#fuckin sass master
kordyceps · 8 months
OK I mean obviously I'm reading your steter stuff on AO3 but I'd love to know if you have an all time favourite? Either your fave of your own work, or fave of another author's that you rec/reread/still think about a million years later (or both lol)
Oh man, okay, sorry for taking so long to reply to this ask! But it's such a good one and I unfortunately have the memory of a gold fish, so I needed to do Research™ (aka reread all my favs again lmao) so I could answer it properly. 😂
I only have one Steter fic of my own atm, so I guess that's my de facto personal fav for now…
But as for other folks' work, god, there are sooooo many great Steter fics out there!! So these are just a handful of my top favs, and definitely not a comprehensive list!
Five Times Peter and Stiles Troll the Pack by taylorpotato Rating: M | 2.5k | requires an AO3 account to read Stiles and Peter yell at each other in Polish, misleading the pack into think they're fighting, when in reality it's all just like completely fuckin' filthy dirty talk lmao. Short, but very funny, and such a perfect capture of their mischievous dynamic. 10/10, would recommend!
The Devil You Know by Twisted_Mind Rating: E | 11.6k Peter is there for Stiles when no one else is, and uses that to slowly manipulate his way into earning Stiles' explicit trust. And ooooh boy, is it so delicious and spicy. God damn! Cards on the table: this fic definitely won't be for everyone since it wades into some darker waters. But oh my god do I love love LOVE Peter's characterization in it. God, I feel like I could write a whole damn essay about this fic, but then I'd just end up spoiling the whole thing LOL. Just--if you like darker, manipulative Peter and enjoy your sweetness just a wee bit twisted, then 10/10 would recommend!
The Prince and the Pease by luulapants Rating: E | 47k | requires an AO3 account to read Medieval/Royalty AU where Peter is forced to cede his claim to the throne and become a "guest" of King Deucalion's as part of a peace treaty between the two kingdoms. Stiles, who is suspiciously far too mouthy for your average servant, is gifted to Peter as a bedwarmer. This one does such an incredible, masterful job at translating the characters into its setting and time period. The sass, the wit, the wordplay! You can definitely tell the author knows their shit, and my god is it fantastic. The plot itself is also so satisfying -- lots of great ups and downs, and, ugh, just so good! (Be sure to read p2 for the full ending btw!) Needless to say, 10/10, would recommend!
Keeping him (It's all about intent) by sittinginmytincan Rating: M (& E for oneshot sequel) | 121k Stiles winds up slingshotted into his own future, where it turns out he's married to Peter Hale of all people. His only way back is with Lydia's help, but she's gone mysteriously missing somewhere on the east coast while investigating some strange disappearances. Man, this fic….. I feel like the writer for this one must have received a checklist of things I'm into and decided to mark nearly every single one of them lol. Time travel, woke up married, magical theory, an enthralling af plotline -- and it's so thorough. Like, everything is so incredibly well thought out, the characterization is on point, and the development of Stiles and Peter's relationship is just chef kiss. Definitely 10/10, would recommend!
The Striking Complication by aurevell Rating: T | 118k I don't even want to write a summary up for this one because the mystery of it all and peeling back what's happening piece by piece is, imo, the best way to experience it. This story is intense as fuck, near relentlessly oppressive, and impossible to put down. It keeps you constantly at the edge of your seat as you try to figure out what is going on and how Peter and Stiles will survive it, with these heart-wrenchingly sweet breather moments sprinkled throughout. If you enjoy time loop stories, this one is an absolute must read! 10/10, would recommend!
build-a-beau by veterization Rating: E | 41.5k Tired of his dad always worrying about him being single, Stiles decides to pay for a fake boyfriend service so he can finally get his pops off his back about it. It goes about as well as one can expect a fake texting boyfriend you accidentally catch real feelings for can go lmao. This fic is wonderfully witty, with really fantastic banter between the two of them, and it's just so very fun getting to watch the pretend part of their exchanges slip more and more into something genuine. 10/10, would recommend!
Under the Songbird's Wing by mia6363 Raing: E | 87k Stiles is captured and held in captivity alongside Peter, Deucalion, and Satomi Ito. To survive, Stiles runs through lacrosse drills and tells stories, eventually persuading his fellow cellmates out of their shells and establishing a profound, unbreakable bond between them. This one is HEAVY, folks. Like, heavy heavy. But, god, it's also such a beautiful exploration of the characters and the bonds they develop through shared captivity. I don't even know what more to say, really, it's just haunting and lovely and awful and wonderful all at once. In the mood for something that hurts? Then 10/10, would recommend!
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pearldog30 · 2 years
Johnny (soap) Mctavish head Cannon
I know, I said this was going to be out a lot sooner. butttt I got distracted so here we are with our soapy boy, and I hope y'all enjoy! As always this is going to be realistic as possible! (Also let me know if you would like to see some NSFW head cannons and I might put those in the works soon 👀)
Other works 👉Master list
Warnings| PTSD, and alcohol.
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This is soaps love song cannot convince me otherwise. (Okay I was actually reading a soap fanfic. and this song came on, and I'm like it's perfect. anyways if the thing doesn't work it's I wanna be yours by Arctic monkeys slow)
I am going to start this off by saying. THE SASS THIS MAN HAS. I MEAN JUST LOOK AT THE GIFT HE SCREAMS SASSY! Oh and don't get me started. when he's trying to give attitude. He has the kind of sass that gives a drag queen, a run for their money. I LOVE IT
Contrary to what everybody might think of him, he's actually really fuckin smart. HE'S A SAS DEMOLITION SNIPER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW SMART YOU HAVE TO BE, ESPECIALLY WITH MATH FOR THAT SHIT! So yeah he's not a dumbass to say the least.
BUT! With that being said he's low key oblivious as fuck, when it comes to day to day life. like yeah he may be able to do math perfectly, plan out war plans, be able to tell an enemy in a room within a second, but for the love of God. do not leave this man alone to clean the house without adult supervision. something's bound to end up broken/all disorganized on how you had it, it's going to be a new house when you come back.
He is the definition of doesn't follow instructions. Sooo unless if you want to be spending money on takeout, don't let him cook without your supervision. He cannot cook to save his life. (I said what I said)
This may not come as a surprise at all, but he is observant as fuck. it's the sniper in him, when you have the job he has you have to be always on guard. so a lot like ghost even when you guys are home/go out as civilians, he's always going to be on guard, observing every situation. but this man knows how to cover it up, and make it seem like he's not, it's concerning.
Since he is observant as hell, he notices every. single. little. detail. about yourself. Oh you got new lipstick, he'll be the first to say you look stunning. and to kiss that pretty lip color (he says he's just testing it. But we all know it's an excuse cuz he wants to kiss you) got some new jeans/leggings he'll definitely notice and be staring. So yeah he notices everything. even the stuff you do to the house, when he comes back home from deployment. This man is the definition of photographic memory!
and with the observant topic. if y'all are at a bar. and you're trying to make him jealous. don't, just don't, you're going to lose. this man does not get jealous, if anything he'll take it as a challenge. knowing you're trying to get him jealous, it ends up in you getting jealous. (he's a little shit and it's annoying)
I'm probably going to be the first to say this. and it's going to burst a lot of y'all's bubbles. but he does not, AND I MEAN DOES NOT, HAVE ADHD! (I'm pretty sure if you have ADHD, you actually can't do a lot of the stuff that he does. from what I've been told. so no he does not have it)
And if y'all ever somehow go on a road trip together. He doesn't know how to shut the fuck up. He's either cracking jokes or screaming music (more than likely it's Barbie girl or some other ridiculous song he uses to bother ghost with) bonus points if you join in with him, safe to say it's never a boring car ride with him.
Now when y'all have fights. It doesn't matter how they start, what they are about, what it was. this man always comes back to apologize first. It often has you questioning why, even if you knew you were in the wrong, you still wonder why he's apologizing to you, when you should be apologizing to him. and he'll never let you apologize, almost never!
Since he has this job. he does he struggles a lot with PTSD. Out of all the men he's definitely the most emotional, but not at the same time, it's weird. With his mental health he often bottles everything up, he never had a good experience with talking about it. and in his past either people looked at him like he's some crazy monster, or they just pushed him away. so this often brings him to he either drinks it away, and then forgets about it the next day. or has a complete breakdown.
Now I'm not saying he's an alcoholic, no. but he can't help it, when he comes home and those dark thoughts won't leave, and it goes to dark places. To where he sometimes (a lot of times let's be honest. That was before you came into the picture) turn to alcohol. Mainly it's just to forget about the fact he felt like he let his team down. cuz someone died on a rough mission he had no control over, and it kills him every time. Every time that does happen he wishes it was him.
But if he doesn't, then he'll often just lock himself in his office/shower. he'll silent cry to himself, and have a panic attack, rocking back and forth on the floor/on the shower floor. and you have caught him like that more than once. each time you did, he tried telling you he was okay, ushering you away from him. but you wouldn't budge, you would just hold him and let him cry it out/talk it out if he wanted. you really are his safe place in those situations.
So he often goes through one of those two scenarios, every time he comes home from a mission. and each time you see him like that it takes a little piece away from you, killing you a little, as it does for him. And it does kind of scare him to death that you see him like that. So he worries that you'll leave him, because he is going through such a hard time. so you have to reassure him a lot.
He's actually probably one of the only guys that doesn't really get night terrors/nightmares. Too often, I mean yeah he'll get them every once, in awhile but nowhere near as bad as the rest. he is the definition of heavy sleeper, unless of course he's on the field.
He's also the definition of clingy. You and Alejandro's partner, once had a competition, to see who was more clinger. and soap won that by an inch.
✨Middle child vibes✨ that's all I'm going to say.
Love language. Physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation.
All right that's going to be the it for this. I hope you all enjoyed it! and wherever you are in the world I hope you're having a good day/night reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 🖤
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pastelpaperplanes · 2 years
All I can see Thorns and roses au Megaton grabbing Optimus by the back of his armor and lifting him up to eye level before they go into a tavern and says.
“Please. For the love of Primus. DON’T. START. A. FIGHT.”
Optimus deserves a little bar brawl. as a treat 🍬
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Front Row of Last Resorts
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Summary: Calum never got a reason why his girlfriend left him. So when they run into each other six months after the fact, he’s determined to both get an answer and the girl.
A/N: Got angsty vibes when I came across the line “but do you miss the way those lies tasted” thanks to @cxddlyash​. And here we are.
Content: Smoking, alleged infidelity, hitting, pissed off female reader, smug Calum
Word count: 1.2k
And away, and away we go!
“Fuck you!” Her scream bounced off the buildings as she kept walking away from me.
Even though she was halfway through calling me every name in the book, my hands reached out to steady her as the heel of her shoe caught on an uneven part of the sidewalk and she stumbled backwards. “Whoa, easy there.”
“Don’t you fuckin’ touch me!” she snarled, snatching her arms back before I could even touch her.
I held up my hands in fake surrender. “Fine. Fall on your ass. See if I care.”
“You!” She took a step forward, a finger pointing dangerously in my face. “You fuckin’ disgust me! I never wanna see your face again, you hear me?!”
I dug into the pocket of my jacket for my cigarettes and lighter. If I was gonna listen to her continue to berate me, I was at least gonna have a smoke. “This some new sort o’ game you’re playin’, sweetheart?” I drawled as I lit up, taking a long drag.
“The only one playing games here is you!”
“Am I at least winning?”
“Fuck you, Calum,” she spat one more time before turning her back on me.
It took me snuffing my smoked cigarette into the concrete with the tip of my shoe to realize she wasn’t coming back.
~6 Months Later~
“What’re you doin’?” My lips moved around the cigarette in my mouth as I eyed Ashton in suspicion.
The other man giggled as he grabbed a nearby traffic cone and placed it on my head like a hat. “Makin’ sure you don’t get run over!” He flashed a grin.
“Piss off,” I chuckled good naturedly, lightly kicking his leg with my foot as he started to take a picture.
The sidedoor beside us opened, and we snapped our heads to it, expecting to see Luke and Michael walking out in search of us. When we saw it was a gaggle of girls, we averted our attention. “You’re a shit photographer, mate. Don’t quit your day job.”
“Am I the shit photographer, or are you the shit model?” Ashton quipped.
“Wouldn’t be the only thing Cal’s shit at,” one of the women snorted.
“Hey, Ash, remind me to look up ‘never’ in the dictionary. I wonder if there’s a second definition where it says ‘is actually 183 days.’” I took the cone off my head and took one last pull of my cigarette before digging the snub into the ground and rising to my feet. “How’s it goin’, sweetheart?”
“Eat shit,” she told me.
“Oh, so we’re still playin’ that game.” I tapped at my lips in thought as I walked over closer to her, leaning a hand against the wall. “We ever figure out who won?”
She let out a small scream of frustration before her hand cracked against my cheek.
I rubbed where she had struck me, my entire cheek on fire, brushing off Ashton who took a step forward, ready to intervene on my behalf. “Now that you got that out of your system, you ready to talk to me like a big girl? Or you wanna cuss me out some more? Let’s see… you already told me to eat shit, so look’s like we’re right about where you say I disgust you, and that you never wanna see my face again.”
“Fuck you!” Her hand shoved hard against my shoulder but I barely budged. She turned around, ready to walk off just like last time. Jesus, it was like clockwork with her.
I opened my mouth to call out after her, but Ashton cut me off with a hissed, “Mate!” his eyes wide as they pleaded with me to just let her go. 
“No, fuck this,” I dismissed him, before whistling loudly to get her attention. “Go ahead, and walk away again, sweetheart. I’ll see ya in another six months. Lovely catchin’ up!” I waggled my fingers and smiled sweetly at her.
“You stupid, smug, son of a bitch!” she fired, stalking back over to me.
I grabbed her wrist before she could hit me again. “Well, there’s no reason to drag my mum into this…” She growled and I grabbed her other wrist, holding both of them in one of my hands. “Now, that’s not very nice, sweetheart. What happened to all those words you had last time?”
“You’re not worth the air.”
“Alright. You wanna do what you didn’t do last time, and actually tell me just why the fuck you’re so hellbent on ripping my head off? Maybe, I dunno, change the outcome?”
“Why don’t you ask the girl you fucked what happened?!”
