#fuck her and fuck her bigotry
starchaserdreams · 9 months
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You know what came out when I was 12? Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. HP was my bible.
This meme is so accurate it hurts.
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not the hbomax guy saying that the wizard bigot's very real bigotry is just a "very online concern" when she's donating tens of thousands of pounds to anti-trans causes and actively engaging in holocaust denialism
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cvntkisser · 2 days
y'all realise the problem with terfs is the transphobia, not the feminism, right? RIGHT???
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camelspit · 2 months
linh and stina canon friendship is actually insane on so many levels you guys just dont understand
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alicentsaegon · 9 months
Why does SJM hate humans so much
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altschmerzes · 2 months
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ariclassof09 · 1 month
"Since the end of the Cold War, the Kalashnikov has become the Russian people's greatest export. After that comes vodka, caviar, and suicidal novelists."
— Nic Cage (Lord of War, 2005)
So my dad made me watch Lord of War and then talked to me for two straight hours about the history of Russia.
Why is Russia like that? First it was poor, hungry dictatorship run by the Tsar; then it was a poor, hungry dictatorship run by Lenin; then it was a poor, hungry dictatorship run by Stalin; then it was a poor, hungry dictatorship run by other guys; after that it was a poor, hungry dictatorship that didn't have a dictator, and now it's a poor, hungry dictatorship run by Putin.
Why can't the Russians just get it right already? Are they this bad at running countries? Why does it keep happening?????
Can't they just do whatever America did? How hard is it to govern a country that apparently has tons of oil, according to my dad?
Just don't have a dictator! It's that easy!
Also, Dad, if you're reading this, how many European monarchy alternate history short stories of yours am I gonna have to read until you learn that nobody publishes alternate history?
It's the world's most boring genre, people don't even like REGULAR history!
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georgierre · 5 months
noah fence but some of yall are dragging the bianca discourse too far into ur graves
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furballfaggot · 2 months
still no proper dni but if you watch turkey tom get away from my blog
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before i go to bed bc i have been doing a lot of research- it’s *intensely* funny people whine about “gene's vision” whenever star trek is mildly transgressive like. i mean for one the dude stuffed the series with as much sex as he could in the time periods he was alive if he saw modern star trek and what’s possible on the air nowadays he'd probably say it needed to be way hornier lol. but also like. gene was progressive in his time outside of his fucking ridiculous level of misogyny. and even with that people who were Not Gene because turns out multiple people are involved in production of a whole tv show were often progressive in that area including women who obviously didn’t share the nightmare sexism gene had. and the series heavily reflected that, even if it’s not obvious today (since progressive for the 60s is usually intensely bigoted now). if the series wanted to be accurate to that it should actually be way more transgressive to the point it makes blunders bc the writers are tired from arguing with network executives. where’s the equivalent of the first interracial kiss on television guys ur playing it way too safe.
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missbaphomet · 2 years
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Hey like I'm sorry bad things happened to you but these aren't all universal experiences. Girlhood is absolutely not about molestation and abuse. Girlhood isn't about anything other than growing from an infant into an adult, and I don't feel there needs to be any special significance attached. If you were hurt during that time, it's not because "that's what Girlhood is", it's because unfortunately you crossed paths with people willing to do you harm.
Many women, myself included, have never had an issue with being cat called. Even then, this isn't violence.
This is called puberty. I would go as far as saying bleeding through your pants is something every woman on the planet has experienced at least once. This is not violence— it's growing up.
Breast pain during development comes from the fact your breasts are developing. Are you really not familiar with the colloqialism "growing pains"? I promise a teenage boy who is also going through puberty and experiencing all the discomfort and pain that comes with it.is not sending brainwaves that make your boobs hurt.
Girls can and do assault boys in the hallway. A lot of my male friends have stories of being groped or touched inappropriately, as do many of my female friends. I also have friends that have been assaulted by their same sex. This is not a 'women's only' issue.
Also not a universal experience. I have never had a 'rape talk', nor has anyone I've known, even friends of mine that have actually been raped.
What does 'girlhood is invasive' even mean? Are you doing the encroaching, or are you being encroached upon? Is it the mere concept of being a child?
