#fuga: melodies of steel spoilers
purepari · 4 months
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A fate worse than death...
Fuga: Melodies of Steel has some really dark stuff I think about a lot, especially in those Secret Files... poor Jihl, man.
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korbintherabbit · 1 month
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So what was up with that cryosleep chamber
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flam-kish · 1 year
Fuga 2 spoilers below
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small-toast · 1 year
I hope there is an update for fuga 2 in the future where the player can choose who gets put in the soul cannon because there are specific survival events that happen depending on who is still alive. I get the whole point is that AI Hax chooses who gets put in the cannon but you can't just have a list of unique events BUT make the activation for them purely RNG!!!!!!!! The baby completionist in me is sobbing 'cause I am actually considering using the soul cannon to see the events, but I would have to reset the game every time the wrong child gets chosen and redo the whole boss fight 😭😭😭 Like, the whole being forced to use the soul cannon would still work without the RNG!!! like, the player would still be forced to use it so you still have that loss of control and you'd have to choose one of the kids and it would be easier for those trying to 100% the game
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anaquariusart · 10 months
Fuga Melodies of Steel Headcannons
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!Spoilers for the first game!
Boron has the Felineko equivalent of a primordial pouch. (Shout out @small-toast for coming up with this one )
Chick and Hack have British accents. (I know they are supposed to be French, but their corgis and I can practically hear Chick saying “I want to be a proper lady” in a cockney accent).
Hanna is the least squeamish of the Fuga kids, she still gets scared but it's not like she will faint at the sight of blood or anything.
Wappa is the kind of kid to make mud pies, much to the older kid's dismay.
Kyle lets his bangs cover his eye to match Hanna's hair, she didn't notice.
Mei leaves out little snacks for the ghost girl (Jeanne)
When it gets too hot in the Taranis, Jin will wiggle is head to make his ears flap. Think of what an elephant does to cool off.
Some of the kids are still scared of the dark so Sheena uses her Nono/spells as little nightlights.
Malt's harmonica came from his dad.
Whenever the Taranis rolls into a town Hack would trade trinkets and treats with the town kids for issues of "The Adventures of Sucre".
Sheena talks to Bluette when she's by herself. But when the other kids saw her do this, they started talking to Bluette, so Sheena doesn't feel weird for doing it.
Chick really doesn't like it when people think she’s Hack.
Socks wished he could talk to Jeanne again to learn more about human technology, but even if he could he'd still be scared of girls at that point. (and yes, millennia old AI count too)
Britz favorite food is anything with apples.
One time Kyle told Wappa that she has a bit napoleon complex to her face, and she said "...so what?". (She doesn't know what that is)
It doesn't snow a lot in Shetland, so Jin doesn't know what to do when it does. "What?...Oh it's snowing...uh cool."
When Malt was a toddler, he got a really bad case of fleas when he was learning to tend to moosheep. So he takes extra care to make sure Mei doesn't catch them when playing with moosheep.
Yawns are contagious, but when Boron yawns the effect is multiplied by twenty.
Hanna is farsighted and needs glasses to read.
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companionwolf · 1 year
Browsing the Fuga wiki page for the Taranis and. Found some more Stuff.
[Again spoilered because. Maybe people don't want to see this? IDK.]
"While Fuga: Melodies of Steel presents the chamber as swiftly disintegrating its sacrifice, its manga exposes the entire process to be extremely brutal and violent. Once the door shuts, sacrifices will first be impaled by multiple barbed tendrils before melting to death and ultimately disappearing within its bright light." BRO????????????
Also more Soul Cannon concept art.
