#fuck it. self insert on main. yall already know what's up!!!!!!!!!
warriorbrevi · 8 months
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day 7 of october drawing challenge with the one, the only @ectoplaasm: vacation!!!!
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eyndr-stories · 2 years
Chester and the Jesters (FNAF SB fanfic) C7 - One clever idiot, two soft fools
In Summary:
The new tech sure does seem a little strange. Chester (at least, that's what their name tag says) doesn't seem as concerned as they should be about the high turnover rate here at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza-Plex, or the numerous rumors about what happens to people who take the night shift. And to make matters worse, there seems to be some kind of criminal on the loose! The cops say they think the criminal is hiding out in the woods somewhere near the pizza-plex. Stress is high at the plex these days, but Chester is stoic as ever. Say, come to think of it, no one can seem to remember where Chester's application went or who they interviewed with. Their employee file is misplaced or missing just like everything else in this place. But the new tech does a good job completing their tasks, and has their own badge and everything, so of course they must belong here. It's not like someone would sneak into the plex and go this far out of their way to impersonate a low level technician. Right??
Things To Know (always read responsibly!):
Biggest warnings are for blood, death, knives, murder, the police, violence, also the OC is at one point hit by lightning. All fun stuff
About 70,000 words in total, 9 chapters, so roughly like. 7,500 words per chapter
This is an OC story, not a reader insert or a self insert! But if you want to imagine otherwise be my guest lol
Angst, fluff
OC x Sun & Moon, there's romance but zero spice
Occasional swearing
Heavy focus on Sun and Moon but most of the rest of the gang is there too :)
Afton doesn't exist, sorry peepaw, Vanessa is here but she's very chill. She's a kickass gamer girl lmao
Moon does an attempted murder but its fine. He's just a lil guy ok
OC uses they/them and also sign language most of the time
Impersonation, lying. There's also manipulation. Yall I wasn't kidding about the angst
There's also a lot of focus on how they're all robots, very cool robots with feelings lol
That's all I can think of, as always please lmk if I should add anything!
Ao3 Link: Right here!
Start reading here: Chapter 1
Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
C7 - One clever idiot, two soft fools
     The thing about all of this was that it wasn't supposed to last this long.
     From the shadowed roof of the complex, Chester could see for themself that the authorities were still there. At the edge of the parking lot, at the base of the hill leading up to the main road, were a pair of white vans and a standard police cruiser.
     They thought about leaving. The tree they'd climbed over to the roof on was gone, likely having collapsed during that first storm. Still, they could lower a fire escape ladder and climb down if they wanted to.
     It was just that things had gotten so complicated, and the longer Chester stayed, the worse it got.
     Chester took a seat and leaned their head back against the door. They turned their gaze to distant indifferent twinkling lights poking through the void.
     No matter how much they might want to deny it, they were getting close to people here. Sun, Moon, Vanessa, Monty, even Cappy seemed to tolerate them a lot more these days. Chester was lying to all of them, tricking them into thinking Chester was a good person, worth trusting, worth having around.
     They weren’t supposed to have stayed here for this long. They weren’t supposed to have made friends, gotten involved here. Yet here they were. It wasn’t like they had any other options, but still.
     Maybe they could try living in the woods.
     Chester took off their glasses and pressed their palms over their eyes and sighed. They weren’t sure how much longer they’d have to go on like this, but they could suck it up for a little more time. They’d just have to wait it out, keep laying low, not get any more involved than they had already, and then…
     And then? Chester had no fucking clue. They supposed they’d figure it out when they came to it. No use in making plans; if there was one thing Chester was certain of it was that their plans almost never worked out like they should, if they worked out at all.
     Chester pushed themself up to their feet. They put their glasses back on and turned to face the door. There was a security panel by the door now instead of a lock. They had their lockpick tools on them just in case, as they always did, but they hadn't needed them in a long while. Their name badge allowed them entry, and they pulled the door shut behind them. Down the stairs, Chester could see the door leading out of the stairwell and back into the main building was open and waiting for them.
     “Thank you for all your help,” Chester told the walls. They walked down the steps and back into familiar low neon lighting, deep purples and blues and reds and greens tossing hued shadows over the patterned tile floor. Despite everything, some things hadn’t changed at all since that first night. Chester still felt like an intruder here.
     “There you are.”
     Chester jumped. They turned to see Moon, hunched in his usual fashion and standing several decent paces away. “Hello, Moon. Nice to see you again.”
     “Where are we off to tonight?” Moon asked, his head tilting curiously. His hands were folded securely behind his back.
     “Nowhere. I’m off work tonight, just wanted to take a walk,” Chester signed.
     “Ah, so that’s the reason for your… exciting attire.” Moon studied Chester’s shirt.
     Chester looked down. They were wearing their Hawaiian shirt instead of their usual uniform. “…I’m on island time.”
     Moon laughed. The sounds was much lighter and more melodic than Chester was expecting, what with how low and quiet Moon’s voice usually was. Moon’s laugh only lasted a moment, but Chester was already trying to think of some way to get him to laugh again.
     “Why did you come to work here at the pizza-plex?” Moon asked.
     Chester turned away from Moon. They made their way over to a bench, taking a seat before responding. “I couldn’t turn down the opportunity.”
     Moon came closer, though he paused a few feet in front of Chester and crouched there, pressing his knuckles to the floor to help keep his balance. “How boring.”
     “Sorry to disappoint.” Chester rolled their eyes. "So you and Sun used to run the daycare together, huh?"
     "…Yes." Moon spun his faceplate slowly, his nightcap miraculously remaining firmly atop his head.
     "You said before that you had never met Sun. Sun says you two had different shifts, but it still seems strange to me that you two never even crossed paths. So… was that a lie?" Chester asked.
     "It's not your turn to ask a question," Moon stated.
     "Oh. I didn't realize we were still doing that." Chester folded their arms and resigned themself to being patient for their answers. "Okay, ask me a question then."
     "Any question?"
     Chester smiled. "Is that your question?"
     Moon's face spun again, quicker this time. "Is that your next question?"
     Chester couldn't help a small laugh. "Oh dear. I think this game is getting away from us."
     Moon hummed. He idly traced the patterns on the floor with a finger. "Where did you work before you came here?"
     Chester's smile vanished. They thought about the truth. They vividly remembered delivering packages to empty warehouses, jimmying open cars in the night, being handed paychecks of simple stationary envelopes full of cash from the person Chester hated most in the world. He'd smile wide at Chester's hesitation and clap them on the back. Chester hated when he'd smile like that, like he knew how they felt and he enjoyed it. Well, he certainly couldn't enjoy it anymore.
     They couldn't tell Moon the truth. They didn't want to lie, either.
     Chester settled on a sort of compromise. "I was something of a personal assistant. I mostly… delivered."
     "Hmm." Moon scrutinized Chester for a moment.
     Chester quickly moved on to their next question. "My turn then. Do you know Sun or don't you?"
     "I do. I know him well," Moon stated. He didn't elaborate.
     "Then how could you have never-"
     Moon raised a finger, cutting Chester off. "Not your turn." He wagged his finger from side to side, as if scolding a child for stealing candy.
     Chester huffed. Moon chuckled. He adjusted, moving from crouching to sitting, folding his legs.
     "Why did you leave your old job?" Moon asked next.
     Chester leaned their head back, desperate to finally be done with this subject. "You seem very interested in my old job."
     "Just getting to know you," Moon said casually. "Answer the question."
     "Alright, jeez. You know, with all these nosy questions, you sure do remind me of Sun."
     Moon stared at them. Chester couldn't be sure what he was thinking, they hadn't learned how to read him just yet.
     "I quit because… I had… a lot of conflict with my employers," Chester explained. "How could you have never met Sun if you know him well?"
     Moon hummed. He fiddled with the ribbons tied around his wrists and leaned back. "I couldn't ever see him in person. I cannot be in the daycare when the lights are on, only when they're off. But we would still talk and leave notes for each other."
     "Oh." Chester studied Moon. They wondered if he had only been cagey with them on the topic to annoy them.
     "What's your biggest regret?" Moon asked. He was studying Chester again, watching them carefully.
     That answer was easy enough to come to. Chester stared down at their hands, resting in their lap. They thought about their old boss again. They could still remember how he'd looked, his still body at Chester's feet, next to the body of his horrible business partner, and next to two knives, both covered in blood. Chester remembered being surprised at the sheer amount of blood. People really do have so much more blood in them than you think.
     Chester took a breath. "My biggest regret… is not making a joke about Margaritaville when you asked me where I used to work."
     Moon chuckled.
     Chester was at a loss of what to say, so they tried the age old trick of turning the question back around. "What's yours?"
     Moon's hands stilled, falling into his lap. "I think you know."
     It actually took Chester a moment. They had to work back from what they knew about Moon, and what he might possibly regret that they would know about. "…Ah." Of course. He'd hurt them. Chester felt a little silly, having let it slip their mind so easily.
     "How are you healing?" Moon asked. He tapped the right side of his faceplate. The blue light came on briefly in his eyes.
     Chester reached up to touch their own head. The wound was no longer visible, easily hidden in their hair. They could still feel it, though. "I'm actually surprised at how fast it's healing. The bruises are still there, but you can't really see them through the hair. And I'm hardly ever dizzy anymore."
     Moon's faceplate turned away. He folded his arms. "That's good," he said softly. He made that mechanical clicking noise he sometimes made, rapid and quiet little clicks like a camera shutter filling the brief silence.
     "What's that noise for?" Chester asked.
     "Noise?" Moon looked at Chester again. "Oh, right, the clicking. When I had that incident with the night guard, after I… hurt her. She hit me with her flashlight, before running out of the building. Got me right in the eye. It flickers in and out of night vision sometimes now." Moon reached up and tapped at his eye, metal finger making a tnk tnk sound on the glass of his eye.
     "Oh. Come over here, let me take a look at it." Chester pat the empty bench beside them, beckoning for Moon to join them.
     Moon looked at the bench, then at Chester.
     "I don't bite, I promise." Chester pat the bench again.
     Moon slowly got to his feet. He approached the bench carefully, almost like he had half a mind to bolt. He sat down next to Chester, keeping his fists firmly on his lap.
     Chester scooted closer and carefully took the edges of Moon's faceplate in their hands. The shadowed half of his face felt strange under their thumb, like the paint was thicker than it should have been, or like it wasn't paint at all but a strange, slightly porous material. They angled the plate down towards them so they could get a better look at the damaged eye in question. It was hard to see in the dark, so they leaned in close. Under the red LED, they could just make out a ring below the glass. The ring popped forward and backward a centimeter or two in rapid motions, like the inner workings of a camera struggling to focus. Chester could hear the quiet clicking as it did this. They realized they could also hear the whir of fans. They could feel warm air on the tips of their fingers on the back of Moon's head, where the fans were venting out the hot air.
     "Are you alright? Your fans are running," Chester commented.
     "Fine. Hush." Moon pulled away. He scooted to the other end of the bench.
     "Alright, well, I didn't see any damage on the outside. I'd have to take a look on the inside to fix it. Do you want to head down to parts and service?" Chester offered.
     "No," Moon said quickly.
     "Don't you want your eye fixed??"
     Moon's fingers tapped rapidly over his knees. "…It's creepy down there."
     "Oh. Yeah, I suppose it is creepy." Chester nodded. They hummed. "I could get my tools from the daycare?"
     Moon shook his head. "You're off the clock. No working off the clock."
     "…Do you think I'd get in trouble for that?" Chester wondered. "Hm. What if we just called it a favor for a friend?"
     "Friend?" Moon's gaze snapped back to Chester.
     "Unless you don't want to be friends?? Oh no, I didn't overstep, did I? I'm so sorry," Chester signed quickly.
     "It's fine." Moon quickly cut them off. "I'm just surprised you want to be friends with me, is all."
     Chester relaxed, though they tilted their head in confusion. "Why is that surprising?"
     "I'm not a very good friend." Moon's fingers closed back into fists. He gazed down at them, hunched low enough that the red light of his eyes glowed in the metal of his hands.
     Chester remembered when they'd said something similar to Sun. They remembered how they'd felt, their apprehension, how they'd been wary of letting Sun get close because they believed they weren't a good person. They still believed that. They wondered if that was how Moon felt, like he wasn't good. They wondered what it might be like for him, if he experienced loathing in the same way they did. Chester didn't want him to feel like they felt.
    "I'm really not so good myself." Chester slowly reached out a hand, stopping halfway between them, leaving it out as an offering. "Maybe we can be not great together?"
     Moon stared down at the offered hand. He raised his gaze to study Chester before looking back down. His fans were whirring again. Moon's hands curled and uncurled over his knees. Finally, he reached out. As gently as one might hold a kitten, he took Chester's hand.
     Moon wondered if he was going to regret this. For now, all he could seem to focus on was Chester's hand in his.
     Moon's head was full of screaming the whole way back to the daycare. Some of it was even his own.
     "Sun please," Moon pleaded.
     "We HELD HANDS Moon! They were SO SWEET, Moon!!" Sun cried.
     "Lets not ignore the rest of that whole conversation."
     "So they didn't want to talk about their old job. Big deal," Sun said dismissively.
     "…They must have a good reason."
     Moon made it to the daycare. He stepped inside, quickly closing the door behind him. He stood near the light switch on the wall, but he didn't turn the lights back on just yet. "I get the feeling that Chester's 'good reason' is that they're some sort of criminal. Or they were, at least."
     "That's quite an assumption, Moony."
     "Sun, They carry lockpicking tools with them all the time. They have a duffel bag of stolen merchandise in the room. Don't get me started on the room itself, why else would they need to stay here??" Moon started to pace, pulling at the ribbons on his wrists. "I bet they're staying here because they're hiding. That's why they never seem to leave the building, either."
     "Still, assuming Chester is some sort of criminal is a stretch, don't you think?? Think about it. Look at the stuff they stole. A toothbrush, socks. Those are things that humans need, not want. I think they're just down on their luck, with nowhere else to go and no one to help them," Sun argued.
     "What about the lock picking tools?"
     "If they were living out on the streets before they came here, doesn't it make sense? They might have had to learn a few things just to survive. That doesn't make them a criminal," Sun said firmly. "Not everyone who breaks the rules does so to be mean. I'm also willing to bet that they were cagey about their past job because maybe they didn't have one. Maybe they've been out on the street for a long time and they just didn't want to say!"
     "Maybe," Moon relented. He sighed. "I suppose I was quick to jump to conclusions."
     "There, see?"
     "However. The idea that Chester simply came here off the streets is another assumption. One that you're very quick to jump to because you like them."
     Sun stuttered. "I-! Wh. I- Well! You like them too!!"
     Moon folded his arms. "We shouldn't make any assumptions either way. We need more information."
     "You didn't deny it!" Sun teased.
     "Neither did you," Moon shot back.
     "I suppose you're right. Assuming anything would be rude," Sun agreed.
     Moon stopped pacing. He leaned back against the wall and gazed out over the daycare. The shadows darkened and vanished in rapid succession while Moon's eye clicked quietly. "We especially shouldn't be casting much judgement when we're keeping secrets ourselves."
     Sun was silent.
     "Have you thought about how you're going to tell them?"
     "Yes. A little. I just… really don't want it to go badly. Even just imagining how that would feel…" Sun sighed. "Feels like a scan reading off information you already know, but the information is really bad news, like a major system error."
     Moon nodded. "You know you have to think of something soon. They'll figure it out eventually."
     "I knooooow."
     "Although, they haven't gotten it yet. Despite my occasional hints."
     "Yes, your hints." Sun sounded annoyed.
     Moon chuckled. "I'm just having fun. I get to tease you and Chester at the same time. It's wonderfully efficient."
     "Good for you." Sun sounded, somehow, even more annoyed. He huffed. There was a long pause, and then, "Moony… what are we supposed to do?? Feelings are so difficult, all the time. I almost miss when everything was simpler. When we just ran code and did our job."
     "…I can't really remember what that was like anymore. Like the memory files still run even though they seem incompatible. Everything from then is hard to understand."
     "Yeah." Sun hummed. "I wish it didn't hurt so often."
     Moon folded his arms tightly, like he was trying to hug himself. "At least we've got each other, right?"