“I am!”
“Oh, so you weren’t fucking some other girl when you were with me? So, you’re not even an honest cheat? You’re a fuckin’ lyin’ one!”
“A cheater?! You think I cheated on you?!”
“I don’t think you cheated. I know you cheated! And you’re gonna stand there, and continue to deny it?!”
“I’m not denying shit, Y/N! I didn’t do anything! The only person I was crazy enough to fuck when I was with you was you!”
“Then explain this!” She quickly pulled up a picture on her phone before flashing it in my face.
I took one look and howled with laughter. I laughed so hard my sides ached and I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I slumped against the wall, bracing a hand on my knee and pointing at Ashton with the other. “She thinks I fucked your girl!” I wheezed. “Oh, my, God! That’s fuckin’ great! Here I am, counting the days and kicking myself in the ass over Y/N when apparently I’ve supposed to been fuckin’ my best mate’s girl the whole time. Shit, I wish someone would've told me. This celibacy shit blows...”
While I fought to regain my composure, and she sputtered, “I- I- I,” at me, Ashton pulled up the unedited version of the picture on his phone. The photo that had him in it, his girlfriend’s hand on his jaw as he kissed her cheek the same way she was kissing mine.
“Believe me now?” I asked as she looked back and forth between the picture, Ashton, and me, her cheeks scarlet with embarrassment.
“Cal, I’m-”
“Save it,” I cut her off with a shake of my head. “I can’t believe you thought I would cheat on you. I can’t believe you read so much out of a fuckin’ picture so quickly that you drew you a conclusion about what happened without even having the decency to talk to me about it first before going off. I fuckin’ loved you. You know that this is the first time in 183 days that I’ve been able to stomach going out? Do you know that you had me so fucked up, that I actually know it’s been 183 days? Do you know how pathetic that is? To have literally counted the fuckin’ days?”
“Calum…” her voice shook.
“Yeah, doesn’t feel so good to not get a word in, huh?” I shot her a wink before I broke out in a held back grin.
She opened her mouth in shock. “Oh! You little shit!” She swatted lightly at my chest.
“Oh, c’mon, you deserved that, and you know it,” I laughed, grabbing her hand and pulling her to me.
“So you didn’t cheat?” Her voice was small and muffled as she buried her face in my shirt, inhaling my scent the same way I was doing with her.
“God, no. I fuckin’ love you, you crazy ass woman.”
“Good. Cuz I’ve really fuckin’ missed you.”
“Well, next time don’t leave me.”
Tag List
@frontmanash​​ @goeatsomelife​​ @flameraine​​ @creator-appreciator​​ @cxddlyash​​ @1-irwin-94​​ @sparkling-calm​​ @tea4sykes​​ @youngblood199456​​ @5-seconds-of-obsession​​ @gosh-im-short​​ @aquarius-hood1996​​ @talkfastromance4​​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​​ @philthepegacorn​​ @boomerash​​ @teenwolfss24​​ @karajaynetoday​ @myfavfanficsever​ @stormrider505​ @cashtonisruiningmylife​
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steph-squatch · 5 years
I want to sass Theleme and the Bridge Alliance into not being assholes to the natives
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veilder · 2 years
Aaaannnnddddd Prompt Night! Okay, this is another one I actually started writing out, so it's more of a snippet than a prompt, lol. But it'll have to do. XD This follows the bad ending where androids where Markus lost and Connor, instead of being decommissioned, was reset to make an example out of. It's a pretty sad scenario, but... Well, I was planning on making it better eventually. So, uh... enjoy? 😅
The android returns to the precinct three months later, but it doesn't return the same. 
Placidly, it trails after its CyberLife handler, a Dr. Evan Dreyfus, the promised liaison that had come to the Detroit Central Station as part of the new effort being made to return the city to its former status quo. The deviant uprising late last year had left much of Detroit in disarray and, now that CyberLife's modus operandi had shifted from destroying their defective products to apprehending and recirculating them, they'd managed to strike a deal: the DPD's cooperation in the salvaging of their battered business in return for specialized training, new equipment and (most importantly to the commissioner) a hefty donation to be used at their discretion. As a result, Dreyfus was here to teach the Central Precinct personnel the dangers of deviancy and what to look out for when encountering a rogue android. Like all of them hadn't been here last fuckin year. Like they hadn't seen that shit firsthand. 
The fucker takes his sweet time, going through his little PowerPoint presentation with the air of a disenfranchised college professor giving his lecture by rote. No passion, no enthusiasm, just the same, dry monotone as he rattles off point after point in sequence. It's enough to make someone think he was the robot, not the familiar android standing stock still off to the side. 
Or... it would have been enough, three months ago.
Because now, there is absolutely no mistaking the bot for what it is. Gone was the idle chatter and stupid coin tricks. The too-wide smiles and constantly-moving eyes. The fuckin sass and sarcasm. Gone was every sloppy imitation of humanity. Even its hair had been rigorously styled completely back, no more errant curl slipping down its forehead. The thing stood at attention, hands behind its back, eyes lowered, no trace of warmth or personality at all. For once, it stood there like the machine it was.
And Gavin Reed was not happy about it.
It's stupid, really. He'd been hoping for this when Connor first showed up at the DPD back in November. Gavin had been eager to show this thing its place, to wipe that stupid smile off its gormless face and remind it that humans were its masters—its betters! But here and now, staring at the aftermath of just such a conclusion, Gavin finds himself... unsettled. It's fuckin creepy, the way it just stands there! Like it's nothing more than a fuckin table or something! It makes the hair on the back of his neck stand straight up every time he lets his eyes wander back over to the side.
Beside him, Collins shuffles nervously in his seat and Gavin notes that his gaze, too, continues to list towards the wayward "android detective." A sheen of sweat lines Ben's forehead and he keeps rubbing his hands together, a nervous gesture if ever Gavin saw one. It seems like maybe Gavin wasn't the only one feeling nervous about having this thing back in the precinct. They'd all seen the news reports and video footage of those deviant bastards taking down humans. Gavin had a fuckin lump on the back of his head for weeks from this one here! And now CyberLife wanted to put these fuckers back into service... Yeah, good fuckin luck with that shit.
"Now I'd like to give a live demonstration. Fifty-one, attend!" Dreyfus says suddenly and Gavin finally comes back to his own head to find the entire presentation over. He sure as fuck wasn't sad to miss it, that's for sure. There was only so much bullshit he could stand in one day. 
But as Connor finally moves from his station, gliding over to face them all with an eerie, too-smooth stride, Gavin finds himself refocusing almost against his will. He sits there on guard, watching the android that had assaulted him only three months ago walk up to the dais completely unfettered. A cold sweat creeps up his neck as Connor comes to a stop beside its handler.
Dreyfus waves a hand towards the android.  "I've been told that this precinct has at least a passing familiarity with this unit, is that correct?" he asks, casting his gaze across the assemblage of officers and detectives and med techs and all other assorted personnel. Without waiting for an answer, the man continues on, "I'm sure that those of you who've interacted with it even the slightest bit can see just how changed this model is now. Unit Fifty-One now stands as proof that we at CyberLife have created the ultimate anti-deviancy software, a guarantee from us to you that what happened back in November will never occur again. Fifty-One, state your specifications."
Finally, the android lifts its head and, by some strange luck or curse of karma, stares directly at Gavin, its dull, brown eyes devoid of all life. Gavin sucks in a breath even as it rattles off, "CyberLife prototype model RK800, unit number 313 248 317-51. For use by authorized personnel only as a teaching and demonstration aid."
Dreyfus nods approvingly. "As you can see, we've removed any unnecessary social interaction programs from it. This android is now only as it was always intended to be: an obedient machine. One I shall use for a practical demonstration of how to identify deviants. Now, the first thing that might catch the eye is the CyberLife LED Sensor Ring at an android's temple. However... Fifty-One, remove your LED."
With no hesitation at all, Connor lifts a hand, digging its fingers into its own skin and yanking out the glowing circle that had been embedded there. "Many deviants have been known to remove such outward signs in a fit of mania. Errors in their programming cause these malfunctioning units to tear away their own biocomponents, though luckily, this particular one is easily repairable. Observe: Fifty-One, replace your LED." And, just as easily as the android had removed it, Connor easily slots the device back into its temple. It pulses yellow for a moment before settling back to a placid blue and Gavin— Gavin— 
"Hey Doc, sorry to butt in, but how the fuck can you guarantee this shit?! This sure as fuck ain't proof!" he shouts impulsively, a burning anger rumbling through his chest. This entire fuckin dog and pony show just sets his teeth on edge. Even with Captain Fowler glaring at him from his place at the front of the room, Gavin only leans forward, glare firmly in place as he stares down the lecturer. "You told us fuckin last time that this tincan would listen to what we told it to do and then what happened? It went and fuckin made friends with the the rest of its robot terrorist buddies to destroy the city! It tampered with our fuckin evidence! And it fuckin assaulted an officer! But now you're saying we should just trust your fuckin word that you made it, what? Un-deviate? Fuckin pull the other one, chief. I say we get rid of all these pieces of shit once and for all! We've been doing a great job of it so far without you CyberLife assholes butting in! Destroying these fuckers is the only way to actually guarantee this shit won't happen again!"
"Reed—" growls Fowler, no doubt about to tear into his ass, but he halts as the doctor holds up a hand. "No, Captain, your man has a point I should address. Detective Reed, was it? Would you perhaps be satisfied with a more direct demonstration? Do you have a request?"
And some stupid, ridiculous little part of Gavin has him glaring directly into Connor's vacant eyes, a primal urge compelling him to scream out, "How about you bring me a fuckin coffee, dipshit?!"
Of course, Gavin feels like a moron as soon as the words leave his mouth, but he wouldn't be Gavin Reed if he didn't have at least one major regret a day. For his part, Dreyfus seems unperturbed by Gavin's juvenile request, simply nodding to himself before looking towards his android. "Fifty-One," he says. Connor moves, turning to face its handler with that same, never-changing expression. "Allow request."
When Connor speaks, it is flat, robotic, none of that defiance it'd displayed the first time Gavin asked it this question. "Acknowledged. New mission parameter set." Gavin feels goosebumps rise on his skin.
But Connor moves away, stepping down from the raised dais where the liaison was holding his seminar and moving over to where the complimentary coffee station was set up along the side of the room. Every eye is on the android as it studiously pours the steaming beverage into a styrofoam cup and, after a brief pause, adds in a light splash of milk and a packet of sugar. Then, with that same, unsettling stride, it shuffles across the large room, coming to a stop right before Gavin. Connor sets the drink down on the desk in front of him and says, "Coffee, as requested. Mission objective complete," before returning to the front of the room where its handler is watching the display dispassionately. 
Apparently taking Gavin's newfound silence as satiation, Dreyfus continues his demonstration after that, droning on and on about fuck knows what. But Gavin can't seem to look away from the disposable cup sitting in front of him, wafting curls of steam twisting off the surface. He'd never specified how he wanted his coffee. How the fuck did Connor get it exactly right? 
The rest of the lecture passes quickly and the drink grows cold on the desk. Gavin never touches it. As soon as the mandatory meeting is over, he's the first one up and out of the door, his tumultuous feelings the only thing accompanying him. Never once does he look back. Not even to see a dispassionate, brown-eyed gaze trailing his steps.
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ML AU Masterpost
So I’ve been asked a few times to make a Masterpost of all my ML AUs because there’s like. A Lot. Some are full fics, others are just concepts we spitball around. 
I’ll write the AU Name, a short summary, and give relevant tags to it. And my tagging system is kind of a mess so like. I’ll have two tags for some AUs because sometimes it’ll be ‘AU Name’ and other times it’s ‘AU Name AU’, ya know?
Anyway here we go!
Hero Chat
My main AU! Kinda my ‘Canon has disappointed me, this is Canon now’ AU. 
Canon Divergence happens technically at the end of Queen Wasp, with Chloé not going back to Audrey and beginning to throw away her redemption arc. But the real changes don’t start until the beginning of Season 3, where Ladybug makes Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Honeybee(Chloé’s new Identity) full-time Heroes. 
Relevant links: 
Fics: X Relevant Tags: X X X X Bonus tag for the HC Answers: X 
Lady Luck
My other biggest AU!
Instead of Marinette, it’s Chloé chosen to be Ladybug. This changes several things. Adrien, Alix, Gabriel and Nathalie all still have their Canon Miraculous, but everyone else gets shuffled around because Chloé will be choosing them. 
Fic: X Relevant Tags: X X X X
Post-Miracle Queen, Chloé finds a new Miraculous from a separate Miracle Box. Hopefully things go better this time. 
Fic: X Tags: X
Queen’s Second Chance: 
The events of Miracle Queen go horribly wrong. Very very bad end(probably my darkest AU tbh). The Heroes are defeated, Hawkmoth has all the Miraculous, Chloé has been desperately trying to break out of her Akumatization since the fight began, but was unable to.
In a desperate attempt, Sass uses his power. It takes himself and the person with the most regret back in time a lot longer than just a few moments. 
Chloé wakes up the morning of Origins, and is determined to make things right this time. 
Fic: X Tags: X
Double Trouble: 
Post-Miracle Queen, Ladybug realizes she made a mistake in that taking the Miraculous away from Chloé left her vulnerable to Hawkmoth attacking her directly and forcing her to work for him. And now the whole Team’s identities are revealed. To fix this, she’s shuffled the Team’s Miraculous and given it to them permanantly so they can fight back if needed. 
However, Hawkmoth and Mayura believe that Chloé is still on their side, and recruit her for further plans. Not knowing she’s still part of Team Miraculous and is just gathering all info she can as information. 
Chloé finds out that Lila is also working for the villains, but isn’t entirely sure if Lila is truly a villain, or just in over her head. 
Also featuring Sonic Fandub quotes because this AU started as a joke with that. 
Fic: X Tags: X
Steal My Heart
Phantom Thief AU! 
Ladybug and Chat Noir thieves by night. By day, Marinette and Adrien are detective partners using their resources to track down new targets and keep the police off their trail. 
The twist? Ladybug and Chat Noir are rivals! Each have no idea that their rival is also their partner they might low-key be crushing on. 
Fic: X Tags: X
One of two Danny Phantom crossovers! This one is a more legit crossover while the other is an AU. 