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dragamation · 1 year
My spoiler free review of Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2
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ken-the-fluffy-pix · 2 years
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ENG I probably didn’t tell, but I somehow got through Solatrobo. Yes, it's from the same developers behind Fuga: Melodies of Steel, Asura's Wrath, and most importantly, the Naruto Ultimate Ninja series. And this is CyberConnect2. Makes underrated games, which is a pity. I think they deserve either a sequel or a remaster. In general, if Naruto Ultimate Ninja appeared in HC, then Solatorobo is now in SRW GU. So it's all canon. It seems like there are robots too, so everything is fine. Yes, the spoiler is DLC for SRW GU2, namely Long Journey in 3 parts. So don't be surprised that 2 characters are from different franchises. Opera: Solatorobo Michiru: Brand New Animal RUS Я наверное не рассказывал, но я как-то прошел Solatrobo. Да, это от тех же разработчиков, что делали Fuga: Melodies of Steel, Asura's Wrath и, самое главное, серия игр Naruto Ultimate Ninja. И это CyberConnect2. Делает недооцененные игры, а жаль. Как по мне они заслуживают либо сиквелла, либо ремастера.В общем, если Naruto Ultimate Ninja появились в HC, то вот Solatorobo теперь уже в SRW GU. Так что все это канон. Там вроде как роботы тоже есть, так что все нормально.Да, спойлер - это DLC для SRW GU2, а именно Long Journey в 3 частях. Так что не удевляетесь, что 2 персонажа изображены из разных франшиз. Опера: Solatorobo Мичиру: Brand New Animal
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runicmagitek · 3 years
Thrum (Britz/Sheena - Fuga: Melodies of Steel)
(( I had One Too Many Thoughts after finishing Fuga, so I coped by writing a lil ficlet. And just in time for @garmmy's bday! I'm going based on what your Twitter profile says at least D: hope I lined this up with your timezone! This one's for you~ Thanks again for introducing me to this lovely game ))
It was quiet.
Maybe the explosion ruptured his eardrums, rendering the world into a dreadful silence. Maybe he fainted from the blast and existed only in unconsciousness. Regardless of the reality of his situation, there was solace in that lull—a reprieve, something he had long forgotten, let alone fathom.
And maybe now, Britz didn’t need to endure the battlefield. After endless, torturous days stretching on like years, he could rest. Perhaps he could dream of a better life, one he failed to fight for.
Besides, wherever he resided now? It was also warm. His lips twitched as he recalled late-night baths as a child before bedtime stories with his mother. When had he last experienced that simple luxury? For the time being, the pleasant atmosphere sufficed. Britz nuzzled further into the lush patch of grass and released a breath he held since his father died.
Then there was another warmth easing into him—an added weight he almost mistook for anxiety, except it was genuine and tangible and—
[read more on AO3]
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purepari · 1 year
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Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2 has been out for months and I still can't get him off my mind. What a good character.
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theliterarywolf · 3 years
Spoilers for Fuga: Melodies of Steel -
The MOMENT that the game introduced Britz, I immediately knew that the narrative was pulling the whole: 'oh, even in the hell that is War, you have to have nuance and remember that even those on the opposite side are human beings and not everyone who is conscripted into the opposite side are monsters', blah blah...
That being said, though, if I ever get to a part in the game where I'm struggling, you bet your sweet ass that I am shoving the little German child into the Child-Sacrifice Cannon (TM).
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garmmy · 3 years
garm’s video game wrap-up 2021
i started this last year (garm’s video game wrap-up 2020), just as a way to do some doodle fanart at least for the games i enjoyed throughout the year!!
through my life i’ve been mostly a portable console player, but thanks to being stuck at home these days i’ve been able to play some of my console/pc backlog. i’m glad!!
as with the previous year, these are just some short (spoiler-free!) thoughts on the games that got me through 2021.
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- trails into reverie: technically started last year. super glad to revisit the crossbell gang! and i love the kind of 'sky 3rd' formula. and tbh it's still pretty amazing to see all the chars get together..if i had to choose a most "fun" trails this would probably be the one🤔
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- persona 5 royal: i love persona games so it took me long enough to get to p5 😅 i love it!! the presentation is so well-polished, and i got really attached to the phantom thieves as characters..probably my 2nd fave persona game now after p2ep~
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- 13 sentinels aegis rim: i think nothing needs to be said, it took over my brain and still hasn’t let go..... the visuals/music are sooo good, i love the characters so much, the story is crazy in the good way. and met some cool people through 13s too so thank you for my life!!