     "Right!" Sun laughed. "Even if we don't have much choice. I'd still choose to have your back anyways."
     "You are my back," Moon replied softly.
     Chester walked into the employee breakroom. They ignored Vanessa's greeting and sat down heavily in the chair next to her. They slumped over and put their head down on the table.
     "Oh boy." Vanessa chuckled. She gave Chester's back a small pat. "Rough day?"
     Chester heaved a sigh. They picked their head up, only to put their face in their hands, knocking their glasses out of the way as they did.
     "What's going on bud?? Talk to me." Vanessa nudged Chester's shoulder. She pushed away her empty lunch box, sweeping up the trash from her lunch and quickly dropping it in the nearest trash can.
     Chester fixed their glasses. Finally, they turned to Vanessa. "I have a problem." Chester glanced over their shoulder. The few others in the break room weren't paying them any attention. Even so, Chester signed close to their chest so no one else would see. "I have developed. Feelings."
     "Oh? What, like a crush??" Vanessa asked excitedly.
     Chester hushed her. They glanced over their shoulder again. Once they were assured they were still in the clear, they went on. "You can't tell anyone."
     "I wont!" Vanessa mimed locking her lips and chucking an imaginary key over her shoulder. "Why the secrecy, though? Is it someone we work with??"
     Chester didn't reply.
     "It is, isn't it!! Oooh I wonder who it could be…" Vanessa tapped her chin. She paused, a frown coming over her face. "Aw man, it's not Kat, is it?"
     Chester shook their head. "No, not them. It's actually… two people."
     Vanessa gasped. "Double crushes!"
     "Vanessa, I need help. I've got no one else to talk to. I keep making stupid decisions, and I just… I need to know how to get over these feelings," Chester pleaded. Crushes were the last thing they needed. Things were already complicated enough as it was, and if they couldn't keep from getting closer to Sun and Moon because of it, they'd only end up in a world of trouble. They thought about the night before, how they'd offered their hand to Moon, told him they could be bad friends together. Right after deciding they shouldn't get any more involved here than they had already! They put their face back in their hands.
     "Get over them?? I thought you'd ask for my help in asking these two mystery lovers out," Vanessa said.
     "Please don't call them that."
     Vanessa smiled sweetly. "What, mystery lovers??"
     Vanessa laughed. "Sorry, I'm just messing with you. So… I take it neither of them feel the same?"
     Chester shrugged. "I don't know. Probably not??"
     "Why not give it a shot, then?"
     Chester could think of a great many reasons, but not a lot of them were reasons they couldn't share with Vanessa. "I just… can't."
     "Hmm." Vanessa studied Chester for a moment. "Alright. If you change your mind… I make a pretty good wingman, you know. I could chat you up to these…"
     Chester gave her a look.
     "Love interests?" Vanessa tried. When Chester just kept staring at her, she shrugged and went on. "Alright. My advice to getting over a crush fast is to go out of your way to find things you don't like about them. A lot of the time, you get all caught up in a fantasy version of your crush and don't really think about their flaws. Seeking the flaws out can help break that fantasy, you know? And hey, maybe you find out they've got some super annoying habit that you can't stand. I used to have a big crush on this girl back in college, then I found out she liked to chew with her mouth open all the time. I got over that one real fast."
     Chester thought Vanessa's advice over. It did sound reasonable. "That's some good advice. I'll give it a shot. Thank you, Vanessa."
     Vanessa bowed her head and made a little flourish with her hand. "It was my pleasure, friend. Hey!! You're never gonna believe it- last night I finally got the golden house!"
     "Really? That's great, you've been looking for that thing for a while now." Chester eased back into their chair.
     "I know!! It was well worth the wait though." Vanessa dove into one of her long winded ramblings.
     Chester followed with ease, prompting Vanessa with occasional questions, though they just listened for the most part. It was nice, focusing on something light and normal for once. Not only that, but it was nice just to converse with a friend. Their break didn't last long enough before they had to get back to work.
     As the day went on and Chester slowly made their way through their task list, they kept Vanessa's advice in the back of their mind. They thought about how to put it to use. They'd get the chance soon enough- closing time was approaching quicker than they'd thought.
     Sun was there waiting for Chester when they got off their shift. The daycare had closed for the day a while ago, and it looked like Sun had already finished cleaning up. He came bounding up as Chester came through the door.
     "Hellooo~!" Sun sang. "How was your day?"
     "Not bad. How was yours?" Chester asked, stepping out of their shoes.
     Sun walked with Chester in stride as they made their way across the daycare. "Every day has its challenges. But I'd say everything went smoothly! Some of the kids were picking on a few of the others. I had a talk with them about how important it is to remember that everyone deserves to be treated kindly. They apologized all on their own and everyone got along the whole rest of the day!"
     Chester paused as they reached the stairs. "That's nice. You're really good with the kids." They caught themself as they started to climb, remembering Vanessa's advice.
     Sun stepped in tandem with them, watching to be sure Chester didn't suffer a sudden dizzy spell or trip. His hand hovered near Chester's back, not touching them, but ready to catch them just in case.
     Not big on personal space, Chester tried. Well. He's just watching out for me, he knows I have trouble with the stairs sometimes. He's actually being very nice and thoughtful…
     Wait. Fuck. This isn't working.
     They reached the room. Chester went to their little corner, where their bed and duffle bag were. They paused and looked at Sun, who had followed them over and was currently swaying happily back and forth.
     "Do you need to charge?" Chester asked.
     "Nope! All the kids were picked up earlier than usual today so I had some extra time. I've charged up already!"
     "Okay. Would you mind giving me some privacy? I'd like to change."
     "OH!! Yes, of course! Sorry!" Sun wheeled around and practically sprinted out of the room.
     Chester heard Sun fumble loudly down the steps, reaching the bottom in record time. They tried very hard to be annoyed, to find Sun's clinginess grating. They were having no such luck. In fact, they were struggling not to smile.
     Chester got changed quickly. They'd recently replaced their work shirt with a fresh one from the uniform closet, and they wanted to keep it as clean as possible for as long as possible. They knew from their attempts to wash their clothes in a bathroom sink that trying to clean clothes without a washing machine was a huge pain in the ass. Work shirt and hat dropped off in their duffel bag, Chester took a moment to check their little handheld mirror. They were halfway through trying to make their hair cooperate before they realized they didn't usually bother with appearances, besides looking decent enough for their work shifts.
     WHAT am I doing.
     Face warm, Chester immediately threw the mirror back in their bag. They left the room, feeling determined that they'd find something about Sun to be annoyed about by the end of the night. As they descended the stairs, they thought about having to do this all over again when they saw Moon. They'd figure that out when it came to it.
     "What would you like to do tonight?? I believe I picked last time at your insistence, so you should pick tonight," Sun said. He was excitedly rocking back and forth, the bells on his shoes jingling in tandem.
     He never stops moving. His energy is endless, Chester thought. They weren't really all that annoyed by this, though. In fact, it made it easier to tell what he was feeling.
     "Do you need some help picking? Maybe I could narrow it down for you?" Sun offered.
     Chester shook their head and focused. "Sorry, just thinking." They approached the board game shelf, eyes drifting over a wide collection of titles to pick from. Their mind drifted again, still trying to think of something they didn't like about either Sun or Moon. The task was proving to be far more difficult than they'd been expecting, and Chester was starting to get a little worried.
     Both of them could be nosy at times. Chester didn't think they'd have minded that so much if they didn't have their secrets to worry about, though. Moon seemed to enjoy teasing them, but Chester would be lying if they'd claimed to be actually annoyed by that.
     "Maybe if you're having trouble picking a game we could do something else??" Sun prompted.
     Chester had forgotten all about the games. They focused back on the shelf. They started to reach for one at random, but paused when they realized they'd just played chutes and ladders with Sun the other night. They looked instead for something new, lowering their hand.
     Sun made a quiet noise, too steeped in static to tell what it was meant to be. Chester glanced back to see Sun had his faceplate tilted up to the ceiling, his arms hanging limply by his sides.
     "…Impatient," Chester realized, mumbling the word aloud in their epiphany. With Sun's energy levels, there wasn't much room left for patience.
     Sun startled, faceplate snapping back down to look at Chester. His shoulders hunched and he folded his hands together. "I'm sorry," Sun said. He went on, quickly starting to ramble in his worry. "I didn't mean to… I've just been thinking and thinking and thinking all day long about spending time with you, and no one else uses up as much processing power all the time as you do and it gets to the point where I worry about if I need a system reboot but then I see you and it gets so much better and so much worse at the same time and I sure am talking a lot and I can't really seem to stop and-"
     "Sun." Chester grabbed hold of Sun's arms, cutting him off.
     "…Sorry," Sun said again. "I don't really know how to handle…" Sun's fingers started to fidget, quickly devolving into wringing together like he often did when he was nervous. "I'm sorry for being impatient. I think there's something wrong with me."
     Chester shook their head slowly. They moved their hands down from Sun's arms, taking hold of his hands instead, stilling them. "Sun… there's not a thing wrong with you."
     And I don't have a single fucking clue what to do about it.
     Sun was very quiet, save for the whirring from his fans. His gaze slowly turned down to look at his hands and Chester's, clasped together.
     Chester looked down as well. What the hell am I doing?? Chester quickly pulled their hands away and turned back to the game shelf. They grabbed the first box they saw- Battleship.
     Sun still seemed sort of stunned, but accepted the game.
     They got everything set up and went back and forth for a few turns, Chester deciding to use a spiral strategy to guess where Sun's ships were the fastest. They were doing their best to focus intently on the game.
     Sun looked up at Chester. "Hey. You being here makes me glad."
     Chester smiled. "Thank you, Sun." They felt an airy lightness in their chest. "You know flattery won't convince me to go easy on you, right?"
     Sun laughed. "Oh, dear! My plots have been foiled."
     They went back and forth, honing in on each others ships and cracking jokes as they went. Despite the jokes and the teasing, Chester didn't mind one bit whether they won or lost. They were having far too much fun to care.
     Between Lance and Rosa, Chester figured Lance would be the better of the two to approach with the employee profile issue. Lance seemed less likely to ask them prying questions about how they'd come about their information.
     Chester told him about the issue being that missing digital employee profiles and valid nametag barcodes sent conflicting messages, resulting in errors that the bots didn't know how to handle very well while in security mode. They told Lance about their paper copy solution, and how there hadn't been an issue with the bug since. They also told him about how getting other programs to run instead would get the bot in question out of the error situation as well. Lance wrote everything down and assured Chester that anyone else who ended up on the nightshift would be equipped with a paper copy of their employee profile, at least until the software division over in the upper management offices figured out a patch.
     As Chester was leaving, Lance stopped them.
     "Hey, Chester. I just wanted to say… you've been doing a really great job around here. I had a talk with Rosa, who says you're staying on track and getting through your night shift tasks. You've shown some good initiative and you've been a huge help. I can't say how much exactly, since it's more Rosa's department, but I can say that you're due for a raise soon. So, keep up the good work, okay?" Lance smiled.
     Chester did their best to hide their confliction. "Thank you," they signed. They left the office.
     I really am getting way too involved here.
     This was supposed to be a ruse. Chester might have been a fast learner, a good observer, but they still weren't a real technician. So then, why did they feel proud??
     The pride in and of itself was another mess of confliction. They did want to do a good job. They weren't sure when they'd gone from wanting to do the bare minimum in order to not be fired, to doing the absolute best they could at this job. It wasn't just them wanting to appear competent in order to not be found out anymore. They actually enjoyed the work they were doing, and they liked doing it well.
     WAY too involved.
     Chester decided to unpack this later. They did, after all, have a job to do.
     With that conversation with Lance out of the way at last, Chester found it much easier to focus on their tasks. Between that and asking the walls for help with getting around, they managed to get through a good number before it was time for them to go on break.
     Vanessa and Chester were in the middle of a discussion about exploiting bugs in games in order to achieve faster speed-running times when Katherine sat down at their table in the break room, effectively butting in.
     "Settle something for us, losers," Katherine said, pointing back at the table they'd come from. Two of their friends were watching on.
     "Yes, you would loose in a fight against either of us," Vanessa said. "Is that all?"
     "Oh my god, shut up. I could totally beat you both at the same time. But no, that's not what we were arguing about," Katherine said. They waved over their two friends, who reluctantly came to sit with Chester and Vanessa as well.
     Chester recognized one of the two, her long dark hair dyed pink on the tips. Her nametag read 'TECHNICIAN: Wendy'. She sat with Katherine often. The other was a new hire, their nametag reading 'TECHNICIAN: Ellis'. Ellis had short curly hair and a round face.
     "We were trying to tell Ellis here that the animatronics are actually like, sentient. They don't believe us," Wendy explained.
     "I mean, it's just AI isn't it? They have pre-recorded voice lines and follow programmed scripts," Ellis said.
     "How long have you been working here?" Vanessa asked.
     "Today's my second day," Ellis stated.
     "They haven't had much chance to interact with the bots yet," Katherine said.
     Vanessa nodded. "Well, they're sentient alright."
     "How can that be??" Ellis looked at the group in clear disbelief.
     "As senior technician here," Vanessa started, straightening up and smiling, "allow me to illuminate the situation. You see, a few years back when this place first opened, the robots weren't sentient to start out with. They were super advanced, sure. Technical marvels of the modern age, without a doubt. But sentience didn't happen till I think about a year or so ago, very roughly. It was about when I started working here, they were hiring lots of new techs on because the bots were having all these weird problems following a mass general update. Turns out, thoughts and feelings and general self awareness don't mix super well with rigid programming."
     Vanessa's expression turned serious. She folded her arms over the table and went on. "I know all the bots seem pretty chill now, but back when I first started they had it really rough. Some of them seemed to handle sentience better than others. They had to discontinue two animatronics who had gotten to the point where they were just unfit to carry on. They weren't totally sentient at that point, but they were aware enough that trying to exist in that state, self aware but confined to coding not intended for any of that… I really can't imagine how horrible it must have been. But yeah, besides that, when the AI update came out that made everyone sentient, it was implemented as an automatic general download and was sent out to all the bots in the plex at once. Programmers weren't even thinking about it, but the staff bots and wet floor sign bots also received updates through the network. However their processors weren't really built to handle all that like the animatronics, so they’re all very low level sentience."
     Chester was so lost in the horrifying speculation of what it must have been like for the bots at first that they almost missed Ellis's next question.
     "But… how do you know they're sentient??" Ellis's tone was different now, with a far most serious edge than before, after Vanessa's explanation.
     "Same way I know you lot are sentient. You have thoughts, feelings, ideas. The way the bots feel might look a little different from how humans feel. They're wired differently, so to speak. But rest assured, they do feel," Vanessa said.
     "…I'm not sure how to feel about that. Still don't know if I believe it," Ellis said.
     "Believe it, dummy. Just treat em like co-workers and you'll be fine. That's what I do," Katherine said.
     "I didn't know the staff bots were sentient to some degree as well," Wendy said. "It took me a whole month to figure out the robots were sentient."
     "Oh, yeah. I didn't figure it out for a while either." Katherine laughed. "Looking back, I really should have realized sooner. Chester seemed to get it pretty quick, though. When did you figure it out, C-bot?" Katherine nudged Chester's arm.
     "I guess I just… assumed right off the bat after my first conversation?" Chester couldn't remember having any sort of big epiphany moment. They'd just been so focused on not being caught in their ruse, it hadn't even occurred to them to question the sentience of their robotic coworkers.
     "Typical. Of course a robot wouldn't have any trouble accepting another robot as sentient." Katherine rolled their eyes. They straightened up and put on a neutral, tired sort of expression. They spoke in a monotone voice. "Hello. I am Chester. Here to assimilate into mankind. I must sit and observe the humans in order to blend in."
     Wendy laughed with Katherine while Vanessa rolled her eyes. Ellis seemed distracted by all the talk of robot sentience.
     "Chester clearly didn't observe you very well. They're far too polite and civil," Vanessa told Katherine.
     "They didn't observe you then either," Katherine shot back.
     "I apologize if my staring ever weirded you out," Chester signed. They'd assumed that no one had noticed them watching everyone else, but thinking back, they hadn't exactly been attempting to hide it.