Post Miracle Queen, Chloé accompanies her mother to some rich people gala type thing in America, hosted by Vlad Masters. Chloé wanders off, finds the hidden lab, and fucking dies. Well. Half way. 
Naturally she gets dragged into the Drama that are the other Halfas. To the point that Vlad just straight up sponsors her class for a foreign exchange program. Now the entire Miracuclass is in Amity Park and dealing with these idiots. 
Fic: X Tags: X
Lady Phantom
This is the other DP crossover, but it’s a full AU where instead of the Miraculous, it’s all Ghosts. 
Mari is the Danny of this AU, with her parents having a Ghost Research lab in the basement where she gets fuckin zapped. The rest of the gang are the sidekicks helping with Ghost Weaponry. 
Gabriel and Hawkmoth are two separate people, the latter being an Evil Ghost who is manipulating Gabriel to help fully free him. The Kwami are very powerful Ghosts that are near godlike(think how Clockwork is). 
All the Akumas are also Ghosts, who Hawkmoth sets loose on Paris. They are seperate entities from the Canon ‘Akuma Victim’, but are fighting on behalf of said victim in an attempt to help them because their deaths were very similar to current events. 
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Duchess Noire
Similar to Lady Luck, but instead of replacing Mari as Ladybug, Chloé replaces Adrien as Chat Noir. (Adrien later gets the Bee). 
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Cerise Wings
Sabrina is Ladybug instead of Marinette. Chloé is Duchess Noire again. An interesting role reversal for the pair and gets them to learn to be Equals as both Heroes and Civilians. 
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Avatar AU
Exactly what it says on the tin. ML characters in the world of ATLA. 
Kinda funky since Mari and Adrien are both the Avatar due to some bullshit ‘Split Avatar’ thing that I do not have room to explain all of rn. 
The Kwami are also Humans in this. 
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Monster AU: 
Again, exactly what it says on the tin. All the ML characters are various monsters. 
Tag: X 
Persona AU
ML but it’s Persona 5, basically. Palaces and all that. The Kwamis are the characters’ Personas. 
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Class Knows
Instead of putting the Miraculous in their rooms, Fu puts the Miraculous in Mari and Adrien’s backpacks. This means they pull them out in class and the whole gang learns who the Heroes are from day one. 
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Super DC AU
Several characters have Superpowers other than the Miraculous. Marinette’s parents and grandomther are retired Heroes, and Marinette herself inherited their Plant and Energy powers. Chloé has lightning powers because her mom had an affair with an NY Hero. Rose’s grandfather was a supervillain defeated by Mari’s family and she got his Shadow and Death powers. Lila is actually descended from a Fox Hero, but barely has any powers. 
There is an offshoot of the main AU where Rose replaces Adrien as Chat Noir, becoming Shadow Noire. 
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Cousins AU
Marinette and Lila are cousins. Mari is used to Lila’s shenanigans, and Lila refuses to harm Family, so there’s no real threat. 
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Childhood Friends: 
Marinette, Nino, Kim, Chloé, Adrien and Sabrina are a squad of childhood friends. Shenanigans ensue. 
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Jalil’s pendant is actually a Scarab Miraculous. Master Fu met him and decided to train him as Guardian years before the whole Hawkmoth thing happened. 
He takes over being a more direct mentor to Ladybug and Chat Noir, with his own Hero Persona: Khepri. 
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Feast Redemption
Instead of being destroyed, Feast is broken out of the Peacock’s control and become a real creature. Marinette babysits him as a pet. She’s trying to keep him from eating things he shouldn’t, but she can just reach into his mouth to retrieve things if needed. 
Everyone around her is. so confused by this creature she insists is just a weird looking cat. 
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Summer Nights
The summer when the Cesaire family moves to Paris, the apartment they are supposed to move into burns down. Luckily Marlena’s boss is very understanding, and offers them a few rooms in his hotel until they’re able to find and move into a different place. 
While hanging around the hotel, Alya meets Chloé. They end up befriending each other, though encounter a slight hiccup when Alya sees how Chloé acts to their classmates. Nothing that some gentle guidance onto a redemption arc can’t fix! Also maybe a crush along the way. 
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Adribrina AU
Adrien and Sabrina have been dating since the spring before the series started, but are keeping it low-key because no one wants to subject Sabrina to the media storm and angry fangirls. 
Marinette starts with a crush on Adrien, but finds out he has a GF and, while heartbroken, moves on. Also Chloé has a crush on her. 
Some Kwami shuffle because Sabrina figures out that Adrien is Chat Noir and tracks down Fu to beg him to let her help keep her bf safe and he gives her the Fox Miraculous. 
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Red Velvet
Along with the Butterfly and Peacock, Fu loses the Black Cat. So Gabriel already has one half of the Miraculous he needs to save Emilie from the Magic Coma, and he uses the Black Cat instead, becoming the villain Tuxedo. 
Fu tries to give the Ladybug to Marinette, but Tom was looking for something in her room and finds it instead. Refusing to let his daughter do something unsafe, he takes on the duty and becomes Red Velvet. 
Through shenanigans(Plagg being a little shit), Marinette gets the Peacock and Chloé gets the Butterfly. Once she manages to fix the Peacock, Marinette becomes the Hero ‘Mockingbird’. Chloé doesn’t jump on the Hero Bandwagon until later, but the side effect of the Butterfly Miraculous’s Empathy edges her onto a Redemption Arc. 
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To Bee A Bat
This is.... kind of turning some salt tropes on its' head? Like the salty 'Mari's bio dad is Bruce Wayne' but it's Chloé instead and no one's salted.
Between Season 4 and 5, Chloé's 'parents' don't want to deal with her anymore and send her off to live with her bio dad, Bruce Wayne. Shenanigans ensue as she is initially scared to trust them before finding out the family secrets and is down for being a Bat.
Meanwhile, the Miracuclass goes through Season 5 plot, incredibly concerned for where she dissappeared to. Especially as her 'parents' don't seem to care/are telling them to stop looking for her.
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Scarlet Scarab and Captain Noire
Alim Kubdel with the Ladybug Miraculous, Anarka Couffaine with the Black Cat. 
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Amazon and Jynx Sphinx
Nora Cesaire with the Ladybug, Jalil Kubdel with the Black Cat
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Lord Rouge
Luka and Juleka with the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous
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Alley Chat
Nora gets the Ladybug again, but Alya is her Black Cat. 
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Queen Of Hearts
Alix with the Ladybug, and Jalil is the Black Cat again. 
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Side Note: Scarlet Scarab and Captain Noire, Amazon and Jynx Sphinx, Lord Rouge, Alley Chat, and Queen of Hearts can all have sub-aus where they shuffle the Teamups. So we can have Lord Rouge with Captain Noire, Alley Chat with Queen of Hearts, Scarlet Scarab with Jynx Sphinx, etc. Not all are tagged. 
Miraculous Trio AU
Instead of sending out Ladybug and Chat Noir, Fu decides to send out Rena Rouge, Carapace and Queen Bee. 
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Chloé Split
Something(either an Akuma or something else) Splits Chloé into multiple different aspects of herself. All aspects go by different names, but most start with ‘Cl’. Catrina is the exception but it’s a fuck you to her because she’s the “Audrey 2.0′ personality. 
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Instead of being from Italy, Lila is from space. And obvs can’t tell people she’s not human. Her lying isn’t malicious and just her trying to fit in with the other kids and look normal. Yes her stories of meeting celebrities are normal because all her classmates have met celebrities or are famous themselves. 
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Public Knowledge
All Hero and Villain identities are known to the public. Though Miraculous can’t be just yoinked from people. They have to either be handed over willingly or won through combat.
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Easy to guess. Percy Jackson AU. All the Miracuclass are demigods. 
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Animal Attraction
A side effect of the Miraculous is that it attracts the creature it represents. Shenanigans ensue. 
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abeautifulblog · 3 years
talkin’ bout beta readers
@master-sass-blast​ writes:
okay but maybe to ask for the class: what if i don't find a beta reader because i feel like i am taking advantage of them and their work, because i can't/don't know how to compensate them properly and i don't want them to feel like i'm just using them and that i'm not grateful etc
I feel you, friend. ✌ I too am conscious of the fact that just because I'm super-invested in my fic, that doesn't mean everyone else will be too—but there will be some!
Beta readers aren't being “compensated” for editing your fic, but you're not being compensated for writing it either (and nor are the fanartists or the podficcers that follow). This is a labor of love for everyone involved, and you have to trust that beta readers are doing it because they want to.
And I think it's not hard to tell whether or not someone really wants to be beta'ing for you—when they're excited to talk about your fic and the source material for hours on end without getting tired or bored, when they can't get enough of discussing the minutiae of character motivations, or world-building ramifications, or spinning out headcanons. Those are the people I'm comfortable asking a lot from, in terms of beta-reading duties, because we're in this hyperfixation together.
But I am also quick to let people ghost me—when conversation drops off; when they start taking longer to respond to messages; when their comments and responses become more perfunctory, then I stop asking, and start shopping around for new betas.
(Which is why I am still so fucking baffled by the loss of Sasha 1 halfway through For the Asking—because we had been 1000% hyperfixating together, and then they disappeared overnight and I never heard from them again, and I genuinely don’t know if they died.)
Anyway, if someone doesn't want to beta-read for me, then I don't want to keep them there. (1) Because I don't want to impose on anyone, but also (2) if they're not invested in your fic, then they're not going to be reading/thinking deeply enough to give you much good feedback.
And people's fandom involvement changes, their availability and free time waxes and wanes—even someone who was an amazing beta in the past may drop off your radar. Sasha 2 was the unsung hero behind the second half of For the Asking, but she's since moved on to Legend of Zelda fandom—I don't think she could hyperfixate on witcher shit now even if she tried. It's why she came back for a one-day victory lap to help me with “That Uncertain Season,” but she's not a beta for Song of Selfish Hearts. (Likewise, the beta readers from my ddads fic didn't follow me to Witcher fandom.)
It is true that when you're first starting out, you may have to rely on betas who aren't super-invested in your story—getting a non-fandom friend to give it a quick read for typos and overall coherency, or asking around in a fandom discord to see if any strangers are willing to help. But I've found that the best place to find potential beta readers is in the comments section of your fic—by engaging with the people who are leaving keen, insightful feedback, who clearly enjoy thinking about your story. I've picked up several beta-readers that way, and I have used that trick to get myself invited to beta-read for fics I was in love with.
(“I am going to friend-seduce this author so hard,” I say to myself, evilly, as I sit down to write a comment that will knock their socks off.)
And in case you were wondering what beta-readers are getting out of the bargain:
I love getting analytical about narrative and storytelling. Bam. I'm a fuckin' nerd for it, that's my hobby right there. My fics, other people's fics, the canon, I will dissect the shit out of all of it. Trust me when I say that I am enjoying getting into the nuts and bolts of your story.
I get to read it before it's available to the public. I am still gleeful beyond belief that I got to read the entirety of In the Company of a Glacier (all 265k words of it) in one sitting, since even at coffee_mage's relatively brisk release schedule, the ending is still probably about a year out. (That said: do not be one of those people who volunteers to beta-read but then just fucks off after getting your sneak peek. That is rude, and you won't be invited back.)
I get to influence the development of the story. You ever read a fic that was so good, but fell JUST SHORT of what you wanted it to be? Missing a scene you wanted to see? Just didn't quite deliver the payoff you were hoping for, leaving you with a niggling sense of dissatisfaction? Good news! If you're a beta-reader, you can lean on the author to give you the content you crave. Because often it's just a matter of their vision not quite making it onto the page, or them not being certain that readers will want [whatever], and they will be happy to provide it if you assure them that no, no, we DEFINITELY want it.
Anyway, best of luck finding betas! It’s like making friends, but even easier I think, because you basically just go “hey fellow nerd, would you like to SUPER NERD OUT WITH ME?”
(And yes, if you see me being long and talky in your comments, I am absolutely trying to seduce you.)
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ashmcgivern · 7 years
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more lawyers
Klavier making fun of Apollo will never get old to me
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monstas1ut2 · 4 years
Hi just wanted to say I love your Diabolik Lovers scenarios, and I also wanted to ask if you would do “They see your beauty for the first time” for the Mukamis?
Diabolik Lovers x POC!Reader!
((Honestly, I have never wrote for them... I know this is not perfect, I hope you understand this won’t be perfect lmao uhm tho I tried, couldn’t say no to you~ because you said you liked my stuff~... thx btw💚 I also made random headers for them too, they aren’t that cute tho))
•Hints Of Steamy Acts
•May be terrible
"He Sees Your Beauty For The First Time" (Mukami Brothers Edition)
-Ruki Mukami
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This plan to him was quite odd and he honestly didn't see which route this man was going. Yes he chose to be in cahoots with this man but only to be free... Coming to America was probably the oddest thing he's ever done.. of course moving from home to here was simple, no commotion.. but he could tell his brothers were on edge.
Ruki, after the whole livestock-Yui- dying thing... He most definitely blamed it on the other brothers... I mean who wouldn't... Anyways, after that he didn't know what he was doing still following orders for Karlheinz. Did he have something planned or... did he just do this to cause some ruckus?
Ruki didn't see any issue with going to school here, especially since the blood smelt oddly amazing... but he doesn't have any interest in anyone here... he can say that the females here are quite expressive and they sort of have their own flow... though when his eyes gazed upon someone else.. his eyes widened..
The male didn't expect to see such beauty casted before his eyes. The sunlight was beaming off the darker skin of a girl. Her eyelashes long and her attire.. not so slutty, but enough to show off her curves. Ruki wasn't blind to American knowledge, and he knows you're a black woman obviously... Though he can't understand why he hasn't seen this in person.
"(Y/n) (L/n)... please answer question thirty five... just to see if you understand...?"
Ruki watched as your eyes glared the teacher, he could already tell from where he was sitting.. that you were a handful... though that only caused him to make up these scenarios in his mind... he wanted you to be his of course, he wanted to rip the attitude away from you... make you call him master... and in his way of thinking... he already knew of a way to get you hooked...
Let's just say, later on in the week... his body was in front of you... that nasty smirk casted on his face... listening to your loud beating heart.. he already had you under his control.. well.. mostly.