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- ai the somnium files: another crazy game that twisted my brain around, i had a blast with zero escape trilogy and aitsf was no different! what a ride!! and i always love these mystery-solving puzzle room things. i need time to regrow my braincells for nirvana initiative...
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- stellaris: my first time playing a 4x game (i am so bad at it), i wish i had more timeeee to play it but i enjoy seeing your little aliens expand out into the universe! and the space vibes(?) music is SO good as relaxing/work bgm..faster than light🎵
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- ys viii: finally! i think ys8 is a lot of people’s fave ys game so i was excited to get to it? i can see why, the music is amazing, the island exploration is so fun, and...dana 😭😭  ys9 is still my personal fave but this was such a fun adventure i loved it!
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- great ace attorney 1+2: i had just started (finally) playing it on 3ds when they announced the localisation T_T anyway i love all the ace attorney games so far and gaa is no different!! gaa2 especially kept me on edge the whole time (still can't top aai2 for me though 😆) 
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- mass effect 1: after 1000 years of rotting in my steam library!! i think i was always scared off because shooting game, but i'm so glad i finally got myself to play it. baby's first western rpg..i LOVE space+alien+worldbuilding stuff and this game is everything i ever wanted...
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- fuga melodies of steel: another group of kids to adopt and protect 😭😭 i'm so happy it's out, it was worth the wait and it's such a fun little game..i looove the aesthetics and music (i did with solatorobo too) and i really enjoy the gameplay loop this time!!
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- a short hike: what a short and sweet game!! i'd love to play more relaxing exploration games like this where you just talk to npcs, do fun stuff without worrying about dying or resource management haha. amazing style and music, i love it ;w;
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- night in the woods: a very relatable story to the ‘depressed 20yo dropout’ phase of my life 😂 sometimes we’re always lost but it feels a bit better to be lost with friends. the mood set by the wonderful music and aesthetics is absolutely amazing O: and the dialogue!! love it.
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- detention: baby's first(?) horror game😭 i have no reflexes so admittedly those parts are hell, but that aside the aesthetic/sound make a truly amazing atmosphere i really love!! it's set before my time but even then the settings evoke a lot of nostalgia for me;;
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- mass effect 2: cries i love this little alien(+some humans) gang...i missed being able to converse with your squadmates anywhere, but i LOVE the loyalty missions and how they flesh out each character, i feel extra attached to this gang. i'll miss exploring the galaxy with them!
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- kuro no kiseki: still on chapter 1, but looks like 2021 was a 'start with trails, end with trails' year 😄 i'm rooting for van and friends' gourmet adventures🥞finally i'm done with my 2021 wrap-up, can't wait for new adventures in 2022!!
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belghast · 3 years
AggroChat #370 - QueueWalker
AggroChat #370 - QueueWalker - Tonight we talk about FFXIV Endwalker queues, Speedrunning Celeste, Fuga Melodies of Steel, and New World December PTR
Featuring: Ammoasrt, Ashgar, Belghast, Grace, Kodra, Tamrielo, and Thalen Tonight we start the show with a discussion of the Endwalker Head Start…  which may or may not have started depending on if you can make it through the queues.  We talk about our early struggles with the game and some general impressions in a fully non-spoilers way.  From there Kodra talks about his process of learning how…
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runicmagitek · 3 years
It doesn't matter what the hell I'm playing - if you give me a grumpy prickly boy who is all >:/ with everything and then also nudge a super sweet ball of sunshine towards him... and then make him SOFT FOR HER. I'm gonna cry. The feels. The happy tears. I'm gonna fight so hard for you two so you can make it out aliiiiiive.
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