     "I'm just fucking with you, Chester." Katherine pat Chester on the back. "Seeing as over half the damn workforce is apparently on break, someone had better get back out there. I'll catch you losers later."
     Vanessa checked her phone for the time. "It's about time for us to head back out there as well."
     Chester helped picked up any trash left on the table before leaving the breakroom with Vanessa.
     "Kat's insufferable," Vanessa commented, rolling her eyes. "They do a good job though, at least."
     "They do," Chester agreed.
     "I think she messes with you cause she's jealous of you. Before you started, Kat lead the whole division in task completion. Lately you've been giving them a run for their money," Vanessa said.
     "Really?? But… I'm still so slow," Chester eyed their task list over. It was dauntingly long.
     "Yeah, but I don’t think you've had a single task re-opened yet. That means no one had to come in behind you and fix something you did. Rosa's always going on about making sure we do tasks the right way the first time, regardless of how swamped we are, because it wastes even more time to have to go back and do a task over again," Vanessa said.
     "I see." Chester considered that for a moment. They supposed they didn't feel as terrible about taking their time on every task. "I just... Really want to do a good job. And not mess up," they explained, leaving out the reasoning behind this fear. How if they didn't take their time and puzzle through every task, someone might figure out they were just doing a surprisingly decent job of pretending to be a technician.
     "Right. You don't need to worry so much, Chester. Everyone thinks you do a good job." Vanessa winked at them. "Anyhoo, I'm headed off a different direction. I'll see you around, okay?"
     "See you." Chester waved goodbye to Vanessa. They looked back down at their task list, finding it to be a little less intimidating. They picked their next task from the list and got back to work.
     Chester thought they were doing an alright job of successfully avoiding their feelings, so far. It was a little easier with Moon than it was with Sun, since he liked to keep his distance.
     Moon was currently keeping Chester company for the last half of their night shift, walking with them around the plex as they ran diagnostic checks and worked through their task list. Moon kept his distance as usual, keeping pace with Chester but keeping as much space between them as possible, practically scraping himself along the wall. When Chester stopped to complete a task, he'd sit himself down a few decent paces away and watch them from a distance.
     Chester felt a little hesitant over being watched while they did their tasks, but most of their tasks tonight were simple but tedious tasks, all things they got the feeling the day crew had put off doing because they hadn't wanted to suffer through the boredom.
     They started working their way down the line of card-reading gates by the front entrance, opening up the little port panel in the base of each gate and plugging in the diagnostic scanner. All they had to do was wait for the little device to finish its business, unplug it, put the panel back in place, and move on to the next one.
     "Why do you like this job? This is boring," Moon commented. He spun his faceplate around lazily.
     "Every night is a little different. Tonight's tasks just happened to be more tedious," Chester signed as they sat back and waited for the diagnostic device. They loved nights like these, where the tasks were easy and they didn't have to stress about messing anything up or doing something wrong.
     Moon hummed. "You should tell me a story."
     "A story?? Why?"
     "Because I'm bored," Moon said simply.
     Chester rolled their eyes. "No one told you that you had to hang out with me."
     "Would you rather I leave?"
     "…Once upon a time," Chester started.
     Moon chuckled.
     Chester went on. "There was a lonely traveler. The traveler loved wandering the world and seeing its sights. They liked to be moving, going places. They spent their days and nights exploring magical mountains and discovering all sorts of strange creatures hiding in the nooks and crannies of the world." Chester paused, moving the diagnostic device over to the next gate.
     "One day, the traveler met a king who was very rich and powerful. The king had stolen and tricked his way to the throne, and his nefarious advisor guarded him and assured that no one would attempt to do the same to him. The traveler had wandered into the king's land by mistake, and the king decided the traveler must pay the price for their transgressions. So he and his advisor turned the traveler's legs to stone, so they couldn't wander the world anymore."
     Chester paused, fiddling with the small panel they'd removed from the side of the gate. They set it carefully back down on their knee and continued to sign. "The traveler decided that, to be trapped with the cruel king and his advisor, unable to travel the world any longer, was a fate worse than death. They'd tried everything they could to break their curse and turn their stone legs back to flesh, but it was no use. So, at last, they decided to pull themself off the castle balcony, and fell into the sea."
     Moon stared patiently at Chester, waiting for them to go on. Chester had been finished with their story, but upon realizing Moon wasn't satisfied, they decided to keep going.
     Chester moved the diagnostic device to the next gate and continued. "Then… The traveler was surprised to find that… the ocean tide was strong enough to carry them along. When they sank below the waves, they found an entirely new world to them, hidden below the water. There were coral cities and fantastic sea creatures and beautiful seashells. The ocean tide pulled them along, and they traveled once more, roaming the bottom of the seas. And they were happy."
     Chester looked at Moon again. Moon tapped his fingers over the floor as he considered Chester's story.
     "I'm glad the traveler was happy in the end," he said. "Thank you for the story. I wasn't expecting you to actually tell me one."
     "Oh. Well, you're welcome." Chester watched the diagnostic device as it slowly ran its little program. They waited until the screen flashed green, then moved it to the next gate. They looked back over at Moon, who was steadily getting closer as Chester made their way down the line of gates towards where he was sitting against the wall. "Sorry if it wasn't the best story. I hope you're not too bored. I do appreciate the company."
     "I liked your story," Moon said, "and your company is just fine. I haven't gotten to talk to anyone in a while. The bar is very low for you."
     Chester smiled. "Glad to know I meet the absolute bare minimum." They fiddled idly with the small panel for a moment. "Do you miss working in the daycare?"
     "Of course," Moon said softly. "…I miss the kids. Even when they didn't want to settle down for naptime, or fought over stuffed animals. It was still… fulfilling. Watching over them."
     "That's sweet." Chester imagined Moon, quietly watching over the kids of the daycare, tucking them in for naps. "I hope things get put back to normal for you soon. I talked to mister Baxter about the whole employee profile issue, so I'm sure you won't have to wait for too much longer."
     Moon nodded. Chester watched him wrap his arms around himself in a loose hug.
     Chester wasn't sure how to comfort Moon, though they wanted to very much. They got the feeling he was a little more upset than he was letting on. They weren't sure if Moon felt the same about his position in the daycare as Sun did about his, but they knew it must have been difficult for him regardless. They decided instead to try for a distraction. "Your turn."
     "My turn?" Moon's faceplate rotated a few degrees.
     Chester nodded. "Yeah, you tell me a story now."
     "Hmm." Moon refolded his legs and tapped at his chin. "Okay. Once upon a time… there was a jester who served a mighty king."
     Chester raised an eyebrow at Moon. Moon put a finger over his grin, shushing them.
     "When the king told the jester to dance, the jester danced. When the king told the jester to sing, the jester sang. And when the king told the jester to smile, the jester obeyed."
     Chester went through the motions of moving the diagnostic device along to the next gate. Their focus was entirely on Moon.
     "The king’s word was law, and was bound by magic. No one had ever broken one of the king’s decrees before, though some had tried. None were able to break the magic. The king on his throne was entirely untouchable. The jester knew this very well.” Moon paused, his gaze turning down to his hands. “When the king told the jester to gather the stars from the sky for him to decorate his crown with, the jester had no choice but to comply.”
     Diagnostic device forgotten, Chester sat and stared at Moon, waiting silently for him to go on.
     “The jester did everything they could. They built the tallest ladders, they tossed up lassoes of the longest ropes, and they even climbed the highest mountains trying to reach the stars for the king. But the stars were always too far away. They could not satisfy the king, but they could not disobey him either. The jester, stood atop the highest mountain, searched for a solution. They found the top of the mountain was home to many gorgeous stones and jewels that shimmered and gleamed just as bright as the stars. So the jester took some of the jewels back for the king, claiming they were stars plucked from the sky. The king was satisfied, and fixed his crown with the false stars. The king seemed none the wiser, but the jester always knew, every time they gazed upon the king. They knew the real stars were forever unreachable in the sky above.”
     Moon looked up at Chester, finished with his story. Chester sat back, thinking the tale over.
     “I think the jester did just fine. Even if they couldn’t reach the stars,” Chester remarked. “Mountain jewels are just as nice.”
     “They failed the king,” Moon said.
     “They didn’t, though. The king was satisfied in the end. Isn't that what mattered?” Chester pointed out.
     Chester realized they’d forgotten about their diagnostic device and quickly went to move it along to the next gate. Once it was running, they turned back to Moon. “Thank you for the story.”
     “You’re welcome.”
     “What is it with these fantasy kings, huh?" Chester offered a light laugh.
     Moon chuckled. He kept his gaze on Chester as they moved next to him, plugging the diagnostic device into one of the last gates. He stiffened, like he wanted to move away, but remained where he was.
     "Feeling okay?" Chester asked.
     "Fine." Moon turned his faceplate away. He fiddled with the ribbons around his wrists. "Wondering if…" Moon trailed off.
     Chester eyed him curiously. When he didn't continue, they prompted him. "Moon?"
     "Forget it." Moon reached up and pulled his nightcap down to cover his eyes. He curled in on himself, still not looking at Chester.
     "Is there anything I can do to help?" Chester asked, wondering what had Moon acting like this all of a sudden.
     Moon made a static filled noise. He looked down at his hands, then glanced carefully at Chester from under the rim of his hat. "I was. Wondering. If maybe…" Moon trailed off again. He made another noise, this one sounding more like a sigh. He slowly held his hand out to Chester, pausing halfway between them.
     "Oh!" Chester realized what he was asking. He wanted more calibration practice. Chester smiled. They finished plugging the diagnostic device into the last gate and turned to Moon while it did its thing. They took his hand, holding it gently. They signed to him with their free hand. "You only had to ask, silly."
     Moon huffed, turning his faceplate up. His fingers were rigidly still in Chester's hand.
     Chester looked down at Moon's hand, studying it carefully. It looked pretty similar to Sun's hands. Chester was having a hard time finding any differences at all, actually. They probably shared the same sort of model type, like how the glamrocks shared the same type of endoskeleton frame. Chester brushed a thumb over Moon's plastic casing, wondering if they could feel for the sensors underneath, what with how much more flexible and thin Moon's plastic casing was, compared to the glamrock's metal casing.
     Moon's frame rattled, his casing shaking noisily as his whole endoskeleton seemed to vibrate. Chester looked up at him in surprise. Moon seemed just as surprised, sitting there entirely motionless like a deer caught in headlights. Then he quickly snatched his hand away and scrambled to his feet, putting several feet of distance between him and Chester.
     "Your device is done. Time to go," Moon said.
     Chester glanced over at the diagnostic device. Its screen was flashing green at them. They unplugged it and put the panel back in place. They stuck the device in their belt and got to their feet.
     "Are you… okay??" Chester asked cautiously.
     "Fine," Moon said curtly.
     "Do you want to try calibrating again?" Chester offered.
     Moon quickly shook his head. "I think that's enough for one night."
     "We held hands for half a minute."
     Moon folded his arms. "Why do you want to hold my hand so badly, hmm?"
     Chester faltered. They quickly busied themself with their faz-phone, marking the entrance gate diagnostic task complete and scrolling through their list for the next task. "You're the one who offered."
     "Anyways. What's next on the list?" Moon was already making his way to the main hall.
     Chester hurried to catch up. "Next I need to… replace a broken nozzle on an ice cream dispenser." They marked the task as 'in progress'.
     "Hardly seems very technical."
     "At least it's easy." Chester shrugged. They lead the way to find where replacement nozzles were stored. The map looked to be leading them to the general warehouse, down in the access tunnels.
     "And afterwards we can have ice cream," Moon said.
     Chester studied Moon. "Can you eat?? I know the glamrocks have small removable compartments for food waste, so they can eat a slice of pizza or something for a stunt or what have you. But your faceplate doesn't exactly… move?"
     Moon spun his faceplate. "I could pretend."
     The pair made it to the general warehouse. There were almost no service lights here, so Chester clicked on their flashlight, aiming it away from Moon. They started searching shelves, angling the beam of light over labels and cardboard boxes and storage crates.
     Chester signed to Moon with their free hand. "If you could have three wishes, what would they be?"
     Moon hummed. Chester watched the bright red lights of his eyes turn back and forth as Moon slowly rotated his face a few degrees clockwise, then counter, then back again while he thought. "My first wish… countless riches. Of course."
     "Naturally." Chester smiled and nodded.
     "My second wish. World domination. Duh." Moon waved a hand. "And my third… world peace."
     "How kind of you." Chester found the box they were after. They pulled out a replacement nozzle and turned away from the shelf slowly, giving Moon plenty of time to move out of the way of their flashlight. "Although if you ruled the world, you could make sure there was world peace anyways, couldn't you?"
     "It would take more than one ruler to achieve total world peace, no matter how good the ruler was," Moon said.
     Chester hummed thoughtfully. "What if you had one more wish?"
     "One more wish. How gracious."
     As the pair stepped out from the tighter confines of the storage shelves and out into the open floor, Moon remained by Chester's side instead of immediately moving to put distance between them. They walked together slowly, Chester keeping an eye on where they were going and Moon considering the question carefully.
     "I would wish… for a different face," Moon finally said.
     "Oh?" Chester glanced up at him.
     "So I could eat ice cream, of course."
     "Ah, of course." Chester nodded. "No other reason?"
     "…" Moon tilted his faceplate away, hiding the red glow of his eyes from Chester. "I wouldn't mind… not having to smile all the time. I think most people find me off-putting."
     "I don't," Chester replied immediately. They paused when Moon's gaze snapped to them.
     Here in the shadows, the darkened half of Moon's face was nearly invisible, save for the faint curve of his carved cheeks faintly reflecting the red of his pinprick eyes, and the faint shapes of his teeth locked into an eternal grin. Chester, who was usually focused more on Moon's body language, took a moment to focus more on Moon's face. They got the sudden urge to give Moon's pointy nose a kiss.
     Chester shooed the sudden thought away, hoping their face wasn't as warm as it felt. "I like your nose," Chester signed.
     "Don't lie to me." Moon sighed, turning his faceplate away. "It's alright, I know my face is creepy."
     Chester scowled. They put their flashlight away for a moment so their hands were free to take hold of Moon's faceplate. They angled it back towards them, and before they could chicken out or overthink, they gave Moon's pointed nose a smooch.
     "I wasn't lying." Chester quickly turned and marched for the door, taking their flashlight back out so they didn't trip over anything. They were embarrassed enough as it was.
     Moon stood there in stunned silence, only snapping out of it when Chester made it to the door. He slowly moved to follow them, still reeling and confused by what had just happened.
     The pressure sensors in Moon's face kept bouncing the readings back and forth through Moon's mind. It was all he could focus on. Exactly a seventh of a PSI, for barely a second. There was something else, something there that didn't have a decipherable reading. It was like fried wires, sparkling with far too much electricity. It was almost overwhelming, though not entirely… unpleasant.
     "This looks like a super easy replacement. Shouldn't take long to fix at all," Chester commented, avoiding looking at Moon.
     "Right. Yes. Good." Moon nodded. "I think. I need to go."
     That made Chester look back at him. "I… I didn't overstep, did I?"
     "No," Moon assured. "I just. Need some time. To process. Everything is fine."
     "Okay. I'll see you around?" Chester asked.
     "Yes. See you. Good night." Moon hurried off, quickly vanishing around a corner.
     Chester took a deep breath, then slapped a hand to their forehead.
     Stupid! What was I thinking?! Why did I do that… Chester shook their head. They hurried off towards the food court, their face burning. They were at least glad Moon wasn't here to see their embarrassment.
     Moon, meanwhile, couldn't get back to the daycare fast enough. He hit the lights as soon as he was through the doors, leaving Sun to deal with the overheating processors.
     "AHHHHH??" Sun immediately said, grabbing at the sides of his faceplate. His rays quickly retracted as his hands neared.
     "I know," Moon replied.
     Sun didn't know what to do any more than Moon did. He simply laid himself face down on the floor, letting the vents on the back of his head pump out endless waves of hot air.
     "MOON," Sun said, his voice quiet as the speaker of his voice box sent out the sound directly into the padded daycare floor.
     "I know," Moon said again.