"A woman.. such as yourself would know how to properly cover that up..."
"Ruki you don't own me-..."
"Control your language when talking to your master, hm? Also, this..."
He hooked his finger under the tight collar that was around your neck. How did he get you to wear that you may ask? Because he's hot..
"This says otherwise..."
-Kou Mukami
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The only brother really taking it hard? Though not so much because he found out that he has actually more fans here than.... over at his old school. Reasons unknown... though he wasn't complaining.. especially with the millions of different toned females.. Kou had never seen such beauty...
Kou is used to the pale skin, he himself has pale skin... though seeing these other females who had brown skin, dark skin... his first thought was 'goddesses..?' But that wasn't the case. He also liked the different scents of blood. They were all oddly stronger than more paler people.. he just couldn't wait to sink his teeth into one of them... one of them would have to be fascinated with him.
The females in this school tend to be more on the sneaky side of things, Kou noticed that but his hearing is enhanced so he listens to conversations when he passes by... he may give the girl a flirty smile too... only to see her cover her mouth and look away in embarrassment.
Kou also noticed how many people had earbuds in, closing themselves from the outside world. But he was more interested in this one girl who was sitting alone at lunch. Her hair was so pretty to him, as well as the nails that happened to match her outfit.. he could tell people fawned over her.. considering the people staring at her.. though he couldn't help but realize that she didn't care... softly mumbling the most seductive words to a song with her glossy lips...
He wanted to see her under him, he wanted to see her moaning his name.. Let's just say he's pretty close to doing so... because it wasn't a week later until he had you interested in him.
"Kou, don't fuckin play with me..."
"If you'd like your phone back, kitty... you'll have to give me something in return~!"
"Damn Whatchu want? Not me because you... can't handle me..."
Kou loved your sass... to the point where he did things like this.. just to see you try to get rough with him..
"Kitty... that's where you're wrong.."
-Yuma Mukami
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Yuma wouldn't say... he didn't like this huge change.. he wouldn't say he liked it either.. he was in the firm middle. Obviously he has to plant new tomatoes in his new garden.. and he obviously has to get used to the new people.. they seemed aggressive like him so he actually found it funny...
He found himself being stared at most the time because well, he is tall.. but he also is quite fine. Yuma figured these girls were crazy, he wouldn't say he didn't have fangirls at his old school but they were mostly into his other brothers or the Sakamaki brothers.. but it seemed like he got the more attention now...
He even found himself being invited to watch a whole cheerleading practice.. in which Kou came along because he'd never seen a cheerleading team before.. their old school didn't allow it.
Anyways, Yuma figured he'd be bored about this whole thing but he ended up choking on a sugar cube when he saw one of the girls on the floor doing a dance routine that caused her thighs to jiggle like jello... and the way she moved... she did it fiercely... We all know Yuma likes rude females... so when he heard how loud you were, commanding the other girls to follow your lead... he felt his ears get red.
The dude was in such a trance, especially since your hair was in a cute puff/bun with braids/bun. He also couldn't help but stare at your skin, yeah everyone else had the same dark skin... different shade of course but yours mixed with your beauty was alluring.
He then noticed that the females stopped cheering and your (e/c) eyes were staring right at him when you walked up the bleachers... a smirk casting upon your face when you grabbed your bag that was right beside him...
Oh yeah, he wanted to see you in action... so to test your limit.. over the past weeks he's just been being such a child... but you were used to it at this point.
"Oi, get ya panties outta my Damn face"
You just rolled your eyes as you stood up straight from bending over, looking back at him.
"Shut the fuck up befo I chop yo Dick off... don't play with me..."
Yuma didn't know he loved aggressive girls until now.. like.. in his mind he was like 'please do'
"I wanna see ya try, dumbass..."
-Azusa Mukami
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Maybe this whole moving thing was a bit frustrating to him as well... but when arriving to America... he noticed a few things... there were people who didn't know how to stop staring but there were also people who tend to mind their business..
People would always criticize him but now it's like.. nobody was really bold enough to do so.. It made him feel more better about doing the things he does.. Though there was multiple teachers asking if he was alright.. and actually he couldn't really respond to them.. so they let him go most of the time.. right now he was in the nurses office... some teacher saw him with a deep cut...
Anyways, Azusa was sure his brothers were frantically looking for him.. considering when Azusa leaves a spot from them.. it's never alright or good..? They were also in a whole new area...
"I'll be with you in a moment (y/n).."
The deep and rich scent coming from around the corner made him slightly jolt. He wasn't expecting such a nice scent to burst into this room.. though when he saw your chocolate/caramel skin come through the door... he immediately forgotten that staring wasn't really something you shouldn't do in America. Though he couldn't stop, his eyes hazily looking up to the top of your head. He noticed that your eyelashes were pretty and long, your lips smelled like cherry, he could smell it from where he was sitting.. but he would compare you to a nice piece of chocolate.. even though he doesn't really.. eat.
Apparently you had a deep cut from a box... you were helping one of the teachers out and got punished for it? That was just rude of the box...
Anyways, your (e/c) eyes looked around before landing on Azusa. His eyes softly staring at you, and lord did he look sad.. his whole aura was depressing but also happy? You gave him a light smile and it made his stomach flutter... just smiling back slowly as he looked down at his hands in his lap... you were pretty to him.. and you had this sense of love coming from you... like a mother..
Over time, his brothers noticed him acting somewhat different? Eventually he'd gotten advice and now you were just so attached to him.
"Azusa, baby.. I know you can't help it but..." you couldn't say more, you just started wrapping up his wounds.
"I'm... sorry (y/n)....."
"I know... don't worry bout it.."
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paisley-print · 3 years
9:00am : The Water’s Getting Cold
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About: A morning shower. 
Rating: 18+
Word count: 2005
Characters: Agent Whiskey x Reader
Warnings:  Brief verbal spat,  mentions of vomit , implied age gap, pregnancy, family drama, fluff.
Series Master-List    also on a03
Notes: Sorry this took a little longer then usual! I was plotting out the rest of the series!
Tag List: Nobody :O 
“Jesus H Christ almighty girl. How are you not fuckin’ dead - golly” Jack said pressing himself up to the corner of the shower 
“Don’t be dramatic.”
“What the hell are you talkin’ about? It’s hotter than a billy goat with a blowtorch - turn that shit down.”
You reached for the nozzle, turning it to a temperature that you found to be far too cold, then faced him, crossing your arms. “You can’t come in here and start calling the shots. I’m trying to get ready for the appointment and you’re yelling at me-”
“Yelling at you? Now who’s the dramatic one-” 
“Jack” you warned. 
He smirked, genuinely expecting you to shoot back at him with some witty comment. It was a game the two of you played often; he didn’t seem to understand that you weren’t playing it this morning. “Besides, if I remember correctly this is my house, so I can turn the water to whatever temperature I goddamn please.”
Your face contorted in anger. “You could be a real dick sometimes, you know that?”
“I never hear you complaining darlin’.” 
He reached for you, intending to kiss you, but you put your hand up to keep him at a distance and turned your head away from him. “No, I’m serious,” you said, pulling open the curtain and stepping onto the plush bath mat. “Like why the fuck would you even say something like that?”
Jack was genuinely dumbfounded by where things had escalated in such a short amount of time. “What?
“Sorry I don’t make as much fucking money as you Jack-”
“Whoa” he pulled back the shower curtain to look at you. “I was just playin around darlin’ put the guns down.”
You took the towel from the rack and wrapped it around yourself. “No, it honestly makes me upset though.”
“What? That I made a joke?”
‘That you don’t consider this our house’ you thought bitterly. You didn’t say that though, instead you just shrugged, not wanting to get into it with him this early. A rough night and an unpleasant morning was not justification to explode on your husband.
His voice was soft. “Ok look, no more jokes, scout’s honor. Now come on.”
You didn’t turn back around. 
He sighed and hung his head a little. “Y/n. Y/n….please come back? I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, honey. ”
You turned to face him, voice stern. “You’ve reached your sass quota for the day.” 
“Alright I have- now come on.”
After a moment you gave in, dropping the towel and stepping back into the shower. Your eyes were big as you looked at him, “you know I don’t feel good.”
“Ok- come here I’m sorry” he reached out for you again, and you allowed him to touch you this time. Large hands came to rest on your waist and pulled you flush with his body. You sunk into his embrace. The feeling of his damp skin against yours instantly calmed your mood. 
His hand came up, fingers tracing slow lines up and down your back. He loved the curve of your body, and not in a sexual way. He just thought that your body shape created wonderful arching lines, like a marble statue in a quiet corner of a museum. You shivered at the feeling, pressing yourself closer to him, and yawned.
“Is someone still tired?” He asked, hand coming up to move the tendrils of wet hair from your face.
You had spent the better part of the night vomiting; the doctor diagnosed you with Hyperemesis Gravidarum on your last visit after you had explained your morning sickness seemed to get worse each day. It wasn’t life threatening as long as you monitored it carefully. There wasn’t a cure for it either. Some days were better than others, but today seemed particularly bad. The only reason you pulled yourself from the sanctuary of your bed was for this checkup. 
What made it worse was the knowledge that Jack wouldn’t be with you for the next few days. It was some business trip to New York, since he used to manage that branch of Statesmen. Sometimes you find it ironic that the two of you used to live in the same city at the same time. Perhaps you had even crossed paths once or twice without knowing it.
“I don’t want you to go,” you told him.
“I know, trust me honey, I don’t want to go either. I told Champ that this was the last one until after the baby. It will only be a few days though, and hey - we’ll have our dinner video calls.”
Since the mere thought of food usually made you sick, Jack made a few meals and packed them in the fridge for you to reheat. It had been difficult, but you kept your weight up. A Lot of it was because of your husband and his gentle persistence in making sure you got enough calories every day to sustain your weight.
“I love you so much,” you told him, lifting your head a little. He looked funny with water dripping from his mustache. You quirked a smile at him and he must have taken this as a sign that it was alright to kiss you.
Slowly, he leaned down to press a lingering kiss to your chapped lips. You sighed against his mouth as his fingers threaded gently through your hair. After a moment he broke the  kiss and brushed his thumb across your cheekbone. “I love you too, honey.” 
He moved your head to the side a little, allowing him enough room to press a few lazy kisses to your jaw and the side of your throat. He sighed and pulled you against him again. The two of you stayed holding each other for a long time.
 Jack had noticed the goosebumps on your arm and turned so you were in the stream of water. You felt his hand reach for something behind you, then the temperature of the water increase.
His chin came to rest on your head, “has my sister responded to you yet?”
“Um...no, but I think she must be busy,” you mumbled
Since the wedding you had found yourself in a rather odd situation, getting to know the family you were now a part of.
The first time either of you had met each other’s families had been only a day prior to the wedding. Of course, your family was charmed by the cowboy instantly…. but Jack’s, not so much. They viewed you as an outsider and undeserving of Jack. It was clear that they were comparing you to his first wife. You noticed it in the way they interrogated you with those sweet southern smiles that didn’t quite reach their eyes. To them, you were a downgrade, a cheap impersonation of their beautiful late daughter-in-law. 
You didn’t tell Jack, but you had laid in bed that night feeling incredibly upset by the whole interaction. You watched him sleeping comfortably beside you, and brushed your fingers over his hair and around his ear as gently as you could. He seemed to like it because he never once woke from his slumber. Jack marrying you out of obligation was a fear you had carried since that first day, and his family only cemented that fear in your mind. You wanted to be enough for him, needed to be enough, because you loved him deeply and you doubted whether you could feel this way about another. 
But how could you ever measure up to a dead woman?
One that they’ve had years to grieve and idolize in the way the deceased often are. Emily was perfect, for all of Emily’s faults had died with her that day. She would always be young, beautiful, and the one who left far too soon. While you would grow old and make mistakes because you were a part of the living and didn’t have the luxury of being recreated in a perfect image. 
What hurt the most was when they inquired about your finances, as if it was any of their business. Even though Jack was your senior, you weren’t marrying him because of his money. It had never even crossed your mind. It had made you contact a lawyer and sign a post nuptial agreement that same week. Jack was against it and it humiliated you, but if it proved a point to his family...then so be it. 
The way they treated him blew your mind. Why wouldn’t they want him to just be happy? Had they not seen how years of loneliness had taken their toll on him? 
The biggest opposition you faced was Jack’s sister, Kelly. She hated you and made it no secret. Emily had been her best friend since kindergarten…. of course she was going to hate you. That didn’t stop you from trying with them though. You figured that after some time the Daniels might warm up to you, then you’d all be a genuine family.
That was why you had invited Kelly to attend a pottery night class that they were running at the local art school. It was juvenile; you knew, but you figured everybody liked pottery, right? She read the message four days ago and never gave you an answer. Jack never really acknowledged the way his family treated you, you didn’t even think he knew. 
A thought crossed your mind the other day, and it made you feel incredibly guilty. For a brief moment in time you toyed with the idea that the new baby could make the family love you how they had loved her, but more.
It was terrible and disgusting. As soon as you realized what you were thinking, you scolded yourself just as you did when those jealous hateful thoughts ebbed their way into your mind. 
 ‘It was not her fault, and it was not Jack’s family’s fault either,’ you had to keep reminding yourself. Your presence must have made their grief resurface, and nobody should be punished for grieving. ‘Time will pass and things will get better. They just have to get to know you. Don’t be an insecure little brat.’
You realized it had been a long while since anybody spoke. “Do you think we’ll find out the sex today?” 
Jack made a noise that showed you he was skeptical. “Dunno, might still be too early. We can ask though.”
You hummed in response, letting yourself lean on him than remembering what he said about his shoulder a few days ago. You shifted your weight back on your feet. “Don’t forget to ask Ginger about getting you one of those shots before you leave, and I packed that bottle of aspirin in the front pocket of your suitcase. I can rub it when we get home -”
He shushed you gently and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Darlin’, don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. It’s not that kind of trip, mostly I’ll be doing paperwork in an office. Holdin’ down the fort until the new guy comes.”
“You’ll call me when you land?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You closed your eyes and focused on the sound of his heartbeat. Soon the running water faded away, leaving only him. “We should probably get out,” you murmured softly 
“We should,” he agreed
Nobody moved.
“Yes, honey?”
