yeowvng · 7 months
listen. it’s not my fucking fault that the market is so bad and that your boss and your boss’ boss and everyone all the way up the fucking corporate ladder are giving you shit about shit neither you nor i can control so stop making it my fucking problem.
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bittertoxicity · 11 months
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Come and join in the familiar strangeness of the Weird Zone! There’s a bunch of weirdos you’ll be along the way but hey at least they’re not dangerous!….right ?
Well not to worry cuz your trusty comforting plush friend Mr.Patch is here to help! ^w^
Mr.Patch doesn’t like Telvin not one bit because how untrustworthy he is, mistreat his “friends” just for his sick lame show, & uses his TV’s around the Zone to brainwash them to watch their show forever. Meanwhile Bucko is a menace that causes mischief & cause cruel pranks everyone to in the Weird Zone cuz they think it’s “funny”. (Also gets called these by Telvin a lot which is Nitwit Pest, Rotten Turnip, or Fucko).
🧸🚂 🍭 ~ 🎙️👁️📺 ~ 🗝️🤡🗡️
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lazaruspiss · 7 months
unorganized fic idea #3
oh this one is a DOOZY. fuckle up buckos. buckle up fuckos. same thing.
Talon Dick fleeing the court by joining the league, Talia takes authority over him to prevent anyone else from taking advantage, catches feelings. Maybe they meet Slade and Dick can woo him as well <3 boy does not know his own charms.
Ok. Exposition. Bruce never goes to Haly's circus. Dick goes to juvie, breaks out, kills Zucco, gets found and snatched up by the court of owls before he can be charged for the murder. He's trained as a Talon, we skip forward and he wants out but unfortunately he's very good at murder so the court isn't letting him go that easy. Where oh where could a kid go where his masters won't follow? To his masters strongest enemies of course! Unfortunately the league of assassins assume hes a spy and torture him for um. Idk a long time. Eventually Talia decides hes telling the truth and that hes a valuable asset, so she trains him and agrees to take responsibility if he turns out to be a spy. Smth smth. I might have a loyalty kink who knows. Dick owes Talia everything and loves her v much. Unlike the rest of the league his loyalty rests solely with Talia, he couldn't care less about Ra's. Dick also has a lot of memory issues bc of the court that Talia helps him with, eventually regaining some of his memories of his parents. Smth smth. Talia hires Slade for something. Maybe patricide. Dick senses chemistry between there two hotties and secretly hopes for them to get together. Maybe nudges and teases Talia a bit. That's side-plot tho so lets ignore that for now and back to the important plot stuff. Bruce gets Talia pregnant, but she doesn't trust him to raise the child with her or to still respect her if she births his son, so she lies and tells him she miscarried. They have a falling out soon after, not just because of the pregnancy but as a result of a lot of long term issues in their relationship. Dick is there through her whole pregnancy, he's essentially her midwife. When Talia gives birth to a boy Ra's starts to show sudden and concerning interest in Talia's personal life due to his search for a male heir. Dick convinces Talia to send him and Damian to live with Bruce so that Damian can grow up semi safe from Ra's and Dick can get revenge against the court.
the amount of editing i have to do to make past me's walls of text readable. i need compensation from whatever made my brain run like this. there were no breaks in the original, i added those. ur welcome.
If i do write this. It'll be a fucking behemoth
no kidding!
i'll also note that the Slade b-plot doesn't line up well timeline wise with the rest of the plot, so i would either rework that quite a bit or just scrap it. also the reasoning for Bruce and Talia's break-up is pretty much my headcanon for most timelines.
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
After unexpectedly being sold out by Lord Kaguragi of Toufu just as quickly as he was protected by him, King of Evil Gira is put on trial for his criminal acts. With his life on the line, Gira stands nervously in the international criminal court in the tundra kingdom of Gokkan's capital city of Zaiban. In spite of its reputation of law and order, Gokkan's massive population is predominantly incarcerated thanks to the hardline stances of its Sovereign and Chief Justice, Rita Kaniska. Can Himeno and Yanma discover a way to defend Gira against Kaguragi and Racules's machinations? Or may Rita's icy heart prove to undo the justice they hold so dear? So we must discover today...
In short, Spoilers, I guess...
-Wow Gira, you... seem really into getting arrested by this extremely powerful and gorgeous person.
-...I mean, I would too, but-
-I see Racules's Radical Royal Retainer... Douga, I think his name is, he don't like the bee boy.