     "What are we supposed to do, Moon?!"
     "I don't know," Moon replied.
     "Ahhhhhhhh," Sun cried again. "…I can't wait for them to get back."
     Despite it all, Moon couldn't help but agree. He sighed heavily. "Me too."
0 notes
sometipsygnostalgic · 3 years
adventure time wizard city liveblog
 well here we go
my last adventure time liveblog, i havent actually done one of these in MANY years... probably not since 2014
this takes place at the same time as obsidian?
yeah i know that’s bufo, they only made it enormously obvious, tsk tsk
@spaceacepearl​ joked about us seeing choose goose get sent to hell but i diDNT EXPECT IT TO HAPPEN
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This music is i assume by one of the many musical artists Adam Muto listed on twitter, it rocks. It’s not as hardcore as Obsidian’s intro, but it’s suitably chill for the scene. 
“get offa my bus kid”
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Those wizards in the left and far right groups appear to be new! 
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i bet hanna and co had fun making these signs
my favourite is the cat with “FAMILIARS HAVE RIGHTS”
cadorka..... wow
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We’re not even four minutes into the ep and peppermint butler has already killed someone in front of a large group of witnesses
“this smells of DARK MAGIC” “yall kids know thats illegal right” peps watches the other kids nod before later joining in, LOL
i cant believe pep started the great gum wars and got killed by golb
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SOMEONE has been playing Overwatch... 
i-- i still cant believe choose goose is fucking dead
how long was he stuck in hell for, or was that recent to together again after new death showed up 
i have to admit im not a big fan of spader, too perfect, and not in that funny way either. i hope they give him some characteristics that make him stand out. 
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im getting flashbacks to OK KO and Owl House here...
Cadebra using music is a reference to Abracadaniel’s love of interpretetive dance in Play Date. 
“they only laugh because youre different” “i know” “SO STOP BEING DIFFERENT” oh my god it’s like talking to my own parents cadebra is actually... a LOT like me, less in her hyperactivity but more in her nonchalant enthusiasm and almost acceptance of the inevitable bullying because it means more time in people’s consciousness
ahhh - it’s quietly revealed here that she is responsible and a skilled magician, she is just bored of magic! i like that she parents abracadaniel instead of being downtrodden by his ramblings. 
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PEP NO--- oh i see the problem, he hasn’t got his Bug Milk... sorry Martin Olsen fans, no Hunson today. At least we get one more Phil Face for the road! 
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candy people in their natural habitat
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Ahhh that’s Doctor Calidoneus! The voice actor was at the recent Distant Lands panel alongside Pep and Blaine’s actors. 
“pretty sure hes just trashcandy” - i like you, sassy antler lady
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the mystery of how he gets clothes
and once again spader is proving to be the most irritating distant lands character of the lot, there is no subversion here. where is the subversion?  
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what is going on here? are pep and peppermint the same person or not? im sure they must be, but there is something going on here with peppermint butler’s soul being trapped in the body of his child self who hasn’t got the same memories. 
OH, HYNDEN WALCH DID A NEW LINE yes this is what im here for, special over 
peppermint butler cursed himself... of course he did - Shado was correct!!!
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love the reference to astral plane, of course pep cant astrally project because cursed pep is still inside of him 
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wow, blaine, wow
they have a crush
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i love the dynamic between cadebra and abracadaniel, imo so far it’s the heart of the special. im not really gripped by peppermint butler’s school troubles. i imagine someone else probably will be but i want to run past that shit as far as possible. 
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ILL SHOW YOU WHEN NICK POSTS THE VIDEO and then ill tell you who made the prediction because i... think it was nick himself, insanity 
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who plagiarized finn’s signature???
turns out pep really DID take over wizard city!!!!
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i love this band
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i understand your pain peps
you probably have a bit too much in common with your mother, and i imagine it isn’t easy being turned into a kid and not being able to do stuff that came so easy. you’re disappointing yourself! (he’s literally disappointing himself)
I’m less than halfway through the special, what the fuck. I wasn’t wrong when I said Wizard City had a lot on its plate. It’s noit that I’ve been particularly gripped up to this point, though to be fair I didn’t pause at all during the other specials barring Obsidian. 
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that... that poor kid is still a rock
and then the preview happened and bufo casually revealed to the audience that, yes, he killed choose goose
i dont know whats happening with pep but it seems he needs to be exorcised of... pep. which is a shame. i hope they learn to coexist. 
i have to say the background work in this special is really good! like, really damn good. 
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oh thats right - abracadaniel is cadebra’s uncle! this must be abracadniels sister. sorry, folks, he doesn’t fuck. 
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Where are they? Is this anywhere near Wizard City? It’s an unpopulated prewar wasteland. 
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my child
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is this an art style choice or did they get the people from that one studio to make this
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the red jacket he wears and his head pill shape is a big kaneda reference actually, which i suppose makes sense considering he’s a rival to our protagonist, but it’s a bit on the nose
bufo killed one of his own students? but why????
“no one likes a rat”
i actually really like blaine, though im confused. did their VA change halfway through the special?
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did doctor caledonius steal the trophy,,,? 
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MONMSTER HUNJTER DISCOVERY NOISE, this time it’s a tetsucabra
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god i wish this is what this special was about, i miss adventure time
these remind me of the comics with their art style :) i wonder who designed them? the one on the right with pb and pep, in particular, very comics-y. 
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fdgfhgf because he’s like 500
“pep can be kind of a jerk but he wouldn’t kill anyone”
sorry, cadebra, i have news for you
is doctor calednoius the true villain? if bufo’s out of the picture, she MUST be, 
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oh no, he might gbe stuck in wizard city :( 
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the writing on the wall...
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okay im not surprised all the teachers at wizard city are cultists in worship of peps, maybe they killed spader and bufo because they bullied peps T_T
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wait no, they thought spader had the potential, but sadly not
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sorry, i was distracted by the pretty dope fight sequence and now the special is over????
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fucking jesse, hes probably at least partly responsible for the cult nonsense
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This credits art is by Maya Petersen!!!! Holy shit it’s adorable!
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okay, it’s over :) 
first thoughts out of the way: not a big fan of this special. it’s like watching a completely different show. it’s not got the PZSHAHH of the normal wizard city stuff and there weren’t a lot of funny jokes or even hearty moments in the thing. 
it suffers from a lack of invested character interactions, much like BMO did. there was not a single main cast member in the whole thing! and like i said before, much of peppermint butler’s character in the show is based on his very sweet relationship to his mother, princess bubblegum, so when they showed a single (hilarious) photo of them together it made me sad we didn’t get any scenes with them together. it would have STOLEN this episode. and they teased the hunson golf photo, and death!!! and jake appeared in a photo T_T last jake appearance. 
it also suffers because Peppermint Butler is clearly not himself, imo he was way more entertaining in the Together Again special, where we seem him back to his “normal” self. 
i dont think peps being a dark wizard was something to “kill off” exactly. i wonder what was going on there? was that actually peps, or was that a spirit he cursed himself with based on himself? we at least know in the future he does become a dark wizard again, and even princess :) this special didn’t answer those questions but lol. 
THE GOOD STUFF, because yes, there was a lot of good stuff! 
God, I’m with Aracle and Maya on this - I LOVE Cadebra and her relationship to Pep. I wish she was even in more of this - I would love to watch the adventures of Cadebra and Pepbut in their first year of school, like in the end credits.
That, imo, is where the heart of the special lay - Peppermint Butler’s attempts to impress himself, versus Cadebra’s self acceptance and desire to follow her dreams of being a goofy goober, no matter what other people thought of her. 
It turned out that Cadebra is a responsible student and family member. I really liked that. Her scenes with Abracadaniel were, somehow, my favourite in the entire special! 
I like that theres a lot of cool magic towards the end of this special, and a lot of HORRIFYING DEATH. It wouldn’t be adventure time if you didn’t randomly kill off child characters. Poor Spader, I hated you but damn, what a grim fate. 
I like that Bufo and Caledonius had this crush/hatred thing going on, but they were part of the same cult in the end. 
I didn’t like the giant peps scene at the end, the monster was extremely milquetoast compared to the madness we usually get in AT. Obsidian, for example, had the awesome Larvo design. Nemesis had some INSANE dark magic!!!!  I wish they drew more from that episode. 
Considering how much Steve Little appears in this special, I do feel bad for Mace (little Peps). He said he would have really benefitted from coaching, but recieved none. He had to re-record his lines 3 times! Judging from his description of events, Wizard City was a hard time for him. 
The wizard school did remind me, heavily, of both The Owl House and OK KO. Personally I was hoping AT would offer me something more insane, but I do love both of those shows, and I know Wizard City was on a really tight schedule. 
I think they should have spent less time on the school bullying plot, and skipped straight to MURDER. 
We did have a cold opening, not on par with Together Again’s at all, but damn!
I am wondering where I would put this in the watch list? I do think it should sit after Obsidian as the third special. The intro scene makes it clear this takes place at the same time as Obsidian!!!
Well, that was it, the last ep of AT for the next few years at least T_T
i think together again was the better finale, definitely. but wizard city feels pretty detached from AT for me, despite the familiar characters it tonally isn’t like the show other than the awesome brutal death scenes. I thought the last 11 minutes was easily the best in the special! Which, honestly, is how it should be, though I do wish it gripped me more. Maybe I’m just not the target audience for Wizard City? It feels like something I would find very compelling if I was a bit younger! 
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rjshepofftheshits · 3 years
FMK: Org 13 edition
so i know the whole point of this game is to fmk 3 characters but like. i kinda wana do it for all of them?
if yall send me 3 characters ill do it that way, but for now im just going to say if id f m or k each individual member because im a degenerate lol.
edit: long post under cut
Xemnas : Fuck or Kill.
look its no secret i have a thing for fucked up little men, which org13 has in abundance. Xemnas is cute ok? id like to pull his hair and cuddle with him when he gets his heart back and the guilt and loneliness starts to eat him alive .
that being said he is the most bastardy of the real org. yes master xehanort is the orchestrator but xemnas has the most screen time and the most chance to be a fuck. He kicks xion, boots axel in the head after destroying his keyblade and is the reason kairi got killed. i would sleep with him but id feel disappointed in myself afterwards. might have to kill him just to remove the shame.
Xigbar: FUCK
Honestly ive always had a thing for xigbar. he was never my favorite character but he was the one i was most obsessed with in my writing and comics. i would sleep with him but i feel like he'd get all introspective and possibly start crying because luxu literally hasnt been held in such a long time. im ok with that tbh.
Xaldin: Kill
sorry xal, i might say fuck but you were so unlikeable in kh2 that i still hold a grudge.
i do stan dilan however. he would be on my marry list.
Vexen : god i dont know
so vexen was again, one of my favorite characters. he was a main in my oc's story as a mentor figure, so i cant imagine putting him in the f category. but he's also very rude so i couldn't stand marrying him either? but i still like him so how would i kill him??? god the dilemma. im going to say kill but out of kindness, not dislike.
Lexaeus: Marry
Zexion: Fuck or marry
wow ok soooo 16 year old me had a think for the emo kid, like a lot of people did , i suspect. but mostly i think of what he'd be like as ienzo, just word vomiting and infodumping on me constantly about the things hes passionate about or what he's working on and id be so lucky to just sit and listen to that. also manga zexion is very domestic and i dont know dick about shit when it comes to running a home.
Saix : Marry
so as much as i would like to fuck saix, i feel like he'd probably make the best husband out of all the org members. hes sensible, no nonsense and actually has a good heart all things considered. hes prime husbando material and the kh fandom has been sleeping on him for the best part of a decade. #Saixstanniesriseup
Axel: uhhhh
ok so axel has been my favorite org 13 member since i was a wee babby just fumbling her way through kingdom hearts 2 when it first came out. i feel like i grew up loving him, i even made an axel replica for my little self insert oc. logic says Fuck but im so attached to him i might also consider marry lmfao
spoiler alert if you havent noticed already im not good at this game
Demyx : Kill
dem im sorry love but i couldnt imagine sleeping with you or even having you in my house 24/7 so youve gotta die.
Luxord: marry
i would wifey luxord in a fuckin heartbeat. hes hot , hes funny and he's a lot smarter than he lets on. im not a gambler but he does like other games, it could work
Marluxia: kill
sorry marluxia i know you have trauma :tm: and were a good person at one point in your existance, but for pulling that number bullshit and having namine imprisoned, youre at the top of my kh shitlist. id kill him and id enjoy every moment of it.
Larxene: kill
sorry queen but you are just too much for me to handle. could be wifey material if she stopped shouting so much. wouldnt sleep with her because i dont find being stabbed sexy.
bonus Ansem, sod: Fuck or marry
same as with xemnas, i enjoy fucked up little men far too much to pass up the opportunity to mess with them. however, unlike xemnas, i could actually stand him in my house for extended periods of time. i am not a needy person, i value my personal space and alone time and i feel like someone as solitary as ansem would suit me in a relationship. He is also far more dramatic than xemnas which i enjoy, not to mention much less of a bastard.
well. the xehanort scale of bastardry is on another level compared to the normal fucko scale,so ansem is still a dick, just not as much of a dick as other norts.
yeah yeah i know he possessed riku but kh1 riku got what was coming to him and it all worked out in the end , riku fans dont come for me
so yeah theres some fmk for org13, i kinda lost intrest about half way thought because at this stage, i kinda just think about most of org13 in platonic terms, theyre like long time friends that ive grown up with, my intrests have changed over time and how i see the characters has changed too
im rambeling now, i guess coming back to kingdom hearts after 3 years away from the fandom has just made me a little introspective hah.
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the-worst-fe-player · 4 years
☕ everything about fates and the drama give us an essay king
Lamo thank you to king/queen/royalty
Okay so I'm gonna break this down into segments and header it with a different colour some will he shorter than others. Also sorry if I spell names of county wrong and rember this is just my opinion
Also heads up I played it in this order conquest -> rev -> birthrights I know I should have swapped rev and birthrights but it was really expensive and I was like 14
Fates story is not the best but deffently not as bad as some people said. Overall I'll be honst I liked conquest story but not birthrights which I know most people have the opposite oppion on but like I found conquest to be more fun I enjoyed the idea of sneaking around garons back with your siblings and being powerless at times to stop a lot of the things like the massacre where scarlet dies and ryoma death there where moments I just groaned at the screen but apart from that I had more fun. Birthrights I'll be real the story kind of bored me i only really found certain parts interesting but my favourite moment from fates actually came from birthrights and it was the Xander fight where he killed elise and then let corrin kill him it was tragic and sad and I live for angst ngl. rev story I don't remember to much sorry I mostly fouced on the characters ngl but that sence with the kid turning into the faceless was really cool and also the one with makoto and she fucks with you and the doors but idk if that's classed as story or gameplay but either way that was sick
Fates gameplay was soild as fuck I will die on this hill. The pair up was cool, the skills and classes where sick and the character balancing minor some major problems *cough xander ryoma takumi cough* was pretty cool and corrin is not nearly as broken as Robin or byleth. I like to play conquest the most because I'm a maschoist lol but even though most of revs maps where gimmicks I love them there so iconic, tbh most of fates maps are like I understand most of fates criticism but the maps, apart from rev as not everyone likes gimmicks, I just dont understand
Phoenix mode
Honstly play the game how you want to if that's on normal Phoenix go a head I dont care you play the game how you want to. Like yeah Phoenix mode may take away all the difficulty but casual took away perma death and that's the most played game mode because that's what people want and if people want Phoenix then just let them have it doesn't bother me I will never play it but I dont care if others do.