“Where do you think we’ll be in five years?” you asked.
“What do you mean, darlin’?”
“Like when you picture us in five years, what do we look like?”
He drew in a breath.
You could feel the weight of it against your chest.
“I don’t think about things like that, I’d much rather focus on the here and now.”
You had a million more things you wanted to ask him in those moments, but you simply couldn’t bring yourself to do it, besides, it was getting late. “That makes sense….. I think I’m going to get out though, the water’s getting cold.”
“Yeah, I think you’re right.”
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Detroit Evolution Character Studies.
If you haven’t seen the absolutely lovely Reed900 fan film Detroit Evolution by @/octopunkmedia, I highly recommend it. (This also contains spoilers for it so watch before reading this.) I’m not done with these character studies as I plan to do one more for both characters.
Essentially, these are scenes taken directly from the film where I wrote it out, action, words, and all, as well as tried to capture what I thought they would be feeling/thinking in those moments as a way of learning to write the character’s voices (or my version of them). Word Count: 2,345 TW: Cursing, blood/ injury/ death mention, brief mention of food.
Timestamp: 11:22
He carried the full coffee mug from the break room to Gavin’s desk, a spring in his steady step. Placing the mug down, he looked at Gavin, a challenge in his eyes.
Gavin looked up from his phone. “Thank god.”
Nines held back a sigh. “I hate you.”
“You love me.” Gavin sassed back.
Nines pushed at Gavin’s feet that were propped up on the desk. “Move your feet.” He listened to the small sound of surprise that came from the human and sat where the feet had been, waiting for Gavin to stop spinning. “Have you been reviewing the case?” He glanced at the inactive computer screen.
Gavin sat straighter in the chair and leaned forward. “You know me. When do I stop?” He pulled up the case file on his computer. “Our victim’s an AC900, right? That happens to be a model designed for athletics and endurance. So, her thirium pump is one of the most valuable out there.”
Nines tilted his head. “You think the killer could have black market motivations?”
“You can’t rule it out. Not with how advanced that part is. So, once I made that genius deduction, I went through a list of my contacts in the android parts market and they got back to me with some common drop sites for black market deals.”
Nines was wary of where this was going, his LED circling to yellow. “Contacts? There are black market dealers who collude with the DPD?”
Gavin sat back, posture relaxed. “They give me intel, I stay off their back.”
“That doesn’t seem legal.” it defied his sense of logic to work with criminals to catch other criminals, even if the method had some merit.
Gavin spun his chair to face him, voice becoming defensive. “Okay, Nines. Sometimes you gotta bend the rules if you want to catch a bigger fuckin’ fish, alright? I know it’s not your protocol or whatever but, that’s why you got me.” He took a sip of his coffee, looking pleased with himself.
Nines leaned on his hand. “How would I ever succeed without your obstinance and rule breaking?” Sarcasm was something he’d mastered soon after deviating and used often with Gavin.
Gavin set his mug down, crossing his hands over his lap. “Yeah, you got a real funny way of saying ‘experience and wisdom’.”
“Wisdom?” Nines almost scoffed. “Gavin, I have a database in my brain containing over two hundred thousand words in the English language and I believe you found the one that least applies to yourself.”
Gavin looked up at him. “Shuuuut the fuck up.” He reached forward to tap his keyboard, bringing their attention back to the case. “Look, if we can intercept some dealers and bring ‘em in, we’ll find out if our victim’s thirium pump has been making the rounds. That could lead us straight to the killer.” He looked at Nines for his opinion.
Nines hummed. “It’s a good start, but waiting for a dealer to cross our path could mean it could take weeks to find a lead.” His LED went to blue as he thought it over.
“Thought of that too, smartass. There are definitely some sites where black market activity is hot.” He pointed at the screen and Nines turned to look. “These apartments out in Ferndale and Slide Docks-” he moved to point at another part of the map on the screen. “-here.”
Nines considered the information and screen. “We’ll need to split up to cover both.”
“Nah, you won’t have to miss me.” He gestured to the new detective with his mug. “We’ll get Chris on one of them while we go to the other.”
Nines looked at Chris, who seemed to have a lot on his mind. “He’s been quiet, since Jericho.”
Gavin busied himself with gathering his things. “Okay. Maybe work will take his mind off of it.”
Nines hummed, watching him. “Burying troubles in work is your usual approach.”
Gavin stood and rounded his chair, blowing a kiss to Nines sarcastically. Nines turned his head in time to notice Gavin flip him off behind Nines’ back. He smiled at the antics and followed the detective.
Timestamp: 54:00
‘I need you to come back to me, Nines.’
Nines could hear Gavin, even as he was trying to search every line of his code for a way to fix this corruption.
‘You are my partner. Come back to me, Nines.’
Nines heard a glitch in the garden before Gavin’s voice spoke again, closer this time, different. “Hey, tin can.”
He looked up to see his simulation of Gavin standing there. Calling his name, Nines ran over to him. He said his name again as he tried to hold him, only to be met with loose pixels and glitching code. He took a step back, anger in his voice. “What did she do to you?”
Gavin’s voice was distorted and his pixels were out of sync. “Code’s all buggy from Ada. You gotta delete me. Delete all of this, start from scratch.”
“Delete it?” Nines felt panic rise in him at that. “No, I can’t do that. This is where I process everything. I can’t just erase it.”
“You can rebuild another one after.” Gavin looked up into the trees. “Doesn’t even have to be a garden. Hell, make it a theme park, I don’t know.” He looked back at Nines.
“I can’t rebuild you.” His voice softened. Nines had spent pain-staking hours programming Gavin’s code and making him as close to the real thing as possible and now he was being told to delete it all? He wanted nothing more than to just hold Gavin.
“Look. You don’t have to give a shit about me. It’s all just fucking fantasy, Nines. You got the real thing up there. And the only way to get back there is to let go of all of this.”
‘Come back to me, Nines.’
The Gavin standing before him glitched again and Nines nodded slightly. “Okay.” He moved away, unable to look at him as he did this.
‘I need you. I need you to come back to me, Nines.’
With the real Gavin’s voice echoing in his ears, Nines carefully and ruthlessly tore down every line of code he had to. Thoughts of the past few days, images of his friends and Gavin, tumbled through his mind as he destroyed his sanctuary, the place he went to relax and to process and feel safe. A place that had been tainted by Ada’s forced entrance.
As soon as the last zero was deleted, Nines regained full control of himself.
Timestamp: 24:30
Gavin grunted as another fist connected with his face, breaking his nose. Faintly he heard a voice call his name. A hand reached out but instead of a punch- He jolted awake, hands reaching to fight off his attacker, whoever's hands were now on his shoulders, fighting him back. Nines’ voice broke through the fog of sleep and Gavin stared at him, calming down just a bit as he found one of Nines’ hands on his chest, the other holding his right wrist gently. Nines gave one more, comforting, “”it’s not real, you’re safe,” before releasing Gavin and standing up.
Gavin shifted, moving to sit up against his headboard as he tried to calm his breathing. He shifted the pillows behind him, all too aware of Nines’ concerned gaze.
When his breathing was slower, Gavin spoke. “What- What’re you still doing here?” He knew Nines had mentioned reviewing case files but thought he would have left, bored of Gavin. Most did.
“I stayed to review our case files.” Nines’ voice was soft, as if Gavin were a deer that would startle at a too-loud sound. “I heard you struggling.” He moved away from the bed a step or two. “I’ll go get you some water.”
Gavin shifted positions, shaking his head. “No, no, no, I”m fine. I’m fine.” If he repeated it enough, maybe he’d believe it himself. He cursed a few times, softly, as he tried to find a comfortable position.
Nines sat back down on the edge of the bed. Gavin cursed again, the loudest sound in the room being his still heavy breathing. He leaned his head back against the wall, too exhausted to care. “Guess now you know why I don’t sleep.”
“What were you dreaming about?” Gavin was grateful for the lack of judgement in Nines’ voice.
Gavin dropped his head down, shaking it as he stared at his sheets. “Nothing. I don’t even remember.” Not a complete lie, it was reduced to fear and feelings and flashes of memory now, so distorted from what it once was. “Probably bore you, if I did.”
There was a small smile in Nines’ voice, still soft but now holding a note of affection. “Learning more about you would never bore me, Gavin.”  Gavin didn’t quite believe him and Nines kept talking. “Would you like me to stay with you? Research shows that physical touch is good for humans, it releases serotonin which has a calming effect-”
Gavin’s skin crawled at the thought of touch and he began protesting as Nines continued. “-I think that-” Nines heard his protests and stopped.
“No.” Gavin shook his head, breathing almost under control. “I’ll take my chances with the cat.”
“Okay.” Nines stood. “I’ll be in the living room if you need me.” He turned and began to walk to the door.
Before Nines could reach it, Gavin spoke. “It was about this one night.” He looked up at Nines, wondering if the android knew the level of trust Gavin was showing. “It just makes me feel like I’m back there.”
He paused as Nines came back to sit on the side of the bed where he’d been before.
He took a deep breath. “I was a dumb kid. Dropped out of high school, fell in with some shitheads dealing red ice for a little while. I just . . . I just couldn’t do it. I stopped. And they fucked me up, kicked me out. I’m wandering around the streets of Detroit, bloodied to shit, nowhere to go. Fowler found me. He was on patrol. He just, put me in his car, drove me to a diner. Bought me coffee. Told me I could intern at the DPD for a little while. Have something to do, you know.”
Nines listened patiently, only commenting at the end. “Sounds like a happy ending. Why is it a nightmare?”
Gavin’s eyes turned haunted. “‘Cause every time it replays in my head, he doesn’t show. And I just die out there. Bleeding in the fucking snow and no one cares.”
Nines stood, looking like he was prepared to go back to the living room. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay with you?”
Gavin looked up at him, his face illuminated by the light of the window, and didn’t trust himself to speak. Instead, he just slid over and hoped he understood.
Nines did, his LED glowing yellow in the dark room  as he moved to sit where Gavin had been. He gingerly turned so his cloth-covered back was toward Gavin. The human appreciated the gesture, feeling comfortable and vulnerable enough to extend his hand, palm up, to Nines. The android carefully took it, his synthetic skin retracting but Gavin brushed that off as him offering less skinship.
Gavin’s breathing stuttered slightly but he slowly placed his head on Nines’ shoulder blade and shoulder. He felt Nines rest his head on Gavin’s, the android’s thumb running over the back of the human’s hand.
“If you tell anyone about this, I’ll have you scrapped for parts.” There was no bite to Gavin’s words.
Nines shook his head. “Empty promises,” he said, a smile in his voice.
Timestamp: 57:19
“I think I can help with that.” Nines’ voice came from the doorway.
Chris called his name while Gavin looked on in disbelief. Tina stood by Nines, Gavin was vaguely aware of her trying to get Chris to leave Gavin and Nines alone but he only had eyes for the android.
Nines stepped into the room as the two left. “Distracting yourself with work at two A.M.? Now I know you missed me.”
Gavin’s shock wore off at the playful banter. “You undead asshole. How did you wake up?”
They both approached, almost meeting in the middle of the room, as Nines spoke. “I heard you. Your voice broke through.”
Gavin backed up a few steps even as Nines continued advancing. “Goddammit. You mean you- you- you heard everything I said?”
Nines smiled. “Every word. A force you can’t live without?”
“I . . . hate you.” There was barely any force in his words.
Nines finally reached him, that soft smile still on his face as understanding shone in his eyes. “You love me.”
Gavin looked up at him and their eyes met. He looked down to see Nines’ skin retract on his hand, gently taking it into his own hands. Nines’ other hand came up to cup Gavin’s cheek and draw his gaze back to his face. Gavin closed his eyes, getting used to such tender touches, before opening them and looking at Nines. Then, they were kissing, both putting the emotions they couldn’t put to words into it.
When they broke apart, Gavin panted for a moment before speaking. “What dipshit programmed you to do that?”
Nines laughed, sounding just as out of breath as Gavin felt. “I’m the most advanced android ever made, detective.”
Gavin threw his head back dramatically, Nines’ hand sliding down to his neck. “Oh, you are such a fucking prick.”
“Takes one to know one.” Nines snarked back.
Gavin sniffed, finally noticing what Nines was wearing. “This is my jacket?”
“Yeah, you left it at CyberLife. They didn’t keep my clothes.” He laughed and looked around. “I see you’ve been making progress without me.”
“Yeah, uh. Guess we’ve got some catching up to do.”
Nines didn’t respond, simply leaned down for another kiss.
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Word of Honor - Episode 3 Part 1 - Someone finally eats their damn food
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Why is the rum always gone?
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It’s because you’re an alcoholic, Dear.
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Lucky for you I’m an enabler
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Why y’all gotta drag me into your gross flirting? Disgusting
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Ah don’t worry! I’ll help! I’ll help with anything! Let me be helpful! Please I beg of you!
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I like you. You like me?
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How bout now?
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Don’t you fuckin’ touch me.
I don’t know why but like in just about any context someone smelling their fingers is just a tiny bit gross.
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A beautiful person is beautiful regardless of what life and the world has done to them. An woman made homely by long suffering is no less beautiful than a princess whose hands were made to touch nothing harder than water.
Learn some respect.
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That being said it ain’t life that made you ugly. Take off the damn mask! Let me sneak a peek! ;)
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You couldn’t fucking handle it.
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Oh yeah? Fucking prove it.
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So what’d y’all do to piss off the Ghost Valley? Asking for a friend and I definitely don’t know the answer. I don’t even know who they are. Ghost Valley? That sounds made up.
But what did you do to piss them off?
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I don’t know and honestly I don’t give a FUCK. About anything. Except wine. And sleep. Let me get drunk and go to bed. Please. Rest. I crave rest.
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There’s a weird children’s rhyme floating around *ahem*
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A bunch of sects got their sacred texts stolen and shoved into a cave somewhere 20 years ago and supposedly the knowledge gathered can make you invincible.
Also apparently none of these sects had thought to like... i don’t know... write down a second copy? Or like have a master that actually knows the stuff so they can teach it and pass it down? I guess? I mean I don’t feel like this needed to be so big of a problem.
That being said Zhou ZiShu’s “the fuq” head tilt when Wen KeXing says that it makes people invincible just does it for me. lol Mr Sass Man Like “Press X to Doubt”
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Everyone’s always trying to kill each other over some mystical mcguffin or another.