-...I notice I tend to kinda skim over the Bugnarok in my narrations. That's not intentional at all, but I'm just really fascinated by this Fire Emblem-ass court drama we've got going here.
-To be clear, I mean court drama as in royal court drama, not courtroom kind.
-Oooooooh, Scorpion!
-...Ironically, I don't think they can live in snow capped places like this.
-"Snowball this bitch."
-Oh hell nah, they put my boy on ice.
Rita: "International terrorism is a crime... punishable by execution. Pray that you are found innocent." Gira: "Kyaahahahah~! You kna.... Y'know, in Hell, they f-f-ffffffreeeeeeze traitors alive in the depths of Cocytus! Hah... suppose this is a mere prelude to my fate... for betraying Racules!" Rita: "Racules has no jurisdiction over you here. You're mine to deal with." Gira: "OH GOD OH FUCK, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME I'M A GOOD LITTLE BEETLE BOY, I PROMISE!"
-Ah yep. There they go. Questioning their permafrost justice.
-Oh shit, this is early.
-Ooooooh, goddamn Rita.
-I love you very much.
-Pop it On~!
-Oh their eyes...
-Man, these wind effects and snow effects are so cool.
-Wasting not even a second.
-Oh my God, they kick!
-Our prison at the end of the world. Big Daddy Alcatraz.
-No opening this week, huh?
-The Judge retreats to their chambers.
-God Rita
-They're so iconic, I love them so much.
-"Oh yes... Morphonia! Fetch me the King's Weapon. It's Rita Time."
-Getting massive Edgeworth vibes off of you, bucko.
-Ooooooh, seems like somebody's playing the mole.
-"Idk homie, seems like he just... made Kuwagon help him. That's not just something a bug does with simple coercion, you know?"
-"Who meeeee? Nooooo, noooo! You got it all wrong! Teehee~!"
-...and of course, the most biased source of information you could possibly find...
-"Kill him."
-"Oh that's okay. I'll be sure to kill you too then!"
-"Sorry. I wanted to spare this innocent mosquito from drinking that liquid nitrogen you call blood."
-Rita Kaniska is the character of all time.
-Shaddap Scalper.
-...speaking of scalping, how DARE you touch this man's beautiful hair?
-"Can't gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss your way out of this one, boy."
-"Don't blame me, this is all on Rita~!"
-Hot damn, Gira.
-Here they come. All sauntering in like it ain't no big.
-Is this
-Is this fucking courtroom just a bunch of ski lift chairs
-That's fucking incredible, I love this.
-Court is now in session for the trial of Gira of Shugoddam, King of Evil. All Rise for the honorable Chief Justice Rita, Sovereign of Gokkan.
-Oh! Okay, we're free!
-"Waiiit... Wait wait wait wait, this is NOT how this trial should've gone!"
-I see we're doing this in reverse. Technical expertise, character witnesses, evidence... all laid out after a conclusion.
-I suspected that Gira had some claim to the throne, but like
-I quite didn't expect him to be Racules's brother, but like... Goddamn.
-Gira and Racules kinda remind me of the depictions of... Richard the Lionheart and Prince John, especially in the really old Robin Hood stories.
-I just kinda figured it'd be a Hamlet and Claudius deal, but we've got a true Cain and Abel story right here.
-Well, I guess it stands to reason
-You never have a Rhino Beetle and a Stag Beetle together in a show like this without having them be related, now do we?
-Gira Hastee, huh?
-All around the room, Gira examined the faces of everyone involved in the trial as Rita laid bare their findings. Yanma, Shiokara, and Kuroko's looks of surprise conveyed a wide range of emotions, and yet Kaguragi and Himeno seemed to be not the least bit fazed. As Douga and Boshimar exhanged glares, Gira felt something inside him stir. It was an unfamiliar feeling. Perhaps to be more accurate, it was a wide range of despairful feelings: ironically it could be considered just as flavorful as the rainbow jururira, but it only left him an aftertaste as vile as rotten fruit and stagnant as the lukewarm water mosquitos lay their eggs in. Anger, sorrow, shock, dread, confusion... and yet most of all in that moment, Gira felt... a sense of betrayal. It was exactly the same sickening feeling he felt when Racules dismissed the lives of the people he was supposed to care for as ruler of Shogoddam, the same Yanma and the other rulers probably felt when Racules left them out to die at the hands of the Bugnarak. Gira had been betrayed on a level far beyond he could even imagine. And yet... Rita, by all accounts a complete stranger he'd have nothing to do with otherwise, someone who had every right to have completely dismissed him outright... They worked with those friends he made to discover the depths of his case.
