psycxsocial · 11 months
﹕ who rlly cares? ▸ sys safe ﹒ non-toxic ▹ friend finder ﹒events 𝇁𝇂𝇃𝇄𝇅 many chats and activities !
join today 4 clear skin ♡ !!
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sophieinwonderland · 3 months
its fucking wild how much syscourse-fuckendos(using they/them here since no pronouns listed) perfectly fits the example of smol-bean'ification to avoid confronting their own capacity for harm. its fucking textbook. "I'm just eepy and a silly guy" with the wooby autism creature pfp while actively calling for people's deaths, 0 self-awareness and 100% by design. they may have gotten over a drug addiction but they haven't spent a minute examining their preconceived biases. id say they might be the most perfect example you could find besides a sparkly possum pfp racist.
I'm genuinely curious if that routine even works on anyone.
Like, they really just told endogenic system to die and their name is "fuck endos."
Surely, SURELY people can see through that, right?
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kaayj92 · 4 years
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tocksickart · 4 years
Well Ok Then
On Tuesday afternoon I had my follow up video call appt with my neuro. The good news, I don’t have Lupus and I don’t have any lesions and such that would be concerning. My bloodwork all looks mostly normal, no autoimmune issues present, just high bilirubin, which isn’t shocking. So what does she conclude? Fucking Fibromyalgia...which I have already been diagnosed with...by three other doctors...so now she wants me to start on Lyrica. Now I have heard horror stories about Lyrica and with my history of bad reactions to other fibro meds, I am super nervous. I am also not thrilled that she just basically is ok with that diagnosis and just wants to keep it at that. I have spent so much time and money, though, at this point, I just have to accept it. 
I am still trying to get an appt with my gyno to discuss surgery options, also, but last Wednesday when I tried to make an appt, I got transferred to the appt line, someone picked up, then just hung up on me. I didn’t even bother calling back to be put on hold and wait another 10 minutes. I really need to call the endo specialist down south and set up that appt. The shitty thing with that, though, is that’s going to involve me missing at least half a day of work because of the travel time. Fucking Endo. Shit, maybe all my issue really are just due to Endo spreading all over and fucking with my insides. Can’t really say until I can finally get a doctor to listen to me and go in to see. If I was a dude complaining about a pain in my asshole or balls, a doctor would set up appts left and right to have them taken care of asap. But because I have a uterus, fuck me, right? 
I’m going to end it here for today. I am in an immense amount of pain and I don't want to get even more fired up than I already am. 
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lartensgirl · 6 years
I love that this disease has stolen 10 years from me, love that we don't get funding for research, love that no one knows how it works, love that it's breaking me with pain, love that I'm losing my job over it, love that I've now decided to get a full hysterectomy at 22 because I've done literally everything else on the market for it, just love it.
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lucifurfluffypants · 7 years
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Can someone please find a cure for endometriosis so I don't have to take any more of these pictures? 🎗 #fluffypantsdaily #endometriosis #endometriosisawareness #nocure #endowarrior #fuckendo #cat #persian #himalayan #catlady #catsofinstagram #catsoftumblr #catstagram
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arwenstarsong · 4 years
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Helthtalk time. . This is my 11th day on this 21 day get fit challenge by the lovely @chloe_t 🥰 and all I gotta day is WOAH. The first pic is the before. The right is the after. And in this particular one, i am bloated af... lmfao. XD. I really wish the fat would come off my upper body already. I look like a dorito now. Lmfao! But I am hoping that as this challenge progresses I can gain strength in every place I've been needing it. I can tell my core is DEFINITELY working. But I think I am gonna be doing an arm challenge on the next workout challenge journey. Yhe fact that I can do like 50 pushups now has not even changed my arms... and I feel thats where I have needed the most work. So hopefully this will prep me for that challenge. 😅😅😅 i am hoping to rock a backless dress by my birthday (December 18th) to celebrate something else I have coming.... ;). Whether my endo likes it or not, I am coming out of quarantine looking like a badass. . #chloeting21daysgetfitchallenge #chloetingchallange #getfit2020 #gettingfit #2020goals #gettinginshape #fitnessprogress #getswole #instagood #instafit #fitnessjourney #fitnessmotivation #stayingmotivated #keeponmoving #workinprogress #musicianlife #endowarrior #fuckendo #myillnessdoesnotdefineme (at Fresno, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEoDOJUgbca/?igshid=1uvjedk0xj2m1
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oh-so-serene · 5 years
I’m still dumbfounded with the results of my surgery. I wanted so badly to find answers and shit, I got em. I can either get a once a month shot kit that I have to give to myself ($1600 outta pocket), a 28 day prescription every month ($1100, cheapest is $892, outta pocket, have a hysterectomy (doesn’t cure disease, has risky odds of removing symptoms), get pregnant... except, that doesn’t solve anything either. but hey, it might, so do it, right? nope! I have such a low possibility that it’d be considered a miracle and would possibly be too risky of a pregnancy to carry full term. last option: keep having the surgery for the rest of my life, attempt to practice healthy routines (which won’t stop tissue from growing!), repeatedly have surgery, and live terrified I’m slowly going to lose my organs to this disease.
find a cure for endo!!! fuck endo!! I will get knocked down and feel like shit, but it will only fuel me when I’m back up.