Get this thing and you’ll live forever. Get that thing and it’ll cure any ailment. Get the other thing and you can destroy all your foes. Blah Blah Blah
Y’all can miss me with that shit.
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Wen KeXing, your mirthless laugh is kinda giving up the ghost on your disguise as it were.
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Ignorant people create their own troubles. And drag innocent others into the squall.
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And I ain’t down for that shit.
Wait I get it! People who suck try to cheat!
And they’re dumb!
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I’m so smrt.
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Stop asking my boy questions you know he doesn’t want to answer.
I love how much Zhou ZiShu tries to protect ChengLing’s boundaries. Like no. He doesn’t want you to treat his wound. He doesn’t want to answer that question. Then by god he’s not going to. He’s old enough to know if he needs help and to make his own decisions so I’m gonna let him. And if you try again I will cut you.
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You can always tell when someone’s a shit manager when they order you to do something you’re already doing as if you hadn’t thought to do it and then pretend that it was their idea all along.
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“Cover the bodies” do you see all these fucking sheets? Do yous ee my hands already covering his ass? Do you see? You cover the fucking bodies you damn layabout!
And then there’s this guy! What happened? Fuckin ghost assassins came in and killed everyone! What the fuck do you think happened?
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It’s sad that y’all lost your sworn brother or something. Like it is. And y’all are making me believe that you’re in pain! And his two kids that really sucks too!
But like...
I don’t know who ANY of y’all are. Like Sucks and all but like... who are you? I’m not emotionally invested in you at ALL. Which makes it real hard to hit that sympathy card in any substantial way right out the gate.
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But Idk. Maybe I’m not supposed to care all that deep? Like maybe you’re just supposed to be all like
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That being said, this guy’s selling it though. He’s really goin for it.
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Hahahahahahahha your friends died and you couldn’t save them. Ha ha. We’re watermelons. :D
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Well fucking duh!
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Hold your blade! For I too am old and here to start shit!
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That being said if y’all could stop antagonizing literally everyone you meet for 5 minutes that would be fantastic.
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What light through yonder window breaks?
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It is the East
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And A-Xu is the sun!
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Are you still staring? BLINK MOTHER FUCKER!!
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I know you hot as fuck you can’t hide from me
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What the fuck dude???
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Whelp I’m out. Still gonna stalk me?
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Oh absolutely
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Eh. Guess it could be worse.
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Heyyyyyyyyyy stop walking away when I’m trying to flirt with you!!! ride my damn boat! i have a boat! Please just get on my damn boatttttttttt
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Alright fine. Play hard to get. I know you like me ;)
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Um if you could wrap up the stupid love-struck staring and let us get a move on that would be greaaaaaaaat.
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That ass will be mine.
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 4 years
The Forgotten - Chapter Five Punishment
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Here is the fifth Installment
Full story here
Warning: Blood, gore, mild torture, mild smut
 Aurora utilized those precious few moments she still had with Leo, running her hands over his face, arms and torso drinking in as much of him as possible, before they came for him. He looked so peaceful lying there, eyes closed, taking even unhurried breaths. Like so many times before when she’d wake before them memorizing every scar and scrute as they dreamed peacefully, another life time, so far away.
 Leaning forward she took her final taste of his lips as the door opened to her room.
Aurora ordered Leonardo’s unconscious body returned to the location they had apprehended him. He couldn’t stay in the base, no matter how bad she wanted to keep him close. Though if and when Donnie returned, the genius would want access to his brothers. But she needed him out of there before he escaped and gave away their location to Bishop’s troops. Her first priority was to the people here, if their safe haven was compromised everything would be lost.
 As they hoisted Leonardo onto the cart, Casey stepped in front of Aurora insisting the kunoichi didn’t accompany them. Her first reaction was to object but after a few moments she reluctantly agreed. At this moment she was too emotional, she could change her mind and go get him. So, she added not to be informed of the drop site.
 She watched them prep him for transport; sound canceling headphones were put over his ears set to an annoying brand of music and his eyes covered with dark fabric. Before the hood was pulled over his green crown Aurora bent down cupping his cheeks to gather his warmth in her palms.
 “You have an hour to get him there and get clear before the pressure points wear off. It usually takes a few hours on a human, but the mutagen helps him recover faster, his muscles don’t hold the pressure as long. Don’t stop; don’t engage any hostiles, especially his brothers if you encounter them. Get in and get out.”
 They left with the leader a few minutes later and with a huff Aurora sat down on the edge of her bed. Her hands ran back into the messy sheets finding them still a little damp from their tryst. She suddenly had an insatiable need to smell him again. Crawling onto the mattress her face ran over the sheets taking in his scent that still lingered there. She had touched them all except for Michelangelo today. But she knew when Leo returned home and the youngest found he was the last to leave his scent on her Mikey would rectify that rather quickly.
 Wrapping the blankets still thick with Leonardo’s scent around her, Aurora closed her eyes and found slumber quick to take its hold. Leo’s face flush with pleasure was the last thing she thought of before she fell asleep.
 She slept for several uninterrupted hours cocooned in their memories and smell. It wasn’t until a soft tapping at her door that finally woke her from sleep. Her voice groggy and sleep laden allowed entrance into her room.
 The heavy door opened slowly and April came into focus as her eyes adjusted to the hallway light from the doorway. In her hand was a plate and the wondrous smell of bacon filled the large space.
 “Rise and shine sugar tits. Casey scored some bacon on his way home last night; I thought you’d enjoy some.”
 “That big beautiful idiot, it’s about time he made himself useful.” Sitting up in her bed Aurora’s hands rose above her head to stretch out the sore muscles in her body. “God I think it’s been a year since I’ve had some.” Accepting the plate Aurora bit down on a still hot slab of pork. The salty goodness burst with flavor coating her tongue delightfully and Aurora’s eyes rolled into the back of her head. “Fuck, that’s delicious and you made it crispy just the way I like it. You do care….”
 “Most days……”
 “Bitch…” Aurora laughed slipping the rest of the piece in her mouth. “How long have I been out?”
 “Ten hours, but you needed it. If it wasn’t for this pipin hot pig and a lead to follow I’d order you to stay in bed a few more. But alas duty calls, I need that fine ass up, showered and in the war room in 30 minutes.” April leaned down to Aurora and pressed a quick kiss to her forehead.
 “Ok mother.”
 “Don’t sass me little lady. You’re lucky I don’t ground you after last night’s debacle.”
 “You would have done the same.”
 “Touché, I’m just glad no one was killed. He could have easily cleaned house last night. I think if you weren’t here last night it would have been a completely different outcome.”
 “I agree, sadly.”
 April stopped at the door and turned back around to face her friend; her face held the seriousness of the situation but as their eyes met April’s lips curled just a little with mischief. “For…..reasons…..how was it?”
 “Heartbreakingly good.”
 “I’m glad but I’m sorry at the same time.”
 The hot spray of the shower was usually a relief to Aurora, the warmth seeping into her tired muscles and washing away her daily tasks. But the thought of washing away the evidence of Leonardo’s visit was excruciating. What had transpired was dangerous, he had nearly killed her the last time they met, but she could see it in his eyes. He was a desperate man and she gambled with her life, it was stupid but she needed it as much as Leo did….maybe more. That piece he shared was just a taste of what she had been missing all these years. People would think it selfish and maybe it was but what miserable existence they had. All that they had given up, no promise of life with each mission, a little happiness was due every once in a while, no matter how short lived it was. For all she knew she would never see them again.
 Finished with her shower Aurora pulled on fresh clothes and headed out to the war room anxious to hear about the new lead that was found.
  The warmth of her was gone, but as he came to the scent remained strong and evident on his flesh. Taking a deep breath Leo tried to sooth the swimming headache throbbing in his skull. She really did know how to adjust the pressure points on their bodies taking in account of the shells on their backs. Curiouser and curiouser, each time they had an encounter with that woman……Aurora, things seemed to become more confusing yet more clear. If that was possible, someone was lying that he was certain but was his master or the woman who was driving him and his brothers insane? But right now he had bigger problems.
 He had woken up where he had laid his trap. A carefully planned scheme he had worked on for months down the drain because of that woman. That infuriatingly beautiful woman, she really did have some sort of hold on him. Maybe there was truth her to lies, she said something was in him? What did she mean by that?
 Stumbling to his feet Leo began his trek back to main headquarters and Leonardo was not looking forward to reporting his failure to Bishop. The man did not take failure well; his tolerance was paper thin but Leonardo rarely came back with bad news so there was hope…..perhaps. The rebel base was supposed to be overrun with his brothers and Bishop’s men by now. If he hadn’t been weak and sought out the blonde, his mission would have been successful. Her name even if not spoken out loud had a profound effect on the leader. Leo’s heart tightened and his insides spun with an unknown feeling. A feeling that took control of him as he searched for the vexing woman’s room in their base and claimed her in her ridiculously large bed. It could easy fit him and his brothers along with her……like it was meant for them all.
 A sudden vision of Raphael, Mike, and him with another turtle wrapped around Aurora sent his head spinning and his chest constricting in unimaginable pain. It intensified as he focused on the fourth mutant turtle he had never seen before but somehow looked familiar. Purple was wrapped around his skull and he was taller than them all, for some reason he knew he was a genius. Brother? Another heart stopping shot of pain surged through his chest and Leo toppled onto his knees clutching at his harness as he struggled to breath.
 What was that, a memory? Why did it hurt so much? Holding his labored breathing Leo closed his eyes and cleared his mind until the pain passed allowing him to stand and resume his return to base.
 The moment he entered into their home base both Raphael and Michelangelo were on him.
 “Where the fuck have you been? You were supposed to call us hours ago!”
 Leonardo ignored his hothead brothers’ questions pushing past him to make his way towards their shared quarters. He was not in the mood, but Leo should have known Raphael was not one to be ignored. His brother’s large mitt encircled his arm and yanked him to a halt.
 “Fuck you if you think you’re gonna pull the silent leader bullshit today. Despite your failure to inform us of the rebels base Mike and I were fuckin worried.” Raphael whipped his older brother around to look into his eyes. He wanted a fuckin explanation. “You were supposed to get ‘caught’ and taken to their base to escape then tell us where ya were so we could overtake them………” Raphael’s nostrils flared, and his line of questions halted abruptly. The grip on his brother’s arm intensified as his eyes dilated with realization.
 Leo winced at the increasing pressure and tensed further feeling his youngest brother get closer scenting the air as well.
 “Ya bro, what kept you?”
 Raphael leaned in close almost pressing his beak to his brother’s plastron and took in a long pull of air. Then something unexpected happened, his hothead brother pulled away with is mouth open wide in a toothy grin and started to cackle. It was a deep sound that started in the depths of his chest.  “You botched the mission for a piece of blondie?!”  The barreling laughter began to rise. “This is fuckin rich! Mr. Self-control couldn’t keep it in his pants to finish the mission.”
 Mikey hit Raph in the shoulder trying to pull him away from Leo, “Shut up Raph. If Bishop hears that he’ll….”
 Refusing to give Raph the satisfaction of acknowledging his weakness for the woman Leo ripping his arm free and pushed past him but stopped in his tracks nearly running into his master.
 Bishop though smaller than the three brothers stood with such confidence the mutants stepped back falling into line on instinct. The dark shades that sat upon his nose was adjusted and his suit jacket opened with a flick of his thumb and forefinger. “Is this true Leonardo? Did you fail in your mission over the blonde commander?”
 The usually stoic leader’s head fell unable to look Bishop in the eye. “Master, I went to her chambers to subdue her. She is a formidable fighter, but I have a weakness for the woman that I cannot comprehend. I am drawn to her and she welcomes it. I lost myself in her and she took full advantage rendering me unconscious. I will not fail you again Master.”  
 A heavy sigh came from the man as he took his sunglasses from this nose ridge to clean them. “I am disappointed in you Leonardo. You, out of your brothers are the most disciplined and to let a mere woman take you from your mission makes me question your loyalty to me. Was I wrong to give you the highest command in my army?”
 “No Bishop, you were not. I….”
 Bishop cut him off moving past the leader to his younger brothers. “You see Leonardo, when you are the leader; you hold the lives of your men in your hands. The responsibility of the mission, of your success rests on those large shoulders of yours.” Bishop moved around Michelangelo to Raphael. “You see, I chose you. Because I knew you could handle the pressure, but I am aware you are still human….so to speak. You are not without your flaws, but you see, there has to be consequences to your actions.”
 Leonardo did not like the way Bishop was circling his brothers eyeing them like they were prey, “Yes, I am fully prepared to receive my punishment Master.”
 “And receive you shall.” Bishop’s hand reached for the top of Raphael’s shoulder and pulled. “On your knees Raphael. You and your brother are going to help me show your leader what happens when he disappoints me.”
 Honeyed eyes met blue, weary of what was happening, but Raphael swallowed the rising lump in his throat obeying his superior sinking slowly to his knees. “Master Bishop, Leo isn’t the only one distracted by her. Mike and I…..” The man’s hand squeezed painfully into the muscle of his shoulder making the brute wince.
 “Quiet Raphael, know your place.” His hands moved to his glasses and pulled them free of his face and folded them carefully placing them into his jacket pocket. “Your team is small, so the effects of your decisions affect them more, but you ultimately suffer the most.” Bishop leaned down wrapping his long fingers around the hilt of Raphael’s long blade strapped to his side. Slowly he removed the blade from its sheath and rested the business end against the scales of his red banded brother’s arm.
 Leo’s brother instincts kicked in and moved forward to protect his brother. He wanted to reach for his katanas, Bishop was their Master, their commander, their savoir but right now he was threatening the only two people he loved on this miserable planet.
 “Unless you wish for their punishment to be far worse, I suggest you stay where you are Leonardo. And if your brothers do not wish for this to happen to you, I hope they do the same. You need to be taught a lesson Leo; no deed goes unpunished.”
 Movement halted but his senses were still on high alert. Leo’s hands clenched into tight fists and his eyes locked with Raph as his green scales gave way to the sharp metal of his own blade. The tip sunk into the dense tissue and began its decent down the deltoid drawing a steady river of crimson in its wake. “Please, not my brothers, I’ll take this, it’s for me and my failings not theirs. They weren’t even there!” Leo voice had risen in pitch watching Raphael groan in agony but stayed where he was told.