-And that slowly but certainly helped his hope climb back up from the depths.
-Holy shit, man.
-Did Kaguragi plan all this?
-Not a single crime to begin with!
-Let justice be done, though the heavens fall!
-Where do you think you're going, buddy?
-Here they come! The bad buggos!
-Here they come.
-The Quintet Alliance! In its true form!
-"Stand up and fight, boy. There's no reason you can't or won't."
-"Okay, cool and all, but like... this dress isn't a snowsuit, can we make this fast?"
-"I thought I got kicked out, but okay."
-"Man, I totally saw this coming!"
-Tone Boy! Come and Kick It! Pop it On! Hatch It! Qua God!
-Ohgai Busou!
-You are the King~!
-The bugs! Fully assembled!
-Ooooooh, man.
-Love these sets, holy hell.
-Man, these sweeping shots are so cool
-"King Ohger! ...that'd make a decent team name now that I think about it..."
-Oooooh, theme time!
-Oh man, this is good for the soul.
-God Kabuto!
-You shot them!
-You jerks!
-It's a truly sad day when your level of teamwork can be compared negatively to the Donbrothers /hj
-God Damn.
-Well! We did it, somehow!
-"You fuckface!"
-This ain't good.
-One down~!
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badbitchstromboli · 4 months
not crazy about "bucko" and "fucko" makes me want to commit acts of great violence against whomever uses it
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alabastercrane · 1 year
One day while talking to my brother I got stuck between "Hey Bucko" and "Hey Fucker" and ended up saying "Hey Fucko" and this has since ended up as a part of my vocabulary.
My dad's wife does not like this.
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dangerkeith3000x · 6 years
When your crap life won't even give you proper lemons:
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Life: Here’s some lemons, bucko.
Me: How am I possibly gonna be able to make lemonade out of these?
Life: Fuck you. That’s how.
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melon2109 · 3 years
I’m rewatching the first episode of Our Flag Means Death, and there’s a point where Stede says, “Here’s the deal, Buckos!”
Because I was in a loud room, the B turned into an F, and Stede saying “Here’s the deal, FUCKOS” is the funniest shit ever.
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o-rusted-heart · 3 years
Nick Valentine calls you:
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tiny-lil-witch · 2 years
Every time I hear Stede say “listen up buckos”, I always expect him to say “listen up fuckos”.
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I’d like to introduce you to my kids bucko, fucko, and uh oh
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King Sam is SENDING ME. I wanna be his mistress so bad😩😩 Just be buddy buddy with Hue and Cry reader and run a sewing circle, gossip about that feudal dick life. Maybe get together on the side if she wants☺️ Weasel into a threesome with Lord Bucko the Fucko, cut his dick off. Three cheers for H&C Roo!
Awwww. I love King Sam but he's taken. Thank you so much, I'm having fun with it.
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hammockmannock · 4 years
alright buckos.
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evanstarff · 4 years
yissss hot wild thunderstorm fuckin then soft deep conversations over tea with bucko the fucko please 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Please don't send me this Ask again, because I may actually deliver 💀💀
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katjohnadams · 4 years
Someone With Opinions™: How dare you try to medicate neurodivergent children into being neurotypical!
Me, a 36yo ADHD kid: Okay, like, I agree to an extent and I won't speak to *your experiences, but on a personal level without my meds I'm a fuckin mess so like, let's not lump all meds-
Someone Testing My Calm: Oh are they giving you M E T H?
Me as I try to Be Kind: It is *not* meth, despite the chemical similarities, anymore than novocaine is cocaine, and it's controlled dosages, as good medication should be. I agree that there's a habit of overmedicating in the US mostly due to refusal to accomodate ND people but my meds are not taking away my neurodivergence, it's just allowing me to-
Some Fucko: All these meds are terrible and they're just trying to "fix" you instead of society and you aren't even ND no ND person would ever say they need MeDiCaTiOn!
Me, polishing my crowbar: That's real fascinating there, bucko. Hold still for like, five seconds, 'kay?
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eurazba · 4 years
Good morning fuckos and buckos
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