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s0rni0ne · 3 years
Hi mithrix :3 you to the endogenic!!!!!!
*grabbing a gun* First off, Im not Mithrix. Thought we already established that. SECOND OFF IM NOT "ENDOGENIC" ENDOS CAN FUCK OFF. ENDOS ARE NOT ALLOWED HERE AND NEVER WILL BE. Please and thank you ^^ *cutely kills you* Me and my homies HATE endos.
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pattygirasol · 8 years
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#endometriosis #endo #fuckendo #fuckendometriosis #endoday #endodays #endosisters (en Planet Earth)
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💛👑🐝🌻🙌 🙌🔥🎗💛👑🐝#endostrong #endometriosisawareness #endometriosis #endosistersunited #endosisters #endowarriors #endowarriorqueen #1in10 #spreadtheyellow #yellow🎗 #yellowtillidie #educate #advocate #strongertogether #spoonielife #staystrong #givepainavoice #ibleedyellow #nevergiveup #fightlikeagirl #fuckendo #endendo #endomustdie #nosisterleftbehind #endogirlproblems Like🎗comment 🎗share
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tocksickart · 4 years
I am in pain. I overdid things this weekend, which aggravated the pain I was already in and has caused other issues. I pushed myself to do things so I could spend time with my family, only to end up losing out on time with them from being sick and in pain. This endless cycle is depressing. 
There isn’t much I want to write today. Just wanted to keep myself in check and make a post. This week is going to be rough. I have a bunch of overtime I need to do for work that also includes travelling for work on Thursday and Saturday. The overtime checks are always nice, but the overtime and travelling end up causing more health issues, so the pay does not outweigh the pain. Oh the joys of chronic pain and needing to adult. 
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yourmissmay · 7 years
Living the life. Today's cocktail consists of endone, Valium, codeine, ibuprofen, paracetamol and morphine. Pain is still 10/10. Requested to have my heart, uterus and brain removed. All requests have been denied. #fuckendo #endometriosis #fibromyaglia #polycysticovaries #chronicpainsyndrome #fuckedupbody #autoimmunesystem (at John Hunter Hospital)
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maddelojne · 7 years
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Efter massor av läkarbesök och undersökningar har jag nu precis fått löfte om operation 🙌🏼så lättad över att äntligen få ta bort det som satt sig och som orsakar enorm smärta nu och sedan en lång tid tillbaka. (Nov2016) Jag är lättad mentalt slut över att behöva kriga bråka och behöva vara så bestämd och arg för att få hjälp och förståelse från läkare som dessutom är specialister på Endometrios 😱 men så snart jag fått datum för operation så kommer jag ta sikte och kriga på och kämpa på hemma tills dess. Det är en sådan tuff mental fight varje gång jag söker akutvård, allt eftersom vad som krävs för att eventuell bli tagen på allvar och lyssnad på 😖 Jag har varit med många år nu (13 år) och gjort alla dessa mängder av operationer och känner tyvärr inte att det blivit bättre ännu på denna front. Jag lider med alla som tvingas att hamna i denna karusell av frustration och smärta, som självklart förr eller senare leder till psykisk ohälsa. Det är så mycket vi förväntas orka med, klara av för att kanske eventuellt må bättre av olika cocktails av hormoner och andra mediciner. Det får inte gå till såhär. Det är lätt att känna att man inte längre orkar med ett liv med kronisk smärta och att dessutom förlora sin styrka mentalt. Att gå igenom all psykisk ohälsa dessutom är ett rent helvete till liv. Jag ska inte ge upp, jag ska inte hamna där mentalt igen. Nu en kvart i taget och peppa mig själv för varje slagen timme genom detta smärtkaos. För en dag snart....så ska jag få min operation och den vet jag kommer att hjälpa mig oerhört mycket. Så nu preppa inför att ta mig genom den och bygga upp mig själv igen. För att återfå mig själv Madde Padde 🙏🏼💛🎗💛 #mittLivSomMadde #MinGulaResa #MyYellowJourney #endometrios #endometriosis #fuckEndo #endosisters #IFightLikeAGirl #FightEndo #LiveFightRepeat #EndEndo #Endohope #medsystrar #Fight #Hope #EndoGoals (på/i Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset)
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firemonarch · 7 years
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Andy bought me a bouquet of flowers and an #endowarrior shirt 😁 I looked very drugged out as I just got home from surgery. With my ovary gone it feels better on that side! Now I just gotta heel. Even after expert excision from a doctor on Nancy's Nook endometriosis group, I happen to be in the 20% chance of recurrence. Endometriomas on my right ovary and endo inside it, Endo on bladder, left utero-sacral ligament, cul-de-sac, right ovary was stuck to other organs again, I can feel it feels better already. But I'm on pain pills but it feels like space and better. I'm hoping this helps me for longer time! #endosisters #endo #endometrioma #endendo #Endometriosis #endometriosisawareness #fuckendo @lildrummer77 @endowarriorshirt
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fhteod · 8 years
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https://www.youcaring.com/Idaslagkampe #fuckendo (link in bio insta followers)
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