 “That would be too easy, you are self-sacrificing Leonardo so taking this pain, this punishment would not heed the lesson. But if you witnessed your loved ones suffer this, it would be engrained in your memory a constant reminder not to fail me again.”
 “I’m fine fearless, I can take it.” Raphael tried his best not to make a sound while the blade began to carve through the thick muscle of his bicep. His nostrils flared trying to regulate his breathing. Something he was taught..by….not Bishop…..but by who? His mind began to scream at him adding to the excruciating pain radiating through his arm. Raph closed his eyes taking in heavy uneven breaths and a hoard of rats swarmed his vision.
 Bishop paid no attention to Raphael keeping his sight solely on the panicking leader. “You did this, you did this to him. You three are beasts, unworthy of love. You actually think that woman truly cares for you….FOR ANY OF YOU! She is a kunoichi, a deceitful vile whore trying to wear you down, gain your trust so she can find me to kill me.” The blade pulled from Raphael’s flesh with a sickening sound and Bishop thrust the tip into the exposed side of Raphael’s body between his plastron and shell. Almost instantly he began to drag the blade down opening up a large weeping gash in Raphael’s’ side.
 This time Raphael gasped in pain letting out a breathless growl, “F..uh….uck.”
 “You are nothing without me, I am all you have. If it wasn’t for me you would have been put down in the labs I found you in! I spared your lives, ME! I gave you purpose!  The rebels only want information from you nothing more. You are freaks; monsters and they will kill you the first chance they get.”
 Gritting his teeth watching his brother in pain Leo kept the fact the rebels had done no such thing. The only thing they threatened was to take him to R&D and remove what was ‘inside of him’. None of them had looked scared or even disgusted by his appearance.
 Blood was now pooling at the brute’s feet slipping down his green flesh like a waterfall.
 “That’s enough!” Leo couldn’t take it anymore. The look on Raph’s face was cutting into his soul squeezing his heart to the point of him unable to pull in a full breath.  
Bishop’s eyes darkened at the challenge put after a few never ending moments he pulled the knife free turning to Michelangelo to continue his ‘lesson’.
 Not to be outdone by Raph, Mikey held his ground ready to take his part in all of this. Planting his feet the youngest stood tall but soon found the solid walls of his brothers in front of him an impenetrable force keeping Bishop and his punishment far from their little brother.
 Leo growled at Bishop holding the bloody knife that was just inside his brother’s side a few moments ago. “I said that is enough. You’re point was well taken.”
 It took their master a few agonizing moments to come up with a decision whether to punish them further or concede. He took a fresh cloth from his breast pocket and wiped the crimson from the knife and held it back out to its owner for retrieval. “Very well, but next time Michelangelo will get it much worse than Raphael did…..much worse. I tire of these games the resistance plays. I want this over with. I want that base found and those three commanders caught and executed. They have caused us too much trouble. They need to be made an example.” Bishop watched Leo’s eyes darken with defiance further but remained where he was. “Do we have a problem with those orders Leonardo?”
 Raphael and Michelangelo watched their brothers hands tense at his sides and his back straighten. “No.” Leo ground out darkly. “I will personally make sure those orders are carried out.”
 “Good, I will not tolerate failure again.” And with that Bishop left leaving the three brothers alone.
 After the hallway was clear Raphael finally stumbled into Leonardo’s arms. Mikey quickly came up to the other side of his brother helping Leo brace his immense weight. “Fuck Leo, I hope it was worth it.”
 Leo adjusted his brothers’ weight and pressed his palm into the weeping gash doing his best to slow the flow. “It was…enlightening, and don’t throw stones Raphael. You know full well if you were given the chance you would have took part in her body without hesitation. Now let’s get out of the hallway and to our quarters. We need to tend to your wounds.”
 Without any word of protest all three made their way to their shared room. When they had been brought to this facility after Bishop and his men had freed them from a secret lab doing tests on animals, they were each offered up their own rooms. Something deep inside them found the thought unpleasant and asked to be housed together. They had even moved their beds together finding comfort in each other’s warmth. Like they had been sleeping close years prior.
 Carefully they set Raphael down on a chair in their living quarters and Mikey began to address his wounds. Leo brought over their med kit and pulled out the tools Mike would need and left to fetch something to flush the gash with to clean and disinfect it.
 Returning to his brother’s Leo handed Mikey the supplies and assisted with keeping Raph’s steady for treatment.  
 Raphael finally broke the silence eyeing Leo suspiciously. “You really gonna kill her?”
  The war room was empty except for Casey who was sitting on the edge of large table in the middle of the room. His booted feet swung slightly as the dark haired man cleaned out from beneath his nails still unaware of her presence.
 “April would be fuckin pissed if she saw you doing that in here.”
 Casey yelped dropping the small knife from his fingers to grab his shuttering chest. “Jesus Christ, you’re gonna give me a heart attack! I need to get a bell on you!”
 Aurora giggled hearing him whisper ‘fuckin ninja’s’ under his breath as he slipped from his perch to grab his lost blade. She moved into the room and took his spot crossing one leg over the other. “Then I wouldn’t be effective now would I?”Her fingers reached down to her knee high boots and straightened the seam to lean back to watch her friend. “She said you had something for me, and by the lack of backup I can assume it’s not for everyone’s ears.”  
 Flipping his knife closed Casey shoved it back into his pocket. He turned away from Aurora, took a few steps to the white board and stopped. She watched his shoulders lift with a few deep breaths and he turned around with a very sheepish grin plastered on his face.
 “I did somethin’ stupid..”
 “This isn’t something new Case, I love ya kid but you’re as unpredictable and careless as Raph. That’s why you two were best fuckin pals. Why don’t you tell me what you did and we’ll go from there?”
 Casey moved quick until he was just in front her and his palms were on her knees squeezing with enthusiasm. His eyes were now ablaze with excitement and he licked his lips. “I followed him….well to a certain extent.”
 There was only one person he could have followed, but the moron wouldn’t have been that stupid? Right? April would have skinned him alive. “Who did you follow?” her voice was a whisper hoping she was wrong but her intuition knew better.
 “Leo, I followed him for about a half an hour, hoping I could at least get a general direction of Bishop’s base.”
 His hands came up resting on her shoulders, “Wait, wait, …hear me out. He was still groggy when he woke up, stumbling, holding his head. So I figured I’d watch him as he went. I know him; known him for half my life so I know when he’s out of sorts and when he’s not. I followed him until he wasn’t walking funny and he quit holding his left shoulder. When I noticed he was more aware of his surroundings I backed off. At least I had a direction, we needed something Aurora, I took the opportunity. We need to find that base.”
 Aurora pushed him away and jumped from the table. She began to pace, “You idiot….I….I know what you did was for the cause and I appreciate it. But Casey he’s the best, you were so fucking lucky he didn’t know you were following him. He could have captured you, tortured you.”
 “Hey, I ain’t weak, I’d never give up the base…..ever.”
 “I know Case, but the end result would still be your death.” Aurora turned back to face Casey and he looked a little hurt. “I’m sorry, I know you were doing what was needed. I just……I just don’t know what I’d do if I lost you….April…..” she could feel the tears brim and settle into the corner of her eyes. “You two are the… last….my family.”
 “I know I know, April was pissed too but I had too. This was too good of an opportunity to let it pass by. It’s been nearly 10 years of this god damn war and we’re losing and I know you know this. Each day we lose more and more people to Bishop’s hold. So any edge, anything at all was worth the risk.”
 Wiping a stray tear free Aurora let out a long sigh and gathered Casey into an embrace.
 Then a new voice broke them from their moment, “He’s an idiot but…he did good.”
 Both Aurora and Casey looked up to see April standing in the door way.
 “He spent all night trying to narrow it down. He thinks he might know where they are. But we need to make sure before we go in. Casey is good but inconspicuous he is not. We need someone to go in and confirm the location. Someone quiet, someone who can slip in and slip out without being noticed. Avoid detection, which means recon only, you hear me?”  
 Aurora slapped her hands over Casey’s cheeks and pressed them together, “Where should this ninja go for said mission?” she pressed closer giving Casey fish lips which he worked playfully.
 “Rockefeller State Park Reserve.”
The evening air had cooled enough to ease the uncomfortable thickness in the air; if it wasn’t for the task at hand it might have been a good night to watch the stars. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky leaving the stars glittering like diamonds.
 Aurora had ditched her bike a mile before she had entered the reserve and continued on foot. Keeping mostly to the trees she moved soundlessly searching the acreage for any sign that Bishop’s base was close.
 They had never thought to search state parks, thinking the madman would find it too difficult to build his compound in the middle of nowhere. But he was a stubborn man and if anyone could make it work Bishop would find away if it kept him hidden from prying eyes of his enemies.
 It took hours to search, but what a peaceful evening it was. The frogs and bugs were creating a wonderful symphony that echoed throughout the forest floor. Even a few lightening bugs were out flashing across the long grass trying to find a mate.
 As she moved through the forest it began to get thicker, the foliage getting denser and then something caught her eye. The moonlight caught the refection of something and Aurora moved back into the shadows pulling out her binoculars.
 Zooming in she saw something that didn’t belong in a park reserve, a motion sensor.
 “Now we’re onto something….” Climbing higher she disappeared into the foliage concealing her presence further and moved forward her senses now on high alert. As she got closer more sensors popped up with the addition of cameras. Soon men with guns began to come into play and that’s when Aurora knew she was on the right track.
 “Good boy Casey, good boy.”
 Then she saw it, a large compound hidden in the park surrounded by a large fence littered with armed men swarming the grounds. “Oh goodie.” She mused watching a guard cross below her unawares of the danger looming above them. “Fresh meat.”
 With no sound made Aurora dropped down on her prey finding luck was on her side catching a female guard and rendered her neutralized. She stripped the woman of her clothes and ID badge and quickly hoisted the woman into the tree to conceal her work. Pulling on her clothes assuming her identity Aurora pulled the brimmed cap down and made her way to her next task.
 The shadows concealed her perfectly as she scaled the fence with ease. She waited for the flood lights to move past before she dropped down into the inner grounds of the base. A passing truck served as a shield bringing to a side door and with her stolen ID badge she was allowed entrance.
 Keeping her head down she disappeared into the crowd following them into what looked like a mess hall. There were many tables filled to the brim with brain washed New Yorkers. All oblivious to their predicament following orders of a man they once fought against. She needed to keep moving, she needed to make sure this was the place, she needed a visual, she needed to see Bishop, or one of them. They would be in the same facility as Bishop; he would want to keep them close.  
 Moving away from the loud space Aurora made her way down another hall searching for her target, keeping an eye out for those god damn sun glasses and that well tailored suit, pompous asshole. Soldiers, doctors, and what looked like civilian men and woman littered the halls. Waves and waves of people came, this was a busy place, very important no doubt.
She needed to be quick though, the longer she was there the more chances there was to be seen, exposed, and even captured.  Then green, large striking green and orange came from the distance. The youngest came striding down the hall, an unpleasant frown plastered over his face, jackpot, she had found it.
 As the crowd parted for the determined terrapin like the red sea Aurora’ saw his massive mitts covered in blood. Whose blood was that? He looked very upset and stressed. Her happy ray of sunshine looked so angry and she fucking hated it. Wanted to run up to him and kiss him, make him smile she even had to refrain from calling out to him. It hurt to hold it in, hold in his name. It turned bitter on her tongue and it swirled around the remaining saliva on her palette to wash the anger from her mouth.
 Then she watched his stride hesitate. He slowed and his nostrils flared as he neared her position. His dull blue eyes widened, brightened, his current mood momentarily forgotten he began to search the crowd frantically.
 Jesus fucking Christ those god damn mutant noses, he had smelt her! A flawless entry and she was compromised by their over achieving mutant senses.
 “God damnit.”
 She had to think quickly, she needed to disappear before he followed that god damn nose like a fucking blood hound.
 As luck would have it a man wearing an ungodly amount of cologne walked up next to her. She reacted quickly and shimmied up to him batting her violet eyes and smiled.
 “Helloo.” Her hand reached for his chest adjusting his name tag so she could read it. “Mattson…I’m new here and you look like a man who knows where things are.” Her hands ran over his chest to his shoulders keeping her proximity close to keep him interested.  “Would you be willing to show me where the mess hall is. I’m starving.” Her hands ran down his arms trying to get as much of the reeking scent of his over compensation all over her hands. Anything to mask her natural scent, to throw Mikey off her trail.
 The man looked Aurora over and his smiled widened enjoying the intimate contact. “Sure thing sweetie, I can show you whatever you want.” His arm snaked around her low back and he pulled her closer.
 As she pulled him away from Mikey’s last know location, down a different corridor both of them were grabbed.
 “I heard this one needed a tour, I’d be more than happy to show you around blondie. I can get you into far more places than he can.” Mikey was leaning down practically lapping at her ear. Fuck, fuck, fuck…..
 “Oh I’m sure he can show me around, it’s ok I don’t wanna bother you, you look important.”
 “Oh no, no bother at all and I insist. I’ll take it from here Mattson.”
 The man looked terrified as he pried himself away from the two and high tailed it down the hall leaving Aurora in Mikey’s clutches.
 “Not smart.” Mikey growled nuzzling into the back of her hair while pushing her towards a door.
 She didn’t struggle; Michelangelo wasn’t drawing attention to her to out her presence  so she didn’t either. His beak was pressed into her hair taking in deep breaths, his grip was secure but not too tight, she would easily be able to break free but something told her to follow his lead.
 Allowing him to usher then into what looked like an unused office, she turned when Mike pushed her into the room and quickly locked the door behind them.  
 There he stood, full height; the shortest of his three brothers but Mikey still had an impressive stature. Just as bulky as Raphael but not as tall. The dullness in his eyes was gone, vibrant baby blue hues swirled in his irises as he took her in, up and down. He gawked hungrily, mouth open in a wicked smile.
 “M-mike.” She whined suddenly finding it difficult to breath. That fucking look was devouring her whole. “Say something…do something.”