You are not obligated to use tampons, alternate methods exist (pads, period underwear, diva cups, etc). I'm assuming by 'fingers' you are leaning into being sexually assaulted (which again is not an inherent part of being a young girl)? People are going to make comments that make you uncomfortable or upset you, and not all of them are going to be sexual. Self advocate, enforce boundaries, and avoid people that make you uncomfortable.
This isn't part of 'girlhood', this is a symptom of trauma.
There really isn't an easy way to tackle this, because a situation like this has so many moving parts and missing context and there are a million and one different ways this could turn out with one or both parties being in the wrong. However proper sexual education and classes on things like birth control, consent, and self advocacy would solve so many of these cases.
Again, men can and have been also touched and groped inappropriately without their consent. Speculums and doctor's offices are part of being a healthy person. Your obgyn using a speculum during any number of procedures isn't for their own sick sense of pleasure, it's because it is a tool designed to make treatment easier.
This feels like demonizing medical care. I had extremely heavy cycles. It was almost guaranteed I was going to have an iron deficiency each month. I got cysts. Birth control was an option presented to me (that I originally denied, mind you) that I was allowed to choose or not choose. Ultimately birth control has been one of the best decisions I have ever made for my health. If it's not something you want, you don't have to take it. If it doesn't work for you, you don't have to keep taking it. You are not obligated to take any medicine or treatment you don't want to.
Girlhood is a period of time during which you grow up, nothing more.
Girlhood is a period of time during which you grow up, nothing more.
If trans women feel joy in expressing femininity and find happiness in feminine things, then by God I hope they find the spinniest skirt available and spin until they can't stand anymore. I hope they feel comfortable and safe as their most authentic selves.
Stop demonizing growing up. Stop pretending that being a little girl is inherently traumatic. Stop dramatizing being young. This is real life, not a season of Degrassi or Pretty Little Liars or whatever other youth drama.
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just saw the most absolutely batshit "complex female characters will not be explored by fandom" post on tiktok and I swear you would NEVER guess who it was about. I feel like I've glimpsed into an alternate reality
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floralovebot · 1 year
It's insane to me that this entire "debate" (if it can even be called that) is literally just
trans people, jewish people, black people literally everyone who has been hurt by bigotry: hey please don't spend $70 on a game about pro-slavery and fascism when a lot of that money will go to its creator who is publically bigoted and uses her massive amounts of wealth to fund the eradication of marginalized groups
and the response to that was: fuck you why can't you just let people enjoy things, harry potter personally saved my life
like. it's extremely telling that so many people value their own entertainment and nostalgia over the lives of others. jkr is such a horrible, despicable person and literally all people are saying is that yeah you shouldn't be giving a modern day nazi that much money when they constantly bring people to the alt right and donate that money to every anti-human rights organization you could think of.
and no i don't think sending people death threats is okay but at the same time, you don't get to act surprised, defensive, or victimized when people call you out for giving money to a fucking nazi.
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violetren · 1 year
I have realised the thing that pisses me off the most about people buying Blood Libel: The Transphobia Fund and then being sad or surprised by the backlash for it "because they don't support JKR or the Devs" is that to be an ally the absolute bare fucking minimum you have to do to be an ally to any minority community is not participate in or encourage violence against them.
And these piss stains not only failed to do that, they actively paid more than my weekly grocery budget to fail at that.
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biwooyoung · 9 months
just had the worst encounter with this woman walking around my neighborhood I went outside to get my mail and she stopped me and handed me a paper and was like oh I'm collecting clothes for a men's homeless shelter blah blah and I look at the paper and it says S-L sizes and I was like "oh okay is it just these sizes? or can we donate anything bigger?" and this woman goes "homeless people aren't fat why would they need bigger sizes 😂" and I wish my brain worked faster so I could've said something more idk profound but instead I handed her the paper back and went "you're a horrible human being if that's what you really think" and walked back into my house
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meduseld · 1 year
You know this post?
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Well you don’t want to play JKR’s “As Much Bigotry As We Can Fit in a Game Feat. Wizards” Game, you want to go to magic school. There’s more media for that, better media for that, take my hand.
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