Okay so I actually like corrin and before you look away I will explain why I think their dislikes and why I do like them and think how they could be improved
I think the promblem people have with Corrin is that they dont have enough personilty to be a regular character but they have to much that they can't be an avatar if you know what I mean. Like with Robin they deffently had a personily but they weren't the main character chrom was so it wasn't in your face as much yeah they made some important decisions whitch often did nothing but at the end of the day it lopped back to chrom and this is something corrin cant do everything has to be about corrin as there the main lord. But corrin is kind they dont want to kill common soldiers and that's never really addressed (as far as I can remember) why corrin wont kill like the sibling bit make sense but the common solider whitch could have killed there spouse is just frustrating at times and something not many people feel while playing. Corrin would have worked better if they wasn't a self insert that went against the average players emotions. But yeah I do feel people are to harsh on corrin as well though like with the whole not earning the Yaot witch is like they kind of did though it was the fact that who ever held the yaot would bring the world peace and they did it was there destiny to do so to fight in a war and mabey kill there family but even then I don't see people giving the three houses leaders shit for there wepons and they did less all they did was be born from a group of people that committed genocide! But also many people say nothing bad happens to them but at least in conquest and birthrights corrin suffers, in conquest the blood of what you think are your siblings are on your hands one forced to commit sucide and the other painful possed and then there the amount of murder they just had to watch and then birthrights watching elise die for them and xander pretty much letting corrin kill him and everything else like bruh this shit is sad and is also the reson I pray fe stops using self inserts and goes back to the older ways
Why! Why! Who thought that was a good idea Xander what did they do to him 🥺 I haven't finshed reading a direct translation of fates yet but its like so much better then the English version if you have the chance to read through it's worth it so much. Also same with three houses it wasn't as bad but like certain scenes are better like the really cringy reponse el had to dimitri on gronder feild actually makes sense and just especially if you like crimson flower as out of all the routs edelgard and cf feels like it got changed the most its just interesting ngl anyway onto fates again
The petting game
I know I would hate it as I already hate the wake the slug a bug up and the "you didn't blow niles hard enough" stuff but it was also optional so like idk i don't really have an oppion
Fan service (camilla)
I like big tits (as long as there not mine lol) as much as the next person who also likes that stuff but even I'll admit It was way to much at times especially the did you miss you big sister part like I enjoy camillas character I'm a sucker for a character with a tragic backstory, loves there family, cares for others a bit to much and could bench press me but the times where she was just fan severse sucked.
Paying for everything sprealty
I hate it:(
Overall I like the majority of characters, here are my top 3 favs girls and boy
Best girls : Charlotte, orochi and Nyx
Best boys: leo, saizo and laslow (idk if he counts if not Forrest)
I always see people being like (x) was wasted in fates i wished they were in a different game but literally 3/4 of the cast have that said about them so like do yall hate the cast or love it :/
My overall oppion
I have mixed oppions over all I do like fates conquest is one of my favourite fe and I hope mabey in twenty years it will get re made with a better translation and some adjustments to corrin and the story
Thank you for the ask sorry this is so long and sorry if it makes no sense
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taz-writes · 6 years
WIP questions tag
i got tagged by @eff-writes and I haven’t actually participated in a tag game in like 10 years, so here we go!
1. What is the working title of your book?
Book 1 is called The Beginning. Boring, I know... The series as a whole is called Feilan! It used to be The Feilan Chronicles but then I decided that was stupid. 
(book 2 is The Queen of Feilan, book 3 is Storm and Shadow, book 4 is Liaea. 2 and 4 are literally perfect but 3 is Bad and needs replacing when I finish the manuscript.) 
2. Where did the idea for your book come from?
It’s based on a recess game I used to play with friends in elementary school. You know how basically everyone was involved in that stupid Boys Versus Girls war in first and/or second grade? I was the leader of my school’s stupid Boys Versus Girls war, it was centered around “Fairyland,” and my friends and I all had these overly complicated self insert characters that we LARPed as during recess. Over the years, the boys vs girls thing faded away, but we kept playing fairies and developing the ~lore.~ When I got to sixth grade, I decided to write it all down for posterity, and that’s when the first concept of Feilan came into being. I wrote the first legitimate draft in 9th grade, after spending a few years developing the characters and world into something that could exist without relying on bad self insert Mary Sue logic. 
There were a couple specific scenarios that we always wound up playing, and those are what the books’ core plots are about. Book 1 is the game we played at my house in the woods, usually searching for treasure. Book 2 is the ice skating rink game where we rescue Violet from the Frozen Isles, fused with the swimming pool game where we turn into mermaids. Book 3 is the one we played at my friend Emily’s house, where we built couch fort “prisons” and tried to escape without making enough noise to bother her dad. If we knocked too much stuff over, he’d come up and lecture us for interrupting his Warcraft game, so avoiding him became part of the LARP. Just typing this is bringing up vivid flashback-style memories. 
3. What genre is your current work in progress?
High/heroic fantasy, with a drop of genre de/reconstruction added in for fun :)
4. Choose the actors for your movie rendition.
Lucy Liu has to play Lilac Ravenhart. I don’t care about anything else but she has to be Lilac, it’s perfect. 
Honestly, if I got a movie, I’d want Sayara to be played by a total unknown because I feel like it fits her place in the story. She wants to be known as Sayara, the actor should want to be known as Sayara and not as whatever their last major role was. Plus I can’t think of any actresses who are short and buff enough. 
5. Give a one-sentence synopsis of your book. 
An ambitious illegitimate princess stumbles into a civil war and somehow manages to make herself a ~new legendary hero~, much to everyone else’s chagrin. 
6. Will your book be self-published or represented by an agent?
I’m not sure yet! It would be awesome to have an agent and be published with a legit publishing house, but self-publishing is faster and easier. Considering that I’ll be trying to market a debut novel with niche appeal and no romantic subplot to speak of, which also has three sequels.... self-pub seems more likely right now. 
7. How long did it take you to write the first draft?
The first first draft? I plugged that baby out in six months back in high school, because I didn’t have anything else to do with my life. It added up to over 150,000 words, so that was no small feat. It’s taken progressively longer to finish every new draft since. 
8. What other books would you compare your story to?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (frantic googling sounds) 
Honestly, I have no clue. I’ve read lots of books with similar concepts or characters, but I’ve never read another book that was enough like mine for me to want to make a comparison. I’ve taken some inspo from Game of Thrones, but deep worldbuilding lore and too many characters isn’t enough similarity to make a good comparison. Most of the fantasy I’ve read lately has been in a very different vein from what I write, because I’m trying to push my boundaries. 
9. Who or what inspired you to write the book?
I got into this a little with the “where’d the idea come from” question! But mostly, my inspiration was spite. 
The reason for making this particular recess game into a novel was, simply, that I couldn’t find a single book in YA fantasy that gave me what I wanted out of a story. I wanted strong female leads, who didn’t fall in love or have a LI, who saved the world without being questioned because of their gender or being outshone at the final hour by random boys. Do yall know how rare books like that were (and are) in YA fantasy? Full respect to paranormal romance writers, but your genre was the bane of my existence in high school, because the library would always label it as fantasy, and they always stocked twice as much of it as they did the actual fucking fantasy. Poor little naive Taz would pick up book after book about cool monsters and seemingly-intriguing plots, only for it to devolve into Edgy Boy Love Triangles. I didn’t care about the sexy demon/angel/whateverthefuck boys! I wanted to know how the girl who was supposedly the protagonist was gonna save the world! 
Also, I was really into fairies, but the only YA-ish author I could find who wrote about them was Holly Black. Who is a talented writer and I envy and respect her success, but that just wasn’t the kind of story I wanted to read, yknow? She’s too edgy, and the love interests are... that. 
I’d sat on “the fairy story” for years at that point, but this powerful rage was the kicker to actually get me started. I was bitter and salty and figured that if nobody would give me what I wanted then I’d just have to make it myself.  I already had this source material that was funny and weird and deep and (as far as I could tell) totally unique, so I took it and ran with it! My friends gave me a lot of inspiration, because a few of them still remembered the fairy game, and they wanted to know when their characters would show up. So I’d send them chapters as I finished them, and we’d all get excited about stupid inside jokes and goofy names. 
10. What else about your book might pique a reader’s interest?
I think the deconstructive elements are the core appeal in Feilan. I have a lot of the trappings of standard high fantasy--the lost princess, the return of the evil, the big war, the chosen one--but they’re used with the intent of picking them apart to see what makes them tick. None of the elements listed are played entirely straight. 
The main cast is made up of mostly royalty, and their positions have Actual Responsibilities that motivate the plot and their character development instead of just being set dressing.
Female friendships and relationships are really important to the story, no boys will ever appear to derail character arcs at any point. 
One of the main characters (Violet) is a trans girl and I know people appreciate queer content
(most of the main characters are actually under the queer umbrella but it doesn’t really come up in canon since i have a lot of plot to deal with)
Sayara is a relatively unconventional character type (especially for a female protagonist), she’s ambitious and mostly confident in herself, and her conflict comes from the way other people treat her more than how she treats other people. She’s not forced to learn “humility,” she’s not forced to give up on what she wants. Instead she learns how to handle responsibility and move past naivety to realistic optimism, and how to achieve her goals without hurting other people by it. I feel like that’s a theme that should be way more common in YA fiction than it is right now. teenage girls are right about things sometimes!
i have Deep Worldbuilding(tm)
The magic system has categories and you can sort yourself. because we all know what’s really important here. 
I’m not going to tag anyone new in this, because I’m tired and I don’t have the energy, but if you want to pass on the challenge then feel free to say I tagged you! :)
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU
New to the AU? Start here!
Part 1
Chapter 40.5: NO! What Did You Say To Me?!
It’s the next day and couple had an extra pep to their step from last night’s adventure. Tenya was extra energetic going into work.
“Brother! Did you know McDonalds Sprite tastes like electricity?!” he chopped extra fast as he entered his brother’s office “I now understand.”
Tensei was extremely confused “I don’t know what Manual put in my coffee but did you just say McDonald’s Sprite tasting like electricity?” he looked in his coffee cup and sniffed it “Tenya did you drink coffee this morning? You’re awfully peppy and acting strange.”
“Nope! I’m just so full of good news!” Tenya said as he closed the door behind him and locked it.
“It must be! You don’t lock doors!” Tensei chuckled and put his mug down “what is it little brother? What do you need to tell me?”
“Tensei, I am a man” he puffed his chest out “yesterday I was just a boy but the universe was calling and they said that last night was the night I became a man!”
“Sooo you went to Mcdonalds last night?” Tensei was really trying to piece together what his brother was trying to get at “well the boys were saying that the McRib was back so I guess you had an experience?”
“What? No, well, I mean yea” he deflated a little because it was partially true “what I’m trying to say is that I proposed to Ita... AND SHE SAID YES!”
Tensei gasped and screamed “TENYA! Oh my gosh! I’m so proud of you” he rolled over to his little brother for a hug “tell me! how much did you spend on the ring? I bet you set everything up just right!”
“Oh ummm I didn’t have a ring” he meekly spoke “I sort of just impulsively took her to McDonalds and ate in the car in the peer-over parking lot. The moonlight hit her just right and I just...asked.”
“Wow, props to you” Tensei was somewhat impressed “you got yourself a genuine woman that loves you, any other girl would’ve said no or say to try again when you get a ring.”
-Meanwhile, at the Robo Dog INC office-
“AHHHH!” screamed Mimi and Jin, almost spilling her coffee.
“Ay mi cafe!” I stabled my cup of freshly poured coffee “guys what the hell?”
“My babygirl is gonna get married!” Mimi started sobbing “it seemed like yesterday we were building Muffin 2.0, now our girl is gonna change last names!”
“Man, what the fuck Ita! Now we gotta plan a whole ass wedding” Jin was sobbing and getting his tablet out.
“I didn’t ask-”
“NOPE TOO LATE! I’m already booking a venue hunting day” he tapped on his tablet “but damn, a bitch getting married! Soon you’ll have a whole house full of babies- OH GOD I’M GOING TO BE A UNCLE!”
“SHUT UP BITCH! THAT MAKES ME FEEL OLD” Mimi punched Jin in the arm, then held him “oh god, I’m going to be an aunty!”
“Can we refocus?” I said pulling them closer to my desk “I love you guys but yall always be jumpin ahead to shit that hasn’t happened yet” I sigh into a smile “but will yall be my maids of honor? Because I can’t think of any other bitches that would be down to throw hands for me on my special day.”
“You soft ass bitch of course!” they said as they hugged me from either side.
“I heard screaming!” Beizu panted as he ran into the moment “what’s going on?”
“ITA IS GETTING MARRIED!” Mimi and Jin yelled in unison.
“Oh gee-”
“AHHHH! THE BOSS IS GETTING MARRIED?!” Beizu cried out in excitement.
By the end of the day, our closest friends knew about our engagement. Mimi and Jin were helping with the planning already. I still had to tell my parents and his parents, my parents and siblings so happen to be visiting me on Christmas until my father’s birthday. I killed two birds with one stone and brought my family to the Iida family estate for Christmas.
“Oh wow fancy!” my mother cried out “oh do we have to take our shoes off mija?”
“No you don’t” I said taking off my scarf “but take off your coats and I’ll put them on the thing.”
“Almost 8 years living here and you’re still saying ‘the thing’?” my brother scoffed “pathetic- ow!”
My mother slapped the back of his head “Don’t talk down on your sister!” she scolded “if it wasn’t for her, you’d still be in crutches or dead!” she crossed her arms and looked sternly at the little brother and Older sister “te portas bien! No fire y No vuelas in la casa!”
“Yes madre” groaned the two, glaring at their accomplished sister.
“Well if it isn’t the Palmas?!” warmly welcomed Mr. Iida “welcome to our family estate! Please join us in the main hall!”
Tenya and I followed behind them and saw that the same few amount of people came to the Christmas party. They all welcomed my family, excited to see some new faces at the function. When it came close to the end of dinner, Tenya stood up.
“May I get everyone’s attention?” he waited for everyone to look at him “I’d like to thank the Palmas for join us this holiday and for everyone that had to brave the snow to get here” he cleared his throat “but I have an announcement! Seeing how great both families seem to get along, we’ve decided to unify!” everyone at the table was confused. 
“Why’d you say it like that?” I laughed and stood up “he meant to say we’re engaged.”
The room erupted in a mix of happiness and relief “And I know you said you don’t need a ring but” he pulled out a small box from his pocket and got on his knee “but here’s a proper one to satisfy our nagging parents” he opens the box to reveal a pearl ring in antique gold “would you say it again? For the whole world to hear?”
“I don’t need a ring to show that you love me” I tried not to cry “I don’t care if you give me the biggest pearl in the ocean or the rarest rock in the galaxy, money can’t buy what we have.”
“And your the disorder to my routine, the spice in my food and the moonlight when the daylight disappears” he holds her hand and the family awes at the sight “will you marry me so I can live along side you in your world?”
“Yes, of course I’ll marry you!” I cry out. He slips the ring on me and lifts me up as he stood up. “oh now you’re showing off!” I laughed.
“Why wouldn’t I? I’m marrying my soulmate!” he said confidently and put her down “I’d swim in the freezing ocean, fight off marine life and eat a dozens of oysters for you babe.”
“That sounds oddly specific” I got suspicious “did you-”
“He did, I was there” Tensei laughed as he rolled over to us “he tried to bargain with seagulls to not steal the oysters he was finding OH the look on his face when those seals showed up! priceless!”
“It wasn’t funny brother!” he chopped “the lifeguard ha-”
“THE LIFEGUARD HAD TO SHOW UP! OH MAN!” I bursted laughing “Ay Tenya! You didn’t have to.”
“But I wanted too” they kissed “anything for you.”
Everyone was happy for the couple and got to know each other a little better now that they’re going to be family. Our parents got along a little too well.
“Boy! Why didn’t you tell me Mr Palma is a skilled metal worker?!” Mr Iida huffed “the man just waved his hand over the dents on the antique cabinet and it looks like new!”
“I just adore the curls on your head Mrs Palma!” Tenya’s mother gushed “I hope our grandchildren will have the same curls!”
“Oh geez they’re having a time aren’t they” I giggled as I looked from a distance with Tenya “do you think they’ll always be this buddy-buddy?”
“How should I know? My parents don’t have friends” he ruffled her hair “but that doesn’t matter right now, because right now I want to get cozy in the parlor with you.”
“Take me away Tenya!” I say as he scoops me up to make a quick escape to the parlor for a much needed make-out and cuddle.
Time passes, it’s late February and I have our wedding invitations ready to distribute. I go over my list and see that it’s not going to be a huge ordeal and I could invite a few more people. Shinso comes across my mind, it’s been years and I still haven’t gotten closure nor know where he is exactly. I hesitate on it and Tenya notices.