 He moved quicker then she had remembered him able and found herself pressed up against the wall with a brutal shove. The back of her head clacked with the dry wall pushing a huff from between her lips which was quickly silenced by his mouth. Mikey slanted his lips over hers plunging his board tongue into the warm cavern of her mouth still hung open from shock.
 The thought was to fight back, to push him away but that god damn mouth of his, that tongue swept away any and all resistance that remained in her head. God he was good and tasted even better, pure bliss.
 He must have felt her melt into him because the deep rumble that emanated from his chest vibrated into her chest as his reached down to grab hand fulls of her ass. Her hands moved around his thick shoulders grasping wildly at his bald dome, more, More, MORE!
 Mikey’s mouth separated from hers with a wet pop and descended down her throat nipping and sucking at the flesh growling and groaning like a wild beast.
 “Mikey….” Her words breathless as his hands cupped her backside squeezed at the plump flesh in his palms spreading her cheeks.
 “Again.” He mewled against her throat cooling the saliva spread across her flesh.
 She obliged willingly giving him his full name, “Michelangelo.”
 “Unngghh fuck yesssss…..” He lunged forward and his teeth sunk into her neck as he began to grind his titanium hard cock along her clothed core.
 “God Mike I miss you.”
 “Do you?” his breathing was labored as he tried to keep his cool but was failing miserably. He rocked his hips again mesmerized by the friction.
 “Every day, since he took you and your brothers from me.”
 One hand relinquished its hold from her ass and his finger drug along her hip lining the top of her pants before slipping below. He smiled against her throat finding no underwear beneath. It gave him better access as his thick digit parted the swollen folds sinking into the accommodating heat it sought.
 “Did you enjoy Leo last night?” he husked sinking his finger deep hooking it to gain a gasp from his prey.
 Aurora arched into his hand clawing at his shoulders as he hit the section of nerves at the top of her snapping cunt. “Mikey!”
 Mikey pressed the spot again leaning into her ear as his voice dropped an octave. “Did you?”
 “Yesss, I did. It had been so long, it hurt a little. I miss taking you too Mike, Raph too. I miss your tongue, your laugh, your cooking….arghhh…ahh…..fuck!” true to form Michelangelo was the best with his hands. The talented little shit always knew how to bring her to a shuttering climax the quickest compared to his brothers and just with his fingers. And today was no exception; she could feel it rushing through her blood, lighting up her central nervous system setting her ablaze with need.
 He worked that finger inside her swirling the pad of his finger over and over making sweet grunting moans in her ear. His sounds always got her going, bringing her closer to her peak quicker.
 “Can you cum for me?”
 Just then his thumb gathered the moister from her core and circled with the right amount pressure against the soft pearl at the hood of her sex and Aurora gave way. If it wasn’t for his hold on her Aurora would have collapsed as she toppled over into her climax. Her body clenched around his finger gaining a groan from the youngest.
  “That’s it, cum for me. Good girl.”  
  She began to shake as he helped prolong her climax repeating the stimulating motion rocking his finger in and out of her. Then he pulled her ear lobe into his mouth and sucked gently as he slowed his motions allowing her to finally come down.
  As the last of her climax subsided Michelangelo pulled his drenched fingers from her body and brought them to his mouth. Keeping eye contact the terrapin slipped them into his mouth and sucked them clean. His eyes closed as he savored the taste swirling his tongue to get the last trace of her essence. “Even better than I had imagined.” Slowly he moved forward brushing his lips against the shell of her ear and whispered. “I have a birthmark.” 
  A test, but she knew what he was talking about, so intuitive, smart. She tried to calm her breathing, Mikey was intense when he wanted. “Your left ass cheek, I always told you it looked like a slice of watermelon. I always enjoyed chewing on it when you laid on your stomach after a shower. That ass makes the perfect set of bongo drums. ”
  He stopped moving and pulled back, his eyes were wide with surprise and Mikey let out a long breath.  “I want to remember, I really do. But you need to get going though; he can’t know you’ve been here. Please hurry, he’s ordered Leo to kill you.”  @imthegreenfairy88 @tmntspidergirl​ @ravn-87​ @alonia143​ @blossom-skies​  
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Y’all, I was just listening to the Miley Cyrus Key of Awesome parody and the lyrics sung between her and the dude playing Billy Ray at the end are TOTALLY AN ALUCARD AND SERAS INTERACTION! And no, I didn’t edit a single thing (except replacing Daddy with Master). These are the exact lyrics (except I didn’t add the USA part)
Seras: “Get out Master, or else I’m gonna pound you!”
Alucard: “Don’t you sass me, I can still ground you! For getting that dumb Sharon Stone hairdo. And I heard you were dating a French dude. Wheeeere is he?”
Seras: “Stop, Master!”
Alucard: “I’ll kill you, bastard!”
Seras: “Stop, Master!”
Alucard: “Die!”
Seras: “He’s my boyfriend, I love him!”
Alucard: “French fry guy! *stomps him*
Seras: “I hate you!”
Alucard: *fuckin’ eats the guy.* “Tasty.”
39 notes · View notes
finn-ray-nal-beads · 4 years
Flip as Barry Gib for Halloween... your thoughts?
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A/N: @maybe-your-left thoughts? I have several... since you’ve asked. I hope ya like it, Kitten 😉. BTW for those who don’t know who Barry Gib is: Lead singer of the Bee-Gees and the song Stayin’ Alive is their most popular hit of the 70′s. 
Warnings: Sub/Dom slurs, Alpha mentions, creampies, cum eating, slight choking, tit slapping, purple nurples (yes I used a Chowder reference thank you), smut in general, Flip is a total Dom, we are total switch, it’s all disco to me baby, playful married banter, slight fluff at the end 
“You want me to what?” Flip scratched his goatee as you were putting the finishing touches on your makeup for the evening. 
“You’re gonna wear these platforms and costume to the party with me,” you popped your lip gloss together, scraping the sides so your lips looked extra shiny and pouted. 
“Platforms?” he chuckled at the thought of it, “sweetheart, I ain’t wearin’ these,” he lifted the white boots to examine their contents as if drugs would fall out of them at any moment. 
“Ummm,” you carefully placed your lash on your right eye, “yes, you are babe,” smoothing it out so it lined up naturally with your other lashes. 
“And why the fuck would I do that, honey,” he dropped them on the floor, lighting a cigarette to keep himself from grouching even more than he already was. 
“Because if you want ANY of this,” you gestured to your bread and butter, “then you’ll do it. Also because you love me unconditionally.” 
He snickered again huffing out a plume of smoke, “is that fuckin’ so?” taking huge steps into the shared bathroom, pressing his large figure into your bent-over backside, “last time I checked, baby doll, I was in charge of things around here.” 
Whispering into your ear, causing a shiver to run up your spine, and goosebumps to form all over your body, “well, it’s Halloween, babycakes,” making yourself as tall as possible, turning around and plucking the lit cigarette from his lips and taking a huge drag, “so roles are kinda reversed for the time being,” smirking as you exhaled the plume from your perfect lips.
“You will do it,” ashing out the butt in the sink, “and you WILL like it,” inching into his open lips, leaving a little peck as you noticed the bulge forming in his jeans. 
Snaking your arm around and patting his ass, “now, get ready, we’re gonna be late, cowboy,” you smiled bright, turning back around to survey yourself in the mirror before moving into the bedroom to put the rest of your ensemble on.  
Flip stood in the bathroom, in utter shock at your forwardness, holding in a breath and looking at himself in the mirror. He’d never been talked to so… harshly before. 
He gathered his pride to walk back into the bedroom, watching you hunched over the bed placing the god-awful shoes on your pretty feet. 
Like the good boy, he was, got dressed in everything but the shoes, staring them down as if they’d disappear to which he’d be grateful for. 
“Baby,” you sang into the room, “are ya ready?” jogging into the OK Corral staredown taking place in your master. 
“Honey,” he whined at you, “I-I don’t wanna wear these stupid things,” huffing and puffing at everything about them. 
“Now, what did I say?” as if speaking to a child. He groaned out as he moved to put the disastrous hooves on his large feet, “I know, I know.” 
Rolling his eyes and standing up to a height he never knew he could achieve, “look at my handsome Barry!” pandering and tugging at the necklace hanging into his open-chested shirt. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he pecked your forehead, “let’s get outta here before I change my fuckin’ mind.” 
“Let’s go boogie, babe!” you giddily smiled pulling him out the door, to the truck. 
The bar was chalked full of ghouls, goblins, witches, and demons as the both of you meandered to fetch some drinks. Flip towered over the crowd in the heels he wore, so getting the attention of the bartender was easier than usual. With drinks in hand, you went to find your group of friends to start the night off. 
“Well, howdy there Zimmermans!” a familiar voice chimed out, “lookin’ groovy Flip!” a chorus of chuckles and whistles followed as the faces came into view. 
“I know doesn’t my husband look so damn handsome,” petting his chest again as he gave you a death stare. 
“Very!” Ron chuckled lowly, sending Flip’s gaze to burn holes into his chest, “watch your fuckin’ mouth, Rookie.”
Grabbing his beer from his grip, “stop it, Phil, he’s only trying to be funny,” placing them on the group table, “let’s go dance for a minute, honey,” pulling his lumbering figure to the disco lights as the last song faded out. 
You both stand there a minute amongst the crowd waiting for the DJ to spin another tune. All of a sudden, the beat to Stayin’ Alive comes on full blast, and you immediately turn towards your lumberjack in an ecstatic holler. He recants with an eye roll and spins you around a few times before the both of you join the rhythm with your hips and grind on each other like teenagers at a party. 
The final chorus fades out, both of you sweaty and all kinds of hot and bothered, turn to each other and lock lips like it was the first time you’d ever kissed. 
Your tongues dancing in and out of one another, teeth clanking on teeth, if there hadn’t been so many people around you’d hear the suctioning and moaning reverberate on the walls. 
“Bathroom. Now,” he pulls off of you, heading towards the destination with you dragging behind like a lost puppy. 
The second lock is turned in the claustrophobic and dimly lit restroom, he’s on you, caging you in like an escaped animal. 
“You think you can get away with talkin’ tough to me,” he snarled into your ear, rubbing your mound as you brace yourself on the sink, “you forgot who I am to you I guess.” 
Hissing in your ear as the tingling in your spine grew to a full blaze, “well I’ll remind you little whore,” inching another large hand to grip onto your tits with as much force as possible, pinching the sensitive nipple until it was almost bleeding. 
You let out a cry in pleasure as he kept pinching, “who am I to you?” growling at your pain, “use your fuckin’ words slut.” 
You winced as he brought the other hand to grip your other tit, doing the same motions in tandem, making your back arch off the porcelain. 
“Y-you’re my alpha!” you screamed as he twisted even harder on the sensitive buds, “that’s fuckin’ right, honey,” reveling in your pain as your lips dropped open in a huge gasp. 
His primal instincts ripped the jumpsuit you had worn to shreds on the bathroom floor, leaving you completely bare to him. 
“You fuckin’ slut,” he tsked pulling his zipper down and releasing his monster cock from his bellbottoms, “wearin’ nothin’ at all underneath that lil’ number huh? That’s strike two.” 
He chuckled, “bend over on the sink, I’m gonna fuck you so hard, everyone is this bar is gonna know who you belong to.” 
You turned around slightly bending over to get your footing with your platforms, going too slow for Flip’s taste. Gripping the back of your neck, forcing you down just enough so he could line his cock up with your wetness that had formed. 
“Naughty lil’ pussy is so eager for me, huh,” he mused, slipping in his angry cock, inching it in as your walls swallowed it like a good little kitty. 
Once he bottomed out, he wrapped one hand on your throat, pulling you flush with him, and the other in a bruising grip on your hip. Thrusting up into you as you moaned on his cock, gripping your tits for support. 
“Look at you,” his lust blown eyes, gazing at your writhing in the mirror, “so fuckin’ eager for my cock.” 
Your eyes opened to view his member pummeling your squelched entrance in the mirror, “fuck, Phil,” beyond words as you watched your man take you in the bathroom. 
“You want me to fill this whore cunt up?” panting between thrusts as they became more erratic watching your movements in the mirror, “make you sit in it the rest of the night?” 
Just then he moved his hands to push away your grip on your tits, massaging them with his own and then slapping the skin as hard as he could, “You’re all mine, Y/N.” 
He returned both hands to your hips as you slightly bent over. The new angle allowing him to pillage your hole with the most fervor he could muster. 
“All. Fuckin’. Mine,” he grunted out causing your walls to flutter, as you neared your climax. He reached his right hand to circle your aching clit, causing a chorus of moans and cries from your perfectly glossed lips. 
“You gonna cum for me, honey?” he sped up his movements, causing the tingling to spread throughout your abdomen. You rolled your eyes as you came hard on his huge cock, gasping his name out in a chant as he coaxed you through it. 
“That’s my good girl,” he mewled as his hand left your center, returning to your hip as he picked up his own pace towards his release. Your walls closing in and out on him sending him into a state of complete ecstasy as he released his spend into you. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” he panted out as he dumped the last of his seed into your gaping hole, pulling out to see the leakage seep from your pretty little slit. 
“So full of me,” he scooped the mixture causing you to turn around and face him, opening your mouth in submission. 
“Good girl,” he stuffed his thick fingers into you, watching your lips close and suck on the concoction you’d both made. Pulling them out to watch you swallow the rest of it, patting you bare ass when you’d shown him your empty mouth again. 
“God, I love you,” he pulled you flush to him, kissing the sweat sheened on your skin, smelling your scent. You wrapped your arms around his midsection, “I love you too, honey,” kissing his chest and then his lips as he bent low to meet you. 
“Happy Halloween, Barry,” pushing him off of you in a chuckle and grabbing your jumpsuit from the floor, “we should head back out there. I wanna dance a little bit more, please?” 
“Anything for you honey,” he smiled, helping you zip the suit back on, “as long as you don’t fuckin’ sass me like that again.” 
“Well given the reaming I just got, detective,” you winked, “I may just act out once more to see what kind of punishment I’ll get when we get home?” 
Raising your eyebrow as you unlocked the door to walk out, “try me, baby girl,” his pupils dilated watching your smirk grow. 
“I have a few tricks up my sleeve,” leading him out to the crowd of ghosts, goblins, and zombies to finish the night off. 
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