have kept his mouth shut. He has fucking stadiums to sell and he still needs these so called fans around. He's not in a position to piss them off. I mean look at Taylor. Everyone knew Gaylor is fucking bullshit but she only called that out when she's on top and even president of America cannot bring her down from that throne. She kept her mouth shut when she needed every single one of those fans on her side. That's how you survive in industry. Your every word, every move, needs to be strategical and in favour of your career. And our cute little Louis is doing just opposite of that. He needs to keep his mouth shut till he gains so many dedicated solo louies that he won't need larries around. Having some so called "conspiracy theorists" won't hurt his big dick till then.
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selznick · 1 year
ok so, my friend got into taylor swift a few months ago,, became like obsessed, only songs she listens to.
and shes talked abt gaylor theory to me a few times,, and like honestly? what shes said is somewhat convincing. in at least her having been in a relationship with at least one woman
but the thing that gets me abt it is,, if she is gay, why not come out? why just drop little breadcrumbs for her queer audience to scavenge for? why does she Have to stay closeted (as a lot of gaylor theory implies)?
and none of these theorists really give a satisfying reason for why shes closeted other than her being queer. but if i dont think shes queer? or dont find being queer in and of itself to be the reason she stays closeted? (and not just closeted, faking relationships with men to stay in the closet) then what is her reason?
her family being conservative? girlie, youre 33, you can do better than people who won't love you unconditionally.
her record label? go to a different one, heck, she has enough money to start her own if she wanted.
the backlash from her fans? considering how loyal to her they are, i dont think even the striaghts will abandon her. there would probs be some homophobes that would leave/get angry/ theorise shes gay for clout,,, but the majority of her fans would remain, probs stronger than ever
and its not like its a money problem. Like even if every single fan turned against her? she would still have enough money to live comfortably and then some. she has a fucking private jet, she is not gonna face any financial struggles from coming out like many queer people do.
and like, idk it just feels so weird of an arguement,, bcuz her being gay kinda hinges on the fact that she is also closeted and has reasons she cant be open but Can leave little clues for the gaylors to understand
like the options feel like either:
shes gay and leaving hints, but staying closest to maintain as much profit as possible, while also not loosing Any fans, no matter what
she's straight and not shutting down gaylor theories/leaving hints to being gay to specifically exploit her queer audience that desperately want to project on her
And neither of those feel like good options to me?
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preraphaeliteknight · 2 years
*gaylors fuck autocorrect tbh lmao
Nah, I prefer Gaylord! He sounds delightful and a lot more interesting than the conspiracy theorists you were referring to bestie 😂
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bisluthq · 3 years
honestly, the reason gaylors annoy me so much is just their weird ass superiority complex over other stans. like i constantly see them come up on my tl calling non-gaylors dumb/brainwashed/stupid for believing taylor is actually dating the man she has said she’s dating. and if they’re ever called out for it they instantly pull the “you’re just homophobic why are you mad about someone calling taylor fruity on the internet”. i’m not mad about that lmao, believe she’s bi all you want since she has done some sus things but insisting she’s a gold star lesbian, her relationship is fake, outright calling her a liar re: william bowery & joe x taylor timeline & more, she dated karlie who was in a relationship for well over a year before she met taylor, tree is borderline homophobic, etc... is just so far from reality?
it also just makes me uncomfortable how close their sayings are to actual harmful conspiracies with the whole specifically using the word ‘brainwash’ / rewriting history to fit their ideas (joe x taylor timeline not matching up when it does, she must use an auto bot to like his posts despite there being posts she doesn’t like or takes hours to, “kaylor were never seen together after kissgate”) / taylor is hiding something that only they can see because they analyse and the rest of the world is too dumb to have figured it out yet / there being some form of a ‘higher power’ forcing taylor to stay in the closet (tree/management) - i feel like there’s a line between simply believing taylor swift might be less straight than she appears versus flat out calling her a liar and turning her sexuality into a conspiracy theory.
don’t get me wrong, i don’t think taylor cares and i don’t think ‘hey maybe taylor isn’t straight’ is some awful thing but i do think the superiority complex and conspiracy theorist language that goes on is weird and irritating
I agree. Like it’s legit a conspiracy man. Thinking Tay’s a bit fruity or whatever isn’t like that’s just gaydar and nbd but the rest of it is fucked lol. Also they’re TRAGICALLY unfunny and generally dumb as rocks imo so like that doesn’t help matters.
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What do you think about anti accounts saying they run those blogs to protect queer youth from engaging with conspiracy theories?
lol i think it’s usually bullshit. i mean, listen. i totally understand and relate to feeling frustrated when people insist something that goes against objective reality is true? like i get it. i think it’s a normal human emotion to be like, “this theory that this thing taylor swift did is related to karlie kloss” isn’t true... but i definitely don’t believe for a second that most anti blogs actually care about young gay kids or conspiratorial thinking. if it’s a blog that’s main purpose is to debunk and deconstruct actual conspiracy shit like what ttb, for example, says then i think that’s fair enough but running a blog dunking on anyone who thinks taylor isn’t straight or thinks maybe she has had some relationships with women or interprets her songs through a gay lens or engages with celebrity gossip or jokes about there being “no heterosexual explanation” (and other similar memes and phrases etc) isn’t protecting anyone from anything. it’s them being personally annoyed with people saying their fave white millionaire is gay or writes gay music or whatever the fuck and using that as a moral high ground instead of just being like lol yeah i run a snark blog. i’m very pro dismantling conspiratorial thinking even on smaller scales because like.. look at what the USA has become over the past few years. i was just discussing with people how fringe conspiracies on the right are becoming more and more mainstream to a worrying extent. however, in my experience, the VAST and overwhelming majority of “gaylors” are gay kids and young adults just engaging with taylors music and public image in a way that makes sense to them and having fun with it (ie: joking around, being lighthearted) OR people who just enjoy celeb gossip of all kinds or both. like larry is a full blown conspiracy, right? it’s even more elaborate and advanced and harmful than late stage kaylor but from what i’ve noticed, larry antis engage in directly arguing with and debunking posts made by larries spreading harmful and illogical thought patterns. kaylor antis or gaylor antis tend to circle jerk over misconstruing or blowing out of proportion things that “gaylors are saying.” by all means, dunk on conspiracies and stupid shit and illogical stuff all you want but be honest that “late stage kaylor” is a tiny portion of the fandom and people who believe in the babygate and bearding contracts are an even tinier number. maybe spend time dismantling and debunking actual harmful conspiracy theories or idk engaging with content you enjoy. just make a swiftie blog instead of thinking you���re doing a service to humanity and the gay community by proving every song taylor writes is about joe alwyn and she’s never had a gay thought in her life. like. who the fuck cares? we don’t know the girl or what goes on in her personal life and that’s fine. media literacy and dismantling conspiratorial thinking are very important but do y’all think the 40 kaylor conspiracy theorists are reading your blogs like “oh so insightful!” no?
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whatiwillsay · 3 years
most swifties aren’t gaylors though. It’s true that a lot of fans who like proper know about the stuff she’s done have at least entertained the idea ~imo~
yes but they don't call us conspiracy theorists for saying "hey maybe something is going on there" i'm not talking about being k anons or late stage swiftgron psychos i'm talking about looking at all the signalling and saying "ya she's probs not straight" - that is not deserving of calling someone a conspiracy theorist and you'd have to be an absolute fucking dumbass to do so
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