“Hey what’s wrong?” he leans over to rest his chin on her shoulder “you’ve been staring at this list for a while.”
“It’s just that, I don’t know if should um” I take a deep breath “I don’t know if I should invite Shinso.”
“Oh I see, you still haven’t found him” he sits next to her “I know he’s your ex and you had so much together. He’d want to go to our wedding, he cares about you.”
“Then I have a phone call to make” I said as I levitated my phone to me. I called Kendo and asked where Shinso lives so I can give him a wedding invitation. She gives me the address and notifies Monoma when I should be dropping by. They said tomorrow in the late morning is fine. I got a big anxiety attack in the car before stepping out to their front door. By the time I pulled myself together, it started to rain. I ran to their front door and knocked as I huddled under the very narrow door shelter. The door opened and my heart dropped to the floor, it was Shinso. “Um, Hi”
“Hey” we stood there, wide eyed for a while because this was the first time in years we’ve heard each-other’s voices. He snapped out of it when the sound of the rain got harder “oh please come in, it’s getting bad out there.”
“Thanks, I’ll just-” I started to take off my shoes and he takes off my coat “oh um I got it you don’t have to help me.”
“No it’s okay” he hung up my coat on the rack next to the door “please have seat in the living room and I’ll get you a towel.”
“Oh it’s alright” I was on the verge of another anxiety attack “I was just going to give you a-”
“No please stay until the rain clears up” he basically begged for her to stay “I wouldn’t want you to go back out there and drive. I’ll be quick.”
He hurries off into the hallway and I make my way to the cozy living room. I sit down and I hear a very familiar meow “Could it be?” I gasped and a chonky boi jumps up and onto my lap “Biscuit! Oh my sweet kitty angel babey!” I nearly started crying as the cat rubbed up against me and purred “I missed you so much! I’m sorry I haven’t showed up sooner, I tried so hard to find you two.” He nestled into my arms “How are you baby? Eating well I see!” I scratch his favorite spot on his back and heard him purr louder “did you miss me too? I never stopped thinking about you and your late night zoomies.”
“Oh wow this takes me back” Shinso spoke up, startling me “sorry! didn’t mean to scare you” he hands me the towel and puts down a teacup “I got you some tea as well.”
I wipe my hair and shoulders dry and I remember the teacup “You kept the teacup I got you for our anniversary?” I remembered the day vividly “I still have the hoodie you got me.”
“I saw! Iida-kun has a picture of you with it on as his lock screen” he cracked a smile “by the way, you look good, NOT TO SAY YOU DIDN’T LOOK GOOD BEFORE but you look different.”
“Well when you go through a horrendous break up and gain a couple millions” I gesture to my torso “you spend a couple thousands to stay this presentable.”
“Well when I went through a horrendous break up, all I did was travel and smoked a lot of weed” he copied my gestures “none the richer, just the same old me.”
“You do look different” I giggled “you never styled your hair or let your facial hair grow out when we were together” I point to his outfit “and you hated fashion tracksuits! This whole get up suits you.”
He turned a little red “I did say that heh” he saw me levitate the teacup to my hands to take a sip “listen, about what happen, I’m sorry and I-”
“I forgive you” I interrupted him “I spent years thinking about what I was going to say to you when I saw you again. I told myself I wasn’t going to cry and I wasn’t going to blame you for what happened” I took a deep, calming breath “I’m sorry, I didn’t listen and I didn’t speak my mind when we were together. I spent so long holding back, biting my tongue to what I really wanted to say to you when we lived together. I did it because I didn’t want you to leave me” I started crying “FUCK this is so stupid, I’m crying! But I didn’t want you to leave and I just let you walk all over me when you didn’t want to do what I wanted to do or when you didn’t want to come along to the things I wanted to go to. When I was pregnant, I felt my life drain away as you were becoming more and more controlling. I knew it was toxic but I didn’t want to say anything because nobody was going to help me if I did manage to escape your controlling ways. I loved you so much Hitoshi, I convinced myself that nobody was going to love me the way you do” I wiped my tears “when you left while I slept, I couldn’t sleep in that bed anymore or stand to look at the emptiness of the house. I wished that you’d return after a month or two but the years went by and I stopped believing in love.”
“You suffered before I even left?” he asked and saw me nod “you loved me to the point of suffering! Ita you didn’t have to stay if you felt that way, I would’ve understood if you wanted to let go.” he took a deep breath “Let me say my side, I couldn’t stand the idea of growing up and I saw you maturing and I was scared. I loved you but not your goals or dreams and I thought having a baby would solve everything!” he reached out to hold her hand “but I saw how quickly you changed and realized that it was probably the worst decision ever. I was considering not having this baby anymore, how fucked up is that?! When you lost the baby, I didn’t know how to feel and I didn’t want to tell you that I didn’t want the baby, so I just didn’t talk so I wouldn’t accidentally say what I was thinking. When you said you wanted to hear me, I considered it for a second but I kept writing that note I left for you on the fridge. That last ‘I love you’ broke me, I cried at my desk, as I cleaned the house of my things, did the laundry and loaded my things up in a movers van. I laid in bed with you and it hurt to see you sleeping and unaware of what I was doing. I kissed you for the last time and pulled the sheet over you to keep you warm before I left.” he didn’t notice that tears were pouring down his face “I still loved you as I was traveling from place to place. Wondering if you were doing alright or if you were also thinking about me. When I was in Hokkaido, I saw your face on the cover of Business Insider with your friends in the liquor store I frequent and couldn’t believe it! You made your dream into reality, without me. Figured that you were doing well and that you didn’t care about me anymore.”
“That’s not true Hitoshi, I care so much” I squeezed his hand “I’d worry myself sick about where you ran off to and tracked you for a while until you went north for work.”
“Wait who told you about my whereabouts?”
“Amajiki did, I remembered that you two worked together and I asked him about you about a month after you left” I recalled “he’d update me about the places you bounced off to and where you stayed.”
“Oh that guy, well he’s very honest and means well” he thumbed my engagement ring “but so is Iida-kun, I’m happy you two finally said it and stayed together. He’s a better man than me, you know something, I knew he liked you” he remembered the time in the dorms “he even tried to stop me from getting close to you! He’d talk so highly about you and held you like a lover, so I didn’t believe that you two were just friends. We got into that fight because he lost his temper that I stole you away from him! Why he didn’t just tell you anyways or fought you is beyond me, I would’ve handed you over.”
“Why? You showed me more interest that he did.”
“Yea but I also knew that you liked him too from the way you talked to him, and that thing you do with your lips when you want a kiss but are too shy to ask” he pinched her cheek “and that blush and smile combo whenever he talked to you! And you never did that with me!”
“Was it that obvious?” I blushed bright red “I thought I was playing it so cool! Well I guess it doesn’t matter now that we’re getting married OH THAT’S RIGHT!” I reach into my purse to give him an invitation “the whole reason I came here for was to invite you and Monoma to my wedding!”
He opened the invitation and smiled “I’ll go for sure, I want to see my friends get married” he laughed “you’re the only bitch I respect in that circle and I expect the most outta this wedding.”
Before I could say anything, a familiar blonde walked into view “Hitoshi, why the fuck is the bathroom window open?!”
I look at the blonde man and give him the once over, putting two and two together “ I McFUCKING KNEW IT!” pointed at both of them “YALL FUCKIN’!”
“What made you think-”
I pointed at the blonde’s pants “Those are his fuckin’ pants!” I get giddy “Neito always wears his slam pieces pants post fuck!”
“Oh you caught me Ita!” Monoma slyly said with his hands up “from rivals to lovers, Hitoshi is my personal power bottom.”
“NEITO!” Shinso was turning red “I’m not a bottom just so we’re clear!”
“Shut up bottom!” I hushed Hitoshi and turned to Monoma “you gotta tell me how y’all got into this gay realization!”
We got into good conversation on all that time we’ve missed. It felt good to have this closure and see that he was happy with his new partner too.
“...and that’s when we realized, maybe I should start giving a shit about my hair!” Shinso finished his story.
“Oh I just realized some weird shit!” I got hit with some facts “we are fucked each other at some point, a full circle fuck if you will.”
“WAIT HOL UP!” Shinso put his hands up “you two fucked? When?!”
“Oh babe we lost our virginities to each other” Monoma casually responded “we were yelling at each other in the practice area one moment, then half naked in her bed the next.”
“Good times! You were so pussy whipped that everyone thought you changed your ways” I sighed remembering those days “remember when you accidentally sexually moaned during joint training when Shoji slapped your ass instead of doing his new technique.”
“Oh stop! I was pent up because you kept edging me in passing” he rolled his eyes and laughed “then I fucked the shit out of you later that night for making a fool of me!”
“God that was hot, my kink was making you mad and making you beg” I booped his nose “but I bet you two have more fun! Lucky you.”
“Um what the fuck? And you call me a bottom?!” Shinso said bootytickled.
“You are a bottom Hitoshi” I point at him “do I need to remind you who would BEG for sex and to pull their hair?”
“Well what does that make you two?” he huffed.
Monoma and I look at each other and said “Power-verses, who ever cums on top, wins.”
I laugh “Oh I missed you guys! We should go on a double date” I checked the time “oof I should get going, I have to go drop off a few more invites.”
“The rain did stop” Shinso said as he looked out the window “It was nice to see you again! I’ll make sure we spend more time together before the big day.”
“I’d like that” I smiled as I stood up. We hugged goodbye and I left with a clear conscience. Now I can move on to the next big life step.
-Fast Forward, April-
“Oh my goodness!” cried out Mimi when I stepped out from behind the curtain “it’s basically like the one your mom had!”
“Is it? I haven’t seen myself in the mirror yet!” I get giddy. I took Mimi and Jin with me to my final fitting with Best Jeanist.
“Here you go!” Jeanist flipped his studio mirror toward me “Oh and I have a final piece to go with this.”
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw my wedding dress “It’s just like my mom’s! I love it!”
“I’ve been saving this for a while” he brings out a flat box “I’ve been anticipating your wedding day since I went into fashion design. I dabbled in traditional embroidery and made this” he revealed a light gray obi with a scenic embroidery of a garden and pond with light pink lilies and green lily pads floating on the water.
“It’s beautiful!” I got teary eyed.
He fastened the obi around her “You’re a very special girl and usually parents give their of age children kimono and obi” he finished fastening and looked into the mirror with her “I’ve always had a paternal fondness for you, if I did have children, I’d want a daughter like you.” He wiped her streaming tears “don’t cry, but my goodness you look like a proper bride! I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle.”
Mimi blew her nose “I’m a fucking mess! You’re so beautiful” she turned to Jin “you doing alright?”
Jin wiped his tears “Yea, I’m so fucked up on this wedding shit” he tapped on his tablet “wedding prep is 90 percent complete, now we pick up our attire and do a check in with the decorators to finish our checklist!”
“Damn, yall really helped me plan a whole ass wedding” I heard my phone ring “Oh can one of yall check that? It might be my mom.”
Jin checks “Oh shit, Ochako had her baby!”
“NO WAY! She wasn’t due until like mid May!” I gasped “Now come June, everyone will be able to come to my wedding.”
I get home to dinner ready “Welcome home!” Tenya said as he greeted me with a tight hug “how was your fitting?”
“Amazing! But you won’t know until day of” I teased before I kissed him “Did you get your groomsmen sorted out?”
“Yea, so I got Tensei as man of honor and Manual, Shoto, Kirishima and Sero.”
“Glad everything did work out” I pour myself some water “oh and update, My America friends are gonna fly in a week before but they have housing so the house won’t be crowded in the days leading to the day.”
“That leaves with...Hm” Tenya tried to remember what’s left to do “I guess get married!”
“Basically and I’m very excited to do so” I put my arms around him “did you think you’d get this far with me?”
“No, its funny” he touched foreheads with her “when we were still in first year, during the time you declined to be a competitor in the sports festival, I opened up to my brother about you and the strange feelings I get when I was around you” he smirked “I was so oblivious that what I was feeling was love and Tensei pointed it out to me. It was weird to me and I said that I feel like I met my wife, Tensei thought I was crazy but encouraged me to get closer to you.”
“That’s so cute what the fuck” I was flattered “did you think the feelings you got around me was my hidden quirk?”
“If I say yes, are you going to laugh at me?”
“You already know I’ll wheeze” I put my hands on his face and squished “but you were right, you did meet your wife.”
“I did and I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together” he put his hands on her wrists to loosen her squish “come on future wife, lets eat, I made stir fry with udon noodles.”
The weeks flew by too quick and it was wedding day! A nice June day to have one, Ita and her bridal party were getting ready at the church.
“Look at how gorgeous you are!” cried out her best friend from America, Calvin “and the side-do really does it for your look, I can’t believe you’re fully that bitch!”
“Shut your fuck!” I retorted back, on the verge of tears “I’m so fucking emotional right now!” Mimi rushing in distracted me “Oh? what’s up?”
“Groom and party have arrived” she informed “also your parents want to come in.”
“Oh let them in” 
My mom walked in arm in arm with my dad, “Ay mija! Te mires muy linda!” she nearly started crying “tenemos la corona aqui si estas lista.” She took out a pearl bridal crown with veil from it’s box and put it on my waiting head.
“AY voy a llorar!” my dad cried out “you look so beautiful Ita, I’m so happy that you’re alive to have a wedding day” he wiped his tears “I thank God every night that you’re alive and happy.”
“Oh dad” I got up to hug him “don’t cry, I’m only here because you were strong enough to let me go.”
We refocus and finished getting ready, Mimi was sending a note back and forth for me and Tenya since we can’t see each other until the ceremony. My bridesmaids line up and before I take my spot, I realized I forgot my bouquet and warped to the dressing room to get it.
“I would forget this!” I said to myself as I reached for my bouquet. As I put my hand on it, a face popped up right next to it “EHH! WHAT THE!”
“Oh I thought you might be here” Mirio said with a smile “you know, you don’t have to marry him. We could just run away together and nobody will be the wiser!”
I wasn’t down to play games “Aren’t you married Mirio?!” I crossed my arms “you better get your ass into your suit and back in that church before I whoop your ass, on GOD!”
“I mean it Ita!” he begged “I’m not joking when I say I still love you, my wife doesn’t have the same effect like you do on me.”
Suddenly Mimi and Jin bust in with guns out “OH FUCK HE DONE DID IT!” yelled Jin.
“Listen here naked man!” Mimi walked forward, gun cocked “you get your cheating ass away from the bride! Or as GOD as my witness, we’ll beat your ass again NO QUIRKS!”
“You three don’t scare me!”
Nighteye rushes in “You little- TOGATA!” he chucked a tuxedo toward Mirio “put your tuxedo back on and leave the bride alone!” he bowed to me “I’m so sorry he tried to do anything to ruin your day Miss, I saw that he would try to convince you to call off the wedding but get beat up if I didn’t intervene.”
 “Thank you Sir” I bowed back “I’ll be taking my spot now” I grabbed my bouquet “I have to marry my soulmate and I’m running behind schedule!”
Everyone gets to their spots and the ceremony begins, as I walk down the aisle with my dad, I catch a glimpse of Tenya at the alter and he looked at me the same way he did when we went to the dance in 1st year.
“Who gives this bride?”
“Her mother and I” my dad says as he was about to let me go to the alter “Tenya, I expect you to love and cherish my daughter with everything you have. She’s my pride and joy, I almost lost her once but this time she’s found with you.”
I hug my parents before floating up the stairs to the altar, when I joined hands with Tenya, our eyes met and sort of shut out some of the ceremony.
“Whoever thinks these two shouldn’t marry, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Almost on cue, Mirio stands up but before he could say he objects, all the agents in attendance whipped out their guns to point them at him. Mirio then sat back down and shut his mouth.
“Now is the exchange of vows, can the ring bearer please bring the rings.”
I get a ring from the pillow “Tenya, from the moment I met you, I thought you were just showing me pity because I was new and alone. But as my heart grew fonder of you and your way of interacting with me, I realized that I fell in love with you and couldn’t say a thing about it because I didn’t want to scare you away. When we reunited, I knew that we had something special that I wasn’t about to let go of again.” I put the ring on him “with this ring, I promise to be faithful, loyal and patient with you because you make me feel less lonely in this world.”
He tried not to tear up as he got his ring from the pillow “Ita, I didn’t know I was in love with you until I couldn’t contain these strange feelings when I’m around you. Every-time I look at you, I want to protect you from the unfairness of the world. And every-time I gather the courage to hold your hand, it’s like I’m on top of the world. When we reunited and you told me you forgave me, I knew that I had to hold on and never let go again.” he slips the ring on her “with this ring, I promise to be understanding, protective and tender with you because I want to be part of your world and always be by your side.”
“I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.”
We kissed and lingered on each other for a moment before giving a bow to everyone. Hand in hand, we ran down the aisle and to the waiting limousine to take us to the reception.
“That went so much better than I thought” Tenya chuckled “I thought I was going to stumble on my words or start crying when you walked down the aisle.”
“It was everything I dreamed of” I rest my head on his shoulder “I hope that this isn’t another vivd dream.”
“A vivd dream?”
“Yeah, my telekinesis over-works when I sleep so I get vivd dreams” I squeeze his hand “it’s my fear that I’ll wake up and I’ll be in the dorms or wake up in the hospital.”
“Well I can tell you that this isn’t a dream” he kissed her hand “it’s all real, and you’re all mine.”
“I better see your face in the morning then” I looked up at his eyes “I love you.”
To be continued
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drawgreenday · 7 years
YAAALLL (detective work + lil contest)
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So i managed to reach over 250 of yall that follow me!! .......why though quq
Anyways, to celebrate this occasion (and the fact that I still don’t understand why any of yall actually like my stupid doodles) I’m gonna do a little something to get you guys more involved than just submitting things to me and waiting like 3 days for me to get to it (my ask box is a war zone im drowning in suggestions yall). 
Basically what I’m doing is holding a little doodle contest and a small detective work thing! But I’m not just gonna have yall do this without a lil something in return, yknow?
and I don’t mean like my regular doodles, I mean as if I was gonna do a commission or a request, like so:
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So how do you get art rewards??? Well...
Firstly! I’m usually the one making up doodles to your suggestions yknow? But I’m gonna turn the tables on YALL for a hot second. “But what if I can’t draw?” some may ask, and I don’t care if the best you can do is stick figures, i wanna see how creative yall are!!!! “uummm didnt you make this to draw our suggestions?” ...yes good point but I wanna see what yall can do, yknow!!!
For this one, I’m having three prompts for yall to draw (or write if you wanna!) out! I’ll pick two people from this! The first winner will be based on creativity and how well they responded to the prompt!!! Second one will be based on artistic ability/if when i see their style i scream that I want them to murder me with their glorious godly pencil/tablet pen!!! “just give us the prompts already damn” ok fine u killjoy
✩ First prompt! Super sugoi desu kawaii school girl Green Day
✩ Second Prompt! Tré being... well... Tré
✩ Third Prompt! Green Day vs Muse/My Chemical Romance/ or [insert band of your choosing] ((this can be rly funny or rly violent whatever floats ur boat))
✩ to show me ur art, you can either submit it here, or post it and tag it with #drawgreenday250, whatever floats your boat!
Secondly! “Detective work” you may ask? “What the fuck kinda sherlock holmes lookin ass scavenger hunt does this raccoon want us to go on??” you may wonder? WELL, this raccoon wants to see how good yall are at picking up context clues and finding out my “””secret identity”””.... I am an enigma wrapped in another enigma shrouded in 3 sideblogs and trash merch.... (also this second one seems like a Bad Idea but at the same time I’ve been watching Internet Historian a lot lately and I’m in a ‘sleuthing mood’ yknow???)
“this doesn’t sound fun”/”is this a shitty self promo thing”/”oh shit you watch internet historian too!!!” then don’t do it/no i’m just like legit in the mood for some sherlock type shit i mean have you watched internet historian and how those dudes he talks about took down Shia like so fast??? that is a mood i wanna achieve/HELL YEAH
What do yall do for this?
✩ just find my main blog that’s it it shouldn’t be that hard to find and this should be an easy win if you don’t wanna draw because I understand that motivation and art block are real things even when given prompts/ideas to do but you can’t force yourself to draw because when you do it turns out Not Good and it discourages you from drawing for a while. wait no that’s just me? damn.
✩ but yeah first person to send me an ask on here (not on anon) with my url OR messages me via my main blog gets a drawing and a personalized “u tried star” with benadryl cumbersnatch’s face on it!!!
Those are the two options!! Shitty but this is my first time doing something like this!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaa!!! I keep screaming!!!!!!!!!
Anyways... I keep saying art rewards but what exactly is it again?
Well, the three chosen ones will receive:
✩ actually nice drawings (like the ones pictured above) of any person/character they want! (with a nice simple background). ((If you win srry m8 but no heavy nsfw stuff, i can’t draw furries, and limited to one person in the drawing so I can give u ur art on time))
✩ personalized u tried stars based on the category! (but nice u tried stars. FancyTM ones.)
!!!prompt submissions are due august 5th!!! anything after that won’t be counted!!
but yeah.
that’s it
...I don’t know how to do this properly sorry once more but let me just finish this off by saying that I just really love yall and I wouldn’t’ve gotten to this point without yall and your support of my shitty doodles. Doing these doodles has also really helped me to do more with my art and improve and feel better and it’s really nice to know that there are people that actually like my art and terrible doodles and are just so kind and welcoming and amazing to me. I’ve been on this hellsite for so long but I’ve always felt like an outsider of every single community/fandom I’ve been a part of. I’ve been a fan of green day since I came fresh outta the womb (kidding actually since I was 4) and it just makes me so happy to know that there’s such a kind community for the band that’s helped shape me into who I am today and who I aspire to be in the future. This community feels so inviting and warm and all the people I’ve met, although not many, have just been so sweet and wonderful. sure there will be ups and downs, as it happens in every community, but throughout all the time i’ve been on the internet, the green day community has always remained relatively sweet and kind and I feel like yall are a family to me at this point... I don’t know many of yall or talk to yall but I just want yall to know that I’m proud to be part of this with each and every single one of you. and I’m forever grateful for all that kindness that yall have shown me in the past 3-4 years since I started to get involved in the online community. Thank You all, and i’m gonna cry in my cubicle now quq;;
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bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA self insert AU
Nani the heck is this? Read here!
Chapter 30: Ya Wey! Pinche Pendejo Wey!
To make things short of security for the hero class, the school is getting real tired of these twinks and their stubborn asses, so they’re being closely monitored but everyone has to fend for themselves. The intel students couldn’t care less about the notion, fuck these hero students.
-Homeroom, intel 2A class-
“Good morning students” Diya started class looking more run down than usual “as you all know, we don’t have to fend for those hero students as per Nezu’s say. So we’re back on track to our studying for finals” he motions toward Mimi, Jin and Me “and for you 3, labyrinth practice test is the day after the last day of the school year. I expect you to train independently for it.”
“Yes sir!” We barked back unison. Jin raises his hand.
“Yes Matsui?”
“Do we get priority for reserving training gyms on weekends?”
“Not sure but I’ll let you know by the end of the day” Diya clicked his pen to make a note for himself “But in other news, a few more redesigns came in for fitting plus there will be no field section for this final” he puts his pen in his breast pocket “since all of you have proven well enough that you can hold formations, lead others and follow weapon safety after all these villain attacks. That counted for field work credit and physical points, so no need to show me again things I know you’re great at.”
The class collectively sighed in relief, our concern was mostly on the physical part of the final because of vehicles and mechs portion. Now we can focus on what’s important. I go about my normal day and feel the most amount of dread entering my last class of the day. 
“Class, today we will be doing some spar work” Aizawa announced after taking roll, which I guess is just marking me down as present “I have the pairings on this sheet, match ups are based on weaknesses and flaws in combat” he taped the sheet on the wall next to the door “as you walk out of the door to dress out, take a look at your pairing.”
I check mine and I got....Midoriya?! The one twink I didn’t want to be paired with. No matter, I had to do the thing and I just wanted to get it over with. We were all over the gym in our pairs, the goal was to use no quirks and improve weaknesses.
“Please go easy on me Palma-san” Midoriya whimpered as he bowed to me before we got things started in the gym “I know I’m no match against you.”
“Oh geez already with the weakness?” I scoffed “come at me like you would with a villain, right now is the time to show me up and take me down.”
“Okay, here I go” he cleared his throat “give back Kacchan! You villain!”
“I guess that works” I shrugged before striking at half force, Midoriya was taken back with my speed and directness “Izu at least try to hit me back” I connect my lunge punch to his chest after some quick punches “it’s embarrassing to see you so dependent of your quirk, what’s the point of all that alone training time in the grass if you can’t land a hand on me?!” I pushed him hard enough to knock him on his butt.
“You’re just so unpredictable and have zero weak spots!” he yells back as I tower over him “how am I supposed to take on the one person nobody has defeated yet? Or come close enough?!”
“I can think of 5 off the top of my head” spoke a voice that silenced the class “they’re all over her body and super obvious.”
The class muttered but I was getting defensive “WHO ARE YOU?! Show yourself coward!”
“Now now” spoke a different voice, an oddly familiar voice “I know mommy isn’t around but this that how you talk to your guests?”
“HEY if you’re just going to hide in the shadows and talk your big talk” I pound my chest to provoke “then you can go and eat my ass!” the class gasped at my hostility at these 2 voices.
“INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE YOUNG LADY! Someone oughta straighten you out!” as they finished their sentence, everyone saw a dark mass rise from the ground and morphed into my size and shape. Without warning, this mass lashes out at me and I dodge and avoid the best I could.
“Dirty tricks!” I grunted after realizing I can’t land any sort of attacks on this mass because I can phase right through it, like it was my shadow “can’t face me yourself!”
“Oh you want to lose today?” taunted the second voice “then so be it!” the sound of flute trill froze me in place, leaving me no chance to react.
“Nygh! I’m- stuck” I was full on panicking now and so was everyone else “who are you?!”
“It’s been nearly 2 years since our last meeting” footsteps followed with that statement “did you already forget about me?”
“Surely you remember me once I play your song” the second voice said with the flute introduction to Wave by Antonio Carlos Jobim playing, at that moment everything clicked.
“NO FREAKIN WAY!” a big dumb smile broke onto my face and the paralyzation lifted. I turned quickly to see my two mentors that helped me on my journey away from home “it’s you! it’s you, it’s you! AHHH!” I ran toward them chanting with my arms out for an embrace.
“Can someone please tell me what’s going on?” Kaminari bluntly asked “who are these two Palma-san?”
“Guys, these are my mentors, Mr. R. Lee Hemingway of US Homeland Intel and Sgrt Sergei of Austria Intel” I introduced them to the class “Hemingway here was actually my band teacher before I was sent away and he helped me with codes and technical stuff. Sergei was my weapons and quirk combat mentor when I was in Austria for those 2 weeks of transitional.” 
“What kind of quirks are those?” Midoriya asked very forwardly.
“I have shadow manifest, if it casts a shadow, I can use it to fight or help retrieve” answered Sergei “good for long range but usually I let my Natasha do the dirty work” he whips out this polished black glock with the name ‘Natasha’ engraved in the handle in a fancy font.
“I have 2 quirks, sound wave and paralyze” Hemingway explained “I can produce sounds that can break anything with my whistling or, my personal favorite, with musical instruments!” he plays a plays a low note on the flute and it made Aoyama’s pants fall “that was a note low enough to break a belt buckle fastener. And I can paralyze any creature with just one look.”
“I didn’t know that was his hidden quirk!” I giggled “I just thought he was so intimidating that I just naturally froze in place when I pushed it too far.”
“Oh how you just LOVE to disobey me” he ruffled my hair “you haven’t changed a bit, have you? You little scamp!” he turned to the others “she makes it so hard to not like her! she’s super talented and smart that I’ve just grown accustomed to her defiance.” 
“Yes, very much so” Sergei sighed “I pity the man that’ll end up marrying her and reproduce more curly-haired ‘fuck all the rules’ youngins.” 
“Gah shut it you!” I playfully shoved Sergei “but why are you here? I’m pretty sure yall couldn’t just come to visit.”
“You’re right, we’re actually here to train you for your Labyrinth practice exam” Sergei cleared his throat “you and your squadron for the next few weeks.”
“We know all about all the added stress of these villains with flawed logic” Hemingway put his hand on my shoulder “so we’re here to give you 3 the best chance at completing the practice one so you can do the real one later in senior year.”
“Really? That’s so- wait a minute” I got sentimental until I remembered something “who sent you over?”
“Damn you’re good at this, it was your caseworker” Hemingway chuckled “I’m impressed by your intuition and quick thinking” he turned to Sergei “she really has come a long way from being my pupil and musical prodigy.”
“How was Palma-san in America?” asked Mina “is it true that she was a quiet and timid girl?”
“She was but that’s because you aren’t allowed to use quirks in public” Hemingway answered “since there’s no need for fighting as she was the most likeable and smart young lady in school, everyone painted her in this good light. But I guess you all see her as this strange, bold and powerful little lady that can do anything.”
“America doesn’t sound very progressive for what they claim to do on the news” Shoji thought aloud “No hero culture and no power to the people, just oppression.”
“Well if you put it like that then yea America fucking sucks” I laughed nervously then turned to the two men “shall we go to my squadron? I’d love to introduce them to you!”
“Yes lets!” Sergei responded “excuse us, it was very nice to meet all of you.”
We walked to the main building and I broke the silence “How’s everything back home? Any sign of break through?”
“I wish I could tell you that things are going to be okay” Hemingway deeply sighed like he didn’t want to say what he was going to say “they’ve claimed the whole district and killed everyone that tried to rise up against them” he stopped and turned to me to make full eye contact “they killed Gio, Rigo and Trigo. They formed into a vigilante trio to avenge you and they were slain one at a time by the gang.”
“My section?! They’re gone?” tears well up in my eyes, it seemed not that long ago we were messing around in the band room after practice “but they were such sweet boys, why would they-”
“Your death brought the bravery out of everybody to fight back” he wiped his tear “they followed your example of bravery to protect your friends and myself to bring attention that we are in desperate need of hero culture. I don’t know how many more deaths are needed to bring the change we need” he wiped my tears “but you’re leading the fight you started for a safer community.”
After some consoling and more updates from home, I introduce them to my squadron to get a full training run down. For the next 3 weeks, we’re on a strict regime of training, no drinking and no social time. Just hardcore training but we also had to miss out on all the fun things like the dance and kick-backs.
-Night of the dance, Hero dorms-
“Iida-kun, can you help me tie this?” Sero asked as he knocked on Iida’s door “If you aren’t too busy.”
“Oh no, please come in” answered Iida “what needs tying?”
“Iida-kun you aren’t even dressed?!” Sero exclaimed “weren’t you going with Palma-san to the dance?”
“Not this time” he got up from his desk chair to tie Sero’s bow tie “she’s under strict training for her practice test, she looked so sad when I asked her to be my date again and told me why she can’t go.” He sighs “That was a week ago and I’m a bit concerned for her, she hasn’t spend any social time with anybody since her mentors showed up.”
“Oh oof I’m sorry she had to decline” Sero sympathized with Iida “well, thanks for tying this for me! See you when we get back.”
-Meanwhile, in the Intel dorms-
“I don’t want to move!” Mimi groaned face down on the floor “my body feels broken.”
“It was nice of them to give us tomorrow as a healing day” Jin tried to make light of things after a very rigorous day of training “sucks that we can’t go dancing with the others.”
“Welp, I’m gonna have a soak” I floated myself to the bathroom “nothing like a hot bath to pass out in after a training day.” I take my bath and get envious of all the fun everyone is having at the dance and how I had to decline Iida’s offer to be my date. I imagine things going right if I went and maybe, just maybe, I’ll get that slow dance kiss. After getting pruny as heck, I dry off and get ready for bed when I get a text from Shinso.
 [Hey, I heard you couldn’t go to the dance. Are you upset?]
[A little, I really wanted to dress up and one slow dance at least]
[Hmmm, that can be arranged... Meet me on the hero roof in 20 mins in any dress you have on hand.]
I start freaking out and show Mimi and Jin. They also get excited and help me choose a dress. I didn’t wait for Shinso to show up first, I teleported to the roof the moment I was ready. He arrived 3 minutes later.
“Oh, hey” Shinso was taken by surprise “I didn’t expect you to come early, were you waiting long?”
“Nah I teleported in like a minute ago” I kept my excitement contained “so I’m here, in the nicest dress I had in my closet” I smoothed out the front of my floral print chiffon dress “kinda wish I could’ve dressed up a bit more fancy.”
“Are you kidding me? You look stunningly gorgeous” he put down his bag to hold my hands in his “and in purple, my favorite color” he kissed my hands “I know you really wanted to go to the dance, so I wanted to bring a little bit of the dance to you” he took out a portable speaker and connected it to his phone to play a pre-compiled playlist, he bows and presents his hand “may I have this dance?”
I take his hand and giggle. We danced and I forgot that I was in pain earlier, my heart was fluttering in happiness, this is what I’ve always wanted a partner to do for me. “Ya know Hitoshi” we lock eyes “if I didn’t know better, I’d say you want something from me.”
“Like what?” he pulled me in closer “I know you’ve been working hard and I just want to do something nice, nothing to repay.”
“Are you sure I can’t repay you for your kindness?” I tilt my head “nothing at all?”
“Seeing you happy and being around you is enough for me” he changed his hand positions “I missed your company.”
“Yea, training has been rough on me” I put my head on his shoulder “just another week and a half of it then I take my practice exam.”
“I hope I can go see it” he puts a hand on the back of my head “I’m going home for the holidays but I’m not sure how soon I’m leaving.”
“Oh that’s exciting” I perked up “last year the whole hero class couldn’t leave for the holidays so just spent it together.”
“How did that turn out?” he chuckled.
“Annoying! Half way through festivities I teleported to the intel dorms and celebrated with my friends.” We spent more time talking and slow dancing. Forgetting about the time and longing for the right moment for a kiss. The moment finally presented itself when Love by Keisha Cole played, at the climax of the song we locked eyes and closed in for a kiss. This kiss was different, it gave me those sweet and warm feelings in my chest...Shinso is the one, game over y’all, this is love.
“Wow, so that’s how it feels like” he says after pulling away from the kiss “to kiss you after pinning you for so long.”
“You, pinning me?” I was being sarcastic “no way!”
“I guess a confession is in order huh?” he laughed off my comment and motioned me to sit on the blanket he laid out “Let me start from the beginning, it’s embarrassing but, I’ve had a crush on you since you came back from you 1st practice test.”
“The first?- OH! the pro-hero take down one?”
“Yeah that one” he held my hand “since then, I’ve been just observing you from afar and practicing my proper introduction to you because I wanted to stand out from the rest that was trying to get your attention. Since then, every time you waved hello to me in the hall or talk to me in passing, I lose my cool once you’re out of sight. I developed my feelings over time as you helped me with my placement exam, I’ve never met someone so kind and charismatic as you” he diverted his gaze “not going to lie, when I saw you holding hands with Iida, I got jealous until you said he’s just a friend. I just really wanted to be the one to hold your hand and have all of your attention like the way you looked with him” he squeezed my hand a little “but who knew that you already had eyes for me, all the playful moments and serious ones spent together. It has made me confident to say that I like you and I want to be all yours...but,”
“But what?” I asked softly as I felt his tone change and his hand letting go of mine.
“I understand that this isn’t the right time to start something” he looks to the starry sky “life is putting you through the ultimate test and you can’t be spending your energy on romantic relationships, at least not now” he turns to me “I won’t be the added stress to your life like everyone else, when the time is right, we’ll start our chapter.”
“You’d really wait for me?” I asked, in near tears “am I really worth the trouble?”
“Of course you are” he caresses my face “I’d never let you slip out of my hands and wait as long as it takes.” We kissed again and again, the ease of mind made me that much more excited for the day we’d be in a serious relationship.
-Fast forward, day of the Labyrinth practice test-
“AGENTS!” Hansai barked at the first years in the auditorium with multi-paneled screens “as you know, our beloved trio of upper-classmen are going to take the labyrinth practice test, take note on their techniques and quick thinking as you might need it when you go on your internships in a few days.”
“Our King is going up first” blurted out one of the underclassmen “I hope he makes it out!”
-Meanwhile, at the exam-
“Breathe baby boy” Mimi hypes up Jin “you have studied the blade and now is the time to cut ‘em!”
“Thanks guys” he walks up to the double doors to the starting area “I’ll see you on the other side.”
“You’ll do amazing sweetie!” I yell as he walked through the open door. Mimi and I await in the holding area for more announcements. 10 minutes later we get an update.
“Oh no, poor baby” Mimi gasped “I wonder what happened? He never gets caught lacking.”
“See you on the other side” I give Mimi a quick hug “you’ll do great.”
“See you on the other side” Mimi said as the double doors started to open “I love you.” I sat alone in the holding area, tapping my fingers on my knees to calm myself. What seemed forever, I finally get an update.
“Oh fuck” I yelped “she was also caught lacking, she’s always so careful not to. What the hell am I up against?!”
I walk up to the double doors to await my time “Lord, if you’re listening” I look up to the celling “please grant me the courage and strength to complete this exam.” The double doors open and I dash in to the first stage, a simple task, find the key to the hostage’s shackles for a later stage and gather intel on the ‘villain’ on the final level. “hmmm, so they’re a fire quirk villain. Doesn’t seem too difficult.” Second level was defusing, simple cut the blue wire situation and check for other explosives. Third level was taking down a group of lackeys, though difficult, I powered through to move on. Fourth level was retrieve the object without triggering the alarm or traps, easy peasy with my quirk. The fifth level was were I ran into trouble, it was an empty room and I couldn’t figure out what to do at first. After 5 minutes of looking around, the room filled with smoke, making visibility difficult. I get to the next stage door and see it was different than the others, it had a 4 digit pin code to unlock! I remembered something from the 1st stage and used it as the pin-code, lucky me, the door opened. With no time to catch my breath, I close in on the sixth stage. I see why Mimi was defeated, Eraserhead was in this room.
“Well! I was hoping to see you Miss Agent” Aizawa flashed his smile at me “what tricks are you going to play for me?”
I lower my visor and reach for my pocket “I’m gonna juggle!” I pull out 3 black balls from my pocket and wave them in my hands “lookie lookie! no quirks!” I start juggling.
“Well I’ll be damned, the circus is in town” Aizawa laughed “do a backflip!”
“Okie dokie!” I toss the balls up and do the back flip, the moment the balls hit the ground a blinding flash of white ignited.
“Flash grenades, dirty tricks!” Aizawa grunts as he rubs his eyes. But it was too late, I dashed behind him to copy the erasure and activated it before he could turn around. He realized what I’ve done and chuckled “you never cease to amaze me, but try this on for size!” he used his capture device but with some quick thinking, I used the net gun before the device reached me.
“That was fun” I propped him up on a pillar “see you later!”
“Best of luck Miss Palma!” he yelled as I ran through the double doors.    
Stage seven, just this one and one more to complete. I was met with a barricaded door to the next level with a timer with 4 minutes on the clock. I worked quickly to move what I could with my quirk and kick down plus brass knuckle my way to the rest of the blockage. Thank Sergei for all that extra muscle conditioning so I could make this possible, and just in the nick of time too! I had 30 seconds to spare and I bolted to my final stage. I arrive to a room with a group of hostages but no ‘villain’ in sight.
“Help us, help us!” yelled one of the hostages.
Upon getting closer, I see that among the hostages is Iida and Todoroki “Oh my, don’t worry! I’m here to release you” I unlock their shackles and remember what I was supposed to say in the situation “is anybody hurt or in need of medical attention?” I await a response, none of them spoke up “please come this way for the rescue team to retrieve you” I lead them to the marked area and do a simulated ping “19 to rescue, all 5 hostages are gathered and ready for transport” I turn to the hostages as the double doors open “please follow the rescuer’s instructions and stay together.”
“WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING!” bellowed a voice behind me and I just knew it was the ‘villain’ I was supposed to fight. I turn around and see none other than Endeavor.
“Eww is that your dad Shoto?” I was in genuine disgust.
“Yes that’s him” he turns to me “beat his ass Palma-san, like he deserves it.”
“With pleasure Shoto!” I crack my knuckles and face my opponent “so you’re the so called mastermind of this here circus ey?!”
“I’m- not running a circus?” he scratches his head and mutters “did I read my script wrong.”
“It’s going to take more than clowns and tricks to take me down!” I strike a defense pose “because I got the power of God AND Anime on my side!”
“What do those have to-” I interrupt him with dashing forward to throw my pocket sand in his face “puh! what the hell was that! it’s in my eyes!” he covers his face and I slap him a couple times to pester and copy his quirk.
“Heh! not so tough are ya clown master?!” I taunt as I circle him to check if he has any sort of stun device or remote controls on him “LOOK AT ME!” he struggles to see me but once I activated his quirk, he went pale.
“That’s my- GIVE MY QUIRK BACK YOU BRAT!” he lunges forward but I predict his next moves “that’s enough playing!” he gets aggressive and launches me against the wall like a rag doll.
“I won’t let you get the best of me!” I yelled as I staggered to pick myself up “I have inner demons way scarier than you!” my visor cracked and fell off my head, exposing my face and the bloody, shallow cuts on my forehead.
“You’re just a little girl!” he laughed “defeating you will be like-”
“I’m not your children, you can’t beat me around like them!” I snapped back, giving a mischievous smile.
“ENOUGH!” his flames ignited “I’m going to wipe that smile off your face!”
“Try me bitch!”
-In the control room-
“Oh wow she’s really tearing him down verbally” Hemingway observed the surveillance feed “she might actually win this one.”
“That’s our girl” Mimi puffed her chest out like a proud friend “I’m very excited to see her finishing fire move, The Rising Phoenix!”
“I love that move!” Todoroki gasped “I can’t get it quite right but it’s a beautiful fire power move.”
“Never mind that!” Iida exclaimed “how are you all okay with her getting pummeled like that?!” he points at the screen with a chop as she gets hit hard enough to get airborne.
“Give it time! It’s all part of her plan” Jin assured Iida “you worry way too much over her.” They all watch as she lures the ‘villain’ into her trap but she’s very beaten, battered and bloody like she’s about to collapse.
“That’s it! I’m doing something about this!” Iida charges toward the control panel where the proctor was sitting to press the ‘emergency stop’ button.
“You foolish boy!” cried out the proctor “you sabotaged both of them!”
-In the final stage-
As I lifted my arms to do my finishing move, I get hit by something just outside my range of vision. Next thing I know I was on the floor, paralyzed looking up at the high vaulted celling. I hear the sirens wail and the sound of 4 people yelling my name and running.
“Please baby girl! speak to me!” Mimi begged as she scooped me up from the ground.
“What happened?” I asked confused “did I lose control? Did I hurt myself?”
“No no! you didn’t” Sergei kneeled down to my level “someone interfered with your exam, this wasn’t supposed to happen! You were about to win too!”
“What? Who did it?” I looked at Mimi, Jin, Hemingway and Sergei, all of them had the same expression of anger “I promise I won’t get mad! Please tell me.”
“It was glasses” Jin clenched his jaw “he did his heroics and hard stopped everything.”
“Never mind, I’m enraged now” I was too numb to show how mad I was “also can I get the antidote to this paralyzer? It’s getting harder to breathe.”
“Right!” they all said collectively and I was whisked away to the infirmary.
I was on bed rest for a week due to my many injuries. As I laid around, my anger grew and I wished Shinso was around to vent and forget about everything. He left the morning of my exam and won’t be back until after New Years. Mimi and Jin banned Iida from visiting me or even getting near me, which is a good thing, otherwise I’d be in a full blown fist fight with him. That’s how close I am to exploding in anger. The more I stayed cooped up, the more I want to just roam the city and do something that isn’t laying around. I finally had it and got dressed up to go somewhere for a bit in the evening. Mimi and Jin gave me my space to do this but Iida was persistent in talking to me. As I made my way to the parking lot on the dorms to get to my car, Iida zoomed out of the hero dorms.
“Hey! Ita I was just noticing that you’re heading out” he stood in front of my drivers side, preventing me from unlocking my car “may I accomp-”
“No” I said firmly, trying to hold back my anger “I’m fine thank you very much, I wish to go alone.”
“But I want to talk to you” he put his hands on my shoulders, I push them off me “I know you’re upset and I want to-”
“Oh ho! Upset? You think I’M upset” I scoffed with my anger levels rising “Tenya, I’m fucking ENRAGED! Because once again, your unnecessary heroics ruined everything!” hot angry tears poured out of my eyes “I trained so long and hard for that exam and because of your little act, I’m at risk of not only failing that exam but also getting my tuition money taken way because of my failure to complete the exam!” I look into his eyes to drive my point “I don’t want your apologies nor comfort, I want to be left alone.”
“Please Ita, listen to me” He grabs my arm to stop me from walking away “don’t push me away again, lets go and-”
“Let. Go. Of. Me.” I growled in warning “I want to be alone.”
“No, I won’t allow you to just disappear again!” his grip tightened “lets work things out like friends.”
The word ‘friends’ hit me the wrong way and I lashed out “I said I don’t WANT TO TALK!” I thrash about until I was out of his grip “I don’t need a friend right now, I need to clear my head in solitude” I turn around and fast walk toward the main road. Before Iida could react, she teleported away.
“Ita?! ITA?! COME BACK” wailed Iida as he ran toward where she stood before disappearing “I’m sorry, so sorry, come back” he horsely spoke as tears fell from his face, his legs buckling and giving out, making him fall “I’m a bad friend, what do I do to make up for my mistakes.” Moments later, Midoriya and Kirishima walk up to Iida’s sobbing mess on the ground.
“Iida-kun? We saw what happened” Midoriya gently spoke “is she going to be alright going out on her own like that?”
“I don’t know” he didn’t move from his spot “just leave me here to rot like the bad friend I am.”
“None of that Iida-kun!” Kirishima flipped Iida over to show his face “you’re not a bad friend, just too heroic” he extended his hand out to help Iida up “Palma-san has every right to be angry and we need to give her the respect to clear her mind” Iida refuses his hand “she always comes back, this time is no different.”
“He’s right Iida-kun” Midoriya puts his hands on Iida’s arm “lets go inside and wait for her to come back, it’s starting to get really cold lately so she can’t be out too late.”
-In downtown-
“Stupid Tenya” I mutter as I make my way through the town square “he thinks everything can be solved with a meal and slow dancing, well not this time!” I walk through the much more un-urbanized part of town, the traditional look of the shops and street was pleasing to me. I wander around to get familiarized myself with the area since I’ve never been in the area. My wandering got me lost after what seems like hours, winding up in an alleyway that leads to what seems like a warehouse district. “Maybe if I go back I can find a familiar spot and teleport to town square, I can go get something to eat” I tell myself as it was getting dark and the area wasn’t as well lit. I felt the chill creep up my arms as it got darker but I was still lost, coming back to the same alleyway, now even darker and spookier. “How the hell do I keep coming back here?” I get annoyed with myself “guess I’ll just try to navigate on my phone” I check the GPS and I don’t have a strong enough signal to get located. I was too busy trying to get signal that I didn’t see that I was getting barricaded from the alley entrance.
“There you are~” spoke a familiar voice “so this was your little hiding place?”
I stopped dead in my tracks “It can’t be” I uttered in fear. Looking up and at the voice I see two people, one in a wheelchair and one pushing the wheelchair but I knew who they were “No...it’s not possible!”
“Oh but it is!” spoke the man in the wheelchair “and you were right! That quirkless boyfriend of yours did have a use to me after all. Too bad it lead to your demise, he loved you so.”
“Humberto would NEVER help you!” I screamed, trying to show hostility “what did you do to him?!”
“OH! Being stand off-ish?” his tone petty as hell “fine by me! I came here to eradicate you, like I said I would but with more vengeance.”
“That won’t happen” I got in my stance “I’ve done more than just hiding for 2 years, you’ll never win Johnny!”
-To be continued-
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